Programs & Examples On #Isnumeric

T-sql - determine if value is integer

When (LNSEQNBR / 16384)%1 = 0 then 1 else 0 end

PHP is_numeric or preg_match 0-9 validation

According to, is_numeric alows something like "+0123.45e6" or "0xFF". I think this not what you expect.

preg_match can be slow, and you can have something like 0000 or 0051.

I prefer using ctype_digit (works only with strings, it's ok with $_GET).

  $id = $_GET['id'];
  if (ctype_digit($id)) {
      echo 'ok';
  } else {
      echo 'nok';

How can you tell if a value is not numeric in Oracle?


jQuery: what is the best way to restrict "number"-only input for textboxes? (allow decimal points)

Thanks for the post Dave Aaron Smith

I edited your answer to accept decimal point and number's from number section. This work perfect for me.

$(".numeric").keypress(function(event) {
  // Backspace, tab, enter, end, home, left, right,decimal(.)in number part, decimal(.) in alphabet
  // We don't support the del key in Opera because del == . == 46.
  var controlKeys = [8, 9, 13, 35, 36, 37, 39,110,190];
  // IE doesn't support indexOf
  var isControlKey = controlKeys.join(",").match(new RegExp(event.which));
  // Some browsers just don't raise events for control keys. Easy.
  // e.g. Safari backspace.
  if (!event.which || // Control keys in most browsers. e.g. Firefox tab is 0
      (49 <= event.which && event.which <= 57) || // Always 1 through 9
      (96 <= event.which && event.which <= 106) || // Always 1 through 9 from number section 
      (48 == event.which && $(this).attr("value")) || // No 0 first digit
      (96 == event.which && $(this).attr("value")) || // No 0 first digit from number section
      isControlKey) { // Opera assigns values for control keys.
  } else {

How do you test your Request.QueryString[] variables?

Below is an extension method that will allow you to write code like this:

int id = request.QueryString.GetValue<int>("id");
DateTime date = request.QueryString.GetValue<DateTime>("date");

It makes use of TypeDescriptor to perform the conversion. Based on your needs, you could add an overload which takes a default value instead of throwing an exception:

public static T GetValue<T>(this NameValueCollection collection, string key)
    if(collection == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("collection");

    var value = collection[key];

    if(value == null)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("key");

    var converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(T));

        throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Cannot convert '{0}' to {1}", value, typeof(T)));

    return (T) converter.ConvertFrom(value);

Identify if a string is a number

You can also use:


It will return true for all Numeric Digits (not float) and false if input string is any sort of alphanumeric.

Please note: stringTest should not be an empty string as this would pass the test of being numeric.

Eclipse error "Could not find or load main class"

I just had this problem after first having the problem of Windows 8 refusing to update my path no matter what I set JAVA_HOME to - java -version reported the last JDK instead of the one I stored in JAVA_HOME. I finally got that to work by putting '%JAVA_HOME%/bin;' at the front of the path environment variable instead of at the end. Then I launched Eclipse and all the sudden it could not find my main class when it worked fine before this. What I did to fix it was went into the project properties, removed the existing JRE library from the libraries tab, added a new JRE by selecting the "Add Library" button and then followed the prompts to install JRE 7 as my default JRE. Now all is back to working.

How to mark-up phone numbers?

Using jQuery, replace all US telephone numbers on the page with the appropriate callto: or tel: schemes.

// create a hidden iframe to receive failed schemes
$('body').append('<iframe name="blackhole" style="display:none"></iframe>');

// decide which scheme to use
var scheme = (navigator.userAgent.match(/mobile/gi) ? 'tel:' : 'callto:');

// replace all on the page
$('article').each(function (i, article) {
    findAndReplaceDOMText(article, {
        replace:function (portion) {
            var a = document.createElement('a');
            a.className = 'telephone';
            a.href = scheme + portion.text.replace(/\D/g, '');
            a.textContent = portion.text;
   = 'blackhole';
            return a;

Thanks to @jonas_jonas for the idea. Requires the excellent findAndReplaceDOMText function.

Sending "User-agent" using Requests library in Python

The user-agent should be specified as a field in the header.

Here is a list of HTTP header fields, and you'd probably be interested in request-specific fields, which includes User-Agent.

If you're using requests v2.13 and newer

The simplest way to do what you want is to create a dictionary and specify your headers directly, like so:

import requests

url = 'SOME URL'

headers = {
    'User-Agent': 'My User Agent 1.0',
    'From': '[email protected]'  # This is another valid field

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

If you're using requests v2.12.x and older

Older versions of requests clobbered default headers, so you'd want to do the following to preserve default headers and then add your own to them.

import requests

url = 'SOME URL'

# Get a copy of the default headers that requests would use
headers = requests.utils.default_headers()

# Update the headers with your custom ones
# You don't have to worry about case-sensitivity with
# the dictionary keys, because default_headers uses a custom
# CaseInsensitiveDict implementation within requests' source code.
        'User-Agent': 'My User Agent 1.0',

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

Accessing localhost (xampp) from another computer over LAN network - how to?

<Files ".ht*">
 Require all denied

 replace to

<Files ".ht*">
 Require local

How to concatenate variables into SQL strings

You can accomplish this (if I understand what you are trying to do) using dynamic SQL.

The trick is that you need to create a string containing the SQL statement. That's because the tablename has to specified in the actual SQL text, when you execute the statement. The table references and column references can't be supplied as parameters, those have to appear in the SQL text.

So you can use something like this approach:

SET @stmt = 'INSERT INTO @tmpTbl1 SELECT ' + @KeyValue 
    + ' AS fld1 FROM tbl' + @KeyValue

EXEC (@stmt)

First, we create a SQL statement as a string. Given a @KeyValue of 'Foo', that would create a string containing:

'INSERT INTO @tmpTbl1 SELECT Foo AS fld1 FROM tblFoo'

At this point, it's just a string. But we can execute the contents of the string, as a dynamic SQL statement, using EXECUTE (or EXEC for short).

The old-school sp_executesql procedure is an alternative to EXEC, another way to execute dymamic SQL, which also allows you to pass parameters, rather than specifying all values as literals in the text of the statement.


EBarr points out (correctly and importantly) that this approach is susceptible to SQL Injection.

Consider what would happen if @KeyValue contained the string:

'1 AS foo; DROP TABLE students; -- '

The string we would produce as a SQL statement would be:

'INSERT INTO @tmpTbl1 SELECT 1 AS foo; DROP TABLE students; -- AS fld1 ...'

When we EXECUTE that string as a SQL statement:

DROP TABLE students;
-- AS fld1 FROM tbl1 AS foo; DROP ...

And it's not just a DROP TABLE that could be injected. Any SQL could be injected, and it might be much more subtle and even more nefarious. (The first attacks can be attempts to retreive information about tables and columns, followed by attempts to retrieve data (email addresses, account numbers, etc.)

One way to address this vulnerability is to validate the contents of @KeyValue, say it should contain only alphabetic and numeric characters (e.g. check for any characters not in those ranges using LIKE '%[^A-Za-z0-9]%'. If an illegal character is found, then reject the value, and exit without executing any SQL.

Re-ordering columns in pandas dataframe based on column name

You can just do:


Edit: Shorter is


Insert current date/time using now() in a field using MySQL/PHP

What about SYSDATE() ?

  $db = mysql_connect('localhost','user','pass');

  $stmt = "INSERT INTO `test` (`first`,`last`,`whenadded`) VALUES ".
  $rslt = mysql_query($stmt);

Look at Difference between NOW(), SYSDATE() & CURRENT_DATE() in MySQL for more info about NOW() and SYSDATE().

CSS3 transition on click using pure CSS

As jeremyjjbrow said, :active pseudo won't persist. But there's a hack for doing it on pure css. You can wrap it on a <a> tag, and apply the :active on it, like this:

<a class="test">
    <img class="crossRotate" src="images/cross.png" alt="Cross Menu button" />

And the css:

.test:active .crossRotate {
    transform: rotate(45deg);
    -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(45deg);

Try it out... It works (at least on Chrome)!

How to copy Docker images from one host to another without using a repository

You may use sshfs:

$ sshfs user@ip:/<remote-path> <local-mount-path>
$ docker save <image-id> > <local-mount-path>/myImage.tar

How to get multiple selected values from select box in JSP?

Something along the lines of (using JSTL):

<p>Selected Values:
  <c:forEach items="${paramValues['select2']}" var="selectedValue">
    <li><c:out value="${selectedValue}" /></li>

How does Junit @Rule work?

Rules are used to add additional functionality which applies to all tests within a test class, but in a more generic way.

For instance, ExternalResource executes code before and after a test method, without having to use @Before and @After. Using an ExternalResource rather than @Before and @After gives opportunities for better code reuse; the same rule can be used from two different test classes.

The design was based upon: Interceptors in JUnit

For more information see JUnit wiki : Rules.

how to call scalar function in sql server 2008

Your syntax is for table valued function which return a resultset and can be queried like a table. For scalar function do

 select  dbo.fun_functional_score('01091400003') as [er]

Could not find method compile() for arguments Gradle

Make sure that you are editing the correct build.gradle file. I received this error when editing android/build.gradle rather than android/app/build.gradle.

Accessing Google Account Id /username via Android

This Method to get Google Username:

 public String getUsername() {
    AccountManager manager = AccountManager.get(this);
    Account[] accounts = manager.getAccountsByType("");
    List<String> possibleEmails = new LinkedList<String>();

    for (Account account : accounts) {
        // TODO: Check possibleEmail against an email regex or treat
        // as an email address only for certain account.type
        // values.

    if (!possibleEmails.isEmpty() && possibleEmails.get(0) != null) {
        String email = possibleEmails.get(0);
        String[] parts = email.split("@");
        if (parts.length > 0 && parts[0] != null)
            return parts[0];
            return null;
    } else
        return null;

simple this method call ....

And Get Google User in Gmail id::

 accounts = AccountManager.get(this).getAccounts();
    Log.e("", "Size: " + accounts.length);
    for (Account account : accounts) {

        String possibleEmail =;
        String type = account.type;

        if (type.equals("")) {
            strGmail = possibleEmail;

            Log.e("", "Emails: " + strGmail);

After add permission in manifest;

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />

Improve subplot size/spacing with many subplots in matplotlib

I found that subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.001) is what ended up working for me. When I use space = None, there is still white space between each plot. Setting it to something very close to zero however seems to force them to line up. What I've uploaded here isn't the most elegant piece of code, but you can see how the hspace works.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as tic

fig = plt.figure()

x = np.arange(100)
y = 3.*np.sin(x*2.*np.pi/100.)

for i in range(5):
    temp = 510 + i
    ax = plt.subplot(temp)
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = .001)
    temp = tic.MaxNLocator(3)

enter image description here

Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address

If you are accessing your repositories over the SSH protocol, you will receive a warning message each time your client connects to a new IP address for As long as the IP address from the warning is in the range of IP addresses , you shouldn't be concerned. Specifically, the new addresses that are being added this time are in the range from to The warning message looks like this:

Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '$IP' to the list of

In Python try until no error

Here is a short piece of code I use to capture the error as a string. Will retry till it succeeds. This catches all exceptions but you can change this as you wish.

start = 0
str_error = "Not executed yet."
while str_error:
        # replace line below with your logic , i.e. time out, max attempts
        start = raw_input("enter a number, 0 for fail, last was {0}: ".format(start))
        new_val = 5/int(start)
    except Exception as str_error:

WARNING: This code will be stuck in a forever loop until no exception occurs. This is just a simple example and MIGHT require you to break out of the loop sooner or sleep between retries.

Multiple github accounts on the same computer?

Beside of creating multiple SSH Keys for multiple accounts you can also consider to add collaborators on each project using the same account emails and store the password permanently.

#this store the password permanently
$ git config --global credential.helper wincred

I have setup multiple accounts with different emails then put the same user and email on each account as one of the collaborators. By this way I can access to all account without adding SSH Key, or switching to another username, and email for the authentication.

How to remove all the occurrences of a char in c++ string

Based on other answers, here goes one more example where I removed all special chars in a given string:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

std::string chars(".,?!.:;_,!'\"-");

int main(int argc, char const *argv){

  std::string input("oi?");
  std::string output = eraseSpecialChars(input);   

 return 0;

std::string eraseSpecialChars(std::string str){

std::string newStr;

    for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++){
        for(int  j = 0; j < chars.length(); j++ ){
            if( =={
                char c =;
                newStr.erase(std::remove(newStr.begin(), newStr.end(), c), newStr.end());


return newStr; 

Input vs Output:





Why does ++[[]][+[]]+[+[]] return the string "10"?

++[[]][+[]] => 1 // [+[]] = [0], ++0 = 1
[+[]] => [0]

Then we have a string concatenation

1+[0].toString() = 10

"An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format" even when the platforms are the same

If you are importing unmanaged DLL then use

CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl 

in your DLL import method.

Compiler error: "class, interface, or enum expected"

class, interface, or enum expected

The above error is even possible when import statement is miss spelled. A proper statement is "import;"

If by mistake while code writing/editing it is miss written like "t;"

compiler will show "class, interface, or enum expected"

Use the auto keyword in C++ STL

The auto keyword is simply asking the compiler to deduce the type of the variable from the initialization.

Even a pre-C++0x compiler knows what the type of an (initialization) expression is, and more often than not, you can see that type in error messages.

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    for (int it=s.begin();it!=s.end();it++){

Line 12: error: cannot convert '__gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<int*, __gnu_norm::vector<int, std::allocator<int> > >, __gnu_debug_def::vector<int, std::allocator<int> > >' to 'int' in initialization

The auto keyword simply allows you to take advantage of this knowledge - if you (compiler) know the right type, just choose for me!

css display table cell requires percentage width

Note also that vertical-align:top; is often necessary for correct table cell appearance.

css table-cell, contents have unnecessary top margin

Qt - reading from a text file

You have to replace string line

QString line = in.readLine();

into while:

QFile file("/home/hamad/lesson11.txt");
if(! {
    QMessageBox::information(0, "error", file.errorString());

QTextStream in(&file);

while(!in.atEnd()) {
    QString line = in.readLine();    
    QStringList fields = line.split(",");    


What is "pass-through authentication" in IIS 7?

Normally, IIS would use the process identity (the user account it is running the worker process as) to access protected resources like file system or network.

With passthrough authentication, IIS will attempt to use the actual identity of the user when accessing protected resources.

If the user is not authenticated, IIS will use the application pool identity instead. If pool identity is set to NetworkService or LocalSystem, the actual Windows account used is the computer account.

The IIS warning you see is not an error, it's just a warning. The actual check will be performed at execution time, and if it fails, it'll show up in the log.

Why do I get a "Null value was assigned to a property of primitive type setter of" error message when using HibernateCriteriaBuilder in Grails

There are two way

  • Make sure that db column is not allowed null
  • User Wrapper classes for the primitive type variable like private int var; can be initialized as private Integer var;

Using a .php file to generate a MySQL dump

If you want to create a backup to download it via the browser, you also can do this without using a file.

The php function passthru() will directly redirect the output of mysqldump to the browser. In this example it also will be zipped.

Pro: You don't have to deal with temp files.

Con: Won't work on Windows. May have limits with huge datasets.



$filename = "backup-" . date("d-m-Y") . ".sql.gz";
$mime = "application/x-gzip";

header( "Content-Type: " . $mime );
header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"' );

$cmd = "mysqldump -u $DBUSER --password=$DBPASSWD $DATABASE | gzip --best";   

passthru( $cmd );


Provide password to ssh command inside bash script, Without the usage of public keys and Expect

AFAIK there is no possibility beside from using keys or expect if you are using the command line version ssh. But there are library bindings for the most programming languages like C, python, php, ... . You could write a program in such a language. This way it would be possible to pass the password automatically. But note this is of course a security problem as the password will be stored in plain text in that program

How to hide collapsible Bootstrap 4 navbar on click

I am using ANGULAR and since it gave me problems the routerLink just add the data-toggle and target in the li tag.... or use jquery like "ZimSystem"

<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent">_x000D_
      <ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">_x000D_
        <li class="nav-item" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="">_x000D_
          <a class="nav-link" routerLink="/inicio" routerLinkActive="active" >Inicio</a>_x000D_

Add shadow to custom shape on Android

If you don't mind doing some custom drawing with the Canvas API, check out this answer about drop shadows. Here's a follow-up question to that one which fixes a problem in the original.

How do I copy a folder from remote to local using scp?

To copy all from Local Location to Remote Location (Upload)

scp -r /path/from/destination username@hostname:/path/to/destination

To copy all from Remote Location to Local Location (Download)

scp -r username@hostname:/path/from/destination /path/to/destination

Custom Port where xxxx is custom port number

 scp -r -P xxxx username@hostname:/path/from/destination /path/to/destination

Copy on current directory from Remote to Local

scp -r username@hostname:/path/from/file .


  1. -r Recursively copy all directories and files
  2. Always use full location from /, Get full location by pwd
  3. scp will replace all existing files
  4. hostname will be hostname or IP address
  5. if custom port is needed (besides port 22) use -P portnumber
  6. . (dot) - it means current working directory, So download/copy from server and paste here only.

Note: Sometimes the custom port will not work due to the port not being allowed in the firewall, so make sure that custom port is allowed in the firewall for incoming and outgoing connection

How can I add a variable to console.log?

You can use another console method:

let name = prompt("what is your name?");
console.log(`story ${name} story`);

How can I read and parse CSV files in C++?

I wrote a nice way of parsing CSV files and I thought I should add it as an answer:

#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

struct CSVDict
  std::vector< std::string > inputImages;
  std::vector< double > inputLabels;

\brief Splits the string

\param str String to split
\param delim Delimiter on the basis of which splitting is to be done
\return results Output in the form of vector of strings
std::vector<std::string> stringSplit( const std::string &str, const std::string &delim )
  std::vector<std::string> results;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
    std::string tempString = "";
    while ((str[i] != *delim.c_str()) && (i < str.length()))
      tempString += str[i];

  return results;

\brief Parse the supplied CSV File and obtain Row and Column information. 

1. Header information is in first row
2. Delimiters are only used to differentiate cell members

\param csvFileName The full path of the file to parse
\param inputColumns The string of input columns which contain the data to be used for further processing
\param inputLabels The string of input labels based on which further processing is to be done
\param delim The delimiters used in inputColumns and inputLabels
\return Vector of Vector of strings: Collection of rows and columns
std::vector< CSVDict > parseCSVFile( const std::string &csvFileName, const std::string &inputColumns, const std::string &inputLabels, const std::string &delim )
  std::vector< CSVDict > return_CSVDict;
  std::vector< std::string > inputColumnsVec = stringSplit(inputColumns, delim), inputLabelsVec = stringSplit(inputLabels, delim);
  std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > returnVector;
  std::ifstream inFile(csvFileName.c_str());
  int row = 0;
  std::vector< size_t > inputColumnIndeces, inputLabelIndeces;
  for (std::string line; std::getline(inFile, line, '\n');)
    CSVDict tempDict;
    std::vector< std::string > rowVec;
    line.erase(std::remove(line.begin(), line.end(), '"'), line.end());
    rowVec = stringSplit(line, delim);

    // for the first row, record the indeces of the inputColumns and inputLabels
    if (row == 0)
      for (size_t i = 0; i < rowVec.size(); i++)
        for (size_t j = 0; j < inputColumnsVec.size(); j++)
          if (rowVec[i] == inputColumnsVec[j])
        for (size_t j = 0; j < inputLabelsVec.size(); j++)
          if (rowVec[i] == inputLabelsVec[j])
      for (size_t i = 0; i < inputColumnIndeces.size(); i++)
      for (size_t i = 0; i < inputLabelIndeces.size(); i++)
        double test = std::atof(rowVec[inputLabelIndeces[i]].c_str());

  return return_CSVDict;

Execute raw SQL using Doctrine 2

I had the same problem. You want to look the connection object supplied by the entity manager:

$conn = $em->getConnection();

You can then query/execute directly against it:

$statement = $conn->query('select foo from bar');
$num_rows_effected = $conn->exec('update bar set foo=1');

See the docs for the connection object at

Objective-C - Remove last character from string

If it's an NSMutableString (which I would recommend since you're changing it dynamically), you can use:

[myString deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange([myRequestString length]-1, 1)];

Difference between chr(13) and chr(10)

Chr(10) is the Line Feed character and Chr(13) is the Carriage Return character.

You probably won't notice a difference if you use only one or the other, but you might find yourself in a situation where the output doesn't show properly with only one or the other. So it's safer to include both.

Historically, Line Feed would move down a line but not return to column 1:


Similarly Carriage Return would return to column 1 but not move down a line:


Paste this into a text editor and then choose to "show all characters", and you'll see both characters present at the end of each line. Better safe than sorry.

Mysql error 1452 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails

I had the same problem and found solution, placing NULL instead of NOT NULL on foreign key column. Here is a query:

ALTER TABLE `db`.`table1`
ADD INDEX `col_table2_fk_idx` (`col_table2_fk` ASC),
ADD CONSTRAINT `col_table2_fk1`
FOREIGN KEY (`col_table2_fk`)
REFERENCES `db`.`table2` (`table2_id`)

MySQL has executed this query!

Parsing JSON in Spring MVC using Jackson JSON

The whole point of using a mapping technology like Jackson is that you can use Objects (you don't have to parse the JSON yourself).

Define a Java class that resembles the JSON you will be expecting.

e.g. this JSON:

"foo" : ["abc","one","two","three"],
"bar" : "true",
"baz" : "1"

could be mapped to this class:

public class Fizzle{
    private List<String> foo;
    private boolean bar;
    private int baz;
    // getters and setters omitted

Now if you have a Controller method like this:

public Fozzle doSomeThing(@RequestBody Fizzle input){
    return new Fozzle(input);

and you pass in the JSON from above, Jackson will automatically create a Fizzle object for you, and it will serialize a JSON view of the returned Object out to the response with mime type application/json.

For a full working example see this previous answer of mine.

What is the best way to test for an empty string in Go?

Checking for length is a good answer, but you could also account for an "empty" string that is also only whitespace. Not "technically" empty, but if you care to check:

package main

import (

func main() {
  stringOne := "merpflakes"
  stringTwo := "   "
  stringThree := ""

  if len(strings.TrimSpace(stringOne)) == 0 {
    fmt.Println("String is empty!")

  if len(strings.TrimSpace(stringTwo)) == 0 {
    fmt.Println("String two is empty!")

  if len(stringTwo) == 0 {
    fmt.Println("String two is still empty!")

  if len(strings.TrimSpace(stringThree)) == 0 {
    fmt.Println("String three is empty!")

Transfer data from one database to another database

These solutions are working in case when target database is blank. In case when both databases already have some data you need something more complicated

Git: Find the most recent common ancestor of two branches

With gitk you can view the two branches graphically:

gitk branch1 branch2

And then it's easy to find the common ancestor in the history of the two branches.

How can we run a test method with multiple parameters in MSTest?

MSTest does not support that feature, but you can implement your own attribute to achieve that.

Have a look at Enabling parameterized tests in MSTest using PostSharp.

what do <form action="#"> and <form method="post" action="#"> do?

action="" will resolve to the page's address. action="#" will resolve to the page's address + #, which will mean an empty fragment identifier.

Doing the latter might prevent a navigation (new load) to the same page and instead try to jump to the element with the id in the fragment identifier. But, since it's empty, it won't jump anywhere.

Usually, authors just put # in href-like attributes when they're not going to use the attribute where they're using scripting instead. In these cases, they could just use action="" (or omit it if validation allows).

Angular directive how to add an attribute to the element?

A directive which adds another directive to the same element:

Similar answers:

Here is a plunker:

app.directive("myDir", function($compile) {
  return {
    priority:1001, // compiles first
    terminal:true, // prevent lower priority directives to compile after it
    compile: function(el) {
      el.removeAttr('my-dir'); // necessary to avoid infinite compile loop
      el.attr('ng-click', 'fxn()');
      var fn = $compile(el);
      return function(scope){

Much cleaner solution - not to use ngClick at all:

A plunker:

app.directive("myDir", function($parse) {
  return {
    compile: function(tElm,tAttrs){
      var exp = $parse('fxn()');
      return function (scope,elm){

Why do I always get the same sequence of random numbers with rand()?

You have to seed it. Seeding it with the time is a good idea:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main ()
  srand ( time(NULL) );
  printf ("Random Number: %d\n", rand() %100);
  return 0;

You get the same sequence because rand() is automatically seeded with the a value of 1 if you do not call srand().


Due to comments

rand() will return a number between 0 and RAND_MAX (defined in the standard library). Using the modulo operator (%) gives the remainder of the division rand() / 100. This will force the random number to be within the range 0-99. For example, to get a random number in the range of 0-999 we would apply rand() % 1000.

R Apply() function on specific dataframe columns

As mentioned, you simply want the standard R apply function applied to columns (MARGIN=2):

wifi[,4:9] <- apply(wifi[,4:9], MARGIN=2, FUN=A)

Or, for short:

wifi[,4:9] <- apply(wifi[,4:9], 2, A)

This updates columns 4:9 in-place using the A() function. Now, let's assume that na.rm is an argument to A(), which it probably should be. We can pass na.rm=T to remove NA values from the computation like so:

wifi[,4:9] <- apply(wifi[,4:9], MARGIN=2, FUN=A, na.rm=T)

The same is true for any other arguments you want to pass to your custom function.

What are the advantages of NumPy over regular Python lists?

Here's a nice answer from the FAQ on the website:

What advantages do NumPy arrays offer over (nested) Python lists?

Python’s lists are efficient general-purpose containers. They support (fairly) efficient insertion, deletion, appending, and concatenation, and Python’s list comprehensions make them easy to construct and manipulate. However, they have certain limitations: they don’t support “vectorized” operations like elementwise addition and multiplication, and the fact that they can contain objects of differing types mean that Python must store type information for every element, and must execute type dispatching code when operating on each element. This also means that very few list operations can be carried out by efficient C loops – each iteration would require type checks and other Python API bookkeeping.

How do I run Python code from Sublime Text 2?

In python v3.x you should go to : Tools->Build System->New Build System.

Then, it pop up the untitled.sublime-build window in sublime text editor.Enter setting as:


    "cmd": ["path_to_the_python.exe","-u", "$file"],
    "file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
    "selector": "source.python"

To see the path, Type following in terminal as:

>>> import sys

You can make more than one Build System but it should default save inside Packages of Sublime text with .sublime-build extension.

Then, select the new Build System and press cltr+b or other based on your os.

Change Default branch in gitlab

  1. Settings
  2. General
  3. General Project Settings

Setting the default branch

How to convert a Scikit-learn dataset to a Pandas dataset?

I took couple of ideas from your answers and I don't know how to make it shorter :)

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
iris = load_iris()
df = pd.DataFrame(, columns=iris['feature_names'])
df['target'] = iris['target']

This gives a Pandas DataFrame with feature_names plus target as columns and RangeIndex(start=0, stop=len(df), step=1). I would like to have a shorter code where I can have 'target' added directly.

iPhone/iPad browser simulator?

XCode does come with a simulator for the iPad and iPhone.

You can also use Safari on OS X to debug websites on your iOS device.

Importing the private-key/public-certificate pair in the Java KeyStore

A keystore needs a keystore file. The KeyStore class needs a FileInputStream. But if you supply null (instead of FileInputStream instance) an empty keystore will be loaded. Once you create a keystore, you can verify its integrity using keytool.

Following code creates an empty keystore with empty password

  KeyStore ks2 = KeyStore.getInstance("jks");
  FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("C:\\mykeytore.keystore");, "".toCharArray());

Once you have the keystore, importing certificate is very easy. Checkout this link for the sample code.

C/C++ switch case with string

Ruslik's suggestion to use source generation seems like a good thing to me. However, I wouldn't go with the concept of "main" and "generated" source files. I'd rather have one file with code almost identical to yours:

h=_myhash (mystring);
switch (h)
case 66452: // = hash("Vasia")
case 1342537: // = hash("Petya")

The next thing I'd do, I'd write a simple script. Perl is good for such kind of things, but nothing stops you even from writing a simple program in C/C++ if you don't want to use any other languages. This script, or program, would take the source file, read it line-by-line, find all those case NUMBERS: // = hash("SOMESTRING") lines (use regular expressions here), replace NUMBERS with the actual hash value and write the modified source into a temporary file. Finally, it would back up the source file and replace it with the temporary file. If you don't want your source file to have a new time stamp each time, the program could check if something was actually changed and if not, skip the file replacement.

The last thing to do is to integrate this script into the build system used, so you won't accidentally forget to launch it before building the project.

How can I make robocopy silent in the command line except for progress?

A workaround, if you want it to be absolutely silent, is to redirect the output to a file (and optionally delete it later).

Robocopy src dest > output.log
del output.log

How to get URL of current page in PHP

The other answers are correct. However, a quick note: if you're looking to grab the stuff after the ? in a URI, you should use the $_GET[] array.

How to download image using requests

my approach was to use response.content (blob) and save to the file in binary mode

img_blob = requests.get(url, timeout=5).content
     with open(destination + '/' + title, 'wb') as img_file:

Check out my python project that downloads images from based on keywords.

Why am I getting the message, "fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree?"

I had this issue, because .git/config contained worktree = D:/git-repositories/OldName. I just changed it into worktree = D:/git-repositories/NewName

I discovered that, because I used git gui, which showed a more detailed error message:

git gui error

Most efficient way to convert an HTMLCollection to an Array

I suppose that calling Array.prototype functions on instances of HTMLCollection is a much better option than converting collections to arrays (e.g.,[...collection] or Array.from(collection)), because in the latter case a collection is unnecessarily implicitly iterated and a new array object is created, and this eats up additional resources. Array.prototype iterating functions can be safely called upon objects with consecutive numeric keys starting from [0] and a length property with a valid number value of such keys' quantity (including, e.g., instances of HTMLCollection and FileList), so it's a reliable way. Also, if there is a frequent need in such operations, an empty array [] can be used for quick access to Array.prototype functions; or a shortcut for Array.prototype can be created instead. A runnable example:

const _ = Array.prototype;
const collection = document.getElementById('ol').children;
alert(, (acc, { textContent }, i) => {
  return acc += `${i+1}) ${textContent}` + '\n';
}, ''));
<ol id="ol">

How can I use querySelector on to pick an input element by name?

You can try 'input[name="pwd"]':

function checkForm(){
     var form = document.forms[0];
     var selectElement = form.querySelector('input[name="pwd"]');
     var selectedValue = selectElement.value;

take a look a this

ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 3, python2 pickle can not load the file dumped by python 3 pickle?

You should write the pickled data with a lower protocol number in Python 3. Python 3 introduced a new protocol with the number 3 (and uses it as default), so switch back to a value of 2 which can be read by Python 2.

Check the protocolparameter in pickle.dump. Your resulting code will look like this.

pickle.dump(your_object, your_file, protocol=2)

There is no protocolparameter in pickle.load because pickle can determine the protocol from the file.

Sublime Text 2 multiple line edit

Highlight the lines and use:

  • Windows: Ctrl+Shift+L
  • Mac: Cmd ?+Shift+L

You can then move the cursor to your heart's content and edit all lines at once.

It's also called "Split into Lines" in the "Selection" menu.

Changing the text on a label

Use the config method to change the value of the label:

top = Tk()

l = Label(top)

l.config(text = "Hello World", width = "50")

How do you create a hidden div that doesn't create a line break or horizontal space?

Show / hide by mouse click:

<script language="javascript">

    function toggle() {

        var ele = document.getElementById("toggleText");
        var text = document.getElementById("displayText");

        if ( == "block") {

   = "none";
            text.innerHTML = "show";
        else {

   = "block";
            text.innerHTML = "hide";

<a id="displayText" href="javascript:toggle();">show</a> <== click Here

<div id="toggleText" style="display: none"><h1>peek-a-boo</h1></div>

Source: Here

How do I add the Java API documentation to Eclipse?

Instead of attaching JavaDoc attach JDK

enter image description here

websocket closing connection automatically

You need to send ping messages from time to time. I think the default timeout is 300 seconds. Sending websocket ping/pong frame from browser

How can I get the content of CKEditor using JQuery?

Using Pure Vanilla Javascript / Jquery or in any javascript library :

If you have Ckeditor loaded in below text-area:

 <textarea name="editor1" id="editor1"></textarea>

Then you can get content inside textarea as below:

var txtNotes = document.getElementsByClassName('ck-content')[0].innerHTML;

How can I force division to be floating point? Division keeps rounding down to 0?

If you want to use "true" (floating point) division by default, there is a command line flag:

python -Q new

There are some drawbacks (from the PEP):

It has been argued that a command line option to change the default is evil. It can certainly be dangerous in the wrong hands: for example, it would be impossible to combine a 3rd party library package that requires -Qnew with another one that requires -Qold.

You can learn more about the other flags values that change / warn-about the behavior of division by looking at the python man page.

For full details on division changes read: PEP 238 -- Changing the Division Operator

How to search in an array with preg_match?

$haystack = array (
   'say hello',
   'hello stackoverflow',
   'hello world',
   'foo bar bas'

$matches  = preg_grep('/hello/i', $haystack);



    [1] => say hello
    [2] => hello stackoverflow
    [3] => hello world

How can I generate a random number in a certain range?

Random Number Generator in Android If you want to know about random number generator in android then you should read this article till end. Here you can get all information about random number generator in android. Random Number Generator in Android

You should use this code in your java file.

Random r = new Random();
                    int randomNumber = r.nextInt(100);

I hope this answer may helpful for you. If you want to read more about this article then you should read this article. Random Number Generator

Python Tkinter clearing a frame

For clear frame, first need to destroy all widgets inside the frame,. it will clear frame.

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
root = tk.Tk()

frame = Frame(root)
frame.pack(side="top", expand=True, fill="both")

lab = Label(frame, text="hiiii")
lab.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=5)

def clearFrame():
    # destroy all widgets from frame
    for widget in frame.winfo_children():
    # this will clear frame and frame will be empty
    # if you want to hide the empty panel then

frame.but = Button(frame, text="clear frame", command=clearFrame)
frame.but.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10, pady=5)

# then whenever you add data in frame then you can show that frame
lab2 = Label(frame, text="hiiii")
lab2.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=5)

How to send Basic Auth with axios

I just faced this issue, doing some research I found that the data values has to be sended as URLSearchParams, I do it like this:

getAuthToken: async () => {
const data = new URLSearchParams();
data.append('grant_type', 'client_credentials');
const fetchAuthToken = await axios({
  method: 'POST',
  auth: {
    username: PAYMENT_CLIENT_ID,
    password: PAYMENT_SECRET,
  headers: {
    Accept: 'application/json',
    'Accept-Language': 'en_US',
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
  withCredentials: true,
return fetchAuthToken;


Detect key input in Python

use the builtin: (no need for tkinter)

s = input('->>')
print(s) # what you just typed); now use if's 

Twitter Bootstrap 3: How to center a block

A few answers here seem incomplete. Here are several variations:

.box {
    height: 200px;
    width: 200px;
    border: 4px solid gray;

<!-- This works: .container>.row> -->
<div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="center-block bg-primary box">This div is centered with .center-block</div>

<!-- This does not work -->    
<div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="center-block bg-primary box col-xs-4">This div is centered with .center-block</div>

<!-- This is the hybrid solution from other answers:
<div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-6 bg-info">
                <div class="center-block bg-primary box">This div is centered with .center-block</div>

To make it work with col-* classes, you need to wrap the .center-block inside a .col-* class, but remember to either add another class that sets the width (.box in this case), or to alter the .center-block itself by giving it a width.

Check it out on bootply.

Android Percentage Layout Height

There is an attribute called android:weightSum.

You can set android:weightSum="2" in the parent linear_layout and android:weight="1" in the inner linear_layout.

Remember to set the inner linear_layout to fill_parent so weight attribute can work as expected.

Btw, I don't think its necesary to add a second view, altough I haven't tried. :)




What is the maximum float in Python?

If you are using numpy, you can use dtype 'float128' and get a max float of 10e+4931

>>> np.finfo(np.float128)
finfo(resolution=1e-18, min=-1.18973149536e+4932, max=1.18973149536e+4932, dtype=float128)

Add quotation at the start and end of each line in Notepad++

  1. Put your cursor at the begining of line 1.
  2. click Edit>ColumnEditor. Put " in the text and hit enter.
  3. Repeat 2 but put the cursor at the end of line1 and put ", and hit enter.

Calculate the number of business days between two dates?

I just improved @Alexander and @Slauma answer to support a business week as a parameter, for cases where saturday is a business day, or even cases where there is just a couple of days of the week that are considered business days:

/// <summary>
/// Calculate the number of business days between two dates, considering:
///  - Days of the week that are not considered business days.
///  - Holidays between these two dates.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fDay">First day of the desired 'span'.</param>
/// <param name="lDay">Last day of the desired 'span'.</param>
/// <param name="BusinessDaysOfWeek">Days of the week that are considered to be business days, if NULL considers monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday as business days of the week.</param>
/// <param name="Holidays">Holidays, if NULL, considers no holiday.</param>
/// <returns>Number of business days during the 'span'</returns>
public static int BusinessDaysUntil(this DateTime fDay, DateTime lDay, DayOfWeek[] BusinessDaysOfWeek = null, DateTime[] Holidays = null)
    if (BusinessDaysOfWeek == null)
        BusinessDaysOfWeek = new DayOfWeek[] { DayOfWeek.Monday, DayOfWeek.Tuesday, DayOfWeek.Wednesday, DayOfWeek.Thursday, DayOfWeek.Friday };
    if (Holidays == null)
        Holidays = new DateTime[] { };

    fDay = fDay.Date;
    lDay = lDay.Date;

    if (fDay > lDay)
        throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect last day " + lDay);

    int bDays = (lDay - fDay).Days + 1;
    int fullWeekCount = bDays / 7;
    int fullWeekCountMult = 7 - WeekDays.Length;
    //  Find out if there are weekends during the time exceedng the full weeks
    if (bDays > (fullWeekCount * 7))
        int fDayOfWeek = (int)fDay.DayOfWeek;
        int lDayOfWeek = (int)lDay.DayOfWeek;

        if (fDayOfWeek > lDayOfWeek)
            lDayOfWeek += 7;

        // If they are the same, we already covered it right before the Holiday subtraction
        if (lDayOfWeek != fDayOfWeek)
            //  Here we need to see if any of the days between are considered business days
            for (int i = fDayOfWeek; i <= lDayOfWeek; i++)
                if (!WeekDays.Contains((DayOfWeek)(i > 6 ? i - 7 : i)))
                    bDays -= 1;

    //  Subtract the days that are not in WeekDays[] during the full weeks in the interval
    bDays -= (fullWeekCount * fullWeekCountMult);
    //  Subtract the number of bank holidays during the time interval
    bDays = bDays - Holidays.Select(x => x.Date).Count(x => fDay <= x && x <= lDay);

    return bDays;

Concatenating variables in Bash

Try doing this, there's no special character to concatenate in bash :



If you don't put brackets, you will ask to concatenate $arg112 + $argendoffile (I guess that's not what you asked) like in the following example :


The brackets are delimiters for the variables when needed. When not needed, you can use it or not.

another solution

(less portable : require bash > 3.1)

$ arg1=foo
$ arg2=bar
$ mystring="$arg1"
$ mystring+="12"
$ mystring+="$arg2"
$ mystring+="endoffile"
$ echo "$mystring"


How to delete a module in Android Studio

Remove from File > File Structure > Dependencies > - button. Then if it is stull there you can remove the module by going to the settings.gradle file and removing it from the include line.

Apple Cover-flow effect using jQuery or other library?

I tried using the the Jack's Asylum cover flow but it wouldn't let me easily remove and re-add an entire coverflow. I eventually found and not only is it more reliable, it's easier to hook into, uses less markup, and doesn't jitter when flipping through images. It's by far the best I've found, and I've tried several on this page.

How to change the ROOT application?

Ultimate way to change tomcat root application. Tested on Tomcat 7 and 8.

  1. Move to the tomcat webapps directory:

    Example on my machine: ~/stack/apache-tomcat/webapps

  2. Rename, replace or delete ROOT folder. My advice is renaming or create a copy for backup. Example rename ROOT to RENAMED_ROOT:


  3. Move war file with your application to tomcat webapps directory (its a directory where was old ROOT folder, on my machine: ~/stack/apache-tomcat/webapps)

War file must have a name ROOT.war. Rename your aplication if it's need: yourApplicationName.war -> ROOT.war

  1. Restart tomcat. After restart your application will be a root.

jQuery check if an input is type checkbox?

>>> a=$("#communitymode")[0]
<input id="communitymode" type="checkbox" name="communitymode">
>>> a.type

Or, more of the style of jQuery:

$("#myinput").attr('type') == 'checkbox'

Find a pair of elements from an array whose sum equals a given number

I did it under O(m+n) complexity cost for both time and memory space. I suspect that's the best algorithm so far.

Best practice when adding whitespace in JSX

You don't need to insert &nbsp; or wrap your extra-space with <span/>. Just use HTML entity code for space - &#32;

Insert regular space as HTML-entity

  <div>Full name:</span>&#32;

Date constructor returns NaN in IE, but works in Firefox and Chrome

The Date constructor in JavaScript needs a string in one of the date formats supported by the parse() method.

Apparently, the format you are specifying isn't supported in IE, so you'll need to either change the PHP code, or parse the string manually in JavaScript.

How to switch activity without animation in Android?

You can also just do this in all the activities that you dont want to transition from:

public void onPause() {
    overridePendingTransition(0, 0);

I like this approach because you do not have to mess with the style of your activity.

Simple way to understand Encapsulation and Abstraction

Abstraction is generalised term. i.e. Encapsulation is subset of Abstraction.

Abstraction is a powerful methodology to manage complex systems. Abstraction is managed by well-defined objects and their hierarchical classification.

For example a car in itself is a well-defined object, which is composed of several other smaller objects like a gearing system, steering mechanism, engine, which are again have their own subsystems. But for humans car is a one single object, which can be managed by the help of its subsystems, even if their inner details are unknown. Courtesy

Encapsulation: Wrapping up data member and method together into a single unit (i.e. Class) is called Encapsulation.

Encapsulation is like enclosing in a capsule. That is enclosing the related operations and data related to an object into that object.

Encapsulation is like your bag in which you can keep your pen, book etc. It means this is the property of encapsulating members and functions.

class Bag{

Encapsulation means hiding the internal details of an object, i.e. how an object does something.

Encapsulation prevents clients from seeing its inside view, where the behaviour of the abstraction is implemented.

Encapsulation is a technique used to protect the information in an object from the other object.

Hide the data for security such as making the variables as private, and expose the property to access the private data which would be public.

So, when you access the property you can validate the data and set it. Courtesy

conversion from string to json object android

Using Kotlin

    val data = "{\"ApiInfo\":{\"description\":\"userDetails\",\"status\":\"success\"},\"userDetails\":{\"Name\":\"somename\",\"userName\":\"value\"},\"pendingPushDetails\":[]}\n"
try {
      val jsonObject = JSONObject(data)
      val infoObj = jsonObject.getJSONObject("ApiInfo")
    } catch (e: Exception) {

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm'

My problem was; None admin users were getting "the http request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'negotiate' asmx" on my asmx services.

I gived read/execute folder permissions for the none admin users and my problem was solved.

Difference between clustered and nonclustered index

You really need to keep two issues apart:

1) the primary key is a logical construct - one of the candidate keys that uniquely and reliably identifies every row in your table. This can be anything, really - an INT, a GUID, a string - pick what makes most sense for your scenario.

2) the clustering key (the column or columns that define the "clustered index" on the table) - this is a physical storage-related thing, and here, a small, stable, ever-increasing data type is your best pick - INT or BIGINT as your default option.

By default, the primary key on a SQL Server table is also used as the clustering key - but that doesn't need to be that way!

One rule of thumb I would apply is this: any "regular" table (one that you use to store data in, that is a lookup table etc.) should have a clustering key. There's really no point not to have a clustering key. Actually, contrary to common believe, having a clustering key actually speeds up all the common operations - even inserts and deletes (since the table organization is different and usually better than with a heap - a table without a clustering key).

Kimberly Tripp, the Queen of Indexing has a great many excellent articles on the topic of why to have a clustering key, and what kind of columns to best use as your clustering key. Since you only get one per table, it's of utmost importance to pick the right clustering key - and not just any clustering key.


Get string character by index - Java

CharAt function not working


This code working fine

Set Icon Image in Java

Use Default toolkit for this


How to add anything in <head> through jquery/javascript?

You can select it and add to it as normal:

$('head').append('<link />');

How to format a phone number with jQuery

Following event handler should do the needful:

$('[name=mobilePhone]').on('keyup', function(e){
                    var enteredNumberStr=this.$('[name=mobilePhone]').val(),                    
                      //Filter only numbers from the input
                      cleanedStr = (enteredNumberStr).replace(/\D/g, ''),
                      if(inputLength>3 && inputLength<7) {
                        formattedNumber= cleanedStr.substr(0,3) + '-' + cleanedStr.substr(3,inputLength-1) ;
                      }else if (inputLength>=7 && inputLength<10) {
                          formattedNumber= cleanedStr.substr(0,3) + '-' + cleanedStr.substr(3,3) + '-' + cleanedStr.substr(6,inputLength-1);                          
                      }else if(inputLength>=10) {
                          formattedNumber= cleanedStr.substr(0,3) + '-' + cleanedStr.substr(3,3) + '-' + cleanedStr.substr(6,inputLength-1);                        

Access-Control-Allow-Origin Multiple Origin Domains?

For ExpressJS applications you can use:

app.use((req, res, next) => {
    const corsWhitelist = [
    if (corsWhitelist.indexOf(req.headers.origin) !== -1) {
        res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', req.headers.origin);
        res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept');


SQL Server - calculate elapsed time between two datetime stamps in HH:MM:SS format

Use the DATEDIFF to return value in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, ...

DATEDIFF(interval, date1, date2)

interval REQUIRED - The time/date part to return. Can be one of the following values:

year, yyyy, yy = Year
quarter, qq, q = Quarter
month, mm, m = month
dayofyear = Day of the year
day, dy, y = Day
week, ww, wk = Week
weekday, dw, w = Weekday
hour, hh = hour
minute, mi, n = Minute
second, ss, s = Second
millisecond, ms = Millisecond

date1, date2 REQUIRED - The two dates to calculate the difference between

Efficient way to apply multiple filters to pandas DataFrame or Series

Why not do this?

def filt_spec(df, col, val, op):
    import operator
    ops = {'eq': operator.eq, 'neq':, 'gt':, 'ge':, 'lt':, 'le': operator.le}
    return df[ops[op](df[col], val)]
pandas.DataFrame.filt_spec = filt_spec


df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1,2,3,4,5], 'b':[5,4,3,2,1]})
df.filt_spec('a', 2, 'ge')


   a  b
 1  2  4
 2  3  3
 3  4  2
 4  5  1

You can see that column 'a' has been filtered where a >=2.

This is slightly faster (typing time, not performance) than operator chaining. You could of course put the import at the top of the file.

How to generate a Dockerfile from an image?

This is derived from @fallino's answer, with some adjustments and simplifications by using the output format option for docker history. Since macOS and Gnu/Linux have different command-line utilities, a different version is necessary for Mac. If you only need one or the other, you can just use those lines.

case "$OSTYPE" in
        docker history --no-trunc --format "{{.CreatedBy}}" $1 | # extract information from layers
        tac                                                    | # reverse the file
        sed 's,^\(|3.*\)\?/bin/\(ba\)\?sh -c,RUN,'             | # change /bin/(ba)?sh calls to RUN
        sed 's,^RUN #(nop) *,,'                                | # remove RUN #(nop) calls for ENV,LABEL...
        sed 's,  *&&  *, \\\n \&\& ,g'                           # pretty print multi command lines following Docker best practices
        docker history --no-trunc --format "{{.CreatedBy}}" $1 | # extract information from layers
        tail -r                                                | # reverse the file
        sed -E 's,^(\|3.*)?/bin/(ba)?sh -c,RUN,'               | # change /bin/(ba)?sh calls to RUN
        sed 's,^RUN #(nop) *,,'                                | # remove RUN #(nop) calls for ENV,LABEL...
        sed $'s,  *&&  *, \\\ \\\n \&\& ,g'                      # pretty print multi command lines following Docker best practices
        echo "unknown OSTYPE: $OSTYPE"

R Error in x$ed : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors

Here x is a vector. You need to convert it into a dataframe for using $ operator.

 x <- 

will work for you.

names(x)<- c("bob","ed")
x <-

will give you output of x as:
bob 1
ed 2
And, will give you output of x$ed as:
If you want bob and ed as column names then you need to transpose the dataframe like x <- So your code becomes

names(x)<- c("bob","ed")
x <-

Now the output of x$ed is:
[1] 2

Using SHA1 and RSA with vs. MessageDigest and Cipher

OK, I've worked out what's going on. Leonidas is right, it's not just the hash that gets encrypted (in the case of the Cipher class method), it's the ID of the hash algorithm concatenated with the digest:

  DigestInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
      digestAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
      digest OCTET STRING

Which is why the encryption by the Cipher and Signature are different.

List of IP Space used by Facebook

The list from 2020-05-23 is:

The method to fetch this list is already documented on Facebook's Developer site, you can make a whois call to see all IPs assigned to Facebook:

whois -h -- '-i origin AS32934' | grep ^route

Convert NaN to 0 in javascript

    var i = [NaN, 1,2,3];

    var j = =>{ return isNaN(i) ? 0 : i});

Django Server Error: port is already in use

ps aux | grep manage

ubuntu 3438 127.0.0 2.3 40256 14064 pts/0 T 06:47 0:00 python runserver

kill -9 3438

How can I set the value of a DropDownList using jQuery?

There are many ways to do it. here are some of them:



$('select').prop('selectedIndex', 3);

Pandas - Compute z-score for all columns

When we are dealing with time-series, calculating z-scores (or anomalies - not the same thing, but you can adapt this code easily) is a bit more complicated. For example, you have 10 years of temperature data measured weekly. To calculate z-scores for the whole time-series, you have to know the means and standard deviations for each day of the year. So, let's get started:

Assume you have a pandas DataFrame. First of all, you need a DateTime index. If you don't have it yet, but luckily you do have a column with dates, just make it as your index. Pandas will try to guess the date format. The goal here is to have DateTimeIndex. You can check it out by trying:


If you don't have one, let's make it.

df.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(df[datecolumn])
df = df.drop(datecolumn,axis=1)

Next step is to calculate mean and standard deviation for each group of days. For this, we use the groupby method.

mean = pd.groupby(df,by=[df.index.dayofyear]).aggregate(np.nanmean)
std = pd.groupby(df,by=[df.index.dayofyear]).aggregate(np.nanstd)

Finally, we loop through all the dates, performing the calculation (value - mean)/stddev; however, as mentioned, for time-series this is not so straightforward.

df2 = df.copy() #keep a copy for future comparisons 
for y in np.unique(df.index.year):
    for d in np.unique(df.index.dayofyear):
        df2[(df.index.year==y) & (df.index.dayofyear==d)] = (df[(df.index.year==y) & (df.index.dayofyear==d)]- mean.ix[d])/std.ix[d] = 'date' #this is just to look nicer

df2 #this is your z-score dataset.

The logic inside the for loops is: for a given year we have to match each dayofyear to its mean and stdev. We run this for all the years in your time-series.

Entity framework self referencing loop detected

Add a line Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; in constructor of your context model partial class definition.

    public partial class YourDbContextModelName : DbContext
    public YourDbContextModelName()
        : base("name=YourDbContextConn_StringName")
        Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;//this is line to be added

    public virtual DbSet<Employee> Employees{ get; set; }

    protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

How is VIP swapping + CNAMEs better than IP swapping + A records?

A VIP swap is an internal change to Azure's routers/load balancers, not an external DNS change. They're just routing traffic to go from one internal [set of] server[s] to another instead. Therefore the DNS info for doesn't change at all. Therefore the change for people accessing via the IP bound to (and CNAME'd by you) will see the change as soon as the VIP swap is complete.

Check whether a value is a number in JavaScript or jQuery

function isNumber(n) {
  return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);

Easiest way to copy a table from one database to another?

With MySQL Workbench you can use Data Export to dump just the table to a local SQL file (Data Only, Structure Only or Structure and Data) and then Data Import to load it into the other DB.

You can have multiple connections (different hosts, databases, users) open at the same time.

How to map with index in Ruby?

I often do this:

arr = ["a", "b", "c"]

(0...arr.length).map do |int|
  [arr[int], int + 2]

#=> [["a", 2], ["b", 3], ["c", 4]]

Instead of directly iterating over the elements of the array, you're iterating over a range of integers and using them as the indices to retrieve the elements of the array.

IF a cell contains a string

SEARCH does not return 0 if there is no match, it returns #VALUE!. So you have to wrap calls to SEARCH with IFERROR.

For example...

=IF(IFERROR(SEARCH("cat", A1), 0), "cat", "none")



Here, IFERROR returns the value from SEARCH when it works; the given value of 0 otherwise.

How to delete a stash created with git stash create?

Git stash clear will clear complete stash,

cmd: git stash clear

If you want to delete a particular stash with a stash index, you can use the drop.

cmd: git stash drop 4

(4 is stash id or stash index)

Why do we use $rootScope.$broadcast in AngularJS?

Passing data !!!

I wonder why no one mention that $broadcast accept a parameter where you can pass an Object that will be received by $on using a callback function


// the object to transfert
var myObject = {
    status : 10

$rootScope.$broadcast('status_updated', myObject);
$scope.$on('status_updated', function(event, obj){
    console.log(obj.status); // 10

List all the files and folders in a Directory with PHP recursive function

I improved with one check iteration the good code of Hors Sujet to avoid including folders in the result array:

function getDirContents($dir, &$results = array()){

    $files = scandir($dir);

    foreach($files as $key => $value){
        $path = realpath($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$value);
        if(is_dir($path) == false) {
            $results[] = $path;
        else if($value != "." && $value != "..") {
            getDirContents($path, $results);
            if(is_dir($path) == false) {
                $results[] = $path;
    return $results;


What’s the best way to get an HTTP response code from a URL?

Update using the wonderful requests library. Note we are using the HEAD request, which should happen more quickly then a full GET or POST request.

import requests
    r = requests.head("")
    # prints the int of the status code. Find more at :)
except requests.ConnectionError:
    print("failed to connect")

How to change the Content of a <textarea> with JavaScript

If you can use jQuery, and I highly recommend you do, you would simply do


Otherwise, it is browser dependent. Assuming you have

var myTextArea = document.getElementById('myTextArea');

In most browsers you do

myTextArea.innerHTML = '';

But in Firefox, you do

myTextArea.innerText = '';

Figuring out what browser the user is using is left as an exercise for the reader. Unless you use jQuery, of course ;)

Edit: I take that back. Looks like support for .innerHTML on textarea's has improved. I tested in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, all of them cleared the textarea correctly.

Edit 2: And I just checked, if you use .val('') in jQuery, it just sets the .value property for textarea's. So .value should be fine.

How to get Rails.logger printing to the console/stdout when running rspec?

For Rails 4, see this answer.

For Rails 3.x, configure a logger in config/environments/test.rb:

config.logger =
config.logger.level = Logger::ERROR

This will interleave any errors that are logged during testing to STDOUT. You may wish to route the output to STDERR or use a different log level instead.

Sending these messages to both the console and a log file requires something more robust than Ruby's built-in Logger class. The logging gem will do what you want. Add it to your Gemfile, then set up two appenders in config/environments/test.rb:

logger = Logging.logger['test']
logger.level = :info
config.logger = logger

Ruby combining an array into one string

While a bit more cryptic than join, you can also multiply the array by a string.

@arr * " "

Angularjs - Pass argument to directive

Here is how I solved my problem:


app.directive("directive_name", function(){
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        transclude: true,
        template: function(elem, attr){
           return '<div><h2>{{'+attr.scope+'}}</h2></div>';
        replace: true


$scope.building = function(data){
    var chart = angular.element(document.createElement('directive_name'));
    chart.attr('scope', data);

I now can use different scopes through the same directive and append them dynamically.

How to fix PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'ext\\php_curl.dll'?

No prompt use:

dir /x

Procure o nome reduzido do diretório na linha do "Program Files (x86)"

27/08/2018  15:07    <DIR>          PROGRA~2     Program Files (x86)

Coloque a seguinte configuração em php.ini para a opção:


Acredito que isso resolverá seu problema.


Convert generic list to dataset in C#

You could create an extension method to add all property values through reflection:

public static DataSet ToDataSet<T>(this IList<T> list)
    Type elementType = typeof(T);
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    DataTable t = new DataTable();

    //add a column to table for each public property on T
    foreach(var propInfo in elementType.GetProperties())
        t.Columns.Add(propInfo.Name, propInfo.PropertyType);

    //go through each property on T and add each value to the table
    foreach(T item in list)
        DataRow row = t.NewRow();
        foreach(var propInfo in elementType.GetProperties())
            row[propInfo.Name] = propInfo.GetValue(item, null);

    return ds;

Check if checkbox is NOT checked on click - jQuery

Do it like this

if (typeof $(this).attr("checked") == "undefined" )

// To check if checkbox is checked
if( $(this).attr("checked")=="checked")

Check for database connection, otherwise display message

Please check this:


$connection = mysqli_connect($servername,$username,$password);

if (!$connection) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

/*mysqli_query($connection, "DROP DATABASE if exists MyDb;");

if(!mysqli_query($connection, "CREATE DATABASE MyDb;")){
echo "Error creating database: " . $connection->error;

mysqli_query($connection, "use MyDb;");
mysqli_query($connection, "DROP TABLE if exists employee;");

$table="CREATE TABLE employee (
firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
email VARCHAR(50),
reg_date TIMESTAMP
$value="INSERT INTO employee (firstname,lastname,email) VALUES ('john', 'steve', '[email protected]')";
if(!mysqli_query($connection, $table)){echo "Error creating table: " . $connection->error;}
if(!mysqli_query($connection, $value)){echo "Error inserting values: " . $connection->error;}*/

How to get the first and last date of the current year?

Check out this one:

select convert(varchar(12),(DateAdd(month,(Month(getdate())-1) * -1, DateAdd(Day,(Day(getdate())-1) * -1,getdate()))),103) as StartYear,
       convert(varchar(12),DateAdd(month,12 - Month(getdate()), DateAdd(Day,(31 - Day(getdate())),getdate())),103) as EndYear

How to force Chrome browser to reload .css file while debugging in Visual Studio?

Current version of Chrome (55.x) does not reload all resources when you reload the page (Command + R) - and that is not useful for debugging the .css file.

Command + R works fine if you want to debug only the .html, .php, .etc files, and is faster because works with local/cached resources (.css, .js). To manually delete browser's cache for each debug iteration is not convenient.

Procedure to force reload .css file on Mac (Keyboard Shortcut / Chrome): Command + Shift + R

How to test valid UUID/GUID?

If you want to check or validate a specific UUID version, here are the corresponding regexes.

Note that the only difference is the version number, which is explained in 4.1.3. Version chapter of UUID 4122 RFC.

The version number is the first character of the third group : [VERSION_NUMBER][0-9A-F]{3} :

  • UUID v1 :

  • UUID v2 :

  • UUID v3 :

  • UUID v4 :

  • UUID v5 :


How to get the selected value from drop down list in jsp?

I've got one more additional option to get value by id:

var idElement = document.getElementById("idName");
var selectedValue = idElement.options[idElement.selectedIndex].value;

It's a simple JavaScript solution.

How can I use Guzzle to send a POST request in JSON?

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => '']);

$response = $client->post('/save', [
    'json' => [
        'name' => 'John Doe'

return $response->getBody();

float:left; vs display:inline; vs display:inline-block; vs display:table-cell;

I prefer inline-block, although float is also useful. Table-cell isn't rendered correctly by old IEs (neither does inline-block, but there's the zoom: 1; *display: inline hack that I use frequently). If you have children that have a smaller height than their parent, floats will bring them to the top, whereas inline-block will screw up sometimes.

Most of the time, the browser will interpret everything correctly, unless, of course, it's IE. You always have to check to make sure that IE doesn't suck-- for example, the table-cell concept.

In all reality, yes, it boils down to personal preference.

One technique you could use to get rid of white space would be to set a font-size of 0 to the parent, then give the font-size back to the children, although that's a hassle, and gross.

error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'adSize' in package '' main.xml

for me, I have to add


right after:


in res/layout/main.xml

How should I pass multiple parameters to an ASP.Net Web API GET?

    public string Get(int One, int Two)
        return "both params of the root link({one},{two}) and Get function parameters (one, two)  should be same ";

Both params of the root link({one},{two}) and Get function parameters (one, two) should be same

How to connect to Mysql Server inside VirtualBox Vagrant?

This worked for me: Connect to MySQL in Vagrant

username: vagrant password: vagrant

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev
git-core sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev sudo aptitude install mysql-server

sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf change: bind-address            =

mysql -u root -p

use mysql GRANT ALL ON *.* to root@'' IDENTIFIED BY
'jarvis'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby : do |config| = "lucid32"

  config.vm.box_url = ""

  #config.vm.boot_mode = :gui

  # Assign this VM to a host-only network IP, allowing you to access
it   # via the IP. Host-only networks can talk to the host machine as
well as   # any other machines on the same network, but cannot be
accessed (through this   # network interface) by any external
networks.   # :hostonly, ""

  # Assign this VM to a bridged network, allowing you to connect
directly to a   # network using the host's network device. This makes
the VM appear as another   # physical device on your network.   # :bridged

  # Forward a port from the guest to the host, which allows for
outside   # computers to access the VM, whereas host only networking
does not.   # config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080

  config.vm.forward_port 3306, 3306 :hostonly, ""


What are the various "Build action" settings in Visual Studio project properties and what do they do?

  • Fakes: Part of the Microsoft Fakes (Unit Test Isolation) Framework. Not available on all Visual Studio versions. Fakes are used to support unit testing in your project, helping you isolate the code you are testing by replacing other parts of the application with stubs or shims. More here:

iPhone keyboard, Done button and resignFirstResponder

In Xcode 5.1

Enable Done Button

  • In Attributes Inspector for the UITextField in Storyboard find the field "Return Key" and select "Done"

Hide Keyboard when Done is pressed

  • In Storyboard make your ViewController the delegate for the UITextField
  • Add this method to your ViewController

    -(BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
        [textField resignFirstResponder];
        return YES;

Text file in VBA: Open/Find Replace/SaveAs/Close File

I have had the same problem and came acrosse this site.

the solution to just set another "filename" in the

... for output as ... command was very simple and useful.

in addition (beyond the Application.GetSaveAsFilename() Dialog)

it is very simple to set a** new filename** just using

the replace command, so you may change the filename/extension

eg. (as from the first post)

sFileName = "C:\filelocation"
iFileNum = FreeFile

Open sFileName For Input As iFileNum
content = (...edit the content) 

Close iFileNum

now just set:

newFilename = replace(sFilename, ".txt", ".csv") to change the extension


newFilename = replace(sFilename, ".", "_edit.") for a differrent filename

and then just as before

iFileNum = FreeFile
Open newFileName For Output As iFileNum

Print #iFileNum, content
Close iFileNum 

I surfed over an hour to find out how to rename a txt-file,

with many different solutions, but it could be sooo easy :)

Of Countries and their Cities - common standard multi-language database, includes country list and other localizable data.

How to center a subview of UIView

I would use: = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.parentView.bounds),

I like to use the CGRect options...

SWIFT 3: = CGPoint(x: self.parentView.bounds.midX,
                                        y: self.parentView.bounds.midY);

Appending items to a list of lists in python

import csv
cols = [' V1', ' I1'] # define your columns here, check the spaces!
data = [[] for col in cols] # this creates a list of **different** lists, not a list of pointers to the same list like you did in [[]]*len(positions) 
with open('data.csv', 'r') as f:
    for rec in csv.DictReader(f):
        for l, col in zip(data, cols):
print data

# [[3.0, 3.0], [0.01, 0.01]]

Second line in li starts under the bullet after CSS-reset

Here is a good example -

ul li{
    list-style-type: disc;
    list-style-position: inside;
    padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;
    text-indent: -1em;

Working Demo:

Css Move element from left to right animated

You should try doing it with css3 animation. Check the code bellow:

<!DOCTYPE html>
div {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    background: red;
    position: relative;
    -webkit-animation: myfirst 5s infinite; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
    -webkit-animation-direction: alternate; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
    animation: myfirst 5s infinite;
    animation-direction: alternate;

/* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
@-webkit-keyframes myfirst {
    0%   {background: red; left: 0px; top: 0px;}
    25%  {background: yellow; left: 200px; top: 0px;}
    50%  {background: blue; left: 200px; top: 200px;}
    75%  {background: green; left: 0px; top: 200px;}
    100% {background: red; left: 0px; top: 0px;}

@keyframes myfirst {
    0%   {background: red; left: 0px; top: 0px;}
    25%  {background: yellow; left: 200px; top: 0px;}
    50%  {background: blue; left: 200px; top: 200px;}
    75%  {background: green; left: 0px; top: 200px;}
    100% {background: red; left: 0px; top: 0px;}

<p><strong>Note:</strong> The animation-direction property is not supported in Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions.</p>


Where 'div' is your animated object.

I hope you find this useful.


How to install trusted CA certificate on Android device?

These steps worked for me:

  1. Install Dory Certificate Android app on your mobile device:
  2. Connect mobile device to laptop with USB Cable.
  3. Create root folder on Internal Phone memory, copy the certificate file in that folder and disconnect cable.
  4. Open Dory Certificate Android app, click the round [+] button and select the right Import File Certificate option.
  5. Select format, provide a name (I typed same as filename), browse the certificate file and click the [OK].
  6. Three cards will list up. I ignored the card that only had the [SIGN CSR] button and proceeded to click the [INSTALL] button on the two other cards.
  7. I refreshed the PWA web app I had opened no my mobile Chrome (it is hosted on a local IIS Web Server) and voala! No chrome warning message. The green lock was there. It was Working.

Alternatively, I found these options which I had no need to try myself but looked easy to follow:

Finally, it may not be relevant but, if you are looking to create and setup a self-signed certificate (with mkcert) for your PWA app (website) hosted on a local IIS Web server, I followed this page:

Thanks and hope it helps!! :)

Get MAC address using shell script

I have used command hcicongif with two greps to separate the PC Mac address and I saved the MAC address to variable:

PCMAC=$( hciconfig -a | grep -E 'BD Address:' | grep -Eo '[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}' )

You can also use this command to check if MAC address is in valid format. Note, that only big chars A-F are allowed and also you need to add input for this grep command:

grep -E '[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}'

How to determine if a string is a number with C++?

You may test if a string is convertible to integer by using boost::lexical_cast. If it throws bad_lexical_cast exception then string could not be converted, otherwise it can.

See example of such a test program below:

#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main(int, char** argv)
                int x = boost::lexical_cast<int>(argv[1]);
                std::cout << x << " YES\n";
        catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast const &)
                std:: cout << "NO\n";
        return 0;

Sample execution:

# ./a.out 12
12 YES
# ./a.out 12/3

Magento Product Attribute Get Value

This one works-

echo $_product->getData('ATTRIBUTE_NAME_HERE');

TypeError: $(...).modal is not a function with bootstrap Modal

i just want to emphasize what mwebber said in the comment:

also check if jQuery is not included twice


it was the issue for me

What does "make oldconfig" do exactly in the Linux kernel makefile?

It's torture. Instead of including a generic conf file, they make you hit return 9000 times to generate one.

How does OAuth 2 protect against things like replay attacks using the Security Token?

Here is perhaps the simplest explanation of how OAuth2 works for all 4 grant types, i.e., 4 different flows where the app can acquire the access token.


All grant type flows have 2 parts:

  • Get access token
  • Use access token

The 2nd part 'use access token' is the same for all flows


The 1st part of the flow 'get access token' for each grant type varies.

However, in general the 'get access token' part can be summarized as consisting 5 steps:

  1. Pre-register your app (client) with OAuth provider, e.g., Twitter, etc. to get client id/secret
  2. Create a social login button with client id & required scopes/permissions on your page so when clicked user gets redirected to OAuth provider to be authenticated
  3. OAuth provider request user to grant permission to your app (client)
  4. OAuth provider issues code
  5. App (client) acquires access token

Here is a side-by-side diagram comparing how each grant type flow is different based on the 5 steps.

This diagram is from

enter image description here

Each have different levels of implementation difficulty, security, and uses cases. Depending on your needs and situation, you will have to use one of them. Which to use?

Client Credential: If your app is only serving a single user

Resource Owner Password Crendential: This should be used only as last resort as the user has to hand over his credentials to the app, which means the app can do everything the user can

Authorization Code: The best way to get user authorization

Implicit: If you app is mobile or single-page app

There is more explanation of the choice here:

mySQL Error 1040: Too Many Connection

This issue occurs mostly when the maximum allowed concurrent connections to MySQL has exceeded. The max connections allowed is stored in the gloobal variable max_connections. You can check it by show global variables like max_connections; in MySQL

You can fix it by the following steps:


Login to MySQL and run this command: SET GLOBAL max_connections = 100;

Now login to MySQL, the too many connection error fixed. This method does not require server restart.


Using the above step1 you can resolve ths issue but max_connections will roll back to its default value when mysql is restarted.

In order to make the max_connection value permanent, update the my.cnf file.

Stop the MySQL server: Service mysql stop

Edit the configuration file my.cnf: vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Find the variable max_connections under mysqld section.


max_connections = 300

Set into higher value and save the file.

Start the server: Service mysql start

Note: Before increasing the max_connections variable value, make sure that, the server has adequate memory for new requests and connections.

MySQL pre-allocate memory for each connections and de-allocate only when the connection get closed. When new connections are querying, system should have enough resources such memory, network and computation power to satisfy the user requests.

Also, you should consider increasing the open tables limit in MySQL server to accommodate the additional request. And finally. it is very important to close the connections which are completed transaction on the server.

jQuery ajax request being block because Cross-Origin

There is nothing you can do on your end (client side). You can not enable crossDomain calls yourself, the source ( needs to have CORS enabled for this to work.

The only thing you can really do is to create a server side proxy script which does this for you. Are you using any server side scripts in your project? PHP, Python, ASP.NET etc? If so, you could create a server side "proxy" script which makes the HTTP call to dailymotion and returns the response. Then you call that script from your Javascript code, since that server side script is on the same domain as your script code, CORS will not be a problem.

Select Last Row in the Table


check all socket opened in linux OS

Also you can use ss utility to dump sockets statistics.

To dump summary:

ss -s

Total: 91 (kernel 0)
TCP:   18 (estab 11, closed 0, orphaned 0, synrecv 0, timewait 0/0), ports 0

Transport Total     IP        IPv6
*         0         -         -        
RAW       0         0         0        
UDP       4         2         2        
TCP       18        16        2        
INET      22        18        4        
FRAG      0         0         0

To display all sockets:

ss -a

To display UDP sockets:

ss -u -a

To display TCP sockets:

ss -t -a

Here you can read ss man: ss

What is the main difference between Inheritance and Polymorphism?

Inheritance is more a static thing (one class extends another) while polymorphism is a dynamic/ runtime thing (an object behaves according to its dynamic/ runtime type not to its static/ declaration type).


// This assignment is possible because B extends A
A a = new B();
// polymorphic call/ access;

-> Though the static/ declaration type of a is A, the actual dynamic/ runtime type is B and thus will execute foo as defined in B not in A.

How do you use subprocess.check_output() in Python?

Since Python 3.5, is recommended over subprocess.check_output():

>>>['cat','/tmp/text.txt'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout
b'First line\nSecond line\n'

Since Python 3.7, instead of the above, you can use capture_output=true parameter to capture stdout and stderr:

>>>['cat','/tmp/text.txt'], capture_output=True).stdout
b'First line\nSecond line\n'

Also, you may want to use universal_newlines=True or its equivalent since Python 3.7 text=True to work with text instead of binary:

>>> stdout =['cat', '/tmp/text.txt'], capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
>>> print(stdout)
First line
Second line

See documentation for more information.

How to do while loops with multiple conditions

I am not sure it would read better but you could do the following:

while any((not condition1, not condition2, val == -1)):
    val,something1,something2 = getstuff()

    if something1==10:
        condition1 = True

    if something2==20:
        condition2 = True

Set a button background image iPhone programmatically

Code for background image of a Button in Swift 3.0

buttonName.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(named: "facebook.png"), for: .normal)

Hope this will help someone.

Getting value from JQUERY datepicker

To position the datepicker next to the input field you could use following code.

    beforeShow: function(input, inst)
        inst.dpDiv.css({marginLeft: input.offsetWidth + 'px'});

Get data from php array - AJAX - jQuery

you cannot access array (php array) from js try

$array = array(1,2,3,4,5,6);
echo implode('~',$array);

and js

$(document).ready( function() {
$('#prev').click(function() {
  type: 'POST',
  url: 'ajax.php',
  data: 'id=testdata',
  cache: false,
  success: function(data) {

How to restart VScode after editing extension's config?

  1. Open the Command Palette

    Ctrl + Shift + P

  2. Then type:

    Reload Window

Error handling in AngularJS http get then construct

Try this

function sendRequest(method, url, payload, done){

        var datatype = (method === "JSONP")? "jsonp" : "json";
                method: method,
                url: url,
                dataType: datatype,
                data: payload || {},
                cache: true,
                timeout: 1000 * 60 * 10
                done(null,; // server response
                responseHandler(res, done);

    function responseHandler(res, done){
            default: done(res.status + ": " + res.statusText);

Found a swap file by the name

More info... Some times .swp files might be holded by vm that was running in backgroung. You may see permission denied message when try to delete the files.

Check and kill process vm

How to get PID of process by specifying process name and store it in a variable to use further?

pids=$(pgrep <name>)

will get you the pids of all processes with the given name. To kill them all, use

kill -9 $pids

To refrain from using a variable and directly kill all processes with a given name issue

pkill -9 <name>

How do I get the key at a specific index from a Dictionary in Swift?


Slightly off-topic: But here is if you have an Array of Dictionaries i.e: [ [String : String] ]

var array_has_dictionary = [ // Start of array

   // Dictionary 1

     "name" : "xxxx",
     "age" : "xxxx",

   // Dictionary 2

     "name" : "yyy",
     "age" : "yyy",

 ] // end of array

cell.textLabel?.text =  Array(array_has_dictionary[1])[1].key
// Output: age -> yyy

How to do a batch insert in MySQL

From the MySQL manual

INSERT statements that use VALUES syntax can insert multiple rows. To do this, include multiple lists of column values, each enclosed within parentheses and separated by commas. Example:

INSERT INTO tbl_name (a,b,c) VALUES(1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9);

The shortest possible output from git log containing author and date

enter image description here Note the -10 at the end, to show only the last 10 entries.

Use predefined git alias (hs - short for history):

git hs

Created once by command:

git config --global alias.hs "log --pretty='%C(yellow)%h %C(cyan)%ad %Cblue%aN%C(auto)%d %Creset%s' --date=relative --date-order --graph"

%h = abbreviated commit hash
%ad = author date (format respects --date= option, so you can adjust it later)
%aN = author name (respecting .mailmap)
%d = ref names
%s = subject


How to view the Folder and Files in GAC?


gacutil -i "path_to_the_assembly"


Open in Windows Explorer folder

  • .NET 1.0 - NET 3.5: c:\windows\assembly (%systemroot%\assembly)
  • .NET 4.x: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\assembly

OR gacutil –l

When you are going to install an assembly you have to specify where gacutil can find it, so you have to provide a full path as well. But when an assembly already is in GAC - gacutil know a folder path so it just need an assembly name.


VBA ADODB excel - read data from Recordset

I am surprised that the connection string works for you, because it is missing a semi-colon. Set is only used with objects, so you would not say Set strNaam.

Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
With cn
 .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
  .ConnectionString = "Data Source=D:\test.xls " & _
  ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;"""
End With
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$E36:E38]"
Set rs = cn.Execute(strQuery)
Do While Not rs.EOF
  For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
    Debug.Print rs.Fields(i).Name, rs.Fields(i).Value
    strNaam = rs.Fields(0).Value

There are other ways, depending on what you want to do, such as GetString (GetString Method Description).

Updating to latest version of CocoaPods?

Refer this link

brew install cocoapods

brew upgrade cocoapods

brew link cocoapods

enter image description here

enter image description here

SQL Server r2 installation error .. update Visual Studio 2008 to SP1

I used the Visual Studio 2008 Uninstall tool and it worked fine for me.

You can use this tool to uninstall Visual Studio 2008 official release and Visual Studio 2008 Release candidate (Only English version).

Found here, on the MSDN Forum: MSDN forum topic.

I found this answer here

Be sure you run the tool with admin-rights.

How to read a text file from server using JavaScript?

I used Rafid's suggestion of using AJAX.

This worked for me:

var url = "";

var jsonFile = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET",url,true);

    jsonFile.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (jsonFile.readyState== 4 && jsonFile.status == 200) {
            document.getElementById("id-of-element").innerHTML = jsonFile.responseText;

I basically(almost literally) copied this code from so credit to them for everything.

I dont have much knowledge of how this works but you don't have to know how your brakes work to use them ;)

Hope this helps!

CodeIgniter - File upload required validation

check this form validation extension library can help you to validate files, with current form validation when you validate upload field it treat as input filed where value is empty have look on this really good extension for form validation library


Get day of week in SQL Server 2005/2008


declare @d datetime;
set @d=getdate();
set @dow=((datepart(dw,@d) + @@DATEFIRST-2) % 7+1);

How do I force "git pull" to overwrite local files?

I believe there are two possible causes of conflict, which must be solved separately, and as far as I can tell none of the above answers deals with both:

  • Local files that are untracked need to be deleted, either manually (safer) or as suggested in other answers, by git clean -f -d

  • Local commits that are not on the remote branch need to be deleted as well. IMO the easiest way to achieve this is with: git reset --hard origin/master (replace 'master' by whatever branch you are working on, and run a git fetch origin first)

How do you push just a single Git branch (and no other branches)?

yes, just do the following

git checkout feature_x
git push origin feature_x

What is the difference between const int*, const int * const, and int const *?

This mostly addresses the second line: best practices, assignments, function parameters etc.

General practice. Try to make everything const that you can. Or to put that another way, make everything const to begin with, and then remove exactly the minimum set of consts necessary to allow the program to function. This will be a big help in attaining const-correctness, and will help ensure that subtle bugs don't get introduced when people try and assign into things they're not supposed to modify.

Avoid const_cast<> like the plague. There are one or two legitimate use cases for it, but they are very few and far between. If you're trying to change a const object, you'll do a lot better to find whoever declared it const in the first pace and talk the matter over with them to reach a consensus as to what should happen.

Which leads very neatly into assignments. You can assign into something only if it is non-const. If you want to assign into something that is const, see above. Remember that in the declarations int const *foo; and int * const bar; different things are const - other answers here have covered that issue admirably, so I won't go into it.

Function parameters:

Pass by value: e.g. void func(int param) you don't care one way or the other at the calling site. The argument can be made that there are use cases for declaring the function as void func(int const param) but that has no effect on the caller, only on the function itself, in that whatever value is passed cannot be changed by the function during the call.

Pass by reference: e.g. void func(int &param) Now it does make a difference. As just declared func is allowed to change param, and any calling site should be ready to deal with the consequences. Changing the declaration to void func(int const &param) changes the contract, and guarantees that func can now not change param, meaning what is passed in is what will come back out. As other have noted this is very useful for cheaply passing a large object that you don't want to change. Passing a reference is a lot cheaper than passing a large object by value.

Pass by pointer: e.g. void func(int *param) and void func(int const *param) These two are pretty much synonymous with their reference counterparts, with the caveat that the called function now needs to check for nullptr unless some other contractual guarantee assures func that it will never receive a nullptr in param.

Opinion piece on that topic. Proving correctness in a case like this is hellishly difficult, it's just too damn easy to make a mistake. So don't take chances, and always check pointer parameters for nullptr. You will save yourself pain and suffering and hard to find bugs in the long term. And as for the cost of the check, it's dirt cheap, and in cases where the static analysis built into the compiler can manage it, the optimizer will elide it anyway. Turn on Link Time Code Generation for MSVC, or WOPR (I think) for GCC, and you'll get it program wide, i.e. even in function calls that cross a source code module boundary.

At the end of the day all of the above makes a very solid case to always prefer references to pointers. They're just safer all round.

Protect .NET code from reverse engineering?

Apart from purchasing protection, you (or your developers) can learn to copy-protect.

These are ideas:

At first, try to write a program that writes itself to console. That's a famous problem. Primary purpose of this task is to practice writing self-referencing code.

Second, you need to develop a technology that will rewrite some code in a way dependable on other methods' CIL.

You may write a virtual machine (yet in .NET). And put some code in there. Ultimately, the virtual machine runs another virtual machine which runs the code. That's for a part of rarely-called functions for not to slow the performance too much.

Rewrite some logic into C++/CLI, and mix managed code with unmanaged. This will harden the disassembling. In this case, do not forget to provide x64 binaries too.

Convert HH:MM:SS string to seconds only in javascript

This is the most clear, easy to understand solution:

function convertDurationtoSeconds(duration){
    const [hours, minutes, seconds] = duration.split(':');
    return Number(hours) * 60 * 60 + Number(minutes) * 60 + Number(seconds);

const input = '01:30:45';
const output = convertDurationtoSeconds(input);
console.log(`${input} is ${output} in seconds`);

How to display the function, procedure, triggers source code in postgresql?

Here are few examples from PostgreSQL-9.5

Display list:

  1. Functions: \df+
  2. Triggers : \dy+

Display Definition:

postgres=# \sf
function name is required

postgres=# \sf pg_reload_conf()
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_reload_conf()
 RETURNS boolean
 LANGUAGE internal
AS $function$pg_reload_conf$function$

postgres=# \sf pg_encoding_to_char
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(integer)
 LANGUAGE internal
AS $function$PG_encoding_to_char$function$

How to detect if JavaScript is disabled?

This is what worked for me: it redirects a visitor if javascript is disabled

<noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=whatyouwant.html" /></noscript>

Function for C++ struct

Structs can have functions just like classes. The only difference is that they are public by default:

struct A {
    void f() {}

Additionally, structs can also have constructors and destructors.

struct A {
    A() : x(5) {}
    ~A() {}

    private: int x;

creating custom tableview cells in swift


  • Xcode Version 10.2.1 (10E1001), Swift 5


import UIKit

// MARK: - IdentifiableCell protocol will generate cell identifire based on the class name

protocol Identifiable: class {}
extension Identifiable { static var identifier: String { return "\(self)"} }

// MARK: - Functions which will use a cell class (conforming Identifiable protocol) to `dequeueReusableCell`

extension UITableView {
    typealias IdentifiableCell = UITableViewCell & Identifiable
    func register<T: IdentifiableCell>(class: T.Type) { register(T.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: T.identifier) }
    func register(classes: [Identifiable.Type]) { classes.forEach { register($0.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: $0.identifier) } }
    func dequeueReusableCell<T: IdentifiableCell>(aClass: T.Type, initital closure: ((T) -> Void)?) -> UITableViewCell {
        guard let cell = dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: T.identifier) as? T else { return UITableViewCell() }
        return cell
    func dequeueReusableCell<T: IdentifiableCell>(aClass: T.Type, for indexPath: IndexPath, initital closure: ((T) -> Void)?) -> UITableViewCell {
        guard let cell = dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: T.identifier, for: indexPath) as? T else { return UITableViewCell() }
        return cell

extension Array where Element == UITableViewCell.Type  {
    var onlyIdentifiables: [Identifiable.Type] { return compactMap { $0 as? Identifiable.Type } }


// Define cells classes
class TableViewCell1: UITableViewCell, Identifiable { /*....*/ }
class TableViewCell2: TableViewCell1 { /*....*/ }

// .....

// Register cells
tableView.register(classes: [TableViewCell1.self, TableViewCell2.self]. onlyIdentifiables)

// Create/Reuse cells
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    if (indexPath.row % 2) == 0 {
        return tableView.dequeueReusableCell(aClass: TableViewCell1.self, for: indexPath) { cell in
            // ....
    } else {
        return tableView.dequeueReusableCell(aClass: TableViewCell2.self, for: indexPath) { cell in
            // ...

Full Sample

Do not forget to add the solution code here

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    private weak var tableView: UITableView?
    override func viewDidLoad() {

// MARK: - Setup(init) subviews

extension ViewController {
    private func setupTableView() {
        let tableView = UITableView()
        self.tableView = tableView
        tableView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        tableView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor).isActive = true
        tableView.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leftAnchor).isActive = true
        tableView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.rightAnchor).isActive = true
        tableView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
        tableView.register(classes: [TableViewCell1.self, TableViewCell2.self, TableViewCell3.self].onlyIdentifiables)
        tableView.dataSource = self

// MARK: - UITableViewDataSource

extension ViewController: UITableViewDataSource {
    func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int { return 1 }
    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { return 20 }
    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        switch (indexPath.row % 3) {
        case 0:
            return tableView.dequeueReusableCell(aClass: TableViewCell1.self, for: indexPath) { cell in
                cell.textLabel?.text = "\(cell.classForCoder)"
        case 1:
            return tableView.dequeueReusableCell(aClass: TableViewCell2.self, for: indexPath) { cell in
                cell.textLabel?.text = "\(cell.classForCoder)"
            return tableView.dequeueReusableCell(aClass: TableViewCell3.self, for: indexPath) { cell in
                cell.textLabel?.text = "\(cell.classForCoder)"


enter image description here

PHP - Notice: Undefined index:

How are you loading this page? Is it getting anything on POST to load? If it's not, then the $name = $_POST['Name']; assignation doesn't have any 'Name' on POST.

What is the meaning of prepended double colon "::"?

"::" represents scope resolution operator. Functions/methods which have same name can be defined in two different classes. To access the methods of a particular class scope resolution operator is used.

Flask Value error view function did not return a response

The following does not return a response:

You must return anything like return afunction() or return 'a string'.

This can solve the issue

Passing ArrayList through Intent

    public class StructMain implements Serializable {
    public  int id;
    public String name;
    public String lastName;

this my item . implement Serializable and create ArrayList

ArrayList<StructMain> items =new ArrayList<>();

and put in Bundle

Bundle bundle=new Bundle();

and create a new Intent that put Bundle to Intent

Intent intent=new Intent(ActivityOne.this,ActivityTwo.class);

for receive bundle insert this code

Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();
ArrayList<StructMain> item = (ArrayList<StructMain>) bundle.getSerializable("test");

How to query data out of the box using Spring data JPA by both Sort and Pageable?

Spring Pageable has a Sort included. So if your request has the values it will return a sorted pageable.


That should return a sorted pageable by field provided in the provided order.

How to read the content of a file to a string in C?

easy and neat(assuming contents in the file are less than 10000):

void read_whole_file(char fileName[1000], char buffer[10000])
    FILE * file = fopen(fileName, "r");
    if(file == NULL)
        puts("File not found");
    char  c;
    int idx=0;
    while (fscanf(file , "%c" ,&c) == 1)
        buffer[idx] = c;
    buffer[idx] = 0;

Detect if checkbox is checked or unchecked in Angular.js ng-change event

The state of the checkbox will be reflected on whatever model you have it bound to, in this case, $scope.answers[item.questID]

How to open adb and use it to send commands

The short answer is adb is used via command line. find adb.exe on your machine, add it to the path and use it from cmd on windows.

"adb devices" will give you a list of devices adb can talk to. your emulation platform should be on the list. just type adb to get a list of commands and what they do.

How to convert enum value to int?

If you want the value you are assigning in the constructor, you need to add a method in the enum definition to return that value.

If you want a unique number that represent the enum value, you can use ordinal().

What's the best way to store co-ordinates (longitude/latitude, from Google Maps) in SQL Server?

If you are using Entity Framework 5 < you can use DbGeography. Example from MSDN:

public class University  
    public int UniversityID { get; set; } 
    public string Name { get; set; } 
    public DbGeography Location { get; set; } 

public partial class UniversityContext : DbContext 
    public DbSet<University> Universities { get; set; } 

using (var context = new UniversityContext ()) 
    context.Universities.Add(new University() 
            Name = "Graphic Design Institute", 
            Location = DbGeography.FromText("POINT(-122.336106 47.605049)"), 

    context. Universities.Add(new University() 
            Name = "School of Fine Art", 
            Location = DbGeography.FromText("POINT(-122.335197 47.646711)"), 


    var myLocation = DbGeography.FromText("POINT(-122.296623 47.640405)"); 

    var university = (from u in context.Universities 
                        orderby u.Location.Distance(myLocation) 
                        select u).FirstOrDefault(); 

        "The closest University to you is: {0}.", 

Something I struggled with then I started using DbGeography was the coordinateSystemId. See the answer below for an excellent explanation and source for the code below.

public class GeoHelper
    public const int SridGoogleMaps = 4326;
    public const int SridCustomMap = 3857;

    public static DbGeography FromLatLng(double lat, double lng)
        return DbGeography.PointFromText(
            + lng.ToString() + " "
            + lat.ToString() + ")",

Set a Fixed div to 100% width of the parent container

Try adding a transform to the parent (doesn't have to do anything, could be a zero translation) and set the fixed child's width to 100%

body{ height:20000px }_x000D_
#wrapper {padding:10%;}_x000D_
#wrap{ _x000D_
    float: left;_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    width: 40%; _x000D_
    background:#ccc; _x000D_
    transform: translate(0, 0);_x000D_
#fixed{ _x000D_
<div id="wrapper">_x000D_
    <div id="wrap">_x000D_
    Some relative item placed item_x000D_
    <div id="fixed"></div>_x000D_

Proper way to return JSON using node or Express

Since Express.js 3x the response object has a json() method which sets all the headers correctly for you and returns the response in JSON format.


res.json({"foo": "bar"});

How to start a background process in Python?

Both capture output and run on background with threading

As mentioned on this answer, if you capture the output with stdout= and then try to read(), then the process blocks.

However, there are cases where you need this. For example, I wanted to launch two processes that talk over a port between them, and save their stdout to a log file and stdout.

The threading module allows us to do that.

First, have a look at how to do the output redirection part alone in this question: Python Popen: Write to stdout AND log file simultaneously


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import subprocess
import sys
import threading

def output_reader(proc, file):
    while True:
        byte =
        if byte:

with subprocess.Popen(['./', '0'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as proc1, \
     subprocess.Popen(['./', '10'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as proc2, \
     open('log1.log', 'w') as file1, \
     open('log2.log', 'w') as file2:
    t1 = threading.Thread(target=output_reader, args=(proc1, file1))
    t2 = threading.Thread(target=output_reader, args=(proc2, file2))

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import time

for i in range(4):
    print(i + int(sys.argv[1]))

After running:


stdout get updated every 0.5 seconds for every two lines to contain:


and each log file contains the respective log for a given process.

Inspired by:

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04, Python 3.6.7.

Reduce left and right margins in matplotlib plot

All you need is


before your output.

In addition to cutting down the margins, this also tightly groups the space between any subplots:

x = [1,2,3]
y = [1,4,9]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
subplot1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
subplot2 = fig.add_subplot(122)

HTML-5 date field shows as "mm/dd/yyyy" in Chrome, even when valid date is set

Had the same problem. A colleague solved this with jQuery.Globalize.

<script src="/Scripts/jquery.validate.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/Scripts/jquery.globalize/globalize.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/Scripts/jquery.globalize/cultures/"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var lang = 'nl';

    $(function () {

    // fixing a weird validation issue with dates (nl date notation) and Google Chrome
    $ = function(value, element) {
        var d = Globalize.parseDate(value);
        return this.optional(element) || !/Invalid|NaN/.test(d);

I am using jQuery Datepicker for selecting the date.

How to set top position using jquery

Accessing CSS property & manipulating is quite easy using .css(). For example, to change single property:

$("selector").css('top', '50px');

Is there a maximum number you can set Xmx to when trying to increase jvm memory?

Have a look at this for some common errors in setting the java heap. You've probably set the heap size to a larger value than your computer's physical memory.

You should avoid solving this problem by increasing the heap size. Instead, you should profile your application to see where you spend such a large amount of memory.