Programs & Examples On #Event receiver

Convert dictionary values into array

// dict is Dictionary<string, Foo>

Foo[] foos = new Foo[dict.Count];
dict.Values.CopyTo(foos, 0);

// or in C# 3.0:
var foos = dict.Values.ToArray();

What is the difference between `let` and `var` in swift?

Though currently I am still reading the manual, but I think this is very close to C/C++ const pointer. In other words, something like difference between char const* and char*. Compiler also refuses to update content, not only reference reassignment (pointer).

For example, let's say you have this struct. Take care that this is a struct, not a class. AFAIK, classes don't have a concept of immutable state.

import Foundation

    var inner_value1    =   111

    mutating func
        inner_value1    =   222

let aaa1    =   AAA()
aaa1.mutatingMethod1()      // compile error
aaa1.inner_value1 = 444     // compile error

var aaa2    =   AAA()
aaa2.mutatingMethod1()      // OK
aaa2.inner_value1 = 444     // OK

Because the structs are immutable by default, you need to mark a mutator method with mutating. And because the name aaa1 is constant, you can't call any mutator method on it. This is exactly what we expected on C/C++ pointers.

I believe this is a mechanism to support a kind of const-correctness stuff.

How to display image from URL on Android

You can try this which I find in another question.

Android, Make an image at a URL equal to ImageView's image

try {
  ImageView i = (ImageView)findViewById(;
  Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream((InputStream)new URL(imageUrl).getContent());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {

How to input a regex in string.replace?

This tested snippet should do it:

import re
line = re.sub(r"</?\[\d+>", "", line)

Edit: Here's a commented version explaining how it works:

line = re.sub(r"""
  (?x) # Use free-spacing mode.
  <    # Match a literal '<'
  /?   # Optionally match a '/'
  \[   # Match a literal '['
  \d+  # Match one or more digits
  >    # Match a literal '>'
  """, "", line)

Regexes are fun! But I would strongly recommend spending an hour or two studying the basics. For starters, you need to learn which characters are special: "metacharacters" which need to be escaped (i.e. with a backslash placed in front - and the rules are different inside and outside character classes.) There is an excellent online tutorial at: The time you spend there will pay for itself many times over. Happy regexing!

Get OS-level system information

CPU usage isn't straightforward -- via comes close (see Patrick's excellent code snippet above) but note that it only gives access to time the CPU spent in your process. it won't tell you about CPU time spent in other processes, or even CPU time spent doing system activities related to your process.

for instance i have a network-intensive java process -- it's the only thing running and the CPU is at 99% but only 55% of that is reported as "processor CPU".

don't even get me started on "load average" as it's next to useless, despite being the only cpu-related item on the MX bean. if only sun in their occasional wisdom exposed something like "getTotalCpuTime"...

for serious CPU monitoring SIGAR mentioned by Matt seems the best bet.

Typescript empty object for a typed variable

If you declare an empty object literal and then assign values later on, then you can consider those values optional (may or may not be there), so just type them as optional with a question mark:

type User = {
    Username?: string;
    Email?: string;

Spring 5.0.3 RequestRejectedException: The request was rejected because the URL was not normalized

Below solution is a clean work around.It does not compromises security because we are using same strict firewall.

The Steps for fixing is as below:

STEP 1 : Create a Class overriding StrictHttpFirewall as below.


import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod;

public class CustomStrictHttpFirewall implements HttpFirewall {
    private static final Set<String> ALLOW_ANY_HTTP_METHOD = Collections.unmodifiableSet(Collections.emptySet());

    private static final String ENCODED_PERCENT = "%25";

    private static final String PERCENT = "%";

    private static final List<String> FORBIDDEN_ENCODED_PERIOD = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList("%2e", "%2E"));

    private static final List<String> FORBIDDEN_SEMICOLON = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(";", "%3b", "%3B"));

    private static final List<String> FORBIDDEN_FORWARDSLASH = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList("%2f", "%2F"));

    private static final List<String> FORBIDDEN_BACKSLASH = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList("\\", "%5c", "%5C"));

    private Set<String> encodedUrlBlacklist = new HashSet<String>();

    private Set<String> decodedUrlBlacklist = new HashSet<String>();

    private Set<String> allowedHttpMethods = createDefaultAllowedHttpMethods();

    public CustomStrictHttpFirewall() {


    public void setUnsafeAllowAnyHttpMethod(boolean unsafeAllowAnyHttpMethod) {
        this.allowedHttpMethods = unsafeAllowAnyHttpMethod ? ALLOW_ANY_HTTP_METHOD : createDefaultAllowedHttpMethods();

    public void setAllowedHttpMethods(Collection<String> allowedHttpMethods) {
        if (allowedHttpMethods == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("allowedHttpMethods cannot be null");
        if (allowedHttpMethods == ALLOW_ANY_HTTP_METHOD) {
            this.allowedHttpMethods = ALLOW_ANY_HTTP_METHOD;
        } else {
            this.allowedHttpMethods = new HashSet<>(allowedHttpMethods);

    public void setAllowSemicolon(boolean allowSemicolon) {
        if (allowSemicolon) {
        } else {

    public void setAllowUrlEncodedSlash(boolean allowUrlEncodedSlash) {
        if (allowUrlEncodedSlash) {
        } else {

    public void setAllowUrlEncodedPeriod(boolean allowUrlEncodedPeriod) {
        if (allowUrlEncodedPeriod) {
        } else {

    public void setAllowBackSlash(boolean allowBackSlash) {
        if (allowBackSlash) {
        } else {

    public void setAllowUrlEncodedPercent(boolean allowUrlEncodedPercent) {
        if (allowUrlEncodedPercent) {
        } else {

    private void urlBlacklistsAddAll(Collection<String> values) {

    private void urlBlacklistsRemoveAll(Collection<String> values) {

    public FirewalledRequest getFirewalledRequest(HttpServletRequest request) throws RequestRejectedException {

        if (!isNormalized(request)) {
            request.setAttribute("isNormalized", new RequestRejectedException("The request was rejected because the URL was not normalized."));

        String requestUri = request.getRequestURI();
        if (!containsOnlyPrintableAsciiCharacters(requestUri)) {
            request.setAttribute("isNormalized",  new RequestRejectedException("The requestURI was rejected because it can only contain printable ASCII characters."));
        return new FirewalledRequest(request) {
            public void reset() {

    private void rejectForbiddenHttpMethod(HttpServletRequest request) {
        if (this.allowedHttpMethods == ALLOW_ANY_HTTP_METHOD) {
        if (!this.allowedHttpMethods.contains(request.getMethod())) {
            request.setAttribute("isNormalized",  new RequestRejectedException("The request was rejected because the HTTP method \"" +
                    request.getMethod() +
                    "\" was not included within the whitelist " +

    private void rejectedBlacklistedUrls(HttpServletRequest request) {
        for (String forbidden : this.encodedUrlBlacklist) {
            if (encodedUrlContains(request, forbidden)) {
                request.setAttribute("isNormalized",  new RequestRejectedException("The request was rejected because the URL contained a potentially malicious String \"" + forbidden + "\""));
        for (String forbidden : this.decodedUrlBlacklist) {
            if (decodedUrlContains(request, forbidden)) {
                request.setAttribute("isNormalized",  new RequestRejectedException("The request was rejected because the URL contained a potentially malicious String \"" + forbidden + "\""));

    public HttpServletResponse getFirewalledResponse(HttpServletResponse response) {
        return new FirewalledResponse(response);

    private static Set<String> createDefaultAllowedHttpMethods() {
        Set<String> result = new HashSet<>();
        return result;

    private static boolean isNormalized(HttpServletRequest request) {
        if (!isNormalized(request.getRequestURI())) {
            return false;
        if (!isNormalized(request.getContextPath())) {
            return false;
        if (!isNormalized(request.getServletPath())) {
            return false;
        if (!isNormalized(request.getPathInfo())) {
            return false;
        return true;

    private static boolean encodedUrlContains(HttpServletRequest request, String value) {
        if (valueContains(request.getContextPath(), value)) {
            return true;
        return valueContains(request.getRequestURI(), value);

    private static boolean decodedUrlContains(HttpServletRequest request, String value) {
        if (valueContains(request.getServletPath(), value)) {
            return true;
        if (valueContains(request.getPathInfo(), value)) {
            return true;
        return false;

    private static boolean containsOnlyPrintableAsciiCharacters(String uri) {
        int length = uri.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            char c = uri.charAt(i);
            if (c < '\u0020' || c > '\u007e') {
                return false;

        return true;

    private static boolean valueContains(String value, String contains) {
        return value != null && value.contains(contains);

    private static boolean isNormalized(String path) {
        if (path == null) {
            return true;

        if (path.indexOf("//") > -1) {
            return false;

        for (int j = path.length(); j > 0;) {
            int i = path.lastIndexOf('/', j - 1);
            int gap = j - i;

            if (gap == 2 && path.charAt(i + 1) == '.') {
                // ".", "/./" or "/."
                return false;
            } else if (gap == 3 && path.charAt(i + 1) == '.' && path.charAt(i + 2) == '.') {
                return false;

            j = i;

        return true;


STEP 2 : Create a FirewalledResponse class


import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper;

class FirewalledResponse extends HttpServletResponseWrapper {
    private static final Pattern CR_OR_LF = Pattern.compile("\\r|\\n");
    private static final String LOCATION_HEADER = "Location";
    private static final String SET_COOKIE_HEADER = "Set-Cookie";

    public FirewalledResponse(HttpServletResponse response) {

    public void sendRedirect(String location) throws IOException {
        // TODO: implement pluggable validation, instead of simple blacklisting.
        // SEC-1790. Prevent redirects containing CRLF
        validateCrlf(LOCATION_HEADER, location);

    public void setHeader(String name, String value) {
        validateCrlf(name, value);
        super.setHeader(name, value);

    public void addHeader(String name, String value) {
        validateCrlf(name, value);
        super.addHeader(name, value);

    public void addCookie(Cookie cookie) {
        if (cookie != null) {
            validateCrlf(SET_COOKIE_HEADER, cookie.getName());
            validateCrlf(SET_COOKIE_HEADER, cookie.getValue());
            validateCrlf(SET_COOKIE_HEADER, cookie.getPath());
            validateCrlf(SET_COOKIE_HEADER, cookie.getDomain());
            validateCrlf(SET_COOKIE_HEADER, cookie.getComment());

    void validateCrlf(String name, String value) {
        if (hasCrlf(name) || hasCrlf(value)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Invalid characters (CR/LF) in header " + name);

    private boolean hasCrlf(String value) {
        return value != null && CR_OR_LF.matcher(value).find();

STEP 3: Create a custom Filter to suppress the RejectedException


import java.util.Objects;

import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.springframework.core.Ordered;
import org.springframework.core.annotation.Order;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.web.filter.GenericFilterBean;

import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

public class RequestRejectedExceptionFilter extends GenericFilterBean {

        public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException, ServletException {
            try {
                RequestRejectedException requestRejectedException=(RequestRejectedException) servletRequest.getAttribute("isNormalized");
                if(Objects.nonNull(requestRejectedException)) {
                    throw requestRejectedException;
                }else {
                    filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);
            } catch (RequestRejectedException requestRejectedException) {
                HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) servletRequest;
                HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse = (HttpServletResponse) servletResponse;
                            "request_rejected: remote={}, user_agent={}, request_url={}",


STEP 4: Add the custom filter to spring filter chain in security configuration

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
     http.addFilterBefore(new RequestRejectedExceptionFilter(),

Now using above fix, we can handle RequestRejectedException with Error 404 page.

How to connect mySQL database using C++

Found here:

/* Standard C++ includes */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>

  Include directly the different
  headers from cppconn/ and mysql_driver.h + mysql_util.h
  (and mysql_connection.h). This will reduce your build time!
#include "mysql_connection.h"

#include <cppconn/driver.h>
#include <cppconn/exception.h>
#include <cppconn/resultset.h>
#include <cppconn/statement.h>

using namespace std;

int main(void)
cout << endl;
cout << "Running 'SELECT 'Hello World!' »
   AS _message'..." << endl;

try {
  sql::Driver *driver;
  sql::Connection *con;
  sql::Statement *stmt;
  sql::ResultSet *res;

  /* Create a connection */
  driver = get_driver_instance();
  con = driver->connect("tcp://", "root", "root");
  /* Connect to the MySQL test database */

  stmt = con->createStatement();
  res = stmt->executeQuery("SELECT 'Hello World!' AS _message"); // replace with your statement
  while (res->next()) {
    cout << "\t... MySQL replies: ";
    /* Access column data by alias or column name */
    cout << res->getString("_message") << endl;
    cout << "\t... MySQL says it again: ";
    /* Access column fata by numeric offset, 1 is the first column */
    cout << res->getString(1) << endl;
  delete res;
  delete stmt;
  delete con;

} catch (sql::SQLException &e) {
  cout << "# ERR: SQLException in " << __FILE__;
  cout << "(" << __FUNCTION__ << ") on line " »
     << __LINE__ << endl;
  cout << "# ERR: " << e.what();
  cout << " (MySQL error code: " << e.getErrorCode();
  cout << ", SQLState: " << e.getSQLState() << " )" << endl;

cout << endl;


How to download a file with Node.js (without using third-party libraries)?

Based on the other answers above and some subtle issues, here is my attempt.

  1. Only create the fs.createWriteStream if you get a 200 OK status code. This reduces the amount of fs.unlink commands required to tidy up temporary file handles.
  2. Even on a 200 OK we can still possibly reject due to an EEXIST file already exists.
  3. Recursively call download if you get a 301 Moved Permanently or 302 Found (Moved Temporarily) redirect following the link location provided in the header.
  4. The issue with some of the other answers recursively calling download was that they called resolve(download) instead of download(...).then(() => resolve()) so the Promise would return before the download actually finished. This way the nested chain of promises resolve in the correct order.
  5. It might seem cool to clean up the temp file asynchronously, but I chose to reject only after that completed too so I know that everything start to finish is done when this promise resolves or rejects.
const https = require('https');
const fs = require('fs');

 * Download a resource from `url` to `dest`.
 * @param {string} url - Valid URL to attempt download of resource
 * @param {string} dest - Valid path to save the file.
 * @returns {Promise<void>} - Returns asynchronously when successfully completed download
function download(url, dest) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const request = https.get(url, response => {
      if (response.statusCode === 200) {
        const file = fs.createWriteStream(dest, { flags: 'wx' });
        file.on('finish', () => resolve());
        file.on('error', err => {
          if (err.code === 'EEXIST') reject('File already exists');
          else fs.unlink(dest, () => reject(err.message)); // Delete temp file
      } else if (response.statusCode === 302 || response.statusCode === 301) {
        //Recursively follow redirects, only a 200 will resolve.
        download(response.headers.location, dest).then(() => resolve());
      } else {
        reject(`Server responded with ${response.statusCode}: ${response.statusMessage}`);

    request.on('error', err => {

Use a normal link to submit a form

Definitely, there is no solution with pure HTML to submit a form with a link (a) tag. The standard HTML accepts only buttons or images. As some other collaborators have said, one can simulate the appearance of a link using a button, but I guess that's not the purpose of the question.

IMHO, I believe that the proposed and accepted solution does not work.

I have tested it on a form and the browser didn't find the reference to the form.

So it is possible to solve it using a single line of JavaScript, using this object, which references the element being clicked, which is a child node of the form, that needs to be submitted. So this.parentNode is the form node. After it's just calling submit() method in that form. It's no necessary research from whole document to find the right form.

<form action=""                   
    <h3> Enter your name</h3>
    First Name <input type="text"  name="fname"  size="30"><br>
    Last Name <input type="text" name="lname" size="30"><br>
    <a href="#" onclick="this.parentNode.submit();"> Submit here</a>

Suppose that I enter with my own name:

Filled form

I've used get in form method attribute because it's possible to see the right parameters in the URL at loaded page after submit.

This solution obviously applies to any tag that accepts the onclick event or some similar event.

this is a excellent choice to recover the context together with event variable (available in all major browsers and IE9 onwards) that can be used directly or passed as an argument to a function.

In this case, replace the line with a tag by the line below, using the property target, that indicates the element that has started the event.

<a href="#" onclick=";"> Submit here</a>

How do I remove a CLOSE_WAIT socket connection

Even though too much of CLOSE_WAIT connections means there is something wrong with your code in the first and this is accepted not good practice.

You might want to check out:

What this script does is send out the ACK which the connection was waiting for.

This is what worked for me.

How to do an array of hashmaps?

The Java Language Specification, section 15.10, states:

An array creation expression creates an object that is a new array whose elements are of the type specified by the PrimitiveType or ClassOrInterfaceType. It is a compile-time error if the ClassOrInterfaceType does not denote a reifiable type (§4.7).


The rules above imply that the element type in an array creation expression cannot be a parameterized type, other than an unbounded wildcard.

The closest you can do is use an unchecked cast, either from the raw type, as you have done, or from an unbounded wildcard:

 HashMap<String, String>[] responseArray = (Map<String, String>[]) new HashMap<?,?>[games.size()];

Your version is clearly better :-)

How do I list the symbols in a .so file

For shared libraries the -D switch was necessary to see symbols in my Linux

nm -D

and for static library as reported by others

nm -g libNAME.a

How to install Ruby 2.1.4 on Ubuntu 14.04

update ubuntu:

 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install git-core curl zlib1g-dev build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev python-software-properties libffi-dev

Install rvm, which manages the ruby versions:

to install rvm use the following command.

 \curl -sSL | bash -s stable
 source ~/.bash_profile
 rvm install ruby-2.1.4

Check ruby versions installed and in use:

rvm list
rvm use --default ruby-2.1.4

TypeError: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

x = int(input("Give starting number: "))
y = int(input("Give ending number: "))

P.S. Add function int()

Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically

I have set up margins directly using below code

LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout)findViewById(;
LayoutParams params = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);            
params.setMargins(3, 300, 3, 3); 

Only thing here is to notice that LayoutParams should be imported for following package android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams, or else there will be an error.

Filename too long in Git for Windows

Move repository to root of your drive (temporary fix)

You can try to temporarily move the local repository (the entire folder) to the root of your drive or as close to the root as possible.

Since the path is smaller at the root of the drive, it sometimes fixes the issues.

On Windows, I'd move this to C:\ or another drive's root.

Iterating over every two elements in a list

The title of this question is misleading, you seem to be looking for consecutive pairs, but if you want to iterate over the set of all possible pairs than this will work :

for i,v in enumerate(items[:-1]):
        for u in items[i+1:]:

the easiest way to convert matrix to one row vector

You can use the function RESHAPE:

B = reshape(A.',1,[]);

What should main() return in C and C++?

Keep in mind that,even though you're returning an int, some OSes (Windows) truncate the returned value to a single byte (0-255).

Where can I find free WPF controls and control templates?

Syncfusion has a free community version available with over 650 controls.


You will find an FAQ there with any licensing questions you may have, it sound great to be honest. Have fun!

Edit: The WPF controls themselves are 100+, the number of 650+ refers to all controls for all areas (WPF, Windows Forms etc).

How to add border radius on table row

The tr element does honor the border-radius. Can use pure html and css, no javascript.

JSFiddle link:

tr {_x000D_
    border: 0;_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
    margin: 5px;_x000D_
.solid {_x000D_
    border: 2px red solid;_x000D_
    border-radius: 10px;_x000D_
.dotted {_x000D_
    border: 2px green dotted;_x000D_
    border-radius: 10px;_x000D_
.dashed {_x000D_
    border: 2px blue dashed;_x000D_
    border-radius: 10px;_x000D_
td {_x000D_
    padding: 5px;_x000D_
    <tr class='dotted'>_x000D_
    <tr class='solid'>_x000D_
    <tr class='dotted'>_x000D_
    <tr class='dashed'>_x000D_

How to print exact sql query in zend framework ?

Select objects have a __toString() method in Zend Framework.

From the Zend Framework manual:

$select = $db->select()

$sql = $select->__toString();
echo "$sql\n";

// The output is the string:
//   SELECT * FROM "products"

An alternative solution would be to use the Zend_Db_Profiler. i.e.


// your code
$this->update($up_value,'customer_id ='.$userid.' and address_id <> '.$data['address_Id']); 


Two values from one input in python?

You have to use the split() method which splits the input into two different inputs. Whatever you pass into the split is looked for and the input is split from there. In most cases its the white space.

For example, You give the input 23 24 25. You expect 3 different inputs like

num1 = 23
num2 = 24
num3 = 25

So in Python, You can do

num1,num2,num3 = input().split(" ")

PyLint "Unable to import" error - how to set PYTHONPATH?

I had to update the system PYTHONPATH variable to add my App Engine path. In my case I just had to edit my ~/.bashrc file and add the following line:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/google_appengine_folder

In fact, I tried setting the init-hook first but this did not resolve the issue consistently across my code base (not sure why). Once I added it to the system path (probably a good idea in general) my issues went away.

No suitable records were found verify your bundle identifier is correct

In my case I got it worked with opening the Application Loader inside the XCode.

Steps : XCode -> Open Developer tool -> Application Loader

When I opened it with Launchpad it failed to identify the correct account for the app. Therefore, it asked me to create an account.

With XCode , Application Loader could list down the accounts I'm entitled for. You have to select the correct account from the drop down.

How to change title of Activity in Android?


How can I extract all values from a dictionary in Python?

To see the keys:

for key in d.keys():

To get the values that each key is referencing:

for key in d.keys():

Add to a list:

for key in d.keys():

How to stick <footer> element at the bottom of the page (HTML5 and CSS3)?

For footer change from position: relative; to position:fixed;

 footer {
            background-color: #333;
            width: 100%;
            bottom: 0;
            position: fixed;


how to break the _.each function in underscore.js

It's also good to note that an each loop cannot be broken out of — to break, use _.find instead.

How to get everything after last slash in a URL?

Use urlparse to get just the path and then split the path you get from it on / characters:

from urllib.parse import urlparse

my_url = ""
last_path_fragment = urlparse(my_url).path.split('/')[-1]  # returns 'last'

Note: if your url ends with a / character, the above will return '' (i.e. the empty string). If you want to handle that case differently, you need to strip the trailing / character before you split the path:

my_url = ""
# handle URL ending in `/` by removing it.
last_path_fragment = urlparse(my_url).path.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1]  # returns 'last'

C Program to find day of week given date

Here's a C99 version based on wikipedia's article about Julian Day

#include <stdio.h>

const char *wd(int year, int month, int day) {
  /* using C99 compound literals in a single line: notice the splicing */
  return ((const char *[])                                         \
          {"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",                       \
           "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"})[           \
      (                                                            \
          day                                                      \
        + ((153 * (month + 12 * ((14 - month) / 12) - 3) + 2) / 5) \
        + (365 * (year + 4800 - ((14 - month) / 12)))              \
        + ((year + 4800 - ((14 - month) / 12)) / 4)                \
        - ((year + 4800 - ((14 - month) / 12)) / 100)              \
        + ((year + 4800 - ((14 - month) / 12)) / 400)              \
        - 32045                                                    \
      ) % 7];

int main(void) {
  printf("%d-%02d-%02d: %s\n", 2011, 5, 19, wd(2011, 5, 19));
  printf("%d-%02d-%02d: %s\n", 2038, 1, 19, wd(2038, 1, 19));
  return 0;

By removing the splicing and spaces from the return line in the wd() function, it can be compacted to a 286 character single line :)

CodeIgniter - File upload required validation

CodeIgniter file upload optionally perfectly..... :)

---------- controller ---------

function file()
 $this->load->view('includes/template', $data);

function valid_file()
 $this->form_validation->set_rules('userfile', 'File', 'trim|xss_clean');

 if ($this->form_validation->run()==FALSE) 
  $config['upload_path']   = './documents/';
  $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|docx|doc|txt|rtf';
  $config['max_size']      = '1000';
  $config['max_width']     = '1024';
  $config['max_height']    = '768';

  $this->load->library('upload', $config);

  if ( !$this->upload->do_upload('userfile',FALSE))
    $this->form_validation->set_message('checkdoc', $data['error'] = $this->upload->display_errors());

    if($_FILES['userfile']['error'] != 4)
        return false;

    return true;

i just use this lines which makes it optionally,

if($_FILES['userfile']['error'] != 4)
 return false;

$_FILES['userfile']['error'] != 4 is for file required to upload.

you can make it unnecessary by using $_FILES['userfile']['error'] != 4, then it will pass this error for file required and works great with other types of errors if any by using return false , hope it works for u ....

Database, Table and Column Naming Conventions?

Late answer here, but in short:

  1. Plural table names: My preference is plural
  2. Singular column names: Yes
  3. Prefix tables or columns:
  • Tables: *Usually* no prefixes is best.
  • Columns: No.
  1. Use any case in naming items: PascalCase for both tables and columns.


(1) What you must do. There are very few things that you must do a certain way, every time, but there are a few.

  • Name your primary keys using "[singularOfTableName]ID" format. That is, whether your table name is Customer or Customers, the primary key should be CustomerID.
  • Further, foreign keys must be named consistently in different tables. It should be legal to beat up someone who does not do this. I would submit that while defined foreign key constraints are often important, consistent foreign key naming is always important
  • You database must have internal conventions. Even though in later sections you'll see me being very flexible, within a database naming must be very consistent . Whether your table for customers is called Customers or Customer is less important than that you do it the same way throughout the same database. And you can flip a coin to determine how to use underscores, but then you must keep using them the same way. If you don't do this, you are a bad person who should have low self-esteem.

(2) What you should probably do.

  • Fields representing the same kind of data on different tables should be named the same. Don't have Zip on one table and ZipCode on another.
  • To separate words in your table or column names, use PascalCasing. Using camelCasing would not be intrinsically problematic, but that's not the convention and it would look funny. I'll address underscores in a moment. (You may not use ALLCAPS as in the olden days. OBNOXIOUSTABLE.ANNOYING_COLUMN was okay in DB2 20 years ago, but not now.)
  • Don't artifically shorten or abbreviate words. It is better for a name to be long and clear than short and confusing. Ultra-short names is a holdover from darker, more savage times. Cus_AddRef. What on earth is that? Custodial Addressee Reference? Customer Additional Refund? Custom Address Referral?

(3) What you should consider.

  • I really think you should have plural names for tables; some think singular. Read the arguments elsewhere. Column names should be singular however. Even if you use plural table names, tables that represent combinations of other tables might be in the singular. For example, if you have a Promotions and an Items table, a table representing an item being a part of a promotion could be Promotions_Items, but it could also legitimately be Promotion_Items I think (reflecting the one-to-many relationship).
  • Use underscores consistently and for a particular purpose. Just general tables names should be clear enough with PascalCasing; you don't need underscores to separate words. Save underscores either (a) to indicate an associative table or (b) for prefixing, which I'll address in the next bullet.
  • Prefixing is neither good or bad. It usually is not best. In your first db or two, I would not suggest using prefixes for general thematic grouping of tables. Tables end up not fitting your categories easily, and it can actually make it harder to find tables. With experience, you can plan and apply a prefixing scheme that does more good than harm. I worked in a db once where data tables began with tbl, config tables with ctbl, views with vew, proc's sp, and udf's fn, and a few others; it was meticulously, consistently applied so it worked out okay. The only time you NEED prefixes is when you have really separate solutions that for some reason reside in the same db; prefixing them can be very helpful in grouping the tables. Prefixing is also okay for special situations, like for temporary tables that you want to stand out.
  • Very seldom (if ever) would you want to prefix columns.

What is the Python 3 equivalent of "python -m SimpleHTTPServer"

In addition to Petr's answer, if you want to bind to a specific interface instead of all the interfaces you can use -b or --bind flag.

python -m http.server 8000 --bind

The above snippet should do the trick. 8000 is the port number. 80 is used as the standard port for HTTP communications.

How to type in textbox using Selenium WebDriver (Selenium 2) with Java?

Another way to solve this using xpath

WebDriver driver =  new FirefoxDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
driver.findElement(By.xpath(//*[@id='email'])).sendKeys("[email protected]");

Hope that will help. :)

How to reset selected file with input tag file type in Angular 2?

you may use template reference variable and send to a method


<input #variable type="file" placeholder="File Name" name="filename" (change)="onChange($event, variable);">


onChange(event: any, element): void {
    // codes
    element.value = '';

Minimum and maximum value of z-index?

Out of experience, I think the correct maximum z-index is 2147483638.

IIS Request Timeout on long ASP.NET operation

If you want to extend the amount of time permitted for an ASP.NET script to execute then increase the Server.ScriptTimeout value. The default is 90 seconds for .NET 1.x and 110 seconds for .NET 2.0 and later.

For example:

// Increase script timeout for current page to five minutes
Server.ScriptTimeout = 300;

This value can also be configured in your web.config file in the httpRuntime configuration element:

<!-- Increase script timeout to five minutes -->
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="300" 
  ... other configuration attributes ...

enter image description here

Please note according to the MSDN documentation:

"This time-out applies only if the debug attribute in the compilation element is False. Therefore, if the debug attribute is True, you do not have to set this attribute to a large value in order to avoid application shutdown while you are debugging."

If you've already done this but are finding that your session is expiring then increase the ASP.NET HttpSessionState.Timeout value:

For example:

// Increase session timeout to thirty minutes
Session.Timeout = 30;

This value can also be configured in your web.config file in the sessionState configuration element:

      timeout="30" />

If your script is taking several minutes to execute and there are many concurrent users then consider changing the page to an Asynchronous Page. This will increase the scalability of your application.

The other alternative, if you have administrator access to the server, is to consider this long running operation as a candidate for implementing as a scheduled task or a windows service. Connection refused

Hope my experience may be useful to someone. I faced the problem with the same exception stack trace and I couldn't understand what the issue was. The Database server which I was trying to connect was running and the port was open and was accepting connections.

The issue was with internet connection. The internet connection that I was using was not allowed to connect to the corresponding server. When I changed the connection details, the issue got resolved.

What is the symbol for whitespace in C?

#include <stdio.h>
int c,sp,tb,nl;
sp = 0;
tb = 0;
nl = 0;
while((c = getchar()) != EOF)
   switch( c )
   case ' ':
     printf("space:%d\n", sp);
   case  '\t':
     printf("tab:%d\n", tb);
   case '\n':
     printf("new line:%d\n", nl);

Sort Array of object by object field in Angular 6

Try this

products.sort(function (a, b) {
  return a.title.rendered - b.title.rendered;


You can import lodash/underscore library, it has many build functions available for manipulating, filtering, sorting the array and all.

Using underscore: (below one is just an example)

import * as _ from 'underscore';
let sortedArray = _.sortBy(array, 'title'); 

LINQ: "contains" and a Lambda query

Here is how you can use Contains to achieve what you want:

buildingStatus.Select(item => item.GetCharValue()).Contains(v.Status) this will return a Boolean value.

MySQL compare DATE string with string from DATETIME field

You can cast the DATETIME field into DATE as:

SELECT * FROM `calendar` WHERE CAST(startTime AS DATE) = '2010-04-29'

This is very much efficient.

Print a variable in hexadecimal in Python

Another answer with later print/format style is:

print("my num is 0x{0:02x}{1:02x}".format(res[0],res[1]))


I have checked the <%= csrf_meta_tags %> are present and clearing cookies in browser worked for me.

What does character set and collation mean exactly?

A character set is a subset of all written glyphs. A character encoding specifies how those characters are mapped to numeric values. Some character encodings, like UTF-8 and UTF-16, can encode any character in the Universal Character Set. Others, like US-ASCII or ISO-8859-1 can only encode a small subset, since they use 7 and 8 bits per character, respectively. Because many standards specify both a character set and a character encoding, the term "character set" is often substituted freely for "character encoding".

A collation comprises rules that specify how characters can be compared for sorting. Collations rules can be locale-specific: the proper order of two characters varies from language to language.

Choosing a character set and collation comes down to whether your application is internationalized or not. If not, what locale are you targeting?

In order to choose what character set you want to support, you have to consider your application. If you are storing user-supplied input, it might be hard to foresee all the locales in which your software will eventually be used. To support them all, it might be best to support the UCS (Unicode) from the start. However, there is a cost to this; many western European characters will now require two bytes of storage per character instead of one.

Choosing the right collation can help performance if your database uses the collation to create an index, and later uses that index to provide sorted results. However, since collation rules are often locale-specific, that index will be worthless if you need to sort results according to the rules of another locale.

Custom format for time command

To use the Bash builtin time rather than /bin/time you can set this variable:


which will output the real time that looks like this:




The number specifies the precision and can range from 0 to 3 (the default).

You can use:


to get output that looks like:


The l (ell) gives a long format.

Center/Set Zoom of Map to cover all visible Markers?

You need to use the fitBounds() method.

var markers = [];//some array
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {


Documentation from

fitBounds(bounds[, padding])


`bounds`:  [`LatLngBounds`][1]|[`LatLngBoundsLiteral`][1]
`padding` (optional):  number|[`Padding`][1]

Return Value: None

Sets the viewport to contain the given bounds.
Note: When the map is set to display: none, the fitBounds function reads the map's size as 0x0, and therefore does not do anything. To change the viewport while the map is hidden, set the map to visibility: hidden, thereby ensuring the map div has an actual size.

AngularJS - value attribute for select

If you use the track by option, the value attribute is correctly written, e.g.:

<div ng-init="a = [{label: 'one', value: 15}, {label: 'two', value: 20}]">
    <select ng-model="foo" ng-options="x for x in a track by x.value"/>


    <option value="" selected="selected"></option>
    <option value="15">one</option>
    <option value="20">two</option>

WampServer: php-win.exe The program can't start because MSVCR110.dll is missing

Windows 10 x64 released August 2015 - same issue arising. MSVCR110.dll is also found in the sysWOW64 folder (which is where I found it, copying to system32 does not help). To resolve:

  1. uninstall the x86 versions of VC 11 vcredist_x64/86.exe for 2012 and 2013
  2. uninstall WAMP Server 2.5
  3. delete (maybe back up first) the WAMP folder
  4. restart windows
  5. reinstall WAMP 2.5

Hopefully like me you have a MySQL database backup handy!

Python 3 - Encode/Decode vs Bytes/Str

Neither is better than the other, they do exactly the same thing. However, using .encode() and .decode() is the more common way to do it. It is also compatible with Python 2.

Download files in laravel using Response::download

I think that you can use

$file= public_path(). "/download/info.pdf";

$headers = array(
        'Content-Type: ' . mime_content_type( $file ),

With this you be sure that is a pdf.

How to force a line break in a long word in a DIV?

I am not sure about the browser compatibility

word-break: break-all;

Also you can use the <wbr> tag

<wbr> (word break) means: "The browser may insert a line break here, if it wishes." It the browser does not think a line break necessary nothing happens.

Appending a vector to a vector

a.insert(a.end(), b.begin(), b.end());


a.insert(std::end(a), std::begin(b), std::end(b));

The second variant is a more generically applicable solution, as b could also be an array. However, it requires C++11. If you want to work with user-defined types, use ADL:

using std::begin, std::end;
a.insert(end(a), begin(b), end(b));

Jquery Ajax Posting json to webservice

  1. markers is not a JSON object. It is a normal JavaScript object.
  2. Read about the data: option:

    Data to be sent to the server. It is converted to a query string, if not already a string.

If you want to send the data as JSON, you have to encode it first:

data: {markers: JSON.stringify(markers)}

jQuery does not convert objects or arrays to JSON automatically.

But I assume the error message comes from interpreting the response of the service. The text you send back is not JSON. JSON strings have to be enclosed in double quotes. So you'd have to do:

return "\"received markers\"";

I'm not sure if your actual problem is sending or receiving the data.

How to start a stopped Docker container with a different command?

Edit this file (corresponding to your stopped container):

vi /var/lib/docker/containers/923...4f6/config.json

Change the "Path" parameter to point at your new command, e.g. /bin/bash. You may also set the "Args" parameter to pass arguments to the command.

Restart the docker service (note this will stop all running containers):

service docker restart

List your containers and make sure the command has changed:

docker ps -a

Start the container and attach to it, you should now be in your shell!

docker start -ai mad_brattain

Worked on Fedora 22 using Docker 1.7.1.

NOTE: If your shell is not interactive (e.g. you did not create the original container with -it option), you can instead change the command to "/bin/sleep 600" or "/bin/tail -f /dev/null" to give you enough time to do "docker exec -it CONTID /bin/bash" as another way of getting a shell.

NOTE2: Newer versions of docker have config.v2.json, where you will need to change either Entrypoint or Cmd (thanks user60561).

Make A List Item Clickable (HTML/CSS)

Ditch the <a href="...">. Put the onclick (all lowercase) handler on the <li> tag itself.

Matplotlib figure facecolor (background color)

I had to use the transparent keyword to get the color I chose with my initial


like this:

savefig('figname.png', facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(), transparent=True)

Adding POST parameters before submit

Previous answer can be shortened and be more readable.

$('#commentForm').submit(function () {
    $(this).append($.map(params, function (param) {
        return   $('<input>', {
            type: 'hidden',
            value: param.value

How to close Android application?

    protected void onPause() {

Magento - Retrieve products with a specific attribute value

$attribute = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute')
                ->loadByCode('catalog_product', 'manufacturer');

$valuesCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('eav/entity_attribute_option_collection')
            ->setStoreFilter(0, false);

$preparedManufacturers = array();            
foreach($valuesCollection as $value) {
    $preparedManufacturers[$value->getOptionId()] = $value->getValue();

if (count($preparedManufacturers)) {
    echo "<h2>Manufacturers</h2><ul>";
    foreach($preparedManufacturers as $optionId => $value) {
        $products = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
            array('attribute'=>'manufacturer', 'eq'=> $optionId,          

        echo "<li>" . $value . " - (" . $optionId . ") - (Products: ".count($products).")</li>";
    echo "</ul>";

How to do a subquery in LINQ?

Ok, here's a basic join query that gets the correct records:

   int[] selectedRolesArr = GetSelectedRoles();
    if( selectedRolesArr != null && selectedRolesArr.Length > 0 ) 

    //this join version requires the use of distinct to prevent muliple records
        //being returned for users with more than one company role.
    IQueryable retVal = (from u in context.Users
                        join c in context.CompanyRolesToUsers
                          on u.Id equals c.UserId
                        where u.LastName.Contains( "fra" ) &&
                            selectedRolesArr.Contains( c.CompanyRoleId )
                        select  u).Distinct();

But here's the code that most easily integrates with the algorithm that we already had in place:

int[] selectedRolesArr = GetSelectedRoles(); 
if ( useAnd ) 
          predicateAnd = predicateAnd.And( u => (from c in context.CompanyRolesToUsers 
                       where selectedRolesArr.Contains(c.CompanyRoleId) 
                       select c.UserId).Contains(u.Id)); 
           predicateOr = predicateOr.Or( u => (from c in context.CompanyRolesToUsers 
                          where selectedRolesArr.Contains(c.CompanyRoleId) 
                         select c.UserId).Contains(u.Id) ); 

which is thanks to a poster at the LINQtoSQL forum

Speech input for visually impaired users without the need to tap the screen

The only way to get the iOS dictation is to sign up yourself through Nuance: - it's expensive, because it's the best. Presumably, Apple's contract prevents them from exposing an API.

The built in iOS accessibility features allow immobilized users to access dictation (and other keyboard buttons) through tools like VoiceOver and Assistive Touch. It may not be worth reinventing this if your users might be familiar with these tools.

Get only part of an Array in Java?

Check out copyOfRange; and example:

int[] arr2 = Arrays.copyOfRange(arr,0,3);

Setting up a cron job in Windows

There's pycron which I really as a Cron implementation for windows, but there's also the built in scheduler which should work just fine for what you need (Control Panel -> Scheduled Tasks -> Add Scheduled Task).

How to pattern match using regular expression in Scala?

As delnan pointed out, the match keyword in Scala has nothing to do with regexes. To find out whether a string matches a regex, you can use the String.matches method. To find out whether a string starts with an a, b or c in lower or upper case, the regex would look like this:


You can read this regex as "one of the characters a, b, c, A, B or C followed by anything" (. means "any character" and * means "zero or more times", so ".*" is any string).

Difference between a Seq and a List in Scala

In Java terms, Scala's Seq would be Java's List, and Scala's List would be Java's LinkedList.

Note that Seq is a trait, which is equivalent to Java's interface, but with the equivalent of up-and-coming defender methods. Scala's List is an abstract class that is extended by Nil and ::, which are the concrete implementations of List.

So, where Java's List is an interface, Scala's List is an implementation.

Beyond that, Scala's List is immutable, which is not the case of LinkedList. In fact, Java has no equivalent to immutable collections (the read only thing only guarantees the new object cannot be changed, but you still can change the old one, and, therefore, the "read only" one).

Scala's List is highly optimized by compiler and libraries, and it's a fundamental data type in functional programming. However, it has limitations and it's inadequate for parallel programming. These days, Vector is a better choice than List, but habit is hard to break.

Seq is a good generalization for sequences, so if you program to interfaces, you should use that. Note that there are actually three of them: collection.Seq, collection.mutable.Seq and collection.immutable.Seq, and it is the latter one that is the "default" imported into scope.

There's also GenSeq and ParSeq. The latter methods run in parallel where possible, while the former is parent to both Seq and ParSeq, being a suitable generalization for when parallelism of a code doesn't matter. They are both relatively newly introduced, so people doesn't use them much yet.

How to find the length of an array list?


Since no elements are in the list

output => 0

myList.add("newString");  // use myList.add() to insert elements to the arraylist

Since one element is added to the list

output => 1

ORA-12514 TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

For those that may be running Oracle in a VM (like me) I saw this issue because my VM was running out of memory, which seems to have prevented OracleDB from starting up/running correctly. Increasing my VM memory and restarting fixed the issue.

Illegal Escape Character "\"

The character '\' is a special character and needs to be escaped when used as part of a String, e.g., "\". Here is an example of a string comparison using the '\' character:

if (invName.substring(j,k).equals("\\")) {...}

You can also perform direct character comparisons using logic similar to the following:

if (invName.charAt(j) == '\\') {...}

Is it possible to force row level locking in SQL Server?


ALTER INDEX indexname ON tablename SET (ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF);

What is a Maven artifact?

An artifact is a JAR or something that you store in a repository. Maven gets them out and builds your code.

What are the correct version numbers for C#?

C# language version history:

These are the versions of C# known about at the time of this writing:

In response to the OP's question:

What are the correct version numbers for C#? What came out when? Why can't I find any answers about C# 3.5?

There is no such thing as C# 3.5 - the cause of confusion here is that the C# 3.0 is present in .NET 3.5. The language and framework are versioned independently, however - as is the CLR, which is at version 2.0 for .NET 2.0 through 3.5, .NET 4 introducing CLR 4.0, service packs notwithstanding. The CLR in .NET 4.5 has various improvements, but the versioning is unclear: in some places it may be referred to as CLR 4.5 (this MSDN page used to refer to it that way, for example), but the Environment.Version property still reports

As of May 3, 2017, the C# Language Team created a history of C# versions and features on their GitHub repository: Features Added in C# Language Versions. There is also a page that tracks upcoming and recently implemented language features.

TypeScript or JavaScript type casting

In typescript it is possible to do an instanceof check in an if statement and you will have access to the same variable with the Typed properties.

So let's say MarkerSymbolInfo has a property on it called marker. You can do the following:

if (symbolInfo instanceof MarkerSymbol) {
    // access .marker here
    const marker = symbolInfo.marker

It's a nice little trick to get the instance of a variable using the same variable without needing to reassign it to a different variable name.

Check out these two resources for more information:

TypeScript instanceof & JavaScript instanceof

Indenting code in Sublime text 2?

Select all code that you intend to indent, then hit Ctrl + ] in Sublime text to indent.

For macOS users, use command + ] to indent, and command + [ to un-indent.

How can I make a time delay in Python?

You can use the sleep() function in the time module. It can take a float argument for sub-second resolution.

from time import sleep
sleep(0.1) # Time in seconds

Git commit date

if you got troubles with windows cmd command and .bat just escape percents like that

git show -s --format=%%ct

The % character has a special meaning for command line parameters and FOR parameters. To treat a percent as a regular character, double it: %%

Syntax : Escape Characters, Delimiters and Quotes

How do I make the first letter of a string uppercase in JavaScript?

If you use Underscore.js or Lodash, the underscore.string library provides string extensions, including capitalize:

_.capitalize(string) Converts first letter of the string to uppercase.


_.capitalize("foo bar") == "Foo bar"

C/C++ Struct vs Class

Other that the differences in the default access (public/private), there is no difference.

However, some shops that code in C and C++ will use "class/struct" to indicate that which can be used in C and C++ (struct) and which are C++ only (class). In other words, in this style all structs must work with C and C++. This is kind of why there was a difference in the first place long ago, back when C++ was still known as "C with Classes."

Note that C unions work with C++, but not the other way around. For example

union WorksWithCppOnly{
    friend class FloatAccessor;
    int a;
    float b;

And likewise

typedef union friend{
    int a;
    float b;
} class;

only works in C

Redirecting output to $null in PowerShell, but ensuring the variable remains set

If it's errors you want to hide you can do it like this

$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"; #This will hide errors
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"; #Turning errors back on

Convert String to Float in Swift

For the sake of completeness this is a solution using an extension of UITextField which can also consider a different locale.

For Swift 3+

extension UITextField {
    func floatValue(locale : Locale = Locale.current) -> Float {
        let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
        numberFormatter.numberStyle = .decimal
        numberFormatter.locale = locale

        let nsNumber = numberFormatter.number(from: text!)
        return nsNumber == nil ? 0.0 : nsNumber!.floatValue

Using an Alias in a WHERE clause

 SELECT A.identifier
 , TO_NUMBER(DECODE( A.month_no
         , 1, 200803 
         , 2, 200804 
         , 3, 200805 
         , 4, 200806 
         , 5, 200807 
         , 6, 200808 
         , 7, 200809 
         , 8, 200810 
         , 9, 200811 
         , 10, 200812 
         , 11, 200701 
         , 12, 200702
         , NULL)) as MONTH_NO
 , TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(B.last_update_date, 'YYYYMM')) as UPD_DATE
FROM table_a A, table_b B
WHERE .identifier = B.identifier

How to center the text in a JLabel?


If you cannot reconstruct the label for some reason, this is how you edit these properties of a pre-existent JLabel.

Write HTML to string

HSharp is a library used to analyse markup language like HTML easily and fastly. Install: PM> Install-Package Obisoft.HSharp

        var Document = new HDoc(DocumentOptions.BasicHTML);
        Document["html"]["body"]["div"].AddChild("a", new HProp("href", "/#"));
         new HTag("tr"),
         new HTag("tr", "SomeText"),
         new HTag("tr", new HTag("td")));
        var Result = Document.GenerateHTML();

and output:

<meta charset="utf-8"></meta><title>
Example </title>
<a href="/#"></a><table>
SomeText </tr>

How to disable Home and other system buttons in Android?

Post ICS i.e. Android 4+, the overriding of the HomeButton has been removed for security reasons, to enable the user exit in case the application turns out to be a malware.

Plus, it is not a really good practice to not let the user navigate away from the application. But, since you are making a lock screen application, what you can do is declare the activity as a Launcher , so that when the HomeButton is pressed it will simply restart your application and remain there itself (the users would notice nothing but a slight flicker in the screen).

You can go through the following link:

Only allow specific characters in textbox

For your validation event IMO the easiest method would be to use a character array to validate textbox characters against. True - iterating and validating isn't particularly efficient, but it is straightforward.

Alternately, use a regular expression of your whitelist characters against the input string. Your events are availalbe at MSDN here:

java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found

I also encounter with that problem. In my case the problem was that i closed the scanner inside one of the funcs..

public class Main _x000D_
 public static void main(String[] args) _x000D_
  Scanner menu = new Scanner(;_x000D_
        boolean exit = new Boolean(false);_x000D_
  String choose = menu.nextLine();_x000D_
        Part1 t=new Part1()_x000D_
     System.out.println("Noooooo Come back!!!"+choose);_x000D_
public class Part1 extends Thread _x000D_
public void run()_x000D_
  { _x000D_
     Scanner s = new Scanner(;_x000D_
     String st = s.nextLine();_x000D_

The code above made the same exaption, the solution was to close the scanner only once at the main.

What is the argument for printf that formats a long?

It depends, if you are referring to unsigned long the formatting character is "%lu". If you're referring to signed long the formatting character is "%ld".

How to display Woocommerce product price by ID number on a custom page?

If you have the product's ID you can use that to create a product object:

$_product = wc_get_product( $product_id );

Then from the object you can run any of WooCommerce's product methods.


Please review the Codex article on how to write your own shortcode.

Integrating the WooCommerce product data might look something like this:

function so_30165014_price_shortcode_callback( $atts ) {
    $atts = shortcode_atts( array(
        'id' => null,
    ), $atts, 'bartag' );

    $html = '';

    if( intval( $atts['id'] ) > 0 && function_exists( 'wc_get_product' ) ){
         $_product = wc_get_product( $atts['id'] );
         $html = "price = " . $_product->get_price();
    return $html;
add_shortcode( 'woocommerce_price', 'so_30165014_price_shortcode_callback' );

Your shortcode would then look like [woocommerce_price id="99"]

Windows Batch Files: if else

You have to do the following:

if "%1" == "" (
    echo The variable is empty
) ELSE (
    echo The variable contains %1

Trying to pull files from my Github repository: "refusing to merge unrelated histories"

While I'm all for unblocking people's work issues, I don't think "push --force" or "--allow_unrelated_histories" should be taught to new users as general solutions because they can cause real havoc to a repository when one uses them without understand why things aren't working in the first place.

When you have a situation like this where you started with a local repository, and want to make a remote on GitHub to share your work with, there is something to watch out for.

When you create the new online repository, there's an option "Initialize this repository with a README". If you read the fine print, it says "Skip this step if you’re importing an existing repository."

You may have checked that box. Or similarly, you made an add/commit online before you attempted an initial push. What happens is you create a unique commit history in each place and they can't be reconciled without the special allowance mentioned in Nevermore's answer (because git doesn't want you to operate that way). You can follow some of the advice mentioned here, or more simply just don't check that option next time you want to link some local files to a brand new remote; keeping the remote clean for that initial push.

Reference: my first experience with git + hub was to run into this same problem and do a lot of learning to understand what had happened and why.

How to check if an appSettings key exists?

MSDN: Configuration Manager.AppSettings

if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[name] != null)
// Now do your magic..


string s = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["myKey"];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
    // Key exists
    // Key doesn't exist

How to convert timestamp to datetime in MySQL?

You can use

select from_unixtime(1300464000,"%Y-%m-%d %h %i %s") from table;

For in details description about

  1. from_unixtime()
  2. unix_timestamp()

td widths, not working?

Note that adjusting the width of a column in the thead will affect the whole table

        <tr width="25">
        <td>[email protected]</td>

In my case, the width on the thead > tr was overriding the width on table > tr > td directly.

.htaccess file to allow access to images folder to view pictures?

Give permission in .htaccess as follows:

<Directory "Your directory path/uploads/">
Allow from all

What is base 64 encoding used for?

Aside from what's already been said, two very common uses that have not been listed are


Hashes are one-way functions that transform a block of bytes into another block of bytes of a fixed size such as 128bit or 256bit (SHA/MD5). Converting the resulting bytes into Base64 makes it much easier to display the hash especially when you are comparing a checksum for integrity. Hashes are so often seen in Base64 that many people mistake Base64 itself as a hash.


Since an encryption key does not have to be text but raw bytes it is sometimes necessary to store it in a file or database, which Base64 comes in handy for. Same with the resulting encrypted bytes.

Note that although Base64 is often used in cryptography is not a security mechanism. Anyone can convert the Base64 string back to its original bytes, so it should not be used as a means for protecting data, only as a format to display or store raw bytes more easily.


x509 certificates in PEM format are base 64 encoded.

Trying to git pull with error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied

This issue arises when you don't give sufficient permissions to .git folder. To solve this problem-

  1. First navigate to your working directory.
  2. Enter this command-

    sudo chmod a+rw .git -R

Hope it helps..!!

How can I get the size of an std::vector as an int?

In the first two cases, you simply forgot to actually call the member function (!, it's not a value) std::vector<int>::size like this:

#include <vector>

int main () {
    std::vector<int> v;
    auto size = v.size();

Your third call

int size = v.size();

triggers a warning, as not every return value of that function (usually a 64 bit unsigned int) can be represented as a 32 bit signed int.

int size = static_cast<int>(v.size());

would always compile cleanly and also explicitly states that your conversion from std::vector::size_type to int was intended.

Note that if the size of the vector is greater than the biggest number an int can represent, size will contain an implementation defined (de facto garbage) value.

Is there a way to detect if an image is blurry?

I tried solution based on Laplacian filter from this post. It didn't help me. So, I tried the solution from this post and it was good for my case (but is slow):

import cv2

image = cv2.imread("test.jpeg")
height, width = image.shape[:2]
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

def px(x, y):
    return int(gray[y, x])

sum = 0
for x in range(width-1):
    for y in range(height):
        sum += abs(px(x, y) - px(x+1, y))

Less blurred image has maximum sum value!

You can also tune speed and accuracy by changing step, e.g.

this part

for x in range(width - 1):

you can replace with this one

for x in range(0, width - 1, 10):

ImportError: No module named BeautifulSoup

Try this from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

This might be a problem with Beautiful Soup, version 4, and the beta days. I just read this from the homepage.

Bootstrap 3 select input form inline

Based on spacebean's answer, this modification also changes the displayed text when the user selects a different item (just as a <select> would do):


<div class="container">
  <div class="col-sm-7 pull-right well">
    <form class="form-inline" action="#" method="get">
      <div class="input-group col-sm-8">
        <input class="form-control" type="text" value="" placeholder="Search" name="q">
        <div class="input-group-btn">
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"><span id="mydropdowndisplay">Choice 1</span> <span class="caret"></span></button>
          <ul class="dropdown-menu" id="mydropdownmenu">
            <li><a href="#">Choice 1</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Choice 2</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Choice 3</a></li>
          <input type="hidden" id="mydropwodninput" name="category">
        </div><!-- /btn-group -->
    <button class="btn btn-primary col-sm-3 pull-right" type="submit">Search</button>


$('#mydropdownmenu > li').click(function(e){
  var selected = $(this).text();

How do I cancel a build that is in progress in Visual Studio?

The "pause" command was a function button underneath my right shift key, so the below combination of keys did the trick for me.

Ctrl + Fn + Shift

What is bootstrapping?

In terms of it in regards to using the popular Twitter Bootstrap I feel like this type of bootstrapping is the action of integrating a modular component into a Web application without the Web application having to even acknowledge the modular component exists until it needs it or references it.

The developer can seamlessly integrate a default copy of the CSS Twitter Bootstrap theme by simply loading (referencing) it into the Web application. Vuola! Then you may need to override some of these changes, but you can do so in such a way that the resource/component is untouched and completely reusable.

This same concept is how Web Devs implement jQuery APIs and so on, but it's not really expressed by Devs as bootstrapping per se. What it does is it improves flexibility and reusability while allowing the isolation of different components/resources of an app to reside freely either on the same server/s or possibly on a CDN.

NOTE: In computing bootstrapping deals with the MBR and in UNIX it requires a special bootloader or manager which is a small program in ROM that loads the OS into RAM. If you think about it the same concept takes places in the action of the bootstrap loader checking the MBR and loading the OS based on this table which occurs without the OS having any idea that this takes place.

Requests -- how to tell if you're getting a 404

Look at the r.status_code attribute:

if r.status_code == 404:
    # A 404 was issued.


>>> import requests
>>> r = requests.get('')
>>> r.status_code

If you want requests to raise an exception for error codes (4xx or 5xx), call r.raise_for_status():

>>> r = requests.get('')
>>> r.raise_for_status()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "requests/", line 664, in raise_for_status
    raise http_error
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: NOT FOUND
>>> r = requests.get('')
>>> r.raise_for_status()
>>> # no exception raised.

You can also test the response object in a boolean context; if the status code is not an error code (4xx or 5xx), it is considered ‘true’:

if r:
    # successful response

If you want to be more explicit, use if r.ok:.

Why is System.Web.Mvc not listed in Add References?

If you got this problem in Visual Studio 2017, chances are you're working with an MVC 4 project created in a previous version of VS with a reference hint path pointing to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET. Visual Studio 2017 does not install this directory anymore.

We usually solve this by installing a copy of Visual Studio 2015 alongside our 2017 instance, and that installs the necessary libraries in the above path. Then we update all the references in the affected projects and we're good to go.

Getting the .Text value from a TextBox

Did you try using t.Text?

Get ConnectionString from appsettings.json instead of being hardcoded in .NET Core 2.0 App

You can also do this in ASP.NET Core 2 by defining the connection string in your appSettings.json file. Then in your Startup.cs you specify which connection string to use.


    "connectionStrings": {
        "YourDBConnectionString": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=YourDB;Trusted_Connection=True"


public static IConfiguration Configuration { get; private set;}

public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
    Configuration = configuration;
var connectionString = Configuration["connectionStrings:YourDBConnectionString"];
services.AddDbContext<YourDbContext>(x => x.UseSqlServer(connectionString));

How to get PID of process by specifying process name and store it in a variable to use further?

use grep [n]ame to remove that grep -v name this is first... Sec using xargs in the way how it is up there is wrong to rnu whatever it is piped you have to use -i ( interactive mode) otherwise you may have issues with the command.

ps axf | grep | grep -v grep | awk '{print "kill -9 " $1}' ? ps aux |grep [n]ame | awk '{print "kill -9 " $2}' ? isnt that better ?

Copy all the lines to clipboard

If you're using Vim in visual mode, the standard cut and paste keys also apply, at least with Windows.

  • CTRLA means "Mark the entire file.
  • CTRLC means "Copy the selection.
  • ESC means "De-select, so your next key press doesn't replace the entire file :-)

Under Ubuntu terminal (Gnome) at least, the standard copy also works (CTRLSHIFTC, although there doesn't appear to be a standard keyboard shortcut for select all (other than ALTE followed by A).

How to implement Enums in Ruby?

Another way to mimic an enum with consistent equality handling (shamelessly adopted from Dave Thomas). Allows open enums (much like symbols) and closed (predefined) enums.

class Enum
  def = nil)
    enum = do
      unless values
        def self.const_missing(name)
          const_set(name, new(name))

      def initialize(name)
        @enum_name = name

      def to_s

    if values
      enum.instance_eval do
        values.each { |e| const_set(e, }


Genre = %w(Gothic Metal) # creates closed enum
Architecture =           # creates open enum

Genre::Gothic == Genre::Gothic        # => true
Genre::Gothic != Architecture::Gothic # => true

Git update submodules recursively

git submodule update --recursive

You will also probably want to use the --init option which will make it initialize any uninitialized submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Note: in some older versions of Git, if you use the --init option, already-initialized submodules may not be updated. In that case, you should also run the command without --init option.

Can you have multiple $(document).ready(function(){ ... }); sections?

Yes, it's perfectly ok.but avoid doing it without a reason. For example I used it to declare global site rules seperately than indivual pages when my javascript files were generated dynamically but if you just keep doing it over and over it will make it hard to read.

Also you can not access some methods from another jQuery(function(){}); call so that's another reason you don't wanna do that.

With the old window.onload though you will replace the old one every time you specified a function.

How do you test that a Python function throws an exception?

How do you test that a Python function throws an exception?

How does one write a test that fails only if a function doesn't throw an expected exception?

Short Answer:

Use the self.assertRaises method as a context manager:

    def test_1_cannot_add_int_and_str(self):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            1 + '1'


The best practice approach is fairly easy to demonstrate in a Python shell.

The unittest library

In Python 2.7 or 3:

import unittest

In Python 2.6, you can install a backport of 2.7's unittest library, called unittest2, and just alias that as unittest:

import unittest2 as unittest

Example tests

Now, paste into your Python shell the following test of Python's type-safety:

class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_1_cannot_add_int_and_str(self):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            1 + '1'
    def test_2_cannot_add_int_and_str(self):
        import operator
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, operator.add, 1, '1')

Test one uses assertRaises as a context manager, which ensures that the error is properly caught and cleaned up, while recorded.

We could also write it without the context manager, see test two. The first argument would be the error type you expect to raise, the second argument, the function you are testing, and the remaining args and keyword args will be passed to that function.

I think it's far more simple, readable, and maintainable to just to use the context manager.

Running the tests

To run the tests:


In Python 2.6, you'll probably need the following:


And your terminal should output the following:

Ran 2 tests in 0.007s

<unittest2.runner.TextTestResult run=2 errors=0 failures=0>

And we see that as we expect, attempting to add a 1 and a '1' result in a TypeError.

For more verbose output, try this:


How can I throw a general exception in Java?

You could use IllegalArgumentException:

public void speedDown(int decrement)
    if(speed - decrement < 0){
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Final speed can not be less than zero");
        speed -= decrement;

How do I create a folder in a GitHub repository?

For the ones using the web browser, you can do the following:

  • Once in the master repository, click on Create new file.
  • In the name of file box at the top, enter the name of your folder
  • Use the / key after the name of the folder. Using this forward slash creates the folder
  • You can see a new box appear next to the folder name wherein you can type the name of your file.
  • In the Commit new file box at the bottom of the page, you can type the description for your file.
  • Select the radio button Commit directly to the master branch.
  • Click on the Commit new file button
  • You will see the new directory will be created.

Rolling or sliding window iterator?

>>> n, m = 6, 3
>>> k = n - m+1
>>> print ('{}\n'*(k)).format(*[range(i, i+m) for i in xrange(k)])
[0, 1, 2]
[1, 2, 3]
[2, 3, 4]
[3, 4, 5]

Line Break in HTML Select Option?

An idea could be to use the optgroup. In my case found it better than the disabled approach. It's less confusing for the user than seeing the disabled option I think.

<select id="q1" v-model="selected" v-on:change="setCPost1(selected)">
  <option value="0"></option>
    v-for="(child, idx) in getLevel1"

  <optgroup v-bind:value="" :key="idx"

  <option v-bind:value="" :key="idx"  v-if="!child.label_line_two"
  {{ child.label }}  

  <option v-bind:value="" :key="idx" v-if="child.label_line_two"
  {{ child.label_line_two }}


An external component sounds cool like Vue Select, but I wanted to stick with the native html select at the moment.

find the array index of an object with a specific key value in underscore

you can use indexOf method from lodash

var tv = [{id:1},{id:2}]
var voteID = 2;
var data = _.find(tv, function(voteItem){ return == voteID; });
var index=_.indexOf(tv,data);

Convert JSON string to array of JSON objects in Javascript

As simple as that.

var str = '{"id":1,"name":"Test1"},{"id":2,"name":"Test2"}';
 dataObj = JSON.parse(str);

How do you implement a Stack and a Queue in JavaScript?

If you wanted to make your own data structures, you could build your own:

var Stack = function(){ = null;
  this.size = 0;

var Node = function(data){ = data;
  this.previous = null;

Stack.prototype.push = function(data) {
  var node = new Node(data);

  node.previous =; = node;
  this.size += 1;

Stack.prototype.pop = function() {
  temp =; =;
  this.size -= 1;
  return temp;

And for queue:

var Queue = function() {
  this.first = null;
  this.size = 0;

var Node = function(data) { = data; = null;

Queue.prototype.enqueue = function(data) {
  var node = new Node(data);

  if (!this.first){
    this.first = node;
  } else {
    n = this.first;
    while ( {
      n =;
    } = node;

  this.size += 1;
  return node;

Queue.prototype.dequeue = function() {
  temp = this.first;
  this.first =;
  this.size -= 1;
  return temp;

Looping through array and removing items, without breaking for loop

Recalculate the length each time through the loop instead of just at the outset, e.g.:

for (i = 0; i < Auction.auctions.length; i++) {
      auction = Auction.auctions[i];
      Auction.auctions[i]['seconds'] --;
      if (auction.seconds < 0) { 
          Auction.auctions.splice(i, 1);
          i--; //decrement

That way you won't exceed the bounds.

EDIT: added a decrement in the if statement.

Difference between if () { } and if () : endif;

I think that it's particularly clearer when you're using a mix of ifs, fors and foreaches in view scripts:

<?php if ( $this->hasIterable ): ?>
    <?php foreach ( $this->iterable as $key => $val ):?>
        <?php for ( $i = 0; $i <= $val; $i++ ): ?>
        <li><?php echo $key ?></li>
        <?php endfor; ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php elseif ( $this->hasScalar ): ?>
    <?php for ( $i = 0; $i <= $this->scalar; $i++ ): ?>
    <p>Foo = Bar</p>
    <?php endfor; ?>
<?php else: ?>
    <?php if ( $this->otherVal === true ): ?>
    <?php else: ?>  
    <?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

as opposed to:

<?php if ( $this->hasIterable ){ ?>
    <?php foreach ( $this->iterable as $key => $val ){?>
        <?php for ( $i = 0; $i <= $val; $i++ ){ ?>
        <li><?php echo $key ?></li>
        <?php } ?>
    <?php } ?>
<?php } elseif ( $this->hasScalar ){ ?>
    <?php for ( $i = 0; $i <= $this->scalar; $i++ ){ ?>
    <p>Foo = Bar</p>
    <?php } ?>
<?php } else { ?>
    <?php if ( $this->otherVal === true ){ ?>
    <?php } else { ?>  
    <?php } ?>
<?php } ?>

This is especially useful for long control statements where you might not be able to see the top declaration from the bottom brace.

How to dispatch a Redux action with a timeout?

It is simple. Use trim-redux package and write like this in componentDidMount or other place and kill it in componentWillUnmount.

componentDidMount() { = setTimeout(function() {
    setStore({ age: 20 });
  }, 3000);

componentWillUnmount() {

EditText non editable

android:editable="false" should work, but it is deprecated, you should be using android:inputType="none" instead.

Alternatively, if you want to do it in the code you could do this :

EditText mEdit = (EditText) findViewById(;

This is also a viable alternative :

EditText mEdit = (EditText) findViewById(;

If you're going to make your EditText non-editable, may I suggest using the TextView widget instead of the EditText, since using a EditText seems kind of pointless in that case.

EDIT: Altered some information since I've found that android:editable is deprecated, and you should use android:inputType="none", but there is a bug about it on android code; So please check this.

Go back button in a page

You can either use:

<button onclick="window.history.back()">Back</button>


<button onclick="window.history.go(-1)">Back</button>

The difference, of course, is back() only goes back 1 page but go() goes back/forward the number of pages you pass as a parameter, relative to your current page.

How do I convert from a money datatype in SQL server?

I had this issue as well, and was tripped up for a while on it. I wanted to display 0.00 as 0 and otherwise keep the decimal point. The following didn't work:

CASE WHEN Amount= 0 THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), Amount, 1) ELSE Amount END

Because the resulting column was forced to be a MONEY column. To resolve it, the following worked


This mattered because my final destination column was a VARCHAR(30), and the consumers of that column would error out if an amount was '0.00' instead of '0'.

PHP date() format when inserting into datetime in MySQL

There is no need no use the date() method from PHP if you don't use a timestamp. If dateposted is a datetime column, you can insert the current date like this:

$db->query("INSERT INTO table (dateposted) VALUES (now())");

How to Specify "Vary: Accept-Encoding" header in .htaccess

I'm afraid Aularon didn't provide enough steps to complete the process. With a little trial and error, I was able to successfully enable Gzipping on my dedicated WHM server.

Below are the steps:

  • Run EasyApache within WHM, select Deflate within the Exhaustive Options list, and rebuild the server.

  • Once done, goto Services Configuration >> Apache Configuration >> Include Editor >> Post VirtualHost Include, select All Versions, and then paste the mod_headers.c and mod_headers.c code (listed above in Aularon's post) on top of on another within the input field.

  • Once saved, I was seeing a 75.36% data savings on average! You can run a before and after test by using this HTTP Compression tool to see your own results:

Hope this works for you all!

  • Matt

How to add a search box with icon to the navbar in Bootstrap 3?

This is the closest I could get without adding any custom CSS (this I'd already figured as of the time of asking the question; guess I've to stick with this):

Navbar Search Box

And the markup in use:

<form class="navbar-form navbar-left" role="search">
    <div class="form-group">
        <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search">
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">
        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span>

PS: Of course, that can be fixed by adding a negative margin-left (-4px) on the button, and removing the border-radius on the sides input and button meet. But the whole point of this question is to get it to work without any custom CSS.

Fixed Navbar Search box

windows batch file rename

I am assuming you know the length of the part before the _ and after the underscore, as well as the extension. If you don't it might be more complex than a simple substring.

cd C:\path\to\the\files
for /f %%a IN ('dir /b *.jpg') do (
set p=%a:~0,3%
set q=%a:~4,4%
set b=%p_%q.jpg
ren %a %b

I just came up with this script, and I did not test it. Check out this and that for more info.

IF you want to assume you don't know the positions of the _ and the lengths and the extension, I think you could do something with for loops to check the index of the _, then the last index of the ., wrap it in a goto thing and make it work. If you're willing to go through that trouble, I'd suggest you use WindowsPowerShell (or Cygwin) at least (for your own sake) or install a more advanced scripting language (think Python/Perl) you'll get more support either way.

How do I apply a CSS class to Html.ActionLink in ASP.NET MVC?

This syntax worked for me in MVC 3 with Razor:

@Html.ActionLink("Delete", "DeleteList", "List", new { ID = item.ID, ListID = }, new {@class= "delete"})

What is the best way to compare floats for almost-equality in Python?

This maybe is a bit ugly hack, but it works pretty well when you don't need more than the default float precision (about 11 decimals).

The round_to function uses the format method from the built-in str class to round up the float to a string that represents the float with the number of decimals needed, and then applies the eval built-in function to the rounded float string to get back to the float numeric type.

The is_close function just applies a simple conditional to the rounded up float.

def round_to(float_num, prec):
    return eval("'{:." + str(int(prec)) + "f}'.format(" + str(float_num) + ")")

def is_close(float_a, float_b, prec):
    if round_to(float_a, prec) == round_to(float_b, prec):
        return True
    return False

>>>a = 10.0
>>>b = 10.0001
>>>print is_close(a, b, prec=3)
>>>print is_close(a, b, prec=4)


As suggested by @stepehjfox, a cleaner way to build a rount_to function avoiding "eval" is using nested formatting:

def round_to(float_num, prec):
    return '{:.{precision}f}'.format(float_num, precision=prec)

Following the same idea, the code can be even simpler using the great new f-strings (Python 3.6+):

def round_to(float_num, prec):
    return f'{float_num:.{prec}f}'

So, we could even wrap it up all in one simple and clean 'is_close' function:

def is_close(a, b, prec):
    return f'{a:.{prec}f}' == f'{b:.{prec}f}'

Removing the textarea border in HTML

Add this to your <head>:

<style type="text/css">
    textarea { border: none; }

Or do it directly on the textarea:

<textarea style="border: none"></textarea>

What is the use of style="clear:both"?

When you use float without width, there remains some space in that row. To block this space you can use clear:both; in next element.

Naming threads and thread-pools of ExecutorService

The home-grown core Java solution that I use to decorate existing factories:

public class ThreadFactoryNameDecorator implements ThreadFactory {
    private final ThreadFactory defaultThreadFactory;
    private final String suffix;

    public ThreadFactoryNameDecorator(String suffix) {
        this(Executors.defaultThreadFactory(), suffix);

    public ThreadFactoryNameDecorator(ThreadFactory threadFactory, String suffix) {
        this.defaultThreadFactory = threadFactory;
        this.suffix = suffix;

    public Thread newThread(Runnable task) {
        Thread thread = defaultThreadFactory.newThread(task);
        thread.setName(thread.getName() + "-" + suffix);
        return thread;

In action:

Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactoryNameDecorator("foo"));

SQL Client for Mac OS X that works with MS SQL Server

Not sure about open-source, but I've heard good things about (not tried it, I prefer to write Python scripts to try things out rather than use GUIs;-).

Printing the correct number of decimal points with cout

this an example using a matrix.


How can I generate a random number in a certain range?

Random r = new Random();
int i1 = r.nextInt(45 - 28) + 28;

This gives a random integer between 28 (inclusive) and 45 (exclusive), one of 28,29,...,43,44.

mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource problem

$id = intval($_GET['id']);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM student WHERE IDNO=$id";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error(mysql_error().$sql);

always do it this way and it will tell you what is wrong

ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions

The reason why you get your error is because a "1 by n" matrix is different from an array of length n.

I recommend using hstack() and vstack() instead. Like this:

import numpy as np
a = np.arange(32).reshape(4,8) # 4 rows 8 columns matrix.
b = a[:,-1:]                    # last column of that matrix.

result = np.hstack((a,b))       # stack them horizontally like this:
#array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  7],
#       [ 8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15],
#       [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 23],
#       [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 31]])

Notice the repeated "7, 15, 23, 31" column. Also, notice that I used a[:,-1:] instead of a[:,-1]. My version generates a column:


Instead of a row array([7,15,23,31])

Edit: append() is much slower. Read this answer.

Why can't I enter a string in Scanner(, when calling nextLine()-method?

Don't try to scan text with nextLine(); AFTER using nextInt() with the same scanner! It doesn't work well with Java Scanner, and many Java developers opt to just use another Scanner for integers. You can call these scanners scan1 and scan2 if you want.

Python 3 Float Decimal Points/Precision

In a word, you can't.

3.65 cannot be represented exactly as a float. The number that you're getting is the nearest number to 3.65 that has an exact float representation.

The difference between (older?) Python 2 and 3 is purely due to the default formatting.

I am seeing the following both in Python 2.7.3 and 3.3.0:

In [1]: 3.65
Out[1]: 3.65

In [2]: '%.20f' % 3.65
Out[2]: '3.64999999999999991118'

For an exact decimal datatype, see decimal.Decimal.

Drawing a dot on HTML5 canvas

The above claim that "If you are planning to draw a lot of pixel, it's a lot more efficient to use the image data of the canvas to do pixel drawing" seems to be quite wrong - at least with Chrome 31.0.1650.57 m or depending on your definition of "lot of pixel". I would have preferred to comment directly to the respective post - but unfortunately I don't have enough stackoverflow points yet:

I think that I am drawing "a lot of pixels" and therefore I first followed the respective advice for good measure I later changed my implementation to a simple ctx.fillRect(..) for each drawn point, see

Interestingly it turns out the silly ctx.fillRect() implementation in my example is actually at least twice as fast as the ImageData based double buffering approach.

At least for my scenario it seems that the built-in ctx.getImageData/ctx.putImageData is in fact unbelievably SLOW. (It would be interesting to know the percentage of pixels that need to be touched before an ImageData based approach might take the lead..)

Conclusion: If you need to optimize performance you have to profile YOUR code and act on YOUR findings..

How to check if an element exists in the xml using xpath?



How to create my json string by using C#?

The json is kind of odd, it's like the students are properties of the "GetQuestion" object, it should be easy to be a List.....

About the libraries you could use are.

And there could be many more, but that are what I've used

About the json I don't now maybe something like this

public class GetQuestions
    public List<Student> Questions { get; set; }

public class Student
    public string Code { get; set; }
    public string Questions { get; set; }

void Main()
    var gq = new GetQuestions
        Questions = new List<Student>
            new Student {Code = "s1", Questions = "Q1,Q2"},
            new Student {Code = "s2", Questions = "Q1,Q2,Q3"},
            new Student {Code = "s3", Questions = "Q1,Q2,Q4"},
            new Student {Code = "s4", Questions = "Q1,Q2,Q5"},

    //Using Newtonsoft.json. Dump is an extension method of [Linqpad][4]


and the result is this


Yes I know the json is different, but the json that you want with dictionary.

void Main()
    var f = new Foo
        GetQuestions = new Dictionary<string, string>
                    {"s1", "Q1,Q2"},
                    {"s2", "Q1,Q2,Q3"},
                    {"s3", "Q1,Q2,Q4"},
                    {"s4", "Q1,Q2,Q4,Q6"},


class Foo
    public Dictionary<string, string> GetQuestions { get; set; }

And with Dictionary is as you want it.....


Tooltip with HTML content without JavaScript

You can use the title attribute, e.g. if you want to have a Tooltip over a text, just make:

<span title="This is a Tooltip">This is a text</span>

How to Cast Objects in PHP

You can use above function for casting not similar class objects (PHP >= 5.3)

 * Class casting
 * @param string|object $destination
 * @param object $sourceObject
 * @return object
function cast($destination, $sourceObject)
    if (is_string($destination)) {
        $destination = new $destination();
    $sourceReflection = new ReflectionObject($sourceObject);
    $destinationReflection = new ReflectionObject($destination);
    $sourceProperties = $sourceReflection->getProperties();
    foreach ($sourceProperties as $sourceProperty) {
        $name = $sourceProperty->getName();
        $value = $sourceProperty->getValue($sourceObject);
        if ($destinationReflection->hasProperty($name)) {
            $propDest = $destinationReflection->getProperty($name);
        } else {
            $destination->$name = $value;
    return $destination;


class A 
  private $_x;   

class B 
  public $_x;   

$a = new A();
$b = new B();

$x = cast('A',$b);
$x = cast('B',$a);

Regex date validation for yyyy-mm-dd

You can use this regex to get the yyyy-MM-dd format:


You can find example for date validation: How to validate date with regular expression.

Rails Active Record find(:all, :order => ) issue

I just ran into the same problem, but I manage to have my query working in SQLite like this:

@shows = Show.order("datetime(date) ASC, attending DESC")

I hope this might help someone save some time


SELECT  name
FROM    orders,company
WHERE   orderID = 1
        AND companyID IN (attachedCompanyIDs)

attachedCompanyIDs is a scalar value which is cast into INT (type of companyID).

The cast only returns numbers up to the first non-digit (a comma in your case).


companyID IN ('1,2,3') = companyID IN (CAST('1,2,3' AS INT)) = companyID IN (1)

In PostgreSQL, you could cast the string into array (or store it as an array in the first place):

SELECT  name
FROM    orders
JOIN    company
ON      companyID = ANY (('{' | attachedCompanyIDs | '}')::INT[])
WHERE   orderID = 1

and this would even use an index on companyID.

Unfortunately, this does not work in MySQL since the latter does not support arrays.

You may find this article interesting (see #2):


If there is some reasonable limit on the number of values in the comma separated lists (say, no more than 5), so you can try to use this query:

SELECT  name
FROM    orders
        SELECT  1 AS pos
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  2 AS pos
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  3 AS pos
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  4 AS pos
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  5 AS pos
        ) q
JOIN    company
ON      companyID = CAST(NULLIF(SUBSTRING_INDEX(attachedCompanyIDs, ',', -pos), SUBSTRING_INDEX(attachedCompanyIDs, ',', 1 - pos)) AS UNSIGNED)

Get visible items in RecyclerView

You can use recyclerView.getChildAt() to get each visible child, and setting some tag convertview.setTag(index) on these view in adapter code will help you to relate it with adapter data.

How can I time a code segment for testing performance with Pythons timeit?

Quite apart from the timing, this code you show is simply incorrect: you execute 100 connections (completely ignoring all but the last one), and then when you do the first execute call you pass it a local variable query_stmt which you only initialize after the execute call.

First, make your code correct, without worrying about timing yet: i.e. a function that makes or receives a connection and performs 100 or 500 or whatever number of updates on that connection, then closes the connection. Once you have your code working correctly is the correct point at which to think about using timeit on it!

Specifically, if the function you want to time is a parameter-less one called foobar you can use timeit.timeit (2.6 or later -- it's more complicated in 2.5 and before):

timeit.timeit('foobar()', number=1000)

You'd better specify the number of runs because the default, a million, may be high for your use case (leading to spending a lot of time in this code;-).

What is this date format? 2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z

If you guys are looking for a solution for Android, you can use the following code to get the epoch seconds from the timestamp string.

public static long timestampToEpochSeconds(String srcTimestamp) {
    long epoch = 0;

    try {
        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
            Instant instant = Instant.parse(srcTimestamp);
            epoch = instant.getEpochSecond();
        } else {
            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.SSSSSS'Z'", Locale.getDefault());
            Date date = sdf.parse(srcTimestamp);
            if (date != null) {
                epoch = date.getTime() / 1000;
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return epoch;

Sample input: 2019-10-15T05:51:31.537979Z

Sample output: 1571128673

Using Pairs or 2-tuples in Java

Create a class that describes the concept you're actually modeling and use that. It can just store two Set<Long> and provide accessors for them, but it should be named to indicate what exactly each of those sets is and why they're grouped together.

Touch move getting stuck Ignored attempt to cancel a touchmove

Please remove e.preventDefault(), because event.cancelable of touchmove is false. So you can't call this method.

file_get_contents() how to fix error "Failed to open stream", "No such file"

I hope below solution will work for you all as I was having the same problem with my websites...

For : $json = json_decode(file_get_contents('http://...'));

Replace with below query

$Details= unserialize(file_get_contents('http://......'));

How to execute a function when page has fully loaded?

For completeness sake, you might also want to bind it to DOMContentLoaded, which is now widely supported

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event){
  // your code here

More info:

Reference - What does this error mean in PHP?

Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context

$this is a special variable in PHP which can not be assigned. If it is accessed in a context where it does not exist, this fatal error is given.

This error can occur:

  1. If a non-static method is called statically. Example:

    class Foo {
       protected $var;
       public function __construct($var) {
           $this->var = $var;
       public static function bar () {
           // ^^^^^^
           echo $this->var;
           //   ^^^^^

    How to fix: review your code again, $this can only be used in an object context, and should never be used in a static method. Also, a static method should not access the non-static property. Use self::$static_property to access the static property.

  2. If code from a class method has been copied over into a normal function or just the global scope and keeping the $this special variable.
    How to fix: Review the code and replace $this with a different substitution variable.

Related Questions:

  1. Call non-static method as static: PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context
  2. Copy over code: Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context
  3. All "Using $this when not in object context" Questions on Stackoverflow

Is there a minlength validation attribute in HTML5?

I used maxlength and minlength with or without required and it worked for me very well for HTML5.

<input id="passcode" type="password" minlength="8" maxlength="10">


How to move the layout up when the soft keyboard is shown android

You should use


in your AndroidManifest.xml file where you are declaring your activity. This will adjust your layout contents, when keyboard is shown in the layout.

Transport security has blocked a cleartext HTTP


PList Screenshot to understand better

Add a new item, NSAppTransportSecurity, in the plist file with type Dictionary, then add sub item NSAllowsArbitraryLoads in dictionary of type Boolean, and set bool value YES. This works for me.

How do you get the path to the Laravel Storage folder?

For Laravel version >=5.1


The storage_path function returns the fully qualified path to the storage directory:

$path = storage_path();

You may also use the storage_path function to generate a fully qualified path to a given file relative to the storage directory:

$app_path = storage_path('app');
$file_path = storage_path('app/file.txt');

Source: Laravel Doc

Best method for reading newline delimited files and discarding the newlines?

Here's a generator that does what you requested. In this case, using rstrip is sufficient and slightly faster than strip.

lines = (line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(filename))

However, you'll most likely want to use this to get rid of trailing whitespaces too.

lines = (line.rstrip() for line in open(filename))

Change the "From:" address in Unix "mail"

echo "body" | mail -S [email protected] "Hello"

-S lets you specify lots of string options, by far the easiest way to modify headers and such.

3-dimensional array in numpy

As much as people like to say "order doesn't matter its just convention" this breaks down when entering cross domain interfaces, IE transfer from C ordering to Fortran ordering or some other ordering scheme. There, precisely how your data is layed out and how shape is represented in numpy is very important.

By default, numpy uses C ordering, which means contiguous elements in memory are the elements stored in rows. You can also do FORTRAN ordering ("F"), this instead orders elements based on columns, indexing contiguous elements.

Numpy's shape further has its own order in which it displays the shape. In numpy, shape is largest stride first, ie, in a 3d vector, it would be the least contiguous dimension, Z, or pages, 3rd dim etc... So when executing:


you will get


which is actually (frames, rows, columns). doing np.zeros((2,2,3,4)).shape instead would mean (metaframs, frames, rows, columns). This makes more sense when you think of creating multidimensional arrays in C like langauges. For C++, creating a non contiguously defined 4D array results in an array [ of arrays [ of arrays [ of elements ]]]. This forces you to de reference the first array that holds all the other arrays (4th dimension) then the same all the way down (3rd, 2nd, 1st) resulting in syntax like:

double element = array4d[w][z][y][x];

In fortran, this indexed ordering is reversed (x is instead first array4d[x][y][z][w]), most contiguous to least contiguous and in matlab, it gets all weird.

Matlab tried to preserve both mathematical default ordering (row, column) but also use column major internally for libraries, and not follow C convention of dimensional ordering. In matlab, you order this way:

double element = array4d[y][x][z][w];

which deifies all convention and creates weird situations where you are sometimes indexing as if row ordered and sometimes column ordered (such as with matrix creation).

In reality, Matlab is the unintuitive one, not Numpy.

Updating address bar with new URL without hash or reloading the page

You can now do this in most "modern" browsers!

Here is the original article I read (posted July 10, 2010): HTML5: Changing the browser-URL without refreshing page.

For a more in-depth look into pushState/replaceState/popstate (aka the HTML5 History API) see the MDN docs.

TL;DR, you can do this:

window.history.pushState("object or string", "Title", "/new-url");

See my answer to Modify the URL without reloading the page for a basic how-to.

m2e error in MavenArchiver.getManifest()

Upgrade your m2e extensions instead downgrade.

From Help > Install New Software.., add a new repository (via the Add.. option)

Specify name for your plugin and add path

once you are done with installation, please restart eclipse and update your project.

How can I align YouTube embedded video in the center in bootstrap

make iframe with align="middle" and put it in paragraph with style="text-aling:center":

<p style="text-align:center;">
<iframe width="420" height="315" align="middle" src="">

Fragment pressing back button

This worked for me.

-Add .addToBackStack(null) when you call the new fragment from activity.

    FragmentTransaction mFragmentTransaction = getFragmentManager()

-Add onBackPressed() to your activity

public void onBackPressed() {
    if (getFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() == 0) {
    } else {

SQL Error: ORA-00922: missing or invalid option

there's nothing wrong with using CHAR like that.. I think your problem is that you have a space in your tablename. It should be: charteredflight or chartered_flight..

Match at every second occurrence

Use grouping.


Creating a singleton in Python

How about this:

def singleton(cls):
    cls.__new__ = cls.__call__= lambda cls: instance
    cls.__init__ = lambda self: None
    return instance

Use it as a decorator on a class that should be a singleton. Like this:

class MySingleton:

This is similar to the singleton = lambda c: c() decorator in another answer. Like the other solution, the only instance has name of the class (MySingleton). However, with this solution you can still "create" instances (actually get the only instance) from the class, by doing MySingleton(). It also prevents you from creating additional instances by doing type(MySingleton)() (that also returns the same instance).

How to run .jar file by double click on Windows 7 64-bit?

  1. Assuming you've loaded the Java JRE and/or Java SDK, then
  2. To do associations, go to "My Computer", click on one of your drives (C: for instance).
  3. When it is shown, choose "Tools" »» "Folder options" (or Properties... it's in different places depending on the Windows version).
  4. Open Windows Explorer (just open any folder) to get the "Tools" -> "Folder options" window.
  5. When you get the "Folder options" window, click on the tab "File types". You should be able to either edit or add JAR files (.jar extension)
  6. Change the program used to open JAR files. In the file select window, go to the folder where the JRE is installed (should be C:/Program Files/Java/..., mark "Always open with", and select the javaw.exe file.

Why are my PHP files showing as plain text?

You need to configure Apache (the webserver) to process PHP scripts as PHP. Check Apache's configuration. You need to load the module (the path may differ on your system):

LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache.dll"

And you also need to tell Apache what to process with PHP:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

See the documentation for more details.

How to create a simple http proxy in node.js?

Your code doesn't work for binary files because they can't be cast to strings in the data event handler. If you need to manipulate binary files you'll need to use a buffer. Sorry, I do not have an example of using a buffer because in my case I needed to manipulate HTML files. I just check the content type and then for text/html files update them as needed:

app.get('/*', function(clientRequest, clientResponse) {
  var options = { 
    hostname: '',
    port: 80, 
    path: clientRequest.url,
    method: 'GET'

  var googleRequest = http.request(options, function(googleResponse) { 
    var body = ''; 

    if (String(googleResponse.headers['content-type']).indexOf('text/html') !== -1) {
      googleResponse.on('data', function(chunk) {
        body += chunk;

      googleResponse.on('end', function() {
        // Make changes to HTML files when they're done being read.
        body = body.replace(/, host + ':' + port);
        body = body.replace(
          '<script src="http://localhost:3000/new-script.js" type="text/javascript"></script></body>'

        clientResponse.writeHead(googleResponse.statusCode, googleResponse.headers);
    else {
      googleResponse.pipe(clientResponse, {
        end: true


How to save an image locally using Python whose URL address I already know?


with open(str('file_name.jpg', 'wb') as handler:

JavaScript set object key by variable

You need to make the object first, then use [] to set it.

var key = "happyCount";
var obj = {};
obj[key] = someValueArray;

UPDATE 2018:

If you're able to use ES6 and Babel, you can use this new feature:

    [yourKeyVariable]: someValueArray,

Set "Homepage" in Asp.Net MVC


Routing is configured in the Configure method of the Startup class. To set the "homepage" simply add the following. This will cause users to be routed to the controller and action defined in the MapRoute method when/if they navigate to your site’s base URL, i.e., will route users to

app.UseMvc(routes =>
   name: "default",
   template: "{controller=FooController}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

Pre-ASP.NET Core

Use the RegisterRoutes method located in either App_Start/RouteConfig.cs (MVC 3 and 4) or Global.asax.cs (MVC 1 and 2) as shown below. This will cause users to be routed to the controller and action defined in the MapRoute method if they navigate to your site’s base URL, i.e., will route the user to

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

    // Here I have created a custom "Default" route that will route users to the "YourAction" method within the "FooController" controller.
        name: "Default",
        url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
        defaults: new { controller = "FooController", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

How to manage Angular2 "expression has changed after it was checked" exception when a component property depends on current datetime

In our case we FIXED by adding changeDetection into the component and call detectChanges() in ngAfterContentChecked, code as follows

  selector: 'app-spinner',
  templateUrl: './spinner.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./spinner.component.scss'],
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class SpinnerComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, AfterContentChecked {

  show = false;

  private subscription: Subscription;

  constructor(private spinnerService: SpinnerService, private changeDedectionRef: ChangeDetectorRef) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this.subscription = this.spinnerService.spinnerState
      .subscribe((state: SpinnerState) => { =;

  ngAfterContentChecked(): void {

  ngOnDestroy() {


where to place CASE WHEN column IS NULL in this query

That looks like it might belong in the select statement:

SELECT id, col1, col2, col3, (CASE WHEN table3.col3 IS NULL THEN table2.col3 AS col4 ELSE table3.col3 as col4 END)
FROM table1
ON =
ON =

SQL query to select dates between two dates

/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS  ******/



  [dbo].[Socials] where educ >= 3 or EzdevajDate  >= '1992/03/31' and EzdevajDate <= '2019/03/09' and MarriageStatus = 1

How to Update/Drop a Hive Partition?

You can either copy files into the folder where external partition is located or use

INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE tablename1 PARTITION (partcol1=val1, partcol2=val2...)...


mean() warning: argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA

The same error appears if you do not use the correct (numeric) format of your data in your data.frame column using mean() function. Therefore, check your data using str(data.frame&column) function to see what data type you have, and convert it to numeric format if necessary. For example, if your data is Character convert it with as.numeric(data.frame$column), or as a factor with as.numeric(as.character(data.frame$column)). The mean function does not work with types other than numeric.

CSS root directory

For example your directory is like this:

Desktop >
        ProjectFolder >
                      css >
                      images >

You are at your style.css and you want to use img.png as a background-image, use this:


Works for me!

Using LINQ to group by multiple properties and sum

Use the .Select() after grouping:

var agencyContracts = _agencyContractsRepository.AgencyContracts
    .GroupBy(ac => new
                       ac.AgencyContractID, // required by your view model. should be omited
                                            // in most cases because group by primary key
                                            // makes no sense.
    .Select(ac => new AgencyContractViewModel
                       AgencyContractID = ac.Key.AgencyContractID,
                       AgencyId = ac.Key.AgencyID,
                       VendorId = ac.Key.VendorID,
                       RegionId = ac.Key.RegionID,
                       Amount = ac.Sum(acs => acs.Amount),
                       Fee = ac.Sum(acs => acs.Fee)

How can I remove file extension from a website address?

Actually, the simplest way to manipulate this is to

  1. Open a new folder on your server, e.g. "Data"
  2. Put index.php (or index.html) in it

And then the URL will read that index.php file. If you want to take it further, open a subfolder (e.g. "List") in it, put another index.php in that folder and you can have run that PHP file.

This way you can have full control over this, very useful for SEO.

Failed to load the JNI shared Library (JDK)

I had the same problem. with 64bit os all should be 64bit. Java and Eclipse. I tried all the methods in stackoverflow and also in youtube. non of them worked for me untill i found this easy method.

I installed 64bit java form Cnet download and the problem was automatically fixed. I mentioned the source because it is too easy to google and go to first Cnet lint rather than oficial site if you are a new bee.

p.s. if you have Android ADT bundle and tried to open eclipse from it and got the same error, you can fix that problem too with this method.

Fastest way to serialize and deserialize .NET objects

I took the liberty of feeding your classes into the CGbR generator. Because it is in an early stage it doesn't support DateTime yet, so I simply replaced it with long. The generated serialization code looks like this:

public int Size
        var size = 24;
        // Add size for collections and strings
        size += Cts == null ? 0 : Cts.Count * 4;
        size += Tes == null ? 0 : Tes.Count * 4;
        size += Code == null ? 0 : Code.Length;
        size += Message == null ? 0 : Message.Length;

        return size;              

public byte[] ToBytes(byte[] bytes, ref int index)
    if (index + Size > bytes.Length)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", "Object does not fit in array");

    // Convert Cts
    // Two bytes length information for each dimension
    GeneratorByteConverter.Include((ushort)(Cts == null ? 0 : Cts.Count), bytes, ref index);
    if (Cts != null)
        for(var i = 0; i < Cts.Count; i++)
            var value = Cts[i];
            value.ToBytes(bytes, ref index);
    // Convert Tes
    // Two bytes length information for each dimension
    GeneratorByteConverter.Include((ushort)(Tes == null ? 0 : Tes.Count), bytes, ref index);
    if (Tes != null)
        for(var i = 0; i < Tes.Count; i++)
            var value = Tes[i];
            value.ToBytes(bytes, ref index);
    // Convert Code
    GeneratorByteConverter.Include(Code, bytes, ref index);
    // Convert Message
    GeneratorByteConverter.Include(Message, bytes, ref index);
    // Convert StartDate
    GeneratorByteConverter.Include(StartDate.ToBinary(), bytes, ref index);
    // Convert EndDate
    GeneratorByteConverter.Include(EndDate.ToBinary(), bytes, ref index);
    return bytes;

public Td FromBytes(byte[] bytes, ref int index)
    // Read Cts
    var ctsLength = GeneratorByteConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, ref index);
    var tempCts = new List<Ct>(ctsLength);
    for (var i = 0; i < ctsLength; i++)
        var value = new Ct().FromBytes(bytes, ref index);
    Cts = tempCts;
    // Read Tes
    var tesLength = GeneratorByteConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, ref index);
    var tempTes = new List<Te>(tesLength);
    for (var i = 0; i < tesLength; i++)
        var value = new Te().FromBytes(bytes, ref index);
    Tes = tempTes;
    // Read Code
    Code = GeneratorByteConverter.GetString(bytes, ref index);
    // Read Message
    Message = GeneratorByteConverter.GetString(bytes, ref index);
    // Read StartDate
    StartDate = DateTime.FromBinary(GeneratorByteConverter.ToInt64(bytes, ref index));
    // Read EndDate
    EndDate = DateTime.FromBinary(GeneratorByteConverter.ToInt64(bytes, ref index));

    return this;

I created a list of sample objects like this:

var objects = new List<Td>();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
    var obj = new Td
        Message = "Hello my friend",
        Code = "Some code that can be put here",
        StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7),
        EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2),
        Cts = new List<Ct>(),
        Tes = new List<Te>()
    for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
        obj.Cts.Add(new Ct { Foo = i * j });
        obj.Tes.Add(new Te { Bar = i + j });

Results on my machine in Release build:

var watch = new Stopwatch();
var bytes = BinarySerializer.SerializeMany(objects);

Size: 149000 bytes

Time: 2.059ms 3.13ms

Edit: Starting with CGbR 0.4.3 the binary serializer supports DateTime. Unfortunately the DateTime.ToBinary method is insanely slow. I will replace it with somehting faster soon.

Edit2: When using UTC DateTime by invoking ToUniversalTime() the performance is restored and clocks in at 1.669ms.

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

First, array_length should be an integer and not a string:

array_length = len(array_dates)

Second, your for loop should be constructed using range:

for i in range(array_length):  # Use `xrange` for python 2.

Third, i will increment automatically, so delete the following line:

i += 1

Note, one could also just zip the two lists given that they have the same length:

import csv

dates = ['2020-01-01', '2020-01-02', '2020-01-03']
urls = ['', '', '']

csv_file_patch = '/path/to/filename.csv'

with open(csv_file_patch, 'w') as fout:
    csv_file = csv.writer(fout, delimiter=';', lineterminator='\n')
    result_array = zip(dates, urls)

Is there a jQuery unfocus method?

This works for me:

// Document click blurer
$(document).on('mousedown', '*:not(input,textarea)', function() {
    try {
        var $a = $(document.activeElement).prop("disabled", true);
        setTimeout(function() {
            $a.prop("disabled", false);
    } catch (ex) {}

What is the default root pasword for MySQL 5.7

To do it in non interactive mode (from a script):

systemctl start mysqld
MYSQL_ROOT_TMP_PSW=$(grep 'temporary password' $logpath/mysqld.log |sed "s|.*: ||")

/usr/bin/mysql --connect-expired-password -u root -p${MYSQL_ROOT_TMP_PSW} < "$mysql_init_script"

Here's the head of the init script

SET GLOBAL validate_password_policy=LOW;
FLUSH privileges;

FLUSH privileges;

FLUSH privileges;


Then restart the service systemctl restart mysqld

Python/Django: log to console under runserver, log to file under Apache

You can configure logging in your file.

One example:

    # will output to your console
        level = logging.DEBUG,
        format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
    # will output to logging file
        level = logging.DEBUG,
        format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
        filename = '/my_log_file.log',
        filemode = 'a'

However that's dependent upon setting DEBUG, and maybe you don't want to have to worry about how it's set up. See this answer on How can I tell whether my Django application is running on development server or not? for a better way of writing that conditional. Edit: the example above is from a Django 1.1 project, logging configuration in Django has changed somewhat since that version.