[sql] In SQL, how can you "group by" in ranges?

Suppose I have a table with a numeric column (lets call it "score").

I'd like to generate a table of counts, that shows how many times scores appeared in each range.

For example:

score range  | number of occurrences
   0-9       |        11
  10-19      |        14
  20-29      |         3
   ...       |       ...

In this example there were 11 rows with scores in the range of 0 to 9, 14 rows with scores in the range of 10 to 19, and 3 rows with scores in the range 20-29.

Is there an easy way to set this up? What do you recommend?

This question is related to sql sql-server tsql

The answer is

Perhaps you're asking about keeping such things going...

Of course you'll invoke a full table scan for the queries and if the table containing the scores that need to be tallied (aggregations) is large you might want a better performing solution, you can create a secondary table and use rules, such as on insert - you might look into it.

Not all RDBMS engines have rules, though!

James Curran's answer was the most concise in my opinion, but the output wasn't correct. For SQL Server the simplest statement is as follows:

    [score range] = CAST((Score/10)*10 AS VARCHAR) + ' - ' + CAST((Score/10)*10+9 AS VARCHAR), 
    [number of occurrences] = COUNT(*)
FROM #Scores
GROUP BY Score/10
ORDER BY Score/10

This assumes a #Scores temporary table I used to test it, I just populated 100 rows with random number between 0 and 99.

select cast(score/10 as varchar) + '-' + cast(score/10+9 as varchar), 
from scores
group by score/10


SELECT (str(range) + "-" + str(range + 9) ) AS [Score range], COUNT(score) AS [number of occurances]
FROM (SELECT  score,  int(score / 10 ) * 10  AS range  FROM scoredata )  
GROUP BY range;

select cast(score/10 as varchar) + '-' + cast(score/10+9 as varchar), 
from scores
group by score/10

I'm here because i have similar question but i find the short answers wrong and the one with the continuous "case when" is to much work and seeing anything repetitive in my code hurts my eyes. So here is the solution

SELECT --MIN(score), MAX(score),
    [score range] = CAST(ROUND(score-5,-1)AS VARCHAR) + ' - ' + CAST((ROUND(score-5,-1)+10)AS VARCHAR),
    [number of occurrences] = COUNT(*)
FROM order
GROUP BY  CAST(ROUND(score-5,-1)AS VARCHAR) + ' - ' + CAST((ROUND(score-5,-1)+10)AS VARCHAR)

This will allow you to not have to specify ranges, and should be SQL server agnostic. Math FTW!

SELECT CONCAT(range,'-',range+9), COUNT(range)
    score - (score % 10) as range
  FROM scores

declare @RangeWidth int

set @RangeWidth = 10

   Floor(Score/@RangeWidth) as LowerBound,
   Floor(Score/@RangeWidth)+@RangeWidth as UpperBound,
group by

Because the column being sorted on (Range) is a string, string/word sorting is used instead of numeric sorting.

As long as the strings have zeros to pad out the number lengths the sorting should still be semantically correct:

SELECT t.range AS ScoreRange,
       COUNT(*) AS NumberOfOccurrences
                    WHEN score BETWEEN 0 AND 9 THEN '00-09'
                    WHEN score BETWEEN 10 AND 19 THEN '10-19'
                    ELSE '20-99'
               END AS Range
          FROM Scores) t
 GROUP BY t.Range

If the range is mixed, simply pad an extra zero:

SELECT t.range AS ScoreRange,
       COUNT(*) AS NumberOfOccurrences
                    WHEN score BETWEEN 0 AND 9 THEN '000-009'
                    WHEN score BETWEEN 10 AND 19 THEN '010-019'
                    WHEN score BETWEEN 20 AND 99 THEN '020-099'
                    ELSE '100-999'
               END AS Range
          FROM Scores) t
 GROUP BY t.Range

declare @RangeWidth int

set @RangeWidth = 10

   Floor(Score/@RangeWidth) as LowerBound,
   Floor(Score/@RangeWidth)+@RangeWidth as UpperBound,
group by

An alternative approach would involve storing the ranges in a table, instead of embedding them in the query. You would end up with a table, call it Ranges, that looks like this:

LowerLimit   UpperLimit   Range 
0              9          '0-9'
10            19          '10-19'
20            29          '20-29'
30            39          '30-39'

And a query that looks like this:

   Range as [Score Range],
   Count(*) as [Number of Occurences]
   Ranges r inner join Scores s on s.Score between r.LowerLimit and r.UpperLimit
group by Range

This does mean setting up a table, but it would be easy to maintain when the desired ranges change. No code changes necessary!

I'm here because i have similar question but i find the short answers wrong and the one with the continuous "case when" is to much work and seeing anything repetitive in my code hurts my eyes. So here is the solution

SELECT --MIN(score), MAX(score),
    [score range] = CAST(ROUND(score-5,-1)AS VARCHAR) + ' - ' + CAST((ROUND(score-5,-1)+10)AS VARCHAR),
    [number of occurrences] = COUNT(*)
FROM order
GROUP BY  CAST(ROUND(score-5,-1)AS VARCHAR) + ' - ' + CAST((ROUND(score-5,-1)+10)AS VARCHAR)

An alternative approach would involve storing the ranges in a table, instead of embedding them in the query. You would end up with a table, call it Ranges, that looks like this:

LowerLimit   UpperLimit   Range 
0              9          '0-9'
10            19          '10-19'
20            29          '20-29'
30            39          '30-39'

And a query that looks like this:

   Range as [Score Range],
   Count(*) as [Number of Occurences]
   Ranges r inner join Scores s on s.Score between r.LowerLimit and r.UpperLimit
group by Range

This does mean setting up a table, but it would be easy to maintain when the desired ranges change. No code changes necessary!

create table scores (
   user_id int,
   score int

select t.range as [score range], count(*) as [number of occurences]
from (
      select user_id,
         case when score >= 0 and score < 10 then '0-9'
         case when score >= 10 and score < 20 then '10-19'
         else '90-99' as range
     from scores) t
group by t.range

Perhaps you're asking about keeping such things going...

Of course you'll invoke a full table scan for the queries and if the table containing the scores that need to be tallied (aggregations) is large you might want a better performing solution, you can create a secondary table and use rules, such as on insert - you might look into it.

Not all RDBMS engines have rules, though!

In postgres (where || is the string concatenation operator):

select (score/10)*10 || '-' || (score/10)*10+9 as scorerange, count(*)
from scores
group by score/10
order by 1


 scorerange | count 
 0-9        |    11
 10-19      |    14
 20-29      |     3
 30-39      |     2

I see answers here that won't work in SQL Server's syntax. I would use:

select t.range as [score range], count(*) as [number of occurences]
from (
  select case 
    when score between  0 and  9 then ' 0-9 '
    when score between 10 and 19 then '10-19'
    when score between 20 and 29 then '20-29'
    else '90-99' end as range
  from scores) t
group by t.range

EDIT: see comments

select t.blah as [score range], count(*) as [number of occurences]
from (
  select case 
    when score between  0 and  9 then ' 0-9 '
    when score between 10 and 19 then '10-19'
    when score between 20 and 29 then '20-29'
    else '90-99' end as blah
  from scores) t
group by t.blah

Make sure you use a word other than 'range' if you are in MySQL, or you will get an error for running the above example.

In postgres (where || is the string concatenation operator):

select (score/10)*10 || '-' || (score/10)*10+9 as scorerange, count(*)
from scores
group by score/10
order by 1


 scorerange | count 
 0-9        |    11
 10-19      |    14
 20-29      |     3
 30-39      |     2

select cast(score/10 as varchar) + '-' + cast(score/10+9 as varchar), 
from scores
group by score/10

Because the column being sorted on (Range) is a string, string/word sorting is used instead of numeric sorting.

As long as the strings have zeros to pad out the number lengths the sorting should still be semantically correct:

SELECT t.range AS ScoreRange,
       COUNT(*) AS NumberOfOccurrences
                    WHEN score BETWEEN 0 AND 9 THEN '00-09'
                    WHEN score BETWEEN 10 AND 19 THEN '10-19'
                    ELSE '20-99'
               END AS Range
          FROM Scores) t
 GROUP BY t.Range

If the range is mixed, simply pad an extra zero:

SELECT t.range AS ScoreRange,
       COUNT(*) AS NumberOfOccurrences
                    WHEN score BETWEEN 0 AND 9 THEN '000-009'
                    WHEN score BETWEEN 10 AND 19 THEN '010-019'
                    WHEN score BETWEEN 20 AND 99 THEN '020-099'
                    ELSE '100-999'
               END AS Range
          FROM Scores) t
 GROUP BY t.Range

Perhaps you're asking about keeping such things going...

Of course you'll invoke a full table scan for the queries and if the table containing the scores that need to be tallied (aggregations) is large you might want a better performing solution, you can create a secondary table and use rules, such as on insert - you might look into it.

Not all RDBMS engines have rules, though!

create table scores (
   user_id int,
   score int

select t.range as [score range], count(*) as [number of occurences]
from (
      select user_id,
         case when score >= 0 and score < 10 then '0-9'
         case when score >= 10 and score < 20 then '10-19'
         else '90-99' as range
     from scores) t
group by t.range

select t.range as score, count(*) as Count 
from (
      select UserId,
         case when isnull(score ,0) >= 0 and isnull(score ,0)< 5 then '0-5'
                when isnull(score ,0) >= 5 and isnull(score ,0)< 10 then '5-10'
                when isnull(score ,0) >= 10 and isnull(score ,0)< 15 then '10-15'
                when isnull(score ,0) >= 15 and isnull(score ,0)< 20 then '15-20'               
         else ' 20+' end as range
         ,case when isnull(score ,0) >= 0 and isnull(score ,0)< 5 then 1
                when isnull(score ,0) >= 5 and isnull(score ,0)< 10 then 2
                when isnull(score ,0) >= 10 and isnull(score ,0)< 15 then 3
                when isnull(score ,0) >= 15 and isnull(score ,0)< 20 then 4             
         else 5  end as pd
     from score table
     ) t

group by t.range,pd order by pd

I see answers here that won't work in SQL Server's syntax. I would use:

select t.range as [score range], count(*) as [number of occurences]
from (
  select case 
    when score between  0 and  9 then ' 0-9 '
    when score between 10 and 19 then '10-19'
    when score between 20 and 29 then '20-29'
    else '90-99' end as range
  from scores) t
group by t.range

EDIT: see comments

James Curran's answer was the most concise in my opinion, but the output wasn't correct. For SQL Server the simplest statement is as follows:

    [score range] = CAST((Score/10)*10 AS VARCHAR) + ' - ' + CAST((Score/10)*10+9 AS VARCHAR), 
    [number of occurrences] = COUNT(*)
FROM #Scores
GROUP BY Score/10
ORDER BY Score/10

This assumes a #Scores temporary table I used to test it, I just populated 100 rows with random number between 0 and 99.

I would do this a little differently so that it scales without having to define every case:

select t.range as [score range], count(*) as [number of occurences]
from (
  select FLOOR(score/10) as range
  from scores) t
group by t.range

Not tested, but you get the idea...

An alternative approach would involve storing the ranges in a table, instead of embedding them in the query. You would end up with a table, call it Ranges, that looks like this:

LowerLimit   UpperLimit   Range 
0              9          '0-9'
10            19          '10-19'
20            29          '20-29'
30            39          '30-39'

And a query that looks like this:

   Range as [Score Range],
   Count(*) as [Number of Occurences]
   Ranges r inner join Scores s on s.Score between r.LowerLimit and r.UpperLimit
group by Range

This does mean setting up a table, but it would be easy to maintain when the desired ranges change. No code changes necessary!


SELECT (str(range) + "-" + str(range + 9) ) AS [Score range], COUNT(score) AS [number of occurances]
FROM (SELECT  score,  int(score / 10 ) * 10  AS range  FROM scoredata )  
GROUP BY range;

An alternative approach would involve storing the ranges in a table, instead of embedding them in the query. You would end up with a table, call it Ranges, that looks like this:

LowerLimit   UpperLimit   Range 
0              9          '0-9'
10            19          '10-19'
20            29          '20-29'
30            39          '30-39'

And a query that looks like this:

   Range as [Score Range],
   Count(*) as [Number of Occurences]
   Ranges r inner join Scores s on s.Score between r.LowerLimit and r.UpperLimit
group by Range

This does mean setting up a table, but it would be easy to maintain when the desired ranges change. No code changes necessary!

In postgres (where || is the string concatenation operator):

select (score/10)*10 || '-' || (score/10)*10+9 as scorerange, count(*)
from scores
group by score/10
order by 1


 scorerange | count 
 0-9        |    11
 10-19      |    14
 20-29      |     3
 30-39      |     2

select cast(score/10 as varchar) + '-' + cast(score/10+9 as varchar), 
from scores
group by score/10

I would do this a little differently so that it scales without having to define every case:

select t.range as [score range], count(*) as [number of occurences]
from (
  select FLOOR(score/10) as range
  from scores) t
group by t.range

Not tested, but you get the idea...

declare @RangeWidth int

set @RangeWidth = 10

   Floor(Score/@RangeWidth) as LowerBound,
   Floor(Score/@RangeWidth)+@RangeWidth as UpperBound,
group by

Perhaps you're asking about keeping such things going...

Of course you'll invoke a full table scan for the queries and if the table containing the scores that need to be tallied (aggregations) is large you might want a better performing solution, you can create a secondary table and use rules, such as on insert - you might look into it.

Not all RDBMS engines have rules, though!

select t.range as score, count(*) as Count 
from (
      select UserId,
         case when isnull(score ,0) >= 0 and isnull(score ,0)< 5 then '0-5'
                when isnull(score ,0) >= 5 and isnull(score ,0)< 10 then '5-10'
                when isnull(score ,0) >= 10 and isnull(score ,0)< 15 then '10-15'
                when isnull(score ,0) >= 15 and isnull(score ,0)< 20 then '15-20'               
         else ' 20+' end as range
         ,case when isnull(score ,0) >= 0 and isnull(score ,0)< 5 then 1
                when isnull(score ,0) >= 5 and isnull(score ,0)< 10 then 2
                when isnull(score ,0) >= 10 and isnull(score ,0)< 15 then 3
                when isnull(score ,0) >= 15 and isnull(score ,0)< 20 then 4             
         else 5  end as pd
     from score table
     ) t

group by t.range,pd order by pd

select t.blah as [score range], count(*) as [number of occurences]
from (
  select case 
    when score between  0 and  9 then ' 0-9 '
    when score between 10 and 19 then '10-19'
    when score between 20 and 29 then '20-29'
    else '90-99' end as blah
  from scores) t
group by t.blah

Make sure you use a word other than 'range' if you are in MySQL, or you will get an error for running the above example.

declare @RangeWidth int

set @RangeWidth = 10

   Floor(Score/@RangeWidth) as LowerBound,
   Floor(Score/@RangeWidth)+@RangeWidth as UpperBound,
group by

James Curran's answer was the most concise in my opinion, but the output wasn't correct. For SQL Server the simplest statement is as follows:

    [score range] = CAST((Score/10)*10 AS VARCHAR) + ' - ' + CAST((Score/10)*10+9 AS VARCHAR), 
    [number of occurrences] = COUNT(*)
FROM #Scores
GROUP BY Score/10
ORDER BY Score/10

This assumes a #Scores temporary table I used to test it, I just populated 100 rows with random number between 0 and 99.

In postgres (where || is the string concatenation operator):

select (score/10)*10 || '-' || (score/10)*10+9 as scorerange, count(*)
from scores
group by score/10
order by 1


 scorerange | count 
 0-9        |    11
 10-19      |    14
 20-29      |     3
 30-39      |     2

This will allow you to not have to specify ranges, and should be SQL server agnostic. Math FTW!

SELECT CONCAT(range,'-',range+9), COUNT(range)
    score - (score % 10) as range
  FROM scores

I see answers here that won't work in SQL Server's syntax. I would use:

select t.range as [score range], count(*) as [number of occurences]
from (
  select case 
    when score between  0 and  9 then ' 0-9 '
    when score between 10 and 19 then '10-19'
    when score between 20 and 29 then '20-29'
    else '90-99' end as range
  from scores) t
group by t.range

EDIT: see comments

James Curran's answer was the most concise in my opinion, but the output wasn't correct. For SQL Server the simplest statement is as follows:

    [score range] = CAST((Score/10)*10 AS VARCHAR) + ' - ' + CAST((Score/10)*10+9 AS VARCHAR), 
    [number of occurrences] = COUNT(*)
FROM #Scores
GROUP BY Score/10
ORDER BY Score/10

This assumes a #Scores temporary table I used to test it, I just populated 100 rows with random number between 0 and 99.

create table scores (
   user_id int,
   score int

select t.range as [score range], count(*) as [number of occurences]
from (
      select user_id,
         case when score >= 0 and score < 10 then '0-9'
         case when score >= 10 and score < 20 then '10-19'
         else '90-99' as range
     from scores) t
group by t.range

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