First list all the stashes
git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on Produktkonfigurator: 132c06a5 Cursor bei glyphicon plus und close zu zeigende Hand ändern
stash@{1}: WIP on Produktkonfigurator: 132c06a5 Cursor bei glyphicon plus und close zu zeigende Hand ändern
stash@{2}: WIP on master: 7e450c81 Merge branch 'Offlineseite'
Then show which files are in the stash (lets pick stash 1):
git stash show 1 --name-only
//Hint: you can also write
//git stash show stash@{1} --name-only
Then apply the file you like to:
git checkout stash@{1} -- <filename>
or whole folder:
git checkout stash@{1} /errors
It also works without --
but it is recommended to use them. See this post.
It is also conventional to recognize a double hyphen as a signal to stop option interpretation and treat all following arguments literally.