[math] Is floating point math broken?

I just saw this interesting issue around floating points:

Consider the following results:

error = (2**53+1) - int(float(2**53+1))
>>> (2**53+1) - int(float(2**53+1))

We can clearly see a breakpoint when 2**53+1 - all works fine until 2**53.

>>> (2**53) - int(float(2**53))

Enter image description here

This happens because of the double-precision binary: IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point format: binary64

From the Wikipedia page for Double-precision floating-point format:

Double-precision binary floating-point is a commonly used format on PCs, due to its wider range over single-precision floating point, in spite of its performance and bandwidth cost. As with single-precision floating-point format, it lacks precision on integer numbers when compared with an integer format of the same size. It is commonly known simply as double. The IEEE 754 standard specifies a binary64 as having:

  • Sign bit: 1 bit
  • Exponent: 11 bits
  • Significant precision: 53 bits (52 explicitly stored)

Enter image description here

The real value assumed by a given 64-bit double-precision datum with a given biased exponent and a 52-bit fraction is

Enter image description here


Enter image description here

Thanks to @a_guest for pointing that out to me.

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