Programs & Examples On mvc controller

The ASP.NET MVC framework maps URLs to classes that are referred to as controllers. Controllers process incoming requests, handle user input and interactions, and execute appropriate application logic. A controller class typically calls a separate view component to generate the HTML markup for the request.

Disable cross domain web security in Firefox

Check out my addon that works with the latest Firefox version, with beautiful UI and support JS regex:

Update: I just add Chrome extension for this

enter image description here

Determine the path of the executing BASH script

Assuming you type in the full path to the bash script, use $0 and dirname, e.g.:

echo "$0"
dirname "$0"

Example output:

$ /a/b/c/myScript.bash

If necessary, append the results of the $PWD variable to a relative path.

EDIT: Added quotation marks to handle space characters.

JavaScript: replace last occurrence of text in a string

I know this is silly, but I'm feeling creative this morning:

'one two, one three, one four, one'
.split(' ') // array: ["one", "two,", "one", "three,", "one", "four,", "one"]
.reverse() // array: ["one", "four,", "one", "three,", "one", "two,", "one"]
.join(' ') // string: "one four, one three, one two, one"
.replace(/one/, 'finish') // string: "finish four, one three, one two, one"
.split(' ') // array: ["finish", "four,", "one", "three,", "one", "two,", "one"]
.reverse() // array: ["one", "two,", "one", "three,", "one", "four,", "finish"]
.join(' '); // final string: "one two, one three, one four, finish"

So really, all you'd need to do is add this function to the String prototype:

String.prototype.replaceLast = function (what, replacement) {
    return this.split(' ').reverse().join(' ').replace(new RegExp(what), replacement).split(' ').reverse().join(' ');

Then run it like so: str = str.replaceLast('one', 'finish');

One limitation you should know is that, since the function is splitting by space, you probably can't find/replace anything with a space.

Actually, now that I think of it, you could get around the 'space' problem by splitting with an empty token.

String.prototype.reverse = function () {
    return this.split('').reverse().join('');

String.prototype.replaceLast = function (what, replacement) {
    return this.reverse().replace(new RegExp(what.reverse()), replacement.reverse()).reverse();

str = str.replaceLast('one', 'finish');

How can I get list of values from dict?

There should be one - and preferably only one - obvious way to do it.

Therefore list(dictionary.values()) is the one way.

Yet, considering Python3, what is quicker?

[*L] vs. [].extend(L) vs. list(L)

small_ds = {x: str(x+42) for x in range(10)}
small_df = {x: float(x+42) for x in range(10)}

print('Small Dict(str)')
%timeit [*small_ds.values()]
%timeit [].extend(small_ds.values())
%timeit list(small_ds.values())

print('Small Dict(float)')
%timeit [*small_df.values()]
%timeit [].extend(small_df.values())
%timeit list(small_df.values())

big_ds = {x: str(x+42) for x in range(1000000)}
big_df = {x: float(x+42) for x in range(1000000)}

print('Big Dict(str)')
%timeit [*big_ds.values()]
%timeit [].extend(big_ds.values())
%timeit list(big_ds.values())

print('Big Dict(float)')
%timeit [*big_df.values()]
%timeit [].extend(big_df.values())
%timeit list(big_df.values())
Small Dict(str)
256 ns ± 3.37 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
338 ns ± 0.807 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
336 ns ± 1.9 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)

Small Dict(float)
268 ns ± 0.297 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
343 ns ± 15.2 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
336 ns ± 0.68 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)

Big Dict(str)
17.5 ms ± 142 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
16.5 ms ± 338 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
16.2 ms ± 19.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

Big Dict(float)
13.2 ms ± 41 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
13.1 ms ± 919 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
12.8 ms ± 578 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

Done on Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8650U CPU @ 1.90GHz.

# Name                    Version                   Build
ipython                   7.5.0            py37h24bf2e0_0

The result

  1. For small dictionaries * operator is quicker
  2. For big dictionaries where it matters list() is maybe slightly quicker

How does one check if a table exists in an Android SQLite database?

Important condition is IF NOT EXISTS to check table is already exist or not in database


            + KEY_PLAYER_ID + " TEXT,"
            + KEY_PLAYER_IMAGE + " TEXT)";

How to remove non-alphanumeric characters?



$string = preg_replace("/[\W_]+/u", '', $string);

It select all not A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and delete it.

See example here:

Random word generator- Python

Solution for Python 3

For Python3 the following code grabs the word list from the web and returns a list. Answer based on accepted answer above by Kyle Kelley.

import urllib.request

word_url = ""
response = urllib.request.urlopen(word_url)
long_txt =
words = long_txt.splitlines()


>>> words
['a', 'AAA', 'AAAS', 'aardvark', 'Aarhus', 'Aaron', 'ABA', 'Ababa',
 'aback', 'abacus', 'abalone', 'abandon', 'abase', 'abash', 'abate',
 'abbas', 'abbe', 'abbey', 'abbot', 'Abbott', 'abbreviate', ... ]

And to generate (because it was my objective) a list of 1) upper case only words, 2) only "name like" words, and 3) a sort-of-realistic-but-fun sounding random name:

import random
upper_words = [word for word in words if word[0].isupper()]
name_words  = [word for word in upper_words if not word.isupper()]
rand_name   = ' '.join([name_words[random.randint(0, len(name_words))] for i in range(2)])

And some random names:

>>> for n in range(10):
        ' '.join([name_words[random.randint(0,len(name_words))] for i in range(2)])

    'Semiramis Sicilian'
    'Julius Genevieve'
    'Rwanda Cohn'
    'Quito Sutherland'
    'Eocene Wheller'
    'Olav Jove'
    'Weldon Pappas'
    'Vienna Leyden'
    'Io Dave'
    'Schwartz Stromberg'

How can I initialize an ArrayList with all zeroes in Java?

Java 8 implementation (List initialized with 60 zeroes):

List<Integer> list = IntStream.of(new int[60])
  • new int[N] - creates an array filled with zeroes & length N
  • boxed() - each element boxed to an Integer
  • collect(Collectors.toList()) - collects elements of stream

How to change button color with tkinter

When you do self.button = Button(...).grid(...), what gets assigned to self.button is the result of the grid() command, not a reference to the Button object created.

You need to assign your self.button variable before packing/griding it. It should look something like this:

self.button = Button(self,text="Click Me",command=self.color_change,bg="blue")
self.button.grid(row = 2, column = 2, sticky = W)

Pointer to class data member "::*"

A realworld example of a pointer-to-member could be a more narrow aliasing constructor for std::shared_ptr:

template <typename T>
template <typename U>
shared_ptr<T>::shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<U>, T U::*member);

What that constructor would be good for

assume you have a struct foo:

struct foo {
    int ival;
    float fval;

If you have given a shared_ptr to a foo, you could then retrieve shared_ptr's to its members ival or fval using that constructor:

auto foo_shared = std::make_shared<foo>();
auto ival_shared = std::shared_ptr<int>(foo_shared, &foo::ival);

This would be useful if want to pass the pointer foo_shared->ival to some function which expects a shared_ptr

Mockito: Trying to spy on method is calling the original method

I've found yet another reason for spy to call the original method.

Someone had the idea to mock a final class, and found about MockMaker:

As this works differently to our current mechanism and this one has different limitations and as we want to gather experience and user feedback, this feature had to be explicitly activated to be available ; it can be done via the mockito extension mechanism by creating the file src/test/resources/mockito-extensions/org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker containing a single line: mock-maker-inline


After I merged and brought that file to my machine, my tests failed.

I just had to remove the line (or the file), and spy() worked.

Powershell 2 copy-item which creates a folder if doesn't exist

My favorite is to use the .Net [IO.DirectoryInfo] class, which takes care of some of the logic. I actually use this for a lot of similar scripting challenges. It has a .Create() method that creates directories that don't exist, without errors if they do.

Since this is still a two step problem, I use the foreach alias to keep it simple. For single files:

[IO.DirectoryInfo]$to |% {$_.create(); cp $from $_}

As far as your multi file/directory match, I would use RoboCopy over xcopy. Remove the "*" from your from and just use:

RoboCopy.exe $from $to *

You can still add the /r (Recurse), /e (Recurse including Empty), and there are 50 other useful switches.

Edit: Looking back at this it is terse, but not very readable if you are not using the code often. Usually I have it split into two, like so:

cp $from $to

Also, DirectoryInfo is the type of the Parent property of FileInfo, so if your $to is a file, you can use them together:

cp $from $to

Return rows in random order


Android 8: Cleartext HTTP traffic not permitted

adding this paramter in header resolved my issue in apiSauce React Native

"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  Accept: "application/json"

Error in Swift class: Property not initialized at super.init call

Add nil to the end of the declaration.

// Must be nil or swift complains
var someProtocol:SomeProtocol? = nil

// Init the view
override init(frame: CGRect)
    super.init(frame: frame)

This worked for my case, but may not work for yours

Best way to serialize/unserialize objects in JavaScript?

I wrote serialijse because I faced the same problem as you.

you can find it at

It can be used in nodejs or in a browser and can serve to serialize and deserialize a complex set of objects from one context (nodejs) to the other (browser) or vice-versa.

var s = require("serialijse");

var assert = require("assert");

// testing serialization of a simple javascript object with date
function testing_javascript_serialization_object_with_date() {

    var o = {
        date: new Date(),
        name: "foo"

    // JSON will fail as JSON doesn't preserve dates
    try {
        var jstr = JSON.stringify(o);
        var jo = JSON.parse(jstr);
    } catch (err) {
        console.log(" JSON has failed to preserve Date during stringify/parse ");
        console.log("  and has generated the following error message", err.message);

    var str = s.serialize(o);
    var so = s.deserialize(str);
    console.log(" However Serialijse knows how to preserve date during serialization/deserialization :");

// serializing a instance of a class
function testing_javascript_serialization_instance_of_a_class() {

    function Person() {
        this.firstName = "Joe";
        this.lastName = "Doe";
        this.age = 42;

    Person.prototype.fullName = function () {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

    // testing serialization using  JSON.stringify/JSON.parse
    var o = new Person();
    console.log(o.fullName(), " age=", o.age);

    try {
        var jstr = JSON.stringify(o);
        var jo = JSON.parse(jstr);
        console.log(jo.fullName(), " age=", jo.age);

    } catch (err) {
        console.log(" JSON has failed to preserve the object class ");
        console.log("  and has generated the following error message", err.message);

    // now testing serialization using serialijse  serialize/deserialize
    var str = s.serialize(o);
    var so = s.deserialize(str);

    console.log(" However Serialijse knows how to preserve object classes serialization/deserialization :");
    console.log(so.fullName(), " age=", so.age);

// serializing an object with cyclic dependencies
function testing_javascript_serialization_objects_with_cyclic_dependencies() {

    var Mary = { name: "Mary", friends: [] };
    var Bob = { name: "Bob", friends: [] };


    var group = [ Mary, Bob];

    // testing serialization using  JSON.stringify/JSON.parse
    try {
        var jstr = JSON.stringify(group);
        var jo = JSON.parse(jstr);

    } catch (err) {
        console.log(" JSON has failed to manage object with cyclic deps");
        console.log("  and has generated the following error message", err.message);

    // now testing serialization using serialijse  serialize/deserialize
    var str = s.serialize(group);
    var so = s.deserialize(str);
    console.log(" However Serialijse knows to manage object with cyclic deps !");
    assert(so[0].friends[0] == so[1]); // Mary's friend is Bob

How do I solve this "Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null" error?

Just reorder or make sure, the (DOM or HTML) is loaded before the JavaScript.

How do I grep recursively?

To find name of files with path recursively containing the particular string use below command for UNIX:

find . | xargs grep "searched-string"

for Linux:

grep -r "searched-string" .

find a file on UNIX server

find . -type f -name file_name

find a file on LINUX server

find . -name file_name

Hide the browse button on a input type=file

        .dropZoneOverlay, .FileUpload {_x000D_
            width: 283px;_x000D_
            height: 71px;_x000D_
        .dropZoneOverlay {_x000D_
            border: dotted 1px;_x000D_
            font-family: cursive;_x000D_
            color: #7066fb;_x000D_
            position: absolute;_x000D_
            top: 0px;_x000D_
            text-align: center;_x000D_
        .FileUpload {_x000D_
            opacity: 0;_x000D_
            position: relative;_x000D_
            z-index: 1;_x000D_
        <div class="dropZoneContainer">_x000D_
            <input type="file" id="drop_zone" class="FileUpload" accept=".jpg,.png,.gif" onchange="handleFileSelect(this) " />_x000D_
            <div class="dropZoneOverlay">Drag and drop your image <br />or<br />Click to add</div>_x000D_

I find a good way of achieving this at Remove browse button from input=file.

The rationale behind this solution is that it creates a transparent input=file control and creates an layer visible to the user below the file control. The z-index of the input=file will be higher than the layer.

With this, it appears that the layer is the file control itself. But actually when you clicks on it, the input=file is the one clicked and the dialog for choosing file will appear.

How to use sed to remove the last n lines of a file

For deleting the last N lines of a file, you can use the same concept of

$ sed '2,4d' file

You can use a combo with tail command to reverse the file: if N is 5

$ tail -r file | sed '1,5d' file | tail -r > file

And this way runs also where head -n -5 file command doesn't run (like on a mac!).

How can javascript upload a blob?

I was able to get @yeeking example to work by not using FormData but using javascript object to transfer the blob. Works with a sound blob created using recorder.js. Tested in Chrome version 32.0.1700.107

function uploadAudio( blob ) {
  var reader = new FileReader();
  reader.onload = function(event){
    var fd = {};
    fd["fname"] = "test.wav";
    fd["data"] =;
      type: 'POST',
      url: 'upload.php',
      data: fd,
      dataType: 'text'
    }).done(function(data) {

Contents of upload.php

// pull the raw binary data from the POST array
$data = substr($_POST['data'], strpos($_POST['data'], ",") + 1);
// decode it
$decodedData = base64_decode($data);
// print out the raw data,
$filename = $_POST['fname'];
echo $filename;
// write the data out to the file
$fp = fopen($filename, 'wb');
fwrite($fp, $decodedData);

Pip freeze vs. pip list

pip list

List installed packages: show ALL installed packages that even pip installed implictly

pip freeze

List installed packages: - list of packages that are installed using pip command

pip freeze has --all flag to show all the packages.

Other difference is the output it renders, that you can check by running the commands.

Calculate the date yesterday in JavaScript

var date = new Date();

date ; //# => Fri Apr 01 2011 11:14:50 GMT+0200 (CEST)

date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1);

date ; //# => Thu Mar 31 2011 11:14:50 GMT+0200 (CEST)

PadLeft function in T-SQL

SQL Server now supports the FORMAT function starting from version 2012, so:

SELECT FORMAT(id, '0000') FROM TableA

will do the trick.

If your id or column is in a varchar and represents a number you convert first:


Override valueof() and toString() in Java enum

How about a Java 8 implementation? (null can be replaced by your default Enum)

public static RandomEnum getEnum(String value) {
    return -> m.value.equals(value)).findAny().orElse(null);

Or you could use:


How to Automatically Start a Download in PHP?

A clean example.

    header('Content-Type: application/download');
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="example.txt"');
    header("Content-Length: " . filesize("example.txt"));

    $fp = fopen("example.txt", "r");

How to manually force a commit in a @Transactional method?

I had a similar use case during testing hibernate event listeners which are only called on commit.

The solution was to wrap the code to be persistent into another method annotated with REQUIRES_NEW. (In another class) This way a new transaction is spawned and a flush/commit is issued once the method returns.


Keep in mind that this might influence all the other tests! So write them accordingly or you need to ensure that you can clean up after the test ran.

How can I replace a newline (\n) using sed?

On Mac OS X (using FreeBSD sed):

# replace each newline with a space
printf "a\nb\nc\nd\ne\nf" | sed -E -e :a -e '$!N; s/\n/ /g; ta'
printf "a\nb\nc\nd\ne\nf" | sed -E -e :a -e '$!N; s/\n/ /g' -e ta

How to pass values arguments to function in Bootstrap


$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#createFormId').on('', function(event) {

how to place last div into right top corner of parent div? (css)

You can simply add a right float to .block2 element and place it in the first position (this is very important).

Here is the code:

    <style type="text/css">
        .block1 {
            color: red;
            width: 100px;
            border: 1px solid green;
        .block2 {
            color: blue;
            width: 70px;
            border: 2px solid black;
            position: relative;
            float: right;
    <div class='block1'>
        <div class='block2'>block2</div>


OS X Bash, 'watch' command

You can emulate the basic functionality with the shell loop:

while :; do clear; your_command; sleep 2; done

That will loop forever, clear the screen, run your command, and wait two seconds - the basic watch your_command implementation.

You can take this a step further and create a script that can accept your_command and sleep_duration as parameters:

# usage: <your_command> <sleep_duration>

while :; 
  sleep $2

How do you remove the title text from the Android ActionBar?

Got it. You have to override


and then in your custom style you have to override


Here's a sample.

In my themes.xml:

<style name="CustomActionBar" parent="android:style/Theme.Holo.Light">
        <item name="android:actionBarStyle">@style/CustomActionBarStyle</item>

And in my styles.xml:

<style name="CustomActionBarStyle" parent="android:style/Widget.Holo.ActionBar">
        <item name="android:titleTextStyle">@style/NoTitleText</item>
        <item name="android:subtitleTextStyle">@style/NoTitleText</item>

<style name="NoTitleText">
        <item name="android:textSize">0sp</item>
        <item name="android:textColor">#00000000</item>

I'm not sure why setting the textSize to zero didn't do the trick (it shrunk the text, but didn't make it go away), but setting the textColor to transparent works.

How to find path of active app.config file?

One more option that I saw is missing here:

string defaultSysConfigFilePath = (string)AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData(APP_CONFIG_FILE);

What's the difference between Invoke() and BeginInvoke()

Just to give a short, working example to see an effect of their difference

new Thread(foo).Start();

private void foo()
        myTextBox.Text = "bing";

If use BeginInvoke, MessageBox pops simultaneous to the text update. If use Invoke, MessageBox pops after the 3 second sleep. Hence, showing the effect of an asynchronous (BeginInvoke) and a synchronous (Invoke) call.

How can I build a recursive function in python?

I'm wondering whether you meant "recursive". Here is a simple example of a recursive function to compute the factorial function:

def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        return n * factorial(n - 1)

The two key elements of a recursive algorithm are:

  • The termination condition: n == 0
  • The reduction step where the function calls itself with a smaller number each time: factorial(n - 1)

Comparing boxed Long values 127 and 128

Comparing non-primitives (aka Objects) in Java with == compares their reference instead of their values. Long is a class and thus Long values are Objects.

The problem is that the Java Developers wanted people to use Long like they used long to provide compatibility, which led to the concept of autoboxing, which is essentially the feature, that long-values will be changed to Long-Objects and vice versa as needed. The behaviour of autoboxing is not exactly predictable all the time though, as it is not completely specified.

So to be safe and to have predictable results always use .equals() to compare objects and do not rely on autoboxing in this case:

Long num1 = 127, num2 = 127;
if(num1.equals(num2)) { iWillBeExecutedAlways(); }

How to upgrade Git to latest version on macOS?

I recently upgraded the Git on my OS X machine to the latest also. I didn't use the same .dmg you used, but when I installed it the binaries were placed in /usr/local/bin. Now, the way my PATH was arranged, the directory /usr/bin appears before /usr/local/bin. So what I did was:

cd /usr/bin
mkdir git.ORIG
mv git* git.ORIG/

This moves the several original programs named git* to a new subdirectory that keeps them out of the way. After that, which git shows that the one in /usr/local/bin is found.

Modify the above procedure as necessary to fit wherever you installed the new binaries.

Opening Chrome From Command Line

Have a look into the start command. It should do what you're trying to achieve.

Also, you might be able to leave out path to chrome. The following works on Windows 7:

start chrome "" ""

Difference between string and text in rails?

As explained above not just the db datatype it will also affect the view that will be generated if you are scaffolding. string will generate a text_field text will generate a text_area

convert nan value to zero

nan is never equal to nan

if z!=z:z=0

so for a 2D array

for entry in nparr:
    if entry!=entry:entry=0

Jquery If radio button is checked

    if($(this).val() === 'Yes'){
       // append stuff

This will listen for a change event on the radio buttons. At the time the user clicks Yes, the event will fire and you will be able to append anything you like to the DOM.

Forbidden You don't have permission to access /wp-login.php on this server

This should work :

The instructions says that you add a separate .htaccess containing the lines above to the wp-admin folder - and leave the main .htaccess, in the root, alone.

if that don't help , you can try this:

copy the .htaccess file as is from the wp-admin and placed it in the root folder and bingo! It should work ! if you face new error after this let us know.

for reference you can look here as well:

Check using this:

<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

How can I convince IE to simply display application/json rather than offer to download it?

I found the answer.

You can configure IE8 to display application/json in the browser window by updating the registry. There's no need for an external tool. I haven't tested this broadly, but it works with IE8 on Vista.

To use this, remember, all the usual caveats about updating the registry apply. Stop IE. Then, cut and paste the following into a file, by the name of json-ie.reg.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; Tell IE to open JSON documents in the browser.  
; 25336920-03F9-11cf-8FD0-00AA00686F13 is the CLSID for the "Browse in place" .

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/json]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\text/json]

Then double-click the .reg file. Restart IE. The new behavior you get when tickling a URL that returns a doc with Content-Type: application/json or Content-Type: text/json is like this:

alt text

What it does, why it works:

The 25336920-03F9-11cf-8FD0-00AA00686F13 is the CLSID for the "Browse in place" action. Basically this registry entry is telling IE that for docs that have a mime type of application/json, just view it in place. This won't affect any application/json documents downloaded via <script> tags, or via XHR, and so on.

The CLSID and Encoding keys get the same values used for image/gif, image/jpeg, and text/html.

This hint came from this site, and from Microsoft's article Handling MIME Types in Internet Explorer .

In FF, you don't need an external add-on either. You can just use the view-source: pseudo-protocol. Enter a URL like this into the address bar:


This pseudo-protocol used to be supported in IE, also, until WinXP-sp2, when Microsoft disabled it for security reasons.

How do I get the XML root node with C#?

Root node is the DocumentElement property of XmlDocument

XmlElement root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement

If you only have the node, you can get the root node by

XmlElement root = xmlNode.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement

Disable double-tap "zoom" option in browser on touch devices

* {
    -ms-touch-action: manipulation;
    touch-action: manipulation;

Disable double tap to zoom on touch screens. Internet explorer included.

SQLite: How do I save the result of a query as a CSV file?

Alternatively you can do it in one line (tested in win10)

sqlite3 -help
sqlite3 -header -csv db.sqlite 'select * from tbl1;' > test.csv

Bonus: Using powershell with cmdlet and pipe (|).

get-content query.sql | sqlite3 -header -csv db.sqlite > test.csv

where query.sql is a file containing your SQL query

How to use a servlet filter in Java to change an incoming servlet request url?

  1. Implement javax.servlet.Filter.
  2. In doFilter() method, cast the incoming ServletRequest to HttpServletRequest.
  3. Use HttpServletRequest#getRequestURI() to grab the path.
  4. Use straightforward java.lang.String methods like substring(), split(), concat() and so on to extract the part of interest and compose the new path.
  5. Use either ServletRequest#getRequestDispatcher() and then RequestDispatcher#forward() to forward the request/response to the new URL (server-side redirect, not reflected in browser address bar), or cast the incoming ServletResponse to HttpServletResponse and then HttpServletResponse#sendRedirect() to redirect the response to the new URL (client side redirect, reflected in browser address bar).
  6. Register the filter in web.xml on an url-pattern of /* or /Check_License/*, depending on the context path, or if you're on Servlet 3.0 already, use the @WebFilter annotation for that instead.

Don't forget to add a check in the code if the URL needs to be changed and if not, then just call FilterChain#doFilter(), else it will call itself in an infinite loop.

Alternatively you can also just use an existing 3rd party API to do all the work for you, such as Tuckey's UrlRewriteFilter which can be configured the way as you would do with Apache's mod_rewrite.

LaTeX "\indent" creating paragraph indentation / tabbing package requirement?

The first line of a paragraph is indented by default, thus whether or not you have \indent there won't make a difference. \indent and \noindent can be used to override default behavior. You can see this by replacing your line with the following:

Now we are engaged in a great civil war.\\
\indent this is indented\\
this isn't indented

\noindent override default indentation (not indented)\\

How to find current transaction level?

If you are talking about the current transaction nesting level, then you would use @@TRANCOUNT.

If you are talking about transaction isolation level, use DBCC USEROPTIONS and look for an option of isolation level. If it isn't set, it's read committed.

Java switch statement multiple cases

This is possible with switch enhancements in Java 14. Following is a fairly intuitive example of how the same can be achieved.

switch (month) {
    case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 -> System.out.println("this month has 31 days");
    case 4, 6, 9 -> System.out.println("this month has 30 days");
    case 2 -> System.out.println("February can have 28 or 29 days");
    default -> System.out.println("invalid month");

How to programmatically send a 404 response with Express/Node?

Updated Answer for Express 4.x

Rather than using res.send(404) as in old versions of Express, the new method is:


Express will send a very basic 404 response with "Not Found" text:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
X-Powered-By: Express
Vary: Origin
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 9
ETag: W/"9-nR6tc+Z4+i9RpwqTOwvwFw"
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 20:08:19 GMT
Connection: keep-alive

Not Found

JQuery Calculate Day Difference in 2 date textboxes

   **This is a simple way of getting the DAYS between two dates** 
    var d1 = moment($("#StartDate").data("DateTimePicker").date());
    var d2 = moment($("#EndDate").data("DateTimePicker").date());

    var diffInDays = d2.diff(d1, 'days');

    if (diffInDays > 0)

Adjust icon size of Floating action button (fab)


With the background you provided it results in below button on my device (Nexus 7 2012)

enter image description here

Looks good to me.

How can I recursively find all files in current and subfolders based on wildcard matching?

find -L . -name "foo*"

In a few cases, I have needed the -L parameter to handle symbolic directory links. By default symbolic links are ignored. In those cases it was quite confusing as I would change directory to a sub-directory and see the file matching the pattern but find would not return the filename. Using -L solves that issue. The symbolic link options for find are -P -L -H

Sorting hashmap based on keys

Use sorted TreeMap:

Map<String, Float> map = new TreeMap<>(yourMap);

It will automatically put entries sorted by keys. I think natural String ordering will be fine in your case.

Note that HashMap due to lookup optimizations does not preserve order.

Get list of Excel files in a folder using VBA

Sub test()
    Dim FSO As Object
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set folder1 = FSO.GetFolder(FromPath).Files
    FolderPath_1 = "D:\Arun\Macro Files\UK Marco\External Sales Tool for Au\Example Files\"
    Set Movenamelist = ActiveWorkbook
    For Each fil In folder1
        Range("A100000").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = fil
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub

Rename column SQL Server 2008

Alternatively to SQL, you can do this in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Here are a few quick ways using the GUI:

First Way

Slow double-click on the column. The column name will become an editable text box.

Second Way

Right click on column and choose Rename from the context menu.

For example:

To Rename column name

Third Way

This way is preferable for when you need to rename multiple columns in one go.

  1. Right-click on the table that contains the column that needs renaming.
  2. Click Design.
  3. In the table design panel, click and edit the textbox of the column name you want to alter.

For example: MSSMS Table Design Example

NOTE: I know OP specifically asked for SQL solution, thought this might help others :)

How to get the file path from URI?

Here is the answer to the question here

Actually we have to get it from the sharable ContentProvider of Camera Application.

EDIT . Copying answer that worked for me

private String getRealPathFromURI(Uri contentUri) {
String[] proj = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA };
CursorLoader loader = new CursorLoader(mContext, contentUri, proj, null, null, null);
Cursor cursor = loader.loadInBackground();
int column_index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA);
String result = cursor.getString(column_index);
return result;


Assign result of dynamic sql to variable

You should try this while getting SEQUENCE value in a variable from the dynamic table.

DECLARE @temp table (#temp varchar (MAX));
DECLARE @SeqID nvarchar(150);
DECLARE @Name varchar(150); 

SET @Name = (Select Name from table)
SET @SeqID = 'SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR '+ @Name + '_Sequence'
insert @temp exec (@SeqID)

SET @SeqID = (select * from @temp )


(1 row(s) affected)

Get top 1 row of each group

This solution can be used to get the TOP N most recent rows for each partition (in the example, N is 1 in the WHERE statement and partition is doc_id):

SELECT T.doc_id, T.status, T.date_created FROM 
    SELECT a.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY doc_id ORDER BY date_created DESC) AS rnk FROM doc a
) T
WHERE T.rnk = 1;

How to set table name in dynamic SQL query?

To help guard against SQL injection, I normally try to use functions wherever possible. In this case, you could do:

SET @TableName = '<[db].><[schema].>tblEmployees'
SET @TableID   = OBJECT_ID(TableName) --won't resolve if malformed/injected.
SET @SQLQuery = 'SELECT * FROM ' + OBJECT_NAME(@TableID) + ' WHERE EmployeeID = @EmpID' 

How can I scroll a div to be visible in ReactJS?

In you keyup/down handler you just need to set the scrollTop property of the div you want to scroll to make it scroll down (or up).

For example:


<div ref="foo">{content}</div>

keyup/down handler: += 10

If you do something similar to above, your div will scroll down 10 pixels (assuming the div is set to overflow auto or scroll in css, and your content is overflowing of course).

You will need to expand on this to find the offset of the element inside your scrolling div that you want to scroll the div down to, and then modify the scrollTop to scroll far enough to show the element based on it's height.

Have a look at MDN's definitions of scrollTop, and offsetTop here:

How to 'grep' a continuous stream?

If you want to find matches in the entire file (not just the tail), and you want it to sit and wait for any new matches, this works nicely:

tail -c +0 -f <file> | grep --line-buffered <pattern>

The -c +0 flag says that the output should start 0 bytes (-c) from the beginning (+) of the file.

Make Https call using HttpClient

For error:

The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

I think that you need to accept certificate unconditionally with following code

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += 
    (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;

as Oppositional wrote in his answer to question .NET client connecting to ssl Web API.

What exactly does the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header do?

By default, CORS does not include cookies on cross-origin requests. This is different from other cross-origin techniques such as JSON-P. JSON-P always includes cookies with the request, and this behavior can lead to a class of vulnerabilities called cross-site request forgery, or CSRF.

In order to reduce the chance of CSRF vulnerabilities in CORS, CORS requires both the server and the client to acknowledge that it is ok to include cookies on requests. Doing this makes cookies an active decision, rather than something that happens passively without any control.

The client code must set the withCredentials property on the XMLHttpRequest to true in order to give permission.

However, this header alone is not enough. The server must respond with the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header. Responding with this header to true means that the server allows cookies (or other user credentials) to be included on cross-origin requests.

You also need to make sure your browser isn't blocking third-party cookies if you want cross-origin credentialed requests to work.

Note that regardless of whether you are making same-origin or cross-origin requests, you need to protect your site from CSRF (especially if your request includes cookies).

Text File Parsing with Python

From the accepted answer, it looks like your desired behaviour is to turn

skip 0
skip 1
skip 2
skip 3
"2012-06-23 03:09:13.23",4323584,-1.911224,-0.4657288,-0.1166382,-0.24823,0.256485,"NAN",-0.3489428,-0.130449,-0.2440527,-0.2942413,0.04944348,0.4337797,-1.105218,-1.201882,-0.5962594,-0.586636



If that's right, then I think something like

import csv

with open("test.dat", "rb") as infile, open("test.csv", "wb") as outfile:
    reader = csv.reader(infile)
    writer = csv.writer(outfile, quoting=False)
    for i, line in enumerate(reader):
        if i < 4: continue
        date = line[0].split()
        day = date[0].split('-')
        time = date[1].split(':')
        newline = day + time + line[1:]

would be a little simpler than the reps stuff.

Auto Increment after delete in MySQL

Its definitely not recommendable. If you have a large database with multiple tables, you may probably have saved a userid as id in table 2. if you rearrange table 1 then probably the intended userid will not end up being the intended table 2 id.

Select all 'tr' except the first one

You could also use a pseudo class selector in your CSS like this:

.desc:not(:first-child) {
    display: none;

That will not apply the class to the first element with the class .desc.

Here's a JSFiddle with an example:, and this is a good source to explain pseudo class selectors:

How do disable paging by swiping with finger in ViewPager but still be able to swipe programmatically?

If your are using ViewPager2 you just have to use:


From the docs:

Enable or disable user initiated scrolling. This includes touch input (scroll and fling gestures) and accessibility input. Disabling keyboard input is not yet supported. When user initiated scrolling is disabled, programmatic scrolls through setCurrentItem still work. By default, user initiated scrolling is enabled.

Thanks to:

Adding CSRFToken to Ajax request

The answer above didn't work for me.

I added the following code before my ajax request:

function getCookie(name) {
                var cookieValue = null;
                if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
                    var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
                    for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
                        var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
                        // Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
                        if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
                            cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
                return cookieValue;
            var csrftoken = getCookie('csrftoken');

            function csrfSafeMethod(method) {
                // these HTTP methods do not require CSRF protection
                return (/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/.test(method));

                beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) {
                    if (!csrfSafeMethod(settings.type) && !this.crossDomain) {
                        xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", csrftoken);

                     type: 'POST',
                     url: '/url/',

jQuery toggle CSS?

The best option would be to set a class style in CSS like .showMenu and .hideMenu with the various styles inside. Then you can do something like


MySQL - UPDATE query based on SELECT Query

You can use:

UPDATE Station AS st1, StationOld AS st2
   SET st1.already_used = 1
 WHERE st1.code = st2.code

How do I assert my exception message with JUnit Test annotation?

@Test (expectedExceptions = ValidationException.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "This is not allowed")
public void testInvalidValidation() throws Exception{
     //test code

'git status' shows changed files, but 'git diff' doesn't

There are a few reasons why git status might show a difference but git diff might not.

  • The mode (permission bits) of the file changed-- for example, from 777 to 700.

  • The line feed style changed from CRLF (DOS) to LF (UNIX)

The easiest way to find out what happened is to run git format-patch HEAD^ and see what the generated patch says.

How do you initialise a dynamic array in C++?

You can't do it in one line easily. You can do:

char* c = new char[length];
memset(c, 0, length);

Or, you can overload the new operator:

void *operator new(size_t size, bool nullify)
    void *buf = malloc(size);

    if (!buf) {
             // Handle this

    memset(buf, '\0', size);

    return buf;

Then you will be able to do:

char* c = new(true) char[length];


char* c = new char[length];

will maintain the old behavior. (Note, if you want all news to zero out what they create, you can do it by using the same above but taking out the bool nullify part).

Do note that if you choose the second path you should overload the standard new operator (the one without the bool) and the delete operator too. This is because here you're using malloc(), and the standard says that malloc() + delete operations are undefined. So you have to overload delete to use free(), and the normal new to use malloc().

In practice though all implementations use malloc()/free() themselves internally, so even if you don't do it most likely you won't run into any problems (except language lawyers yelling at you)

CSS Input with width: 100% goes outside parent's bound

You also have an error in your css with the exclamation point in this line:

background:rgb(242, 242, 242);!important;

remove the semi-colon before it. However, !important should be used rarely and can largely be avoided.

How can I hide a TD tag using inline JavaScript or CSS?

We can hide the content inside a by using the following inline css:

<div style="visibility:hidden"></div>

for example:

<td><div style="visibility:hidden">Your Content Goes Here:</div></td>

Dump a mysql database to a plaintext (CSV) backup from the command line

If you can cope with table-at-a-time, and your data is not binary, use the -B option to the mysql command. With this option it'll generate TSV (tab separated) files which can import into Excel, etc, quite easily:

% echo 'SELECT * FROM table' | mysql -B -uxxx -pyyy database

Alternatively, if you've got direct access to the server's file system, use SELECT INTO OUTFILE which can generate real CSV files:

FROM table

Creating Dynamic button with click event in JavaScript


element.setAttribute("onclick", alert("blabla"));

should be:

element.onclick = function () {

Because you call alert instead push alert as string in attribute

Splitting string into multiple rows in Oracle

I had the same problem, and xmltable helped me:

SELECT id, trim(COLUMN_VALUE) text FROM t, xmltable(('"' || REPLACE(text, ',', '","') || '"'))

How can I count occurrences with groupBy?

I think you're just looking for the overload which takes another Collector to specify what to do with each group... and then Collectors.counting() to do the counting:

import java.util.*;

class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();


        Map<String, Long> counted =
            .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()));



{Hello=2, World=1}

(There's also the possibility of using groupingByConcurrent for more efficiency. Something to bear in mind for your real code, if it would be safe in your context.)

error: (-215) !empty() in function detectMultiScale

Use the entire file path and use "\\" instead of "\" in the xml file path.

The file path should be as follows:

face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('C:\\opencv\\build\\etc\\haarcascades\\haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml')

instead of:

cascade_fn = args.get('--cascade', "..\..\data\haarcascades\haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml")

How do you get AngularJS to bind to the title attribute of an A tag?

The issue here is your version of AngularJS; ng-attr is not working due to the fact that it was introduced in version 1.1.4. I am unsure as to why title="{{product.shortDesc}}" isn't working for you, but I imagine it is for similar reasons (old Angular version). I tested this on 1.2.9 and it is working for me.

As for the other answers here, this is NOT among the few use cases for ng-attr! This is a simple double-curly-bracket situation:

<a title="{{product.shortDesc}}" ng-bind="product.shortDesc" />

Getting the object's property name

When you do the for/in loop you put up first, i is the property name. So you have the property name, i, and access the value by doing myObject[i].

CSS: How to position two elements on top of each other, without specifying a height?

I had to set

Container_height = Element1_height = Element2_height

.Container {
    position: relative;

.ElementOne, .Container ,.ElementTwo{
    width: 283px;
    height: 71px;

.ElementOne {


Use can use z-index to set which one to be on top.

Space between two divs

If you don't require support for IE6:

h1 {margin-bottom:20px;}
div + div {margin-top:10px;}

The second line adds spacing between divs, but will not add any before the first div or after the last one.

Reloading .env variables without restarting server (Laravel 5, shared hosting)

In case anybody stumbles upon this question who cannot reload their webserver (long running console command like a queue runner) or needs to reload their .env file mid-request, i found a way to properly reload .env variables in laravel 5.

use Dotenv;
use InvalidArgumentException;

try {
    Dotenv::load(app()->environmentPath(), app()->environmentFile());
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {

In the shell, what does " 2>&1 " mean?

2>&1 is a POSIX shell construct. Here is a breakdown, token by token:

2: "Standard error" output file descriptor.

>&: Duplicate an Output File Descriptor operator (a variant of Output Redirection operator >). Given [x]>&[y], the file descriptor denoted by x is made to be a copy of the output file descriptor y.

1 "Standard output" output file descriptor.

The expression 2>&1 copies file descriptor 1 to location 2, so any output written to 2 ("standard error") in the execution environment goes to the same file originally described by 1 ("standard output").

Further explanation:

File Descriptor: "A per-process unique, non-negative integer used to identify an open file for the purpose of file access."

Standard output/error: Refer to the following note in the Redirection section of the shell documentation:

Open files are represented by decimal numbers starting with zero. The largest possible value is implementation-defined; however, all implementations shall support at least 0 to 9, inclusive, for use by the application. These numbers are called "file descriptors". The values 0, 1, and 2 have special meaning and conventional uses and are implied by certain redirection operations; they are referred to as standard input, standard output, and standard error, respectively. Programs usually take their input from standard input, and write output on standard output. Error messages are usually written on standard error. The redirection operators can be preceded by one or more digits (with no intervening characters allowed) to designate the file descriptor number.

Granting DBA privileges to user in Oracle

You need only to write:


Because this already makes the user a DB Administrator

How to install a certificate in Xcode (preparing for app store submission)

In Xcode 5 this has been moved to:

Xcode>Preferences>Accounts>View Details button>

'gulp' is not recognized as an internal or external command

In my case, this problem occured because I did npm install with another system user in my project folder before. Gulp was already installed globally. After deleting folder /node_modules/ in my project, and running npm install with the current user, it worked.

How do I use the ternary operator ( ? : ) in PHP as a shorthand for "if / else"?

It's the Ternary operator a.k.a Elvis operator (google it :P) you are looking for.

echo $address['street2'] ?: 'Empty'; 

It returns the value of the variable or default if the variable is empty.

How to downgrade Java from 9 to 8 on a MACOS. Eclipse is not running with Java 9

As it allows to install more than one version of java, I had install many 3 versions unknowingly but it was point to latest version "11.0.2"

I could able to solve this issue with below steps to move to "1.8"

$java -version

openjdk version "11.0.2" 2019-01-15 OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.2+9) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.2+9, mixed mode)

cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines

jdk1.8.0_201.jdk jdk1.8.0_202.jdk openjdk-11.0.2.jdk

sudo rm -rf openjdk-11.0.2.jdk
sudo rm -rf jdk1.8.0_201.jdk


java -version

java version "1.8.0_202-ea" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_202-ea-b03) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.202-b03, mixed mode)

How to delete/remove nodes on Firebase

I hope this code will help someone - it is from official Google Firebase documentation:

var adaRef = firebase.database().ref('users/ada');
  .then(function() {
    console.log("Remove succeeded.")
  .catch(function(error) {
    console.log("Remove failed: " + error.message)

How to round the double value to 2 decimal points?

This would do it.

     public static void main(String[] args) {
        double d = 12.349678;
        int r = (int) Math.round(d*100);
        double f = r / 100.0;

You can short this method, it's easy to understand that's why I have written like this.

How can I inspect the file system of a failed `docker build`?

The top answer works in the case that you want to examine the state immediately prior to the failed command.

However, the question asks how to examine the state of the failed container itself. In my situation, the failed command is a build that takes several hours, so rewinding prior to the failed command and running it again takes a long time and is not very helpful.

The solution here is to find the container that failed:

$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                          PORTS               NAMES
6934ada98de6        42e0228751b3        "/bin/sh -c './utils/"   24 minutes ago      Exited (1) About a minute ago                       sleepy_bell

Commit it to an image:

$ docker commit 6934ada98de6

And then run the image [if necessary, running bash]:

$ docker run -it 7015687976a4 [bash -il]

Now you are actually looking at the state of the build at the time that it failed, instead of at the time before running the command that caused the failure.

How can I use modulo operator (%) in JavaScript?

That would be the modulo operator, which produces the remainder of the division of two numbers.

Emulate a 403 error page

I have read all the answers here and none of them was complete answer for my situation (which is exactly the same in this question) so here is how I gathered some parts of the suggested answers and come up with the exact solution:

  1. Land on your server's real 403 page. (Go to a forbidden URL on your server, or go to any 403 page you like)
  2. Right-click and select 'view source'. Select all the source and save it to file on your domain like:
  3. now go to your real forbidden page (or a forbidden situation in some part of your php) example:
  4. echo this code below before any HTML output or header! (even a whitespace will cause PHP to send HTML/TEXT HTTP Header and it won't work) The code below should be your first line!

        <?php header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
        $contents = file_get_contents('/home/your_account/public_html/', TRUE);

Now you have the exact solution. I checked and verified with CPANEL Latest Visitors and it is registered as exact 403 event.

html tables & inline styles

This should do the trick:

<table width="400" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="50" height="40" valign="top" rowspan="3">
      <img alt="" src="" width="40" height="40" style="margin: 0; border: 0; padding: 0; display: block;">
    <td width="350" height="40" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #000000;">
<a href="" style="color: #D31145; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none;">LAST FIRST</a><br>
REALTOR | P 123.456.789
    <td width="350" height="70" valign="bottom" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #000000;">
<img alt="" src="" width="200" height="60" style="margin: 0; border: 0; padding: 0; display: block;">
    <td width="350" height="20" valign="bottom" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #000000;">
all your minor text here | all your minor text here | all your minor text here

UPDATE: Adjusted code per the comments:

After viewing your jsFiddle, an important thing to note about tables is that table cell widths in each additional row all have to be the same width as the first, and all cells must add to the total width of your table.

Here is an example that will NOT WORK:

<table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="200" bgcolor="#252525">&nbsp;
    <td width="400" bgcolor="#454545">&nbsp;
    <td width="300" bgcolor="#252525">&nbsp;
    <td width="300" bgcolor="#454545">&nbsp;

Although the 2nd row does add up to 600, it (and any additional rows) must have the same 200-400 split as the first row, unless you are using colspans. If you use a colspan, you could have one row, but it needs to have the same width as the cells it is spanning, so this works:

<table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="200" bgcolor="#252525">&nbsp;
    <td width="400" bgcolor="#454545">&nbsp;
    <td width="600" colspan="2" bgcolor="#353535">&nbsp;

Not a full tutorial, but I hope that helps steer you in the right direction in the future.

Here is the code you are after:

<table width="900" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="57" height="43" valign="top" rowspan="2">
      <img alt="Rashel Adragna" src="" width="47" height="43" style="margin: 0; border: 0; padding: 0; display: block;">
    <td width="843" height="43" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #000000;">
<a href="" style="color: #D31145; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none;">RASHEL ADRAGNA</a><br>
REALTOR | P 855.900.24KW
    <td width="843" height="64" valign="bottom" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #000000;">
<img alt="Zopa Realty Group logo" src="" width="177" height="54" style="margin: 0; border: 0; padding: 0; display: block;">
    <td width="843" colspan="2" height="20" valign="bottom" align="center" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #000000;">
all your minor text here | all your minor text here | all your minor text here

You'll note that I've added an extra 10px to some of your table cells. This in combination with align/valigns act as padding between your cells. It is a clever way to aviod actually having to add padding, margins or empty padding cells.

How to make a .NET Windows Service start right after the installation?

Use the .NET ServiceController class to start it, or issue the commandline command to start it --- "net start servicename". Either way works.

Is it possible to focus on a <div> using JavaScript focus() function?

I wanted to suggest something like Michael Shimmin's but without hardcoding things like the element, or the CSS that is applied to it.

I'm only using jQuery for add/remove class, if you don't want to use jquery, you just need a replacement for add/removeClass


function highlight(el, durationMs) { 
  el = $(el);
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, durationMs || 1000);



#tries {
    border: 1px solid gray;

#tries.highlighted {
    border: 3px solid red;

What is "overhead"?

You could use a dictionary. The definition is the same. But to save you time, Overhead is work required to do the productive work. For instance, an algorithm runs and does useful work, but requires memory to do its work. This memory allocation takes time, and is not directly related to the work being done, therefore is overhead.

C#: how to get first char of a string?

I think you are looking for this MyString.ToCharArray()[0]


But you can use MyString[0] too.

Android: how to refresh ListView contents?

You don't have to create a new adapter to update your ListView's contents. Simply store your Adapter in a field and update your list with the following code:


To clarify that, your Activity should look like that:

private YourAdapter mAdapter;

protected void onCreate(...) {


    mAdapter = new YourAdapter(this);


private void updateData() {
    List<Data> newData = getYourNewData();

How do I pass along variables with XMLHTTPRequest

If you want to pass variables to the server using GET that would be the way yes. Remember to escape (urlencode) them properly!

It is also possible to use POST, if you dont want your variables to be visible.

A complete sample would be:

var url = "bla.php";
var params = "somevariable=somevalue&anothervariable=anothervalue";
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url+"?"+params, true);
http.onreadystatechange = function()
    if(http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) {

To test this, (using PHP) you could var_dump $_GET to see what you retrieve.

Could not find in circle ci

Just add this

buildscript {
    repositories {

    dependencies {
        classpath '' 

It works...Cheers!!!

round up to 2 decimal places in java?

Well this one works...

double roundOff = Math.round(a * 100.0) / 100.0;

Output is


Or as @Rufein said

 double roundOff = (double) Math.round(a * 100) / 100;

this will do it for you as well.

Delete all duplicate rows Excel vba

The duplicate values in any column can be deleted with a simple for loop.

Sub remove()
Dim a As Long
For a = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row To 1 Step -1
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("A1:A" & a), Cells(a, 1)) > 1 Then Rows(a).Delete
End Sub

SQL Server - An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'RETURN'

YOu can also rewrite it like this

FROM Resource r WHERE r.ResourceNo IN
            SELECT m.ResourceNo FROM JobMember m
            JOIN Job j ON j.JobNo = m.JobNo
            WHERE j.ProjectManagerNo = @UserResourceNo 
            j.AlternateProjectManagerNo = @UserResourceNo

            Union All

            SELECT m.ResourceNo FROM JobMember m
            JOIN JobTask t ON t.JobTaskNo = m.JobTaskNo
            WHERE t.TaskManagerNo = @UserResourceNo
            t.AlternateTaskManagerNo = @UserResourceNo


Also a return table is expected in your RETURN statement

Rotate a div using javascript

To rotate a DIV we can add some CSS that, well, rotates the DIV using CSS transform rotate.

To toggle the rotation we can keep a flag, a simple variable with a boolean value that tells us what way to rotate.

var rotated = false;

document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {
    var div = document.getElementById('div'),
        deg = rotated ? 0 : 66; = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';    = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';     = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';      = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';       = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; 

    rotated = !rotated;

var rotated = false;_x000D_
document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {_x000D_
    var div = document.getElementById('div'),_x000D_
        deg = rotated ? 0 : 66;_x000D_
_x000D_ = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_    = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_     = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_      = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_       = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_
    rotated = !rotated;_x000D_
#div {_x000D_
    position:relative; _x000D_
    height: 200px; _x000D_
    width: 200px; _x000D_
    margin: 30px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
<button id="button">rotate</button>_x000D_
<br /><br />_x000D_
<div id="div"></div>

To add some animation to the rotation all we have to do is add CSS transitions

div {
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;

var rotated = false;_x000D_
document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {_x000D_
    var div = document.getElementById('div'),_x000D_
        deg = rotated ? 0 : 66;_x000D_
_x000D_ = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_    = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_     = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_      = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_       = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_
    rotated = !rotated;_x000D_
#div {_x000D_
    position:relative; _x000D_
    height: 200px; _x000D_
    width: 200px; _x000D_
    margin: 30px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
<button id="button">rotate</button>_x000D_
<br /><br />_x000D_
<div id="div"></div>

Another way to do it is using classes, and setting all the styles in a stylesheet, thus keeping them out of the javascript

document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {

document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {_x000D_
#div {_x000D_
    position:relative; _x000D_
    height: 200px; _x000D_
    width: 200px; _x000D_
    margin: 30px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
#div.rotated {_x000D_
    -webkit-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    -moz-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    -ms-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    -o-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
<button id="button">rotate</button>_x000D_
<br /><br />_x000D_
<div id="div"></div>

Java method to sum any number of ints

import java.util.Scanner;

public class SumAll {
    public static void sumAll(int arr[]) {//initialize method return sum
        int sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            sum += arr[i];
        System.out.println("Sum is : " + sum);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int num;
        Scanner input = new Scanner(;//create scanner object 
        System.out.print("How many # you want to add : ");
        num = input.nextInt();//return num from keyboard
        int[] arr2 = new int[num];
        for (int i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) {
            System.out.print("Enter Num" + (i + 1) + ": ");
            arr2[i] = input.nextInt();


OnclientClick and OnClick is not working at the same time?

There are two issues here:

Disabling the button on the client side prevents the postback

To overcome this, disable the button after the JavaScript onclick event. An easy way to do this is to use setTimeout as suggested by this answer.

Also, the OnClientClick code runs even if ASP.NET validation fails, so it's probably a good idea to add a check for Page_IsValid. This ensures that the button will not be disabled if validation fails.

OnClientClick="(function(button) { setTimeout(function () { if (Page_IsValid) button.disabled = true; }, 0); })(this);"

It's neater to put all of this JavaScript code in its own function as the question shows:


function disable(button) {
    setTimeout(function () {
        if (Page_IsValid)
            button.disabled = true;
    }, 0);

Disabling the button on the client side doesn't disable it on the server side

To overcome this, disable the button on the server side. For example, in the OnClick event handler:


protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ((Button)sender).Enabled = false;

Lastly, keep in mind that preventing duplicate button presses doesn't prevent two different users from submitting the same data at the same time. Make sure to account for that on the server side.

It says that TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null

All these results in null:


You need to do a null check in updateHTML like this:

function updateHTML(elmId, value) {
  var elem = document.getElementById(elmId);
  if(typeof elem !== 'undefined' && elem !== null) {
    elem.innerHTML = value;

How to represent multiple conditions in a shell if statement?

$ g=3
$ c=133
$ ([ "$g$c" = "1123" ] || [ "$g$c" = "2456" ]) && echo "abc" || echo "efg"
$ g=1
$ c=123
$ ([ "$g$c" = "1123" ] || [ "$g$c" = "2456" ]) && echo "abc" || echo "efg"

Compare two folders which has many files inside contents

diff -r will do this, telling you both if any files have been added or deleted, and what's changed in the files that have been modified.

How to pass command line arguments to a shell alias?

To quote the bash man page:

There is no mechanism for using arguments in the replacement text. If arguments are needed, a shell function should be used (see FUNCTIONS below).

So it looks like you've answered your own question -- use a function instead of an alias

org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to http://localhost refused in android

if you are using emulator to run your app for local server. mention the local ipas and have to give Internet permission into your app :

<uses-permission  android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

How to calculate time difference in java?

Try this:

public String timeDifference8(String startTime, String endTime) {
    LocalTime initialTime = LocalTime.parse(startTime);
    LocalTime finalTime =LocalTime.parse(endTime);
    StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(":");
    long hours = initialTime.until( finalTime, ChronoUnit.HOURS);
    initialTime = initialTime.plusHours( hours );
    long minutes = initialTime.until(finalTime, ChronoUnit.MINUTES);
    initialTime = initialTime.plusMinutes( minutes );
    long seconds = initialTime.until( finalTime, ChronoUnit.SECONDS);
    return joiner.toString();

Gradle DSL method not found: 'runProguard'

enter image description hereIf you are using version 0.14.0 or higher of the gradle plugin, you should replace "runProguard" with "minifyEnabled" in your build.gradle files.

runProguard was renamed to minifyEnabled in version 0.14.0. For more info, See Android Build System

How to print multiple variable lines in Java

You can do it with 1 printf:

System.out.printf("First Name: %s\nLast Name: %s",firstname, lastname);

Pass connection string to code-first DbContext

After reading the docs, I have to pass the name of the connection string instead:

var db = new NerdDinners("NerdDinnerDb");

How to solve static declaration follows non-static declaration in GCC C code?

You have declared a function as nonstatic in some file and you have implemented as static in another file or somewhere in the same file can cause this problem also. For example, the following code will produce this error.

void inlet_update_my_ratio(object_t *myobject);
//some where the implementation is like this
static void inlet_update_my_ratio(object_t *myobject) {

If you remove the static from the implementation, the error will go away as below.

 void inlet_update_my_ratio(object_t *myobject) {

Passing $_POST values with cURL

$query_string = "";

if ($_POST) {
    $kv = array();
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
        $kv[] = stripslashes($key) . "=" . stripslashes($value);
    $query_string = join("&", $kv);

if (!function_exists('curl_init')){
    die('Sorry cURL is not installed!');

$url = '';

$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, count($kv));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $query_string);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);

$result = curl_exec($ch);


How to refactor Node.js code that uses fs.readFileSync() into using fs.readFile()?

var fs = require("fs");
var filename = "./index.html";

function start(resp) {
    resp.writeHead(200, {
        "Content-Type": "text/html"
    fs.readFile(filename, "utf8", function(err, data) {
        if (err) throw err;

How to make rectangular image appear circular with CSS

You can make it like that:

        .round {
            width: 55px;
            height: 55px;
            border-radius: 50%;
            overflow: hidden;
            padding:5px 4px;
        .round img {
            width: 45px;
    <div class="round">
        <img src="image.jpg" />

Efficiency of Java "Double Brace Initialization"?

Every time someone uses double brace initialisation, a kitten gets killed.

Apart from the syntax being rather unusual and not really idiomatic (taste is debatable, of course), you are unnecessarily creating two significant problems in your application, which I've just recently blogged about in more detail here.

1. You're creating way too many anonymous classes

Each time you use double brace initialisation a new class is made. E.g. this example:

Map source = new HashMap(){{
    put("firstName", "John");
    put("lastName", "Smith");
    put("organizations", new HashMap(){{
        put("0", new HashMap(){{
            put("id", "1234");
        put("abc", new HashMap(){{
            put("id", "5678");

... will produce these classes:


That's quite a bit of overhead for your classloader - for nothing! Of course it won't take much initialisation time if you do it once. But if you do this 20'000 times throughout your enterprise application... all that heap memory just for a bit of "syntax sugar"?

2. You're potentially creating a memory leak!

If you take the above code and return that map from a method, callers of that method might be unsuspectingly holding on to very heavy resources that cannot be garbage collected. Consider the following example:

public class ReallyHeavyObject {

    // Just to illustrate...
    private int[] tonsOfValues;
    private Resource[] tonsOfResources;

    // This method almost does nothing
    public Map quickHarmlessMethod() {
        Map source = new HashMap(){{
            put("firstName", "John");
            put("lastName", "Smith");
            put("organizations", new HashMap(){{
                put("0", new HashMap(){{
                    put("id", "1234");
                put("abc", new HashMap(){{
                    put("id", "5678");

        return source;

The returned Map will now contain a reference to the enclosing instance of ReallyHeavyObject. You probably don't want to risk that:

Memory Leak Right Here

Image from

3. You can pretend that Java has map literals

To answer your actual question, people have been using this syntax to pretend that Java has something like map literals, similar to the existing array literals:

String[] array = { "John", "Doe" };
Map map = new HashMap() {{ put("John", "Doe"); }};

Some people may find this syntactically stimulating.

Removing leading zeroes from a field in a SQL statement

You can try this - it takes special care to only remove leading zeroes if needed:

DECLARE @LeadingZeros    VARCHAR(10) ='-000987000'

SET @LeadingZeros =
      CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%-0', @LeadingZeros) = 1   THEN 
           CAST(CAST(@LeadingZeros AS INT) AS VARCHAR(10)) 

SELECT @LeadingZeros

Or you can simply call

CAST(CAST(@LeadingZeros AS INT) AS VARCHAR(10)) 

Error inflating when extending a class

It's important to write full class path in the xml. I got 'Error inflating class' when only subclass's name was written in.

EditText request focus

It has worked for me as follows.


            return; //Faça um return para retornar o foco

Listen for key press in .NET console app

You can change your approach slightly - use Console.ReadKey() to stop your app, but do your work in a background thread:

static void Main(string[] args)
    var myWorker = new MyWorker();
    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop...");

In the myWorker.DoStuff() function you would then invoke another function on a background thread (using Action<>() or Func<>() is an easy way to do it), then immediately return.

Logging levels - Logback - rule-of-thumb to assign log levels

Not different for other answers, my framework have almost the same levels:

  1. Error: critical logical errors on application, like a database connection timeout. Things that call for a bug-fix in near future
  2. Warn: not-breaking issues, but stuff to pay attention for. Like a requested page not found
  3. Info: used in functions/methods first line, to show a procedure that has been called or a step gone ok, like a insert query done
  4. log: logic information, like a result of an if statement
  5. debug: variable contents relevant to be watched permanently

Enum ToString with user friendly strings

I think the best (and easiest) way to solve your problem is to write an Extension-Method for your enum:

public static string GetUserFriendlyString(this PublishStatusses status)


What is a callback?

If you referring to ASP.Net callbacks:

In the default model for ASP.NET Web pages, the user interacts with a page and clicks a button or performs some other action that results in a postback. The page and its controls are re-created, the page code runs on the server, and a new version of the page is rendered to the browser. However, in some situations, it is useful to run server code from the client without performing a postback. If the client script in the page is maintaining some state information (for example, local variable values), posting the page and getting a new copy of it destroys that state. Additionally, page postbacks introduce processing overhead that can decrease performance and force the user to wait for the page to be processed and re-created.

To avoid losing client state and not incur the processing overhead of a server roundtrip, you can code an ASP.NET Web page so that it can perform client callbacks. In a client callback, a client-script function sends a request to an ASP.NET Web page. The Web page runs a modified version of its normal life cycle. The page is initiated and its controls and other members are created, and then a specially marked method is invoked. The method performs the processing that you have coded and then returns a value to the browser that can be read by another client script function. Throughout this process, the page is live in the browser.


If you are referring to callbacks in code:

Callbacks are often delegates to methods that are called when the specific operation has completed or performs a sub-action. You'll often find them in asynchronous operations. It is a programming principle that you can find in almost every coding language.

More info here:

Resetting remote to a certain commit

If you want a previous version of file, I would recommend using git checkout.

git checkout <commit-hash>

Doing this will send you back in time, it does not affect the current state of your project, you can come to mainline git checkout mainline

but when you add a file in the argument, that file is brought back to you from a previous time to your current project time, i.e. your current project is changed and needs to be committed.

git checkout <commit-hash> -- file_name
git add .
git commit -m 'file brought from previous time'
git push

The advantage of this is that it does not delete history, and neither does revert a particular code changes (git revert)

Check more here

How to select an element with 2 classes

You can chain class selectors without a space between them:

.a.b {
     color: #666;

Note that, if it matters to you, IE6 treats .a.b as .b, so in that browser both div.a.b and div.b will have gray text. See this answer for a comparison between proper browsers and IE6.

How to build a DataTable from a DataGridView?

one of best solution enjoyed it ;)

  public DataTable GetContentAsDataTable(bool IgnoreHideColumns=false)
                if (dgv.ColumnCount == 0) return null;
                DataTable dtSource = new DataTable();
                foreach (DataGridViewColumn col in dgv.Columns)
                    if (IgnoreHideColumns & !col.Visible) continue;
                    if (col.Name == string.Empty) continue;
                    dtSource.Columns.Add(col.Name, col.ValueType);
                    dtSource.Columns[col.Name].Caption = col.HeaderText;
                if (dtSource.Columns.Count == 0) return null;
                foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgv.Rows)
                    DataRow drNewRow = dtSource.NewRow();
                    foreach (DataColumn  col in dtSource .Columns)
                        drNewRow[col.ColumnName] = row.Cells[col.ColumnName].Value;
                return dtSource;
            catch { return null; }

Difference between .on('click') vs .click()

I think, the difference is in usage patterns.

I would prefer .on over .click because the former can use less memory and work for dynamically added elements.

Consider the following html:

    <button id="add">Add new</button>
    <div id="container">
        <button class="alert">alert!</button>

where we add new buttons via

$("button#add").click(function() {
    var html = "<button class='alert'>Alert!</button>";

and want "Alert!" to show an alert. We can use either "click" or "on" for that.

When we use click

$("button.alert").click(function() {

with the above, a separate handler gets created for every single element that matches the selector. That means

  1. many matching elements would create many identical handlers and thus increase memory footprint
  2. dynamically added items won't have the handler - ie, in the above html the newly added "Alert!" buttons won't work unless you rebind the handler.

When we use .on

$("div#container").on('click', 'button.alert', function() {

with the above, a single handler for all elements that match your selector, including the ones created dynamically.

...another reason to use .on

As Adrien commented below, another reason to use .on is namespaced events.

If you add a handler with .on("click", handler) you normally remove it with .off("click", handler) which will remove that very handler. Obviously this works only if you have a reference to the function, so what if you don't ? You use namespaces:

$("#element").on("click.someNamespace", function() { console.log("anonymous!"); });

with unbinding via


ImportError: No module named google.protobuf

The reason for this would be mostly due to the evil command pip install google. I was facing a similar issue for google-cloud, but the same steps are true for protobuf as well. Both of our issues deal with a namespace conflict over the 'google' namespace.

If you executed the pip install google command like I did then you are in the correct place. The google package is actually not owned by Google which can be confirmed by the command pip show google which outputs:

 Name: google
 Version: 1.9.3
 Summary: Python bindings to the Google search engine.
 Author: Mario Vilas
 Author-email: [email protected]
 License: UNKNOWN
 Location: <Path where this package is installed>
 Requires: beautifulsoup4

Because of this package, the google namespace is reserved and coincidentally google-cloud also expects namespace google > cloud and it results in a namespace collision for these two packages.

See in below screenshot namespace of google-protobuf as google > protobuf

google-cloud namespace screenshot google > cloud > datastore

Solution :- Unofficial google package need to be uninstalled which can be done by using pip uninstall google after this you can reinstall google-cloud using pip install google-cloud or protobuf using pip install protobuf

FootNotes :- Assuming you have installed the unofficial google package by mistake and you don't actually need it along with google-cloud package. If you need both unofficial google and google-cloud above solution won't work.

Furthermore, the unofficial 'google' package installs with it 'soupsieve' and 'beautifulsoup4'. You may want to also uninstall those packages.

Let me know if this solves your particular issue.

I'm getting favicon.ico error

I have had this error for some time as well. It might be some kind of netbeans bug that has to do with netbeans connector. I can't find any mention of favicon.ico in my code or in the project settings.

I was able to fix it by putting the following line in the head section of my html file

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="#">

I am currently using this in my testing environment, but I would remove it for any production environment.

Class constructor type in typescript?

How can I declare a class type, so that I ensure the object is a constructor of a general class?

A Constructor type could be defined as:

 type AConstructorTypeOf<T> = new (...args:any[]) => T;

 class A { ... }

 function factory(Ctor: AConstructorTypeOf<A>){
   return new Ctor();

const aInstance = factory(A);

How do I convert between ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 in Java?

Which worked for me: ("üzüm baglari" is the correct written in Turkish)

Convert ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8:

String encodedWithISO88591 = "üzüm baÄları";
String decodedToUTF8 = new String(encodedWithISO88591.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "UTF-8");
//Result, decodedToUTF8 --> "üzüm baglari"

Convert UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1

String encodedWithUTF8 = "üzüm baglari";
String decodedToISO88591 = new String(encodedWithUTF8.getBytes("UTF-8"), "ISO-8859-1");
//Result, decodedToISO88591 --> "üzüm baÄları"

Test if a command outputs an empty string

sometimes "something" may come not to stdout but to the stderr of the testing application, so here is the fix working more universal way:

if [[ $(partprobe ${1} 2>&1 | wc -c) -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "require fixing GPT parititioning"
    echo "no GPT fix necessary"

What is the most efficient way of finding all the factors of a number in Python?

For n up to 10**16 (maybe even a bit more), here is a fast pure Python 3.6 solution,

from itertools import compress

def primes(n):
    """ Returns  a list of primes < n for n > 2 """
    sieve = bytearray([True]) * (n//2)
    for i in range(3,int(n**0.5)+1,2):
        if sieve[i//2]:
            sieve[i*i//2::i] = bytearray((n-i*i-1)//(2*i)+1)
    return [2,*compress(range(3,n,2), sieve[1:])]

def factorization(n):
    """ Returns a list of the prime factorization of n """
    pf = []
    for p in primeslist:
      if p*p > n : break
      count = 0
      while not n % p:
        n //= p
        count += 1
      if count > 0: pf.append((p, count))
    if n > 1: pf.append((n, 1))
    return pf

def divisors(n):
    """ Returns an unsorted list of the divisors of n """
    divs = [1]
    for p, e in factorization(n):
        divs += [x*p**k for k in range(1,e+1) for x in divs]
    return divs

n = 600851475143
primeslist = primes(int(n**0.5)+1) 

View more than one project/solution in Visual Studio

Just right click on the Visual Studio icon and then select "New Window" from the contextual toolbar that appears on the bottom in Windows 8. A new instance of Visual Studio will launch and then you can open your second project.

Mockito : doAnswer Vs thenReturn

doAnswer and thenReturn do the same thing if:

  1. You are using Mock, not Spy
  2. The method you're stubbing is returning a value, not a void method.

Let's mock this BookService

public interface BookService {
    String getAuthor();
    void queryBookTitle(BookServiceCallback callback);

You can stub getAuthor() using doAnswer and thenReturn.

BookService service = mock(BookService.class);
// or..
doAnswer(new Answer() {
    public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
        return "Joshua";

Note that when using doAnswer, you can't pass a method on when.

// Will throw UnfinishedStubbingException
doAnswer(invocation -> "Joshua").when(service.getAuthor());

So, when would you use doAnswer instead of thenReturn? I can think of two use cases:

  1. When you want to "stub" void method.

Using doAnswer you can do some additionals actions upon method invocation. For example, trigger a callback on queryBookTitle.

BookServiceCallback callback = new BookServiceCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(String bookTitle) {
        assertEquals("Effective Java", bookTitle);
doAnswer(new Answer() {
    public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
        BookServiceCallback callback = (BookServiceCallback) invocation.getArguments()[0];
        callback.onSuccess("Effective Java");
        // return null because queryBookTitle is void
        return null;
  1. When you are using Spy instead of Mock

When using when-thenReturn on Spy Mockito will call real method and then stub your answer. This can cause a problem if you don't want to call real method, like in this sample:

List list = new LinkedList();
List spy = spy(list);
// Will throw java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
assertEquals("java", spy.get(0));

Using doAnswer we can stub it safely.

List list = new LinkedList();
List spy = spy(list);
doAnswer(invocation -> "java").when(spy).get(0);
assertEquals("java", spy.get(0));

Actually, if you don't want to do additional actions upon method invocation, you can just use doReturn.

List list = new LinkedList();
List spy = spy(list);
assertEquals("java", spy.get(0));

How to specify "does not contain" in dplyr filter

Note that %in% returns a logical vector of TRUE and FALSE. To negate it, you can use ! in front of the logical statement:

SE_CSVLinelist_filtered <- filter(SE_CSVLinelist_clean, 
 !where_case_travelled_1 %in% 
   c('Outside Canada','Outside province/territory of residence but within Canada'))

Regarding your original approach with -c(...), - is a unary operator that "performs arithmetic on numeric or complex vectors (or objects which can be coerced to them)" (from help("-")). Since you are dealing with a character vector that cannot be coerced to numeric or complex, you cannot use -.

Getting data from selected datagridview row and which event?

First take a label. set its visibility to false, then on the DataGridView_CellClick event write this

private void dataGridView1_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
    label.Text=dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["Your Coloumn name"].Value.ToString();
    // then perform your select statement according to that label.
//try it it might work for you

JavaScript: Parsing a string Boolean value?

You can try the following:

function parseBool(val)
    if ((typeof val === 'string' && (val.toLowerCase() === 'true' || val.toLowerCase() === 'yes')) || val === 1)
        return true;
    else if ((typeof val === 'string' && (val.toLowerCase() === 'false' || val.toLowerCase() === 'no')) || val === 0)
        return false;

    return null;

If it's a valid value, it returns the equivalent bool value otherwise it returns null.

What is the difference between Class.getResource() and ClassLoader.getResource()?

To answer the question whether there is any caching going on.

I investigated this point further by running a stand-alone Java application that continuously loaded a file from disk using the getResourceAsStream ClassLoader method. I was able to edit the file, and the changes were reflected immediately, i.e., the file was reloaded from disk without caching.

However: I'm working on a project with several maven modules and web projects that have dependencies on each other. I'm using IntelliJ as my IDE to compile and run the web projects.

I noticed that the above seemed to no longer hold true, the reason being that the file that I was being loaded is now baked into a jar and deployed to the depending web project. I only noticed this after trying to change the file in my target folder, to no avail. This made it seem as though there was caching going on.

Hidden Features of Xcode

Move back or forward a full word with alt-. Move back or forward a file in your history with cmd-alt-. Switch between interface and implementation with cmd-alt-.

Jump to the next error in the list of build errors with cmd-=. Display the multiple Find panel with cmd-shift-f. Toggle full editor visibility with cmd-shift-e.

Jump to the Project tab with cmd-0, to the build tab with cmd-shift-b and to the debug tab with cmd-shift-y (same as the key commands for the action, with shift added).

Is it not possible to define multiple constructors in Python?

Jack M. is right. Do it this way:

>>> class City:
...     def __init__(self, city=None):
... = city
...     def __repr__(self):
...         if  return
...         return ''
>>> c = City('Berlin')
>>> print c
>>> c = City()
>>> print c


In Oracle, is it possible to INSERT or UPDATE a record through a view?

Oracle has two different ways of making views updatable:-

  1. The view is "key preserved" with respect to what you are trying to update. This means the primary key of the underlying table is in the view and the row appears only once in the view. This means Oracle can figure out exactly which underlying table row to update OR
  2. You write an instead of trigger.

I would stay away from instead-of triggers and get your code to update the underlying tables directly rather than through the view.

C: socket connection timeout

Is there anything wrong with Nahuel Greco's solution aside from the compilation error?

If I change one line

// Compilation error
setsockopt(fd, SO_SNDTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout));


// Fixed?
setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout));

then it seems to work as advertised - socket() returns a timeout error.

Resulting code:

struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec  = 7;  // after 7 seconds connect() will timeout
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout));

I'm not versed enough to know the tradeoffs are between a send timeout and a non-blocking socket, but I'm curious to learn.

Invalid CSRF Token 'null' was found on the request parameter '_csrf' or header 'X-CSRF-TOKEN'

Try to change this: <csrf /> to this : <csrf disabled="true"/>. It should disable csfr.

passing object by reference in C++

Ok, well it seems that you are confusing pass-by-reference with pass-by-value. Also, C and C++ are different languages. C doesn't support pass-by-reference.

Here are two C++ examples of pass by value:

// ex.1
int add(int a, int b)
    return a + b;

// ex.2
void add(int a, int b, int *result)
    *result = a + b;

void main()
    int result = 0;

    // ex.1
    result = add(2,2); // result will be 4 after call

    // ex.2
    add(2,3,&result); // result will be 5 after call

When ex.1 is called, the constants 2 and 2 are passed into the function by making local copies of them on the stack. When the function returns, the stack is popped off and anything passed to the function on the stack is effectively gone.

The same thing happens in ex.2, except this time, a pointer to an int variable is also passed on the stack. The function uses this pointer (which is simply a memory address) to dereference and change the value at that memory address in order to "return" the result. Since the function needs a memory address as a parameter, then we must supply it with one, which we do by using the & "address-of" operator on the variable result.

Here are two C++ examples of pass-by-reference:

// ex.3
int add(int &a, int &b)
    return a+b;

// ex.4
void add(int &a, int &b, int &result)
    result = a + b;

void main()
    int result = 0;

    // ex.3
    result = add(2,2); // result = 2 after call
    // ex.4
    add(2,3,result); // result = 5 after call

Both of these functions have the same end result as the first two examples, but the difference is in how they are called, and how the compiler handles them.

First, lets clear up how pass-by-reference works. In pass-by-reference, generally the compiler implementation will use a "pointer" variable in the final executable in order to access the referenced variable, (or so seems to be the consensus) but this doesn't have to be true. Technically, the compiler can simply substitute the referenced variable's memory address directly, and I suspect this to be more true than generally believed. So, when using a reference, it could actually produce a more efficient executable, even if only slightly.

Next, obviously the way a function is called when using pass-by-reference is no different than pass-by-value, and the effect is that you have direct access to the original variables within the function. This has the result of encapsulation by hiding the implementation details from the caller. The downside is that you cannot change the passed in parameters without also changing the original variables outside of the function. In functions where you want the performance improvement from not having to copy large objects, but you don't want to modify the original object, then prefix the reference parameters with const.

Lastly, you cannot change a reference after it has been made, unlike a pointer variable, and they must be initialized upon creation.

Hope I covered everything, and that it was all understandable.

Detect the Internet connection is offline?

IE 8 will support the window.navigator.onLine property.

But of course that doesn't help with other browsers or operating systems. I predict other browser vendors will decide to provide that property as well given the importance of knowing online/offline status in Ajax applications.

Until that happens, either XHR or an Image() or <img> request can provide something close to the functionality you want.

Update (2014/11/16)

Major browsers now support this property, but your results will vary.

Quote from Mozilla Documentation:

In Chrome and Safari, if the browser is not able to connect to a local area network (LAN) or a router, it is offline; all other conditions return true. So while you can assume that the browser is offline when it returns a false value, you cannot assume that a true value necessarily means that the browser can access the internet. You could be getting false positives, such as in cases where the computer is running a virtualization software that has virtual ethernet adapters that are always "connected." Therefore, if you really want to determine the online status of the browser, you should develop additional means for checking.

In Firefox and Internet Explorer, switching the browser to offline mode sends a false value. All other conditions return a true value.

What is the argument for printf that formats a long?

It depends, if you are referring to unsigned long the formatting character is "%lu". If you're referring to signed long the formatting character is "%ld".

Coerce multiple columns to factors at once

The more recent tidyverse way is to use the mutate_at function:


data <- data.frame(matrix(sample(1:40), 4, 10, dimnames = list(1:4, LETTERS[1:10])))
cols <- c("A", "C", "D", "H")

data %<>% mutate_at(cols, funs(factor(.)))
 $ A: Factor w/ 4 levels "5","17","18",..: 2 1 4 3   
 $ B: int  36 35 2 26
 $ C: Factor w/ 4 levels "22","31","32",..: 1 2 4 3
 $ D: Factor w/ 4 levels "1","9","16","39": 3 4 1 2
 $ E: int  3 14 30 38
 $ F: int  27 15 28 37
 $ G: int  19 11 6 21
 $ H: Factor w/ 4 levels "7","12","20",..: 1 3 4 2
 $ I: int  23 24 13 8
 $ J: int  10 25 4 33

Regex select all text between tags

preg_match_all(/<pre>([^>]*?)<\/pre>/,$content,$matches) this regex will select everyting between tag. no matter is it in new line(work with multiline.

Location of GlassFish Server Logs

Locate the installation path of GlassFish. Then move to domains/domain-dir/logs/ and you'll find there the log files. If you have created the domain with NetBeans, the domain-dir is most probably called domain1.

See this link for the official GlassFish documentation about logging.

T-SQL string replace in Update

If anyone cares, for NTEXT, use the following format:

    FROM [DataTable]

Entity Framework - "An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details"

I had same problem about SaveChanges() in EF but in my case I forget to update my sql table then after I used migration my problem solved so maybe updating your tables will solve problem.

Swing JLabel text change on the running application

Use setText(str) method of JLabel to dynamically change text displayed. In actionPerform of button write this:

jLabel.setText("new Value");

A simple demo code will be:

    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Demo");
    frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

    final JLabel label = new JLabel("flag");
    JButton button = new JButton("Change flag");
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
            label.setText("new value");

    frame.add(label, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    frame.add(button, BorderLayout.CENTER);

Avoid web.config inheritance in child web application using inheritInChildApplications

If (as I understand) you're trying to completely block inheritance in the web config of your child application, I suggest you to avoid using the tag in web.config. Instead create a new apppool and edit the applicationHost.config file (located in %WINDIR%\System32\inetsrv\Config and %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\inetsrv\config). You just have to find the entry for your apppool and add the attribute enableConfigurationOverride="false" like in the following example:

<add name="MyAppPool" autoStart="true" managedRuntimeVersion="v4.0" managedPipelineMode="Integrated" enableConfigurationOverride="false">
    <processModel identityType="NetworkService" />

This will avoid configuration inheritance in the applications served by MyAppPool.


Flutter - Layout a Grid

A simple example loading images into the tiles.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
  runApp( MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(

      color: Colors.white30,
      child: GridView.count(
          crossAxisCount: 4,
          childAspectRatio: 1.0,
          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4.0),
          mainAxisSpacing: 4.0,
          crossAxisSpacing: 4.0,
          children: <String>[
          ].map((String url) {
            return GridTile(
                child:, fit: BoxFit.cover));

The Flutter Gallery app contains a real world example, which can be found here.

enter image description here

Convert an image to grayscale

Bitmap d = new Bitmap(c.Width, c.Height);

for (int i = 0; i < c.Width; i++)
    for (int x = 0; x < c.Height; x++)
        Color oc = c.GetPixel(i, x);
        int grayScale = (int)((oc.R * 0.3) + (oc.G * 0.59) + (oc.B * 0.11));
        Color nc = Color.FromArgb(oc.A, grayScale, grayScale, grayScale);
        d.SetPixel(i, x, nc);

This way it also keeps the alpha channel.

Batch File: ( was unexpected at this time

Oh, dear. A few little problems...

As pointed out by others, you need to quote to protect against empty/space-containing entries, and use the !delayed_expansion! facility.

Two other matters of which you should be aware:

First, set/p will assign a user-input value to a variable. That's not news - but the gotcha is that pressing enter in response will leave the variable UNCHANGED - it will not ASSIGN a zero-length string to the variable (hence deleting the variable from the environment.) The safe method is:

 set "var="
 set /p var=

That is, of course, if you don't WANT enter to repeat the existing value.
Another useful form is

 set "var=default"
 set /p var=


 set "var=default"
 set /p "var=[%var%]"

(which prompts with the default value; !var! if in a block statement with delayedexpansion)

Second issue is that on some Windows versions (although W7 appears to "fix" this issue) ANY label - including a :: comment (which is a broken-label) will terminate any 'block' - that is, parenthesised compound statement)

Encoding URL query parameters in Java

EDIT: URIUtil is no longer available in more recent versions, better answer at Java - encode URL or by Mr. Sindi in this thread.

URIUtil of Apache httpclient is really useful, although there are some alternatives


For example, it encodes space as "+" instead of "%20"

Both are perfectly valid in the right context. Although if you really preferred you could issue a string replace.

How to tell when UITableView has completed ReloadData?

The reload happens during the next layout pass, which normally happens when you return control to the run loop (after, say, your button action or whatever returns).

So one way to run something after the table view reloads is simply to force the table view to perform layout immediately:

[self.tableView reloadData];
[self.tableView layoutIfNeeded];
 NSIndexPath* indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow: ([self.tableView numberOfRowsInSection:([self.tableView numberOfSections]-1)]-1) inSection: ([self.tableView numberOfSections]-1)];
[self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionBottom animated:YES];

Another way is to schedule your after-layout code to run later using dispatch_async:

[self.tableView reloadData];

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
     NSIndexPath* indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow: ([self.tableView numberOfRowsInSection:([self.tableView numberOfSections]-1)]-1) inSection:([self.tableView numberOfSections]-1)];

    [self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionBottom animated:YES];


Upon further investigation, I find that the table view sends tableView:numberOfSections: and tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: to its data source before returning from reloadData. If the delegate implements tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:, the table view also sends that (for each row) before returning from reloadData.

However, the table view does not send tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: or tableView:headerViewForSection until the layout phase, which happens by default when you return control to the run loop.

I also find that in a tiny test program, the code in your question properly scrolls to the bottom of the table view, without me doing anything special (like sending layoutIfNeeded or using dispatch_async).

Regex - Does not contain certain Characters

Here you go:


This will test for string that has no < and no >

If you want to test for a string that may have < and >, but must also have something other you should use just

[^<>] (or ^.*[^<>].*$)

Where [<>] means any of < or > and [^<>] means any that is not of < or >.

And of course the mandatory link.

Loading resources using getClass().getResource()

As a noobie I was confused by this until I realized that the so called "path" is the path relative to the MyClass.class file in the file system and not the file. My IDE copies the resources (like xx.jpg, xx.xml) to a directory local to the MyClass.class. For example, inside a pkg directory called "target/classes/pkg. The class-file location may be different for different IDE's and depending on how the build is structured for your application. You should first explore the file system and find the location of the MyClass.class file and the copied location of the associated resource you are seeking to extract. Then determine the path relative to the MyClass.class file and write that as a string value with "dots" and "slashes".

For example, here is how I make an app1.fxml file available to my javafx application where the relevant "MyClass.class" is implicitly "Main.class". The file is where this line of resource-calling code is contained. In my specific case the resources are copied to a location at the same level as the enclosing package folder. That is: /target/classes/pkg/Main.class and /target/classes/app1.fxml. So paraphrasing...the relative reference "../app1.fxml" is "start from Main.class, go up one directory level, now you can see the resource".

FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();

Note that in this relative-path string "../app1.fxml", the first two dots reference the directory enclosing Main.class and the single "." indicates a file extension to follow. After these details become second nature, you will forget why it was confusing.

"ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column" when inserting 3

You can't update with a number greater than 1 for datatype number(2,2) is because, the first parameter is the total number of digits in the number and the second one (.i.e 2 here) is the number of digits in decimal part. I guess you can insert or update data < 1. i.e. 0.12, 0.95 etc.

Please check NUMBER DATATYPE in NUMBER Datatype.

Global Git ignore

  1. Create a .gitignore file in your home directory
touch ~/.gitignore
  1. Add files to it (folders aren't recognised)


# these work

# these won't as they are folders

# but you can do this
  1. Check if a git already has a global gitignore
git config --get core.excludesfile
  1. Tell git where the file is
git config --global core.excludesfile '~/.gitignore'


Run parallel multiple commands at once in the same terminal

It can be done with simple Makefile:

        sleep $(subst sleep,,$@)
        @echo $@ done.

Use -j option.

$ make -j sleep3 sleep2 sleep1
sleep 3
sleep 2
sleep 1
sleep1 done.
sleep2 done.
sleep3 done.

Without -j option it executes in serial.

$ make -j sleep3 sleep2 sleep1
sleep 3
sleep3 done.
sleep 2
sleep2 done.
sleep 1
sleep1 done.

You can also do dry run with `-n' option.

$ make -j -n sleep3 sleep2 sleep1
sleep 3
sleep 2
sleep 1

NPM clean modules

I have added few lines inside package.json:

"scripts": {
  "clean": "rmdir /s /q node_modules",
  "reinstall": "npm run clean && npm install",
  "rebuild": "npm run clean && npm install && rmdir /s /q dist && npm run build --prod",

If you want to clean only you can use this rimraf node_modules.

Finding whether a point lies inside a rectangle or not

bool pointInRectangle(Point A, Point B, Point C, Point D, Point m ) {
    Point AB = vect2d(A, B);  float C1 = -1 * (AB.y*A.x + AB.x*A.y); float  D1 = (AB.y*m.x + AB.x*m.y) + C1;
    Point AD = vect2d(A, D);  float C2 = -1 * (AD.y*A.x + AD.x*A.y); float D2 = (AD.y*m.x + AD.x*m.y) + C2;
    Point BC = vect2d(B, C);  float C3 = -1 * (BC.y*B.x + BC.x*B.y); float D3 = (BC.y*m.x + BC.x*m.y) + C3;
    Point CD = vect2d(C, D);  float C4 = -1 * (CD.y*C.x + CD.x*C.y); float D4 = (CD.y*m.x + CD.x*m.y) + C4;
    return     0 >= D1 && 0 >= D4 && 0 <= D2 && 0 >= D3;}

Point vect2d(Point p1, Point p2) {
    Point temp;
    temp.x = (p2.x - p1.x);
    temp.y = -1 * (p2.y - p1.y);
    return temp;}

Points inside polygon

I just implemented AnT's Answer using c++. I used this code to check whether the pixel's coordination(X,Y) lies inside the shape or not.

How do relative file paths work in Eclipse?

A project's build path defines which resources from your source folders are copied to your output folders. Usually this is set to Include all files.

New run configurations default to using the project directory for the working directory, though this can also be changed.

This code shows the difference between the working directory, and the location of where the class was loaded from:

public class TellMeMyWorkingDirectory {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

The output is likely to be something like:


Assign output of a program to a variable using a MS batch file

As an addition to this previous answer, pipes can be used inside a for statement, escaped by a caret symbol:

    for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('tasklist ^| grep "explorer"') do set VAR=%%i

Very simple C# CSV reader

My solution handles quotes, overriding field and string separators, etc. It is short and sweet.

    public static string[] CSVRowToStringArray(string r, char fieldSep = ',', char stringSep = '\"')
        bool bolQuote = false;
        StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder();
        List<string> retAry = new List<string>();

        foreach (char c in r.ToCharArray())
            if ((c == fieldSep && !bolQuote))
                if (c == stringSep)
                    bolQuote = !bolQuote;

        return retAry.ToArray();

Is there a typescript List<> and/or Map<> class/library?

Did they add a runtime List<> and/or Map<> type class to typepad 1.0

No, providing a runtime is not the focus of the TypeScript team.

is there a solid library out there someone wrote that provides this functionality?

I wrote (really just ported over buckets to typescript):


JavaScript / TypeScript now support this natively and you can enable them with lib.d.ts : along with a polyfill if you want

How to get data from Magento System Configuration

Magento 1.x

(magento 2 example provided below)

sectionName, groupName and fieldName are present in etc/system.xml file of the module.

PHP Syntax:


From within an editor in the admin, such as the content of a CMS Page or Static Block; the description/short description of a Catalog Category, Catalog Product, etc.

{{config path="sectionName/groupName/fieldName"}}

For the "Within an editor" approach to work, the field value must be passed through a filter for the {{ ... }} contents to be parsed out. Out of the box, Magento will do this for Category and Product descriptions, as well as CMS Pages and Static Blocks. However, if you are outputting the content within your own custom view script and want these variables to be parsed out, you can do so like this:

    $example = Mage::getModel('identifier/name')->load(1);
    $filter  = Mage::getModel('cms/template_filter');
    echo $filter->filter($example->getData('field'));

Replacing identifier/name with the a appropriate values for the model you are loading, and field with the name of the attribute you want to output, which may contain {{ ... }} occurrences that need to be parsed out.

Magento 2.x

From any Block class that extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\AbstractBlock


Any other PHP class:

If the class (and none of it's parent's) does not inject \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface via the constructor, you'll have to add it to your class.

// ... Remaining class definition above...

 * @var \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface
protected $_scopeConfig;

 * Constructor
public function __construct(
    \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig
    // ...any other injected classes the class depends on...
) {
  $this->_scopeConfig = $scopeConfig;
  // Remaining constructor logic...

// ...remaining class definition below...

Once you have injected it into your class, you can now fetch store configuration values with the same syntax example given above for block classes.

Note that after modifying any class's __construct() parameter list, you may have to clear your generated classes as well as dependency injection directory: var/generation & var/di

AngularJS directive does not update on scope variable changes

You should keep a watch on your scope.

Here is how you can do it:

<layout layoutId="myScope"></layout>

Your directive should look like

app.directive('layout', function($http, $compile){
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            layoutId: "=layoutId"
        link: function(scope, element, attributes) {
            var layoutName = (angular.isDefined( ? : 'Default';
            $http.get(scope.constants.pathLayouts + layoutName + '.html')
                    var regexp = /^([\s\S]*?){{content}}([\s\S]*)$/g;
                    var result = regexp.exec(layout);

                    var templateWithLayout = result[1] + element.html() + result[2];

        //Do Whatever you want

Similarly you can models in your directive, so if model updates automatically your watch method will update your directive.

What do "branch", "tag" and "trunk" mean in Subversion repositories?

Now that's the thing about software development, there's no consistent knowledge about anything, everybody seems to have it their own way, but that's because it is a relatively young discipline anyway.

Here's my plain simple way,

trunk - The trunk directory contains the most current, approved, and merged body of work. Contrary to what many have confessed, my trunk is only for clean, neat, approved work, and not a development area, but rather a release area.

At some given point in time when the trunk seems all ready to release, then it is tagged and released.

branches - The branches directory contains experiments and ongoing work. Work under a branch stays there until is approved to be merged into the trunk. For me, this is the area where all the work is done.

For example: I can have an iteration-5 branch for a fifth round of development on the product, maybe a prototype-9 branch for a ninth round of experimenting, and so on.

tags - The tags directory contains snapshots of approved branches and trunk releases. Whenever a branch is approved to merge into the trunk, or a release is made of the trunk, a snapshot of the approved branch or trunk release is made under tags.

I suppose with tags I can jump back and forth through time to points interest quite easily.

Vim for Windows - What do I type to save and exit from a file?



The exclamation mark is used for overriding read-only mode.

Change User Agent in UIWebView

To just add a custom content to the current UserAgent value, do the following:

1 - Get the user agent value from a NEW WEBVIEW

2 - Append the custom content to it

3 - Save the new value in a dictionary with the key UserAgent

4 - Save the dictionary in standardUserDefaults.

See the exemple below:

NSString *userAgentP1 = [[[UIWebView alloc] init] stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"navigator.userAgent"];
NSString *userAgentP2 = @"My_custom_value";
NSString *userAgent = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", userAgentP1, userAgentP2];
NSDictionary *dictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:userAgent, @"UserAgent", nil];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:dictionary];

How to output in CLI during execution of PHP Unit tests?

PHPUnit is hiding the output with ob_start(). We can disable it temporarily.

    public function log($something = null)

Delete multiple rows by selecting checkboxes using PHP

Use array notation like name="checkbox[]" in your input element. This will give you $_POST['checkbox'] as array. In the query you can utilize it as

$sql = "DELETE FROM links WHERE link_id in ";
$sql.= "('".implode("','",array_values($_POST['checkbox']))."')";

Thats one single query to delete them all.

Note: You need to escape the values passed in $_POST['checkbox'] with mysql_real_escape_string or similar to prevent SQL Injection.

Find and replace Android studio

Press Ctrl+R to find and replace codes in the class where you are...

Return a 2d array from a function

A better alternative to using pointers to pointers is to use std::vector. That takes care of the details of memory allocation and deallocation.

std::vector<std::vector<int>> create2DArray(unsigned height, unsigned width)
   return std::vector<std::vector<int>>(height, std::vector<int>(width, 0));

Xcode 4: create IPA file instead of .xcarchive

For Xcode 4.6 (and Xcode 5) archives

  • In Organizer, right-click an archive, select Show in Finder
  • In Finder, right-click an archive, select Show Package Contents
  • Open the folder Products > Applications
  • The application is there
  • Drag the application into iTunes Apps folder

    enter image description here

  • Right-click on the application in iTunes Apps, select Show in Finder

  • The .ipa is there!

Parsing JSON from XmlHttpRequest.responseJSON

Use nsIJSON if this is for a FF extension:

var req = new XMLHttpRequest;
req.overrideMimeType("application/json");'GET', BITLY_CREATE_API + encodeURIComponent(url) + BITLY_API_LOGIN, true);
var target = this;
req.onload = function() {target.parseJSON(req, url)};

parseJSON: function(req, url) {
if (req.status == 200) {
  var jsonResponse = Components.classes[";1"]
  var bitlyUrl = jsonResponse.results[url].shortUrl;

For a webpage, just use JSON.parse instead of Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIJSON.decode

There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter - .NET Error

You have a constructor which takes 2 parameters. You should write something like:

new ErrorEventArg(errorMsv, lastQuery)

It's less code and easier to read.


Or, in order for your way to work, you can try writing a default constructor for ErrorEventArg which would have no parameters, like this:

public ErrorEventArg() {}

Chart.js v2 - hiding grid lines

The code below removes remove grid lines from chart area only not the ones in x&y axis labels

Chart.defaults.scale.gridLines.drawOnChartArea = false;

How to trigger button click in MVC 4

yo can try this code

@using (Html.BeginForm("SignUp", "Account", FormMethod.Post)){<fieldset>
    <legend>Sign Up</legend>
                @Html.Label("User Name")
                @Html.TextBoxFor(account => account.Username)
                @Html.TextBoxFor(account => account.Email)
                @Html.TextBoxFor(account => account.Password)
                @Html.Label("Confirm Password")
                <input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" value="Sign Up" />

Get all files that have been modified in git branch

git show --stat origin/branch_name

This will give you a list of the files that have been added or modified under this branch.