[visual-studio] Change language of Visual Studio 2017 RC

I have installed Visual Studio 2017 RC, and by default it set language to my system language (Polish) so I was trying to change it to EN but in Options > Environment > International Settings i have only Polish language. There is link to "download more languages", and it redirects to: https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/ And there I can only find language packs for VS 15. Anyone know where I can find EN language pack for VS 17 RC?

This question is related to visual-studio visual-studio-2017

The answer is

In RC2 (and most likely in the final release) you can switch language from inside Visual Studio and you can modify your setup to include other language packs.

You can now add and remove multiple user interface languages at any time using the Visual Studio installer on the Language Pack tab. You can select the current user interface language among those installed using Tools > Options > International Settings. Source : https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/news/releasenotes/vs2017-relnotes#vside

Polish-> English (VS on MAC) answer: When I started a project and was forced to download Visual Studio, went to their page and saw that Microsoft logo I knew there would be problems... And here it is. It occurred difficult to change the language of VS on Mac. My OS is purely English and only because of the fact I downloaded it using a browser with Polish set as a default language I got the wrong version. I had to reinstall the version to the newest and then Visual Studio Community -> Preferences(in the environment section) -> Visual Style-> User Interface Language.

It translates to polish: Visual Studio Community -> Preferencje -> Styl Wizualny w sekcji Srodowisko -> Jezyk interfejsu uzytkownika -> English.

If you don't see such an option then, as I was, you are forced to upgrade this crappy VS to the newest version.

I solved this just created label on desktop with option/parameter --locale en-US

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installer.exe" --locale en-US

This should solve it:

  1. Open the Visual Studio Installer.
  2. Click on the Modify Button.
  3. Choose the Language Pack tab on top left.
  4. Check the language you need and click on the Modify Button at bottom right.

For having a language at Visual Studio Ui , basically the language package of that language must be installed during the installation.

You can not select a language in options -> environment -> international settings that didn't installed.

If the language that you want to select in above path is not appearing than you have to modify your visual studio by re-executing installer and selecting Language Packages tab and check your language that you want to have.

enter image description here

And than at Visual Studio toolbar just click Tools --> Options --> Environment --> International Settings and than select your language from dropdown list.

You can CHANGE user interface LANGUAGE like this:

Open VS > VS Community > Preferences > Environment > Visual Style > User Interface language


I didn't find a complete answer here


You should install your preferred language

  1. Open the Visual Studio Installer.
  2. In installed products click on plus Dropdown menu
  3. click edit
  4. then click on language packs
  5. choose you preferred language and finally click on install


  1. Go to Tools -> Options

    2.Select International Settings in Environment

    3.click on Menu and select you preferred language

    4.Click on Ok

    5.restart visual studio

  1. Go to Tools -> Options
  2. Select International Settings in Environment and on the right side of a screen you should see a combo with the list of installed language packages. (so in my case Czech, English and same as on MS Windows )
  3. Click on Ok

You have to restart Visual Studio to see the change...

If you are polish (and got polish language settings)

  1. Narzedzia -> Opcje
  2. Ustawienia miedzynarodowe in Srodowisko

Hope this helps! Have a great time in Poland!

You need reinstall VS.

Language Pack Support in Visual Studio 2017 RC


This release of Visual Studio supports only a single language pack for the user interface. You cannot install two languages for the user interface in the same instance of Visual Studio. In addition, you must select the language of Visual Studio during the initial install, and cannot change it during Modify.


These are known issues that will be fixed in an upcoming release. To change the language in this release, you can uninstall and reinstall Visual Studio.

Reference: https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/news/releasenotes/vs2017-relnotes#november-16-2016