Programs & Examples On #System.addin

See whether an item appears more than once in a database column

How about:

select salesid from AXDelNotesNoTracking group by salesid having count(*) > 1;

How to round an average to 2 decimal places in PostgreSQL?

SELECT ROUND(SUM(amount)::numeric, 2) AS total_amount
FROM transactions

Gives: 200234.08

jQuery: count number of rows in a table

Here's my take on it:

//Helper function that gets a count of all the rows <TR> in a table body <TBODY>
$.fn.rowCount = function() {
    return $('tr', $(this).find('tbody')).length;


var rowCount = $('#productTypesTable').rowCount();

how to cancel/abort ajax request in axios

There is really nice package with few examples of usage called axios-cancel. I've found it very helpful. Here is the link:

python pip - install from local dir

All you need to do is run

pip install /opt/mypackage

and pip will search /opt/mypackage for a, build a wheel, then install it.

The problem with using the -e flag for pip install as suggested in the comments and this answer is that this requires that the original source directory stay in place for as long as you want to use the module. It's great if you're a developer working on the source, but if you're just trying to install a package, it's the wrong choice.

Alternatively, you don't even need to download the repo from Github at all. pip supports installing directly from git repos using a variety of protocols including HTTP, HTTPS, and SSH, among others. See the docs I linked to for examples.

CS0120: An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method, or property 'foo'

For this case, where you want to get a Control of a Form and are receiving this error, then I have a little bypass for you.

Go to your Program.cs and change

Application.Run(new Form1());


public static Form1 form1 = new Form1(); // Place this var out of the constructor

Now you can access a control with

Program.form1.<Your control>

Also: Don't forget to set your Control-Access-Level to Public.

And yes I know, this answer does not fit to the question caller, but it fits to googlers who have this specific issue with controls.

Counting number of lines, words, and characters in a text file

class wordcount
    public static int words=0;
    public static int lines=0;
    public static int chars=0;
    public static void wc(InputStreamReader isr)throws IOException
        int c=0;
        boolean lastwhite=true;
            if(c=='\t' || c==' ' || c=='\n')
    public static void main(String[] args)
        FileReader fr;
                wc(new InputStreamReader(;
                for(int i=0;i<args.length;i++)
                    fr=new FileReader(args[i]);

        catch(IOException ie)
        System.out.println(lines+" "+words+" "+chars);

Multiple file extensions in OpenFileDialog

This is from MSDN sample:

(*.bmp, *.jpg)|*.bmp;*.jpg

So for your case

openFileDialog1.Filter = "JPG (*.jpg,*.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg|TIFF (*.tif,*.tiff)|*.tif;*.tiff"

How do you push a tag to a remote repository using Git?

How can I push my tag to the remote repository so that all client computers can see it?

Run this to push mytag to your git origin (eg: GitHub or GitLab)

git push origin refs/tags/mytag

It's better to use the full "refspec" as shown above (literally refs/tags/mytag) just in-case mytag is actually v1.0.0 and is ambiguous (eg: because there's a branch also named v1.0.0).

IF EXISTS condition not working with PLSQL

IF EXISTS() is semantically incorrect. EXISTS condition can be used only inside a SQL statement. So you might rewrite your pl/sql block as follows:

  l_exst number(1);
  select case 
           when exists(select ce.s_regno 
                         from courseoffering co
                         join co_enrolment ce
                           on ce.co_id = co.co_id
                        where ce.s_regno=403 
                          and ce.coe_completionstatus = 'C' 
                          and ce.c_id = 803
                          and rownum = 1
           then 1
           else 0
         end  into l_exst
  from dual;

  if l_exst = 1 
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YES YOU CAN');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YOU CANNOT'); 
  end if;

Or you can simply use count function do determine the number of rows returned by the query, and rownum=1 predicate - you only need to know if a record exists:

  l_exst number;
   select count(*) 
     into l_exst
     from courseoffering co
          join co_enrolment ce
            on ce.co_id = co.co_id
    where ce.s_regno=403 
      and ce.coe_completionstatus = 'C' 
      and ce.c_id = 803
      and rownum = 1;

  if l_exst = 0
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YOU CANNOT');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YES YOU CAN');
  end if;

Create Pandas DataFrame from a string

A quick and easy solution for interactive work is to copy-and-paste the text by loading the data from the clipboard.

Select the content of the string with your mouse:

Copy data for pasting into a Pandas dataframe

In the Python shell use read_clipboard()

>>> pd.read_clipboard()
0       1;4.4;99
1      2;4.5;200
2       3;4.7;65
3      4;3.2;140

Use the appropriate separator:

>>> pd.read_clipboard(sep=';')
   col1  col2  col3
0     1   4.4    99
1     2   4.5   200
2     3   4.7    65
3     4   3.2   140

>>> df = pd.read_clipboard(sep=';') # save to dataframe

Excel Looping through rows and copy cell values to another worksheet

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 

Dim Z As Long 
Dim Cellidx As Range 
Dim NextRow As Long 
Dim Rng As Range 
Dim SrcWks As Worksheet 
Dim DataWks As Worksheet 
Z = 1 
Set SrcWks = Worksheets("Sheet1") 
Set DataWks = Worksheets("Sheet2") 
Set Rng = EntryWks.Range("B6:ad6") 

NextRow = DataWks.UsedRange.Rows.Count 
NextRow = IIf(NextRow = 1, 1, NextRow + 1) 

For Each RA In Rng.Areas 
    For Each Cellidx In RA 
        Z = Z + 1 
        DataWks.Cells(NextRow, Z) = Cellidx 
    Next Cellidx 
Next RA 
End Sub


Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("P2").Value = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("L10") 

This is a CopynPaste - Method

Sub CopyDataToPlan()

Dim LDate As String
Dim LColumn As Integer
Dim LFound As Boolean

On Error GoTo Err_Execute

'Retrieve date value to search for
LDate = Sheets("Rolling Plan").Range("B4").Value


'Start at column B
LColumn = 2
LFound = False

While LFound = False

  'Encountered blank cell in row 2, terminate search
  If Len(Cells(2, LColumn)) = 0 Then
     MsgBox "No matching date was found."
     Exit Sub

  'Found match in row 2
  ElseIf Cells(2, LColumn) = LDate Then

     'Select values to copy from "Rolling Plan" sheet
     Sheets("Rolling Plan").Select

     'Paste onto "Plan" sheet
     Cells(3, LColumn).Select
     Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
     False, Transpose:=False

     LFound = True
     MsgBox "The data has been successfully copied."

     'Continue searching
         LColumn = LColumn + 1
      End If


   Exit Sub

  MsgBox "An error occurred."

End Sub

And there might be some methods doing that in Excel.

Parse an URL in JavaScript

Try this:

var url = window.location;
var urlAux = url.split('=');
var img_id = urlAux[1]

Concatenating strings in Razor

You can use:

@foreach (var item in Model)
  @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.address + " " + 

How to construct a WebSocket URI relative to the page URI?

Assuming your WebSocket server is listening on the same port as from which the page is being requested, I would suggest:

function createWebSocket(path) {
    var protocolPrefix = (window.location.protocol === 'https:') ? 'wss:' : 'ws:';
    return new WebSocket(protocolPrefix + '//' + + path);

Then, for your case, call it as follows:

var socket = createWebSocket(location.pathname + '/to/ws');

Nullable DateTime conversion

You might want to do it like this:

DateTime? lastPostDate =  (DateTime?)(reader.IsDbNull(3) ? null : reader[3]); 

The problem you are having is that the ternary operator wants a viable cast between the left and right sides. And null can't be cast to DateTime.

Note the above works because both sides of the ternary are object's. The object is explicitly cast to DateTime? which works: as long as reader[3] is in fact a date.

ImportError: cannot import name main when running pip --version command in windows7 32 bit

In our case, in 2020 using Python3, the solution to this problem was to move the Python installation to the cloud-init startup script which instantiated the VM.

We had been encountering this same error when we had been trying to install Python using scripts that were called by users later in the VM's life cycle, but moving the same Python installation code to the cloud-init script eliminated this problem.

Python Accessing Nested JSON Data

I'm using this lib to access nested dict keys

 import requests
 from addict import Dict
 r = requests.get('')
 j = Dict(r.json())

 print j.state
 print j.places[1]['post code']  # only work with keys without '-', space, or starting with number 

check if variable empty

Please define what you mean by "empty".

The test I normally use is isset().

How do I revert a Git repository to a previous commit?

You can complete all these initial steps yourself and push back to the Git repository.

  1. Pull the latest version of your repository from Bitbucket using the git pull --all command.

  2. Run the Git log command with -n 4 from your terminal. The number after the -n determines the number of commits in the log starting from the most recent commit in your local history.

    $ git log -n 4
  3. Reset the head of your repository's history using the git reset --hard HEAD~N where N is the number of commits you want to take the head back. In the following example the head would be set back one commit, to the last commit in the repository history:

  4. Push the change to Git repository using git push --force to force push the change.

If you want the Git repository to a previous commit:

git pull --all
git reset --hard HEAD~1
git push --force

Regex Last occurrence?

You can try anchoring it to the end of the string, something like \\[^\\]*$. Though I'm not sure if one absolutely has to use regexp for the task.

JPA entity without id

I know that JPA entities must have primary key but I can't change database structure due to reasons beyond my control.

More precisely, a JPA entity must have some Id defined. But a JPA Id does not necessarily have to be mapped on the table primary key (and JPA can somehow deal with a table without a primary key or unique constraint).

Is it possible to create JPA (Hibernate) entities that will be work with database structure like this?

If you have a column or a set of columns in the table that makes a unique value, you can use this unique set of columns as your Id in JPA.

If your table has no unique columns at all, you can use all of the columns as the Id.

And if your table has some id but your entity doesn't, make it an Embeddable.

How to check for a Null value in VB.NET

You can also use the IsDBNull function:

If Not IsDBNull(editTransactionRow.pay_id) Then

jQuery - What are differences between $(document).ready and $(window).load?

The Difference between $(document).ready() and $(window).load() functions is that the code included inside $(window).load() will run once the entire page(images, iframes, stylesheets,etc) are loaded whereas the document ready event fires before all images,iframes etc. are loaded, but after the whole DOM itself is ready.









There are not difference between the above 3 codes.

They are equivalent,but you may face conflict if any other JavaScript Frameworks uses the same dollar symbol $ as a shortcut name.

 //Code using $ as alias to jQuery

Exec : display stdout "live"

Inspired by Nathanael Smith's answer and Eric Freese's comment, it could be as simple as:

var exec = require('child_process').exec;
exec('coffee -cw').stdout.pipe(process.stdout);

How to use if, else condition in jsf to display image

Instead of using the "c" tags, you could also do the following:

<h:outputLink value="Images/thumb_02.jpg" target="_blank" rendered="#{not empty user or user.userId eq 0}" />
<h:graphicImage value="Images/thumb_02.jpg" rendered="#{not empty user or user.userId eq 0}" />

<h:outputLink value="/DisplayBlobExample?userId=#{user.userId}" target="_blank" rendered="#{not empty user and user.userId neq 0}" />
<h:graphicImage value="/DisplayBlobExample?userId=#{user.userId}" rendered="#{not empty user and user.userId neq 0}"/>

I think that's a little more readable alternative to skuntsel's alternative answer and is utilizing the JSF rendered attribute instead of nesting a ternary operator. And off the answer, did you possibly mean to put your image in between the anchor tags so the image is clickable?

Is it possible to put CSS @media rules inline?

You can use image-set()

<div style="
  background-image: url(icon1x.png);
  background-image: -webkit-image-set(  
    url(icon1x.png) 1x,  
    url(icon2x.png) 2x);  
  background-image: image-set(  
    url(icon1x.png) 1x,  
    url(icon2x.png) 2x);">

Is there a CSS selector by class prefix?

It's not doable with CSS2.1, but it is possible with CSS3 attribute substring-matching selectors (which are supported in IE7+):

div[class^="status-"], div[class*=" status-"]

Notice the space character in the second attribute selector. This picks up div elements whose class attribute meets either of these conditions:

  • [class^="status-"] — starts with "status-"

  • [class*=" status-"] — contains the substring "status-" occurring directly after a space character. Class names are separated by whitespace per the HTML spec, hence the significant space character. This checks any other classes after the first if multiple classes are specified, and adds a bonus of checking the first class in case the attribute value is space-padded (which can happen with some applications that output class attributes dynamically).

Naturally, this also works in jQuery, as demonstrated here.

The reason you need to combine two attribute selectors as described above is because an attribute selector such as [class*="status-"] will match the following element, which may be undesirable:

<div id='D' class='foo-class foo-status-bar bar-class'></div>

If you can ensure that such a scenario will never happen, then you are free to use such a selector for the sake of simplicity. However, the combination above is much more robust.

If you have control over the HTML source or the application generating the markup, it may be simpler to just make the status- prefix its own status class instead as Gumbo suggests.

How to check if a string is numeric?

Here's how to check if the input contains a digit:

if (input.matches(".*\\d.*")) {
    // there's a digit somewhere in the input string 

Installing Java 7 on Ubuntu

Download java jdk<version>-linux-x64.tar.gz file from

Extract this file where you want. like: /home/java(Folder name created by user in home directory).

Now open terminal. Set path JAVA_HOME=path of your jdk folder(open jdk folder then right click on any folder, go to properties then copy the path using select all) and paste here.

Like: JAVA_HOME=/home/xxxx/java/JDK1.8.0_201

Let Ubuntu know where our JDK/JRE is located.

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /home/xxxx/java/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/java 20000
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /home/xxxx/java/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/javac 20000
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javaws javaws /home/xxxx/java/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/javaws 20000

Tell Ubuntu that our installation i.e., jdk1.8.0_05 must be the default Java.

sudo update-alternatives --set java /home/xxxx/sipTest/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/java
sudo update-alternatives --set javac /home/xxxx/java/sipTest/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/javac
sudo update-alternatives --set javaws /home/xxxxx/sipTest/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/javaws

Now try:

$ sudo update-alternatives --config java

There are 3 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java).

  Selection    Path                                  Priority   Status
* 0            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-oracle1/bin/java   1047      auto mode
  1            /usr/bin/gij-4.6                       1046      manual mode
  2            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-oracle1/bin/java   1047      manual mode
  3            /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_75/bin/java      1         manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice [*], or type selection number: 3

update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_75/bin/java to provide /usr/bin/java (java) in manual mode

Repeat the above for:

sudo update-alternatives --config javac
sudo update-alternatives --config javaws

How can I resize an image using Java?

You could try to use GraphicsMagick Image Processing System with im4java as a comand-line interface for Java.

There are a lot of advantages of GraphicsMagick, but one for all:

  • GM is used to process billions of files at the world's largest photo sites (e.g. Flickr and Etsy).

Nodemailer with Gmail and NodeJS

It is resolved using nodemailer-smtp-transport module inside createTransport.

var smtpTransport = require('nodemailer-smtp-transport');

var transport = nodemailer.createTransport(smtpTransport({
    service: 'gmail',
    auth: {
        user: '*******',
        pass: '*****password'

Splitting dataframe into multiple dataframes

Groupby can helps you:

grouped = data.groupby(['name'])

Then you can work with each group like with a dataframe for each participant. And DataFrameGroupBy object methods such as (apply, transform, aggregate, head, first, last) return a DataFrame object.

Or you can make list from grouped and get all DataFrame's by index:

l_grouped = list(grouped)

l_grouped[0][1] - DataFrame for first group with first name.

What is a clearfix?

Here is a different method same thing but a little different

the difference is the content dot which is replaced with a \00A0 == whitespace

More on this

.clearfix:after { content: "\00A0"; display: block; clear: both; visibility: hidden; line-height: 0; height: 0;}
.clearfix{ display: inline-block;}
html[xmlns] .clearfix { display: block;}
* html .clearfix{ height: 1%;}
.clearfix {display: block}

Here is a compact version of it...

.clearfix:after { content: "\00A0"; display: block; clear: both; visibility: hidden; line-height: 0; height: 0;width:0;font-size: 0px}.clearfix{ display: inline-block;}html[xmlns] .clearfix { display: block;}* html .clearfix{ height: 1%;}.clearfix {display: block}

Why am I getting this error Premature end of file?

For those who reached this post for Answer:

This happens mainly because the InputStream the DOM parser is consuming is empty

So in what I ran across, there might be two situations:

  1. The InputStream you passed into the parser has been used and thus emptied.
  2. The File or whatever you created the InputStream from may be an empty file or string or whatever. The emptiness might be the reason caused the problem. So you need to check your source of the InputStream.

How to connect to Mysql Server inside VirtualBox Vagrant?

This worked for me: Connect to MySQL in Vagrant

username: vagrant password: vagrant

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev
git-core sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev sudo aptitude install mysql-server

sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf change: bind-address            =

mysql -u root -p

use mysql GRANT ALL ON *.* to root@'' IDENTIFIED BY
'jarvis'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby : do |config| = "lucid32"

  config.vm.box_url = ""

  #config.vm.boot_mode = :gui

  # Assign this VM to a host-only network IP, allowing you to access
it   # via the IP. Host-only networks can talk to the host machine as
well as   # any other machines on the same network, but cannot be
accessed (through this   # network interface) by any external
networks.   # :hostonly, ""

  # Assign this VM to a bridged network, allowing you to connect
directly to a   # network using the host's network device. This makes
the VM appear as another   # physical device on your network.   # :bridged

  # Forward a port from the guest to the host, which allows for
outside   # computers to access the VM, whereas host only networking
does not.   # config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080

  config.vm.forward_port 3306, 3306 :hostonly, ""


How to get certain commit from GitHub project

If you want to go with any certain commit or want to code of any certain commit then you can use below command:

git checkout <BRANCH_NAME>
git reset --hard  <commit ID which code you want>
git push --force


 git reset --hard fbee9dd 
 git push --force

Interface naming in Java

In C# it is

public class AdminForumUser : UserBase, IUser

Java would say

public class AdminForumUser extends User implements ForumUserInterface

Because of that, I don't think conventions are nearly as important in java for interfaces, since there is an explicit difference between inheritance and interface implementation. I would say just choose any naming convention you would like, as long as you are consistant and use something to show people that these are interfaces. Haven't done java in a few years, but all interfaces would just be in their own directory, and that was the convention. Never really had any issues with it.

Moving items around in an ArrayList

you can try this simple code, Collections.swap(list, i, j) is what you looking for.

    List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

    String toMoveUp = "3";
    while (list.indexOf(toMoveUp) != 0) {
        int i = list.indexOf(toMoveUp);
        Collections.swap(list, i, i - 1);


Javascript: Load an Image from url and display

You have to right idea generating the url based off of the input value. The only issue is you are using window.location.href. Setting window.location.href changes the url of the current window. What you probably want to do is change the src attribute of an image.

  <input type="text" value="" id="imagename">
  <input type="button" onclick="var image = document.getElementById('the-image'); image.src=''+document.getElementById('imagename').value +'.png'" value="GO">
<img id="the-image">

Which equals operator (== vs ===) should be used in JavaScript comparisons?

Why == is so unpredictable?

What do you get when you compare an empty string "" with the number zero 0?


Yep, that's right according to == an empty string and the number zero are the same time.

And it doesn't end there, here's another one:

'0' == false // true

Things get really weird with arrays.

[1] == true // true
[] == false // true
[[]] == false // true
[0] == false // true

Then weirder with strings

[1,2,3] == '1,2,3' // true - REALLY?!
'\r\n\t' == 0 // true - Come on!

It get's worse:

When is equal not equal?

let A = ''  // empty string
let B = 0   // zero
let C = '0' // zero string

A == B // true - ok... 
B == C // true - so far so good...
A == C // **FALSE** - Plot twist!

Let me say that again:

(A == B) && (B == C) // true
(A == C) // **FALSE**

And this is just the crazy stuff you get with primitives.

It's a whole new level of crazy when you use == with objects.

At this point your probably wondering...

Why does this happen?

Well it's because unlike "triple equals" (===) which just checks if two values are the same.

== does a whole bunch of other stuff.

It has special handling for functions, special handling for nulls, undefined, strings, you name it.

It get's pretty wacky.

In fact, if you tried to write a function that does what == does it would look something like this:

function isEqual(x, y) { // if `==` were a function
    if(typeof y === typeof x) return y === x;
    // treat null and undefined the same
    var xIsNothing = (y === undefined) || (y === null);
    var yIsNothing = (x === undefined) || (x === null);

    if(xIsNothing || yIsNothing) return (xIsNothing && yIsNothing);

    if(typeof y === "function" || typeof x === "function") {
        // if either value is a string 
        // convert the function into a string and compare
        if(typeof x === "string") {
            return x === y.toString();
        } else if(typeof y === "string") {
            return x.toString() === y;
        return false;

    if(typeof x === "object") x = toPrimitive(x);
    if(typeof y === "object") y = toPrimitive(y);
    if(typeof y === typeof x) return y === x;

    // convert x and y into numbers if they are not already use the "+" trick
    if(typeof x !== "number") x = +x;
    if(typeof y !== "number") y = +y;
    // actually the real `==` is even more complicated than this, especially in ES6
    return x === y;

function toPrimitive(obj) {
    var value = obj.valueOf();
    if(obj !== value) return value;
    return obj.toString();

So what does this mean?

It means == is complicated.

Because it's complicated it's hard to know what's going to happen when you use it.

Which means you could end up with bugs.

So the moral of the story is...

Make your life less complicated.

Use === instead of ==.

The End.

SQL Server 100% CPU Utilization - One database shows high CPU usage than others

According to this article on sqlserverstudymaterial;

Remember that "%Privileged time" is not based on 100%.It is based on number of processors.If you see 200 for sqlserver.exe and the system has 8 CPU then CPU consumed by sqlserver.exe is 200 out of 800 (only 25%).

If "% Privileged Time" value is more than 30% then it's generally caused by faulty drivers or anti-virus software. In such situations make sure the BIOS and filter drives are up to date and then try disabling the anti-virus software temporarily to see the change.

If "% User Time" is high then there is something consuming of SQL Server. There are several known patterns which can be caused high CPU for processes running in SQL Server including

R - Markdown avoiding package loading messages

```{r results='hide', message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}

see Chunk Options in the Knitr docs

How to View Oracle Stored Procedure using SQLPlus?

check your casing, the name is typically stored in upper case


Iterating through a string word by word

s = 'hi how are you'
l = list(map(lambda x: x,s.split()))

Output: ['hi', 'how', 'are', 'you']

Import .bak file to a database in SQL server

.bak files are database backups. You can restore the backup with the method below:

How to: Restore a Database Backup (SQL Server Management Studio)

jQuery: how to trigger anchor link's click event

There's a difference in invoking the click event (does not do the redirect), and navigating to the href location.


 window.location = $('#myanchor').attr('href');

Open in new tab or window:$('#myanchor').attr('href'));

invoke click event (call the javascript):


How to validate an OAuth 2.0 access token for a resource server?

OAuth 2.0 spec doesn't define the part. But there could be couple of options:

  1. When resource server gets the token in the Authz Header then it calls the validate/introspect API on Authz server to validate the token. Here Authz server might validate it either from using DB Store or verifying the signature and certain attributes. As part of response, it decodes the token and sends the actual data of token along with remaining expiry time.

  2. Authz Server can encrpt/sign the token using private key and then publickey/cert can be given to Resource Server. When resource server gets the token, it either decrypts/verifies signature to verify the token. Takes the content out and processes the token. It then can either provide access or reject.

stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document

Just break the loop when you find the element you want to click on it. for example:

  List<WebElement> buttons = getButtonElements();
    for (WebElement b : buttons) {
        if (b.getText().equals("Next"){

How much should a function trust another function

Typically this is bad practice. Since it is possible to call addEdge before addNode and have a NullPointerException (NPE) thrown, addEdge should check if the result is null and throw a more descriptive Exception. In my opinion, the only time it is acceptable not to check for nulls is when you expect the result to never be null, in which case, an NPE is plenty descriptive.

How to simulate browsing from various locations?

Besides using multiple proxies or proxy-networks, you might want to try the planet-lab. (And probably there are other similar institutions around).

The social solution would be to post a question on some board that you are searching for volunteers that proxy your requests. (They only have to allow for one destination in their proxy config thus the danger of becoming spam-whores is relatively low.) You should prepare credentials that ensure your partners of the authenticity of the claim that the destination is indeed your computer.

Count number of matches of a regex in Javascript

This is certainly something that has a lot of traps. I was working with Paolo Bergantino's answer, and realising that even that has some limitations. I found working with string representations of dates a good place to quickly find some of the main problems. Start with an input string like this: '12-2-2019 5:1:48.670'

and set up Paolo's function like this:

function count(re, str) {
    if (typeof re !== "string") {
        return 0;
    re = (re === '.') ? ('\\' + re) : re;
    var cre = new RegExp(re, 'g');
    return ((str || '').match(cre) || []).length;

I wanted the regular expression to be passed in, so that the function is more reusable, secondly, I wanted the parameter to be a string, so that the client doesn't have to make the regex, but simply match on the string, like a standard string utility class method.

Now, here you can see that I'm dealing with issues with the input. With the following:

if (typeof re !== "string") {
    return 0;

I am ensuring that the input isn't anything like the literal 0, false, undefined, or null, none of which are strings. Since these literals are not in the input string, there should be no matches, but it should match '0', which is a string.

With the following:

re = (re === '.') ? ('\\' + re) : re;

I am dealing with the fact that the RegExp constructor will (I think, wrongly) interpret the string '.' as the all character matcher \.\

Finally, because I am using the RegExp constructor, I need to give it the global 'g' flag so that it counts all matches, not just the first one, similar to the suggestions in other posts.

I realise that this is an extremely late answer, but it might be helpful to someone stumbling along here. BTW here's the TypeScript version:

function count(re: string, str: string): number {
    if (typeof re !== 'string') {
        return 0;
    re = (re === '.') ? ('\\' + re) : re;
    const cre = new RegExp(re, 'g');    
    return ((str || '').match(cre) || []).length;

Best equivalent VisualStudio IDE for Mac to program .NET/C#

The question is quite old so I feel like I need to give a more up to date response to this question.

Based on MonoDevelop, the best IDE for building C# applications on the Mac, for pretty much any platform is

Converting any object to a byte array in java

What you want to do is called "serialization". There are several ways of doing it, but if you don't need anything fancy I think using the standard Java object serialization would do just fine.

Perhaps you could use something like this?

package com.example;


public class Serializer {

    public static byte[] serialize(Object obj) throws IOException {
        try(ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream()){
            try(ObjectOutputStream o = new ObjectOutputStream(b)){
            return b.toByteArray();

    public static Object deserialize(byte[] bytes) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        try(ByteArrayInputStream b = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)){
            try(ObjectInputStream o = new ObjectInputStream(b)){
                return o.readObject();


There are several improvements to this that can be done. Not in the least the fact that you can only read/write one object per byte array, which might or might not be what you want.

Note that "Only objects that support the interface can be written to streams" (see

Since you might run into it, the continuous allocation and resizing of the might turn out to be quite the bottle neck. Depending on your threading model you might want to consider reusing some of the objects.

For serialization of objects that do not implement the Serializable interface you either need to write your own serializer, for example using the read*/write* methods of and the get*/put* methods of java.nio.ByteBuffer perhaps together with reflection, or pull in a third party dependency.

This site has a list and performance comparison of some serialization frameworks. Looking at the APIs it seems Kryo might fit what you need.

How do I customize Facebook's sharer.php

What you are talking about is the preview image and text that Facebook extracts when you share a link. Facebook uses the Open Graph Protocol to get this data.

Essentially, all you'll have to do is place these og:meta tags on the URL that you want to share -

<meta property="og:title" content="The Rock"/>
<meta property="og:type" content="movie"/>
<meta property="og:url" content=""/>
<meta property="og:image" content=""/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="IMDb"/>
<meta property="fb:admins" content="USER_ID"/>
<meta property="og:description"
      content="A group of U.S. Marines, under command of
               a renegade general, take over Alcatraz and
               threaten San Francisco Bay with biological

As you can see there are both an image property and a description. When you make changes to your pages og:meta tags, you can test these changes using the Facebook Debugger. It will tell you if you have made any mistakes (and how to fix them!)

How can I initialize a C# List in the same line I declare it. (IEnumerable string Collection Example)

It depends which version of C# you're using, from version 3.0 onwards you can use...

List<string> nameslist = new List<string> { "one", "two", "three" };

PostgreSQL unnest() with element number

Use Subscript Generating Functions.

For example:

  , elements[i] AS elem
  , i AS nr
      , elements
      , generate_subscripts(elements, 1) AS i
      ( SELECT
          , string_to_array(elements, ',') AS elements
      ) AS foo
  ) bar

More simply:

  , unnest(elements) AS elem
  , generate_subscripts(elements, 1) AS nr
      , string_to_array(elements, ',') AS elements
  ) AS foo

Sorting using Comparator- Descending order (User defined classes)

You can do the descending sort of a user-defined class this way overriding the compare() method,

Collections.sort(unsortedList,new Comparator<Person>() {
    public int compare(Person a, Person b) {
        return b.getName().compareTo(a.getName());

Or by using Collection.reverse() to sort descending as user Prince mentioned in his comment.

And you can do the ascending sort like this,

Collections.sort(unsortedList,new Comparator<Person>() {
    public int compare(Person a, Person b) {
        return a.getName().compareTo(b.getName());

Replace the above code with a Lambda expression(Java 8 onwards) we get concise:

Collections.sort(personList, (Person a, Person b) -> b.getName().compareTo(a.getName()));

As of Java 8, List has sort() method which takes Comparator as parameter(more concise) :


Here a and b are inferred as Person type by lambda expression.

Angularjs Template Default Value if Binding Null / Undefined (With Filter)

Just in case you want to try something else. This is what worked for me:

Based on Ternary Operator which has following structure:

condition ? value-if-true : value-if-false

As result:

{{ | date:'mediumDate'):"Various" }}

Programmatically shut down Spring Boot application

In the application you can use SpringApplication. This has a static exit() method that takes two arguments: the ApplicationContext and an ExitCodeGenerator:

i.e. you can declare this method:

public void shutDown(ExecutorServiceExitCodeGenerator exitCodeGenerator) {
    SpringApplication.exit(applicationContext, exitCodeGenerator);

Inside the Integration tests you can achieved it by adding @DirtiesContext annotation at class level:

  • @DirtiesContext(classMode=ClassMode.AFTER_CLASS) - The associated ApplicationContext will be marked as dirty after the test class.
  • @DirtiesContext(classMode=ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD) - The associated ApplicationContext will be marked as dirty after each test method in the class.


@SpringBootTest(classes = {Application.class},
    webEnvironment= SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT, properties = {"server.port:0"})
@DirtiesContext(classMode= DirtiesContext.ClassMode.AFTER_CLASS)
public class ApplicationIT {

How do I open port 22 in OS X 10.6.7

I couldn't solve the problem; Then I did the following and the issue was resolved: Refer here:

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist  
    (Supply your password when it is requested)   
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist  
ssh -v localhost  
sudo launchctl list | grep "sshd"  
    46427   -   com.openssh.sshd  

How to check for DLL dependency?

  1. There is a program called "Depends"
  2. If you have cygwin installed, nothing simpler then ldd file.exe

How to know the version of pip itself

For windows just type:

python -m pip --version

How can I get all element values from Request.Form without specifying exactly which one with .GetValues("ElementIdName")

You can get all keys in the Request.Form and then compare and get your desired values.

Your method body will look like this: -

List<int> listValues = new List<int>();
foreach (string key in Request.Form.AllKeys)
    if (key.StartsWith("List"))

How to convert a Binary String to a base 10 integer in Java

I love loops! Yay!

String myString = "1001001"; //73

While loop with accumulator, left to right (l doesn't change):

int n = 0,
    j = -1,
    l = myString.length();
while (++j < l) n = (n << 1) + (myString.charAt(j) == '0' ? 0 : 1);
return n;

Right to left with 2 loop vars, inspired by Convert boolean to int in Java (absolutely horrible):

int n = 0,
    j = myString.length,
    i = 1;
while (j-- != 0) n -= (i = i << 1) * new Boolean(myString.charAt(j) == '0').compareTo(true);
return n >> 1;

A somewhat more reasonable implementation:

int n = 0,
    j = myString.length(),
    i = 1;
while (j-- != 0) n += (i = i << 1) * (myString.charAt(j) == '0' ? 0 : 1);
return n >> 1;

A readable version :p

int n = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < myString.length(); j++) {
    n *= 2;
    n += myString.charAt(j) == '0' ? 0 : 1;
return n;

Detect Android phone via Javascript / jQuery

js version, catches iPad too:

var is_mobile = /mobile|android/i.test (navigator.userAgent);

Difference between 2 dates in SQLite

If you want difference in seconds

SELECT strftime('%s', '2019-12-02 12:32:53') - strftime('%s', '2019-12-02 11:32:53')

What is the size of a pointer?

They can be different on word-addressable machines (e.g., Cray PVP systems).

Most computers today are byte-addressable machines, where each address refers to a byte of memory. There, all data pointers are usually the same size, namely the size of a machine address.

On word-adressable machines, each machine address refers instead to a word larger than a byte. On these, a (char *) or (void *) pointer to a byte of memory has to contain both a word address plus a byte offset within the addresed word.

How to check encoding of a CSV file

In Linux systems, you can use file command. It will give the correct encoding


file blah.csv


blah.csv: ISO-8859 text, with very long lines

Difference between attr_accessor and attr_accessible

attr_accessor is a Ruby method that makes a getter and a setter. attr_accessible is a Rails method that allows you to pass in values to a mass assignment: new(attrs) or update_attributes(attrs).

Here's a mass assignment:{ :type => 'Corn', :quantity => 6 })

You can imagine that the order might also have a discount code, say :price_off. If you don't tag :price_off as attr_accessible you stop malicious code from being able to do like so:{ :type => 'Corn', :quantity => 6, :price_off => 30 })

Even if your form doesn't have a field for :price_off, if it's in your model it's available by default. This means a crafted POST could still set it. Using attr_accessible white lists those things that can be mass assigned.

Show a number to two decimal places

bcdiv($number, 1, 2) // 2 varies for digits after the decimal point

This will display exactly two digits after the decimal point.


If you want to display two digits after a float value only and not for int, then use this.

VS 2017 Metadata file '.dll could not be found

In my case, I deleted one file directly from team explorer git menu which was causing this problem. When I checked solution explorer it was still showing the deleted file as unreferenced file. When I removed that file from solution explorer, I was able to build project successfully.

Right way to write JSON deserializer in Spring or extend it

With Spring MVC 4.2.1.RELEASE, you need to use the new Jackson2 dependencies as below for the Deserializer to work.

Dont use this


Use this instead.


Also use com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonDeserializer and com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize for the deserialization and not the classes from org.codehaus.jackson

Converting a string to a date in DB2

Okay, seems like a bit of a hack. I have got it to work using a substring, so that only the part of the string with the date (not the time) gets passed into the DATE function...


I will still accept any answers that are better than this one!

How can I find the current OS in Python?

Something along the lines:

import os
if == "posix":
    print(os.system("uname -a"))
# insert other possible OSes here
# ...
    print("unknown OS")

pass array to method Java

public static void main(String[] args) {

    int[] A=new int[size];
      //code for take input in array
      int[] C=sorting(A); //pass array via method
      //and then print array

public static int[] sorting(int[] a) {
     //code for work with array 
     return a; //retuen array

perform an action on checkbox checked or unchecked event on html form

    syn<input type="checkbox" name="checkfield" id="g01-01" />


    var _val = $(this).is(':checked') ? 'checked' : 'unchecked';

Select first row in each GROUP BY group?

This way it work for me:

SELECT article, dealer, price
FROM   shop s1
WHERE  price=(SELECT MAX(s2.price)
              FROM shop s2
              WHERE s1.article = s2.article
              GROUP BY s2.article)
ORDER BY article;

Select highest price on each article

Want to upgrade project from Angular v5 to Angular v6

As Vinay Kumar pointed out that it will not update global installed Angular CLI. To update it globally just use following commands:

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache clean
npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

Note if you want to update existing project you have to modify existing project, you should change package.json inside your project.

There are no breaking changes in Angular itself but they are in RxJS, so don't forget to use rxjs-compat library to work with legacy code.

  npm install --save rxjs-compat  

I wrote a good article about installation/updating Angular CLI

Server configuration is missing in Eclipse

If you're not too attached to your current workspace you can create a new workspace, follow BalusC's steps for server creation, and recreate your project in the new workspace.

I got the same error after installing Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers(Juno) but using the workspace of a much older Eclipse installation. When I created a new workspace I was able to get my Tomcat server running without this error.

Unfortunately MyApp has stopped. How can I solve this?

You have to check the Stack trace

How to do that?

on Your IDE Check the windows form LOGCAT

If you cant see the logcat windows go to this path and open it

window->show view->others->Android->Logcat

if you are using Google-Api go to this path

adb logcat > logcat.txt

ImportError: No module named 'bottle' - PyCharm

pycharm 2019.3 ,my solution is below: enter image description here

Get access to parent control from user control - C#

You can get the Parent of a control via


See MSDN: Control.Parent

The Android emulator is not starting, showing "invalid command-line parameter"

This don't work since Andoid SDK R12 update. I think is because SDK don't find the Java SDK Path. You can solve that by adding the Java SDK Path in your PATH environment variable.

Can't bind to 'ngForOf' since it isn't a known property of 'tr' (final release)

In my case, the issue was that my teammate mentioned *ngfor in templates instead of *ngFor. Strange that there is no correct error to handle this issue (In Angular 4).

Create Test Class in IntelliJ

Use the menu selection Navigate -> Test, or Ctrl+Shift+T (Shift+?+T on Mac). This will go to the existing test class, or offer to generate it for you through a little wizard.

How do I get the last four characters from a string in C#?

Using Substring is actually quite short and readable:

 var result = mystring.Substring(mystring.Length - Math.Min(4, mystring.Length));
 // result == "d124"

How to pause javascript code execution for 2 seconds

There's no (safe) way to pause execution. You can, however, do something like this using setTimeout:

function writeNext(i)

    if(i == 5)

        writeNext(i + 1);

    }, 2000);


Default fetch type for one-to-one, many-to-one and one-to-many in Hibernate

I know the answers were correct at the time of asking the question - but since people (like me this minute) still happen to find them wondering why their WildFly 10 was behaving differently, I'd like to give an update for the current Hibernate 5.x version:

In the Hibernate 5.2 User Guide it is stated in chapter 11.2. Applying fetch strategies:

The Hibernate recommendation is to statically mark all associations lazy and to use dynamic fetching strategies for eagerness. This is unfortunately at odds with the JPA specification which defines that all one-to-one and many-to-one associations should be eagerly fetched by default. Hibernate, as a JPA provider, honors that default.

So Hibernate as well behaves like Ashish Agarwal stated above for JPA:

OneToMany: LAZY
ManyToOne: EAGER
ManyToMany: LAZY

(see JPA 2.1 Spec)

Sorting a vector in descending order

Instead of a functor as Mehrdad proposed, you could use a Lambda function.

sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), [](const int a, const int b) {return a > b; });

What does this error mean: "error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'type_name'"?

I was able to sort this out using Gorgando's fix, but instead of moving imports away, I commented each out individually, built the app, then edited accordingly until I got rid of them.

Using Sockets to send and receive data



    public class Client {
        public static void main(String[] args) {

        String hostname = "localhost";
        int port = 6789;

        // declaration section:
        // clientSocket: our client socket
        // os: output stream
        // is: input stream

            Socket clientSocket = null;  
            DataOutputStream os = null;
            BufferedReader is = null;

        // Initialization section:
        // Try to open a socket on the given port
        // Try to open input and output streams

            try {
                clientSocket = new Socket(hostname, port);
                os = new DataOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
                is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream()));
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                System.err.println("Don't know about host: " + hostname);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("Couldn't get I/O for the connection to: " + hostname);

        // If everything has been initialized then we want to write some data
        // to the socket we have opened a connection to on the given port

        if (clientSocket == null || os == null || is == null) {
            System.err.println( "Something is wrong. One variable is null." );

        try {
            while ( true ) {
            System.out.print( "Enter an integer (0 to stop connection, -1 to stop server): " );
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
            String keyboardInput = br.readLine();
            os.writeBytes( keyboardInput + "\n" );

            int n = Integer.parseInt( keyboardInput );
            if ( n == 0 || n == -1 ) {

            String responseLine = is.readLine();
            System.out.println("Server returns its square as: " + responseLine);

            // clean up:
            // close the output stream
            // close the input stream
            // close the socket

        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            System.err.println("Trying to connect to unknown host: " + e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("IOException:  " + e);



public class Server1 {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    int port = 6789;
    Server1 server = new Server1( port );

    // declare a server socket and a client socket for the server

    ServerSocket echoServer = null;
    Socket clientSocket = null;
    int port;

    public Server1( int port ) {
    this.port = port;

    public void stopServer() {
    System.out.println( "Server cleaning up." );

    public void startServer() {
    // Try to open a server socket on the given port
    // Note that we can't choose a port less than 1024 if we are not
    // privileged users (root)

        try {
        echoServer = new ServerSocket(port);
        catch (IOException e) {

    System.out.println( "Waiting for connections. Only one connection is allowed." );

    // Create a socket object from the ServerSocket to listen and accept connections.
    // Use Server1Connection to process the connection.

    while ( true ) {
        try {
        clientSocket = echoServer.accept();
        Server1Connection oneconnection = new Server1Connection(clientSocket, this);;
        catch (IOException e) {

class Server1Connection {
    BufferedReader is;
    PrintStream os;
    Socket clientSocket;
    Server1 server;

    public Server1Connection(Socket clientSocket, Server1 server) {
    this.clientSocket = clientSocket;
    this.server = server;
    System.out.println( "Connection established with: " + clientSocket );
    try {
        is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream()));
        os = new PrintStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
    } catch (IOException e) {

    public void run() {
        String line;
    try {
        boolean serverStop = false;

            while (true) {
                line = is.readLine();
        System.out.println( "Received " + line );
                int n = Integer.parseInt(line);
        if ( n == -1 ) {
            serverStop = true;
        if ( n == 0 ) break;
                os.println("" + n*n ); 

        System.out.println( "Connection closed." );

        if ( serverStop ) server.stopServer();
    } catch (IOException e) {

How to find the index of an element in an array in Java?

I believe the only sanest way to do this is to manually iterate through the array.

for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
  if (list[i] == 'e') {

DateTime.TryParseExact() rejecting valid formats


 DateTime.TryParseExact(txtStartDate.Text, formats, 
        System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out startDate)

What is the difference between fastcgi and fpm?

Running PHP as a CGI means that you basically tell your web server the location of the PHP executable file, and the server runs that executable


PHP FastCGI Process Manager (PHP-FPM) is an alternative FastCGI daemon for PHP that allows a website to handle strenuous loads. PHP-FPM maintains pools (workers that can respond to PHP requests) to accomplish this. PHP-FPM is faster than traditional CGI-based methods, such as SUPHP, for multi-user PHP environments

However, there are pros and cons to both and one should choose as per their specific use case.

I found info on this link for fastcgi vs fpm quite helpful in choosing which handler to use in my scenario.

Replace an element into a specific position of a vector

See an example here: eg.:

vector::iterator iterator1;

  iterator1= vec1.begin();
  vec1.insert ( iterator1+i , vec2[i] );

// This means that at position "i" from the beginning it will insert the value from vec2 from position i

Your first approach was replacing the values from vec1[i] with the values from vec2[i]

PhpMyAdmin not working on localhost

All I had to do was load localhost:80/phpmyadmin and then the browser figured it out. After that, localhost/phpmyadmin worked.

ReferenceError: variable is not defined

Variables are available only in the scope you defined them. If you define a variable inside a function, you won't be able to access it outside of it.

Define variable with var outside the function (and of course before it) and then assign 10 to it inside function:

var value;
$(function() {
  value = "10";
console.log(value); // 10

Note that you shouldn't omit the first line in this code (var value;), because otherwise you are assigning value to undefined variable. This is bad coding practice and will not work in strict mode. Defining a variable (var variable;) and assigning value to a variable (variable = value;) are two different things. You can't assign value to variable that you haven't defined.

It might be irrelevant here, but $(function() {}) is a shortcut for $(document).ready(function() {}), which executes a function as soon as document is loaded. If you want to execute something immediately, you don't need it, otherwise beware that if you run it before DOM has loaded, value will be undefined until it has loaded, so console.log(value); placed right after $(function() {}) will return undefined. In other words, it would execute in following order:

var value;
value = "10";

See also:

WARNING in budgets, maximum exceeded for initial

Open angular.json file and find budgets keyword.

It should look like:

    "budgets": [
          "type": "initial",
          "maximumWarning": "2mb",
          "maximumError": "5mb"

As you’ve probably guessed you can increase the maximumWarning value to prevent this warning, i.e.:

    "budgets": [
          "type": "initial",
          "maximumWarning": "4mb", <===
          "maximumError": "5mb"

What does budgets mean?

A performance budget is a group of limits to certain values that affect site performance, that may not be exceeded in the design and development of any web project.

In our case budget is the limit for bundle sizes.

See also:

How can I avoid running ActiveRecord callbacks?


@Vikrant Chaudhary's solution seems better:

#Rails >= v3.1 only
@person.update_column(:some_attribute, 'value')
#Rails >= v4.0 only

My original answer :

see this link: How to skip ActiveRecord callbacks?

in Rails3,

assume we have a class definition:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  after_save :generate_nick_name



Approach2: When you want to skip them in your rspec files or whatever, try this:

User.skip_callback(:save, :after, :generate_nick_name)

NOTE: once this is done, if you are not in rspec environment, you should reset the callbacks:

User.set_callback(:save, :after, :generate_nick_name)

works fine for me on rails 3.0.5


Copyed the *.jar into my WEB-INF/lib folder -> Worked for me. When including over buildpath there was everytime this errormsg.

Disable scrolling in webview?

To Disable scroll use this

webView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) 
        return (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE);

How to use external ".js" files

Code like this

          <script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/script.js"></script>
          <!--other script and also external css included over here-->
            <select name="users" onChange="showUser(this.value)">
               <option value="1">Tom</option>
               <option value="2">Bob</option>
               <option value="3">Joe</option>

I hope it will help you.... thanks

Failed to load ApplicationContext (with annotation)

In my case, I had to do the following while running with Junit5

@SpringBootTest(classes = {abc.class}) @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class

Here abc.class was the class that was being tested

Sql Server : How to use an aggregate function like MAX in a WHERE clause

The correct way to use max in the having clause is by performing a self join first:

select t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
from table1 t1
join table1 t1_max
  on =
group by t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
having = max(

The following is how you would join with a subquery:

select t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
from table1 t1
where = (select max(
                 from table1 t1_max
                 where =

Be sure to create a single dataset before using an aggregate when dealing with a multi-table join:

select,, t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
into #dataset
from table1 t1
join table2 t2
  on =
join table2 t3
  on =

select a, b, c
from #dataset d
join #dataset d_max
  on =
having = max(
group by a, b, c

Sub query version:

select,, t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
into #dataset
from table1 t1
join table2 t2
  on =
join table2 t3
  on =

select a, b, c
from #dataset d
where = (select max(
                from #dataset d_max
                where =

Where does error CS0433 "Type 'X' already exists in both A.dll and B.dll " come from?

A super quick and handy fix is to abuse Visual Studio's incredible intellisense by temporarily referencing the class somewhere.


System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute x = null;

When building or hovering the cursor over the line you can view the following error:

'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute' exists in both 'C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.5\System.Core.dll'

This tells you the two sources causing the conflict immediately.

System.Core.dll is the .dll file that you want to keep, so delete the other one.

I found mine sitting in the bin directory, but it may be elsewhere in the project.

As a matter of fact this is worth bearing in mind, because since the bin directory might not be included as part of the TFS change-set, it can explain why checking in your changes doesn't resolve the issue for other members of your team.

How to change package name in android studio?

In projects that use the Gradle build system, what you want to change is the applicationId in the build.gradle file. The build system uses this value to override anything specified by hand in the manifest file when it does the manifest merge and build.

For example, your module's build.gradle file looks something like this:

apply plugin: ''

android {
    compileSdkVersion 20
    buildToolsVersion "20.0.0"

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.example.fred.myapplication"
        minSdkVersion 10
        targetSdkVersion 20
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"

applicationId is the name the build system uses for the property that eventually gets written to the package attribute of the manifest tag in the manifest file. It was renamed to prevent confusion with the Java package name (which you have also tried to modify), which has nothing to do with it.

Git status ignore line endings / identical files / windows & linux environment / dropbox / mled

Issue related to git commands on Windows operating system:

$ git add --all

warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in ...

The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.


$ git config --global core.autocrlf false     
$ git add --all 

No any warning messages come up.

TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, int found

Although the given list comprehension / generator expression answers are ok, I find this easier to read and understand:

values = ','.join(map(str, value_list))

jQuery’s .bind() vs. .on()

If you look in the source code for $.fn.bind you will find that it's just an rewrite function for on:

function (types, data, fn) {
    return this.on(types, null, data, fn);

How to deserialize a JObject to .NET object

From the documentation I found this

JObject o = new JObject(
   new JProperty("Name", "John Smith"),
   new JProperty("BirthDate", new DateTime(1983, 3, 20))

JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
Person p = (Person)serializer.Deserialize(new JTokenReader(o), typeof(Person));


The class definition for Person should be compatible to the following:

class Person {
    public string Name { get; internal set; }
    public DateTime BirthDate { get; internal set; }


If you are using a recent version of and don't need custom serialization, please see TienDo's answer above (or below if you upvote me :P ), which is more concise.

Which browsers support <script async="async" />?

The async support as specified by google is achieved using two parts:

  • using script on your page (the script is supplied by google) to write out a <script> tag to the DOM.

  • that script has async="true" attribute to signal to compatible browsers that it can continue rendering the page.

The first part works on browsers without support for <script async.. tags, allowing them to load async with a "hack" (although a pretty solid one), and also allows rendering the page without waiting for ga.js to be retrieved.

The second part only affects compatible browsers that understand the async html attribute

  • FF 3.6+
  • FF for Android All Versions
  • IE 10+ (starting with preview 2)
  • Chrome 8+
  • Chrome For Android All versions
  • Safari 5.0+
  • iOS Safari 5.0+
  • Android Browser 3.0+ (honeycomb on up)
  • Opera 15.0+
  • Opera Mobile 16.0+
  • Opera Mini None (as of 8.0)

The "html5 proper" way to specify async is with a <script async src="...", not <script async="true". However, initially browsers did not support this syntax, nor did they support setting the script property on referenced elements. If you want this, the list changes:

  • FF 4+
  • IE 10+ (preview 2 and up)
  • Chrome 12+
  • Chrome For Android 32+
  • Safari 5.1+
  • No android versions

How to import an existing X.509 certificate and private key in Java keystore to use in SSL?

Based on the answers above, here is how to create a brand new keystore for your java based web server, out of an independently created Comodo cert and private key using keytool (requires JDK 1.6+)

  1. Issue this command and at the password prompt enter somepass - 'server.crt' is your server's cert and 'server.key' is the private key you used for issuing the CSR: openssl pkcs12 -export -in server.crt -inkey server.key -out server.p12 -name -CAfile AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt -caname "AddTrust External CA Root"

  2. Then use keytool to convert the p12 keystore into a jks keystore: keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass somepass -destkeypass somepass -destkeystore keystore.jks -srckeystore server.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass somepass

Then import the other two root/intermediate certs you received from Comodo:

  1. Import COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt: keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias cert1 -file COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt -keystore keystore.jks

  2. Import COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt: keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias cert2 -file COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt -keystore keystore.jks

ES6 Class Multiple inheritance

My answer seems like less code and it works for me:

    class Nose {
      constructor() {
        this.booger = 'ready'; 
      pick() {
        console.log('pick your nose')
    class Ear {
      constructor() {
        this.wax = 'ready'; 
      dig() {
        console.log('dig in your ear')
    class Gross extends Classes([Nose,Ear]) {
      constructor() {
        this.gross = true;
    function Classes(bases) {
      class Bases {
        constructor() {
          bases.forEach(base => Object.assign(this, new base()));
      bases.forEach(base => {
        .filter(prop => prop != 'constructor')
        .forEach(prop => Bases.prototype[prop] = base.prototype[prop])
      return Bases;

    // test it
    var grossMan = new Gross();
    grossMan.pick(); // eww
    grossMan.dig();  // yuck!

How to center a "position: absolute" element

Using left: calc(50% - Wpx/2); where W is the width of the element works for me.

How do I use Linq to obtain a unique list of properties from a list of objects?

Using straight Linq, with the Distinct() extension:

var idList = (from x in yourList select x.ID).Distinct();

"query function not defined for Select2 undefined error"

For me this issue boiled down to setting the correct data-ui-select2 attribute:

<input type="text" data-ui-select2="select2Options.projectManagers" placeholder="Project Manager" ng-model="selectedProjectManager">

$scope.projectManagers = { 
  data: []  //Must have data property 

$scope.selectedProjectManager = {};

If I take off the data property on $scope.projectManagers I get this error.

error while loading shared libraries:

I solved the issue using

ln -s  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

on ubunutu 18.10

Working with $scope.$emit and $scope.$on

Below code shows the two sub-controllers from where the events are dispatched upwards to parent controller (rootScope)

<body ng-app="App">

    <div ng-controller="parentCtrl">

        <p>City : {{city}} </p>
        <p> Address : {{address}} </p>

        <div ng-controller="subCtrlOne">
            <input type="text" ng-model="city" />
            <button ng-click="getCity(city)">City !!!</button>

        <div ng-controller="subCtrlTwo">

            <input type="text" ng-model="address" />
            <button ng-click="getAddrress(address)">Address !!!</button>




var App = angular.module('App', []);

// parent controller
App.controller('parentCtrl', parentCtrl);

parentCtrl.$inject = ["$scope"];

function parentCtrl($scope) {

    $scope.$on('cityBoom', function(events, data) {
        $ = data;

    $scope.$on('addrBoom', function(events, data) {
        $scope.address = data;

// sub controller one

App.controller('subCtrlOne', subCtrlOne);

subCtrlOne.$inject = ['$scope'];

function subCtrlOne($scope) {

    $scope.getCity = function(city) {

        $scope.$emit('cityBoom', city);    

// sub controller two

App.controller('subCtrlTwo', subCtrlTwo);

subCtrlTwo.$inject = ["$scope"];

function subCtrlTwo($scope) {

    $scope.getAddrress = function(addr) {

        $scope.$emit('addrBoom', addr);   

Android center view in FrameLayout doesn't work

To center a view in Framelayout, there are some available tricks. The simplest one I used for my Webview and Progressbar(very similar to your two object layout), I just added android:layout_gravity="center"

Here is complete XML in case if someone else needs the same thing to do

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""




Here is my output


How can I iterate over files in a given directory?

You can try using glob module:

import glob

for filepath in glob.iglob('my_dir/*.asm'):

and since Python 3.5 you can search subdirectories as well:

glob.glob('**/*.txt', recursive=True) # => ['2.txt', 'sub/3.txt']

From the docs:

The glob module finds all the pathnames matching a specified pattern according to the rules used by the Unix shell, although results are returned in arbitrary order. No tilde expansion is done, but *, ?, and character ranges expressed with [] will be correctly matched.

java - path to trustStore - set property doesn't work?



System.setProperty("", "cacerts.jks");

do the same thing and have no difference working wise. In your case you just have a typo. You have misspelled trustStore in

How to grant remote access permissions to mysql server for user?



Which is preferred: Nullable<T>.HasValue or Nullable<T> != null?

I did some research on this by using different methods to assign values to a nullable int. Here is what happened when I did various things. Should clarify what's going on. Keep in mind: Nullable<something> or the shorthand something? is a struct for which the compiler seems to be doing a lot of work to let us use with null as if it were a class.
As you'll see below, SomeNullable == null and SomeNullable.HasValue will always return an expected true or false. Although not demonstrated below, SomeNullable == 3 is valid too (assuming SomeNullable is an int?).
While SomeNullable.Value gets us a runtime error if we assigned null to SomeNullable. This is in fact the only case where nullables could cause us a problem, thanks to a combination of overloaded operators, overloaded object.Equals(obj) method, and compiler optimization and monkey business.

Here is a description of some code I ran, and what output it produced in labels:

int? val = null;
lbl_Val.Text = val.ToString(); //Produced an empty string.
lbl_ValVal.Text = val.Value.ToString(); //Produced a runtime error. ("Nullable object must have a value.")
lbl_ValEqNull.Text = (val == null).ToString(); //Produced "True" (without the quotes)
lbl_ValNEqNull.Text = (val != null).ToString(); //Produced "False"
lbl_ValHasVal.Text = val.HasValue.ToString(); //Produced "False"
lbl_NValHasVal.Text = (!(val.HasValue)).ToString(); //Produced "True"
lbl_ValValEqNull.Text = (val.Value == null).ToString(); //Produced a runtime error. ("Nullable object must have a value.")
lbl_ValValNEqNull.Text = (val.Value != null).ToString(); //Produced a runtime error. ("Nullable object must have a value.")

Ok, lets try the next initialization method:

int? val = new int?();
lbl_Val.Text = val.ToString(); //Produced an empty string.
lbl_ValVal.Text = val.Value.ToString(); //Produced a runtime error. ("Nullable object must have a value.")
lbl_ValEqNull.Text = (val == null).ToString(); //Produced "True" (without the quotes)
lbl_ValNEqNull.Text = (val != null).ToString(); //Produced "False"
lbl_ValHasVal.Text = val.HasValue.ToString(); //Produced "False"
lbl_NValHasVal.Text = (!(val.HasValue)).ToString(); //Produced "True"
lbl_ValValEqNull.Text = (val.Value == null).ToString(); //Produced a runtime error. ("Nullable object must have a value.")
lbl_ValValNEqNull.Text = (val.Value != null).ToString(); //Produced a runtime error. ("Nullable object must have a value.")

All the same as before. Keep in mind that initializing with int? val = new int?(null);, with null passed to the constructor, would have produced a COMPILE time error, since the nullable object's VALUE is NOT nullable. It is only the wrapper object itself that can equal null.

Likewise, we would get a compile time error from:

int? val = new int?();
val.Value = null;

not to mention that val.Value is a read-only property anyway, meaning we can't even use something like:

val.Value = 3;

but again, polymorphous overloaded implicit conversion operators let us do:

val = 3;

No need to worry about polysomthing whatchamacallits though, so long as it works right? :)

Controlling a USB power supply (on/off) with Linux

The reason why folks post questions such as this is due to the dreaded- indeed "EVIL"- USB Auto-Suspend "feature".

Auto suspend winds-down the power to an "idle" USB device and unless the device's driver supports this feature correctly, the device can become uncontactable. So powering a USB port on/off is a symptom of the problem, not the problem in itself.

I'll show you how to GLOBALLY disable auto-suspend, negating the need to manually toggle the USB ports on & off:

Short Answer:

You do NOT need to edit "autosuspend_delay_ms" individually: USB autosuspend can be disabled globally and PERSISTENTLY using the following commands:

sed -i 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="/&usbcore.autosuspend=-1 /' /etc/default/grub


systemctl reboot

An Ubuntu 18.04 screen-grab follows at the end of the "Long Answer" illustrating how my results were achieved.

Long Answer:

It's true that the USB Power Management Kernel Documentation states autosuspend is to be deprecated and in in its' place "autosuspend_delay_ms" used to disable USB autosuspend:

"In 2.6.38 the "autosuspend" file will be deprecated
and replaced by the "autosuspend_delay_ms" file."

HOWEVER my testing reveals that setting usbcore.autosuspend=-1 in /etc/default/grub as below can be used as a GLOBAL toggle for USB autosuspend functionality- you do NOT need to edit individual "autosuspend_delay_ms" files.

The same document linked above states a value of "0" is ENABLED and a negative value is DISABLED:


    <snip> 0 means to autosuspend
    as soon as the device becomes idle, and negative
    values mean never to autosuspend.  You can write a
    number to the file to change the autosuspend
    idle-delay time.

In the annotated Ubuntu 18.04 screen-grab below illustrating how my results were achieved (and reproducible), please remark the default is "0" (enabled) in autosuspend_delay_ms.

Then note that after ONLY setting usbcore.autosuspend=-1 in Grub, these values are now negative (disabled) after reboot. This will save me the bother of editing individual values and can now script disabling USB autosuspend.

screengrab: autosuspend values Before and after globally editing

Hope this makes disabling USB autosuspend a little easier and more scriptable-

How to format a phone number with jQuery

try something like this..

jQuery.validator.addMethod("phoneValidate", function(number, element) {
    number = number.replace(/\s+/g, ""); 
    return this.optional(element) || number.length > 9 &&
}, "Please specify a valid phone number");

  rules: {
    field: {
      required: true,
      phoneValidate: true

What is JAVA_HOME? How does the JVM find the javac path stored in JAVA_HOME?

JVM does not find java.exe. It doesn't even call it. java.exe is called by the operating system (Windows in this case).

JAVA_HOME is just a convention, usually used by Tomcat, other Java EE app servers and build tools such as Gradle to find where Java lives.

The important thing from your point of view is that the Java /bin directory be on your PATH so Windows can find the .exe tools that ship with the JDK: javac.exe, java.exe, jar.exe, etc.

Difference between SET autocommit=1 and START TRANSACTION in mysql (Have I missed something?)

The correct way to use LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES with transactional tables, such as InnoDB tables, is to begin a transaction with SET autocommit = 0 (not START TRANSACTION) followed by LOCK TABLES, and to not call UNLOCK TABLES until you commit the transaction explicitly. For example, if you need to write to table t1 and read from table t2, you can do this:

SET autocommit=0;
LOCK TABLES t1 WRITE, t2 READ, ...;... do something with tables t1 and t2 here ...

Cannot create a connection to data source Error (rsErrorOpeningConnection) in SSRS

I had the exact same issue. The cause could be different but in my case, after trying several different things like changing the connection string on the Data Source setup, I found that this was the infamous 'double hop' issue (more info here).

To solve the problem, the following two options are available (as per one of the responses from the hyperlink):

  1.   Change the Report Server service to run under a domain user account, and register a SPN for the account.
  2.   Map Built-in accounts HTTP SPN to a Host SPN.

Using option 1, you need to select 'Windows' credentials instead of database credentials to overcome the double hop that happens while authentication.

windows credentials

Set size of HTML page and browser window

<head >
<style type="text/css">
margin:auto; position:relative;
 <div id="maincontainer ">

Detect viewport orientation, if orientation is Portrait display alert message advising user of instructions

You can also use window.matchMedia, which I use and prefer as it closely resembles CSS syntax:

if (window.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)").matches) {
   // you're in PORTRAIT mode

if (window.matchMedia("(orientation: landscape)").matches) {
   // you're in LANDSCAPE mode

Tested on iPad 2.

Is there a java setting for disabling certificate validation?

Use cli utility keytool from java software distribution for import (and trust!) needed certificates


  1. From cli change dir to jre\bin

  2. Check keystore (file found in jre\bin directory)
    keytool -list -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts
    Enter keystore password: changeit

  3. Download and save all certificates chain from needed server.

  4. Add certificates (before need to remove "read-only" attribute on file "..\lib\security\cacerts") keytool -alias REPLACE_TO_ANY_UNIQ_NAME -import -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts -file "r:\root.crt"

accidentally I found such a simple tip. Other solutions require the use of InstallCert.Java and JDK


How to change the icon of .bat file programmatically?

You could use a Bat to Exe converter from here:

This will convert your batch file to an executable, then you can set the icon for the converted file.

Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as getElementById not find the element?

As @FelixKling pointed out, the most likely scenario is that the nodes you are looking for do not exist (yet).

However, modern development practices can often manipulate document elements outside of the document tree either with DocumentFragments or simply detaching/reattaching current elements directly. Such techniques may be used as part of JavaScript templating or to avoid excessive repaint/reflow operations while the elements in question are being heavily altered.

Similarly, the new "Shadow DOM" functionality being rolled out across modern browsers allows elements to be part of the document, but not query-able by document.getElementById and all of its sibling methods (querySelector, etc.). This is done to encapsulate functionality and specifically hide it.

Again, though, it is most likely that the element you are looking for simply is not (yet) in the document, and you should do as Felix suggests. However, you should also be aware that that is increasingly not the only reason that an element might be unfindable (either temporarily or permanently).

How to initialize a vector with fixed length in R

The initialization method easiest to remember is

vec = vector(,10); #the same as "vec = vector(length = 10);"

The values of vec are: "[1] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE" (logical mode) by default.

But after setting a character value, like

vec[2] = 'abc'

vec becomes: "FALSE" "abc" "FALSE" "FALSE" "FALSE" "FALSE" "FALSE" "FALSE" "FALSE" "FALSE"", which is of the character mode.

How to test whether a service is running from the command line

I noticed no one mentioned the use of regular expressions when using find/findstr-based Answers. That can be problematic for similarly named services.

Lets say you have two services, CDPUserSvc and CDPUserSvc_54530

If you use most of the find/findstr-based Answers here so far, you'll get false-positives for CDPUserSvc queries when only CDPUserSvc_54530 is running.

The /r and /c switches for findstr can help us handle that use-case, as well as the special character that indicates the end of the line, $

This query will only verify the running of the CDPUserSvc service and ignore CDPUserSvc_54530

sc query|findstr /r /c:"CDPUserSvc$"

Install opencv for Python 3.3

EDIT: first try the new pip method:

Windows: pip3 install opencv-python opencv-contrib-python

Ubuntu: sudo apt install python3-opencv

or continue below for build instructions

Note: The original question was asking for OpenCV + Python 3.3 + Windows. Since then, Python 3.5 has been released. In addition, I use Ubuntu for most development so this answer will focus on that setup, unfortunately

OpenCV 3.1.0 + Python 3.5.2 + Ubuntu 16.04 is possible! Here's how.

These steps are copied (and slightly modified) from:


Install the required dependencies and optionally install/update some libraries on your system:

# Required dependencies
sudo apt install build-essential cmake git libgtk2.0-dev pkg-config libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev
# Dependencies for Python bindings
# If you use a non-system copy of Python (eg. with pyenv or virtualenv), then you probably don't need to do this part
sudo apt install python3.5-dev libpython3-dev python3-numpy
# Optional, but installing these will ensure you have the latest versions compiled with OpenCV
sudo apt install libtbb2 libtbb-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libjasper-dev libdc1394-22-dev

Building OpenCV

CMake Flags

There are several flags and options to tweak your build of OpenCV. There might be comprehensive documentation about them, but here are some interesting flags that may be of use. They should be included in the cmake command:

# Builds in TBB, a threading library
# Builds in Eigen, a linear algebra library

Using non-system level Python versions

If you have multiple versions of Python (eg. from using pyenv or virtualenv), then you may want to build against a certain Python version. By default OpenCV will build for the system's version of Python. You can change this by adding these arguments to the cmake command seen later in the script. Actual values will depend on your setup. I use pyenv:

-D PYTHON_DEFAULT_EXECUTABLE=$HOME/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/bin/python3.5
-D PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS=$HOME/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/include/python3.5m
-D PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$HOME/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/bin/python3.5
-D PYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

CMake Python error messages

The CMakeLists file will try to detect various versions of Python to build for. If you've got different versions here, it might get confused. The above arguments may only "fix" the issue for one version of Python but not the other. If you only care about that specific version, then there's nothing else to worry about.

This is the case for me so unfortunately, I haven't looked into how to resolve the issues with other Python versions.

Install script

# Clone OpenCV somewhere
# I'll put it into $HOME/code/opencv
git clone "$OPENCV_DIR"
# This'll take a while...

# Now lets checkout the specific version we want
git checkout "$OPENCV_VER"

# First OpenCV will generate the files needed to do the actual build.
# We'll put them in an output directory, in this case "release"
mkdir release
cd release

# Note: This is where you'd add build options, like TBB support or custom Python versions. See above sections.

# At this point, take a look at the console output.
# OpenCV will print a report of modules and features that it can and can't support based on your system and installed libraries.
# The key here is to make sure it's not missing anything you'll need!
# If something's missing, then you'll need to install those dependencies and rerun the cmake command.

# OK, lets actually build this thing!
# Note: You can use the "make -jN" command, which will run N parallel jobs to speed up your build. Set N to whatever your machine can handle (usually <= the number of concurrent threads your CPU can run).
# This will also take a while...

# Now install the binaries!
sudo make install

By default, the install script will put the Python bindings in some system location, even if you've specified a custom version of Python to use. The fix is simple: Put a symlink to the bindings in your local site-packages:

ln -s /usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ $HOME/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/lib/python3.5/site-packages/

The first path will depend on the Python version you setup to build. The second depends on where your custom version of Python is located.

Test it!

OK lets try it out!


Python 3.5.2 (default, Sep 24 2016, 13:13:17) 
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 5.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help      -> Python's own help system.
object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.

In [1]: import cv2

In [2]: img = cv2.imread('derp.png')
In [3]: img[0]
array([[26, 30, 31],
       [27, 31, 32],
       [27, 31, 32],
       [16, 19, 20],
       [16, 19, 20],
       [16, 19, 20]], dtype=uint8)

What does it mean by command cd /d %~dp0 in Windows

Let's dissect it. There are three parts:

  1. cd -- This is change directory command.
  2. /d -- This switch makes cd change both drive and directory at once. Without it you would have to do cd %~d0 & cd %~p0. (%~d0 Changs active drive, cd %~p0 change the directory).
  3. %~dp0 -- This can be dissected further into three parts:
    1. %0 -- This represents zeroth parameter of your batch script. It expands into the name of the batch file itself.
    2. %~0 -- The ~ there strips double quotes (") around the expanded argument.
    3. %dp0 -- The d and p there are modifiers of the expansion. The d forces addition of a drive letter and the p adds full path.

link button property to open in new tab?

Here is your Tag.

<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server">Open Test Page</asp:LinkButton>

Here is your code on the code behind.


Hope this will be helpful for someone.

Edit To do the same with a link button inside a template field, use the following code.

Use GridView_RowDataBound event to find Link button.

Dim LB as LinkButton = e.Row.FindControl("LinkButton1")         

Shell script - remove first and last quote (") from a variable

This will remove all double quotes.

echo "${opt//\"}"

How can I check for an empty/undefined/null string in JavaScript?

You could also go with regular expressions:

if((/^\s*$/).test(str)) { }

Checks for strings that are either empty or filled with whitespace.

powershell is missing the terminator: "

In your script, why are you using single quotes around the variables? These will not be expanded. Use double quotes for variable expansion or just the variable names themselves.

unzipRelease –Src '$ReleaseFile' -Dst '$Destination'


unzipRelease –Src "$ReleaseFile" -Dst "$Destination"

Get git branch name in Jenkins Pipeline/Jenkinsfile

Use multibranch pipeline job type, not the plain pipeline job type. The multibranch pipeline jobs do posess the environment variable env.BRANCH_NAME which describes the branch.

In my script..

stage('Build') {
    node {
        echo 'Pulling...' + env.BRANCH_NAME
        checkout scm



How to extract the n-th elements from a list of tuples?

n = 1 # N. . .
[x[n] for x in elements]

Can we pass an array as parameter in any function in PHP?

Yes, we can pass arrays to a function.

$arr = array(“a” => “first”, “b” => “second”, “c” => “third”);

function user_defined($item, $key)
    echo $key.”-”.$item.”<br/>”;

array_walk($arr, ‘user_defined’);

We can find more array functions here

Getting an object array from an Angular service

Take a look at your code :

 getUsers(): Observable<User[]> {
        return Observable.create(observer => {
            this.http.get('').map(response => response.json();

and code from (BTW. really good tutorial, you should check it out)

 getHeroes(): Promise<Hero[]> {
    return this.http.get(this.heroesUrl)
               .then(response => response.json().data as Hero[])

The HttpService inside Angular2 already returns an observable, sou don't need to wrap another Observable around like you did here:

   return Observable.create(observer => {
        this.http.get('').map(response => response.json()

Try to follow the guide in link that I provided. You should be just fine when you study it carefully.


First of all WHERE you log the this.users variable? JavaScript isn't working that way. Your variable is undefined and it's fine, becuase of the code execution order!

Try to do it like this:

  getUsers(): void {
            .then(users => {
               this.users = users
               console.log('this.users=' + this.users);


See where the console.log(...) is!

Try to resign from toPromise() it's seems to be just for ppl with no RxJs background.

Catch another link: Build your service once again with RxJs observables.

Checking if float is an integer

if (fmod(f, 1) == 0.0) {

Don't forget math.h and libm.

How to filter WooCommerce products by custom attribute

You can use the WooCommerce Layered Nav widget, which allows you to use different sets of attributes as filters for products. Here's the "official" description:

Shows a custom attribute in a widget which lets you narrow down the list of products when viewing product categories.

If you look into plugins/woocommerce/widgets/widget-layered_nav.php, you can see the way it operates with the attributes in order to set filters. The URL then looks like this:

... and the digits are actually the id-s of the different attribute values, that you want to set.

Clear text from textarea with selenium

I ran into a field where .clear() did not work. Using a combination of the first two answers worked for this field.

from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

#...your code (I was using python 3)

driver.find_element_by_id('foo').send_keys(Keys.CONTROL + "a");

How I can print to stderr in C?

To print your context ,you can write code like this :

FILE *fp;
char *of;
fprintf(fp,"your print line");

HTTP post XML data in C#

AlliterativeAlice's example helped me tremendously. In my case, though, the server I was talking to didn't like having single quotes around utf-8 in the content type. It failed with a generic "Server Error" and it took hours to figure out what it didn't like:

request.ContentType = "text/xml; encoding=utf-8";

Remove NaN from pandas series

A small usage of np.nan ! = np.nan

0    1.0
1    2.0
2    3.0
3    4.0
5    5.0
dtype: float64

More Info

np.nan == np.nan
Out[954]: False

Position absolute but relative to parent

Incase someone wants to postion a child div directly under a parent

#father {
   position: relative;

#son1 {
   position: absolute;
   top: 100%;

Working demo Codepen

Showing/Hiding Table Rows with Javascript - can do with ID - how to do with Class?

document.getElementsByClassName returns a NodeList, not a single element, I'd recommend either using jQuery, since you'd only have to use something like $('.new').toggle()

or if you want plain JS try :

function toggle_by_class(cls, on) {
    var lst = document.getElementsByClassName(cls);
    for(var i = 0; i < lst.length; ++i) {
        lst[i].style.display = on ? '' : 'none';

SimpleXml to string

Here is a function I wrote to solve this issue (assuming tag has no attributes). This function will keep HTML formatting in the node:

function getAsXMLContent($xmlElement)

  if ($end!==false)
    $tag=substr($content, 1, $end-1);

    return str_replace(array('<'.$tag.'>', '</'.$tag.'>'), '', $content);
    return '';

$string = "<element><child>Hello World</child></element>";
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($string);

echo getAsXMLContent($xml->child); // prints Hello World

Convert PEM traditional private key to PKCS8 private key

Try using following command. I haven't tried it but I think it should work.

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in filename -out filename -nocrypt

What does "#pragma comment" mean?

These link in the libraries selected in MSVC++.

What is the best (idiomatic) way to check the type of a Python variable?

built-in types in Python have built in names:

>>> s = "hallo"
>>> type(s) is str
>>> s = {}
>>> type(s) is dict

btw note the is operator. However, type checking (if you want to call it that) is usually done by wrapping a type-specific test in a try-except clause, as it's not so much the type of the variable that's important, but whether you can do a certain something with it or not.

MomentJS getting JavaScript Date in UTC

Or simply:

From MDN documentation:

The method returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970

Available since ECMAScript 5.1

It's the same as was mentioned above (new Date().getTime()), but more shortcutted version.

Custom UITableViewCell from nib in Swift

I had to make sure that when creating the outlet to specify that I was hooking to the cell, not the object's owner. When the menu appears to name it you have to select it in the 'object' dropdown menu. Of course you must declare the cell as your class too, not just 'TableViewCellClass'. Otherwise I would keep getting the class not key compliant.

When to use margin vs padding in CSS

Margin is outside the box and padding is inside the box

Why do I get PLS-00302: component must be declared when it exists?

You can get that error if you have an object with the same name as the schema. For example:

create sequence s2;


ORA-06550: line 2, column 6:
PLS-00302: component 'A' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 2, column 3:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

When you refer to S2.MY_FUNC2 the object name is being resolved so it doesn't try to evaluate S2 as a schema name. When you just call it as MY_FUNC2 there is no confusion, so it works.

The documentation explains name resolution. The first piece of the qualified object name - S2 here - is evaluated as an object on the current schema before it is evaluated as a different schema.

It might not be a sequence; other objects can cause the same error. You can check for the existence of objects with the same name by querying the data dictionary.

select owner, object_type, object_name
from all_objects
where object_name = 'S2';

Why is pydot unable to find GraphViz's executables in Windows 8?

You need to install from Graphviz and then just add the path of folder where you installed Graphviz and its bin directory to system environments path.

how to show lines in common (reverse diff)?

Was asked here before: Unix command to find lines common in two files

You could also try with perl (credit goes here)

perl -ne 'print if ($seen{$_} .= @ARGV) =~ /10$/'  file1 file2

Annotations from javax.validation.constraints not working

In my case i removed these lines

1-import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;

2-import javax.validation.constraints.Size;

3- @NotNull

4- @Size(max = 3)

How to revert initial git commit?

Under the conditions stipulated in the question:

  • The commit is the first commit in the repository.
  • Which means there have been very few commands executed:
    • a git init,
    • presumably some git add operations,
    • and a git commit,
    • and that's all!

If those preconditions are met, then the simplest way to undo the initial commit would be:

rm -fr .git

from the directory where you did git init. You can then redo the git init to recreate the Git repository, and redo the additions with whatever changes are sensible that you regretted not making the first time, and redo the initial commit.

DANGER! This removes the Git repository directory.

It removes the Git repository directory permanently and irrecoverably, unless you've got backups somewhere. Under the preconditions, you've nothing you want to keep in the repository, so you're not losing anything. All the files you added are still available in the working directories, assuming you have not modified them yet and have not deleted them, etc. However, doing this is safe only if you have nothing else in your repository at all. Under the circumstances described in the question 'commit repository first time — then regret it', it is safe. Very often, though, it is not safe.

It's also safe to do this to remove an unwanted cloned repository; it does no damage to the repository that it was cloned from. It throws away anything you've done in your copy, but doesn't affect the original repository otherwise.

Be careful, but it is safe and effective when the preconditions are met.

If you've done other things with your repository that you want preserved, then this is not the appropriate technique — your repository no longer meets the preconditions for this to be appropriate.

How to get pip to work behind a proxy server

at least pip3 also works without "=", however, instead of "http" you might need "https"

Final command, which worked for me:

sudo pip3 install --proxy https://{proxy}:{port} {BINARY}

How do I remove a single breakpoint with GDB?

You can delete all breakpoints using

del <start_breakpoint_num> - <end_breakpoint_num>

To view the start_breakpoint_num and end_breakpoint_num use:

info break

Session variables not working php

I was also facing the same problem i did the following steps to resolve the issue

  1. I edited the file /etc/php.ini and searched the path session.save_path = "/var/lib/php/session" you have to give your session info

2 After that just changed the permission given below *chown root.apache /var/lib/php/session * That's it. These above steps resolve my issue

Background color not showing in print preview

if you are using Bootstrap.just use this code in your custom css file. Bootstrap removes all your colors in print preview.

@media print{
  .box-text {

    font-size: 27px !important; 
    color: blue !important;
    -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact !important;

How to run a C# console application with the console hidden

You can use the FreeConsole API to detach the console from the process :

static extern bool FreeConsole();

(of course this is applicable only if you have access to the console application's source code)

Should __init__() call the parent class's __init__()?

There's no hard and fast rule. The documentation for a class should indicate whether subclasses should call the superclass method. Sometimes you want to completely replace superclass behaviour, and at other times augment it - i.e. call your own code before and/or after a superclass call.

Update: The same basic logic applies to any method call. Constructors sometimes need special consideration (as they often set up state which determines behaviour) and destructors because they parallel constructors (e.g. in the allocation of resources, e.g. database connections). But the same might apply, say, to the render() method of a widget.

Further update: What's the OPP? Do you mean OOP? No - a subclass often needs to know something about the design of the superclass. Not the internal implementation details - but the basic contract that the superclass has with its clients (using classes). This does not violate OOP principles in any way. That's why protected is a valid concept in OOP in general (though not, of course, in Python).

How to merge two PDF files into one in Java?

If you want to combine two files where one overlays the other (example: document A is a template and document B has the text you want to put on the template), this works:

after creating "doc", you want to write your template (templateFile) on top of that -

   PDDocument watermarkDoc = PDDocument.load(getServletContext()
   Overlay overlay = new Overlay();

   overlay.overlay(watermarkDoc, doc);

Python Pandas Replacing Header with Top Row

If you want a one-liner, you can do:


How do I use shell variables in an awk script?

Use either of these depending how you want backslashes in the shell variables handled (avar is an awk variable, svar is a shell variable):

awk -v avar="$svar" '... avar ...' file
awk 'BEGIN{avar=ARGV[1];ARGV[1]=""}... avar ...' "$svar" file

See for details and other options. The first method above is almost always your best option and has the most obvious semantics.

What's the difference between Perl's backticks, system, and exec?

The difference between 'exec' and 'system' is that exec replaces your current program with 'command' and NEVER returns to your program. system, on the other hand, forks and runs 'command' and returns you the exit status of 'command' when it is done running. The back tick runs 'command' and then returns a string representing its standard out (whatever it would have printed to the screen)

You can also use popen to run shell commands and I think that there is a shell module - 'use shell' that gives you transparent access to typical shell commands.

Hope that clarifies it for you.

Convert HTML5 into standalone Android App

You can use It is the same phonegap but in very convinient wrapper

How to send json data in POST request using C#

You can do it with HttpWebRequest:

var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://yourUrl");
httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls;

using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()))
    string json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new
                Username = "myusername",
                Password = "pass"

var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
    var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

How to execute a java .class from the command line

If you have in your java source

package mypackage;

and your class is with

public class hello {

and in that you have

 public static void main(String[] args) {

Then (after compilation) changeDir (cd) to the directory where your hello.class is. Then

java -cp . mypackage.hello

Mind the current directory and the package name before the class name. It works for my on linux mint and i hope on the other os's also

Thanks Stack overflow for a wealth of info.

Objective-C : BOOL vs bool

The Objective-C type you should use is BOOL. There is nothing like a native boolean datatype, therefore to be sure that the code compiles on all compilers use BOOL. (It's defined in the Apple-Frameworks.

How do I initialize the base (super) class?


SuperClass.__init__(self, x)


super(SubClass,self).__init__( x )

will work (I prefer the 2nd one, as it adheres more to the DRY principle).

See here:

HTTP Request in Swift with POST method

All the answers here use JSON objects. This gave us problems with the $this->input->post() methods of our Codeigniter controllers. The CI_Controller cannot read JSON directly. We used this method to do it WITHOUT JSON

func postRequest() {
    // Create url object
    guard let url = URL(string: yourURL) else {return}

    // Create the session object
    let session = URLSession.shared

    // Create the URLRequest object using the url object
    var request = URLRequest(url: url)

    // Set the request method. Important Do not set any other headers, like Content-Type
    request.httpMethod = "POST" //set http method as POST

    // Set parameters here. Replace with your own.
    let postData = "param1_id=param1_value&param2_id=param2_value".data(using: .utf8)
    request.httpBody = postData

    // Create a task using the session object, to run and return completion handler
    let webTask = session.dataTask(with: request, completionHandler: {data, response, error in
    guard error == nil else {
        print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Response Error")
    guard let serverData = data else {
        print("server data error")
    do {
        if let requestJson = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: serverData, options: .mutableContainers) as? [String: Any]{
            print("Response: \(requestJson)")
    } catch let responseError {
        print("Serialisation in error in creating response body: \(responseError.localizedDescription)")
        let message = String(bytes: serverData, encoding: .ascii)
        print(message as Any)

    // Run the task

Now your CI_Controller will be able to get param1 and param2 using $this->input->post('param1') and $this->input->post('param2')

How do I clear a C++ array?

Should you want to clear the array with something other than a value, std::file wont cut it; instead I found std::generate useful. e.g. I had a vector of lists I wanted to initialize

std::generate(v.begin(), v.end(), [] () { return std::list<X>(); });

You can do ints too e.g.

std::generate(v.begin(), v.end(), [n = 0] () mutable { return n++; });

or just

std::generate(v.begin(), v.end(), [] (){ return 0; });

but I imagine std::fill is faster for the simplest case

How to upgrade PostgreSQL from version 9.6 to version 10.1 without losing data?

I think this is best link for your solution to update postgres to 9.6

Apply a theme to an activity in Android?

You can apply a theme to any activity by including android:theme inside <activity> inside manifest file.

For example:

  1. <activity android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog">
  2. <activity android:theme="@style/CustomTheme">

And if you want to set theme programatically then use setTheme() before calling setContentView() and super.onCreate() method inside onCreate() method.

Calling stored procedure from another stored procedure SQL Server

First of all, if table2's idProduct is an identity, you cannot insert it explicitly until you set IDENTITY_INSERT on that table


before the insert.

So one of two, you modify your second stored and call it with only the parameters productName and productDescription and then get the new ID

EXEC test2 'productName', 'productDescription'

or you already have the ID of the product and you don't need to call SCOPE_IDENTITY() and can make the insert on table1 with that ID

Margin on child element moves parent element

To prevent "Div parent" use margin of "div child":
In parent use these css:

  • Float
  • Padding
  • Border
  • Overflow

How to lock orientation of one view controller to portrait mode only in Swift

For a new version of Swift try this

override var shouldAutorotate: Bool {
    return false

override var supportedInterfaceOrientations: UIInterfaceOrientationMask {
    return UIInterfaceOrientationMask.portrait

override var preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation: UIInterfaceOrientation {
    return UIInterfaceOrientation.portrait

Detect page change on DataTable

If you handle the draw.dt event after page.dt, you can detect exactly after moving the page. After work, draw.dt must be unbind

    $(document).on("page.dt", () => {
        $(document).on("draw.dt", changePage);

    const changePage = () => {
        // TODO
        $(document).unbind("draw.dt", changePage);

Explaining Python's '__enter__' and '__exit__'

In addition to the above answers to exemplify invocation order, a simple run example

class myclass:
    def __init__(self):

    def __enter__(self): 

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

    def __del__(self):

with myclass(): 

Produces the output:


A reminder: when using the syntax with myclass() as mc, variable mc gets the value returned by __enter__(), in the above case None! For such use, need to define return value, such as:

def __enter__(self): 
    return self

Android Bluetooth Example

I have also used following link as others have suggested you for bluetooth communication.

The thing is all you need is a class

this class has following threads:

  1. Accept
  2. Connecting
  3. Connected

Now when you call start function of the BluetoothChatService like:


It starts accept thread which means it will start looking for connection.

Now when you call


Here first argument is device object that you can get from paired devices list or when you scan for devices you will get all the devices in range you can pass that object to this function and 2nd argument is a boolean to make secure or insecure connection.

connect function will start connecting thread which will look for any device which is running accept thread.

When such a device is found both accept thread and connecting thread will call connected function in BluetoothChatService:

connected(mmSocket, mmDevice, mSocketType);

this method starts connected thread in both the devices: Using this socket object connected thread obtains the input and output stream to the other device. And calls read function on inputstream in a while loop so that it's always trying read from other device so that whenever other device send a message this read function returns that message.

BluetoothChatService also has a write method which takes byte[] as input and calls write method on connected thread.

mChatService.write("your message".getByte());

write method in connected thread just write this byte data to outputsream of the other device.

public void write(byte[] buffer) {
   try {
    // Share the sent message back to the UI Activity
    // mHandler.obtainMessage(
    // BluetoothGameSetupActivity.MESSAGE_WRITE, -1, -1,
    // buffer).sendToTarget();
    } catch (IOException e) {
    Log.e(TAG, "Exception during write", e);

Now to communicate between two devices just call write function on mChatService and handle the message that you will receive on the other device.

Data binding for TextBox

You can't databind to a property and then explictly assign a value to the databound property.

Why do I get "Procedure expects parameter '@statement' of type 'ntext/nchar/nvarchar'." when I try to use sp_executesql?

I had missed another tiny detail: I forgot the brackets "(100)" behind NVARCHAR.

C# catch a stack overflow exception

As several users have already said, you can't catch the exception. However, if you're struggling to find out where it's happening, you may want to configure visual studio to break when it's thrown.

To do that, you need to open Exception Settings from the 'Debug' menu. In older versions of Visual Studio, this is at 'Debug' - 'Exceptions'; in newer versions, it's at 'Debug' - 'Windows' - 'Exception Settings'.

Once you have the settings open, expand 'Common Language Runtime Exceptions', expand 'System', scroll down and check 'System.StackOverflowException'. Then you can look at the call stack and look for the repeating pattern of calls. That should give you an idea of where to look to fix the code that's causing the stack overflow.

No generated file in my project

Update Android SDK Tools in Android SDK Manager for revision 22.0.1. It worked for me.

Str_replace for multiple items

I guess you are looking after this:

// example
private const TEMPLATE = __DIR__.'/Resources/{type}_{language}.json';


public function templateFor(string $type, string $language): string
   return \str_replace(['{type}', '{language}'], [$type, $language], self::TEMPLATE);