Programs & Examples On #Ssim

The structural similarity (SSIM) index is a method for measuring the similarity between two images (

Composer: file_put_contents(./composer.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied

I had this problem to install laravel/lumen.

It can be resolved with the following command:

$ sudo chown -R $USER ~/.composer/

Applying an ellipsis to multiline text

This man have the best solution. Only css:

.multiline-ellipsis {
    display: block;
    display: -webkit-box;
    max-width: 400px;
    height: 109.2px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    font-size: 26px;
    line-height: 1.4;
    -webkit-line-clamp: 3;
    -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error processing condition on org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.JndiDataSourceAutoConfiguration

In my case I had created a SB app from the SB Initializer and had included a fair number of deps in it to other things. I went in and commented out the refs to them in the build.gradle file and so was left with:

implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-hateoas'
compileOnly 'org.projectlombok:lombok'
developmentOnly 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-devtools'
runtimeOnly 'org.hsqldb:hsqldb'
runtimeOnly 'org.postgresql:postgresql'
annotationProcessor 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-configuration-processor'
annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok'
testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'
testImplementation 'org.springframework.restdocs:spring-restdocs-mockmvc'

as deps. Then my bare-bones SB app was able to build and get running successfully. As I go to try to do things that may need those commented-out libs I will add them back and see what breaks.

Using a Glyphicon as an LI bullet point (Bootstrap 3)

If you want to have a different icon for each list-item, I suggest adding icons in HTML instead of using a pseudo element to keep your CSS down. It can be done quite simply as follows:

  <li><span><i class="mdi mdi-lightbulb-outline"></i></span>An electric light with a wire filament heated to such a high temperature that it glows with visible light</li>
  <li><span><i class="mdi mdi-clipboard-check-outline"></i></span>A thin, rigid board with a clip at the top for holding paper in place.</li>
  <li><span><i class="mdi mdi-finance"></i></span>A graphical representation of data, in which the data is represented by symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie chart.</li>
  <li><span><i class="mdi mdi-server"></i></span>A system that responds to requests across a computer network worldwide to provide, or help to provide, a network or data service.</li>


ul {
  list-style-type: none;
  margin-left: 2.5em;
  padding-left: 0;
ul>li {
  position: relative;
span {
  left: -2em;
  position: absolute;
  text-align: center;
  width: 2em;
  line-height: inherit;

enter image description here

In this case I used Material Design Icons


Run a command shell in jenkins

As far as I know, Windows will not support shell scripts out of the box. You can install Cygwin or Git for Windows, go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System Shell and point it to the location of sh.exe file found in their installation. For example:

C:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe

There is another option I've discovered. This one is better because it allowed me to use shell in pipeline scripts with simple sh "something".

Add the folder to system PATH. Right click on Computer, click properties > advanced system settings > environmental variables, add C:\Program Files\Git\bin\ to your system Path property.

IMPORTANT note: for some reason I had to add it to the system wide Path, adding to user Path didn't work, even though Jenkins was running on this user.

An important note (thanks bugfixr!):

This works. It should be noted that you will need to restart Jenkins in order for it to pick up the new PATH variable. I just went to my services and restated it from there.

Disclaimer: the names may differ slightly as I'm not using English Windows.

Export a list into a CSV or TXT file in R

cat(capture.output(print(my.list), file="test.txt"))

from R: Export and import a list to .txt file is the only thing that worked for me. This outputs the list of lists as it is in the text file

Java ElasticSearch None of the configured nodes are available

Elasticsearch settings are in $ES_HOME/config/elasticsearch.yml. There, if the setting is commented out, it means ES would take just about any cluster name. So, in your code, the as "elastictest" might be the problem. Try this:

Client client = new TransportClient()
                .addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(

How to get an IFrame to be responsive in iOS Safari?

For me CSS solutions didn't work. But setting the width programmatically does the job. On iframe load set the width programmatically:


CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

The complete first argument of exec is being interpreted as the executable. Use

p = rt.exec(new String[] {"winrar.exe", "x", "h:\\myjar.jar", "*.*", "h:\\new" }

Position Absolute + Scrolling

position: fixed; will solve your issue. As an example, review my implementation of a fixed message area overlay (populated programmatically):

#mess {
    position: fixed;
    background-color: black;
    top: 20px;
    right: 50px;
    height: 10px;
    width: 600px;
    z-index: 1000;

And in the HTML

    <div id="mess"></div>
    <div id="data">
        Much content goes here.

When #data becomes longer tha the sceen, #mess keeps its position on the screen, while #data scrolls under it.

Overflow Scroll css is not working in the div

in my case, only height: 100vh fix the problem with the expected behavior

Node.js: How to read a stream into a buffer?

You can convert your readable stream to a buffer and integrate it in your code in an asynchronous way like this.

async streamToBuffer (stream) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const data = [];

      stream.on('data', (chunk) => {

      stream.on('end', () => {

      stream.on('error', (err) => {

the usage would be as simple as:

 // usage
  const myStream // your stream
  const buffer = await streamToBuffer(myStream) // this is a buffer

How do you set CMAKE_C_COMPILER and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER for building Assimp for iOS?

The cc and cxx is located inside /Applications/ This should find the right paths

export CXX=`xcrun -find c++`
export CC=`xcrun -find cc`

Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect)

check if the object exists or not in DB, if it exists get the object and refresh it:

if (getEntityManager().contains(instance)) {
    return instance;

if it fails the above if condition... find the Object with Id in DB, do the operation which you need, in this case exactly changes will reflects.

if (....) {
    } else if (null != identity) {
        E dbInstance = (E) getEntityManager().find(instance.getClass(), identity);
        return dbInstance;

File path issues in R using Windows ("Hex digits in character string" error)

I know this is really old, but if you are copying and pasting anyway, you can just use:


readClipboard() escapes the back-slashes for you. Just remember to make sure the ".csv" is included in your copy, perhaps with this:


And if you really want to minimize your typing you can use some functions:

setWD <- function(){

readCSV <- function(){

#copy directory path

#copy file name
df <- readCSV()

“Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin” error for request made by application running from a file:// URL

For a simple HTML project:

cd project
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

Then browse your file.

How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers?

In Internet Explorer 7, 8 & 9, this works:

function getZoom() {
    var screen;

    screen = document.frames.screen;
    return ((screen.deviceXDPI / screen.systemXDPI) * 100 + 0.9).toFixed();

The "+0.9" is added to prevent rounding errors (otherwise, you would get 104% and 109% when the browser zoom is set to 105% and 110% respectively).

In IE6 zoom doesn't exists, so it is unnecessary to check the zoom.

How to get a div to resize its height to fit container?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css">
#top, #bottom {
    height: 100px;
    width: 100%;
    position: relative;
#container {
    overflow: hidden;
    position: relative;
    width: 100%;
#container .left {
    height: 550px;
    width: 55%;
    position: relative;
    float: left;
    background-color: #3399FF;
#container .right {
    height: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    right: 0;
    left: 55%;
    bottom: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    background-color: #3366CC;

<div id="top"></div>
<div id="container">
  <div class="left"></div>
  <div class="right"></div>
<div id="bottom"></div>

How to solve " error=12, Cannot allocate memory" calling Runtime#exec()?

This is the solution but you have to set:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory

Optimistic vs. Pessimistic locking

One use case for optimistic locking is to have your application use the database to allow one of your threads / hosts to 'claim' a task. This is a technique that has come in handy for me on a regular basis.

The best example I can think of is for a task queue implemented using a database, with multiple threads claiming tasks concurrently. If a task has status 'Available', 'Claimed', 'Completed', a db query can say something like "Set status='Claimed' where status='Available'. If multiple threads try to change the status in this way, all but the first thread will fail because of dirty data.

Note that this is a use case involving only optimistic locking. So as an alternative to saying "Optimistic locking is used when you don't expect many collisions", it can also be used where you expect collisions but want exactly one transaction to succeed.

How do I hide anchor text without hiding the anchor?

a { text-indent:-9999px; }

Tends to work well from my exprience.

Unsupported method: BaseConfig.getApplicationIdSuffix()

In my case, Android Studio 3.0.1, I fixed the issue with the following two steps.

Step 1: Change Gradle plugin version in project-level build.gradle

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''
            name 'Google'
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

Step 2: Change gradle version



Try this

UPDATE `table` SET `uid` = CASE
    WHEN id = 1 THEN 2952
    WHEN id = 2 THEN 4925
    WHEN id = 3 THEN 1592
    ELSE `uid`
WHERE id  in (1,2,3)

Twitter Bootstrap and ASP.NET GridView

You need to set useaccessibleheader attribute of the gridview to true and also then also specify a TableSection to be a header after calling the DataBind() method on you GridView object. So if your grid view is mygv

mygv.UseAccessibleHeader = True
mygv.HeaderRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader

This should result in a proper formatted grid with thead and tbody tags

Scale the contents of a div by a percentage?

This cross-browser lib seems safer - just zoom and moz-transform won't cover as many browsers as jquery.transform2d's scale().

For example

$('#div').css({ transform: 'scale(.5)' });


OK - I see people are voting this down without an explanation. The other answer here won't work in old Safari (people running Tiger), and it won't work consistently in some older browsers - that is, it does scale things but it does so in a way that's either very pixellated or shifts the position of the element in a way that doesn't match other browsers.

Or just look at this question, which this one is likely just a dupe of:

complete styles for cross browser CSS zoom

Using Powershell to stop a service remotely without WMI or remoting

This worked for me, but I used it as start. powershell outputs, waiting for service to finshing starting a few times then finishes and then a get-service on the remote server shows the service started.

**start**-service -inputobject $(get-service -ComputerName remotePC -Name Spooler)

'Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object' error during postback

If your stack trace looks like following then you are sending a huge load of json objects to server

Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. 
    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptObjectDeserializer.DeserializeDictionary(Int32 depth)
    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptObjectDeserializer.DeserializeInternal(Int32 depth)
    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptObjectDeserializer.BasicDeserialize(String input, Int32 depthLimit, JavaScriptSerializer serializer)
    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize(JavaScriptSerializer serializer, String input, Type type, Int32 depthLimit)
    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.DeserializeObject(String input)
    at Failing.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) 
    at System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e)
    at System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
    at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
    at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

For resolution, please update your web config with following key. If you are not able to get the stack trace then please use fiddler. If it still does not help then please try increasing the number to 10000 or something

<add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="1000" />

For more details, please read this Microsoft kb article

entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker. while adding related objects to entity in Entity Framework 4.1

In this case, it turns out the error is very clear: Entity Framework cannot track an entity using multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker or typically, multiple instances of DbContext. The solutions are: use one instance of DbContext; access all needed entities through a single repository (depending on one instance of DbContext); or turning off tracking for all entities accessed via a repository other than the one throwing this particular exception.

When following an inversion of control pattern in .Net Core Web API, I frequently find that I have controllers with dependencies such as:

private readonly IMyEntityRepository myEntityRepo; // depends on MyDbContext
private readonly IFooRepository fooRepo; // depends on MyDbContext
private readonly IBarRepository barRepo; // depends on MyDbContext
public MyController(
    IMyEntityRepository myEntityRepo, 
    IFooRepository fooRepo, 
    IBarRepository barRepo)
    this.fooRepo = fooRepo;
    this.barRepo = barRepo;
    this.myEntityRepo = myEntityRepo;

and usage like

myEntity.Foo = await this.fooRepository.GetFoos().SingleOrDefaultAsync(f => f.Id == model.FooId);
if (model.BarId.HasValue)
    myEntity.Foo.Bar = await this.barRepository.GetBars().SingleOrDefaultAsync(b => b.Id == model.BarId.Value);

await this.myEntityRepo.UpdateAsync(myEntity); // this throws an error!

Since all three repositories depend on different DbContext instances per request, I have two options to avoid the problem and maintain separate repositories: change the injection of the DbContext to create a new instance only once per call:

// services.AddTransient<DbContext, MyDbContext>(); <- one instance per ctor. bad
services.AddScoped<DbContext, MyDbContext>(); // <- one instance per call. good!

or, if the child entity is being used in a read-only manner, turning off tracking on that instance:

myEntity.Foo.Bar = await this.barRepo.GetBars().AsNoTracking().SingleOrDefault(b => b.Id == model.BarId);

Are HTTP cookies port specific?

This is a really old question but I thought I would add a workaround I used.

I have two services running on my laptop (one on port 3000 and the other on 4000). When I would jump between (http://localhost:3000 and http://localhost:4000), Chrome would pass in the same cookie, each service would not understand the cookie and generate a new one.

I found that if I accessed http://localhost:3000 and, the problem went away since Chrome kept a cookie for localhost and one for

Again, noone may care at this point but it was easy and helpful to my situation.

async at console app in C#?

As a quick and very scoped solution:


Both Task.Result and Task.Wait won't allow to improving scalability when used with I/O, as they will cause the calling thread to stay blocked waiting for the I/O to end.

When you call .Result on an incomplete Task, the thread executing the method has to sit and wait for the task to complete, which blocks the thread from doing any other useful work in the meantime. This negates the benefit of the asynchronous nature of the task.


Styling a input type=number

For Mozilla

input[type=number] { 
    -moz-appearance: textfield;
    appearance: textfield;
    margin: 0; 

For Chrome

input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { 
      -webkit-appearance: none; 
      margin: 0; 

How to get distinct results in hibernate with joins and row-based limiting (paging)?

You can achieve the desired result by requesting a list of distinct ids instead of a list of distinct hydrated objects.

Simply add this to your criteria:


Now you'll get the correct number of results according to your row-based limiting. The reason this works is because the projection will perform the distinctness check as part of the sql query, instead of what a ResultTransformer does which is to filter the results for distinctness after the sql query has been performed.

Worth noting is that instead of getting a list of objects, you will now get a list of ids, which you can use to hydrate objects from hibernate later.

Have a variable in images path in Sass?

Adding something to the above correct answers. I am using netbeans IDE and it shows error while using url(#{$assetPath}/site/background.jpg) this method. It was just netbeans error and no error in sass compiling. But this error break code formatting in netbeans and code become ugly. But when I use it inside quotes like below, it show wonder!


Printing out a linked list using toString

When the JVM tries to run your application, it calls your main method statically; something like this:


That means there is no instance of your LinkedList class. In order to call your toString() method, you can create a new instance of your LinkedList class.

So the body of your main method should be like this:

public static void main(String[] args){
    // creating an instance of LinkedList class
    LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();

    // adding some data to the list


How to install latest version of git on CentOS 7.x/6.x

Build latest version of git on Centos 6/7

Preparing system to building rpms

  1. Install epel:

    For EL6, use:

    sudo yum install  

    For EL7, use:

    sudo yum install
  2. Install fedpkg:

    sudo yum install fedpkg
  3. Add yourself into group mock (you might need to re-login to server after this change):

    sudo usermod -a -G mock $USER

Download git

  1. Download git sources:

    fedpkg clone -a git && cd git
    fedpkg sources
  2. Verify sources:

    sha512sum -c sources

Build rpm

  1. Create srmp. Use el6 for RHEL6, el7 for RHEL7.

    fedpkg --dist el7 srpm
  2. Build package in mock:

    mock -r epel-7-x86_64 git-2.16.0-1.el7.src.rpm
  3. Install latest version of git rpm from /var/lib/mock/epel-7-x86_64/result/. Note, you might need to uninstall existing version of the git from your system first.

This instruction is based on the mailing list post by Todd Zullinger.

How to terminate a window in tmux?

For me solution looks like:

  1. ctrl+b q to show pane numbers.
  2. ctrl+b x to kill pane.

Killing last pane will kill window.

What causes java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError?

I have a web application that deploys perfectly fine on my local machine's tomcat(8.0.20). However, when I put it into the qa environment (tomcat - 8.0.20), it kept on giving me the IncompatibleClassChangeError and it was complaining that I was extending on an interface. This interface was changed to an abstract class. And I compiled the parent and child classes and still I kept on getting the same issue. Finally, I wanted to debug, so, I changed the version on the parent to x.0.1-SNAPSHOT and then compiled everything and now it is working. If someone is still hitting the problem after following the answers given here, please make sure the versions in your pom.xml are also correct. Change the versions to see if that works. If so, then fix the version problem.

With CSS, use "..." for overflowed block of multi-lines

Great question... I wish there was an answer, but this is the closest you can get with CSS these days. No ellipsis, but still pretty usable.

overflow: hidden;
line-height: 1.2em;
height: 3.6em;      // 3 lines * line-height

Can I run a 64-bit VMware image on a 32-bit machine?

If you have 32-bit hardware, no, you cannot run a 64-bit guest OS. "VMware software does not emulate an instruction set for different hardware not physically present".

However, QEMU can emulate a 64-bit processor, so you could convert the VMWare machine and run it with this

From this 2008-era blog post (mirrored by

$ cd /path/to/vmware/guestos
$ for i in \`ls *[0-9].vmdk\`; do qemu-img convert -f vmdk $i -O raw {i/vmdk/raw};done
$ cat *.raw >> guestos.img

To run it,

qemu -m 256 -hda guestos.img

The downside? Most of us runs VMware without preallocation space for the virtual disk. So, when we make a conversion from VMware to QEMU, the raw file will be the total space WITH preallocation. I am still testing with -f qcow format will it solve the problem or not. Such as:

for i in `ls *[0-9].vmdk`; do qemu-img convert -f vmdk $i -O qcow ${i/vmdk/qcow}; done && cat *.qcow >> debian.img

Get the current language in device

What worked for me was:


Resources.getSystem() returns a global shared Resources object that provides access to only system resources (no application resources), and is not configured for the current screen (can not use dimension units, does not change based on orientation, etc).

Because getConfiguration.locale has now been deprecated, the preferred way to get the primary locale in Android Nougat is:


To guarantee compatibility with the previous Android versions a possible solution would be a simple check:

Locale locale;
    locale = Resources.getSystem().getConfiguration().getLocales().get(0);
} else {
    //noinspection deprecation
    locale = Resources.getSystem().getConfiguration().locale;


Starting with support library 26.1.0 you don't need to check the Android version as it offers a convenient method backward compatible getLocales().

Simply call:


How to compile for Windows on Linux with gcc/g++?

Suggested method gave me error on Ubuntu 16.04: E: Unable to locate package mingw32


To install this package on Ubuntu please use following:

sudo apt-get install mingw-w64

After install you can use it:


Please note!

For 64-bit use: x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++

For 32-bit use: i686-w64-mingw32-g++

Displaying a vector of strings in C++

You have to insert the elements using the insert method present in vectors STL, check the below program to add the elements to it, and you can use in the same way in your program.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string.h>

int main ()
  std::vector<std::string> myvector ;
  std::vector<std::string>::iterator it;

   it = myvector.begin();
  std::string myarray [] = { "Hi","hello","wassup" };
  myvector.insert (myvector.begin(), myarray, myarray+3);

  std::cout << "myvector contains:";
  for (it=myvector.begin(); it<myvector.end(); it++)
    std::cout << ' ' << *it;
    std::cout << '\n';

  return 0;

Have log4net use application config file for configuration data

Add a line to your app.config in the configSections element

 <section name="log4net" 
   type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net, Version=, 
         Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1b44e1d426115821" />

Then later add the log4Net section, but delegate to the actual log4Net config file elsewhere...

<log4net configSource="Config\Log4Net.config" />

In your application code, when you create the log, write

private static ILog GetLog(string logName)
    ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(logName);
    return log;

Splitting a table cell into two columns in HTML

I came here for a similar problem I was facing with my table headers.

@MrMisterMan's answer, as well as others, were really helpful, but the borders were beating my game. So, I did some research to find the use rowspan.

Here's what I did and I guess it might help others facing something similar.

<table style="width: 100%; margin-top: 10px; font-size: 0.8em;" border="1px">_x000D_
    <tr align="center" >_x000D_
        <th style="padding:2.5px; width: 10%;" rowspan="2">Item No</th>_x000D_
        <th style="padding:2.5px; width: 55%;" rowspan="2">DESCRIPTION</th>_x000D_
        <th style="padding:2.5px;" rowspan="2">Quantity</th>_x000D_
        <th style="padding:2.5px;" colspan="2">Rate per Item</th>_x000D_
        <th style="padding:2.5px;" colspan="2">AMOUNT</th>_x000D_

ReactJS - .JS vs .JSX

There is none when it comes to file extensions. Your bundler/transpiler/whatever takes care of resolving what type of file contents there is.

There are however some other considerations when deciding what to put into a .js or a .jsx file type. Since JSX isn't standard JavaScript one could argue that anything that is not "plain" JavaScript should go into its own extensions ie., .jsx for JSX and .ts for TypeScript for example.

There's a good discussion here available for read

How to link C++ program with Boost using CMake

Adapting @MOnsDaR answer for modern CMake syntax with imported targets, this would be:

find_package(Boost 1.40 COMPONENTS program_options REQUIRED)

add_executable(anyExecutable myMain.cpp)

target_link_libraries(anyExecutable Boost::program_options)

Note that it is not necessary to specify the include directories manually, since it is already taken care of through the imported target Boost::program_options.

Format a Go string without printing?

I came to this page specifically looking for a way to format an error string. So if someone needs help with the same, you want to use the fmt.Errorf() function.

The method signature is func Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) error. It returns the formatted string as a value that satisfies the error interface.

You can look up more details in the documentation -

Verify object attribute value with mockito

You can refer the following:


This will verify whether method of mockedObject is called with desiredObject as parameter.

Use of min and max functions in C++

std::min and std::max are templates. So, they can be used on a variety of types that provide the less than operator, including floats, doubles, long doubles. So, if you wanted to write generic C++ code you'd do something like this:

template<typename T>
T const& max3(T const& a, T const& b, T const& c)
   using std::max;
   return max(max(a,b),c); // non-qualified max allows ADL

As for performance, I don't think fmin and fmax differ from their C++ counterparts.

wget can't download - 404 error

Actually I don't know what is the reason exactly, I have faced this like of problem. if you have the domain's IP address (ex, please use the IP address instead of domain (in this case


Go to find the IP from URL

Convert a String to Modified Camel Case in Java or Title Case as is otherwise called

I used the below to solve this problem.

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

Thanks to Ted Hopp for rightly pointing out that the question should have been TITLE CASE instead of modified CAMEL CASE.

Camel Case is usually without spaces between words.

Build tree array from flat array in javascript

I've written a test script to evaluate the performance of the two most general solutions (meaning that the input does not have to be sorted beforehand and that the code does not depend on third party libraries), proposed by users shekhardtu (see answer) and FurkanO (see answer).

FurkanO's solution seems to be the fastest.

** performance test for
// Data Set (e.g. nested comments)_x000D_
var comments = [{_x000D_
    id: 1,_x000D_
    parent_id: null_x000D_
}, {_x000D_
    id: 2,_x000D_
    parent_id: 1_x000D_
}, {_x000D_
    id: 3,_x000D_
    parent_id: 4_x000D_
}, {_x000D_
    id: 4,_x000D_
    parent_id: null_x000D_
}, {_x000D_
    id: 5,_x000D_
    parent_id: 4_x000D_
// add some random entries_x000D_
let maxParentId = 10000;_x000D_
for (let i=6; i<=maxParentId; i++)_x000D_
  let randVal = Math.floor((Math.random() * maxParentId) + 1);_x000D_
    id: i,_x000D_
    parent_id: (randVal % 200 === 0 ? null : randVal)_x000D_
// solution from user "shekhardtu" (
const nest = (items, id = null, link = 'parent_id') =>_x000D_
    .filter(item => item[link] === id)_x000D_
    .map(item => ({ ...item, children: nest(items, }));_x000D_
// solution from user "FurkanO" (
const createDataTree = dataset => {_x000D_
    let hashTable = Object.create(null)_x000D_
    dataset.forEach( aData => hashTable[] = { ...aData, children : [] } )_x000D_
    let dataTree = []_x000D_
    dataset.forEach( aData => {_x000D_
      if( aData.parent_id ) hashTable[aData.parent_id].children.push(hashTable[])_x000D_
      else dataTree.push(hashTable[])_x000D_
    } )_x000D_
    return dataTree_x000D_
** lets evaluate the timing for both methods_x000D_
let t0 =;_x000D_
let createDataTreeResult = createDataTree(comments);_x000D_
let t1 =;_x000D_
console.log("Call to createDataTree took " + Math.floor(t1 - t0) + " milliseconds.");_x000D_
t0 =;_x000D_
let nestResult = nest(comments);_x000D_
t1 =;_x000D_
console.log("Call to nest took " + Math.floor(t1 - t0) + " milliseconds.");_x000D_
// bad, but simple way of comparing object equality_x000D_

Construct a manual legend for a complicated plot

You need to map attributes to aesthetics (colours within the aes statement) to produce a legend.

cols <- c("LINE1"="#f04546","LINE2"="#3591d1","BAR"="#62c76b")
ggplot(data=data,aes(x=a)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(y=h, fill = "BAR"),colour="#333333")+ #green
  geom_line(aes(y=b,group=1, colour="LINE1"),size=1.0) +   #red
  geom_point(aes(y=b, colour="LINE1"),size=3) +           #red
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=d, ymax=e, colour="LINE1"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  geom_line(aes(y=c,group=1,colour="LINE2"),size=1.0) +   #blue 
  geom_point(aes(y=c,colour="LINE2"),size=3) +           #blue
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=f, ymax=g,colour="LINE2"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  scale_colour_manual(name="Error Bars",values=cols) + scale_fill_manual(name="Bar",values=cols) +
  ylab("Symptom severity") + xlab("PHQ-9 symptoms") +
  ylim(0,1.6) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15, vjust=-.2)) +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15, vjust=0.3))

enter image description here

I understand where Roland is coming from, but since this is only 3 attributes, and complications arise from superimposing bars and error bars this may be reasonable to leave the data in wide format like it is. It could be slightly reduced in complexity by using geom_pointrange.

To change the background color for the error bars legend in the original, add + theme(legend.key = element_rect(fill = "white",colour = "white")) to the plot specification. To merge different legends, you typically need to have a consistent mapping for all elements, but it is currently producing an artifact of a black background for me. I thought guide = guide_legend(fill = NULL,colour = NULL) would set the background to null for the legend, but it did not. Perhaps worth another question.

ggplot(data=data,aes(x=a)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(y=h,fill = "BAR", colour="BAR"))+ #green
  geom_line(aes(y=b,group=1, colour="LINE1"),size=1.0) +   #red
  geom_point(aes(y=b, colour="LINE1", fill="LINE1"),size=3) +           #red
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=d, ymax=e, colour="LINE1"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  geom_line(aes(y=c,group=1,colour="LINE2"),size=1.0) +   #blue 
  geom_point(aes(y=c,colour="LINE2", fill="LINE2"),size=3) +           #blue
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=f, ymax=g,colour="LINE2"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  scale_colour_manual(name="Error Bars",values=cols, guide = guide_legend(fill = NULL,colour = NULL)) + 
  scale_fill_manual(name="Bar",values=cols, guide="none") +
  ylab("Symptom severity") + xlab("PHQ-9 symptoms") +
  ylim(0,1.6) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15, vjust=-.2)) +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15, vjust=0.3))

enter image description here

To get rid of the black background in the legend, you need to use the override.aes argument to the guide_legend. The purpose of this is to let you specify a particular aspect of the legend which may not be being assigned correctly.

ggplot(data=data,aes(x=a)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(y=h,fill = "BAR", colour="BAR"))+ #green
  geom_line(aes(y=b,group=1, colour="LINE1"),size=1.0) +   #red
  geom_point(aes(y=b, colour="LINE1", fill="LINE1"),size=3) +           #red
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=d, ymax=e, colour="LINE1"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  geom_line(aes(y=c,group=1,colour="LINE2"),size=1.0) +   #blue 
  geom_point(aes(y=c,colour="LINE2", fill="LINE2"),size=3) +           #blue
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=f, ymax=g,colour="LINE2"), width=0.1, size=.8) + 
  scale_colour_manual(name="Error Bars",values=cols, 
                      guide = guide_legend(override.aes=aes(fill=NA))) + 
  scale_fill_manual(name="Bar",values=cols, guide="none") +
  ylab("Symptom severity") + xlab("PHQ-9 symptoms") +
  ylim(0,1.6) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15, vjust=-.2)) +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15, vjust=0.3))

enter image description here

Swapping pointers in C (char, int)

The first thing you need to understand is that when you pass something to a function, that something is copied to the function's arguments.

Suppose you have the following:

void swap1(int a, int b) {
    int temp = a;
    a = b;
    b = temp;
    assert(a == 17);
    assert(b == 42);
    // they're swapped!

int x = 42;
int y = 17;
swap1(x, y);
assert(x == 42);
assert(y == 17);
// no, they're not swapped!

The original variables will not be swapped, because their values are copied into the function's arguments. The function then proceeds to swap the values of those arguments, and then returns. The original values are not changed, because the function only swaps its own private copies.

Now how do we work around this? The function needs a way to refer to the original variables, not copies of their values. How can we refer to other variables in C? Using pointers.

If we pass pointers to our variables into the function, the function can swap the values in our variables, instead of its own argument copies.

void swap2(int* a, int* b) {
    int temp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = temp;
    assert(*a == 17);
    assert(*b == 42);
    // they're swapped!

int x = 42;
int y = 17;
swap2(&x, &y); // give the function pointers to our variables
assert(x == 17);
assert(y == 42);
// yes, they're swapped!

Notice how inside the function we're not assigning to the pointers, but assigning to what they point to. And the pointers point to our variables x and y. The function is changing directly the values stored in our variables through the pointers we give it. And that's exactly what we needed.

Now what happens if we have two pointer variables and want to swap the pointers themselves (as opposed to the values they point to)? If we pass pointers, the pointers will simply be copied (not the values they point to) to the arguments.

void swap3(int* a, int* b) {
    int* temp = a;
    a = b;
    b = temp;
    assert(*a == 17);
    assert(*b == 42);
    // they're swapped!
void swap4(int* a, int* b) {
    int temp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = temp;
    assert(*a == 17);
    assert(*b == 42);
    // they're swapped!

int x = 42;
int y = 17;
int* xp = &x;
int* yp = &y;
swap3(xp, yp);
assert(xp == &x);
assert(yp == &y);
assert(x == 42);
assert(y == 17);
// Didn't swap anything!
swap4(xp, yp);
assert(xp == &x);
assert(yp == &y);
assert(x == 17);
assert(y == 42);
// Swapped the stored values instead!

The function swap3 only swaps its own private copies of our pointers that it gets in its arguments. It's the same issue we had with swap1. And swap4 is changing the values our variables point to, not the pointers! We're giving the function a means to refer to the variables x and y but we want them to refer to xp and yp.

How do we do that? We pass it their addresses!

void swap5(int** a, int** b) {
    int* temp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = temp;
    assert(**a == 17);
    assert(**b == 42);
    // they're swapped!

int x = 42;
int y = 17;
int* xp = &x;
int* yp = &y;
swap5(&xp, &yp);
assert(xp == &y);
assert(yp == &x);
assert(x == 42);
assert(y == 17);
// swapped only the pointers variables

This way it swaps our pointer variables (notice how xp now points to y) but not the values they point to. We gave it a way to refer to our pointer variables, so it can change them!

By now it should be easy to understand how to swap two strings in the form of char* variables. The swap function needs to receive pointers to char*.

void swapStrings(char** a, char** b){
    char *temp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = temp;
    assert(strcmp(*a, "world") == 0);
    assert(strcmp(*b, "Hello") == 0);

char* x = "Hello";
char* y = "world";
swapStrings(&x, &y);
assert(strcmp(x, "world") == 0);
assert(strcmp(y, "Hello") == 0);

How to format string to money

var tests = new[] {"000000001000", "000000001005", "000000331150"};
foreach (var test in tests)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} <=> {1:f2}", test, Convert.ToDecimal(test) / 100);

Since you didn't ask for the currency symbol, I've used "f2" instead of "C"

'NOT LIKE' in an SQL query

You've missed the id out before the NOT; it needs to be specified.

SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE id NOT LIKE '1%' AND id NOT LIKE '2%'

SVN commit command

To add a file/folder to the project, a good way is:

First of all add your files to /path/to/your/project/my/added/files, and then run following commands:

svn cleanup  /path/to/your/project

svn add --force /path/to/your/project/*

svn cleanup  /path/to/your/project

svn commit /path/to/your/project  -m 'Adding a file'

I used cleanup to prevent any segmentation fault (core dumped), and now the SVN project is updated.

Accessing post variables using Java Servlets

The previous answers are correct but remember to use the name attribute in the input fields (html form) or you won't get anything. Example:

<input type="text" id="username" /> <!-- won't work --> <input type="text" name="username" /> <!-- will work --> <input type="text" name="username" id="username" /> <!-- will work too -->

All this code is HTML valid, but using getParameter(java.lang.String) you will need the name attribute been set in all parameters you want to receive.

is there a require for json in node.js

JSON files don’t require an explicit exports statement. You don't need to export to use it as Javascript files.

So, you can use just require for valid JSON document.


  "name": "Freddie Mercury"


var obj = require('data.json');

//Freddie Mercury

Is floating point math broken?

It's broken in the exact same way decimal (base-10) notation is broken, just for base-2.

To understand, think about representing 1/3 as a decimal value. It's impossible to do exactly! In the same way, 1/10 (decimal 0.1) cannot be represented exactly in base 2 (binary) as a "decimal" value; a repeating pattern after the decimal point goes on forever. The value is not exact, and therefore you can't do exact math with it using normal floating point methods.

How to use refs in React with Typescript

If you're using React.FC, add the HTMLDivElement interface:

const myRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);

And use it like the following:

return <div ref={myRef} />;

Counting words in string

function totalWordCount() {
  var str ="My life is happy"
  var totalSoFar = 0;

  for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
    if (str[i] === " ") { 
     totalSoFar = totalSoFar+1;
  totalSoFar = totalSoFar+ 1; 
  return totalSoFar


Run parallel multiple commands at once in the same terminal

To run multiple commands just add && between two commands like this: command1 && command2

And if you want to run them in two different terminals then you do it like this:

gnome-terminal -e "command1" && gnome-terminal -e "command2"

This will open 2 terminals with command1 and command2 executing in them.

Hope this helps you.

Is it possible to overwrite a function in PHP

You cannot redeclare any functions in PHP. You can, however, override them. Check out overriding functions as well as renaming functions in order to save the function you're overriding if you want.

So, keep in mind that when you override a function, you lose it. You may want to consider keeping it, but in a different name. Just saying.

Also, if these are functions in classes that you're wanting to override, you would just need to create a subclass and redeclare the function in your class without having to do rename_function and override_function.


rename_function('mysql_connect', 'original_mysql_connect' );
override_function('mysql_connect', '$a,$b', 'echo "DOING MY FUNCTION INSTEAD"; return $a * $b;');

Can not get a simple bootstrap modal to work

For me the bootstrap modal was showing and disappearing when I clicked the button tag (in the markup the modal is shown and hidden using data attributes alone). In my gulpfile.js I added the bootstrap.js (which had the modal logic) and the modal.js file. So I think after the browser parses and executes both the files, two click event handlers are attached to the particular dom element (one for each of the files), so one shows the modal the other hides the modal. Hope this helps someone.

Equivalent of Clean & build in Android Studio?

I don't know if there's a way to get a clean build via the UI, but it's easy to do from the commandline using gradle wrapper. From the root directory of your project:

./gradlew clean 

Horizontal list items

You could also use inline blocks to avoid floating elements

        <a href="#">some item</a>
        <a href="#">another item</a>

and then style as:

    /* with fix for IE */
    additional styles to make it look nice

that way you wont need to float anything, eliminating the need for clearfixes

Span inside anchor or anchor inside span or doesn't matter?

Semantically I think makes more sense as is a container for a single element and if you need to nest them then that suggests more than element will be inside of the outer one.

TypeError: no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer

You probably meant this:

require 'active_support/core_ext' # for titleize

myHash = {company_name:"MyCompany", street:"Mainstreet", postcode:"1234", city:"MyCity", free_seats:"3"}

def cleanup string

def format(hash)
  output = {}
  output[:company_name] = cleanup(hash[:company_name])
  output[:street] = cleanup(hash[:street])

format(myHash) # => {:company_name=>"My Company", :street=>"Mainstreet"}

Please read documentation on Hash#each


In Spring applications, if you enable annotation based transaction support using <tx:annotation-driven/> and annotate any class/method with @Transactional(propagation=Propagation.REQUIRED) then Spring framework will start a transaction and executes the method and commits the transaction. If any RuntimeException occurred then the transaction will be rolled back.

Actually propagation=Propagation.REQUIRED is default propagation level, you don't need to explicitly mentioned it.

For further info :

Reference excel worksheet by name?

The best way is to create a variable of type Worksheet, assign the worksheet and use it every time the VBA would implicitly use the ActiveSheet.

This will help you avoid bugs that will eventually show up when your program grows in size.

For example something like Range("A1:C10").Sort Key1:=Range("A2") is good when the macro works only on one sheet. But you will eventually expand your macro to work with several sheets, find out that this doesn't work, adjust it to ShTest1.Range("A1:C10").Sort Key1:=Range("A2")... and find out that it still doesn't work.

Here is the correct way:

Dim ShTest1 As Worksheet
Set ShTest1 = Sheets("Test1")
ShTest1.Range("A1:C10").Sort Key1:=ShTest1.Range("A2")

Spring MVC - HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException

In your Spring @Configuration class which extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter override the method configureMessageConverters, for instance:

public void configureMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters) {

    // http
    HttpMessageConverter converter = new StringHttpMessageConverter();
    converters.add(converter);"HttpMessageConverter added");

    // string
    converter = new FormHttpMessageConverter();
    converters.add(converter);"FormHttpMessageConverter added");

    // json
    converter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter();
    converters.add(converter);"MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter added");


And the error will be gone.

The request was rejected because no multipart boundary was found in springboot

I was having the same problem while making a POST request from Postman and later I could solve the problem by setting a custom Content-Type with a boundary value set along with it like this.

I thought people can run into similar problem and hence, I'm sharing my solution.


Pick any kind of file via an Intent in Android

Not for camera but for other files..

In my device I have ES File Explorer installed and This simply thing works in my case..

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT);
startActivityForResult(intent, PICKFILE_REQUEST_CODE);

AngularJS toggle class using ng-class

Add more than one class based on the condition:

<div ng-click="AbrirPopUp(s)" 
ng-class="{'class1 class2 class3':!isNew, 
           'class1 class4': isNew}">{{ isNew }}</div>

Apply: class1 + class2 + class3 when isNew=false,

Apply: class1+ class4 when isNew=true

Call asynchronous method in constructor?

To put it simply, referring to Stephen Cleary

your page on creation should create tasks in constructor and you should declare those tasks as class members or put it in your task pool.

Your data are fetched during these tasks, but these tasks should awaited in the code i.e. on some UI manipulations, i.e. Ok Click etc.

I developped such apps in WP, we had a whole bunch of tasks created on start.

SQL, Postgres OIDs, What are they and why are they useful?

OIDs basically give you a built-in id for every row, contained in a system column (as opposed to a user-space column). That's handy for tables where you don't have a primary key, have duplicate rows, etc. For example, if you have a table with two identical rows, and you want to delete the oldest of the two, you could do that using the oid column.

OIDs are implemented using 4-byte unsigned integers. They are not unique–OID counter will wrap around at 2³²-1. OID are also used to identify data types (see /usr/include/postgresql/server/catalog/pg_type_d.h).

In my experience, the feature is generally unused in most postgres-backed applications (probably in part because they're non-standard), and their use is essentially deprecated:

In PostgreSQL 8.1 default_with_oids is off by default; in prior versions of PostgreSQL, it was on by default.

The use of OIDs in user tables is considered deprecated, so most installations should leave this variable disabled. Applications that require OIDs for a particular table should specify WITH OIDS when creating the table. This variable can be enabled for compatibility with old applications that do not follow this behavior.

How to split a large text file into smaller files with equal number of lines?

HDFS getmerge small file and spilt into property size.

This method will cause line break

split -b 125m compact.file -d -a 3 compact_prefix

I try to getmerge and split into about 128MB every file.

# split into 128m ,judge sizeunit is M or G ,please test before use.

begainsize=`hdfs dfs -du -s -h /externaldata/$table_name/$date/ | awk '{ print $1}' `
sizeunit=`hdfs dfs -du -s -h /externaldata/$table_name/$date/ | awk '{ print $2}' `
if [ $sizeunit = "G" ];then
    res=$(printf "%.f" `echo "scale=5;$begainsize*8 "|bc`)
    res=$(printf "%.f" `echo "scale=5;$begainsize/128 "|bc`)  # celling ref
echo $res
# split into $res files with number suffix.  ref
echo "compact_file_name :"$compact_file_name
split -n l/$res $basedir/$compact_file -d -a 3 $basedir/${compact_file_name}

PHP - remove <img> tag from string

Sean it works fine i've just used this code

$content = preg_replace("/<img[^>]+\>/i", " ", $content); 
echo $content;

//the result it's only the plain text. It works!!!

BAT file to map to network drive without running as admin

This .vbs code creates a .bat file with the current mapped network drives. Then, just put the created file into the machine which you want to re-create the mappings and double-click it. It will try to create all mappings using the same drive letters (errors can occur if any letter is in use). This method also can be used as a backup of the current mappings. Save the code bellow as a .vbs file (e.g. Mappings.vbs) and double-click it.

' ********** My Code **********
Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )

' ********** Get ComputerName
strComputer = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%COMPUTERNAME%" )

' ********** Get Domain 
sUserDomain = createobject("").UserDomain

Set Connect = GetObject("winmgmts://"&strComputer)
Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set oDrives = WshNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives
Set oPrinters = WshNetwork.EnumPrinterConnections

' ********** Current Path
sCurrentPath = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)

' ********** Blank the report message
strMsg = ""

' ********** Set objects 
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set objWbem = GetObject("winmgmts:")
Set objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts://" & strComputer & "/root/default:StdRegProv")

' ********** Get UserName
sUser = CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserName

' ********** Print user and computer
'strMsg = strMsg & "    User: " & sUser & VbCrLf
'strMsg = strMsg & "Computer: " & strComputer & VbCrLf & VbCrLf

strMsg = strMsg & "###  COPIED FROM " & strComputer & " ###" & VbCrLf& VbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg & "@echo off" & vbCrLf

For i = 0 to oDrives.Count - 1 Step 2
    strMsg = strMsg & "net use " & oDrives.Item(i) & " " & oDrives.Item(i+1) & " /user:" & sUserDomain & "\" & sUser & " /persistent:yes" & VbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg & ":exit" & VbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg & "@pause" & VbCrLf

' ********** write the file to disk.
strDirectory = sCurrentPath 
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) Then
    ' Procede
    Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory)
End if

' ********** Calculate date serial for filename **********
intMonth = month(now)
if intMonth < 10 then
    strThisMonth = "0" & intMonth
    strThisMonth = intMOnth
end if
intDay = Day(now)
if intDay < 10 then
    strThisDay = "0" & intDay
    strThisDay = intDay
end if
strFilenameDateSerial = year(now) & strThisMonth & strThisDay
    sFileName = strDirectory & "\" & strComputer & "_" & sUser & "_MappedDrives" & "_" & strFilenameDateSerial & ".bat"
    Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(sFileName,True) 
objFile.Write strMsg & vbCrLf

' ********** Ask to view file
strFinish = "End: A .bat was generated. " & VbCrLf & "Copy the generated file  (" & sFileName & ")  into the machine where you want to recreate the mappings and double-click it." & VbCrLf & VbCrLf 

The import org.apache.commons cannot be resolved in eclipse juno

If you got a Apache Maven project, it's easy to use this package in your project. Just specify it in your pom.xml:





try/catch blocks with async/await

A cleaner alternative would be the following:

Due to the fact that every async function is technically a promise

You can add catches to functions when calling them with await

async function a(){
    let error;

    // log the error on the parent
    await b().catch((err)=>console.log('b.failed'))

    // change an error variable
    await c().catch((err)=>{error=true; console.log(err)})

    // return whatever you want
    return error ? d() : null;
a().catch(()=>console.log('main program failed'))

No need for try catch, as all promises errors are handled, and you have no code errors, you can omit that in the parent!!

Lets say you are working with mongodb, if there is an error you might prefer to handle it in the function calling it than making wrappers, or using try catches.

How to JUnit test that two List<E> contain the same elements in the same order?

assertTrue()/assertFalse() : to use only to assert boolean result returned

assertTrue(Iterables.elementsEqual(argumentComponents, returnedComponents));

You want to use Assert.assertTrue() or Assert.assertFalse() as the method under test returns a boolean value.
As the method returns a specific thing such as a List that should contain some expected elements, asserting with assertTrue() in this way : Assert.assertTrue(myActualList.containsAll(myExpectedList) is an anti pattern.
It makes the assertion easy to write but as the test fails, it also makes it hard to debug because the test runner will only say to you something like :

expected true but actual is false

Assert.assertEquals(Object, Object) in JUnit4 or Assertions.assertIterableEquals(Iterable, Iterable) in JUnit 5 : to use only as both equals() and toString() are overrided for the classes (and deeply) of the compared objects

It matters because the equality test in the assertion relies on equals() and the test failure message relies on toString() of the compared objects.
As String overrides both equals() and toString(), it is perfectly valid to assert the List<String> with assertEquals(Object,Object). And about this matter : you have to override equals() in a class because it makes sense in terms of object equality, not only to make assertions easier in a test with JUnit.
To make assertions easier you have other ways (that you can see in the next points of the answer).

Is Guava a way to perform/build unit test assertions ?

Is Google Guava Iterables.elementsEqual() the best way, provided I have the library in my build path, to compare those two lists?

No it is not. Guava is not an library to write unit test assertions.
You don't need it to write most (all I think) of unit tests.

What's the canonical way to compare lists for unit tests?

As a good practice I favor assertion/matcher libraries.

I cannot encourage JUnit to perform specific assertions because this provides really too few and limited features : it performs only an assertion with a deep equals.
Sometimes you want to allow any order in the elements, sometimes you want to allow that any elements of the expected match with the actual, and so for...

So using a unit test assertion/matcher library such as Hamcrest or AssertJ is the correct way.
The actual answer provides a Hamcrest solution. Here is a AssertJ solution.

org.assertj.core.api.ListAssert.containsExactly() is what you need : it verifies that the actual group contains exactly the given values and nothing else, in order as stated :

Verifies that the actual group contains exactly the given values and nothing else, in order.

Your test could look like :

import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

void ofComponent_AssertJ() throws Exception {
   MyObject myObject = MyObject.ofComponents("One", "Two", "Three");
             .containsExactly("One", "Two", "Three");

A AssertJ good point is that declaring a List as expected is needless : it makes the assertion straighter and the code more readable :

         .containsExactly("One", "Two", "Three");

And if the test fails :

// Fail : Three was not expected 
          .containsExactly("One", "Two");

you get a very clear message such as :



<["One", "Two", "Three"]>

to contain exactly (and in same order):

<["One", "Two"]>

but some elements were not expected:


Assertion/matcher libraries are a must because these will really further

Suppose that MyObject doesn't store Strings but Foos instances such as :

public class MyFooObject {

    private List<Foo> values;
    public static MyFooObject ofComponents(Foo... values) {
        // ...

    public List<Foo> getComponents(){
        return new ArrayList<>(values);

That is a very common need. With AssertJ the assertion is still simple to write. Better you can assert that the list content are equal even if the class of the elements doesn't override equals()/hashCode() while JUnit ways require that :

import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
import static org.assertj.core.groups.Tuple.tuple;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

void ofComponent() throws Exception {
    MyFooObject myObject = MyFooObject.ofComponents(new Foo(1, "One"), new Foo(2, "Two"), new Foo(3, "Three"));

              .extracting(Foo::getId, Foo::getName)
              .containsExactly(tuple(1, "One"),
                               tuple(2, "Two"),
                               tuple(3, "Three"));

Javadoc link to method in other class

So the solution to the original problem is that you don't need both the "@see" and the "{@link...}" references on the same line. The "@link" tag is self-sufficient and, as noted, you can put it anywhere in the javadoc block. So you can mix the two approaches:

 * some javadoc stuff
 * {@link}
 * more stuff
 * @see

format statement in a string resource file

Inside file strings.xml define a String resource like this:

<string name="string_to_format">Amount: %1$f  for %2$d days%3$s</string>

Inside your code (assume it inherits from Context) simply do the following:

 String formattedString = getString(R.string.string_to_format, floatVar, decimalVar, stringVar);

(In comparison to the answer from LocalPCGuy or Giovanny Farto M. the String.format method is not needed.)

Detect network connection type on Android

Shown below different ways to do that. Please, note that there are a lot of network types in ConnectivityManager class. Also, if API >= 21, you can check the network types in NetworkCapabilities class.

    ConnectivityMonitor connectivityMonitor = ConnectivityMonitor.getInstance(this);
    boolean isWiFiConnected = connectivityMonitor.isWifiConnection();
    boolean isMobileConnected = connectivityMonitor.isConnected(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE);
    Log.e(TAG, "onCreate: isWiFiConnected " + isWiFiConnected);
    Log.e(TAG, "onCreate: isMobileConnected " + isMobileConnected);
    ConnectivityMonitor.Listener connectivityListener = new ConnectivityMonitor.Listener() {
        public void onConnectivityChanged(boolean connected, @Nullable NetworkInfo networkInfo) {
            Log.e(TAG, "onConnectivityChanged: connected " + connected);
            Log.e(TAG, "onConnectivityChanged: networkInfo " + networkInfo);
            if (networkInfo != null) {
                boolean isWiFiConnected = networkInfo.getType() == NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI;
                boolean isMobileConnected = networkInfo.getType() == NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR;
                Log.e(TAG, "onConnectivityChanged: isWiFiConnected " + isWiFiConnected);
                Log.e(TAG, "onConnectivityChanged: isMobileConnected " + isMobileConnected);

Python: Convert timedelta to int in a dataframe

The simplest way to do this is by

df["DateColumn"] = (df["DateColumn"]).dt.days

How to solve error: "Clock skew detected"?

Simply go to the directory where the troubling file is, type touch * without quotes in the console, and you should be good.

In PHP, what is a closure and why does it use the "use" identifier?

closures are beautiful! they solve a lot of problems that come with anonymous functions, and make really elegant code possible (at least as long as we talk about php).

javascript programmers use closures all the time, sometimes even without knowing it, because bound variables aren't explicitly defined - that's what "use" is for in php.

there are better real-world examples than the above one. lets say you have to sort an multidimensional array by a sub-value, but the key changes.

    function generateComparisonFunctionForKey($key) {
        return function ($left, $right) use ($key) {
            if ($left[$key] == $right[$key])
                return 0;
                return ($left[$key] < $right[$key]) ? -1 : 1;

    $myArray = array(
        array('name' => 'Alex', 'age' => 70),
        array('name' => 'Enrico', 'age' => 25)

    $sortByName = generateComparisonFunctionForKey('name');
    $sortByAge  = generateComparisonFunctionForKey('age');

    usort($myArray, $sortByName);

    usort($myArray, $sortByAge);

warning: untested code (i don't have php5.3 installed atm), but it should look like something like that.

there's one downside: a lot of php developers may be a bit helpless if you confront them with closures.

to understand the nice-ty of closures more, i'll give you another example - this time in javascript. one of the problems is the scoping and the browser inherent asynchronity. especially, if it comes to window.setTimeout(); (or -interval). so, you pass a function to setTimeout, but you can't really give any parameters, because providing parameters executes the code!

function getFunctionTextInASecond(value) {
    return function () {
        document.getElementsByName('body')[0].innerHTML = value; // "value" is the bound variable!

var textToDisplay = prompt('text to show in a second', 'foo bar');

// this returns a function that sets the bodys innerHTML to the prompted value
var myFunction = getFunctionTextInASecond(textToDisplay);

window.setTimeout(myFunction, 1000);

myFunction returns a function with a kind-of predefined parameter!

to be honest, i like php a lot more since 5.3 and anonymous functions/closures. namespaces may be more important, but they're a lot less sexy.

Export DataBase with MySQL Workbench with INSERT statements

For older versions:

Open MySQL Workbench > Home > Manage Import / Export (Right bottom) / Select Required DB > Advance Exports Options Tab >Complete Insert [Checked] > Start Export.

For 6.1 and beyond, thanks to ryandlf:

Click the management tab (beside schemas) and choose Data Export.

How to print a double with two decimals in Android?

Before you use DecimalFormat you need to use the following import or your code will not work:

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

The code for formatting is:

DecimalFormat precision = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); 
// dblVariable is a number variable and not a String in this case

How to get Current Timestamp from Carbon in Laravel 5

$time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); 

Why does the JFrame setSize() method not set the size correctly?

It's probably because size of a frame includes the size of the border.

A Frame is a top-level window with a title and a border. The size of the frame includes any area designated for the border. The dimensions of the border area may be obtained using the getInsets method. Since the border area is included in the overall size of the frame, the border effectively obscures a portion of the frame, constraining the area available for rendering and/or displaying subcomponents to the rectangle which has an upper-left corner location of (insets.left,, and has a size of width - (insets.left + insets.right) by height - ( + insets.bottom).


Preferred way of getting the selected item of a JComboBox

If you have only put (non-null) String references in the JComboBox, then either way is fine.

However, the first solution would also allow for future modifications in which you insert Integers, Doubless, LinkedLists etc. as items in the combo box.

To be robust against null values (still without casting) you may consider a third option:

String x = String.valueOf(JComboBox.getSelectedItem());

To the power of in C?

just use pow(a,b),which is exactly 3**4 in python

MongoDB Aggregation: How to get total records count?

Since v.3.4 (i think) MongoDB has now a new aggregation pipeline operator named 'facet' which in their own words:

Processes multiple aggregation pipelines within a single stage on the same set of input documents. Each sub-pipeline has its own field in the output document where its results are stored as an array of documents.

In this particular case, this means that one can do something like this:

$result = $collection->aggregate([
  { ...execute queries, group, sort... },
  { ...execute queries, group, sort... },
  { ...execute queries, group, sort... },
  $facet: {
    paginatedResults: [{ $skip: skipPage }, { $limit: perPage }],
    totalCount: [
        $count: 'count'

The result will be (with for ex 100 total results):

    "paginatedResults":[{...},{...},{...}, ...],

Check if an element contains a class in JavaScript?

I would Poly fill the classList functionality and use the new syntax. This way newer browser will use the new implementation (which is much faster) and only old browsers will take the performance hit from the code.

How to detect installed version of MS-Office?

How about HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Word.Application\CurVer?

Openssl is not recognized as an internal or external command

This is worked for me successfully.

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\bin\keytool.exe" -exportcert -alias sociallisting -keystore "D:\keystore\SocialListing" | "C:\cygwin\bin\openssl.exe" sha1 -binary | "C:\cygwin\bin\openssl.exe" base64

Be careful with below path :

  • "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\bin\keytool.exe"
  • "D:\keystore\SocialListing" or it can be like this "C:\Users\\debug.keystore"
  • "C:\cygwin\bin\openssl.exe" or can be like this C:\Users\openssl\bin\openssl.exe

If command successfully work then you will see this command :

Enter keystore password : typeyourpassword


How can I divide two integers to get a double?

var result = decimal.ToDouble(decimal.Divide(5, 2));

Changing the CommandTimeout in SQL Management studio

Changing Command Execute Timeout in Management Studio:

Click on Tools -> Options

Select Query Execution from tree on left side and enter command timeout in "Execute Timeout" control.

Changing Command Timeout in Server:

In the object browser tree right click on the server which give you timeout and select "Properties" from context menu.

Now in "Server Properties -....." dialog click on "Connections" page in "Select a Page" list (on left side). On the right side you will get property

Remote query timeout (in seconds, 0 = no timeout):
[up/down control]

you can set the value in up/down control.

How to delete duplicate lines in a file without sorting it in Unix?

Perl one-liner similar to @jonas's awk solution:

perl -ne 'print if ! $x{$_}++' file

This variation removes trailing whitespace before comparing:

perl -lne 's/\s*$//; print if ! $x{$_}++' file

This variation edits the file in-place:

perl -i -ne 'print if ! $x{$_}++' file

This variation edits the file in-place, and makes a backup file.bak

perl -i.bak -ne 'print if ! $x{$_}++' file

"python" not recognized as a command

Make sure you click on Add python.exe to path during install, and select:

"Will be installed on local hard drive"

It fixed my problem, hope it helps...

Creating and playing a sound in swift

Use This Function to make sound in Swift (You can use this function where you want to make sound.)

First Add SpriteKit and AVFoundation Framework.

import SpriteKit
import AVFoundation
 func playEffectSound(filename: String){
   runAction(SKAction.playSoundFileNamed("\(filename)", waitForCompletion: false))
 }// use this function to play sound

playEffectSound("Sound File Name With Extension")
// Example :- playEffectSound("BS_SpiderWeb_CollectEgg_SFX.mp3")

How do I install Eclipse Marketplace in Eclipse Classic?

  1. Help->Install New Software...
  2. Point to Eclipse Juno Site, If not available add the site "Juno -"

  3. Select and expand general purpose tools

  4. Select and install Marketplace client

How to execute a remote command over ssh with arguments?

Reviving an old thread, but this pretty clean approach was not listed.

function mycommand() {
    ssh [email protected] <<+
    cd testdir;./ "$1"

Basic Apache commands for a local Windows machine

Going back to absolute basics here. The answers on this page and a little googling have brought me to the following resolution to my issue. Steps to restart the apache service with Xampp installed:-

  1. Click the start button and type CMD (if on Windows Vista or later and Apache is installed as a service make sure this is an elevated command prompt)
  2. In the command window that appears type cd C:\xampp\apache\bin (the default installation path for Xampp)
  3. Then type httpd -k restart

I hope that this is of use to others just starting out with running a local Apache server.

How to clear all <div>s’ contents inside a parent <div>?

Use jQuery's CSS selector syntax to select all div elements inside the element with id masterdiv. Then call empty() to clear the contents.

$('#masterdiv div').empty();

Using text('') or html('') will cause some string parsing to take place, which generally is a bad idea when working with the DOM. Try and use DOM manipulation methods that do not involve string representations of DOM objects wherever possible.

Install python 2.6 in CentOS

Chris Lea provides a YUM repository for python26 RPMs that can co-exist with the 'native' 2.4 that is needed for quite a few admin tools on CentOS.

Quick instructions that worked at least for me:

$ sudo rpm -Uvh
$ sudo rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CHL
$ sudo yum install python26
$ python26

How to copy a file along with directory structure/path using python?

take a look at shutil. shutil.copyfile(src, dst) will copy a file to another file.

Note that shutil.copyfile will not create directories that do not already exist. for that, use os.makedirs

How to mkdir only if a directory does not already exist?

if [ !-d $dirName ];then
     if ! mkdir $dirName; then  # Shorter version. Shell will complain if you put braces here though
     echo "Can't make dir: $dirName"

javascript : sending custom parameters with but its not working

To concatenate strings, use the + operator.

To insert data into a URI, encode it for URIs.


var url = "http://localhost:8080/login?cid='username'&pwd='password'"


var url_safe_username = encodeURIComponent(username);
var url_safe_password = encodeURIComponent(password);
var url = "http://localhost:8080/login?cid=" + url_safe_username + "&pwd=" + url_safe_password;

The server will have to process the query string to make use of the data. You can't assign to arbitrary form fields.

… but don't trigger new windows or pass credentials in the URI (where they are exposed to over the shoulder attacks and may be logged).

How to detect the currently pressed key?

if ((ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) && ((e.KeyChar & (char)Keys.F) != 0))
     // CTRL+F pressed !

laravel Unable to prepare route ... for serialization. Uses Closure

If none of your routes contain closures, but you are still getting this error, please check


Laravel has a default auth api route in the above file.

Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/user', function (Request $request) {
    return $request->user();

which can be commented or replaced with a call to controller method if required.

Store query result in a variable using in PL/pgSQL

As long as you are assigning a single variable, you can also use plain assignment in a plpgsql function:

name := (SELECT from test_table t where = x);

Or use SELECT INTO like @mu already provided.

This works, too:

name := from test_table t where = x;

But better use one of the first two, clearer methods, as @Pavel commented.

I shortened the syntax with a table alias additionally.
Update: I removed my code example and suggest to use IF EXISTS() instead like provided by @Pavel.

jQuery - replace all instances of a character in a string

You need to use a regular expression, so that you can specify the global (g) flag:

var s = 'some+multi+word+string'.replace(/\+/g, ' ');

(I removed the $() around the string, as replace is not a jQuery method, so that won't work at all.)

Why is "except: pass" a bad programming practice?

Executing your pseudo code literally does not even give any error:


as if it is a perfectly valid piece of code, instead of throwing a NameError. I hope this is not what you want.

What is the difference between C# and .NET?

Here I provided you a link where explain what is C# Language and the .NET Framework Platform Architecture. Remember that C# is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language, and it runs on the .NET Framework.

.NET Framework includes a large class library named Framework Class Library (FCL) and provides user interface, data access, database connectivity, cryptography, web application development, numeric algorithms, and network communications.

.NET Framework was developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows.

Introduction to the C# Language and the .NET Framework from Microsoft Docs

Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

I had difficulty accessing MySQL while connecting via a localhost connection on the standard port 3306, which worked fine when I installed and configured it for prior classes I had taken in MySQL and Java. I was getting errors like "error 2003" and "Cannot connect to MySql server on localhost (10061)". I tried connecting from both MySQL Workbench (5.2.35 CE) and Netbeans (7.2). I am using Windows 7 64 bit professional.

I tried typing in services.msc in the start menu search box, which opened the services dialog box to show all the services installed in windows. I scrolled down to MySQL and started this service. Subsequent attempts to connect to MySQL from MySQL WorkBench and from the command prompt succeeded.

How to find the size of an int[]?

You can make a template function, and pass the array by reference to achieve this.

Here is my code snippet

template <typename TypeOfData>

void PrintArray(TypeOfData &arrayOfType);

int main()


    char charArray[] = "my name is";

    int intArray[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6 };

    double doubleArray[] = { 1.1,2.2,3.3 };





template <typename TypeOfData>

void PrintArray(TypeOfData &arrayOfType)


    int elementsCount = sizeof(arrayOfType) / sizeof(arrayOfType[0]);

    for (int i = 0; i < elementsCount; i++)


        cout << "Value in elements at position " << i + 1 << " is " << arrayOfType[i] << endl;



How to use string.substr() function?

substr(i,j) means that you start from the index i (assuming the first index to be 0) and take next j chars. It does not mean going up to the index j.

How to get a list of all files in Cloud Storage in a Firebase app?

For Android the best pratice is to use FirebaseUI and Glide.

You need to add that on your gradle/app in order to get the library. Note that it already has Glide on it!

implementation 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-storage:4.1.0'

And then in your code use

// Reference to an image file in Cloud Storage
StorageReference storageReference = FirebaseStorage.getInstance().getReference();

// ImageView in your Activity
ImageView imageView = findViewById(;

// Download directly from StorageReference using Glide
// (See MyAppGlideModule for Loader registration)
GlideApp.with(this /* context */)

Javascript format date / time

For the date part:(month is 0-indexed while days are 1-indexed)

var date = new Date('2014-8-20');
console.log((date.getMonth()+1) + '/' + date.getDate() + '/' +  date.getFullYear());

for the time you'll want to create a function to test different situations and convert.

Call Stored Procedure within Create Trigger in SQL Server



ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[RA2Newsletter] 
   ON  [dbo].[Reiseagent] 
    @rAgent_Name nvarchar(50),
    @rAgent_Email nvarchar(50),
    @rAgent_IP nvarchar(50),
    @hotelID int,
    @retval int


    -- Insert statements for trigger here
    Select @rAgent_Name=rAgent_Name,@rAgent_Email=rAgent_Email,@rAgent_IP=rAgent_IP,@hotelID=hotelID  From Inserted
    EXEC insert2Newsletter '','',@rAgent_Name,@rAgent_Email,@rAgent_IP,@hotelID,'RA', @retval


What does "hashable" mean in Python?

Let me give you a working example to understand the hashable objects in python. I am taking 2 Tuples for this example.Each value in a tuple has a unique Hash Value which never changes during its lifetime. So based on this has value, the comparison between two tuples is done. We can get the hash value of a tuple element using the Id().

Comparison between 2 tuplesEquivalence between 2 tuples

How to determine tables size in Oracle

Here is a query, you can run it in SQL Developer (or SQL*Plus):


changing permission for files and folder recursively using shell command in mac

IF they Give Path Directory Error!

In MAC Then Go to Folder Get Info and Open Storage and Permission change to privileges Read To Write

Searching for UUIDs in text with regex

For UUID generated on OS X with uuidgen, the regex pattern is


Verify with

uuidgen | grep -E "[A-F0-9]{8}-[A-F0-9]{4}-4[A-F0-9]{3}-[89AB][A-F0-9]{3}-[A-F0-9]{12}"

Can't open config file: /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf on Windows


just set -config parameter location correctly, i.e :

openssl ....................  -config C:\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\openssl.cnf

Regular Expression Match to test for a valid year

You can also use this one.


Testing if a site is vulnerable to Sql Injection

The easiest way to protect yourself is to use stored procedures instead of inline SQL statements.

Then use "least privilege" permissions and only allow access to stored procedures and not directly to tables.

Generate a range of dates using SQL

A method quite frequently used in Oracle is something like this:

select trunc(sysdate)-rn
(   select rownum rn
    from   dual
    connect by level <= 365)

Personally, if an application has a need for a list of dates then I'd just create a table with them, or create a table with a series of integers up to something ridiculous like one million that can be used for this sort of thing.

How to check if a character is upper-case in Python?

is_uppercase_letter = True in map(lambda l: l.isupper(), x)
print is_uppercase_letter

So you can write it in 1 string

import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder results in error compiled in Eclipse

Go to Window-->Preferences-->Java-->Compiler-->Error/Warnings.
Select Deprecated and Restricted API. Change it to warning.
Change forbidden and Discouraged Reference and change it to warning. (or as your need.)

new Image(), how to know if image 100% loaded or not?

Use the load event:

img = new Image();

img.onload = function(){
  // image  has been loaded

img.src = image_url;

Also have a look at:

ORA-01861: literal does not match format string

Remove the TO_DATE in the WHERE clause

TO_DATE (alarm_datetime,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')

and change the code to


The error comes from to_date conversion of a date column.

Added Explanation: Oracle converts your alarm_datetime into a string using its nls depended date format. After this it calls to_date with your provided date mask. This throws the exception.

php & mysql query not echoing in html with tags?

Change <?php echo $proxy ?> to ' . $proxy . '.

You use <?php when you're outputting HTML by leaving PHP mode with ?>. When you using echo, you have to use concatenation, or wrap your string in double quotes and use interpolation.

Installing PIL with pip

I nailed it by using sudo port install py27-Pillow

Sourcetree - undo unpushed commits

If You are on another branch, You need first "check to this commit" for commit you want to delete, and only then "reset current branch to this commit" choosing previous wright commit, will work.

Laravel - Form Input - Multiple select for a one to many relationship

A multiple select is really just a select with a multiple attribute. With that in mind, it should be as easy as...

Form::select('sports[]', $sports, null, array('multiple'))

The first parameter is just the name, but post-fixing it with the [] will return it as an array when you use Input::get('sports').

The second parameter is an array of selectable options.

The third parameter is an array of options you want pre-selected.

The fourth parameter is actually setting this up as a multiple select dropdown by adding the multiple property to the actual select element..

Using Excel as front end to Access database (with VBA)

It Depends how much functionality you are expecting by Excel<->Acess solution. In many cases where you don't have budget to get a complete application solution, these little utilities does work. If the Scope of project is limited then I would go for this solution, because excel does give you flexibility to design spreadsheets as in accordance to your needs and then you may use those predesigned sheets for users to use. Designing a spreadsheet like form in Access is more time consuming and difficult and does requires some ActiveX. It object might not only handling data but presenting in spreadsheet like formates then this solution should works with limited scope.

In Python, what happens when you import inside of a function?

Does it re-import every time the function is run?

No; or rather, Python modules are essentially cached every time they are imported, so importing a second (or third, or fourth...) time doesn't actually force them to go through the whole import process again. 1

Does it import once at the beginning whether or not the function is run?

No, it is only imported if and when the function is executed. 2, 3

As for the benefits: it depends, I guess. If you may only run a function very rarely and don't need the module imported anywhere else, it may be beneficial to only import it in that function. Or if there is a name clash or other reason you don't want the module or symbols from the module available everywhere, you may only want to import it in a specific function. (Of course, there's always from my_module import my_function as f for those cases.)

In general practice, it's probably not that beneficial. In fact, most Python style guides encourage programmers to place all imports at the beginning of the module file.

Blade if(isset) is not working Laravel

You can use the ternary operator easily:

{{ $usersType ? $usersType : '' }}

Access-Control-Allow-Origin wildcard subdomains, ports and protocols

in my case using angular

in my HTTP interceptor , i set

with Credentials: true.

in the header of the request

Best way to store chat messages in a database?

There's nothing wrong with saving the whole history in the database, they are prepared for that kind of tasks.

Actually you can find here in Stack Overflow a link to an example schema for a chat: example

If you are still worried for the size, you could apply some optimizations to group messages, like adding a buffer to your application that you only push after some time (like 1 minute or so); that way you would avoid having only 1 line messages

How to ping an IP address

On linux with oracle-jdk the code the OP submitted uses port 7 when not root and ICMP when root. It does do a real ICMP echo request when run as root as the documentation specifies.

If you running this on a MS machine you may have to run the app as administrator to get the ICMP behaviour.

how to use the Box-Cox power transformation in R

According to the Box-cox transformation formula in the paper Box,George E. P.; Cox,D.R.(1964). "An analysis of transformations", I think mlegge's post might need to be slightly edited.The transformed y should be (y^(lambda)-1)/lambda instead of y^(lambda). (Actually, y^(lambda) is called Tukey transformation, which is another distinct transformation formula.)
So, the code should be:

(trans <- bc$x[which.max(bc$y)])
[1] 0.4242424
# re-run with transformation
mnew <- lm(((y^trans-1)/trans) ~ x) # Instead of mnew <- lm(y^trans ~ x) 

More information

Please correct me if I misunderstood it.

Seeing if data is normally distributed in R

when you perform a test, you ever have the probabilty to reject the null hypothesis when it is true.

See the nextt R code:



The graph shows that whether you have a sample size small or big a 5% of the times you have a chance to reject the null hypothesis when it s true (a Type-I error)

Python import csv to list

Unfortunately I find none of the existing answers particularly satisfying.

Here is a straightforward and complete Python 3 solution, using the csv module.

import csv

with open('../resources/temp_in.csv', newline='') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f, skipinitialspace=True)
    rows = list(reader)


Notice the skipinitialspace=True argument. This is necessary since, unfortunately, OP's CSV contains whitespace after each comma.


[['This is the first line', 'Line1'], ['This is the second line', 'Line2'], ['This is the third line', 'Line3']]

Get all non-unique values (i.e.: duplicate/more than one occurrence) in an array

var arr = [4,5,1,1,2,3,4,4,7,5,2,6,10,9];_x000D_
var sorted_arr = arr.sort();_x000D_
var len = arr.length;_x000D_
var results = [];_x000D_
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {_x000D_
  if (sorted_arr[i + 1] !== sorted_arr[i]) {_x000D_

How to convert the background to transparent?

If you want a command-line solution, you can use the ImageMagick convert utility:

convert input.png -transparent red output.png

Fastest JavaScript summation

The fastest loop, according to this test is a while loop in reverse

var i = arr.length; while (i--) { }

So, this code might be the fastest you can get

Array.prototype.sum = function () {
    var total = 0;
    var i = this.length; 

    while (i--) {
        total += this[i];

    return total;

Array.prototype.sum adds a sum method to the array class... you could easily make it a helper function instead.

Pandas: rolling mean by time interval

I found that user2689410 code broke when I tried with window='1M' as the delta on business month threw this error:

AttributeError: 'MonthEnd' object has no attribute 'delta'

I added the option to pass directly a relative time delta, so you can do similar things for user defined periods.

Thanks for the pointers, here's my attempt - hope it's of use.

def rolling_mean(data, window, min_periods=1, center=False):
""" Function that computes a rolling mean

data : DataFrame or Series
       If a DataFrame is passed, the rolling_mean is computed for all columns.
window : int, string, Timedelta or Relativedelta
         int - number of observations used for calculating the statistic,
               as defined by the function pd.rolling_mean()
         string - must be a frequency string, e.g. '90S'. This is
                  internally converted into a DateOffset object, and then
                  Timedelta representing the window size.
         Timedelta / Relativedelta - Can directly pass a timedeltas.
min_periods : int
              Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value.
center : bool
         Point around which to 'center' the slicing.

Series or DataFrame, if more than one column
def f(x, time_increment):
    """Function to apply that actually computes the rolling mean
    :param x:
    if not center:
        # adding a microsecond because when slicing with labels start
        # and endpoint are inclusive
        start_date = x - time_increment + timedelta(0, 0, 1)
        end_date = x
        start_date = x - time_increment/2 + timedelta(0, 0, 1)
        end_date = x + time_increment/2
    # Select the date index from the
    dslice = col[start_date:end_date]

    if dslice.size < min_periods:
        return np.nan
        return dslice.mean()

data = DataFrame(data.copy())
dfout = DataFrame()
if isinstance(window, int):
    dfout = pd.rolling_mean(data, window, min_periods=min_periods, center=center)

elif isinstance(window, basestring):
    time_delta = pd.datetools.to_offset(window).delta
    idx = Series(data.index.to_pydatetime(), index=data.index)
    for colname, col in data.iteritems():
        result = idx.apply(lambda x: f(x, time_delta)) = colname
        dfout = dfout.join(result, how='outer')

elif isinstance(window, (timedelta, relativedelta)):
    time_delta = window
    idx = Series(data.index.to_pydatetime(), index=data.index)
    for colname, col in data.iteritems():
        result = idx.apply(lambda x: f(x, time_delta)) = colname
        dfout = dfout.join(result, how='outer')

if dfout.columns.size == 1:
    dfout = dfout.ix[:, 0]
return dfout

And the example with a 3 day time window to calculate the mean:

from pandas import Series, DataFrame
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

idx = [datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 0),
           datetime(2011, 2, 7, 0, 1),
           datetime(2011, 2, 8, 0, 1, 30),
           datetime(2011, 2, 9, 0, 2),
           datetime(2011, 2, 10, 0, 4),
           datetime(2011, 2, 11, 0, 5),
           datetime(2011, 2, 12, 0, 5, 10),
           datetime(2011, 2, 12, 0, 6),
           datetime(2011, 2, 13, 0, 8),
           datetime(2011, 2, 14, 0, 9)]
idx = pd.Index(idx)
vals = np.arange(len(idx)).astype(float)
s = Series(vals, index=idx)
# Now try by passing the 3 days as a relative time delta directly.
rm = rolling_mean(s, window=relativedelta(days=3))
>>> rm
2011-02-07 00:00:00    0.0
2011-02-07 00:01:00    0.5
2011-02-08 00:01:30    1.0
2011-02-09 00:02:00    1.5
2011-02-10 00:04:00    3.0
2011-02-11 00:05:00    4.0
2011-02-12 00:05:10    5.0
2011-02-12 00:06:00    5.5
2011-02-13 00:08:00    6.5
2011-02-14 00:09:00    7.5
Name: 0, dtype: float64

Change hover color on a button with Bootstrap customization

This is the correct way to change btn color.

        color: #fff;
        background-color: #F7B432;
        border-color: #F7B432;

How to split a String by space

Not only white space, but my solution also solves the invisible characters as well.

str = "Hello I'm your String";
String[] splited = str.split("\p{Z}");

Date vs DateTime

Create a wrapper class. Something like this:

public class Date:IEquatable<Date>,IEquatable<DateTime>
        public Date(DateTime date)
            value = date.Date;

        public bool Equals(Date other)
            return other != null && value.Equals(other.value);

        public bool Equals(DateTime other)
            return value.Equals(other);

        public override string ToString()
            return value.ToString();
        public static implicit operator DateTime(Date date)
            return date.value;
        public static explicit operator Date(DateTime dateTime)
            return new Date(dateTime);

        private DateTime value;

And expose whatever of value you want.

How to hide code from cells in ipython notebook visualized with nbviewer?

(Paper) Printing or Saving as HTML

For those of you wishing to print to paper the outputs the above answers alone seem not to give a nice final output. However, taking @Max Masnick's code and adding the following allows one to print it on a full A4 page.

from IPython.display import display
from IPython.display import HTML
import IPython.core.display as di

di.display_html('<script>jQuery(function() {if (jQuery("body.notebook_app").length == 0) { jQuery(".input_area").toggle(); jQuery(".prompt").toggle();}});</script>', raw=True)

CSS = """#notebook div.output_subarea {max-width:100%;}""" #changes output_subarea width to 100% (from 100% - 14ex)

The reason for the indent is that the prompt section removed by Max Masnick means everything shifts to the left on output. This however did nothing for the maximum width of the output which was restricted to max-width:100%-14ex;. This changes the max width of the output_subarea to max-width:100%;.

Change language of Visual Studio 2017 RC

I solved this just created label on desktop with option/parameter --locale en-US

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installer.exe" --locale en-US

How to pad zeroes to a string?

Another approach would be to use a list comprehension with a condition checking for lengths. Below is a demonstration:

# input list of strings that we want to prepend zeros
In [71]: list_of_str = ["101010", "10101010", "11110", "0000"]

# prepend zeros to make each string to length 8, if length of string is less than 8
In [83]: ["0"*(8-len(s)) + s if len(s) < desired_len else s for s in list_of_str]
Out[83]: ['00101010', '10101010', '00011110', '00000000']

Regex match text between tags


Regular expression visualization

Add g (global) flag after:

             //^-----here it is 

However if you want to get all matched elements, then you need something like this:

var str = "<b>Bob</b>, I'm <b>20</b> years old, I like <b>programming</b>.";

var result = str.match(/<b>(.*?)<\/b>/g).map(function(val){
   return val.replace(/<\/?b>/g,'');
//result -> ["Bob", "20", "programming"] 

If an element has attributes, regexp will be:

/<b [^>]+>(.*?)<\/b>/g.exec(str)

Can we have multiple "WITH AS" in single sql - Oracle SQL

You can do this as:

WITH abc AS( select
             FROM ...)
, XYZ AS(select
         From abc ....) /*This one uses "abc" multiple times*/
  From XYZ....   /*using abc, XYZ multiple times*/

Combine two arrays

The new way of doing it with php7.4 is Spread operator [...]

$parts = ['apple', 'pear'];
$fruits = ['banana', 'orange', ...$parts, 'watermelon'];

Spread operator should have better performance than array_merge

A significant advantage of Spread operator is that it supports any traversable objects, while the array_merge function only supports arrays.

Split string with PowerShell and do something with each token

"Once upon a time there were three little pigs".Split(" ") | ForEach {
    "$_ is a token"

The key is $_, which stands for the current variable in the pipeline.

About the code you found online:

% is an alias for ForEach-Object. Anything enclosed inside the brackets is run once for each object it receives. In this case, it's only running once, because you're sending it a single string.

$_.Split(" ") is taking the current variable and splitting it on spaces. The current variable will be whatever is currently being looped over by ForEach.

WPF chart controls

Code project article here.

Commercial products:

  1. SoftwareFX
  2. Telerik

I'm sure there are others

On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing "back" button from opening logged-in-only Activities

Use this it should be helpful to you. Slightly modified xbakesx answer.

Intent intent = new Intent(this, LoginActivity.class);
if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) {
} else {
    intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);

How to POST JSON data with Python Requests?

Starting with Requests version 2.4.2, you can use the json= parameter (which takes a dictionary) instead of data= (which takes a string) in the call:

>>> import requests
>>> r ='', json={"key": "value"})
>>> r.status_code
>>> r.json()
{'args': {},
 'data': '{"key": "value"}',
 'files': {},
 'form': {},
 'headers': {'Accept': '*/*',
             'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
             'Connection': 'close',
             'Content-Length': '16',
             'Content-Type': 'application/json',
             'Host': '',
             'User-Agent': 'python-requests/2.4.3 CPython/3.4.0',
             'X-Request-Id': 'xx-xx-xx'},
 'json': {'key': 'value'},
 'origin': 'x.x.x.x',
 'url': ''}

'printf' with leading zeros in C

Your format specifier is incorrect. From the printf() man page on my machine:

0 A zero '0' character indicating that zero-padding should be used rather than blank-padding. A '-' overrides a '0' if both are used;

Field Width: An optional digit string specifying a field width; if the output string has fewer characters than the field width it will be blank-padded on the left (or right, if the left-adjustment indicator has been given) to make up the field width (note that a leading zero is a flag, but an embedded zero is part of a field width);

Precision: An optional period, '.', followed by an optional digit string giving a precision which specifies the number of digits to appear after the decimal point, for e and f formats, or the maximum number of characters to be printed from a string; if the digit string is missing, the precision is treated as zero;

For your case, your format would be %09.3f:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  printf("%09.3f\n", 4917.24);
  return 0;


$ make testapp
cc     testapp.c   -o testapp
$ ./testapp 

Note that this answer is conditional on your embedded system having a printf() implementation that is standard-compliant for these details - many embedded environments do not have such an implementation.

How to increase the gap between text and underlining in CSS

Here is what works well for me.

<style type="text/css">_x000D_
  #underline-gap {_x000D_
    text-decoration: underline;_x000D_
    text-underline-position: under;_x000D_
  <h1 id="underline-gap"><a href="">Google</a></h1>_x000D_

What is the difference between mocking and spying when using Mockito?

The answer is in the documentation:

Real partial mocks (Since 1.8.0)

Finally, after many internal debates & discussions on the mailing list, partial mock support was added to Mockito. Previously we considered partial mocks as code smells. However, we found a legitimate use case for partial mocks.

Before release 1.8 spy() was not producing real partial mocks and it was confusing for some users. Read more about spying: here or in javadoc for spy(Object) method.

callRealMethod() was introduced after spy(), but spy() was left there of course, to ensure backward compatibility.

Otherwise, you're right: all the methods of a spy are real unless stubbed. All the methods of a mock are stubbed unless callRealMethod() is called. In general, I would prefer using callRealMethod(), because it doesn't force me to use the doXxx().when() idiom instead of the traditional when().thenXxx()

How to make primary key as autoincrement for Room Persistence lib

You can add @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) like this:

data class Food(
        var foodName: String, 
        var foodDesc: String, 
        var protein: Double, 
        var carbs: Double, 
        var fat: Double
    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    var foodId: Int = 0 // or foodId: Int? = null
    var calories: Double = 0.toDouble()

XML serialization in Java?

JAXB is part of JDK standard edition version 1.6+. So it is FREE and no extra libraries to download and manage. A simple example can be found here

XStream seems to be dead. Last update was on Dec 6 2008. Simple seems as easy and simpler as JAXB but I could not find any licensing information to evaluate it for enterprise use.

How to log SQL statements in Spring Boot?

If you want to view the actual parameters used to query you can use

Then notice that actual parameter value is shown as binding parameter......

   2018-08-07 14:14:36.079 DEBUG 44804 --- [           main] org.hibernate.SQL                        : select as id1_0_, employee0_.department as departme2_0_, employee0_.joining_date as joining_3_0_, as name4_0_ from employee employee0_ where employee0_.joining_date=?
    2018-08-07 14:14:36.079 TRACE 44804 --- [           main] o.h.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder      : binding parameter [1] as [TIMESTAMP] - [Tue Aug 07 00:00:00 SGT 2018]

Create a file if it doesn't exist

Well, first of all, in Python there is no ! operator, that'd be not. But open would not fail silently either - it would throw an exception. And the blocks need to be indented properly - Python uses whitespace to indicate block containment.

Thus we get:

fn = input('Enter file name: ')
    file = open(fn, 'r')
except IOError:
    file = open(fn, 'w')

What is the incentive for curl to release the library for free?

I'm Daniel Stenberg.

I made curl

I founded the curl project back in 1998, I wrote the initial curl version and I created libcurl. I've written more than half of all the 24,000 commits done in the source code repository up to this point in time. I'm still the lead developer of the project. To a large extent, curl is my baby.

I shipped the first version of curl as open source since I wanted to "give back" to the open source world that had given me so much code already. I had used so much open source and I wanted to be as cool as the other open source authors.

Thanks to it being open source, literally thousands of people have been able to help us out over the years and have improved the products, the documentation. the web site and just about every other detail around the project. curl and libcurl would never have become the products that they are today were they not open source. The list of contributors now surpass 1900 names and currently the list grows with a few hundred names per year.

Thanks to curl and libcurl being open source and liberally licensed, they were immediately adopted in numerous products and soon shipped by operating systems and Linux distributions everywhere thus getting a reach beyond imagination.

Thanks to them being "everywhere", available and liberally licensed they got adopted and used everywhere and by everyone. It created a defacto transfer library standard.

At an estimated six billion installations world wide, we can safely say that curl is the most widely used internet transfer library in the world. It simply would not have gone there had it not been open source. curl runs in billions of mobile phones, a billion Windows 10 installations, in a half a billion games and several hundred million TVs - and more.

Should I have released it with proprietary license instead and charged users for it? It never occured to me, and it wouldn't have worked because I would never had managed to create this kind of stellar project on my own. And projects and companies wouldn't have used it.

Why do I still work on curl?

Now, why do I and my fellow curl developers still continue to develop curl and give it away for free to the world?

  1. I can't speak for my fellow project team members. We all participate in this for our own reasons.
  2. I think it's still the right thing to do. I'm proud of what we've accomplished and I truly want to make the world a better place and I think curl does its little part in this.
  3. There are still bugs to fix and features to add!
  4. curl is free but my time is not. I still have a job and someone still has to pay someone for me to get paid every month so that I can put food on the table for my family. I charge customers and companies to help them with curl. You too can get my help for a fee, which then indirectly helps making sure that curl continues to evolve, remain free and the kick-ass product it is.
  5. curl was my spare time project for twenty years before I started working with it full time. I've had great jobs and worked on awesome projects. I've been in a position of luxury where I could continue to work on curl on my spare time and keep shipping a quality product for free. My work on curl has given me friends, boosted my career and taken me to places I would not have been at otherwise.
  6. I would not do it differently if I could back and do it again.

Am I proud of what we've done?

Yes. So insanely much.

But I'm not satisfied with this and I'm not just leaning back, happy with what we've done. I keep working on curl every single day, to improve, to fix bugs, to add features and to make sure curl keeps being the number one file transfer solution for the world even going forward.

We do mistakes along the way. We make the wrong decisions and sometimes we implement things in crazy ways. But to win in the end and to conquer the world is about patience and endurance and constantly going back and reconsidering previous decisions and correcting previous mistakes. To continuously iterate, polish off rough edges and gradually improve over time.

Never give in. Never stop. Fix bugs. Add features. Iterate. To the end of time.

For real?

Yeah. For real.

Do I ever get tired? Is it ever done?

Sure I get tired at times. Working on something every day for over twenty years isn't a paved downhill road. Sometimes there are obstacles. During times things are rough. Occasionally people are just as ugly and annoying as people can be.

But curl is my life's project and I have patience. I have thick skin and I don't give up easily. The tough times pass and most days are awesome. I get to hang out with awesome people and the reward is knowing that my code helps driving the Internet revolution everywhere is an ego boost above normal.

curl will never be "done" and so far I think work on curl is pretty much the most fun I can imagine. Yes, I still think so even after twenty years in the driver's seat. And as long as I think it's fun I intend to keep at it.

Memory address of an object in C#

When you free that handle, the garbage collector is free to move the memory that was pinned. If you have a pointer to memory that's supposed to be pinned, and you un-pin that memory, then all bets are off. That this worked at all in 3.5 was probably just by luck. The JIT compiler and the runtime for 4.0 probably do a better job of object lifetime analysis.

If you really want to do this, you can use a try/finally to prevent the object from being un-pinned until after you've used it:

public static string Get(object a)
    GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(a, GCHandleType.Pinned);
        IntPtr pointer = GCHandle.ToIntPtr(handle);
        return "0x" + pointer.ToString("X");

How to use JNDI DataSource provided by Tomcat in Spring?

Assuming you have a "sampleDS" datasource definition inside your tomcat configuration, you can add following lines to your applicationContext.xml to access the datasource using JNDI.

<jee:jndi-lookup expected-type="javax.sql.DataSource" id="springBeanIdForSampleDS" jndi-name="sampleDS"/>

You have to define the namespace and schema location for jee prefix using:


Meaning of @classmethod and @staticmethod for beginner?

When to use each

@staticmethod function is nothing more than a function defined inside a class. It is callable without instantiating the class first. It’s definition is immutable via inheritance.

  • Python does not have to instantiate a bound-method for object.
  • It eases the readability of the code: seeing @staticmethod, we know that the method does not depend on the state of object itself;

@classmethod function also callable without instantiating the class, but its definition follows Sub class, not Parent class, via inheritance, can be overridden by subclass. That’s because the first argument for @classmethod function must always be cls (class).

  • Factory methods, that are used to create an instance for a class using for example some sort of pre-processing.
  • Static methods calling static methods: if you split a static methods in several static methods, you shouldn't hard-code the class name but use class methods

here is good link to this topic.

How to place the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory in your PATH?

I did this and it works on osx:

lunch your terminal

 nano ~/.bash_profile 

And paste

 export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH

press control + x

press the y key

press the return / enter key

How to reset a form using jQuery with .reset() method

A quick reset of the form fields is possible with this jQuery reset function.

when you got success response then fire below code.


php implode (101) with quotes

No, the way that you're doing it is just fine. implode() only takes 1-2 parameters (if you just supply an array, it joins the pieces by an empty string).

Stashing only staged changes in git - is it possible?

To accomplish the same thing...

  1. Stage just the files you want to work on.
  2. git commit -m 'temp'
  3. git add .
  4. git stash
  5. git reset HEAD~1

Boom. The files you don't want are stashed. The files you want are all ready for you.

How to undo "git commit --amend" done instead of "git commit"

You can always split a commit, From the manual

  • Start an interactive rebase with git rebase -i commit^, where commit is the commit you want to split. In fact, any commit range will do, as long as it contains that commit.
  • Mark the commit you want to split with the action "edit".
  • When it comes to editing that commit, execute git reset HEAD^. The effect is that the HEAD is rewound by one, and the index follows suit. However, the working tree stays the same.
  • Now add the changes to the index that you want to have in the first commit. You can use git add (possibly interactively) or git-gui (or both) to do that.
  • Commit the now-current index with whatever commit message is appropriate now.
  • Repeat the last two steps until your working tree is clean.
  • Continue the rebase with git rebase --continue.

How to give the background-image path in CSS?

Use the below.

background-image: url("././images/image.png");

This shall work.

Toggle Checkboxes on/off

Check-all checkbox should be updated itself under certain conditions. Try to click on '#select-all-teammembers' then untick few items and click select-all again. You can see inconsistency. To prevent it use the following trick:

  var checkBoxes = $('input[name=recipients\\[\\]]');
  $('#select-all-teammembers').click(function() {
    checkBoxes.prop("checked", !checkBoxes.prop("checked"));

BTW all checkboxes DOM-object should be cached as described above.

Converting string from snake_case to CamelCase in Ruby

Extend String to Add Camelize

In pure Ruby you could extend the string class using code lifted from Rails .camelize

class String
  def camelize(uppercase_first_letter = true)
    string = self
    if uppercase_first_letter
      string = string.sub(/^[a-z\d]*/) { |match| match.capitalize }
      string = string.sub(/^(?:(?=\b|[A-Z_])|\w)/) { |match| match.downcase }
    string.gsub(/(?:_|(\/))([a-z\d]*)/) { "#{$1}#{$2.capitalize}" }.gsub("/", "::")

How do I work with dynamic multi-dimensional arrays in C?

// use new instead of malloc as using malloc leads to memory leaks `enter code here

    int **adj_list = new int*[rowsize];       
    for(int i = 0; i < rowsize; ++i)    

        adj_list[i] = new int[colsize];


How do I get some variable from another class in Java?

Your example is perfect: the field is private and it has a getter. This is the normal way to access a field. If you need a direct access to an object field, use reflection. Using reflection to get a field's value is a hack and should be used in extreme cases such as using a library whose code you cannot change.

Perform debounce in React.js

This solution does not need any extra lib and it also fires things up when the user presses enter:

const debounce = (fn, delay) => {
    let timer = null;
    return function() {
        const context = this,
        args = arguments;
        timer = setTimeout(() => {
            fn.apply(context, args);
        }, delay);

const [search, setSearch] = useState('');
const [searchFor, setSearchFor] = useState(search);

useEffect(() => {
    console.log("Search:", searchFor);
}, [searchFor]);

const fireChange = event => {
    const { keyCode } = event;
    if (keyCode === 13) {

const changeSearch = event => {
    const { value } =;

const debounceSetSearchFor = useCallback(debounce(function(value) {
}, 250), []);

and the input could be like:

<input value={search} onKeyDown={fireChange} onChange={changeSearch}  />

curl: (35) error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number

Simple answer

If you are behind a proxy server, please set the proxy for curl. The curl is not able to connect to server so it shows wrong version number. Set proxy by opening subl ~/.curlrc or use any other text editor. Then add the following line to file: proxy= proxyserver:proxyport For e.g. proxy =

If you are not behind a proxy, make sure that the curlrc file does not contain the proxy settings.

Finding longest string in array

I provide a functional+recursive approach. See comments to understand how it works:

const input1 = ['a', 'aa', 'aaa']_x000D_
const input2 = ['asdf', 'qwer', 'zxcv']_x000D_
const input3 = ['asdfasdf fdasdf a sd f', ' asdfsdf', 'asdfasdfds', 'asdfsdf', 'asdfsdaf']_x000D_
const input4 = ['ddd', 'dddddddd', 'dddd', 'ddddd', 'ddd', 'dd', 'd', 'd', 'dddddddddddd']_x000D_
// Outputs which words has the greater length_x000D_
// greatestWord :: String -> String -> String_x000D_
const greatestWord = x => y => _x000D_
      x.length > y.length ? x : y_x000D_
// Recursively outputs the first longest word in a series_x000D_
// longestRec :: String -> [String] -> String_x000D_
const longestRec = longestWord => ([ nextWord, ...words ]) =>_x000D_
      //                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^_x000D_
      // Destructuring lets us get the next word, and remaining ones!_x000D_
      nextWord // <-- If next word is undefined, then it won't recurse._x000D_
        ? longestRec (greatestWord (nextWord) (longestWord)) (words) _x000D_
        : longestWord_x000D_
// Outputs the first longest word in a series_x000D_
// longest :: [String] -> String_x000D_
const longest = longestRec ('')_x000D_
const output1 = longest (input1)_x000D_
const output2 = longest (input2) _x000D_
const output3 = longest (input3)_x000D_
const output4 = longest (input4)_x000D_
console.log ('output1: ', output1)_x000D_
console.log ('output2: ', output2)_x000D_
console.log ('output3: ', output3)_x000D_
console.log ('output4: ', output4)

ps command doesn't work in docker container

If you're running a CentOS container, you can install ps using this command:

yum install -y procps

Running this command on Dockerfile:

RUN yum install -y procps

How to make an AlertDialog in Flutter?

Check out Flutter Dropdown Banner to easily alert users of events and prompt action without having to manage the complexity of presenting, delaying, and dismissing the component.

To set it up:

import 'packages:dropdown_banner/dropdown_banner.dart';
class MainApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
    return MaterialApp(
        home: DropdownBanner(
          child: Scaffold(...),
          navigatorKey: navigatorKey,

To use it:

import 'packages:dropdown_banner/dropdown_banner.dart';
class SomeClass {
  void doSomethingThenFail() {
      text: 'Failed to complete network request',
      textStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
Click here to see an example

How do I get the picture size with PIL?

You can use Pillow (Website, Documentation, GitHub, PyPI). Pillow has the same interface as PIL, but works with Python 3.


$ pip install Pillow

If you don't have administrator rights (sudo on Debian), you can use

$ pip install --user Pillow

Other notes regarding the installation are here.


from PIL import Image
with as img:
    width, height = img.size


This needed 3.21 seconds for 30336 images (JPGs from 31x21 to 424x428, training data from National Data Science Bowl on Kaggle)

This is probably the most important reason to use Pillow instead of something self-written. And you should use Pillow instead of PIL (python-imaging), because it works with Python 3.

Alternative #1: Numpy (deprecated)

I keep scipy.ndimage.imread as the information is still out there, but keep in mind:

imread is deprecated! imread is deprecated in SciPy 1.0.0, and [was] removed in 1.2.0.

import scipy.ndimage
height, width, channels = scipy.ndimage.imread(filepath).shape

Alternative #2: Pygame

import pygame
img = pygame.image.load(filepath)
width = img.get_width()
height = img.get_height()

Confusion: @NotNull vs. @Column(nullable = false) with JPA and Hibernate

The JPA @Column Annotation

The nullable attribute of the @Column annotation has two purposes:

  • it's used by the schema generation tool
  • it's used by Hibernate during flushing the Persistence Context

Schema Generation Tool

The HBM2DDL schema generation tool translates the @Column(nullable = false) entity attribute to a NOT NULL constraint for the associated table column when generating the CREATE TABLE statement.

As I explained in the Hibernate User Guide, it's better to use a tool like Flyway instead of relying on the HBM2DDL mechanism for generating the database schema.

Persistence Context Flush

When flushing the Persistence Context, Hibernate ORM also uses the @Column(nullable = false) entity attribute:

new Nullability( session ).checkNullability( values, persister, true );

If the validation fails, Hibernate will throw a PropertyValueException, and prevents the INSERT or UPDATE statement to be executed needesly:

if ( !nullability[i] && value == null ) {
    //check basic level one nullablilty
    throw new PropertyValueException(
            "not-null property references a null or transient value",

The Bean Validation @NotNull Annotation

The @NotNull annotation is defined by Bean Validation and, just like Hibernate ORM is the most popular JPA implementation, the most popular Bean Validation implementation is the Hibernate Validator framework.

When using Hibernate Validator along with Hibernate ORM, Hibernate Validator will throw a ConstraintViolation when validating the entity.

Checking if a worksheet-based checkbox is checked

Building on the previous answers, you can leverage the fact that True is -1 and False is 0 and shorten your code like this:

Sub Button167_Click()
  Range("Y12").Value = _
    Abs(Worksheets(1).Shapes("Check Box 1").OLEFormat.Object.Value > 0)
End Sub

If the checkbox is checked, .Value = 1.

Worksheets(1).Shapes("Check Box 1").OLEFormat.Object.Value > 0 returns True.

Applying the Abs function converts True to 1.

If the checkbox is unchecked, .Value = -4146.

Worksheets(1).Shapes("Check Box 1").OLEFormat.Object.Value > 0 returns False.

Applying the Abs function converts False to 0.

How to change font size in html?

Or add styles inline:

<p style="font-size:18px">Paragraph 1</p>
<p style="font-size:16px">Paragraph 2</p>

Copy file from source directory to binary directory using CMake

The first of option you tried doesn't work for two reasons.

First, you forgot to close the parenthesis.

Second, the DESTINATION should be a directory, not a file name. Assuming that you closed the parenthesis, the file would end up in a folder called input.txt.

To make it work, just change it to


How to convert a set to a list in python?

[EDITED] It's seems you earlier have redefined "list", using it as a variable name, like this:

list = set([1,2,3,4]) # oops
first_list = [1,2,3,4]
my_list = list(my_set)

And you'l get

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'set' object is not callable

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib

For the device, you also need to add the dynamic framework to the Embedded binaries section in the General tab of the project.
enter image description here

Laravel 4: how to run a raw SQL?

You can also use DB::unprepared for ALTER TABLE queries.

DB::unprepared is meant to be used for queries like CREATE TRIGGER. But essentially it executes raw sql queries directly. (without using PDO prepared statements)

List Directories and get the name of the Directory

You seem to be using Python as if it were the shell. Whenever I've needed to do something like what you're doing, I've used os.walk()

For example, as explained here: [x[0] for x in os.walk(directory)] should give you all of the subdirectories, recursively.

How do I set a checkbox in razor view?

This works for me:

<input id="AllowRating" type="checkbox" @(Model.AllowRating?"checked='checked'":"")    style="" onchange="" />

If you really wants to use HTML Helpers:

@Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.AllowRating, new { @checked = Model.AllowRating})

How many characters can you store with 1 byte?

Yes, 1 byte does encode a character (inc spaces etc) from the ASCII set. However in data units assigned to character encoding it can and often requires in practice up to 4 bytes. This is because English is not the only character set. And even in English documents other languages and characters are often represented. The numbers of these are very many and there are very many other encoding sets, which you may have heard of e.g. BIG-5, UTF-8, UTF-32. Most computers now allow for these uses and ensure the least amount of garbled text (which usually means a missing encoding set.) 4 bytes is enough to cover these possible encodings. I byte per character does not allow for this and in use it is larger often 4 bytes per possible character for all encodings, not just ASCII. The final character may only need a byte to function or be represented on screen, but requires 4 bytes to be located in the rather vast global encoding "works".

sql try/catch rollback/commit - preventing erroneous commit after rollback

I used below ms sql script pattern several times successfully which uses Try-Catch,Commit Transaction- Rollback Transaction,Error Tracking.

Your TRY block will be as follows

 //your script block

Your CATCH block will be as follows

DECLARE @ErrMsg NVarChar(4000), 
        @ErrNum Int, 
        @ErrSeverity Int, 
        @ErrState Int, 
        @ErrLine Int, 
        @ErrProc NVarChar(200)
 SELECT @ErrNum = Error_Number(), 
       @ErrSeverity = Error_Severity(), 
       @ErrState = Error_State(), 
       @ErrLine = Error_Line(), 
       @ErrProc = IsNull(Error_Procedure(), '-')
 SET @ErrMsg = N'ErrLine: ' + rtrim(@ErrLine) + ', proc: ' + RTRIM(@ErrProc) + ', 
       Message: '+ Error_Message()

Your ROLLBACK script will be part of CATCH block as follows

PRINT SUBSTRING(@ErrMsg,1,4000);   


Above different script blocks you need to use as one block. If any error happens in the TRY block it will go the the CATCH block. There it is setting various details about the error number,error severity,error line ..etc. At last all these details will get append to @ErrMsg parameter. Then it will check for the count of transaction (@@TRANCOUNT >0) , ie if anything is there in the transaction for rollback. If it is there then show the error message and ROLLBACK TRANSACTION. Otherwise simply print the error message.

We have kept our COMMIT TRANSACTION T script towards the last line of TRY block in order to make sure that it should commit the transaction(final change in the database) only after all the code in the TRY block has run successfully.

`col-xs-*` not working in Bootstrap 4

They dropped XS because Bootstrap is considered a mobile-first development tool. It's default is considered xs and so doesn't need to be defined.

Convert integer to hexadecimal and back again


int myInt = 2934;
string myHex = myInt.ToString("X");  // Gives you hexadecimal
int myNewInt = Convert.ToInt32(myHex, 16);  // Back to int again.

See How to: Convert Between Hexadecimal Strings and Numeric Types (C# Programming Guide) for more information and examples.

Couldn't process file resx due to its being in the Internet or Restricted zone or having the mark of the web on the file

None of the suggestions above worked for me so I created a new file with a slightly different name and copied the contents of the offending file into the new file, renamed the offending file and renamed the new file with the offending file's name. Worked like a charm. Problem solved.

What is an uber jar?

According to uber-JAR Documentation Approaches: There are three common methods for constructing an uber-JAR:

Unshaded Unpack all JAR files, then repack them into a single JAR. Tools: Maven Assembly Plugin, Classworlds Uberjar

Shaded Same as unshaded, but rename (i.e., "shade") all packages of all dependencies. Tools: Maven Shade Plugin

JAR of JARs The final JAR file contains the other JAR files embedded within. Tools: Eclipse JAR File Exporter, One-JAR.

How to convert a column of DataTable to a List

var list = dataTable.Rows.OfType<DataRow>()
    .Select(dr => dr.Field<string>(columnName)).ToList();

[Edit: Add a reference to System.Data.DataSetExtensions to your project if this does not compile]

MVC which submit button has been pressed

Can you not find out using Request.Form Collection? If process is clicked the request.form["process"] will not be empty

In SQL, how can you "group by" in ranges?

This will allow you to not have to specify ranges, and should be SQL server agnostic. Math FTW!

SELECT CONCAT(range,'-',range+9), COUNT(range)
    score - (score % 10) as range
  FROM scores

What do \t and \b do?

No, that's more or less what they're meant to do.

In C (and many other languages), you can insert hard-to-see/type characters using \ notation:

  • \a is alert/bell
  • \b is backspace/rubout
  • \n is newline
  • \r is carriage return (return to left margin)
  • \t is tab

You can also specify the octal value of any character using \0nnn, or the hexadecimal value of any character with \xnn.

  • EG: the ASCII value of _ is octal 137, hex 5f, so it can also be typed \0137 or \x5f, if your keyboard didn't have a _ key or something. This is more useful for control characters like NUL (\0) and ESC (\033)

As someone posted (then deleted their answer before I could +1 it), there are also some less-frequently-used ones:

  • \f is a form feed/new page (eject page from printer)
  • \v is a vertical tab (move down one line, on the same column)

On screens, \f usually works the same as \v, but on some printers/teletypes, it will go all the way to the next form/sheet of paper.

How to prevent http file caching in Apache httpd (MAMP)

Tried this? Should work in both .htaccess, httpd.conf and in a VirtualHost (usually placed in httpd-vhosts.conf if you have included it from your httpd.conf)

<filesMatch "\.(html|htm|js|css)$">
  FileETag None
  <ifModule mod_headers.c>
     Header unset ETag
     Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
     Header set Pragma "no-cache"
     Header set Expires "Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT"

100% Prevent Files from being cached

This is similar to how google ads employ the header Cache-Control: private, x-gzip-ok="" > to prevent caching of ads by proxies and clients.


And optionally add the extension for the template files you are retrieving if you are using an extension other than .html for those.

How to dynamically insert a <script> tag via jQuery after page load?

If you are trying to run some dynamically generated JavaScript, you would be slightly better off by using eval. However, JavaScript is such a dynamic language that you really should not have a need for that.

If the script is static, then Rocket's getScript-suggestion is the way to go.

How do I delete multiple rows with different IDs?

Delete from BA_CITY_MASTER where CITY_NAME in (select CITY_NAME from BA_CITY_MASTER group by CITY_NAME having count(CITY_NAME)>1);

docker error: /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory

On my MAC when I start boot2docker-vm on the terminal using

boot2docker start

I see the following

To connect the Docker client to the Docker daemon, please set:
    export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=
    export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1
    export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://:2376

After setting these environment variables I was able to run the build without the problem.

Update [2016-04-28] If you are using a the recent versions of docker you can do

eval $(docker-machine env) will set the environment

(docker-machine env will print the export statements)