[r] Is it possible to have a multi-line comments in R?

I found this old thread (from over a year ago), which explains how come R doesn't support a multi-line comments (like /* comment */ of PHP, for example).

I am wondering if this has been resolved in the past year, or if there are other alternatives? (For example, in notepad++ with npptor, you can mark a bunch of lines and press ctrl+q to mark them all as comments, are there similar solutions for other IDE's ?)

This question is related to r comments

The answer is

R Studio (and Eclipse + StatET): Highlight the text and use CTRL+SHIFT+C to comment multiple lines in Windows. Or, command+SHIFT+C in OS-X.

Put the following into your ~/.Rprofile file:

exclude <-  function(blah) {
    "excluded block"

Now, you can exclude blocks like follows:



if(FALSE) {

precludes multiple lines from being executed. However, these lines still have to be syntactically correct, i.e., can't be comments in the proper sense. Still helpful for some cases though.

Unfortunately, there is still no multi-line commenting in R.

If your text editor supports column-mode, then use it to add a bunch of #s at once. If you use UltraEdit, Alt+c will put you in column mode.

CTRL+SHIFT+C in Eclipse + StatET and Rstudio.

No multi-line comments in R as of version 2.12 and unlikely to change. In most environments, you can comment blocks by highlighting and toggle-comment. In emacs, this is 'M-x ;'.