Programs & Examples On #Helpfile

Unable to begin a distributed transaction

Apart from the security settings, I had to open some ports on both servers for the transaction to run. I had to open port 59640 but according to the following suggestion, port 135 has to be open.

Arrays vs Vectors: Introductory Similarities and Differences

Those reference pretty much answered your question. Simply put, vectors' lengths are dynamic while arrays have a fixed size. when using an array, you specify its size upon declaration:

int myArray[100];

for vectors, you just declare it and add elements

vector<int> myVector;

at times you wont know the number of elements needed so a vector would be ideal for such a situation.

Deserializing JSON array into strongly typed .NET object


List<TheUser> friends = jsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<TheUser>>(response);

How to set a cell to NaN in a pandas dataframe

You can use replace:

df['y'] = df['y'].replace({'N/A': np.nan})

Also be aware of the inplace parameter for replace. You can do something like:

df.replace({'N/A': np.nan}, inplace=True)

This will replace all instances in the df without creating a copy.

Similarly, if you run into other types of unknown values such as empty string or None value:

df['y'] = df['y'].replace({'': np.nan})

df['y'] = df['y'].replace({None: np.nan})

Reference: Pandas Latest - Replace

Using Apache POI how to read a specific excel column

Here is the code to read the excel data by column.

public ArrayList<String> extractExcelContentByColumnIndex(int columnIndex){
        ArrayList<String> columndata = null;
        try {
            File f = new File("sample.xlsx")
            FileInputStream ios = new FileInputStream(f);
            XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(ios);
            XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
            Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.iterator();
            columndata = new ArrayList<>();

            while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
                Row row =;
                Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator();
                while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {
                    Cell cell =;

                    if(row.getRowNum() > 0){ //To filter column headings
                        if(cell.getColumnIndex() == columnIndex){// To match column index
                            switch (cell.getCellType()) {
                            case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
                            case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return columndata;

How to delete multiple rows in SQL where id = (x to y)

,@ERRFLAG  CHAR(1) = '0' OUTPUT    



DELETE tb_SampleTest
        CODE IN(
            SELECT Item.value('.', 'VARCHAR(20)')
            FROM  @CODE.nodes('RecordList/ID') AS x(Item)

    SET @ERRFLAG = 200


Get string value delete


Using external images for CSS custom cursors

I found out that you need to add the pointer eg:

    cursor: url('cursorurl.png'), pointer;

Fatal error: Call to undefined function sqlsrv_connect()

If you are using Microsoft Drivers 3.1, 3.0, and 2.0. Please check your PHP version already install with IIS.

Use this script to check the php version:

<?php echo phpinfo(); ?>


If you have installed PHP Manager in IIS using web platform Installer you can check the version from it.

If you are using new PHP version (5.6) please download Drivers from here

For PHP version Lower than 5.6 - please download Drivers from here

  • PHP Driver version 3.1 requires PHP 5.4.32, or PHP 5.5.16, or later.
  • PHP Driver version 3.0 requires PHP 5.3.0 or later. If possible, use PHP 5.3.6, or later.
  • PHP Driver version 2.0 driver works with PHP 5.2.4 or later, but not with PHP 5.4. If possible, use PHP 5.2.13, or later.

Then use the PHP Manager to add that downloaded drivers into php config file.You can do it as shown below (browse the files and press OK). Then Restart the IIS Server

enter image description here

If this method not work please change the php version and try to run your php script. enter image description here

Tip:Change the php version to lower and try to understand what happened.then you can download relevant drivers.

How to remove "href" with Jquery?

If you want your anchor to still appear to be clickable:


And if you wanted to remove the href from only anchors with certain attributes (eg ones that just have a hash mark as the href - this can be useful in


Append text to input field

There are two options. Ayman's approach is the most simple, but I would add one extra note to it. You should really cache jQuery selections, there is no reason to call $("#input-field-id") twice:

var input = $( "#input-field-id" );
input.val( input.val() + "more text" );

The other option, .val() can also take a function as an argument. This has the advantange of easily working on multiple inputs:

$( "input" ).val( function( index, val ) {
    return val + "more text";

How to get a random number in Ruby

Maybe it help you. I use this in my app
class String

  # Create a random String of given length, using given character set
  # Character set is an Array which can contain Ranges, Arrays, Characters
  # Examples
  #     String.random
  #     => "D9DxFIaqR3dr8Ct1AfmFxHxqGsmA4Oz3"
  #     String.random(10)
  #     => "t8BIna341S"
  #     String.random(10, ['a'..'z'])
  #     => "nstpvixfri"
  #     String.random(10, ['0'..'9'] )
  #     => "0982541042"
  #     String.random(10, ['0'..'9','A'..'F'] )
  #     => "3EBF48AD3D"
  #     BASE64_CHAR_SET =  ["A".."Z", "a".."z", "0".."9", '_', '-']
  #     String.random(10, BASE64_CHAR_SET)
  #     => "xM_1t3qcNn"
  #     SPECIAL_CHARS = ["!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "_", "=", "+", "|", "/", "?", ".", ",", ";", ":", "~", "`", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<", ">"]
  #     BASE91_CHAR_SET =  ["A".."Z", "a".."z", "0".."9", SPECIAL_CHARS]
  #     String.random(10, BASE91_CHAR_SET)
  #      => "S(Z]z,J{v;"
  # CREDIT: Tilo Sloboda
  # SEE:
  # TODO: Move to random.rb in standard library?

  def self.random(len=32, character_set = ["A".."Z", "a".."z", "0".."9"])
    chars ={|x| x.is_a?(Range) ? x.to_a : x }.flatten{ chars.sample }.join


It works fine for me

How do I display a wordpress page content?

For people that don't like horrible looking code with php tags blasted everywhere...

if (have_posts()):
  while (have_posts()) : the_post();
  echo '<p>Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.</p>';

C# Form.Close vs Form.Dispose

This forum on MSDN tells you.

Form.Close() sends the proper Windows messages to shut down the win32 window. During that process, if the form was not shown modally, Dispose is called on the form. Disposing the form frees up the unmanaged resources that the form is holding onto.

If you do a form1.Show() or Application.Run(new Form1()), Dispose will be called when Close() is called.

However, if you do form1.ShowDialog() to show the form modally, the form will not be disposed, and you'll need to call form1.Dispose() yourself. I believe this is the only time you should worry about disposing the form yourself.

File Upload in WebView

This solution also works for Honeycomb and Ice Cream Sandwich. Seems like Google introduced a cool new feature (accept attribute) and forgot to to implement an overload for backwards compatibility.

protected class CustomWebChromeClient extends WebChromeClient
    // For Android 3.0+
    public void openFileChooser( ValueCallback<Uri> uploadMsg, String acceptType ) 
        context.mUploadMessage = uploadMsg;  
        Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT);  
        context.startActivityForResult( Intent.createChooser( i, "File Chooser" ), MainActivity.FILECHOOSER_RESULTCODE );  

    // For Android < 3.0
    public void openFileChooser( ValueCallback<Uri> uploadMsg ) 
        openFileChooser( uploadMsg, "" );

How to convert std::string to lower case?

C++ doesn't have tolower or toupper methods implemented for std::string, but it is available for char. One can easily read each char of string, convert it into required case and put it back into string. A sample code without using any third party library:


int main(){
    std::string str = std::string("How IS The Josh");
    for(char &ch : str){
        ch = std::tolower(ch);
    return 0;

For character based operation on string : For every character in string

Create a Dropdown List for MVC3 using Entity Framework (.edmx Model) & Razor Views && Insert A Database Record to Multiple Tables

Don't pass db models directly to your views. You're lucky enough to be using MVC, so encapsulate using view models.

Create a view model class like this:

public class EmployeeAddViewModel
    public Employee employee { get; set; }
    public Dictionary<int, string> staffTypes { get; set; }
    // really? a 1-to-many for genders
    public Dictionary<int, string> genderTypes { get; set; }

    public EmployeeAddViewModel() { }
    public EmployeeAddViewModel(int id)
        employee = someEntityContext.Employees
            .Where(e => e.ID == id).SingleOrDefault();

        // instantiate your dictionaries

        foreach(var staffType in someEntityContext.StaffTypes)
            staffTypes.Add(staffType.ID, staffType.Type);

        // repeat similar loop for gender types


public ActionResult Add()
    return View(new EmployeeAddViewModel());

public ActionResult Add(EmployeeAddViewModel vm)
        return View("Index"); // or wherever you go after successful add

    return View(vm);

Then, finally in your view (which you can use Visual Studio to scaffold it first), change the inherited type to ShadowVenue.Models.EmployeeAddViewModel. Also, where the drop down lists go, use:

@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.employee.staffTypeID,
    new SelectList(model.staffTypes, "ID", "Type"))

and similarly for the gender dropdown

@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.employee.genderID,
    new SelectList(model.genderTypes, "ID", "Gender"))

Update per comments

For gender, you could also do this if you can be without the genderTypes in the above suggested view model (though, on second thought, maybe I'd generate this server side in the view model as IEnumerable). So, in place of new SelectList... below, you would use your IEnumerable.

@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.employee.genderID,
    new SelectList(new SelectList()
        new { ID = 1, Gender = "Male" },
        new { ID = 2, Gender = "Female" }
    }, "ID", "Gender"))

Finally, another option is a Lookup table. Basically, you keep key-value pairs associated with a Lookup type. One example of a type may be gender, while another may be State, etc. I like to structure mine like this:

ID | LookupType | LookupKey | LookupValue | LookupDescription | Active
1  | Gender     | 1         | Male        | male gender       | 1
2  | State      | 50        | Hawaii      | 50th state        | 1
3  | Gender     | 2         | Female      | female gender     | 1
4  | State      | 49        | Alaska      | 49th state        | 1
5  | OrderType  | 1         | Web         | online order      | 1

I like to use these tables when a set of data doesn't change very often, but still needs to be enumerated from time to time.

Hope this helps!

SQL Server ORDER BY date and nulls last

A bit late, but maybe someone finds it useful.

For me, ISNULL was out of question due to the table scan. UNION ALL would need me to repeat a complex query, and due to me selecting only the TOP X it would not have been very efficient.

If you are able to change the table design, you can:

  1. Add another field, just for sorting, such as Next_Contact_Date_Sort.

  2. Create a trigger that fills that field with a large (or small) value, depending on what you need:

        IF (update(Next_Contact_Date)) BEGIN
        UPDATE YOUR_TABLE SET Next_Contact_Date_Sort=IIF(YOUR_TABLE.Next_Contact_Date IS NULL, 99/99/9999, YOUR_TABLE.Next_Contact_Date_Sort) FROM inserted i WHERE YOUR_TABLE.key1=i.key1 AND YOUR_TABLE.key2=i.key2

Cannot push to GitHub - keeps saying need merge

Sometimes we forgot the pulling and did lots of works in the local environment.

If someone want to push without pull,

git push --force

is working. This is not recommended when working with other people, but when your work is a simple thing or a personal toy project, it will be a quick solution.

C# DropDownList with a Dictionary as DataSource

If the DropDownList is declared in your aspx page and not in the codebehind, you can do it like this.


<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlStatus" runat="server" DataSource="<%# Statuses %>"
     DataValueField="Key" DataTextField="Value"></asp:DropDownList>


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // or use Page.DataBind() to bind everything

public Dictionary<int, string> Statuses
        // do database/webservice lookup here to populate Dictionary

How to select last child element in jQuery?

If you want to select the last child and need to be specific on the element type you can use the selector last-of-type

Here is an example:

$("div p:last-of-type").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("div span:last-of-type").css("border", "3px solid red");

<div id="example">
            <p>This is paragraph 1</p>
            <p>This is paragraph 2</p>
            <span>This is paragraph 3</span>
            <span>This is paragraph 4</span>
            <p>This is paragraph 5</p>

In the example above both Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5 will have a red border since Paragraph 5 is the last element of "p" type in the div and Paragraph 4 is the last "span" in the div.

What is the difference between Tomcat, JBoss and Glassfish?

Apache tomcat is just an only serverlet container it does not support for Enterprise Java application(JEE). JBoss and Glassfish are supporting for JEE application but Glassfish much heavy than JBOSS server : Reference Slide

Using number_format method in Laravel

Here's another way of doing it, add in app\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php

use Illuminate\Support\Str;


public function boot()
    // add Str::currency macro
    Str::macro('currency', function ($price)
        return number_format($price, 2, '.', '\'');

Then use Str::currency() in the blade templates or directly in the Expense model.

@foreach ($Expenses as $Expense)
        <td>{{{ $Expense->type }}}</td>
        <td>{{{ $Expense->narration }}}</td>
        <td>{{{ Str::currency($Expense->price) }}}</td>
        <td>{{{ $Expense->quantity }}}</td>
        <td>{{{ Str::currency($Expense->amount) }}}</td>                                                            

How to extract week number in sql

Try to replace 'w' for 'iw'. For example:

SELECT to_char(to_date(TRANSDATE, 'dd-mm-yyyy'), 'iw') as weeknumber from YOUR_TABLE;

Search a whole table in mySQL for a string

Identify all the fields that could be related to your search and then use a query like:

SELECT * FROM clients
WHERE field1 LIKE '%Mary%'
   OR field2 LIKE '%Mary%'
   OR field3 LIKE '%Mary%'
   OR field4 LIKE '%Mary%'
   (do that for each field you want to check)

Using LIKE '%Mary%' instead of = 'Mary' will look for the fields that contains someCaracters + 'Mary' + someCaracters.

Check if application is installed - Android

    private boolean isAppExist() {

    PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
    try {
        PackageInfo info = pm.getPackageInfo("com.facebook.katana", PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
    } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
        return false;
    return true;

if (isFacebookExist()) {showToast(" Facebook is  install.");}
     else {showToast(" Facebook is not install.");}

How to validate an e-mail address in swift?

As a String class extension


extension String {
    func isValidEmail() -> Bool {
        // here, `try!` will always succeed because the pattern is valid
        let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$", options: .caseInsensitive)
        return regex.firstMatch(in: self, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: count)) != nil


if "rdfsdsfsdfsd".isValidEmail() {


How to mark a build unstable in Jenkins when running shell scripts

you should also be able to use groovy and do what textfinder did

marking a build as un-stable with groovy post-build plugin

if(manager.logContains("Could not login to FTP server")) {
    manager.addWarningBadge("FTP Login Failure")
    manager.createSummary("warning.gif").appendText("<h1>Failed to login to remote FTP Server!</h1>", false, false, false, "red")

Also see Groovy Postbuild Plugin

How can I get table names from an MS Access Database?

You can use schemas in Access.

Sub ListAccessTables2(strDBPath)
   Dim cnnDB As ADODB.Connection
   Dim rstList As ADODB.Recordset

   Set cnnDB = New ADODB.Connection

   ' Open the connection.
   With cnnDB
      .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
      .Open strDBPath
   End With

   ' Open the tables schema rowset.
   Set rstList = cnnDB.OpenSchema(adSchemaTables)

   ' Loop through the results and print the
   ' names and types in the Immediate pane.
   With rstList
      Do While Not .EOF
         If .Fields("TABLE_TYPE") <> "VIEW" Then
            Debug.Print .Fields("TABLE_NAME") & vbTab & _
         End If
   End With
   Set cnnDB = Nothing
End Sub


Work with a time span in Javascript

You can use momentjs duration object


const diff = moment.duration( - new Date(2010, 1, 1))
console.log(`${diff.years()} years ${diff.months()} months ${diff.days()} days ${diff.hours()} hours ${diff.minutes()} minutes and ${diff.seconds()} seconds`)

sendUserActionEvent() is null

Even i face similar problem after I did some modification in code related to Cursor.

public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) 
        AdapterContextMenuInfo info = (AdapterContextMenuInfo)item.getMenuInfo();
        Cursor c = (Cursor)adapter.getItem(info.position);
        long id = c.getLong(...);
        String tempCity = c.getString(...);

After i commented out //c.close(); It is working fine. Try out at your end and update Initial setup is as... I have a list view in Fragment, and trying to delete and item from list via contextMenu.

How to bind a List<string> to a DataGridView control?

You might run into performance issues when assigning really large lists through LINQ. Following solution is suitable for large lists and without subclassing String:

Set DataGridView (here "View") to virtual mode, create column you need and override / register for event CellValueNeeded

private void View_CellValueNeeded(object sender, DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs e)
    // Optionally: check for column index if you got more columns
    e.Value = View.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataBoundItem.ToString();

then you can simply assign your list to DataGridView:

List<String> MyList = ...
View.DataSource = MyList;

iterrows pandas get next rows value

a combination of answers gave me a very fast running time. using the shift method to create new column of next row values, then using the row_iterator function as @alisdt did, but here i changed it from iterrows to itertuples which is 100 times faster.

my script is for iterating dataframe of duplications in different length and add one second for each duplication so they all be unique.

# create new column with shifted values from the departure time column
df['next_column_value'] = df['column_value'].shift(1)
# create row iterator that can 'save' the next row without running for loop
row_iterator = df.itertuples()
# jump to the next row using the row iterator
last = next(row_iterator)
# because pandas does not support items alteration i need to save it as an object
t = last[your_column_num]
# run and update the time duplications with one more second each
for row in row_iterator:
    if row.column_value == row.next_column_value:
         t = t + add_sec[row.Index, 'column_name'] = t
         # here i resetting the 'last' and 't' values
         last = row
         t = last[your_column_num]

Hope it will help.

How to change the color of progressbar in C# .NET 3.5?

Using Matt Blaine and Chris Persichetti's answers I've created a progress bar that looks a bit nicer while allowing infinite color choice (basically I changed one line in Matt's solution):


using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;

namespace QuantumConcepts.Common.Forms.UI.Controls
    public class ProgressBarEx : ProgressBar
        public ProgressBarEx()
            this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);

        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            LinearGradientBrush brush = null;
            Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height);
            double scaleFactor = (((double)Value - (double)Minimum) / ((double)Maximum - (double)Minimum));

            if (ProgressBarRenderer.IsSupported)
                ProgressBarRenderer.DrawHorizontalBar(e.Graphics, rec);

            rec.Width = (int)((rec.Width * scaleFactor) - 4);
            rec.Height -= 4;
            brush = new LinearGradientBrush(rec, this.ForeColor, this.BackColor, LinearGradientMode.Vertical);
            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, 2, 2, rec.Width, rec.Height);


progressBar.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0);
progressBar.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0);


You can use any gradient you like!


Drawing an SVG file on a HTML5 canvas

Mozilla has a simple way for drawing SVG on canvas called "Drawing DOM objects into a canvas"

How to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio

I use this:

android:src="@drawable/logo" />

How to programmatically empty browser cache?

You can now use Cache.delete()


let id = "your-cache-id";
// you can find the id by going to 
// application>storage>cache storage 
// (minus the page url at the end)
// in your chrome developer console
.then(cache => cache.keys()
  .then(keys => {
    for (let key of keys) {

Works on Chrome 40+, Firefox 39+, Opera 27+ and Edge.

Get spinner selected items text?

Spinner spinner = (Spinner) findViewById(;
String text = spinner.getSelectedItem().toString();

Bash: infinite sleep (infinite blocking)

What about sending a SIGSTOP to itself?

This should pause the process until SIGCONT is received. Which is in your case: never.

kill -STOP "$$";
# grace time for signal delivery
sleep 60;

How to wrap text around an image using HTML/CSS

With CSS Shapes you can go one step further than just float text around a rectangular image.

You can actually wrap text such that it takes the shape of the edge of the image or polygon that you are wrapping it around.

DEMO FIDDLE (Currently working on webkit - caniuse)

.oval {_x000D_
  width: 400px;_x000D_
  height: 250px;_x000D_
  color: #111;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  font-size: 90px;_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
  shape-outside: ellipse();_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
  background-color: MediumPurple;_x000D_
  background-clip: content-box;_x000D_
span {_x000D_
  padding-top: 70px;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
<div class="oval"><span>PHP</span>_x000D_
<p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has_x000D_
  survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing_x000D_
  software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley_x000D_
  of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing_x000D_
  Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy_x000D_
  text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised_x000D_
  in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.</p>

Also, here is a good list apart article on CSS Shapes

How can I wait for set of asynchronous callback functions?

You haven't been very specific with your code, so I'll make up a scenario. Let's say you have 10 ajax calls and you want to accumulate the results from those 10 ajax calls and then when they have all completed you want to do something. You can do it like this by accumulating the data in an array and keeping track of when the last one has finished:

Manual Counter

var ajaxCallsRemaining = 10;
var returnedData = [];

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    doAjax(whatever, function(response) {
        // success handler from the ajax call

        // save response

        // see if we're done with the last ajax call
        if (ajaxCallsRemaining <= 0) {
            // all data is here now
            // look through the returnedData and do whatever processing 
            // you want on it right here

Note: error handling is important here (not shown because it's specific to how you're making your ajax calls). You will want to think about how you're going to handle the case when one ajax call never completes, either with an error or gets stuck for a long time or times out after a long time.

jQuery Promises

Adding to my answer in 2014. These days, promises are often used to solve this type of problem since jQuery's $.ajax() already returns a promise and $.when() will let you know when a group of promises are all resolved and will collect the return results for you:

var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
$.when.apply($, promises).then(function() {
    // returned data is in arguments[0][0], arguments[1][0], ... arguments[9][0]
    // you can process it here
}, function() {
    // error occurred

ES6 Standard Promises

As specified in kba's answer: if you have an environment with native promises built-in (modern browser or node.js or using babeljs transpile or using a promise polyfill), then you can use ES6-specified promises. See this table for browser support. Promises are supported in pretty much all current browsers, except IE.

If doAjax() returns a promise, then you can do this:

var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
    // returned data is in arguments[0], arguments[1], ... arguments[n]
    // you can process it here
}, function(err) {
    // error occurred

If you need to make a non-promise async operation into one that returns a promise, you can "promisify" it like this:

function doAjax(...) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        someAsyncOperation(..., function(err, result) {
            if (err) return reject(err);

And, then use the pattern above:

var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
    // returned data is in arguments[0], arguments[1], ... arguments[n]
    // you can process it here
}, function(err) {
    // error occurred

Bluebird Promises

If you use a more feature rich library such as the Bluebird promise library, then it has some additional functions built in to make this easier:

 var doAjax = Promise.promisify(someAsync);
 var someData = [...], doAjax).then(function(results) {
     // all ajax results here
 }, function(err) {
     // some error here

How to fix curl: (60) SSL certificate: Invalid certificate chain

The problem is an expired intermediate certificate that is no longer used and must be deleted. Here is a blog post from Digicert explaining the issue and how to resolve it.

I was seeing the issue with Github not loading via SSL in both Safari and the command line with git pull. Once I deleted the old expired cert everything was fine.

How to move the layout up when the soft keyboard is shown android

This works like a charm for me


How to use session in JSP pages to get information?

form action="editinfo" method="post">_x000D_
      <input type="text" value="<%if( request.getSession().getAttribute(" parameter_whatever_you_passed ") != null_x000D_
request.getSession().getAttribute("parameter_whatever_you_passed ").toString();_x000D_
 %>" />_x000D_

How to append multiple items in one line in Python

Use this :

L1 = [1, 2]
L2 = [3,4,5]


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

By using the (+) operator you can skip the multiple append & extend operators in just one line of code and this is valid for more then two of lists by L1+L2+L3+L4.......etc.

Happy Learning...:)

Gnuplot line types

Until version 4.6

The dash type of a linestyle is given by the linetype, which does also select the line color unless you explicitely set an other one with linecolor.

However, the support for dashed lines depends on the selected terminal:

  1. Some terminals don't support dashed lines, like png (uses libgd)
  2. Other terminals, like pngcairo, support dashed lines, but it is disables by default. To enable it, use set termoption dashed, or set terminal pngcairo dashed ....
  3. The exact dash patterns differ between terminals. To see the defined linetype, use the test command:


set terminal pngcairo dashed
set output 'test.png'
set output


enter image description here

whereas, the postscript terminal shows different dash patterns:

set terminal postscript eps color colortext
set output 'test.eps'
set output

enter image description here

Version 5.0

Starting with version 5.0 the following changes related to linetypes, dash patterns and line colors are introduced:

  • A new dashtype parameter was introduced:

    To get the predefined dash patterns, use e.g.

    plot x dashtype 2

    You can also specify custom dash patterns like

    plot x dashtype (3,5,10,5),\
         2*x dashtype '.-_'
  • The terminal options dashed and solid are ignored. By default all lines are solid. To change them to dashed, use e.g.

    set for [i=1:8] linetype i dashtype i
  • The default set of line colors was changed. You can select between three different color sets with set colorsequence default|podo|classic:

enter image description here

Is it possible to specify the schema when connecting to postgres with JDBC?


When instantiating a DataSource implementation, look for a method to set the current/default schema.

For example, on the PGSimpleDataSource class call setCurrentSchema.

org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource dataSource = new org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource ( );
dataSource.setServerName ( "localhost" );
dataSource.setDatabaseName ( "your_db_here_" );
dataSource.setPortNumber ( 5432 );
dataSource.setUser ( "postgres" );
dataSource.setPassword ( "your_password_here" );
dataSource.setCurrentSchema ( "your_schema_name_here_" );  // <----------

If you leave the schema unspecified, Postgres defaults to a schema named public within the database. See the manual, section 5.9.2 The Public Schema. To quote hat manual:

In the previous sections we created tables without specifying any schema names. By default such tables (and other objects) are automatically put into a schema named “public”. Every new database contains such a schema.

How to override during production in Spring-Boot?

You can also use @PropertySources

        @PropertySource(value = ""),
        @PropertySource(value = "file:/user/home/", ignoreResourceNotFound = true)
public class Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ConfigurableApplicationContext context =, args);



jQuery append() and remove() element

You can call a reset function before appending. Something like this:

    function resetNewReviewBoardForm() {
    $("#members").empty(); //this one what worked in my case

How to drop columns using Rails migration

remove_column :table_name, :column_name
in a migration file

You can remove a column directly in a rails console by typing:
ActiveRecord::Base.remove_column :table_name, :column_name

How to replace case-insensitive literal substrings in Java

String target = "FOOBar";
target = target.replaceAll("(?i)foo", "");



It's worth mentioning that replaceAll treats the first argument as a regex pattern, which can cause unexpected results. To solve this, also use Pattern.quote as suggested in the comments.

"Multiple definition", "first defined here" errors

I had a similar issue when not using inline for my global function that was included in two places.

ReCaptcha API v2 Styling

Late to the party, but maybe my solution will help somebody.

I haven't found any solution that works on a responsive website when the viewport changes or the layout is fluid.

So I've created a jQuery script for django-cms that is dynamically adapting to a changing viewport. I'm going to update this response as soon as I have the need for a modern variant of it that is more modular and has no jQuery dependency.


<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="{site_key}" data-size={size}> 


.g-recaptcha { display: none; }

.g-recaptcha.g-recaptcha-initted { 
    display: block; 
    overflow: hidden; 

.g-recaptcha.g-recaptcha-initted > * {
    transform-origin: top left;


window.djangoReCaptcha = {
    list: [],
    setup: function() {
        $('.g-recaptcha').each(function() {
            var $container = $(this);
            var config = $;

            djangoReCaptcha.init($container, config);

        $(window).on('resize orientationchange', function() {
            $(djangoReCaptcha.list).each(function(idx, el) {
                djangoReCaptcha.resize.apply(null, el);
    resize: function($container, captchaSize) {
        scaleFactor = ($container.width() / captchaSize.w);
        $container.find('> *').css({
            transform: 'scale(' + scaleFactor + ')',
            height: (captchaSize.h * scaleFactor) + 'px'
    init: function($container, config) {
        grecaptcha.render($container.get(0), config);

        var captchaSize, scaleFactor;
        var $iframe = $container.find('iframe').eq(0);

        $iframe.on('load', function() {
            captchaSize = captchaSize || { w: $iframe.width() - 2, h: $iframe.height() };
            djangoReCaptcha.resize($container, captchaSize);
            djangoReCaptcha.list.push([$container, captchaSize]);
    lateInit: function(config) {
        var $container = $('.g-recaptcha.g-recaptcha-late').eq(0).removeClass('.g-recaptcha-late');
        djangoReCaptcha.init($container, config);

window.djangoReCaptchaSetup = window.djangoReCaptcha.setup;

CSS selector for a checked radio button's label

If your input is a child element of the label and you have more than one labels, you can combine @Mike's trick with Flexbox + order.

enter image description here

label.switchLabel {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;
  width: 150px;
.switchLabel .left   { order: 1; }
.switchLabel .switch { order: 2; }
.switchLabel .right  { order: 3; }

/* sibling selector ~ */
.switchLabel .switch:not(:checked) ~ span.left { color: lightblue }
.switchLabel .switch:checked ~ span.right { color: lightblue }

/* style the switch */

:root {
  --radio-size: 14px;

.switchLabel input.switch  {
  width: var(--radio-size);
  height: var(--radio-size);
  border-radius: 50%;
  border: 1px solid #999999;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  outline: none;
  -webkit-appearance: inherit;
  -moz-appearance: inherit;
  appearance: inherit;
  box-shadow: calc(var(--radio-size) / 2) 0 0 0 gray, calc(var(--radio-size) / 4) 0 0 0 gray;
  margin: 0 calc(5px + var(--radio-size) / 2) 0 5px;

.switchLabel input.switch:checked {
  box-shadow: calc(-1 * var(--radio-size) / 2) 0 0 0 gray, calc(-1 * var(--radio-size) / 4) 0 0 0 gray;
  margin: 0 5px 0 calc(5px + var(--radio-size) / 2);
<label class="switchLabel">
  <input type="checkbox" class="switch" />
  <span class="left">Left</span>
  <span class="right">Right</span>
_x000D_ asd

<label class="switchLabel">
  <input type="checkbox" class="switch"/>
  <span class="left">Left</span>
  <span class="right">Right</span>
label.switchLabel {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;
  width: 150px;
.switchLabel .left   { order: 1; }
.switchLabel .switch { order: 2; }
.switchLabel .right  { order: 3; }

/* sibling selector ~ */
.switchLabel .switch:not(:checked) ~ span.left { color: lightblue }
.switchLabel .switch:checked ~ span.right { color: lightblue }

See it on JSFiddle.

note: Sibling selector only works within the same parent. To work around this, you can make the input hidden at top-level using @Nathan Blair hack.

Call JavaScript function from C#

.aspx file in header section

    <script type="text/javascript">
        <%=YourScript %>
        function functionname1(arg1,arg2){content}

.cs file

public string YourScript = "";
public string functionname(arg)
    if (condition)
        YourScript = "functionname1(arg1,arg2);";

Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener

If you are sure you haven't messed the jar, then please clean the project and perform mvn clean install. This should solve the problem.

Git "error: The branch 'x' is not fully merged"

Note Wording changed in response to the commments. Thanks @slekse
That is not an error, it is a warning. It means the branch you are about to delete contains commits that are not reachable from any of: its upstream branch, or HEAD (currently checked out revision). In other words, when you might lose commits¹.

In practice it means that you probably amended, rebased or filtered commits and they don't seem identical.

Therefore you could avoid the warning by checking out a branch that does contain the commits that you're about un-reference by deleting that other branch.²

You will want to verify that you in fact aren't missing any vital commits:

git log --graph --left-right --cherry-pick --oneline master...experiment

This will give you a list of any nonshared between the branches. In case you are curious, there might be a difference without --cherry-pick and this difference could well be the reason for the warning you get:


Omit any commit that introduces the same change as another commit on the "other side" when the set of commits are limited with symmetric difference. For example, if you have two branches, A and B, a usual way to list all commits on only one side of them is with --left-right, like the example above in the description of that option. It however shows the commits that were cherry-picked from the other branch (for example, "3rd on b" may be cherry-picked from branch A). With this option, such pairs of commits are excluded from the output.

¹ they're really only garbage collected after a while, by default. Also, the git-branch command does not check the revision tree of all branches. The warning is there to avoid obvious mistakes.

² (My preference here is to just force the deletion instead, but you might want to have the extra reassurance).

Get Selected value from dropdown using JavaScript


var e = document.getElementById("mySelect");
var selectedOp = e.options[e.selectedIndex].text;

In JavaScript, why is "0" equal to false, but when tested by 'if' it is not false by itself?

The reason is because when you explicitly do "0" == false, both sides are being converted to numbers, and then the comparison is performed.

When you do: if ("0") console.log("ha"), the string value is being tested. Any non-empty string is true, while an empty string is false.

Equal (==)

If the two operands are not of the same type, JavaScript converts the operands then applies strict comparison. If either operand is a number or a boolean, the operands are converted to numbers if possible; else if either operand is a string, the other operand is converted to a string if possible. If both operands are objects, then JavaScript compares internal references which are equal when operands refer to the same object in memory.

(From Comparison Operators in Mozilla Developer Network)

How do I check if a given string is a legal/valid file name under Windows?

Rather than explicitly include all possible characters, you could do a regex to check for the presence of illegal characters, and report an error then. Ideally your application should name the files exactly as the user wishes, and only cry foul if it stumbles across an error.

Redirect to Action by parameter mvc

This error is very non-descriptive but the key here is that 'ID' is in uppercase. This indicates that the route has not been correctly set up. To let the application handle URLs with an id, you need to make sure that there's at least one route configured for it. You do this in the RouteConfig.cs located in the App_Start folder. The most common is to add the id as an optional parameter to the default route.

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
    //adding the {id} and setting is as optional so that you do not need to use it for every action
        name: "Default",
        url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
        defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Now you should be able to redirect to your controller the way you have set it up.

public ActionResult RedirectToImages(int id)
    return RedirectToAction("Index","ProductImageManager", new { id });

    //if the action is in the same controller, you can omit the controller:
    //RedirectToAction("Index", new { id });

In one or two occassions way back I ran into some issues by normal redirect and had to resort to doing it by passing a RouteValueDictionary. More information on RedirectToAction with parameter

return RedirectToAction("Index", new RouteValueDictionary( 
    new { controller = "ProductImageManager", action = "Index", id = id } ) 

If you get a very similar error but in lowercase 'id', this is usually because the route expects an id parameter that has not been provided (calling a route without the id /ProductImageManager/Index). See this so question for more information.

Check if PHP-page is accessed from an iOS device

Use the user agent from $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], and for simple detection you can use this script:


//Detect special conditions devices
$iPod    = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"iPod");
$iPhone  = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"iPhone");
$iPad    = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"iPad");
$Android = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"Android");
$webOS   = stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"webOS");

//do something with this information
if( $iPod || $iPhone ){
    //browser reported as an iPhone/iPod touch -- do something here
}else if($iPad){
    //browser reported as an iPad -- do something here
}else if($Android){
    //browser reported as an Android device -- do something here
}else if($webOS){
    //browser reported as a webOS device -- do something here


If you want to know more details of the user device I recommended to use one of the following solutions: or

Unit testing click event in Angular

I'm using Angular 6. I followed Mav55's answer and it worked. However I wanted to make sure if fixture.detectChanges(); was really necessary so I removed it and it still worked. Then I removed tick(); to see if it worked and it did. Finally I removed the test from the fakeAsync() wrap, and surprise, it worked.

So I ended up with this:

it('should call onClick method', () => {
  const onClickMock = spyOn(component, 'onClick');
  fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button')).triggerEventHandler('click', null);

And it worked just fine.

How to Git stash pop specific stash in 1.8.3?

First check the list:-

git stash list

copy the index you wanted to pop from the stash list

git stash pop stash@{index_number}


git stash pop stash@{1}

How do I read a text file of about 2 GB?

Try Glogg. the fast, smart log explorer.

I have opened log file of size around 2 GB, and the search is also very fast.

Cannot change column used in a foreign key constraint

When you set keys (primary or foreign) you are setting constraints on how they can be used, which in turn limits what you can do with them. If you really want to alter the column, you could re-create the table without the constraints, although I'd recommend against it. Generally speaking, if you have a situation in which you want to do something, but it is blocked by a constraint, it's best resolved by changing what you want to do rather than the constraint.

How can I scale an image in a CSS sprite

You could use background-size, as its supported by most browsers (but not all

background-size : 150% 150%;


You can use a combo of zoom for webkit/ie and transform:scale for Firefox(-moz-) and Opera(-o-) for cross-browser desktop & mobile

    display: inline-block;
    background: url('../img/icons/icons.png') no-repeat;
    width: 64px;
    height: 51px;
    overflow: hidden;
    -moz-transform-origin: 0 0;

    -moz-transform-origin: 0 0;

    -moz-transform-origin: 0 0;

    -moz-transform-origin: 0 0;

Swift double to string

Swift 4: Use following code

let number = 2.4
let string = String(format: "%.2f", number)

Transpose a matrix in Python

If we wanted to return the same matrix we would write:

return [[ m[row][col] for col in range(0,width) ] for row in range(0,height) ]

What this does is it iterates over a matrix m by going through each row and returning each element in each column. So the order would be like:


Now for question 3, we instead want to go column by column, returning each element in each row. So the order would be like:


Therefore just switch the order in which we iterate:

return [[ m[row][col] for row in range(0,height) ] for col in range(0,width) ]

How do you run a single query through mysql from the command line?

If it's a query you run often, you can store it in a file. Then any time you want to run it:

mysql < thefile

(with all the login and database flags of course)

How to check if mod_rewrite is enabled in php?

Another idea, indeed more a dirty hack, regarding mod rewrite is server dependend an not necessary a php issue: Why not, if you have the possibillity, create a test directory put a .htaccess in it rewriting to test.php, call the directory via http and check if you get the expected result you put in test.php.

Indeed, dirty.

Html table with button on each row

Pretty sure this solves what you're looking for:


    <tr><td><button class="editbtn">edit</button></td></tr>
    <tr><td><button class="editbtn">edit</button></td></tr>
    <tr><td><button class="editbtn">edit</button></td></tr>
    <tr><td><button class="editbtn">edit</button></td></tr>

Javascript (using jQuery):

        $(this).html($(this).html() == 'edit' ? 'modify' : 'edit');


Apparently I should have looked at your sample code first ;)

You need to change (at least) the ID attribute of each element. The ID is the unique identifier for each element on the page, meaning that if you have multiple items with the same ID, you'll get conflicts.

By using classes, you can apply the same logic to multiple elements without any conflicts.

JSFiddle sample

Regex select all text between tags

You shouldn't be trying to parse html with regexes see this question and how it turned out.

In the simplest terms, html is not a regular language so you can't fully parse is with regular expressions.

Having said that you can parse subsets of html when there are no similar tags nested. So as long as anything between and is not that tag itself, this will work:

preg_match("/<([\w]+)[^>]*>(.*?)<\/\1>/", $subject, $matches);
$matches = array ( [0] => full matched string [1] => tag name [2] => tag content )

A better idea is to use a parser, like the native DOMDocument, to load your html, then select your tag and get the inner html which might look something like this:

$obj = new DOMDocument();
$obj -> load($html);
$obj -> getElementByTagName('el');
$value = $obj -> nodeValue();

And since this is a proper parser it will be able to handle nesting tags etc.

How do I activate C++ 11 in CMake?

The easiest way to set the Cxx standard is:

 set_property(TARGET tgt PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 11)

See the CMake documentation for more details.

Best design for a changelog / auditing database table?

We also log old and new values and the column they are from as well as the primary key of the table being audited in an audit detail table. Think what you need the audit table for? Not only do you want to know who made a change and when, but when a bad change happens, you want a fast way to put the data back.

While you are designing, you should write the code to recover data. When you need to recover, it is usually in a hurry, best to already be prepared.

Generics in C#, using type of a variable as parameter

One way to get around this is to use implicit casting:

bool DoesEntityExist<T>(T entity, Guid guid, ITransaction transaction) where T : IGloballyIdentifiable;

calling it like so:

DoesEntityExist(entity, entityGuid, transaction);

Going a step further, you can turn it into an extension method (it will need to be declared in a static class):

static bool DoesEntityExist<T>(this T entity, Guid guid, ITransaction transaction) where T : IGloballyIdentifiable;

calling as so:

entity.DoesEntityExist(entityGuid, transaction);

Copying PostgreSQL database to another server

Here is an example using pg_basebackup

I chose to go this route because it backs up the entire database cluster (users, databases, etc.).

I'm posting this as a solution on here because it details every step I had to take, feel free to add recommendations or improvements after reading other answers on here and doing some more research.

For Postgres 12 and Ubuntu 18.04 I had to do these actions:

On the server that is currently running the database:

Update pg_hba.conf, for me located at /etc/postgresql/12/main/pg_hba.conf

Add the following line (substitute with the IP address of the server you want to copy the database to).

host  replication  postgres  trust

Update postgresql.conf, for me located at /etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf. Add the following line:

listen_addresses = '*'

Restart postgres:

sudo service postgresql restart

On the host you want to copy the database cluster to:

sudo service postgresql stop

sudo su root

rm -rf /var/lib/postgresql/12/main/*


sudo -u postgres pg_basebackup -h -U postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/12/main/

sudo service postgresql start

Big picture - stop the service, delete everything in the data directory (mine is in /var/lib/postgreql/12). The permissions on this directory are drwx------ with user and group postgres. I could only do this as root, not even with sudo -u postgres. I'm unsure why. Ensure you are doing this on the new server you want to copy the database to! You are deleting the entire database cluster.

Make sure to change the IP address from to the IP address you are copying the database from. Copy the data from the original server with pg_basebackup. Start the service.

Update pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf to match the original server configuration - before you made any changes adding the replication line and the listen_addresses line (in my care I had to add the ability to log-in locally via md5 to pg_hba.conf).

Note there are considerations for max_wal_senders and wal_level that can be found in the documentation. I did not have to do anything with this.

I am not able launch JNLP applications using "Java Web Start"?

Is this an application to which you have the code? Java 6u14 included a change to the way it handles jar security that for us caused very similar issues. If your jars are signed and work with Java 6u13 or below, you might consider either refactoring your code to work around this update or requiring Java 6u13 or below. Unfortunately I don't recall exactly what we did to resolve the issue - it was panic mode at the time.

Again, if you have the code you have tools to work with. You can put in System.out.println statements in your startup routines - anything console output is displayed in the command window when you run the JNLP from the command line. Otherwise you might consider using a nice logger like log4j to get a better idea of the point of failure.

You may also consider removing the application entirely and downloading it anew. Java Web Start has a Control Panel applet that allows you to see the URL your app is downloading from (could be the wrong one), uninstall the app, set security options, etc.

How to import a bak file into SQL Server Express

To do this via TSQL (ssms query window or sqlcmd.exe) just run:

RESTORE DATABASE MyDatabase FROM DISK='c:\backups\MyDataBase1.bak'

To do it via GUI - open SSMS, right click on Databases and follow the steps below

enter image description here enter image description here

Flutter command not found

How to Install Flutter on MacOS To permanently add Flutter to your path, follow this command line

  1. Open (or create) the rc file for your shell. Typing echo $SHELL in your Terminal tells you which shell you’re using. If you’re using Bash, edit $HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.bashrc. If you’re using Z shell, edit $HOME/.zshrc. If you’re using a different shell, the file path and filename will be different on your machine.

    In your terminal, run:

    touch $HOME/.bash_profile
    vi $HOME/.bash_profile

In Catalina your default shell is ZSH, thus you can also replace the '(dot)bash_profile' to '(dot)zshrc' [without quote and replace the dot] and the rest is the same!

Also to check for environment is running, you can just type 'flutt' + TAB, and if autocomplete kicks in you are done!

  1. Add the following line and change [Flutter SDK] to be the path where you extracted Flutter SDK and save

    If this is not working:

    export PATH="$PATH: /Users/Desktop/flutter/bin"

    Try this instead:

    export PATH="$HOME/Users/Desktop/flutter/bin:$PATH"

Save the file and close it.

  1. Run source $HOME/.bash_profile to refresh the current window, or open a new terminal window to automatically source the file.

  2. And verify that the flutter/bin directory is now in your PATH by running:

    echo $PATH

For see more :

Makefile ifeq logical or

ifeq ($(GCC_MINOR), 4)
    CFLAGS += -fno-strict-overflow
ifeq ($(GCC_MINOR), 5)
    CFLAGS += -fno-strict-overflow

Another you can consider using in this case is:

GCC42_OR_LATER = $(shell $(CXX) -v 2>&1 | $(EGREP) -c "^gcc version (4.[2-9]|[5-9])")

# -Wstrict-overflow:
ifeq ($(GCC42_OR_LATER),1)
  CFLAGS += -Wstrict-overflow

I actually use the same in my code because I don't want to maintain a separate config or Configure.

But you have to use a portable, non-anemic make, like GNU make (gmake), and not Posix's make.

And it does not address the issue of logical AND and OR.

Difference between single and double quotes in Bash

There is a clear distinction between the usage of ' ' and " ".

When ' ' is used around anything, there is no "transformation or translation" done. It is printed as it is.

With " ", whatever it surrounds, is "translated or transformed" into its value.

By translation/ transformation I mean the following: Anything within the single quotes will not be "translated" to their values. They will be taken as they are inside quotes. Example: a=23, then echo '$a' will produce $a on standard output. Whereas echo "$a" will produce 23 on standard output.

Simplest way to detect a pinch

Think about what a pinch event is: two fingers on an element, moving toward or away from each other. Gesture events are, to my knowledge, a fairly new standard, so probably the safest way to go about this is to use touch events like so:

(ontouchstart event)

if (e.touches.length === 2) {
    scaling = true;

(ontouchmove event)

if (scaling) {

(ontouchend event)

if (scaling) {
    scaling = false;

To get the distance between the two fingers, use the hypot function:

var dist = Math.hypot(
    e.touches[0].pageX - e.touches[1].pageX,
    e.touches[0].pageY - e.touches[1].pageY);

How to copy an object in Objective-C

another.obj = [obj copyWithZone: zone];

I think, that this line causes memory leak, because you access to obj through property which is (I assume) declared as retain. So, retain count will be increased by property and copyWithZone.

I believe it should be:

another.obj = [[obj copyWithZone: zone] autorelease];


SomeOtherObject *temp = [obj copyWithZone: zone];
another.obj = temp;
[temp release]; 

This certificate has an invalid issuer Apple Push Services

I think I've figured this one out. I imported the new WWDR Certificate that expires in 2023, but I was still getting problems building and my developer certificates were still showing the invalid issuer error.

  • In keychain access, go to View -> Show Expired Certificates. Then in your login keychain highlight the expired WWDR Certificate and delete it.
  • I also had the same expired certificate in my System keychain, so I deleted it from there too (important).

After deleting the expired certificate from the login and System keychains, I was able to build for Distribution again.

How to create a hidden <img> in JavaScript?

How about

<img style="display: none;" src="a.gif">

That will disable the display completely, and not leave a placeholder

iOS - Calling App Delegate method from ViewController

Just Follow these steps

1.import your app delegate in your class where you want app delegate object.

#import "YourAppDelegate.h"

2.inside your class create an instance of your app delegate object(Its basically a singleton).

YourAppDelegate *appDelegate=( YourAppDelegate* )[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate;

3.Now invoke method using selector

if([appDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(yourMethod)]){

        [appDelegate yourMethod];

or directly by

[appDelegate yourMethod];

for swift

let appdel : AppDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate

i will recommend the first one. Run and Go.

How to convert QString to int?

You don't have all digit characters in your string. So you have to split by space

QString Abcd = "123.5 Kb";
Abcd.split(" ")[0].toInt();    //convert the first part to Int
Abcd.split(" ")[0].toDouble(); //convert the first part to double
Abcd.split(" ")[0].toFloat();  //convert the first part to float

Update: I am updating an old answer. That was a straight forward answer to the specific question, with a strict assumption. However as noted by @DomTomCat in comments and @Mikhail in answer, In general one should always check whether the operation is successful or not. So using a boolean flag is necessary.

bool flag;
double v = Abcd.split(" ")[0].toDouble(&flag); 
  // use v

Also if you are taking that string as user input, then you should also be doubtful about whether the string is really splitable with space. If there is a possibility that the assumption may break then a regex verifier is more preferable. A regex like the following will extract the floating point value and the prefix character of 'b'. Then you can safely convert the captured strings to double.


You can have an utility function like the following

QPair<double, QString> split_size_str(const QString& str){
    QRegExp regex("([0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+)\\s+(\\w[bB])");
    int pos = regex.indexIn(str);
    QStringList captures = regex.capturedTexts();
    if(captures.count() > 1){
        double value = captures[1].toDouble(); // should succeed as regex matched
        QString unit = captures[2]; // should succeed as regex matched
        return qMakePair(value, unit);
    return qMakePair(0.0f, QString());

How can I add spaces between two <input> lines using CSS?

You don't need to wrap everything in a DIV to achieve basic styling on inputs.

input[type="text"] {margin: 0 0 10px 0;}

will do the trick in most cases.

Semantically, one <br/> tag is okay between elements to position them. When you find yourself using multiple <br/>'s (which are semantic elements) to achieve cosmetic effects, that's a flag that you're mixing responsibilities, and you should consider getting back to basics.

Rotate label text in seaborn factorplot

This is still a matplotlib object. Try this:

# <your code here>
locs, labels = plt.xticks()
plt.setp(labels, rotation=45)

What should my Objective-C singleton look like?

Another option is to use the +(void)initialize method. From the documentation:

The runtime sends initialize to each class in a program exactly one time just before the class, or any class that inherits from it, is sent its first message from within the program. (Thus the method may never be invoked if the class is not used.) The runtime sends the initialize message to classes in a thread-safe manner. Superclasses receive this message before their subclasses.

So you could do something akin to this:

static MySingleton *sharedSingleton;

+ (void)initialize
    static BOOL initialized = NO;
        initialized = YES;
        sharedSingleton = [[MySingleton alloc] init];

How to get a certain element in a list, given the position?

If you frequently need to access the Nth element of a sequence, std::list, which is implemented as a doubly linked list, is probably not the right choice. std::vector or std::deque would likely be better.

That said, you can get an iterator to the Nth element using std::advance:

std::list<Object> l;
// add elements to list 'l'...

unsigned N = /* index of the element you want to retrieve */;
if (l.size() > N)
    std::list<Object>::iterator it = l.begin();
    std::advance(it, N);
    // 'it' points to the element at index 'N'

For a container that doesn't provide random access, like std::list, std::advance calls operator++ on the iterator N times. Alternatively, if your Standard Library implementation provides it, you may call std::next:

if (l.size() > N)
    std::list<Object>::iterator it = std::next(l.begin(), N);

std::next is effectively wraps a call to std::advance, making it easier to advance an iterator N times with fewer lines of code and fewer mutable variables. std::next was added in C++11.

JavaScript Array splice vs slice

The slice() method returns a copy of a portion of an array into a new array object.

$scope.participantForms.slice(index, 1);

This does NOT change the participantForms array but returns a new array containing the single element found at the index position in the original array.

The splice() method changes the content of an array by removing existing elements and/or adding new elements.

$scope.participantForms.splice(index, 1);

This will remove one element from the participantForms array at the index position.

These are the Javascript native functions, AngularJS has nothing to do with them.

Angular Directive refresh on parameter change

I hope this will help reloading/refreshing directive on value from parent scope


            <!-- version 1.4.5 -->
            <script src="angular.js"></script>

        <body ng-app="app" ng-controller="Ctrl">

            <my-test reload-on="update"></my-test><br>
            <button ng-click="update = update+1;">update {{update}}</button>
            var app = angular.module('app', [])
            app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope) {

                $scope.update = 0;
            app.directive('myTest', function() {
                return {
                    restrict: 'AE',
                    scope: {
                        reloadOn: '='
                    controller: function($scope) {
                        $scope.$watch('reloadOn', function(newVal, oldVal) {
                            //  all directive code here
                            console.log("Reloaded successfully......" + $scope.reloadOn);
                    template: '<span>  {{reloadOn}} </span>'


Background color of text in SVG

No this is not possible, SVG elements do not have background-... presentation attributes.

To simulate this effect you could draw a rectangle behind the text attribute with fill="green" or something similar (filters). Using JavaScript you could do the following:

var ctx = document.getElementById("the-svg"),
textElm = ctx.getElementById("the-text"),
SVGRect = textElm.getBBox();

var rect = document.createElementNS("", "rect");
    rect.setAttribute("x", SVGRect.x);
    rect.setAttribute("y", SVGRect.y);
    rect.setAttribute("width", SVGRect.width);
    rect.setAttribute("height", SVGRect.height);
    rect.setAttribute("fill", "yellow");
    ctx.insertBefore(rect, textElm);

How to install the Six module in Python2.7

You need to install this

If you still don't know what pip is , then please also google for pip install

Python has it's own package manager which is supposed to help you finding packages and their dependencies:

How to read a file from jar in Java?

Check first your class loader.

ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

if (classLoader == null) {
    classLoader = Class.class.getClassLoader();


// xml file location at xxx.jar
// + folder
// + folder
// xmlFileNameInJarFile.xml

How to display loading image while actual image is downloading

You can do something like this:

// show loading image

// main image loaded ?
$('#main_img').on('load', function(){
  // hide/remove the loading image

You assign load event to the image which fires when image has finished loading. Before that, you can show your loader image.

Determine if variable is defined in Python

'a' in vars() or 'a' in globals()

if you want to be pedantic, you can check the builtins too
'a' in vars(__builtins__)

Finding local IP addresses using Python's stdlib

This is a variant of UnkwnTech's answer -- it provides a get_local_addr() function, which returns the primary LAN ip address of the host. I'm posting it because this adds a number of things: ipv6 support, error handling, ignoring localhost/linklocal addrs, and uses a TESTNET addr (rfc5737) to connect to.

# imports
import errno
import socket
import logging

# localhost prefixes
_local_networks = ("127.", "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1")

# ignore these prefixes -- localhost, unspecified, and link-local
_ignored_networks = _local_networks + ("0.", "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0", "169.254.", "fe80:")

def detect_family(addr):
    if "." in addr:
        assert ":" not in addr
        return socket.AF_INET
    elif ":" in addr:
        return socket.AF_INET6
        raise ValueError("invalid ipv4/6 address: %r" % addr)

def expand_addr(addr):
    """convert address into canonical expanded form --
    no leading zeroes in groups, and for ipv6: lowercase hex, no collapsed groups.
    family = detect_family(addr)
    addr = socket.inet_ntop(family, socket.inet_pton(family, addr))
    if "::" in addr:
        count = 8-addr.count(":")
        addr = addr.replace("::", (":0" * count) + ":")
        if addr.startswith(":"):
            addr = "0" + addr
    return addr

def _get_local_addr(family, remote):
        s = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
            s.connect((remote, 9))
            return s.getsockname()[0]
    except socket.error:
        #"trapped error connecting to %r via %r", remote, family, exc_info=True)
        return None

def get_local_addr(remote=None, ipv6=True):
    """get LAN address of host

    :param remote:
        return  LAN address that host would use to access that specific remote address.
        by default, returns address it would use to access the public internet.

    :param ipv6:
        by default, attempts to find an ipv6 address first.
        if set to False, only checks ipv4.

        primary LAN address for host, or ``None`` if couldn't be determined.
    if remote:
        family = detect_family(remote)
        local = _get_local_addr(family, remote)
        if not local:
            return None
        if family == socket.AF_INET6:
            # expand zero groups so the startswith() test works.
            local = expand_addr(local)
        if local.startswith(_local_networks):
            # border case where remote addr belongs to host
            return local
        # NOTE: the two addresses used here are TESTNET addresses,
        #       which should never exist in the real world.
        if ipv6:
            local = _get_local_addr(socket.AF_INET6, "2001:db8::1234")
            # expand zero groups so the startswith() test works.
            if local:
                local = expand_addr(local)
            local = None
        if not local:
            local = _get_local_addr(socket.AF_INET, "")
            if not local:
                return None
    if local.startswith(_ignored_networks):
        return None
    return local

Set timeout for ajax (jQuery)

Please read the $.ajax documentation, this is a covered topic.

    url: "test.html",
    error: function(){
        // will fire when timeout is reached
    success: function(){
        //do something
    timeout: 3000 // sets timeout to 3 seconds

You can get see what type of error was thrown by accessing the textStatus parameter of the error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) option. The options are "timeout", "error", "abort", and "parsererror".

Verify a method call using Moq

You're checking the wrong method. Moq requires that you Setup (and then optionally Verify) the method in the dependency class.

You should be doing something more like this:

class MyClassTest
    public void MyMethodTest()
        string action = "test";
        Mock<SomeClass> mockSomeClass = new Mock<SomeClass>();

        mockSomeClass.Setup(mock => mock.DoSomething());

        MyClass myClass = new MyClass(mockSomeClass.Object);

        // Explicitly verify each expectation...
        mockSomeClass.Verify(mock => mock.DoSomething(), Times.Once());

        // ...or verify everything.
        // mockSomeClass.VerifyAll();

In other words, you are verifying that calling MyClass#MyMethod, your class will definitely call SomeClass#DoSomething once in that process. Note that you don't need the Times argument; I was just demonstrating its value.

How can I create a copy of an Oracle table without copying the data?

WHERE 1 = 0 or similar false conditions work, but I dislike how they look. Marginally cleaner code for Oracle 12c+ IMHO is


Same limitations apply: only column definitions and their nullability are copied into a new table.

AngularJS. How to call controller function from outside of controller component

I am an Ionic framework user and the one I found that would consistently provide the current controller's $scope is:


I suspect this can be modified to fit most scenarios regardless of framework (or not) by finding the query that will target the specific DOM element(s) that are available only during a given controller instance.

Label word wrapping

Ironically, turning off AutoSize by setting it to false allowed me to get the label control dimensions to size it both vertically and horizontally which effectively allows word-wrapping to occur.

Viewing my IIS hosted site on other machines on my network

After installing antivirus I faced this issue and I noticed that my firewall automatically set as on, Now I just set firewall off and it solved my issue. Hope it will help someone :)

Dynamic array in C#

Dynamic Array Example:

Console.WriteLine("Define Array Size? ");
int number = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

Console.WriteLine("Enter numbers:\n");
int[] arr = new int[number];

for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
    arr[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++ )
    Console.WriteLine("Array Index: "+i + " AND Array Item: " + arr[i].ToString());

How can I change the language (to english) in Oracle SQL Developer?

On MAC High Sierra (10.13.6)

cd /Users/vkrishna/.sqldeveloper/18.2.0

nano product.conf

on the last line add

AddVMOption -Duser.language=en

Save the file and restart.


If you are using standalone Oracle Data Modeller

find ~/ -name "datamodeler.conf"

and edit this file

cd /Users/vkrishna//Desktop/

Add somewhere in the last

AddVMOption -Duser.language=en

save and restart, done!

Set Background cell color in PHPExcel

This always running!


how to create a window with two buttons that will open a new window

You add your ActionListener twice to button. So correct your code for button2 to

  JButton button2 = new JButton("hello agin2");
  button2.addActionListener (new Action2());//note the button2 here instead of button

Furthermore, perform your Swing operations on the correct thread by using EventQueue.invokeLater

What is the point of "Initial Catalog" in a SQL Server connection string?

This is the initial database of the data source when you connect.

Edited for clarity:

If you have multiple databases in your SQL Server instance and you don't want to use the default database, you need some way to specify which one you are going to use.

IntelliJ: Never use wildcard imports

If non of above works for you, then it is worth to check if you have any packages under Preference > Editor > Code Style > Java > Imports > Packages to Use Import with "*"

Get specific object by id from array of objects in AngularJS

If you can, design your JSON data structure by making use of the array indexes as IDs. You can even "normalize" your JSON arrays as long as you've no problem making use of the array indexes as "primary key" and "foreign key", something like RDBMS. As such, in future, you can even do something like this:

function getParentById(childID) {
var parentObject = parentArray[childArray[childID].parentID];
return parentObject;

This is the solution "By Design". For your case, simply:

var nameToFind = results[idToQuery - 1].name;

Of course, if your ID format is something like "XX-0001" of which its array index is 0, then you can either do some string manipulation to map the ID; or else nothing can be done about that except through the iteration approach.

Fit image to table cell [Pure HTML]

It's all about display: block :)


Ok so you have the table, tr and td tags:

      <!-- your image goes here -->

Lets say your table or td (whatever define your width) has property width: 360px;. Now, when you try to replace the html comment with the actual image and set that image property for example width: 100%; which should fully fill out the td cell you will face the problem.

The problem is that your table cell (td) isn't properly filled with the image. You'll notice the space at the bottom of the cell which your image doesn't cover (it's like 5px of padding).

How to solve this in a simpliest way?

You are working with the tables, right? You just need to add the display property to your image so that it has the following:

img {
  width: 100%;
  display: block;

How to show all rows by default in JQuery DataTable


    aLengthMenu: [
        [25, 50, 100, 200, -1],
        [25, 50, 100, 200, "All"]
    iDisplayLength: -1

Or if using 1.10+

    paging: false

The option you should use is iDisplayLength:

  'iDisplayLength': 100

   "lengthMenu": [ [5, 10, 25, 50, -1], [5, 10, 25, 50, "All"] ]

It will Load by default all entries.

    aLengthMenu: [
        [25, 50, 100, 200, -1],
        [25, 50, 100, 200, "All"]
    iDisplayLength: -1

Or if using 1.10+

    paging: false

If you want to load by default 25 not all do this.

    aLengthMenu: [
        [25, 50, 100, 200, -1],
        [25, 50, 100, 200, "All"]

Why is Python running my module when I import it, and how do I stop it?

Put the code inside a function and it won't run until you call the function. You should have a main function in your with the statement:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Then, if you call python the main() function will run. If you import, it will not. Also, you should probably rename to something else for clarity's sake.

Java 8 Streams FlatMap method example

Made up example

Imagine that you want to create the following sequence: 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4 etc. (in other words: 1x1, 2x2, 3x3 etc.)

With flatMap it could look like:

IntStream sequence = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 4)
                          .flatMap(i -> IntStream.iterate(i, identity()).limit(i));


  • IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 4) creates a stream of int from 1 to 4, inclusive
  • IntStream.iterate(i, identity()).limit(i) creates a stream of length i of int i - so applied to i = 4 it creates a stream: 4, 4, 4, 4
  • flatMap "flattens" the stream and "concatenates" it to the original stream

With Java < 8 you would need two nested loops:

List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {

Real world example

Let's say I have a List<TimeSeries> where each TimeSeries is essentially a Map<LocalDate, Double>. I want to get a list of all dates for which at least one of the time series has a value. flatMap to the rescue:
    .flatMap(ts -> ts.dates().stream()) // for each TS, stream dates and flatmap
    .distinct()                         // remove duplicates
    .sorted()                           // sort ascending

Not only is it readable, but if you suddenly need to process 100k elements, simply adding parallel() will improve performance without you writing any concurrent code.

Eclipse Error: "Failed to connect to remote VM"

David Citron is right -- if localhost is not resolving properly, it can cause this problem. Here's how to test:

If it works when your PC is not connected to the net (no WiFi, no network cables). If it does work under those conditions, then it may be that you need to make sure that addresses are resolving to localhost properly. The messages that DDMS and adb.exe use for debugging and communicating to the VM must properly resolve to localhost on your PC. (Yes, it's odd that other commands using DDMS & adb work just fine but debugging doesn't. Seems that something in DDMS or adb needs to be standardized so they all work under the same conditions.)

If you need to make sure that things are resolving to localhost properly:

1) Make sure that this line is in your /Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts file:  localhost

(you can have any amount of whitespace between "" and "localhost")

And -- as David Citron suggested -- make sure that the hosts file is valid and doesn't have cruft or errors in it.

2) If that doesn't work, then you may need to also add your PC's IPv4 address to the hosts file, and resolve it to localhost. (You can find out the IPv4 address for your machine with the ipconfig command.) If, for example, your machine's IPv4 address is then you'd add the line  localhost

to your hosts file. (You can add it below the " localhost" line in the file.)

You can verify that adb (and your emulator if you're running one) is listening on ports by using the netstat -b command. (Note that you need admin privileges for the -b option. I open a command window using "Run as Administrator.")

How to get index of object by its property in JavaScript?

As the other answers suggest, looping through the array is probably the best way. But I would put it in it's own function, and make it a little more abstract:

function findWithAttr(array, attr, value) {
    for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i += 1) {
        if(array[i][attr] === value) {
            return i;
    return -1;

var Data = [
    {id_list: 2, name: 'John', token: '123123'},
    {id_list: 1, name: 'Nick', token: '312312'}

With this, not only can you find which one contains 'John' but you can find which contains the token '312312':

findWithAttr(Data, 'name', 'John'); // returns 0
findWithAttr(Data, 'token', '312312'); // returns 1
findWithAttr(Data, 'id_list', '10'); // returns -1

EDIT: Updated function to return -1 when not found so it follows the same construct as Array.prototype.indexOf()

What is the best way to remove the first element from an array?

Simplest way is probably as follows - you basically need to construct a new array that is one element smaller, then copy the elements you want to keep to the right positions.

int n=oldArray.length-1;
String[] newArray=new String[n];

Note that if you find yourself doing this kind of operation frequently, it could be a sign that you should actually be using a different kind of data structure, e.g. a linked list. Constructing a new array every time is an O(n) operation, which could get expensive if your array is large. A linked list would give you O(1) removal of the first element.

An alternative idea is not to remove the first item at all, but just increment an integer that points to the first index that is in use. Users of the array will need to take this offset into account, but this can be an efficient approach. The Java String class actually uses this method internally when creating substrings.

assign function return value to some variable using javascript

You could simply return a value from the function:

var response = 0;

function doSomething() {
    // some code
    return 10;
response = doSomething();

The representation of if-elseif-else in EL using JSF

One possible solution is:

<h:panelGroup rendered="#{bean.row == 10}">
    <div class="text-success">
        <h:outputText value="#{bean.row}"/>

How to stop VBA code running?

~ For those using custom input box

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name

End Sub

Split string with delimiters in C

My approach is to scan the string and let the pointers point to every character after the deliminators(and the first character), at the same time assign the appearances of deliminator in string to '\0'.
First make a copy of original string(since it's constant), then get the number of splits by scan it pass it to pointer parameter len. After that, point the first result pointer to the copy string pointer, then scan the copy string: once encounter a deliminator, assign it to '\0' thus the previous result string is terminated, and point the next result string pointer to the next character pointer.

char** split(char* a_str, const char a_delim, int* len){
    char* s = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(a_str));
    strcpy(s, a_str);
    char* tmp = a_str;
    int count = 0;
    while (*tmp != '\0'){
        if (*tmp == a_delim) count += 1;
        tmp += 1;
    *len = count;
    char** results = (char**)malloc(count * sizeof(char*));
    results[0] = s;
    int i = 1;
    while (*s!='\0'){
        if (*s == a_delim){
            *s = '\0';
            s += 1;
            results[i++] = s;
        else s += 1;
    return results;

How to display div after click the button in Javascript?

<script type="text/javascript">
function showDiv(toggle){
document.getElementById(toggle).style.display = 'block';

<input type="button" name="answer" onclick="showDiv('toggle')">Show</input>

<div id="toggle" style="display:none">Hello</div>

How to filter a data frame

Another method utilizing the dplyr package:

df <- mtcars %>%
        filter(mpg > 25)

Without the chain (%>%) operator:

df <- filter(mtcars, mpg > 25)

Detect Route Change with react-router

This is an old question and I don't quite understand the business need of listening for route changes to push a route change; seems roundabout.

BUT if you ended up here because all you wanted was to update the 'page_path' on a react-router route change for google analytics / global site tag / something similar, here's a hook you can now use. I wrote it based on the accepted answer:


import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'

export const useTracking = (trackingId) => {
  const { listen } = useHistory()

  useEffect(() => {
    const unlisten = listen((location) => {
      // if you pasted the google snippet on your index.html
      // you've declared this function in the global
      if (!window.gtag) return

      window.gtag('config', trackingId, { page_path: location.pathname })

    // remember, hooks that add listeners
    // should have cleanup to remove them
    return unlisten
  }, [trackingId, listen])

You should use this hook once in your app, somewhere near the top but still inside a router. I have it on an App.js that looks like this:


import * as React from 'react'
import { BrowserRouter, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'

import Home from './Home/Home'
import About from './About/About'
// this is the file above
import { useTracking } from './useTracking'

export const App = () => {

  return (
      <Route path="/about">
        <About />
      <Route path="/">
        <Home />

// I find it handy to have a named export of the App
// and then the default export which wraps it with
// all the providers I need.
// Mostly for testing purposes, but in this case,
// it allows us to use the hook above,
// since you may only use it when inside a Router
export default () => (
    <App />

Get json value from response

If response is in json and not a string then



var response = JSON.parse('{"id":"2231f87c-a62c-4c2c-8f5d-b76d11942301"}'); ; //# => 2231f87c-a62c-4c2c-8f5d-b76d11942301

Can't check signature: public key not found

There is a similar is a tomcat digital signature.

$ gpg --verify apache-tomcat-9.0.16-windows-
gpg: Signature made 2019?02? 5?  0:32:50
gpg:                using RSA key A9C5DF4D22E99998D9875A5110C01C5A2F6059E7
gpg: Can't check signature: No public key

but then I use the RSA key it provided to receive the public key to verify.

$ gpg --receive-keys A9C5DF4D22E99998D9875A5110C01C5A2F6059E7
gpg: key 10C01C5A2F6059E7: 38 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key 10C01C5A2F6059E7: public key "Mark E D Thomas <[email protected]>" imported
gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:               imported: 1

Then successfully.

$ gpg --verify
gpg: assuming signed data in ''
gpg: Signature made 2019?02? 5?  0:32:50
gpg:                using RSA key A9C5DF4D22E99998D9875A5110C01C5A2F6059E7
gpg: Good signature from "Mark E D Thomas <[email protected]>" [unknown]
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: A9C5 DF4D 22E9 9998 D987  5A51 10C0 1C5A 2F60 59E7

jQuery: read text file from file system

A workaround for this I used was to include the data as a js file, that implements a function returning the raw data as a string:


<!DOCTYPE html>

  <script src="script.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    function loadData() {
      // getData() will return the string of data...
      document.getElementById('data').innerHTML = getData().replace('\n', '<br>');

<body onload='loadData()'>
  <h1>check out the data!</h1>
  <div id='data'></div>



// function wrapper, just return the string of data (csv etc)
function getData () {
    return 'look at this line of data\n\
oh, look at this line'

See it in action here- The downside is you have to do some preprocessing on the file to support multilines (append each line in the string with '\n\').

How to Set the Background Color of a JButton on the Mac OS

I own a mac too! here is the code that will work:

myButton.setOpaque(true); //Sets Button Opaque so it works

before doing anything or adding any components set the look and feel so it looks better:

 }catch(Exception e){

That is Supposed to change the look and feel to the cross platform look and feel, hope i helped! :)

Using R to list all files with a specified extension

I am not very good in using sophisticated regular expressions, so I'd do such task in the following way:

files <- list.files()
dbf.files <- files[-grep(".xml", files, fixed=T)]

First line just lists all files from working dir. Second one drops everything containing ".xml" (grep returns indices of such strings in 'files' vector; subsetting with negative indices removes corresponding entries from vector). "fixed" argument for grep function is just my whim, as I usually want it to peform crude pattern matching without Perl-style fancy regexprs, which may cause surprise for me.

I'm aware that such solution simply reflects drawbacks in my education, but for a novice it may be useful =) at least it's easy.

How do I space out the child elements of a StackPanel?

Usually, I use Grid instead of StackPanel like this:

horizontal case

    <ColumnDefinition Width="auto"/>
    <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
    <ColumnDefinition  Width="auto"/>
    <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
    <ColumnDefinition  Width="auto"/>
 <TextBox Height="30" Grid.Column="0">Apple</TextBox>
 <TextBox Height="80" Grid.Column="2">Banana</TextBox>
 <TextBox Height="120" Grid.Column="4">Cherry</TextBox>

vertical case

        <RowDefinition Width="auto"/>
        <RowDefinition Width="*"/>
        <RowDefinition  Width="auto"/>
        <RowDefinition Width="*"/>
        <RowDefinition  Width="auto"/>
     <TextBox Height="30" Grid.Row="0">Apple</TextBox>
     <TextBox Height="80" Grid.Row="2">Banana</TextBox>
     <TextBox Height="120" Grid.Row="4">Cherry</TextBox>

Disable password authentication for SSH

Here's a script to do this automatically

# Only allow key based logins
sed -n 'H;${x;s/\#PasswordAuthentication yes/PasswordAuthentication no/;p;}' /etc/ssh/sshd_config > tmp_sshd_config
cat tmp_sshd_config > /etc/ssh/sshd_config
rm tmp_sshd_config

How to query GROUP BY Month in a Year

I would be inclined to include the year in the output. One way:

select to_char(DATE_CREATED, 'YYYY-MM'), sum(Num_of_Pictures)
from pictures_table
group by to_char(DATE_CREATED, 'YYYY-MM')
order by 1

Another way (more standard SQL):

select extract(year from date_created) as yr, extract(month from date_created) as mon,
from pictures_table
group by extract(year from date_created), extract(month from date_created)
order by yr, mon;

Remember the order by, since you presumably want these in order, and there is no guarantee about the order that rows are returned in after a group by.

[Vue warn]: Cannot find element

I think sometimes stupid mistakes can give us this error.

<div id="#main"> <--- id with hashtag
    <div id="mainActivity" v-component="{{currentActivity}}" class="activity"></div>


<div id="main"> <--- id without hashtag
    <div id="mainActivity" v-component="{{currentActivity}}" class="activity"></div>

How to determine if a point is in a 2D triangle?

I wrote this code before a final attempt with Google and finding this page, so I thought I'd share it. It is basically an optimized version of Kisielewicz answer. I looked into the Barycentric method also but judging from the Wikipedia article I have a hard time seeing how it is more efficient (I'm guessing there is some deeper equivalence). Anyway, this algorithm has the advantage of not using division; a potential problem is the behavior of the edge detection depending on orientation.

bool intpoint_inside_trigon(intPoint s, intPoint a, intPoint b, intPoint c)
    int as_x = s.x-a.x;
    int as_y = s.y-a.y;

    bool s_ab = (b.x-a.x)*as_y-(b.y-a.y)*as_x > 0;

    if((c.x-a.x)*as_y-(c.y-a.y)*as_x > 0 == s_ab) return false;

    if((c.x-b.x)*(s.y-b.y)-(c.y-b.y)*(s.x-b.x) > 0 != s_ab) return false;

    return true;

In words, the idea is this: Is the point s to the left of or to the right of both the lines AB and AC? If true, it can't be inside. If false, it is at least inside the "cones" that satisfy the condition. Now since we know that a point inside a trigon (triangle) must be to the same side of AB as BC (and also CA), we check if they differ. If they do, s can't possibly be inside, otherwise s must be inside.

Some keywords in the calculations are line half-planes and the determinant (2x2 cross product). Perhaps a more pedagogical way is probably to think of it as a point being inside iff it's to the same side (left or right) to each of the lines AB, BC and CA. The above way seemed a better fit for some optimization however.

Run text file as commands in Bash

you can make a shell script with those commands, and then chmod +x <>, and then just run it by


Its very simple to write a bash script

Mockup sh file:

sudo command1
sudo command2 
sudo commandn

How to change shape color dynamically?

For me, it crashed because getBackground returned a GradientDrawable instead of a ShapeDrawable.

So i modified it like this:


Breaking out of nested loops

for x in xrange(10):
    for y in xrange(10):
        print x*y
        if x*y > 50:
        continue  # only executed if the inner loop did NOT break
    break  # only executed if the inner loop DID break

The same works for deeper loops:

for x in xrange(10):
    for y in xrange(10):
        for z in xrange(10):
            print x,y,z
            if x*y*z == 30:

Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string - laravel

$data is indeed an array, but it's made up of objects.

Convert its content to array before creating it:

$data = array();
foreach ($results as $result) {
   $result->filed1 = 'some modification';
   $result->filed2 = 'some modification2';
   $data[] = (array)$result;  
   #or first convert it and then change its properties using 
   #an array syntax, it's up to you

javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25

package sn;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.mail.Authenticator;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
public class SendEmail {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    final String SSL_FACTORY = "";
 // Get a Properties object
    Properties props = System.getProperties();
    props.setProperty("", "");
    props.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", SSL_FACTORY);
    props.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false");
    props.setProperty("mail.smtp.port", "465");
    props.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", "465");
    props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
    props.put("mail.debug", "true");
    props.put("", "pop3");
    props.put("mail.transport.protocol", "smtp");
    final String username = "[email protected]";//
    final String password = "0000000";
      Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, 
                          new Authenticator(){
                             protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                                return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password);

   // -- Create a new message --
      Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);

   // -- Set the FROM and TO fields --
      msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress("[email protected]"));
                        InternetAddress.parse("[email protected]",false));
      msg.setText("How are you");
      msg.setSentDate(new Date());
      System.out.println("Message sent.");
    }catch (MessagingException e){ 
      System.out.println("Erreur d'envoi, cause: " + e);

Adding files to java classpath at runtime

Try this one on for size.

private static void addSoftwareLibrary(File file) throws Exception {
    Method method = URLClassLoader.class.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", new Class[]{URL.class});
    method.invoke(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(), new Object[]{file.toURI().toURL()});

This edits the system class loader to include the given library jar. It is pretty ugly, but it works.

Getting unique values in Excel by using formulas only

I'm surprised this solution hasn't come up yet. I think it's one of the easiest

Give your data a heading and put it into a dynamic named range (i.e. if your data is in col A)


And then create a pivot table, making the source your named range.

Simply putting the heading into the rows section and you'll have the unique values, sort any way you like with the inbuilt feature.

Difference between JOIN and INNER JOIN

Similarly with OUTER JOINs, the word "OUTER" is optional. It's the LEFT or RIGHT keyword that makes the JOIN an "OUTER" JOIN.

However for some reason I always use "OUTER" as in LEFT OUTER JOIN and never LEFT JOIN, but I never use INNER JOIN, but rather I just use "JOIN":

SELECT ColA, ColB, ...
FROM MyTable AS T1
     JOIN MyOtherTable AS T2
         ON T2.ID = T1.ID
     LEFT OUTER JOIN MyOptionalTable AS T3
         ON T3.ID = T1.ID

How do I convert between ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 in Java?

If you have a String, you can do that:

String s = "test";
try {
} catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {

If you have a 'broken' String, you did something wrong, converting a String to a String in another encoding is defenetely not the way to go! You can convert a String to a byte[] and vice-versa (given an encoding). In Java Strings are AFAIK encoded with UTF-16 but that's an implementation detail.

Say you have a InputStream, you can read in a byte[] and then convert that to a String using

byte[] bs = ...;
String s;
try {
    s = new String(bs, encoding);
} catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {

or even better (thanks to erickson) use InputStreamReader like that:

InputStreamReader isr;
try {
     isr = new InputStreamReader(inputStream, encoding);
} catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {

How do you create a toggle button?

Try this bit:

input type="button" 
                           data-bind="css:{on:toggleButton, off:toggleButton!=true},value:toggleButton,click: function() { $data.toggleButton(!($data.toggleButton()))}" />

in viewModel
self.toggleButton = ko.observable(false);

Why is 1/1/1970 the "epoch time"? explains a little about the origins of Unix time and the chosen epoch. The definition of unix time and the epoch date went through a couple of changes before stabilizing on what it is now.

But it does not say why exactly 1/1/1970 was chosen in the end.

Notable excerpts from the Wikipedia page:

The first edition Unix Programmer's Manual dated November 3, 1971 defines the Unix time as "the time since 00:00:00, Jan. 1, 1971, measured in sixtieths of a second".

Because of [the] limited range, the epoch was redefined more than once, before the rate was changed to 1 Hz and the epoch was set to its present value.

Several later problems, including the complexity of the present definition, result from Unix time having been defined gradually by usage rather than fully defined to start with.

python ValueError: invalid literal for float()

I had a similar issue reading the serial output from a digital scale. I was reading [3:12] out of a 18 characters long output string.

In my case sometimes there is a null character "\x00" (NUL) which magically appears in the scale's reply string and is not printed.

I was getting the error:

> '     0.00'
> 3 0 fast loop, delta =  10.0 weight =  0.0 
> '     0.00'
> 1 800 fast loop, delta = 10.0 weight =  0.0 
> '     0.00'
> 6 0 fast loop, delta =  10.0 weight =  0.0
> '     0\x00.0' 
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 172, in start
>     valueScale = float(answer_string) 
>     ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 0

After some research I wrote few lines of code that work in my case.

replyScale =
answer = replyScale[3:12]
answer_decode = answer.replace("\x00", "")
answer_strip = str(answer_decode.strip())
valueScale = float(answer_strip)

The answers in these posts helped:

  1. How to get rid of \x00 in my array of bytes?
  2. Invalid literal for float(): 0.000001, how to fix error?

How to force IE10 to render page in IE9 document mode

I haven't seen this done before, but this is how it was done for emulating IE 8/7 when using IE 9:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE9">

If not, then try this one:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">

Add those to your header with the other meta tags. This should force IE10 to render as IE9.

Another option you could do (assuming you are using PHP) is add this to your .htaccess file:

Header set X-UA-Compatible "IE=9"

This will perform the action universally, rather than having to worry about adding the meta tag to all of your headers.

Should I use string.isEmpty() or "".equals(string)?

It doesn't really matter. "".equals(str) is more clear in my opinion.

isEmpty() returns count == 0;

Add querystring parameters to link_to

If you want to keep existing params and not expose yourself to XSS attacks, be sure to clean the params hash, leaving only the params that your app can be sending:

# inline
<%= link_to 'Link', params.slice(:sort).merge(per_page: 20) %>


If you use it in multiple places, clean the params in the controller:

# your_controller.rb
@params = params.slice(:sort, :per_page)

# view
<%= link_to 'Link', @params.merge(per_page: 20) %>

Hide HTML element by id

.nav ul li a#nav-ask{

Enable 'xp_cmdshell' SQL Server

You need to enable it. Check out the Permission section of the xp_cmdshell MSDN docs:

-- To allow advanced options to be changed.
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
-- To update the currently configured value for advanced options.
-- To enable the feature.
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1
-- To update the currently configured value for this feature.

How to compile and run a C/C++ program on the Android system

If you want to compile and run Java/C/C++ apps directly on your Android device, I recommend the Terminal IDE environment from Google Play. It's a very slick package to develop and compile Android APKs, Java, C and C++ directly on your device. The interface is all command line and "vi" based, so it has real Linux feel. It comes with the gnu C/C++ implementation.

Additionally, there is a telnet and telnet server application built in, so you can do all the programming with your PC and big keyboard, but working on the device. No root permission is needed.

Get text from DataGridView selected cells

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                                    ByVal e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) _
                                    Handles DataGridView1.CellClick
End Sub

The ternary (conditional) operator in C

It's crucial for code obfuscation, like this:

Look->       See?!

Oh, well

jquery mobile background image

just simple replace your class with this.

   background: transparent url(images/EarthIcon.jpg) no-repeat center center;

I have same issue and i solved it.

How to redirect on another page and pass parameter in url from table?

Bind the button, this is done with jQuery:

$("#my-table input[type='button']").click(function(){
    var parameter = $(this).val();
    window.location = "" + parameter;

Taking the record with the max date

SELECT mu_file, mudate
  FROM flightdata t_ext
 WHERE mudate = (SELECT MAX (mudate)
                     FROM flightdata where mudate < sysdate)

Using BeautifulSoup to search HTML for string

text='Python' searches for elements that have the exact text you provided:

import re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

html = """<p>exact text</p>
   <p>almost exact text</p>"""
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
print soup(text='exact text')
print soup(text=re.compile('exact text'))


[u'exact text']
[u'exact text', u'almost exact text']

"To see if the string 'Python' is located on the page":

import urllib2
html = urllib2.urlopen('').read()
print 'Python' in html # -> True

If you need to find a position of substring within a string you could do html.find('Python').

How do I handle newlines in JSON?

well, it is not really necessary to create a function for this when it can be done simply with 1 CSS class.

just wrap your text around this class and see the magic :D

 <p style={{whiteSpace: 'pre-line'}}>my json text goes here \n\n</p>

note: because you will always present your text in frontend with HTML you can add the style={{whiteSpace: 'pre-line'}} to any tag, not just the p tag.

Python threading.timer - repeat function every 'n' seconds

From Equivalent of setInterval in python:

import threading

def setInterval(interval):
    def decorator(function):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            stopped = threading.Event()

            def loop(): # executed in another thread
                while not stopped.wait(interval): # until stopped
                    function(*args, **kwargs)

            t = threading.Thread(target=loop)
            t.daemon = True # stop if the program exits
            return stopped
        return wrapper
    return decorator


def function():

stop = function() # start timer, the first call is in .5 seconds
stop.set() # stop the loop
stop = function() # start new timer
# ...

Or here's the same functionality but as a standalone function instead of a decorator:

cancel_future_calls = call_repeatedly(60, print, "Hello, World")
# ...

Here's how to do it without using threads.

Illegal character in path at index 16

I ran into the same thing with the Bing Map API. URLEncoder just made things worse, but a replaceAll(" ","%20"); did the trick.

Trigger a keypress/keydown/keyup event in JS/jQuery?

First of all, I need to say that sample from Sionnach733 worked flawlessly. Some users complain about absent of actual examples. Here is my two cents. I've been working on mouse click simulation when using this site: You can open any video and try run this code. It performs switch to next video.

function triggerEvent(el, type, keyCode) {
    if ('createEvent' in document) {
            // modern browsers, IE9+
            var e = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
            e.keyCode = keyCode;
            e.initEvent(type, false, true);
    } else {
        // IE 8
        var e = document.createEventObject();
        e.keyCode = keyCode;
        e.eventType = type;
        el.fireEvent('on'+e.eventType, e);

var nextButton = document.getElementsByClassName('icon-player-next')[0];
triggerEvent(nextButton, 'keyup', 13); // simulate mouse/enter key press

Set folder browser dialog start location

fldrDialog.SelectedPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory)

"If the SelectedPath property is set before showing the dialog box, the folder with this path will be the selected folder, as long as SelectedPath is set to an absolute path that is a subfolder of RootFolder (or more accurately, points to a subfolder of the shell namespace represented by RootFolder)."

MSDN - SelectedPath

"The GetFolderPath method returns the locations associated with this enumeration. The locations of these folders can have different values on different operating systems, the user can change some of the locations, and the locations are localized."

Re: Desktop vs DesktopDirectory


"The logical Desktop rather than the physical file system location."


"The directory used to physically store file objects on the desktop. Do not confuse this directory with the desktop folder itself, which is a virtual folder."

MSDN - Special Folder Enum

MSDN - GetFolderPath

How to clear the text of all textBoxes in the form?

private void CleanForm(Control ctrl)
    foreach (var c in ctrl.Controls)
        if (c is TextBox)
            ((TextBox)c).Text = String.Empty;

        if( c.Controls.Count > 0)

When you initially call ClearForm, pass in this, or Page (I assume that is what 'this' is).

How to use subprocess popen Python

subprocess.Popen takes a list of arguments:

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

process = Popen(['swfdump', '/tmp/filename.swf', '-d'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()

There's even a section of the documentation devoted to helping users migrate from os.popen to subprocess.

Select Last Row in the Table

To get the last record details, use the code below:

Model::where('field', 'value')->get()->last()

Retrieving the text of the selected <option> in <select> element


Multi-Line Comments in Ruby?

Despite the existence of =begin and =end, the normal and a more correct way to comment is to use #'s on each line. If you read the source of any ruby library, you will see that this is the way multi-line comments are done in almost all cases.

div hover background-color change?

div hover background color change

Try like this:


How to apply `git diff` patch without Git installed?

git diff > patchfile


patch -p1 < patchfile

work but as many people noticed in comments and other answers patch does not understand adds, deletes and renames. There is no option but git apply patchfile if you need handle file adds, deletes and renames.

EDIT December 2015

Latest versions of patch command (2.7, released in September 2012) support most features of the "diff --git" format, including renames and copies, permission changes, and symlink diffs (but not yet binary diffs) (release announcement).

So provided one uses current/latest version of patch there is no need to use git to be able to apply its diff as a patch.

Load json from local file with http.get() in angular 2

You have to change

loadNavItems() {
        this.navItems = this.http.get("../data/navItems.json");


loadNavItems() {
        this.navItems = this.http.get("../data/navItems.json")
                        .map(res => res.json())
                        .do(data => console.log(data));
                        //This is optional, you can remove the last line 
                        // if you don't want to log loaded json in 
                        // console.

Because this.http.get returns an Observable<Response> and you don't want the response, you want its content.

The console.log shows you an observable, which is correct because navItems contains an Observable<Response>.

In order to get data properly in your template, you should use async pipe.

<app-nav-item-comp *ngFor="let item of navItems | async" [item]="item"></app-nav-item-comp>

This should work well, for more informations, please refer to HTTP Client documentation

How do I edit $PATH (.bash_profile) on OSX?

If you are using MAC Catalina you need to update the .zshrc file instead of .bash_profile or .profile

How do I get IntelliJ to recognize common Python modules?

Few steps that helped me (some of them are mentioned above):

Open project structure by:

command + ; (mac users) OR right click on the project -> Open Module Settings

  1. Facets -> + -> Python -> <your-project> -> OK
  2. Modules -> Python -> <select python interpreter>
  3. Project -> Project SDK -> <select relevant SDK>
  4. SDKs -> <make sure it's the right one>

Click OK.

Open Run/Debug Configurations by: Run -> Edit Configurations

  1. Python Interpreter -> <make sure it's the right one>

Click OK.

Custom ImageView with drop shadow

Here the Implementation of Paul Burkes answer:

public class ShadowImageView extends ImageView {

    public ShadowImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    public ShadowImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public ShadowImageView(Context context) {

    private Paint createShadow() {
        Paint mShadow = new Paint();

        float radius = 10.0f;
        float xOffset = 0.0f;
        float yOffset = 2.0f;

        // color=black
        int color = 0xFF000000;
        mShadow.setShadowLayer(radius, xOffset, yOffset, color);

        return mShadow;

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        Paint mShadow = createShadow();
        Drawable d = getDrawable();
        if (d != null){
            setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, mShadow);
            Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) getDrawable()).getBitmap();
            canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0.0f, 0.0f, mShadow);
        } else {



TODO: execute setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, mShadow); only if API Level is > 10

Determine SQL Server Database Size

The best solution is maybe to calculate the size of each database file, using the sys.sysfiles view, considering a size of 8 KB for each page, as follows:

USE [myDatabase]

    [size] * 8
    , [filename]
FROM sysfiles

The [field] column represents the size of the file, in pages (MSDN Reference to sysfiles).

You would see there will be at least two files (MDF and LDF): the sum of these files will give you the correct size of the entire database...

How to select all instances of a variable and edit variable name in Sublime

It's mentioned by @watsonic that in Sublime Text 3 on Mac OS, starting with an empty selection, simply ^?G (AltF3 on Windows) does the trick, instead of ?D + ^?G in Sublime Text 2.

Copy table without copying data

Only want to clone the structure of table:


Also wants to copy the data:


Using ng-if as a switch inside ng-repeat?

Try to surround strings (hoot, story, article) with quotes ':

<div ng-repeat = "data in comments">
    <div ng-if="data.type == 'hoot' ">
        //different template with hoot data
    <div ng-if="data.type == 'story' ">
        //different template with story data
    <div ng-if="data.type == 'article' ">
        //different template with article data

DTO and DAO concepts and MVC

DTO is an abbreviation for Data Transfer Object, so it is used to transfer the data between classes and modules of your application.

  • DTO should only contain private fields for your data, getters, setters, and constructors.
  • DTO is not recommended to add business logic methods to such classes, but it is OK to add some util methods.

DAO is an abbreviation for Data Access Object, so it should encapsulate the logic for retrieving, saving and updating data in your data storage (a database, a file-system, whatever).

Here is an example of how the DAO and DTO interfaces would look like:

interface PersonDTO {
    String getName();
    void setName(String name);

interface PersonDAO {
    PersonDTO findById(long id);
    void save(PersonDTO person);

The MVC is a wider pattern. The DTO/DAO would be your model in the MVC pattern.
It tells you how to organize the whole application, not just the part responsible for data retrieval.

As for the second question, if you have a small application it is completely OK, however, if you want to follow the MVC pattern it would be better to have a separate controller, which would contain the business logic for your frame in a separate class and dispatch messages to this controller from the event handlers.
This would separate your business logic from the view.

cannot make a static reference to the non-static field

The static calls to withdraw and deposit are your problem. account.withdraw(balance, 2500); This line can't work , since "balance" is an instance variable of Account. The code doesn't make much sense anyway, wouldn't withdraw/deposit be encapsulated inside the Account object itself? so the withdraw should be more like

public void withdraw(double withdrawAmount)
    balance -= withdrawAmount;

Of course depending on your problem you could do additional validation here to prevent negative balance etc.

What's the difference between eval, exec, and compile?

  1. exec is not an expression: a statement in Python 2.x, and a function in Python 3.x. It compiles and immediately evaluates a statement or set of statement contained in a string. Example:

     exec('print(5)')           # prints 5.
     # exec 'print 5'     if you use Python 2.x, nor the exec neither the print is a function there
     exec('print(5)\nprint(6)')  # prints 5{newline}6.
     exec('if True: print(6)')  # prints 6.
     exec('5')                 # does nothing and returns nothing.
  2. eval is a built-in function (not a statement), which evaluates an expression and returns the value that expression produces. Example:

     x = eval('5')              # x <- 5
     x = eval('%d + 6' % x)     # x <- 11
     x = eval('abs(%d)' % -100) # x <- 100
     x = eval('x = 5')          # INVALID; assignment is not an expression.
     x = eval('if 1: x = 4')    # INVALID; if is a statement, not an expression.
  3. compile is a lower level version of exec and eval. It does not execute or evaluate your statements or expressions, but returns a code object that can do it. The modes are as follows:

  4. compile(string, '', 'eval') returns the code object that would have been executed had you done eval(string). Note that you cannot use statements in this mode; only a (single) expression is valid.

  5. compile(string, '', 'exec') returns the code object that would have been executed had you done exec(string). You can use any number of statements here.

  6. compile(string, '', 'single') is like the exec mode but expects exactly one expression/statement, eg compile('a=1 if 1 else 3', 'myf', mode='single')

Getting Date or Time only from a DateTime Object

Sometimes you want to have your GridView as simple as:

  <asp:GridView ID="grid" runat="server" />

You don't want to specify any BoundField, you just want to bind your grid to DataReader. The following code helped me to format DateTime in this situation.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  grid.RowDataBound += grid_RowDataBound;
  // Your DB access code here...
  // grid.DataSource = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
  // grid.DataBind();

void grid_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
  if (e.Row.RowType != DataControlRowType.DataRow)
  var dt = (e.Row.DataItem as DbDataRecord).GetDateTime(4);
  e.Row.Cells[4].Text = dt.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy");

The results shown here. DateTime Formatting

Multiple distinct pages in one HTML file

have all the pages in distinct div areas

<div style="" id="page1">
First Page Contents

<div style="display:none" id="page2">
Second Page Contents

then use a js script to workout what you are viewing (like within an hashtag style) to navigate. Either that, or ajax to get the response from a specific file (like /pages/page1.html)

var $prehashval = "";
function loop()
    if (location.hash.slice(1)!=$prehashval)

    $prehashval = location.hash.slice(1);
    setTimeout("loop()", 100);
function hashChanged()
    var $output;
    switch (location.hash.slice(1))
        case "page1":
            document.getElementById('page1').style.display = "";
            document.getElementById('page2').style.display = "none";
        case "page2":
            document.getElementById('page1').style.display = "none";
            document.getElementById('page2').style.display = "";
            $output = location.hash.slice(1);

Android Bitmap to Base64 String

use following method to convert bitmap to byte array:

ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();  
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, byteArrayOutputStream);
byte[] byteArray = byteArrayOutputStream .toByteArray();

to encode base64 from byte array use following method

String encoded = Base64.encodeToString(byteArray, Base64.DEFAULT);

iOS 11, 12, and 13 installed certificates not trusted automatically (self signed)

I follow all recommendations and all requirements. I install my self signed root CA on my iPhone. I make it trusted. I put certificate signed with this root CA on my local development server and I still get certificated error on safari iOS. Working on all other platforms.

"elseif" syntax in JavaScript

You are missing a space between else and if

It should be else if instead of elseif


else if(condition)



JavaScript string with new line - but not using \n

Check for \n or \r or \r\n.

There are several representations of newlines, see

find all unchecked checkbox in jquery

You can do so by extending jQuerys functionality. This will shorten the amount of text you have to write for the selector.

$.extend($.expr[':'], {
        unchecked: function (obj) {
            return ((obj.type == 'checkbox' || obj.type == 'radio') && !$(obj).is(':checked'));

You can then use $("input:unchecked") to get all checkboxes and radio buttons that are checked.

How to make HTML table cell editable?

HTML5 supports contenteditable,

<table border="3">
<tr>Heading 1</tr>
<tr>Heading 2</tr>
<td contenteditable='true'></td>
<td contenteditable='true'></td>
<td contenteditable='true'></td>
<td contenteditable='true'></td>

3rd party edit

To quote the mdn entry on contenteditable

The attribute must take one of the following values:

  • true or the empty string, which indicates that the element must be editable;

  • false, which indicates that the element must not be editable.

If this attribute is not set, its default value is inherited from its parent element.

This attribute is an enumerated one and not a Boolean one. This means that the explicit usage of one of the values true, false or the empty string is mandatory and that a shorthand ... is not allowed.

// wrong not allowed
<label contenteditable>Example Label</label> 

// correct usage
<label contenteditable="true">Example Label</label>.

See :hover state in Chrome Developer Tools

I think this is no longer an issue in Chrome but just in case. I wrote this jQuery script to inspect the DOM when I move around with the TAB key.

If changed to use 'mouseover', would look like this:

$("body *").on('mouseover', function(event) {       

You can easily modify it to remove the event handler whenever you click or do something on an element you want to stop at.

How to hide the bar at the top of "youtube" even when mouse hovers over it?

Since YouTube has deprecated the showinfo parameter you can trick the player. Youtube will always try to center its video but logo, title, watch later button etc.. will always stay at the left and right side respectively.

So what you can do is put your Youtube iframe inside some div:

<div class="frame-container">

Then you can increase the size of frame-container to be out of browser window, while aligning it so that the iframe video comes to the center. Example:

.frame-container {
    position: relative;
    padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */  
    padding-top: 25px;
    width: 300%; /* enlarge beyond browser width */
    left: -100%; /* center */

.frame-container iframe {
    position: absolute; 
    top: 0; 
    left: 0; 
    width: 100%; 
    height: 100%;

Finnaly put everything inside a wrapper div to prevent page stretching due to 300% width:

<div class="wrapper">
   <div class="frame-container">

.wrapper {
   overflow: hidden;
   max-width: 100%;

Python find elements in one list that are not in the other

I would zip the lists together to compare them element by element.

main_list = [b for a, b in zip(list1, list2) if a!= b]

How to cancel an $http request in AngularJS?

here is a version that handles multiple requests, also checks for cancelled status in callback to suppress errors in error block. (in Typescript)

controller level:

    requests = new Map<string, ng.IDeferred<{}>>();

in my http get:

    getSomething(): void {
        let url = '/api/someaction';
        this.cancel(url); // cancel if this url is in progress

        var req = this.$q.defer();
        this.requests.set(url, req);
        let config: ng.IRequestShortcutConfig = {
            params: { id: someId}
            , timeout: req.promise   // <--- promise to trigger cancellation

        this.$, this.getPayload(), config).then(
            promiseValue => this.updateEditor( as IEditor),
            reason => {
                // if legitimate exception, show error in UI
                if (!this.isCancelled(req)) {
                    this.showError(url, reason)
        ).finally(() => { });

helper methods

    cancel(url: string) {
        this.requests.forEach((req,key) => {
            if (key == url)

    isCancelled(req: ng.IDeferred<{}>) {
        var p = req.promise as any; // as any because typings are missing $$state
        return p.$$state && p.$$state.value == 'cancelled';

now looking at the network tab, i see that it works beatuifully. i called the method 4 times and only the last one went through.

enter image description here

Server configuration is missing in Eclipse

Did you, by any chance, deleted stuff from your workspace, or moved it around?

When you create a server for the first time, either globally or through the project's "run on server" settings, Eclipse creates a project in the Servers view, as BalusC pointed out. Eclipse stores this server inside your workspace, in a project called Servers. The project needs to be open for tomcat to run.

(If you want, you can store the server settings elsewher. You can right click and open the server instance from the Servers view and configure various parameters and locations)

json parsing error syntax error unexpected end of input

spoiler: possible Server Side Problem

Here is what i've found, my code expected the responce from my server, when the server returned just 200 code, it wasnt enough herefrom json parser thrown the error error unexpected end of input

fetch(url, {
        method: 'POST',
        body: JSON.stringify(json),
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        .then(res => res.json()) // here is my code waites the responce from the server
        .then((res) => {
          toastr.success('Created Type is sent successfully');
        .catch(err => {
          console.log('Type send failed', err);
          toastr.warning('Type send failed');