[java] A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again in Eclipse x86 Windows 8.1

    public class LoginCumReg implements ActionListener,KeyListener {
        private JFrame form;
        private JTextField txtunm;
        private JTextField txtnm;
        private JTextField txteml;
        private JButton cmdcreate;
        private JPasswordField txtpass;
        private JPasswordField txtpassreg;
        private JButton cmdok;
        private JLabel lblunm;
        private JLabel lblpass;
        private JLabel lbleml;
        private JLabel lblpassreg;
        private JLabel lblnm;
        private JPanel panel_1;
    public LoginCumReg() {
        // construct components
        form = new JFrame("Sign Up");
                new Font("Plantagenet Cherokee", Font.BOLD, 18));
        txtunm = new JTextField(5);
        txtunm.setBounds(637, 55, 100, 25);
        txtnm = new JTextField(5);
        txtnm.setBounds(637, 228, 100, 25);
        txteml = new JTextField(5);
        txteml.setBounds(637, 264, 100, 25);
        cmdcreate = new JButton("Create Account");
        cmdcreate.setBounds(527, 350, 188, 25);
        txtpass = new JPasswordField(5);
        txtpass.setBounds(637, 91, 100, 25);
        txtpassreg = new JPasswordField(5);
        txtpassreg.setBounds(637, 300, 100, 25);
        cmdok = new JButton("OK");
        cmdok.setBounds(527, 139, 100, 25);
        lblunm = new JLabel("UserName");
        lblunm.setBounds(527, 55, 73, 25);
        lblpass = new JLabel("Password");
        lblpass.setBounds(527, 91, 100, 25);
        lbleml = new JLabel("Email ID");
        lbleml.setBounds(527, 264, 100, 25);
        lblpassreg = new JLabel("Password");
        lblpassreg.setBounds(527, 300, 100, 25);
        lblnm = new JLabel("Full Name");
        lblnm.setBounds(527, 228, 100, 25);

        // form.setResizable(false);

        // adjust size and set layout
        form.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800, 450));


        // add components

        cmdcreate.setActionCommand("Create Account");

        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
        panel.setBounds(502, 29, 254, 154);
        panel.setFont(new Font("Palatino Linotype", Font.PLAIN, 14));
        panel.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new EtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.RAISED,
                null, null), "LOGIN", TitledBorder.LEADING, TitledBorder.TOP,
                null, null));

        panel_1 = new JPanel();
        panel_1.setBounds(500, 204, 254, 186);
        panel_1.setFont(new Font("Palatino Linotype", Font.PLAIN, 14));
        panel_1.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new EtchedBorder(
                EtchedBorder.RAISED, null, null), "SIGN UP",
                TitledBorder.LEADING, TitledBorder.TOP, null, null));

        JLabel lblNewLabel = new JLabel("New label");
        lblNewLabel.setBounds(91, 139, 286, 101);
        lblNewLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(

        JPanel panel_2 = new JPanel();
        panel_2.setBounds(77, 118, 315, 145);
        panel_2.setBorder(new EtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.RAISED,
                SystemColor.activeCaptionBorder, SystemColor.menu));


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new LoginCumReg();

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Create Account")) {
            new Registration(txtnm.getText(), txteml.getText(), new String(

        if (ae.getActionCommand().equals("Login")) {
            try {
                if (txtunm.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("admin")
                        && new String(txtpass.getPassword()).equals("admin")) {
                    new Admin();
                } else {
                    DataBase db = new DataBase();
                    String sql = "SELECT * FROM LOGIN WHERE USERNAME='"
                            + txtunm.getText() + "'";
                    ResultSet rs = db.getDDL(sql);
                    boolean found = false;
                    while (rs.next()) {
                        if (rs.getString("Password").equals(
                                new String(txtpass.getPassword()))) {
                            found = true;
                            String name = rs.getString("FullName");
                            Session.startSession(txtunm.getText(), name);
                            new FacultyWelcome();
                    if (!found)
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new JFrame(),
                                "Invalid Credentials");
            } catch (Exception e) {


    public void keyPressed(KeyEvent arg0) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    public void keyReleased(KeyEvent arg0) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent arg0) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    //  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new JFrame(), arg0.getKeyChar()+"-"+arg0.getKeyCode());


The above code works perfectly on my friend's laptop and throws this error on my laptop. I have running the code on Eclipse Juno using Java 7. I have also tested and run a lot java programs on my laptop all works well. This is the only program which gives such an error. This is my final year project and I need it to work on my laptop, I will be greatful to anyone who helps

This question is related to java mysql eclipse java-native-interface

The answer is

I also faced the same issue. By looking at the console that's saying

java.lang.SecurityException issue.

the Solution is:

Check your package name of your project.

Hope your issue will be resolved. If not, then please print your console trace for tracking the root cause.

I have been having this problem for a while, but now I have figured it out.

It turns out that Java JDK 12 have both the JRE and the JDK inside the bin folder of the Java 12 JDK. (I have always believed that JRE and JDK are different application, but it turns out things have changed)

My problem was that I had Java JDK 12 installed on my computer

At the same time, I had Java 8 (JRE) Installed on my computer.

So my computer is getting confused.

With my command prompt environment setup to run Java and Javac commands:

I typed the follow commands:

java -version  

// this gave me Java 8

After that, I typed:

javac -version

// this gave me Java 12

In other words, my program is getting compiled with Java 12 and I am trying to run with Java 8.

To solve the problem, I uninstalled Java 8 JRE from my computer.

Went back to command prompt to check if "java -version" and "javac -version" is returning the same version number, and yes, it is returning Java 12.

Tried recompiling my program again, and running it. It Worked!!

It worked! Eureka!!

I was facing the same issue and in my case compiler compliance level was selected as 14 in my eclipse settings. In order to fix it, I changed it to the version of JDK on my machine i.e 1.8 and recompiled the project.

enter image description here

It can happen if the JDK version is different.

try this with maven:


under build->plugins:




I have been running into the same error when I add the following maven dependency in my project:


The error came up only when I ran the shade jar file produced by maven-shade-plugin. I was able to overcome the error by using the jar produced by maven-assembly-plugin.

You can try: right click on the project and then click clean. After this run the project.

It works for me.

edit the ".classpath" and include below tag

<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.testng.TESTNG_CONTAINER"/>

this could solve your problem.

In my case, Eclipse was giving me this error but I was getting classnotfoundexception on javax.servlet.http.HttpServletin the logs.

In my case, I was trying to start a spring boot app with exclude module: 'spring-boot-starter-tomcat' in my build.gradle (since I'm deploying on Wildfly).

The solution was to comment this exclude out. The eclipse JNI error was very misleading and I would suggest fixing this.

I have found that adding these lines of code to the pom.xml file of the maven project solves similar issues for me:-



had the same issue. I had imported a newer version of json library (deleted the old one - but not removed it from the build path). Resolved it by removing the reference to the old one from the build path

There was no information in my Console so that sent me searching for additional solutions and found these - unique to the solutions presented here. I encountered this with Eclipse Oxygen trying to run an old Ant build on a project.

Cause 1 I had configured Eclipse to use an external Ant install which was version 1.10.2 which apparently had classes in it that were compiled with JDK 9. In Eclipse I got the JNI error described above (running the Ant build at the command line gave me the reknowned 'unsupported major.minor version' error - the Java I was using on the system was JDK 8).

The solution was to rollback to the embedded Eclipse version of Ant being 1.10.1. I verified this as the correct solution by downloading Ant 1.10.1 separately and reconfiguring Eclipse to use the new 1.10.1 externally and it still worked.

Cause 2 This can also happen when you have the Ant Runtime settings configured incorrectly in Eclipse's Preferences. Depending on the version of Ant you're running you will need to add the tools.jar from the appropriate JDK to the classpath used for the Ant Runtime (Home Entries). More specifically, without a proper configuration, Eclipse will complain when launching an Ant target that the JRE version is less than a particular required version.

Essentially, 'proper configuration' means aligning each of the configuration items in Eclipse for running Ant so that they all work together. This involves the Ant Runtime Home entry (must point to an Ant version that is compatible with your chosen JDK -- you can't run Ant with JDK 8 when it was compiled against JDK 9); specifying the tools.jar that belongs to the JDK you want to run Ant with in the Ant Runtime settings; and lastly setting the JRE environment of your build script to the JDK you want to run Ant with in the External Tools Configuration. All 3 of these settings need to agree to avoid the error described above. You'll also need to consider the attributes used in your javac tag to ensure the JDK you're using is capable of executing as you've directed (i.e. JDK 7 can't compile code using source and target version 8).

Moreover If you're really just trying to run an Ant build script to compile code to an older JDK (e.g. less than 8 for Oxygen), this article helped gain access to run Ant against an older JDK. There are Ant plugin replacements for a handful of versions of Eclipse, the instructions are brief and getting the correct plugin version for your particular Eclipse is important.

Or more simply you can use this very good solution to do your legacy compile which doesn't require replacing your Eclipse plugin but instead changing the javac tag in your build script (while using the latest JDK).

The accepted answer did not resolve the issue, hence posting what worked for me.

Error/Issue: While trying to run my application as a Java application or as a Spring boot application, I am getting below error

A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again. A Java exception has occured.

as well as getting this error on console Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/example/demo/IocApplication has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 55.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0

What is the Root cause?

The reason for this error is that

  • the Code is getting compiled on a higher version, in my case, it is version 11.. and
  • the code is getting executed on a lower version, in my case it is version 8.
  • ie: Java(JDK) compiled code on 11 , where as JRE version is 8.

Where did I configure JDK 11 and JRE 8 ?

  • I am using SpringToolSuite (STS). When I created the project, the JRE System library in the build path, which got added is the default JRE library version of 8 (1.8) But When I go to Project -> properties -> Java Compiler -> Compiler Compliance Level, it is by default having a selected version of 11


Project -> properties -> Java Compiler -> Compiler Compliance Level

  • Set the Compiler Compliance Level to 1.8 That's it. Now you are compiling your code in 1.8 and executing the compiled code with a JRE 1.8.

You can check the console first to see the actual error message then proceed by looking for answers for that error.

My console shows the error NoClassDefFound for the class jcommander. Your error will probably be different from mine. The cause of my error is that the class jcommander is not in my M2 repository, so I just have to add that dependency in my pom.xml. You can check if all the class dependencies are all declared and added in your current config and project build.


I faced a similar problem and than got the solution in the package name. I kept the package name as java.basics. In the console I got a hint for that as it clearly said Prohibited package name. So I changed package name and it worked.

POSSIBLE SOLUTION If NONE of these solutions worked for you then try this... I finally got mine working by deleting the two folders ".metadata" & ".recommenders" in the workspace folder. You can find your workspace folder path by clicking on "File">"Switch Workspace">"Other" in the Eclipse application's toolbar.

Now I am a complete noob crying my way through an SE degree at San Jose State University. So I am just sharing what worked for me without knowing much knowledge of why exactly. I do not know what harm or headaches, or even if both aforementioned folders needed to be deleted. But in the end, it worked for me and it seems the application just recreates fresh versions of those folders anyways.

I experienced the same issue, however in my case it was due to the Configuration settings in IntelliJ IDEA.

Even though the project SDK (File -> Project Structure) was set to Java 11, the JRE in the Run/Debug Configurations (Run -> Edit Configurations) was set to Java 8. After changing that to Java 11, it worked like a charm.

All is not work for me but Once I delete the ".metadata" & ".recommenders" of workspace and also delete the "bin" and "setting" folder and then after I re-import the same project then It worked for me.

If the problem occurs while lanching an ANT, check your ANT HOME: it must point to the same eclipse folder you are running.

It happened to me while I reinstalled a new eclipse version and deleted previouis eclipse fodler while keeping the previous ant home: ant simply did not find any java library.

This in this case the reason is not a bad JDK version.

Running the jar from command line by:

C:\folder\where\jar\stored>java -jar JarName.jar

I got information which made the problem clearer:

main/Main has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime

enter image description here

In this case jar was compiled with version newer than jre supports.

Faced the same issue in Netbeans 8.0.2. Clean and Build Project solved this problem.

I solved it changing my 'Compiler compliance level'. In Eclipse:

Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Compiler

In my case the issue was caused by the JDK version. To solve this I suggest to go into your pom file and check the <jdk.version>1.7</jdk.version>.

Afterwards check java version in your cmd(windows) or terminal ( OSX or LINUX ) by typing : java -version.

Compare the version shown in the terminal\command prompt with what you have in your pom file. Make sure they are the same. Then run your project again.

I hope this helps somebody else. I was suffering with this while working on a project a few years ago and then a job in a newer project started failing a few days ago. I found this post and was trying to recollect what I had modified in my project and then I remembered that I had changed my maven pom and removed the entry for maven-jar-plugin. When you build a jar whose purpose is to be executable, you need to include this so that certain entries get written into the manifest. I opened the old project, copied that entry (with some modifications for project name) and it worked.

Check your console. It says java.lang.SecurityException issue. Change your 'package name'. I changed my package name from 'java.assessment' to 'assesment' and it worked for me. If somebody knows the root cause , let me know please.

In Netbeans 8.0.2:

  1. Right click on your package.
  2. Select "Properties".
  3. Go to "Run" option.
  4. Select main class by browsing your class name.
  5. Click the "Ok" button.

My issue came from trying to disable the Maven nature from my project and then deleting the pom.xml file. This is bad, very bad, don't do this. If you do, change it back to a Maven project and hopefully you can either restore your old pom.xml file or create a new one. As soon as I did that, it worked again.

EDIT: I recently ran across this problem again and this time it was because I had duplicate libraries in my classpath. The one Maven added (which started with /M2_REPO/.... and then one I had added (which I should not have done). Even though Eclipse was reporting that it could not find the class, the actual problem was that I had given it two libraries with the same class and it didn't know which one to use. Once I removed the second reference, it worked.

Hi I faced similar problem with a project, in IntelliJ with Maven dependencies.

I solved it changing the dependencies scope from provided to compile.


File > project structure > Modules > Dependencies > scope (provide to compile)

I think this happen because the name of your class is the same name of another class in the JDK . Help eclipse to determine which one you are trying to run by selecting the package your class is in . Go to run configuration select the project and the main class.

When you press the search button to select the main class, you will find options that have the same name but different package, select your class.

When we get this error while running our java application, check if we have some class name or package names starting with ”java.”, if so change the package name. This is happening because your package name is colliding with java system file names.

Using gradle the following also worked for me:

Package Explorer -> Right Click project -> Gradle -> Refresh Gradle Project

I have faced the same issue due to packaged name was "Java" after rename package name it was not throwing an error.

The programs which has been written on one version of jdk won't support the JNI platform of another version of jdk. If in case we are using jdk10 and jdk8,eclipse configured for jdk10 and code written on jdk10. Now, i don't want to use jdk10 and started using jdk8 as jvm and tried to run the code which is written on jdk10, so eclipse will through error of JNI. So, to come out of this error, please add the current JVM path to eclipse.ini file, after this copy the written code to clipboard and delete the project in eclipse and create new project and check in copied code and run.

I had similar issues when using 'java' at the beginning of the package name, e.g. java.jem.pc

Check your console output, I was receiving:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: Prohibited package name: java.jem.pc

Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again in Eclipse

Solution: Check your package name as it may be colliding with the package name in java. Simply change the package name to resolve your issue. :)

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