[binary] Tool for comparing 2 binary files in Windows

I need a tool to compare 2 binaries. The files are quite large. Some freeware or trial tools I found on the Internet are not convenient to use for large files. Can you recommend me some tools?

This question is related to binary compare filecompare

The answer is

My favorite "swiss knife" Beyond Compare from http://www.scootersoftware.com/

Total Commander also has a binary compare option: go to: File \\Compare by content

ps. I guess some people may alredy be using this tool and may not be aware of the built-in feature.

In Cygwin:

$cmp -bl <file1> <file2>

diffs binary offsets and values are in decimal and octal respectively.. Vladi.

I prefer to use objcopy to convert to hex, then use diff.

If you want to find out only whether or not the files are identical, you can use the Windows fc command in binary mode:

fc.exe /b file1 file2

For details, see the reference for fc