[c#] Get domain name

I know this is old. I just wanted to dump this here for anyone that was looking for an answer to getting a domain name. This is in coordination with Peter's answer. There "is" a bug as stated by Rich. But, you can always make a simple workaround for that. The way I can tell if they are still on the domain or not is by pinging the domain name. If it responds, continue on with whatever it was that I needed the domain for. If it fails, I drop out and go into "offline" mode. Simple string method.

 string GetDomainName()
        string _domain = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties().DomainName;

        Ping ping = new Ping();

            PingReply reply = ping.Send(_domain);

            if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
                return _domain;
                return reply.Status.ToString();
        catch (PingException pExp)
            if (pExp.InnerException.ToString() == "No such host is known")
                return "Network not detected!";

            return "Ping Exception";

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Get domain name

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