Programs & Examples On #Lag

Lag is a common word meaning to fail to keep up or to fall behind. In real-time applications, the term is used when the application cannot keep up with performance demand or user input. In other words, it refers to when the application is not keeping up with it's "real-time" concept, due to problems related to poor rate of cycles-per-second, a (possibly cumulative) lateness of response to user input, or other problems.

Real time face detection OpenCV, Python

Your line:

img = cv2.rectangle(img,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,0),2) 

will draw a rectangle in the image, but the return value will be None, so img changes to None and cannot be drawn.



How to resolve the error on 'react-native start'

I found the regexp.source changed from node v12.11.0, maybe the new v8 engine caused. see more on

D:\code\react-native>nvm use 12.10.0
Now using node v12.10.0 (64-bit)

Welcome to Node.js v12.10.0.
Type ".help" for more information.
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source.replace(/\//g, path.sep)
(To exit, press ^C again or ^D or type .exit)

D:\code\react-native>nvm use 12.11.0
Now using node v12.11.0 (64-bit)

Welcome to Node.js v12.11.0.
Type ".help" for more information.
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source.replace(/\//g, path.sep)
(To exit, press ^C again or ^D or type .exit)

D:\code\react-native>nvm use 12.13.0
Now using node v12.13.0 (64-bit)

Welcome to Node.js v12.13.0.
Type ".help" for more information.
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source.replace(/\//g, path.sep)
(To exit, press ^C again or ^D or type .exit)

D:\code\react-native>nvm use 13.3.0
Now using node v13.3.0 (64-bit)

Welcome to Node.js v13.3.0.
Type ".help" for more information.
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source
> /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/.source.replace(/\//g, path.sep)

Understanding esModuleInterop in tsconfig file

in your tsconfig you have to add: "esModuleInterop": true - it should help.

Extract Google Drive zip from Google colab notebook

Mount GDrive:

from google.colab import drive

Open the link -> copy authorization code -> paste that into the prompt and press "Enter"

Check GDrive access:

!ls "/content/gdrive/My Drive"

Unzip (q stands for "quiet") file from GDrive:

!unzip -q "/content/gdrive/My Drive/"

What could cause an error related to npm not being able to find a file? No contents in my node_modules subfolder. Why is that?

It might be related to corruption in Angular Packages or incompatibility of packages.

Please follow the below steps to solve the issue.


ASP.NET Boilerplate suggests here to use yarn because npm has some problems. It is slow and can not consistently resolve dependencies, yarn solves those problems and it is compatible to npm as well.

pip3: command not found

Writing the whole path/directory eg. (for windows) C:\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts\pip3.exe install mypackage. This worked well for me when I had trouble with pip.

startForeground fail after upgrade to Android 8.1

Java Solution (Android 9.0, API 28)

In your Service class, add this:

public void onCreate(){
        startForeground(1, new Notification());

private void startMyOwnForeground(){
    String NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID = "com.example.simpleapp";
    String channelName = "My Background Service";
    NotificationChannel chan = new NotificationChannel(NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID, channelName, NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_NONE);
    NotificationManager manager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
    assert manager != null;

    NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID);
    Notification notification = notificationBuilder.setOngoing(true)
            .setContentTitle("App is running in background")
    startForeground(2, notification);


Add this permission to your AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />

The difference between "require(x)" and "import x"

Let me give an example for Including express module with require & import


var express = require('express');


import * as  express from 'express';

So after using any of the above statement we will have a variable called as 'express' with us. Now we can define 'app' variable as,

var app = express(); 

So we use 'require' with 'CommonJS' and 'import' with 'ES6'.

For more info on 'require' & 'import', read through below links.

require - Requiring modules in Node.js: Everything you need to know

import - An Update on ES6 Modules in Node.js

Node.js: Python not found exception due to node-sass and node-gyp

This is 2 years old, but none of them helped me.

I uninstalled my NodeJS v12.8.1 (Current) and installed a brand new v10.16.3 (LTS) and my ng build --prod worked.

Docker: How to delete all local Docker images

Adding to techtabu's accepted answer, If you're using docker on windows, you can use the following command

for /F "delims=" %A in ('docker ps -a -q') do docker rm %A

here, the command docker ps -a -q lists all the images and this list is passed to docker rm one by one

see this for more details on how this type of command format works in windows cmd.

How do I fix maven error The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly?

I struggled with the same issue, and the following worked for me.

Step 1: Check your JAVA_HOME setting. It may look something like:


Step 2: Update JAVA_HOME like so:

$ vim .bash_profile 

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)

$ source .bash_profile

Step 3: In a new shell, check that the Maven command is now working properly:

$ mvn -version

If this fixed the problem, you should get back a response like:

Apache Maven 3.0.3 (r1075438; 2011-03-01 01:31:09+0800)
Maven home: /usr/share/maven
Java version: 1.7.0_05, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.7.0.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.8.2", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"

Unsupported method: BaseConfig.getApplicationIdSuffix()

If this ()Unsupported method: BaseConfig.getApplicationIdSuffix Android Project is old and you have updated Android Studio, what I did was simply CLOSE PROJECT and ran it again. It solved the issue for me. Did not add any dependencies or whatever as described by other answers.

How to assign more memory to docker container

Allocate maximum memory to your docker machine from (docker preference -> advance )

Screenshot of advance settings: Screenshot of advance settings.

This will set the maximum limit docker consume while running containers. Now run your image in new container with -m=4g flag for 4 gigs ram or more. e.g.

docker run -m=4g {imageID}

Remember to apply the ram limit increase changes. Restart the docker and double check that ram limit did increased. This can be one of the factor you not see the ram limit increase in docker containers.

Angular ForEach in Angular4/Typescript?

you can try typescript's For :

selectChildren(data , $event){
   let parentChecked : boolean = data.checked;
   for(let o of this.hierarchicalData){
      for(let child of o){
         child.checked = parentChecked;

Angular: 'Cannot find a differ supporting object '[object Object]' of type 'object'. NgFor only supports binding to Iterables such as Arrays'

I was the same problem and as Pengyy suggest, that is the fix. Thanks a lot.

My problem on the Browser Console:

Image Problem on Browser Console

PortafolioComponent.html:3 ERROR Error: Error trying to diff '[object Object]'. Only arrays and iterables are allowed(…)

In my case my code fix was:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Http } from '@angular/http';

export class ProductosService {

  productos:any[] = [];
  cargando:boolean = true;

  constructor( private http:Http) {

  public cargar_productos(){

    this.cargando = true;

      .subscribe( res => {
        this.cargando = false;
        this.productos = res.json().productos; // Before this.productos = res.json(); 


re.sub erroring with "Expected string or bytes-like object"

I suppose better would be to use re.match() function. here is an example which may help you.

import re
import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize'punkt')
sentences = word_tokenize("I love to learn NLP \n 'a :(")
#for i in range(len(sentences)):
sentences = [word.lower() for word in sentences if re.match('^[a-zA-Z]+', word)]  

How can I manually set an Angular form field as invalid?

Adding to Julia Passynkova's answer

To set validation error in component:

formData.form.controls['email'].setErrors({'incorrect': true});

To unset validation error in component:


Be careful with unsetting the errors using null as this will overwrite all errors. If you want to keep some around you may have to check for the existence of other errors first:

if (isIncorrectOnlyError){

How to resolve Nodejs: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory

@olleh answer worked because npm install will create a node_modules directory in the current path where it is executed. So, while using the file server system module, the below declaration locate files from the top level directory of node_modules.

const fs = require('fs')

Why Python 3.6.1 throws AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'?

Installing version 1.1.8 of enum34 worked for me.

I was able to fix this by adding enum34 = "==1.1.8" to pyproject.toml. Apparently enum34 had a feature in v1.1.8 that avoided this error, but this regressed in v1.1.9+. This is just a workaround though. The better solution would be for packages to use environment markers so you don't have to install enum34 at all unless needed.


How to update nested state properties in React


Nested State in React is wrong design

Read this excellent answer.


Reasoning behind this answer:

React's setState is just a built-in convenience, but you soon realise that it has its limits. Using custom properties and intelligent use of forceUpdate gives you much more. eg:

class MyClass extends React.Component {
    myState = someObject
    inputValue = 42

MobX, for example, ditches state completely and uses custom observable properties.
Use Observables instead of state in React components.


the answer to your misery - see example here

There is another shorter way to update whatever nested property.

this.setState(state => {
  state.nested.flag = false
  state.another.deep.prop = true
  return state

On one line

 this.setState(state => (state.nested.flag = false, state))

note: This here is Comma operator ~MDN, see it in action here (Sandbox).

It is similar to (though this doesn't change state reference)

this.state.nested.flag = false

For the subtle difference in this context between forceUpdate and setState see the linked example and sandbox.

Of course this is abusing some core principles, as the state should be read-only, but since you are immediately discarding the old state and replacing it with new state, it is completely ok.


Even though the component containing the state will update and rerender properly (except this gotcha), the props will fail to propagate to children (see Spymaster's comment below). Only use this technique if you know what you are doing.

For example, you may pass a changed flat prop that is updated and passed easily.

  //some complex render with your nested state
  <ChildComponent complexNestedProp={this.state.nested} pleaseRerender={Math.random()}/>

Now even though reference for complexNestedProp did not change (shouldComponentUpdate)

this.props.complexNestedProp === nextProps.complexNestedProp

the component will rerender whenever parent component updates, which is the case after calling this.setState or this.forceUpdate in the parent.

Effects of mutating the state sandbox

Using nested state and mutating the state directly is dangerous because different objects might hold (intentionally or not) different (older) references to the state and might not necessarily know when to update (for example when using PureComponent or if shouldComponentUpdate is implemented to return false) OR are intended to display old data like in the example below.

Imagine a timeline that is supposed to render historic data, mutating the data under the hand will result in unexpected behaviour as it will also change previous items.

state-flow state-flow-nested

Anyway here you can see that Nested PureChildClass is not rerendered due to props failing to propagate.

Why isn't this code to plot a histogram on a continuous value Pandas column working?

Here's another way to plot the data, involves turning the date_time into an index, this might help you for future slicing

#convert column to datetime
trip_data['lpep_pickup_datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(trip_data['lpep_pickup_datetime'])
#turn the datetime to an index
trip_data.index = trip_data['lpep_pickup_datetime']

docker build with --build-arg with multiple arguments

Use --build-arg with each argument.

If you are passing two argument then add --build-arg with each argument like:

docker build \
-t essearch/ess-elasticsearch:1.7.6 \
--build-arg number_of_shards=5 \
--build-arg number_of_replicas=2 \
--no-cache .

ARG or ENV, which one to use in this case?

From Dockerfile reference:

  • The ARG instruction defines a variable that users can pass at build-time to the builder with the docker build command using the --build-arg <varname>=<value> flag.

  • The ENV instruction sets the environment variable <key> to the value <value>.
    The environment variables set using ENV will persist when a container is run from the resulting image.

So if you need build-time customization, ARG is your best choice.
If you need run-time customization (to run the same image with different settings), ENV is well-suited.

If I want to add let's say 20 (a random number) of extensions or any other feature that can be enable|disable

Given the number of combinations involved, using ENV to set those features at runtime is best here.

But you can combine both by:

  • building an image with a specific ARG
  • using that ARG as an ENV

That is, with a Dockerfile including:

ARG var
ENV var=${var}

You can then either build an image with a specific var value at build-time (docker build --build-arg var=xxx), or run a container with a specific runtime value (docker run -e var=yyy)

python pip - install from local dir

You were looking for help on installations with pip. You can find it with the following command:

pip install --help

Running pip install -e /path/to/package installs the package in a way, that you can edit the package, and when a new import call looks for it, it will import the edited package code. This can be very useful for package development.

"pip install json" fails on Ubuntu

While it's true that json is a built-in module, I also found that on an Ubuntu system with python-minimal installed, you DO have python but you can't do import json. And then I understand that you would try to install the module using pip!

If you have python-minimal you'll get a version of python with less modules than when you'd typically compile python yourself, and one of the modules you'll be missing is the json module. The solution is to install an additional package, called libpython2.7-stdlib, to install all 'default' python libraries.

sudo apt install libpython2.7-stdlib

And then you can do import json in python and it would work!

How to upgrade Angular CLI project?

To update Angular CLI to a new version, you must update both the global package and your project's local package.

Global package:

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache clean
npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

Local project package:

rm -rf node_modules dist # use rmdir /S/Q node_modules dist in Windows Command Prompt; use rm -r -fo node_modules,dist in Windows PowerShell
npm install --save-dev @angular/cli@latest
npm install

See the reference

How to `wget` a list of URLs in a text file?

If you also want to preserve the original file name, try with:

wget --content-disposition --trust-server-names -i list_of_urls.txt

Can Keras with Tensorflow backend be forced to use CPU or GPU at will?

I just spent some time figure it out. Thoma's answer is not complete. Say your program is, you want to use gpu0 to run this program, and keep other gpus free.

You should write CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python

Notice it's DEVICES not DEVICE

How to uninstall/upgrade Angular CLI?

None of the above solutions alone worked for me. On Windows 7 this worked:

Install Rapid Environment Editor and remove any entries for node, npm, angular-cli or @angular/cli

Uninstall node.js and reinstall. Run Rapid Environment Editor again and make sure node.js and npm are in your System or User path. Uninstall any existing ng versions with:

npm uninstall -g angular-cli

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli

npm cache clean

Delete the C:\Users\YOU\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@angular folder.

Reboot, then, finally, run:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Then hold your breath and run ng -v. If you're lucky, you'll get some love. Hold your breath henceforward every time you run the ng command, because 'command not found' has magically reappeared for me several times after ng was running fine and I thought the problem was solved.

http post - how to send Authorization header?

you need RequestOptions

 let headers = new Headers({'Content-Type': 'application/json'});  
 headers.append('Authorization','Bearer ')
 let options = new RequestOptions({headers: headers});

for more check this link

Angular2 If ngModel is used within a form tag, either the name attribute must be set or the form

For me, the solution was very simple. I changed the <form> tag into a <div> and the error goes away.

Curl to return http status code along with the response

while : ; do curl -sL -w "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n" http://host -o /dev/null; done

ImportError: No module named google.protobuf

When pip tells you that you already have protobuf, but PyCharm (or other) tells you that you don't have it, it means that pip and PyCharm are using a different Python interpreter. This is a very common issue, especially on a Mac, with no standard Python package management.

The best way to completely eliminate such issues is using a virtualenv per Python project, which is essentially a directory of Python packages and environment variable settings to isolate the Python environment of the project from everything else.

Create a virtualenv for your project like this:

cd project
virtualenv --distribute virtualenv -p /path/to/python/executable

This creates a directory called virtualenv inside your project. (Make sure to configure your VCS (for example Git) to ignore this directory.)

To install packages in this virtualenv, you need to activate the environment variable settings:

. virtualenv/bin/activate

Verify that pip will use the right Python executable inside the virtualenv, by running pip -V. It should tell you the Python library path used, which should be inside the virtualenv.

Now you can use pip to install protobuf as you did.

And finally, you need to make PyCharm use this virtualenv instead of the system libraries. Somewhere in the project settings you can configure an interpreter for the project, select the Python executable inside the virtualenv.

Homebrew refusing to link OpenSSL

By default, homebrew gave me OpenSSL version 1.1 and I was looking for version 1.0 instead. This worked for me.

To install version 1.0:

brew install

Then I tried to symlink my way through it but it gave me the following error:

ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2t/include/openssl /usr/bin/openssl
ln: /usr/bin/openssl: Operation not permitted

Finally linked openssl to point to 1.0 version using brew switch command:

brew switch openssl 1.0.2t
Cleaning /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2t
Opt link created for /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2t

Node.js heap out of memory

Upgrade node to the latest version. I was on node 6.6 with this error and upgraded to 8.9.4 and the problem went away.

Installing a pip package from within a Jupyter Notebook not working

! pip install --user <package>

The ! tells the notebook to execute the cell as a shell command.

'No database provider has been configured for this DbContext' on SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync

If AddDbContext is used, then also ensure that your DbContext type accepts a DbContextOptions object in its constructor and passes it to the base constructor for DbContext.

The error message says your DbContext(LogManagerContext ) needs a constructor which accepts a DbContextOptions. But i couldn't find such a constructor in your DbContext. So adding below constructor probably solves your problem.

    public LogManagerContext(DbContextOptions options) : base(options)

Edit for comment

If you don't register IHttpContextAccessor explicitly, use below code:

services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>(); 

android.os.FileUriExposedException: file:///storage/emulated/0/test.txt exposed beyond app through Intent.getData()

I know this is a pretty old question but this answer is for future viewers. So I've encountered a similar problem and after researching, I've found an alternative to this approach.

Your Intent here for eg: To view your image from your path in Kotlin

 val intent = Intent()
 val file = File(currentUri)
 val contentURI = getContentUri(context!!, file.absolutePath)

Main Function below

private fun getContentUri(context:Context, absPath:String):Uri? {
        val cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(
            MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA + "=? ",
            arrayOf<String>(absPath), null)
        if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst())
            val id = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID))
            return Uri.withAppendedPath(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, Integer.toString(id))
        else if (!absPath.isEmpty())
            val values = ContentValues()
            values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA, absPath)
            return context.getContentResolver().insert(
                MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values)
            return null

Likewise, instead of an image, you can use any other file format like pdf and in my case, it worked just fine

Can’t delete docker image with dependent child images

I also got this issue, I could resolve issue with below commands. this may be cause, the image's container is running or exit so before remove image you need to remove container

docker ps -a -f status=exited : this command shows all the exited containers so then copy container Id and then run below commands to remove container

docker rm #containerId : this command remove container this may be issue that mention "image has dependent child images"

Then try to remove image with below command

docker rmi #ImageId

Git refusing to merge unrelated histories on rebase

Since all the other answers are not actually answering the question, here is a solution inspired by this answer on a related question.

So you get your error doing git rebase:

$ git rebase origin/development
fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories
Error redoing merge 1234deadbeef1234deadbeef

This error doesn't actually cancel the rebase, but you are now in the middle of it:

$ git status
interactive rebase in progress; onto 4321beefdead
Last command done (1 command done):
   pick 1234deadbeef1234deadbeef test merge commit

So you can now do the merge by hand. Find out the parent commits of the original merge commit:

$ git log -1 1234deadbeef1234deadbeef
commit 1234deadbeef1234deadbeef
Merge: 111111111 222222222
Author: Hans Dampf
Date:   Wed Jun 6 18:04:35 2018 +0200

    test merge commit

Find out which of the two merge parents is the one that was merged into the current one (probably the second one, verify with git log 222222222), and then do the merge by hand, copying the commit message of the original merge commit:

$ git merge --allow-unrelated 222222222 --no-commit
Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested
$ git commit -C 1234deadbeef1234deadbeef
[detached HEAD 909af09ec] test merge commit
 Date: Wed Jun 6 18:04:35 2018 +0200
$ git rebase --continue
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/test-branch.

How to add bootstrap to an angular-cli project

Run This Command

npm install bootstrap@3

your Angular.json

"styles": [

org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug'

delete intermediates folder from app\build\intermediates. then rebuild the project. it will work

Firebase cloud messaging notification not received by device

private void sendNotification(String message) {
    Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
    int requestCode = 0;
    PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, requestCode, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT);
    Uri sound = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.URI_COLUMN_INDEX);
    NotificationCompat.Builder noBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
            .setContentTitle("FCM Message")
            .setContentText("hello").setLargeIcon(((BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(
            .setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle()
                    .bigPicture(((BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(

    NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager)getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

Notification Icon with the new Firebase Cloud Messaging system

My solution is similar to ATom's one, but easier to implement. You don't need to create a class that shadows FirebaseMessagingService completely, you can just override the method that receives the Intent (which is public, at least in version 9.6.1) and take the information to be displayed from the extras. The "hacky" part is that the method name is indeed obfuscated and is gonna change every time you update the Firebase sdk to a new version, but you can look it up quickly by inspecting FirebaseMessagingService with Android Studio and looking for a public method that takes an Intent as the only parameter. In version 9.6.1 it's called zzm. Here's how my service looks like:

public class MyNotificationService extends FirebaseMessagingService {

    public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
        // do nothing

    public void zzm(Intent intent) {
        Intent launchIntent = new Intent(this, SplashScreenActivity.class);
        PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0 /* R    equest code */, launchIntent,
        Bitmap rawBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),
        NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)

        NotificationManager notificationManager =
                (NotificationManager)     getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

        notificationManager.notify(0 /* ID of notification */,;

angular-cli server - how to specify default port

There might be a situation when you want to use NodeJS environment variable to specify Angular CLI dev server port. One of the possible solution is to move CLI dev server running into a separate NodeJS script, which will read port value (e.g from .env file) and use it executing ng serve with port parameter:

// run-env.js
const dotenv = require('dotenv');
const child_process = require('child_process');

const config = dotenv.config()
const DEV_SERVER_PORT = process.env.DEV_SERVER_PORT || 4200;

const child = child_process.exec(`ng serve --port=${DEV_SERVER_PORT}`);
child.stdout.on('data', data => console.log(data.toString()));

Then you may a) run this script directly via node run-env, b) run it via npm by updating package.json, for example

"scripts": {
  "start": "node run-env"

run-env.js should be committed to the repo, .env should not. More details on the approach can be found in this post: How to change Angular CLI Development Server Port via .env.

PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name

As mentioned in the error, the official manual and the comments:


public function TSStatus($host, $queryPort)


public function __construct($host, $queryPort)

Interactive shell using Docker Compose

If anyone from the future also wanders up here:

docker-compose exec container_name sh


docker-compose exec container_name bash

or you can run single lines like

docker-compose exec container_name php -v

That is after you already have your containers up and running

Serialize and Deserialize Json and Json Array in Unity

Like @Maximiliangerhardt said, MiniJson do not have the capability to deserialize properly. I used JsonFx and works like a charm. Works with the []

player[] p = JsonReader.Deserialize<player[]>(serviceData);
Debug.Log(p[0].playerId +" "+ p[0].playerLoc+"--"+ p[1].playerId + " " + p[1].playerLoc+"--"+ p[2].playerId + " " + p[2].playerLoc);

How to use a client certificate to authenticate and authorize in a Web API

Looking at the source code I also think there must be some issue with the private key.

What it is doing is actually to check if the certificate that is passed is of type X509Certificate2 and if it has the private key.

If it doesn't find the private key it tries to find the certificate in the CurrentUser store and then in the LocalMachine store. If it finds the certificate it checks if the private key is present.

(see source code from class SecureChannnel, method EnsurePrivateKey)

So depending on which file you imported (.cer - without private key or .pfx - with private key) and on which store it might not find the right one and Request.ClientCertificate won't be populated.

You can activate Network Tracing to try to debug this. It will give you output like this:

  • Trying to find a matching certificate in the certificate store
  • Cannot find the certificate in either the LocalMachine store or the CurrentUser store.

Disable-web-security in Chrome 48+

It working for me. Try using will help you out..

c:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application>chrome.exe --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="D:\chrome"

react change class name on state change

Below is a fully functional example of what I believe you're trying to do (with a functional snippet).


Based on your question, you seem to be modifying 1 property in state for all of your elements. That's why when you click on one, all of them are being changed.

In particular, notice that the state tracks an index of which element is active. When MyClickable is clicked, it tells the Container its index, Container updates the state, and subsequently the isActive property of the appropriate MyClickables.


class Container extends React.Component {_x000D_
  state = {_x000D_
    activeIndex: null_x000D_
  handleClick = (index) => this.setState({ activeIndex: index })_x000D_
  render() {_x000D_
    return <div>_x000D_
      <MyClickable name="a" index={0} isActive={ this.state.activeIndex===0 } onClick={ this.handleClick } />_x000D_
      <MyClickable name="b" index={1} isActive={ this.state.activeIndex===1 } onClick={ this.handleClick }/>_x000D_
      <MyClickable name="c" index={2} isActive={ this.state.activeIndex===2 } onClick={ this.handleClick }/>_x000D_
class MyClickable extends React.Component {_x000D_
  handleClick = () => this.props.onClick(this.props.index)_x000D_
  render() {_x000D_
    return <button_x000D_
        this.props.isActive ? 'active' : 'album'_x000D_
      onClick={ this.handleClick }_x000D_
      <span>{ }</span>_x000D_
ReactDOM.render(<Container />, document.getElementById('app'))
button {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 1em;_x000D_
.album>span:after {_x000D_
  content: ' (an album)';_x000D_
.active {_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
.active>span:after {_x000D_
  content: ' ACTIVE';_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="app"></div>

Update: "Loops"

In response to a comment about a "loop" version, I believe the question is about rendering an array of MyClickable elements. We won't use a loop, but map, which is typical in React + JSX. The following should give you the same result as above, but it works with an array of elements.

// New render method for `Container`
render() {
  const clickables = [
    { name: "a" },
    { name: "b" },
    { name: "c" },

  return <div>
      {, i) {
          return <MyClickable key={ }
            name={ }
            index={ i }
            isActive={ this.state.activeIndex === i }
            onClick={ this.handleClick }
        } )

How to install npm peer dependencies automatically?

I experienced these errors when I was developing an npm package that had peerDependencies. I had to ensure that any peerDependencies were also listed as devDependencies. The project would not automatically use the globally installed packages.

How to install latest version of openssl Mac OS X El Capitan

I can't reproduce your issue running El Cap + Homebrew 1.0.x

Upgrade to Homebrew 1.0.x, which was released late in September. Specific changes were made in the way openssl is linked. The project is on a more robust release schedule now that it's hit 1.0.

brew uninstall openssl
brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup && brew doctor

You should fix any issues raised by brew doctor before proceeding.

brew install openssl

Note: Upgrading homebrew will update all your installed packages to their latest versions.

How to select a schema in postgres when using psql?

if you in psql just type

set schema 'temp';

and after that \d shows all relations in "temp

"unexpected token import" in Nodejs5 and babel?

  1. Install packages: babel-core, babel-polyfill, babel-preset-es2015
  2. Create .babelrc with contents: { "presets": ["es2015"] }
  3. Do not put import statement in your main entry file, use another file eg: app.js and your main entry file should required babel-core/register and babel-polyfill to make babel works separately at the first place before anything else. Then you can require app.js where import statement.





import co from 'co';

It should works with node index.js.

How do I set up CLion to compile and run?

I met some problems in Clion and finally, I solved them. Here is some experience.

  1. Download and install MinGW
  2. g++ and gcc package should be installed by default. Use the MinGW installation manager to install mingw32-libz and mingw32-make. You can open MinGW installation manager through C:\MinGW\libexec\mingw-get.exe This step is the most important step. If Clion cannot find make, C compiler and C++ compiler, recheck the MinGW installation manager to make every necessary package is installed.
  3. In Clion, open File->Settings->Build,Execution,Deployment->Toolchains. Set MinGW home as your local MinGW file.
  4. Start your "Hello World"!

How do I prevent the error "Index signature of object type implicitly has an 'any' type" when compiling typescript with noImplicitAny flag enabled?

Adding an index signature will let TypeScript know what the type should be.

In your case that would be [key: string]: string;

interface ISomeObject {
    firstKey:      string;
    secondKey:     string;
    thirdKey:      string;
    [key: string]: string;

However, this also enforces all of the property types to match the index signature. Since all of the properties are a string it works.

While index signatures are a powerful way to describe the array and 'dictionary' pattern, they also enforce that all properties match their return type.


If the types don't match, a union type can be used [key: string]: string|IOtherObject;

With union types, it's better if you let TypeScript infer the type instead of defining it.

// Type of `secondValue` is `string|IOtherObject`
let secondValue = someObject[key];
// Type of `foo` is `string`
let foo = secondValue + '';

Although that can get a little messy if you have a lot of different types in the index signatures. The alternative to that is to use any in the signature. [key: string]: any; Then you would need to cast the types like you did above.

Add views below toolbar in CoordinatorLayout

As of Android studio 3.4, You need to put this line in your Layout which holds the RecyclerView.


UIAlertView first deprecated IOS 9

Make UIAlertController+AlertController Category as:


typedef void (^UIAlertCompletionBlock) (UIAlertController *alertViewController, NSInteger buttonIndex);

@interface UIAlertController (AlertController)

+ (instancetype)showAlertIn:(UIViewController *)controller
                  WithTitle:(NSString *)title
                    message:(NSString *)message
          cancelButtonTitle:(NSString *)cancelButtonTitle
          otherButtonTitles:(NSString *)otherButtonTitle


@implementation UIAlertController (NTAlertController)

+ (instancetype)showAlertIn:(UIViewController *)controller
                  WithTitle:(NSString *)title
                    message:(NSString *)message
          cancelButtonTitle:(NSString *)cancelButtonTitle
          otherButtonTitles:(NSString *)otherButtonTitle
                   tapBlock:(UIAlertCompletionBlock)tapBlock {

    UIAlertController *alertController = [self alertControllerWithTitle:title message:message preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];

    if(cancelButtonTitle != nil) {

        UIAlertAction *cancelButton = [UIAlertAction
                                       handler:^(UIAlertAction *action)
                                           tapBlock(alertController, ALERTACTION_CANCEL); // CANCEL BUTTON CALL BACK ACTION
        [alertController addAction:cancelButton];


    if(otherButtonTitle != nil) {

        UIAlertAction *otherButton = [UIAlertAction
                                   handler:^(UIAlertAction *action)
                                       tapBlock(alertController, ALERTACTION_OTHER); // OTHER BUTTON CALL BACK ACTION

        [alertController addAction:otherButton];

    [controller presentViewController:alertController animated:YES completion:nil];

    return alertController;


in your ViewController.m

[UIAlertController showAlertIn:self WithTitle:@"" message:@"" cancelButtonTitle:@"Cancel" otherButtonTitles:@"Other" tapBlock:^(UIAlertController *alertController, NSInteger index){




 [alertController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];


NOTE: If you want to add more than two buttons then add another more UIAlertAction to the UIAlertController.

READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission for Android

I also had a similar error log and here's what I did-

  1. In onCreate method we request a Dialog Box for checking permissions

    new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE},1);
  2. Method to check for the result

    public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String permissions[], int[] grantResults) {
    switch (requestCode) {
        case 1: {
            // If request is cancelled, the result arrays are empty.
            if (grantResults.length > 0
                    && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
                // permission granted and now can proceed
             mymethod(); //a sample method called
            } else {
                // permission denied, boo! Disable the
                // functionality that depends on this permission.
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Permission denied to read your External storage", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        // add other cases for more permissions

The official documentation to Requesting Runtime Permissions

Change the location of the ~ directory in a Windows install of Git Bash

In my case, all I had to do was add the following User variable on Windows:

Variable name: HOME
Variable value: %USERPROFILE%

How to set a Environment Variable (You can use the User variables for username section if you are not a system administrator)

Android: Unable to add window. Permission denied for this window type

change your flag Windowmanger flag "TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY" to "TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY" in your project to make compatible with Android O

WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_PHONE to WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY

Your project path contains non-ASCII characters android studio

If you face with the problem at the first time installing Android Studio on your computer.

  1. mklink /D "c:\Android-Sdk" "C:\Users\ **YOUR-USERNAME** \AppData\Local\Android\sdk"

  2. Go to "C:\Users\ YOUR-USERNAME \AppData\Local\" path and create Android\sdk folders inside it.

  3. After that you can continue installation.

How to connect a Windows Mobile PDA to Windows 10

Unfortunately the Windows Mobile Device Center stopped working out of the box after the Creators Update for Windows 10. The application won't open and therefore it's impossible to get the sync working. In order to get it running now we need to modify the ActiveSync registry settings. Create a BAT file with the following contents and run it as administrator:

REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RapiMgr /v SvcHostSplitDisable /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WcesComm /v SvcHostSplitDisable /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

Restart the computer and everything should work.

"OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted" when installing Scrapy in OSX 10.11 (El Capitan) (System Integrity Protection)


I would suggest very strongly against modifying the system Python on Mac; there are numerous issues that can occur.

Your particular error shows that the installer has issues resolving the dependencies for Scrapy without impacting the current Python installation. The system uses Python for a number of essential tasks, so it's important to keep the system installation stable and as originally installed by Apple.

I would also exhaust all other possibilities before bypassing built in security.

Package Manager Solutions:

Please look into a Python virtualization tool such as virtualenv first; this will allow you to experiment safely.

Another useful tool to use languages and software without conflicting with your Mac OS is Homebrew. Like MacPorts or Fink, Homebrew is a package manager for Mac, and is useful for safely trying lots of other languages and tools.

"Roll your own" Software Installs:

If you don't like the package manager approach, you could use the /usr/local path or create an /opt/local directory for installing an alternate Python installation and fix up your paths in your .bashrc. Note that you'll have to enable root for these solutions.

How to do it anyway:

If you absolutely must disable the security check (and I sincerely hope it's for something other than messing with the system languages and resources), you can disable it temporarily and re-enable it using some of the techniques in this post on how to Disable System Integrity-Protection.

pip installation /usr/local/opt/python/bin/python2.7: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I had similar issue. Basically pip was looking in a wrong path (old installation path) or python. The following solution worked for me:

  • I checked where the python path is (try which python)
  • I checked the first line on the pip file (/usr/local/bin/pip2.7 and /usr/local/bin/pip). The line should state the correct path to the python path. In my case, didn't. I corrected it and now it works fine.

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character at special name

You really want to do this

flog.write("\nCompany Name: "+ pCompanyName.encode('utf-8'))

This is the "encode late" strategy described in this unicode presentation (slides 32 through 35).

TypeError: can't use a string pattern on a bytes-like object in re.findall()

The problem is that your regex is a string, but html is bytes:

>>> type(html)
<class 'bytes'>

Since python doesn't know how those bytes are encoded, it throws an exception when you try to use a string regex on them.

You can either decode the bytes to a string:

html = html.decode('ISO-8859-1')  # encoding may vary!
title = re.findall(pattern, html)  # no more error

Or use a bytes regex:

regex = rb'<title>(,+?)</title>'
#        ^

In this particular context, you can get the encoding from the response headers:

with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:
    encoding ='charset', 'utf8')
    html =

See the urlopen documentation for more details.

Android Push Notifications: Icon not displaying in notification, white square shown instead

(Android Studio 3.5) If you're a recent version of Android Studio, you can generate your notification images. Right click on your res folder > New > Image Asset. You will then see Configure Image Assets as shown in the image below. Change Icon Type to Notification Icons. Your images must be white and transparent. This Configure Image Assets will enforce that rule. Configure Image Assets Important: If you want the icons to be used for cloud/push notifications, you must add the meta-data under your application tag to use the newly created notification icons.

      <meta-data android:name=""
          android:resource="@drawable/ic_notification" />

Check for internet connection with Swift

Just figured this out for myself.

Xcode: 7.3.1, iOS 9.3.3

Using ashleymills/Reachability.swift as Reachability.swift in my project, I created the following function:

func hasConnectivity() -> Bool {
    do {
        let reachability: Reachability = try Reachability.reachabilityForInternetConnection()
        let networkStatus: Int = reachability.currentReachabilityStatus.hashValue

        return (networkStatus != 0)
    catch {
        // Handle error however you please
        return false

Simply call hasConnectivity() where ever you need to check for a connection. This works for Wifi as well as Cellular.

Adding ashleymills's Reachability.swift so people dont have to move between sites:

Copyright (c) 2014, Ashley Mills
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.


// Reachability.swift version 2.2beta2

import SystemConfiguration
import Foundation

public enum ReachabilityError: ErrorType {
    case FailedToCreateWithAddress(sockaddr_in)
    case FailedToCreateWithHostname(String)
    case UnableToSetCallback
    case UnableToSetDispatchQueue

public let ReachabilityChangedNotification = "ReachabilityChangedNotification"

func callback(reachability:SCNetworkReachability, flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags, info: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) {
    let reachability = Unmanaged<Reachability>.fromOpaque(COpaquePointer(info)).takeUnretainedValue()

    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {

public class Reachability: NSObject {

    public typealias NetworkReachable = (Reachability) -> ()
    public typealias NetworkUnreachable = (Reachability) -> ()

    public enum NetworkStatus: CustomStringConvertible {

        case NotReachable, ReachableViaWiFi, ReachableViaWWAN

        public var description: String {
            switch self {
            case .ReachableViaWWAN:
                return "Cellular"
            case .ReachableViaWiFi:
                return "WiFi"
            case .NotReachable:
                return "No Connection"

    // MARK: - *** Public properties ***
    public var whenReachable: NetworkReachable?
    public var whenUnreachable: NetworkUnreachable?
    public var reachableOnWWAN: Bool
    public var notificationCenter = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()

    public var currentReachabilityStatus: NetworkStatus {
        if isReachable() {
            if isReachableViaWiFi() {
                return .ReachableViaWiFi
            if isRunningOnDevice {
                return .ReachableViaWWAN
        return .NotReachable

    public var currentReachabilityString: String {
        return "\(currentReachabilityStatus)"

    private var previousFlags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags?

    // MARK: - *** Initialisation methods ***

    required public init(reachabilityRef: SCNetworkReachability) {
        reachableOnWWAN = true
        self.reachabilityRef = reachabilityRef

    public convenience init(hostname: String) throws {

        let nodename = (hostname as NSString).UTF8String
        guard let ref = SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithName(nil, nodename) else { throw ReachabilityError.FailedToCreateWithHostname(hostname) }

        self.init(reachabilityRef: ref)

    public class func reachabilityForInternetConnection() throws -> Reachability {

        var zeroAddress = sockaddr_in()
        zeroAddress.sin_len = UInt8(sizeofValue(zeroAddress))
        zeroAddress.sin_family = sa_family_t(AF_INET)

        guard let ref = withUnsafePointer(&zeroAddress, {
            SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress(nil, UnsafePointer($0))
        }) else { throw ReachabilityError.FailedToCreateWithAddress(zeroAddress) }

        return Reachability(reachabilityRef: ref)

    public class func reachabilityForLocalWiFi() throws -> Reachability {

        var localWifiAddress: sockaddr_in = sockaddr_in(sin_len: __uint8_t(0), sin_family: sa_family_t(0), sin_port: in_port_t(0), sin_addr: in_addr(s_addr: 0), sin_zero: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
        localWifiAddress.sin_len = UInt8(sizeofValue(localWifiAddress))
        localWifiAddress.sin_family = sa_family_t(AF_INET)

        // IN_LINKLOCALNETNUM is defined in <netinet/in.h> as
        let address: UInt32 = 0xA9FE0000
        localWifiAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = in_addr_t(address.bigEndian)

        guard let ref = withUnsafePointer(&localWifiAddress, {
            SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress(nil, UnsafePointer($0))
        }) else { throw ReachabilityError.FailedToCreateWithAddress(localWifiAddress) }

        return Reachability(reachabilityRef: ref)

    // MARK: - *** Notifier methods ***
    public func startNotifier() throws {

        guard !notifierRunning else { return }

        var context = SCNetworkReachabilityContext(version: 0, info: nil, retain: nil, release: nil, copyDescription: nil) = UnsafeMutablePointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque())

        if !SCNetworkReachabilitySetCallback(reachabilityRef!, callback, &context) {
            throw ReachabilityError.UnableToSetCallback

        if !SCNetworkReachabilitySetDispatchQueue(reachabilityRef!, reachabilitySerialQueue) {
            throw ReachabilityError.UnableToSetDispatchQueue

        // Perform an intial check
        dispatch_async(reachabilitySerialQueue) { () -> Void in
            let flags = self.reachabilityFlags

        notifierRunning = true

    public func stopNotifier() {
        defer { notifierRunning = false }
        guard let reachabilityRef = reachabilityRef else { return }

        SCNetworkReachabilitySetCallback(reachabilityRef, nil, nil)
        SCNetworkReachabilitySetDispatchQueue(reachabilityRef, nil)

    // MARK: - *** Connection test methods ***
    public func isReachable() -> Bool {
        let flags = reachabilityFlags
        return isReachableWithFlags(flags)

    public func isReachableViaWWAN() -> Bool {

        let flags = reachabilityFlags

        // Check we're not on the simulator, we're REACHABLE and check we're on WWAN
        return isRunningOnDevice && isReachable(flags) && isOnWWAN(flags)

    public func isReachableViaWiFi() -> Bool {

        let flags = reachabilityFlags

        // Check we're reachable
        if !isReachable(flags) {
            return false

        // Must be on WiFi if reachable but not on an iOS device (i.e. simulator)
        if !isRunningOnDevice {
            return true

        // Check we're NOT on WWAN
        return !isOnWWAN(flags)

    // MARK: - *** Private methods ***
    private var isRunningOnDevice: Bool = {
        #if (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)) && os(iOS)
            return false
            return true

    private var notifierRunning = false
    private var reachabilityRef: SCNetworkReachability?
    private let reachabilitySerialQueue = dispatch_queue_create("", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL)

    private func reachabilityChanged(flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags) {

        guard previousFlags != flags else { return }

        if isReachableWithFlags(flags) {
            if let block = whenReachable {
        } else {
            if let block = whenUnreachable {

        notificationCenter.postNotificationName(ReachabilityChangedNotification, object:self)

        previousFlags = flags

    private func isReachableWithFlags(flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags) -> Bool {

        if !isReachable(flags) {
            return false

        if isConnectionRequiredOrTransient(flags) {
            return false

        if isRunningOnDevice {
            if isOnWWAN(flags) && !reachableOnWWAN {
                // We don't want to connect when on 3G.
                return false

        return true

    // WWAN may be available, but not active until a connection has been established.
    // WiFi may require a connection for VPN on Demand.
    private func isConnectionRequired() -> Bool {
        return connectionRequired()

    private func connectionRequired() -> Bool {
        let flags = reachabilityFlags
        return isConnectionRequired(flags)

    // Dynamic, on demand connection?
    private func isConnectionOnDemand() -> Bool {
        let flags = reachabilityFlags
        return isConnectionRequired(flags) && isConnectionOnTrafficOrDemand(flags)

    // Is user intervention required?
    private func isInterventionRequired() -> Bool {
        let flags = reachabilityFlags
        return isConnectionRequired(flags) && isInterventionRequired(flags)

    private func isOnWWAN(flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags) -> Bool {
        #if os(iOS)
            return flags.contains(.IsWWAN)
            return false
    private func isReachable(flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags) -> Bool {
        return flags.contains(.Reachable)
    private func isConnectionRequired(flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags) -> Bool {
        return flags.contains(.ConnectionRequired)
    private func isInterventionRequired(flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags) -> Bool {
        return flags.contains(.InterventionRequired)
    private func isConnectionOnTraffic(flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags) -> Bool {
        return flags.contains(.ConnectionOnTraffic)
    private func isConnectionOnDemand(flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags) -> Bool {
        return flags.contains(.ConnectionOnDemand)
    func isConnectionOnTrafficOrDemand(flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags) -> Bool {
        return !flags.intersect([.ConnectionOnTraffic, .ConnectionOnDemand]).isEmpty
    private func isTransientConnection(flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags) -> Bool {
        return flags.contains(.TransientConnection)
    private func isLocalAddress(flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags) -> Bool {
        return flags.contains(.IsLocalAddress)
    private func isDirect(flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags) -> Bool {
        return flags.contains(.IsDirect)
    private func isConnectionRequiredOrTransient(flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags) -> Bool {
        let testcase:SCNetworkReachabilityFlags = [.ConnectionRequired, .TransientConnection]
        return flags.intersect(testcase) == testcase

    private var reachabilityFlags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags {

        guard let reachabilityRef = reachabilityRef else { return SCNetworkReachabilityFlags() }

        var flags = SCNetworkReachabilityFlags()
        let gotFlags = withUnsafeMutablePointer(&flags) {
            SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags(reachabilityRef, UnsafeMutablePointer($0))

        if gotFlags {
            return flags
        } else {
            return SCNetworkReachabilityFlags()

    override public var description: String {

        var W: String
        if isRunningOnDevice {
            W = isOnWWAN(reachabilityFlags) ? "W" : "-"
        } else {
            W = "X"
        let R = isReachable(reachabilityFlags) ? "R" : "-"
        let c = isConnectionRequired(reachabilityFlags) ? "c" : "-"
        let t = isTransientConnection(reachabilityFlags) ? "t" : "-"
        let i = isInterventionRequired(reachabilityFlags) ? "i" : "-"
        let C = isConnectionOnTraffic(reachabilityFlags) ? "C" : "-"
        let D = isConnectionOnDemand(reachabilityFlags) ? "D" : "-"
        let l = isLocalAddress(reachabilityFlags) ? "l" : "-"
        let d = isDirect(reachabilityFlags) ? "d" : "-"

        return "\(W)\(R) \(c)\(t)\(i)\(C)\(D)\(l)\(d)"

    deinit {

        reachabilityRef = nil
        whenReachable = nil
        whenUnreachable = nil

Prevent Sequelize from outputting SQL to the console on execution of query?

I am using Sequelize ORM 6.0.0 and am using "logging": false as the rest but posted my answer for latest version of the ORM.

const sequelize = new Sequelize(
            host: process.env.databaseHost,
            dialect: process.env.dialect,
            "logging": false,
            define: {
                // Table names won't be pluralized.
                freezeTableName: true,
                // All tables won't have "createdAt" and "updatedAt" Auto fields.
                timestamps: false

Note: I am storing my secretes in a configuration file .env observing the 12-factor methodology.

enum to string in modern C++11 / C++14 / C++17 and future C++20

(Analogue of, slightly modified).

Here is my own solution with minimum define magic and support of individual enum assignments.

Here is header file:

#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <regex>

template <class Enum>
class EnumReflect
    static const char* getEnums() { return ""; }

//  Just a container for each enumeration type.
template <class Enum>
class EnumReflectBase
    static std::map<std::string, int> enum2int;
    static std::map<int, std::string> int2enum;

    static void EnsureEnumMapReady( const char* enumsInfo )
        if (*enumsInfo == 0 || enum2int.size() != 0 )

        // Should be called once per each enumeration.
        std::string senumsInfo(enumsInfo);
        std::regex re("^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+) *=? *([^,]*)(,|$) *");     // C++ identifier to optional " = <value>"
        std::smatch sm;
        int value = 0;

        for (; regex_search(senumsInfo, sm, re); senumsInfo = sm.suffix(), value++)
            string enumName = sm[1].str();
            string enumValue = sm[2].str();

            if (enumValue.length() != 0)
                value = atoi(enumValue.c_str());

            enum2int[enumName] = value;
            int2enum[value] = enumName;

template <class Enum>
std::map<std::string, int> EnumReflectBase<Enum>::enum2int;

template <class Enum>
std::map<int, std::string> EnumReflectBase<Enum>::int2enum;

#define DECLARE_ENUM(name, ...)                                         \
    enum name { __VA_ARGS__ };                                          \
    template <>                                                         \
    class EnumReflect<##name>: public EnumReflectBase<##name> {         \
    public:                                                             \
        static const char* getEnums() { return #__VA_ARGS__; }          \

    Basic usage:

    Declare enumeration:


    enumValue3 = 5,

    // comment

    Conversion logic:

    From enumeration to string:

        printf( EnumToString(enumValue3).c_str() );

    From string to enumeration:

       enumName value;

       if( !StringToEnum("enumValue4", value) )
            printf("Conversion failed...");

//  Converts enumeration to string, if not found - empty string is returned.
template <class T>
std::string EnumToString(T t)
    auto& int2enum = EnumReflect<T>::int2enum;
    auto it = int2enum.find(t);

    if (it == int2enum.end())
        return "";

    return it->second;

//  Converts string to enumeration, if not found - false is returned.
template <class T>
bool StringToEnum(const char* enumName, T& t)
    auto& enum2int = EnumReflect<T>::enum2int;
    auto it = enum2int.find(enumName);

    if (it == enum2int.end())
        return false;

    t = (T) it->second;
    return true;

And here is example test application:

    ValueThree = 5,
    ValueFour = 7

    ValueOne2 = -1,
    ValueThree2 = -4,

void main(void)
    string sName1 = EnumToString(ValueOne);
    string sName2 = EnumToString(ValueTwo);
    string sName3 = EnumToString(ValueThree);
    string sName4 = EnumToString(ValueFour);

    TestEnum t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 = ValueOne;
    bool b1 = StringToEnum(sName1.c_str(), t1);
    bool b2 = StringToEnum(sName2.c_str(), t2);
    bool b3 = StringToEnum(sName3.c_str(), t3);
    bool b4 = StringToEnum(sName4.c_str(), t4);
    bool b5 = StringToEnum("Unknown", t5);

    string sName2_1 = EnumToString(ValueOne2);
    string sName2_2 = EnumToString(ValueTwo2);
    string sName2_3 = EnumToString(ValueThree2);
    string sName2_4 = EnumToString(ValueFour2);

    TestEnum2 t2_1, t2_2, t2_3, t2_4, t2_5 = ValueOne2;
    bool b2_1 = StringToEnum(sName2_1.c_str(), t2_1);
    bool b2_2 = StringToEnum(sName2_2.c_str(), t2_2);
    bool b2_3 = StringToEnum(sName2_3.c_str(), t2_3);
    bool b2_4 = StringToEnum(sName2_4.c_str(), t2_4);
    bool b2_5 = StringToEnum("Unknown", t2_5);

Updated version of same header file will be kept here:

Hadoop cluster setup - Connection refused

Check your firewall setting and set


replace localhost to machine name

How to prevent Screen Capture in Android

You can make your app as device/profile owner and call setScreenCaptureDisabled(). From the docs, this api does the following:

public void setScreenCaptureDisabled (ComponentName admin, boolean disabled) Added in API level 21

Called by a device/profile owner to set whether the screen capture is disabled. Disabling screen capture also prevents the content from being shown on display devices that do not have a secure video output. See FLAG_SECURE for more details about secure surfaces and secure displays.

The calling device admin must be a device or profile owner. If it is not, a security exception will be thrown. Parameters admin Which DeviceAdminReceiver this request is associated with. disabled Whether screen capture is disabled or not.

Alternatively you can become an MDM(Mobile Device Management) partner app.OEMs provides additional APIs to their MDM partner apps to control the device.For example samsung provides api to control screen recording on the device to their MDM partners.

Currently this is the only way you can enforce screen capture restrictions.

Java GC (Allocation Failure)

When use CMS GC in jdk1.8 will appeare this error, i change the G1 Gc solve this problem.

 -Xss512k -Xms6g -Xmx6g -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=70 -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:SurvivorRatio=6 -XX:G1ReservePercent=10 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32m -XX:ConcGCThreads=6 -Xloggc:gc.log -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps 

Upload a file to Amazon S3 with NodeJS

Or Using promises:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
    accessKeyId: 'accessKeyId',
    secretAccessKey: 'secretAccessKey',
    region: 'region'

let params = {
    Bucket: "yourBucketName",
    Key: 'someUniqueKey',
    Body: 'someFile'
try {
    let uploadPromise = await new AWS.S3().putObject(params).promise();
    console.log("Successfully uploaded data to bucket");
} catch (e) {
    console.log("Error uploading data: ", e);

Use Invoke-WebRequest with a username and password for basic authentication on the GitHub API

another way is to use certutil.exe save your username and password in a file e.g. in.txt as username:password

certutil -encode in.txt out.txt

Now you should be able to use auth value from out.txt

$headers = @{ Authorization = "Basic $((get-content out.txt)[1])" }
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://whatever' -Headers $Headers

pip install: Please check the permissions and owner of that directory

pip install --user <package name> (no sudo needed) worked for me for a very similar problem.

In a Dockerfile, How to update PATH environment variable?

This is discouraged (if you want to create/distribute a clean Docker image), since the PATH variable is set by /etc/profile script, the value can be overridden.

head /etc/profile:

if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
export PATH

At the end of the Dockerfile, you could add:

RUN echo "export PATH=$PATH" > /etc/environment

So PATH is set for all users.

Unable to add window -- token null is not valid; is your activity running?

If you're using getApplicationContext() as Context in Activity for the dialog like this

Dialog dialog = new Dialog(getApplicationContext());

then use YourActivityName.this

Dialog dialog = new Dialog(YourActivityName.this);

pandas create new column based on values from other columns / apply a function of multiple columns, row-wise

As @user3483203 pointed out, is the best approach

Store your conditional statements and the corresponding actions in two lists

conds = [(df['eri_hispanic'] == 1),(df[['eri_afr_amer', 'eri_asian', 'eri_hawaiian', 'eri_nat_amer', 'eri_white']].sum(1).gt(1)),(df['eri_nat_amer'] == 1),(df['eri_asian'] == 1),(df['eri_afr_amer'] == 1),(df['eri_hawaiian'] == 1),(df['eri_white'] == 1,])

actions = ['Hispanic', 'Two Or More', 'A/I AK Native', 'Asian', 'Black/AA', 'Haw/Pac Isl.', 'White']

You can now use using these lists as its arguments

df['label_race'] =,actions,default='Other')


System.web.mvc missing

I have the same situation: Visual Studio 2010, no NuGet installed, and an ASP.NET application using System.Web.Mvc version 3.

What worked for me, was to set each C# project that uses System.Web.Mvc, to go to References in the Solution Explorer, and set properties on System.Web.Mvc, with Copy Local to true, and Specific Version to false - the last one caused the Version field to show the current version on that machine.

Disable SSL fallback and use only TLS for outbound connections in .NET? (Poodle mitigation)


On windows forms it is available, at the top of the class put

  static void Main(string[] args)
        ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
       //other stuff here

since windows is single threaded, its all you need, in the event its a service you need to put it right above the call to the service (since there is no telling what thread you'll be on).

using System.Security.Principal 

is also needed.

There is already an object named in the database

Another way to do that is comment everything in Initial Class,between Up and Down Methods.Then run update-database, after running seed method was successful so run update-database again.It maybe helpful to some friends.

Getting "The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure" when SMTP server has a valid certificate

Old post but as you said "why is it not using the correct certificate" I would like to offer an way to find out which SSL certificate is used for SMTP (see here) which required openssl:

openssl s_client -connect -starttls smtp

This will outline the used SSL certificate for the SMTP service. Based on what you see here you can replace the wrong certificate (like you already did) with a correct one (or trust the certificate manually).

Field 'id' doesn't have a default value?

This is caused by MySQL having a strict mode set which won’t allow INSERT or UPDATE commands with empty fields where the schema doesn’t have a default value set.

There are a couple of fixes for this.

First ‘fix’ is to assign a default value to your schema. This can be done with a simple ALTER command:

ALTER TABLE `details` CHANGE COLUMN `delivery_address_id` `delivery_address_id` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ;

However, this may need doing for many tables in your database schema which will become tedious very quickly. The second fix is to remove sql_mode STRICT_TRANS_TABLES on the mysql server.

If you are using a brew installed MySQL you should edit the my.cnf file in the MySQL directory. Change the sql_mode at the bottom:


Save the file and restart Mysql.


Change color when hover a font awesome icon?

if you want to change only the colour of the flag on hover use this:

.fa-flag:hover {_x000D_
    color: red;_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<i class="fa fa-flag fa-3x"></i>

How to set selected value of jquery select2?

Nice and easy:

document.getElementById("select2-id_city-container").innerHTML = "Your Text Here";

And you change id_city to your select's id.

Edit: After Glen's comment I realize I should explain why and how it worked for me:

I had made select2 working really nice for my form. The only thing I couldn't make work was to show the current selected value when editing. It was searching a third party API, saving new and editing old records. After a while I realized I didn't need to set the value correctly, only the label inside field, because if the user doesn't change the field, nothing happens. After searching and looking to a lot of people having trouble with it, I decided make it with pure Javascript. It worked and I posted to maybe help someone. I also suggest to set a timer for it.

Avoid dropdown menu close on click inside

Removing the data attribute data-toggle="dropdown" and implementing the open/close of the dropdown can be a solution.

First by handling the click on the link to open/close the dropdown like this :

$('li.dropdown.mega-dropdown a').on('click', function (event) {

and then listening the clicks outside of the dropdown to close it like this :

$('body').on('click', function (e) {
    if (!$('li.dropdown.mega-dropdown').is( 
        && $('li.dropdown.mega-dropdown').has( === 0 
        && $('.open').has( === 0
    ) {

Here is the demo :

Custom Listview Adapter with filter Android

you can find custom list adapter class with filterable using text change in edit text...

create custom list adapter class with implementation of Filterable:

private class CustomListAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable{

    private LayoutInflater inflater;
    private ViewHolder holder;
    private ItemFilter mFilter = new ItemFilter();

    public CustomListAdapter(List<YourCustomData> newlist) {
        filteredData = newlist;

    public int getCount() {
        return filteredData.size();

    public Object getItem(int position) {
        return null;

    public long getItemId(int position) {
        return position;

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

        holder = new ViewHolder();

            inflater = (LayoutInflater)getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);

        if(convertView == null){
            convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.row_listview_item, null);

            holder.mTextView = (TextView)convertView.findViewById(;

            holder = (ViewHolder)convertView.getTag();


        return convertView;

    public Filter getFilter() {
        return mFilter;


class ViewHolder{
    TextView mTextView;

private class ItemFilter extends Filter {
    protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) {

        String filterString = constraint.toString().toLowerCase();

        FilterResults results = new FilterResults();

        final List<YourCustomData> list = YourObject.getYourDataList();

        int count = list.size();
        final ArrayList<YourCustomData> nlist = new ArrayList<YourCustomData>(count);

        String filterableString ;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            filterableString = ""+list.get(i).getYourText();
            if (filterableString.toLowerCase().contains(filterString)) {
                YourCustomData mYourCustomData = list.get(i);

        results.values = nlist;
        results.count = nlist.size();

        return results;

    protected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint, FilterResults results) {
        filteredData = (ArrayList<YourCustomData>) results.values;


mEditTextSearch.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {

        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {
        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {

android download pdf from url then open it with a pdf reader

This is the best method to download and view PDF file.You can just call it from anywhere as like

PDFTools.showPDFUrl(context, url);

here below put the code. It will works fine

public class PDFTools {
private static final String TAG = "PDFTools";
private static final String GOOGLE_DRIVE_PDF_READER_PREFIX = "";
private static final String PDF_MIME_TYPE = "application/pdf";
private static final String HTML_MIME_TYPE = "text/html";

public static void showPDFUrl(final Context context, final String pdfUrl ) {
    if ( isPDFSupported( context ) ) {
        downloadAndOpenPDF(context, pdfUrl);
    } else {
        askToOpenPDFThroughGoogleDrive( context, pdfUrl );

public static void downloadAndOpenPDF(final Context context, final String pdfUrl) {
    // Get filename
    //final String filename = pdfUrl.substring( pdfUrl.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 );
    String filename = "";
    try {
        filename = new GetFileInfo().execute(pdfUrl).get();
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
    // The place where the downloaded PDF file will be put
    final File tempFile = new File( context.getExternalFilesDir( Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS ), filename );
    Log.e(TAG,"File Path:"+tempFile);
    if ( tempFile.exists() ) {
        // If we have downloaded the file before, just go ahead and show it.
        openPDF( context, Uri.fromFile( tempFile ) );

    // Show progress dialog while downloading
    final ProgressDialog progress = context, context.getString( R.string.pdf_show_local_progress_title ), context.getString( R.string.pdf_show_local_progress_content ), true );

    // Create the download request
    DownloadManager.Request r = new DownloadManager.Request( Uri.parse( pdfUrl ) );
    r.setDestinationInExternalFilesDir( context, Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, filename );
    final DownloadManager dm = (DownloadManager) context.getSystemService( Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE );
    BroadcastReceiver onComplete = new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            if ( !progress.isShowing() ) {
            context.unregisterReceiver( this );

            long downloadId = intent.getLongExtra( DownloadManager.EXTRA_DOWNLOAD_ID, -1 );
            Cursor c = dm.query( new DownloadManager.Query().setFilterById( downloadId ) );

            if ( c.moveToFirst() ) {
                int status = c.getInt( c.getColumnIndex( DownloadManager.COLUMN_STATUS ) );
                if ( status == DownloadManager.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ) {
                    openPDF( context, Uri.fromFile( tempFile ) );
    context.registerReceiver( onComplete, new IntentFilter( DownloadManager.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE ) );

    // Enqueue the request
    dm.enqueue( r );

public static void askToOpenPDFThroughGoogleDrive( final Context context, final String pdfUrl ) {
    new AlertDialog.Builder( context )
            .setTitle( R.string.pdf_show_online_dialog_title )
            .setMessage( R.string.pdf_show_online_dialog_question )
            .setNegativeButton( R.string.pdf_show_online_dialog_button_no, null )
            .setPositiveButton( R.string.pdf_show_online_dialog_button_yes, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                    openPDFThroughGoogleDrive(context, pdfUrl);

public static void openPDFThroughGoogleDrive(final Context context, final String pdfUrl) {
    Intent i = new Intent( Intent.ACTION_VIEW );
    i.setDataAndType(Uri.parse(GOOGLE_DRIVE_PDF_READER_PREFIX + pdfUrl ), HTML_MIME_TYPE );
    context.startActivity( i );

public static final void openPDF(Context context, Uri localUri ) {
    Intent i = new Intent( Intent.ACTION_VIEW );
    i.setDataAndType( localUri, PDF_MIME_TYPE );
    context.startActivity( i );

public static boolean isPDFSupported( Context context ) {
    Intent i = new Intent( Intent.ACTION_VIEW );
    final File tempFile = new File( context.getExternalFilesDir( Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS ), "test.pdf" );
    i.setDataAndType( Uri.fromFile( tempFile ), PDF_MIME_TYPE );
    return context.getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities( i, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY ).size() > 0;

// get File name from url
static class GetFileInfo extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, String>
    protected String doInBackground(String... urls)
        URL url;
        String filename = null;
        try {
            url = new URL(urls[0]);
            HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
                String depo = conn.getHeaderField("Content-Disposition");

                String depoSplit[] = depo.split("filename=");
                filename = depoSplit[1].replace("filename=", "").replace("\"", "").trim();
                filename = "download.pdf";
        } catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return filename;

    protected void onPreExecute() {
    protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
        // use result as file name


try it. it will works, enjoy

What exactly does the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header do?

By default, CORS does not include cookies on cross-origin requests. This is different from other cross-origin techniques such as JSON-P. JSON-P always includes cookies with the request, and this behavior can lead to a class of vulnerabilities called cross-site request forgery, or CSRF.

In order to reduce the chance of CSRF vulnerabilities in CORS, CORS requires both the server and the client to acknowledge that it is ok to include cookies on requests. Doing this makes cookies an active decision, rather than something that happens passively without any control.

The client code must set the withCredentials property on the XMLHttpRequest to true in order to give permission.

However, this header alone is not enough. The server must respond with the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header. Responding with this header to true means that the server allows cookies (or other user credentials) to be included on cross-origin requests.

You also need to make sure your browser isn't blocking third-party cookies if you want cross-origin credentialed requests to work.

Note that regardless of whether you are making same-origin or cross-origin requests, you need to protect your site from CSRF (especially if your request includes cookies).

Duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64 under Xcode

Fastest way to find the duplicate is:

  1. Go to Targets
  2. Go to Build Phases
  3. Go to Compile Sources
  4. Delete duplicate files.

HTML: Image won't display?

I found that skipping the quotation marks "" around the file and location name displayed the image... I am doing this on MacBook....

PyCharm import external library

In my case, the correct menu path was:

File > Default settings > Project Interpreter

Start redis-server with config file

I think that you should make the reference to your config file

26399:C 16 Jan 08:51:13.413 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use ./redis-server /path/to/redis.conf

you can try to start your redis server like

./redis-server /path/to/redis-stable/redis.conf

Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

try $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root") or $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "")

Cannot find pkg-config error

if you have this error :

configure: error: Either a previously installed pkg-config or "glib-2.0 >= 2.16" could not be found. Please set GLIB_CFLAGS and GLIB_LIBS to the correct values or pass --with-internal-glib to configure to use the bundled copy.

Instead of do this command :

$ ./configure && make install

Do that :

./configure --with-internal-glib && make install

'readline/readline.h' file not found

You reference a Linux distribution, so you need to install the readline development libraries

On Debian based platforms, like Ubuntu, you can run:

sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev 

and that should install the correct headers in the correct places,.

If you use a platform with yum, like SUSE, then the command should be:

yum install readline-devel

Is it possible to pass a flag to Gulp to have it run tasks in different ways?


gulp-util is deprecated and should be avoid, so it's recommended to use minimist instead, which gulp-util already used.

So I've changed some lines in my gulpfile to remove gulp-util:

var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));

gulp.task('styles', function() {
  return gulp.src(['src/styles/' + (argv.theme || 'main') + '.scss'])


In my project I use the following flag:

gulp styles --theme literature

Gulp offers an object gulp.env for that. It's deprecated in newer versions, so you must use gulp-util for that. The tasks looks like this:

var util = require('gulp-util');

gulp.task('styles', function() {
  return gulp.src(['src/styles/' + (util.env.theme ? util.env.theme : 'main') + '.scss'])
        config_file: './config.rb',
        sass   : 'src/styles',
        css    : 'dist/styles',
        style  : 'expanded'

    .pipe(autoprefixer('last 2 version', 'safari 5', 'ie 8', 'ie 9', 'ff 17', 'opera 12.1', 'ios 6', 'android 4'))
    .pipe(notify({ message: 'Styles task complete' }));

The environment setting is available during all subtasks. So I can use this flag on the watch task too:

gulp watch --theme literature

And my styles task also works.

Ciao Ralf

Debugging the error "gcc: error: x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc: No such file or directory"

apt-get install python-dev

...solved the problem for me.

Makefile: How to correctly include header file and its directory?

The preprocessor is looking for StdCUtil/split.h in

and in

  • $INC_DIR (i.e. ../StdCUtil/ = /root/Core/../StdCUtil/ = /root/StdCUtil/). So ../StdCUtil/ + StdCUtil/split.h = ../StdCUtil/StdCUtil/split.h and the file is missing

You can fix the error changing the $INC_DIR variable (best solution):

$INC_DIR = ../

or the include directive:

#include "split.h"

but in this way you lost the "path syntax" that makes it very clear what namespace or module the header file belongs to.



It should also be

CXX = g++
CXXFLAGS = -c -Wall -I$(INC_DIR)


%.o: %.cpp $(DEPS)
    $(CXX) -o $@ $< $(CXXFLAGS)

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class on path: dexpathlist

This solved my case:

In my case, I was getting the exception below (note that my application class was causing the exception, not my activity):

ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.example.MyApplication" on path: DexPathList

I was getting this exception only on devices equal or below API 19, the reason was that I was extending MultiDexApplication() class and overriding attachBaseContext at the same time! When I removed attachBaseContext everything got on track.

class MyApplication : MultiDexApplication() {

override fun onCreate() {
    // ...

override fun attachBaseContext(base: Context?) {

So if you happen to have such case as I had (Which isn't likely), there is no need to extend MultiDexApplication() and override attachBaseContext at the same time, doing one of these actions is enough.

SEVERE: Unable to create initial connections of pool - tomcat 7 with context.xml file

I use sprint-boot (2.1.1), and mysql version is 8.0.13. I add dependency in pom, solve my problem.


MySQL Connector/J » 8.0.13 link:
MySQL Connector/J » All the version link:

Wait until flag=true

I took an approach along the lines of the callback solutions here, but tried to make it a bit more generic. The idea is you add functions that you need to execute after something changes to a queue. When the thing happens, you then loop through the queue, call the functions and empty the queue.

Add function to queue:

let _queue = [];

const _addToQueue = (funcToQ) => {

Execute and flush the queue:

const _runQueue = () => {
    if (!_queue || !_queue.length) {

    _queue.forEach(queuedFunc => {

    _queue = [];

And when you invoke _addToQueue you'll want to wrap the callback:

_addToQueue(() => methodYouWantToCallLater(<pass any args here like you normally would>));

When you've met the condition, call _runQueue()

This was useful for me because I had several things that needed to wait on the same condition. And it decouples the detection of the condition from whatever needs to be executed when that condition is hit.

Why do we need to install gulp globally and locally?

You can link the globally installed gulp locally with

npm link gulp

Are list-comprehensions and functional functions faster than "for loops"?

You ask specifically about map(), filter() and reduce(), but I assume you want to know about functional programming in general. Having tested this myself on the problem of computing distances between all points within a set of points, functional programming (using the starmap function from the built-in itertools module) turned out to be slightly slower than for-loops (taking 1.25 times as long, in fact). Here is the sample code I used:

import itertools, time, math, random

class Point:
    def __init__(self,x,y):
        self.x, self.y = x, y

point_set = (Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(0, 2), Point(0, 3))
n_points = 100
pick_val = lambda : 10 * random.random() - 5
large_set = [Point(pick_val(), pick_val()) for _ in range(n_points)]
    # the distance function
f_dist = lambda x0, x1, y0, y1: math.sqrt((x0 - x1) ** 2 + (y0 - y1) ** 2)
    # go through each point, get its distance from all remaining points 
f_pos = lambda p1, p2: (p1.x, p2.x, p1.y, p2.y)

extract_dists = lambda x: itertools.starmap(f_dist, 
                          itertools.combinations(x, 2)))

print('Distances:', list(extract_dists(point_set)))

t0_f = time.time()
dt_f = time.time() - t0_f

Is the functional version faster than the procedural version?

def extract_dists_procedural(pts):
    n_pts = len(pts)
    l = []    
    for k_p1 in range(n_pts - 1):
        for k_p2 in range(k_p1, n_pts):
            l.append((pts[k_p1].x - pts[k_p2].x) ** 2 +
                     (pts[k_p1].y - pts[k_p2].y) ** 2)
    return l

t0_p = time.time()
    # using list() on the assumption that
    # it eats up as much time as in the functional version

dt_p = time.time() - t0_p

f_vs_p = dt_p / dt_f
if f_vs_p >= 1.0:
    print('Time benefit of functional progamming:', f_vs_p, 
          'times as fast for', n_points, 'points')
    print('Time penalty of functional programming:', 1 / f_vs_p, 
          'times as slow for', n_points, 'points')

Best approach to real time http streaming to HTML5 video client

EDIT 3: As of IOS 10, HLS will support fragmented mp4 files. The answer now, is to create fragmented mp4 assets, with a DASH and HLS manifest. > Pretend flash, iOS9 and below and IE 10 and below don't exist.

Everything below this line is out of date. Keeping it here for posterity.

EDIT 2: As people in the comments are pointing out, things change. Almost all browsers will support AVC/AAC codecs. iOS still requires HLS. But via adaptors like hls.js you can play HLS in MSE. The new answer is HLS+hls.js if you need iOS. or just Fragmented MP4 (i.e. DASH) if you don't

There are many reasons why video and, specifically, live video is very difficult. (Please note that the original question specified that HTML5 video is a requirement, but the asker stated Flash is possible in the comments. So immediately, this question is misleading)

First I will restate: THERE IS NO OFFICIAL SUPPORT FOR LIVE STREAMING OVER HTML5. There are hacks, but your mileage may vary.

EDIT: since I wrote this answer Media Source Extensions have matured, and are now very close to becoming a viable option. They are supported on most major browsers. IOS continues to be a hold out.

Next, you need to understand that Video on demand (VOD) and live video are very different. Yes, they are both video, but the problems are different, hence the formats are different. For example, if the clock in your computer runs 1% faster than it should, you will not notice on a VOD. With live video, you will be trying to play video before it happens. If you want to join a a live video stream in progress, you need the data necessary to initialize the decoder, so it must be repeated in the stream, or sent out of band. With VOD, you can read the beginning of the file them seek to whatever point you wish.

Now let's dig in a bit.


  • iOS
  • PC
  • Mac
  • Android


  • vp8/9
  • h.264
  • thora (vp3)

Common Delivery methods for live video in browsers:

  • HLS (HTTP)
  • flash (RTMP)
  • flash (HDS)

Common Delivery methods for VOD in browsers:

  • DASH (HTTP Streaming)
  • HLS (HTTP Streaming)
  • flash (RTMP)
  • flash (HTTP Streaming)
  • MP4 (HTTP pseudo streaming)
  • I'm not going to talk about MKV and OOG because I do not know them very well.

html5 video tag:

  • MP4
  • webm
  • ogg

Lets look at which browsers support what formats


  • HLS (iOS and mac only)
  • h.264
  • MP4


  • DASH (via MSE but no h.264)
  • h.264 via Flash only!
  • VP9
  • MP4
  • OGG
  • Webm


  • Flash
  • DASH (via MSE IE 11+ only)
  • h.264
  • MP4


  • Flash
  • DASH (via MSE)
  • h.264
  • VP9
  • MP4
  • webm
  • ogg

MP4 cannot be used for live video (NOTE: DASH is a superset of MP4, so don't get confused with that). MP4 is broken into two pieces: moov and mdat. mdat contains the raw audio video data. But it is not indexed, so without the moov, it is useless. The moov contains an index of all data in the mdat. But due to its format, it can not be 'flattened' until the timestamps and size of EVERY frame is known. It may be possible to construct an moov that 'fibs' the frame sizes, but is is very wasteful bandwidth wise.

So if you want to deliver everywhere, we need to find the least common denominator. You will see there is no LCD here without resorting to flash example:

  • iOS only supports h.264 video. and it only supports HLS for live.
  • Firefox does not support h.264 at all, unless you use flash
  • Flash does not work in iOS

The closest thing to an LCD is using HLS to get your iOS users, and flash for everyone else. My personal favorite is to encode HLS, then use flash to play HLS for everyone else. You can play HLS in flash via JW player 6, (or write your own HLS to FLV in AS3 like I did)

Soon, the most common way to do this will be HLS on iOS/Mac and DASH via MSE everywhere else (This is what Netflix will be doing soon). But we are still waiting for everyone to upgrade their browsers. You will also likely need a separate DASH/VP9 for Firefox (I know about open264; it sucks. It can't do video in main or high profile. So it is currently useless).

Convert True/False value read from file to boolean

pip install str2bool

>>> from str2bool import str2bool
>>> str2bool('Yes')
>>> str2bool('FaLsE')

How to hide navigation bar permanently in android activity?

Do this.

public void FullScreencall() {
    if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 11 && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 19) { // lower api
        View v = this.getWindow().getDecorView();
    } else if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19) {
        //for new api versions.
        View decorView = getWindow().getDecorView();

This works 100% and you can do same for lower API versions, even if it's a late answer I hope it will helps someone else.

If you want this to be permanent, just call FullscreenCall() inside your onResume() method.

PUT and POST getting 405 Method Not Allowed Error for Restful Web Services

I'm not sure if I am correct, but from the request header that you post:

Request headers

Accept: Application/json

Origin: chrome-extension://hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.76 Safari/537.36

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8

it seems like you didn't config your request body to JSON type.

New xampp security concept: Access Forbidden Error 403 - Windows 7 - phpMyAdmin

In your xampppath\apache\conf\extra open file httpd-xampp.conf and find the below tag:

<LocationMatch "^/(?i:(?:xampp|licenses|phpmyadmin|webalizer|server-status|server-info))">
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from ::1 
ErrorDocument 403   /error/HTTP_XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var   

and add Allow from all after Allow from ::1 {line}

Restart xampp, and you are done.

JNI and Gradle in Android Studio

Android Studio 2.2 came out with the ability to use ndk-build and cMake. Though, we had to wait til 2.2.3 for the support. I've tried it, it works...though, my variables aren't showing up in the debugger. I can still query them via command line though.

You need to do something like this:

        path ""

defaultConfig {
    ndkBuild {
      arguments ""
      cFlags "-DTEST_C_FLAG1"  "-DTEST_C_FLAG2"
      cppFlags "-DTEST_CPP_FLAG2"  "-DTEST_CPP_FLAG2"
      abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "armeabi"


NB: The extra nesting of externalNativeBuild inside defaultConfig was a breaking change introduced with Android Studio 2.2 Preview 5 (July 8, 2016). See the release notes at the above link.

ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading authorization packet', system error: 0

My case was that the server didn't accept the connection from this IP. The server is a SQL server from Google Apps Engine, and you have to configure allowed remote hosts that can connect to the server.

Adding the (new) host to the GAE admin page solved the issue.

how to call scalar function in sql server 2008

For Scalar Function Syntax is

Select dbo.Function_Name(parameter_name)

Select dbo.Department_Employee_Count('HR')

How do I SET the GOPATH environment variable on Ubuntu? What file must I edit?

On my Fedora 20 machine I added the following lines to my ~/.bashrc:

export GOROOT=/usr/lib/golang
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin

SCP Permission denied (publickey). on EC2 only when using -r flag on directories

I was initially running:

sudo scp

Once I ran just scp, without sudo, it copied everything fine:


It seems to me that sudo scp command wasn't reading my current user's SSH public key at ~/.ssh/

How to do date/time comparison

For case when your interval's end it's date without hours like "from 2017-01-01 to whole day of 2017-01-16" it's better to adjust interval's to 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds like:

end = end.Add(time.Duration(23*time.Hour) + time.Duration(59*time.Minute) + time.Duration(59*time.Second)) 

if now.After(start) && now.Before(end) {

copy db file with adb pull results in 'permission denied' error

The pull command is:

adb pull source dest

When you write:

adb pull /data/data/ /sdcard/test

It means that you'll pull from /data/data/ and you'll copy it to /sdcard/test, but the destination MUST be a local directory. You may write C:\Users\YourName\temp instead.

For example:

adb pull /data/data/ c:\Users\YourName\temp

Full Screen Theme for AppCompat


Android: Quit application when press back button

In my understanding Google wants Android to handle memory management and shutting down the apps. If you must exit the app from code, it might be beneficial to ask Android to run garbage collector.

public void onBackPressed(){

You can also add finish() to the code, but it is probably redundant, if you also do System.exit(0)

How to fix Uncaught InvalidValueError: setPosition: not a LatLng or LatLngLiteral: in property lat: not a number?

What about casting to Number in Javascript using the Unary (+) Operator

lat: 12.23
lat: +12.23

Depends on the use case. Here is a fullchart what works and what not: parseInt vs unary plus - when to use which

How to solve "The specified service has been marked for deletion" error

Deleting registry keys as suggested above got my service stuck in the stopping state. The following procedure worked for me:

open task manager > select services tab > select the service > right click and select "go to process" > right click on the process and select End process

Service should be gone after that

(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main' and undefined reference to function

This rule

main: producer.o consumer.o AddRemove.o
   $(COMPILER) -pthread $(CCFLAGS) -o producer.o consumer.o AddRemove.o

is wrong. It says to create a file named producer.o (with -o producer.o), but you want to create a file named main. Please excuse the shouting, but ALWAYS USE $@ TO REFERENCE THE TARGET:

main: producer.o consumer.o AddRemove.o
   $(COMPILER) -pthread $(CCFLAGS) -o $@ producer.o consumer.o AddRemove.o

As Shahbaz rightly points out, the gmake professionals would also use $^ which expands to all the prerequisites in the rule. In general, if you find yourself repeating a string or name, you're doing it wrong and should use a variable, whether one of the built-ins or one you create.

main: producer.o consumer.o AddRemove.o
   $(COMPILER) -pthread $(CCFLAGS) -o $@ $^

Using Service to run background and create notification

Your error is in UpdaterServiceManager in onCreate and showNotification method.

You are trying to show notification from Service using Activity Context. Whereas Every Service has its own Context, just use the that. You don't need to pass a Service an Activity's Context.I don't see why you need a specific Activity's Context to show Notification.

Put your createNotification method in UpdateServiceManager.class. And remove CreateNotificationActivity not from Service.

You cannot display an application window/dialog through a Context that is not an Activity. Try passing a valid activity reference

"unrecognized import path" with go get

I had the same issue after having upgraded go1.2 to go1.4.

I renamed src to _src in my GOPATH then did a go get -v

It worked then I deleted _src.

Hope it helps.

Boolean operators ( &&, -a, ||, -o ) in Bash

-a and -o are the older and/or operators for the test command. && and || are and/or operators for the shell. So (assuming an old shell) in your first case,

[ "$1" = 'yes' ] && [ -r $2.txt ]

The shell is evaluating the and condition. In your second case,

[ "$1" = 'yes' -a $2 -lt 3 ]

The test command (or builtin test) is evaluating the and condition.

Of course in all modern or semi-modern shells, the test command is built in to the shell, so there really isn't any or much difference. In modern shells, the if statement can be written:

[[ $1 == yes && -r $2.txt ]]

Which is more similar to modern programming languages and thus is more readable.

Shift column in pandas dataframe up by one?

To easily shift by 5 values for example and also get rid of the NaN rows, without having to keep track of the number of values you shifted by:

d['gdp'] = df['gdp'].shift(-5)
df = df.dropna()

img onclick call to JavaScript function

You should probably be using a more unobtrusive approach. Here's the benefits

  • Separation of functionality (the "behavior layer") from a Web page's structure/content and presentation
  • Best practices to avoid the problems of traditional JavaScript programming (such as browser inconsistencies and lack of scalability)
  • Progressive enhancement to support user agents that may not support advanced JavaScript functionality

Here's a jsfiddle demo

Your JavaScript

function exportToForm(a, b, c, d, e) {
  console.log(a, b, c, d, e);

var images = document.getElementsByTagName("img");

for (var i=0, len=images.length, img; i<len; i++) {
  img = images[i];
  img.addEventListener("click", function() {
    var a = img.getAttribute("data-a"),
        b = img.getAttribute("data-b"),
        c = img.getAttribute("data-c"),
        d = img.getAttribute("data-d"),
        e = img.getAttribute("data-e");

    exportToForm(a, b, c, d, e);

Your images will look like this

<img data-a="1" data-b="2" data-c="3" data-d="4" data-e="5" src="image.jpg">

Python: import module from another directory at the same level in project hierarchy

In the "root" you can also do a

import sys
sys.path.insert(1, '.')

which should make both modules importable.

Match linebreaks - \n or \r\n?

In PCRE \R matches \n, \r and \r\n.

ORA-06550: line 1, column 7 (PL/SQL: Statement ignored) Error

If the value stored in PropertyLoader.RET_SECONDARY_V_ARRAY is not "V_ARRAY", then you are using different types; even if they are declared identically (e.g. both are table of number) this will not work.

You're hitting this data type compatibility restriction:

You can assign a collection to a collection variable only if they have the same data type. Having the same element type is not enough.

You're trying to call the procedure with a parameter that is a different type to the one it's expecting, which is what the error message is telling you.

Exposing a port on a live Docker container

Here's another idea. Use SSH to do the port forwarding; this has the benefit of also working in OS X (and probably Windows) when your Docker host is a VM.

docker exec -it <containterid> ssh -R5432:localhost:5432 <user>@<hostip>

Playing m3u8 Files with HTML Video Tag

Adding to ben.bourdin answer, you can at least in any HTML based application, check if the browser supports HLS in its video element:

Let´s assume that your video element ID is "myVideo", then through javascript you can use the "canPlayType" function (

var videoElement = document.getElementById("myVideo");
if(videoElement.canPlayType('application/') === "probably" || videoElement.canPlayType('application/') === "maybe"){
    //Actions like playing the .m3u8 content
    //Actions like playing another video type

The canPlayType function, returns:

"" when there is no support for the specified audio/video type

"maybe" when the browser might support the specified audio/video type

"probably" when it most likely supports the specified audio/video type (you can use just this value in the validation to be more sure that your browser supports the specified type)

Hope this help :)

Best regards!

Error in model.frame.default: variable lengths differ

Joran suggested to first remove the NAs before running the model. Thus, I removed the NAs, run the model and obtained the residuals. When I updated model2 by inclusion of the lagged residuals, the error message did not appear again.

Remove NAs


Run the main model

model2<-gam(death ~ pm10 + s(trend,k=14*7)+ s(temp,k=5), data=df2, family=poisson)

Obtain residuals

resid2 <- residuals(model2,type="deviance")

Update model2 by including the lag 1 residuals

model2_1 <- update(model2,.~.+ Lag(resid2,1),  na.action=na.omit)

"relocation R_X86_64_32S against " linking Error

Assuming you are generating a shared library, most probably what happens is that the variant of liblog4cplus.a you are using wasn't compiled with -fPIC. In linux, you can confirm this by extracting the object files from the static library and checking their relocations:

ar -x liblog4cplus.a  
readelf --relocs fileappender.o | egrep '(GOT|PLT|JU?MP_SLOT)'

If the output is empty, then the static library is not position-independent and cannot be used to generate a shared object.

Since the static library contains object code which was already compiled, providing the -fPIC flag won't help.

You need to get ahold of a version of liblog4cplus.a compiled with -fPIC and use that one instead.

CORS: Cannot use wildcard in Access-Control-Allow-Origin when credentials flag is true

This works for me in development but I can't advise that in production, it's just a different way of getting the job done that hasn't been mentioned yet but probably not the best. Anyway here goes:

You can get the origin from the request, then use that in the response header. Here's how it looks in express:

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
  res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', req.header('origin') );

I don't know what that would look like with your python setup but that should be easy to translate.

Running an Excel macro via Python?

A variation on SMNALLY's code that doesn't quit Excel if you already have it open:

import os, os.path
import win32com.client
if os.path.exists("excelsheet.xlsm"):
    wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(os.path.abspath("excelsheet.xlsm"), ReadOnly=1) #create a workbook object
    wb.Close(False) #close the work sheet object rather than quitting excel
    del wb
    del xl

inverting image in Python with OpenCV

You almost did it. You were tricked by the fact that abs(imagem-255) will give a wrong result since your dtype is an unsigned integer. You have to do (255-imagem) in order to keep the integers unsigned:

def inverte(imagem, name):
    imagem = (255-imagem)
    cv2.imwrite(name, imagem)

You can also invert the image using the bitwise_not function of OpenCV:

imagem = cv2.bitwise_not(imagem)

Carry Flag, Auxiliary Flag and Overflow Flag in Assembly

Carry Flag is a flag set when:

a) two unsigned numbers were added and the result is larger than "capacity" of register where it is saved. Ex: we wanna add two 8 bit numbers and save result in 8 bit register. In your example: 255 + 9 = 264 which is more that 8 bit register can store. So the value "8" will be saved there (264 & 255 = 8) and CF flag will be set.

b) two unsigned numbers were subtracted and we subtracted the bigger one from the smaller one. Ex: 1-2 will give you 255 in result and CF flag will be set.

Auxiliary Flag is used as CF but when working with BCD. So AF will be set when we have overflow or underflow on in BCD calculations. For example: considering 8 bit ALU unit, Auxiliary flag is set when there is carry from 3rd bit to 4th bit i.e. carry from lower nibble to higher nibble. (Wiki link)

Overflow Flag is used as CF but when we work on signed numbers. Ex we wanna add two 8 bit signed numbers: 127 + 2. the result is 129 but it is too much for 8bit signed number, so OF will be set. Similar when the result is too small like -128 - 1 = -129 which is out of scope for 8 bit signed numbers.

You can read more about flags on wikipedia

Collectors.toMap() keyMapper -- more succinct expression?

We can use an optional merger function also in case of same key collision. For example, If two or more persons have the same getLast() value, we can specify how to merge the values. If we not do this, we could get IllegalStateException. Here is the example to achieve this...

Map<String, Person> map = 
        Collectors.toMap(p -> p.getLast(),
                         p -> p,
                         (person1, person2) -> person1+";"+person2)

how to set value of a input hidden field through javascript?

For me it works:

document.getElementById("checkyear").value = "1";

Maybe your JS is not executed and you need to add a function() {} around it all.

Avoid line break between html elements

If the <i> tag isn't displayed as a block and causing the probelm then this should work:

<td style="white-space:nowrap;"><i class="flag-bfh-ES"></i>&nbsp;+34&nbsp;666&nbsp;66&nbsp;66&nbsp;66</td>

Bootstrap radio button "checked" flag

Use active class with label to make it auto select and use checked="" .

   <label class="btn btn-primary  active" value="regular"  style="width:47%">
   <input  type="radio" name="service" checked=""  > Regular </label>
   <label class="btn btn-primary " value="express" style="width:46%">
   <input type="radio" name="service"> Express </label>

Will iOS launch my app into the background if it was force-quit by the user?

I've been trying different variants of this for days, and I thought for a day I had it re-launching the app in the background, even when the user swiped to kill, but no I can't replicate that behavior.

It's unfortunate that the behavior is quite different than before. On iOS 6, if you killed the app from the jiggling icons, it would still get re-awoken on SLC triggers. Now, if you kill by swiping, that doesn't happen.

It's a different behavior, and the user, who would continue to get useful information from our app if they had killed it on iOS 6, now will not.

We need to nudge our users to re-open the app now if they have swiped to kill it and are still expecting some of the notification behavior that we used to give them. I'm worried this won't be obvious to users when they swipe an app away. They may, after all, be basically cleaning up or wanting to rearrange the apps that are shown minimized.

Placing a textview on top of imageview in android

This should give you the required layout:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:layout_height="fill_parent" >

        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" />

        android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" />


Play with the android:layout_marginTop="20dp" to see which one suits you better. Use the id textview to dynamically set the android:text value.

Since a RelativeLayout stacks its children, defining the TextView after ImageView puts it 'over' the ImageView.

NOTE: Similar results can be obtained using a FrameLayout as the parent, along with the efficiency gain over using any other android container. Thanks to Igor Ganapolsky(see comment below) for pointing out that this answer needs an update.

How to process images of a video, frame by frame, in video streaming using OpenCV and Python

Use this:

import cv2
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('path to video file')
count = 0
while cap.isOpened():
    ret,frame =
    cv2.imshow('window-name', frame)
    cv2.imwrite("frame%d.jpg" % count, frame)
    count = count + 1
    if cv2.waitKey(10) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

cv2.destroyAllWindows() # destroy all opened windows

JavaScript array to CSV

The selected answer is probably correct but it seems needlessly unclear.

I found Shomz's Fiddle to be very helpful, but again, needlessly unclear. (Edit: I now see that that Fiddle is based on the OP's Fiddle.)

Here's my version (which I've created a Fiddle for) which I think is more clear:

function downloadableCSV(rows) {
  var content = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,";

  rows.forEach(function(row, index) {
    content += row.join(",") + "\n";

  return encodeURI(content);

var rows = [
  ["name1", 2, 3],
  ["name2", 4, 5],
  ["name3", 6, 7],
  ["name4", 8, 9],
  ["name5", 10, 11]

$("#download").click(function() {;

Check if application is installed - Android

    private boolean isAppExist() {

    PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
    try {
        PackageInfo info = pm.getPackageInfo("com.facebook.katana", PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
    } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
        return false;
    return true;

if (isFacebookExist()) {showToast(" Facebook is  install.");}
     else {showToast(" Facebook is not install.");}

if condition in sql server update query

The current answers are fine and should work ok, but what's wrong with the more simple, more obvious, and more maintainable:

IF @flag = 1
    UPDATE table_name SET column_A = column_A + @new_value WHERE ID = @ID;
    UPDATE table_name SET column_B = column_B + @new_value WHERE ID = @ID;

This is much easier to read albeit this is a very simple query.

Here's a working example courtesy of @snyder: SqlFiddle.

Arduino error: does not name a type?

Don't know it this is your problem but it was mine.

Void setup() does not name a type


void setup() is ok.

I found that the sketch I copied for another project was full of 'wrong case' letters. Onc efixed, it ran smoothly.emphasized text

How to process SIGTERM signal gracefully?

Based on the previous answers, I have created a context manager which protects from sigint and sigterm.

import logging
import signal
import sys

class TerminateProtected:
    """ Protect a piece of code from being killed by SIGINT or SIGTERM.
    It can still be killed by a force kill.

        with TerminateProtected():

    Both functions will be executed even if a sigterm or sigkill has been received.
    killed = False

    def _handler(self, signum, frame):
        logging.error("Received SIGINT or SIGTERM! Finishing this block, then exiting.")
        self.killed = True

    def __enter__(self):
        self.old_sigint = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._handler)
        self.old_sigterm = signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._handler)

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        if self.killed:
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.old_sigint)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.old_sigterm)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("Try pressing ctrl+c while the sleep is running!")
    from time import sleep
    with TerminateProtected():
        print("Finished anyway!")
    print("This only prints if there was no sigint or sigterm")

The target ... overrides the `OTHER_LDFLAGS` build setting defined in `Pods/Pods.xcconfig

For me the problem was with my targets tests. I already had the $(inherited) flag in my main app target.

I added it to MyAppTests Other Linker flags. After that when I ran pod install the warning message was gone. enter image description here

"Input string was not in a correct format."

In my case I forgot to put double curly brace to escape. {{myobject}}

How to get Chrome to allow mixed content?

On OSX the following works from the command line:

/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --allow-running-insecure-content

How to remove elements/nodes from angular.js array

There is no rocket science in deleting items from array. To delete items from any array you need to use splice: $scope.items.splice(index, 1);. Here is an example:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html data-ng-app="demo">
    <script data-require="[email protected]" data-semver="1.1.5" src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
    <script src="script.js"></script>
    <div data-ng-controller="DemoController">
        <li data-ng-repeat="item in items">
          <button data-ng-click="removeItem($index)">Remove</button>
      <input data-ng-model="newItem"><button data-ng-click="addItem(newItem)">Add</button>


"use strict";

var demo = angular.module("demo", []);

function DemoController($scope){
  $scope.items = [

  $scope.addItem = function(item){
    $scope.newItem = null;

  $scope.removeItem = function(index){
    $scope.items.splice(index, 1);

ImportError: No module named apiclient.discovery

I had the same problem because of a bug in the installation of the URITemplate module.

This solved the problem:

pip install --force-reinstall

Vibrate and Sound defaults on notification

Notification Vibrate

mBuilder.setVibrate(new long[] { 1000, 1000});



for more sound option

How to use support FileProvider for sharing content to other apps?

In my app FileProvider works just fine, and I am able to attach internal files stored in files directory to email clients like Gmail,Yahoo etc.

In my manifest as mentioned in the Android documentation I placed:

            android:resource="@xml/filepaths" />

And as my files were stored in the root files directory, the filepaths.xml were as follows:

<files-path path="." name="name" />

Now in the code:

 File file=new File(context.getFilesDir(),"test.txt");

 Intent shareIntent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE);



                                 new String[] {"email-address you want to send the file to"});

   Uri uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(context,"",

                ArrayList<Uri> uris = new ArrayList<Uri>();

                shareIntent .putParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM,

                try {
                   context.startActivity(Intent.createChooser(shareIntent , "Email:").addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK));                                                      

                catch(ActivityNotFoundException e) {
                                   "Sorry No email Application was found",

This worked for me.Hope this helps :)

Safely limiting Ansible playbooks to a single machine?

A slightly different solution is to use the special variable ansible_limit which is the contents of the --limit CLI option for the current execution of Ansible.

- hosts: "{{ ansible_limit | default(omit) }}"

No need to define an extra variable here, just run the playbook with the --limit flag.

ansible-playbook --limit imac-2.local user.yml

Go install fails with error: no install location for directory xxx outside GOPATH

In windows, my cmd window was already open when I set the GOPATH environment variable. First I had to close the cmd and then reopen for it to become effective.

Reading and writing to serial port in C on Linux

Some receivers expect EOL sequence, which is typically two characters \r\n, so try in your code replace the line

unsigned char cmd[] = {'I', 'N', 'I', 'T', ' ', '\r', '\0'};


unsigned char cmd[] = "INIT\r\n";

BTW, the above way is probably more efficient. There is no need to quote every character.

How to display multiple notifications in android

You need to add a unique ID to each of the notifications so that they do not combine with each other. You can use this link for your reference :

Gradle Build Android Project "Could not resolve all dependencies" error

I had this message in Android Studio 2.1.1 in the Gradle Build tab. I installed a lot of files from the SDK Manager but it did not help.

I needed to click the next tab "Gradle Sync". There was a link "Install Repository and sync project" which installed the "Android Support Repository".

When correctly use Task.Run and when just async-await

One issue with your ContentLoader is that internally it operates sequentially. A better pattern is to parallelize the work and then sychronize at the end, so we get

public class PageViewModel : IHandle<SomeMessage>

   public async void Handle(SomeMessage message)

      // makes UI very laggy, but still not dead
      await this.contentLoader.LoadContentAsync(); 


public class ContentLoader 
    public async Task LoadContentAsync()
        var tasks = new List<Task>();

        await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);

Obviously, this doesn't work if any of the tasks require data from other earlier tasks, but should give you better overall throughput for most scenarios.

IE8 issue with Twitter Bootstrap 3

I also had to set the following META tag:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> 

Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: site

Instead of installing the bloated IIS, I get mine resolved by installing Internet Information Services Hostable Web Core from the Windows Features

Disable cross domain web security in Firefox

For anyone finding this question while using Nightwatch.js (1.3.4), there's an acceptInsecureCerts: true setting in the config file:

firefox: {_x000D_
      desiredCapabilities: {_x000D_
        browserName: 'firefox',_x000D_
        alwaysMatch: {_x000D_
          // Enable this if you encounter unexpected SSL certificate errors in Firefox_x000D_
          acceptInsecureCerts: true,_x000D_
          'moz:firefoxOptions': {_x000D_
            args: [_x000D_
              // '-headless',_x000D_
              // '-verbose'_x000D_

500 Internal Server Error for php file not for html

500 Internal Server Error is shown if your php code has fatal errors but error displaying is switched off. You may try this to see the error itself instead of 500 error page:

In your php file:

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

In .htaccess file:

php_flag display_errors 1

Android-Studio upgraded from 0.1.9 to 0.2.0 causing gradle build errors now

Ok, I finally resolved this, by completely de-installing Android-Studio, and then installing the latest (0.2.0) from scratch.

EDIT: I also had to use the Android SDK-Manager, and install the component in the 'Extras' section called the Android Support Repository (as mentioned elsewhere).

Note: This does NOT fix my old existing project...that one still will not build, as indicated above.

But, it DOES solve the issue of now being able to at least create NEW projects going forward, that build ok using 'Gradle'. (So, basically, I re-created my proj from scratch under a new name, and copied all my code and project xml-files, etc, from the old project, into the newly-created one.)

[As an aside: I've got an idea, Google! Why don't you refer to versions of Android-Studio using numbers like 0.1.9 and 0.2.0, but then when users click on 'About' menu item, or search elsewhere for what version they are running, you could baffle them with crap like 'the July 11th build' or aka, some build number with 6 or 8 digits of numbering, and make them wonder what version they actually have! That will keep the developers guessing...really will sort the wheat from the chaff, etc.]

For example, I originally installed a kit named: android-studio-bundle-130.687321-windows.exe

Today, I got the "0.2.0" kit???, and it has a name like: android-studio-bundle-130.737825-windows.exe

Yep, this version #ing system is about as clear as mud.
Why bother with the illusion of version#s, when you don't use them!!!???

How to get current location in Android

First you need to define a LocationListener to handle location changes.

private final LocationListener mLocationListener = new LocationListener() {
    public void onLocationChanged(final Location location) {
        //your code here

Then get the LocationManager and ask for location updates

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    mLocationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE);

    mLocationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, LOCATION_REFRESH_TIME,
            LOCATION_REFRESH_DISTANCE, mLocationListener);

And finally make sure that you have added the permission on the Manifest,

For using only network based location use this one

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>

For GPS based location, this one

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>

Android open pdf file

The problem is that there is no app installed to handle opening the PDF. You should use the Intent Chooser, like so:

File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() +"/"+ filename);
Intent target = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

Intent intent = Intent.createChooser(target, "Open File");
try {
} catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
    // Instruct the user to install a PDF reader here, or something

How can I produce an effect similar to the iOS 7 blur view?

There is a rumor that Apple engineers claimed, to make this performant they are reading directly out of the gpu buffer which raises security issues which is why there is no public API to do this yet.

How do I enable C++11 in gcc?

If you are using sublime then this code may work if you add it in build as code for building system. You can use this link for more information.

    "shell_cmd": "g++ \"${file}\" -std=c++1y -o \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}\"",
    "file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$",
    "working_dir": "${file_path}",
    "selector": "source.c, source.c++",

            "name": "Run",
            "shell_cmd": "g++ \"${file}\" -std=c++1y -o \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}\" && \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}\""

How to set the value of a hidden field from a controller in mvc

Please try using following way.

@Html.Hidden("hdnFlag",(object) Convert.ToInt32(ViewBag.page_Count))

How to call another controller Action From a controller in Mvc

if the problem is to call. you can call it using this method.

yourController obj= new yourController();


How to install PyQt5 on Windows?

Mainly I use the following command under the cmd

pip install pyqt5

And it works with no problem!

How to use onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState()?

When your activity is recreated after it was previously destroyed, you can recover your saved state from the Bundle that the system passes your activity. Both the onCreate() and onRestoreInstanceState() callback methods receive the same Bundle that contains the instance state information.

Because the onCreate() method is called whether the system is creating a new instance of your activity or recreating a previous one, you must check whether the state Bundle is null before you attempt to read it. If it is null, then the system is creating a new instance of the activity, instead of restoring a previous one that was destroyed.

static final String STATE_USER = "user";
private String mUser;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Check whether we're recreating a previously destroyed instance
    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
        // Restore value of members from saved state
        mUser = savedInstanceState.getString(STATE_USER);
    } else {
        // Probably initialize members with default values for a new instance
        mUser = "NewUser";

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    savedInstanceState.putString(STATE_USER, mUser);
    // Always call the superclass so it can save the view hierarchy state

Excel VBA Code: Compile Error in x64 Version ('PtrSafe' attribute required)

I think all you need to do for your function is just add PtrSafe: i.e. the first line of your first function should look like this:

Private Declare PtrSafe Function swe_azalt Lib "swedll32.dll" ......

Preventing multiple clicks on button

This should work for you:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.applicationButton').click(function (e) {
        var btn = $(this),
            isPageValid = Page_ClientValidate(); // cache state of page validation
        if (!isPageValid) {
            // page isn't valid, block form submission
        // disable the button only if the page is valid.
        // when the postback returns, the button will be re-enabled by default
        btn.prop('disabled', isPageValid);
        return isPageValid;

Please note that you should also take steps server-side to prevent double-posts as not every visitor to your site will be polite enough to visit it with a browser (let alone a JavaScript-enabled browser).

Permanently hide Navigation Bar in an activity

My solution, to only hide the navigation bar, is:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    final View decorView = getWindow().getDecorView();
    decorView.setOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener (new View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener() {
        public void onSystemUiVisibilityChange(int visibility) {
            if ((visibility & View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN) == 0) {
                                | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION
                                | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION
                                | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY);

protected void onResume() {
    final int uiOptions = View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION;
    final View decorView = getWindow().getDecorView();

JDBC connection to MSSQL server in windows authentication mode

If you want to do windows authentication, use the latest MS-JDBC driver and follow the instructions here:

How to fix homebrew permissions?

I used these two commands and saved my problem

sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local

sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages /usr/local/share/aclocal /usr/local/share/locale /usr/local/share/man/man7 /usr/local/share/man/man8 /usr/local/share/zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/local/var/homebrew/locks

Save file to specific folder with curl command

This option comes in curl 7.73.0:

curl --create-dirs -O --output-dir /tmp/receipes

python 3.2 UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u2013' in position 9629: character maps to <undefined>

While Python 3 deals in Unicode, the Windows console or POSIX tty that you're running inside does not. So, whenever you print, or otherwise send Unicode strings to stdout, and it's attached to a console/tty, Python has to encode it.

The error message indirectly tells you what character set Python was trying to use:

  File "C:\Python32\lib\encodings\", line 19, in encode

This means the charset is cp850.

You can test or yourself that this charset doesn't have the appropriate character just by doing '\u2013'.encode('cp850'). Or you can look up cp850 online (e.g., at Wikipedia).

It's possible that Python is guessing wrong, and your console is really set for, say UTF-8. (In that case, just manually set sys.stdout.encoding='utf-8'.) It's also possible that you intended your console to be set for UTF-8 but did something wrong. (In that case, you probably want to follow up at

But if nothing is wrong, you just can't print that character. You will have to manually encode it with one of the non-strict error-handlers. For example:

>>> '\u2013'.encode('cp850')
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u2013' in position 0: character maps to <undefined>
>>> '\u2013'.encode('cp850', errors='replace')

So, how do you print a string that won't print on your console?

You can replace every print function with something like this:

>>> print(r['body'].encode('cp850', errors='replace').decode('cp850'))

… but that's going to get pretty tedious pretty fast.

The simple thing to do is to just set the error handler on sys.stdout:

>>> sys.stdout.errors = 'replace'
>>> print(r['body'])

For printing to a file, things are pretty much the same, except that you don't have to set f.errors after the fact, you can set it at construction time. Instead of this:

with open('path', 'w', encoding='cp850') as f:

Do this:

with open('path', 'w', encoding='cp850', errors='replace') as f:

… Or, of course, if you can use UTF-8 files, just do that, as Mark Ransom's answer shows:

with open('path', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:

Bash if statement with multiple conditions throws an error

Use -a (for and) and -o (for or) operations.


Actually you could still use && and || with the -eq operation. So your script would be like this:

if [ $my_error_flag -eq 1 ] ||  [ $my_error_flag_o -eq 2 ] || ([ $my_error_flag -eq 1 ] && [ $my_error_flag_o -eq 2 ]); then
      echo "$my_error_flag"
    echo "no flag"

Although in your case you can discard the last two expressions and just stick with one or operation like this:

if [ $my_error_flag -eq 1 ] ||  [ $my_error_flag_o -eq 2 ]; then
      echo "$my_error_flag"
    echo "no flag"

Running AngularJS initialization code when view is loaded

I use the following template in my projects:

angular.module("AppName.moduleName", [])

 * @ngdoc controller
 * @name  AppName.moduleName:ControllerNameController
 * @description Describe what the controller is responsible for.
    .controller("ControllerNameController", function (dependencies) {

        /* type */ $scope.modelName = null;
        /* type */ $scope.modelName.modelProperty1 = null;
        /* type */ $scope.modelName.modelPropertyX = null;

        /* type */ var privateVariable1 = null;
        /* type */ var privateVariableX = null;

        (function init() {
            // load data, init scope, etc.

        $scope.modelName.publicFunction1 = function () /* -> type  */ {
            // ...

        $scope.modelName.publicFunctionX = function () /* -> type  */ {
            // ...

        function privateFunction1() /* -> type  */ {
            // ...

        function privateFunctionX() /* -> type  */ {
            // ...


Using SELECT result in another SELECT

NewScores is an alias to Scores table - it looks like you can combine the queries as follows:

        Members.FirstName + ' ' + Members.LastName AS Name, 
            WHEN MenuCountry.ImgURL IS NULL THEN 
        END AS FlagImg, 
        AVG(CAST(NewScores.NetScore AS DECIMAL(18, 4))) AS Nett, 
        COUNT(Score.ScoreID) AS Rounds 
        INNER JOIN 
        Score NewScores
            ON Members.MemberID = NewScores.MemberID 
        LEFT OUTER JOIN MenuCountry 
            ON Members.Country = MenuCountry.ID 
        Members.Status = 1 
        AND NewScores.InsertedDate >= DATEADD(mm, -3, GETDATE())
        Members.FirstName + ' ' + Members.LastName, 
    ) AS Dertbl 

How do I catch a numpy warning like it's an exception (not just for testing)?

To add a little to @Bakuriu's answer:

If you already know where the warning is likely to occur then it's often cleaner to use the numpy.errstate context manager, rather than numpy.seterr which treats all subsequent warnings of the same type the same regardless of where they occur within your code:

import numpy as np

a = np.r_[1.]
with np.errstate(divide='raise'):
        a / 0   # this gets caught and handled as an exception
    except FloatingPointError:
        print('oh no!')
a / 0           # this prints a RuntimeWarning as usual


In my original example I had a = np.r_[0], but apparently there was a change in numpy's behaviour such that division-by-zero is handled differently in cases where the numerator is all-zeros. For example, in numpy 1.16.4:

all_zeros = np.array([0., 0.])
not_all_zeros = np.array([1., 0.])

with np.errstate(divide='raise'):
    not_all_zeros / 0.  # Raises FloatingPointError

with np.errstate(divide='raise'):
    all_zeros / 0.  # No exception raised

with np.errstate(invalid='raise'):
    all_zeros / 0.  # Raises FloatingPointError

The corresponding warning messages are also different: 1. / 0. is logged as RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide, whereas 0. / 0. is logged as RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide. I'm not sure why exactly this change was made, but I suspect it has to do with the fact that the result of 0. / 0. is not representable as a number (numpy returns a NaN in this case) whereas 1. / 0. and -1. / 0. return +Inf and -Inf respectively, per the IEE 754 standard.

If you want to catch both types of error you can always pass np.errstate(divide='raise', invalid='raise'), or all='raise' if you want to raise an exception on any kind of floating point error.

Android Notification Sound

You can do the following:

MediaPlayer mp;
mp =MediaPlayer.create(Activity_Order_Visor_Atender.this, R.raw.ok);         

You create a packages between your resources with the name of raw and there you keep your sounds then you just call it.

Android Service needs to run always (Never pause or stop)

I found a simple and clear way of keeping the Service running always.

This guy has explained it so clearly and have used a good algorithm. His approach is to send a Broadcast when the service is about to get killed and then use it to restart the service.

You should check it out:

How can I pass a list as a command-line argument with argparse?

If you have a nested list where the inner lists have different types and lengths and you would like to preserve the type, e.g.,

[[1, 2], ["foo", "bar"], [3.14, "baz", 20]]

then you can use the solution proposed by @sam-mason to this question, shown below:

from argparse import ArgumentParser
import json

parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-l', type=json.loads)
parser.parse_args(['-l', '[[1,2],["foo","bar"],[3.14,"baz",20]]'])

which gives:

Namespace(l=[[1, 2], ['foo', 'bar'], [3.14, 'baz', 20]])

Disabling Chrome Autofill

Unfortunately none of the solutions seem to work. I was able to blank out email (username) using

                    <!-- fake fields are a workaround for chrome autofill getting the wrong fields -->
                    <input style="display:none" type="text" name="fakeusernameremembered"/>
                    <input style="display:none" type="password" name="fakepasswordremembered"/>

technique, but password still populates.

Broadcast receiver for checking internet connection in android app

public class AsyncCheckInternet extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Boolean> {

public static final int TIME_OUT = 10 * 1000;

private OnCallBack listener;

public interface OnCallBack {

    public void onBack(Boolean value);

public AsyncCheckInternet(OnCallBack listener) {
    this.listener = listener;

protected void onPreExecute() {

protected Boolean doInBackground(String... params) {

    ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) General.context

    NetworkInfo networkInfo = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();

    if ((networkInfo != null && networkInfo.isConnected())
            && ((networkInfo.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) || (networkInfo
                    .getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE))) {
        HttpURLConnection urlc;
        try {
            urlc = (HttpURLConnection) (new URL("")
            if (urlc.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            return false;

        } catch (IOException e) {
            return false;

    } else {
        return false;

protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result) {
    if (listener != null) {


Change output format for MySQL command line results to CSV

As a partial answer: mysql -N -B -e "select people, places from things"

-N tells it not to print column headers. -B is "batch mode", and uses tabs to separate fields.

If tab separated values won't suffice, see this Stackoverflow Q&A.

to_string not declared in scope

I fixed this problem by changing the first line in from

APP_STL := gnustl_static


APP_STL := c++_static

What is PEP8's E128: continuation line under-indented for visual indent?

This goes also for statements like this (auto-formatted by PyCharm):

    return combine_sample_generators(sample_generators['train']), \
           combine_sample_generators(sample_generators['dev']), \

Which will give the same style-warning. In order to get rid of it I had to rewrite it to:

    return \
        combine_sample_generators(sample_generators['train']), \
        combine_sample_generators(sample_generators['dev']), \

If statement within Where clause

You can't use IF like that. You can do what you want with AND and OR:

SELECT t.first_name,
  FROM employeetable t
 WHERE ((status_flag = STATUS_ACTIVE   AND t.status = 'A')
     OR (status_flag = STATUS_INACTIVE AND t.status = 'T')
     OR (source_flag = SOURCE_FUNCTION AND t.business_unit = 'production')
     OR (source_flag = SOURCE_USER     AND t.business_unit = 'users'))
   AND t.first_name LIKE firstname
   AND t.last_name  LIKE lastname
   AND t.employid   LIKE employeeid;

Android: Pass data(extras) to a fragment

great answer by @Rarw. Try using a bundle to pass information from one fragment to another

Convert object to JSON string in C#

Use .net inbuilt class JavaScriptSerializer

  JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
  string json = js.Serialize(obj);

Is there a way to get colored text in GitHubflavored Markdown?

You can not color plain text in a GitHub file. You can however add color to code samples in your GitHub file with the tags below.

To do this, just add tags, such as these samples, to your file:

   // Code for coloring
   // Code for coloring
   // Code for coloring
   // Code for coloring
// etc.

**Colored Code Example, JavaScript:** place this code below, in your GitHub file and see how it colors the code for you.
  import { Component } from '@angular/core';
  import { MovieService } from './services/movie.service';

    selector: 'app-root',
    templateUrl: './app.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'],
    providers: [ MovieService ]
  export class AppComponent {
    title = 'app works!';

No "pre" or "code" tags are needed.

This is now covered in the GitHub Markdown documentation (about half way down the page, there's an example using Ruby). GitHub uses Linguist to identify and highlight syntax - you can find a full list of supported languages (as well as their markdown keywords) over in the Linguist's YAML file.


How to get primary key of table?

SELECT k.column_name
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage k   
WHERE k.table_name = 'YOUR TABLE NAME' AND k.constraint_name LIKE 'pk%'

I would recommend you to watch all the fields

Does Java support default parameter values?

I might be stating the obvious here but why not simply implement the "default" parameter yourself?

public class Foo() {
        public void func(String s){
                func(s, true);
        public void func(String s, boolean b){
                //your code here

for the default, you would either use

func("my string");

and if you wouldn't like to use the default, you would use

func("my string", false);

Scala how can I count the number of occurrences in a list

using cats

import cats.implicits._

"Alphabet".toLowerCase().map(c => Map(c -> 1)).toList.combineAll
"Alphabet".toLowerCase().map(c => Map(c -> 1)).toList.foldMap(identity)

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use

Save code below as command.sql

USE restaurant
TRUNCATE `orders`;
TRUNCATE `order_items`;

Then run

mysql -u root <comands.sql>

How can I divide one column of a data frame through another?

There are a plethora of ways in which this can be done. The problem is how to make R aware of the locations of the variables you wish to divide.


d <- read.table(text = "263807.0    1582
196190.5    1016
586689.0    3479
names(d) <- c("min", "count2.freq")
> d
       min count2.freq
1 263807.0        1582
2 196190.5        1016
3 586689.0        3479

My preferred way

To add the desired division as a third variable I would use transform()

> d <- transform(d, new = min / count2.freq)
> d
       min count2.freq      new
1 263807.0        1582 166.7554
2 196190.5        1016 193.1009
3 586689.0        3479 168.6373

The basic R way

If doing this in a function (i.e. you are programming) then best to avoid the sugar shown above and index. In that case any of these would do what you want

## 1. via `[` and character indexes
d[, "new"] <- d[, "min"] / d[, "count2.freq"]

## 2. via `[` with numeric indices
d[, 3] <- d[, 1] / d[, 2]

## 3. via `$`
d$new <- d$min / d$count2.freq

All of these can be used at the prompt too, but which is easier to read:

d <- transform(d, new = min / count2.freq)


d$new <- d$min / d$count2.freq ## or any of the above examples

Hopefully you think like I do and the first version is better ;-)

The reason we don't use the syntactic sugar of tranform() et al when programming is because of how they do their evaluation (look for the named variables). At the top level (at the prompt, working interactively) transform() et al work just fine. But buried in function calls or within a call to one of the apply() family of functions they can and often do break.

Likewise, be careful using numeric indices (## 2. above); if you change the ordering of your data, you will select the wrong variables.

The preferred way if you don't need replacement

If you are just wanting to do the division (rather than insert the result back into the data frame, then use with(), which allows us to isolate the simple expression you wish to evaluate

> with(d, min / count2.freq)
[1] 166.7554 193.1009 168.6373

This is again much cleaner code than the equivalent

> d$min / d$count2.freq
[1] 166.7554 193.1009 168.6373

as it explicitly states that "using d, execute the code min / count2.freq. Your preference may be different to mine, so I have shown all options.

How to prevent column break within an element?

ul li{display: table;}  

works perfectly

Keyboard shortcut for Jump to Previous View Location (Navigate back/forward) in IntelliJ IDEA

Press Ctrl + Alt + S then choose Keymap and finally find the keyboard shortcut by type back word in search bar at the top right corner.

Can I automatically increment the file build version when using Visual Studio?

Set the version number to "1.0.*" and it will automatically fill in the last two number with the date (in days from some point) and the time (half the seconds from midnight)

Multiple conditions in if statement shell script

You are trying to compare strings inside an arithmetic command (((...))). Use [[ instead.

if [[ $username == "$username1" && $password == "$password1" ]] ||
   [[ $username == "$username2" && $password == "$password2" ]]; then

Note that I've reduced this to two separate tests joined by ||, with the && moved inside the tests. This is because the shell operators && and || have equal precedence and are simply evaluated from left to right. As a result, it's not generally true that a && b || c && d is equivalent to the intended ( a && b ) || ( c && d ).

Where to find Application Loader app in Mac?

This error had me really scared because I make my app using Adobe AIR, so once my AIR builder (FDT) tells me it has packaged it, I really have very little I can do if it fails.

I got this error when I uploaded my ipa through the Application Loader (v3.0 [620]) that I had downloaded from the link they provide when submitting the binary. I tried uploading the ipa through Xcode > Application Loader (v3.6 [1020]) and it worked fine.

I am going to write to Apple about this once my blood pressure returns to normal.

"Least Astonishment" and the Mutable Default Argument

Python: The Mutable Default Argument

Default arguments get evaluated at the time the function is compiled into a function object. When used by the function, multiple times by that function, they are and remain the same object.

When they are mutable, when mutated (for example, by adding an element to it) they remain mutated on consecutive calls.

They stay mutated because they are the same object each time.

Equivalent code:

Since the list is bound to the function when the function object is compiled and instantiated, this:

def foo(mutable_default_argument=[]): # make a list the default argument
    """function that uses a list"""

is almost exactly equivalent to this:

_a_list = [] # create a list in the globals

def foo(mutable_default_argument=_a_list): # make it the default argument
    """function that uses a list"""

del _a_list # remove globals name binding


Here's a demonstration - you can verify that they are the same object each time they are referenced by

  • seeing that the list is created before the function has finished compiling to a function object,
  • observing that the id is the same each time the list is referenced,
  • observing that the list stays changed when the function that uses it is called a second time,
  • observing the order in which the output is printed from the source (which I conveniently numbered for you):

print('1. Global scope being evaluated')

def create_list():
    '''noisily create a list for usage as a kwarg'''
    l = []
    print('3. list being created and returned, id: ' + str(id(l)))
    return l

print('2. example_function about to be compiled to an object')

def example_function(default_kwarg1=create_list()):
    print('appending "a" in default default_kwarg1')
    print('list with id: ' + str(id(default_kwarg1)) + 
          ' - is now: ' + repr(default_kwarg1))

print('4. example_function compiled: ' + repr(example_function))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('5. calling example_function twice!:')

and running it with python

1. Global scope being evaluated
2. example_function about to be compiled to an object
3. list being created and returned, id: 140502758808032
4. example_function compiled: <function example_function at 0x7fc9590905f0>
5. calling example_function twice!:
appending "a" in default default_kwarg1
list with id: 140502758808032 - is now: ['a']
appending "a" in default default_kwarg1
list with id: 140502758808032 - is now: ['a', 'a']

Does this violate the principle of "Least Astonishment"?

This order of execution is frequently confusing to new users of Python. If you understand the Python execution model, then it becomes quite expected.

The usual instruction to new Python users:

But this is why the usual instruction to new users is to create their default arguments like this instead:

def example_function_2(default_kwarg=None):
    if default_kwarg is None:
        default_kwarg = []

This uses the None singleton as a sentinel object to tell the function whether or not we've gotten an argument other than the default. If we get no argument, then we actually want to use a new empty list, [], as the default.

As the tutorial section on control flow says:

If you don’t want the default to be shared between subsequent calls, you can write the function like this instead:

def f(a, L=None):
    if L is None:
        L = []
    return L

Android: adb pull file on desktop

do adb pull \sdcard\log.txt C:Users\admin\Desktop

Oracle row count of table by count(*) vs NUM_ROWS from DBA_TABLES

According to the documentation NUM_ROWS is the "Number of rows in the table", so I can see how this might be confusing. There, however, is a major difference between these two methods.

This query selects the number of rows in MY_TABLE from a system view. This is data that Oracle has previously collected and stored.

select num_rows from all_tables where table_name = 'MY_TABLE'

This query counts the current number of rows in MY_TABLE

select count(*) from my_table

By definition they are difference pieces of data. There are two additional pieces of information you need about NUM_ROWS.

  1. In the documentation there's an asterisk by the column name, which leads to this note:

    Columns marked with an asterisk (*) are populated only if you collect statistics on the table with the ANALYZE statement or the DBMS_STATS package.

    This means that unless you have gathered statistics on the table then this column will not have any data.

  2. Statistics gathered in 11g+ with the default estimate_percent, or with a 100% estimate, will return an accurate number for that point in time. But statistics gathered before 11g, or with a custom estimate_percent less than 100%, uses dynamic sampling and may be incorrect. If you gather 99.999% a single row may be missed, which in turn means that the answer you get is incorrect.

If your table is never updated then it is certainly possible to use ALL_TABLES.NUM_ROWS to find out the number of rows in a table. However, and it's a big however, if any process inserts or deletes rows from your table it will be at best a good approximation and depending on whether your database gathers statistics automatically could be horribly wrong.

Generally speaking, it is always better to actually count the number of rows in the table rather then relying on the system tables.

Creating for loop until list.length

In Python you can iterate over the list itself:

for item in my_list:
   #do something with item

or to use indices you can use xrange():

for i in xrange(1,len(my_list)):    #as indexes start at zero so you 
                                    #may have to use xrange(len(my_list))
    #do something here my_list[i]

There's another built-in function called enumerate(), which returns both item and index:

for index,item in enumerate(my_list):
    # do something here


In [117]: my_lis=list('foobar')

In [118]: my_lis
Out[118]: ['f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r']

In [119]: for item in my_lis:
    print item

In [120]: for i in xrange(len(my_lis)):
    print my_lis[i]

In [122]: for index,item in enumerate(my_lis):
    print index,'-->',item
0 --> f
1 --> o
2 --> o
3 --> b
4 --> a
5 --> r

How to limit text width

You can apply css like this:

div {
   word-wrap: break-word;
   width: 100px;

Usually browser does not break words, but word-wrap: break-word; will force it to break words too.


More info about word-wrap

What are the rules about using an underscore in a C++ identifier?

Yes, underscores may be used anywhere in an identifier. I believe the rules are: any of a-z, A-Z, _ in the first character and those +0-9 for the following characters.

Underscore prefixes are common in C code -- a single underscore means "private", and double underscores are usually reserved for use by the compiler.

How to check if input date is equal to today's date?

Date.js is a handy library for manipulating and formatting dates. It can help in this situation.

Create an empty list in python with certain size

(This was written based on the original version of the question.)

I want to create a empty list (or whatever is the best way) can hold 10 elements.

All lists can hold as many elements as you like, subject only to the limit of available memory. The only "size" of a list that matters is the number of elements currently in it.

but when I run it, the result is []

print display s1 is not valid syntax; based on your description of what you're seeing, I assume you meant display(s1) and then print s1. For that to run, you must have previously defined a global s1 to pass into the function.

Calling display does not modify the list you pass in, as written. Your code says "s1 is a name for whatever thing was passed in to the function; ok, now the first thing we'll do is forget about that thing completely, and let s1 start referring instead to a newly created list. Now we'll modify that list". This has no effect on the value you passed in.

There is no reason to pass in a value here. (There is no real reason to create a function, either, but that's beside the point.) You want to "create" something, so that is the output of your function. No information is required to create the thing you describe, so don't pass any information in. To get information out, return it.

That would give you something like:

def display():
    s1 = list();
    for i in range(0, 9):
        s1[i] = i
    return s1

The next problem you will note is that your list will actually have only 9 elements, because the end point is skipped by the range function. (As side notes, [] works just as well as list(), the semicolon is unnecessary, s1 is a poor name for the variable, and only one parameter is needed for range if you're starting from 0.) So then you end up with

def create_list():
    result = list()
    for i in range(10):
        result[i] = i
    return result

However, this is still missing the mark; range is not some magical keyword that's part of the language the way for and def are, but instead it's a function. And guess what that function returns? That's right - a list of those integers. So the entire function collapses to

def create_list():
    return range(10)

and now you see why we don't need to write a function ourselves at all; range is already the function we're looking for. Although, again, there is no need or reason to "pre-size" the list.

Description Box using "onmouseover"

I'd try doing this with jQuery's .hover() event handler system, it makes it easy to show a div with the tooltip when the mouse is over the text, and hide it once it's gone.

Here's a simple example.


?<p id="testText">Some Text</p>
<div id="tooltip">Tooltip Hint Text</div>???????????????????????????????????????????

Basic CSS:

?#?tooltip {
border:1px solid #F00;



"Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP." error when loading a local file

Many problem for this, with my problem is missing '/' example: jquery-1.10.2.js:8720 XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:xxxProduct/getList_tagLabels/ It's must be: http://localhost:xxx/Product/getList_tagLabels/

I hope this help for who meet this problem.

How to get the last char of a string in PHP?

I'd advise to go for Gordon's solution as it is more performant than substr():


$string = 'abcdef';
$repetitions = 10000000;

echo "\n\n";
echo "----------------------------------\n";
echo $repetitions . " repetitions...\n";
echo "----------------------------------\n";
echo "\n\n";

$start = microtime(true);
for($i=0; $i<$repetitions; $i++)
    $x = substr($string, -1);

echo "substr() took " . (microtime(true) - $start) . "seconds\n";

$start = microtime(true);
for($i=0; $i<$repetitions; $i++)
    $x = $string[strlen($string)-1];

echo "array access took " . (microtime(true) - $start) . "seconds\n";


outputs something like

 10000000 repetitions...

 substr() took 2.0285921096802seconds 
 array access took 1.7474739551544seconds

What is the convention in JSON for empty vs. null?

"JSON has a special value called null which can be set on any type of data including arrays, objects, number and boolean types."

"The JSON empty concept applies for arrays and objects...Data object does not have a concept of empty lists. Hence, no action is taken on the data object for those properties."

Here is my source.

get all characters to right of last dash

I created a string extension for this, hope it helps.

public static string GetStringAfterChar(this string value, char substring)
        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
            var index = value.LastIndexOf(substring);
            return index > 0 ? value.Substring(index + 1) : value;

        return string.Empty;

What is SaaS, PaaS and IaaS? With examples

IaaS (Infra as a Service)

IaaS provides the infrastructure such as virtual machines and other resources like virtual-machine disk image library, block and file-based storage, firewalls, load balancers, IP addresses, virtual local area networks etc. Infrastructure as service or IaaS is the basic layer in cloud computing model.

Common examples: DigitalOcean, Linode, Rackspace, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cisco Metapod, Microsoft Azure, Google Compute Engine (GCE) are some popular examples of Iaas.

PaaS (Platform as a Service)

PaaS or platform as a service model provides you computing platforms which typically includes an operating system, programming language execution environment, database, web server. technically It is a layer on top of IaaS as the second thing you demand after Infrastructure is a platform.

Common examples: AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Windows Azure, Heroku,, Google App Engine, Apache Stratos.

SaaS (Software as a Service)

In a SaaS, you are provided access to application services installed at a server. You don’t have to worry about installation, maintenance or coding of that software. You can access and operate the software with just your browser. You don’t have to download or install any kind of setup or OS, the software is just available for you to access and operate. The software maintenance or setup or help will be provided by SaaS provider company and you will only have to pay for your usage.

Common examples: Google Apps, Microsoft office365, Google docs, Gmail, WHMCS billing software

Basic difference between IaaS, PaaS & SaaS enter image description here enter image description here

Authorize a non-admin developer in Xcode / Mac OS

For me, I found the suggestion in the following thread helped:

Stop "developer tools access needs to take control of another process for debugging to continue" alert

It suggested running the following command in the Terminal application:

sudo /usr/sbin/DevToolsSecurity --enable

GUI-based or Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer

Update: In an effort to answer my own question, here is what I've been able to uncover so far. If anyone else out there has something, I'd still be interested to find out more.

Based on JSON Schema

Commercial (No endorsement intended or implied, may or may not meet requirement)



See Also

How to develop a soft keyboard for Android?

A good place to start is the sample application provided on the developer docs.

  • Guidelines would be to just make it as usable as possible. Take a look at the others available on the market to see what you should be aiming for
  • Yes, services can do most things, including internet; provided you have asked for those permissions
  • You can open activities and do anything you like n those if you run into a problem with doing some things in the keyboard. For example HTC's keyboard has a button to open the settings activity, and another to open a dialog to change languages.

Take a look at other IME's to see what you should be aiming for. Some (like the official one) are open source.

Efficient method to generate UUID String in JAVA (UUID.randomUUID().toString() without the dashes)

Well, since an UUID gets added the hyphens (dashes) on toString() we can steal the implementation from Java's own implementation, shorting the byte array to 32 and adjusting the offset.

        public static String special() {
            UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
            return fastUUID(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits(), uuid.getMostSignificantBits());

        private static String fastUUID(long lsb, long msb) {
            byte[] buf = new byte[32];
            formatUnsignedLong0(lsb,        4, buf, 20, 12);
            formatUnsignedLong0(lsb >>> 48, 4, buf, 16, 4);

            formatUnsignedLong0(msb,        4, buf, 12, 4);
            formatUnsignedLong0(msb >>> 16, 4, buf, 8,  4);
            formatUnsignedLong0(msb >>> 32, 4, buf, 0,  8);

            return new String(buf, 0);

        private static final char[] digits = {
                '0' , '1' , '2' , '3' , '4' , '5' ,
                '6' , '7' , '8' , '9' , 'a' , 'b' ,
                'c' , 'd' , 'e' , 'f' , 'g' , 'h' ,
                'i' , 'j' , 'k' , 'l' , 'm' , 'n' ,
                'o' , 'p' , 'q' , 'r' , 's' , 't' ,
                'u' , 'v' , 'w' , 'x' , 'y' , 'z'
        private static void formatUnsignedLong0(long val, int shift, byte[] buf, int offset, int len) {
            int charPos = offset + len;
            int radix = 1 << shift;
            int mask = radix - 1;
            do {
                buf[--charPos] = (byte)digits[((int) val) & mask];
                val >>>= shift;
            } while (charPos > offset);

Running it:

        public static void main(String[] args) {
            IntStream.range(0, 100).forEach(i-> {



Should be just as efficient (more effecient) than Javas actually.

Difference between jQuery .hide() and .css("display", "none")


With no parameters, the .show() method is the simplest way to display an element:


The matched elements will be revealed immediately, with no animation. This is roughly equivalent to calling .css('display', 'block'), except that the display property is restored to whatever it was initially. If an element has a display value of inline, then is hidden and shown, it will once again be displayed inline.

Set markers for individual points on a line in Matplotlib

You can do:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = [1,2,3,4,5]
y = [2,1,3,6,7]

plt.plot(x, y, style='.-')

This will return a graph with the data points marked with a dot

Splitting templated C++ classes into .hpp/.cpp files--is it possible?

It is not possible to write the implementation of a template class in a separate cpp file and compile. All the ways to do so, if anyone claims, are workarounds to mimic the usage of separate cpp file but practically if you intend to write a template class library and distribute it with header and lib files to hide the implementation, it is simply not possible.

To know why, let us look at the compilation process. The header files are never compiled. They are only preprocessed. The preprocessed code is then clubbed with the cpp file which is actually compiled. Now if the compiler has to generate the appropriate memory layout for the object it needs to know the data type of the template class.

Actually it must be understood that template class is not a class at all but a template for a class the declaration and definition of which is generated by the compiler at compile time after getting the information of the data type from the argument. As long as the memory layout cannot be created, the instructions for the method definition cannot be generated. Remember the first argument of the class method is the 'this' operator. All class methods are converted into individual methods with name mangling and the first parameter as the object which it operates on. The 'this' argument is which actually tells about size of the object which incase of template class is unavailable for the compiler unless the user instantiates the object with a valid type argument. In this case if you put the method definitions in a separate cpp file and try to compile it the object file itself will not be generated with the class information. The compilation will not fail, it would generate the object file but it won't generate any code for the template class in the object file. This is the reason why the linker is unable to find the symbols in the object files and the build fails.

Now what is the alternative to hide important implementation details? As we all know the main objective behind separating interface from implementation is hiding implementation details in binary form. This is where you must separate the data structures and algorithms. Your template classes must represent only data structures not the algorithms. This enables you to hide more valuable implementation details in separate non-templatized class libraries, the classes inside which would work on the template classes or just use them to hold data. The template class would actually contain less code to assign, get and set data. Rest of the work would be done by the algorithm classes.

I hope this discussion would be helpful.

CSS for grabbing cursors (drag & drop)

The closed hand cursor is not 16x16. If you would need them in the same dimensions, here you have both of them in 16x16 px

opened hand closed hand

Or if you need original cursors:

Use own username/password with git and bitbucket

Are you sure you aren't pushing over SSH? Maybe check the email associated with your SSH key in bitbucket if you have one.


Try the following:

SELECT 'A string', 5, idTable2 idTable2 FROM table2 WHERE ...

TSQL: How to convert local time to UTC? (SQL Server 2008)

Sample usage:



Getdate SysDateTimeOffset   SWITCHOFFSET    GetutcDate
2013-12-06 15:54:55.373 2013-12-06 15:54:55.3765498 -08:00  2013-12-06 23:54:55.3765498 +00:00  2013-12-06 23:54:55.373

apache redirect from non www to www =>

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]

Linux : Search for a Particular word in a List of files under a directory

grep is made for this.

Use grep myword *

And check man grep.

How does the Java 'for each' loop work?

for (Iterator<String> itr = someList.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
   String item =;

What is {this.props.children} and when you should use it?

I assume you're seeing this in a React component's render method, like this (edit: your edited question does indeed show that):

class Example extends React.Component {_x000D_
  render() {_x000D_
    return <div>_x000D_
      <div>Children ({this.props.children.length}):</div>_x000D_
class Widget extends React.Component {_x000D_
  render() {_x000D_
    return <div>_x000D_
      <div>First <code>Example</code>:</div>_x000D_
      <div>Second <code>Example</code> with different children:</div>_x000D_
<div id="root"></div>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

children is a special property of React components which contains any child elements defined within the component, e.g. the divs inside Example above. {this.props.children} includes those children in the rendered result.

...what are the situations to use the same

You'd do it when you want to include the child elements in the rendered output directly, unchanged; and not if you didn't.

No notification sound when sending notification from firebase in android

With HTTP v1 API it is different



       "body":"Very good news",
       "title":"Good news"
          "body":"Very good news",
          "title":"Good news",

What's the difference between .NET Core, .NET Framework, and Xamarin?

You can refer in this line - Difference between ASP.NET Core (.NET Core) and ASP.NET Core (.NET Framework)

.NET Framework, .NET Core, Xamarin

Xamarin is not a debate at all. When you want to build mobile (iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile) apps using C#, Xamarin is your only choice.

The .NET Framework supports Windows and Web applications. Today, you can use Windows Forms, WPF, and UWP to build Windows applications in .NET Framework. ASP.NET MVC is used to build Web applications in .NET Framework.

.NET Core is the new open-source and cross-platform framework to build applications for all operating system including Windows, Mac, and Linux. .NET Core supports UWP and ASP.NET Core only. UWP is used to build Windows 10 targets Windows and mobile applications. ASP.NET Core is used to build browser based web applications.

you want more details refer this links

Two way sync with rsync

I'm now using SparkleShare

works on mac, linux and windows.

window.close and self.close do not close the window in Chrome

Ordinary javascript cannot close windows willy-nilly. This is a security feature, introduced a while ago, to stop various malicious exploits and annoyances.

From the latest working spec for window.close():

The close() method on Window objects should, if all the following conditions are met, close the browsing context A:

  • The corresponding browsing context A is script-closable.
  • The browsing context of the incumbent script is familiar with the browsing context A.
  • The browsing context of the incumbent script is allowed to navigate the browsing context A.

A browsing context is script-closable if it is an auxiliary browsing context that was created by a script (as opposed to by an action of the user), or if it is a browsing context whose session history contains only one Document.

This means, with one small exception, javascript must not be allowed to close a window that was not opened by that same javascript.

Chrome allows that exception -- which it doesn't apply to userscripts -- however Firefox does not. The Firefox implementation flat out states:

This method is only allowed to be called for windows that were opened by a script using the method.

If you try to use window.close from a Greasemonkey / Tampermonkey / userscript you will get:
Firefox: The error message, "Scripts may not close windows that were not opened by script."
Chrome: just silently fails.

The long-term solution:

The best way to deal with this is to make a Chrome extension and/or Firefox add-on instead. These can reliably close the current window.

However, since the security risks, posed by window.close, are much less for a Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey script; Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey could reasonably provide this functionality in their API (essentially packaging the extension work for you).
Consider making a feature request.

The hacky workarounds:

Chrome is currently was vulnerable to the "self redirection" exploit. So code like this used to work in general:

open(location, '_self').close();

This is buggy behavior, IMO, and is now (as of roughly April 2015) mostly blocked. It will still work from injected code only if the tab is freshly opened and has no pages in the browsing history. So it's only useful in a very small set of circumstances.

However, a variation still works on Chrome (v43 & v44) plus Tampermonkey (v3.11 or later). Use an explicit @grant and plain window.close(). EG:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        window.close demo
// @include     http://YOUR_SERVER.COM/YOUR_PATH/*
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

setTimeout (window.close, 5000);

Thanks to zanetu for the update. Note that this will not work if there is only one tab open. It only closes additional tabs.

Firefox is secure against that exploit. So, the only javascript way is to cripple the security settings, one browser at a time.

You can open up about:config and set
allow_scripts_to_close_windows to true.

If your script is for personal use, go ahead and do that. If you ask anyone else to turn that setting on, they would be smart, and justified, to decline with prejudice.

There currently is no equivalent setting for Chrome.

close fancy box from function from within open 'fancybox'

Bit of an old thread but ...

Actually, I suspect that the answer to the original question about how to close the window from within the window has more to do with the fact that the click event is not attached to the element. If the click event is attached in document.ready the event will not be attached when fancybox creates the new window.

You need to re-apply the click event once the new window . Probably the easiest way to do this is to use onComplete feature.

This works for me:

    'transitionIn'  :   'fade',
    'transitionOut' :   'elastic',
    'speedIn'       :   600, 
    'speedOut'      :   400, 
    'overlayShow'   :   true,
    'overlayColor'  :   '#000022',
            'overlayOpacity'  : 0.8,
            'onComplete' : function(){$('.closer').click(function(){parent.$.fancybox.close();})}

Actually, after a bit of thought 'live' rather than 'click' or 'bind' might work just as well.

HashMap(key: String, value: ArrayList) returns an Object instead of ArrayList?

I suppose your dictMap is of type HashMap, which makes it default to HashMap<Object, Object>. If you want it to be more specific, declare it as HashMap<String, ArrayList>, or even better, as HashMap<String, ArrayList<T>>

What is the question mark for in a Typescript parameter name

parameter?: type is a shorthand for parameter: type | undefined

UTF-8 encoded html pages show ? (questions marks) instead of characters

I'm from Brazil and I create my data bases using latin1_spanish_ci. For the html and everything else I use:


The data goes right with é,ã and ç... Sometimes I have to put the texts of the html using the code of it, such as:


gives me


You can find the codes in this page:

Hope this helps. I remember it was REALLY annoying.

How to set Status Bar Style in Swift 3

There seems to be a small issue about the status bar text colour when dealing with navigation bars.

If you want the .plist entry View controller-based status bar appearance set to YES, it sometimes won't work when you have a coloured nav bar.

For example:

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    let nav = self.navigationController?.navigationBar
    nav?.barTintColor = .red
    nav?.tintColor = .white
    nav?.titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor: UIColor.white]


override var preferredStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle {return .lightContent}

The code above won't work even if you have set the following in the AppDelegate:

UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = .lightContent

For those still struggling, apparently it somehow judges if the status bar needs to be light or dark by the styles in the nav bar. So, I managed to fix this by adding the following line in viewWillAppear:

nav?.barStyle =

When the bar style is black, then it listens to your overridden variable. Hope this helps someone :)

Android: I am unable to have ViewPager WRAP_CONTENT

Nothing of suggested above worked for me. My use case is having 4 custom ViewPagers in ScrollView. Top of them is measured based on aspect ratio and the rest just has layout_height=wrap_content. I've tried cybergen , Daniel López Lacalle solutions. None of them work fully for me.

My guess why cybergen doesn't work on page > 1 is because it calculates height of pager based on page 1, that is hidden if you scroll further.

Both cybergen and Daniel López Lacalle suggestions have weird behavior in my case: 2 of 3 are loaded ok and 1 randomly height is 0. Appears that onMeasure was called before children were populated. So I came up with a mixture of these 2 answers + my own fixes:

protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
    super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
    if (getLayoutParams().height == ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) {
        // find the first child view
        View view = getChildAt(0);
        if (view != null) {
            // measure the first child view with the specified measure spec
            view.measure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
            int h = view.getMeasuredHeight();
            setMeasuredDimension(getMeasuredWidth(), h);
            //do not recalculate height anymore
            getLayoutParams().height = h;

Idea is to let ViewPager calculate children's dimensions and save calculated height of first page in layout params of the ViewPager. Don't forget to set fragment's layout height to wrap_content otherwise you can get height=0. I've used this one:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="horizontal" android:layout_width="match_parent"
        <!-- Childs are populated in fragment -->

Please note that this solution works great if all of your pages have same height. Otherwise you need to recalculate ViewPager height based on current child active. I don't need it, but if you suggest the solution I would be happy to update the answer.

Better way to convert file sizes in Python

Here my two cents, which permits casting up and down, and adds customizable precision:

def convertFloatToDecimal(f=0.0, precision=2):
    Convert a float to string of decimal.
    precision: by default 2.
    If no arg provided, return "0.00".
    return ("%." + str(precision) + "f") % f

def formatFileSize(size, sizeIn, sizeOut, precision=0):
    Convert file size to a string representing its value in B, KB, MB and GB.
    The convention is based on sizeIn as original unit and sizeOut
    as final unit. 
    assert sizeIn.upper() in {"B", "KB", "MB", "GB"}, "sizeIn type error"
    assert sizeOut.upper() in {"B", "KB", "MB", "GB"}, "sizeOut type error"
    if sizeIn == "B":
        if sizeOut == "KB":
            return convertFloatToDecimal((size/1024.0), precision)
        elif sizeOut == "MB":
            return convertFloatToDecimal((size/1024.0**2), precision)
        elif sizeOut == "GB":
            return convertFloatToDecimal((size/1024.0**3), precision)
    elif sizeIn == "KB":
        if sizeOut == "B":
            return convertFloatToDecimal((size*1024.0), precision)
        elif sizeOut == "MB":
            return convertFloatToDecimal((size/1024.0), precision)
        elif sizeOut == "GB":
            return convertFloatToDecimal((size/1024.0**2), precision)
    elif sizeIn == "MB":
        if sizeOut == "B":
            return convertFloatToDecimal((size*1024.0**2), precision)
        elif sizeOut == "KB":
            return convertFloatToDecimal((size*1024.0), precision)
        elif sizeOut == "GB":
            return convertFloatToDecimal((size/1024.0), precision)
    elif sizeIn == "GB":
        if sizeOut == "B":
            return convertFloatToDecimal((size*1024.0**3), precision)
        elif sizeOut == "KB":
            return convertFloatToDecimal((size*1024.0**2), precision)
        elif sizeOut == "MB":
            return convertFloatToDecimal((size*1024.0), precision)

Add TB, etc, as you wish.

Render Partial View Using jQuery in ASP.NET MVC

Another thing you can try (based on tvanfosson's answer) is this:

<div class="renderaction fade-in" 
    data-actionurl="@Url.Action("details","user", new { id = Model.ID } )"></div>

And then in the scripts section of your page:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        $(".renderaction").each(function (i, n) {
            var $n = $(n),
                url = $n.attr('data-actionurl'),
                $this = $(this);

            $.get(url, function (data) {


This renders your @Html.RenderAction using ajax.

And to make it all fansy sjmansy you can add a fade-in effect using this css:

/* make keyframes that tell the start state and the end state of our object */
@-webkit-keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; } }
@-moz-keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; } }
@keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; } }

.fade-in {
    opacity: 0; /* make things invisible upon start */
    -webkit-animation: fadeIn ease-in 1; /* call our keyframe named fadeIn, use animattion ease-in and repeat it only 1 time */
    -moz-animation: fadeIn ease-in 1;
    -o-animation: fadeIn ease-in 1;
    animation: fadeIn ease-in 1;
    -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards; /* this makes sure that after animation is done we remain at the last keyframe value (opacity: 1)*/
    -o-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    -webkit-animation-duration: 1s;
    -moz-animation-duration: 1s;
    -o-animation-duration: 1s;
    animation-duration: 1s;

Man I love mvc :-)

Why does checking a variable against multiple values with `OR` only check the first value?

if name in ("Jesse", "jesse"):

would be the correct way to do it.

Although, if you want to use or, the statement would be

if name == 'Jesse' or name == 'jesse':

>>> ("Jesse" or "jesse")

evaluates to 'Jesse', so you're essentially not testing for 'jesse' when you do if name == ("Jesse" or "jesse"), since it only tests for equality to 'Jesse' and does not test for 'jesse', as you observed.

How to create User/Database in script for Docker Postgres

EDIT - since Jul 23, 2015

The official postgres docker image will run .sql scripts found in the /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ folder.

So all you need is to create the following sql script:



and add it in your Dockerfile:


FROM library/postgres
COPY init.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

But since July 8th, 2015, if all you need is to create a user and database, it is easier to just make use to the POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD and POSTGRES_DB environment variables:

docker run -e POSTGRES_USER=docker -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -e POSTGRES_DB=docker library/postgres

or with a Dockerfile:

FROM library/postgres

for images older than Jul 23, 2015

From the documentation of the postgres Docker image, it is said that

[...] it will source any *.sh script found in that directory [/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d] to do further initialization before starting the service

What's important here is "before starting the service". This means your script will be executed before the postgres service would be started, hence the error message "could not connect to database postgres".

After that there is another useful piece of information:

If you need to execute SQL commands as part of your initialization, the use of Postgres single user mode is highly recommended.

Agreed this can be a bit mysterious at the first look. What it says is that your initialization script should start the postgres service in single mode before doing its actions. So you could change your make_db.ksh script as follows and it should get you closer to what you want:

NOTE, this has changed recently in the following commit. This will work with the latest change:

export PGUSER=postgres
psql <<- EOSQL
    CREATE USER docker;

Previously, the use of --single mode was required:

gosu postgres postgres --single <<- EOSQL
    CREATE USER docker;

How to create a density plot in matplotlib?

Option 1:

Use pandas dataframe plot (built on top of matplotlib):

import pandas as pd
data = [1.5]*7 + [2.5]*2 + [3.5]*8 + [4.5]*3 + [5.5]*1 + [6.5]*8
pd.DataFrame(data).plot(kind='density') # or pd.Series()

enter image description here

Option 2:

Use distplot of seaborn:

import seaborn as sns
data = [1.5]*7 + [2.5]*2 + [3.5]*8 + [4.5]*3 + [5.5]*1 + [6.5]*8
sns.distplot(data, hist=False)

enter image description here

How to find common elements from multiple vectors?

intersect_all <- function(a,b,...){
  all_data <- c(a,b,...)
  count_data<- length(list(a,b,...))
  freq_dist <- count(all_data)
  intersect_data <- freq_dist[which(freq_dist$freq==count_data),"x"]


UPDATE EDIT A simpler code

intersect_all <- function(a,b,...){
  Reduce(intersect, list(a,b,...))


Convert HTML Character Back to Text Using Java Standard Library

Or you can use unescapeHtml4:

    String miCadena="GU&#205;A TELEF&#211;NICA";

This code print the line: GUÍA TELEFÓNICA

Formatting NSDate into particular styles for both year, month, day, and hour, minute, seconds

For swift

var dateString:String = "2014-05-20";
var dateFmt = NSDateFormatter()
// the format you want
dateFmt.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
var date1:NSDate = dateFmt.dateFromString(dateString)!;

Can I have onScrollListener for a ScrollView?

Every instance of View calls getViewTreeObserver(). Now when holding an instance of ViewTreeObserver, you can add an OnScrollChangedListener() to it using the method addOnScrollChangedListener().

You can see more information about this class here.

It lets you be aware of every scrolling event - but without the coordinates. You can get them by using getScrollY() or getScrollX() from within the listener though.

scrollView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnScrollChangedListener(new OnScrollChangedListener() {
    public void onScrollChanged() {
        int scrollY = rootScrollView.getScrollY(); // For ScrollView
        int scrollX = rootScrollView.getScrollX(); // For HorizontalScrollView

C# Lambda expressions: Why should I use them?

The biggest benefit of lambda expressions and anonymous functions is the fact that they allow the client (programmer) of a library/framework to inject functionality by means of code in the given library/framework ( as it is the LINQ, ASP.NET Core and many others ) in a way that the regular methods cannot. However, their strength is not obvious for a single application programmer but to the one that creates libraries that will be later used by others who will want to configure the behaviour of the library code or the one that uses libraries. So the context of effectively using a lambda expression is the usage/creation of a library/framework.

Also since they describe one-time usage code they don't have to be members of a class where that will led to more code complexity. Imagine to have to declare a class with unclear focus every time we wanted to configure the operation of a class object.

Appending an element to the end of a list in Scala

This is similar to one of the answers but in different way :

scala> val x = List(1,2,3)
x: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

scala> val y = x ::: 4 :: Nil
y: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)

How do I discover memory usage of my application in Android?

1) I guess not, at least not from Java.

ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
MemoryInfo mi = new MemoryInfo();
Log.i("memory free", "" + mi.availMem);

Rotate a div using javascript

To rotate a DIV we can add some CSS that, well, rotates the DIV using CSS transform rotate.

To toggle the rotation we can keep a flag, a simple variable with a boolean value that tells us what way to rotate.

var rotated = false;

document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {
    var div = document.getElementById('div'),
        deg = rotated ? 0 : 66; = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';    = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';     = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';      = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)';       = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; 

    rotated = !rotated;

var rotated = false;_x000D_
document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {_x000D_
    var div = document.getElementById('div'),_x000D_
        deg = rotated ? 0 : 66;_x000D_
_x000D_ = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_    = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_     = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_      = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_       = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_
    rotated = !rotated;_x000D_
#div {_x000D_
    position:relative; _x000D_
    height: 200px; _x000D_
    width: 200px; _x000D_
    margin: 30px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
<button id="button">rotate</button>_x000D_
<br /><br />_x000D_
<div id="div"></div>

To add some animation to the rotation all we have to do is add CSS transitions

div {
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;

var rotated = false;_x000D_
document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {_x000D_
    var div = document.getElementById('div'),_x000D_
        deg = rotated ? 0 : 66;_x000D_
_x000D_ = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_    = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_     = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_      = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_       = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; _x000D_
    rotated = !rotated;_x000D_
#div {_x000D_
    position:relative; _x000D_
    height: 200px; _x000D_
    width: 200px; _x000D_
    margin: 30px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
<button id="button">rotate</button>_x000D_
<br /><br />_x000D_
<div id="div"></div>

Another way to do it is using classes, and setting all the styles in a stylesheet, thus keeping them out of the javascript

document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {

document.getElementById('button').onclick = function() {_x000D_
#div {_x000D_
    position:relative; _x000D_
    height: 200px; _x000D_
    width: 200px; _x000D_
    margin: 30px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    -o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;_x000D_
#div.rotated {_x000D_
    -webkit-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    -moz-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    -ms-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    -o-transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
    transform : rotate(66deg); _x000D_
<button id="button">rotate</button>_x000D_
<br /><br />_x000D_
<div id="div"></div>

git diff between cloned and original remote repository

Another reply to your questions (assuming you are on master and already did "git fetch origin" to make you repo aware about remote changes):

1) Commits on remote branch since when local branch was created:

git diff HEAD...origin/master

2) I assume by "working copy" you mean your local branch with some local commits that are not yet on remote. To see the differences of what you have on your local branch but that does not exist on remote branch run:

git diff origin/master...HEAD

3) See the answer by dbyrne.

Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type

Please set the request Content Type before you read the response stream;

 request.ContentType = "text/xml";

How do I get unique elements in this array?

Errr, it's a bit messy in the view. But I think I've gotten it to work with group (


@event_attendees = Activity.only(:user_id).where(:action => 'Attend').order_by(:created_at.desc).group


<% @event_attendees.each do |event_attendee| %>    
  <%= event_attendee['group'].first.user.first_name %>
<% end %>

In PHP, what is a closure and why does it use the "use" identifier?

The function () use () {} is like closure for PHP.

Without use, function cannot access parent scope variable

$s = "hello";
$f = function () {
    echo $s;

$f(); // Notice: Undefined variable: s
$s = "hello";
$f = function () use ($s) {
    echo $s;

$f(); // hello

The use variable's value is from when the function is defined, not when called

$s = "hello";
$f = function () use ($s) {
    echo $s;

$s = "how are you?";
$f(); // hello

use variable by-reference with &

$s = "hello";
$f = function () use (&$s) {
    echo $s;

$s = "how are you?";
$f(); // how are you?

Spring MVC Missing URI template variable

I got this error for a stupid mistake, the variable name in the @PathVariable wasn't matching the one in the @RequestMapping

For example

@RequestMapping(value = "/whatever/{**contentId**}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public … method(@PathVariable Integer **contentID**){

It may help others

Google Chromecast sender error if Chromecast extension is not installed or using incognito

By default Chrome extensions do not run in Incognito mode. You have to explicitly enable the extension to run in Incognito.

What is the function of FormulaR1C1?

Here's some info from my blog on how I like to use formular1c1 outside of vba:

You’ve just finished writing a formula, copied it to the whole spreadsheet, formatted everything and you realize that you forgot to make a reference absolute: every formula needed to reference Cell B2 but now, they all reference different cells.

How are you going to do a Find/Replace on the cells, considering that one has B5, the other C12, the third D25, etc., etc.?

The easy way is to update your Reference Style to R1C1. The R1C1 reference works with relative positioning: R marks the Row, C the Column and the numbers that follow R and C are either relative positions (between [ ]) or absolute positions (no [ ]).


  • R[2]C refers to the cell two rows below the cell in which the formula’s in
  • RC[-1] refers to the cell one column to the left
  • R1C1 refers the cell in the first row and first cell ($A$1)

What does it matter? Well, When you wrote your first formula back in the beginning of this post, B2 was the cell 4 rows above the cell you wrote it in, i.e. R[-4]C. When you copy it across and down, while the A1 reference changes, the R1C1 reference doesn’t. Throughout the whole spreadsheet, it’s R[-4]C. If you switch to R1C1 Reference Style, you can replace R[-4]C by R2C2 ($B$2) with a simple Find / Replace and be done in one fell swoop.

get data from mysql database to use in javascript

To do with javascript you could do something like this:

<script type="Text/javascript">
var text = <?= $text_from_db; ?>

Then you can use whatever you want in your javascript to put the text var into the textbox.

ActivityCompat.requestPermissions not showing dialog box

I had the same issue and it turned out to be due to the manifest merger tool pulling in an android:maxSdkVersion attribute from a dependency.

To view the actual permissions you're requesting in your APK you can use the aapt tool, like this:

/path/to/android-sdk/build-tools/version/aapt d permissions /path/to/your-apk.apk

in my case, it printed:

uses-permission: name='android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE' maxSdkVersion='18'

even though I hadn't specified a maxSdkVersion in my manifest. I fixed this issue by changing <uses-permission> in my manifest to:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" tools:remove="android:maxSdkVersion"/>

(where the tools namespace is

NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key must be present in Info.plist to use camera roll

Thanks @rmaddy, I added this just after other key-string pairs in Info.plist and fixed the problem:

<string>Photo Library Access Warning</string>


I also ended up having similar problems on different components of my app. Ended up adding all these keys so far (after updating to Xcode8/iOS10):

<string>This app requires access to the photo library.</string>
<string>This app does not require access to the microphone.</string>
<string>This app requires access to the camera.</string>

Checkout this link for full list of property list key references.

Full List:

Apple Music:

<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>


<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>


<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>


<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>


<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>


<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>

Health Share:

<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>

Health Update:

<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>

Home Kit:

<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>


<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>

Location (Always):

<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>

Location (When in use):

<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>


<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>

Motion (Accelerometer):

<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>

NFC (Near-field communication):

<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>

Photo Library:

<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>

Photo Library (Write-only access):

<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>


<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>


<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>

Speech Recognition:

<string>My description about why I need this capability</string>

Get current date in DD-Mon-YYY format in JavaScript/Jquery

const date = new Date();

date.toLocaleDateString('en-GB', { day: 'numeric', month: 'short', year: 'numeric' }))

Invoking Java main method with parameters from Eclipse

I'm not sure what your uses are, but I find it convenient that usually I use no more than several command line parameters, so each of those scenarios gets one run configuration, and I just pick the one I want from the Run History.

The feature you are suggesting seems a bit of an overkill, IMO.

tap gesture recognizer - which object was tapped?

You should amend creation of the gesture recogniser to accept parameter (add colon ':')

UITapGestureRecognizer *letterTapRecognizer = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(highlightLetter:)];

And in your method highlightLetter: you can access the view attached to recogniser:

-(IBAction) highlightLetter:(UITapGestureRecognizer*)recognizer
    UIView *view = [recognizer view];

Find if value in column A contains value from column B?

You can try this. :) simple solution!


How to remove selected commit log entries from a Git repository while keeping their changes?

# detach head and move to D commit
git checkout <SHA1-for-D>

# move HEAD to A, but leave the index and working tree as for D
git reset --soft <SHA1-for-A>

# Redo the D commit re-using the commit message, but now on top of A
git commit -C <SHA1-for-D>

# Re-apply everything from the old D onwards onto this new place 
git rebase --onto HEAD <SHA1-for-D> master

Set div height to fit to the browser using CSS

You have to declare height of html to div1 elements together, like:

.div2 {


PHP Pass variable to next page

**page 1**
<form action="exapmple.php?variable_name=$value" method="POST"> 
        <input  type="hidden" name="x">

page 2

if(isset($_POST['x'])) {

How to get the size of the current screen in WPF?

I created a little wrapper around the Screen from System.Windows.Forms, currently everything works... Not sure about the "device independent pixels", though.

public class WpfScreen
    public static IEnumerable<WpfScreen> AllScreens()
        foreach (Screen screen in System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens)
            yield return new WpfScreen(screen);

    public static WpfScreen GetScreenFrom(Window window)
        WindowInteropHelper windowInteropHelper = new WindowInteropHelper(window);
        Screen screen = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.FromHandle(windowInteropHelper.Handle);
        WpfScreen wpfScreen = new WpfScreen(screen);
        return wpfScreen;

    public static WpfScreen GetScreenFrom(Point point)
        int x = (int) Math.Round(point.X);
        int y = (int) Math.Round(point.Y);

        // are x,y device-independent-pixels ??
        System.Drawing.Point drawingPoint = new System.Drawing.Point(x, y);
        Screen screen = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.FromPoint(drawingPoint);
        WpfScreen wpfScreen = new WpfScreen(screen);

        return wpfScreen;

    public static WpfScreen Primary
        get { return new WpfScreen(System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen); }

    private readonly Screen screen;

    internal WpfScreen(System.Windows.Forms.Screen screen)
        this.screen = screen;

    public Rect DeviceBounds
        get { return this.GetRect(this.screen.Bounds); }

    public Rect WorkingArea
        get { return this.GetRect(this.screen.WorkingArea); }

    private Rect GetRect(Rectangle value)
        // should x, y, width, height be device-independent-pixels ??
        return new Rect
                       X = value.X,
                       Y = value.Y,
                       Width = value.Width,
                       Height = value.Height

    public bool IsPrimary
        get { return this.screen.Primary; }

    public string DeviceName
        get { return this.screen.DeviceName; }

Python Request Post with param data

Set data to this:

data ={"eventType":"AAS_PORTAL_START","data":{"uid":"hfe3hf45huf33545","aid":"1","vid":"1"}}

Extract the last substring from a cell

The answer provided by @Jean provides a working but obscure solution (although it doesn't handle trailing spaces)

As an alternative consider a vba user defined function (UDF)

Function RightWord(r As Range) As Variant
    Dim s As String
    s = Trim(r.Value)
    RightWord = Mid(s, InStrRev(s, " ") + 1)
End Function

Use in sheet as

How can I check what version/edition of Visual Studio is installed programmatically?

if somebody needs C# example then:

var registry = Registry.ClassesRoot;
var subKeyNames = registry.GetSubKeyNames();
var regex = new Regex(@"^VisualStudio\.edmx\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$");
foreach (var subKeyName in subKeyNames)
    var match = regex.Match(subKeyName);
    if (match.Success)
        Console.WriteLine("V" + match.Groups[1].Value + "." + match.Groups[2].Value);

What should I do when 'svn cleanup' fails?

Answers here didn't help me, but before checking out the project again, I closed and opened Eclipse (Subversive is my SVN client) and the problem disappeared.

android pick images from gallery

Sometimes, you can't get a file from the picture you choose. It's because the choosen one came from Google+, Drive, Dropbox or any other provider.

The best solution is to ask the system to pick a content via Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT and get the result with a content provider.

You can follow the code bellow or look at my updated gist.

public void pickImage() {
  Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT);
  startActivityForResult(intent, PICK_PHOTO_FOR_AVATAR);

public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if (requestCode == PICK_PHOTO_FOR_AVATAR && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
        if (data == null) {
            //Display an error
        InputStream inputStream = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(data.getData());
        //Now you can do whatever you want with your inpustream, save it as file, upload to a server, decode a bitmap...

HTML5 Canvas vs. SVG vs. div

For your purposes, I recommend using SVG, since you get DOM events, like mouse handling, including drag and drop, included, you don't have to implement your own redraw, and you don't have to keep track of the state of your objects. Use Canvas when you have to do bitmap image manipulation and use a regular div when you want to manipulate stuff created in HTML. As to performance, you'll find that modern browsers are now accelerating all three, but that canvas has received the most attention so far. On the other hand, how well you write your javascript is critical to getting the most performance with canvas, so I'd still recommend using SVG.

SQL server ignore case in a where expression

The top 2 answers (from Adam Robinson and Andrejs Cainikovs) are kinda, sorta correct, in that they do technically work, but their explanations are wrong and so could be misleading in many cases. For example, while the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation will work in many cases, it should not be assumed to be the appropriate case-insensitive collation. In fact, given that the O.P. is working in a database with a case-sensitive (or possibly binary) collation, we know that the O.P. isn't using the collation that is the default for so many installations (especially any installed on an OS using US English as the language): SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. Sure, the O.P. could be using SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS, but when working with VARCHAR data, it is important to not change the code page as it could lead to data loss, and that is controlled by the locale / culture of the collation (i.e. Latin1_General vs French vs Hebrew etc). Please see point # 9 below.

The other four answers are wrong to varying degrees.

I will clarify all of the misunderstandings here so that readers can hopefully make the most appropriate / efficient choices.

  1. Do not use UPPER(). That is completely unnecessary extra work. Use a COLLATE clause. A string comparison needs to be done in either case, but using UPPER() also has to check, character by character, to see if there is an upper-case mapping, and then change it. And you need to do this on both sides. Adding COLLATE simply directs the processing to generate the sort keys using a different set of rules than it was going to by default. Using COLLATE is definitely more efficient (or "performant", if you like that word :) than using UPPER(), as proven in this test script (on PasteBin).

    There is also the issue noted by @Ceisc on @Danny's answer:

    In some languages case conversions do not round-trip. i.e. LOWER(x) != LOWER(UPPER(x)).

    The Turkish upper-case "I" is the common example.

  2. No, collation is not a database-wide setting, at least not in this context. There is a database-level default collation, and it is used as the default for altered and newly created columns that do not specify the COLLATE clause (which is likely where this common misconception comes from), but it does not impact queries directly unless you are comparing string literals and variables to other string literals and variables, or you are referencing database-level meta-data.

  3. No, collation is not per query.

  4. Collations are per predicate (i.e. something operand something) or expression, not per query. And this is true for the entire query, not just the WHERE clause. This covers JOINs, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, PARTITION BY, etc.

  5. No, do not convert to VARBINARY (e.g.convert(varbinary, myField) = convert(varbinary, 'sOmeVal')) for the following reasons:

    1. that is a binary comparison, which is not case-insensitive (which is what this question is asking for)
    2. if you do want a binary comparison, use a binary collation. Use one that ends with _BIN2 if you are using SQL Server 2008 or newer, else you have no choice but to use one that ends with _BIN. If the data is NVARCHAR then it doesn't matter which locale you use as they are all the same in that case, hence Latin1_General_100_BIN2 always works. If the data is VARCHAR, you must use the same locale that the data is currently in (e.g. Latin1_General, French, Japanese_XJIS, etc) because the locale determines the code page that is used, and changing code pages can alter the data (i.e. data loss).
    3. using a variable-length datatype without specifying the size will rely on the default size, and there are two different defaults depending on the context where the datatype is being used. It is either 1 or 30 for string types. When used with CONVERT() it will use the 30 default value. The danger is, if the string can be over 30 bytes, it will get silently truncated and you will likely get incorrect results from this predicate.
    4. Even if you want a case-sensitive comparison, binary collations are not case-sensitive (another very common misconception).
  6. No, LIKE is not always case-sensitive. It uses the collation of the column being referenced, or the collation of the database if a variable is compared to a string literal, or the collation specified via the optional COLLATE clause.

  7. LCASE is not a SQL Server function. It appears to be either Oracle or MySQL. Or possibly Visual Basic?

  8. Since the context of the question is comparing a column to a string literal, neither the collation of the instance (often referred to as "server") nor the collation of the database have any direct impact here. Collations are stored per each column, and each column can have a different collation, and those collations don't need to be the same as the database's default collation or the instance's collation. Sure, the instance collation is the default for what a newly created database will use as its default collation if the COLLATE clause wasn't specified when creating the database. And likewise, the database's default collation is what an altered or newly created column will use if the COLLATE clause wasn't specified.

  9. You should use the case-insensitive collation that is otherwise the same as the collation of the column. Use the following query to find the column's collation (change the table's name and schema name):

    SELECT col.*
    FROM   sys.columns col
    WHERE  col.[object_id] = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.TableName')
    AND    col.[collation_name] IS NOT NULL;

    Then just change the _CS to be _CI. So, Latin1_General_100_CS_AS would become Latin1_General_100_CI_AS.

    If the column is using a binary collation (ending in _BIN or _BIN2), then find a similar collation using the following query:

    SELECT *
    FROM   sys.fn_helpcollations() col
    WHERE  col.[name] LIKE N'{CurrentCollationMinus"_BIN"}[_]CI[_]%';

    For example, assuming the column is using Japanese_XJIS_100_BIN2, do this:

    SELECT *
    FROM   sys.fn_helpcollations() col
    WHERE  col.[name] LIKE N'Japanese_XJIS_100[_]CI[_]%';

For more info on collations, encodings, etc, please visit: Collations Info

Stopping Docker containers by image name - Ubuntu

use: docker container stop $(docker container ls -q --filter ancestor=mongo)

    (base) :~ user$ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                      NAMES
    d394144acf3a        mongo               "docker-entrypoint.s…"   15 seconds ago      Up 14 seconds>27017/tcp   magical_nobel
    (base) :~ user$ docker container stop $(docker container ls -q --filter ancestor=mongo)
    (base) :~ user$ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
    (base) :~ user$

Lodash remove duplicates from array

With lodash version 4+, you would remove duplicate objects either by specific property or by the entire object like so:

var users = [
var uniqueUsersByID = _.uniqBy(users,'id'); //removed if had duplicate id
var uniqueUsers = _.uniqWith(users, _.isEqual);//removed complete duplicates


Which is faster: multiple single INSERTs or one multiple-row INSERT?

MYSQL 5.5 One sql insert statement took ~300 to ~450ms. while the below stats is for inline multiple insert statments.

(25492 row(s) affected)
Execution Time : 00:00:03:343
Transfer Time  : 00:00:00:000
Total Time     : 00:00:03:343

I would say inline is way to go :)

Return index of greatest value in an array

To complete the work of @VFDan, I benchmarked the 3 methods: the accepted one (custom loop), reduce, and find(max(arr)) on an array of 10000 floats.

Results on chromimum 85 linux (higher is better):

  • custom loop: 100%
  • reduce: 94.36%
  • indexOf(max): 70%

Results on firefox 80 linux (higher is better):

  • custom loop: 100%
  • reduce: 96.39%
  • indexOf(max): 31.16%


If you need your code to run fast, don't use indexOf(max). reduce is ok but use the custom loop if you need the best performances.

You can run this benchmark on other browser using this link:

How to access random item in list?

  1. Create an instance of Random class somewhere. Note that it's pretty important not to create a new instance each time you need a random number. You should reuse the old instance to achieve uniformity in the generated numbers. You can have a static field somewhere (be careful about thread safety issues):

    static Random rnd = new Random();
  2. Ask the Random instance to give you a random number with the maximum of the number of items in the ArrayList:

    int r = rnd.Next(list.Count);
  3. Display the string:


Jenkins Slave port number for firewall

A slave isn't a server, it's a client type application. Network clients (almost) never use a specific port. Instead, they ask the OS for a random free port. This works much better since you usually run clients on many machines where the current configuration isn't known in advance. This prevents thousands of "client wouldn't start because port is already in use" bug reports every day.

You need to tell the security department that the slave isn't a server but a client which connects to the server and you absolutely need to have a rule which says client:ANY -> server:FIXED. The client port number should be >= 1024 (ports 1 to 1023 need special permissions) but I'm not sure if you actually gain anything by adding a rule for this - if an attacker can open privileged ports, they basically already own the machine.

If they argue, then ask them why they don't require the same rule for all the web browsers which people use in your company.

Finish an activity from another activity

I think i have the easiest approach... on pressing new in B..

Intent intent = new Intent(B.this, A.class);
intent.putExtra("NewClicked", true);

and in A get it

  if (getIntent().getBooleanExtra("NewClicked", false)) {
        finish();// finish yourself and make a create a new Instance of yours.
      Intent intent = new Intent(A.this,A.class);

How can I refresh a page with jQuery?

If you are using jQuery and want to refresh, then try adding your jQuery in a javascript function:

I wanted to hide an iframe from a page when clicking oh an h3, for me it worked but I wasn't able to click the item that allowed me to view the iframe to begin with unless I refreshed the browser manually...not ideal.

I tried the following:

var hide = () => {

Mixing plain Jane javascript with your jQuery should work.

// code where hide (where location.reload was used)function was integrated, below    
    iFrameInsert = () => {
        var file = `Fe1FVoW0Nt4`;
        $("#frame").html(`<iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"${file}\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\" allowfullscreen></iframe><h3>Close Player</h3>`);
        $("h3").enter code hereclick(hide);

// View Player 

Is there a way to create multiline comments in Python?

If you write a comment in a line with a code, you must write a comment, leaving 2 spaces before the # sign and 1 space before the # sign

print("Hello World")  # printing

If you write a comment on a new line, you must write a comment, leaving 1 space kn in the # sign

# single line comment

To write comments longer than 1 line, you use 3 quotes

This is a comment
written in
more than just one line

How to create a fixed sidebar layout with Bootstrap 4?

I used this in my code:

<div class="sticky-top h-100">
    <nav id="sidebar" class="vh-100">

this cause your sidebar height become 100% and fixed at top.

How do you merge two Git repositories?

Given command is the best possible solution I suggest.

git subtree add --prefix=MY_PROJECT git:// master

Linux: command to open URL in default browser

At least on Debian and all its derivatives, there is a 'sensible-browser' shell script which choose the browser best suited for the given url.

Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'TestMvcApplication.MvcApplication'

I resolved this by switching my project properties from Web>>Specific port>>55555 to Auto-assign port

Java - Abstract class to contain variables?

Sure.. Why not?
Abstract base classes are just a convenience to house behavior and data common to 2 or more classes in a single place for efficiency of storage and maintenance. Its an implementation detail.
Take care however that you are not using an abstract base class where you should be using an interface. Refer to Interface vs Base class

String Concatenation in EL

1.The +(operator) has not effect to that in using EL. this is the way,to use that

<c:set var="enabled" value="${value} enabled" />

<c:out value="${empty value ? 'none' : enabled}" />

is this helpful to You ?

Best way to get hostname with php

For PHP >= 5.3.0 use this:

$hostname = gethostname();

For PHP < 5.3.0 but >= 4.2.0 use this:

$hostname = php_uname('n');

For PHP < 4.2.0 use this:

$hostname = getenv('HOSTNAME'); 
if(!$hostname) $hostname = trim(`hostname`); 
if(!$hostname) $hostname = exec('echo $HOSTNAME');
if(!$hostname) $hostname = preg_replace('#^\w+\s+(\w+).*$#', '$1', exec('uname -a')); 

Singular matrix issue with Numpy

By definition, by multiplying a 1D vector by its transpose, you've created a singular matrix.

Each row is a linear combination of the first row.

Notice that the second row is just 8x the first row.

Likewise, the third row is 50x the first row.

There's only one independent row in your matrix.

Viewing full output of PS command

It is likely that you're using a pager such as less or most since the output of ps aux is longer than a screenful. If so, the following options will cause (or force) long lines to wrap instead of being truncated.

ps aux | less -+S

ps aux | most -w

If you use either of the following commands, lines won't be wrapped but you can use your arrow keys or other movement keys to scroll left and right.

ps aux | less -S    # use arrow keys, or Esc-( and Esc-), or Alt-( and Alt-) 

ps aux | most       # use arrow keys, or < and > (Tab can also be used to scroll right)

Lines are always wrapped for more and pg.

When ps aux is used in a pipe, the w option is unnecessary since ps only uses screen width when output is to the terminal.

Filtering Sharepoint Lists on a "Now" or "Today"

In the View, modify the current view or create a new view and make a filter change, select the radio button "Show items only when the following is true", in the below columns type "Created" and in the next dropdown select "is less than" and fill the next column [Today]-7.

The keyword [Today] denotes the current day for the calculation and this view will show as per your requirement

ASP.NET / C#: DropDownList SelectedIndexChanged in server control not firing

You need to set AutoPostBack to true for the Country DropDownList.

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
    // base stuff

    ddlCountries.AutoPostBack = true;

    // other stuff


I missed that you had done this. In that case you need to check that ViewState is enabled.

Reading tab-delimited file with Pandas - works on Windows, but not on Mac

Another option would be to add engine='python' to the command pandas.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', engine='python')

Fastest way to convert string to integer in PHP

Run a test.

   string coerce:          7.42296099663
   string cast:            8.05654597282
   string fail coerce:     7.14159703255
   string fail cast:       7.87444186211

This was a test that ran each scenario 10,000,000 times. :-)

Co-ercion is 0 + "123"

Casting is (integer)"123"

I think Co-ercion is a tiny bit faster. Oh, and trying 0 + array('123') is a fatal error in PHP. You might want your code to check the type of the supplied value.

My test code is below.

function test_string_coerce($s) {
    return 0 + $s;

function test_string_cast($s) {
    return (integer)$s;

$iter = 10000000;

print "-- running each text $iter times.\n";

// string co-erce
$string_coerce = new Timer;

print "String Coerce test\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < $iter ; $i++ ) {


// string cast
$string_cast = new Timer;

print "String Cast test\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < $iter ; $i++ ) {


// string co-erce fail.
$string_coerce_fail = new Timer;

print "String Coerce fail test\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < $iter ; $i++ ) {


// string cast fail
$string_cast_fail = new Timer;

print "String Cast fail test\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < $iter ; $i++ ) {


// -----------------
print "\n";
print "string coerce:          ".$string_coerce->Elapsed()."\n";
print "string cast:            ".$string_cast->Elapsed()."\n";
print "string fail coerce:     ".$string_coerce_fail->Elapsed()."\n";
print "string fail cast:       ".$string_cast_fail->Elapsed()."\n";

class Timer {
    var $ticking = null;
    var $started_at = false;
    var $elapsed = 0;

    function Timer() {
        $this->ticking = null;

    function Start() {
        $this->ticking = true;
        $this->started_at = microtime(TRUE);

    function Stop() {
        if( $this->ticking )
            $this->elapsed = microtime(TRUE) - $this->started_at;
        $this->ticking = false;

    function Elapsed() {
        switch( $this->ticking ) {
            case true: return "Still Running";
            case false: return $this->elapsed;
            case null: return "Not Started";

ASP.Net MVC: How to display a byte array image from model

You need to have a byte[] in your DB.

My byte[] is in my Person object:

public class Person
    public byte[] Image { get; set; }

You need to convert your byte[] in a String. So, I have in my controller :

String img = Convert.ToBase64String(person.Image);

Next, in my .cshtml file, my Model is a ViewModel. This is what I have in :

 public String Image { get; set; }

I use it like this in my .cshtml file:

<img src="@String.Format("data:image/jpg;base64,{0}", Model.Image)" />

"data:image/image file extension;base64,{0}, your image String"

I wish it will help someone !

How to compile a c++ program in Linux?

g++ -o foo foo.cpp

g++ --> Driver for cc1plus compiler

-o --> Indicates the output file (foo is the name of output file here. Can be any name)

foo.cpp --> Source file to be compiled

To execute the compiled file simply type


How do I check if file exists in Makefile so I can delete it?

One line solution:

   [ -f ./myfile ] && echo exists

One line solution with error action:

   [ -f ./myfile ] && echo exists || echo not exists

Example used in my make clean directives:

    @[ -f ./myfile ] && rm myfile || true

And make clean works without error messages!

What's the shebang/hashbang (#!) in Facebook and new Twitter URLs for?

Answers above describe well why and how it is used on twitter and facebook, what I missed is explanation what # does by default...

On a 'normal' (not a single page application) you can do anchoring with hash to any element that has id by placing that elements id in url after hash #


(on Chrome) Click F12 or Rihgt Mouse and Inspect element

enter image description here

then take id="answer-10831233" and add to url like following

and you will get a link that jumps to that element on the page

What's the shebang/hashbang (#!) in Facebook and new Twitter URLs for?

By using # in a way described in the answers above you are introducing conflicting behaviour... although I wouldn't loose sleep over it... since Angular it became somewhat of a standard....

HQL "is null" And "!= null" on an Oracle column

That is a binary operator in hibernate you should use

is not null

Have a look at 14.10. Expressions

How do you clear a slice in Go?

It all depends on what is your definition of 'clear'. One of the valid ones certainly is:

slice = slice[:0]

But there's a catch. If slice elements are of type T:

var slice []T

then enforcing len(slice) to be zero, by the above "trick", doesn't make any element of


eligible for garbage collection. This might be the optimal approach in some scenarios. But it might also be a cause of "memory leaks" - memory not used, but potentially reachable (after re-slicing of 'slice') and thus not garbage "collectable".

Extract images from PDF without resampling, in python?

After reading the posts using pyPDF2.

The error while using @sylvain's code NotImplementedError: unsupported filter /DCTDecode must come from the method .getData(): It is solved when using ._data instead, by @Alex Paramonov.

So far I have only met "DCTDecode" cases, but I am sharing the adapted code that include remarks from the different posts: From zilb by @Alex Paramonov, sub_obj['/Filter'] being a list, by @mxl.

Hope it can help the pyPDF2 users. Follow the code:

    import sys
    import PyPDF2, traceback
    import zlib
        from PIL import Image
    except ImportError:
        import Image

    pdf_path = 'path_to_your_pdf_file.pdf'
    input1 = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(open(pdf_path, "rb"))
    nPages = input1.getNumPages()

    for i in range(nPages) :
        page0 = input1.getPage(i)

        if '/XObject' in page0['/Resources']:
                xObject = page0['/Resources']['/XObject'].getObject()
            except :
                xObject = []

            for obj_name in xObject:
                sub_obj = xObject[obj_name]
                if sub_obj['/Subtype'] == '/Image':
                    zlib_compressed = '/FlateDecode' in sub_obj.get('/Filter', '')
                    if zlib_compressed:
                       sub_obj._data = zlib.decompress(sub_obj._data)

                    size = (sub_obj['/Width'], sub_obj['/Height'])
                    data = sub_obj._data#sub_obj.getData()
                    try :
                        if sub_obj['/ColorSpace'] == '/DeviceRGB':
                            mode = "RGB"
                        elif sub_obj['/ColorSpace'] == '/DeviceCMYK':
                            mode = "CMYK"
                            # will cause errors when saving (might need convert to RGB first)
                            mode = "P"

                        fn = 'p%03d-%s' % (i + 1, obj_name[1:])
                        if '/Filter' in sub_obj:
                            if '/FlateDecode' in sub_obj['/Filter']:
                                img = Image.frombytes(mode, size, data)
                       + ".png")
                            elif '/DCTDecode' in sub_obj['/Filter']:
                                img = open(fn + ".jpg", "wb")
                            elif '/JPXDecode' in sub_obj['/Filter']:
                                img = open(fn + ".jp2", "wb")
                            elif '/CCITTFaxDecode' in sub_obj['/Filter']:
                                img = open(fn + ".tiff", "wb")
                            elif '/LZWDecode' in sub_obj['/Filter'] :
                                img = open(fn + ".tif", "wb")
                            else :
                                print('Unknown format:', sub_obj['/Filter'])
                            img = Image.frombytes(mode, size, data)
                   + ".png")
            print("No image found for page %d" % (i + 1))

How to hide .php extension in .htaccess

The other option for using PHP scripts sans extension is

Options +MultiViews

Or even just following in the directories .htaccess:

DefaultType application/x-httpd-php

The latter allows having all filenames without extension script being treated as PHP scripts. While MultiViews makes the webserver look for alternatives, when just the basename is provided (there's a performance hit with that however).

Preventing iframe caching in browser

If you want to get really crazy you could implement the page name as a dynamic url that always resolves to the same page, rather than the querystring option?

Assuming you're in an office, check whether there's any caching going on at a network level. Believe me, it's a possibility. Your IT folks will be able to tell you if there's any network infrastructure around HTTP caching, although since this only happens for the iframe it's unlikely.

How to get a particular date format ('dd-MMM-yyyy') in SELECT query SQL Server 2008 R2

select convert(varchar(11), transfer_date, 106)

got me my desired result of date formatted as 07 Mar 2018

My column transfer_date is a datetime type column and I am using SQL Server 2017 on azure

Scala Doubles, and Precision

You may use implicit classes:

import scala.math._

object ExtNumber extends App {
  implicit class ExtendedDouble(n: Double) {
    def rounded(x: Int) = {
      val w = pow(10, x)
      (n * w).toLong.toDouble / w

  // usage
  val a = 1.23456789

Bootstrap 3 truncate long text inside rows of a table in a responsive way

I'm using bootstrap.
I used css parameters.

.table {

.table td {
  white-space: nowrap;
  overflow: hidden;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;

and bootstrap grid system parameters, like this.

<th class="col-sm-2">Name</th>

<td class="col-sm-2">hoge</td>

Python constructors and __init__

coonstructors are called automatically when you create a new object, thereby "constructing" the object. The reason you can have more than one init is because names are just references in python, and you are allowed to change what each variable references whenever you want (hence dynamic typing)

def func(): #now func refers to an empty funcion
func=5      #now func refers to the number 5
def func():
    print "something"    #now func refers to a different function

in your class definition, it just keeps the later one

How to solve "Kernel panic - not syncing - Attempted to kill init" -- without erasing any user data

Booting from CD to rescue the installation and editing /etc/selinux/config: changed SELINUX from enforcing to permissive. Rebooted and system booted

/etc/selinux/config before change:

SELINUX=enforcing and SELINUXTYPE=permissive

/etc/selinux/config after change: SELINUX=permissive and SELINUXTYPE=permissive

How to handle static content in Spring MVC?

If I understand your issue correctly, I think I have found a solution to your problem:

I had the same issue where raw output was shown with no css styles, javascripts or jquery files found.

I just added mappings to the "default" servlet. The following was added to the web.xml file:



This should filter out the javascript and css file requests from the DispatcherRequest object.

Again, not sure if this is what you are after, but it worked for me. I think "default" is the name of the default servlet within JBoss. Not too sure what it is for other servers.

Add objects to an array of objects in Powershell

To append to an array, just use the += operator.

$Target += $TargetObject

Also, you need to declare $Target = @() before your loop because otherwise, it will empty the array every loop.

Weird PHP error: 'Can't use function return value in write context'

The problem is in the () you have to go []

if (isset($_POST('sms_code') == TRUE)


if (isset($_POST['sms_code'] == TRUE)

Read Excel sheet in Powershell

This assumes that the content is in column B on each sheet (since it's not clear how you determine the column on each sheet.) and the last row of that column is also the last row of the sheet.

$xlCellTypeLastCell = 11 
$startRow = 5 
$col = 2 

$excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application
$wb = $excel.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Administrator\my_test.xls")

for ($i = 1; $i -le $wb.Sheets.Count; $i++)
    $sh = $wb.Sheets.Item($i)
    $endRow = $sh.UsedRange.SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
    $city = $sh.Cells.Item($startRow, $col).Value2
    $rangeAddress = $sh.Cells.Item($startRow + 1, $col).Address() + ":" + $sh.Cells.Item($endRow, $col).Address()
    $sh.Range($rangeAddress).Value2 | foreach 
        New-Object PSObject -Property @{ City = $city; Area = $_ }


What is the difference between `throw new Error` and `throw someObject`?

You first mention this code:

throw new Error('sample')

and then in your first example you write:

throw new Error({'hehe':'haha'}) 

The first Error object would actually be useful, because it is expecting a string value, in this case 'sample'. The second would not because you are trying to pass an object in, and it is expecting a string, and would not display a helpful error.

The error object would have the "message" property, which would be 'sample'.

How to get the index of an item in a list in a single step?

For simple types you can use "IndexOf" :

List<string> arr = new List<string>();
int i = arr.IndexOf("bbb"); // RETURNS 1.

"Eliminate render-blocking CSS in above-the-fold content"

Hi For jQuery You can only use like this

Use async and type="text/javascript" only

How to round double to nearest whole number and then convert to a float?

Here is a quick example:

public class One {

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        double a = 4.56777;
        System.out.println( new Float( Math.round(a)) );



the result and output will be: 5.0
the closest upper bound Float to the starting value of double a = 4.56777
in this case the use of round is recommended since it takes in double values and provides whole long values


How to use Global Variables in C#?

First examine if you really need a global variable instead using it blatantly without consideration to your software architecture.

Let's assuming it passes the test. Depending on usage, Globals can be hard to debug with race conditions and many other "bad things", it's best to approach them from an angle where you're prepared to handle such bad things. So,

  1. Wrap all such Global variables into a single static class (for manageability).
  2. Have Properties instead of fields(='variables'). This way you have some mechanisms to address any issues with concurrent writes to Globals in the future.

The basic outline for such a class would be:

public class Globals
    private static bool _expired;
    public static bool Expired 
            // Reads are usually simple
            return _expired;
            // You can add logic here for race conditions,
            // or other measurements
            _expired = value;
    // Perhaps extend this to have Read-Modify-Write static methods
    // for data integrity during concurrency? Situational.

Usage from other classes (within same namespace)

// Read
bool areWeAlive = Globals.Expired;

// Write
// past deadline
Globals.Expired = true;

Understanding REST: Verbs, error codes, and authentication

Verbose, but copied from the HTTP 1.1 method specification at

9.3 GET

The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of an entity) is identified by the Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to a data-producing process, it is the produced data which shall be returned as the entity in the response and not the source text of the process, unless that text happens to be the output of the process.

The semantics of the GET method change to a "conditional GET" if the request message includes an If-Modified-Since, If-Unmodified-Since, If-Match, If-None-Match, or If-Range header field. A conditional GET method requests that the entity be transferred only under the circumstances described by the conditional header field(s). The conditional GET method is intended to reduce unnecessary network usage by allowing cached entities to be refreshed without requiring multiple requests or transferring data already held by the client.

The semantics of the GET method change to a "partial GET" if the request message includes a Range header field. A partial GET requests that only part of the entity be transferred, as described in section 14.35. The partial GET method is intended to reduce unnecessary network usage by allowing partially-retrieved entities to be completed without transferring data already held by the client.

The response to a GET request is cacheable if and only if it meets the requirements for HTTP caching described in section 13.

See section 15.1.3 for security considerations when used for forms.

9.5 POST

The POST method is used to request that the origin server accept the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line. POST is designed to allow a uniform method to cover the following functions:

  - Annotation of existing resources;
  - Posting a message to a bulletin board, newsgroup, mailing list,
    or similar group of articles;
  - Providing a block of data, such as the result of submitting a
    form, to a data-handling process;
  - Extending a database through an append operation.

The actual function performed by the POST method is determined by the server and is usually dependent on the Request-URI. The posted entity is subordinate to that URI in the same way that a file is subordinate to a directory containing it, a news article is subordinate to a newsgroup to which it is posted, or a record is subordinate to a database.

The action performed by the POST method might not result in a resource that can be identified by a URI. In this case, either 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) is the appropriate response status, depending on whether or not the response includes an entity that describes the result.

If a resource has been created on the origin server, the response SHOULD be 201 (Created) and contain an entity which describes the status of the request and refers to the new resource, and a Location header (see section 14.30).

Responses to this method are not cacheable, unless the response includes appropriate Cache-Control or Expires header fields. However, the 303 (See Other) response can be used to direct the user agent to retrieve a cacheable resource.

POST requests MUST obey the message transmission requirements set out in section 8.2.

See section 15.1.3 for security considerations.

9.6 PUT

The PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to an already existing resource, the enclosed entity SHOULD be considered as a modified version of the one residing on the origin server. If the Request-URI does not point to an existing resource, and that URI is capable of being defined as a new resource by the requesting user agent, the origin server can create the resource with that URI. If a new resource is created, the origin server MUST inform the user agent via the 201 (Created) response. If an existing resource is modified, either the 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) response codes SHOULD be sent to indicate successful completion of the request. If the resource could not be created or modified with the Request-URI, an appropriate error response SHOULD be given that reflects the nature of the problem. The recipient of the entity MUST NOT ignore any Content-* (e.g. Content-Range) headers that it does not understand or implement and MUST return a 501 (Not Implemented) response in such cases.

If the request passes through a cache and the Request-URI identifies one or more currently cached entities, those entries SHOULD be treated as stale. Responses to this method are not cacheable.

The fundamental difference between the POST and PUT requests is reflected in the different meaning of the Request-URI. The URI in a POST request identifies the resource that will handle the enclosed entity. That resource might be a data-accepting process, a gateway to some other protocol, or a separate entity that accepts annotations. In contrast, the URI in a PUT request identifies the entity enclosed with the request -- the user agent knows what URI is intended and the server MUST NOT attempt to apply the request to some other resource. If the server desires that the request be applied to a different URI,

it MUST send a 301 (Moved Permanently) response; the user agent MAY then make its own decision regarding whether or not to redirect the request.

A single resource MAY be identified by many different URIs. For example, an article might have a URI for identifying "the current version" which is separate from the URI identifying each particular version. In this case, a PUT request on a general URI might result in several other URIs being defined by the origin server.

HTTP/1.1 does not define how a PUT method affects the state of an origin server.

PUT requests MUST obey the message transmission requirements set out in section 8.2.

Unless otherwise specified for a particular entity-header, the entity-headers in the PUT request SHOULD be applied to the resource created or modified by the PUT.


The DELETE method requests that the origin server delete the resource identified by the Request-URI. This method MAY be overridden by human intervention (or other means) on the origin server. The client cannot be guaranteed that the operation has been carried out, even if the status code returned from the origin server indicates that the action has been completed successfully. However, the server SHOULD NOT indicate success unless, at the time the response is given, it intends to delete the resource or move it to an inaccessible location.

A successful response SHOULD be 200 (OK) if the response includes an entity describing the status, 202 (Accepted) if the action has not yet been enacted, or 204 (No Content) if the action has been enacted but the response does not include an entity.

If the request passes through a cache and the Request-URI identifies one or more currently cached entities, those entries SHOULD be treated as stale. Responses to this method are not cacheable.

RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField received a naive datetime

One can both fix the warning and use the timezone specified in, which might be different from UTC.

For example in my I have:

USE_TZ = True
TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Paris'

Here is a solution; the advantage is that str(mydate) gives the correct time:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from django.utils.timezone import get_current_timezone
>>> mydate =
>>> mydate
datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 10, 11, 16, 9, 184106, 
    tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Paris' CET+1:00:00 STD>)
>>> str(mydate)
'2019-03-10 11:16:09.184106+01:00'

Another equivalent method is using make_aware, see dmrz post.

How to force a line break on a Javascript concatenated string?

Using Backtick

Backticks are commonly used for multi-line strings or when you want to interpolate an expression within your string

let title = 'John';_x000D_
let address = 'address';_x000D_
let address2 = 'address2222';_x000D_
let address3 = 'address33333';_x000D_
let address4 = 'address44444';_x000D_
document.getElementById("address_box").innerText = `${title} _x000D_
${address3} _x000D_
<div id="address_box">_x000D_

NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver

It may happen after your Linux kernel update, if you entered this error, you can rebuild your nvidia driver using the following command to fix:

  1. Firstly, you need to have dkms, which can automatically regenerate new modules after kernel version changes.
    sudo apt-get install dkms
  2. Secondly, rebuild your nvidia driver. Here my nvidia driver version is 440.82, if you have installed before, you could check your installed version on /usr/src.
    sudo dkms build -m nvidia -v 440.82
  3. Lastly, reinstall nvidia driver. And then reboot your computer.
    sudo dkms install -m nvidia -v 440.82

Now you can check to see if you can use it by sudo nvidia-smi.

useState set method not reflecting change immediately

Additional details to the previous answer:

While React's setState is asynchronous (both classes and hooks), and it's tempting to use that fact to explain the observed behavior, it is not the reason why it happens.

TLDR: The reason is a closure scope around an immutable const value.


  • read the value in render function (not inside nested functions):

      useEffect(() => { setMovies(result) }, [])
  • add the variable into dependencies (and use the react-hooks/exhaustive-deps eslint rule):

      useEffect(() => { setMovies(result) }, [])
      useEffect(() => { console.log(movies) }, [movies])
  • use a mutable reference (when the above is not possible):

      const moviesRef = useRef(initialValue)
      useEffect(() => {
        moviesRef.current = result
      }, [])

Explanation why it happens:

If async was the only reason, it would be possible to await setState().

However, both props and state are assumed to be unchanging during 1 render.

Treat this.state as if it were immutable.

With hooks, this assumption is enhanced by using constant values with the const keyword:

const [state, setState] = useState('initial')

The value might be different between 2 renders, but remains a constant inside the render itself and inside any closures (functions that live longer even after render is finished, e.g. useEffect, event handlers, inside any Promise or setTimeout).

Consider following fake, but synchronous, React-like implementation:

// sync implementation:

let internalState
let renderAgain

const setState = (updateFn) => {
  internalState = updateFn(internalState)

const useState = (defaultState) => {
  if (!internalState) {
    internalState = defaultState
  return [internalState, setState]

const render = (component, node) => {
  const {html, handleClick} = component()
  node.innerHTML = html
  renderAgain = () => render(component, node)
  return handleClick

// test:

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [x, setX] = useState(1)
  console.log('in render:', x) // ?
  const handleClick = () => {
    setX(current => current + 1)
    console.log('in handler/effect/Promise/setTimeout:', x) // ? NOT updated
  return {
    html: `<button>${x}</button>`,

const triggerClick = render(MyComponent, document.getElementById('root'))
<div id="root"></div>

How can I output UTF-8 from Perl?

TMTOWTDI, chose the method that best fits how you work. I use the environment method so I don't have to think about it.

In the environment:


on the command line:

perl -CSDL -le 'print "\x{1815}"';

or with binmode:

binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");          #treat as if it is UTF-8
binmode(STDIN, ":encoding(utf8)"); #actually check if it is UTF-8

or with PerlIO:

open my $fh, ">:utf8", $filename
    or die "could not open $filename: $!\n";

open my $fh, "<:encoding(utf-8)", $filename
    or die "could not open $filename: $!\n";

or with the open pragma:

use open ":encoding(utf8)";
use open IN => ":encoding(utf8)", OUT => ":utf8";

How do I get the path of the Python script I am running in?

The accepted solution for this will not work if you are planning to compile your scripts using py2exe. If you're planning to do so, this is the functional equivalent:


Py2exe does not provide an __file__ variable. For reference:

Android: Quit application when press back button

nobody seems to have recommended noHistory="true" in manifest.xml to prevent certain activity to appear after you press back button which by default calling method finish()

Html table tr inside td

You can solve without nesting tables.

<table border="1">_x000D_
            <th colspan="2">ABC</th>_x000D_
            <td rowspan="4">Item1</td>_x000D_
            <td rowspan="4">Item1</td>_x000D_
            <td colspan="2">Item1</td>_x000D_
            <td rowspan="4">Item1</td>_x000D_
            <td colspan="2">Item2</td>_x000D_

Effectively use async/await with ASP.NET Web API

It is correct, but perhaps not useful.

As there is nothing to wait on – no calls to blocking APIs which could operate asynchronously – then you are setting up structures to track asynchronous operation (which has overhead) but then not making use of that capability.

For example, if the service layer was performing DB operations with Entity Framework which supports asynchronous calls:

public Task<BackOfficeResponse<List<Country>>> ReturnAllCountries()
    using (db = myDBContext.Get()) {
      var list = await db.Countries.Where(condition).ToListAsync();

       return list;

You would allow the worker thread to do something else while the db was queried (and thus able to process another request).

Await tends to be something that needs to go all the way down: it is very hard to retro-fit into an existing system.

Entity Framework: table without primary key

This is just an addition to @Erick T's answer. If there is no single column with unique values, the workaround is to use a composite key, as follows:

[Column("LAST_NAME", Order = 1)]
public string LastName { get; set; }

[Column("FIRST_NAME", Order = 2)]
public string FirstName { get; set; }

Again, this is just a workaround. The real solution is to fix the data model.

How to use QTimer

  1. It's good practice to give a parent to your QTimer to use Qt's memory management system.

  2. update() is a QWidget function - is that what you are trying to call or not?

  3. If number 2 does not apply, make sure that the function you are trying to trigger is declared as a slot in the header.

  4. Finally if none of these are your issue, it would be helpful to know if you are getting any run-time connect errors.

Is an anchor tag without the href attribute safe?

From an accessibility perspective <a> without a href is not tab-able, all links should be tab-able so add a tabindex='0" if you don't have a href.

Apache Tomcat Not Showing in Eclipse Server Runtime Environments

You need to go to Help>Eclipse Marketplace . Then type server in the search box it will display Eclipse JST Server Adapters (Apache Tomcat,...) .Select that one and install it .Then go back to Window>Preferences>Server>Runtime Environnement, click add choose Apache tomcat version then add the installation directory .

UnsupportedClassVersionError unsupported major.minor version 51.0 unable to load class

java_home environment variable should point to the location of the proper version of java installation directory, so that tomcat starts with the right version. for example it you built the project with java 1.7 , then make sure that JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the jdk 1.7 installation directory in your machine.

I had same problem , when i deploy the war in tomcat and run, the link throws the error. But pointing the variable - JAVA_HOME to jdk 1.7 resolved the issue, as my war file was built in java 1.7 environment.

How to use onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState()?

When your activity is recreated after it was previously destroyed, you can recover your saved state from the Bundle that the system passes your activity. Both the onCreate() and onRestoreInstanceState() callback methods receive the same Bundle that contains the instance state information.

Because the onCreate() method is called whether the system is creating a new instance of your activity or recreating a previous one, you must check whether the state Bundle is null before you attempt to read it. If it is null, then the system is creating a new instance of the activity, instead of restoring a previous one that was destroyed.

static final String STATE_USER = "user";
private String mUser;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Check whether we're recreating a previously destroyed instance
    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
        // Restore value of members from saved state
        mUser = savedInstanceState.getString(STATE_USER);
    } else {
        // Probably initialize members with default values for a new instance
        mUser = "NewUser";

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    savedInstanceState.putString(STATE_USER, mUser);
    // Always call the superclass so it can save the view hierarchy state

Disable submit button ONLY after submit

This is the edited script, hope it helps,

   <script type="text/javascript">
            $("#yourFormId").on('submit', function(){
                return false;
                $(".submitBtn").attr("disabled",true); //disable the submit here
                //send the form data via ajax which will not relaod the page and disable the submit button
                   url      : //your url to submit the form,
                   data     : { $("#yourFormId").serializeArray() }, //your data to send here 
                   type     : 'POST',
                   success  : function(resp){
                        alert(resp);    //or whatever 
                   error    : function(resp){


scrollable div inside container

I created an enhanced version, based on Trey Copland's fiddle, that I think is more like what you wanted. Added here for future reference to those who come here later. Fiddle example

.modal {
  height: 390px;
  border: 5px solid green;
.heading {
  padding: 10px;
.content {
  height: 300px;
  border: 5px solid red;
.scrollable {
  height: 1200px;
  border: 5px solid yellow;

.footer {
  height: 2em;
  padding: .5em;
      <div class="modal">
          <div class="heading">
          <div class="content">
              <div class="scrollable" >hello</div>
          <div class="footer">

JavaScript math, round to two decimal places

Fastest Way - faster than toFixed():


x      = .123456
result = Math.round(x * 100) / 100  // result .12


x      = .123456
result = Math.round(x * 1000) / 1000      // result .123

Swift add icon/image in UITextField

Sahil has a great answer and I wanted to take that and expand it into an @IBDesignable so developers can add images to their UITextFields on the Storyboard.

Swift 4.2

import UIKit

class DesignableUITextField: UITextField {
    // Provides left padding for images
    override func leftViewRect(forBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect {
        var textRect = super.leftViewRect(forBounds: bounds)
        textRect.origin.x += leftPadding
        return textRect
    @IBInspectable var leftImage: UIImage? {
        didSet {
    @IBInspectable var leftPadding: CGFloat = 0
    @IBInspectable var color: UIColor = UIColor.lightGray {
        didSet {
    func updateView() {
        if let image = leftImage {
            leftViewMode = UITextField.ViewMode.always
            let imageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 20, height: 20))
            imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
            imageView.image = image
            // Note: In order for your image to use the tint color, you have to select the image in the Assets.xcassets and change the "Render As" property to "Template Image".
            imageView.tintColor = color
            leftView = imageView
        } else {
            leftViewMode = UITextField.ViewMode.never
            leftView = nil
        // Placeholder text color
        attributedPlaceholder = NSAttributedString(string: placeholder != nil ?  placeholder! : "", attributes:[NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: color])

What is happening here?

This designable allows you to:

  • Set an image on the left
  • Add padding between the left edge of the UITextField and the image
  • Set a color so the image and the Placeholder text matches


  • For image color to change you have to follow that note in the comment in the code
  • The image color will not change in the Storyboard. You have to run the project to see the color in the Simulator/device.

Designable in the Storyboard Storyboard

At Runtime Runtime

How to write file in UTF-8 format?

I put all together and got easy way to convert ANSI text files to "UTF-8 No Mark":

function filesToUTF8($searchdir,$convdir,$filetypes) {
  $get_files = glob($searchdir.'*{'.$filetypes.'}', GLOB_BRACE);
  foreach($get_files as $file) {
    $expl_path = explode('/',$file);
    $filename = end($expl_path);
    $get_file_content = file_get_contents($file);
    $new_file_content = iconv(mb_detect_encoding($get_file_content, mb_detect_order(), true), "UTF-8", $get_file_content);
    $put_new_file = file_put_contents($convdir.$filename,$new_file_content);

Usage: filesToUTF8('C:/Temp/','C:/Temp/conv_files/','php,txt');

What values for checked and selected are false?

The empty string is false as a rule.

Apparently the empty string is not respected as empty in all browsers and the presence of the checked attribute is taken to mean checked. So the entire attribute must either be present or omitted.

Find Nth occurrence of a character in a string

if your interested you can also create string extension methods like so:

     public static int Search(this string yourString, string yourMarker, int yourInst = 1, bool caseSensitive = true)
        //returns the placement of a string in another string
        int num = 0;
        int currentInst = 0;
        //if optional argument, case sensitive is false convert string and marker to lowercase
        if (!caseSensitive) { yourString = yourString.ToLower(); yourMarker = yourMarker.ToLower(); }
        int myReturnValue = -1; //if nothing is found the returned integer is negative 1
        while ((num + yourMarker.Length) <= yourString.Length)
            string testString = yourString.Substring(num, yourMarker.Length);

            if (testString == yourMarker)
                if (currentInst == yourInst)
                    myReturnValue = num;
       return myReturnValue;

   public static int Search(this string yourString, char yourMarker, int yourInst = 1, bool caseSensitive = true)
        //returns the placement of a string in another string
        int num = 0;
        int currentInst = 0;
        var charArray = yourString.ToArray<char>();
        int myReturnValue = -1;
        if (!caseSensitive)
            yourString = yourString.ToLower();
            yourMarker = Char.ToLower(yourMarker);
        while (num <= charArray.Length)
            if (charArray[num] == yourMarker)
                if (currentInst == yourInst)
                    myReturnValue = num;
        return myReturnValue;

What's the difference between ISO 8601 and RFC 3339 Date Formats?

RFC 3339 is mostly a profile of ISO 8601, but is actually inconsistent with it in borrowing the "-00:00" timezone specification from RFC 2822. This is described in the Wikipedia article.

fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree

You repository is bare, i.e. it does not have a working tree attached to it. You can clone it locally to create a working tree for it, or you could use one of several other options to tell Git where the working tree is, e.g. the --work-tree option for single commands, or the GIT_WORK_TREE environment variable. There is also the core.worktree configuration option but it will not work in a bare repository (check the man page for what it does).

# git --work-tree=/path/to/work/tree checkout master
# GIT_WORK_TREE=/path/to/work/tree git status

Java 8, Streams to find the duplicate elements

A multiset is a structure maintaining the number of occurrences for each element. Using Guava implementation:

Set<Integer> duplicated =
                .filter(entry -> entry.getCount() > 1)

gradient descent using python and numpy

I think your code is a bit too complicated and it needs more structure, because otherwise you'll be lost in all equations and operations. In the end this regression boils down to four operations:

  1. Calculate the hypothesis h = X * theta
  2. Calculate the loss = h - y and maybe the squared cost (loss^2)/2m
  3. Calculate the gradient = X' * loss / m
  4. Update the parameters theta = theta - alpha * gradient

In your case, I guess you have confused m with n. Here m denotes the number of examples in your training set, not the number of features.

Let's have a look at my variation of your code:

import numpy as np
import random

# m denotes the number of examples here, not the number of features
def gradientDescent(x, y, theta, alpha, m, numIterations):
    xTrans = x.transpose()
    for i in range(0, numIterations):
        hypothesis =, theta)
        loss = hypothesis - y
        # avg cost per example (the 2 in 2*m doesn't really matter here.
        # But to be consistent with the gradient, I include it)
        cost = np.sum(loss ** 2) / (2 * m)
        print("Iteration %d | Cost: %f" % (i, cost))
        # avg gradient per example
        gradient =, loss) / m
        # update
        theta = theta - alpha * gradient
    return theta

def genData(numPoints, bias, variance):
    x = np.zeros(shape=(numPoints, 2))
    y = np.zeros(shape=numPoints)
    # basically a straight line
    for i in range(0, numPoints):
        # bias feature
        x[i][0] = 1
        x[i][1] = i
        # our target variable
        y[i] = (i + bias) + random.uniform(0, 1) * variance
    return x, y

# gen 100 points with a bias of 25 and 10 variance as a bit of noise
x, y = genData(100, 25, 10)
m, n = np.shape(x)
numIterations= 100000
alpha = 0.0005
theta = np.ones(n)
theta = gradientDescent(x, y, theta, alpha, m, numIterations)

At first I create a small random dataset which should look like this:

Linear Regression

As you can see I also added the generated regression line and formula that was calculated by excel.

You need to take care about the intuition of the regression using gradient descent. As you do a complete batch pass over your data X, you need to reduce the m-losses of every example to a single weight update. In this case, this is the average of the sum over the gradients, thus the division by m.

The next thing you need to take care about is to track the convergence and adjust the learning rate. For that matter you should always track your cost every iteration, maybe even plot it.

If you run my example, the theta returned will look like this:

Iteration 99997 | Cost: 47883.706462
Iteration 99998 | Cost: 47883.706462
Iteration 99999 | Cost: 47883.706462
[ 29.25567368   1.01108458]

Which is actually quite close to the equation that was calculated by excel (y = x + 30). Note that as we passed the bias into the first column, the first theta value denotes the bias weight.

groovy: safely find a key in a map and return its value

The whole point of using Maps is direct access. If you know for sure that the value in a map will never be Groovy-false, then you can do this:

def mymap = [name:"Gromit", likes:"cheese", id:1234]
def key = "likes"

if(mymap[key]) {
    println mymap[key]

However, if the value could potentially be Groovy-false, you should use:

if(mymap.containsKey(key)) {
    println mymap[key]

The easiest solution, though, if you know the value isn't going to be Groovy-false (or you can ignore that), and want a default value, is like this:

def value = mymap[key] ?: "default"

All three of these solutions are significantly faster than your examples, because they don't scan the entire map for keys. They take advantage of the HashMap (or LinkedHashMap) design that makes direct key access nearly instantaneous.

how to fix Cannot call sendRedirect() after the response has been committed?

you can't call sendRedirect(), after you have already used forward(). So, you get that exception.

querySelector, wildcard element match?

[id^='someId'] will match all ids starting with someId.

[id$='someId'] will match all ids ending with someId.

[id*='someId'] will match all ids containing someId.

If you're looking for the name attribute just substitute id with name.

If you're talking about the tag name of the element I don't believe there is a way using querySelector

Adding VirtualHost fails: Access Forbidden Error 403 (XAMPP) (Windows 7)

For me (also XAMPP on Windows 7), this is what worked:

<Directory "C:\projects\myfolder\htdocs">`
   AllowOverride All
   Require all granted
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

It is this line that would cause the 403:

Order allow,deny

PHP simple foreach loop with HTML

This will work although when embedding PHP in HTML it is better practice to use the following form:

    <?php foreach($array as $key=>$value): ?>
        <td><?= $key; ?></td>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

You can find the doc for the alternative syntax on

Using multiple parameters in URL in express

app.get('/fruit/:fruitName/:fruitColor', function(req, res) {
    var data = {
        "fruit": {
            "apple": req.params.fruitName,
            "color": req.params.fruitColor


If that doesn't work, try using console.log(req.params) to see what it is giving you.

PHP array: count or sizeof?

According to the website, sizeof() is an alias of count(), so they should be running the same code. Perhaps sizeof() has a little bit of overhead because it needs to resolve it to count()? It should be very minimal though.

Setting Action Bar title and subtitle

Try this one: ab = getSupportActionBar();
ab.setTitle("This is Title");
ab.setSubtitle("This is Subtitle");

How to get local server host and port in Spring Boot?

IP Address

You can get network interfaces with NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(), then the IP addresses off the NetworkInterface objects returned with .getInetAddresses(), then the string representation of those addresses with .getHostAddress().


If you make a @Configuration class which implements ApplicationListener<EmbeddedServletContainerInitializedEvent>, you can override onApplicationEvent to get the port number once it's set.

public void onApplicationEvent(EmbeddedServletContainerInitializedEvent event) {
    int port = event.getEmbeddedServletContainer().getPort();

How to convert a char array back to a string?

Just use String.value of like below;

  private static void h() {

        String helloWorld = "helloWorld";

        char [] charArr = helloWorld.toCharArray();


Create JPA EntityManager without persistence.xml configuration file

Is there a way to initialize the EntityManager without a persistence unit defined?

You should define at least one persistence unit in the persistence.xml deployment descriptor.

Can you give all the required properties to create an Entitymanager?

  • The name attribute is required. The other attributes and elements are optional. (JPA specification). So this should be more or less your minimal persistence.xml file:
    <persistence-unit name="[REQUIRED_PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME_GOES_HERE]">

In Java EE environments, the jta-data-source and non-jta-data-source elements are used to specify the global JNDI name of the JTA and/or non-JTA data source to be used by the persistence provider.

So if your target Application Server supports JTA (JBoss, Websphere, GlassFish), your persistence.xml looks like:

    <persistence-unit name="[REQUIRED_PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME_GOES_HERE]">

If your target Application Server does not support JTA (Tomcat), your persistence.xml looks like:

    <persistence-unit name="[REQUIRED_PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME_GOES_HERE]">

If your data source is not bound to a global JNDI (for instance, outside a Java EE container), so you would usually define JPA provider, driver, url, user and password properties. But property name depends on the JPA provider. So, for Hibernate as JPA provider, your persistence.xml file will looks like:

    <persistence-unit name="[REQUIRED_PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME_GOES_HERE]">
            <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver"/>
            <property name="hibernate.connection.url" value="jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/EmpServDB;create=true"/>
            <property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="APP"/>
            <property name="hibernate.connection.password" value="APP"/>

Transaction Type Attribute

In general, in Java EE environments, a transaction-type of RESOURCE_LOCAL assumes that a non-JTA datasource will be provided. In a Java EE environment, if this element is not specified, the default is JTA. In a Java SE environment, if this element is not specified, a default of RESOURCE_LOCAL may be assumed.

  • To insure the portability of a Java SE application, it is necessary to explicitly list the managed persistence classes that are included in the persistence unit (JPA specification)

I need to create the EntityManager from the user's specified values at runtime

So use this:

Map addedOrOverridenProperties = new HashMap();

// Let's suppose we are using Hibernate as JPA provider
addedOrOverridenProperties.put("hibernate.show_sql", true);

Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(<PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME_GOES_HERE>, addedOrOverridenProperties);

Error handling in C code

EDIT:If you need access only to the last error, and you don't work in multithreaded environment.

You can return only true/false (or some kind of #define if you work in C and don't support bool variables), and have a global Error buffer that will hold the last error:

int getObjectSize(MYAPIHandle h, int* returnedSize);
MYAPI_ERROR* getLastError() {return LastError;};
#define FUNC_SUCCESS 1
#define FUNC_FAIL 0

if(getObjectSize(h, &size) != FUNC_SUCCESS ) {
    MYAPI_ERROR* error = getLastError();
    // error handling

Using ALTER to drop a column if it exists in MySQL

You can use this script, use your column, schema and table name

                         FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
                         WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'TableName' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'ColumnName' 
                                             AND TABLE_SCHEMA = SchemaName)
       ALTER TABLE TableName DROP COLUMN ColumnName;

Map enum in JPA with fixed values?

For versions earlier than JPA 2.1, JPA provides only two ways to deal with enums, by their name or by their ordinal. And the standard JPA doesn't support custom types. So:

  • If you want to do custom type conversions, you'll have to use a provider extension (with Hibernate UserType, EclipseLink Converter, etc). (the second solution). ~or~
  • You'll have to use the @PrePersist and @PostLoad trick (the first solution). ~or~
  • Annotate getter and setter taking and returning the int value ~or~
  • Use an integer attribute at the entity level and perform a translation in getters and setters.

I'll illustrate the latest option (this is a basic implementation, tweak it as required):

@Table(name = "AUTHORITY_")
public class Authority implements Serializable {

    public enum Right {
        READ(100), WRITE(200), EDITOR (300);

        private int value;

        Right(int value) { this.value = value; }    

        public int getValue() { return value; }

        public static Right parse(int id) {
            Right right = null; // Default
            for (Right item : Right.values()) {
                if (item.getValue()==id) {
                    right = item;
            return right;


    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    @Column(name = "AUTHORITY_ID")
    private Long id;

    @Column(name = "RIGHT_ID")
    private int rightId;

    public Right getRight () {
        return Right.parse(this.rightId);

    public void setRight(Right right) {
        this.rightId = right.getValue();


JQuery string contains check

You can use javascript's indexOf function.

var str1 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP";_x000D_
var str2 = "DEFG";_x000D_
if(str1.indexOf(str2) != -1){_x000D_
    console.log(str2 + " found");_x000D_

My kubernetes pods keep crashing with "CrashLoopBackOff" but I can't find any log

I had similar issue but got solved when I corrected my zookeeper.yaml file which had the service name mismatch with file deployment's container names. It got resolved by making them same.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: zk1
  namespace: nbd-mlbpoc-lab
    app: zk-1
  - name: client
    port: 2181
    protocol: TCP
  - name: follower
    port: 2888
    protocol: TCP
  - name: leader
    port: 3888
    protocol: TCP
    app: zk-1
kind: Deployment
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
  name: zk-deployment
  namespace: nbd-mlbpoc-lab
        app: zk-1
      - name: zk1
        image: digitalwonderland/zookeeper
        - containerPort: 2181
        - name: ZOOKEEPER_ID
          value: "1"
        - name: ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_1
          value: zk1

Why is it not advisable to have the database and web server on the same machine?

Ok! Here is the thing, it is more Secure to have your DB Server installed on another Machine and your Application on the Web Server. You then connect your application to the DB with a Web Link. Thanks it.

comma separated string of selected values in mysql

Check this

SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id)  FROM table_level where parent_id=4 group by parent_id;

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader

Ensure you have included the different abiFilters, this enables Gradle know what ABI libraries to package into your apk.

defaultConfig {
 ndk { 
       abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "armeabi", "mips" 

If you storing your jni libs in a different directory, or also using externally linked jni libs, Include them on the different source sets of the app.

sourceSets { 
  main { 
    jni.srcDirs = ['src/main/jniLibs'] 
    jniLibs.srcDir 'src/main/jniLibs' 

How to initialize a nested struct?

You can define a struct and create its object in another struct like i have done below:

package main

import "fmt"

type Address struct {
    streetNumber int
    streetName   string
    zipCode      int

type Person struct {
    name    string
    age     int
    address Address

func main() {
    var p Person = "Vipin"
    p.age = 30
    p.address = Address{
        streetName:   "Krishna Pura",
        streetNumber: 14,
        zipCode:      475110,
    fmt.Println("Name: ",
    fmt.Println("Age: ", p.age)
    fmt.Println("StreetName: ", p.address.streetName)
    fmt.Println("StreeNumber: ", p.address.streetNumber)

Hope it helped you :)

Spring MVC Controller redirect using URL parameters instead of in response

This problem is caused (as others have stated) by model attributes being persisted into the query string - this is usually undesirable and is at risk of creating security holes as well as ridiculous query strings. My usual solution is to never use Strings for redirects in Spring MVC, instead use a RedirectView which can be configured not to expose model attributes (see:

RedirectView(String url, boolean contextRelative, boolean http10Compatible, boolean exposeModelAttributes)

So I tend to have a util method which does a 'safe redirect' like:

public static RedirectView safeRedirect(String url) {
    RedirectView rv = new RedirectView(url);
    return rv;

The other option is to use bean configuration XML:

<bean id="myBean" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.RedirectView">
   <property name="exposeModelAttributes" value="false" />
   <property name="url" value="/myRedirect"/>

Again, you could abstract this into its own class to avoid repetition (e.g. SafeRedirectView).

A note about 'clearing the model' - this is not the same as 'not exposing the model' in all circumstances. One site I worked on had a lot of filters which added things to the model, this meant that clearing the model before redirecting would not prevent a long query string. I would also suggest that 'not exposing model attributes' is a more semantic approach than 'clearing the model before redirecting'.

How do I remedy "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document." warning?

The selected answer led me to fix my problem. But I need to do a few things more:

Even with "Debug" selected in the dropdown:

enter image description here

And in the project Properties > Build:

enter image description here

The Visual Studio was not loading symbols to a specific project. So in that dropdown I select "Configuration Manager" and saw that the settings to my web project was incorrect:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Then I set that to "Debug" and it started to generate the .pdb file. BUT I need to manually copy the PDB and DLL and put in the folder that VS was looking (here is where the selected answer helped me):

enter image description here

How can I generate an HTML report for Junit results?

If you could use Ant then you would just use the JUnitReport task as detailed here:, but you mentioned in your question that you're not supposed to use Ant. I believe that task merely transforms the XML report into HTML so it would be feasible to use any XSLT processor to generate a similar report.

Alternatively, you could switch to using TestNG ( ) which is very similar to JUnit but has a default HTML report as well as several other cool features.

HTML display result in text (input) field?

Do you really want the result to come up in an input box? If not, consider a table with borders set to other than transparent and use

document.getElementById('sum').innerHTML = sum;

Favicon not showing up in Google Chrome

Upload your favicon.ico to the root directory of your website and that should work with Chrome. Some browsers disregard the meta tag and just use /favicon.ico

Go figure?.....

What are the differences between a program and an application?

i guess you mean System Programs and Application programs

System Programs makes the hardware run , Applications are for specific tasks

an Example for System Programs are Device Drivers

as for the Applications you can say web browsers , word porcessros etc

Difference between Parameters.Add(string, object) and Parameters.AddWithValue

There is no difference in terms of functionality

The addwithvalue method takes an object as the value. There is no type data type checking. Potentially, that could lead to error if data type does not match with SQL table. The add method requires that you specify the Database type first. This helps to reduce such errors.

For more detail Please click here

How to select the first element with a specific attribute using XPath

The easiest way to find first english book node (in the whole document), taking under consideration more complicated structered xml file, like:

  <book location="US">A1</book>
  <book location="FIN">A2</book>
  <book location="FIN">B1</book>
  <book location="US">B2</book>

is xpath expression:


MySQL: Curdate() vs Now()

Just for the fun of it:




How to convert a python numpy array to an RGB image with Opencv 2.4?

You are looking for scipy.misc.toimage:

import scipy.misc
rgb = scipy.misc.toimage(np_array)

It seems to be also in scipy 1.0, but has a deprecation warning. Instead, you can use pillow and PIL.Image.fromarray

How to move Docker containers between different hosts?

From Docker documentation:

docker export does not export the contents of volumes associated with the container. If a volume is mounted on top of an existing directory in the container, docker export will export the contents of the underlying directory, not the contents of the volume. Refer to Backup, restore, or migrate data volumes in the user guide for examples on exporting data in a volume.

Leap year calculation

this is enough to check if a year is a leap year.

if( (year%400==0 || year%100!=0) &&(year%4==0))
    cout<<"It is a leap year";
    cout<<"It is not a leap year";

node.js vs. meteor.js what's the difference?

Meteor is a framework built ontop of node.js. It uses node.js to deploy but has several differences.

The key being it uses its own packaging system instead of node's module based system. It makes it easy to make web applications using Node. Node can be used for a variety of things and on its own is terrible at serving up dynamic web content. Meteor's libraries make all of this easy.

How to load a controller from another controller in codeigniter?

I was having session file not found error while tried various ways, finally achieved like this. Made the function as static (which I want to call in the another controller), and called like


How to build a RESTful API?

Another framework which has not been mentioned so far is Laravel. It's great for building PHP apps in general but thanks to the great router it's really comfortable and simple to build rich APIs. It might not be that slim as Slim or Sliex but it gives you a solid structure.

See Aaron Kuzemchak - Simple API Development With Laravel on YouTube and

Laravel 4: A Start at a RESTful API on NetTuts+

.Net HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() raises exception when http status code 400 (bad request) is returned

It would be nice if there were some way of turning off "throw on non-success code" but if you catch WebException you can at least use the response:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Web;
using System.Net;

public class Test
    static void Main()
        WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("");
            using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse())
                Console.WriteLine("Won't get here");
        catch (WebException e)
            using (WebResponse response = e.Response)
                HttpWebResponse httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse) response;
                Console.WriteLine("Error code: {0}", httpResponse.StatusCode);
                using (Stream data = response.GetResponseStream())
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(data))
                    string text = reader.ReadToEnd();

You might like to encapsulate the "get me a response even if it's not a success code" bit in a separate method. (I'd suggest you still throw if there isn't a response, e.g. if you couldn't connect.)

If the error response may be large (which is unusual) you may want to tweak HttpWebRequest.DefaultMaximumErrorResponseLength to make sure you get the whole error.

Split string into array

Use the .split() method. When specifying an empty string as the separator, the split() method will return an array with one element per character.

entry = prompt("Enter your name")
entryArray = entry.split("");

Image library for Python 3

You want the Pillow library, here is how to install it on Python 3:

pip3 install Pillow

If that does not work for you (it should), try normal pip:

pip install Pillow