[c#] C# Inserting Data from a form into an access Database

and doesnt give any clues

Yes it does, unfortunately your code is ignoring all of those clues. Take a look at your exception handler:

catch (OleDbException  ex)

All you're examining is the source of the exception. Which, in this case, is "Microsoft Access Database Engine". You're not examining the error message itself, or the stack trace, or any inner exception, or anything useful about the exception.

Don't ignore the exception, it contains information about what went wrong and why.

There are various logging tools out there (NLog, log4net, etc.) which can help you log useful information about an exception. Failing that, you should at least capture the exception message, stack trace, and any inner exception(s). Currently you're ignoring the error, which is why you're not able to solve the error.

In your debugger, place a breakpoint inside the catch block and examine the details of the exception. You'll find it contains a lot of information.

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