[php] How do I get an object's unqualified (short) class name?

Here is simple solution for PHP 5.4+

namespace {
    trait Names {
        public static function getNamespace() {
            return implode('\\', array_slice(explode('\\', get_called_class()), 0, -1));

        public static function getBaseClassName() {
            return basename(str_replace('\\', '/', get_called_class()));

What will be return?

namespace x\y\z {
    class SomeClass {
        use \Names;

    echo \x\y\z\SomeClass::getNamespace() . PHP_EOL; // x\y\z
    echo \x\y\z\SomeClass::getBaseClassName() . PHP_EOL; // SomeClass

Extended class name and namespace works well to:

namespace d\e\f {

    class DifferentClass extends \x\y\z\SomeClass {


    echo \d\e\f\DifferentClass::getNamespace() . PHP_EOL; // d\e\f
    echo \d\e\f\DifferentClass::getBaseClassName() . PHP_EOL; // DifferentClass

What about class in global namespace?

namespace {

    class ClassWithoutNamespace {
        use \Names;

    echo ClassWithoutNamespace::getNamespace() . PHP_EOL; // empty string
    echo ClassWithoutNamespace::getBaseClassName() . PHP_EOL; // ClassWithoutNamespace

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