[twitter-bootstrap] Using a Glyphicon as an LI bullet point (Bootstrap 3)

How can I change the bullet points in an HTML list and use the glyphicons that come with Bootstrap 3?

So that:


Displays as:

 [icon]  Facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, numquam eius modi
         omnis dolor repellendus. Non numquam eius modi numam dolor omnis 
         tempora incidunt ut labore.

 [icon]  Facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, numquam eius modi
         omnis dolor repellendus. Non numquam eius modi numam dolor omnis 
         tempora incidunt ut labore.

I would prefer not to have to inject extra HTML such as this...

    <li><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></i> ...</li>
    <li><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></i> ...</li>

The answer is

If anyone is coming here looking to do this with Font Awesome Icons (like I was) view here: https://fontawesome.com/how-to-use/on-the-web/styling/icons-in-a-list

<ul class="fa-ul">
  <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-check-square"></i>List icons</li>
  <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-check-square"></i>can be used</li>
  <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>as bullets</li>
  <li><i class="fa-li fa fa-square"></i>in lists</li>

The fa-ul and fa-li classes easily replace default bullets in unordered lists.

If you want happen to be using LESS it can be achieved like so:

li {

    &:before {            

If you want to have a different icon for each list-item, I suggest adding icons in HTML instead of using a pseudo element to keep your CSS down. It can be done quite simply as follows:

  <li><span><i class="mdi mdi-lightbulb-outline"></i></span>An electric light with a wire filament heated to such a high temperature that it glows with visible light</li>
  <li><span><i class="mdi mdi-clipboard-check-outline"></i></span>A thin, rigid board with a clip at the top for holding paper in place.</li>
  <li><span><i class="mdi mdi-finance"></i></span>A graphical representation of data, in which the data is represented by symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie chart.</li>
  <li><span><i class="mdi mdi-server"></i></span>A system that responds to requests across a computer network worldwide to provide, or help to provide, a network or data service.</li>


ul {
  list-style-type: none;
  margin-left: 2.5em;
  padding-left: 0;
ul>li {
  position: relative;
span {
  left: -2em;
  position: absolute;
  text-align: center;
  width: 2em;
  line-height: inherit;

enter image description here

In this case I used Material Design Icons


Using Font Awesome 5, the markup is a bit more complex than the previouis answer. Per the FA documentation, the markup should be:

<ul class="fa-ul">
  <li><span class="fa-li"><i class="fas fa-check-square"></i></span>List icons can</li>
  <li><span class="fa-li"><i class="fas fa-check-square"></i></span>be used to</li>
  <li><span class="fa-li"><i class="fas fa-spinner fa-pulse"></i></span>replace bullets</li>
  <li><span class="fa-li"><i class="far fa-square"></i></span>in lists</li>

I'm using a simplyfied version (just using position relative) based on @SimonEast answer:

li:before {
    content: "\e080";
    font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';
    font-size: 9px;
    position: relative;
    margin-right: 10px;
    top: 3px;
    color: #ccc;

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Examples related to bulletedlist

Using a Glyphicon as an LI bullet point (Bootstrap 3)