Programs & Examples On #Entity attribute value

A method of modelling and storing data by breaking it into three parts: the entities, their attributes and their values.

Magento - Retrieve products with a specific attribute value

$attribute = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute')
                ->loadByCode('catalog_product', 'manufacturer');

$valuesCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('eav/entity_attribute_option_collection')
            ->setStoreFilter(0, false);

$preparedManufacturers = array();            
foreach($valuesCollection as $value) {
    $preparedManufacturers[$value->getOptionId()] = $value->getValue();

if (count($preparedManufacturers)) {
    echo "<h2>Manufacturers</h2><ul>";
    foreach($preparedManufacturers as $optionId => $value) {
        $products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
            array('attribute'=>'manufacturer', 'eq'=> $optionId,          

        echo "<li>" . $value . " - (" . $optionId . ") - (Products: ".count($products).")</li>";
    echo "</ul>";

What's the purpose of META-INF?

I have been thinking about this issue recently. There really doesn't seem to be any restriction on use of META-INF. There are certain strictures, of course, about the necessity of putting the manifest there, but there don't appear to be any prohibitions about putting other stuff there.

Why is this the case?

The cxf case may be legit. Here's another place where this non-standard is recommended to get around a nasty bug in JBoss-ws that prevents server-side validation against the schema of a wsdl.

But there really don't seem to be any standards, any thou-shalt-nots. Usually these things are very rigorously defined, but for some reason, it seems there are no standards here. Odd. It seems like META-INF has become a catchall place for any needed configuration that can't easily be handled some other way.

Redirect From Action Filter Attribute

This works for me ( core 2.1)

using JustRide.Web.Controllers;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;

namespace MyProject.Web.Filters
    public class IsAuthenticatedAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
        public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
            if (context.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                context.Result = new RedirectToActionResult(nameof(AccountController.Index), "Account", null);

[AllowAnonymous, IsAuthenticated]
public IActionResult Index()
    return View();

How-to turn off all SSL checks for postman for a specific site

enter image description here

This steps are used in spring boot with self signed ssl certificate implementation

if SSL turns off then HTTPS call will be worked as expected.


These are the steps we have to follow,

  1. Generate self signed ssl certificate
keytool -genkeypair -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype PKCS12 -keystore keystore.p12 -validity 3650

after key generation has done then copy that file in to the resource foder in your project

  1. add key store properties in
server.port: 8443
server.ssl.key-store-password: test123
server.ssl.keyStoreType: PKCS12
server.ssl.keyAlias: tomcat
  1. change your postman ssl verification settings to turn OFF

now verify the url: https://localhost:8443/test/hello

Peak-finding algorithm for Python/SciPy

I'm looking at a similar problem, and I've found some of the best references come from chemistry (from peaks finding in mass-spec data). For a good thorough review of peaking finding algorithms read this. This is one of the best clearest reviews of peak finding techniques that I've run across. (Wavelets are the best for finding peaks of this sort in noisy data.).

It looks like your peaks are clearly defined and aren't hidden in the noise. That being the case I'd recommend using smooth savtizky-golay derivatives to find the peaks (If you just differentiate the data above you'll have a mess of false positives.). This is a very effective technique and is pretty easy to implemented (you do need a matrix class w/ basic operations). If you simply find the zero crossing of the first S-G derivative I think you'll be happy.

Adding additional data to select options using jQuery

HTML Markup

<select id="select">
  <option value="1" data-foo="dogs">this</option>
  <option value="2" data-foo="cats">that</option>
  <option value="3" data-foo="gerbils">other</option>


// JavaScript using jQuery
       var selected = $(this).find('option:selected');
       var extra ='foo'); 

// Plain old JavaScript
var sel = document.getElementById('select');
var selected = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex];
var extra = selected.getAttribute('data-foo');

See this as a working sample using jQuery here:
See this as a working sample using plain JavaScript here:

By using data attributes from HTML5 you can add extra data to elements in a syntactically-valid manner that is also easily accessible from jQuery.

Declare a const array

You can't create a 'const' array because arrays are objects and can only be created at runtime and const entities are resolved at compile time.

What you can do instead is to declare your array as "readonly". This has the same effect as const except the value can be set at runtime. It can only be set once and it is thereafter a readonly (i.e. const) value.

How to change css property using javascript

Consider the following example: If you want to change a single CSS property(say, color to 'blue'), then the below statement works fine.


But, for changing multiple properies the more robust way is using Object.assign() or, object spread operator {...};

See below:

const ele=document.getElementById("ele_id");
const custom_style={
    display: "block",
    color: "red"


Spread operator works similarly, just the syntax is a little different.

spacing between form fields

            <div class="form-group">
                <label for="nameLabel">Name</label>
                <input id="name" name="name" class="form-control" type="text" /> 
            <div class="form-group">
                <label for="PhoneLabel">Phone</label>
                <input id="phone" name="phone" class="form-control" type="text" /> 
            <div class="form-group">
                <label for="yearLabel">Year</label>
                <input id="year" name="year" class="form-control" type="text" />

How to make layout with rounded corners..?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="">
    <solid android:color="#FFFFFF"/>
    <stroke android:width="3dip" android:color="#B1BCBE" />
    <corners android:radius="10dip"/>
    <padding android:left="3dip" android:top="3dip" android:right="3dip" android:bottom="3dip" />

@David, just put padding same value as stroke, so border can be visible, regardeless image size

Check if table exists

You can use the available meta data:

  DatabaseMetaData meta = con.getMetaData();
  ResultSet res = meta.getTables(null, null, "My_Table_Name", 
     new String[] {"TABLE"});
  while ( {
        "   "+res.getString("TABLE_CAT") 
       + ", "+res.getString("TABLE_SCHEM")
       + ", "+res.getString("TABLE_NAME")
       + ", "+res.getString("TABLE_TYPE")
       + ", "+res.getString("REMARKS")); 

See here for more details. Note also the caveats in the JavaDoc.

How to change the background colour's opacity in CSS

Use RGB values combined with opacity to get the transparency that you wish.

For instance,

<div style=" background: rgb(255, 0, 0) ; opacity: 0.2;">&nbsp;</div>
<div style=" background: rgb(255, 0, 0) ; opacity: 0.4;">&nbsp;</div>
<div style=" background: rgb(255, 0, 0) ; opacity: 0.6;">&nbsp;</div>
<div style=" background: rgb(255, 0, 0) ; opacity: 0.8;">&nbsp;</div>
<div style=" background: rgb(255, 0, 0) ; opacity: 1;">&nbsp;</div>

Similarly, with actual values without opacity, will give the below.

<div style=" background: rgb(243, 191, 189) ; ">&nbsp;</div>
<div style=" background: rgb(246, 143, 142) ; ">&nbsp;</div>
<div style=" background: rgb(249, 95 , 94)  ; ">&nbsp;</div>
<div style=" background: rgb(252, 47, 47)   ; ">&nbsp;</div>
<div style=" background: rgb(255, 0, 0)     ; ">&nbsp;</div>

You can have a look at this WORKING EXAMPLE.

Now, if we specifically target your issue, here is the WORKING DEMO SPECIFIC TO YOUR ISSUE.


<div class="social">
    <img src="" border="0" />

The CSS:

social img{
.social img:hover {
    background: rgb(255, 0, 0) ; opacity: 0.5;

Hope this helps Now.

How to resize array in C++?

You cannot do that, see this question's answers. You may use std:vector instead.

Bootstrap DatePicker, how to set the start date for tomorrow?

this.$('#datepicker').datepicker({minDate: 1});

minDate:0 - Enable dates in the calender from the current date. MinDate:1 enable dates in the calender currentDate+1

To Restrict date between from tomorrow and the same day next month u need to give something like

$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({ minDate: 1, maxDate: "+1M" });

Rotate a div using javascript

To rotate a DIV we can add some CSS that, well, rotates the DIV using CSS transform rotate.

To toggle the rotation we can keep a flag, a simple variable with a boolean value that tells us what way to rotate.

var rotated = false;

document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {
    var div = document.getElementById('div'),
        deg = rotated ? 0 : 66; = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';    = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';     = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';      = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';       = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; 

    rotated = !rotated;

var rotated = false;_x000D_
document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {_x000D_
    var div = document.getElementById('div'),_x000D_
        deg = rotated ? 0 : 66;_x000D_
_x000D_ = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_    = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_     = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_      = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_       = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_
    rotated = !rotated;_x000D_
#div {_x000D_
    position:relative; _x000D_
    height: 200px; _x000D_
    width: 200px; _x000D_
    margin: 30px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
<button id="button">rotate</button>_x000D_
<br /><br />_x000D_
<div id="div"></div>

To add some animation to the rotation all we have to do is add CSS transitions

div {
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;

var rotated = false;_x000D_
document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {_x000D_
    var div = document.getElementById('div'),_x000D_
        deg = rotated ? 0 : 66;_x000D_
_x000D_ = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_    = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_     = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_      = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_       = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_
    rotated = !rotated;_x000D_
#div {_x000D_
    position:relative; _x000D_
    height: 200px; _x000D_
    width: 200px; _x000D_
    margin: 30px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
<button id="button">rotate</button>_x000D_
<br /><br />_x000D_
<div id="div"></div>

Another way to do it is using classes, and setting all the styles in a stylesheet, thus keeping them out of the javascript

document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {

document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {_x000D_
#div {_x000D_
    position:relative; _x000D_
    height: 200px; _x000D_
    width: 200px; _x000D_
    margin: 30px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
#div.rotated {_x000D_
    -webkit-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    -moz-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    -ms-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    -o-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
<button id="button">rotate</button>_x000D_
<br /><br />_x000D_
<div id="div"></div>

How do I create an Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file in C# without installing Microsoft Office?

The various Office 2003 XML libraries avaliable work pretty well for smaller excel files. However, I find the sheer size of a large workbook saved in the XML format to be a problem. For example, a workbook I work with that would be 40MB in the new (and admittedly more tightly packed) XLSX format becomes a 360MB XML file.

As far as my research has taken me, there are two commercial packages that allow output to the older binary file formats. They are:

Neither are cheap (500USD and 800USD respectively, I think). but both work independant of Excel itself.

What I would be curious about is the Excel output module for the likes of I wonder if they can be ported from Java to .Net.

Concatenating Files And Insert New Line In Between Files

That's how I just did it on OsX 10.10.3

for f in *.txt; do (cat $f; echo '') >> fullData.txt; done

since the simple 'echo' command with no params ended up in no new lines inserted.

Simplest way to detect keypresses in javascript

Use event.key and modern JS!

No number codes anymore. You can use "Enter", "ArrowLeft", "r", or any key name directly, making your code far more readable.

NOTE: The old alternatives (.keyCode and .which) are Deprecated.

document.addEventListener("keypress", function onEvent(event) {
    if (event.key === "ArrowLeft") {
        // Move Left
    else if (event.key === "Enter") {
        // Open Menu...

Mozilla Docs

Supported Browsers

How can I perform a str_replace in JavaScript, replacing text in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, you call the replace method on the String object, e.g. "this is some sample text that i want to replace".replace("want", "dont want"), which will return the replaced string.

var text = "this is some sample text that i want to replace";
var new_text = text.replace("want", "dont want"); // new_text now stores the replaced string, leaving the original untouched

How to check if Receiver is registered in Android?

For me the following worked:

if (receiver.isOrderedBroadcast()) {

How to make a checkbox checked with jQuery?

I think you should use prop(), if you are using jQuery 1.6 onwards.

To check it you should do:

$('#test').prop('checked', true);

to uncheck it:

$('#test').prop('checked', false);

How to save MySQL query output to excel or .txt file?

From Save MySQL query results into a text or CSV file:

MySQL provides an easy mechanism for writing the results of a select statement into a text file on the server. Using extended options of the INTO OUTFILE nomenclature, it is possible to create a comma separated value (CSV) which can be imported into a spreadsheet application such as OpenOffice or Excel or any other application which accepts data in CSV format.

Given a query such as

SELECT order_id,product_name,qty FROM orders

which returns three columns of data, the results can be placed into the file /tmp/orders.txt using the query:

SELECT order_id,product_name,qty FROM orders
INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/orders.txt'

This will create a tab-separated file, each row on its own line. To alter this behavior, it is possible to add modifiers to the query:

SELECT order_id,product_name,qty FROM orders
INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/orders.csv'

In this example, each field will be enclosed in double quotes, the fields will be separated by commas, and each row will be output on a new line separated by a newline (\n). Sample output of this command would look like:

"1","Tech-Recipes sock puppet","14.95" "2","Tech-Recipes chef's hat","18.95"

Keep in mind that the output file must not already exist and that the user MySQL is running as has write permissions to the directory MySQL is attempting to write the file to.


   SELECT Your_Column_Name
    FROM Your_Table_Name
    INTO OUTFILE 'Filename.csv'

Or you could try to grab the output via the client:

You could try executing the query from the your local client and redirect the output to a local file destination:

mysql -user -pass -e "select cols from table where cols not null" > /tmp/output

Hint: If you don't specify an absoulte path but use something like INTO OUTFILE 'output.csv' or INTO OUTFILE './output.csv', it will store the output file to the directory specified by show variables like 'datadir';.

Gradient text color

Example of CSS Text Gradient

background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top,#E605C1 0%,#3B113B 100%);
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,#E605C1 0%,#3B113B 100%);
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top,#E605C1 0%,#3B113B 100%);
background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top,#E605C1 0%,#3B113B 100%);
background-image: linear-gradient(top,#E605C1 0%,#3B113B 100%);
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
display:inline-block; /*required*/

Online generator

What are the differences between LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, and AbsoluteLayout?

LinearLayout : A layout that organizes its children into a single horizontal or vertical row. It creates a scrollbar if the length of the window exceeds the length of the screen.It means you can align views one by one (vertically/ horizontally).

RelativeLayout : This enables you to specify the location of child objects relative to each other (child A to the left of child B) or to the parent (aligned to the top of the parent). It is based on relation of views from its parents and other views.

WebView : to load html, static or dynamic pages.

For more information refer this link:

How to change a nullable column to not nullable in a Rails migration?

Rails 4:

def change
  change_column_null(:users, :admin, false )

Strings in C, how to get subString


char* subString (const char* input, int offset, int len, char* dest)
  int input_len = strlen (input);

  if (offset + len > input_len)
     return NULL;

  strncpy (dest, input + offset, len);
  return dest;

char dest[80];
const char* source = "hello world";

if (subString (source, 0, 5, dest))
  printf ("%s\n", dest);

Parse String to Date with Different Format in Java

Take a look at SimpleDateFormat. The code goes something like this:

SimpleDateFormat fromUser = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
SimpleDateFormat myFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

try {

    String reformattedStr = myFormat.format(fromUser.parse(inputString));
} catch (ParseException e) {

How can I remount my Android/system as read-write in a bash script using adb?

Probable cause that remount fails is you are not running adb as root.

Shell Script should be as follow.

# Script to mount Android Device as read/write.
# List the Devices.
adb devices;

# Run adb as root (Needs root access).
adb root;

# Since you're running as root su is not required
adb shell mount -o rw,remount /;

If this fails, you could try the below:

# List the Devices.
adb devices;

# Run adb as root
adb root;

adb remount;
adb shell su -c "mount -o rw,remount /";

To find which user you are:

$ adb shell whoami

Easy way of running the same junit test over and over?

You could run your JUnit test from a main method and repeat it so many times you need:

package tests;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.Result;

public class RepeatedTest {

    public void test() {
        fail("Not yet implemented");

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        boolean runForever = true;

        while (runForever) {
            Result result = org.junit.runner.JUnitCore.runClasses(RepeatedTest.class);

            if (result.getFailureCount() > 0) {
                runForever = false;
               //Do something with the result object




What is a predicate in c#?

Predicate<T> is a functional construct providing a convenient way of basically testing if something is true of a given T object.

For example suppose I have a class:

class Person {
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

Now let's say I have a List<Person> people and I want to know if there's anyone named Oscar in the list.

Without using a Predicate<Person> (or Linq, or any of that fancy stuff), I could always accomplish this by doing the following:

Person oscar = null;
foreach (Person person in people) {
    if (person.Name == "Oscar") {
        oscar = person;

if (oscar != null) {
    // Oscar exists!

This is fine, but then let's say I want to check if there's a person named "Ruth"? Or a person whose age is 17?

Using a Predicate<Person>, I can find these things using a LOT less code:

Predicate<Person> oscarFinder = (Person p) => { return p.Name == "Oscar"; };
Predicate<Person> ruthFinder = (Person p) => { return p.Name == "Ruth"; };
Predicate<Person> seventeenYearOldFinder = (Person p) => { return p.Age == 17; };

Person oscar = people.Find(oscarFinder);
Person ruth = people.Find(ruthFinder);
Person seventeenYearOld = people.Find(seventeenYearOldFinder);

Notice I said a lot less code, not a lot faster. A common misconception developers have is that if something takes one line, it must perform better than something that takes ten lines. But behind the scenes, the Find method, which takes a Predicate<T>, is just enumerating after all. The same is true for a lot of Linq's functionality.

So let's take a look at the specific code in your question:

Predicate<int> pre = delegate(int a){ return a % 2 == 0; };

Here we have a Predicate<int> pre that takes an int a and returns a % 2 == 0. This is essentially testing for an even number. What that means is:

pre(1) == false;
pre(2) == true;

And so on. This also means, if you have a List<int> ints and you want to find the first even number, you can just do this:

int firstEven = ints.Find(pre);

Of course, as with any other type that you can use in code, it's a good idea to give your variables descriptive names; so I would advise changing the above pre to something like evenFinder or isEven -- something along those lines. Then the above code is a lot clearer:

int firstEven = ints.Find(evenFinder);

Adding HTML entities using CSS content

Update: PointedEars mentions that the correct stand in for &nbsp; in all css situations would be
'\a0 ' implying that the space is a terminator to the hex string and is absorbed by the escaped sequence. He further pointed out this authoritative description which sounds like a good solution to the problem I described and fixed below.

What you need to do is use the escaped unicode. Despite what you've been told \00a0 is not a perfect stand-in for &nbsp; within CSS; so try:

content:'>\a0 ';          /* or */
content:'>\0000a0';       /* because you'll find: */
content:'No\a0 Break';    /* and */
content:'No\0000a0Break'; /* becomes No&nbsp;Break as opposed to below */

Specifically using \0000a0 as &nbsp;. If you try, as suggested by mathieu and millikin:

content:'No\00a0Break'   /* becomes No&#2571;reak */

It takes the B into the hex escaped characters. The same occurs with 0-9a-fA-F.

Numpy - add row to array

import numpy as np
array_ = np.array([[1,2,3]])
add_row = np.array([[4,5,6]])

array_ = np.concatenate((array_, add_row), axis=0)

Why I've got no crontab entry on OS X when using vim?

I've never had this problem, but I create a ~/.crontab file and edit that (which allows me to back it up, Time Machine or otherwise), then run

crontab ~/.crontab

Has worked for me for 20+ years across many flavors of unix.

How to select the rows with maximum values in each group with dplyr?

More generally, I think you might want to get "top" of the rows that are sorted within a given group.

For the case of where a single value is max'd out, you have essentially sorted by only one column. However, it's often useful to hierarchically sort by multiple columns (for example: a date column and a time-of-day column).

# Answering the question of getting row with max "value".
df %>% 
  # Within each grouping of A and B values.
  group_by( A, B) %>% 
  # Sort rows in descending order by "value" column.
  arrange( desc(value) ) %>% 
  # Pick the top 1 value
  slice(1) %>% 
  # Remember to ungroup in case you want to do further work without grouping.

# Answering an extension of the question of 
# getting row with the max value of the lowest "C".
df %>% 
  # Within each grouping of A and B values.
  group_by( A, B) %>% 
  # Sort rows in ascending order by C, and then within that by 
  # descending order by "value" column.
  arrange( C, desc(value) ) %>% 
  # Pick the one top row based on the sort
  slice(1) %>% 
  # Remember to ungroup in case you want to do further work without grouping.

What's the best way to store co-ordinates (longitude/latitude, from Google Maps) in SQL Server?

If you are just going to substitute it into a URL I suppose one field would do - so you can form a URL like,12.345678&z=6

but as it is two pieces of data I would store them in separate fields

Should I return EXIT_SUCCESS or 0 from main()?

This is a never ending story that reflect the limits (an myth) of "interoperability and portability over all".

What the program should return to indicate "success" should be defined by who is receiving the value (the Operating system, or the process that invoked the program) not by a language specification.

But programmers likes to write code in "portable way" and hence they invent their own model for the concept of "operating system" defining symbolic values to return.

Now, in a many-to-many scenario (where many languages serve to write programs to many system) the correspondence between the language convention for "success" and the operating system one (that no one can grant to be always the same) should be handled by the specific implementation of a library for a specific target platform.

But - unfortunatly - these concept where not that clear at the time the C language was deployed (mainly to write the UNIX kernel), and Gigagrams of books where written by saying "return 0 means success", since that was true on the OS at that time having a C compiler.

From then on, no clear standardization was ever made on how such a correspondence should be handled. C and C++ has their own definition of "return values" but no-one grant a proper OS translation (or better: no compiler documentation say anything about it). 0 means success if true for UNIX - LINUX and -for independent reasons- for Windows as well, and this cover 90% of the existing "consumer computers", that - in the most of the cases - disregard the return value (so we can discuss for decades, bu no-one will ever notice!)

Inside this scenario, before taking a decision, ask these questions: - Am I interested to communicate something to my caller about my existing? (If I just always return 0 ... there is no clue behind the all thing) - Is my caller having conventions about this communication ? (Note that a single value is not a convention: that doesn't allow any information representation)

If both of this answer are no, probably the good solution is don't write the main return statement at all. (And let the compiler to decide, in respect to the target is working to).

If no convention are in place 0=success meet the most of the situations (and using symbols may be problematic, if they introduce a convention).

If conventions are in place, ensure to use symbolic constants that are coherent with them (and ensure convention coherence, not value coherence, between platforms).

Centering in CSS Grid

This answer has two main sections:

  1. Understanding how alignment works in CSS Grid.
  2. Six methods for centering in CSS Grid.

If you're only interested in the solutions, skip the first section.

The Structure and Scope of Grid layout

To fully understand how centering works in a grid container, it's important to first understand the structure and scope of grid layout.

The HTML structure of a grid container has three levels:

  • the container
  • the item
  • the content

Each of these levels is independent from the others, in terms of applying grid properties.

The scope of a grid container is limited to a parent-child relationship.

This means that a grid container is always the parent and a grid item is always the child. Grid properties work only within this relationship.

Descendants of a grid container beyond the children are not part of grid layout and will not accept grid properties. (At least not until the subgrid feature has been implemented, which will allow descendants of grid items to respect the lines of the primary container.)

Here's an example of the structure and scope concepts described above.

Imagine a tic-tac-toe-like grid.

article {
  display: inline-grid;
  grid-template-rows: 100px 100px 100px;
  grid-template-columns: 100px 100px 100px;
  grid-gap: 3px;

enter image description here

You want the X's and O's centered in each cell.

So you apply the centering at the container level:

article {
  display: inline-grid;
  grid-template-rows: 100px 100px 100px;
  grid-template-columns: 100px 100px 100px;
  grid-gap: 3px;
  justify-items: center;

But because of the structure and scope of grid layout, justify-items on the container centers the grid items, not the content (at least not directly).

enter image description here

article {_x000D_
  display: inline-grid;_x000D_
  grid-template-rows: 100px 100px 100px;_x000D_
  grid-template-columns: 100px 100px 100px;_x000D_
  grid-gap: 3px;_x000D_
  justify-items: center;_x000D_
section {_x000D_
    border: 2px solid black;_x000D_
    font-size: 3em;_x000D_

Same problem with align-items: The content may be centered as a by-product, but you've lost the layout design.

article {
  display: inline-grid;
  grid-template-rows: 100px 100px 100px;
  grid-template-columns: 100px 100px 100px;
  grid-gap: 3px;
  justify-items: center;
  align-items: center;

enter image description here

article {_x000D_
  display: inline-grid;_x000D_
  grid-template-rows: 100px 100px 100px;_x000D_
  grid-template-columns: 100px 100px 100px;_x000D_
  grid-gap: 3px;_x000D_
  justify-items: center;_x000D_
  align-items: center;_x000D_
section {_x000D_
    border: 2px solid black;_x000D_
    font-size: 3em;_x000D_

To center the content you need to take a different approach. Referring again to the structure and scope of grid layout, you need to treat the grid item as the parent and the content as the child.

article {
  display: inline-grid;
  grid-template-rows: 100px 100px 100px;
  grid-template-columns: 100px 100px 100px;
  grid-gap: 3px;

section {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  border: 2px solid black;
  font-size: 3em;

enter image description here

article {_x000D_
  display: inline-grid;_x000D_
  grid-template-rows: 100px 100px 100px;_x000D_
  grid-template-columns: 100px 100px 100px;_x000D_
  grid-gap: 3px;_x000D_
section {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  justify-content: center;_x000D_
  align-items: center;_x000D_
  border: 2px solid black;_x000D_
  font-size: 3em;_x000D_

jsFiddle demo

Six Methods for Centering in CSS Grid

There are multiple methods for centering grid items and their content.

Here's a basic 2x2 grid:

grid-container {_x000D_
  display: grid;_x000D_
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;_x000D_
  grid-auto-rows: 75px;_x000D_
  grid-gap: 10px;_x000D_
/* can ignore styles below; decorative only */_x000D_
grid-container {_x000D_
  background-color: lightyellow;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #bbb;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
grid-item {_x000D_
  background-color: lightgreen;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #ccc;_x000D_
  <grid-item>this text should be centered</grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item>this text should be centered</grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_


For a simple and easy way to center the content of grid items use flexbox.

More specifically, make the grid item into a flex container.

There is no conflict, spec violation or other problem with this method. It's clean and valid.

grid-item {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;

grid-container {_x000D_
  display: grid;_x000D_
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;_x000D_
  grid-auto-rows: 75px;_x000D_
  grid-gap: 10px;_x000D_
grid-item {_x000D_
  display: flex;            /* new */_x000D_
  align-items: center;      /* new */_x000D_
  justify-content: center;  /* new */_x000D_
/* can ignore styles below; decorative only */_x000D_
grid-container {_x000D_
  background-color: lightyellow;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #bbb;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
grid-item {_x000D_
  background-color: lightgreen;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #ccc;_x000D_
  <grid-item>this text should be centered</grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item>this text should be centered</grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_

See this post for a complete explanation:

Grid Layout

In the same way that a flex item can also be a flex container, a grid item can also be a grid container. This solution is similar to the flexbox solution above, except centering is done with grid, not flex, properties.

grid-container {_x000D_
  display: grid;_x000D_
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;_x000D_
  grid-auto-rows: 75px;_x000D_
  grid-gap: 10px;_x000D_
grid-item {_x000D_
  display: grid;            /* new */_x000D_
  align-items: center;      /* new */_x000D_
  justify-items: center;    /* new */_x000D_
/* can ignore styles below; decorative only */_x000D_
grid-container {_x000D_
  background-color: lightyellow;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #bbb;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
grid-item {_x000D_
  background-color: lightgreen;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #ccc;_x000D_
  <grid-item>this text should be centered</grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item>this text should be centered</grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_

auto margins

Use margin: auto to vertically and horizontally center grid items.

grid-item {
  margin: auto;

grid-container {_x000D_
  display: grid;_x000D_
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;_x000D_
  grid-auto-rows: 75px;_x000D_
  grid-gap: 10px;_x000D_
grid-item {_x000D_
  margin: auto;_x000D_
/* can ignore styles below; decorative only */_x000D_
grid-container {_x000D_
  background-color: lightyellow;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #bbb;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
grid-item {_x000D_
  background-color: lightgreen;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #ccc;_x000D_
  <grid-item>this text should be centered</grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item>this text should be centered</grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_

To center the content of grid items you need to make the item into a grid (or flex) container, wrap anonymous items in their own elements (since they cannot be directly targeted by CSS), and apply the margins to the new elements.

grid-item {
  display: flex;

span, img {
  margin: auto;

grid-container {_x000D_
  display: grid;_x000D_
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;_x000D_
  grid-auto-rows: 75px;_x000D_
  grid-gap: 10px;_x000D_
grid-item {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
span, img {_x000D_
  margin: auto;_x000D_
/* can ignore styles below; decorative only */_x000D_
grid-container {_x000D_
  background-color: lightyellow;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #bbb;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
grid-item {_x000D_
  background-color: lightgreen;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #ccc;_x000D_
  <grid-item><span>this text should be centered</span></grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><span>this text should be centered</span></grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_

Box Alignment Properties

When considering using the following properties to align grid items, read the section on auto margins above.

  • align-items
  • justify-items
  • align-self
  • justify-self

text-align: center

To center content horizontally in a grid item, you can use the text-align property.

grid-container {_x000D_
  display: grid;_x000D_
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;_x000D_
  grid-auto-rows: 75px;_x000D_
  grid-gap: 10px;_x000D_
  text-align: center;  /* new */_x000D_
/* can ignore styles below; decorative only */_x000D_
grid-container {_x000D_
  background-color: lightyellow;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #bbb;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
grid-item {_x000D_
  background-color: lightgreen;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #ccc;_x000D_
  <grid-item>this text should be centered</grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item>this text should be centered</grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_

Note that for vertical centering, vertical-align: middle will not work.

This is because the vertical-align property applies only to inline and table-cell containers.

grid-container {_x000D_
  display: grid;_x000D_
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;_x000D_
  grid-auto-rows: 75px;_x000D_
  grid-gap: 10px;_x000D_
  text-align: center;     /* <--- works */_x000D_
  vertical-align: middle; /* <--- fails */_x000D_
/* can ignore styles below; decorative only */_x000D_
grid-container {_x000D_
  background-color: lightyellow;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #bbb;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
grid-item {_x000D_
  background-color: lightgreen;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #ccc;_x000D_
  <grid-item>this text should be centered</grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item>this text should be centered</grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_

One might say that display: inline-grid establishes an inline-level container, and that would be true. So why doesn't vertical-align work in grid items?

The reason is that in a grid formatting context, items are treated as block-level elements.

6.1. Grid Item Display

The display value of a grid item is blockified: if the specified display of an in-flow child of an element generating a grid container is an inline-level value, it computes to its block-level equivalent.

In a block formatting context, something the vertical-align property was originally designed for, the browser doesn't expect to find a block-level element in an inline-level container. That's invalid HTML.

CSS Positioning

Lastly, there's a general CSS centering solution that also works in Grid: absolute positioning

This is a good method for centering objects that need to be removed from the document flow. For example, if you want to:

Simply set position: absolute on the element to be centered, and position: relative on the ancestor that will serve as the containing block (it's usually the parent). Something like this:

grid-item {
  position: relative;
  text-align: center;

span {
  position: absolute;
  left: 50%;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

grid-container {_x000D_
  display: grid;_x000D_
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;_x000D_
  grid-auto-rows: 75px;_x000D_
  grid-gap: 10px;_x000D_
grid-item {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
span, img {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  left: 50%;_x000D_
  top: 50%;_x000D_
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);_x000D_
/* can ignore styles below; decorative only */_x000D_
grid-container {_x000D_
  background-color: lightyellow;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #bbb;_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
grid-item {_x000D_
  background-color: lightgreen;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #ccc;_x000D_
  <grid-item><span>this text should be centered</span></grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><span>this text should be centered</span></grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_
  <grid-item><img src="" width="50" height="50" alt=""></grid-item>_x000D_

Here's a complete explanation for how this method works:

Here's the section on absolute positioning in the Grid spec:

Read Content from Files which are inside Zip file

My way of achieving this is by creating ZipInputStream wrapping class that would handle that would provide only the stream of current entry:

The wrapper class:

public class ZippedFileInputStream extends InputStream {

    private ZipInputStream is;

    public ZippedFileInputStream(ZipInputStream is){ = is;

    public int read() throws IOException {

    public void close() throws IOException {


The use of it:

    ZipInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(""));

    while((entry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry())!= null) {

     ZippedFileInputStream archivedFileInputStream = new ZippedFileInputStream(zipInputStream);

     //... perform whatever logic you want here with ZippedFileInputStream 

     // note that this will only close the current entry stream and not the ZipInputStream


One advantage of this approach: InputStreams are passed as an arguments to methods that process them and those methods have a tendency to immediately close the input stream after they are done with it.

jQuery autohide element after 5 seconds

Please note you may need to display div text again after it has disappeared. So you will need to also empty and then re-show the element at some point.

You can do this with 1 line of code:


If you're using jQuery you don't need setTimeout, at least not to autohide an element.

Using Python's os.path, how do I go up one directory?

I think the easiest thing to do is just to reuse dirname() So you can call

os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( __file__ ))

if you file is at /Users/hobbes3/Sites/mysite/templates/

This will return "/Users/hobbes3/Sites/mysite"

PHP - Move a file into a different folder on the server

If you want to move the file in new path with keep original file name. use this:

$source_file = 'foo/image.jpg';
$destination_path = 'bar/';
rename($source_file, $destination_path . pathinfo($source_file, PATHINFO_BASENAME));

I want to multiply two columns in a pandas DataFrame and add the result into a new column

To make things neat, I take Hayden's solution but make a small function out of it.

def create_value(row):
    if row['Action'] == 'Sell':
        return row['Prices'] * row['Amount']
        return -row['Prices']*row['Amount']

so that when we want to apply the function to our dataframe, we can do..

df['Value'] = df.apply(lambda row: create_value(row), axis=1)

...and any modifications only need to occur in the small function itself.

Concise, Readable, and Neat!

PostgreSQL: Resetting password of PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

Assuming you're the administrator of the machine, Ubuntu has granted you the right to sudo to run any command as any user.
Also assuming you did not restrict the rights in the pg_hba.conf file (in the /etc/postgresql/9.1/main directory), it should contain this line as the first rule:

# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket  
local   all             postgres                                peer

(About the file location: 9.1 is the major postgres version and main the name of your "cluster". It will differ if using a newer version of postgres or non-default names. Use the pg_lsclusters command to obtain this information for your version/system).

Anyway, if the pg_hba.conf file does not have that line, edit the file, add it, and reload the service with sudo service postgresql reload.

Then you should be able to log in with psql as the postgres superuser with this shell command:

sudo -u postgres psql

Once inside psql, issue the SQL command:

ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'newpassword';

In this command, postgres is the name of a superuser. If the user whose password is forgotten was ritesh, the command would be:

ALTER USER ritesh PASSWORD 'newpassword';

References: PostgreSQL 9.1.13 Documentation, Chapter 19. Client Authentication

Keep in mind that you need to type postgres with a single S at the end

If leaving the password in clear text in the history of commands or the server log is a problem, psql provides an interactive meta-command to avoid that, as an alternative to ALTER USER ... PASSWORD:

\password username

It asks for the password with a double blind input, then hashes it according to the password_encryption setting and issue the ALTER USER command to the server with the hashed version of the password, instead of the clear text version.

npm install won't install devDependencies

So the way I got around this was in the command where i would normally run npm install or npm ci, i added NODE_ENV=build, and then NODE_ENV=production after the command, so my entire command came out to:

RUN NODE_ENV=build && npm ci && NODE_ENV=production

So far I haven't had any bad reactions, and my development dependencies which are used for building the application all worked / loaded correctly.

I find this to be a better solution than adding an additional command like npm install --only=dev because it takes less time, and enables me to use the npm ci command, which is faster and specifically designed to be run inside CI tools / build scripts. (See npi-ci documentation for more information on it)

Set adb vendor keys

In this case what you can do is : Go in developer options on the device Uncheck "USB Debugging" then check it again A confirmation box should then appear DvxWifiScan

Does Eclipse have line-wrap

Word wrap comes out of the box with Juno now. Right Click on the editor and select the "Word Wrap" option from the dropdown.

Javascript - remove an array item by value

I like to use filter:

var id_tag = [1,2,3,78,5,6,7,8,47,34,90];

// delete where id_tag = 90
id_tag = id_tag.filter(function(x) {
    if (x !== 90) {
      return x;

How to sync with a remote Git repository?

You have to add the original repo as an upstream.

It is all well described here:

git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
git push origin master

Create an array of strings

You can create a character array that does this via a loop:

>> for i=1:10
Names(i,:)='Sample Text';
>> Names

Names =

Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text

However, this would be better implemented using REPMAT:

>> Names = repmat('Sample Text', 10, 1)

Names =

Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text
Sample Text

How to delete images from a private docker registry?

This docker image includes a bash script that can be used to remove images from a remote v2 registry :

MySQL Workbench not displaying query results

It was really frustrating as it was still happening in the workbench version 6.3.10 (for mac) available in the mysql official site (here). I got it resolved by first collapsing the bottom panel (check the top right in the attached image (termed as collapse button)) and then pulling up the empty region from the bottom. Now if I again click on collapse button this time result grid is visible along with the action grid.

collapse the bottom panel

visible result grid

Parsing JSON giving "unexpected token o" error

The source of your error, however, is that you need to place the full JSON string in quotes. The following will fix your sample:

<!doctype HTML>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var cur_ques_details ='{"ques_id":"15","ques_title":"jlkjlkjlkjljl"}';
            var ques_list = JSON.parse(cur_ques_details);

As the other respondents have mentioned, the object is already parsed into a JS object so you don't need to parse it. To demonstrate how to accomplish the same thing without parsing, you can do the following:

<!doctype HTML>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var cur_ques_details ={"ques_id":"15","ques_title":"jlkjlkjlkjljl"};

Display a view from another controller in ASP.NET MVC

You can also call any controller from JavaScript/jQuery. Say you have a controller returning 404 or some other usercontrol/page. Then, on some action, from your client code, you can call some address that will fire your controller and return the result in HTML format your client code can take this returned result and put it wherever you want in you your page...

Extracting specific columns in numpy array

you can also use extractedData=data([:,1],[:,9])

Can I use CASE statement in a JOIN condition?

Here I have compared the difference in two different result sets:

SELECT main.ColumnName, compare.Value PreviousValue,  main.Value CurrentValue
    SELECT 'Name' AS ColumnName, 'John' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'UserName' AS ColumnName, 'jh001' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Department' AS ColumnName, 'HR' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Phone' AS ColumnName, NULL as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'DOB' AS ColumnName, '1993-01-01' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'CreateDate' AS ColumnName, '2017-01-01' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'IsActive' AS ColumnName, '1' as Value
) main
    SELECT 'Name' AS ColumnName, 'Rahul' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'UserName' AS ColumnName, 'rh001' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Department' AS ColumnName, 'HR' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Phone' AS ColumnName, '01722112233' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'DOB' AS ColumnName, '1993-01-01' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'CreateDate' AS ColumnName, '2017-01-01' as Value UNION ALL
    SELECT 'IsActive' AS ColumnName, '1' as Value
) compare
ON main.ColumnName = compare.ColumnName AND
    WHEN main.Value IS NULL AND compare.Value IS NULL THEN 0
    WHEN main.Value IS NULL AND compare.Value IS NOT NULL THEN 1
    WHEN main.Value IS NOT NULL AND compare.Value IS NULL THEN 1
    WHEN main.Value <> compare.Value THEN 1
END = 1 

Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded

This is my databdase definition in my docker-compose:

    image: mysql:8.0
        - db_data:/var/lib/mysql
    restart: always
    entrypoint: ['', '--default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password']
        MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: supersecret
        MYSQL_DATABASE: zdb
        MYSQL_USER: zuser
        MYSQL_PASSWORD: zpass
        - "3333:3306"

The relevant line there is entrypoint.

After build and up it, you can test it with:

$ mysql -u zuser -pzpass --host=  zdb -e "select 1;"
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
| 1 |
| 1 |

Query to list number of records in each table in a database

The first thing that came to mind was to use sp_msForEachTable

exec sp_msforeachtable 'select count(*) from ?'

that does not list the table names though, so it can be extended to

exec sp_msforeachtable 'select parsename(''?'', 1),  count(*) from ?'

The problem here is that if the database has more than 100 tables you will get the following error message:

The query has exceeded the maximum number of result sets that can be displayed in the results grid. Only the first 100 result sets are displayed in the grid.

So I ended up using table variable to store the results

declare @stats table (n sysname, c int)
insert into @stats
    exec sp_msforeachtable 'select parsename(''?'', 1),  count(*) from ?'
from @stats
order by c desc


It depends on the specific use case.

If your table is static and only has a short list of values (and there is just a small chance that this would change during a lifetime of DB), I would recommend this construction:

    FooCode VARCHAR(16), -- short code or shortcut, but with some meaning.
    Name NVARCHAR(128), -- full name of entity, can be used as fallback in case when your localization for some language doesn't exist
    LocalizationCode AS ('Foo.' + FooCode) -- This could be a code for your localization table...&nbsp;

Of course, when your table is not static at all, using INT as primary key is the best solution.

mysql_config not found when installing mysqldb python interface

On Red Hat I had to do

sudo yum install mysql-devel gcc gcc-devel python-devel
sudo easy_install mysql-python

Then it worked.

vertical-align with Bootstrap 3

Try this in the CSS of the div:

display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;

CakePHP find method with JOIN

Otro example, custom Data Pagination for JOIN

CODE in Controller CakePHP 2.6 is OK:

$this->SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds->recursive = -1;
    // Filtro
    $where = array(
        'joins' => array(
                'table' => 'usuarios',
                'alias' => 'Usuarios',
                'type' => 'INNER',
                'conditions' => array(
                    'Usuarios.usuario_id = SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds.usuarios_id'
                'table' => 'senasa_pedidos',
                'alias' => 'SenasaPedidos',
                'type' => 'INNER',
                'conditions' => array(
                    ' = SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds.senasa_pedidos_id'
                'table' => 'clientes',
                'alias' => 'Clientes',
                'type' => 'INNER',
                'conditions' => array(
                    'Clientes.id_cliente = SenasaPedidos.clientes_id'
        'order' => 'SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds.created DESC',
    $this->paginate = $where;
    // Get datos
    $data = $this->Paginator->paginate();

OR Example 2, NOT active conditions:

$this->SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds->recursive = -1;
    // Filtro
    $where = array(
        'joins' => array(
                'table' => 'usuarios',
                'alias' => 'Usuarios',
                'type' => 'INNER',
                'conditions' => array(
                    'Usuarios.usuario_id = SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds.usuarios_id'
                'table' => 'senasa_pedidos',
                'alias' => 'SenasaPedidos',
                'type' => 'INNER',
                'conditions' => array(
                    ' = SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds.senasa_pedidos_id'
                'table' => 'clientes',
                'alias' => 'Clientes',
                'type' => 'INNER',
                'conditions' => array(
                    'Clientes.id_cliente = SenasaPedidos.clientes_id',
                    'Clientes.requiere_senasa = 1'
        //    'Clientes.requiere_senasa'=>1
        'order' => 'SenasaPedidosFacturadosSds.created DESC',
    $this->paginate = $where;
    // Get datos
    $data = $this->Paginator->paginate();

setTimeout or setInterval?

If you set the interval in setInterval too short, it may fire before the previous call to the function has been completed. I ran into this problem with a recent browser (Firefox 78). It resulted in the garbage collection not being able to free memory fast enough and built up a huge memory leak. Using setTimeout(function, 500); gave the garbage collection enough time to clean up and keep the memory stable over time.

Serg Hospodarets mentioned the problem in his answer and I fully agree with his remarks, but he didn't include the memory leak/garbage collection-problem. I experienced some freezing, too, but the memory usage ran up to 4 GB in no time for some minuscule task, which was the real bummer for me. Thus, I think this answer is still beneficial to others in my situation. I would have put it in a comment, but lack the reputation to do so. I hope you don't mind.

Sticky and NON-Sticky sessions

I've made an answer with some more details here :

Or you can read it there ==>

When you use loadbalancing it means you have several instances of tomcat and you need to divide loads.

  • If you're using session replication without sticky session : Imagine you have only one user using your web app, and you have 3 tomcat instances. This user sends several requests to your app, then the loadbalancer will send some of these requests to the first tomcat instance, and send some other of these requests to the secondth instance, and other to the third.
  • If you're using sticky session without replication : Imagine you have only one user using your web app, and you have 3 tomcat instances. This user sends several requests to your app, then the loadbalancer will send the first user request to one of the three tomcat instances, and all the other requests that are sent by this user during his session will be sent to the same tomcat instance. During these requests, if you shutdown or restart this tomcat instance (tomcat instance which is used) the loadbalancer sends the remaining requests to one other tomcat instance that is still running, BUT as you don't use session replication, the instance tomcat which receives the remaining requests doesn't have a copy of the user session then for this tomcat the user begin a session : the user loose his session and is disconnected from the web app although the web app is still running.
  • If you're using sticky session WITH session replication : Imagine you have only one user using your web app, and you have 3 tomcat instances. This user sends several requests to your app, then the loadbalancer will send the first user request to one of the three tomcat instances, and all the other requests that are sent by this user during his session will be sent to the same tomcat instance. During these requests, if you shutdown or restart this tomcat instance (tomcat instance which is used) the loadbalancer sends the remaining requests to one other tomcat instance that is still running, as you use session replication, the instance tomcat which receives the remaining requests has a copy of the user session then the user keeps on his session : the user continue to browse your web app without being disconnected, the shutdown of the tomcat instance doesn't impact the user navigation.

How to return a class object by reference in C++?

You're probably returning an object that's on the stack. That is, return_Object() probably looks like this:

Object& return_Object()
    Object object_to_return;
    // ... do stuff ...

    return object_to_return;

If this is what you're doing, you're out of luck - object_to_return has gone out of scope and been destructed at the end of return_Object, so myObject refers to a non-existent object. You either need to return by value, or return an Object declared in a wider scope or newed onto the heap.

ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence

for those who are having trouble with similar problems in Numpy, a very simple solution would be:

defining dtype=object when defining an array for assigning values to it. for instance:

out = np.empty_like(lil_img, dtype=object)

jQuery Remove string from string

If you just want to remove "username1" you can use a simple replace.

name.replace("username1,", "")

or you could use split like you mentioned.

var name = "username1, username2 and username3 like this post.".split(",")[1];      

jsfiddle example

how to pass command line arguments to main method dynamically

We can pass string value to main method as argument without using commandline argument concept in java through Netbean

 package MainClass;
 import java.util.Scanner;
 public class CmdLineArgDemo {

 Scanner readData = new Scanner(;   
 System.out.println("Enter any string :");
 String str = readData.nextLine();
 String [] str1 = str.split(" ");
 // System.out.println(str1.length);

   public static void main(String [] args){
      for(int i = 0 ; i<args.length;i++) {
        System.out.print(args[i]+" ");


Enter any string : 
Coders invent Digital World 
Coders invent Digital World

What browsers support HTML5 WebSocket API?

Client side

  • Hixie-75:
    • Chrome 4.0 + 5.0
    • Safari 5.0.0
  • HyBi-00/Hixie-76:
  • HyBi-07+:
  • HyBi-10:
    • Chrome 14.0 + 15.0
    • Firefox 7.0 + 8.0 + 9.0 + 10.0 - prefixed: MozWebSocket
    • IE 10 (from Windows 8 developer preview)
  • HyBi-17/RFC 6455
    • Chrome 16
    • Firefox 11
    • Opera 12.10 / Opera Mobile 12.1

Any browser with Flash can support WebSocket using the web-socket-js shim/polyfill.

See caniuse for the current status of WebSockets support in desktop and mobile browsers.

See the test reports from the WS testsuite included in Autobahn WebSockets for feature/protocol conformance tests.

Server side

It depends on which language you use.

In Java/Java EE:

Some other Java implementations:

In C#:


In Python:

In C:

In Node.js:

  • : also has serverside ports for Python, Java, Google GO, Rack
  • sockjs : sockjs also has serverside ports for Python, Java, Erlang and Lua
  • WebSocket-Node - Pure JavaScript Client & Server implementation of HyBi-10.

Vert.x (also known as Node.x) : A node like polyglot implementation running on a Java 7 JVM and based on Netty with :

  • Support for Ruby(JRuby), Java, Groovy, Javascript(Rhino/Nashorn), Scala, ...
  • True threading. (unlike Node.js)
  • Understands multiple network protocols out of the box including: TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, Websockets, SockJS as fallback for WebSockets is a Websocket cloud service accessible through a REST API.

DotCloud cloud platform supports Websockets, and Java (Jetty Servlet Container), NodeJS, Python, Ruby, PHP and Perl programming languages.

Openshift cloud platform supports websockets, and Java (Jboss, Spring, Tomcat & Vertx), PHP (ZendServer & CodeIgniter), Ruby (ROR), Node.js, Python (Django & Flask) plateforms.

For other language implementations, see the Wikipedia article for more information.

The RFC for Websockets : RFC6455

Global npm install location on windows?

Just press windows button and type %APPDATA% and type enter.

Above is the location where you can find \npm\node_modules folder. This is where global modules sit in your system.

How do I read the contents of a Node.js stream into a string variable?

None of the above worked for me. I needed to use the Buffer object:

  const chunks = [];

  readStream.on("data", function (chunk) {

  // Send the buffer or you can put it into a var
  readStream.on("end", function () {

How to plot an array in python?

if you give a 2D array to the plot function of matplotlib it will assume the columns to be lines:

If x and/or y is 2-dimensional, then the corresponding columns will be plotted.

In your case your shape is not accepted (100, 1, 1, 8000). As so you can using numpy squeeze to solve the problem quickly:

np.squeez doc: Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of an array.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = np.random.randint(3, 7, (10, 1, 1, 80))
newdata = np.squeeze(data) # Shape is now: (10, 80)
plt.plot(newdata) # plotting by columns

But notice that 100 sets of 80 000 points is a lot of data for matplotlib. I would recommend that you look for an alternative. The result of the code example (run in Jupyter) is:

Jupyter matplotlib plot

Viewing full output of PS command

If you are specifying the output format manually you also need to make sure the args option is last in the list of output fields, otherwise it will be truncated.

ps -A -o args,pid,lstart gives

/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin 29900 Thu May 11 10:41:59 2017
postgres: checkpointer proc 29902 Thu May 11 10:41:59 2017
postgres: writer process    29903 Thu May 11 10:41:59 2017
postgres: wal writer proces 29904 Thu May 11 10:41:59 2017
postgres: autovacuum launch 29905 Thu May 11 10:41:59 2017
postgres: stats collector p 29906 Thu May 11 10:41:59 2017
[kworker/2:0]               30188 Fri May 12 09:20:17 2017
/usr/lib/upower/upowerd     30651 Mon May  8 09:57:58 2017
/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start  31288 Fri May 12 07:35:01 2017
/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start  31289 Fri May 12 07:35:01 2017
/sbin/rpc.statd --no-notify 31635 Mon May  8 09:49:12 2017
/sbin/rpcbind -f -w         31637 Mon May  8 09:49:12 2017
[nfsiod]                    31645 Mon May  8 09:49:12 2017
[kworker/1:0]               31801 Fri May 12 09:49:15 2017
[kworker/u16:0]             32658 Fri May 12 11:00:51 2017

but ps -A -o pid,lstart,args gets you the full command line:

29900 Thu May 11 10:41:59 2017 /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/postgres -D /tmp/4493-d849-dc76-9215 -p 38103
29902 Thu May 11 10:41:59 2017 postgres: checkpointer process   
29903 Thu May 11 10:41:59 2017 postgres: writer process   
29904 Thu May 11 10:41:59 2017 postgres: wal writer process   
29905 Thu May 11 10:41:59 2017 postgres: autovacuum launcher process   
29906 Thu May 11 10:41:59 2017 postgres: stats collector process   
30188 Fri May 12 09:20:17 2017 [kworker/2:0]
30651 Mon May  8 09:57:58 2017 /usr/lib/upower/upowerd
31288 Fri May 12 07:35:01 2017 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
31289 Fri May 12 07:35:01 2017 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
31635 Mon May  8 09:49:12 2017 /sbin/rpc.statd --no-notify
31637 Mon May  8 09:49:12 2017 /sbin/rpcbind -f -w
31645 Mon May  8 09:49:12 2017 [nfsiod]
31801 Fri May 12 09:49:15 2017 [kworker/1:0]
32658 Fri May 12 11:00:51 2017 [kworker/u16:0]

C# : 'is' keyword and checking for Not

C# 9 (released with .NET 5) includes the logical patterns and, or and not, which allows us to write this more elegantly:

if (child is not IContainer) { ... }

Likewise, this pattern can be used to check for null:

if (child is not null) { ... }

Android adding simple animations while setvisibility(view.Gone)

The easiest way to animate Visibility changes is use Transition API which available in support (androidx) package. Just call TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition method then change visibility of the view. There are several default transitions like Fade, Slide.

import androidx.transition.TransitionManager;
import androidx.transition.Transition;
import androidx.transition.Fade;

private void toggle() {
    Transition transition = new Fade();

    TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(parent, transition);
    image.setVisibility(show ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);

Where parent is parent ViewGroup of animated view. Result:

enter image description here

Here is result with Slide transition:

import androidx.transition.Slide;

Transition transition = new Slide(Gravity.BOTTOM);

enter image description here

It is easy to write custom transition if you need something different. Here is example with CircularRevealTransition which I wrote in another answer. It shows and hide view with CircularReveal animation.

Transition transition = new CircularRevealTransition();

enter image description here

android:animateLayoutChanges="true" option does same thing, it just uses AutoTransition as transition.

Threads vs Processes in Linux

If you need to share resources, you really should use threads.

Also consider the fact that context switches between threads are much less expensive than context switches between processes.

I see no reason to explicitly go with separate processes unless you have a good reason to do so (security, proven performance tests, etc...)

JDBC connection failed, error: TCP/IP connection to host failed

If you are using a named instance, the port you using likely is 1434, instead of 1433, so please check that out using telnet or netstat aforementioned too.

Best way to format if statement with multiple conditions

The first example is more "easy to read".

Actually, in my opinion you should only use the second one whenever you have to add some "else logic", but for a simple Conditional, use the first flavor. If you are worried about the long of the condition you always can use the next syntax:

                 && ConditionTwoThatIsLongAsWell
                 && ConditionThreeThatAlsoIsLong) { 
     //Code to execute 

Good Luck!

Insert a new row into DataTable

// get the data table
DataTable dt = ...;

// generate the data you want to insert
DataRow toInsert = dt.NewRow();

// insert in the desired place
dt.Rows.InsertAt(toInsert, index);

Plot size and resolution with R markdown, knitr, pandoc, beamer

Figure sizes are specified in inches and can be included as a global option of the document output format. For example:

title: "My Document"
    fig_width: 6
    fig_height: 4

And the plot's size in the graphic device can be increased at the chunk level:

```{r, fig.width=14, fig.height=12}          #Expand the plot width to 14 inches

ggplot(aes(x=mycolumn1, y=mycolumn2)) +     #specify the x and y aesthetic
geom_line(size=2) +                         #makes the line thicker
theme_grey(base_size = 25)                  #increases the size of the font

You can also use the out.width and out.height arguments to directly define the size of the plot in the output file:

```{r, out.width="200px", out.height="200px"} #Expand the plot width to 200 pixels

ggplot(aes(x=mycolumn1, y=mycolumn2)) +     #specify the x and y aesthetic
geom_line(size=2) +                         #makes the line thicker
theme_grey(base_size = 25)                  #increases the size of the font

Why Visual Studio 2015 can't run exe file (ucrtbased.dll)?

I would like to suggest additional solution to fix this issue. So, I recommend to reinstall/install the latest Windows SDK. In my case it has helped me to fix the issue when using Qt with MSVC compiler to debug a program.

Access VBA | How to replace parts of a string with another string

I was reading this thread and would like to add information even though it is surely no longer timely for the OP.

BiggerDon above points out the difficulty of rote replacing "North" with "N". A similar problem exists with "Avenue" to "Ave" (e.g. "Avenue of the Americas" becomes "Ave of the Americas": still understandable, but probably not what the OP wants.

The replace() function is entirely context-free, but addresses are not. A complete solution needs to have additional logic to interpret the context correctly, and then apply replace() as needed.

Databases commonly contain addresses, and so I wanted to point out that the generalized version of the OP's problem as applied to addresses within the United States has been addressed (humor!) by the Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS). CASS is a database tool that accepts a U.S. address and completes or corrects it to meet a standard set by the U.S. Postal Service. The Wikipedia entry has the basics, and more information is available at the Post Office:

How to update a pull request from forked repo?

I did it using below steps:

  1. git reset --hard <commit key of the pull request>
  2. Did my changes in code I wanted to do
  3. git add
  4. git commit --amend
  5. git push -f origin <name of the remote branch of pull request>

This version of the application is not configured for billing through Google Play

Contrary to many answers and comments on SO and other sites, you do NOT have to perform preliminary tests with an alpha/beta version of your product that has been downloaded from Google Play onto your test device (the alpha/beta publication process often eats up half a day). Neither do you have to load and re-load a signed release apk from your developer studio to your test device.

You CAN debug preliminary Google Play in app billing services using the debug app as loaded from your developer studio directly to your test device via ADB. If you are experiencing errors that prevent this, likely you have done something wrong in your code. Pay especially close attention to the CASE of your SKU's (product ids) and their format (for example, if you load your APK as com.mydomain.my_product_id, be sure your try to purchase it this way - providing the same case and domain). Also, pay especially close attention to your itemType - this should be either "inapp" or "subs" for managed/unmanaged in app purchases or subscriptions, respectively.

As suggested by Chirag Patel, provided you have your billing code properly established, perform all testing using the android.test.purchased Sku (product ID) during your preliminary tests. Check for this ID throughout your billing operations to pass it through signature, token and payload checks, since this data is not provided by the Google test system. Additionally, give one of your test products this ID to test its purchase, unlock/load and presentation all the way through your schema. To CLEAR the purchase, simply consume it, passing the same Sku AND a token string formatted this way - no other fields are relevant :


Once you have completed this phase of testing, move to semi-live testing with your alpha/beta product. Create a Google group (essentially a mailing list), add your test users emails to it, and add/invite this group to test your device in this phase (performed at the "APK" portion of your app's Google developer listing). Purchases will be simulated but not actually charged - however to clear and re-test the purchases, Google indicates that you must refund them from your Google wallet. THIS is the only phase of testing that requires the time-consuming process of using alpha/beta loads and test users.

Xcode 12, building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, for architecture arm64

The Valid Architectures build setting has been removed in Xcode 12. If you had values in this build setting, they're causing a problem and need to be removed.

I was able to "clear out" the VALID_ARCHS build setting by adding it back in as a User-Defined build setting (with no values), running the project (which failed), and then deleting the VALID_ARCHS build setting. After that, I was able to run on the simulator.

My Architectures build setting is Standard Architectures.

You can add a User-Defined Setting from the plus button in Build Settings:

User-Defined Setting

self referential struct definition?

In C, you cannot reference the typedef that you're creating withing the structure itself. You have to use the structure name, as in the following test program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct Cell {
  int cellSeq;
  struct Cell* next; /* 'tCell *next' will not work here */
} tCell;

int main(void) {
    int i;
    tCell *curr;
    tCell *first;
    tCell *last;

    /* Construct linked list, 100 down to 80. */

    first = malloc (sizeof (tCell));
    last = first;
    first->cellSeq = 100;
    first->next = NULL;
    for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        curr = malloc (sizeof (tCell));
        curr->cellSeq = last->cellSeq - 1;
        curr->next = NULL;
        last->next = curr;
        last = curr;

    /* Walk the list, printing sequence numbers. */

    curr = first;
    while (curr != NULL) {
        printf ("Sequence = %d\n", curr->cellSeq);
        curr = curr->next;

    return 0;

Although it's probably a lot more complicated than this in the standard, you can think of it as the compiler knowing about struct Cell on the first line of the typedef but not knowing about tCell until the last line :-) That's how I remember that rule.

CSS image overlay with color and transparency

If you want to make the reverse of what you showed consider doing this:

.tint:hover:before {
    background: rgba(0,0,250, 0.5);


  .t2:before {
    background: none;

and look at the effect on the 2nd picture.

Is it supposed to look like this?

Timeout for python requests.get entire response

I'm using requests 2.2.1 and eventlet didn't work for me. Instead I was able use gevent timeout instead since gevent is used in my service for gunicorn.

import gevent
import gevent.monkey
    with gevent.Timeout(5):
        ret = requests.get(url)
        print ret.status_code, ret.content
except gevent.timeout.Timeout as e:
    print "timeout: {}".format(e.message)

Please note that gevent.timeout.Timeout is not caught by general Exception handling. So either explicitly catch gevent.timeout.Timeout or pass in a different exception to be used like so: with gevent.Timeout(5, requests.exceptions.Timeout): although no message is passed when this exception is raised.

css width: calc(100% -100px); alternative using jquery

Try jQuery animate() method, ex.


Create a date time with month and day only, no year

There is no such thing like a DateTime without a year!

From what I gather your design is a bit strange:

I would recommend storing a "start" (DateTime including year for the FIRST occurence) and a value which designates how to calculate the next event... this could be for example a TimeSpan or some custom structure esp. since "every year" can mean that the event occurs on a specific date and would not automatically be the same as saysing that it occurs in +365 days.

After the event occurs you calculate the next and store that etc.

grid controls for ASP.NET MVC?

Try: It's basically a MVC-compliant jQuery Grid wrapper with full .Net support

How to import JsonConvert in C# application?

After instaling the package you need to add the newtonsoft.json.dll into assemble path by runing the flowing command.

Before we can use our assembly, we have to add it to the global assembly cache (GAC). Open the Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt again (for Vista/Windows7/etc. open it as Administrator). And execute the following command. gacutil /i d:\myMethodsForSSIS\myMethodsForSSIS\bin\Release\myMethodsForSSIS.dll

flow this link for more informATION

Sort JavaScript object by key

Maybe a bit more elegant form:

     * Sorts a key-value object by key, maintaining key to data correlations._x000D_
     * @param {Object} src  key-value object_x000D_
     * @returns {Object}_x000D_
var ksort = function ( src ) {_x000D_
      var keys = Object.keys( src ),_x000D_
          target = {};_x000D_
      keys.forEach(function ( key ) {_x000D_
        target[ key ] = src[ key ];_x000D_
      return target;_x000D_
// Usage_x000D_
  b:2  _x000D_

P.S. and the same with ES6+ syntax:

function ksort( src ) {
  const keys = Object.keys( src );
  return keys.reduce(( target, key ) => {
        target[ key ] = src[ key ];
        return target;
  }, {});

How to Set Active Tab in jQuery Ui

HTML: First you have o save the post tab index

<input type="hidden" name="hddIndiceTab" id="hddIndiceTab" value="<?php echo filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'hddIndiceTab');?>"/>


$( "#tabs" ).tabs({
    active: $('#hddIndiceTab').val(), // activate the last tab selected
    activate: function( event, ui ) {
        $('#hddIndiceTab').val($( "#tabs" ).tabs( "option", "active" )); // save the tab index in the input hidden element

how to use math.pi in java

Here is usage of Math.PI to find circumference of circle and Area First we take Radius as a string in Message Box and convert it into integer

public class circle {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO code application logic here

        String rad;

        float radius,area,circum;

       rad = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the Radius of circle:");

        radius = Integer.parseInt(rad);
        area = (float) (Math.PI*radius*radius);
        circum = (float) (2*Math.PI*radius);

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Area: " + area,"AREA",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "circumference: " + circum, "Circumfernce",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);


OS X Sprite Kit Game Optimal Default Window Size

You should target the smallest, not the largest, supported pixel resolution by the devices your app can run on.

Say if there's an actual Mac computer that can run OS X 10.9 and has a native screen resolution of only 1280x720 then that's the resolution you should focus on. Any higher and your game won't correctly run on this device and you could as well remove that device from your supported devices list.

You can rely on upscaling to match larger screen sizes, but you can't rely on downscaling to preserve possibly important image details such as text or smaller game objects.

The next most important step is to pick a fitting aspect ratio, be it 4:3 or 16:9 or 16:10, that ideally is the native aspect ratio on most of the supported devices. Make sure your game only scales to fit on devices with a different aspect ratio.

You could scale to fill but then you must ensure that on all devices the cropped areas will not negatively impact gameplay or the use of the app in general (ie text or buttons outside the visible screen area). This will be harder to test as you'd actually have to have one of those devices or create a custom build that crops the view accordingly.

Alternatively you can design multiple versions of your game for specific and very common screen resolutions to provide the best game experience from 13" through 27" displays. Optimized designs for iMac (desktop) and a Macbook (notebook) devices make the most sense, it'll be harder to justify making optimized versions for 13" and 15" plus 21" and 27" screens.

But of course this depends a lot on the game. For example a tile-based world game could simply provide a larger viewing area onto the world on larger screen resolutions rather than scaling the view up. Provided that this does not alter gameplay, like giving the player an unfair advantage (specifically in multiplayer).

You should provide @2x images for the Retina Macbook Pro and future Retina Macs.

Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\ASP.NET v4.0'

Looks like it's failing trying to open a connection to SQL Server.

You need to add a login to SQL Server for IIS APPPOOL\ASP.NET v4.0 and grant permissions to the database.

In SSMS, under the server, expand Security, then right click Logins and select "New Login...".

In the New Login dialog, enter the app pool as the login name and click "OK".

enter image description here

You can then right click the login for the app pool, select Properties and select "User Mapping". Check the appropriate database, and the appropriate roles. I think you could just select db_datareader and db_datawriter, but I think you would still need to grant permissions to execute stored procedures if you do that through EF. You can check the details for the roles here.

UTC Date/Time String to Timezone

function _settimezone($time,$defaultzone,$newzone)
$date = new DateTime($time, new DateTimeZone($defaultzone));
$date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($newzone));
$result=$date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
return $result;

$time="2011-01-01 15:00:00";

Scraping html tables into R data frames using the XML package

The rvest along with xml2 is another popular package for parsing html web pages.

theurl <- ""
tables<-html_nodes(file, "table")
table1 <- html_table(tables[4], fill = TRUE)

The syntax is easier to use than the xml package and for most web pages the package provides all of the options ones needs.

Dependency injection with Jersey 2.0

You need to define an AbstractBinder and register it in your JAX-RS application. The binder specifies how the dependency injection should create your classes.

public class MyApplicationBinder extends AbstractBinder {
    protected void configure() {

When @Inject is detected on a parameter or field of type MyService.class it is instantiated using the class MyService. To use this binder, it need to be registered with the JAX-RS application. In your web.xml, define a JAX-RS application like this:


Implement the MyApplication class (specified above in the init-param).

public class MyApplication extends ResourceConfig {
    public MyApplication() {
        register(new MyApplicationBinder());
        packages(true, "");

The binder specifying dependency injection is registered in the constructor of the class, and we also tell the application where to find the REST resources (in your case, MyResource) using the packages() method call.

Are iframes considered 'bad practice'?

When your main page loads in HTTP protocol and parts of your page need to work in HTTPS protocol, iFrame can beat jsonp hands down.

Especially, if your dataType is not natively json and needs to be translated on server into json and translated on client back into e.g. complex html.

So nope - iFrame is not evil.

How to dynamically build a JSON object with Python?

  myjson["Country"]= {"KR": { "id": "220", "name": "South Korea"}}
  myjson["Creative"]= {
                    "1067405": {
                        "id": "1067405",
                        "url": ""
                    "1067406": {
                        "id": "1067406",
                        "url": ""
                    "1067407": {
                        "id": "1067407",
                        "url": ""
   myjson["Offer"]= {
                    "advanced_targeting_enabled": "f",
                    "category_name": "E-commerce/ Shopping",
                    "click_lifespan": "168",
                    "conversion_cap": "50",
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "default_payout": "1.5"

   json_data = json.dumps(myjson)

   #reverse back into a json

   def walk_the_tree(inputDict,suffix=None):
       for key, value in inputDict.items():
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                if suffix==None:


 #split and build your nested dictionary
 json_specs = {}
 for path in paths:
     for p in parts[:-1]:
         if p==parts[-2]:
             d = d.setdefault(p,value)
             d = d.setdefault(p,{})

 ['Country:KR:id:220', 'Country:KR:name:South Korea', 'Country:Creative:1067405:id:1067405', 'Country:Creative:1067405:url:', 'Country:Creative:1067405:1067406:id:1067406', 'Country:Creative:1067405:1067406:url:', 'Country:Creative:1067405:1067406:1067407:id:1067407', 'Country:Creative:1067405:1067406:1067407:url:', 'Country:Creative:Offer:advanced_targeting_enabled:f', 'Country:Creative:Offer:category_name:E-commerce/ Shopping', 'Country:Creative:Offer:click_lifespan:168', 'Country:Creative:Offer:conversion_cap:50', 'Country:Creative:Offer:currency:USD', 'Country:Creative:Offer:default_payout:1.5']

Android: I lost my android key store, what should I do?

I want to refine this a little bit because down-votes indicate to me that people don't understand that these suggestions are like "last hope" approach for someone who got into the state described in the question.

Check your console input history and/or ant scripts you have been using if you have them. Keep in mind that the console history will not be saved if you were promoted for password but if you entered it within for example signing command you can find it.

You mentioned you have a zip with a password in which your certificate file is stored, you could try just brute force opening that with many tools available. People will say "Yea but what if you used strong password, you should bla,bla,bla..." Unfortunately in that case tough-luck. But people are people and they sometimes use simple passwords. For you any tool that can provide dictionary attacks in which you can enter your own words and set them to some passwords you suspect might help you. Also if password is short enough with today CPUs even regular brute force guessing might work since your zip file does not have any limitation on number of guesses so you will not get blocked as if you tried to brute force some account on a website.

How do I enable the column selection mode in Eclipse?

You can enable and disable column editing mode via the keyboard shortcut ALT-SHIFT-A.

Once enabled you can then use either the mouse to select a block of text, or the keyboard using SHIFT (like a normal keyboard select, except the selection will now be in a block).

If you've changed your default font for text editing, entering column editing mode will probably change your screen font to the default column editing font (which is probably different to your changed font. To change the font when in column editing mode, go to the menu and select Window -> Preferences, then in the tree on the left hand side, pick General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts, and then pick Basic -> Text Editor Block Selection Font on the right hand side tree. You can then select the font to be consistent with your "not in column editing mode" font.

Why is not Element in Typescript?

With typescript we can leverage type aliases, like so:

type KeyboardEvent = {
  target: HTMLInputElement,
  key: string,
const onKeyPress = (e: KeyboardEvent) => {
  if ('Enter' === e.key) { // Enter keyboard was pressed!
    submit(; = '';
  // continue handle onKeyPress input events...

Python - List of unique dictionaries

In python 3.6+ (what I've tested), just use:

import json

#Toy example, but will also work for your case 
myListOfDicts = [{'a':1,'b':2},{'a':1,'b':2},{'a':1,'b':3}]
#Start by sorting each dictionary by keys
myListOfDictsSorted = [sorted(d.items()) for d in myListOfDicts]

#Using json methods with set() to get unique dict
myListOfUniqueDicts = list(map(json.loads,set(map(json.dumps, myListOfDictsSorted))))


Explanation: we're mapping the json.dumps to encode the dictionaries as json objects, which are immutable. set can then be used to produce an iterable of unique immutables. Finally, we convert back to our dictionary representation using json.loads. Note that initially, one must sort by keys to arrange the dictionaries in a unique form. This is valid for Python 3.6+ since dictionaries are ordered by default.

An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

I had the same issue and managed to resolve it eventually. In my case, the port that the client sends the request to did not have a SSL cert binding to it. So I fixed the issue by binding a SSL cert to the port on the server side. Once that was done, this exception went away.

Foreign key referencing a 2 columns primary key in SQL Server

Of course it's possible to create a foreign key relationship to a compound (more than one column) primary key. You didn't show us the statement you're using to try and create that relationship - it should be something like:

ALTER TABLE dbo.Content
   ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Content_Libraries
   FOREIGN KEY(LibraryID, Application)
   REFERENCES dbo.Libraries(ID, Application)

Is that what you're using?? If (ID, Application) is indeed the primary key on dbo.Libraries, this statement should definitely work.

Luk: just to check - can you run this statement in your database and report back what the output is??

    tc.TABLE_NAME IN ('Libraries', 'Content')

Max value of Xmx and Xms in Eclipse?

I have tried the following config for eclipse.ini:


Now eclipse performance is about 2 times faster then before.

You can also find a good help ref here:

Should a retrieval method return 'null' or throw an exception when it can't produce the return value?

In data layer code, I some times use the following code, allowing the caller to decide if "object not found" means an error has occured.

DataType GetObject(DBConnection conn, string id, bool throwOnNotFound) {
    DataType retval = ... // find object in database
    if (retval != null || ! throwOnNotFound) {
        return retval;
    } else {
        throw new NoRowsFoundException("DataType object with id {id} not found in database");

DataType GetObject(DBConnection conn, string id) {
    return GetObject(conn, id, true);

What is difference between @RequestBody and @RequestParam?

@RequestParam annotation tells Spring that it should map a request parameter from the GET/POST request to your method argument. For example:



endpoint code:

public User getUser(@RequestParam(value = "name") String name, 
                    @RequestParam(value = "surname") String surname){ 

So basically, while @RequestBody maps entire user request (even for POST) to a String variable, @RequestParam does so with one (or more - but it is more complicated) request param to your method argument.

Single TextView with multiple colored text

I have write down some code for other question which is similar to this one, but that question got duplicated so i can't answer there so i am just putting my code here if someone looking for same requirement.

It's not fully working code, you need to make some minor changes to get it worked.

Here is the code:

I've used @Graeme idea of using spannable text.

String colorfulText = "colorfulText";       
    Spannable span = new SpannableString(colorfulText);             

    for ( int i = 0, len = colorfulText.length(); i < len; i++ ){
        span.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(getRandomColor()), i, i+1,Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);                     


Random Color Method:

  private int getRandomColor(){
        Random rnd = new Random();
        return Color.argb(255, rnd.nextInt(256), rnd.nextInt(256), rnd.nextInt(256));

Font scaling based on width of container

Try This is what I use for my sites, and it has worked perfectly.

Xcode build failure "Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64"


Apple requires to use arm64 architecture. Do not use x32 libraries in your project

So the answer below is not correct anymore!

Old answer

The new Xcode 5.1 sets the architecture armv7,armv7s,and arm64 as default.

And sometimes the error "build failure “Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64”" may be caused by this. Because, some libs (not Apple's) were compiled for x32 originally and doesn't support x64.

So what you need, is to change the "Architectures" for your project target like this

NB. If you're using Cocoapods - you should do the same for "Pods" target.

enter image description here

Show/hide widgets in Flutter programmatically

In flutter 1.5 and Dart 2.3 for visibility gone, You can set the visibility by using an if statement within the collection without having to make use of containers.


child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
              Text('This is text one'),
              if (_isVisible) Text('can be hidden or shown'), // no dummy container/ternary needed
              Text('This is another text'),
              RaisedButton(child: Text('show/hide'), onPressed: (){
                  setState(() {
                    _isVisible = !_isVisible; 


Add column to dataframe with constant value

Summing up what the others have suggested, and adding a third way

You can:

where the argument loc ( 0 <= loc <= len(columns) ) allows you to insert the column where you want.

'loc' gives you the index that your column will be at after the insertion. For example, the code above inserts the column Name as the 0-th column, i.e. it will be inserted before the first column, becoming the new first column. (Indexing starts from 0).

All these methods allow you to add a new column from a Series as well (just substitute the 'abc' default argument above with the series).

Using quotation marks inside quotation marks

When you have several words like this which you want to concatenate in a string, I recommend using format or f-strings which increase readability dramatically (in my opinion).

To give an example:

s = "a word that needs quotation marks"
s2 = "another word"

Now you can do

print('"{}" and "{}"'.format(s, s2))

which will print

"a word that needs quotation marks" and "another word"

As of Python 3.6 you can use:

print(f'"{s}" and "{s2}"')

yielding the same output.

Internal vs. Private Access Modifiers

internal members are accessible within the assembly (only accessible in the same project)

private members are accessible within the same class

Example for Beginners

There are 2 projects in a solution (Project1, Project2) and Project1 has a reference to Project2.

  • Public method written in Project2 will be accessible in Project2 and the Project1
  • Internal method written in Project2 will be accessible in Project2 only but not in Project1
  • private method written in class1 of Project2 will only be accessible to the same class. It will neither be accessible in other classes of Project 2 not in Project 1.

Linq code to select one item

I'll tell you what worked for me:

int id = int.Parse(insertItem.OwnerTableView.DataKeyValues[insertItem.ItemIndex]["id_usuario"].ToString());

var query = user.First(x => x.id_usuario == id);
tbUsername.Text = query.username;
tbEmail.Text =;
tbPassword.Text = query.password;

My id is the row I want to query, in this case I got it from a radGrid, then I used it to query, but this query returns a row, then you can assign the values you got from the query to textbox, or anything, I had to assign those to textbox.

Logging levels - Logback - rule-of-thumb to assign log levels

My approach, i think coming more from an development than an operations point of view, is:

  • Error means that the execution of some task could not be completed; an email couldn't be sent, a page couldn't be rendered, some data couldn't be stored to a database, something like that. Something has definitively gone wrong.
  • Warning means that something unexpected happened, but that execution can continue, perhaps in a degraded mode; a configuration file was missing but defaults were used, a price was calculated as negative, so it was clamped to zero, etc. Something is not right, but it hasn't gone properly wrong yet - warnings are often a sign that there will be an error very soon.
  • Info means that something normal but significant happened; the system started, the system stopped, the daily inventory update job ran, etc. There shouldn't be a continual torrent of these, otherwise there's just too much to read.
  • Debug means that something normal and insignificant happened; a new user came to the site, a page was rendered, an order was taken, a price was updated. This is the stuff excluded from info because there would be too much of it.
  • Trace is something i have never actually used.

Generate random colors (RGB)

A neat way to generate RGB triplets within the 256 (aka 8-byte) range is

color = list(np.random.choice(range(256), size=3))

color is now a list of size 3 with values in the range 0-255. You can save it in a list to record if the color has been generated before or no.

Why use Select Top 100 Percent?

TOP (100) PERCENT is completely meaningless in recent versions of SQL Server, and it (along with the corresponding ORDER BY, in the case of a view definition or derived table) is ignored by the query processor.

You're correct that once upon a time, it could be used as a trick, but even then it wasn't reliable. Sadly, some of Microsoft's graphical tools put this meaningless clause in.

As for why this might appear in dynamic SQL, I have no idea. You're correct that there's no reason for it, and the result is the same without it (and again, in the case of a view definition or derived table, without both the TOP and ORDER BY clauses).

LINQ Aggregate algorithm explained

Super short Aggregate works like fold in Haskell/ML/F#.

Slightly longer .Max(), .Min(), .Sum(), .Average() all iterates over the elements in a sequence and aggregates them using the respective aggregate function. .Aggregate () is generalized aggregator in that it allows the developer to specify the start state (aka seed) and the aggregate function.

I know you asked for a short explaination but I figured as others gave a couple of short answers I figured you would perhaps be interested in a slightly longer one

Long version with code One way to illustrate what does it could be show how you implement Sample Standard Deviation once using foreach and once using .Aggregate. Note: I haven't prioritized performance here so I iterate several times over the colleciton unnecessarily

First a helper function used to create a sum of quadratic distances:

static double SumOfQuadraticDistance (double average, int value, double state)
    var diff = (value - average);
    return state + diff * diff;

Then Sample Standard Deviation using ForEach:

static double SampleStandardDeviation_ForEach (
    this IEnumerable<int> ints)
    var length = ints.Count ();
    if (length < 2)
        return 0.0;

    const double seed = 0.0;
    var average = ints.Average ();

    var state = seed;
    foreach (var value in ints)
        state = SumOfQuadraticDistance (average, value, state);
    var sumOfQuadraticDistance = state;

    return Math.Sqrt (sumOfQuadraticDistance / (length - 1));

Then once using .Aggregate:

static double SampleStandardDeviation_Aggregate (
    this IEnumerable<int> ints)
    var length = ints.Count ();
    if (length < 2)
        return 0.0;

    const double seed = 0.0;
    var average = ints.Average ();

    var sumOfQuadraticDistance = ints
        .Aggregate (
            (state, value) => SumOfQuadraticDistance (average, value, state)

    return Math.Sqrt (sumOfQuadraticDistance / (length - 1));

Note that these functions are identical except for how sumOfQuadraticDistance is calculated:

var state = seed;
foreach (var value in ints)
    state = SumOfQuadraticDistance (average, value, state);
var sumOfQuadraticDistance = state;


var sumOfQuadraticDistance = ints
    .Aggregate (
        (state, value) => SumOfQuadraticDistance (average, value, state)

So what .Aggregate does is that it encapsulates this aggregator pattern and I expect that the implementation of .Aggregate would look something like this:

public static TAggregate Aggregate<TAggregate, TValue> (
    this IEnumerable<TValue> values,
    TAggregate seed,
    Func<TAggregate, TValue, TAggregate> aggregator
    var state = seed;

    foreach (var value in values)
        state = aggregator (state, value);

    return state;

Using the Standard deviation functions would look something like this:

var ints = new[] {3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 4};
var average = ints.Average ();
var sampleStandardDeviation = ints.SampleStandardDeviation_Aggregate ();
var sampleStandardDeviation2 = ints.SampleStandardDeviation_ForEach ();

Console.WriteLine (average);
Console.WriteLine (sampleStandardDeviation);
Console.WriteLine (sampleStandardDeviation2);


So does .Aggregate help readability? In general I love LINQ because I think .Where, .Select, .OrderBy and so on greatly helps readability (if you avoid inlined hierarhical .Selects). Aggregate has to be in Linq for completeness reasons but personally I am not so convinced that .Aggregate adds readability compared to a well written foreach.

Passing HTML input value as a JavaScript Function Parameter

One way is by using document.getElementByID, as below -

  <h1>Adding 'a' and 'b'</h1>

  a: <input type="number" name="a" id="a"><br> b: <input type="number" name="b" id="b"><br>
  <button onclick="add(document.getElementById('a').value,document.getElementById('b').value)">Add</button>

    function add(a, b) {
      var sum = parseInt(a, 10) + parseInt(b, 10);

How to create cron job using PHP?

Create a cronjob like this to work on every minute

*       *       *       *       *       /usr/bin/php path/to/cron.php &> /dev/null

Replace Line Breaks in a String C#

To extend The.Anyi.9's answer, you should also be aware of the different types of line break in general use. Dependent on where your file originated, you may want to look at making sure you catch all the alternatives...

string replaceWith = "";
string removedBreaks = Line.Replace("\r\n", replaceWith).Replace("\n", replaceWith).Replace("\r", replaceWith);

should get you going...

"SMTP Error: Could not authenticate" in PHPMailer

If you still face error in sending email, with the same error message. Try this:

$mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';
$mail->Host = '';

just Before the line:

$send = $mail->Send();

or in other sense, before calling the Send() Function.

Tested and Working.

Package structure for a Java project?

There are a few existing resources you might check:

  1. Properly Package Your Java Classes
  2. Spring 2.5 Architecture
  3. Java Tutorial - Naming a Package
  4. SUN Naming Conventions

For what it's worth, my own personal guidelines that I tend to use are as follows:

  1. Start with reverse domain, e.g. "com.mycompany".
  2. Use product name, e.g. "myproduct". In some cases I tend to have common packages that do not belong to a particular product. These would end up categorized according to the functionality of these common classes, e.g. "io", "util", "ui", etc.
  3. After this it becomes more free-form. Usually I group according to project, area of functionality, deployment, etc. For example I might have "project1", "project2", "ui", "client", etc.

A couple of other points:

  1. It's quite common in projects I've worked on for package names to flow from the design documentation. Usually products are separated into areas of functionality or purpose already.
  2. Don't stress too much about pushing common functionality into higher packages right away. Wait for there to be a need across projects, products, etc., and then refactor.
  3. Watch inter-package dependencies. They're not all bad, but it can signify tight coupling between what might be separate units. There are tools that can help you keep track of this.

How to find elements by class

the following worked for me

a_tag = soup.find_all("div",class_='full tabpublist')

Web colors in an Android color xml resource file

You have surely made your own by now, but for the benefit of others, please find w3c and x11 below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <color name="white">#FFFFFF</color>
 <color name="yellow">#FFFF00</color>
 <color name="fuchsia">#FF00FF</color>
 <color name="red">#FF0000</color>
 <color name="silver">#C0C0C0</color>
 <color name="gray">#808080</color>
 <color name="olive">#808000</color>
 <color name="purple">#800080</color>
 <color name="maroon">#800000</color>
 <color name="aqua">#00FFFF</color>
 <color name="lime">#00FF00</color>
 <color name="teal">#008080</color>
 <color name="green">#008000</color>
 <color name="blue">#0000FF</color>
 <color name="navy">#000080</color>
 <color name="black">#000000</color>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <color name="White">#FFFFFF</color>
 <color name="Ivory">#FFFFF0</color>
 <color name="LightYellow">#FFFFE0</color>
 <color name="Yellow">#FFFF00</color>
 <color name="Snow">#FFFAFA</color>
 <color name="FloralWhite">#FFFAF0</color>
 <color name="LemonChiffon">#FFFACD</color>
 <color name="Cornsilk">#FFF8DC</color>
 <color name="Seashell">#FFF5EE</color>
 <color name="LavenderBlush">#FFF0F5</color>
 <color name="PapayaWhip">#FFEFD5</color>
 <color name="BlanchedAlmond">#FFEBCD</color>
 <color name="MistyRose">#FFE4E1</color>
 <color name="Bisque">#FFE4C4</color>
 <color name="Moccasin">#FFE4B5</color>
 <color name="NavajoWhite">#FFDEAD</color>
 <color name="PeachPuff">#FFDAB9</color>
 <color name="Gold">#FFD700</color>
 <color name="Pink">#FFC0CB</color>
 <color name="LightPink">#FFB6C1</color>
 <color name="Orange">#FFA500</color>
 <color name="LightSalmon">#FFA07A</color>
 <color name="DarkOrange">#FF8C00</color>
 <color name="Coral">#FF7F50</color>
 <color name="HotPink">#FF69B4</color>
 <color name="Tomato">#FF6347</color>
 <color name="OrangeRed">#FF4500</color>
 <color name="DeepPink">#FF1493</color>
 <color name="Fuchsia">#FF00FF</color>
 <color name="Magenta">#FF00FF</color>
 <color name="Red">#FF0000</color>
 <color name="OldLace">#FDF5E6</color>
 <color name="LightGoldenrodYellow">#FAFAD2</color>
 <color name="Linen">#FAF0E6</color>
 <color name="AntiqueWhite">#FAEBD7</color>
 <color name="Salmon">#FA8072</color>
 <color name="GhostWhite">#F8F8FF</color>
 <color name="MintCream">#F5FFFA</color>
 <color name="WhiteSmoke">#F5F5F5</color>
 <color name="Beige">#F5F5DC</color>
 <color name="Wheat">#F5DEB3</color>
 <color name="SandyBrown">#F4A460</color>
 <color name="Azure">#F0FFFF</color>
 <color name="Honeydew">#F0FFF0</color>
 <color name="AliceBlue">#F0F8FF</color>
 <color name="Khaki">#F0E68C</color>
 <color name="LightCoral">#F08080</color>
 <color name="PaleGoldenrod">#EEE8AA</color>
 <color name="Violet">#EE82EE</color>
 <color name="DarkSalmon">#E9967A</color>
 <color name="Lavender">#E6E6FA</color>
 <color name="LightCyan">#E0FFFF</color>
 <color name="BurlyWood">#DEB887</color>
 <color name="Plum">#DDA0DD</color>
 <color name="Gainsboro">#DCDCDC</color>
 <color name="Crimson">#DC143C</color>
 <color name="PaleVioletRed">#DB7093</color>
 <color name="Goldenrod">#DAA520</color>
 <color name="Orchid">#DA70D6</color>
 <color name="Thistle">#D8BFD8</color>
 <color name="LightGrey">#D3D3D3</color>
 <color name="Tan">#D2B48C</color>
 <color name="Chocolate">#D2691E</color>
 <color name="Peru">#CD853F</color>
 <color name="IndianRed">#CD5C5C</color>
 <color name="MediumVioletRed">#C71585</color>
 <color name="Silver">#C0C0C0</color>
 <color name="DarkKhaki">#BDB76B</color>
 <color name="RosyBrown">#BC8F8F</color>
 <color name="MediumOrchid">#BA55D3</color>
 <color name="DarkGoldenrod">#B8860B</color>
 <color name="FireBrick">#B22222</color>
 <color name="PowderBlue">#B0E0E6</color>
 <color name="LightSteelBlue">#B0C4DE</color>
 <color name="PaleTurquoise">#AFEEEE</color>
 <color name="GreenYellow">#ADFF2F</color>
 <color name="LightBlue">#ADD8E6</color>
 <color name="DarkGray">#A9A9A9</color>
 <color name="Brown">#A52A2A</color>
 <color name="Sienna">#A0522D</color>
 <color name="YellowGreen">#9ACD32</color>
 <color name="DarkOrchid">#9932CC</color>
 <color name="PaleGreen">#98FB98</color>
 <color name="DarkViolet">#9400D3</color>
 <color name="MediumPurple">#9370DB</color>
 <color name="LightGreen">#90EE90</color>
 <color name="DarkSeaGreen">#8FBC8F</color>
 <color name="SaddleBrown">#8B4513</color>
 <color name="DarkMagenta">#8B008B</color>
 <color name="DarkRed">#8B0000</color>
 <color name="BlueViolet">#8A2BE2</color>
 <color name="LightSkyBlue">#87CEFA</color>
 <color name="SkyBlue">#87CEEB</color>
 <color name="Gray">#808080</color>
 <color name="Olive">#808000</color>
 <color name="Purple">#800080</color>
 <color name="Maroon">#800000</color>
 <color name="Aquamarine">#7FFFD4</color>
 <color name="Chartreuse">#7FFF00</color>
 <color name="LawnGreen">#7CFC00</color>
 <color name="MediumSlateBlue">#7B68EE</color>
 <color name="LightSlateGray">#778899</color>
 <color name="SlateGray">#708090</color>
 <color name="OliveDrab">#6B8E23</color>
 <color name="SlateBlue">#6A5ACD</color>
 <color name="DimGray">#696969</color>
 <color name="MediumAquamarine">#66CDAA</color>
 <color name="CornflowerBlue">#6495ED</color>
 <color name="CadetBlue">#5F9EA0</color>
 <color name="DarkOliveGreen">#556B2F</color>
 <color name="Indigo">#4B0082</color>
 <color name="MediumTurquoise">#48D1CC</color>
 <color name="DarkSlateBlue">#483D8B</color>
 <color name="SteelBlue">#4682B4</color>
 <color name="RoyalBlue">#4169E1</color>
 <color name="Turquoise">#40E0D0</color>
 <color name="MediumSeaGreen">#3CB371</color>
 <color name="LimeGreen">#32CD32</color>
 <color name="DarkSlateGray">#2F4F4F</color>
 <color name="SeaGreen">#2E8B57</color>
 <color name="ForestGreen">#228B22</color>
 <color name="LightSeaGreen">#20B2AA</color>
 <color name="DodgerBlue">#1E90FF</color>
 <color name="MidnightBlue">#191970</color>
 <color name="Aqua">#00FFFF</color>
 <color name="Cyan">#00FFFF</color>
 <color name="SpringGreen">#00FF7F</color>
 <color name="Lime">#00FF00</color>
 <color name="MediumSpringGreen">#00FA9A</color>
 <color name="DarkTurquoise">#00CED1</color>
 <color name="DeepSkyBlue">#00BFFF</color>
 <color name="DarkCyan">#008B8B</color>
 <color name="Teal">#008080</color>
 <color name="Green">#008000</color>
 <color name="DarkGreen">#006400</color>
 <color name="Blue">#0000FF</color>
 <color name="MediumBlue">#0000CD</color>
 <color name="DarkBlue">#00008B</color>
 <color name="Navy">#000080</color>
 <color name="Black">#000000</color>

PHP get dropdown value and text

Is there a reason you didn't just use this?

<select id="animal" name="animal">                      
  <option value="0">--Select Animal--</option>
  <option value="Cat">Cat</option>
  <option value="Dog">Dog</option>
  <option value="Cow">Cow</option>

if($_POST['submit'] && $_POST['submit'] != 0)

How to specify an element after which to wrap in css flexbox?

There is part of the spec that sure sounds like this... right in the "flex layout algorithm" and "main sizing" sections:

Otherwise, starting from the first uncollected item, collect consecutive items one by one until the first time that the next collected item would not fit into the flex container’s inner main size, or until a forced break is encountered. If the very first uncollected item wouldn’t fit, collect just it into the line. A break is forced wherever the CSS2.1 page-break-before/page-break-after [CSS21] or the CSS3 break-before/break-after [CSS3-BREAK] properties specify a fragmentation break.


It sure sounds like (aside from the fact that page-breaks ought to be for printing), when laying out a potentially multi-line flex layout (which I take from another portion of the spec is one without flex-wrap: nowrap) a page-break-after: always or break-after: always should cause a break, or wrap to the next line.

.flex-container {
  display: flex;
  flex-flow: row wrap;

.child {
  flex-grow: 1;

.child.break-here {
  page-break-after: always;
  break-after: always;

However, I have tried this and it hasn't been implemented that way in...

  • Safari (up to 7)
  • Chrome (up to 43 dev)
  • Opera (up to 28 dev & 12.16)
  • IE (up to 11)

It does work the way it sounds (to me, at least) like in:

  • Firefox (28+)

Sample at

I didn't find any other requests in the bug tracker, so I reported it at

But the topic took to the mailing list and, regardless of how it sounds, that's not what apparently they meant to imply, except I guess for pagination. So there's no way to wrap before or after a particular box in flex layout without nesting successive flex layouts inside flex children or fiddling with specific widths (e.g. flex-basis: 100%).

This is deeply annoying, of course, since working with the Firefox implementation confirms my suspicion that the functionality is incredibly useful. Aside from the improved vertical alignment, the lack obviates a good deal of the utility of flex layout in numerous scenarios. Having to add additional wrapping tags with nested flex layouts to control the point at which a row wraps increases the complexity of both the HTML and CSS and, sadly, frequently renders order useless. Similarly, forcing the width of an item to 100% reduces the "responsive" potential of the flex layout or requires a lot of highly specific queries or count selectors (e.g. the techniques that may accomplish the general result you need that are mentioned in the other answers).

At least floats had clear. Something may get added at some point or another for this, one hopes.

What are ODEX files in Android?

This Blog article explains the internals of ODEX files:


In Android file system, applications come in packages with the extension .apk. These application packages, or APKs contain certain .odex files whose supposed function is to save space. These ‘odex’ files are actually collections of parts of an application that are optimized before booting. Doing so speeds up the boot process, as it preloads part of an application. On the other hand, it also makes hacking those applications difficult because a part of the coding has already been extracted to another location before execution.

OpenCV - Saving images to a particular folder of choice

You can do it with OpenCV's function imwrite:

import cv2
cv2.imwrite('Path/Image.jpg', image_name)

AWK to print field $2 first, then field $1

The awk is ok. I'm guessing the file is from a windows system and has a CR (^m ascii 0x0d) on the end of the line.

This will cause the cursor to go to the start of the line after $2.

Use dos2unix or vi with :se ff=unix to get rid of the CRs.

git clone through ssh

Disclaimer: This is just a copy of a comment by bobbaluba made more visible for future visitors. It helped me more than any other answer.

You have to drop the ssh:// prefix when using git clone as an example

git clone [email protected]:owner/repo.git

how to delete the content of text file without deleting itself

you can write a generic method as (its too late but below code will help you/others)

public static FileInputStream getFile(File fileImport) throws IOException {
      FileInputStream fileStream = null;
    try {
        PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fileImport);
        fileStream = new FileInputStream(fileImport);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
        } finally {
         return fileStream;

IE and Edge fix for object-fit: cover;

Here is the only CSS solution to fix this. Use the below css.

.row-fluid {
  display: table;

.row-fluid .span6 {
  display: table-cell;
  vertical-align: top;

.vc_single_image-wrapper {
  position: relative;

.vc_single_image-wrapper .image-wrapper {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  right: 0;
  background-size: cover;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: 50% 50%;

HTML from the OP:

<div class="vc_single_image-wrapper   vc_box_border_grey">
  <div class="image-wrapper" style="background-image: url(;"></div>

try this, it should work. also remove float from .row-fluid .span6

Fixing broken UTF-8 encoding

It looks like your utf-8 is being interpreted as iso8859-1 or Win-1250 at some point.

When you say "In my database I have a few instances of bad encodings" - how did you check this? Through your app, phpmyadmin or the command line client? Are all utf-8 encodings showing up like this or only some? Is it possible you had the encodings wrong and it has been incorrectly converted from iso8859-1 to utf-8 when it was utf-8 already?

How can I copy columns from one sheet to another with VBA in Excel?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
  Dim rng As Range, r As Range
  Set rng = Intersect(Target, Range("a2:a" & Rows.Count))
  If rng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    For Each r In rng
      If Not IsEmpty(r.Value) Then
        r.Copy Destination:=Sheets("sheet2").Range("a2")
      End If
  Set rng = Nothing
End Sub

How to retrieve Jenkins build parameters using the Groovy API?

For resolving a single parameter (I guess what's most commonly needed), this is the simplest I found:


in your Groovy System script build step.

A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again in Eclipse x86 Windows 8.1

Running the jar from command line by:

C:\folder\where\jar\stored>java -jar JarName.jar

I got information which made the problem clearer:

main/Main has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime

enter image description here

In this case jar was compiled with version newer than jre supports.

sql query to return differences between two tables

This will do the trick, similar with Tiago's solution, return "source" table as well.

select [First name], [Last name], max(_tabloc) as _tabloc
from (
  select [First Name], [Last name], 't1' as _tabloc from table1
  union all
  select [First name], [Last name], 't2' as _tabloc from table2
) v
group by [Fist Name], [Last name]
having count(1)=1

result will contain differences between tables, in column _tabloc you will have table reference.

Nesting await in Parallel.ForEach

Using DataFlow as svick suggested may be overkill, and Stephen's answer does not provide the means to control the concurrency of the operation. However, that can be achieved rather simply:

public static async Task RunWithMaxDegreeOfConcurrency<T>(
     int maxDegreeOfConcurrency, IEnumerable<T> collection, Func<T, Task> taskFactory)
    var activeTasks = new List<Task>(maxDegreeOfConcurrency);
    foreach (var task in collection.Select(taskFactory))
        if (activeTasks.Count == maxDegreeOfConcurrency)
            await Task.WhenAny(activeTasks.ToArray());
            //observe exceptions here
            activeTasks.RemoveAll(t => t.IsCompleted); 
    await Task.WhenAll(activeTasks.ToArray()).ContinueWith(t => 
        //observe exceptions in a manner consistent with the above   

The ToArray() calls can be optimized by using an array instead of a list and replacing completed tasks, but I doubt it would make much of a difference in most scenarios. Sample usage per the OP's question:

RunWithMaxDegreeOfConcurrency(10, ids, async i =>
    ICustomerRepo repo = new CustomerRepo();
    var cust = await repo.GetCustomer(i);

EDIT Fellow SO user and TPL wiz Eli Arbel pointed me to a related article from Stephen Toub. As usual, his implementation is both elegant and efficient:

public static Task ForEachAsync<T>(
      this IEnumerable<T> source, int dop, Func<T, Task> body) 
    return Task.WhenAll( 
        from partition in Partitioner.Create(source).GetPartitions(dop) 
        select Task.Run(async delegate { 
            using (partition) 
                while (partition.MoveNext()) 
                    await body(partition.Current).ContinueWith(t => 
                              //observe exceptions

why does DateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") give me dd-MM-yyyy?

Add CultureInfo.InvariantCulture as an argument:

using System.Globalization;


var dateTime = new DateTime(2016,8,16);
dateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

Will return:


SVN 405 Method Not Allowed

I got this error because I replaced URL address with new one ending up with "/". I mean record in wc.db database in .svn folder in REPOSITORY table.

When I removed sign: "/" then the error went away.

how to get 2 digits after decimal point in tsql?

Your format syntax is wrong actual syntax is

 FORMAT ( value, format [, culture ] )

Please follow this link it helps you

Click here for more details

Android List View Drag and Drop sort

Now it's pretty easy to implement for RecyclerView with ItemTouchHelper. Just override onMove method from ItemTouchHelper.Callback:

public boolean onMove(RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, RecyclerView.ViewHolder target) {
    mMovieAdapter.swap(viewHolder.getAdapterPosition(), target.getAdapterPosition());
    return true;

Pretty good tutorial on this can be found at : Drag and Swipe with RecyclerView

Round to 2 decimal places

Create a class called Round and try using the method round as Round.round(targetValue, roundToDecimalPlaces) in your code

public class Round {

        public static float round(float targetValue, int roundToDecimalPlaces ){

            int valueInTwoDecimalPlaces = (int) (targetValue * Math.pow(10, roundToDecimalPlaces));

            return (float) (valueInTwoDecimalPlaces / Math.pow(10, roundToDecimalPlaces));


Laravel 5.4 redirection to custom url after login

Path Customization (tested in laravel 7) When a user is successfully authenticated, they will be redirected to the /home URI. You can customize the post-authentication redirect path using the HOME constant defined in your RouteServiceProvider:

public const HOME = '/home';

Binding Button click to a method

Click is an event. In your code behind, you need to have a corresponding event handler to whatever you have in the XAML. In this case, you would need to have the following:

private void Command(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


Commands are different. If you need to wire up a command, you'd use the Commmand property of the button and you would either use some pre-built Commands or wire up your own via the CommandManager class (I think).

Excel Reference To Current Cell

Create a named formula called THIS_CELL

  1. In the current worksheet, select cell A1 (this is important!)

  2. Open Name Manager (Ctl+F3)

  3. Click New...

  4. Enter "THIS_CELL" (or just "THIS", which is my preference) into Name:

  5. Enter the following formula into Refers to:


    NOTE: Be sure cell A1 is selected. This formula is relative to the ActiveCell.

  6. Under Scope: select Workbook.

  7. Click OK and close the Name Manager

Use the formula in the worksheet exactly as you wanted


EDIT: Better solution than using INDIRECT()

It's worth noting that the solution I've given should be preferred over any solution using the INDIRECT() function for two reasons:

  1. It is nonvolatile, while INDIRECT() is a volatile Excel function, and as a result will dramatically slow down workbook calculation when it is used a lot.
  2. It is much simpler, and does not require converting an address (in the form of ROW() COLUMN()) to a range reference to an address and back to a range reference again.

EDIT: Also see this question for more information on workbook-scoped, sheet dependent named ranges.

EDIT: Also see @imix's answer below for a variation on this idea (using RC style references). In that case, you could use =!RC for the THIS_CELL named range formula, or just use RC directly.

SQL query for a carriage return in a string and ultimately removing carriage return

If you are considering creating a function, try this: DECLARE @schema sysname = 'dbo' , @tablename sysname = 'mvtEST' , @cmd NVarchar(2000) , @ColName sysname

    DECLARE @NewLine Table
    (ColumnName Varchar(100)
    ,Location Int
    ,ColumnValue Varchar(8000)


    OPEN looper
    FETCH NEXT FROM looper INTO @ColName

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0
    SELECT @cmd = 'select ''' +@ColName+    ''',  CHARINDEX(Char(10),  '+  @ColName +') , '+ @ColName + ' from '+@schema + '.'+@tablename +' where CHARINDEX(Char(10),  '+  @ColName +' ) > 0 or CHARINDEX(CHAR(13), '+@ColName +') > 0'
    PRINT @cmd
    INSERT @NewLine ( ColumnName, Location, ColumnValue )
    EXEC sp_executesql @cmd
    FETCH NEXT FROM looper INTO @ColName
    CLOSE looper
    DEALLOCATE looper

    SELECT * FROM  @NewLine

ASP.NET Identity reset password

string message = null;
//reset the password
var result = await IdentityManager.Passwords.ResetPasswordAsync(model.Token, model.Password);
if (result.Success)
    message = "The password has been reset.";
    return RedirectToAction("PasswordResetCompleted", new { message = message });

This snippet of code is taken out of the AspNetIdentitySample project available on github

React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string

// @flow

import React from 'react';
import { styleLocal } from './styles';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import { TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';

export default React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
const { onSeachClick, onChangeTextSearch , ...otherProps } = props;

  return (
        <View style={styleLocal.sectionStyle}>
        <TouchableOpacity onPress={onSeachClick}>
                    style={styleLocal.imageStyle} />
                style={{ flex: 1, fontSize: 18 }}
                placeholder="Search Here"
                onChangeText={(text) => { onChangeTextSearch(text) }}
 import IGPSSearch from '../../components/IGPSSearch';
<Search onSeachClick={onSeachClick} onChangeTextSearch= {onChangeTextSearch}> </Search>

How do we check if a pointer is NULL pointer?

The compiler must provide a consistent type system, and provide a set of standard conversions. Neither the integer value 0 nor the NULL pointer need to be represented by all-zero bits, but the compiler must take care of converting the "0" token in the input file to the correct representation for integer zero, and the cast to pointer type must convert from integer to pointer representation.

The implication of this is that

void *p;
memset(&p, 0, sizeof p);
if(p) { ... }

is not guaranteed to behave the same on all target systems, as you are making an assumption about the bit pattern here.

As an example, I have an embedded platform that has no memory protection, and keeps the interrupt vectors at address 0, so by convention, integers and pointers are XORed with 0x2000000 when converted, which leaves (void *)0 pointing at an address that generates a bus error when dereferenced, however testing the pointer with an if statement will return it to integer representation first, which is then all-zeros.

keytool error Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

I have solve this issue by using default password "changeit".

Disable all dialog boxes in Excel while running VB script?

In Access VBA I've used this to turn off all the dialogs when running a bunch of updates:

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

After running all the updates, the last step in my VBA script is:

DoCmd.SetWarnings True

Hope this helps.

How SID is different from Service name in Oracle tnsnames.ora

Quote by @DAC

In short: SID = the unique name of your DB, ServiceName = the alias used when connecting

Not strictly true. SID = unique name of the INSTANCE (eg the oracle process running on the machine). Oracle considers the "Database" to be the files.

Service Name = alias to an INSTANCE (or many instances). The main purpose of this is if you are running a cluster, the client can say "connect me to", the DBA can on the fly change the number of instances which are available to requests, or even move to a completely different database without the client needing to change any settings.

"Could not find acceptable representation" using spring-boot-starter-web

For me, the problem was trying to pass a filename in a url, with a dot. For example

"http://localhost:8080/something/asdf.jpg" //causes error because of '.jpg'

It could be solved by not passing the .jpg extension, or sending it all in a request body.

What does 'foo' really mean?

foo = File or Object. It is used in place of an object variable or file name.

What is &amp used for

if you're doing a string of characters. make:

let linkGoogle = ''; 
let origin = '&origin=' + locations[0][1] + ',' + locations[0][2];

aNav.href = linkGoogle + origin;

Corrupt jar file

As I just came across this topic I wanted to share the reason and solution why I got the message "invalid or corrupt jarfile":

I had updated the version of the "maven-jar-plugin" in my pom.xml from 2.1 to 3.1.2. Everything still went fine and a jar file was built. But somehow it obviously wouldn't run anymore.

As soon as i set the "maven-jar-plugin" version back to 2.1 again, the problem was gone.

Convert line endings

Doing this with POSIX is tricky:

  • POSIX Sed does not support \r or \15. Even if it did, the in place option -i is not POSIX

  • POSIX Awk does support \r and \15, however the -i inplace option is not POSIX

  • d2u and dos2unix are not POSIX utilities, but ex is

  • POSIX ex does not support \r, \15, \n or \12

To remove carriage returns:

awk 'BEGIN{RS="^$";ORS="";getline;gsub("\r","");print>ARGV[1]}' file

To add carriage returns:

awk 'BEGIN{RS="^$";ORS="";getline;gsub("\n","\r&");print>ARGV[1]}' file

Input type=password, don't let browser remember the password

Try using autocomplete="off". Not sure if every browser supports it, though. MSDN docs here.

EDIT: Note: most browsers have dropped support for this attribute. See Is autocomplete="off" compatible with all modern browsers?

This is arguably something that should be left up to the user rather than the web site designer.

How to add target="_blank" to JavaScript window.location?

Just use in your if (key=="smk")

if (key=="smk") {'','_blank'); }

git status shows fatal: bad object HEAD

I solved this by doing git fetch. My error was because I moved my file from my main storage to my secondary storage on windows 10.

Restart node upon changing a file

You can also try nodemon

To Install Nodemon

npm install -g nodemon

To use Nodemon

Normally we start node program like:

node server.js

But here you have to do like:

nodemon server.js

What do these three dots in React do?

if you have an array of elements and you want to display the elements you just use ...arrayemaments and it will iterate over all the elements

How to redirect to a different domain using NGINX?

If you would like to redirect requests for "" to "", you could create a server block that looks like this:

server {
    listen 80;
    return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;

How to change status bar color to match app in Lollipop? [Android]

Just add this in you styles.xml. The colorPrimary is for the action bar and the colorPrimaryDark is for the status bar.

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <item name="android:colorPrimary">@color/primary</item>
    <item name="android:colorPrimaryDark">@color/primary_dark</item>

This picture from developer android explains more about color pallete. You can read more on this link.

enter image description here

Where does forever store console.log output?

Need to do normal forever start script.js to start, and to check console/error logs use forever logs this will print list of all logs being stored by forever and then you can use tail -f /path/to/logs/file.log and this will print live logs to your window. hit ctrl+z to stop logs print.

Comparing two files in linux terminal

You can also use:

sdiff file1 file2

To display differences side by side within your terminal!

Case Statement Equivalent in R

There is a switch statement but I can never seem to get it to work the way I think it should. Since you have not provided an example I will make one using a factor variable:

 dft <-data.frame(x = sample(letters[1:8], 20, replace=TRUE))
[1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h"

If you specify the categories you want in an order appropriate to the reassignment you can use the factor or numeric variables as an index:

c("abc", "abc", "abc", "def", "def", "def", "g", "h")[dft$x]
 [1] "def" "h"   "g"   "def" "def" "abc" "h"   "h"   "def" "abc" "abc" "abc" "h"   "h"   "abc"
[16] "def" "abc" "abc" "def" "def"

dft$y <- c("abc", "abc", "abc", "def", "def", "def", "g", "h")[dft$x] str(dft)
'data.frame':   20 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ x: Factor w/ 8 levels "a","b","c","d",..: 4 8 7 4 6 1 8 8 5 2 ...
 $ y: chr  "def" "h" "g" "def" ...

I later learned that there really are two different switch functions. It's not generic function but you should think about it as either switch.numeric or switch.character. If your first argument is an R 'factor', you get switch.numeric behavior, which is likely to cause problems, since most people see factors displayed as character and make the incorrect assumption that all functions will process them as such.

Creating a div element inside a div element in javascript

Your code works well you just mistyped this line of code:


change it with this: (The "B" should be capitalized.)



function test() {_x000D_
    var element = document.createElement("div");_x000D_
    element.appendChild(document.createTextNode('The man who mistook his wife for a hat'));_x000D_
<input id="filter" type="text" placeholder="Enter your filter text here.." onkeyup = "test()" />_x000D_
<div id="lc" style="background: blue; height: 150px; width: 150px;_x000D_
}" onclick="test();">  _x000D_

WCF error - There was no endpoint listening at

in my case

my service has function to Upload Files

and this error just shown up on trying to upload Big Files

so I found this answer to Increase maxRequestLength to needed value in web.config

and problem solved

if you don't make any upload or download operations maybe this answer will not help you

How do I set specific environment variables when debugging in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio for Mac and C# you can use:

Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("<Variable_name>", "<Value>");

But you will need the following namespace

using System.Collections;

you can check the full list of variables with this:

foreach (DictionaryEntry de in Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables())
            Console.WriteLine("  {0} = {1}", de.Key, de.Value);

What does double question mark (??) operator mean in PHP

$myVar = $someVar ?? 42;

Is equivalent to :

$myVar = isset($someVar) ? $someVar : 42;

For constants, the behaviour is the same when using a constant that already exists :

define("FOO", "bar");
define("BAR", null);

$MyVar = FOO ?? "42";
$MyVar2 = BAR ?? "42";

echo $MyVar . PHP_EOL;  // bar
echo $MyVar2 . PHP_EOL; // 42

However, for constants that don't exist, this is different :

$MyVar3 = IDONTEXIST ?? "42"; // Raises a warning
echo $MyVar3 . PHP_EOL;       // IDONTEXIST

Warning: Use of undefined constant IDONTEXIST - assumed 'IDONTEXIST' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP)

Php will convert the non-existing constant to a string.

You can use constant("ConstantName") that returns the value of the constant or null if the constant doesn't exist, but it will still raise a warning. You can prepended the function with the error control operator @ to ignore the warning message :

$myVar = @constant("IDONTEXIST") ?? "42"; // No warning displayed anymore
echo $myVar . PHP_EOL; // 42

How to set the thumbnail image on HTML5 video?

That seems to be an extra image being shown there.

You can try using this

<img src="/images/image_of_video.png" alt="image" />
/* write your code for the video here */

Now using jQuery play the video and hide the image as

$('img').click(function () {
  // use the parameters to play the video now..

How to check for the type of a template parameter?

I think todays, it is better to use, but only with C++17.

#include <type_traits>

template <typename T>
void foo() {
    if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, animal>) {
        // use type specific operations... 

If you use some type specific operations in if expression body without constexpr, this code will not compile.

PDF Blob - Pop up window not showing content

// I used this code with the fpdf library.
// Este código lo usé con la libreria fpdf.

var datas = json1;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "carpeta/archivo.php");
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
xhr.responseType = "blob";
xhr.onload = function () {
    if (this.status === 200) {
        var blob = new Blob([xhr.response], {type: 'application/pdf'});
        const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);,"_blank");
        setTimeout(function () {
            // For Firefox it is necessary to delay revoking the ObjectURL
                , 100

What do numbers using 0x notation mean?

Literals that start with 0x are hexadecimal integers. (base 16)

The number 0x6400 is 25600.

6 * 16^3 + 4 * 16^2 = 25600

For an example including letters (also used in hexadecimal notation where A = 10, B = 11 ... F = 15)

The number 0x6BF0 is 27632.

6 * 16^3 + 11 * 16^2 + 15 * 16^1 = 27632
24576    + 2816      + 240       = 27632

com.sun.jdi.InvocationException occurred invoking method

There could be two reasons an element doesn't exist:

  1. Bad xpath (//*[@id'forgotQuote])
  2. Correct xpath but no element (//*[contains(text(),'This text is not in the page')])

Would you get com.sun.jdi.InvocationException in either case when you are running Debug and you hover your mouse over a reference to the WeBElement (this with Selenium and Java)???

We use the following, but can't distinguish if it returns false due to bad xpath or non-existent element (valid xpath syntax):

public static boolean isElementDisplayed(WebElement element) {
    boolean isDisplayed = false;

    try {
        isDisplayed = element.isDisplayed();
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
        ;// No Worries
    return isDisplayed;

Adding Http Headers to HttpClient

When it can be the same header for all requests or you dispose the client after each request you can use the DefaultRequestHeaders.Add option:


SQL Server stored procedure creating temp table and inserting value

A SELECT INTO statement creates the table for you. There is no need for the CREATE TABLE statement before hand.

What is happening is that you create #ivmy_cash_temp1 in your CREATE statement, then the DB tries to create it for you when you do a SELECT INTO. This causes an error as it is trying to create a table that you have already created.

Either eliminate the CREATE TABLE statement or alter your query that fills it to use INSERT INTO SELECT format.

If you need a unique ID added to your new row then it's best to use SELECT INTO... since IDENTITY() only works with this syntax.

`React/RCTBridgeModule.h` file not found

QUICK FIX (not the best)

Change the import react-native header lines:

 #import <React/RCTBridgeModule.h>
 #import <React/RCTLog.h>


 #import "RCTBridgeModule.h"
 #import "RCTLog.h"

Here is an example of changes I had to make for the library I was trying to use: Closes #46 - 'RCTBridgeModule.h' file not found.

CSS background-image not working

Add "display:block;" in your .btn-pTool class

Request header field Access-Control-Allow-Headers is not allowed by itself in preflight response

I received the error the OP stated using Django, React, and the django-cors-headers lib. To fix it with this stack, do the following:

In add the below per the official documentation.

from corsheaders.defaults import default_headers

CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS = default_headers + (

How to analyse the heap dump using jmap in java

You should use jmap -heap:format=b <process-id> without any paths. So it creates a *.bin file which you can open with jvisualvm.exe (same path as jmap). It's a great tool to open such dump files.

Lightweight workflow engine for Java

You can look @ Apache Ant to build a workflow engine.Its much more robust and is a pure state-machine with most of the requirements needed already built in.

Apart from that you can also embed different dynamic code/scripts in Java/Groovy/JS language and hence that makes it very powerful. Also it allows tasks extension.

There is some fair amount of tooling around it or you can build on top of it if a IDE is needed.

Update : Spring state machine is also available which is relatuvely light weight and not bloated :

Can you nest html forms?

About nesting forms: I spent 10 years one afternoon trying to debug an ajax script.

my previous answer/example didn't account for the html markup, sorry.

<form id='form_1' et al>
  <input stuff>
  <submit onClick='ajaxFunction(That_Puts_form_2_In_The_ajaxContainer)' >
  <td id='ajaxContainer></td>

form_2 constantly failed saying invalid form_2.

When I moved the ajaxContainer that produced form_2 <i>outside</i> of form_1, I was back in business. It the answer the question as to why one might nest forms. I mean, really, what's the ID for if not to define which form is to be used? There must be a better, slicker work around.

Mailx send html message

If you use AIX try this This will attach a text file and include a HTML body If this does not work catch the output in the /var/spool/mqueue

if (( $# < 1 ))
  echo "\n\tSyntax: $(basename) MAILTO SUBJECT BODY.html ATTACH.txt "
  echo "\tmailzatt"
export MAILTO=${[email protected]}
export BODY=${3-/apps/bin/attch.txt}
export ATTACH=${4-/apps/bin/attch.txt}
export HST=$(hostname)
#export BODY="/wrk/stocksum/report.html"
#export ATTACH="/wrk/stocksum/Report.txt"
#export MAILPART=`uuidgen` ## Generates Unique ID
#export MAILPART_BODY=`uuidgen` ## Generates Unique ID
export MAILPART="==".$(date +%d%S)."===" ## Generates Unique ID
export MAILPART_BODY="==".$(date +%d%Sbody)."===" ## Generates Unique ID
echo "To: $MAILTO"
 echo "From: mailmate@$HST "
 echo "Subject: $SUBJECT"
 echo "MIME-Version: 1.0"
 echo "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$MAILPART\""
 echo ""
 echo "--$MAILPART"
 echo "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"$MAILPART_BODY\""
 echo ""
 echo ""
 echo "--$MAILPART_BODY"
 echo "Content-Type: text/html"
 echo "Content-Disposition: inline"
 cat $BODY
 echo ""
 echo "--$MAILPART_BODY--"
 echo ""
 echo "--$MAILPART"
 echo "Content-Type: text/plain"
 echo "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$(basename $ATTACH)\""
 echo ""
 cat $ATTACH
 echo ""
 echo "--${MAILPART}--"
  ) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t

Conversion of Char to Binary in C

Your code is very vague and not understandable, but I can provide you with an alternative.

First of all, if you want temp to go through the whole string, you can do something like this:

char *temp;
for (temp = your_string; *temp; ++temp)
    /* do something with *temp */

The term *temp as the for condition simply checks whether you have reached the end of the string or not. If you have, *temp will be '\0' (NUL) and the for ends.

Now, inside the for, you want to find the bits that compose *temp. Let's say we print the bits:

for (as above)
    int bit_index;
    for (bit_index = 7; bit_index >= 0; --bit_index)
        int bit = *temp >> bit_index & 1;
        printf("%d", bit);

To make it a bit more generic, that is to convert any type to bits, you can change the bit_index = 7 to bit_index = sizeof(*temp)*8-1

Jinja2 template variable if None Object set a default value

{{p.User['first_name'] or 'My default string'}}

Pass multiple optional parameters to a C# function

C# 4.0 also supports optional parameters, which could be useful in some other situations. See this article.

How do I set a textbox's value using an anchor with jQuery?

To assign value of a text box whose id is "textbox" in JQuery please do the following

$("#textbox").get(0).value = "blah"

Runnable with a parameter?

Since Java 8, the best answer is to use Consumer<T>:

It's one of the functional interfaces, which means you can call it as a lambda expression:

void doSomething(Consumer<String> something) {


doSomething( (something) -> System.out.println(something) )


How do I empty an input value with jQuery?

Usual way to empty textbox using jquery is:


If above code is not working than please check that you are able to get the input element.

console.log($('#txtInput')); // should return element in the console.

If still facing the same problem, please post your code.