[java] How to round the double value to 2 decimal points?

Possible Duplicate:
round double to two decimal places in java

I want to round up the double value upto 2 decimal points.

for example: I have double d=2; and the result should be result =2.00

This question is related to java

The answer is

double RoundTo2Decimals(double val) {
            DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
        return Double.valueOf(df2.format(val));

I guess that you need a formatted output.


import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class RoundTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double i = 2;    
        DecimalFormat twoDForm = new DecimalFormat("#.00");
        double j=3.1;
        double k=4.144456;

public static double addDoubles(double a, double b) {
        BigDecimal A = new BigDecimal(a + "");
        BigDecimal B = new BigDecimal(b + "");
        return A.add(B).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();


you can also use this code

public static double roundToDecimals(double d, int c)  
   int temp = (int)(d * Math.pow(10 , c));  
   return ((double)temp)/Math.pow(10 , c);  

It gives you control of how many numbers after the point are needed.

d = number to round;   
c = number of decimal places  

think it will be helpful

This would do it.

     public static void main(String[] args) {
        double d = 12.349678;
        int r = (int) Math.round(d*100);
        double f = r / 100.0;

You can short this method, it's easy to understand that's why I have written like this.