[ios] Cancel a UIView animation?

Sorry to resurrect this answer, but in iOS 10 things kinda changed, and now cancelling is possible and you can even cancel gracefully!

After iOS 10 you can cancel animations with UIViewPropertyAnimator!

UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: 2, dampingRatio: 0.4, animations: {
    view.backgroundColor = .blue

If you pass true it cancels the animation and it stops right where you cancelled it. The completion method will not be called. However, if you pass false you are responsible for finishing the animation:


You can finish your animation and stay in the current state (.current) or go to the initial state (.start) or to the end state (.end)

By the way, you can even pause and restart later...


Note: If you don't want an abrupt cancelling you can reverse your animation or even change your animation after you pause it!