[android-studio] How to find the path of Flutter SDK

How to configure Flutter SDK? How to locate the Flutter SDK? I don't know the location of the SDK file.


This question is related to android-studio flutter

The answer is

All you need to do is to find a folder called "flutter" (lowecase), which is located inside a folder called "Flutter" (uppercase), select it, and browse it.

In my case it is located at:


enter image description here

Also make sure that your Flutter and Dart are of the latest version. If they are not, upgrade them and re-start the IDE.

Download flutter from FLUTTER

or clone from master git clone -b master https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git

So, the flutter sdk path is where you copied or cloned the code till the C:\whateverDrive\flutter inside bin there is a file flutter so when coming to choosing SDK, please select the folder till flutter and add the same in env variable in your windows. remember to add the path till bin that is enough.

configuring the flutter sdk in android studio follow this carefully. This explains everything. ;)

How to create FLUTTER project in android studio in fedora:-

I have installed following:- 1 Android studio 2 Then do following:-

Start Android Studio. Open plugin preferences (Preferences > Plugins on macOS, File > Settings > Plugins on Windows & Linux). Select Marketplace, select the Flutter plugin and click Install. Click Yes when prompted to install the Dart plugin. Click Restart when prompted.

4:- Now create project by clicking new flutter project and do following:- * Choose Flutter Application from the list of configurations * Fill the name and other things * For flutter sdk click and install flutter sdk and specify the location of downloading and after downloading completion, choose that sdk path, this will load your FLutter sdk.

Rest do steps as per your need to create project

If you suppose unzipped the flutter zip file in folder called "Flutter". Your Flutter SDK Path will be <path_of_unzipped_file>\Flutter\flutter

If flutter SDK is already downloaded in the system, then just add path using the below command. This tested on MAC OS

export PATH='sdkpath':$PATH 


export PATH='/Users/apple/dev/flutter/sdk/flutter/bin':$PATH 

There are many answers but the only thing that worked for me is to remove > bin from path.

At various places, it is written that the path should be your_path/dart/bin or your_path/flutter/bin but the correct path that you need to enter is the following:


To find the Flutter SDK path [ used Windows10 ]

  1. In your Android Studio home page on the bottom right click on Configure
  2. Then Click on SDK Manager
  3. Then on System Settings
  4. Then on AndroidSDK

You will see the path at the top

If you have the flutter SDK installed.


flutter doctor -v

The first line will show the install path..

(if you don't have it installed go to the documentation)

Once you have downloaded the Flutter SDK for your specific OS.

Unzip the file. Copy it to a better place. Your Flutter SDK path should be a_better_place/flutter. These would be used in tools such as VSCode or Android Studio.

For command line, you would add a_better_place/flutter/bin. Such as export PATH=a_better_place/flutter/bin:$PATH

The Flutter SDK path is certainly defined in a place where you can check it or change it, whether you created the project or not. Under Settings > Languages & Frameworks there should be a Flutter section. I found it by using the handy search bar in the Settings menu.

At the top of the Languages & Frameworks > Flutter is the Flutter SDK Path.

This is assuming that Flutter/Dart have already been installed under Plugins.

I also had this problem and I solved it inserting my Flutter SDK path which was


In Android Studio

Configuring Flutter SDK is pretty straightforward. You don't have to set paths using the command line if you have already installed Dart and Flutter Plugins in Android Studio

How to Configure Flutter SDK?

Download the SDK and point the SDK folder path in your future projects.

There are different sources you can try

  1. You can clone it from the Github Repository
  2. Download SDK zip file + extract it after downloading
  3. You can also Download any version(including older) from here (For Mac, Windows, Linux)

Use the SDK path in your future projects

enter image description here

How to see Flutter SDK path?

I don't understand the need because you already know the path when you create the project. However, you can get the idea from test/package folder enter image description here

You can use where command in cmd

where flutter

enter image description here

If you've installed flutter from the snap store on Ubuntu, you'll find the SDK at /home/(username)/snap/flutter/common/flutter

FYI - I installed Flutter on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using snap install and am using Android Studio 4.0.1 installed via JetBrains toolbox app

sudo snap install flutter --classic
sudo snap install flutter-gallery
flutter channel dev
flutter upgrade
flutter config --enable-linux-desktop

It was not necessary to install the SDK separately, the snap steps above will place the SDK at /home/(username)/snap/flutter/common/flutter

Here's the Android Studio Pop-up for a new Flutter app accepting this location for the Flutter SDK:

Flutter SDK Path

If you installed flutter via the snap on linux then the sdk is likely to be in


Assuming you have already installed Flutter Plugin if you have not installed then go to Android Studio IDE setting/preferences(MAC) --> plugin--> Browse Repositories and search Flutter then install and restart IDE

Now follow these steps:-

  1. First of all go to https://flutter.io/get-started/install/ and download the Fluter SDK

  2. Then extract the zip file in any specified folder

  3. Now give this path as Fluter SDK

That's it.

If you simply moved the folder with flutter binary executable as I did, then I suggest following:

  1. check your echo $PATH to point to the correct folder. Use export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/flutter/bin" or whatever you need (and you can also include this into your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc). Use source ~/.bashrc to update it without exiting the current terminal window
  2. Check your Android Studio (v3.6) Flutter SDK path to point to the right folder
  3. flutter clean will clean the build/ folder with old paths
  4. flutter doctor just to make sure everything is installed in the OS correctly

after that you should be able to flutter run which will build a new app.

If you are using a windows OS probably this will be your flutter SDK location


If it's not available it's better to choose a path and clone SDK repository

Visit https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/windows#update-your-path official page of Flutter

for windows you can look an Evroitmen variabel with value name Path