[git] Undoing a 'git push'

Scenario 1: If you want to undo the last commit say 8123b7e04b3, below is the command(this worked for me):

git push origin +8123b7e04b3^:<branch_name>

Output looks like below:

Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To https://testlocation/code.git
 + 8123b7e...92bc500 8123b7e04b3^ -> master (forced update)

Note: To update the change to your local code (to remove the commit locally as well) :

$ git reset --hard origin/<branchName>
Message displayed is :    HEAD is now at 8a3902a comments_entered_for_commit

Additional info: Scenario 2: In some situation, you may want to revert back what you just undo'ed (basically undo the undo) through the previous command, then use the below command:

git reset --hard 8123b7e04b3


HEAD is now at cc6206c Comment_that_was_entered_for_commit

More info here: https://github.com/blog/2019-how-to-undo-almost-anything-with-git