[mysql] Loading class `com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'. This is deprecated. The new driver class is `com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver'

in my experience. I was using jsp for web. at that time I use mysql 5 and mysql connecter jar 8. So due to the version problem I face this kind of problem. I solve by replace the mysql connector jar file the exact version mysql.

Examples related to mysql

Implement specialization in ER diagram How to post query parameters with Axios? PHP with MySQL 8.0+ error: The server requested authentication method unknown to the client Loading class `com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'. This is deprecated. The new driver class is `com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver' phpMyAdmin - Error > Incorrect format parameter? Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' is not supported How to resolve Unable to load authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' issue Connection Java-MySql : Public Key Retrieval is not allowed How to grant all privileges to root user in MySQL 8.0 MySQL 8.0 - Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

Examples related to jdbc

Loading class `com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'. This is deprecated. The new driver class is `com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver' Hibernate Error executing DDL via JDBC Statement Unable to create requested service [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment] MySQL JDBC Driver 5.1.33 - Time Zone Issue Spring-Boot: How do I set JDBC pool properties like maximum number of connections? Where can I download mysql jdbc jar from? Print the data in ResultSet along with column names How to set up datasource with Spring for HikariCP? java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver Exception occurring. Why? java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbname