[c#] Use of Application.DoEvents()

I saw jheriko's comment above and was initially agreeing that I couldn't find a way to avoid using DoEvents if you end up spinning your main UI thread waiting for a long running asynchronous piece of code on another thread to complete. But from Matthias's answer a simple Refresh of a small panel on my UI can replace the DoEvents (and avoid a nasty side effect).

More detail on my case ...

I was doing the following (as suggested here) to ensure that a progress bar type splash screen (How to display a "loading" overlay...) updated during a long running SQL command:

IAsyncResult asyncResult = sqlCmd.BeginExecuteNonQuery();
while (!asyncResult.IsCompleted)  //UI thread needs to Wait for Async SQL command to return
      Application.DoEvents();  //to make the UI responsive

The bad: For me calling DoEvents meant that mouse clicks were sometimes firing on forms behind my splash screen, even if I made it TopMost.

The good/answer: Replace the DoEvents line with a simple Refresh call to a small panel in the centre of my splash screen, FormSplash.Panel1.Refresh(). The UI updates nicely and the DoEvents weirdness others have warned of was gone.