[python] Find common substring between two strings

First a helper function adapted from the itertools pairwise recipe to produce substrings.

import itertools
def n_wise(iterable, n = 2):
    '''n = 2 -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ...

    n = 3 -> (s0,s1, s2), (s1,s2, s3), (s2, s3, s4), ...'''
    a = itertools.tee(iterable, n)
    for x, thing in enumerate(a[1:]):
        for _ in range(x+1):
            next(thing, None)
    return zip(*a)

Then a function the iterates over substrings, longest first, and tests for membership. (efficiency not considered)

def foo(s1, s2):
    '''Finds the longest matching substring
    # the longest matching substring can only be as long as the shortest string
    #which string is shortest?
    shortest, longest = sorted([s1, s2], key = len)
    #iterate over substrings, longest substrings first
    for n in range(len(shortest)+1, 2, -1):
        for sub in n_wise(shortest, n):
            sub = ''.join(sub)
            if sub in longest:
                #return the first one found, it should be the longest
                return sub

s = "fdomainster"
t = "exdomainid"


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