I made a script that stashes only what is currently staged and leaves everything else. This is awesome when I start making too many unrelated changes. Simply stage what isn't related to the desired commit and stash just that.
(Thanks to Bartlomiej for the starting point)
#Stash everything temporarily. Keep staged files, discard everything else after stashing.
git stash --keep-index
#Stash everything that remains (only the staged files should remain) This is the stash we want to keep, so give it a name.
git stash save "$1"
#Apply the original stash to get us back to where we started.
git stash apply stash@{1}
#Create a temporary patch to reverse the originally staged changes and apply it
git stash show -p | git apply -R
#Delete the temporary stash
git stash drop stash@{1}