You'd be surprised to find out that 80/20 is quite a commonly occurring ratio, often referred to as the Pareto principle. It's usually a safe bet if you use that ratio.
However, depending on the training/validation methodology you employ, the ratio may change. For example: if you use 10-fold cross validation, then you would end up with a validation set of 10% at each fold.
There has been some research into what is the proper ratio between the training set and the validation set:
The fraction of patterns reserved for the validation set should be inversely proportional to the square root of the number of free adjustable parameters.
In their conclusion they specify a formula:
Validation set (v) to training set (t) size ratio, v/t, scales like ln(N/h-max), where N is the number of families of recognizers and h-max is the largest complexity of those families.
What they mean by complexity is:
Each family of recognizer is characterized by its complexity, which may or may not be related to the VC-dimension, the description length, the number of adjustable parameters, or other measures of complexity.
Taking the first rule of thumb (i.e.validation set should be inversely proportional to the square root of the number of free adjustable parameters), you can conclude that if you have 32 adjustable parameters, the square root of 32 is ~5.65, the fraction should be 1/5.65 or 0.177 (v/t). Roughly 17.7% should be reserved for validation and 82.3% for training.