Programs & Examples On #Nested generics

Frequency table for a single variable

for frequency distribution of a variable with excessive values you can collapse down the values in classes,

Here I excessive values for employrate variable, and there's no meaning of it's frequency distribution with direct values_count(normalize=True)

                country  employrate alcconsumption
0           Afghanistan   55.700001            .03
1               Albania   11.000000           7.29
2               Algeria   11.000000            .69
3               Andorra         nan          10.17
4                Angola   75.699997           5.57
..                  ...         ...            ...
208             Vietnam   71.000000           3.91
209  West Bank and Gaza   32.000000               
210         Yemen, Rep.   39.000000             .2
211              Zambia   61.000000           3.56
212            Zimbabwe   66.800003           4.96

[213 rows x 3 columns]

frequency distribution with values_count(normalize=True) with no classification,length of result here is 139 (seems meaningless as a frequency distribution):


50.500000   0.005618
61.500000   0.016854
46.000000   0.011236
64.500000   0.005618
63.500000   0.005618

58.599998   0.005618
63.799999   0.011236
63.200001   0.005618
65.599998   0.005618
68.300003   0.005618
Name: employrate, Length: 139, dtype: float64

putting classification we put all values with a certain range ie.

0-10 as 1,
11-20 as 2  
21-30 as 3, and so forth.
gm['employrate'] = np.where(
   (gm['employrate'] <=10) & (gm['employrate'] > 0) , 1, gm['employrate']
gm['employrate'] = np.where(
   (gm['employrate'] <=20) & (gm['employrate'] > 10) , 1, gm['employrate']
gm['employrate'] = np.where(
   (gm['employrate'] <=30) & (gm['employrate'] > 20) , 2, gm['employrate']
gm['employrate'] = np.where(
   (gm['employrate'] <=40) & (gm['employrate'] > 30) , 3, gm['employrate']
gm['employrate'] = np.where(
   (gm['employrate'] <=50) & (gm['employrate'] > 40) , 4, gm['employrate']
gm['employrate'] = np.where(
   (gm['employrate'] <=60) & (gm['employrate'] > 50) , 5, gm['employrate']
gm['employrate'] = np.where(
   (gm['employrate'] <=70) & (gm['employrate'] > 60) , 6, gm['employrate']
gm['employrate'] = np.where(
   (gm['employrate'] <=80) & (gm['employrate'] > 70) , 7, gm['employrate']
gm['employrate'] = np.where(
   (gm['employrate'] <=90) & (gm['employrate'] > 80) , 8, gm['employrate']
gm['employrate'] = np.where(
   (gm['employrate'] <=100) & (gm['employrate'] > 90) , 9, gm['employrate']

after classification we have a clear frequency distribution. here we can easily see, that 37.64% of countries have employ rate between 51-60% and 11.79% of countries have employ rate between 71-80%

5.000000   0.376404
7.000000   0.117978
4.000000   0.179775
6.000000   0.264045
8.000000   0.033708
3.000000   0.028090
Name: employrate, dtype: float64

How to force child div to be 100% of parent div's height without specifying parent's height?

I know it's been a looong time since the question was made, but I found an easy solution and thought someone could use it (sorry about the poor english). Here it goes:


.main, .sidebar {
    float: none;
    padding: 20px;
    vertical-align: top;
.container {
    display: table;
.main {
    width: 400px;
    background-color: LightSlateGrey;
    display: table-cell;
.sidebar {
    width: 200px;
    display: table-cell;
    background-color: Tomato;


<div class="container clearfix">
    <div class="sidebar">
        simple text here
    <div class="main">
        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam congue, tortor in mattis mattis, arcu erat pharetra orci, at vestibulum lorem ante a felis. Integer sit amet est ac elit vulputate lobortis. Vestibulum in ipsum nulla. Aenean erat elit, lacinia sit amet adipiscing quis, aliquet at erat. Vivamus massa sem, cursus vel semper non, dictum vitae mi. Donec sed bibendum ante.

Simple example. Note that you can turn into responsiveness.

Cancel a UIView animation?

To cancel an animation you simply need to set the property that is currently being animated, outside of the UIView animation. That will stop the animation wherever it is, and the UIView will jump to the setting you just defined.

How can I see the current value of my $PATH variable on OS X?

You need to use the command echo $PATH to display the PATH variable or you can just execute set or env to display all of your environment variables.

By typing $PATH you tried to run your PATH variable contents as a command name.

Bash displayed the contents of your path any way. Based on your output the following directories will be searched in the following order:


To me this list appears to be complete.

python numpy vector math

You can just use numpy arrays. Look at the numpy for matlab users page for a detailed overview of the pros and cons of arrays w.r.t. matrices.

As I mentioned in the comment, having to use the dot() function or method for mutiplication of vectors is the biggest pitfall. But then again, numpy arrays are consistent. All operations are element-wise. So adding or subtracting arrays and multiplication with a scalar all work as expected of vectors.

Edit2: Starting with Python 3.5 and numpy 1.10 you can use the @ infix-operator for matrix multiplication, thanks to pep 465.

Edit: Regarding your comment:

  1. Yes. The whole of numpy is based on arrays.

  2. Yes. linalg.norm(v) is a good way to get the length of a vector. But what you get depends on the possible second argument to norm! Read the docs.

  3. To normalize a vector, just divide it by the length you calculated in (2). Division of arrays by a scalar is also element-wise.

    An example in ipython:

    In [1]: import math
    In [2]: import numpy as np
    In [3]: a = np.array([4,2,7])
    In [4]: np.linalg.norm(a)
    Out[4]: 8.3066238629180749
    In [5]: math.sqrt(sum([n**2 for n in a]))
    Out[5]: 8.306623862918075
    In [6]: b = a/np.linalg.norm(a)
    In [7]: np.linalg.norm(b)
    Out[7]: 1.0

    Note that In [5] is an alternative way to calculate the length. In [6] shows normalizing the vector.

Android Webview gives net::ERR_CACHE_MISS message


if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19) {

It should solve the error.

Default SecurityProtocol in .NET 4.5

Create a text file with a .reg extension and the following contents:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Or download it from the following source:

Double-click to install...

How can I hide a TD tag using inline JavaScript or CSS?

Everything is possible (or almost) with css, just use:

display: none; //to hide

display: table-cell //to show

How to add Date Picker Bootstrap 3 on MVC 5 project using the Razor engine?

Attempting to provide a concise update, based on Enzero's answer.

  • Install the Bootstrap.Datepicker package.

    PM> install-package Bootstrap.Datepicker
    Successfully installed 'Bootstrap.Datepicker 1.7.1' to ...
  • In AppStart/BundleConfig.cs, add the related scripts and styles in the bundles.

    bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/bootstrap").Include(
    bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(
  • In the related view, in the scripts' section, enable and customize datepicker.

    @section scripts{
        <script type="text/javascript">
                format: 'dd/mm/yyyy', //choose the date format you prefer
                language: "YOUR-LOCALE-CODE-HERE",
                orientation: 'left bottom'
  • Eventually add the datepicker class in the related control. For instance, in a TextBox and for a date format in the like of "31/12/2018" this would be:

    @Html.TextBox("YOUR-STRING-FOR-THE-DATE", "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", new { @class = "datepicker" })

Apache shows PHP code instead of executing it

if the module userdir is enabled and your site is in a userdir (~/public_html) you must check /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf. The following part makes it work (on Ubuntu 14.10 utopic):

# Running PHP scripts in user directories is disabled by default
# To re-enable PHP in user directories comment the following lines
# (from <IfModule ...> to </IfModule>.) Do NOT set it to On as it
# prevents .htaccess files from disabling it.

# <IfModule mod_userdir.c>
#     <Directory /home/*/public_html>
#        php_admin_flag engine Off
#    </Directory>
# </IfModule>

What is the ultimate postal code and zip regex?

Please note that this is quite a hard problem, as stated by the accepted answer. I guess it didn't deter the folks at though. They have a file a country info file, which doesn't fit whole into this answer - limit is at 30000 chars apparently. There are regexes for about 150 countries.

I extracted the bits relevant to this question here :

AD ^(?:AD)*(\d{3})$
AM ^(\d{6})$
AR ^([A-Z]\d{4}[A-Z]{3})$
AT ^(\d{4})$
AU ^(\d{4})$
AX ^(?:FI)*(\d{5})$
AZ ^(?:AZ)*(\d{4})$
BA ^(\d{5})$
BB ^(?:BB)*(\d{5})$
BD ^(\d{4})$
BE ^(\d{4})$
BG ^(\d{4})$
BH ^(\d{3}\d?)$
BM ^([A-Z]{2}\d{2})$
BN ^([A-Z]{2}\d{4})$
BR ^(\d{8})$
BY ^(\d{6})$
CH ^(\d{4})$
CL ^(\d{7})$
CN ^(\d{6})$
CR ^(\d{4})$
CU ^(?:CP)*(\d{5})$
CV ^(\d{4})$
CX ^(\d{4})$
CY ^(\d{4})$
CZ ^(\d{5})$
DE ^(\d{5})$
DK ^(\d{4})$
DO ^(\d{5})$
DZ ^(\d{5})$
EC ^([a-zA-Z]\d{4}[a-zA-Z])$
EE ^(\d{5})$
EG ^(\d{5})$
ES ^(\d{5})$
ET ^(\d{4})$
FI ^(?:FI)*(\d{5})$
FM ^(\d{5})$
FO ^(?:FO)*(\d{3})$
FR ^(\d{5})$
GB ^(([A-Z]\d{2}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]\d{3}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}\d{2}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}\d{3}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]\d[A-Z]\d[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}\d[A-Z]\d[A-Z]{2})|(GIR0AA))$
GE ^(\d{4})$
GF ^((97|98)3\d{2})$
GG ^(([A-Z]\d{2}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]\d{3}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}\d{2}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}\d{3}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]\d[A-Z]\d[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}\d[A-Z]\d[A-Z]{2})|(GIR0AA))$
GL ^(\d{4})$
GP ^((97|98)\d{3})$
GR ^(\d{5})$
GT ^(\d{5})$
GU ^(969\d{2})$
GW ^(\d{4})$
HN ^([A-Z]{2}\d{4})$
HR ^(?:HR)*(\d{5})$
HT ^(?:HT)*(\d{4})$
HU ^(\d{4})$
ID ^(\d{5})$
IL ^(\d{5})$
IM ^(([A-Z]\d{2}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]\d{3}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}\d{2}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}\d{3}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]\d[A-Z]\d[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}\d[A-Z]\d[A-Z]{2})|(GIR0AA))$
IN ^(\d{6})$
IQ ^(\d{5})$
IR ^(\d{10})$
IS ^(\d{3})$
IT ^(\d{5})$
JE ^(([A-Z]\d{2}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]\d{3}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}\d{2}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}\d{3}[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]\d[A-Z]\d[A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{2}\d[A-Z]\d[A-Z]{2})|(GIR0AA))$
JO ^(\d{5})$
JP ^(\d{7})$
KE ^(\d{5})$
KG ^(\d{6})$
KH ^(\d{5})$
KP ^(\d{6})$
KR ^(?:SEOUL)*(\d{6})$
KW ^(\d{5})$
KZ ^(\d{6})$
LA ^(\d{5})$
LB ^(\d{4}(\d{4})?)$
LI ^(\d{4})$
LK ^(\d{5})$
LR ^(\d{4})$
LS ^(\d{3})$
LT ^(?:LT)*(\d{5})$
LU ^(\d{4})$
LV ^(?:LV)*(\d{4})$
MA ^(\d{5})$
MC ^(\d{5})$
MD ^(?:MD)*(\d{4})$
ME ^(\d{5})$
MG ^(\d{3})$
MK ^(\d{4})$
MM ^(\d{5})$
MN ^(\d{6})$
MQ ^(\d{5})$
MT ^([A-Z]{3}\d{2}\d?)$
MV ^(\d{5})$
MX ^(\d{5})$
MY ^(\d{5})$
MZ ^(\d{4})$
NC ^(\d{5})$
NE ^(\d{4})$
NF ^(\d{4})$
NG ^(\d{6})$
NI ^(\d{7})$
NL ^(\d{4}[A-Z]{2})$
NO ^(\d{4})$
NP ^(\d{5})$
NZ ^(\d{4})$
OM ^(\d{3})$
PF ^((97|98)7\d{2})$
PG ^(\d{3})$
PH ^(\d{4})$
PK ^(\d{5})$
PL ^(\d{5})$
PM ^(97500)$
PR ^(\d{9})$
PT ^(\d{7})$
PW ^(96940)$
PY ^(\d{4})$
RE ^((97|98)(4|7|8)\d{2})$
RO ^(\d{6})$
RS ^(\d{6})$
RU ^(\d{6})$
SA ^(\d{5})$
SD ^(\d{5})$
SE ^(?:SE)*(\d{5})$
SG ^(\d{6})$
SI ^(?:SI)*(\d{4})$
SK ^(\d{5})$
SM ^(4789\d)$
SN ^(\d{5})$
SO ^([A-Z]{2}\d{5})$
SV ^(?:CP)*(\d{4})$
SZ ^([A-Z]\d{3})$
TH ^(\d{5})$
TJ ^(\d{6})$
TM ^(\d{6})$
TN ^(\d{4})$
TR ^(\d{5})$
TW ^(\d{5})$
UA ^(\d{5})$
US ^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$
UY ^(\d{5})$
UZ ^(\d{6})$
VA ^(\d{5})$
VE ^(\d{4})$
VI ^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$
VN ^(\d{6})$
WF ^(986\d{2})$
YT ^(\d{5})$
ZA ^(\d{4})$
ZM ^(\d{5})$
CS ^(\d{5})$

Hopefully I didn't make any mistake, my regex-fu is pretty weak.

How can I update npm on Windows?

To install the updates, just download the installer from the site and run it again. The new version of Node.js and NPM will replace the older versions.

How to center a window on the screen in Tkinter?

This method is cross-platform, works for multiple monitors/screens (targets the active screen), and requires no other libraries than Tk. The root window will appear centered without any unwanted "flashing" or animations:

import tkinter as tk

def get_geometry(frame):
    geometry = frame.winfo_geometry()
    match = re.match(r'^(\d+)x(\d+)\+(\d+)\+(\d+)$', geometry)
    return [int(val) for val in*range(1, 5))]

def center_window(root):
    """Must be called after application is fully initialized
    so that the root window is the true final size."""
    # Avoid unwanted "flashing" by making window transparent until fully ready
    root.attributes('-alpha', 0)

    # Get dimensions of active screen/monitor using fullscreen trick; withdraw
    # window before making it fullscreen to preserve previous dimensions
    root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
    (screen_width, screen_height, *_) = get_geometry(root)
    root.attributes('-fullscreen', False)

    # Restore and get "natural" window dimensions
    (window_width, window_height, *_) = get_geometry(root)

    # Compute and set proper window center
    pos_x = round(screen_width / 2 - window_width / 2)
    pos_y = round(screen_height / 2 - window_height / 2)
    root.attributes('-alpha', 1)

# Usage:
root = tk.Tk()

Note that at every point where window geometry is modified, update_idletasks() must be called to force the operation to occur synchronously/immediately. It uses Python 3 functionality but can easily be adapted to Python 2.x if necessary.

Round to at most 2 decimal places (only if necessary)

I was building a simple tipCalculator and there was a lot of answers here that seem to overcomplicate the issue. So I found summarizing the issue to be the best way to truly answer this question

if you want to create a rounded decimal number, first you call toFixed(# of decimal places you want to keep) and then wrap that in a Number()

so end result:

let amountDue = 286.44;
tip = Number((amountDue * 0.2).toFixed(2));
console.log(tip)  // 57.29 instead of 57.288

Check image width and height before upload with Javascript

The file is just a file, you need to create an image like so:

var _URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
$("#file").change(function (e) {
    var file, img;
    if ((file = this.files[0])) {
        img = new Image();
        var objectUrl = _URL.createObjectURL(file);
        img.onload = function () {
            alert(this.width + " " + this.height);
        img.src = objectUrl;


I take it you realize this is only supported in a few browsers. Mostly firefox and chrome, could be opera as well by now.

P.S. The URL.createObjectURL() method has been removed from the MediaStream interface. This method has been deprecated in 2013 and superseded by assigning streams to HTMLMediaElement.srcObject. The old method was removed because it is less safe, requiring a call to URL.revokeOjbectURL() to end the stream. Other user agents have either deprecated (Firefox) or removed (Safari) this feature feature.

For more information, please refer here.

How to set thousands separator in Java?

The accepted answer has to be really altered otherwise not working. The getDecimalFormatSymbols makes a defensive copy. Thus,

DecimalFormat formatter = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = formatter.getDecimalFormatSymbols();

symbols.setGroupingSeparator(' ');

The new line is this one: formatter.setDecimalFormatSymbols(symbols);

How do I create a new Git branch from an old commit?


This will create a new branch called 'NEW_BRANCH_NAME' and check it out.

("check out" means "to switch to the branch")


This just creates the new branch without checking it out.

in the comments many people seem to prefer doing this in two steps. here's how to do so in two steps:

git checkout COMMIT_ID
# you are now in the "detached head" state
git checkout -b NEW_BRANCH_NAME

Spring REST Service: how to configure to remove null objects in json response

Since Jackson 2.0 you can use JsonInclude

public class Shop {

Abstraction vs Encapsulation in Java

Abstraction is about identifying commonalities and reducing features that you have to work with at different levels of your code.

e.g. I may have a Vehicle class. A Car would derive from a Vehicle, as would a Motorbike. I can ask each Vehicle for the number of wheels, passengers etc. and that info has been abstracted and identified as common from Cars and Motorbikes.

In my code I can often just deal with Vehicles via common methods go(), stop() etc. When I add a new Vehicle type later (e.g. Scooter) the majority of my code would remain oblivious to this fact, and the implementation of Scooter alone worries about Scooter particularities.

Real time data graphing on a line chart with html5

I would suggest Smoothie Charts.

It's very simple to use, easily and widely configurable, and does a great job of streaming real time data.

There's a builder that lets you explore the options and generate code.

Disclaimer: I am a contributor to the library.

Prevent scroll-bar from adding-up to the Width of page on Chrome

I solved a similar problem I had with scrollbar this way:

First disable vertical scrollbar by setting it's:

overflow-y: hidden;

Then make a div with fixed position with a height equal to the screen height and make it's width thin to look like scrollbar. This div should be vertically scroll-able. Now inside this div make another div with the height of your document (with all it's contents). Now all you need to do is to add an onScroll function to the container div and scroll body as the div scrolls. Here's the code:


<div onscroll="OnScroll(this);" style="width:18px; height:100%;  overflow-y: auto; position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0;">
    <div id="ScrollDiv" style="width:28px; height:100%; overflow-y: auto;">

Then in your page load event add this:


$( document ).ready(function() {
    var body = document.body;
    var html = document.documentElement;
    var height = Math.max( body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight);
    document.getElementById('ScrollDiv').style.height = height + 'px'; 

function OnScroll(Div) {
    document.body.scrollTop = Div.scrollTop;

Now scrolling the div works just like scrolling the body while body has no scrollbar.

HTTP Error 500.22 - Internal Server Error (An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode.)

This issue is caused by the pipeline mode in your Application Pool setting that your web site is set to.


  • Simple way Change the Application Pool mode to one that has Classic pipeline enabled.
  • Correct way Your web.config / web app will need to be altered to support Integrated pipelines. Normally this is as simple as removing parts of your web.config.
  • Simple way (bad practice) Add the following to your web.config. See

         <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />

Long If possible, your best bet is to change your application to support the integrated pipelines. There are a number of changes between IIS6 and IIS7.x that will cause this error. You can find details about these changes here

If you're unable to do that, you'll need to change the App pool which may be more difficult to do depending on your availability to the web server.

  • Go to the web server
  • Open the IIS Manager
  • Navigate to your site
  • Click Advanced Settings on the right Action pane
  • Under Application Pool, change it to an app pool that has classic enabled.

Check for details on changing the App Pool

If you need to create an App Pool with Classic pipelines, take a look at

If you don't have access to the server to make this change, you'll need to do this through your hosting server and contact them for help.

Feel free to ask questions.

How do I get the current date and time in PHP?

You can use both the $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] variable or the time() function. Both of these return a Unix timestamp.

Most of the time these two solutions will yield the exact same Unix Timestamp. The difference between these is that $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] returns the time stamp of the most recent server request and time() returns the current time. This may create minor differences in accuracy depending on your application, but for most cases both of these solutions should suffice.

Based on your example code above, you are going to want to format this information once you obtain the Unix Timestamp. Unformatted Unix time looks like: 1232659628

So in order to get something that will work, you can use the date() function to format it.

A good reference for ways to use the date() function is located in the PHP Manual.

As an example, the following code returns a date that looks like this: 01/22/2009 04:35:00 pm :

echo date("m/d/Y h:i:s a", time());

What is Func, how and when is it used

Think of it as a placeholder. It can be quite useful when you have code that follows a certain pattern but need not be tied to any particular functionality.

For example, consider the Enumerable.Select extension method.

  • The pattern is: for every item in a sequence, select some value from that item (e.g., a property) and create a new sequence consisting of these values.
  • The placeholder is: some selector function that actually gets the values for the sequence described above.

This method takes a Func<T, TResult> instead of any concrete function. This allows it to be used in any context where the above pattern applies.

So for example, say I have a List<Person> and I want just the name of every person in the list. I can do this:

var names = people.Select(p => p.Name);

Or say I want the age of every person:

var ages = people.Select(p => p.Age);

Right away, you can see how I was able to leverage the same code representing a pattern (with Select) with two different functions (p => p.Name and p => p.Age).

The alternative would be to write a different version of Select every time you wanted to scan a sequence for a different kind of value. So to achieve the same effect as above, I would need:

// Presumably, the code inside these two methods would look almost identical;
// the only difference would be the part that actually selects a value
// based on a Person.
var names = GetPersonNames(people);
var ages = GetPersonAges(people);

With a delegate acting as placeholder, I free myself from having to write out the same pattern over and over in cases like this.

Equivalent VB keyword for 'break'

Exit [construct], and intelisense will tell you which one(s) are valid in a particular place.

How do I set the figure title and axes labels font size in Matplotlib?

If you're more used to using ax objects to do your plotting, you might find the ax.xaxis.label.set_size() easier to remember, or at least easier to find using tab in an ipython terminal. It seems to need a redraw operation after to see the effect. For example:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# set up a plot with dummy data
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x = [0, 1, 2]
y = [0, 3, 9]

# title and labels, setting initial sizes
fig.suptitle('test title', fontsize=12)
ax.set_xlabel('xlabel', fontsize=10)
ax.set_ylabel('ylabel', fontsize='medium')   # relative to plt.rcParams['font.size']

# setting label sizes after creation

I don't know of a similar way to set the suptitle size after it's created.

Running sites on "localhost" is extremely slow

For people using a mac. When you're using different host names say test.local and test2.local. Try changing test.local to I found out that Mac OS X lion controls the .local tld. So when you change it to something else it's faster.

And of course use above suggestions like turning off the ipv6 reference in your hosts file:
#::1 localhost

and setting this in the hosts file: localhost

so it points to ipv4.

How to import XML file into MySQL database table using XML_LOAD(); function

you can specify fields like this:

LOAD XML LOCAL INFILE '/pathtofile/file.xml' 
INTO TABLE my_tablename(personal_number, firstname, ...); 

Excel Formula which places date/time in cell when data is entered in another cell in the same row

Another way to do this is described below.

First, turn on iterative calculations on under File - Options - Formulas - Enable Iterative Calculation. Then set maximum iterations to 1000.

After doing this, use the following formula.


Once anything is typed into cell D55 (for this example) then C55 populates today's date and/or time depending on the cell format. This date/time will not change again even if new data is entered into cell C55 so it shows the date/time that the data was entered originally.

This is a circular reference formula so you will get a warning about it every time you open the workbook. Regardless, the formula works and is easy to use anywhere you would like in the worksheet.

How to decode Unicode escape sequences like "\u00ed" to proper UTF-8 encoded characters?

fix json values, it's add \ before u{xxx} to all +" "

  $item = preg_replace_callback('/"(.+?)":"(u.+?)",/', function ($matches) {
        $matches[2] = preg_replace('/(u)/', '\u', $matches[2]);
            $matches[2] = preg_replace('/(")/', '&quot;', $matches[2]); 
            $matches[2] = json_decode('"' . $matches[2] . '"'); 
            return '"' . $matches[1] . '":"' . $matches[2] . '",';
        }, $item);

How do you grep a file and get the next 5 lines

Some awk version.

awk '/19:55/{c=5} c-->0'
awk '/19:55/{c=5} c && c--'

When pattern found, set c=5
If c is true, print and decrease number of c

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'id' in 'where clause' (SQL: select * from `songs` where `id` = 5 limit 1)

I am running laravel 5.8 and i experienced the same problem. The solution that worked for me is as follows :

  1. I used bigIncrements('id') to define my primary key.
  2. I used unsignedBigInteger('user_id') to define the foreign referenced key.

        Schema::create('generals', function (Blueprint $table) {
        Schema::create('categories', function (Blueprint $table) {

I hope this helps out.

UIButton title text color



[headingButton setTitleColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:36/255.0 green:71/255.0 blue:113/255.0 alpha:1.0] forState:UIControlStateNormal];


headingButton.setTitleColor(.black, for: .normal)

Copy row but with new id

This works in MySQL all versions and Amazon RDS Aurora:

INSERT INTO my_table SELECT 0,tmp.* FROM tmp;


Setting the index column to NULL and then doing the INSERT.

But not in MariaDB, I tested version 10.

How do you use the "WITH" clause in MySQL?

That feature is called a common table expression

You won't be able to do the exact thing in mySQL, the easiest thing would to probably make a view that mirrors that CTE and just select from the view. You can do it with subqueries, but that will perform really poorly. If you run into any CTEs that do recursion, I don't know how you'd be able to recreate that without using stored procedures.

EDIT: As I said in my comment, that example you posted has no need for a CTE, so you must have simplified it for the question since it can be just written as

SELECT article.*, userinfo.*, category.* FROM question
     INNER JOIN userinfo ON userinfo.user_userid=article.article_ownerid
     INNER JOIN category ON article.article_categoryid=category.catid
     WHERE article.article_isdeleted = 0
 ORDER BY article_date DESC Limit 1, 3

Limit characters displayed in span

You can use the CSS property max-width and use it with ch unit.
And, as this is a <span>, use a display: inline-block; (or block).

Here is an example:

<span style="
  white-space: nowrap;
  overflow: hidden;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  max-width: 13ch;">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Which outputs:

Lorem ipsum...

<span style="_x000D_
  white-space: nowrap;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  text-overflow: ellipsis;_x000D_
  max-width: 13ch;">_x000D_
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet_x000D_

What is the difference between "px", "dip", "dp" and "sp"?

dpi -

  • Dots per inches
  • Measuring the pixel density of the screen.

px - pixel

  • For mapping screen pixels

pt - points

  • About 1/72 of an inch, with respect to physical screen size.

in - inch - with respect to physical screen size(1 inch = 2.54 cm).

mm- milimeter - with respect to physical screen size.

sp - scale-independent pixel.

  • Based on user`s font size preference.
  • Font should be in 'sp'.

dip -

  • dip == dp
  • Density independent pixel.
  • It varies based on Screen Density.
  • In 160 dpi screen, 1 dp = 1 pixel.
  • Use dp except the text font size.

In standard, dp and sp are used. sp for font size and dp for everything else.

Formula for conversion of units:

px = dp * ( dpi / 160 );

Density Bucket -> Screen Display => Physical Size        => Pixel Size                   

ldpi         -> 120 dpi          => 0.5 x 0.5 in         => 0.5 in * 120 dpi = 60x60 px   

mdpi         -> 160 dpi          => 0.5 x 0.5 in         => 0.5 in * 160 dpi = 80x80 px   

hdpi         -> 240 dpi          => 0.5 x 0.5 in         => 0.5 in * 240 dpi = 120x120 px  

xhdpi        -> 320 dpi          => 0.5 x 0.5 in         => 0.5 in * 320 dpi = 160x160 px  

xxhdpi       -> 480 dpi          => 0.5 x 0.5 in         => 0.5 in * 480 dpi = 240x240 px 

xxxhdpi      -> 640 dpi          => 0.5 x 0.5 in         => 0.5 in * 640 dpi = 320x320 px  

Changing all files' extensions in a folder with one command on Windows

Rename multiple file extensions:

You want to change ringtone1.mp3, ringtone2.mp3 to ringtone1.wav, ringtone2.wav

Here is how to do that: I am in d drive on command prompt (CMD) so I use:

d:\>ren *.* *.wav 

This is just an example of file extensions, you can use any type of file extension like WAV, MP3, JPG, GIF, bmp, PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT this depends on what your operating system.

And, since you have thousands of files, make sure to wait until the cursor starts blinking again indicating that it's done working.

How do I publish a UDP Port on Docker?

Use the -p flag and add /udp suffix to the port number.

-p 53160:53160/udp

Full command

sudo docker run -p 53160:53160 \
    -p 53160:53160/udp -p 58846:58846 \ 
    -p 8112:8112 -t -i aostanin/deluge /

If you're running boot2docker on Mac, be sure to forward the same ports on boot2docker to your local machine.

You can also document that your container needs to receive UDP using EXPOSE in The Dockerfile (EXPOSE does not publish the port):

EXPOSE 8285/udp

Here is a link with more Docker Networking info covered in the container docs: (Courtesy of Old Pro in the comments)

How to search if dictionary value contains certain string with Python

Klaus solution has less overhead, on the other hand this one may be more readable

myDict = {'age': ['12'], 'address': ['34 Main Street, 212 First Avenue'],
          'firstName': ['Alan', 'Mary-Ann'], 'lastName': ['Stone', 'Lee']}

def search(myDict, lookup):
    for key, value in myDict.items():
        for v in value:
            if lookup in v:
                return key

search(myDict, 'Mary')

how to display excel sheet in html page

You can use iPushPull to push live data direct from an Excel session to the web where you can display it in an IFRAME (or using a WordPress plugin, if applicable). The data in the frame will update whenever the data on the sheet updates.

The iPush(...) in-cell function pushes data from Excel to the web.

This support page describes how to embed your Excel data in your website.

Disclaimer - I work for iPushPull.

How can I clear the Scanner buffer in Java?

This should fix it...

Scanner in=new Scanner(;
    int rounds = 0;
    while (rounds < 1 || rounds > 3) {
        System.out.print("How many rounds? ");
        if (in.hasNextInt()) {
            rounds = in.nextInt();
        } else {
            System.out.println("Invalid input. Please try again.");
  ; // -->important
        // Clear buffer
    System.out.print(rounds+" rounds.");

How to interactively (visually) resolve conflicts in SourceTree / git

When the Resolve Conflicts->Content Menu are disabled, one may be on the Pending files list. We need to select the Conflicted files option from the drop down (top)

hope it helps

Inheriting constructors

If your compiler supports C++11 standard, there is a constructor inheritance using using (pun intended). For more see Wikipedia C++11 article. You write:

class A
        explicit A(int x) {}

class B: public A
     using A::A;

This is all or nothing - you cannot inherit only some constructors, if you write this, you inherit all of them. To inherit only selected ones you need to write the individual constructors manually and call the base constructor as needed from them.

Historically constructors could not be inherited in the C++03 standard. You needed to inherit them manually one by one by calling base implementation on your own.

Entity Framework: "Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0)."

I got this issue when I accidently tried to update the object instead of save!

I had

 if (IsNewSchema(model))

when I should of had

 if (IsNewSchema(model))

Why javascript getTime() is not a function?

That's because your dat1 and dat2 variables are just strings.

You should parse them to get a Date object, for that format I always use the following function:

// parse a date in yyyy-mm-dd format
function parseDate(input) {
  var parts = input.match(/(\d+)/g);
  // new Date(year, month [, date [, hours[, minutes[, seconds[, ms]]]]])
  return new Date(parts[0], parts[1]-1, parts[2]); // months are 0-based

I use this function because the Date.parse(string) (or new Date(string)) method is implementation dependent, and the yyyy-MM-dd format will work on modern browser but not on IE, so I prefer doing it manually.

How to assign the output of a command to a Makefile variable

Use the Make shell builtin like in MY_VAR=$(shell echo whatever)

MY_VAR IS whatever

me@Zack:~$ cat Makefile 
MY_VAR := $(shell echo whatever)

    @echo MY_VAR IS $(MY_VAR)

Convert a string to int using sql query

You could use CAST or CONVERT:



Generating random integer from a range

The formula for this is very simple, so try this expression,

 int num = (int) rand() % (max - min) + min;  
 //Where rand() returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0

How to export dataGridView data Instantly to Excel on button click?

I did not intend to steal @Jake and @Cornelius's answer, so i tried editing it. but it was rejected. Anyways, the only improvement I have to point out is about avoiding extra blank column in excel after paste. Adding one line dataGridView1.RowHeadersVisible = false; hides so called "Row Header" which appears on the left most part of DataGridView, and so it is not selected and copied to clipboard when you do dataGridView1.SelectAll();

private void copyAlltoClipboard()
        //to remove the first blank column from datagridview
        dataGridView1.RowHeadersVisible = false;
        DataObject dataObj = dataGridView1.GetClipboardContent();
        if (dataObj != null)
    private void button3_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlexcel;
        Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook;
        Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet;
        object misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
        xlexcel = new Excel.Application();
        xlexcel.Visible = true;
        xlWorkBook = xlexcel.Workbooks.Add(misValue);
        xlWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1);
        Excel.Range CR = (Excel.Range)xlWorkSheet.Cells[1, 1];
        xlWorkSheet.PasteSpecial(CR, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, true);          

What is the difference between "Class.forName()" and "Class.forName().newInstance()"?

just adding to above answers, when we have a static code (ie code block is instance independent) that needs to be present in memory, we can have the class returned so we'll use Class.forname("someName") else if we dont have static code we can go for Class.forname().newInstance("someName") as it will load object level code blocks(non static) to memory

"configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed": How do I know why this happened?

If you want to check syntax error for any nginx files, you can use the -c option.

[root@server ~]# sudo nginx -t -c /etc/nginx/my-server.conf
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/my-server.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/my-server.conf test is successful
[root@server ~]# 

How to prevent caching of my Javascript file?

You can append a queryString to your src and change it only when you will release an updated version:

<script src="test.js?v=1"></script>

In this way the browser will use the cached version until a new version will be specified (v=2, v=3...)

Declare and Initialize String Array in VBA

Public Function _
CreateTextArrayFromSourceTexts(ParamArray SourceTexts() As Variant) As String()

    ReDim TargetTextArray(0 To UBound(SourceTexts)) As String
    For SourceTextsCellNumber = 0 To UBound(SourceTexts)
        TargetTextArray(SourceTextsCellNumber) = SourceTexts(SourceTextsCellNumber)
    Next SourceTextsCellNumber

    CreateTextArrayFromSourceTexts = TargetTextArray
End Function


Dim TT() As String
TT = CreateTextArrayFromSourceTexts("hi", "bye", "hi", "bcd", "bYe")




Edit: I removed the duplicatedtexts deleting feature and made the code smaller and easier to use.

How to display a "busy" indicator with jQuery?

You can just show / hide a gif, but you can also embed that to ajaxSetup, so it's called on every ajax request.

        // show gif here, eg:
        // hide gif here, eg:

One note is that if you want to do an specific ajax request without having the loading spinner, you can do it like this:

   global: false,
   // stuff

That way the previous $.ajaxSetup we did will not affect the request with global: false.

More details available at:

Java Replacing multiple different substring in a string at once (or in the most efficient way)

Summary: Single class implementation of Dave's answer, to automatically choose the most efficient of the two algorithms.

This is a full, single class implementation based on the above excellent answer from Dave Jarvis. The class automatically chooses between the two different supplied algorithms, for maximum efficiency. (This answer is for people who would just like to quickly copy and paste.)

ReplaceStrings class:

package somepackage

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.ahocorasick.trie.Emit;
import org.ahocorasick.trie.Trie;
import org.ahocorasick.trie.Trie.TrieBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

 * ReplaceStrings, This class is used to replace multiple strings in a section of text, with high
 * time efficiency. The chosen algorithms were adapted from:
public final class ReplaceStrings {

     * replace, This replaces multiple strings in a section of text, according to the supplied
     * search and replace definitions. For maximum efficiency, this will automatically choose
     * between two possible replacement algorithms.
     * Performance note: If it is known in advance that the source text is long, then this method
     * signature has a very small additional performance advantage over the other method signature.
     * (Although either method signature will still choose the best algorithm.)
    public static String replace(
        final String sourceText, final Map<String, String> searchReplaceDefinitions) {
        final boolean useLongAlgorithm
            = (sourceText.length() > 1000 || searchReplaceDefinitions.size() > 25);
        if (useLongAlgorithm) {
            // No parameter adaptations are needed for the long algorithm.
            return replaceUsing_AhoCorasickAlgorithm(sourceText, searchReplaceDefinitions);
        } else {
            // Create search and replace arrays, which are needed by the short algorithm.
            final ArrayList<String> searchList = new ArrayList<>();
            final ArrayList<String> replaceList = new ArrayList<>();
            final Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> allEntries = searchReplaceDefinitions.entrySet();
            for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : allEntries) {
            return replaceUsing_StringUtilsAlgorithm(sourceText, searchList, replaceList);

     * replace, This replaces multiple strings in a section of text, according to the supplied
     * search strings and replacement strings. For maximum efficiency, this will automatically
     * choose between two possible replacement algorithms.
     * Performance note: If it is known in advance that the source text is short, then this method
     * signature has a very small additional performance advantage over the other method signature.
     * (Although either method signature will still choose the best algorithm.)
    public static String replace(final String sourceText,
        final ArrayList<String> searchList, final ArrayList<String> replacementList) {
        if (searchList.size() != replacementList.size()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("ReplaceStrings.replace(), "
                + "The search list and the replacement list must be the same size.");
        final boolean useLongAlgorithm = (sourceText.length() > 1000 || searchList.size() > 25);
        if (useLongAlgorithm) {
            // Create a definitions map, which is needed by the long algorithm.
            HashMap<String, String> definitions = new HashMap<>();
            final int searchListLength = searchList.size();
            for (int index = 0; index < searchListLength; ++index) {
                definitions.put(searchList.get(index), replacementList.get(index));
            return replaceUsing_AhoCorasickAlgorithm(sourceText, definitions);
        } else {
            // No parameter adaptations are needed for the short algorithm.
            return replaceUsing_StringUtilsAlgorithm(sourceText, searchList, replacementList);

     * replaceUsing_StringUtilsAlgorithm, This is a string replacement algorithm that is most
     * efficient for sourceText under 1000 characters, and less than 25 search strings.
    private static String replaceUsing_StringUtilsAlgorithm(final String sourceText,
        final ArrayList<String> searchList, final ArrayList<String> replacementList) {
        final String[] searchArray = searchList.toArray(new String[]{});
        final String[] replacementArray = replacementList.toArray(new String[]{});
        return StringUtils.replaceEach(sourceText, searchArray, replacementArray);

     * replaceUsing_AhoCorasickAlgorithm, This is a string replacement algorithm that is most
     * efficient for sourceText over 1000 characters, or large lists of search strings.
    private static String replaceUsing_AhoCorasickAlgorithm(final String sourceText,
        final Map<String, String> searchReplaceDefinitions) {
        // Create a buffer sufficiently large that re-allocations are minimized.
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sourceText.length() << 1);
        final TrieBuilder builder = Trie.builder();
        for (final String key : searchReplaceDefinitions.keySet()) {
        final Trie trie =;
        final Collection<Emit> emits = trie.parseText(sourceText);
        int prevIndex = 0;
        for (final Emit emit : emits) {
            final int matchIndex = emit.getStart();

            sb.append(sourceText.substring(prevIndex, matchIndex));
            prevIndex = emit.getEnd() + 1;
        // Add the remainder of the string (contains no more matches).
        return sb.toString();

     * main, This contains some test and example code.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String shortSource = "The quick brown fox jumped over something. ";
        StringBuilder longSourceBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
        String longSource = longSourceBuilder.toString();
        HashMap<String, String> searchReplaceMap = new HashMap<>();
        ArrayList<String> searchList = new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList<String> replaceList = new ArrayList<>();
        searchReplaceMap.put("fox", "grasshopper");
        searchReplaceMap.put("something", "the mountain");
        replaceList.add("the mountain");
        String shortResultUsingArrays = replace(shortSource, searchList, replaceList);
        String shortResultUsingMap = replace(shortSource, searchReplaceMap);
        String longResultUsingArrays = replace(longSource, searchList, replaceList);
        String longResultUsingMap = replace(longSource, searchReplaceMap);

Needed Maven dependencies:

(Add these to your pom file if needed.)

    <!-- Apache Commons utilities. Super commonly used utilities. -->

    <!-- ahocorasick, An algorithm used for efficient searching and 
    replacing of multiple strings. -->

Chart creating dynamically. in .net, c#


// FakeChart.cs
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// A Winforms app that produces a contrived chart using
// DataVisualization (MSChart).  Requires .net 4.0.
// Author: Dino
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// compile: \net4.0\csc.exe /t:winexe /debug+ /R:\net4.0\System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.dll FakeChart.cs

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;

namespace Dino.Tools.WebMonitor
    public class FakeChartForm1 : Form
        private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
        System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart chart1;

        public FakeChartForm1 ()

        private double f(int i)
            var f1 = 59894 - (8128 * i) + (262 * i * i) - (1.6 * i * i * i);
            return f1;

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var series1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series
                Name = "Series1",
                Color = System.Drawing.Color.Green,
                IsVisibleInLegend = false,
                IsXValueIndexed = true,
                ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line


            for (int i=0; i < 100; i++)
                series1.Points.AddXY(i, f(i));

        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing && (components != null))

        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
            System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartArea chartArea1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartArea();
            System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Legend legend1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Legend();
            this.chart1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart();
            // chart1
            chartArea1.Name = "ChartArea1";
            this.chart1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
            legend1.Name = "Legend1";
            this.chart1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 50);
            this.chart1.Name = "chart1";
            // this.chart1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(284, 212);
            this.chart1.TabIndex = 0;
            this.chart1.Text = "chart1";
            // Form1
            this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
            this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
            this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(284, 262);
            this.Name = "Form1";
            this.Text = "FakeChart";
            this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Form1_Load);

        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main()
            Application.Run(new FakeChartForm1());


enter image description here

Python 2.6: Class inside a Class?

It sounds like you are talking about aggregation. Each instance of your player class can contain zero or more instances of Airplane, which, in turn, can contain zero or more instances of Flight. You can implement this in Python using the built-in list type to save you naming variables with numbers.

class Flight(object):

    def __init__(self, duration):
        self.duration = duration

class Airplane(object):

    def __init__(self): = []

    def add_flight(self, duration):

class Player(object):

    def __init__ (self, stock = 0, bank = 200000, fuel = 0, total_pax = 0):
        self.stock = stock = bank
        self.fuel = fuel
        self.total_pax = total_pax
        self.airplanes = []

    def add_planes(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    player = Player()

Free FTP Library

You may consider FluentFTP, previously known as System.Net.FtpClient.

It is released under The MIT License and available on NuGet (FluentFTP).

mongod command not recognized when trying to connect to a mongodb server

if still not working for you then just close all of your command prompts and then again open and run mongo, mongoimport, mongodb from anywhere it ll work because after setting the path variable command prompt should be restarted.

XSL substring and indexOf

There is a substring function in XSLT. Example here.

What is a .pid file and what does it contain?

Pidfile contains pid of a process. It is a convention allowing long running processes to be more self-aware. Server process can inspect it to stop itself, or have heuristic that its other instance is already running. Pidfiles can also be used to conventiently kill risk manually, e.g. pkill -F <>

Javascript string/integer comparisons

Always remember when we compare two strings. the comparison happens on chacracter basis. so '2' > '12' is true because the comparison will happen as '2' > '1' and in alphabetical way '2' is always greater than '1' as unicode. SO it will comeout true. I hope this helps.

Jenkins Pipeline Wipe Out Workspace

Cleaning up : Since the post section of a Pipeline is guaranteed to run at the end of a Pipeline’s execution, we can add some notification or other steps to perform finalization, notification, or other end-of-Pipeline tasks.

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('No-op') {
            steps {
                sh 'ls'
    post {
        cleanup {
            echo 'One way or another, I have finished'
            deleteDir() /* clean up our workspace */

How do I initialize the base (super) class?

Python (until version 3) supports "old-style" and new-style classes. New-style classes are derived from object and are what you are using, and invoke their base class through super(), e.g.

class X(object):
  def __init__(self, x):

  def doit(self, bar):

class Y(X):
  def __init__(self):
    super(Y, self).__init__(123)

  def doit(self, foo):
    return super(Y, self).doit(foo)

Because python knows about old- and new-style classes, there are different ways to invoke a base method, which is why you've found multiple ways of doing so.

For completeness sake, old-style classes call base methods explicitly using the base class, i.e.

def doit(self, foo):
  return X.doit(self, foo)

But since you shouldn't be using old-style anymore, I wouldn't care about this too much.

Python 3 only knows about new-style classes (no matter if you derive from object or not).

How to remove symbols from a string with Python?

Sometimes it takes longer to figure out the regex than to just write it out in python:

import string
s = "how much for the maple syrup? $20.99? That's ricidulous!!!"
for char in string.punctuation:
    s = s.replace(char, ' ')

If you need other characters you can change it to use a white-list or extend your black-list.

Sample white-list:

whitelist = string.letters + string.digits + ' '
new_s = ''
for char in s:
    if char in whitelist:
        new_s += char
        new_s += ' '

Sample white-list using a generator-expression:

whitelist = string.letters + string.digits + ' '
new_s = ''.join(c for c in s if c in whitelist)

How does database indexing work?

Classic example "Index in Books"

Consider a "Book" of 1000 pages, divided by 10 Chapters, each section with 100 pages.

Simple, huh?

Now, imagine you want to find a particular Chapter that contains a word "Alchemist". Without an index page, you have no other option than scanning through the entire book/Chapters. i.e: 1000 pages.

This analogy is known as "Full Table Scan" in database world.

enter image description here

But with an index page, you know where to go! And more, to lookup any particular Chapter that matters, you just need to look over the index page, again and again, every time. After finding the matching index you can efficiently jump to that chapter by skipping the rest.

But then, in addition to actual 1000 pages, you will need another ~10 pages to show the indices, so totally 1010 pages.

Thus, the index is a separate section that stores values of indexed column + pointer to the indexed row in a sorted order for efficient look-ups.

Things are simple in schools, isn't it? :P

MySQL - force not to use cache for testing speed of query

Try using the SQL_NO_CACHE (MySQL 5.7) option in your query. (MySQL 5.6 users click HERE )



This will stop MySQL caching the results, however be aware that other OS and disk caches may also impact performance. These are harder to get around.

How do you declare an object array in Java?

vehicle[] car = new vehicle[N];

What is Python buffer type for?

An example usage:

>>> s = 'Hello world'
>>> t = buffer(s, 6, 5)
>>> t
<read-only buffer for 0x10064a4b0, size 5, offset 6 at 0x100634ab0>
>>> print t

The buffer in this case is a sub-string, starting at position 6 with length 5, and it doesn't take extra storage space - it references a slice of the string.

This isn't very useful for short strings like this, but it can be necessary when using large amounts of data. This example uses a mutable bytearray:

>>> s = bytearray(1000000)   # a million zeroed bytes
>>> t = buffer(s, 1)         # slice cuts off the first byte
>>> s[1] = 5                 # set the second element in s
>>> t[0]                     # which is now also the first element in t!

This can be very helpful if you want to have more than one view on the data and don't want to (or can't) hold multiple copies in memory.

Note that buffer has been replaced by the better named memoryview in Python 3, though you can use either in Python 2.7.

Note also that you can't implement a buffer interface for your own objects without delving into the C API, i.e. you can't do it in pure Python.

Lining up labels with radio buttons in bootstrap

If you add the 'radio inline' class to the control label in the solution provided by user1938475 it should line up correctly with the other labels. Or if you're only using 'radio' like your 2nd example just include the 'radio' class.

<label class="radio control-label">Some label</label>

OR for 'radio inline'

<label class="radio-inline control-label">Some label</label>

Automatically start a Windows Service on install

Just a note: You might have set up your service differently using the forms interface to add a service installer and project installer. In that case replace where it says serviceInstaller.ServiceName with "name from designer".ServiceName.

You also don't need the private members in this case.

Thanks for the help.

Typescript: Type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'

To avoid the compilation error I used

let name1:string = || '';

And then validate the empty string.

How to set Java classpath in Linux?

Can you provide some more details like which linux you are using? Are you loged in as root? On linux you have to run export CLASSPATH = %path%;LOG4J_HOME/og4j-1.2.16.jar If you want it permanent then you can add above lines in ~/.bashrc file.

ORA-00972 identifier is too long alias column name

The object where Oracle stores the name of the identifiers (e.g. the table names of the user are stored in the table named as USER_TABLES and the column names of the user are stored in the table named as USER_TAB_COLUMNS), have the NAME columns (e.g. TABLE_NAME in USER_TABLES) of size Varchar2(30)...and it's uniform through all system tables of objects or identifiers --

 DBA_TABLES             ALL_TABLES            USER_TABLES           

URL Encode a string in jQuery for an AJAX request

encodeURIComponent works fine for me. we can give the url like this in ajax call.The code shown below:

    cache: false,
    type: "POST",
    url: "",
    data: "strChannelName=" + $('#txtupdstorename').val() + "&ServiceUrl=" + encodeURIComponent($('#txtupdserviceurl').val()),
    dataType: "HTML",
    success: function (data) {
    error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {

How do I create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento?


I suggest you to learn about system configuration.

How to Show All Categories on System Configuration Field?

Here I solved with a good example. It working. You can check and learn the flow of code.

There are other too many examples also that you should learn.

Convert.ToDateTime: how to set format

If value is a string in that format and you'd like to convert it into a DateTime object, you can use DateTime.ParseExact static method:

DateTime.ParseExact(value, format, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);


string value = "12/12";
var myDate = DateTime.ParseExact(value, "MM/yy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None);




Finding blocking/locking queries in MS SQL (mssql)

Use the script: sp_blocker_pss08 or SQL Trace/Profiler and the Blocked Process Report event class.

C++ error : terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'

Something throws an exception of type std::bad_alloc, indicating that you ran out of memory. This exception is propagated through until main, where it "falls off" your program and causes the error message you see.

Since nobody here knows what "RectInvoice", "rectInvoiceVector", "vect", "im" and so on are, we cannot tell you what exactly causes the out-of-memory condition. You didn't even post your real code, because w h looks like a syntax error.

Get domain name

Why are you using WMI? Can't you use the standard .NET functionality?


Shortcut to create properties in Visual Studio?

What I liked in the IDE was that I was able to write a few variables like:

    private int id;
    private string name;
    private string version;
    private string description;
    private string status;
    private string symbol;

Notice, that the variable names start with small letters, and then select the whole block, and press Ctrl+R, Ctrl+E, Apply. The properties are generated with the capital letter:

    public int Id
            return id;

            id = value;


How do I copy the contents of one stream to another?

if you want a procdure to copy a stream to other the one that nick posted is fine but it is missing the position reset, it should be

public static void CopyStream(Stream input, Stream output)
    byte[] buffer = new byte[32768];
    long TempPos = input.Position;
    while (true)    
        int read = input.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
        if (read <= 0)
        output.Write (buffer, 0, read);
    input.Position = TempPos;// or you make Position = 0 to set it at the start

but if it is in runtime not using a procedure you shpuld use memory stream

Stream output = new MemoryStream();
byte[] buffer = new byte[32768]; // or you specify the size you want of your buffer
long TempPos = input.Position;
while (true)    
    int read = input.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
    if (read <= 0)
    output.Write (buffer, 0, read);
    input.Position = TempPos;// or you make Position = 0 to set it at the start

Clear contents of cells in VBA using column reference

I found this an easy way of cleaning in a shape between the desired row and column. I am not sure if this is what you are looking for. Hope it helps.

Sub sbClearCellsOnlyData()
End Sub

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'D:\...\MyProj.exe'

Working with Bjarne Stroustrup Programming Principles and Practice Using C++ "FLTK" example i got the same error but after like 1 hour i got an idea, i tracked one of the libs already seen in Project Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies, in my case i tracked the kernel32.lib to see where was located and saw there were many kernel32.lib's in different folders. So i started copy the FLTK libs in those folders and the last one i tried worked. Visual Studio 2013 Express found the fltkd.lib and the code worked.

In my case the correct route was C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Lib\winv6.3\um\x86

I don't know how to set that route inside Visual Studio.

Not sure if that Windows kits folder was created when i installed Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 (ISO)

Hope that helps you people.

Concatenating variables and strings in React

You're almost correct, just misplaced a few quotes. Wrapping the whole thing in regular quotes will literally give you the string #demo + {} - you need to indicate which are variables and which are string literals. Since anything inside {} is an inline JSX expression, you can do:

href={"#demo" +}

This will use the string literal #demo and concatenate it to the value of This can then be applied to all strings. Consider this:

var text = "world";

And this:

{"Hello " + text + " Andrew"}

This will yield:

Hello world Andrew 

You can also use ES6 string interpolation/template literals with ` (backticks) and ${expr} (interpolated expression), which is closer to what you seem to be trying to do:


This will basically substitute the value of, concatenating it to #demo. It is equivalent to doing: "#demo" +

Hadoop: «ERROR : JAVA_HOME is not set»

I solved this in my env, without modify

You'd be better using /bin/bash as default shell not /bin/sh

Check these before:

  1. You have already config java and env (success echo $JAVA_HOME)
  2. right config hadoop

echo $SHELL in every node, check if print /bin/bash if not, vi /etc/passwd, add /bin/bash at tail of your username ref

Changing default shell in Linux

pycharm convert tabs to spaces automatically

ctrl + shift + A => open pop window to select options, select to spaces to convert all tabs as space, or to tab to convert all spaces as tab.

How do you test a public/private DSA keypair?

I found a way that seems to work better for me:

ssh-keygen -y -f <private key file>

That command will output the public key for the given private key, so then just compare the output to each *.pub file.

How to revert a "git rm -r ."?


Since git rm . deletes all files in this and child directories in the working checkout as well as in the index, you need to undo each of these changes:

git reset HEAD . # This undoes the index changes
git checkout .   # This checks out files in this and child directories from the HEAD

This should do what you want. It does not affect parent folders of your checked-out code or index.

Old answer that wasn't:

reset HEAD

will do the trick, and will not erase any uncommitted changes you have made to your files.

after that you need to repeat any git add commands you had queued up.

create a text file using javascript

Try this:

 function WriteToFile(passForm) {

    set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");  
    set s = fso.CreateTextFile("C:\test.txt", True);


<p>To sign up for the Excel workshop please fill out the form below:
<form onSubmit="WriteToFile(this)">
Type your first name:
<input type="text" name="FirstName" size="20">
<br>Type your last name:
<input type="text" name="LastName" size="20">
<input type="submit" value="submit">

This will work only on IE

SyntaxError: "can't assign to function call"

You are assigning to a function call:

invest(initial_amount,top_company(5,year,year+1)) = subsequent_amount

which is illegal in Python. The question is, what do you want to do? What does invest() do? I suppose it returns a value, namely what you're trying to use as subsequent_amount, right?

If so, then something like this should work:

amount = invest(amount,top_company(5,year,year+1),year)

How do you debug MySQL stored procedures?

Debugger for mysql was good but its not free. This is what i use now:




Create Procedure resetLog() 
    create table if not exists log (ts timestamp default current_timestamp, msg varchar(2048)) engine = myisam; 
    truncate table log;




Create Procedure doLog(in logMsg nvarchar(2048))
  insert into log (msg) values(logMsg);


Usage in stored procedure:

call dolog(concat_ws(': ','@simple_term_taxonomy_id',  @simple_term_taxonomy_id));

usage of stored procedure:

call resetLog ();
call stored_proc();
select * from log;

What does the @Valid annotation indicate in Spring?

It's for validation purposes.

Validation It is common to validate a model after binding user input to it. Spring 3 provides support for declarative validation with JSR-303. This support is enabled automatically if a JSR-303 provider, such as Hibernate Validator, is present on your classpath. When enabled, you can trigger validation simply by annotating a Controller method parameter with the @Valid annotation: After binding incoming POST parameters, the AppointmentForm will be validated; in this case, to verify the date field value is not null and occurs in the future.

Look here for more info:

PHP: If internet explorer 6, 7, 8 , or 9

I do this


$isIE7  = (bool)preg_match('/msie 7./i', $u );
$isIE8  = (bool)preg_match('/msie 8./i', $u );
$isIE9  = (bool)preg_match('/msie 9./i', $u );
$isIE10 = (bool)preg_match('/msie 10./i', $u );

if ($isIE9) {
    //do ie9 stuff

Error : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter.<init>(I)V

I had the same error when initializing Spring on startup, using some different library versions, but everything worked when I got my versions in this order in the classpath (the other libraries in the cp were not important):

  1. asm-3.1.jar
  2. cglib-nodep-2.1_3.jar
  3. asm-attrs-1.5.3.jar

What's the best way of scraping data from a website?

Yes you can do it yourself. It is just a matter of grabbing the sources of the page and parsing them the way you want.

There are various possibilities. A good combo is using python-requests (built on top of urllib2, it is urllib.request in Python3) and BeautifulSoup4, which has its methods to select elements and also permits CSS selectors:

import requests
from BeautifulSoup4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
request = requests.get("")
soup = bs(request.text) 
some_elements = soup.find_all("div", class_="myCssClass")

Some will prefer xpath parsing or jquery-like pyquery, lxml or something else.

When the data you want is produced by some JavaScript, the above won't work. You either need python-ghost or Selenium. I prefer the latter combined with PhantomJS, much lighter and simpler to install, and easy to use:

from selenium import webdriver
client = webdriver.PhantomJS()
soup = bs(client.page_source)

I would advice to start your own solution. You'll understand Scrapy's benefits doing so.

ps: take a look at scrapely:

pps: take a look at Portia, to start extracting information visually, without programming knowledge:

Swift: How to get substring from start to last index of character

Here's how I do it. You could do it the same way, or use this code for ideas.

let s = ""

Here are the extensions I use:

import Foundation
extension String {

  var length: Int {
    get {
      return countElements(self)

  func indexOf(target: String) -> Int {
    var range = self.rangeOfString(target)
    if let range = range {
      return distance(self.startIndex, range.startIndex)
    } else {
      return -1

  func indexOf(target: String, startIndex: Int) -> Int {
    var startRange = advance(self.startIndex, startIndex)        
    var range = self.rangeOfString(target, options: NSStringCompareOptions.LiteralSearch, range: Range<String.Index>(start: startRange, end: self.endIndex))
    if let range = range {
      return distance(self.startIndex, range.startIndex)
    } else {
      return -1

  func lastIndexOf(target: String) -> Int {
    var index = -1
    var stepIndex = self.indexOf(target)
    while stepIndex > -1 {
      index = stepIndex
      if stepIndex + target.length < self.length {
        stepIndex = indexOf(target, startIndex: stepIndex + target.length)
      } else {
        stepIndex = -1
    return index

  func substringWithRange(range:Range<Int>) -> String {
    let start = advance(self.startIndex, range.startIndex)
    let end = advance(self.startIndex, range.endIndex)
    return self.substringWithRange(start..<end)


Credit albertbori / Common Swift String Extensions

Generally I am a strong proponent of extensions, especially for needs like string manipulation, searching, and slicing.

Query error with ambiguous column name in SQL

Most likely both tables have a column with the same name. Alias each table, and call each column with the table alias.

How to convert from int to string in objective c: example code

== shouldn't be used to compare objects in your if. For NSString use isEqualToString: to compare them.

PowerShell: Comparing dates

I wanted to show how powerful it can be aside from just checking "-lt".

Example: I used it to calculate time differences take from Windows event view Application log:

Get the difference between the two date times:

PS> $Obj = ((get-date "10/22/2020 12:51:1") - (get-date "10/22/2020 12:20:1 "))

Object created:

PS> $Obj

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 31
Seconds           : 0
Milliseconds      : 0
Ticks             : 18600000000
TotalDays         : 0.0215277777777778
TotalHours        : 0.516666666666667
TotalMinutes      : 31
TotalSeconds      : 1860
TotalMilliseconds : 1860000

Access an item directly:

PS> $Obj.Minutes

After installing with pip, "jupyter: command not found"

Anyone looking for running jupyter as sudo, when jupyter installed with virtualenv (without sudo) - this worked for me:

First verify this is a PATH issue:

Check if the path returned by which jupyter is covered by the sudo user:

sudo env | grep ^PATH

(As opposed to the current user: env | grep ^PATH)

If its not covered - add a soft link from it to one of the covered paths. For ex:

sudo ln -s /home/user/venv/bin/jupyter /usr/local/bin

Now you sould be able to run:

sudo jupyter notebook

How to make ConstraintLayout work with percentage values?

you can use app:layout_constraintVertical_weight it same as layout_weight in linearlayout




NOTE: app:layout_constraintVertical_weight(app:layout_constraintHorizontal_weight) will work with android:layout_width="0dp" (android:layout_height="0dp"

Open links in new window using AngularJS

Here's a directive that will add target="_blank" to all <a> tags with an href attribute. That means they will all open in a new window. Remember that directives are used in Angular for any dom manipulation/behavior. Live demo (click).

app.directive('href', function() {
  return {
    compile: function(element) {
      element.attr('target', '_blank');

Here's the same concept made less invasive (so it won't affect all links) and more adaptable. You can use it on a parent element to have it affect all children links. Live demo (click).

app.directive('targetBlank', function() {
  return {
    compile: function(element) {
      var elems = (element.prop("tagName") === 'A') ? element : element.find('a');
      elems.attr("target", "_blank");

Old Answer

It seems like you would just use "target="_blank" on your <a> tag. Here are two ways to go:

<a href="//" target="_blank">Facebook</a>
<button ng-click="foo()">Facebook</button>


var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $window) {
  $ = function() {

Live demo here (click).

Here are the docs for $window:$window

You could just use window, but it is better to use dependency injection, passing in angular's $window for testing purposes.

How to convert SSH keypairs generated using PuTTYgen (Windows) into key-pairs used by ssh-agent and Keychain (Linux)

puttygen supports exporting your private key to an OpenSSH compatible format. You can then use OpenSSH tools to recreate the public key.

  1. Open PuttyGen
  2. Click Load
  3. Load your private key
  4. Go to Conversions->Export OpenSSH and export your private key
  5. Copy your private key to ~/.ssh/id_dsa (or id_rsa).
  6. Create the RFC 4716 version of the public key using ssh-keygen

    ssh-keygen -e -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa > ~/.ssh/
  7. Convert the RFC 4716 version of the public key to the OpenSSH format:

    ssh-keygen -i -f ~/.ssh/ > ~/.ssh/

See this and this for more information.


Of course you can, in the sense that your RDBMS will let you do it. The answer to a question of whether or not you should do it is different, though: in most situations, values that have a meaning outside your database system should not be chosen to be a primary key.

If you know that the value is unique in the system that you are modeling, it is appropriate to add a unique index or a unique constraint to your table. However, your primary key should generally be some "meaningless" value, such as an auto-incremented number or a GUID.

The rationale for this is simple: data entry errors and infrequent changes to things that appear non-changeable do happen. They become much harder to fix on values which are used as primary keys.

change figure size and figure format in matplotlib

You can set the figure size if you explicitly create the figure with


You need to set figure size before calling plt.plot() To change the format of the saved figure just change the extension in the file name. However, I don't know if any of matplotlib backends support tiff

How to check if a value exists in a dictionary (python)

Use dictionary views:

if x in d.viewvalues():

Download history stock prices automatically from yahoo finance in python

When you're going to work with such time series in Python, pandas is indispensable. And here's the good news: it comes with a historical data downloader for Yahoo:

from import DataReader
from datetime import datetime

ibm = DataReader('IBM',  'yahoo', datetime(2000, 1, 1), datetime(2012, 1, 1))
print(ibm['Adj Close'])

Here's an example from the pandas documentation.

Update for pandas >= 0.19:

The module has been removed from pandas>=0.19 onwards. Instead, you should use the separate pandas-datareader package. Install with:

pip install pandas-datareader

And then you can do this in Python:

import pandas_datareader as pdr
from datetime import datetime

ibm = pdr.get_data_yahoo(symbols='IBM', start=datetime(2000, 1, 1), end=datetime(2012, 1, 1))
print(ibm['Adj Close'])

Downloading from Google Finance is also supported.

There's more in the documentation of pandas-datareader.

How to use bootstrap-theme.css with bootstrap 3?

As stated by others, the filename bootstrap-theme.css is very confusing. I would have chosen something like bootstrap-3d.css or bootstrap-fancy.css which would be more descriptive of what it actually does. What the world sees as a "Bootstrap Theme" is a thing you can get from BootSwatch which is a totally different beast.

With that said, the effects are quite nice - gradients and shadows and such. Unfortunately this file will wreak havoc on BootSwatch Themes, so I decided to dig into what it would take to make it play nice with them.


Bootstrap-theme.css is generated from the theme.less file in the Bootstrap source. The affected elements are (as of Bootstrap v3.2.0):

  • List items
  • Buttons
  • Images
  • Dropdowns
  • Navbars
  • Alerts
  • Progress bars
  • List Groups
  • Panels
  • Wells

The theme.less file depends on:

@import "variables.less";
@import "mixins.less";

The code uses colors defined in variables.less in several places, for example:

// Give the progress background some depth
.progress {
    #gradient > .vertical(@start-color: darken(@progress-bg, 4%); @end-color: @progress-bg)

This why bootstrap-theme.css totally messes up BootSwatch Themes. The good news is that BootSwatch Themes are also created from variables.less files, so you can simply build a bootstrap-theme.css for your BootSwatch Theme.

Building bootstrap-theme.css

The right way to do it is to update the Theme build process, but here here is the quick and dirty way. Replace the variables.less file in the Bootstrap source with the one from your Bootswatch Theme and build it and voila you have a bootstrap-theme.css file for your Bootswatch Theme.

Building Bootstrap itself

Building Bootstrap may sound daunting, but it is actually very simple:

  1. Download the Bootstrap source code
  2. Download and install NodeJS
  3. Open a command prompt and navigate to the bootstrap source folder. Type "npm install". This will add the "node_modules" folder to the project and download all the Node stuff you need.
  4. Install grunt globally (the -g option) by typing "npm install -g grunt-cli"
  5. Rename the "dist" folder to "dist-orig" then rebuild it by typing "grunt dist". Now check that there is a new "dist" folder which contains all you need to use your custom Bootstrap build.

Done. See, that was easy, wasn't it?

How to get the browser to navigate to URL in JavaScript

This works in all browsers:

window.location.href = '...';

If you wanted to change the page without it reflecting in the browser back history, you can do:


pythonic way to do something N times without an index variable?

What about a simple while loop?

while times > 0:
    times -= 1

You already have the variable; why not use it?

How do I search within an array of hashes by hash values in ruby?

You're looking for Enumerable#select (also called find_all): {|father| father["age"] > 35 }
# => [ { "age" => 40, "father" => "Bob" },
#      { "age" => 50, "father" => "Batman" } ]

Per the documentation, it "returns an array containing all elements of [the enumerable, in this case @fathers] for which block is not false."

How do I get an object's unqualified (short) class name?

The fastest and imho easiest solution that works in any environment is:


namespace \My\Awesome\Namespace;

class Foo {

  private $shortName;

  public function fastShortName() {
    if ($this->shortName === null) {
      $this->shortName = explode("\\", static::class);
      $this->shortName = end($this->shortName);
    return $this->shortName;

  public function shortName() {
    return basename(strtr(static::class, "\\", "/"));


echo (new Foo())->shortName(); // "Foo"


Pass props to parent component in React.js

Edit: see the end examples for ES6 updated examples.

This answer simply handle the case of direct parent-child relationship. When parent and child have potentially a lot of intermediaries, check this answer.

Other solutions are missing the point

While they still work fine, other answers are missing something very important.

Is there not a simple way to pass a child's props to its parent using events, in React.js?

The parent already has that child prop!: if the child has a prop, then it is because its parent provided that prop to the child! Why do you want the child to pass back the prop to the parent, while the parent obviously already has that prop?

Better implementation

Child: it really does not have to be more complicated than that.

var Child = React.createClass({
  render: function () {
    return <button onClick={this.props.onClick}>{this.props.text}</button>;

Parent with single child: using the value it passes to the child

var Parent = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
     return {childText: "Click me! (parent prop)"};
  render: function () {
    return (
      <Child onClick={this.handleChildClick} text={this.state.childText}/>
  handleChildClick: function(event) {
     // You can access the prop you pass to the children 
     // because you already have it! 
     // Here you have it in state but it could also be
     //  in props, coming from another parent.
     alert("The Child button text is: " + this.state.childText);
     // You can also access the target of the click here 
     // if you want to do some magic stuff
     alert("The Child HTML is: " +;


Parent with list of children: you still have everything you need on the parent and don't need to make the child more complicated.

var Parent = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
     return {childrenData: [
         {childText: "Click me 1!", childNumber: 1},
         {childText: "Click me 2!", childNumber: 2}
  render: function () {
    var children =,childIndex) {
        return <Child onClick={this.handleChildClick.bind(null,childData)} text={childData.childText}/>;
    return <div>{children}</div>;

  handleChildClick: function(childData,event) {
     alert("The Child button data is: " + childData.childText + " - " + childData.childNumber);
     alert("The Child HTML is: " +;


It is also possible to use this.handleChildClick.bind(null,childIndex) and then use this.state.childrenData[childIndex]

Note we are binding with a null context because otherwise React issues a warning related to its autobinding system. Using null means you don't want to change the function context. See also.

About encapsulation and coupling in other answers

This is for me a bad idea in term of coupling and encapsulation:

var Parent = React.createClass({
  handleClick: function(childComponent) {
     // using childComponent.props
     // using childComponent.refs.button
     // or anything else using childComponent
  render: function() {
    <Child onClick={this.handleClick} />

Using props: As I explained above, you already have the props in the parent so it's useless to pass the whole child component to access props.

Using refs: You already have the click target in the event, and in most case this is enough. Additionnally, you could have used a ref directly on the child:

<Child ref="theChild" .../>

And access the DOM node in the parent with


For more advanced cases where you want to access multiple refs of the child in the parent, the child could pass all the dom nodes directly in the callback.

The component has an interface (props) and the parent should not assume anything about the inner working of the child, including its inner DOM structure or which DOM nodes it declares refs for. A parent using a ref of a child means that you tightly couple the 2 components.

To illustrate the issue, I'll take this quote about the Shadow DOM, that is used inside browsers to render things like sliders, scrollbars, video players...:

They created a boundary between what you, the Web developer can reach and what’s considered implementation details, thus inaccessible to you. The browser however, can traipse across this boundary at will. With this boundary in place, they were able to build all HTML elements using the same good-old Web technologies, out of the divs and spans just like you would.

The problem is that if you let the child implementation details leak into the parent, you make it very hard to refactor the child without affecting the parent. This means as a library author (or as a browser editor with Shadow DOM) this is very dangerous because you let the client access too much, making it very hard to upgrade code without breaking retrocompatibility.

If Chrome had implemented its scrollbar letting the client access the inner dom nodes of that scrollbar, this means that the client may have the possibility to simply break that scrollbar, and that apps would break more easily when Chrome perform its auto-update after refactoring the scrollbar... Instead, they only give access to some safe things like customizing some parts of the scrollbar with CSS.

About using anything else

Passing the whole component in the callback is dangerous and may lead novice developers to do very weird things like calling childComponent.setState(...) or childComponent.forceUpdate(), or assigning it new variables, inside the parent, making the whole app much harder to reason about.

Edit: ES6 examples

As many people now use ES6, here are the same examples for ES6 syntax

The child can be very simple:

const Child = ({
}) => (
  <button onClick={onClick}>

The parent can be either a class (and it can eventually manage the state itself, but I'm passing it as props here:

class Parent1 extends React.Component {
  handleChildClick(childData,event) {
     alert("The Child button data is: " + childData.childText + " - " + childData.childNumber);
     alert("The Child HTML is: " +;
  render() {
    return (
        { => (
            onClick={e => this.handleChildClick(child,e)}

But it can also be simplified if it does not need to manage state:

const Parent2 = ({childrenData}) => (
     { => (
         onClick={e => {
            alert("The Child button data is: " + child.childText + " - " + child.childNumber);
                    alert("The Child HTML is: " +;


PERF WARNING (apply to ES5/ES6): if you are using PureComponent or shouldComponentUpdate, the above implementations will not be optimized by default because using onClick={e => doSomething()}, or binding directly during the render phase, because it will create a new function everytime the parent renders. If this is a perf bottleneck in your app, you can pass the data to the children, and reinject it inside "stable" callback (set on the parent class, and binded to this in class constructor) so that PureComponent optimization can kick in, or you can implement your own shouldComponentUpdate and ignore the callback in the props comparison check.

You can also use Recompose library, which provide higher order components to achieve fine-tuned optimisations:

// A component that is expensive to render
const ExpensiveComponent = ({ propA, propB }) => {...}

// Optimized version of same component, using shallow comparison of props
// Same effect as React's PureRenderMixin
const OptimizedComponent = pure(ExpensiveComponent)

// Even more optimized: only updates if specific prop keys have changed
const HyperOptimizedComponent = onlyUpdateForKeys(['propA', 'propB'])(ExpensiveComponent)

In this case you could optimize the Child component by using:

const OptimizedChild = onlyUpdateForKeys(['text'])(Child)

Why does Maven have such a bad rep?

Good question. I've just started a large project at work and part of previous projects was to introduce modularity to our code-base.

I've heard bad things about maven. In fact, it's all I've ever heard about it. I looked at introducing it to solve the dependency nightmare we're currently experiencing. The problem I've seen with Maven is that it is quite rigid in its structure, i.e. you need to conform to its project layout for it to work for you.

I know what most people will say - you don't have to conform to the structure. Indeed that's true but you won't know this until you're over the initial learning curve at which point you've invested too much time to go and throw it all away.

Ant is used a lot these days, and I love it. Taking that into account I stumbled across a little known dependency manager called Apache Ivy. Ivy integrates into Ant very well and it's quick and easy to get basic JAR retrieval setup and working. Another benefit of Ivy is that it's very powerful yet quite transparent; you can transfer builds using mechanisms such as scp or ssh quite easily; 'chain' dependency retrieval over filesystems or remote repositories (Maven repo compatibility is one of its popular features).

That all said, I found it very frustrating to use in the end - the documentation is aplenty, but it's written in bad English which can add to frustration when debugging or attempting to work out what's gone wrong.

I'm going to revisit Apache Ivy at some point during this project and I hope to get it working properly. One thing it did do was allow us as a team to work out what libraries we're dependent on and get a documented list.

Ultimately I think it all comes down to how you work as an individual/team and what you need to resolve your dependency issues.

You might find the following resources relating to Ivy useful:

IntelliJ and Tomcat.. Howto..?

In Netbeans you can right click on the project and run it, but in IntelliJ IDEA you have to select the index.jsp file or the welcome file to run the project.

this is because Netbeans generate the following tag in web.xml and IntelliJ do not.


Calculate logarithm in python


Use the log10 function in the math module.

How to start a stopped Docker container with a different command?

I took @Dmitriusan's answer and made it into an alias:

alias docker-run-prev-container='prev_container_id="$(docker ps -aq | head -n1)" && docker commit "$prev_container_id" "prev_container/$prev_container_id" && docker run -it --entrypoint=bash "prev_container/$prev_container_id"'

Add this into your ~/.bashrc aliases file, and you'll have a nifty new docker-run-prev-container alias which'll drop you into a shell in the previous container.

Helpful for debugging failed docker builds.

how to toggle attr() in jquery

This would be a good place to use a closure:

(function() {
  var toggled = false;
  $(".list-toggle").click(function() {
    toggled = !toggled;
    $(".list-sort").attr("colspan", toggled ? 6 : null);

The toggled variable will only exist inside of the scope defined, and can be used to store the state of the toggle from one click event to the next.

using nth-child in tables tr td

Current css version still doesn't support selector find by content. But there is a way, by using css selector find by attribute, but you have to put some identifier on all of the <td> that have $ inside. Example: using nth-child in tables tr td


    <td data-rel='$'>$</td>


table tr td[data-rel='$'] {
    background-color: #333;
    color: white;

Please try these example.

table tr td[data-content='$'] {_x000D_
    background-color: #333;_x000D_
    color: white;_x000D_
<table border="1">_x000D_
        <td data-content='$'>$</td>_x000D_
        <td data-content='$'>$</td>_x000D_
        <td data-content='$'>$</td>_x000D_

System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException' occurred in PresentationFramework.dll?

UPDATE: this is not the solution but it's a workaround for a problem that can cause the exception presented in the question.

I've solved changing from Release Configuration to Debug Configuration.

Add line break to ::after or ::before pseudo-element content

Nice article explaining the basics (does not cover line breaks, however).

A Whole Bunch of Amazing Stuff Pseudo Elements Can Do

If you need to have two inline elements where one breaks into the next line within another element, you can accomplish this by adding a pseudo-element :after with content:'\A' and white-space: pre


    <span class="label">This is the main label</span>
    <span class="secondary-label">secondary label</span>


.label:after {
    content: '\A';
    white-space: pre;

Node package ( Grunt ) installed but not available

The right way to install grunt is by running this command:

npm install grunt -g

(Prepend "sudo" to the command above if you get a EACCESS error message)

-g will make npm install the package globally, so you will be able to use it whenever you want in your current machine.

How to disable copy/paste from/to EditText

Try Following custome class for prevant copy and paste in Edittext

public class SegoeUiEditText extends AppCompatEditText {
private final Context context;

public boolean isSuggestionsEnabled() {
    return false;
public SegoeUiEditText(Context context) {
    this.context = context;

public SegoeUiEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);
    this.context = context;

public SegoeUiEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
    super(context, attrs, defStyle);
    this.context = context;

private void setFonts(Context context) {
    this.setTypeface(Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), "Fonts/Helvetica-Normal.ttf"));

private void init() {

        this.setCustomSelectionActionModeCallback(new ActionModeCallbackInterceptor());

public int getSelectionStart() {

    for (StackTraceElement element : Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()) {
        if (element.getMethodName().equals("canPaste")) {
            return -1;
    return super.getSelectionStart();
 * Prevents the action bar (top horizontal bar with cut, copy, paste, etc.) from appearing
 * by intercepting the callback that would cause it to be created, and returning false.
private class ActionModeCallbackInterceptor implements ActionMode.Callback, android.view.ActionMode.Callback {
    private final String TAG = SegoeUiEditText.class.getSimpleName();

    public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { return false; }
    public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { return false; }
    public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { return false; }
    public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) {}

    public boolean onCreateActionMode(android.view.ActionMode mode, Menu menu) {
        return false;

    public boolean onPrepareActionMode(android.view.ActionMode mode, Menu menu) {
        return false;

    public boolean onActionItemClicked(android.view.ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) {
        return false;

    public void onDestroyActionMode(android.view.ActionMode mode) {



How to compile LEX/YACC files on Windows?

I was having the same problem, it has a very simple solution.
Steps for executing the 'Lex' program:

  1. Tools->'Lex File Compiler'
  2. Tools->'Lex Build'
  3. Tools->'Open CMD'
  4. Then in command prompt type 'name_of_file.exe' example->'1.exe'
  5. Then entering the whole input press Ctrl + Z and press Enter.


ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace SYSTEM: How to extend?

Each tablespace has one or more datafiles that it uses to store data.

The max size of a datafile depends on the block size of the database. I believe that, by default, that leaves with you with a max of 32gb per datafile.

To find out if the actual limit is 32gb, run the following:

select value from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_size';

Compare the result you get with the first column below, and that will indicate what your max datafile size is.

I have Oracle Personal Edition 11g r2 and in a default install it had an 8,192 block size (32gb per data file).

Block Sz   Max Datafile Sz (Gb)   Max DB Sz (Tb)

--------   --------------------   --------------

   2,048                  8,192          524,264

   4,096                 16,384        1,048,528

   8,192                 32,768        2,097,056

  16,384                 65,536        4,194,112

  32,768                131,072        8,388,224

You can run this query to find what datafiles you have, what tablespaces they are associated with, and what you've currrently set the max file size to (which cannot exceed the aforementioned 32gb):

select bytes/1024/1024 as mb_size,
       maxbytes/1024/1024 as maxsize_set,
from   dba_data_files x

MAXSIZE_SET is the maximum size you've set the datafile to. Also relevant is whether you've set the AUTOEXTEND option to ON (its name does what it implies).

If your datafile has a low max size or autoextend is not on you could simply run:

alter database datafile 'path_to_your_file\that_file.DBF' autoextend on maxsize unlimited;

However if its size is at/near 32gb an autoextend is on, then yes, you do need another datafile for the tablespace:

alter tablespace system add datafile 'path_to_your_datafiles_folder\name_of_df_you_want.dbf' size 10m autoextend on maxsize unlimited;

spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and context:property-placeholder

<context:property-placeholder ... /> is the XML equivalent to the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer. So, prefer that. The <util:properties/> simply factories a java.util.Properties instance that you can inject.

In Spring 3.1 (not 3.0...) you can do something like this:

public class ServiceConfiguration { 

    @Autowired Environment environment; 

    @Bean public javax.sql.DataSource dataSource( ){ 
        String user = this.environment.getProperty("ds.user");

In Spring 3.0, you can "access" properties defined using the PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer mechanism using the SpEl annotations:

@Value("${ds.user}") private String user;

If you want to remove the XML all together, simply register the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer manually using Java configuration. I prefer the 3.1 approach. But, if youre using the Spring 3.0 approach (since 3.1's not GA yet...), you can now define the above XML like this:

public class MySpring3Configuration {     
        public static PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer configurer() { 
             PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer ppc = ...
             return ppc; 

        public class DataSource dataSource(
                @Value("${ds.user}") String user, 
                @Value("${}") String pw, 
                ...) { 
            DataSource ds = ...
            return ds;

Note that the PPC is defined using a static bean definition method. This is required to make sure the bean is registered early, because the PPC is a BeanFactoryPostProcessor - it can influence the registration of the beans themselves in the context, so it necessarily has to be registered before everything else.

how to convert long date value to mm/dd/yyyy format

Try this example

 String[] formats = new String[] {
   "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm",
   "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmZ",
   "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ",
 for (String format : formats) {
   SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format, Locale.US);
   System.err.format("%30s %s\n", format, sdf.format(new Date(0)));
   System.err.format("%30s %s\n", format, sdf.format(new Date(0)));

and read this

Is there any way to redraw tmux window when switching smaller monitor to bigger one?

I just ran into this problem and stumbled across a different situation. Although it's probably just a unicorn, I thought I'd lay it out.

I had one session that was smaller, and I noticed that the font sizes were different: the smaller session had the smaller fonts. Apparently, I had changed window font sizes for some reason.

So in OS X, I just did Cmd-+ on the smaller sized session, and it snapped back into place.

How to make sure you don't get WCF Faulted state exception?


This linked answer describes a cleaner, simpler way of doing the same thing with C# syntax.

Original post

This is Microsoft's recommended way to handle WCF client calls:

For more detail see: Expected Exceptions

    double result = client.Add(value1, value2);
catch (TimeoutException exception)
    Console.WriteLine("Got {0}", exception.GetType());
catch (CommunicationException exception)
    Console.WriteLine("Got {0}", exception.GetType());

Additional information

So many people seem to be asking this question on WCF that Microsoft even created a dedicated sample to demonstrate how to handle exceptions:


Download the sample: C# or VB

Considering that there are so many issues involving the using statement, (heated?) Internal discussions and threads on this issue, I'm not going to waste my time trying to become a code cowboy and find a cleaner way. I'll just suck it up, and implement WCF clients this verbose (yet trusted) way for my server applications.

How can I list all foreign keys referencing a given table in SQL Server?

This gives you:

  • The FK itself itself
  • Schema that the FK belongs to
  • The "referencing table" or the table that has the FK
  • The "referencing column" or the column inside referencing table that points to the FK
  • The "referenced table" or the table that has the key column that your FK is pointing to
  • The "referenced column" or the column that is the key that your FK is pointing to

Code below:

SELECT AS FK_NAME, AS [schema_name], AS [table], AS [column], AS [referenced_table], AS [referenced_column]
FROM sys.foreign_key_columns fkc
INNER JOIN sys.objects obj
    ON obj.object_id = fkc.constraint_object_id
INNER JOIN sys.tables tab1
    ON tab1.object_id = fkc.parent_object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch
    ON tab1.schema_id = sch.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.columns col1
    ON col1.column_id = parent_column_id AND col1.object_id = tab1.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.tables tab2
    ON tab2.object_id = fkc.referenced_object_id
INNER JOIN sys.columns col2
    ON col2.column_id = referenced_column_id AND col2.object_id = tab2.object_id

get all the elements of a particular form

I could have sworn there used to be a convenient fields property on a form but … Must have been my imagination.

I just do this (for <form name="my_form"></form>) because I usually don't want fieldsets themselves:

let fields = Array.from(document.forms.my_form.querySelectorAll('input, select, textarea'));

Base64 encoding and decoding in oracle

do url_raw.cast_to_raw() support in oracle 6

AWS Lambda import module error in python

No need to do that mess.

use python-lambda

with single command pylambda deploy it will automatically deploy your function

Gmail: 530 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at

Get to your Gmail account's security settings and set permissions for "Less secure apps" to Enabled. Worked for me.

Selenium IDE - Command to wait for 5 seconds

One that I've found works for the site I test is this one:

waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getUserWindow().$.active==0 | 20000


Disable scrolling on `<input type=number>`

Typescript Variation

Typescript needs to know that you're working with an HTMLElement for type safety, else you'll see lots of Property 'type' does not exist on type 'Element' type of errors.

document.addEventListener("mousewheel", function(event){
  let numberInput = (<HTMLInputElement>document.activeElement);
  if (numberInput.type === "number") {

The thread has exited with code 0 (0x0) with no unhandled exception

In order to complete BlueM's accepted answer, you can desactivate it here:

Tools > Options > Debugging > General Output Settings > Thread Exit Messages : Off

No ConcurrentList<T> in .Net 4.0?

With all due respect to the great answers provided already, there are times that I simply want a thread-safe IList. Nothing advanced or fancy. Performance is important in many cases but at times that just isn't a concern. Yes, there are always going to be challenges without methods like "TryGetValue" etc, but most cases I just want something that I can enumerate without needing to worry about putting locks around everything. And yes, somebody can probably find some "bug" in my implementation that might lead to a deadlock or something (I suppose) but lets be honest: When it comes to multi-threading, if you don't write your code correctly, it is going deadlock anyway. With that in mind I decided to make a simple ConcurrentList implementation that provides these basic needs.

And for what its worth: I did a basic test of adding 10,000,000 items to regular List and ConcurrentList and the results were:

List finished in: 7793 milliseconds. Concurrent finished in: 8064 milliseconds.

public class ConcurrentList<T> : IList<T>, IDisposable
    #region Fields
    private readonly List<T> _list;
    private readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim _lock;

    #region Constructors
    public ConcurrentList()
        this._lock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(LockRecursionPolicy.NoRecursion);
        this._list = new List<T>();

    public ConcurrentList(int capacity)
        this._lock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(LockRecursionPolicy.NoRecursion);
        this._list = new List<T>(capacity);

    public ConcurrentList(IEnumerable<T> items)
        this._lock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(LockRecursionPolicy.NoRecursion);
        this._list = new List<T>(items);

    #region Methods
    public void Add(T item)

    public void Insert(int index, T item)
            this._list.Insert(index, item);

    public bool Remove(T item)
            return this._list.Remove(item);

    public void RemoveAt(int index)

    public int IndexOf(T item)
            return this._list.IndexOf(item);

    public void Clear()

    public bool Contains(T item)
            return this._list.Contains(item);

    public void CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex)
            this._list.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);

    public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
        return new ConcurrentEnumerator<T>(this._list, this._lock);

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return new ConcurrentEnumerator<T>(this._list, this._lock);


    public void Dispose()

    private void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposing)


    #region Properties
    public T this[int index]
                return this._list[index];
                this._list[index] = value;

    public int Count
                return this._list.Count;

    public bool IsReadOnly
        get { return false; }

    public class ConcurrentEnumerator<T> : IEnumerator<T>
    #region Fields
    private readonly IEnumerator<T> _inner;
    private readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim _lock;

    #region Constructor
    public ConcurrentEnumerator(IEnumerable<T> inner, ReaderWriterLockSlim @lock)
        this._lock = @lock;
        this._inner = inner.GetEnumerator();

    #region Methods
    public bool MoveNext()
        return _inner.MoveNext();

    public void Reset()

    public void Dispose()

    #region Properties
    public T Current
        get { return _inner.Current; }

    object IEnumerator.Current
        get { return _inner.Current; }

T-test in Pandas

I simplify the code a little bit.

from scipy.stats import ttest_ind
ttest_ind(*my_data.groupby('Category')['value'].apply(lambda x:list(x)))

How to check if character is a letter in Javascript?

if( char.toUpperCase() != char.toLowerCase() ) 

Will return true only in case of letter

As point out in below comment, if your character is non English, High Ascii or double byte range then you need to add check for code point.

if( char.toUpperCase() != char.toLowerCase() || char.codePointAt(0) > 127 )

Lookup City and State by Zip Google Geocode Api

I found a couple of ways to do this with web based APIs. I think the US Postal Service would be the most accurate, since Zip codes are their thing, but Ziptastic looks much easier.

Using the US Postal Service HTTP/XML API

According to this page on the US Postal Service website which documents their XML based web API, specifically Section 4.0 (page 22) of this PDF document, they have a URL where you can send an XML request containing a 5 digit Zip Code and they will respond with an XML document containing the corresponding City and State.

According to their documentation, here's what you would send:

http://SERVERNAME/ShippingAPITest.dll?API=CityStateLookup&XML=<CityStateLookupRequest%20USERID="xxxxxxx"><ZipCode ID= "0"><Zip5>90210</Zip5></ZipCode></CityStateLookupRequest>

And here's what you would receive back:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
    <ZipCode ID="0"> 
        <City>BEVERLY HILLS</City> 

USPS does require that you register with them before you can use the API, but, as far as I could tell, there is no charge for access. By the way, their API has some other features: you can do Address Standardization and Zip Code Lookup, as well as the whole suite of tracking, shipping, labels, etc.

Using the Ziptastic HTTP/JSON API (no longer supported)

Update: As of August 13, 2017, Ziptastic is now a paid API and can be found here

This is a pretty new service, but according to their documentation, it looks like all you need to do is send a GET request to, like so:


And they will return a JSON object along the lines of:

{"country": "US", "state": "MI", "city": "OWOSSO"}

Indeed, it works. You can test this from a command line by doing something like:


How to move Jenkins from one PC to another

Following the Jenkins wiki, you'll have to:

  • Install a fresh Jenkins instance on the new server
  • Be sure the old and the new Jenkins instances are stopped
  • Archive all the content of the JENKINS_HOME of the old Jenkins instance
  • Extract the archive into the new JENKINS_HOME directory
  • Launch the new Jenkins instance
  • Do not forget to change documentation/links to your new instance of Jenkins :)
  • Do not forget to change the owner of the new Jenkins files : chown -R jenkins:jenkins $JENKINS_HOME

JENKINS_HOME is by default located in ~/.jenkins on a Linux installation, yet to exactly find where it is located, go on the http://your_jenkins_url/configure page and check the value of the first parameter: Home directory; this is the JENKINS_HOME.

Doing a join across two databases with different collations on SQL Server and getting an error

You can use the collate clause in a query (I can't find my example right now, so my syntax is probably wrong - I hope it points you in the right direction)

select sone_field collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AI
  from table_1
    inner join table_2
      on (table_1.field collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AI = table_2.field)
  where whatever

int to hex string

Previous answer is not good for negative numbers. Use a short type instead of int

        short iValue = -1400;
        string sResult = iValue.ToString("X2");
        Console.WriteLine("Value={0} Result={1}", iValue, sResult);

Now result is FA88

How do I replace a character at a particular index in JavaScript?

You can use the following function to replace Character or String at a particular position of a String. To replace all the following match cases use String.prototype.replaceAllMatches() function.

String.prototype.replaceMatch = function(matchkey, replaceStr, matchIndex) {
    var retStr = this, repeatedIndex = 0;
    for (var x = 0; (matchkey != null) && (retStr.indexOf(matchkey) > -1); x++) {
        if (repeatedIndex == 0 && x == 0) {
            repeatedIndex = retStr.indexOf(matchkey);
        } else { // matchIndex > 0
            repeatedIndex = retStr.indexOf(matchkey, repeatedIndex + 1);
        if (x == matchIndex) {
            retStr = retStr.substring(0, repeatedIndex) + replaceStr + retStr.substring(repeatedIndex + (matchkey.length));
            matchkey = null; // To break the loop.
    return retStr;


var str = "yash yas $dfdas.**";

console.log('Index Matched replace : ', str.replaceMatch('as', '*', 2) );
console.log('Index Matched replace : ', str.replaceMatch('y', '~', 1) );


Index Matched replace :  yash yas $dfd*.**
Index Matched replace :  yash ~as $dfdas.**

Can I store images in MySQL

You can store images in MySQL as blobs. However, this is problematic for a couple of reasons:

  • The images can be harder to manipulate: you must first retrieve them from the database before bulk operations can be performed.
  • Except in very rare cases where the entire database is stored in RAM, MySQL databases are ultimately stored on disk. This means that your DB images are converted to blobs, inserted into a database, and then stored on disk; you can save a lot of overhead by simply storing them on disk.

Instead, consider updating your table to add an image_path field. For example:

ALTER TABLE `your_table`
ADD COLUMN `image_path` varchar(1024)

Then store your images on disk, and update the table with the image path. When you need to use the images, retrieve them from disk using the path specified.

An advantageous side-effect of this approach is that the images do not necessarily be stored on disk; you could just as easily store a URL instead of an image path, and retrieve images from any internet-connected location.

Tensorflow: how to save/restore a model?

Following @Vishnuvardhan Janapati 's answer, here is another way to save and reload model with custom layer/metric/loss under TensorFlow 2.0.0

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer
from tensorflow.keras.utils.generic_utils import get_custom_objects

# custom loss (for example)  
def custom_loss(y_true,y_pred):
  return tf.reduce_mean(y_true - y_pred)
get_custom_objects().update({'custom_loss': custom_loss}) 

# custom loss (for example) 
class CustomLayer(Layer):
  def __init__(self, ...):
  # define custom layer and all necessary custom operations inside custom layer

get_custom_objects().update({'CustomLayer': CustomLayer})  

In this way, once you have executed such codes, and saved your model with tf.keras.models.save_model or or ModelCheckpoint callback, you can re-load your model without the need of precise custom objects, as simple as

new_model = tf.keras.models.load_model("./model.h5"})

Parse rfc3339 date strings in Python?

This has already been answered here: How do I translate a ISO 8601 datetime string into a Python datetime object?

d = datetime.datetime.strptime( "2012-10-09T19:00:55Z", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" )

Parse HTML in Android

Have you tried using Html.fromHtml(source)?

I think that class is pretty liberal with respect to source quality (it uses TagSoup internally, which was designed with real-life, bad HTML in mind). It doesn't support all HTML tags though, but it does come with a handler you can implement to react on tags it doesn't understand.

Execute a stored procedure in another stored procedure in SQL server

If you only want to perform some specific operations by your second SP and do not require values back from the SP then simply do:

Exec secondSPName  @anyparams

Else, if you need values returned by your second SP inside your first one, then create a temporary table variable with equal numbers of columns and with same definition of column return by second SP. Then you can get these values in first SP as:

Insert into @tep_table
Exec secondSPName @anyparams


To pass parameter to second sp, do this:

Declare @id ID_Column_datatype 
Set @id=(Select id from table_1 Where yourconditions)

Exec secondSPName @id

Update 2:

Suppose your second sp returns Id and Name where type of id is int and name is of varchar(64) type.

now, if you want to select these values in first sp then create a temporary table variable and insert values into it:

Declare @tep_table table
  Id int,
  Name varchar(64)
Insert into @tep_table
Exec secondSP

Select * From @tep_table

This will return you the values returned by second SP.

Hope, this clear all your doubts.

How to declare a global variable in C++

You declare the variable as extern in a common header:

extern int x;

And define it in an implementation file.

int x = 1337;

You can then include the header everywhere you need access to it.

I suggest you also wrap the variable inside a namespace.

How to set session timeout in web.config

The value you are setting in the timeout attribute is the one of the correct ways to set the session timeout value.

The timeout attribute specifies the number of minutes a session can be idle before it is abandoned. The default value for this attribute is 20.

By assigning a value of 1 to this attribute, you've set the session to be abandoned in 1 minute after its idle.

To test this, create a simple aspx page, and write this code in the Page_Load event,


Open a browser and go to this page. A session id will be printed. Wait for a minute to pass, then hit refresh. The session id will change.

Now, if my guess is correct, you want to make your users log out as soon as the session times out. For doing this, you can rig up a login page which will verify the user credentials, and create a session variable like this -

Session["UserId"] = 1;

Now, you will have to perform a check on every page for this variable like this -

if(Session["UserId"] == null)

This is a bare-bones example of how this will work.

But, for making your production quality secure apps, use Roles & Membership classes provided by ASP.NET. They provide Forms-based authentication which is much more reliabletha the normal Session-based authentication you are trying to use.

Kill all processes for a given user

The following kills all the processes created by this user:

kill  -9  -1

how to get files from <input type='file' .../> (Indirect) with javascript

Based on Ray Nicholus's answer :

inputElement.onchange = function(event) {
   var fileList = inputElement.files;
   //TODO do something with fileList.  

using this will also work :

inputElement.onchange = function(event) {
   var fileList =;
   //TODO do something with fileList.  

What exactly does += do in python?

+= adds another value with the variable's value and assigns the new value to the variable.

>>> x = 3
>>> x += 2
>>> print x

-=, *=, /= does similar for subtraction, multiplication and division.

How to get a key in a JavaScript object by its value?

Here is my solution first:

For example, I suppose that we have an object that contains three value pairs:

function findKey(object, value) {

    for (let key in object)
        if (object[key] === value) return key;

    return "key is not found";

const object = { id_1: "apple", id_2: "pear", id_3: "peach" };

console.log(findKey(object, "pear"));
//expected output: id_2

We can simply write a findKey(array, value) that takes two parameters which are an object and the value of the key you are looking for. As such, this method is reusable and you do not need to manually iterate the object every time by only passing two parameters for this function.

Format decimal for percentage values?

If you want to use a format that allows you to keep the number like your entry this format works for me: "# \\%"

Getting the last n elements of a vector. Is there a better way than using the length() function?

The disapproval of tail here based on speed alone doesn't really seem to emphasize that part of the slower speed comes from the fact that tail is safer to work with, if you don't for sure that the length of x will exceed n, the number of elements you want to subset out:

x <- 1:10
tail(x, 20)
# [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
x[length(x) - (0:19)]
#Error in x[length(x) - (0:19)] : 
#  only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts

Tail will simply return the max number of elements instead of generating an error, so you don't need to do any error checking yourself. A great reason to use it. Safer cleaner code, if extra microseconds/milliseconds don't matter much to you in its use.

Thymeleaf using path variables to th:href

"List" is an object getting from backend and using iterator to display in table

"minAmount" , "MaxAmount" is an object variable "mrr" is an just temporary var to get value and iterate mrr to get data.

<table class="table table-hover">
<tr th:each="mrr,iterStat : ${list}">
        <td th:text="${}"></td>
        <td th:text="${mrr.minAmount}"></td>
        <td th:text="${mrr.maxAmount}"></td>

What is the largest possible heap size with a 64-bit JVM?

I tried -Xmx32255M is accepted by vmargs for compressed oops.

Flask example with POST

Before actually answering your question:

Parameters in a URL (e.g. key=listOfUsers/user1) are GET parameters and you shouldn't be using them for POST requests. A quick explanation of the difference between GET and POST can be found here.

In your case, to make use of REST principles, you should probably have:


Then, on each URL, you can define the behaviour of different HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). For example, on /users/<user_id>, you want the following:

GET /users/<user_id> - return the information for <user_id>
POST /users/<user_id> - modify/update the information for <user_id> by providing the data
PUT - I will omit this for now as it is similar enough to `POST` at this level of depth
DELETE /users/<user_id> - delete user with ID <user_id> 

So, in your example, you want do a POST to /users/user_1 with the POST data being "John". Then the XPath expression or whatever other way you want to access your data should be hidden from the user and not tightly couple to the URL. This way, if you decide to change the way you store and access data, instead of all your URL's changing, you will simply have to change the code on the server-side.

Now, the answer to your question: Below is a basic semi-pseudocode of how you can achieve what I mentioned above:

from flask import Flask
from flask import request

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/users/<user_id>', methods = ['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'])
def user(user_id):
    if request.method == 'GET':
        """return the information for <user_id>"""
    if request.method == 'POST':
        """modify/update the information for <user_id>"""
        # you can use <user_id>, which is a str but could
        # changed to be int or whatever you want, along
        # with your lxml knowledge to make the required
        # changes
        data = request.form # a multidict containing POST data
    if request.method == 'DELETE':
        """delete user with ID <user_id>"""
        # POST Error 405 Method Not Allowed

There are a lot of other things to consider like the POST request content-type but I think what I've said so far should be a reasonable starting point. I know I haven't directly answered the exact question you were asking but I hope this helps you. I will make some edits/additions later as well.

Thanks and I hope this is helpful. Please do let me know if I have gotten something wrong.

vba error handling in loop

As a general way to handle error in a loop like your sample code, I would rather use:

on error resume next
for each...
    'do something that might raise an error, then
    if err.number <> 0 then
    end if
 next ....

Node.js on multi-core machines

You may run your node.js application on multiple cores by using the cluster module on combination with os module which may be used to detect how many CPUs you have.

For example let's imagine that you have a server module that runs simple http server on the backend and you want to run it for several CPUs:

// Dependencies._x000D_
const server = require('./lib/server'); // This is our custom server module._x000D_
const cluster = require('cluster');_x000D_
const os = require('os');_x000D_
 // If we're on the master thread start the forks._x000D_
if (cluster.isMaster) {_x000D_
  // Fork the process._x000D_
  for (let i = 0; i < os.cpus().length; i++) {_x000D_
} else {_x000D_
  // If we're not on the master thread start the server._x000D_

How to do something before on submit?

Assuming you have a form like this:

<form id="myForm" action="foo.php" method="post">
   <input type="text" value="" />
   <input type="submit" value="submit form" />


You can attach a onsubmit-event with jQuery like this:

$('#myForm').submit(function() {
  alert('Handler for .submit() called.');
  return false;

If you return false the form won't be submitted after the function, if you return true or nothing it will submit as usual.

See the jQuery documentation for more info.

Python: Open file in zip without temporarily extracting it

Vincent Povirk's answer won't work completely;

import zipfile
archive = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'r')
imgfile ='img_01.png')

You have to change it in:

import zipfile
archive = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'r')
imgdata ='img_01.png')

For details read the ZipFile docs here.

nginx showing blank PHP pages


include fastcgi_params;


include fastcgi.conf;

and remove fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME ... in nginx.conf

Serializing and submitting a form with jQuery and PHP

The problem can be PHP configuration:

Please check the setting max_input_vars in the php.ini file.

Try to increase the value of this setting to 5000 as example.

max_input_vars = 5000

Then restart your web-server and try.

TLS 1.2 not working in cURL

Replace following

curl_setopt ($setuploginurl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 'CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2');


curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 6);

Should work flawlessly.

String to list in Python

You can use the split() function, which returns a list, to separate them.

letters = 'QH QD JC KD JS'

letters_list = letters.split()

Printing letters_list would now format it like this:

['QH', 'QD', 'JC', 'KD', 'JS']

Now you have a list that you can work with, just like you would with any other list. For example accessing elements based on indexes:


This would print the third element of your list, which is 'JC'

How to return only the Date from a SQL Server DateTime datatype

If you are assigning the results to a column or variable, give it the DATE type, and the conversion is implicit.


SELECT @Date   --> 2017-05-03

How to downgrade tensorflow, multiple versions possible?

I discovered the joy of anaconda:

C:> conda create -n tensorflow1.1 python=3.5
C:> activate tensorflow1.1
C:> pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade

voila, a virtual environment is created.

Just disable scroll not hide it?

Four little additions to the accepted solution:

  1. Apply 'noscroll' to html instead of to body to prevent double scroll bars in IE
  2. To check if there's actually a scroll bar before adding the 'noscroll' class. Otherwise, the site will also jump pushed by the new non-scrolling scroll bar.
  3. To keep any possible scrollTop so the entire page doesn't go back to the top (like Fabrizio's update, but you need to grab the value before adding the 'noscroll' class)
  4. Not all browsers handle scrollTop the same way as documented at

Complete solution that seems to work for most browsers:


html.noscroll {
    position: fixed; 
    overflow-y: scroll;
    width: 100%;

Disable scroll

if ($(document).height() > $(window).height()) {
     var scrollTop = ($('html').scrollTop()) ? $('html').scrollTop() : $('body').scrollTop(); // Works for Chrome, Firefox, IE...

Enable scroll

var scrollTop = parseInt($('html').css('top'));

Thanks to Fabrizio and Dejan for putting me on the right track and to Brodingo for the solution to the double scroll bar

Excel - extracting data based on another list

New Excel versions


Older Excel versions


That is: "If the value of A1 exists in the B column, display it here. If it doesn't exist, leave it empty."

php.ini: which one?

Generally speaking, the cli/php.ini file is used when the PHP binary is called from the command-line.
You can check that running php --ini from the command-line.

fpm/php.ini will be used when PHP is run as FPM -- which is the case with an nginx installation.
And you can check that calling phpinfo() from a php page served by your webserver.

cgi/php.ini, in your situation, will most likely not be used.

Using two distinct php.ini files (one for CLI, and the other one to serve pages from your webserver) is done quite often, and has one main advantages : it allows you to have different configuration values in each case.

Typically, in the php.ini file that's used by the web-server, you'll specify a rather short max_execution_time : web pages should be served fast, and if a page needs more than a few dozen seconds (30 seconds, by default), it's probably because of a bug -- and the page's generation should be stopped.
On the other hand, you can have pretty long scripts launched from your crontab (or by hand), which means the php.ini file that will be used is the one in cli/. For those scripts, you'll specify a much longer max_execution_time in cli/php.ini than you did in fpm/php.ini.

max_execution_time is a common example ; you could do the same with several other configuration directives, of course.

How to get current date & time in MySQL?

You can use not only now(), also current_timestamp() and localtimestamp(). The main reason of incorrect display timestamp is inserting NOW() with single quotes! It didn't work for me in MySQL Workbench because of this IDE add single quotes for mysql functions and i didn't recognize it at once )

Don't use functions with single quotes like in MySQL Workbench. It doesn't work.

Response.Redirect with POST instead of Get?

I suggest building an HttpWebRequest to programmatically execute your POST and then redirect after reading the Response if applicable.

Create a Bitmap/Drawable from file path

you can't access your drawables via a path, so if you want a human readable interface with your drawables that you can build programatically.

declare a HashMap somewhere in your class:

private static HashMap<String, Integer> images = null;

//Then initialize it in your constructor:

public myClass() {
  if (images == null) {
    images = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    images.put("Human1Arm", R.drawable.human_one_arm);
    // for all your images - don't worry, this is really fast and will only happen once

Now for access -

String drawable = "wrench";
// fill in this value however you want, but in the end you want Human1Arm etc
// access is fast and easy:
Bitmap wrench = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), images.get(drawable));
canvas.drawColor(Color .BLACK);
canvas.drawBitmap(wrench, left, top, null);

Undoing a 'git push'

Another way to do this:

  1. create another branch
  2. checkout the previous commit on that branch using "git checkout"
  3. push the new branch.
  4. delete the old branch & push the delete (use git push origin --delete <branch_name>)
  5. rename the new branch into the old branch
  6. push again.

Remove empty lines in a text file via grep

If removing empty lines means lines including any spaces, use:

grep '\S' FILE

For example:

$  printf "line1\n\nline2\n \nline3\n\t\nline4\n" > FILE
$  cat -v FILE



$  grep '\S' FILE
$  grep . FILE



See also:

Background images: how to fill whole div if image is small and vice versa

This worked perfectly for me

background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;

Getting the name of the currently executing method

String methodName =Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName();
System.out.println("methodName = " + methodName);

TortoiseSVN icons overlay not showing after updating to Windows 10

For anyone using Windows 10, there's a request in Feedback Hub to get Microsoft to fix this issue. If you'd like to add a +1 to have it fixed, here's a link:

The link only works on Windows 10 as it needs to open Feedback Hub to get to the suggestion. The link was generated using the "Share" feature in Feedback Hub and is an internal link shortening service used by Microsoft.

Action bar navigation modes are deprecated in Android L

I think a suitable replacement for when you have three to five screens of equal importance is the BottomNavigationActivity,this can be used to switch fragments.

You will notice a wizard exists for this in Android Studio, take care however as Android Studio has a tendency to produce overly complex boiler plate code.

A tutorial can be found here:

Another quality tutorial can be found at Android Hive here:

Create a new line in Java's FileWriter

Try wrapping your FileWriter in a BufferedWriter:

BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(writer);

Javadocs for BufferedWriter here.

Max or Default?

One interesting difference that seems worth noting is that while FirstOrDefault and Take(1) generate the same SQL (according to LINQPad, anyway), FirstOrDefault returns a value--the default--when there are no matching rows and Take(1) returns no results... at least in LINQPad.

Label points in geom_point

Use geom_text , with aes label. You can play with hjust, vjust to adjust text position.

ggplot(nba, aes(x= MIN, y= PTS, colour="green", label=Name))+
  geom_point() +geom_text(aes(label=Name),hjust=0, vjust=0)

enter image description here

EDIT: Label only values above a certain threshold:

  ggplot(nba, aes(x= MIN, y= PTS, colour="green", label=Name))+
  geom_point() +

chart with conditional labels

How to load image to WPF in runtime?

In WPF an image is typically loaded from a Stream or an Uri.

BitmapImage supports both and an Uri can even be passed as constructor argument:

var uri = new Uri("http://...");
var bitmap = new BitmapImage(uri);

If the image file is located in a local folder, you would have to use a file:// Uri. You could create such a Uri from a path like this:

var path = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Bilder", "sas.png");
var uri = new Uri(path);

If the image file is an assembly resource, the Uri must follow the the Pack Uri scheme:

var uri = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Bilder/sas.png");

In this case the Visual Studio Build Action for sas.png would have to be Resource.

Once you have created a BitmapImage and also have an Image control like in this XAML

<Image Name="image1" />

you would simply assign the BitmapImage to the Source property of that Image control:

image1.Source = bitmap;

How to search in array of object in mongodb

Use $elemMatch to find the array of particular object

db.users.findOne({"_id": id},{awards: {$elemMatch: {award:'Turing Award', year:1977}}})

Why AVD Manager options are not showing in Android Studio

It Seems your AVD Manager is missing from root SDK directory please follow the Steps

  1. Go to sdk\tools\lib\ and copy AVDManager.exe
  2. Paste it to root of your sdk Directory. Now you have sdk\AVD Manager.exe

Now try to run it.

How to establish ssh key pair when "Host key verification failed"

This issue arises when the host key is expired or changed. you can remove the keys that host is using and try to ssh again, so that you are adding new key that is known to both client and server.

You can check the keys associated with your hosts with cat /.ssh/known_hosts . Now, You can remove the hosts keys manually or using the ssh-keygen option. You can do either of the following option.

  1. Manual removal of keys

    vim /.ssh/known_hosts

delete the key that is associated with your host.

  1. Remove key using ssh-keygen

    ssh-keygen -R your_host_or_host_ip

This will remove your key associated with the host.

Now, you can ssh to your host as usual and you will be asked if you want to continue to this host. Once your enter yes, this host will be added to your/.ssh/known_hosts with updated key. By now, you should be your host.

How to unpackage and repackage a WAR file

Adapting from the above answers, this works for Tomcat, but can be adapted for JBoss as well or any container:

sudo -u tomcat /opt/tomcat/bin/
cd /opt/tomcat/webapps
sudo mkdir tmp; cd tmp
sudo jar -xvf ../myapp.war
#make edits...
sudo vi WEB-INF/classes/templates/fragments/header.html
sudo vi WEB-INF/classes/
#end of making edits
sudo jar -cvf myapp0.0.1.war *
sudo cp myapp0.0.1.war ..
cd ..
sudo chown tomcat:tomcat myapp0.0.1.war
sudo rm -rf tmp
sudo -u tomcat /opt/tomcat/bin/

Where is SQL Server Management Studio 2012?

Select SQL Management Studio from the dropdown in Download SQL Server 2012 Express.

Why use deflate instead of gzip for text files served by Apache?

mod_deflate requires fewer resources on your server, although you may pay a small penalty in terms of the amount of compression.

If you are serving many small files, I'd recommend benchmarking and load testing your compressed and uncompressed solutions - you may find some cases where enabling compression will not result in savings.