Programs & Examples On #Premailer

Has anyone gotten HTML emails working with Twitter Bootstrap?

I spent some time recently looking into building html email templates, the best solution I found was to use this I have since built 3 quite complex templates and they have worked well in the various email clients.

Android Studio - Failed to apply plugin [id '']

Add the following to the top of your app/build.gradle file

apply plugin: 'com.onesignal.androidsdk.onesignal-gradle-plugin'

How do I get the path and name of the file that is currently executing?


import inspect, os
print (inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()) # script filename (usually with path)
print (os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))) # script directory

get client time zone from browser

For now, the best bet is probably jstz as suggested in mbayloon's answer.

For completeness, it should be mentioned that there is a standard on it's way: Intl. You can see this in Chrome already:

> Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone

(This doesn't actually follow the standard, which is one more reason to stick with the library)

New self vs. new static

If the method of this code is not static, you can get a work-around in 5.2 by using get_class($this).

class A {
    public function create1() {
        $class = get_class($this);
        return new $class();
    public function create2() {
        return new static();

class B extends A {


$b = new B();
var_dump(get_class($b->create1()), get_class($b->create2()));

The results:

string(1) "B"
string(1) "B"

Strip first and last character from C string

The most efficient way:

//Note destroys the original string by removing it's last char
// Do not pass in a string literal.
char * getAllButFirstAndLast(char *input)
  int len = strlen(input); 
  if(len > 0)
    input++;//Go past the first char
  if(len > 1)
    input[len - 2] = '\0';//Replace the last char with a null termination
  return input;

//Call it like so
char str[512];
strcpy(str, "hello world");
char *pMod = getAllButFirstAndLast(str);

The safest way:

void getAllButFirstAndLast(const char *input, char *output)
  int len = strlen(input);
  if(len > 0)
    strcpy(output, ++input);
  if(len > 1)
    output[len - 2] = '\0';

//Call it like so
char mod[512];
getAllButFirstAndLast("hello world", mod);

The second way is less efficient but it is safer because you can pass in string literals into input. You could also use strdup for the second way if you didn't want to implement it yourself.

How to add content to html body using JS?


    document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTMl += "New Content";

Checking for #N/A in Excel cell from VBA code

First check for an error (N/A value) and then try the comparisation against cvErr(). You are comparing two different things, a value and an error. This may work, but not always. Simply casting the expression to an error may result in similar problems because it is not a real error only the value of an error which depends on the expression.

If IsError(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Publish").Range("G4").offset(offsetCount, 0).Value) Then
  If (ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Publish").Range("G4").offset(offsetCount, 0).Value <> CVErr(xlErrNA)) Then
    'do something
  End If
End If

Branch from a previous commit using Git

Select Commit

For Git GUI users you can visualize all the history (if necessary) and then right click on the commit you wish to branch from and enter the branch name.

Enter Branch name

Visualize all the history

Remove last specific character in a string c#

King King's answer is of course right. Also Tim Schmelter's comment is also good suggestion in your case.

But if you want really remove last comma in a string, you should find the index of last comma and remove like;

string s = "1,5,12,34,12345";
int index = s.LastIndexOf(',');
Console.WriteLine(s.Remove(index, 1));

Output will be;


Here a demonstration.

It is too unlikely you want this way but I want to point it. And remember, String.Remove method doesn't remove any character in original string, it returns new string.

Storing data into list with class

If you want to instantiate and add in the same line, you'd have to do something like this:

lstemail.Add(new EmailData { FirstName = "JOhn", LastName = "Smith", Location = "Los Angeles" });

or just instantiate the object prior, and add it directly in:

EmailData data = new EmailData();
data.FirstName = "JOhn";
data.LastName = "Smith";
data.Location = "Los Angeles"


ES6 class variable alternatives

In your example:

class MyClass {
    const MY_CONST = 'string';

Because of MY_CONST is primitive we can just do:

class MyClass {
    static get MY_CONST() {
        return 'string';
    get MY_CONST() {
        return this.constructor.MY_CONST;
    constructor() {
        alert(this.MY_CONST === this.constructor.MY_CONST);
new MyClass

// alert: string ; true

But if MY_CONST is reference type like static get MY_CONST() {return ['string'];} alert output is string, false. In such case delete operator can do the trick:

class MyClass {
    static get MY_CONST() {
        delete MyClass.MY_CONST;
        return MyClass.MY_CONST = 'string';
    get MY_CONST() {
        return this.constructor.MY_CONST;
    constructor() {
        alert(this.MY_CONST === this.constructor.MY_CONST);
new MyClass

// alert: string ; true

And finally for class variable not const:

class MyClass {
    static get MY_CONST() {
        delete MyClass.MY_CONST;
        return MyClass.MY_CONST = 'string';
    static set U_YIN_YANG(value) {
      delete MyClass.MY_CONST;
      MyClass.MY_CONST = value;
    get MY_CONST() {
        return this.constructor.MY_CONST;
    set MY_CONST(value) {
        this.constructor.MY_CONST = value;
    constructor() {
        alert(this.MY_CONST === this.constructor.MY_CONST);
new MyClass
// alert: string, true
MyClass.MY_CONST = ['string, 42']
new MyClass
// alert: string, 42 ; true

How do I check if the user is pressing a key?

In java you don't check if a key is pressed, instead you listen to KeyEvents. The right way to achieve your goal is to register a KeyEventDispatcher, and implement it to maintain the state of the desired key:

import java.awt.KeyEventDispatcher;
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;

public class IsKeyPressed {
    private static volatile boolean wPressed = false;
    public static boolean isWPressed() {
        synchronized (IsKeyPressed.class) {
            return wPressed;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().addKeyEventDispatcher(new KeyEventDispatcher() {

            public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent ke) {
                synchronized (IsKeyPressed.class) {
                    switch (ke.getID()) {
                    case KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED:
                        if (ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_W) {
                            wPressed = true;

                    case KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED:
                        if (ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_W) {
                            wPressed = false;
                    return false;

Then you can always use:

if (IsKeyPressed.isWPressed()) {
    // do your thing.

You can, of course, use same method to implement isPressing("<some key>") with a map of keys and their state wrapped inside IsKeyPressed.

Objective-C implicit conversion loses integer precision 'NSUInteger' (aka 'unsigned long') to 'int' warning

The count method of NSArray returns an NSUInteger, and on the 64-bit OS X platform

  • NSUInteger is defined as unsigned long, and
  • unsigned long is a 64-bit unsigned integer.
  • int is a 32-bit integer.

So int is a "smaller" datatype than NSUInteger, therefore the compiler warning.

See also NSUInteger in the "Foundation Data Types Reference":

When building 32-bit applications, NSUInteger is a 32-bit unsigned integer. A 64-bit application treats NSUInteger as a 64-bit unsigned integer.

To fix that compiler warning, you can either declare the local count variable as

NSUInteger count;

or (if you are sure that your array will never contain more than 2^31-1 elements!), add an explicit cast:

int count = (int)[myColors count];

TLS 1.2 not working in cURL

I has similar problem in context of Stripe:

Error: Stripe no longer supports API requests made with TLS 1.0. Please initiate HTTPS connections with TLS 1.2 or later. You can learn more about this at

Forcing TLS 1.2 using CURL parameter is temporary solution or even it can't be applied because of lack of room to place an update. By default TLS test function showed following configuration:

SSL version: NSS/3.21 Basic ECC
SSL version number: 0
TLS test (default): TLS 1.0
TLS test (TLS_v1): TLS 1.2
TLS test (TLS_v1_2): TLS 1.2

I updated libraries using following command:

yum update nss curl openssl

and then saw this:

SSL version: NSS/3.21 Basic ECC
SSL version number: 0
TLS test (default): TLS 1.2
TLS test (TLS_v1): TLS 1.2
TLS test (TLS_v1_2): TLS 1.2

Please notice that default TLS version changed to 1.2! That globally solved problem. This will help PayPal users too: (update before end of June 2017)

Can I use library that used android support with Androidx projects.

I used these two lines of code in application tag in manifest.xml and it worked.



Instagram API to fetch pictures with specific hashtags

Take a look here in order to get started:

and then in order to retrieve pictures by tag, look here:

Getting tags from Instagram doesn't require OAuth, so you can make the calls via these URLs:

GET IMAGES{tag-name}/media/recent?access_token={TOKEN}


TAG INFO{tag-name}?access_token={TOKEN}

How do I get the current GPS location programmatically in Android?

You need to use latest/newest

GoogleApiClient Api

Basically what you need to do is:

private GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient;
mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)


    public void onConnected(Bundle connectionHint) {
        mLastLocation = LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.getLastLocation(
        if (mLastLocation != null) {

for the most accurate and reliable location. See my post here:

Do not use LocationListener which is not accurate and has delayed response. To be honest this is easier to implement. Also read documentation:

How to resolve Error listenerStart when deploying web-app in Tomcat 5.5?

Answered provided by Tom Saleeba is very helpful. Today I also struggled with the same error

Apr 28, 2015 7:53:27 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext startInternal SEVERE: Error listenerStart

I followed the suggestion and added the file. And below was my reason of failure:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot set web app root system property when WAR file is not expanded

The root cause of the issue was a listener (Log4jConfigListener) that I added into the web.xml. And as per the link SEVERE: Exception org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener , this listener cannot be added within a WAR that is not expanded.

It may be helpful for someone to know that this was happening on OpenShift JBoss gear.

What is the use of the @Temporal annotation in Hibernate?

Temporal types are the set of time-based types that can be used in persistent state mappings.

The list of supported temporal types includes the three java.sql types java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, and java.sql.Timestamp, and it includes the two java.util types java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar.

The java.sql types are completely hassle-free. They act just like any other simple mapping type and do not need any special consideration.

The two java.util types need additional metadata, however, to indicate which of the JDBC java.sql types to use when communicating with the JDBC driver. This is done by annotating them with the @Temporal annotation and specifying the JDBC type as a value of the TemporalType enumerated type.

There are three enumerated values of DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP to represent each of the java.sql types.

node.js string.replace doesn't work?

Strings are always modelled as immutable (atleast in heigher level languages python/java/javascript/Scala/Objective-C).

So any string operations like concatenation, replacements always returns a new string which contains intended value, whereas the original string will still be same.

The Import cannot be resolved

I fixed it adding these lines in the build.grandle (App Module)

dependencies {
   compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) //it was there
   compile "" //Added
   compile "" //Added

Internet Explorer cache location

By default, the locations of Temporary Internet Files (for Internet Explorer) are:

Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows ME

c:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files

Windows 2000 and Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\\[User]\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files

Windows Vista and Windows 7

%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files

%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low

Windows 8


Windows 10


Some information came from The Windows Club.

Laravel Redirect Back with() Message

I stopped writing this myself for laravel in favor of the Laracasts package that handles it all for you. It is really easy to use and keeps your code clean. There is even a laracast that covers how to use it. All you have to do:

Pull in the package through Composer.

"require": {
  "laracasts/flash": "~1.0"

Include the service provider within app/config/app.php.

'providers' => [

Add a facade alias to this same file at the bottom:

'aliases' => [
  'Flash' => 'Laracasts\Flash\Flash'

Pull the HTML into the view:


There is a close button on the right of the message. This relies on jQuery so make sure that is added before your bootstrap.

optional changes:

If you aren't using bootstrap or want to skip the include of the flash message and write the code yourself:

@if (Session::has('flash_notification.message'))
  <div class="{{ Session::get('flash_notification.level') }}">
    {{ Session::get('flash_notification.message') }}

If you would like to view the HTML pulled in by @include('flash::message'), you can find it in vendor/laracasts/flash/src/views/message.blade.php.

If you need to modify the partials do:

php artisan view:publish laracasts/flash

The two package views will now be located in the `app/views/packages/laracasts/flash/' directory.

How to kill a nodejs process in Linux?

sudo netstat -lpn |grep :'3000'

3000 is port i was looking for, After first command you will have Process ID for that port

kill -9 1192

in my case 1192 was process Id of process running on 3000 PORT use -9 for Force kill the process

Why should I prefer to use member initialization lists?

As explained in the C++ Core Guidelines C.49: Prefer initialization to assignment in constructors it prevents unnecessary calls to default constructors.

Getting Index of an item in an arraylist;

You could implement hashCode/equals of your AuctionItem so that two of them are equal if they have the same name. When you do this you can use the methods indexOf and contains of the ArrayList like this: arrayList.indexOf(new AuctionItem("The name")). Or when you assume in the equals method that a String is passed: arrayList.indexOf("The name"). But that's not the best design.

But I would also prefer using a HashMap to map the name to the item.

How to print multiple lines of text with Python

You can use triple quotes (single ' or double "):

a = """


Get sum of MySQL column in PHP

$result=mysql_query("SELECT SUM(column) AS total_value FROM table name WHERE column='value'");

Spring security CORS Filter

There's 8 hours of my life I will never get back...

Make sure that you set both Exposed Headers AND Allowed Headers in your CorsConfiguration

CorsConfigurationSource corsConfigurationSource() {
    CorsConfiguration configuration = new CorsConfiguration();
    configuration.setAllowedMethods(Arrays.asList("GET","POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "OPTIONS"));
    configuration.setExposedHeaders(Arrays.asList("Authorization", "content-type"));
    configuration.setAllowedHeaders(Arrays.asList("Authorization", "content-type"));
    UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource source = new UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource();
    source.registerCorsConfiguration("/**", configuration);
    return source;

Update style of a component onScroll in React.js

to help out anyone here who noticed the laggy behavior / performance issues when using Austins answer, and wants an example using the refs mentioned in the comments, here is an example I was using for toggling a class for a scroll up / down icon:

In the render method:

<i ref={(ref) => this.scrollIcon = ref} className="fa fa-2x fa-chevron-down"></i>

In the handler method:

if (this.scrollIcon !== null) {
  if(($(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height() / 2) > ($('body').height() / 2)){
    $(this.scrollIcon).attr('class', 'fa fa-2x fa-chevron-up');
    $(this.scrollIcon).attr('class', 'fa fa-2x fa-chevron-down');

And add / remove your handlers the same way as Austin mentioned:

  window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);
  window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);

docs on the refs.

display data from SQL database into php/ html table

Look in the manual

$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world");

/* check connection */
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
    printf("Connect failed: %s\n", $mysqli->connect_error);

/* Create table doesn't return a resultset */
if ($mysqli->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE myCity LIKE City") === TRUE) {
    printf("Table myCity successfully created.\n");

/* Select queries return a resultset */
if ($result = $mysqli->query("SELECT Name FROM City LIMIT 10")) {
    printf("Select returned %d rows.\n", $result->num_rows);

    /* free result set */

/* If we have to retrieve large amount of data we use MYSQLI_USE_RESULT */
if ($result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM City", MYSQLI_USE_RESULT)) {

    /* Note, that we can't execute any functions which interact with the
       server until result set was closed. All calls will return an
       'out of sync' error */
    if (!$mysqli->query("SET @a:='this will not work'")) {
        printf("Error: %s\n", $mysqli->error);


Pass a javascript variable value into input type hidden value

Check out this jQuery page for some interesting examples of how to play with the value attribute, and how to call it:

Otherwise - if you want to use jQuery rather than javascript in passing variables to an input of any kind, use the following to set the value of the input on an event click(), submit() et al:

on some event; assign or set the value of the input:



<input id = "inputid" type = "hidden" />

<div id = "idB">This text will be passed to the input</div>

Using such an approach, make sure the html input does not already specify a value, or a disabled attribute, obviously.

Beware the differences betwen .html() and .text() when dealing with html forms.

How to delete all files older than 3 days when "Argument list too long"?

Can also use:

find . -mindepth 1 -mtime +3 -delete

To not delete target directory

How should I tackle --secure-file-priv in MySQL?

I created a NodeJS import script if you are running nodeJS and you data is in the following form (double quote + comma and \n new line)

INSERT INTO <your_table> VALUEs( **CSV LINE **)

This one is configured to run on http://localhost:5000/import.

I goes line by line and creates query string



const express = require('express'),
   cors = require('cors'),
   bodyParser = require('body-parser'),
   cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'),
   session = require('express-session'),
   app = express(),
   port = process.env.PORT || 5000,
   pj = require('./config/config.json'),
   path = require('path');


      extended: false,

var Import = require('./routes/ImportRoutes.js');

app.use('/import', Import);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
   // set static folder

   app.get('*', (req, res) => {
      res.sendFile(path.resolve(__dirname, 'client', 'build', 'index.html'));

app.listen(port, function () {
   console.log('Server is running on port: ' + port);


const express = require('express'),
   cors = require('cors'),
   fs = require('fs-extra'),
   byline = require('byline'),
   db = require('../database/db'),
   importcsv = express.Router();


importcsv.get('/csv', (req, res) => {

   function processFile() {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
         let first = true;
         var sql, sqls;
         var stream = byline(
            fs.createReadStream('../PATH/TO/YOUR!!!csv', {
               encoding: 'utf8',

            .on('data', function (line, err) {
               if (line !== undefined) {
                  sql = 'INSERT INTO <your_table> VALUES (' + line.toString() + ');';
                  if (first) console.log(sql);
                  first = false;
            .on('finish', () => {

   async function startStream() {
      console.log('started stream');
      const sqls = await processFile();
      console.log('ALL DONE');


module.exports = importcsv;

db.js is the config file

const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const db = {};
const sequelize = new Sequelize(,,,
      dialect: 'mysql',
      logging: console.log,
      freezeTableName: true,

      pool: {
         max: 5,
         min: 0,
         acquire: 30000,
         idle: 10000,

db.sequelize = sequelize;
db.Sequelize = Sequelize;

module.exports = db;

Disclaimer: This is not a perfect solution - I am only posting it for devs who are under a timeline and have lots of data to import and are encountering this ridiculous issue. I lost a lot of time on this and I hope to spare another dev the same lost time.

How to divide two columns?

Presumably, those columns are integer columns - which will be the reason as the result of the calculation will be of the same type.

e.g. if you do this:

SELECT 1 / 2

you will get 0, which is obviously not the real answer. So, convert the values to e.g. decimal and do the calculation based on that datatype instead.



gives 0.500000

Get generic type of class at runtime

Here is working solution!!!

    private Class<T> getGenericTypeClass() {
        try {
            String className = ((ParameterizedType) getClass().getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[0].getTypeName();
            Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className);
            return (Class<T>) clazz;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Class is not parametrized with generic type!!! Please use extends <> ");

NOTES: Can be used only as superclass
1. Has to be extended with typed class (Child extends Generic<Integer>)

2. Has to be created as anonymous implementation (new Generic<Integer>() {};)

Why does an SSH remote command get fewer environment variables then when run manually?

I had similar issue, but in the end I found out that ~/.bashrc was all I needed.

However, in Ubuntu, I had to comment the line that stops processing ~/.bashrc :

#If not running interactively, don't do anything
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return

Setting default value in select drop-down using Angularjs

Problem 1:

The generated HTML you're getting is normal. Apparently it's a feature of Angular to be able to use any kind of object as value for a select. Angular does the mapping between the HTML option-value and the value in the ng-model. Also see Umur's comment in this question: How do I set the value property in AngularJS' ng-options?

Problem 2:

Make sure you're using the following ng-options:

<select ng-model="object.item" ng-options=" as for item in list" />

And put this in your controller to select a default value:

object.item = 4

How do you fadeIn and animate at the same time?

For people still looking a couple of years later, things have changed a bit. You can now use the queue for .fadeIn() as well so that it will work like this:

$('.tooltip').fadeIn({queue: false, duration: 'slow'});
$('.tooltip').animate({ top: "-10px" }, 'slow');

This has the benefit of working on display: none elements so you don't need the extra two lines of code.

Compare objects in Angular

To compare two objects you can use:

angular.equals(obj1, obj2)

It does a deep comparison and does not depend on the order of the keys See AngularJS DOCS and a little Demo

var obj1 = {
  key1: "value1",
  key2: "value2",
  key3: {a: "aa", b: "bb"}

var obj2 = {
  key2: "value2",
  key1: "value1",
  key3: {a: "aa", b: "bb"}

angular.equals(obj1, obj2) //<--- would return true

how to set mongod --dbpath

very simple:

sudo chown mongodb:mongodb /var/lib/mongodb/mongod.lock 

Convert cells(1,1) into "A1" and vice versa

The Address property of a cell can get this for you:

MsgBox Cells(1, 1).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False)

returns A1.

The other way around can be done with the Row and Column property of Range:

MsgBox Range("A1").Row & ", " & Range("A1").Column

returns 1,1.

What are the uses of the exec command in shell scripts?

Just to augment the accepted answer with a brief newbie-friendly short answer, you probably don't need exec.

If you're still here, the following discussion should hopefully reveal why. When you run, say,

sh -c 'command'

you run a sh instance, then start command as a child of that sh instance. When command finishes, the sh instance also finishes.

sh -c 'exec command'

runs a sh instance, then replaces that sh instance with the command binary, and runs that instead.

Of course, both of these are useless in this limited context; you simply want


There are some fringe situations where you want the shell to read its configuration file or somehow otherwise set up the environment as a preparation for running command. This is pretty much the sole situation where exec command is useful.

ENVIRONMENT=$(some complex task)
exec command

This does some stuff to prepare the environment so that it contains what is needed. Once that's done, the sh instance is no longer necessary, and so it's a (minor) optimization to simply replace the sh instance with the command process, rather than have sh run it as a child process and wait for it, then exit as soon as it finishes.

Similarly, if you want to free up as much resources as possible for a heavyish command at the end of a shell script, you might want to exec that command as an optimization.

If something forces you to run sh but you really wanted to run something else, exec something else is of course a workaround to replace the undesired sh instance (like for example if you really wanted to run your own spiffy gosh instead of sh but yours isn't listed in /etc/shells so you can't specify it as your login shell).

The second use of exec to manipulate file descriptors is a separate topic. The accepted answer covers that nicely; to keep this self-contained, I'll just defer to the manual for anything where exec is followed by a redirect instead of a command name.

How to force Laravel Project to use HTTPS for all routes?

public function boot()
  if(config('app.debug')!=true) {

in app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php

Is it possible to set transparency in CSS3 box-shadow?

I suppose rgba() would work here. After all, browser support for both box-shadow and rgba() is roughly the same.

/* 50% black box shadow */
box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

div {_x000D_
    width: 200px;_x000D_
    height: 50px;_x000D_
    line-height: 50px;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    color: white;_x000D_
    background-color: red;_x000D_
    margin: 10px;_x000D_
div.a {_x000D_
  box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px #000;_x000D_
div.b {_x000D_
  box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);_x000D_
<div class="a">100% black shadow</div>_x000D_
<div class="b">50% black shadow</div>

Regular expression to match non-ASCII characters?

The answer given by Jeremy Ruten is great, but I think it's not exactly what Paul Wicks was searching for. If I understand correctly Paul asked about expression to match non-english words like können or móc. Jeremy's regex matches only non-english letters, so there's need for small improvement:




This [^\x00-\x7F] and this [^\u0000-\u007F] parts allow regullar expression to match non-english letters.

This (|) is logical or and \w is english letter, so ([^\u0000-\u007F]|\w) will match single english or non-english letter.

+ at the end of the expression means it could be repeated, so the whole expression allows all english or non-english letters to match.

Here you can test the first expression with various strings and here is the second.

makefile execute another target

Actually you are right: it runs another instance of make. A possible solution would be:

.PHONY : clearscr fresh clean all

all :
    compile executable

clean :
    rm -f *.o $(EXEC)

fresh : clean clearscr all


By calling make fresh you get first the clean target, then the clearscreen which runs clear and finally all which does the job.

EDIT Aug 4

What happens in the case of parallel builds with make’s -j option? There's a way of fixing the order. From the make manual, section 4.2:

Occasionally, however, you have a situation where you want to impose a specific ordering on the rules to be invoked without forcing the target to be updated if one of those rules is executed. In that case, you want to define order-only prerequisites. Order-only prerequisites can be specified by placing a pipe symbol (|) in the prerequisites list: any prerequisites to the left of the pipe symbol are normal; any prerequisites to the right are order-only: targets : normal-prerequisites | order-only-prerequisites

The normal prerequisites section may of course be empty. Also, you may still declare multiple lines of prerequisites for the same target: they are appended appropriately. Note that if you declare the same file to be both a normal and an order-only prerequisite, the normal prerequisite takes precedence (since they are a strict superset of the behavior of an order-only prerequisite).

Hence the makefile becomes

.PHONY : clearscr fresh clean all

all :
    compile executable

clean :
    rm -f *.o $(EXEC)

fresh : | clean clearscr all


EDIT Dec 5

It is not a big deal to run more than one makefile instance since each command inside the task will be a sub-shell anyways. But you can have reusable methods using the call function.

log_success = (echo "\x1B[32m>> $1\x1B[39m")
log_error = (>&2 echo "\x1B[31m>> $1\x1B[39m" && exit 1)

  @[ "$(AWS_PROFILE)" ] || $(call log_error, "AWS_PROFILE not set!")
  command1  # this line will be a subshell
  command2  # this line will be another subshell
  @command3  # Use `@` to hide the command line
  $(call log_error, "It works, yey!")

  @[ "$(AWS_PROFILE)" ] || $(call log_error, "AWS_PROFILE not set!")
  $(call log_error, "Nuked!")

Custom Cell Row Height setting in storyboard is not responding

The same problem occurred when working on XCode 9 using Swift 4.

Add AutoLayout for the UI elements inside the Cell and custom cell row height will work accordingly as specified.

How to save SELECT sql query results in an array in C#

    public void ChargingArraySelect()
        int loop = 0;
        int registros = 0;

        OdbcConnection conn = WebApiConfig.conn();
        OdbcCommand query = conn.CreateCommand();

        query.CommandText = "select dataA, DataB, dataC, DataD FROM table  where dataA = 'xpto'";

            OdbcDataReader dr = query.ExecuteReader();

            //take the number the registers, to use into next step
            registros = dr.RecordsAffected;

            //calls an array to be populated
            Global.arrayTest = new string[registros, 4];

            while (dr.Read())
                if (loop < registros)
                    Global.arrayTest[i, 0] = Convert.ToString(dr["dataA"]);
                    Global.arrayTest[i, 1] = Convert.ToString(dr["dataB"]);
                    Global.arrayTest[i, 2] = Convert.ToString(dr["dataC"]);
                    Global.arrayTest[i, 3] = Convert.ToString(dr["dataD"]);

    //Declaration the Globais Array in Global Classs
    private static string[] uso_internoArray1;
    public static string[] arrayTest
        get { return uso_internoArray1; }
        set { uso_internoArray1 = value; }

How to change the background color on a Java panel?

You could call:


Or add a JPanel to the JFrame your using. Then add your components to the JPanel. This will allow you to call


on the JPanel to set the background color.

Cut off text in string after/before separator in powershell

You can use a Split :

$text = "test.txt ; 131 136 80 89 119 17 60 123 210 121 188 42 136 200 131 198"
$separator = ";" # you can put many separator like this "; : ,"

$parts = $text.split($separator)

echo $parts[0] # return test.txt
echo $parts[1] # return the part after the separator

how to fix EXE4J_JAVA_HOME, No JVM could be found on your system error?

There are few steps to overcome this problem:

  1. Uninstall Java related softwares
  2. Uninstall NodeJS if installed
  3. Download java 8 update161
  4. Install it

The problem solved: The problem raised to me at the uninstallation on openfire server.

Set folder for classpath

If you are using Java 6 or higher you can use wildcards of this form:

java -classpath ".;c:\mylibs\*;c:\extlibs\*" MyApp

If you would like to add all subdirectories: lib\a\, lib\b\, lib\c\, there is no mechanism for this in except:

java -classpath ".;c:\lib\a\*;c:\lib\b\*;c:\lib\c\*" MyApp

There is nothing like lib\*\* or lib\** wildcard for the kind of job you want to be done.

using scp in terminal

Simple :::

scp remoteusername@remoteIP:/path/of/file /Local/path/to/copy

scp -r remoteusername@remoteIP:/path/of/folder /Local/path/to/copy

Find all paths between two graph nodes

find_paths[s, t, d, k]

This question is now a bit old... but I'll throw my hat into the ring.

I personally find an algorithm of the form find_paths[s, t, d, k] useful, where:

  • s is the starting node
  • t is the target node
  • d is the maximum depth to search
  • k is the number of paths to find

Using your programming language's form of infinity for d and k will give you all paths§.

§ obviously if you are using a directed graph and you want all undirected paths between s and t you will have to run this both ways:

find_paths[s, t, d, k] <join> find_paths[t, s, d, k]

Helper Function

I personally like recursion, although it can difficult some times, anyway first lets define our helper function:

def find_paths_recursion(graph, current, goal, current_depth, max_depth, num_paths, current_path, paths_found)

  if current_depth > max_depth:

  if current == goal:
    if len(paths_found) <= number_of_paths_to_find:


    for successor in graph[current]:
    self.find_paths_recursion(graph, successor, goal, current_depth + 1, max_depth, num_paths, current_path, paths_found)


Main Function

With that out of the way, the core function is trivial:

def find_paths[s, t, d, k]:
  paths_found = [] # PASSING THIS BY REFERENCE  
  find_paths_recursion(s, t, 0, d, k, [], paths_found)

First, lets notice a few thing:

  • the above pseudo-code is a mash-up of languages - but most strongly resembling python (since I was just coding in it). A strict copy-paste will not work.
  • [] is an uninitialized list, replace this with the equivalent for your programming language of choice
  • paths_found is passed by reference. It is clear that the recursion function doesn't return anything. Handle this appropriately.
  • here graph is assuming some form of hashed structure. There are a plethora of ways to implement a graph. Either way, graph[vertex] gets you a list of adjacent vertices in a directed graph - adjust accordingly.
  • this assumes you have pre-processed to remove "buckles" (self-loops), cycles and multi-edges

C# generics syntax for multiple type parameter constraints

void foo<TOne, TTwo>() 
   where TOne : BaseOne
   where TTwo : BaseTwo

More info here:

is there a 'block until condition becomes true' function in java?

Similar to EboMike's answer you can use a mechanism similar to wait/notify/notifyAll but geared up for using a Lock.

For example,

public void doSomething() throws InterruptedException {
    try {
        condition.await(); // releases lock and waits until doSomethingElse is called
    } finally {

public void doSomethingElse() {
    try {
    } finally {

Where you'll wait for some condition which is notified by another thread (in this case calling doSomethingElse), at that point, the first thread will continue...

Using Locks over intrinsic synchronisation has lots of advantages but I just prefer having an explicit Condition object to represent the condition (you can have more than one which is a nice touch for things like producer-consumer).

Also, I can't help but notice how you deal with the interrupted exception in your example. You probably shouldn't consume the exception like this, instead reset the interrupt status flag using Thread.currentThread().interrupt.

This because if the exception is thrown, the interrupt status flag will have been reset (it's saying "I no longer remember being interrupted, I won't be able to tell anyone else that I have been if they ask") and another process may rely on this question. The example being that something else has implemented an interruption policy based on this... phew. A further example might be that your interruption policy, rather that while(true) might have been implemented as while(!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() (which will also make your code be more... socially considerate).

So, in summary, using Condition is rougly equivalent to using wait/notify/notifyAll when you want to use a Lock, logging is evil and swallowing InterruptedException is naughty ;)

Spring Boot how to hide passwords in properties file

To the already proposed solutions I can add an option to configure an external Secrets Manager such as Vault.

  1. Configure Vault Server vault server -dev (Only for DEV and not for PROD)
  2. Write secrets vault write secret/somename key1=value1 key2=value2
  3. Verify secrets vault read secret/somename

Add the following dependency to your SpringBoot project:


Add Vault config properties:${VAULT_TOKEN}

Pass VAULT_TOKEN as an environment variable.

Refer to the documentation here.

There is a Spring Vault project which is also can be used for accessing, storing and revoking secrets.



Configuring Vault Template:

class VaultConfiguration extends AbstractVaultConfiguration {

  public VaultEndpoint vaultEndpoint() {
    return new VaultEndpoint();

  public ClientAuthentication clientAuthentication() {
    return new TokenAuthentication("…");

Inject and use VaultTemplate:

public class Example {

  private VaultOperations operations;

  public void writeSecrets(String userId, String password) {
      Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>();
      data.put("password", password);
      operations.write(userId, data);

  public Person readSecrets(String userId) {
      VaultResponseSupport<Person> response =, Person.class);
      return response.getBody();

Use Vault PropertySource:

@VaultPropertySource(value = "aws/creds/s3",
  propertyNamePrefix = "aws."
  renewal = Renewal.RENEW)
public class Config {


Usage example:

public class S3Client {

  // inject the actual values
  private String awsAccessKey;
  private String awsSecretKey;

  public InputStream getFileFromS3(String filenname) {
    // …

What's the actual use of 'fail' in JUnit test case?

This is how I use the Fail method.

There are three states that your test case can end up in

  1. Passed : The function under test executed successfully and returned data as expected
  2. Not Passed : The function under test executed successfully but the returned data was not as expected
  3. Failed : The function did not execute successfully and this was not

intended (Unlike negative test cases that expect a exception to occur).

If you are using eclipse there three states are indicated by a Green, Blue and red marker respectively.

I use the fail operation for the the third scenario.

e.g. : public Integer add(integer a, Integer b) { return new Integer(a.intValue() + b.intValue())}

  1. Passed Case : a = new Interger(1), b= new Integer(2) and the function returned 3
  2. Not Passed Case: a = new Interger(1), b= new Integer(2) and the function returned soem value other than 3
  3. Failed Case : a =null , b= null and the function throws a NullPointerException

How do I UPDATE a row in a table or INSERT it if it doesn't exist?

I would do something like the following:

INSERT INTO cache VALUES (key, generation)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE (key = key, generation = generation + 1);

Setting the generation value to 0 in code or in the sql but the using the ON DUP... to increment the value. I think that's the syntax anyway.

How to get the last N rows of a pandas DataFrame?

Don't forget DataFrame.tail! e.g. df1.tail(10)

list.clear() vs list = new ArrayList<Integer>();

If there is a good chance that the list will contain as much elements as it contains when clearing it, and if you're not in need for free memory, clearing the list is a better option. But my guess is that it probably doesn't matter. Don't try to optimize until you have detected a performance problem, and identified where it comes from.

NameError: name 'self' is not defined

For cases where you also wish to have the option of setting 'b' to None:

def p(self, **kwargs):
    b = kwargs.get('b', self.a)
    print b

How do I convert a Django QuerySet into list of dicts?

If you need native data types for some reason (e.g. JSON serialization) this is my quick 'n' dirty way to do it:

data = [{'id':, 'name':} for blog in blogs]

As you can see building the dict inside the list is not really DRY so if somebody knows a better way ...

NSOperation vs Grand Central Dispatch

In line with my answer to a related question, I'm going to disagree with BJ and suggest you first look at GCD over NSOperation / NSOperationQueue, unless the latter provides something you need that GCD doesn't.

Before GCD, I used a lot of NSOperations / NSOperationQueues within my applications for managing concurrency. However, since I started using GCD on a regular basis, I've almost entirely replaced NSOperations and NSOperationQueues with blocks and dispatch queues. This has come from how I've used both technologies in practice, and from the profiling I've performed on them.

First, there is a nontrivial amount of overhead when using NSOperations and NSOperationQueues. These are Cocoa objects, and they need to be allocated and deallocated. In an iOS application that I wrote which renders a 3-D scene at 60 FPS, I was using NSOperations to encapsulate each rendered frame. When I profiled this, the creation and teardown of these NSOperations was accounting for a significant portion of the CPU cycles in the running application, and was slowing things down. I replaced these with simple blocks and a GCD serial queue, and that overhead disappeared, leading to noticeably better rendering performance. This wasn't the only place where I noticed overhead from using NSOperations, and I've seen this on both Mac and iOS.

Second, there's an elegance to block-based dispatch code that is hard to match when using NSOperations. It's so incredibly convenient to wrap a few lines of code in a block and dispatch it to be performed on a serial or concurrent queue, where creating a custom NSOperation or NSInvocationOperation to do this requires a lot more supporting code. I know that you can use an NSBlockOperation, but you might as well be dispatching something to GCD then. Wrapping this code in blocks inline with related processing in your application leads in my opinion to better code organization than having separate methods or custom NSOperations which encapsulate these tasks.

NSOperations and NSOperationQueues still have very good uses. GCD has no real concept of dependencies, where NSOperationQueues can set up pretty complex dependency graphs. I use NSOperationQueues for this in a handful of cases.

Overall, while I usually advocate for using the highest level of abstraction that accomplishes the task, this is one case where I argue for the lower-level API of GCD. Among the iOS and Mac developers I've talked with about this, the vast majority choose to use GCD over NSOperations unless they are targeting OS versions without support for it (those before iOS 4.0 and Snow Leopard).

Evaluating a mathematical expression in a string

eval is evil

eval("__import__('os').remove('important file')") # arbitrary commands
eval("9**9**9**9**9**9**9**9", {'__builtins__': None}) # CPU, memory

Note: even if you use set __builtins__ to None it still might be possible to break out using introspection:

eval('(1).__class__.__bases__[0].__subclasses__()', {'__builtins__': None})

Evaluate arithmetic expression using ast

import ast
import operator as op

# supported operators
operators = {ast.Add: op.add, ast.Sub: op.sub, ast.Mult: op.mul,
             ast.Div: op.truediv, ast.Pow: op.pow, ast.BitXor: op.xor,
             ast.USub: op.neg}

def eval_expr(expr):
    >>> eval_expr('2^6')
    >>> eval_expr('2**6')
    >>> eval_expr('1 + 2*3**(4^5) / (6 + -7)')
    return eval_(ast.parse(expr, mode='eval').body)

def eval_(node):
    if isinstance(node, ast.Num): # <number>
        return node.n
    elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): # <left> <operator> <right>
        return operators[type(node.op)](eval_(node.left), eval_(node.right))
    elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): # <operator> <operand> e.g., -1
        return operators[type(node.op)](eval_(node.operand))
        raise TypeError(node)

You can easily limit allowed range for each operation or any intermediate result, e.g., to limit input arguments for a**b:

def power(a, b):
    if any(abs(n) > 100 for n in [a, b]):
        raise ValueError((a,b))
    return op.pow(a, b)
operators[ast.Pow] = power

Or to limit magnitude of intermediate results:

import functools

def limit(max_=None):
    """Return decorator that limits allowed returned values."""
    def decorator(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
                mag = abs(ret)
            except TypeError:
                pass # not applicable
                if mag > max_:
                    raise ValueError(ret)
            return ret
        return wrapper
    return decorator

eval_ = limit(max_=10**100)(eval_)


>>> evil = "__import__('os').remove('important file')"
>>> eval_expr(evil) #doctest:+IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> eval_expr("9**9")
>>> eval_expr("9**9**9**9**9**9**9**9") #doctest:+IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):

OS specific instructions in CMAKE: How to?

Use some preprocessor macro to check if it's in windows or linux. For example

#ifdef WIN32
#elif __GNUC__

include -l$(LIB) in you build command.

You can also specify some command line argument to differentiate both.

Problems with local variable scope. How to solve it?

I found this approach useful. This way you do not need a class nor final

 btnInsert.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
        private Statement _statement;

        public MouseAdapter setStatement(Statement _stmnt)
            _statement = _stmnt;
            return this;
        public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
            String name = text.getText();
            String from = text_1.getText();
            String to = text_2.getText();
            String price = text_3.getText();

            String query = "INSERT INTO booking (name, fromst, tost, price) VALUES ('"+name+"', '"+from+"', '"+to+"', '"+price+"')";
            try {
            } catch (SQLException e1) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code in C

Just use a compiler (or provide it with the arguments it needs) such that it compiles for a more recent version of the C standard, C99 or C11. E.g for the GCC family of compilers that would be -std=c99.

Can two or more people edit an Excel document at the same time?

Unfortunately, the file must be locked for updates unless you're using Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010 together. This means that only one user per time can edit a file. The locking and version tracking capabilities of SharePoint are excellent, and this makes it a great tool for the type of collaboration you're talking about, but you would have to split documents into multiple files in order to extend the amount that could be edited at a time. For instance, we sometimes unmerge documents into technical, requirements, and financials sections so that the 3 experts required for the review can work concurrently. We then merge when everyone is finished.

Using variable in SQL LIKE statement

But in my opinion one important thing.

The "char(number)" it's lenght of variable.

If we've got table with "Names" like for example [Test1..Test200] and we declare char(5) in SELECT like:

DECLARE @variable char(5)
SET @variable = 'Test1%'
SELECT * FROM table WHERE Name like @variable

the result will be only - "Test1"! (char(5) - 5 chars in lenght; Test11 is 6 )

The rest of potential interested data like [Test11..Test200] will not be returned in the result.

It's ok if we want to limit the SELECT by this way. But if it's not intentional way of doing it could return incorrect results from planned ( Like "all Names begining with Test1..." ).

In my opinion if we don't know the precise lenght of a SELECTed value, a better solution could be something like this one:

DECLARE @variable varchar(max)
SET @variable = 'Test1%'
SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE variable1 like @variable

This returns (Test1 but also Test11..Test19 and Test100..Test199).

Git conflict markers

The line (or lines) between the lines beginning <<<<<<< and ====== here:

<<<<<<< HEAD:file.txt
Hello world

... is what you already had locally - you can tell because HEAD points to your current branch or commit. The line (or lines) between the lines beginning ======= and >>>>>>>:

>>>>>>> 77976da35a11db4580b80ae27e8d65caf5208086:file.txt

... is what was introduced by the other (pulled) commit, in this case 77976da35a11. That is the object name (or "hash", "SHA1sum", etc.) of the commit that was merged into HEAD. All objects in git, whether they're commits (version), blobs (files), trees (directories) or tags have such an object name, which identifies them uniquely based on their content.

Update query using Subquery in Sql Server

The title of this thread asks how a subquery can be used in an update. Here's an example of that:

update [dbName].[dbo].[MyTable] 
set MyColumn = 1 
        select count(*) 
        from [dbName].[dbo].[MyTable] mt2 
            mt2.ID > [dbName].[dbo].[MyTable].ID
            and mt2.Category = [dbName].[dbo].[MyTable].Category
    ) > 0

Case insensitive access for generic dictionary

For you LINQers out there that never use a regular dictionary constructor

myCollection.ToDictionary(x => x.PartNumber, x => x.PartDescription, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

How to set data attributes in HTML elements

Please take note that jQuery .data() is not updated when you change html5 data- attributes with javascript.

If you use jQuery .data() to set data- attributes in HTML elements you better use jQuery .data() to read them. Otherwise there can be inconsistencies if you update the attributes dynamically. For example, see setAttribute(), dataset(), attr() below. Change the value, push the button several times and see the console.

$("#button").on("click", function() {_x000D_
  var field = document.querySelector("#textfield")_x000D_
  switch ($("#method").val()) {_x000D_
    case "setAttribute":_x000D_
      field.setAttribute("data-customval", field.value)_x000D_
    case "dataset":_x000D_
      field.dataset.customval = field.value_x000D_
    case "jQuerydata":_x000D_
      $(field).data("customval", field.value)_x000D_
    case "jQueryattr":_x000D_
      $(field).attr("data-customval", field.value)_x000D_
  objValues = {}_x000D_
  objValues['$(field).data("customval")'] = $(field).data("customval")_x000D_
  objValues['$(field).attr("data-customval")'] = $(field).attr("data-customval")_x000D_
  objValues['field.getAttribute("data-customval")'] = field.getAttribute("data-customval")_x000D_
  objValues['field.dataset.customval'] = field.dataset.customval_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <input id="textfield" type="text" data-customval="initial">_x000D_
  <input type="button" value="Set and show in console.table (F12)" id="button">_x000D_
  <select id="method">_x000D_
    <option value="setAttribute">setAttribute</option>_x000D_
    <option value="dataset">dataset</option>_x000D_
    <option value="jQuerydata">jQuery data</option>_x000D_
    <option value="jQueryattr">jQuery attr</option>_x000D_
  <div id="results"></div>_x000D_

Access-control-allow-origin with multiple domains

You can add this code to your webapi project

in file Global.asax

    protected void Application_BeginRequest()
    string origin = Request.Headers.Get("Origin");
    if (Request.HttpMethod == "OPTIONS")
        Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", origin);
        Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*");
        Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,POST,PUT,OPTIONS,DELETE");
        Response.StatusCode = 200;
        Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", origin);
        Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*");
        Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,POST,PUT,OPTIONS,DELETE");

for-in statement

TypeScript isn't giving you a gun to shoot yourself in the foot with.

The iterator variable is a string because it is a string, full stop. Observe:

var obj = {};
obj['0'] = 'quote zero quote';
obj[0.0] = 'zero point zero';
obj['[object Object]'] = 'literal string "[object Object]"';
obj[<any>obj] = 'this obj'
obj[<any>undefined] = 'undefined';
obj[<any>"undefined"] = 'the literal string "undefined"';

for(var key in obj) {
    console.log('Type: ' + typeof key);
    console.log(key + ' => ' + obj[key]);

How many key/value pairs are in obj now? 6, more or less? No, 3, and all of the keys are strings:

Type: string
0 => zero point zero
Type: string
[object Object] => this obj; 
Type: string
undefined => the literal string "undefined" 

How to split a string in Haskell?

Try this one:

import Data.List (unfoldr)

separateBy :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
separateBy chr = unfoldr sep where
  sep [] = Nothing
  sep l  = Just . fmap (drop 1) . break (== chr) $ l

Only works for a single char, but should be easily extendable.

What is the significance of url-pattern in web.xml and how to configure servlet?

url-pattern is used in web.xml to map your servlet to specific URL. Please see below xml code, similar code you may find in your web.xml configuration file.

    <servlet-name>AddPhotoServlet</servlet-name>  //servlet name
    <servlet-class>upload.AddPhotoServlet</servlet-class>  //servlet class
    <servlet-name>AddPhotoServlet</servlet-name>   //servlet name
    <url-pattern>/AddPhotoServlet</url-pattern>  //how it should appear

If you change url-pattern of AddPhotoServlet from /AddPhotoServlet to /MyUrl. Then, AddPhotoServlet servlet can be accessible by using /MyUrl. Good for the security reason, where you want to hide your actual page URL.

Java Servlet url-pattern Specification:

  1. A string beginning with a '/' character and ending with a '/*' suffix is used for path mapping.
  2. A string beginning with a '*.' prefix is used as an extension mapping.
  3. A string containing only the '/' character indicates the "default" servlet of the application. In this case the servlet path is the request URI minus the context path and the path info is null.
  4. All other strings are used for exact matches only.

Reference : Java Servlet Specification

You may also read this Basics of Java Servlet

Check key exist in python dict

Use the in keyword.

if 'apples' in d:
    if d['apples'] == 20:
        print('20 apples')
        print('Not 20 apples')

If you want to get the value only if the key exists (and avoid an exception trying to get it if it doesn't), then you can use the get function from a dictionary, passing an optional default value as the second argument (if you don't pass it it returns None instead):

if d.get('apples', 0) == 20:
    print('20 apples.')
    print('Not 20 apples.')

Set the selected index of a Dropdown using jQuery

You want to grab the value of the first option in the select element.

$("*[id$='" + originalId + "']").val($("*[id$='" + originalId + "'] option:first").attr('value'));

How to export data as CSV format from SQL Server using sqlcmd?

This answer builds on the solution from @iain-elder, which works well except for the large database case (as pointed out in his solution). The entire table needs to fit in your system's memory, and for me this was not an option. I suspect the best solution would use the System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader and a custom CSV serializer (see here for an example) or another language with an MS SQL driver and CSV serialization. In the spirit of the original question which was probably looking for a no dependency solution, the PowerShell code below worked for me. It is very slow and inefficient especially in instantiating the $data array and calling Export-Csv in append mode for every $chunk_size lines.

$chunk_size = 10000
$command = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM <TABLENAME>"
$command.Connection = $connection
$reader = $command.ExecuteReader()

$read = $TRUE
    $DataTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
    try {
        while($read = $reader.Read()){

            $count = $reader.FieldCount
            if ($first){
                for($i=0; $i -lt $count; $i++){
                    $col = New-Object System.Data.DataColumn $reader.GetName($i)

            # Better way to do this?
            $emptyObj = New-Object System.Object
            for($i=1; $i -le $count; $i++){
                $data +=  $emptyObj

            $reader.GetValues($data) | out-null
            $DataRow = $DataTable.NewRow()
            $DataRow.ItemArray = $data
            $counter += 1
            if ($counter -eq $chunk_size){
        $DataTable | Export-Csv "output.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Append
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Output $ErrorMessage

How do I write a backslash (\) in a string?

Just escape the "\" by using + "\\Tasks" or use a verbatim string like @"\Tasks"

How to get the real and total length of char * (char array)?

You can find the length of a char* string like this:

char* mystring = "Hello World";
int length = sprintf(mystring, "%s", mystring);

sprintf() prints mystring onto itself, and returns the number of characters printed.

Eclipse: How to install a plugin manually?

You can try this

click Help>Install New Software on the menu bar

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Send value of submit button when form gets posted

Like the others said, you probably missunderstood the idea of a unique id. All I have to add is, that I do not like the idea of using "value" as the identifying property here, as it may change over time (i.e. if you want to provide multiple languages).

<input id='submit_tea'    type='submit' name = 'submit_tea'    value = 'Tea' />
<input id='submit_coffee' type='submit' name = 'submit_coffee' value = 'Coffee' />

and in your php script

if( array_key_exists( 'submit_tea', $_POST ) )
  // handle tea
if( array_key_exists( 'submit_coffee', $_POST ) )
  // handle coffee

Additionally, you can add something like if( 'POST' == $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] ) if you want to check if data was acctually posted.

How to get rid of "Unnamed: 0" column in a pandas DataFrame?

Simple do this:

df = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.str.contains('^Unnamed')]

Reading specific XML elements from XML file

You could use an XPath, too. A bit old fashioned but still effective:

using System.Xml;


XmlDocument xmlDocument;

xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

foreach (XmlElement xmlElement in 

Automatically enter SSH password with script

Use this script tossh within script, First argument is the hostname and second will be the password.

set pass [lindex $argv 1]
set host [lindex $argv 0]
spawn ssh -t root@$host echo Hello
expect "*assword: " 
send "$pass\n";

Sql Server trigger insert values from new row into another table

You use an insert trigger - inside the trigger, inserted row items will be exposed as a logical table INSERTED, which has the same column layout as the table the trigger is defined on.

Delete triggers have access to a similar logical table called DELETED.

Update triggers have access to both an INSERTED table that contains the updated values and a DELETED table that contains the values to be updated.

Finding index of character in Swift String

You are not the only one who couldn't find the solution.

String doesn't implement RandomAccessIndexType. Probably because they enable characters with different byte lengths. That's why we have to use string.characters.count (count or countElements in Swift 1.x) to get the number of characters. That also applies to positions. The _position is probably an index into the raw array of bytes and they don't want to expose that. The String.Index is meant to protect us from accessing bytes in the middle of characters.

That means that any index you get must be created from String.startIndex or String.endIndex (String.Index implements BidirectionalIndexType). Any other indices can be created using successor or predecessor methods.

Now to help us with indices, there is a set of methods (functions in Swift 1.x):

Swift 4.x

let text = "abc"
let index2 = text.index(text.startIndex, offsetBy: 2) //will call succ 2 times
let lastChar: Character = text[index2] //now we can index!

let characterIndex2 = text.index(text.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)
let lastChar2 = text[characterIndex2] //will do the same as above

let range: Range<String.Index> = text.range(of: "b")!
let index: Int = text.distance(from: text.startIndex, to: range.lowerBound)

Swift 3.0

let text = "abc"
let index2 = text.index(text.startIndex, offsetBy: 2) //will call succ 2 times
let lastChar: Character = text[index2] //now we can index!

let characterIndex2 = text.characters.index(text.characters.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)
let lastChar2 = text.characters[characterIndex2] //will do the same as above

let range: Range<String.Index> = text.range(of: "b")!
let index: Int = text.distance(from: text.startIndex, to: range.lowerBound)

Swift 2.x

let text = "abc"
let index2 = text.startIndex.advancedBy(2) //will call succ 2 times
let lastChar: Character = text[index2] //now we can index!
let lastChar2 = text.characters[index2] //will do the same as above

let range: Range<String.Index> = text.rangeOfString("b")!
let index: Int = text.startIndex.distanceTo(range.startIndex) //will call successor/predecessor several times until the indices match

Swift 1.x

let text = "abc"
let index2 = advance(text.startIndex, 2) //will call succ 2 times
let lastChar: Character = text[index2] //now we can index!

let range = text.rangeOfString("b")
let index: Int = distance(text.startIndex, range.startIndex) //will call succ/pred several times

Working with String.Index is cumbersome but using a wrapper to index by integers (see is dangerous because it hides the inefficiency of real indexing.

Note that Swift indexing implementation has the problem that indices/ranges created for one string cannot be reliably used for a different string, for example:

Swift 2.x

let text: String = "abc"
let text2: String = ""

let range = text.rangeOfString("b")!

//can randomly return a bad substring or throw an exception
let substring: String = text2[range]

//the correct solution
let intIndex: Int = text.startIndex.distanceTo(range.startIndex)
let startIndex2 = text2.startIndex.advancedBy(intIndex)
let range2 = startIndex2...startIndex2

let substring: String = text2[range2]

Swift 1.x

let text: String = "abc"
let text2: String = ""

let range = text.rangeOfString("b")

//can randomly return nil or a bad substring 
let substring: String = text2[range] 

//the correct solution
let intIndex: Int = distance(text.startIndex, range.startIndex)    
let startIndex2 = advance(text2.startIndex, intIndex)
let range2 = startIndex2...startIndex2

let substring: String = text2[range2]  

How to check String in response body with mockMvc

Taken from spring's tutorial

mockMvc.perform(get("/" + userName + "/bookmarks/" 
    + this.bookmarkList.get(0).getId()))
    .andExpect(jsonPath("$.id", is(this.bookmarkList.get(0).getId().intValue())))
    .andExpect(jsonPath("$.uri", is("" + userName)))
    .andExpect(jsonPath("$.description", is("A description")));

is is available from import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;

jsonPath is available from import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.jsonPath;

and jsonPath reference can be found here

Best radio-button implementation for IOS

I know its very late to answer this but hope this may help anyone.

you can create button like radio button using IBOutletCollection. create one IBOutletCollection property in our .h file.

@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutletCollection(UIButton) NSArray *ButtonArray;

connect all button with this IBOutletCollection and make one IBAction method for all three button.

- (IBAction)btnTapped:(id)sender {
       for ( int i=0; i < [self.ButtonArray count]; i++) {
           [[self.ButtonArray objectAtIndex:i] setImage:[UIImage                         
     [sender setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"radio-on.png"]

Remove #N/A in vlookup result

If you only want to return a blank when B2 is blank you can use an additional IF function for that scenario specifically, i.e.


or to return a blank with any error from the VLOOKUP (e.g. including if B2 is populated but that value isn't found by the VLOOKUP) you can use IFERROR function if you have Excel 2007 or later, i.e.


in earlier versions you need to repeat the VLOOKUP, e.g.


StringStream in C#

I see a lot of good answers here, but none that directly address the lack of a StringStream class in C#. So I have written one of my own...

public class StringStream : Stream
    private readonly MemoryStream _memory;
    public StringStream(string text)
        _memory = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text));
    public StringStream()
        _memory = new MemoryStream();
    public StringStream(int capacity)
        _memory = new MemoryStream(capacity);
    public override void Flush()
    public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
        return  _memory.Read(buffer, offset, count);
    public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
        return _memory.Seek(offset, origin);
    public override void SetLength(long value)
    public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
        _memory.Write(buffer, offset, count);
    public override bool CanRead => _memory.CanRead;
    public override bool CanSeek => _memory.CanSeek;
    public override bool CanWrite => _memory.CanWrite;
    public override long Length =>  _memory.Length;
    public override long Position
        get => _memory.Position;
        set => _memory.Position = value;
    public override string ToString()
        return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_memory.GetBuffer(), 0, (int) _memory.Length);
    public override int ReadByte()
        return _memory.ReadByte();
    public override void WriteByte(byte value)

An example of its use...

        string s0 =
            "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor\r\n" +
            "incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud\r\n" +
            "exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor\r\n" +
            "in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint\r\n" +
            "occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\r\n";
        StringStream ss0 = new StringStream(s0);
        StringStream ss1 = new StringStream();
        int line = 1;
        Console.WriteLine("Contents of input stream: ");
        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(ss0))
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(ss1))
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    string s = reader.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("Line " + line++ + ": " + s);

        Console.WriteLine("Contents of output stream: ");

Character reading from file in Python

This is Pythons way do show you unicode encoded strings. But i think you should be able to print the string on the screen or write it into a new file without any problems.

>>> test = u"I don\u2018t like this"
>>> test
u'I don\u2018t like this'
>>> print test
I don‘t like this

error: invalid type argument of ‘unary *’ (have ‘int’)

I have reformatted your code.

The error was situated in this line :

printf("%d", (**c));

To fix it, change to :

printf("%d", (*c));

The * retrieves the value from an address. The ** retrieves the value (an address in this case) of an other value from an address.

In addition, the () was optional.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    int b = 10; 
    int *a = NULL;
    int *c = NULL;

    a = &b;
    c = &a;

    printf("%d", *c);

    return 0;


The line :

c = &a;

must be replaced by :

c = a;

It means that the value of the pointer 'c' equals the value of the pointer 'a'. So, 'c' and 'a' points to the same address ('b'). The output is :



If you want to use a double * :

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    int b = 10; 
    int *a = NULL;
    int **c = NULL;

    a = &b;
    c = &a;

    printf("%d", **c);

    return 0;



How can I get last characters of a string

The Substr function allows you to use a minus to get the last character.

var string = "hello";
var last = string.substr(-1);

It's very flexible. For example:

// Get 2 characters, 1 character from end
// The first part says how many characters
// to go back and the second says how many
// to go forward. If you don't say how many
// to go forward it will include everything
var string = "hello!";
var lasttwo = string.substr(-3,2);
// = "lo"

Install-Module : The term 'Install-Module' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet

I have Windows 10 and PowerShell 5.1 was already installed. For whatever reason the x86 version works and can find "Install-Module", but the other version cannot.

Search your Start Menu for "powershell", and find the entry that ends in "(x86)":

Windows 10 Start Menu searching for PowerShell

Here is what I experience between the two different versions:

PowerShell x86 vs x64 running Install-Module cmdlet comparison

Behaviour of increment and decrement operators in Python

When you want to increment or decrement, you typically want to do that on an integer. Like so:


But in Python, integers are immutable. That is you can't change them. This is because the integer objects can be used under several names. Try this:

>>> b = 5
>>> a = 5
>>> id(a)
>>> id(b)
>>> a is b

a and b above are actually the same object. If you incremented a, you would also increment b. That's not what you want. So you have to reassign. Like this:

b = b + 1

Or simpler:

b += 1

Which will reassign b to b+1. That is not an increment operator, because it does not increment b, it reassigns it.

In short: Python behaves differently here, because it is not C, and is not a low level wrapper around machine code, but a high-level dynamic language, where increments don't make sense, and also are not as necessary as in C, where you use them every time you have a loop, for example.

Python urllib2, basic HTTP authentication, and

Same solutions as Python urllib2 Basic Auth Problem apply.

see; you can subclass urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler to add the Authorization header to each request that matches the known url.

class PreemptiveBasicAuthHandler(urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler):
    '''Preemptive basic auth.

    Instead of waiting for a 403 to then retry with the credentials,
    send the credentials if the url is handled by the password manager.
    Note: please use realm=None when calling add_password.'''
    def http_request(self, req):
        url = req.get_full_url()
        realm = None
        # this is very similar to the code from retry_http_basic_auth()
        # but returns a request object.
        user, pw = self.passwd.find_user_password(realm, url)
        if pw:
            raw = "%s:%s" % (user, pw)
            auth = 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(raw).strip()
            req.add_unredirected_header(self.auth_header, auth)
        return req

    https_request = http_request

Regular expression for extracting tag attributes

Token Mantra response: you should not tweak/modify/harvest/or otherwise produce html/xml using regular expression.

there are too may corner case conditionals such as \' and \" which must be accounted for. You are much better off using a proper DOM Parser, XML Parser, or one of the many other dozens of tried and tested tools for this job instead of inventing your own.

I don't really care which one you use, as long as its recognized, tested, and you use one.

my $foo  = Someclass->parse( $xmlstring ); 
my @links = $foo->getChildrenByTagName("a"); 
my @srcs = map { $_->getAttribute("src") } @links; 
# @srcs now contains an array of src attributes extracted from the page. 

Reference - What does this regex mean?

The Stack Overflow Regular Expressions FAQ

See also a lot of general hints and useful links at the tag details page.

Online tutorials


Character Classes

Escape Sequences


(Also see "Flavor-Specific Information ? Java ? The functions in Matcher")





Common Tasks

Advanced Regex-Fu

Flavor-Specific Information

(Except for those marked with *, this section contains non-Stack Overflow links.)

General information

(Links marked with * are non-Stack Overflow links.)

Examples of regex that can cause regex engine to fail

Tools: Testers and Explainers

(This section contains non-Stack Overflow links.)

How can I download HTML source in C#

You can download files with the WebClient class:

using System.Net;

using (WebClient client = new WebClient ()) // WebClient class inherits IDisposable
    client.DownloadFile("", @"C:\localfile.html");

    // Or you can get the file content without saving it
    string htmlCode = client.DownloadString("");

tsc throws `TS2307: Cannot find module` for a local file

@vladima replied to this issue on GitHub:

The way the compiler resolves modules is controlled by moduleResolution option that can be either node or classic (more details and differences can be found here). If this setting is omitted the compiler treats this setting to be node if module is commonjs and classic - otherwise. In your case if you want classic module resolution strategy to be used with commonjs modules - you need to set it explicitly by using

    "compilerOptions": {
        "moduleResolution": "node"

Setting timezone in Python

>>> import os, time
>>> time.strftime('%X %x %Z')
'12:45:20 08/19/09 CDT'
>>> os.environ['TZ'] = 'Europe/London'
>>> time.tzset()
>>> time.strftime('%X %x %Z')
'18:45:39 08/19/09 BST'

To get the specific values you've listed:

>>> year = time.strftime('%Y')
>>> month = time.strftime('%m')
>>> day = time.strftime('%d')
>>> hour = time.strftime('%H')
>>> minute = time.strftime('%M')

See here for a complete list of directives. Keep in mind that the strftime() function will always return a string, not an integer or other type.

Jquery $.ajax fails in IE on cross domain calls

For IE8 & IE9 you need to use XDomainRequest (XDR). If you look below you'll see it's in a sort of similar formatting as $.ajax. As far as my research has got me I can't get this cross-domain working in IE6 & 7 (still looking for a work-around for this). XDR first came out in IE8 (it's in IE9 also). So basically first, I test for 6/7 and do no AJAX.

IE10+ is able to do cross-domain normally like all the other browsers (congrats Microsoft... sigh)

After that the else if tests for 'XDomainRequest in window (apparently better than browser sniffing) and does the JSON AJAX request that way, other wise the ELSE does it normally with $.ajax.

Hope this helps!! Took me forever to get this all figured out originally

Information on the XDomainRequest object

// call with your url (with parameters) 
// 2nd param is your callback function (which will be passed the json DATA back)

crossDomainAjax('', function (data) {
    // success logic

function crossDomainAjax (url, successCallback) {

    // IE8 & 9 only Cross domain JSON GET request
    if ('XDomainRequest' in window && window.XDomainRequest !== null) {

        var xdr = new XDomainRequest(); // Use Microsoft XDR'get', url);
        xdr.onload = function () {
            var dom  = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM'),
                JSON = $.parseJSON(xdr.responseText);

            dom.async = false;

            if (JSON == null || typeof (JSON) == 'undefined') {
                JSON = $.parseJSON(data.firstChild.textContent);

            successCallback(JSON); // internal function

        xdr.onerror = function() {
            _result = false;  


    // IE7 and lower can't do cross domain
    else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1 &&
             parseInt(navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE ([\d.]+)/)[1], 10) < 8) {
       return false;

    // Do normal jQuery AJAX for everything else          
    else {
            url: url,
            cache: false,
            dataType: 'json',
            type: 'GET',
            async: false, // must be set to false
            success: function (data, success) {

What is the difference between call and apply?

K. Scott Allen has a nice writeup on the matter.

Basically, they differ on how they handle function arguments.

The apply() method is identical to call(), except apply() requires an array as the second parameter. The array represents the arguments for the target method."


// assuming you have f
function f(message) { ... }, "test");
f.apply(receiver, ["test"]);

How to set editor theme in IntelliJ Idea

For IntelliJ Mac / IOS,

Click on IntelliJ IDEA text besides enter image description here on top left corner then Preferences->Editor->Color Scheme-> Select the required one

Decode JSON with unknown structure

package main

import "encoding/json"

func main() {
    in := []byte(`{ "votes": { "option_A": "3" } }`)
    var raw map[string]interface{}
    if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &raw); err != nil {
    raw["count"] = 1
    out, err := json.Marshal(raw)
    if err != nil {

JavaScript inside an <img title="<a href='#' onClick='alert('Hello World!')>The Link</a>" /> possible?

When you click on the image you'll get the alert:

<img src="logo1.jpg" onClick='alert("Hello World!")'/>

if this is what you want.

Maximum concurrent Socket.IO connections

I tried to use on AWS, I can at most keep around 600 connections stable.

And I found out it is because used long polling first and upgraded to websocket later.

after I set the config to use websocket only, I can keep around 9000 connections.

Set this config at client side:

const socket = require('')
const conn = socket(host, { upgrade: false, transports: ['websocket'] })

How to print a groupby object

I found a tricky way, just for brainstorm, see the code:

df['a'] = df['A']  # create a shadow column for MultiIndexing
df.sort_values('A', inplace=True)
df.set_index(["A","a"], inplace=True)

the output:

A     a
one   one    0
      one    1
      one    5
three three  3
      three  4
two   two    2

The pros is so easy to print, as it returns a dataframe, instead of Groupby Object. And the output looks nice. While the con is that it create a series of redundant data.

How can I change the Y-axis figures into percentages in a barplot?

Borrowed from @Deena above, that function modification for labels is more versatile than you might have thought. For example, I had a ggplot where the denominator of counted variables was 140. I used her example thus:

scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x) paste0(round(x/140*100,1), "%"), breaks = seq(0, 140, 35))

This allowed me to get my percentages on the 140 denominator, and then break the scale at 25% increments rather than the weird numbers it defaulted to. The key here is that the scale breaks are still set by the original count, not by your percentages. Therefore the breaks must be from zero to the denominator value, with the third argument in "breaks" being the denominator divided by however many label breaks you want (e.g. 140 * 0.25 = 35).

How to fill a Javascript object literal with many static key/value pairs efficiently?

In ES2015 a.k.a ES6 version of JavaScript, a new datatype called Map is introduced.

let map = new Map([["key1", "value1"], ["key2", "value2"]]);
map.get("key1"); // => value1

check this reference for more info.

How to implement "select all" check box in HTML?


<script type="text/javascript">

    function do_this(){

        var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('approve[]');
        var button = document.getElementById('toggle');

        if(button.value == 'select'){
            for (var i in checkboxes){
                checkboxes[i].checked = 'FALSE';
            button.value = 'deselect'
            for (var i in checkboxes){
                checkboxes[i].checked = '';
            button.value = 'select';

<input type="checkbox" name="approve[]" value="1" />
<input type="checkbox" name="approve[]" value="2" />
<input type="checkbox" name="approve[]" value="3" />

<input type="button" id="toggle" value="select" onClick="do_this()" />


Select all child elements recursively in CSS

The rule is as following :

A B 

B as a descendant of A

A > B 

B as a child of A


div.dropdown *

and not

div.dropdown > *

AJAX reload page with POST

By using jquery ajax you can reload your page

    type: "POST",
    url: "packtypeAdd.php",
    data: infoPO,
    success: function() {   

Command line to remove an environment variable from the OS level configuration

To remove the variable from the current command session without removing it permanently, use the regular built-in set command - just put nothing after the equals sign:


To confirm, run set with no arguments and check the current environment. The variable should be missing from the list entirely.

Note: this will only remove the variable from the current environment - it will not persist the change to the registry. When a new command process is started, the variable will be back.

What's the idiomatic syntax for prepending to a short python list?

The s.insert(0, x) form is the most common.

Whenever you see it though, it may be time to consider using a collections.deque instead of a list.

Proxies with Python 'Requests' module

The accepted answer was a good start for me, but I kept getting the following error:

AssertionError: Not supported proxy scheme None

Fix to this was to specify the http:// in the proxy url thus:

http_proxy  = ""
https_proxy  = ""
ftp_proxy   = ""

proxyDict = {
              "http"  : http_proxy,
              "https" : https_proxy,
              "ftp"   : ftp_proxy

I'd be interested as to why the original works for some people but not me.

Edit: I see the main answer is now updated to reflect this :)

Android WebView not loading an HTTPS URL

In case you want to use the APK outside the Google Play Store, e.g., private a solution like the following will probably work:

    public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error) {

In case you want to add an additional optional layer of security, you can try to make use of certificate pinning. IMHO this is not necessary for private or internal usage tough.

If you plan to publish the app on the Google Play Store, then you should avoid @Override onReceivedSslError(...){...}. Especially making use of handler.proceed(). Google will find this code snippet and will reject your app for sure since the solution with handler.proceed() will suppress all kinds of built-in security mechanisms.

And just because of the fact that browsers do not complain about your https connection, it does not mean that the SSL certificate itself is trusted at all!

In my case, the SSL certificate chain was broken. You can quickly test such issues with SSL Checker or more intermediate with SSLLabs. But please do not ask me how this can happen. I have absolutely no clue.

Anyway, after reinstalling the SSL certificate, all errors regarding the "untrusted SSL certificate in WebView whatsoever" disappeared finally. I also removed the @Override for onReceivedSslError(...) and got rid of handler.proceed(), and é voila my app was not rejected by Google Play Store (again).

How to change the icon of an Android app in Eclipse?

Rob R.'s answer was definitely the way to go. I tried copying the ic_launcher.png files from another project and Eclipse still wouldn't read them. Going through the manifest is much quicker and easier.

php/mySQL on XAMPP: password for phpMyAdmin and mysql_connect different?

You need to change the password directly in the database because at mysql the users and their profiles are saved in the database.

So there are several ways. At phpMyAdmin you simple go to user admin, choose root and change the password.

Android: Internet connectivity change listener

This my implementation which you can providing in application scope:

class NetworkStateHelper @Inject constructor(
        private val context: Context
) {
    private val cache: BehaviorSubject<Boolean> = BehaviorSubject.create()

    private val receiver = object : BroadcastReceiver() {
        override fun onReceive(c: Context?, intent: Intent?) {

    init {
        val intentFilter = IntentFilter()
        context.registerReceiver(receiver, intentFilter)

    fun subscribe(): Observable<Boolean> {
        return cache

    fun isOnlineOrConnecting(): Boolean {
        val cm = context.applicationContext.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as ConnectivityManager
        val netInfo = cm.activeNetworkInfo
        return netInfo != null && netInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting

I used this rxjava and dagger2 libraies

How to compile a c++ program in Linux?

g++ -o foo foo.cpp

g++ --> Driver for cc1plus compiler

-o --> Indicates the output file (foo is the name of output file here. Can be any name)

foo.cpp --> Source file to be compiled

To execute the compiled file simply type


PHP - If variable is not empty, echo some html code

You're using isset, what isset does is check if the variable is set ('exists') and is not NULL. What you're looking for is empty, which checks if a variable is empty or not, even if it's set. To check what is empty and what is not take a look at:

Also check for what isset does exactly, so you understand why it doesn't do what you expect it to do.

RegEx for matching "A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _" and "."

Working from what you've given I'll assume you want to check that someone has NOT entered any letters other than the ones you've listed. For that to work you want to search for any characters other than those listed:


And use that in a match in your code, something like:

if ( /[^A-Za-z0-9_.]/.match( your_input_string ) ) {
   alert( "you have entered invalid data" );

Hows that?

How to print an exception in Python 3?


    print undefined_var
except Exception as e:

this will print the representation given by e.__str__():

"name 'undefined_var' is not defined"

you can also use:


which will include the Exception class name:

"NameError("name 'undefined_var' is not defined",)"

Using Tkinter in python to edit the title bar

Example of python GUI

Here is an example:

from tkinter import *;
screen = Tk();
screen.geometry("370x420"); //size of screen

Change the name of window

  screen.title('Title Name')

Run it:


Difference between Activity Context and Application Context

I found this table super useful for deciding when to use different types of Contexts:

enter image description here

  1. An application CAN start an Activity from here, but it requires that a new task be created. This may fit specific use cases, but can create non-standard back stack behaviors in your application and is generally not recommended or considered good practice.
  2. This is legal, but inflation will be done with the default theme for the system on which you are running, not what’s defined in your application.
  3. Allowed if the receiver is null, which is used for obtaining the current value of a sticky broadcast, on Android 4.2 and above.

Original article here.

How to override the path of PHP to use the MAMP path?

If you have to type


in your command line then add


to your PATH to be able to call php from anywhere.

Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 is not registered

You have probably installed the 32bit drivers will the job is running in 64bit. More info:

Update Multiple Rows in Entity Framework from a list of ids

I have created a library to batch delete or update records with a round trip on EF Core 5.

Sample code as follows:

await ctx.DeleteRangeAsync(b => b.Price > n || b.AuthorName == "zack yang");

await ctx.BatchUpdate()
.Set(b => b.Price, b => b.Price + 3)
.Set(b => b.PubTime, b => DateTime.Now)
.Where(b => b.Id > n || b.AuthorName.StartsWith("Zack"))

Github repository: Report:

How do I get and set Environment variables in C#?

Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("Variable name", value, EnvironmentVariableTarget.User);

Do a "git export" (like "svn export")?

I've written a simple wrapper around git-checkout-index that you can use like this:

git export ~/the/destination/dir

If the destination directory already exists, you'll need to add -f or --force.

Installation is simple; just drop the script somewhere in your PATH, and make sure it's executable.

The github repository for git-export

How to turn off the Eclipse code formatter for certain sections of Java code?

This hack works:

String x = "s" + //Formatter Hack
    "a" + //
    "c" + //

I would suggest not to use the formatter. Bad code should look bad not artificially good. Good code takes time. You cannot cheat on quality. Formatting is part of source code quality.

.ssh directory not being created

I am assuming that you have enough permissions to create this directory.

To fix your problem, you can either ssh to some other location:

ssh [email protected]

and accept new key - it will create directory ~/.ssh and known_hosts underneath, or simply create it manually using

mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh

Note that chmod 700 is an important step!

After that, ssh-keygen should work without complaints.

Android Fastboot devices not returning device

Are you rebooting the device into the bootloader and entering fastboot USB on the bootloader menu?


adb reboot bootloader

then look for on screen instructions to enter fastboot mode.

Hiding table data using <div style="display:none">

<style type="text/css">
.hidden { display:none; }

<tr><th>Test Table</th><tr>
<tr class="hidden"><td>123456789</td></tr>
<tr class="hidden"><td>123456789</td></tr>
<tr class="hidden"><td>123456789</td></tr>

And instead of:

<div style="display:none;">

you had better use: ...

intl extension: installing php_intl.dll

I was having trouble getting intl to run using PHP 7.1.7 and PhpStorm on Windows 10. Based on other answers here I could tell it was a PATH/DLL dependency problem but I couldn't seem to find all of the required files even after (re-)installing the Visual C++ Redistributable.

I eventually went searching my C: drive for vcr*.dll and found a copy of vcruntime140.dll in my C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox directory. So, in addition to making these changes to php.ini:

extension_dir = "ext"

I also set my runtime PATH to ONLY the PHP directory (in my case, C:\Program Files\PHP\7.1.7) and the Firefox directory (above) and it FINALLY worked! I know it needs more than just the vcruntime140.dll but the other required DLLs must be in the FF directory too (there are a few dozen but I didn't bother to figure out which ones are essential).

click command in selenium webdriver does not work click is found to be not working if the page is zoomed in or out.

I had my page zoomed out to 85%.

If you reset the page zooming in browser using (ctrl + + and ctrl + - ) to 100%, clicks will start working.

Issue was found with chrome version 86.0.4240.111

Understanding MongoDB BSON Document size limit

Many in the community would prefer no limit with warnings about performance, see this comment for a well reasoned argument:

My take, the lead developers are stubborn about this issue because they decided it was an important "feature" early on. They're not going to change it anytime soon because their feelings are hurt that anyone questioned it. Another example of personality and politics detracting from a product in open source communities but this is not really a crippling issue.

How can I wrap text in a label using WPF?

Instead of using a Label class, I would recommend using a TextBlock. This allows you to set the TextWrapping appropriately.

You can always do:

 label1.Content = new TextBlock() { Text = textBox1.Text, TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap };

However, if all this "label" is for is to display text, use a TextBlock instead.

Python Binomial Coefficient

It's a good idea to apply a recursive definition, as in Vadim Smolyakov's answer, combined with a DP (dynamic programming), but for the latter you may apply the lru_cache decorator from module functools:

import functools

@functools.lru_cache(maxsize = None)
def binom(n,k):
    if k == 0: return 1
    if n == k: return 1
    return binom(n-1,k-1)+binom(n-1,k)

Get only the Date part of DateTime in mssql

This may also help:

SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 100) -- mon dd yyyy hh:mmAM (or PM)
                                        -- Oct  2 2008 11:01AM
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 101) -- mm/dd/yyyy - 10/02/2008                  
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 102) -- – 2008.10.02           
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 103) -- dd/mm/yyyy
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 104) --
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 105) -- dd-mm-yyyy
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 106) -- dd mon yyyy
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 107) -- mon dd, yyyy
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 108) --  hh:mm:ss
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 109) -- mon dd yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmmAM (or PM)
                                        -- Oct  2 2008 11:02:44:013AM   
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 110) -- mm-dd-yyyy
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 111) -- yyyy/mm/dd
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 112) -- yyyymmdd
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 113) -- dd mon yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmm
                                        --  02 Oct 2008 11:02:07:577     
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 114) -- hh:mm:ss:mmm(24h)
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 120) -- yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss(24h)
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 121) --  yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.mmm
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 126) -- yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmm
                                        --  2008-10-02T10:52:47.513
-- SQL create different date styles with t-sql string functions
SELECT replace(convert(varchar, getdate(), 111), '/', ' ') -- yyyy mm dd
SELECT convert(varchar(7), getdate(), 126)                 -- yyyy-mm
SELECT right(convert(varchar, getdate(), 106), 8)          -- mon yyyy

The Source

Windows batch script launch program and exit console

The simplest way ist just to start it with start

start notepad.exe

Here you can find more information about start

Should I put input elements inside a label element?

Behavior difference: clicking in the space between label and input

If you click on the space between the label and the input it activates the input only if the label contains the input.

This makes sense since in this case the space is just another character of the label.

  <input type="checkbox" />_x000D_
  |&lt;----- Label. Click between me and the checkbox._x000D_
<input type="checkbox" id="check" />_x000D_
<label for="check">|&lt;----- Label. Click between me and the checkbox.</label>

Being able to click between label and box means that it is:

  • easier to click
  • less clear where things start and end

Bootstrap checkbox v3.3 examples use the input inside: Might be wise to follow them. But they changed their minds in v4.0 so I don't know what is wise anymore:

Checkboxes and radios use are built to support HTML-based form validation and provide concise, accessible labels. As such, our <input>s and <label>s are sibling elements as opposed to an <input> within a <label>. This is slightly more verbose as you must specify id and for attributes to relate the <input> and <label>.

UX question that discusses this point in detail:

How to recover closed output window in netbeans?

I found output option in window Menu.
enter image description here

How to get the date and time values in a C program?

Timespec has day of year built in.

#include <time.h>
int get_day_of_year(){
    time_t t = time(NULL);
    struct tm tm = *localtime(&t);
    return tm.tm_yday;

How do I change select2 box height

You should add the following style definitions to your CSS:

.select2-selection__rendered {
    line-height: 31px !important;
.select2-container .select2-selection--single {
    height: 35px !important;
.select2-selection__arrow {
    height: 34px !important;

How to stop VMware port error of 443 on XAMPP Control Panel v3.2.1

Run XAMPP Control Panel as Administrator if using Windows 7 or more. Windows may block access to ports if not accessed by adminstrator user.

Simulating Key Press C#

Simple one, add before Main

[DllImport("USER32.DLL", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName);
public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);

Code inside Main/Method:

string className = "IEFrame";
string windowName = "New Tab - Windows Internet Explorer";
IntPtr IE = FindWindow(className, windowName);
if (IE == IntPtr.Zero)


  1. Add InputSimulator as reference. To download Click here

  2. To find Class & Window name, use WinSpy++. To download Click here

What is the default access specifier in Java?

First of all let me say one thing there is no such term as "Access specifier" in java. We should call everything as "Modifiers". As we know that final, static, synchronised, volatile.... are called as modifiers, even Public, private, protected, default, abstract should also be called as modifiers . Default is such a modifiers where physical existence is not there but no modifiers is placed then it should be treated as default modifiers.

To justify this take one example:

public class Simple{  
    public static void main(String args[]){  
     System.out.println("Hello Java");  

Output will be: Hello Java

Now change public to private and see what compiler error you get: It says "Modifier private is not allowed here" What conclusion is someone can be wrong or some tutorial can be wrong but compiler cannot be wrong. So we can say there is no term access specifier in java everything is modifiers.

Define make variable at rule execution time

I dislike "Don't" answers, but... don't.

make's variables are global and are supposed to be evaluated during makefile's "parsing" stage, not during execution stage.

In this case, as long as the variable local to a single target, follow @nobar's answer and make it a shell variable.

Target-specific variables, too, are considered harmful by other make implementations: kati, Mozilla pymake. Because of them, a target can be built differently depending on if it's built standalone, or as a dependency of a parent target with a target-specific variable. And you won't know which way it was, because you don't know what is already built.

Python list directory, subdirectory, and files

Since every example here is just using walk (with join), i'd like to show a nice example and comparison with listdir:

import os, time

def listFiles1(root): # listdir
    allFiles = []; walk = [root]
    while walk:
        folder = walk.pop(0)+"/"; items = os.listdir(folder) # items = folders + files
        for i in items: i=folder+i; (walk if os.path.isdir(i) else allFiles).append(i)
    return allFiles

def listFiles2(root): # listdir/join (takes ~1.4x as long) (and uses '\\' instead)
    allFiles = []; walk = [root]
    while walk:
        folder = walk.pop(0); items = os.listdir(folder) # items = folders + files
        for i in items: i=os.path.join(folder,i); (walk if os.path.isdir(i) else allFiles).append(i)
    return allFiles

def listFiles3(root): # walk (takes ~1.5x as long)
    allFiles = []
    for folder, folders, files in os.walk(root):
        for file in files: allFiles+=[folder.replace("\\","/")+"/"+file] # folder+"\\"+file still ~1.5x
    return allFiles

def listFiles4(root): # walk/join (takes ~1.6x as long) (and uses '\\' instead)
    allFiles = []
    for folder, folders, files in os.walk(root):
        for file in files: allFiles+=[os.path.join(folder,file)]
    return allFiles

for i in range(100): files = listFiles1("src") # warm up

start = time.time()
for i in range(100): files = listFiles1("src") # listdir
print("Time taken: %.2fs"%(time.time()-start)) # 0.28s

start = time.time()
for i in range(100): files = listFiles2("src") # listdir and join
print("Time taken: %.2fs"%(time.time()-start)) # 0.38s

start = time.time()
for i in range(100): files = listFiles3("src") # walk
print("Time taken: %.2fs"%(time.time()-start)) # 0.42s

start = time.time()
for i in range(100): files = listFiles4("src") # walk and join
print("Time taken: %.2fs"%(time.time()-start)) # 0.47s

So as you can see for yourself, the listdir version is much more efficient. (and that join is slow)

What is the technology behind wechat, whatsapp and other messenger apps?

To my knowledge, Ejabberd ( is the parent, this is XMPP server which provide quite good features of open source, Whatsapp uses some modified version of this, facebook messaging also uses a modified version of this. Some more chat applications likes Samsung's ChatOn, Nimbuzz messenger all use ejabberd based ones and Erlang solutions also have modified version of this ejabberd which they claim to be highly scalable and well tested with more performance improvements and renamed as MongooseIM.

Ejabberd is the server which has most of the featured implemented when compared to other. Since it is build in Erlang it is highly scalable horizontally.

Call jQuery Ajax Request Each X Minutes

No plugin required. You can use only jquery.

If you want to set something on a timer, you can use JavaScript's setTimeout or setInterval methods:

setTimeout ( expression, timeout );
setInterval ( expression, interval );

Angular2 - Focusing a textbox on component load

Directive for autoFocus first field

import {_x000D_
} from "@angular/core";_x000D_
  selector: "[appFocusFirstEmptyInput]"_x000D_
export class FocusFirstEmptyInputDirective implements AfterViewInit {_x000D_
  constructor(private el: ElementRef) {}_x000D_
  ngAfterViewInit(): void {_x000D_
    const invalidControl = this.el.nativeElement.querySelector(".ng-untouched");_x000D_
    if (invalidControl) {_x000D_

Classes residing in App_Code is not accessible

Right click on the .cs file in the App_Code folder and check its properties.

Make sure the "Build Action" is set to "Compile".

How to upgrade Angular CLI project?

According to the documentation on here you 'should' just be able to run...

npm install @angular/{common,compiler,compiler-cli,core,forms,http,platform-browser,platform-browser-dynamic,platform-server,router,animations}@latest typescript@latest --save

I tried it and got a couple of errors due to my zone.js and ngrx/store libraries being older versions.

Updating those to the latest versions npm install zone.js@latest --save and npm install @ngrx/store@latest -save, then running the angular install again worked for me.

How to Use Sockets in JavaScript\HTML?

I think it is important to mention, now that this question is over 1 year old, that Socket.IO has since come out and seems to be the primary way to work with sockets in the browser now; it is also compatible with Node.js as far as I know.

Handling Dialogs in WPF with MVVM

I think that the handling of a dialog should be the responsibility of the view, and the view needs to have code to support that.

If you change the ViewModel - View interaction to handle dialogs then the ViewModel is dependant on that implementation. The simplest way to deal with this problem is to make the View responsible for performing the task. If that means showing a dialog then fine, but could also be a status message in the status bar etc.

My point is that the whole point of the MVVM pattern is to separate business logic from the GUI, so you shouldn't be mixing GUI logic (to display a dialog) in the business layer (the ViewModel).

How to print a query string with parameter values when using Hibernate

if you are using hibernate 3.2.xx use

instead of 

How can I pass a class member function as a callback?

What argument does Init take? What is the new error message?

Method pointers in C++ are a bit difficult to use. Besides the method pointer itself, you also need to provide an instance pointer (in your case this). Maybe Init expects it as a separate argument?

Do I need to pass the full path of a file in another directory to open()?

You have to specify the path that you are working on:

source = '/home/test/py_test/'
for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(source):
    for f in filenames:
        print f
        fullpath = os.path.join(source, f)
        log = open(fullpath, 'r')

ImportError: No module named mysql.connector using Python2

I had a file named in the folder. That's why it gave an error because it tried to call it in the import process.

import mysql.connector

I solved the problem by changing the file name.

sort dict by value python

If you actually want to sort the dictionary instead of just obtaining a sorted list use collections.OrderedDict

>>> from collections import OrderedDict
>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> data = {1: 'b', 2: 'a'}
>>> d = OrderedDict(sorted(data.items(), key=itemgetter(1)))
>>> d
OrderedDict([(2, 'a'), (1, 'b')])
>>> d.values()
['a', 'b']

How do I create a comma-separated list from an array in PHP?

Follow this one

$teacher_id = '';

        for ($i = 0; $i < count($data['teacher_id']); $i++) {

            $teacher_id .= $data['teacher_id'][$i].',';

        $teacher_id = rtrim($teacher_id, ',');
        echo $teacher_id; exit; cannot open shared object file

Install the packages:

sudo apt-get install libaio1 libaio-dev


sudo yum install libaio

Fire event on enter key press for a textbox


<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" clientidmode="Static" runat="server" onkeypress="return EnterEvent(event)"></asp:TextBox>    
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" style="display:none" Text="Button" />


function EnterEvent(e) {
        if (e.keyCode == 13) {
            __doPostBack('<%=Button1.UniqueID%>', "");


protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)


Comparing chars in Java

If you have specific chars should be:

Collection<Character> specificChars = Arrays.asList('A', 'D', 'E');  // more chars
char symbol = 'Y';
System.out.println(specificChars.contains(symbol));   // false
symbol = 'A';
System.out.println(specificChars.contains(symbol));   // true           

Struct like objects in Java

This is a commonly discussed topic. The drawback of creating public fields in objects is that you have no control over the values that are set to it. In group projects where there are many programmers using the same code, it's important to avoid side effects. Besides, sometimes it's better to return a copy of field's object or transform it somehow etc. You can mock such methods in your tests. If you create a new class you might not see all possible actions. It's like defensive programming - someday getters and setters may be helpful, and it doesn't cost a lot to create/use them. So they are sometimes useful.

In practice, most fields have simple getters and setters. A possible solution would look like this:

public property String foo;   
a->Foo = b->Foo;

Update: It's highly unlikely that property support will be added in Java 7 or perhaps ever. Other JVM languages like Groovy, Scala, etc do support this feature now. - Alex Miller

Adding items to end of linked list

Here is a partial solution to your linked list class, I have left the rest of the implementation to you, and also left the good suggestion to add a tail node as part of the linked list to you as well.

The node file :

public class Node 
    private Object data; 
    private Node next; 

    public Node(Object d) 
        data = d ;
        next = null;

    public Object GetItem()
        return data;

    public Node GetNext()
        return next;

    public void SetNext(Node toAppend)
        next = toAppend;

And here is a Linked List file :

public class LL
    private Node head;

    public LL()
        head = null;

    public void AddToEnd(String x)
        Node current = head;

        // as you mentioned, this is the base case
        if(current == null) {
            head = new Node(x);

        // you should understand this part thoroughly :
        // this is the code that traverses the list.
        // the germane thing to see is that when the 
        // link to the next node is null, we are at the 
        // end of the list.
        else {
            while(current.GetNext() != null)
                current = current.GetNext();

            // add new node at the end
        Node toAppend = new Node(x);

How to install a gem or update RubyGems if it fails with a permissions error

This will fix the issue on MacOS Mojave and Catalina in a clean way:

brew install ruby

Then set GEM_HOME to your user directory. On the terminal:

  • Bash:

    echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
    echo 'export GEM_HOME=$HOME/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
    echo 'export PATH=$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc
  • OR if on Zsh:

    echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.zshrc
    echo 'export GEM_HOME=$HOME/gems' >> ~/.zshrc
    echo 'export PATH=$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc
    source ~/.zshrc

Display TIFF image in all web browser

You can try converting your image from tiff to PNG, here is how to do it:

import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;

public class ImgConvTiffToPng {

    public static byte[] convert(byte[] tiff) throws Exception {

        byte[] out = new byte[0];
        InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(tiff);

        TIFFDecodeParam param = null;

        ImageDecoder dec = ImageCodec.createImageDecoder("tiff", inputStream, param);
        RenderedImage op = dec.decodeAsRenderedImage(0);

        ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        PNGEncodeParam jpgparam = null;
        ImageEncoder en = ImageCodec.createImageEncoder("png", outputStream, jpgparam);
        outputStream = (ByteArrayOutputStream) en.getOutputStream();
        out = outputStream.toByteArray();

        return out;


Pushing to Git returning Error Code 403 fatal: HTTP request failed

I was signed in as a different github user previously(say user1) . For my actual github account(say user2) I was able to clone a newly created repo in github but I was not able to push the changes.

I tried all the answers mentioned above including removing credential from Windows Credential manager but nothing worked.

In the end what worked was launching github Windows App. Navigate to Settings->Options and voila the logged in user was user1. Click Logout from that user and login as required user in this case user2

enter image description here

shell script to remove a file if it already exist

Another one line command I used is:

[ -e file ] && rm file

Extract part of a regex match

The provided pieces of code do not cope with Exceptions May I suggest

getattr("<title>(.*)</title>", s, re.IGNORECASE), 'groups', lambda:[u""])()[0]

This returns an empty string by default if the pattern has not been found, or the first match.

PHP to search within txt file and echo the whole line

one way...

$needle = "blah";
$content = file_get_contents('file.txt');
echo $line[1];

though it would probably be better to read it line by line with fopen() and fread() and use strpos()

SQL: parse the first, middle and last name from a fullname field

Subject to the caveats that have already been raised regarding spaces in names and other anomalies, the following code will at least handle 98% of names. (Note: messy SQL because I don't have a regex option in the database I use.)

**Warning: messy SQL follows:

create table parsname (fullname char(50), name1 char(30), name2 char(30), name3 char(30), name4 char(40));
insert into parsname (fullname) select fullname from ImportTable;
update parsname set name1 = substring(fullname, 1, locate(' ', fullname)),
 fullname = ltrim(substring(fullname, locate(' ', fullname), length(fullname)))
 where locate(' ', rtrim(fullname)) > 0;
update parsname set name2 = substring(fullname, 1, locate(' ', fullname)),
 fullname = ltrim(substring(fullname, locate(' ', fullname), length(fullname)))
 where locate(' ', rtrim(fullname)) > 0;
update parsname set name3 = substring(fullname, 1, locate(' ', fullname)),
 fullname = ltrim(substring(fullname, locate(' ', fullname), length(fullname)))
 where locate(' ', rtrim(fullname)) > 0;
update parsname set name4 = substring(fullname, 1, locate(' ', fullname)),
 fullname = ltrim(substring(fullname, locate(' ', fullname), length(fullname)))
 where locate(' ', rtrim(fullname)) > 0;
// fullname now contains the last word in the string.
select fullname as FirstName, '' as MiddleName, '' as LastName from parsname where fullname is not null and name1 is null and name2 is null
union all
select name1 as FirstName, name2 as MiddleName, fullname as LastName from parsname where name1 is not null and name3 is null

The code works by creating a temporary table (parsname) and tokenizing the fullname by spaces. Any names ending up with values in name3 or name4 are non-conforming and will need to be dealt with differently.

typeof operator in C

Since typeof is a compiler extension, there is not really a definition for it, but in the tradition of C it would be an operator, e.g sizeof and _Alignof are also seen as an operators.

And you are mistaken, C has dynamic types that are only determined at run time: variable modified (VM) types.

size_t n = strtoull(argv[1], 0, 0);
double A[n][n];
typeof(A) B;

can only be determined at run time.

How can I install MacVim on OS X?

There is also a new option now in, which looks quite promising.

Show only two digit after decimal

First thing that should pop in a developer head while formatting a number into char sequence should be care of such details like do it will be possible to reverse the operation.

And other aspect is providing proper result. So you want to truncate the number or round it.

So before you start you should ask your self, am i interested on the value or not.

To achieve your goal you have multiple options but most of them refer to Format and Formatter, but i just suggest to look in this answer.

How to apply a CSS class on hover to dynamically generated submit buttons?

The most efficient selector you can use is an attribute selector.

 input[name="btnPage"]:hover {/*your css here*/}

Here's a live demo:

Javascript Equivalent to PHP Explode()

var str = "helloword~this~is~me";
var exploded = str.splice(~);

the exploded variable will return array and you can access elements of the array be accessing it true exploded[nth] where nth is the index of the value you want to get

How to trigger a build only if changes happen on particular set of files

I wrote this script to skip or execute tests if there are changes:


set -e -o pipefail -u

while [ "$1" != "--" ]; do
    paths+=( "$1" ); shift

if git diff --quiet --exit-code "${BASE_BRANCH:-origin/master}"..HEAD ${paths[@]}; then
    echo "No changes in ${paths[@]}, skipping $@..." 1>&2
    exit 0
echo "Changes found in ${paths[@]}, running $@..." 1>&2

exec "$@"

So you can do something like:

./scripts/ cmd vendor go.mod go.sum fixtures/ tools/ -- go test

How to get the id of the element clicked using jQuery

update as you loading contents dynamically so you use.

$(document).on('click', 'span', function () {

old code


or you can use .on

$('span').on('click', function () {

this refers to current span element clicked will give the id of the current span clicked

How to retrieve SQL result column value using column name in Python?

python 2.7

import pymysql

conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', port=3306, user='root', passwd='password', db='sakila')

cur = conn.cursor()

n = cur.execute('select * from actor')
c = cur.fetchall()

for i in c:
    print i[1]

Output PowerShell variables to a text file

I was lead here in my Google searching. In a show of good faith I have included what I pieced together from parts of this code and other code I've gathered along the way.

# This script is useful if you have attributes or properties that span across several commandlets_x000D_
# and you wish to export a certain data set but all of the properties you wish to export are not_x000D_
# included in only one commandlet so you must use more than one to export the data set you want_x000D_
# Created: Joshua Biddle 08/24/2017_x000D_
# Edited: Joshua Biddle 08/24/2017_x000D_
$A = Get-ADGroupMember "YourGroupName"_x000D_
# Construct an out-array to use for data export_x000D_
$Results = @()_x000D_
foreach ($B in $A)_x000D_
  # Construct an object_x000D_
        $myobj = Get-ADuser $B.samAccountName -Properties ScriptPath,Office_x000D_
  # Fill the object_x000D_
  $Properties = @{_x000D_
  samAccountName = $myobj.samAccountName_x000D_
  Name = $myobj.Name _x000D_
  Office = $myobj.Office _x000D_
  ScriptPath = $myobj.ScriptPath_x000D_
        # Add the object to the out-array_x000D_
        $Results += New-Object psobject -Property $Properties_x000D_
  # Wipe the object just to be sure_x000D_
        $myobj = $null_x000D_
# After the loop, export the array to CSV_x000D_
$Results | Select "samAccountName", "Name", "Office", "ScriptPath" | Export-CSV "C:\Temp\YourData.csv"


TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable when indexing in to a dictionary

Normally Python throws NameError if the variable is not defined:

>>> d[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'd' is not defined

However, you've managed to stumble upon a name that already exists in Python.

Because dict is the name of a built-in type in Python you are seeing what appears to be a strange error message, but in reality it is not.

The type of dict is a type. All types are objects in Python. Thus you are actually trying to index into the type object. This is why the error message says that the "'type' object is not subscriptable."

>>> type(dict)
<type 'type'>
>>> dict[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable

Note that you can blindly assign to the dict name, but you really don't want to do that. It's just going to cause you problems later.

>>> dict = {1:'a'}
>>> type(dict)
<class 'dict'>
>>> dict[1]

The true source of the problem is that you must assign variables prior to trying to use them. If you simply reorder the statements of your question, it will almost certainly work:

d = {1: "walk1.png", 2: "walk2.png", 3: "walk3.png"}
m1 = pygame.image.load(d[1])
m2 = pygame.image.load(d[2])
m3 = pygame.image.load(d[3])
playerxy = (375,130)
window.blit(m1, (playerxy))

Removing multiple files from a Git repo that have already been deleted from disk

I needed the same and used git gui "stage changed" button. it also adds all.

And after "stage changed" I made "commit" ...

so my working directory is clean again.

angularjs directive call function specified in attribute and pass an argument to it

Here's what worked for me.

Html using the directive

 <tr orderitemdirective remove="vm.removeOrderItem(orderItem)" order-item="orderitem"></tr>

Html of the directive: orderitem.directive.html

<md-button type="submit" ng-click="remove({orderItem:orderItem})">

Directive's scope:

scope: {
    orderItem: '=',
    remove: "&",

How do I convert a number to a letter in Java?

Another variant:

private String getCharForNumber(int i) {
    if (i > 25 || i < 0) {
        return null;
    return new Character((char) (i + 65)).toString();


if not exists (select * from sysobjects where name='cars' and xtype='U')
    create table cars (
        Name varchar(64) not null

The above will create a table called cars if the table does not already exist.