I tried almost anything but no help...
Everytime was just this
? ~ adb devices
List of devices attached
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
aeef5e4e unauthorized
However I've managed to connect device!
There is tutor, step by step.
$ rm -v .android/adbkey*
Remove existing authorized adb keys on device, path is /data/misc/adb/adb_keys
Now create new adb keypair
? ~ adb keygen .android/adbkey
adb I 47453 711886 adb_auth_host.cpp:220] generate_key '.android/adbkey'
adb I 47453 711886 adb_auth_host.cpp:173] Writing public key to '.android/adbkey.pub'
Manually copy from PC .android/adbkey.pub
(pubkic key) to Device on path /data/misc/adb/adb_keys
Reboot device and check adb devices
? ~ adb devices
List of devices attached
aeef5e4e device
Permissions of /data/misc/adb/adb_keys
are (766/-rwxrw-rw-)
on my device