If all you want is the file name without file extension
Dim fileNamesCol As New Collection
Dim MyFile As Variant 'Strings and primitive data types aren't allowed with collection
filePath = "c:\file directory" + "\"
MyFile = Dir$(filePath & "*.xlsx")
Do While MyFile <> ""
fileNamesCol.Add (Replace(MyFile, ".xlsx", ""))
MyFile = Dir$
To output to excel worksheet
Dim myWs As Worksheet: Set myWs = Sheets("SheetNameToDisplayTo")
Dim ic As Integer: ic = 1
For Each MyFile In fileNamesCol
myWs.Range("A" & ic).Value = fileNamesCol(ic)
ic = ic + 1
Next MyFile
Primarily based on the technique detailed here: https://wordmvp.com/FAQs/MacrosVBA/ReadFilesIntoArray.htm