[git] Issue pushing new code in Github

I created a new repository on Github which has only Readme.md file now.

I have a newly created RoR project which I wanted to push to this repository. Following are the commands I gave in my Terminal to execute this along with the error I am getting.

git remote add origin https://github.com/aniruddhabarapatre/learn-rails.git

After which I entered my username and password

git push -u origin master

Error ---

To https://github.com/aniruddhabarapatre/learn-rails.git
 ! [rejected]        master -> master (fetch first)
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/aniruddhabarapatre/learn-rails.git'
hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do
hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing
hint: to the same ref. You may want to first merge the remote changes (e.g.,
hint: 'git pull') before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.

This is my first time pushing my code to a Github repository and I'm lost with the errors. I searched few other questions that are asked here, but none of them had issues first time.

This question is related to git github git-push

The answer is

This is happen when you try to push initially.Because in your GitHub repo have readMe.md or any other new thing which is not in your local repo. First you have to merge unrelated history of your github repo.To do that

git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories

then you can get the other files from repo(readMe.md or any)using this

git pull origin master

After that

git push -u origin master

Now you successfully push your all the changes into Github repo.I'm not expert in git but every time these step work for me.

If this is your first push, then you might not care about the history on the remote. You could then do a "force push" to skip checks that git does to prevent you from overwriting any existing, or differing, work on remote. Use with extreme care!

just change the

git push **-u** origin master

change it like this!

git push -f origin master

A simpler answer is to manually upload the README.MD file from your computer to GitHub. Worked very well for me.

I got this error on Azure Git, and this solves the problem:

git fetch
git pull
git push --no-verify

if you use the git for mac in GUI you can chose Respository->Pull or the "comm+shift+p" to "git pull" first, then publish the source.

?? EASY: All you need is a forced push. Because you might have created readme.md file on Github and you haven't pulled it yet.

git push -f origin master

And here's a GIF.

git push -f origin master

?? BEWARE: Using force can change the history for other folks on the same project. Basically, if you don't care about a file being deleted for everyone, just go ahead. Especially if you're the only dev on the project.

I struggled with this error for more than an hour! Below is what helped me resolve it. All this while my working directory was the repo i had cloned on my system.

If you are doing adding files to your existing repository** 1. I pulled everything which I had added to my repository to my GitHub folder:

git pull

Output was- some readme file file1 file2

  1. I copied (drag and drop) my new files (the files which I wanted to push) to my cloned repository (GitHub repo). When you will ls this repo you should see your old and new files.

eg. some readme file file1 file2 newfile1 newfile2

  1. git add "newfile1" "newfile2"

  2. [optional] git status this will assure you if the files you want to add are staged properly or not output was

On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. Changes to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage)

    new file:   newfile1
    new file:   newfile2

5.git commit -m "whatever description you want to give" 6.git push

And all my new files along with the older ones were seen in my repo.

Issue a forced push with the command:

git push -f origin master

I use the Branches options, and then right click on the "remote/origin" folder and then click on "delete branches from remote", see the image below:

the image

This error occurs when you push the data from your local directory to your remote git repository by following git command: git push -u origin master

As local directory and git remote directory's files conflicted.

Solution :

After committing all files to staging follow below steps.

  1. Fetch the files from the remote repository as its conflict with the local working directory.

    • git pull <remoter-url> <branch-name>
  2. Commit the changes again.

    • git add -A
    • git commit -m ‘<comment>'
  3. After committed merge files with both directory you can use

    • git push -u origin master

This will fix the issue. Thanks.

I had a similar problem... I resolved it like this (i'm not an git expert so i don't know if it is a right solution, but it worked for me):

git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories
git merge origin origin/master
git rm README.md
git commit -m 'removed readme.md'
git push origin master

Considering if you haven't committed your changes in a while, maybe doing this will work for you.

git add files
git commit -m "Your Commit"
git push -u origin master

That worked for me, hopefully it does for you too.

Assuming that you added the Readme.md file through the interface provided by github, the readme is not yet in your local folder. Hence, when you try to push to the remote repo, you get an error, because your local repo is lacking the readme file - it's "behind the times", so to speak. Hence, as is suggested in the error message, try "git pull" first. This will pull the readme from the remote repository and merge it with your local directory. After that, you should have no problem pushing to the remote repo (the commands you posted look valid to me).

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