Further improvement to afg & eryksun's solution. The following piece of code returns a sorted list of all the factors without changing run time asymptotic complexity:
def factors(n):
l1, l2 = [], []
for i in range(1, int(n ** 0.5) + 1):
q,r = n//i, n%i # Alter: divmod() fn can be used.
if r == 0:
l2.append(q) # q's obtained are decreasing.
if l1[-1] == l2[-1]: # To avoid duplication of the possible factor sqrt(n)
return l1 + l2
Idea: Instead of using the list.sort() function to get a sorted list which gives nlog(n) complexity; It is much faster to use list.reverse() on l2 which takes O(n) complexity. (That's how python is made.) After l2.reverse(), l2 may be appended to l1 to get the sorted list of factors.
Notice, l1 contains i-s which are increasing. l2 contains q-s which are decreasing. Thats the reason behind using the above idea.