[javascript] How to hide code from cells in ipython notebook visualized with nbviewer?

This can be done using an IPython ToggleButton widget and a little bit of JavaScript. The following code should be placed into a code cell at the top of the document:

import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display, HTML

javascript_functions = {False: "hide()", True: "show()"}
button_descriptions  = {False: "Show code", True: "Hide code"}

def toggle_code(state):

    Toggles the JavaScript show()/hide() function on the div.input element.

    output_string = "<script>$(\"div.input\").{}</script>"
    output_args   = (javascript_functions[state],)
    output        = output_string.format(*output_args)


def button_action(value):

    Calls the toggle_code function and updates the button description.

    state = value.new


    value.owner.description = button_descriptions[state]

state = False

button = widgets.ToggleButton(state, description = button_descriptions[state])
button.observe(button_action, "value")


This creates the following button to toggle showing/hiding the code for the Jupyter Notebook, defaulted to the "hide" state:

Hide code state

When set to the "show" state, you can then see the code for the Jupyter Notebook:

Show code state

As an aside, while much of this code should be placed at the beginning of the Notebook, the location of the toggle button is optional. Personally, I prefer to keep it at the bottom of the document. To do so, simply move the display(button) line to a separate code cell at the bottom of the page:

Relocated toggle button

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