Programs & Examples On #Wix3.6

For issues relating to deployment using Windows Installer XML, version 3.6.

rebase in progress. Cannot commit. How to proceed or stop (abort)?

You told your repository to rebase. It looks like you were on a commit (identified by SHA 9c168a5) and then did git rebase master or git pull --rebase master.

You are rebasing the branch master onto that commit. You can end the rebase via git rebase --abort. This would put back at the state that you were at before you started rebasing.

How to upgrade all Python packages with pip


import pip
pkgs = [p.key for p in pip.get_installed_distributions()]
for pkg in pkgs:
    pip.main(['install', '--upgrade', pkg])

Or even:

import pip
commands = ['install', '--upgrade']
pkgs = commands.extend([p.key for p in pip.get_installed_distributions()])

It works fast as it is not constantly launching a shell.

Error in finding last used cell in Excel with VBA

Sub lastRow()

    Dim i As Long
        i = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
            MsgBox i

End Sub

sub LastRow()

'Paste & for better understanding of the working use F8 Key to run the code .

dim WS as worksheet
dim i as long

set ws = thisworkbook("SheetName")





i= activecell.row

msgbox "My Last Row Is " & i

End sub

Bootstrap 4 multiselect dropdown

Because the bootstrap-select is a bootstrap component and therefore you need to include it in your code as you did for your V3

NOTE: this component only works in since version 1.13.0

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<select class="selectpicker" multiple data-live-search="true">_x000D_

What are the minimum margins most printers can handle?

Every printer is different but 0.25" (6.35 mm) is a safe bet.

range() for floats

Pylab has frange (a wrapper, actually, for matplotlib.mlab.frange):

>>> import pylab as pl
>>> pl.frange(0.5,5,0.5)
array([ 0.5,  1. ,  1.5,  2. ,  2.5,  3. ,  3.5,  4. ,  4.5,  5. ])

How to reverse apply a stash?

This is long over due, but if i interpret the problem correctly i have found a simple solution, note, this is an explanation in my own terminology:

git stash [save] will save away current changes and set your current branch to the "clean state"

git stash list gives something like: stash@{0}: On develop: saved testing-stuff

git apply stash@{0} will set current branch as before stash [save]

git checkout . Will set current branch as after stash [save]

The code that is saved in the stash is not lost, it can be found by git apply stash@{0} again.

Anywhay, this worked for me!

Download the Android SDK components for offline install

To install android component do following steps

  • Run android sdk manager on offline machine
  • Click on show/hide log window
  • here youu will find all the list of xml files where packages are available

Fetched Add-ons List successfully
Fetching URL:
Validate XML:
Parse XML: is main xml file where all other package list is available.

lets say you want to download platform api-9 and it is available on repository-7 then you have to do following steps

  • note the repository address and go to any other machine which has internet connection and type following link in any browser

  • Search for <sdk:url>****</sdk:url> under the api version which you want to download. This is the file name which you have to download. to download this file you have to type following URI in any downloader or browser and it will start download the file.

    General rule for any file replace with your package name

  • Once the download is complete,paste downloaded ZIP(or other format for other os) file in your flash/pen drive and paste the zip file at <android sdk dir>/temp (ex:- c:\android-sdk\temp) folder/directory in your offline machine.

  • Now start the SDK manager and select the package which you have paste in temp and click Install package button. Your package has been installed.

  • Restart your eclipse and AVD manager to get new packages.

Note:- if you are downloading sdk-tools or sdk platform-tools then choose the package for OS which is on offline machine(windows/Linux/Mac).

How to parse a JSON string to an array using Jackson

I finally got it:

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
TypeFactory typeFactory = objectMapper.getTypeFactory();
List<SomeClass> someClassList = objectMapper.readValue(jsonString, typeFactory.constructCollectionType(List.class, SomeClass.class));

How to Set focus to first text input in a bootstrap modal after shown

First step, you have to set your autofocus attribute on form input.

<input name="full_name" autofocus/>

And then you have to add declaration to set autofocus of your input after your modal is shown.
Try this code :

$(document).on('ready', function(){
    // Set modal form input to autofocus when autofocus attribute is set
    $('.modal').on('', function () {

Git will not init/sync/update new submodules

git version 2.7.4. This command updates local code git submodule update --init --force --remote

horizontal scrollbar on top and bottom of table

First of all, great answer, @StanleyH. If someone is wondering how to make the double scroll container with dynamic width :


.wrapper1, .wrapper2 { width: 100%; overflow-x: scroll; overflow-y: hidden; }
.wrapper1 { height: 20px; }
.div1 { height: 20px; }
.div2 { overflow: none; }


$(function () {
    $('.wrapper1').on('scroll', function (e) {
    $('.wrapper2').on('scroll', function (e) {
$(window).on('load', function (e) {


<div class="wrapper1">
    <div class="div1"></div>
<div class="wrapper2">
    <div class="div2">
                    <td>table cell</td>
                    <td>table cell</td>
                    <!-- ... -->
                    <td>table cell</td>
                    <td>table cell</td>


How to terminate a python subprocess launched with shell=True

None of these answers worked for me so Im leaving the code that did work. In my case even after killing the process with .kill() and getting a .poll() return code the process didn't terminate.

Following the subprocess.Popen documentation:

" order to cleanup properly a well-behaved application should kill the child process and finish communication..."

proc = subprocess.Popen(...)
    outs, errs = proc.communicate(timeout=15)
except TimeoutExpired:
    outs, errs = proc.communicate()

In my case I was missing the proc.communicate() after calling proc.kill(). This cleans the process stdin, stdout ... and does terminate the process.

Grep to find item in Perl array

This could be done using List::Util's first function:

use List::Util qw/first/;

my @array = qw/foo bar baz/;
print first { $_ eq 'bar' } @array;

Other functions from List::Util like max, min, sum also may be useful for you

Difference between Big-O and Little-O Notation

The big-O notation has a companion called small-o notation. The big-O notation says the one function is asymptotical no more than another. To say that one function is asymptotically less than another, we use small-o notation. The difference between the big-O and small-o notations is analogous to the difference between <= (less than equal) and < (less than).

How to display .svg image using swift

In case you want to use a WKWebView to load a .svg image that is coming from a URLRequest, you can simply achieve it like this:

Swift 4

if let request = URLRequest(url: urlString), let svgString = try? String(contentsOf: request) {
  wkWebView.loadHTMLString(svgString, baseURL: request)

It's much simpler than the other ways of doing it, and you can also persist your .svg string somewhere to load it later, even offline if you need to.

jQuery/Javascript function to clear all the fields of a form

Set the val to ""

function clear_form_elements(ele) {

        $(ele).find(':input').each(function() {
            switch(this.type) {
                case 'password':
                case 'select-multiple':
                case 'select-one':
                case 'text':
                case 'textarea':
                case 'checkbox':
                case 'radio':
                    this.checked = false;


<input onclick="clear_form_elements(this.form)" type="button" value="Clear All" />  
<input onclick="clear_form_elements('#example_1')" type="button" value="Clear Section 1" />
<input onclick="clear_form_elements('#example_2')" type="button" value="Clear Section 2" />
<input onclick="clear_form_elements('#example_3')" type="button" value="Clear Section 3" />

You could also try something like this:

  function clearForm(form) {

    // iterate over all of the inputs for the form

    // element that was passed in

    $(':input', form).each(function() {

      var type = this.type;

      var tag = this.tagName.toLowerCase(); // normalize case

      // it's ok to reset the value attr of text inputs,

      // password inputs, and textareas

      if (type == 'text' || type == 'password' || tag == 'textarea')

        this.value = "";

      // checkboxes and radios need to have their checked state cleared

      // but should *not* have their 'value' changed

      else if (type == 'checkbox' || type == 'radio')

        this.checked = false;

      // select elements need to have their 'selectedIndex' property set to -1

      // (this works for both single and multiple select elements)

      else if (tag == 'select')

        this.selectedIndex = -1;



More info here and here

Jenkins, specifying JAVA_HOME

I was facing the same issue and for me downgrading the JAVA_HOME from jdk12 was not the plausible option like said in the answer. So I did a trial and error experiment and I got the Jenkins running without even downgrading the version of JAVA_HOME.


  • open configuration $ sudo vi /etc/init.d/jenkins
  • Comment following line:
 #JAVA=`type -p java`
  • Introduced the line mentioned below. (Note: Insert the specific path of JDK in your machine.)
 JAVA=`type -p /usr/lib/jdk8/bin/java`
  • Reload systemd manager configuration: $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • Start Jenkins service: $ sudo systemctl start jenkins
    ? jenkins.service - LSB: Start Jenkins at boot time
       Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/jenkins; generated)
       Active: active (exited) since Sun 2020-05-31 21:05:30 CEST; 9min ago
         Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
      Process: 9055 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/jenkins start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

How to create a self-signed certificate for a domain name for development?

Another option is to create a self-signed certificate that allows you to specify the domain name per website. This means you can use it across many domain names.

In IIS Manager

  1. Click machine name node
  2. Open Server Certificates
  3. In Actions panel, choose 'Create Self-Signed Certificate'
  4. In 'Specify a friendly name...' name it *Dev (select 'Personal' from type list)
  5. Save

Now, on your website in IIS...

  1. Manage the bindings
  2. Create a new binding for Https
  3. Choose your self-signed certificate from the list
  4. Once selected, the domain name box will become enabled and you'll be able to input your domain name.

enter image description here

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver Exception occurring. Why?

in JDK 8, jdbc odbc bridge is no longer used and thus removed fro the JDK. to use Microsoft Access database in JAVA, you need 5 extra JAR libraries.

1- hsqldb.jar

2- jackcess 2.0.4.jar

3- commons-lang-2.6.jar

4- commons-logging-1.1.1.jar

5- ucanaccess-2.0.8.jar

add these libraries to your java project and start with following lines.

Connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:ucanaccess://<Path to your database i.e. MS Access DB>");
Statement s = conn.createStatement();

path could be like E:/Project/JAVA/DBApp

and then your query to be executed. Like

ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Course");
    System.out.println(rs.getString("Title") + " " + rs.getString("Code") + " " + rs.getString("Credits"));

certain imports to be used. try catch block must be used and some necessary things no to be forgotten.

Remember, no need of bridging drivers like jdbc odbc or any stuff.

Remove a character at a certain position in a string - javascript

You can try it this way!!

var str ="Hello World";
var position = 6;//its 1 based
var newStr = str.substring(0,position - 1) + str.substring(postion, str.length);

Here is the live example:

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' in python and CSV

just change wb to w




Programmatically navigate using React router

React-Router v2

For the most recent release (v2.0.0-rc5), the recommended navigation method is by directly pushing onto the history singleton. You can see that in action in the Navigating outside of Components doc.

Relevant excerpt:

import { browserHistory } from 'react-router';

If using the newer react-router API, you need to make use of the history from this.props when inside of components so:


It also offers pushState but that is deprecated per logged warnings.

If using react-router-redux, it offers a push function you can dispatch like so:

import { push } from 'react-router-redux';

However this may be only used to change the URL, not to actually navigate to the page.

Convert Object to JSON string

Also useful is Object.toSource() for debugging purposes, where you want to show the object and its properties for debugging purposes. This is a generic Javascript (not jQuery) function, however it only works in "modern" browsers.

Turn on torch/flash on iPhone

//import fremework in .h file 

#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
 AVCaptureSession *torchSession;

@property(nonatomic,retain)AVCaptureSession *torchSession;


//implement in .m file

@synthesize torchSession;

    AVCaptureDevice *device = [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
    if ([device hasTorch] && [device hasFlash])
        if (device.torchMode == AVCaptureTorchModeOff) 
            [button setTitle:@"OFF" forState:UIControlStateNormal];

            AVCaptureDeviceInput *flashInput = [AVCaptureDeviceInput deviceInputWithDevice:device error: nil];

            AVCaptureVideoDataOutput *output = [[AVCaptureVideoDataOutput alloc] init];
            AVCaptureSession *session = [[AVCaptureSession alloc] init];

            [session beginConfiguration];
            [device lockForConfiguration:nil];
            [device setTorchMode:AVCaptureTorchModeOn];
            [device setFlashMode:AVCaptureFlashModeOn];
            [session addInput:flashInput];
            [session addOutput:output];
            [device unlockForConfiguration];
            [output release];
            [session commitConfiguration];
            [session startRunning];
            [self setTorchSession:session];
            [session release];
            [button setTitle:@"ON" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
            [torchSession stopRunning];

- (void)dealloc
    [torchSession release];
    [super dealloc];

Entity Framework Core: DbContextOptionsBuilder does not contain a definition for 'usesqlserver' and no extension method 'usesqlserver'

I got around this by simply:

Add SqlServerDbContextOptionsExtensions to the class in question Resolve SqlServerDbContextOptionsExtensions

This fixes the issue, must be missing some reference by default.

ArrayList filter

Probably the best way is to use Guava

List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
list.add("How are you");
list.add("How you doing");
Collection<String> filtered = Collections2.filter(list,


How are you
How you doing

In case you want to get the filtered collection as a list, you can use this (also from Guava):

List<String> filteredList = Lists.newArrayList(Collections2.filter(
    list, Predicates.containsPattern("How")));

How to convert float to int with Java

As to me, easier: (int) (a +.5) // a is a Float. Return rounded value.

Not dependent on Java Math.round() types

How to convert a file into a dictionary?

Here's another option...

events = {}
for line in csv.reader(open(os.path.join(path, 'events.txt'), "rb")):
    if line[0][0] == "#":
    events[line[0]] = line[1] if len(line) == 2 else line[1:]

How do I make a text input non-editable?

you just need to add disabled at the end

<input type="text" value="3" class="field left" disabled>

Easiest way to ignore blank lines when reading a file in Python


The following code processes lines one at a time and produces a result that isn't memory eager:

filename = 'english names.txt'

with open(filename) as f_in:
    lines = (line.rstrip() for line in f_in)
    lines = (line for line in lines if line)
    the_strange_sum = 0
    for l in lines:
        the_strange_sum += 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.find(l[0])

print the_strange_sum

So the generator (line.rstrip() for line in f_in) is quite the same acceptable than the nonblank_lines() function.

Parsing CSV / tab-delimited txt file with Python

Although there is nothing wrong with the other solutions presented, you could simplify and greatly escalate your solutions by using python's excellent library pandas.

Pandas is a library for handling data in Python, preferred by many Data Scientists.

Pandas has a simplified CSV interface to read and parse files, that can be used to return a list of dictionaries, each containing a single line of the file. The keys will be the column names, and the values will be the ones in each cell.

In your case:

    import pandas

    def create_dictionary(filename):
        my_data = pandas.DataFrame.from_csv(filename, sep='\t', index_col=False)
        # Here you can delete the dataframe columns you don't want!
        del my_data['B']
        del my_data['D']
        # ...
        # Now you transform the DataFrame to a list of dictionaries
        list_of_dicts = [item for item in my_data.T.to_dict().values()]
        return list_of_dicts

# Usage:
x = create_dictionary("myfile.csv")

How to find the installed pandas version

Simplest Solution


import pandas as pd

**Its double underscore before and after the word "version".



Convert from ASCII string encoded in Hex to plain ASCII?


use it without delimiter

add column to mysql table if it does not exist

If you are running this in a script, you'll want to add the following line afterwards to make it rerunnable, otherwise you get a procedure already exists error.

drop procedure foo;

MySQL date formats - difficulty Inserting a date

Looks like you've not encapsulated your string properly. Try this:

INSERT INTO custorder VALUES ('Kevin','yes'), STR_TO_DATE('1-01-2012', '%d-%m-%Y');

Alternatively, you can do the following but it is not recommended. Make sure that you use STR_TO-DATE it is because when you are developing web applications you have to explicitly convert String to Date which is annoying. Use first One.

INSERT INTO custorder VALUES ('Kevin','yes'), '2012-01-01';

I'm not confident that the above SQL is valid, however, and you may want to move the date part into the brackets. If you can provide the exact error you're getting, I might be able to more directly help with the issue.

convert a list of objects from one type to another using lambda expression

If you know you want to convert from List<T1> to List<T2> then List<T>.ConvertAll will be slightly more efficient than Select/ToList because it knows the exact size to start with:

target = orig.ConvertAll(x => new TargetType { SomeValue = x.SomeValue });

In the more general case when you only know about the source as an IEnumerable<T>, using Select/ToList is the way to go. You could also argue that in a world with LINQ, it's more idiomatic to start with... but it's worth at least being aware of the ConvertAll option.

error: Libtool library used but 'LIBTOOL' is undefined

In my case on macOS I solved it with:

brew link libtool

phpmyadmin "no data received to import" error, how to fix?

If you are using xampp you can find php.ini file by going into xampp control panel and and clicking config button in front of Apache.

Edittext change border color with shape.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
     <solid android:color="#ffffff" />
     <stroke android:width="1dip" android:color="#ff9900" />

You have to remove > this from selector root tag, like below

   <selector xmlns:android=""

As well as move your code to shape from selector.

Disable / Check for Mock Location (prevent gps spoofing)

Since API 18, the object Location has the method .isFromMockProvider() so you can filter out fake locations.

If you want to support versions before 18, it is possible to use something like this:

boolean isMock = false;
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18) {
    isMock = location.isFromMockProvider();
} else {
    isMock = !Settings.Secure.getString(context.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ALLOW_MOCK_LOCATION).equals("0");

Convert datetime value into string


  DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%d %m %Y') AS your_date;

Git: How to find a deleted file in the project commit history?

If you prefer to see the size of all deleted file

as well as the associated SHA

git log --all --stat --diff-filter=D --oneline

add a -p to see the contents too

git log --all --stat --diff-filter=D -p

To narrow down to any file simply pipe to grep and search for file name

git log --all --stat --diff-filter=D --oneline | grep someFileName

You might also like this one if you know where the file is

git log --all --full-history -- someFileName

Changing cell color using apache poi

Short version: Create styles only once, use them everywhere.

Long version: use a method to create the styles you need (beware of the limit on the amount of styles).

private static Map<String, CellStyle> styles;

private static Map<String, CellStyle> createStyles(Workbook wb){
        Map<String, CellStyle> styles = new HashMap<String, CellStyle>();
        DataFormat df = wb.createDataFormat();

        CellStyle style;
        Font headerFont = wb.createFont();
        headerFont.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 12);
        style = createBorderedStyle(wb);
        styles.put("style1", style);

        style = createBorderedStyle(wb);
        styles.put("date_style", style);
        return styles;

you can also use methods to do repetitive tasks while creating styles hashmap

private static CellStyle createBorderedStyle(Workbook wb) {
        CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle();
        return style;

then, in your "main" code, set the style from the styles map you have.

Cell cell = xssfCurrentRow.createCell( intCellPosition );       
cell.setCellValue( blah );
cell.setCellStyle( (CellStyle) styles.get("style1") );

How can I specify a branch/tag when adding a Git submodule?

git submodule add -b develop --name branch-name -- https://branch.git

When to use the different log levels

It's an old topic, but still relevant. This week, I wrote a small article about it, for my colleagues. For that purpose, I also created this cheat sheet, because I couldn't find any online.

cheat sheet: which log level should I use

AngularJs .$setPristine to reset form

$setPristine() was introduced in the 1.1.x branch of angularjs. You need to use that version rather than 1.0.7 in order for it to work.


Converting a string to JSON object

You can use the JSON.parse() for that.

See docs at MDN


var myObj = JSON.parse('{"p": 5}');

How do I simulate a low bandwidth, high latency environment?

I guess tc could do the job on UNIX based platform.

tc is used to configure Traffic Control in the Linux kernel

Android studio Error "Unsupported Modules Detected: Compilation is not supported for following modules"

You may resolve by below process:

  1. In Android Studio, go to left panel, switch from Android to Project pane

  2. Expand .idea folder, you can see modules.xml and open the file.

  3. In the modules.xml file, you might see like below:

  <component name="...">
      <module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/[check...].iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/[check...].iml" group="myProject" />
      <module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/app/[check...]-app.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/app/[check...]-app.iml" group="[check...]/app" />

  1. Check that match the module name correctly in module element

  2. And then, sync the gradle file

How do you clear a stringstream variable?

It's a conceptual problem.

Stringstream is a stream, so its iterators are forward, cannot return. In an output stringstream, you need a flush() to reinitialize it, as in any other output stream.

How to click an element in Selenium WebDriver using JavaScript

Cross browser testing java scripts

public class MultipleBrowser {

    public WebDriver driver= null;
    String browser="mozilla";
    String url="";

    public void LaunchBrowser() {

            driver= new FirefoxDriver();
        else if(browser.equalsIgnoreCase("safari"))
            driver= new SafariDriver();
        else if(browser.equalsIgnoreCase("chrome"))
            driver= new ChromeDriver(); 
        driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(4, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


but when you want to run firefox you need to chrome path disable, otherwise browser will launch but application may not.(try both way) .

How do you add input from user into list in Python

code below allows user to input items until they press enter key to stop:

In [1]: items=[]
   ...: i=0
   ...: while 1:
   ...:     i+=1
   ...:     item=input('Enter item %d: '%i)
   ...:     if item=='':
   ...:         break
   ...:     items.append(item)
   ...: print(items)

Enter item 1: apple

Enter item 2: pear

Enter item 3: #press enter here
['apple', 'pear']

In [2]: 

What is the point of "Initial Catalog" in a SQL Server connection string?

Setting an Initial Catalog allows you to set the database that queries run on that connection will use by default. If you do not set this for a connection to a server in which multiple databases are present, in many cases you will be required to have a USE statement in every query in order to explicitly declare which database you are trying to run the query on. The Initial Catalog setting is a good way of explicitly declaring a default database.

Removing duplicate values from a PowerShell array

$a | sort -unique

This works with case-insensitive, therefore removing duplicates strings with differing cases. Solved my problem.

$ServerList = @(
) | sort -Unique


The above outputs:


Calculate rolling / moving average in C++

I use this quite often in hard realtime systems that have fairly insane update rates (50kilosamples/sec) As a result I typically precompute the scalars.

To compute a moving average of N samples: scalar1 = 1/N; scalar2 = 1 - scalar1; // or (1 - 1/N) then:

Average = currentSample*scalar1 + Average*scalar2;

Example: Sliding average of 10 elements

double scalar1 = 1.0/10.0;  // 0.1
double scalar2 = 1.0 - scalar1; // 0.9
bool first_sample = true;
double average=0.0;
   double newSample = getSample();
    // everybody forgets the initial condition *sigh*
      average = newSample;
      first_sample = false;
      average = (sample*scalar1) + (average*scalar2);

Note: this is just a practical implementation of the answer given by steveha above. Sometimes it's easier to understand a concrete example.

Error: org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException: Content type 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8' not supported

Ok - for me the source of the problem was in serialisation/deserialisation. The object that was being sent and received was as follows where the code is submitted and the code and maskedPhoneNumber is returned.

@ApiObject(description = "What the object is for.")
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class CodeVerification {

    @ApiObjectField(description = "The code which is to be verified.")
    @NotBlank(message = "mandatory")
    private final String code;

    @ApiObjectField(description = "The masked mobile phone number to which the code was verfied against.")
    private final String maskedMobileNumber;

    public codeVerification(@JsonProperty("code") String code, String maskedMobileNumber) {
        this.code = code;
        this.maskedMobileNumber = maskedMobileNumber;

    public String getcode() {
        return code;

    public String getMaskedMobileNumber() {
        return maskedMobileNumber;

The problem was that I didn't have a JsonProperty defined for the maskedMobileNumber in the constructor. i.e. Constructor should have been

public codeVerification(@JsonProperty("code") String code, @JsonProperty("maskedMobileNumber") String maskedMobileNumber) {
    this.code = code;
    this.maskedMobileNumber = maskedMobileNumber;

Oracle TNS names not showing when adding new connection to SQL Developer

In SQLDeveloper browse Tools --> Preferences, as shown in below image.

enter image description here

In the Preferences options expand Database --> select Advanced --> under "Tnsnames Directory" --> Browse the directory where tnsnames.ora present.
Then click on Ok.
as shown in below diagram.

enter image description here

You have Done!

Now you can connect via the TNSnames options.

C# difference between == and Equals()

Really great answers and examples!

I would just like to add the fundamental difference between the two,

Operators such as == are not polymorphic, while Equals is

With that concept in mind, if you work out any example (by looking at left hand and right hand reference type, and checking/knowing if the type actually has == operator overloaded and Equals being overriden) you are certain to get the right answer.

How to convert datetime to integer in python

When converting datetime to integers one must keep in mind the tens, hundreds and thousands.... like "2018-11-03" must be like 20181103 in int for that you have to 2018*10000 + 100* 11 + 3

Similarly another example, "2018-11-03 10:02:05" must be like 20181103100205 in int

Explanatory Code

dt = datetime(2018,11,3,10,2,5)
print (dt)

#print (dt.timestamp()) # unix representation ... not useful when converting to int

print (dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
print (dt.year*10000 + dt.month* 100  +
print (int(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d")))

print (dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
print (dt.year*10000000000 + dt.month* 100000000 * 1000000 + dt.hour*10000  +  dt.minute*100 + dt.second)
print (int(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")))

General Function

To avoid that doing manually use below function

def datetime_to_int(dt):
    return int(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))

How to import spring-config.xml of one project into spring-config.xml of another project?

A small variation of Sean's answer:

<import resource="classpath*:spring-config.xml" />

With the asterisk in order to spring search files 'spring-config.xml' anywhere in the classpath.

Another reference: Divide Spring configuration across multiple projects

Spring classpath prefix difference

Get Application Name/ Label via ADB Shell or Terminal

If you know the app id of the package (like org.mozilla.firefox), it is easy. First to get the path of actual package file of the appId,

$  adb shell pm list packages -f

Now you can do some grep|sed magic to extract the path : /data/app/

After that aapt tool comes in handy :

$  adb shell aapt dump badging /data/app/

Again some grep magic to get the Label.

Difference between map, applymap and apply methods in Pandas

Comparing map, applymap and apply: Context Matters

First major difference: DEFINITION

  • map is defined on Series ONLY
  • applymap is defined on DataFrames ONLY
  • apply is defined on BOTH

Second major difference: INPUT ARGUMENT

  • map accepts dicts, Series, or callable
  • applymap and apply accept callables only

Third major difference: BEHAVIOR

  • map is elementwise for Series
  • applymap is elementwise for DataFrames
  • apply also works elementwise but is suited to more complex operations and aggregation. The behaviour and return value depends on the function.

Fourth major difference (the most important one): USE CASE

  • map is meant for mapping values from one domain to another, so is optimised for performance (e.g., df['A'].map({1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c'}))
  • applymap is good for elementwise transformations across multiple rows/columns (e.g., df[['A', 'B', 'C']].applymap(str.strip))
  • apply is for applying any function that cannot be vectorised (e.g., df['sentences'].apply(nltk.sent_tokenize))


enter image description here


  1. map when passed a dictionary/Series will map elements based on the keys in that dictionary/Series. Missing values will be recorded as NaN in the output.
  2. applymap in more recent versions has been optimised for some operations. You will find applymap slightly faster than apply in some cases. My suggestion is to test them both and use whatever works better.

  3. map is optimised for elementwise mappings and transformation. Operations that involve dictionaries or Series will enable pandas to use faster code paths for better performance.

  4. Series.apply returns a scalar for aggregating operations, Series otherwise. Similarly for DataFrame.apply. Note that apply also has fastpaths when called with certain NumPy functions such as mean, sum, etc.

List of Stored Procedures/Functions Mysql Command Line


What is the difference between :focus and :active?

:active       Adds a style to an element that is activated
:focus        Adds a style to an element that has keyboard input focus
:hover        Adds a style to an element when you mouse over it
:lang         Adds a style to an element with a specific lang attribute
:link         Adds a style to an unvisited link
:visited      Adds a style to a visited link

Source: CSS Pseudo-classes

vue.js 'document.getElementById' shorthand

You can use the directive v-el to save an element and then use it later.

<div v-el:my-div></div>
<!-- this.$els.myDiv --->

Edit: This is deprecated in Vue 2, see ??? answer

How do you convert Html to plain text?

I think the easiest way is to make a 'string' extension method (based on what user Richard have suggested):

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public static class StringHelpers
    public static string StripHTML(this string HTMLText)
            var reg = new Regex("<[^>]+>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            return reg.Replace(HTMLText, "");

Then just use this extension method on any 'string' variable in your program:

var yourHtmlString = "<div class=\"someclass\"><h2>yourHtmlText</h2></span>";
var yourTextString = yourHtmlString.StripHTML();

I use this extension method to convert html formated comments to plain text so it will be displayed correctly on a crystal report, and it works perfect!

How do I access Configuration in any class in ASP.NET Core?


Using ASP.NET Core 2.0 will automatically add the IConfiguration instance of your application in the dependency injection container. This also works in conjunction with ConfigureAppConfiguration on the WebHostBuilder.

For example:

public static void Main(string[] args)
    var host = WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
        .ConfigureAppConfiguration(builder =>


It's just as easy as adding the IConfiguration instance to the service collection as a singleton object in ConfigureServices:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

   // ...

Where Configuration is the instance in your Startup class.

This allows you to inject IConfiguration in any controller or service:

public class HomeController
   public HomeController(IConfiguration configuration)
      // Use IConfiguration instance

Fetch API with Cookie

Fetch does not use cookie by default. To enable cookie, do this:

fetch(url, {
  credentials: "same-origin"

Test or check if sheet exists

If you are a fan of WorksheetFunction. or you work from a non-English country with a non-English Excel this is a good solution, that works:

WorksheetFunction.IsErr(Evaluate("'" & wsName & "'!A1"))

Or in a function like this:

Function WorksheetExists(sName As String) As Boolean
    WorksheetExists = Not WorksheetFunction.IsErr(Evaluate("'" & sName & "'!A1"))
End Function

How to add additional libraries to Visual Studio project?

This description is very vague. What did you try, and how did it fail.

To include a library with your project, you have to include it in the modules passed to the linker. The exact steps to do this depend on the tools you are using. That part has nothing to do with the OS.

Now, if you are successfully compiling the library into your app and it doesn't run, that COULD be related to the OS.

Read Excel sheet in Powershell

Sorry I know this is an old one but still felt like helping out ^_^

Maybe it's the way I read this but assuming the excel sheet 1 is called "London" and has this information; B5="Marleybone" B6="Paddington" B7="Victoria" B8="Hammersmith". And the excel sheet 2 is called "Nottingham" and has this information; C5="Alverton" C6="Annesley" C7="Arnold" C8="Askham". Then I think this code below would work. ^_^

$xlCellTypeLastCell = 11 
$startRow = 5

$excel = new-object -com excel.application
$wb = $"C:\users\administrator\my_test.xls")

for ($i = 1; $i -le $wb.sheets.count; $i++)
        $sh = $wb.Sheets.Item($i)
        $endRow = $sh.UsedRange.SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
        $col = $col + $i - 1
        $city = $wb.Sheets.Item($i).name
        $rangeAddress = $sh.Cells.Item($startRow, $col).Address() + ":" + $sh.Cells.Item($endRow, $col).Address()
        $sh.Range($rangeAddress).Value2 | foreach{
            New-Object PSObject -Property @{City = $city; Area=$_}


This should be the output (without the commas):

City, Area
---- ----
London, Marleybone
London, Paddington
London, Victoria
London, Hammersmith
Nottingham, Alverton
Nottingham, Annesley
Nottingham, Arnold
Nottingham, Askham

Count the Number of Tables in a SQL Server Database

USE MyDatabase
SELECT Count(*)

to get table counts

FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'dbName';

this also works

USE databasename;

PostgreSQL - max number of parameters in "IN" clause?

explain select * from test where id in (values (1), (2));


 Seq Scan on test  (cost=0.00..1.38 rows=2 width=208)
   Filter: (id = ANY ('{1,2}'::bigint[]))

But if try 2nd query:

explain select * from test where id = any (values (1), (2));


Hash Semi Join  (cost=0.05..1.45 rows=2 width=208)
       Hash Cond: ( = "*VALUES*".column1)
       ->  Seq Scan on test  (cost=0.00..1.30 rows=30 width=208)
       ->  Hash  (cost=0.03..0.03 rows=2 width=4)
             ->  Values Scan on "*VALUES*"  (cost=0.00..0.03 rows=2 width=4)

We can see that postgres build temp table and join with it

How to merge 2 List<T> and removing duplicate values from it in C#

Union has not good performance : this article describe about compare them with together

var dict = list2.ToDictionary(p => p.Number);
foreach (var person in list1)
        dict[person.Number] = person;
var merged = dict.Values.ToList();

Lists and LINQ merge: 4820ms
Dictionary merge: 16ms
HashSet and IEqualityComparer: 20ms
LINQ Union and IEqualityComparer: 24ms

Forking vs. Branching in GitHub

You cannot always make a branch or pull an existing branch and push back to it, because you are not registered as a collaborator for that specific project.

Forking is nothing more than a clone on the GitHub server side:

  • without the possibility to directly push back
  • with fork queue feature added to manage the merge request

You keep a fork in sync with the original project by:

  • adding the original project as a remote
  • fetching regularly from that original project
  • rebase your current development on top of the branch of interest you got updated from that fetch.

The rebase allows you to make sure your changes are straightforward (no merge conflict to handle), making your pulling request that more easy when you want the maintainer of the original project to include your patches in his project.

The goal is really to allow collaboration even though direct participation is not always possible.

The fact that you clone on the GitHub side means you have now two "central" repository ("central" as "visible from several collaborators).
If you can add them directly as collaborator for one project, you don't need to manage another one with a fork.

fork on GitHub

The merge experience would be about the same, but with an extra level of indirection (push first on the fork, then ask for a pull, with the risk of evolutions on the original repo making your fast-forward merges not fast-forward anymore).
That means the correct workflow is to git pull --rebase upstream (rebase your work on top of new commits from upstream), and then git push --force origin, in order to rewrite the history in such a way your own commits are always on top of the commits from the original (upstream) repo.

See also:

Use NSInteger as array index

According to the error message, you declared myLoc as a pointer to an NSInteger (NSInteger *myLoc) rather than an actual NSInteger (NSInteger myLoc). It needs to be the latter.

ASP.NET Core Web API Authentication

As rightly said by previous posts, one of way is to implement a custom basic authentication middleware. I found the best working code with explanation in this blog: Basic Auth with custom middleware

I referred the same blog but had to do 2 adaptations:

  1. While adding the middleware in startup file -> Configure function, always add custom middleware before adding app.UseMvc().
  2. While reading the username, password from appsettings.json file, add static read only property in Startup file. Then read from appsettings.json. Finally, read the values from anywhere in the project. Example:

    public class Startup
      public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
        Configuration = configuration;
      public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
      public static string UserNameFromAppSettings { get; private set; }
      public static string PasswordFromAppSettings { get; private set; }
      //set username and password from appsettings.json
      UserNameFromAppSettings = Configuration.GetSection("BasicAuth").GetSection("UserName").Value;
      PasswordFromAppSettings = Configuration.GetSection("BasicAuth").GetSection("Password").Value;

How do I get the path to the current script with Node.js?

I know this is pretty old, and the original question I was responding to is marked as duplicate and directed here, but I ran into an issue trying to get jasmine-reporters to work and didn't like the idea that I had to downgrade in order for it to work. I found out that jasmine-reporters wasn't resolving the savePath correctly and was actually putting the reports folder output in jasmine-reporters directory instead of the root directory of where I ran gulp. In order to make this work correctly I ended up using process.env.INIT_CWD to get the initial Current Working Directory which should be the directory where you ran gulp. Hope this helps someone.

var reporters = require('jasmine-reporters');
var junitReporter = new reporters.JUnitXmlReporter({
  savePath: process.env.INIT_CWD + '/report/e2e/',
  consolidateAll: true,
  captureStdout: true

setting request headers in selenium

I had the same issue. I solved it downloading modify-headers firefox add-on and activate it with selenium.

The code in python is the following

fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
path_modify_header = 'C:/xxxxxxx/modify_headers-'

fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.headers.count", 1)
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.headers.action0", "Add")
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.headers.name0", "Name_of_header") # Set here the name of the header
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.headers.value0", "value_of_header") # Set here the value of the header
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.headers.enabled0", True)
fp.set_preference("", True)
fp.set_preference("modifyheaders.config.alwaysOn", True)

driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=fp)

Angular 2 How to redirect to 404 or other path if the path does not exist

My preferred option on 2.0.0 and up is to create a 404 route and also allow a ** route path to resolve to the same component. This allows you to log and display more information about the invalid route rather than a plain redirect which can act to hide the error.

Simple 404 example:

{ path '/', component: HomeComponent },
// All your other routes should come first    
{ path: '404', component: NotFoundComponent },
{ path: '**', component: NotFoundComponent }

To display the incorrect route information add in import to router within NotFoundComponent:

import { Router } from '@angular/router';

Add it to the constructior of NotFoundComponent:

constructor(public router: Router) { }

Then you're ready to reference it from your HTML template e.g.

The page <span style="font-style: italic">{{router.url}}</span> was not found.

Gradle proxy configuration

Using a very simple "Request a URL" Java program, I was able to replicate the issue.

http.proxyUser and http.proxyPassword seem to be non-standard, albeit popular, options, as they're not described in the Java reference page linked from the Gradle tutorial; even though the Gradle manual mentions them.

It seems Java programs that wish to support proxy authentication need to do this manually (and I was able to do this using the code on the linked page).

I submitted this issue (and a fix) to the Gradle issue tracker. Raised issue GRADLE-1556 was resolved in 1.0-milestone-8 (Feb 2012)

Instantiating a generic class in Java

For Java 8 ....

There is a good solution at post.

This uses Java 8 Supplier functional interface

Count specific character occurrences in a string

var charCount = "string with periods...".Count(x => '.' == x);

Hidden features of Python

With a minute amount of work, the threading module becomes amazingly easy to use. This decorator changes a function so that it runs in its own thread, returning a placeholder class instance instead of its regular result. You can probe for the answer by checking placeolder.result or wait for it by calling placeholder.awaitResult()

def threadify(function):
    exceptionally simple threading decorator. Just:
    >>> @threadify
    ... def longOperation(result):
    ...     time.sleep(3)
    ...     return result
    >>> A= longOperation("A has finished")
    >>> B= longOperation("B has finished")

    A doesn't have a result yet:
    >>> print A.result

    until we wait for it:
    >>> print A.awaitResult()
    A has finished

    we could also wait manually - half a second more should be enough for B:
    >>> time.sleep(0.5); print B.result
    B has finished
    class thr (threading.Thread,object):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            threading.Thread.__init__ ( self )  
            self.args, self.kwargs = args, kwargs
            self.result = None
        def awaitResult(self):
            return self.result        
        def run(self):
            self.result=function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
    return thr

How to select the nth row in a SQL database table?

In Sybase SQL Anywhere:

SELECT TOP 1 START AT n * from table ORDER BY whatever

Don't forget the ORDER BY or it's meaningless.

Oracle PL/SQL : remove "space characters" from a string

To replace one or more white space characters by a single blank you should use {2,} instead of *, otherwise you would insert a blank between all non-blank characters.

REGEXP_REPLACE( my_value, '[[:space:]]{2,}', ' ' )

ErrorActionPreference and ErrorAction SilentlyContinue for Get-PSSessionConfiguration

It looks like that's an "unhandled exception", meaning the cmdlet itself hasn't been coded to recognize and handle that exception. It blew up without ever getting to run it's internal error handling, so the -ErrorAction setting on the cmdlet never came into play.

How can I suppress all output from a command using Bash?


: $(yourcommand)

: is short for "do nothing".

$() is just your command.

JavaScript equivalent to printf/String.Format

Building on the previously suggested solutions:

// First, checks if it isn't implemented yet.
if (!String.prototype.format) {
  String.prototype.format = function() {
    var args = arguments;
    return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(match, number) { 
      return typeof args[number] != 'undefined'
        ? args[number]
        : match

"{0} is dead, but {1} is alive! {0} {2}".format("ASP", "ASP.NET")


ASP is dead, but ASP.NET is alive! ASP {2}

If you prefer not to modify String's prototype:

if (!String.format) {
  String.format = function(format) {
    var args =, 1);
    return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(match, number) { 
      return typeof args[number] != 'undefined'
        ? args[number] 
        : match

Gives you the much more familiar:

String.format('{0} is dead, but {1} is alive! {0} {2}', 'ASP', 'ASP.NET');

with the same result:

ASP is dead, but ASP.NET is alive! ASP {2}

How to find the size of integer array

If the array is a global, static, or automatic variable (int array[10];), then sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]) works.

If it is a dynamically allocated array (int* array = malloc(sizeof(int)*10);) or passed as a function argument (void f(int array[])), then you cannot find its size at run-time. You will have to store the size somewhere.
Note that sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]) compiles just fine even for the second case, but it will silently produce the wrong result.

Collapsing Sidebar with Bootstrap

This is the official example, may be better for some. It is under their Experiments examples section, but since it is official, it should be kept up to date with the current bootstrap release.

Looks like they have added an off canvas css file used in their example:

And some JS code:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('[data-toggle="offcanvas"]').click(function () {

How to implement WiX installer upgrade?

The Upgrade element inside the Product element, combined with proper scheduling of the action will perform the uninstall you're after. Be sure to list the upgrade codes of all the products you want to remove.

<Property Id="PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED" Secure="yes" />
<Upgrade Id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">
  <UpgradeVersion Minimum="" Maximum="" Property="PREVIOUSVERSIONSINSTALLED" IncludeMinimum="yes" IncludeMaximum="no" />

Note that, if you're careful with your builds, you can prevent people from accidentally installing an older version of your product over a newer one. That's what the Maximum field is for. When we build installers, we set UpgradeVersion Maximum to the version being built, but IncludeMaximum="no" to prevent this scenario.

You have choices regarding the scheduling of RemoveExistingProducts. I prefer scheduling it after InstallFinalize (rather than after InstallInitialize as others have recommended):

  <RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallFinalize"></RemoveExistingProducts>

This leaves the previous version of the product installed until after the new files and registry keys are copied. This lets me migrate data from the old version to the new (for example, you've switched storage of user preferences from the registry to an XML file, but you want to be polite and migrate their settings). This migration is done in a deferred custom action just before InstallFinalize.

Another benefit is efficiency: if there are unchanged files, Windows Installer doesn't bother copying them again when you schedule after InstallFinalize. If you schedule after InstallInitialize, the previous version is completely removed first, and then the new version is installed. This results in unnecessary deletion and recopying of files.

For other scheduling options, see the RemoveExistingProducts help topic in MSDN. This week, the link is:

Get Maven artifact version at runtime

To get this running in Eclipse, as well as in a Maven build, you should add the addDefaultImplementationEntries and addDefaultSpecificationEntries pom entries as described in other replies, then use the following code:

public synchronized static final String getVersion() {
    // Try to get version number from pom.xml (available in Eclipse)
    try {
        String className = getClass().getName();
        String classfileName = "/" + className.replace('.', '/') + ".class";
        URL classfileResource = getClass().getResource(classfileName);
        if (classfileResource != null) {
            Path absolutePackagePath = Paths.get(classfileResource.toURI())
            int packagePathSegments = className.length()
                    - className.replace(".", "").length();
            // Remove package segments from path, plus two more levels
            // for "target/classes", which is the standard location for
            // classes in Eclipse.
            Path path = absolutePackagePath;
            for (int i = 0, segmentsToRemove = packagePathSegments + 2;
                    i < segmentsToRemove; i++) {
                path = path.getParent();
            Path pom = path.resolve("pom.xml");
            try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(pom)) {
                Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
                String version = (String) XPathFactory.newInstance()
                        .evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.STRING);
                if (version != null) {
                    version = version.trim();
                    if (!version.isEmpty()) {
                        return version;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Ignore

    // Try to get version number from maven properties in jar's META-INF
    try (InputStream is = getClass()
        .getResourceAsStream("/META-INF/maven/" + MAVEN_PACKAGE + "/"
                + MAVEN_ARTIFACT + "/")) {
        if (is != null) {
            Properties p = new Properties();
            String version = p.getProperty("version", "").trim();
            if (!version.isEmpty()) {
                return version;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Ignore

    // Fallback to using Java API to get version from MANIFEST.MF
    String version = null;
    Package pkg = getClass().getPackage();
    if (pkg != null) {
        version = pkg.getImplementationVersion();
        if (version == null) {
            version = pkg.getSpecificationVersion();
    version = version == null ? "" : version.trim();
    return version.isEmpty() ? "unknown" : version;

If your Java build puts target classes somewhere other than "target/classes", then you may need to adjust the value of segmentsToRemove.

Selecting Multiple Values from a Dropdown List in Google Spreadsheet

If the answers must be constrained to Google Sheets, this answer works but it has limitations and is clumsy enough UX that it may be hard to get others to adopt. In trying to solve this problem I've found that, for many applications, Airtable solves this by allowing for multi-select columns and the UX is worlds better.

Secure FTP using Windows batch script

First, make sure you understand, if you need to use Secure FTP (=FTPS, as per your text) or SFTP (as per tag you have used).

Neither is supported by Windows command-line ftp.exe. As you have suggested, you can use WinSCP. It supports both FTPS and SFTP.

Using WinSCP, your batch file would look like (for SFTP):

echo open sftp://ftp_user:[email protected] -hostkey="server's hostkey" >> ftpcmd.dat
echo put c:\directory\%1-export-%date%.csv >> ftpcmd.dat
echo exit >> ftpcmd.dat /script=ftpcmd.dat
del ftpcmd.dat

And the batch file: /log=ftpcmd.log /script=ftpcmd.dat /parameter %1 %date%

Though using all capabilities of WinSCP (particularly providing commands directly on command-line and the %TIMESTAMP% syntax), the batch file simplifies to: /log=ftpcmd.log /command ^
    "open sftp://ftp_user:[email protected] -hostkey=""server's hostkey""" ^
    "put c:\directory\%1-export-%%TIMESTAMP#yyyymmdd%%.csv" ^

For the purpose of -hostkey switch, see verifying the host key in script.

Easier than assembling the script/batch file manually is to setup and test the connection settings in WinSCP GUI and then have it generate the script or batch file for you:

Generate batch file

All you need to tweak is the source file name (use the %TIMESTAMP% syntax as shown previously) and the path to the log file.

For FTPS, replace the sftp:// in the open command with ftpes:// (explicit TLS/SSL) or ftps:// (implicit TLS/SSL). Remove the -hostkey switch. /log=ftpcmd.log /command ^
    "open ftps://ftp_user:[email protected] -explicit" ^
    "put c:\directory\%1-export-%%TIMESTAMP#yyyymmdd%%.csv" ^

You may need to add the -certificate switch, if your server's certificate is not issued by a trusted authority.

Again, as with the SFTP, easier is to setup and test the connection settings in WinSCP GUI and then have it generate the script or batch file for you.

See a complete conversion guide from ftp.exe to WinSCP.

You should also read the Guide to automating file transfers to FTP server or SFTP server.

Note to using %TIMESTAMP#yyyymmdd% instead of %date%: A format of %date% variable value is locale-specific. So make sure you test the script on the same locale you are actually going to use the script on. For example on my Czech locale the %date% resolves to ct 06. 11. 2014, what might be problematic when used as a part of a file name.

For this reason WinSCP supports (locale-neutral) timestamp formatting natively. For example %TIMESTAMP#yyyymmdd% resolves to 20170515 on any locale.

(I'm the author of WinSCP)

C Program to find day of week given date

int fm(int date, int month, int year) {
int fmonth, leap;
if ((year % 100 == 0) && (year % 400 != 0))
leap = 0;
   else if (year % 4 == 0)
  leap = 1;
  leap = 0;

  fmonth = 3 + (2 - leap) * ((month + 2) / (2 * month))+ (5 * month + month / 9) / 2;

 fmonth = fmonth % 7;

  return fmonth;
int day_of_week(int date, int month, int year) {

   int dayOfWeek;
   int YY = year % 100;
   int century = year / 100;

   printf("\nDate: %d/%d/%d \n", date, month, year);

   dayOfWeek = 1.25 * YY + fm(date, month, year) + date - 2 * (century % 4);

   //remainder on division by 7
   dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek % 7;

   switch (dayOfWeek) {
      case 0:
         printf("weekday = Saturday");
      case 1:
         printf("weekday = Sunday");
      case 2:
         printf("weekday = Monday");
      case 3:
         printf("weekday = Tuesday");
      case 4:
         printf("weekday = Wednesday");
      case 5:
         printf("weekday = Thursday");
      case 6:
         printf("weekday = Friday");
         printf("Incorrect data");
   return 0;
int main() {
   int date, month, year;

   printf("\nEnter the year ");
   scanf("%d", &year);

   printf("\nEnter the month ");
   scanf("%d", &month);

   printf("\nEnter the date ");
   scanf("%d", &date);

   day_of_week(date, month, year);

   return 0;

OUTPUT: Enter the year 2012

Enter the month 02

Enter the date 29

Date: 29/2/2012

weekday = Wednesday

How to replace all spaces in a string

takes care of multiple white spaces and replaces it for a single character

myString.replace(/\s+/g, "-")

Bootstrap push div content to new line

Do a row div.

Like this:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-Zug+QiDoJOrZ5t4lssLdxGhVrurbmBWopoEl+M6BdEfwnCJZtKxi1KgxUyJq13dy" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<div class="grid">_x000D_
    <div class="row">_x000D_
        <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12 bg-success">Under me should be a DIV</div>_x000D_
        <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-5 col-xs-12 bg-danger">Under me should be a DIV</div>_x000D_
    <div class="row">_x000D_
        <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-12 bg-warning">I am the last DIV</div>_x000D_

Find nearest latitude/longitude with an SQL query

| id | email                 | name    | location_lat | location_long |
| 7  | [email protected]        | rembo   | 23.0249256   |  72.5269697   |
| 25 | [email protected].      | Rajnis  | 23.0233221    | 72.5342112   |

$lat = 23.02350629;

$long = 72.53230239;

DB:: SELECT (" SELECT * FROM ( SELECT , ( ( ( acos( sin(( ". $ lat ." * pi() / 180)) * sin(( lat * pi() / 180)) + cos(( ". $ lat ." pi() / 180 )) * cos(( lat * pi() / 180)) * cos((( ". $ long ." - LONG) * pi() / 180))) ) * 180 / pi() ) * 60 * 1.1515 * 1.609344 ) as distance FROM users ) users WHERE distance <= 2");

Remove file extension from a file name string

There's a method in the framework for this purpose, which will keep the full path except for the extension.

System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(path, null);

If only file name is needed, use


What is the default encoding of the JVM?

To get default java settings just use :

java -XshowSettings 

Resolve promises one after another (i.e. in sequence)?

I use the following code to extend the Promise object. It handles rejection of the promises and returns an array of results


    Runs tasks in sequence and resolves a promise upon finish

    tasks: an array of functions that return a promise upon call.
    parameters: an array of arrays corresponding to the parameters to be passed on each function call.
    context: Object to use as context to call each function. (The 'this' keyword that may be used inside the function definition)
Promise.sequence = function(tasks, parameters = [], context = null) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{

        var nextTask = tasks.splice(0,1)[0].apply(context, parameters[0]); //Dequeue and call the first task
        var output = new Array(tasks.length + 1);
        var errorFlag = false;

        tasks.forEach((task, index) => {
            nextTask = nextTask.then(r => {
                output[index] = r;
                return task.apply(context, parameters[index+1]);
            }, e=>{
                output[index] = e;
                errorFlag = true;
                return task.apply(context, parameters[index+1]);

        // Last task
            output[output.length - 1] = r;
            if (errorFlag) reject(output); else resolve(output);
            output[output.length - 1] = e;


function functionThatReturnsAPromise(n) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
        //Emulating real life delays, like a web request
        }, 1000);

var arrayOfArguments = [['a'],['b'],['c'],['d']];
var arrayOfFunctions = (new Array(4)).fill(functionThatReturnsAPromise);

Promise.sequence(arrayOfFunctions, arrayOfArguments)

System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly

It seems that you are using the 64-bit version of the tool to install a 32-bit/x86 architecture application. Look for the 32-bit version of the tool here:


and it should install your 32-bit application just fine.

How to convert <font size="10"> to px?

Using the data points from the accepted answer you can use polynomial interpolation to obtain a formula.

WolframAlpha Input: interpolating polynomial {{1,.63},{2,.82}, {3,1}, {4,1.13}, {5,1.5}, {6, 2}, {7,3}}

Formula: 0.00223611x^6 - 0.0530417x^5 + 0.496319x^4 - 2.30479x^3 + 5.51644x^2 - 6.16717x + 3.14

And use in Groovy code:

import java.math.*
def convert = {x -> (0.00223611*x**6 - 0.053042*x**5 + 0.49632*x**4 - 2.30479*x**3 + 5.5164*x**2 - 6.167*x + 3.14).setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP) }
(1..7).each { i -> println(convert(i)) }

Configure WAMP server to send email

Using an open source program call Send Mail, you can send via wamp rather easily actually. I'm still setting it up, but here's a great tutorial by jo jordan. Takes less than 2 mins to setup.

Just tried it and it worked like a charm! Once I uncommented the error log and found out that it was stalling on the pop3 authentication, I just removed that and it sent nicely. Best of luck!

How can I check file size in Python?

Using os.path.getsize:

>>> import os
>>> b = os.path.getsize("/path/isa_005.mp3")
>>> b

The output is in bytes.

How to use custom packages

For this kind of folder structure:


The simplest way is to use this:

import (

[Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to

Your query execution will return list of Object[].

List result_source = LoadSource.list();
for(Object[] objA : result_source) {
    // read it all

Adding Only Untracked Files

Lot of good tips here, but inside Powershell I could not get it to work.

I am a .NET developer and we mainly still use Windows OS as we haven't made use of .Net core and cross platform so much, so my everyday use with Git is in a Windows environment, where the shell used is more often Powershell and not Git bash.

The following procedure can be followed to create an aliased function for adding untracked files in a Git repository.

Inside your $profile file of Powershell (in case it is missing - you can run: New-Item $Profile)

notepad $Profile

Now add this Powershell method:

function AddUntracked-Git() {
 &git ls-files -o --exclude-standard | select | foreach { git add $_ }

Save the $profile file and reload it into Powershell. Then reload your $profile file with: . $profile

This is similar to the source command in *nix environments IMHO.

So next time you, if you are developer using Powershell in Windows against Git repo and want to just include untracked files you can run:


This follows the Powershell convention where you have verb-nouns.

Truncate/round whole number in JavaScript?

If you have a string, parse it as an integer:

var num = '20.536';
var result = parseInt(num, 10);  // 20

If you have a number, ECMAScript 6 offers Math.trunc for completely consistent truncation, already available in Firefox 24+ and Edge:

var num = -2147483649.536;
var result = Math.trunc(num);  // -2147483649

If you can’t rely on that and will always have a positive number, you can of course just use Math.floor:

var num = 20.536;
var result = Math.floor(num);  // 20

And finally, if you have a number in [−2147483648, 2147483647], you can truncate to 32 bits using any bitwise operator. | 0 is common, and >>> 0 can be used to obtain an unsigned 32-bit integer:

var num = -20.536;
var result = num | 0;  // -20

How do I filter date range in DataTables?

Following one is working fine with moments js 2.10 and above

        function( settings, data, dataIndex ) {
            var min  = $('#min-date').val()
            var max  = $('#max-date').val()
            var createdAt = data[0] || 0; // Our date column in the table
            //createdAt=createdAt.split(" ");
            var startDate   = moment(min, "DD/MM/YYYY");
            var endDate     = moment(max, "DD/MM/YYYY");
            var diffDate = moment(createdAt, "DD/MM/YYYY");
            if (
              (min == "" || max == "") ||
              (diffDate.isBetween(startDate, endDate))

            ) {  return true;  }
            return false;


How to check whether a select box is empty using JQuery/Javascript

One correct way to get selected value would be

var selected_value = $('#fruit_name').val()

And then you should do

if(selected_value) { ... }

What does the error "JSX element type '...' does not have any construct or call signatures" mean?

When I'm converting from JSX to TSX and we keep some libraries as js/jsx and convert others to ts/tsx I almost always forget to change the js/jsx import statements in the TSX\TS files from

import * as ComponentName from "ComponentName";


import ComponentName from "ComponentName";

If calling an old JSX (React.createClass) style component from TSX, then use

var ComponentName = require("ComponentName")

Count number of occurrences of a pattern in a file (even on same line)

Ripgrep, which is a fast alternative to grep, has just introduced the --count-matches flag allowing counting each match in version 0.9 (I'm using the above example to stay consistent):

> echo afoobarfoobar | rg --count foo
> echo afoobarfoobar | rg --count-matches foo

As asked by OP, ripgrep allows for regex pattern as well (--regexp <PATTERN>). Also it can print each (line) match on a separate line:

> echo -e "line1foo\nline2afoobarfoobar" | rg foo

How to fix Array indexOf() in JavaScript for Internet Explorer browsers

You should check if it's not defined using if (!Array.prototype.indexOf).

Also, your implementation of indexOf is not correct. You must use === instead of == in your if (this[i] == obj) statement, otherwise [4,"5"].indexOf(5) would be 1 according to your implementation, which is incorrect.

I recommend you use the implementation on MDC.

How to create a date and time picker in Android?

Another option is the android-wheel project that comes pretty close the the UIDatePicker dialog of iOS.

It provides a vertical slider to pick anything(including date and time). If you prefer horizontal slider, the DateSlider referenced by Rabi is better.

'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded' in Laravel

Set the charset at after you made the connection to db like

// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

if (!$conn->set_charset("utf8")) {
    printf("Error loading character set utf8: %s\n", $conn->error);
} else {
    printf("Current character set: %s\n", $conn->character_set_name());

How can I use the $index inside a ng-repeat to enable a class and show a DIV?

The issue here is that ng-repeat creates its own scope, so when you do selected=$index it creates a new a selected property in that scope rather than altering the existing one. To fix this you have two options:

Change the selected property to a non-primitive (ie object or array, which makes javascript look up the prototype chain) then set a value on that:

$scope.selected = {value: 0};

<a ng-click="selected.value = $index">A{{$index}}</a>

See plunker


Use the $parent variable to access the correct property. Though less recommended as it increases coupling between scopes

<a ng-click="$parent.selected = $index">A{{$index}}</a>

See plunker

What's the difference between setWebViewClient vs. setWebChromeClient?

WebViewClient provides the following callback methods, with which you can interfere in how WebView makes a transition to the next content.

void doUpdateVisitedHistory (WebView view, String url, boolean isReload)
void onFormResubmission (WebView view, Message dontResend, Message resend)
void onLoadResource (WebView view, String url)
void onPageCommitVisible (WebView view, String url)
void onPageFinished (WebView view, String url)
void onPageStarted (WebView view, String url, Bitmap favicon)
void onReceivedClientCertRequest (WebView view, ClientCertRequest request)
void onReceivedError (WebView view, int errorCode, String description, String failingUrl)
void onReceivedError (WebView view, WebResourceRequest request, WebResourceError error)
void onReceivedHttpAuthRequest (WebView view, HttpAuthHandler handler, String host, String realm)
void onReceivedHttpError (WebView view, WebResourceRequest request, WebResourceResponse errorResponse)
void onReceivedLoginRequest (WebView view, String realm, String account, String args)
void onReceivedSslError (WebView view, SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error)
boolean onRenderProcessGone (WebView view, RenderProcessGoneDetail detail)
void onSafeBrowsingHit (WebView view, WebResourceRequest request, int threatType, SafeBrowsingResponse callback)
void onScaleChanged (WebView view, float oldScale, float newScale)
void onTooManyRedirects (WebView view, Message cancelMsg, Message continueMsg)
void onUnhandledKeyEvent (WebView view, KeyEvent event)
WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest (WebView view, WebResourceRequest request)
WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest (WebView view, String url)
boolean shouldOverrideKeyEvent (WebView view, KeyEvent event)
boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading (WebView view, WebResourceRequest request)
boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading (WebView view, String url)

WebChromeClient provides the following callback methods, with which your Activity or Fragment can update the surroundings of WebView.

Bitmap getDefaultVideoPoster ()
View getVideoLoadingProgressView ()
void getVisitedHistory (ValueCallback<String[]> callback)
void onCloseWindow (WebView window)
boolean onConsoleMessage (ConsoleMessage consoleMessage)
void onConsoleMessage (String message, int lineNumber, String sourceID)
boolean onCreateWindow (WebView view, boolean isDialog, boolean isUserGesture, Message resultMsg)
void onExceededDatabaseQuota (String url, String databaseIdentifier, long quota, long estimatedDatabaseSize, long totalQuota, WebStorage.QuotaUpdater quotaUpdater)
void onGeolocationPermissionsHidePrompt ()
void onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt (String origin, GeolocationPermissions.Callback callback)
void onHideCustomView ()
boolean onJsAlert (WebView view, String url, String message, JsResult result)
boolean onJsBeforeUnload (WebView view, String url, String message, JsResult result)
boolean onJsConfirm (WebView view, String url, String message, JsResult result)
boolean onJsPrompt (WebView view, String url, String message, String defaultValue, JsPromptResult result)
boolean onJsTimeout ()
void onPermissionRequest (PermissionRequest request)
void onPermissionRequestCanceled (PermissionRequest request)
void onProgressChanged (WebView view, int newProgress)
void onReachedMaxAppCacheSize (long requiredStorage, long quota, WebStorage.QuotaUpdater quotaUpdater)
void onReceivedIcon (WebView view, Bitmap icon)
void onReceivedTitle (WebView view, String title)
void onReceivedTouchIconUrl (WebView view, String url, boolean precomposed)
void onRequestFocus (WebView view)
void onShowCustomView (View view, int requestedOrientation, WebChromeClient.CustomViewCallback callback)
void onShowCustomView (View view, WebChromeClient.CustomViewCallback callback)
boolean onShowFileChooser (WebView webView, ValueCallback<Uri[]> filePathCallback, WebChromeClient.FileChooserParams fileChooserParams)

Sql select rows containing part of string

you can use CHARINDEX in t-sql.

select * from table where CHARINDEX(url, '') > 0

Entity Framework - Linq query with order by and group by

Try moving the order by after group by:

var groupByReference = (from m in context.Measurements
                        group m by new { m.Reference } into g
                        order by g.Avg(i => i.CreationTime)
                        select g).Take(numOfEntries).ToList();

What does git push -u mean?

This is no longer up-to-date!

Push.default is unset; its implicit value has changed in
Git 2.0 from 'matching' to 'simple'. To squelch this message
and maintain the traditional behavior, use:

  git config --global push.default matching

To squelch this message and adopt the new behavior now, use:

  git config --global push.default simple

When push.default is set to 'matching', git will push local branches
to the remote branches that already exist with the same name.

Since Git 2.0, Git defaults to the more conservative 'simple'
behavior, which only pushes the current branch to the corresponding
remote branch that 'git pull' uses to update the current branch.

Laravel redirect back to original destination after login

I found those two great methods that might be extremely helpful to you.


You can apply this filter to the routes that need authentication.

Route::filter('auth', function()
    if (Auth::guest()) {
           return Redirect::guest('login');

What this method basically does it's to store the page you were trying to visit and it is redirects you to the login page.

When the user is authenticated you can call

return Redirect::intended();

and it's redirects you to the page you were trying to reach at first.

It's a great way to do it although I usually use the below method.


You can check this awesome blog.

How to default to other directory instead of home directory

This will do it assuming you want this to happen each time you open the command line:

echo cd ../../../d/work_space_for_my_company/project/code_source >> ~/.bashrc

Now when you open the shell it will move up three directories from home and change to code_source.

This code simply appends the line "cd ../../../d/work_space_for_my_company/project/code_source" to a file named ".bashrc". The ">>" creates a file if it does not exist and then appends. The .bashrc file is useful for running commands at start-up/log-in time (i.e. loading modules etc.)

Find something in column A then show the value of B for that row in Excel 2010

I figured out such data design:

Main sheet: Column A: Pump codes (numbers)

Column B: formula showing a corresponding row in sheet 'Ruhrpumpen'


Formulae have ";" instead of ",", it should be also German notation. If not, pleace replace.

Column C: formula showing data in 'Ruhrpumpen' column A from a row found by formula in col B


Column D: formula showing data in 'Ruhrpumpen' column B from a row found by formula in col B:


Sheet 'Ruhrpumpen':

Column A: some data about a certain pump

Column B: some more data

Column I: pump codes. Beginning of the list includes defined name 'Pump_codes' used by the formula in column B of the main sheet.

Spreadsheet example:

Django CSRF check failing with an Ajax POST request

If someone is strugling with axios to make this work this helped me:

import axios from 'axios';

axios.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'csrftoken'
axios.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRFToken'


How can I check if a URL exists via PHP?

I use this function:

 * @param $url
 * @param array $options
 * @return string
 * @throws Exception
function checkURL($url, array $options = array()) {
    if (empty($url)) {
        throw new Exception('URL is empty');

    // list of HTTP status codes
    $httpStatusCodes = array(
        100 => 'Continue',
        101 => 'Switching Protocols',
        102 => 'Processing',
        200 => 'OK',
        201 => 'Created',
        202 => 'Accepted',
        203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information',
        204 => 'No Content',
        205 => 'Reset Content',
        206 => 'Partial Content',
        207 => 'Multi-Status',
        208 => 'Already Reported',
        226 => 'IM Used',
        300 => 'Multiple Choices',
        301 => 'Moved Permanently',
        302 => 'Found',
        303 => 'See Other',
        304 => 'Not Modified',
        305 => 'Use Proxy',
        306 => 'Switch Proxy',
        307 => 'Temporary Redirect',
        308 => 'Permanent Redirect',
        400 => 'Bad Request',
        401 => 'Unauthorized',
        402 => 'Payment Required',
        403 => 'Forbidden',
        404 => 'Not Found',
        405 => 'Method Not Allowed',
        406 => 'Not Acceptable',
        407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required',
        408 => 'Request Timeout',
        409 => 'Conflict',
        410 => 'Gone',
        411 => 'Length Required',
        412 => 'Precondition Failed',
        413 => 'Payload Too Large',
        414 => 'Request-URI Too Long',
        415 => 'Unsupported Media Type',
        416 => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
        417 => 'Expectation Failed',
        418 => 'I\'m a teapot',
        422 => 'Unprocessable Entity',
        423 => 'Locked',
        424 => 'Failed Dependency',
        425 => 'Unordered Collection',
        426 => 'Upgrade Required',
        428 => 'Precondition Required',
        429 => 'Too Many Requests',
        431 => 'Request Header Fields Too Large',
        449 => 'Retry With',
        450 => 'Blocked by Windows Parental Controls',
        500 => 'Internal Server Error',
        501 => 'Not Implemented',
        502 => 'Bad Gateway',
        503 => 'Service Unavailable',
        504 => 'Gateway Timeout',
        505 => 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
        506 => 'Variant Also Negotiates',
        507 => 'Insufficient Storage',
        508 => 'Loop Detected',
        509 => 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded',
        510 => 'Not Extended',
        511 => 'Network Authentication Required',
        599 => 'Network Connect Timeout Error'

    $ch = curl_init($url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);

    if (isset($options['timeout'])) {
        $timeout = (int) $options['timeout'];
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);

    $returnedStatusCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

    if (array_key_exists($returnedStatusCode, $httpStatusCodes)) {
        return "URL: '{$url}' - Error code: {$returnedStatusCode} - Definition: {$httpStatusCodes[$returnedStatusCode]}";
    } else {
        return "'{$url}' does not exist";

Fill background color left to right CSS

If you are like me and need to change color of text itself also while in the same time filling the background color check my solution.

Steps to create:

  1. Have two text, one is static colored in color on hover, and the other one in default state color which you will be moving on hover
  2. On hover move wrapper of the not static one text while in the same time move inner text of that wrapper to the opposite direction.
  3. Make sure to add overflow hidden where needed

Good thing about this solution:

  • Support IE9, uses only transform
  • Button (or element you are applying animation) is fluid in width, so no fixed values are being used here

Not so good thing about this solution:

  • A really messy markup, could be solved by using pseudo elements and att(data)?
  • There is some small glitch in animation when having more then one button next to each other, maybe it could be easily solved but I didn't take much time to investigate yet.

Check the pen --->

<button class="btn btn--animation-from-right">
  <span class="btn__text-static">Cover left</span>
  <div class="btn__text-dynamic">
    <span class="btn__text-dynamic-inner">Cover left</span>

.btn {
  padding: 10px 20px;
  position: relative;

  border: 2px solid #222;
  color: #fff;
  background-color: #222;
  position: relative;

  overflow: hidden;
  cursor: pointer;

  text-transform: uppercase;
  font-family: monospace;
  letter-spacing: -1px;

  [class^="btn__text"] {
    font-size: 24px;

  .btn__text-dynamic-inner {    
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;

    position: absolute;
    z-index: 2;

    transition: all ease 0.5s;

  .btn__text-dynamic {
    background-color: #fff;
    color: #222;

    overflow: hidden;

  &:hover {
    .btn__text-dynamic {
      transform: translateX(-100%);
    .btn__text-dynamic-inner {
      transform: translateX(100%);

.btn--animation-from-right {
    &:hover {
    .btn__text-dynamic {
      transform: translateX(100%);
    .btn__text-dynamic-inner {
      transform: translateX(-100%);

You can remove .btn--animation-from-right modifier if you want to animate to the left.

How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP?

$date1 = date_create('2007-03-24');
$date2 = date_create('2009-06-26');
$interval = date_diff($date1, $date2);
echo "difference : " . $interval->y . " years, " . $interval->m." months, ".$interval->d." days ";

How to update a record using sequelize for node?

Since sequelize v1.7.0 you can now call an update() method on the model. Much cleaner

For Example:


  // Set Attribute values 
        { title:'a very different title now' },

  // Where clause / criteria 
         { _id : 1 }     

 ).success(function() { 

     console.log("Project with id =1 updated successfully!");

 }).error(function(err) { 

     console.log("Project update failed !");
     //handle error here


"Find next" in Vim

The most useful shortcut in Vim, IMHO, is the * key.

Put the cursor on a word and hit the * key and you will jump to the next instance of that word.

The # key does the same, but it jumps to the previous instance of the word.

It is truly a time saver.

How can I convert a date into an integer?

Here what you can try:

var d = Date.parse("2016-07-19T20:23:01.804Z");
alert(d); //this is in milliseconds

2D array values C++

Just want to point out you do not need to specify all dimensions of the array.

The leftmost dimension can be 'guessed' by the compiler.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
  int arr[][5] = {{1,2,3,4,5}, {5,6,7,8,9}, {6,5,4,3,2}};
  printf("sizeof arr is %d bytes\n", (int)sizeof arr);
  printf("number of elements: %d\n", (int)(sizeof arr/sizeof arr[0]));
  return 0;

No mapping found for HTTP request with URI Spring MVC

With the web.xml configured they way you have in the question, in particular:


ALL requests being made to your web app will be directed to the DispatcherServlet. This includes requests like /tasklist/, /tasklist/some-thing.html, /tasklist/WEB-INF/views/index.jsp.

Because of this, when your controller returns a view that points to a .jsp, instead of allowing your server container to service the request, the DispatcherServlet jumps in and starts looking for a controller that can service this request, it doesn't find any and hence the 404.

The simplest way to solve is to have your servlet url mapping as follows:


Notice the missing *. This tells the container that any request that does not have a path info in it (urls without a .xxx at the end), should be sent to the DispatcherServlet. With this configuration, when a xxx.jsp request is received, the DispatcherServlet is not consulted, and your servlet container's default servlet will service the request and present the jsp as expected.

Hope this helps, I realize your earlier comments state that the problem has been resolved, but the solution CAN NOT be just adding method=RequestMethod.GET to the RequestMethod.

Python Progress Bar

If it is a big loop with a fixed amount of iterations that is taking a lot of time you can use this function I made. Each iteration of loop adds progress. Where count is the current iteration of the loop, total is the value you are looping to and size(int) is how big you want the bar in increments of 10 i.e. (size 1 =10 chars, size 2 =20 chars)

import sys
def loadingBar(count,total,size):
    percent = float(count)/float(total)*100
    sys.stdout.write("\r" + str(int(count)).rjust(3,'0')+"/"+str(int(total)).rjust(3,'0') + ' [' + '='*int(percent/10)*size + ' '*(10-int(percent/10))*size + ']')


for i in range(0,100):
     #do some code 


i = 50
>> 050/100 [==========          ]

Strip spaces/tabs/newlines - python

Use str.split([sep[, maxsplit]]) with no sep or sep=None:

From docs:

If sep is not specified or is None, a different splitting algorithm is applied: runs of consecutive whitespace are regarded as a single separator, and the result will contain no empty strings at the start or end if the string has leading or trailing whitespace.


>>> myString.split()
['I', 'want', 'to', 'Remove', 'all', 'white', 'spaces,', 'new', 'lines', 'and', 'tabs']

Use str.join on the returned list to get this output:

>>> ' '.join(myString.split())
'I want to Remove all white spaces, new lines and tabs'

How can I get the corresponding table header (th) from a table cell (td)?

Find matching th for a td, taking into account colspan index issues.

$('table').on('click', 'td', get_TH_by_TD)_x000D_
function get_TH_by_TD(e){_x000D_
   var idx = $(this).index(),_x000D_
       th, th_colSpan = 0;_x000D_
   for( var i=0; i < this.offsetParent.tHead.rows[0].cells.length; i++ ){_x000D_
      th = this.offsetParent.tHead.rows[0].cells[i];_x000D_
      th_colSpan += th.colSpan;_x000D_
      if( th_colSpan >= (idx + this.colSpan) )_x000D_
   console.log( th );_x000D_
   return th;_x000D_
table{ width:100%; }_x000D_
th, td{ border:1px solid silver; padding:5px; }
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p>Click a TD:</p>_x000D_
    <thead> _x000D_
            <th colspan="2"></th>_x000D_
            <th colspan="2">Address</th>_x000D_
            <th colspan="2">Other</th>_x000D_
    </thead> _x000D_
            <td>Jon Snow</td>_x000D_
            <td>High Street</td>_x000D_

Capturing Groups From a Grep RegEx

A suggestion for you - you can use parameter expansion to remove the part of the name from the last underscore onwards, and similarly at the start:


Then name will have the value abc.

See Apple developer docs, search forward for 'Parameter Expansion'.

ByRef argument type mismatch in Excel VBA

I suspect you haven't set up last_name properly in the caller.

With the statement Worksheets(data_sheet).Range("C2").Value = ProcessString(last_name)

this will only work if last_name is a string, i.e.

Dim last_name as String

appears in the caller somewhere.

The reason for this is that VBA passes in variables by reference by default which means that the data types have to match exactly between caller and callee.

Two fixes:

1) Force ByVal -- Change your function to pass variable ByVal:
Public Function ProcessString(ByVal input_string As String) As String, or

2) Dim varname -- put Dim last_name As String in the caller before you use it.

(1) works because for ByVal, a copy of input_string is taken when passing to the function which will coerce it into the correct data type. It also leads to better program stability since the function cannot modify the variable in the caller.

CSS border less than 1px

A pixel is the smallest unit value to render something with, but you can trick thickness with optical illusions by modifying colors (the eye can only see up to a certain resolution too).

Here is a test to prove this point:

div { border-color: blue; border-style: solid; margin: 2px; }

div.b1 { border-width: 1px; }
div.b2 { border-width: 0.1em; }
div.b3 { border-width: 0.01em; }
div.b4 { border-width: 1px; border-color: rgb(160,160,255); }
<div class="b1">Some text</div>
<div class="b2">Some text</div>
<div class="b3">Some text</div>
<div class="b4">Some text</div>


enter image description here

Which gives the illusion that the last DIV has a smaller border width, because the blue border blends more with the white background.

Edit: Alternate solution

Alpha values may also be used to simulate the same effect, without the need to calculate and manipulate RGB values.

.container {
  border-style: solid;
  border-width: 1px;
  margin-bottom: 10px;

.border-100 { border-color: rgba(0,0,255,1); }
.border-75 { border-color: rgba(0,0,255,0.75); }
.border-50 { border-color: rgba(0,0,255,0.5); }
.border-25 { border-color: rgba(0,0,255,0.25); }
<div class="container border-100">Container 1 (alpha = 1)</div>
<div class="container border-75">Container 2 (alpha = 0.75)</div>
<div class="container border-50">Container 3 (alpha = 0.5)</div>
<div class="container border-25">Container 4 (alpha = 0.25)</div>

Use of Application.DoEvents()

From my experience I would advise great caution with using DoEvents in .NET. I experienced some very strange results when using DoEvents in a TabControl containing DataGridViews. On the other hand, if all you're dealing with is a small form with a progress bar then it might be OK.

The bottom line is: if you are going to use DoEvents, then you need to test it thoroughly before deploying your application.

How to disable gradle 'offline mode' in android studio?

Offline mode could be set in Android Studio and in your project. To verify that gradle won't build your project in offline mode:

  1. Disable gradle offline mode in Android Studio gradle settings.
  2. Verify that your project's gradle.settings won't contain: startParameter.offline=true

JQuery create new select option

This is confusing. When you say "form object", do you mean "<select> element"? If not, your code won't work, so I'll assume your form variable is in fact a reference to a <select> element. Why do you want to rewrite this code? What you have has worked in all scriptable browsers since around 1996, and won't stop working any time soon. Doing it with jQuery will immediately make your code slower, more error-prone and less compatible across browsers.

Here's a function that uses your current code as a starting point and populates a <select> element from an object:

<select id="mySelect"></select>

<script type="text/javascript>

function populateSelect(select, optionsData) {
    var options = select.options, o, selected;
    options.length = 0;
    for (var i = 0, len = optionsData.length; i < len; ++i) {
        o = optionsData[i];
        selected = !!o.selected;
        options[i] = new Option(o.text, o.value, selected, selected);

var optionsData = [
        text: "Select a city / town in Sweden",
        value: ""
        text: "Melbourne",
        value: "Melbourne",
        selected: true

populateSelect(document.getElementById("mySelect"), optionsData);


TypeError: expected a character buffer object - while trying to save integer to textfile

Have you checked the docstring of write()? It says:

write(str) -> None. Write string str to file.

Note that due to buffering, flush() or close() may be needed before the file on disk reflects the data written.

So you need to convert y to str first.

Also note that the string will be written at the current position which will be at the end of the file, because you'll already have read the old value. Use to get to the beginning of the file.`

Edit: As for the IOError, this issue seems related. A cite from there:

For the modes where both read and writing (or appending) are allowed (those which include a "+" sign), the stream should be flushed (fflush) or repositioned (fseek, fsetpos, rewind) between either a reading operation followed by a writing operation or a writing operation followed by a reading operation.

So, I suggest you try and maybe the problem goes away.

Provide static IP to docker containers via docker-compose

Note that I don't recommend a fixed IP for containers in Docker unless you're doing something that allows routing from outside to the inside of your container network (e.g. macvlan). DNS is already there for service discovery inside of the container network and supports container scaling. And outside the container network, you should use exposed ports on the host. With that disclaimer, here's the compose file you want:

version: '2'

    container_name: mysql
    image: mysql:latest
    restart: always
     - "3306:3306"

    container_name: apigw-tomcat
    build: tomcat/.
     - "8080:8080"
     - "8009:8009"
     - mysql

    driver: bridge
       - subnet:

Map with Key as String and Value as List in Groovy

you don't need to declare Map groovy internally recognizes it

def personDetails = [firstName:'John', lastName:'Doe', fullName:'John Doe']

// print the values..
    println "First Name: ${personDetails.firstName}"
    println "Last Name: ${personDetails.lastName}"

What to gitignore from the .idea folder?

While maintaining the proper .gitignore file is helpful, I found this alternate approach is way cleaner and easier to use.

  • Create dummy folder my_project and inside that git clone my_real_project the actual project repo.
  • Now while opening the project in IDE (Intellij/Pycharm) open the folder my_project and mark my_project/my_real_project as the VCS root.
  • You can see my_project/.idea wouldn't pollute your git repo because it happily lives outside the git repo which is what you want. This way your .gitignore files stays clean as well.

This approach works better due to the below reasons.

1 - .gitignore file stays clean and we don't have to insert lines related to JetBrains products, that file is better used for binaries and libraries and autogen contents.

2 - Intellij keeps updating their projects and the files inside .idea keep changing every significant release from JB. What this means is we have to keep updating our .gitignore accordingly which is not an ideal use of time.

3 - Intellij has the flawed pattern here, most editors Atom, VS Code, Eclipse... nobody stores their IDE contents right inside project root. JB shouldn't be an exception either. It's the onus of Jetbrains to keep those files tracked outside project root. They have to refrain from polluting VCS root. This approach does just that. The .idea folder is kept outside the PROJECT_ROOT

Hope this helps.

Is there a way to automatically generate getters and setters in Eclipse?


Use Generate Getters and Setters from the Source menu or the context menu on a selected field or type, or a text selection in a type to open the dialog. The Generate Getters and Setters dialog shows getters and setters for all fields of the selected type. The methods are grouped by the type's fields.

Take a look at the help documentation for more information.

Hide html horizontal but not vertical scrollbar

Use CSS. It's easier and faster than javascript.

overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: scroll;

Can we have multiple <tbody> in same <table>?

Yes. From the DTD

<!ELEMENT table
     (caption?, (col*|colgroup*), thead?, tfoot?, (tbody+|tr+))>

So it expects one or more. It then goes on to say

Use multiple tbody sections when rules are needed between groups of table rows.

Cocoa Touch: How To Change UIView's Border Color And Thickness?

I wanted to add this to @marczking's answer (Option 1) as a comment, but my lowly status on StackOverflow is preventing that.

I did a port of @marczking's answer to Objective C. Works like charm, thanks @marczking!


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface UIView (Border)

-(void)setBorderColor:(UIColor *)color;



#import "UIView+Border.h"

@implementation UIView (Border)
// Note: cannot use synthesize in a Category

-(void)setBorderColor:(UIColor *)color
    self.layer.borderColor = color.CGColor;

    self.layer.borderWidth = width;

    self.layer.cornerRadius = radius;
    self.layer.masksToBounds = radius > 0;


Tool for comparing 2 binary files in Windows

If you want to find out only whether or not the files are identical, you can use the Windows fc command in binary mode:

fc.exe /b file1 file2

For details, see the reference for fc

How to decide when to use Node.js?

I can share few points where&why to use node js.

  1. For realtime applications like chat,collaborative editing better we go with nodejs as it is event base where fire event and data to clients from server.
  2. Simple and easy to understand as it is javascript base where most of people have idea.
  3. Most of current web applications going towards angular js&backbone, with node it is easy to interact with client side code as both will use json data.
  4. Lot of plugins available.


  1. Node will support most of databases but best is mongodb which won't support complex joins and others.
  2. Compilation Errors...developer should handle each and every exceptions other wise if any error accord application will stop working where again we need to go and start it manually or using any automation tool.

Conclusion:- Nodejs best to use for simple and real time applications..if you have very big business logic and complex functionality better should not use nodejs. If you want to build an application along with chat and any collaborative functionality.. node can be used in specific parts and remain should go with your convenience technology.

Entity Framework throws exception - Invalid object name 'dbo.BaseCs'

If everything is fine with your ConnectionString check your DbSet collection name in you db context file. If that and database table names aren't matching you will also get this error.

So, for example, Categories, Products

public class ProductContext : DbContext 
    public DbSet<Category> Categories { get; set; } 
    public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; } 

should match with actual database table names:

enter image description here

What does the Java assert keyword do, and when should it be used?

Assertions are disabled by default. To enable them we must run the program with -ea options (granularity can be varied). For example, java -ea AssertionsDemo.

There are two formats for using assertions:

  1. Simple: eg. assert 1==2; // This will raise an AssertionError.
  2. Better: assert 1==2: "no way.. 1 is not equal to 2"; This will raise an AssertionError with the message given displayed too and is thus better. Although the actual syntax is assert expr1:expr2 where expr2 can be any expression returning a value, I have used it more often just to print a message.

Polling the keyboard (detect a keypress) in python

If you combine time.sleep, threading.Thread, and you can easily wait for a specified amount of time for input and then continue, also this should be cross-platform compatible.

t = threading.Thread( args=(1,))

You could also place this into a function like so

def timed_getch(self, bytes=1, timeout=1):
    t = threading.Thread(, args=(bytes,))
    del t

Although this will not return anything so instead you should use the multiprocessing pool module you can find that here: how to get the return value from a thread in python?

What are forward declarations in C++?

When the compiler sees add(3, 4) it needs to know what that means. With the forward declaration you basically tell the compiler that add is a function that takes two ints and returns an int. This is important information for the compiler becaus it needs to put 4 and 5 in the correct representation onto the stack and needs to know what type the thing returned by add is.

At that time, the compiler is not worried about the actual implementation of add, ie where it is (or if there is even one) and if it compiles. That comes into view later, after compiling the source files when the linker is invoked.

Is there a rule-of-thumb for how to divide a dataset into training and validation sets?

Suppose you have less data, I suggest to try 70%, 80% and 90% and test which is giving better result. In case of 90% there are chances that for 10% test you get poor accuracy.

Updating a local repository with changes from a GitHub repository

This question is very general and there are a couple of assumptions I'll make to simplify it a bit. We'll assume that you want to update your master branch.

If you haven't made any changes locally, you can use git pull to bring down any new commits and add them to your master.

git pull origin master

If you have made changes, and you want to avoid adding a new merge commit, use git pull --rebase.

git pull --rebase origin master

git pull --rebase will work even if you haven't made changes and is probably your best call.

How do I purge a linux mail box with huge number of emails?

alternative way:

mail -N
d *

-N Inhibits the initial display of message headers when reading mail or editing a mail folder.
d * delete all mails

Need to combine lots of files in a directory

I used this script on windows powershell:

ForEach ($f in get-ChildItem *.sql) { type "$f" >> all.sql }

Bootstrap: wider input field

In bootstrap 4, they have designed a bigger input file.

A simple solution to increase the size input file is to use font-size:

Add you style, for example:

input[type="file"] {

Otherwise, you can make one custom class and add to input control.

Redirecting a page using Javascript, like PHP's Header->Location

You cannot mix JS and PHP that way, PHP is rendered before the page is sent to the browser (i.e. before the JS is run)

You can use window.location to change your current page.

$('.entry a:first').click(function() {
    window.location = "";

How do I get current date/time on the Windows command line in a suitable format for usage in a file/folder name?

I changed the answer with the batch file from vMax so it works with the Dutch language too.
The Dutch - persistent as we are - have a few changes in the %date%, date/t, and date that break the original batch-file.

It would be nice if some people can check this against other Windows locales as well, and report back the results.
If the batch-file fails at your location, then please include the output of these two statements on the command prompt:

This is a sample of the output you should get from the batch-file:

Today is Year: [2011] Month: [01] Day: [03]

Here is the revised code with comments on why:

:: Works on any NT/2k machine independent of regional date settings
:: 20110103 - adapted by [email protected] for Dutch locale
:: Dutch will get jj as year from echo:^|date, so the '%%c' trick does not work as it will fill 'jj', but we want 'yy'
:: luckily, all countries seem to have year at the end:
::            set '%%c'=%%k
::            set 'yy'=%%k
:: In addition, date will display the current date before the input prompt using dashes
:: in Dutch, but using slashes in English, so there will be two occurances of the outer loop in Dutch
:: and one occurence in English.
:: This skips the first iteration:
::        if "%%a" GEQ "A"
:: echo:^|date
:: Huidige datum: ma 03-01-2011
:: Voer de nieuwe datum in: (dd-mm-jj)
:: The current date is: Mon 01/03/2011
:: Enter the new date: (mm-dd-yy)
:: date/t
:: ma 03-01-2011
:: Mon 01/03/2011
:: The assumption in this batch-file is that echo:^|date will return the date format
:: using either mm and dd or dd and mm in the first two valid tokens on the second line, and the year as the last token.
:: The outer loop will get the right tokens, the inner loop assigns the variables depending on the tokens.
:: That will resolve the order of the tokens.
@ECHO off
    set v_day=
    set v_month=
    set v_year=

    if "%date%A" LSS "A" (set toks=1-3) else (set toks=2-4)
::DEBUG echo toks=%toks%
      for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=(-)" %%a in ('echo:^|date') do (
::DEBUG echo first token=%%a
        if "%%a" GEQ "A" (
          for /f "tokens=%toks% delims=.-/ " %%i in ('date/t') do (
            set '%%a'=%%i
            set '%%b'=%%j
            set 'yy'=%%k
      if %'yy'% LSS 100 set 'yy'=20%'yy'%
      set Today=%'yy'%-%'mm'%-%'dd'%

    ENDLOCAL & SET v_year=%'yy'%& SET v_month=%'mm'%& SET v_day=%'dd'%

    ECHO Today is Year: [%V_Year%] Month: [%V_Month%] Day: [%V_Day%]
    set datestring=%V_Year%%V_Month%%V_Day%
    echo %datestring%



Python class inherits object

Python 3

  • class MyClass(object): = New-style class
  • class MyClass: = New-style class (implicitly inherits from object)

Python 2

  • class MyClass(object): = New-style class
  • class MyClass: = OLD-STYLE CLASS


When defining base classes in Python 3.x, you’re allowed to drop the object from the definition. However, this can open the door for a seriously hard to track problem…

Python introduced new-style classes back in Python 2.2, and by now old-style classes are really quite old. Discussion of old-style classes is buried in the 2.x docs, and non-existent in the 3.x docs.

The problem is, the syntax for old-style classes in Python 2.x is the same as the alternative syntax for new-style classes in Python 3.x. Python 2.x is still very widely used (e.g. GAE, Web2Py), and any code (or coder) unwittingly bringing 3.x-style class definitions into 2.x code is going to end up with some seriously outdated base objects. And because old-style classes aren’t on anyone’s radar, they likely won’t know what hit them.

So just spell it out the long way and save some 2.x developer the tears.

How to manually force a commit in a @Transactional method?

I know that due to this ugly anonymous inner class usage of TransactionTemplate doesn't look nice, but when for some reason we want to have a test method transactional IMHO it is the most flexible option.

In some cases (it depends on the application type) the best way to use transactions in Spring tests is a turned-off @Transactional on the test methods. Why? Because @Transactional may leads to many false-positive tests. You may look at this sample article to find out details. In such cases TransactionTemplate can be perfect for controlling transaction boundries when we want that control.

What does 'corrupted double-linked list' mean

I have found the answer to my question myself:)

So what I didn't understand was how the glibc could differentiate between a Segfault and a corrupted double-linked list, because according to my understanding, from perspective of glibc they should look like the same thing. Because if I implement a double-linked list inside my program, how could the glibc possibly know that this is a double-linked list, instead of any other struct? It probably can't, so thats why i was confused.

Now I've looked at malloc/malloc.c inside the glibc's code, and I see the following:

1543 /* Take a chunk off a bin list */
1544 #define unlink(P, BK, FD) {                                            \
1545   FD = P->fd;                                                          \
1546   BK = P->bk;                                                          \
1547   if (__builtin_expect (FD->bk != P || BK->fd != P, 0))                \
1548     malloc_printerr (check_action, "corrupted double-linked list", P); \
1549   else {                                                               \
1550     FD->bk = BK;                                                       \
1551     BK->fd = FD;                                                       \

So now this suddenly makes sense. The reason why glibc can know that this is a double-linked list is because the list is part of glibc itself. I've been confused because I thought glibc can somehow detect that some programming is building a double-linked list, which I wouldn't understand how that works. But if this double-linked list that it is talking about, is part of glibc itself, of course it can know it's a double-linked list.

I still don't know what has triggered this error. But at least I understand the difference between corrupted double-linked list and a Segfault, and how the glibc can know this struct is supposed to be a double-linked list:)

What is a method group in C#?

A method group is the name for a set of methods (that might be just one) - i.e. in theory the ToString method may have multiple overloads (plus any extension methods): ToString(), ToString(string format), etc - hence ToString by itself is a "method group".

It can usually convert a method group to a (typed) delegate by using overload resolution - but not to a string etc; it doesn't make sense.

Once you add parentheses, again; overload resolution kicks in and you have unambiguously identified a method call.

MySQL error - #1062 - Duplicate entry ' ' for key 2

In addition to Sabeen's answer:

The first column id is your primary key.
Don't insert '' into the primary key, but insert null instead.

  ,'postcode','phone','','category','[email protected]','','');

If it's an autoincrement key this will fix your problem.
If not make id an autoincrement key, and always insert null into it to trigger an autoincrement.

MySQL has a setting to autoincrement keys only on null insert or on both inserts of 0 and null. Don't count on this setting, because your code may break if you change server.
If you insert null your code will always work.


How to add jQuery in JS file

If you want to include jQuery code from another JS file, this should do the trick:

I had the following in my HTML file:

<script src="jquery-1.6.1.js"></script>
<script src="my_jquery.js"></script>

I created a separate my_jquery.js file with the following:

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('a').click(function(event) {

PHP String to Float

$rootbeer = (float) $InvoicedUnits;

Should do it for you. Check out Type-Juggling. You should also read String conversion to Numbers.

IE9 JavaScript error: SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'ui': object is null or undefined

I was also facing the same issue.

I was using the code below in .aspx page without writing authentication configuration in web.config file. After writing the settings in Web.config, I am able to run my code.

<% If Request.IsAuthenticated Then%>
<%end if%> 

AngularJS ngClass conditional

There is a simple method which you could use with html class attribute and shorthand if/else. No need to make it so complex. Just use following method.

<div class="{{expression == true ? 'class_if_expression_true' : 'class_if_expression_false' }}">Your Content</div>

Happy Coding, Nimantha Perera

De-obfuscate Javascript code to make it readable again

I have tried both of online jsbeautifier(jsbeautifier, jsnice), these tools gave me beautiful js code,

but couldn't copy for very large js (must be bug, when i copy, copied buffer contains only one character '-').

I found that only working solution was prettyjs:

Definition of "downstream" and "upstream"

Upstream Called Harmful

There is, alas, another use of "upstream" that the other answers here are not getting at, namely to refer to the parent-child relationship of commits within a repo. Scott Chacon in the Pro Git book is particularly prone to this, and the results are unfortunate. Do not imitate this way of speaking.

For example, he says of a merge resulting a fast-forward that this happens because

the commit pointed to by the branch you merged in was directly upstream of the commit you’re on

He wants to say that commit B is the only child of the only child of ... of the only child of commit A, so to merge B into A it is sufficient to move the ref A to point to commit B. Why this direction should be called "upstream" rather than "downstream", or why the geometry of such a pure straight-line graph should be described "directly upstream", is completely unclear and probably arbitrary. (The man page for git-merge does a far better job of explaining this relationship when it says that "the current branch head is an ancestor of the named commit." That is the sort of thing Chacon should have said.)

Indeed, Chacon himself appears to use "downstream" later to mean exactly the same thing, when he speaks of rewriting all child commits of a deleted commit:

You must rewrite all the commits downstream from 6df76 to fully remove this file from your Git history

Basically he seems not to have any clear idea what he means by "upstream" and "downstream" when referring to the history of commits over time. This use is informal, then, and not to be encouraged, as it is just confusing.

It is perfectly clear that every commit (except one) has at least one parent, and that parents of parents are thus ancestors; and in the other direction, commits have children and descendants. That's accepted terminology, and describes the directionality of the graph unambiguously, so that's the way to talk when you want to describe how commits relate to one another within the graph geometry of a repo. Do not use "upstream" or "downstream" loosely in this situation.

[Additional note: I've been thinking about the relationship between the first Chacon sentence I cite above and the git-merge man page, and it occurs to me that the former may be based on a misunderstanding of the latter. The man page does go on to describe a situation where the use of "upstream" is legitimate: fast-forwarding often happens when "you are tracking an upstream repository, you have committed no local changes, and now you want to update to a newer upstream revision." So perhaps Chacon used "upstream" because he saw it here in the man page. But in the man page there is a remote repository; there is no remote repository in Chacon's cited example of fast-forwarding, just a couple of locally created branches.]

How to check sbt version?

From within the sbt shell

sbt:venkat> about
[info] This is sbt 1.3.3

What's the meaning of "=>" (an arrow formed from equals & greater than) in JavaScript?

Adding simple CRUD example with Arrowfunction

 //Arrow Function
 var customers   = [
     name: 'Dave',
     name: 'Sarah',
     name: 'Akhil',

// No Param READ
 getFirstCustomer = () => { 
   return customers[0];
  console.log("First Customer "+JSON.stringify(getFirstCustomer())); // 'Dave' 

   //1 Param SEARCH
  getNthCustomer = index=>{
    if( index>customers.length)
     return  "No such thing";
       return customers[index];
  console.log("Nth Customer is " +JSON.stringify(getNthCustomer(1))); 

   //2params ADD
  addCustomer = (name, contact)=> customers.push({
     'name': name,
  console.log("Added Customer "+JSON.stringify(customers)); 

  //2 param UPDATE
  updateCustomerName = (index, newName)=>{customers[index].name= newName};
  console.log("Updated Customer "+JSON.stringify(customers));

  //1 param DELETE
  removeCustomer = (customerToRemove) => customers.pop(customerToRemove);
  console.log("Removed Customer "+JSON.stringify(customers)); 

Specifying a custom DateTime format when serializing with Json.Net

There is another solution I've been using. Just create a string property and use it for json. This property wil return date properly formatted.

class JSonModel {

    public DateTime MyDate { get; set; }

    public string CustomDate {
        get { return MyDate.ToString("ddMMyyyy"); }
        // set { MyDate = DateTime.Parse(value); }
        set { MyDate = DateTime.ParseExact(value, "ddMMyyyy", null); }


This way you don't have to create extra classes. Also, it allows you to create diferent data formats. e.g, you can easily create another Property for Hour using the same DateTime.

Warning:No JDK specified for module 'Myproject'.when run my project in Android studio

it happened for me when I deleted the jdk and installed new one somehow the project kept seeing the old one as invalid but couldn't change, so right click on your module -> Open Module Settings -> and choose Compile Sdk Version.

Using $_POST to get select option value from HTML

Use this way:

$selectOption = $_POST['taskOption'];

But it is always better to give values to your <option> tags.

<select name="taskOption">
  <option value="1">First</option>
  <option value="2">Second</option>
  <option value="3">Third</option>

Unable to resolve host "<insert URL here>" No address associated with hostname

My bet is that you forgot to give your app the permission to use the internet. Try adding this to your android manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

How to see the CREATE VIEW code for a view in PostgreSQL?

select definition from pg_views where viewname = 'my_view'

Cannot read property 'length' of null (javascript)

The proper test is:

if (capital != null && capital.length < 1) {

This ensures that capital is always non null, when you perform the length check.

Also, as the comments suggest, capital is null because you never initialize it.

How to create empty constructor for data class in Kotlin Android

You have 2 options here:

  1. Assign a default value to each primary constructor parameter:

    data class Activity(
        var updated_on: String = "",
        var tags: List<String> = emptyList(),
        var description: String = "",
        var user_id: List<Int> = emptyList(),
        var status_id: Int = -1,
        var title: String = "",
        var created_at: String = "",
        var data: HashMap<*, *> = hashMapOf<Any, Any>(),
        var id: Int = -1,
        var counts: LinkedTreeMap<*, *> = LinkedTreeMap<Any, Any>()
  2. Declare a secondary constructor that has no parameters:

    data class Activity(
        var updated_on: String,
        var tags: List<String>,
        var description: String,
        var user_id: List<Int>,
        var status_id: Int,
        var title: String,
        var created_at: String,
        var data: HashMap<*, *>,
        var id: Int,
        var counts: LinkedTreeMap<*, *>
    ) {
        constructor() : this("", emptyList(), 
                             "", emptyList(), -1, 
                             "", "", hashMapOf<Any, Any>(), 
                             -1, LinkedTreeMap<Any, Any>()

If you don't rely on copy or equals of the Activity class or don't use the autogenerated data class methods at all you could use regular class like so:

class ActivityDto {
    var updated_on: String = "",
    var tags: List<String> = emptyList(),
    var description: String = "",
    var user_id: List<Int> = emptyList(),
    var status_id: Int = -1,
    var title: String = "",
    var created_at: String = "",
    var data: HashMap<*, *> = hashMapOf<Any, Any>(),
    var id: Int = -1,
    var counts: LinkedTreeMap<*, *> = LinkedTreeMap<Any, Any>()

Not every DTO needs to be a data class and vice versa. In fact in my experience I find data classes to be particularly useful in areas that involve some complex business logic.

How to center the elements in ConstraintLayout

just add


and done :)

Is it possible to have a multi-line comments in R?

R Studio (and Eclipse + StatET): Highlight the text and use CTRL+SHIFT+C to comment multiple lines in Windows. Or, command+SHIFT+C in OS-X.

Dynamic height for DIV

as prior ans remove the height attrib. if u want your expansion along with its min height then use min-height: 102px instead of height: 102px.

note ie 6 and min-height

Inline <style> tags vs. inline css properties

Here's one aspect that could rule the difference:

If you change an element's style in JavaScript, you are affecting the inline style. If there's already a style there, you overwrite it permanently. But, if the style were defined in an external sheet or in a <style> tag, then setting the inline one to "" restores the style from that source.

Initializing array of structures

my_data is a struct with name as a field and data[] is arry of structs, you are initializing each index. read following:

5.20 Designated Initializers:

In a structure initializer, specify the name of a field to initialize with .fieldname =' before the element value. For example, given the following structure,

struct point { int x, y; };

the following initialization

struct point p = { .y = yvalue, .x = xvalue };

is equivalent to

struct point p = { xvalue, yvalue };

Another syntax which has the same meaning, obsolete since GCC 2.5, is fieldname:', as shown here:

struct point p = { y: yvalue, x: xvalue };

You can also write:

my_data data[] = {
    { .name = "Peter" },
    { .name = "James" },
    { .name = "John" },
    { .name = "Mike" }


my_data data[] = {
    [0] = { .name = "Peter" },
    [1] = { .name = "James" },
    [2] = { .name = "John" },
    [3] = { .name = "Mike" }


my_data data[] = {
    [0].name = "Peter",
    [1].name = "James",
    [2].name = "John",
    [3].name = "Mike"

Second and third forms may be convenient as you don't need to write in order for example all of the above example are equivalent to:

my_data data[] = {
    [3].name = "Mike",
    [1].name = "James",
    [0].name = "Peter",
    [2].name = "John"

If you have multiple fields in your struct (for example, an int age), you can initialize all of them at once using the following:

my_data data[] = {
    [3].name = "Mike",
    [2].age = 40,
    [1].name = "James",
    [3].age = 23,
    [0].name = "Peter",
    [2].name = "John"

To understand array initialization read Strange initializer expression?

Additionally, you may also like to read @Shafik Yaghmour's answer for switch case: What is “…” in switch-case in C code

Regex: ignore case sensitivity

In JavaScript you should pass the i flag to the RegExp constructor as stated in MDN:

const regex = new RegExp('(abc)', 'i');

regex.test('ABc'); // true

Send array with Ajax to PHP script

 dataString = [];
        type: "POST",
        url: "script.php",
        data:{data: $(dataString).serializeArray()}, 
        cache: false,

        success: function(){

How to check whether Kafka Server is running?

Firstly you need to create AdminClient bean:

 public AdminClient adminClient(){
   Map<String, Object> configs = new HashMap<>();
   StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(new Object[]{"your bootstrap server address}));
   return AdminClient.create(configs);

Then, you can use this script:

while (true) {
   Map<String, ConsumerGroupDescription> groupDescriptionMap =
         .get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

   ConsumerGroupDescription consumerGroupDescription = groupDescriptionMap.get(groupId);

   log.debug("Kafka consumer group ({}) state: {}",

   if (consumerGroupDescription.state().equals(ConsumerGroupState.STABLE)) {
        boolean isReady = true;
        for (MemberDescription member : consumerGroupDescription.members()) {
            if (member.assignment() == null || member.assignment().topicPartitions().isEmpty()) {
            isReady = false;

        if (isReady) {

        log.debug("Kafka consumer group ({}) is not ready. Waiting...", groupId);

This script will check the state of the consumer group every second till the state will be STABLE. Because all consumers assigned to topic partitions, you can conclude that server is running and ready.

Need to list all triggers in SQL Server database with table name and table's schema

C# Cribs: I ended up with this super generic one liner. Hope this is useful to both the original poster and/or people who just typed the same question I did into Google:

SELECT as TriggerName, as ForTableName 
FROM sysobjects TriggerRecord 
INNER JOIN sysobjects ParentRecord ON 
WHERE TriggerRecord.xtype='TR'

Query Characteristics:

  • Usable with any SQL database (i.e. Initial Catalog)
  • Self explanatory
  • One single statement
  • Pasteable directly into most IDE's for most languages

Join between tables in two different databases?

FROM A.tableA JOIN B.tableB 


  FROM A.tableA JOIN B.tableB
  ON = B.tableB.a_id;

How do you load custom UITableViewCells from Xib files?

This extension requires Xcode7 beta6

extension NSBundle {
    enum LoadViewError: ErrorType {
        case ExpectedXibToExistButGotNil
        case ExpectedXibToContainJustOneButGotDifferentNumberOfObjects
        case XibReturnedWrongType

    func loadView<T>(name: String) throws -> T {
        let topLevelObjects: [AnyObject]! = loadNibNamed(name, owner: self, options: nil)
        if topLevelObjects == nil {
            throw LoadViewError.ExpectedXibToExistButGotNil
        if topLevelObjects.count != 1 {
            throw LoadViewError.ExpectedXibToContainJustOneButGotDifferentNumberOfObjects
        let firstObject: AnyObject! = topLevelObjects.first
        guard let result = firstObject as? T else {
            throw LoadViewError.XibReturnedWrongType
        return result

Create an Xib file that contains just 1 custom UITableViewCell.

Load it.

let cell: BacteriaCell = try NSBundle.mainBundle().loadView("BacteriaCell")

JS jQuery - check if value is in array

The Array.prototype property represents the prototype for the Array constructor and allows you to add new properties and methods to all Array objects. we can create a prototype for this purpose

Array.prototype.has_element = function(element) {
    return $.inArray( element, this) !== -1;

And then use it like this

var numbers= [1, 2, 3, 4];
numbers.has_element(3) => true
numbers.has_element(10) => false

See the Demo below

Array.prototype.has_element = function(element) {_x000D_
  return $.inArray(element, this) !== -1;_x000D_
var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

Determine number of pages in a PDF file

I've used the code above that solves the problem using regex and it works, but it's quite slow. It reads the entire file to determine the number of pages.

I used it in a web app and pages would sometimes list 20 or 30 PDFs at a time and in that circumstance the load time for the page went from a couple seconds to almost a minute due to the page counting method.

I don't know if the 3rd party libraries are much better, I would hope that they are and I've used pdflib in other scenarios with success.