Programs & Examples On #Db2 400

DB2-400 is IBM's name for the database integrated into the OS/400 operating system for it's AS/400 line of midrange computers. The current name is DB2 for i.

How to set up datasource with Spring for HikariCP?

I found it in and it works.

Your pom.xml


Your data.xml

<bean id="hikariConfig" class="com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig">
    <property name="driverClassName" value="${jdbc.driverClassName}"/>
    <property name="jdbcUrl" value="${jdbc.databaseurl}"/>
    <property name="username" value="${jdbc.username}"/>
    <property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}"/>
<bean id="dataSource" class="com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource" destroy-method="close">
    <constructor-arg ref="hikariConfig" />
<bean id="jdbcTemplate" class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate"



linux find regex

Well, you may try this '.*[0-9]'

SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch

For Nginx:

  1. openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout -out

  2. SSL file domain_com.crt and files, then copy new file in paste

3: Add nginx files:

  1. ssl_certificate /home/user/domain_ssl/;
  2. ssl_certificate_key /home/user/domain_ssl/;

Lates restart Nginx.

How to declare a structure in a header that is to be used by multiple files in c?


#ifndef A_H
#define A_H

struct a { 
    int i;
    struct b {
        int j;


there you go, now you just need to include a.h to the files where you want to use this structure.

Refused to display 'url' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'

I faced the same error when displaying YouTube links. For example:

I replaced watch?v= with embed/ so the valid link will be:

It works well.

Try to apply the same rule on your case.

send mail to multiple receiver with HTML mailto

"There are no safe means of assigning multiple recipients to a single mailto: link via HTML. There are safe, non-HTML, ways of assigning multiple recipients from a mailto: link."

For a quick fix to your problem, change your ; to a comma , and eliminate the spaces between email addresses

<a href='mailto:[email protected],[email protected]'>Email Us</a>

Replace all whitespace characters

We can also use this if we want to change all multiple joined blank spaces with a single character:


See it in action here:


/ \s+ / g

  • \s+ matches any whitespace character (equal to [\r\n\t\f\v ])
  • + Quantifier — Matches between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy)

  • Global pattern flags
    • g modifier: global. All matches (don't return after first match)

How can I align button in Center or right using IONIC framework?

Css is going to work in same manner i assume.

You can center the content with something like this :



To adjust the width in proper manner, modify your DOM as below :

<div class="item-input-inset">
    <label class="item-input-wrapper"> Date
        <input type="text" placeholder="Text Area" />
<div class="item-input-inset">
    <label class="item-input-wrapper"> Suburb
        <input type="text" placeholder="Text Area" />


label {
    border:1px solid red;

    float:right; /* shift to right for alignment*/
    width:80% /* set a width, you can use max-width to limit this as well*/


final update

If you don't plan to modify existing HTML (one in your question originally), below css would make me your best friend!! :)

html, body, .con {
.item-input-inset {
.item-input-inset > h4 {
    margin-top:0;/* important alignment */
.item-input-wrapper {
input {


_csv.Error: field larger than field limit (131072)

Find the cqlshrc file usually placed in .cassandra directory.

In that file append,

field_size_limit = 1000000000

Uses for the '&quot;' entity in HTML

As other answers pointed out, it is most likely generated by some tool.

But if I were the original author of the file, my answer would be: Consistency.

If I am not allowed to put double quotes in my attributes, why put them in the element's content ? Why do these specs always have these exceptional cases .. If I had to write the HTML spec, I would say All double quotes need to be encoded. Done.

Today it is like In attribute values we need to encode double quotes, except when the attribute value itself is defined by single quotes. In the content of elements, double quotes can be, but are not required to be, encoded. (And I am surely forgetting some cases here).

Double quotes are a keyword of the spec, encode them. Lesser/greater than are a keyword of the spec, encode them. etc..

Extract a single (unsigned) integer from a string

we can extract int from it like

$string = 'In My Car_Price : 50660.00';

echo intval(preg_replace('/[^0-9.]/','',$string));  # without number format   output: 50660
echo number_format(intval(preg_replace('/[^0-9.]/','',$string)));  # with number format  output :50,660

demo :

How to escape double quotes in a title attribute

The escape code &#34; can also be used instead of &quot;.

What's the difference between integer class and numeric class in R

First off, it is perfectly feasible to use R successfully for years and not need to know the answer to this question. R handles the differences between the (usual) numerics and integers for you in the background.

> is.numeric(1)

[1] TRUE

> is.integer(1)


> is.numeric(1L)

[1] TRUE

> is.integer(1L)

[1] TRUE

(Putting capital 'L' after an integer forces it to be stored as an integer.)

As you can see "integer" is a subset of "numeric".

> .Machine$integer.max

[1] 2147483647

> .Machine$double.xmax

[1] 1.797693e+308

Integers only go to a little more than 2 billion, while the other numerics can be much bigger. They can be bigger because they are stored as double precision floating point numbers. This means that the number is stored in two pieces: the exponent (like 308 above, except in base 2 rather than base 10), and the "significand" (like 1.797693 above).

Note that 'is.integer' is not a test of whether you have a whole number, but a test of how the data are stored.

One thing to watch out for is that the colon operator, :, will return integers if the start and end points are whole numbers. For example, 1:5 creates an integer vector of numbers from 1 to 5. You don't need to append the letter L.

> class(1:5)
[1] "integer"


org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'MyController':

I have been getting similar error, and just want to share with you. maybe it will help someone.

If you want to use EntityManagerFactory to get an EntityManager, make sure that you will use:

<persistence-unit name="name" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">

and not:

<persistence-unit name="name" transaction-type="JPA">

in persistance.xml

clean and rebuild project, it should help.

How do you serve a file for download with AngularJS or Javascript?

Would just like to add that in case it doesn't download the file because of unsafe:blob:null... when you hover over the download button, you have to sanitize it. For instance,

var app = angular.module('app', []);



Detecting iOS / Android Operating system

One can use navigator.platform to get the operating system on which browser is installed.

function getPlatform() {
   var platform = ["Win32", "Android", "iOS"];

   for (var i = 0; i < platform.length; i++) {

       if (navigator.platform.indexOf(platform[i]) >- 1) {

           return platform[i];


Get an object attribute

If you need to fetch an object's property dynamically, use the getattr() function: getattr(user, "fullName") - or to elaborate:

user = User()
property = "fullName"
name = getattr(user, property)

Otherwise just use user.fullName.

Google OAUTH: The redirect URI in the request did not match a registered redirect URI

I thought I had this configured but it turns out I set the URL in the wrong place. I followed the URL provided in the Google error page and added my URL here. Stupid mistake from my part, but easily done. Hope this helps

Partly JSON unmarshal into a map in Go

Further to Stephen Weinberg's answer, I have since implemented a handy tool called iojson, which helps to populate data to an existing object easily as well as encoding the existing object to a JSON string. A iojson middleware is also provided to work with other middlewares. More examples can be found at


func main() {
    jsonStr := `{"Status":true,"ErrArr":[],"ObjArr":[{"Name":"My luxury car","ItemArr":[{"Name":"Bag"},{"Name":"Pen"}]}],"ObjMap":{}}`

    car := NewCar()

    i := iojson.NewIOJSON()

    if err := i.Decode(strings.NewReader(jsonStr)); err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("err: %s\n", err.Error())

    // populating data to a live car object.
    if v, err := i.GetObjFromArr(0, car); err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("err: %s\n", err.Error())
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("car (original): %s\n", car.GetName())
        fmt.Printf("car (returned): %s\n", v.(*Car).GetName())

        for k, item := range car.ItemArr {
            fmt.Printf("ItemArr[%d] of car (original): %s\n", k, item.GetName())

        for k, item := range v.(*Car).ItemArr {
            fmt.Printf("ItemArr[%d] of car (returned): %s\n", k, item.GetName())

Sample output:

car (original): My luxury car
car (returned): My luxury car
ItemArr[0] of car (original): Bag
ItemArr[1] of car (original): Pen
ItemArr[0] of car (returned): Bag
ItemArr[1] of car (returned): Pen

Can anonymous class implement interface?

While the answers in the thread are all true enough, I cannot resist the urge to tell you that it in fact is possible to have an anonymous class implement an interface, even though it takes a bit of creative cheating to get there.

Back in 2008 I was writing a custom LINQ provider for my then employer, and at one point I needed to be able to tell "my" anonymous classes from other anonymous ones, which meant having them implement an interface that I could use to type check them. The way we solved it was by using aspects (we used PostSharp), to add the interface implementation directly in the IL. So, in fact, letting anonymous classes implement interfaces is doable, you just need to bend the rules slightly to get there.

Remove all files except some from a directory

You can use GLOBIGNORE environment variable in Bash.

Suppose you want to delete all files except php and sql, then you can do the following -

export GLOBIGNORE=*.php:*.sql
rm *

Setting GLOBIGNORE like this ignores php and sql from wildcards used like "ls *" or "rm *". So, using "rm *" after setting the variable will delete only txt and tar.gz file.

How to do an INNER JOIN on multiple columns

You can JOIN with the same table more than once by giving the joined tables an alias, as in the following example:

    airline, flt_no, fairport, tairport, depart, arrive, fare
    airports from_port ON (from_port.code = flights.fairport)
    airports to_port ON (to_port.code = flights.tairport)
    from_port.code = '?' OR to_port.code = '?' OR'?'

Note that the to_port and from_port are aliases for the first and second copies of the airports table.

How do I use FileSystemObject in VBA?

After importing the scripting runtime as described above you have to make some slighty modification to get it working in Excel 2010 (my version). Into the following code I've also add the code used to the user to pick a file.

Dim intChoice As Integer
Dim strPath As String

' Select one file
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).AllowMultiSelect = False

' Show the selection window
intChoice = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).Show

' Get back the user option
If intChoice <> 0 Then
    strPath = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).SelectedItems(1)
    Exit Sub
End If

Dim FSO As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim fsoStream As Scripting.TextStream
Dim strLine As String

Set fsoStream = FSO.OpenTextFile(strPath)

Do Until fsoStream.AtEndOfStream = True
    strLine = fsoStream.ReadLine
    ' ... do your work ...

Set FSO = Nothing

Hope it help!

Best regards


How to loop through elements of forms with JavaScript?

Es5 forEach:, function (inpt) {
       if( === name) {

Otherwise the lovely for:

var input;
for(var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
     input = form.elements[i];

      // ok my nice work with input, also you have the index with i (in foreach too you can get the index as second parameter (foreach is a wrapper around for, that offer a function to be called at each iteration.

How do I select an element that has a certain class?

The CSS :first-child selector allows you to target an element that is the first child element within its parent.

element:first-child { style_properties }
table:first-child { style_properties }

PHPMailer: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host

I had a similar issue. I had installed PHPMailer version 1.72 which is not prepared to manage SSL connections. Upgrading to last version solved the problem.

Pass row number as variable in excel sheet

Assuming your row number is in B1, you can use INDIRECT:


This takes a cell reference as a string (in this case, the concatenation of A and the value of B1 - 5), and returns the value at that cell.

How to change fontFamily of TextView in Android

From android 4.1 / 4.2 / 5.0, the following Roboto font families are available:

android:fontFamily="sans-serif"           // roboto regular
android:fontFamily="sans-serif-light"     // roboto light
android:fontFamily="sans-serif-condensed" // roboto condensed
android:fontFamily="sans-serif-black"     // roboto black
android:fontFamily="sans-serif-thin"      // roboto thin (android 4.2)
android:fontFamily="sans-serif-medium"    // roboto medium (android 5.0)

enter image description here

in combination with


this 16 variants are possible:

  • Roboto regular
  • Roboto italic
  • Roboto bold
  • Roboto bold italic
  • Roboto-Light
  • Roboto-Light italic
  • Roboto-Thin
  • Roboto-Thin italic
  • Roboto-Condensed
  • Roboto-Condensed italic
  • Roboto-Condensed bold
  • Roboto-Condensed bold italic
  • Roboto-Black
  • Roboto-Black italic
  • Roboto-Medium
  • Roboto-Medium italic


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="font_family_light">sans-serif-light</string>
    <string name="font_family_medium">sans-serif-medium</string>
    <string name="font_family_regular">sans-serif</string>
    <string name="font_family_condensed">sans-serif-condensed</string>
    <string name="font_family_black">sans-serif-black</string>
    <string name="font_family_thin">sans-serif-thin</string>

Installing TensorFlow on Windows (Python 3.6.x)

For someone w/ TF 1.3:

Current TensorFlow 1.3 support Python 3.6, and then you need cuDNN 6 (cudnn64_6.dll)

Based on Tensorflow on windows - ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found and this:

Interface vs Abstract Class (general OO)

Copied from CLR via C# by Jeffrey Richter...

I often hear the question, “Should I design a base type or an interface?” The answer isn’t always clearcut.

Here are some guidelines that might help you:

¦¦ IS-A vs. CAN-DO relationship A type can inherit only one implementation. If the derived type can’t claim an IS-A relationship with the base type, don’t use a base type; use an interface. Interfaces imply a CAN-DO relationship. If the CAN-DO functionality appears to belong with various object types, use an interface. For example, a type can convert instances of itself to another type (IConvertible), a type can serialize an instance of itself (ISerializable), etc. Note that value types must be derived from System.ValueType, and therefore, they cannot be derived from an arbitrary base class. In this case, you must use a CAN-DO relationship and define an interface.

¦¦ Ease of use It’s generally easier for you as a developer to define a new type derived from a base type than to implement all of the methods of an interface. The base type can provide a lot of functionality, so the derived type probably needs only relatively small modifications to its behavior. If you supply an interface, the new type must implement all of the members.

¦¦ Consistent implementation No matter how well an interface contract is documented, it’s very unlikely that everyone will implement the contract 100 percent correctly. In fact, COM suffers from this very problem, which is why some COM objects work correctly only with Microsoft Word or with Windows Internet Explorer. By providing a base type with a good default implementation, you start off using a type that works and is well tested; you can then modify parts that need modification.

¦¦ Versioning If you add a method to the base type, the derived type inherits the new method, you start off using a type that works, and the user’s source code doesn’t even have to be recompiled. Adding a new member to an interface forces the inheritor of the interface to change its source code and recompile.

Where is debug.keystore in Android Studio

EDIT Step 1) Go to File > Project Structure > select project > go to "signing" and select your default or any keystore you want and fill all the details. In case you are not able to fill the details, hit the green '+' button. I've highlighted in the screenshot.enter image description here

Step 2) VERY IMPORTANT: Goto Build Types> select your build type and select your "Signing Config". In my case, I've to select "config". Check the highlighted region. enter image description here

how to bind img src in angular 2 in ngFor?

I hope i am understanding your question correctly, as the above comment says you need to provide more information.

In order to bind it to your view you would use property binding which is using [property]="value". Hope this helps.

<div *ngFor="let student of students">  

 <img [src]="student.image">


Remove leading or trailing spaces in an entire column of data

If it's the same number of characters at the beginning of the cell each time, you can use the text to columns command and select the fixed width option to chop the cell data into two columns. Then just delete the unwanted stuff in the first column.

How to Display Multiple Google Maps per page with API V3

Take a Look at this Bundle for Laravel that I Made Recently !

it helps you to create one or multiple maps in your page !

you can find the class on


Pls Read the readme file first and don't forget to pass different ID if you want to have multiple Maps in one page

Writing Unicode text to a text file?

That error arises when you try to encode a non-unicode string: it tries to decode it, assuming it's in plain ASCII. There are two possibilities:

  1. You're encoding it to a bytestring, but because you've used, the write method expects a unicode object. So you encode it, and it tries to decode it again. Try: f.write(all_html) instead.
  2. all_html is not, in fact, a unicode object. When you do .encode(...), it first tries to decode it.

Gson: Is there an easier way to serialize a map

Map<String, Object> config = gson.fromJson(reader, Map.class);

How does EL empty operator work in JSF?

Using BalusC's suggestion of implementing Collection i can now hide my primefaces p:dataTable using not empty operator on my dataModel that extends javax.faces.model.ListDataModel

Code sample:

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import javax.faces.model.ListDataModel;
import org.primefaces.model.SelectableDataModel;

public class EntityDataModel extends ListDataModel<Entity> implements
        Collection<Entity>, SelectableDataModel<Entity>, Serializable {

    public EntityDataModel(List<Entity> data) { super(data); }

    public Entity getRowData(String rowKey) {
        // In a real app, a more efficient way like a query by rowKey should be
        // implemented to deal with huge data
        List<Entity> entitys = (List<Entity>) getWrappedData();
        for (Entity entity : entitys) {
            if (Integer.toString(entity.getId()).equals(rowKey)) return entity;
        return null;

    public Object getRowKey(Entity entity) {
        return entity.getId();

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        List<Entity> entity = (List<Entity>) getWrappedData();
        return (entity == null) || entity.isEmpty();
    // ... other not implemented methods of Collection...

How to convert seconds to HH:mm:ss in moment.js

My solution for changing seconds (number) to string format (for example: 'mm:ss'):

const formattedSeconds = moment().startOf('day').seconds(S).format('mm:ss');

Write your seconds instead 'S' in example. And just use the 'formattedSeconds' where you need.

React Native TextInput that only accepts numeric characters

A kind reminder to those who encountered the problem that "onChangeText" cannot change the TextInput value as expected on iOS: that is actually a bug in ReactNative and had been fixed in version 0.57.1. Refer to:

What techniques can be used to define a class in JavaScript, and what are their trade-offs?

MooTools (My Object Oriented Tools) is centered on the idea of classes. You can even extend and implement with inheritance.

When mastered, it makes for ridiculously reusable, powerful javascript.

problem with <select> and :after with CSS in WebKit

This is a modern solution I cooked up using font-awesome. Vendor extensions have been omitted for brevity.


    <label for="color">Select Color</label>
    <div class="select-wrapper">
        <select id="color">
        <i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i>


fieldset {
    .select-wrapper {
        position: relative;

        select {
            appearance: none;
            position: relative;
            z-index: 1;
            background: transparent;

            + i {
                position: absolute;
                top: 40%;
                right: 15px;

If your select element has a defined background color, then this won't work as this snippet essentially places the Chevron icon behind the select element (to allow clicking on top of the icon to still initiate the select action).

However, you can style the select-wrapper to the same size as the select element and style its background to achieve the same effect.

Check out my CodePen for a working demo that shows this bit of code on both a dark and light themed select box using a regular label and a "placeholder" label and other cleaned up styles such as borders and widths.

P.S. This is an answer I had posted to another, duplicate question earlier this year.

How do include paths work in Visual Studio?

To resume the working solutions in VisualStudio 2013 and 2015 too:

Add an include-path to the current project only

In Solution Explorer (a palette-window of the VisualStudio-mainwindow), open the shortcut menu for the project and choose Properties, and then in the left pane of the Property Pages dialog box, expand Configuration Properties and select VC++ Directories. Additional include- or lib-paths are specifyable there.

Its the what Stackunderflow and user1741137 say in the answers above. Its the what Microsoft explains in MSDN too.

Add an include-path to every new project automatically

Its the question, what Jay Elston is asking in a comment above and what is a very obvious and burning question in my eyes, what seems to be nonanswered here yet.

There exist regular ways to do it in VisualStudio (see, what in my experience are not working properly. In the sense, that it works only once, and thereafter, it is no more expandable and nomore removable. The approach of Steve Wilkinson in another close related thread of StackOverflow, editing the Microsoft-Factory-XML-file in the ‘program files’ - directory is probably a risky hack, as it isnt expected by Microsoft to meet there something foreign. The effect is potentally unpredictable. Well, I like rather to judge it risky not much, but anyway the best way to make VisualStudio work incomprehensible at least for someone else.

The what is working fine compared to, is the editing the corresponding User-XML-file:




For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
  <ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets">
  <PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros" />
  <ItemDefinitionGroup />
  <ItemGroup />

Where the directory ‘C:\any-name\include’ will get prepended to the present include-path and the directory ‘C:\any-name\lib’ to the library-path. Here, we can edit it ago in an extending and removing sense and remove it all, removing thewhole content of the tag .

Its the what makes VisualStudio itself, doing it in the regular way what CurlyBrace describes. As said, it isnt editable in the CurlyBrace-way thereafter nomore, but in the XML-editing-way it is.

For more insight, see Brian Tyler@MSDN-Blog 2009, what is admittedly not very fresh, but always the what Microsoft is linking to.

Join two data frames, select all columns from one and some columns from the other

Here is the code snippet that does the inner join and select the columns from both dataframe and alias the same column to different column name.

emp_df  ='Employees.csv', header =True);
dept_df ='dept.csv', header =True)

emp_dept_df = emp_df.join(dept_df,'DeptID').select(emp_df['*'], dept_df['Name'].alias('DName'))
Output  for '':

| ID|     Name|Salary|DeptID|
|  1|     John| 20000|     1|
|  2|    Rohit| 15000|     2|
|  3|    Parth| 14600|     3|
|  4|  Rishabh| 20500|     1|
|  5|    Daisy| 34000|     2|
|  6|    Annie| 23000|     1|
|  7| Sushmita| 50000|     3|
|  8| Kaivalya| 20000|     1|
|  9|    Varun| 70000|     3|
| 10|Shambhavi| 21500|     2|
| 11|  Johnson| 25500|     3|
| 12|     Riya| 17000|     2|
| 13|    Krish| 17000|     1|
| 14| Akanksha| 20000|     2|
| 15|   Rutuja| 21000|     3|

Output  for '':
|DeptID|      Name|
|     1|     Sales|
|     2|Accounting|
|     3| Marketing|

Join Output:
| ID|     Name|Salary|DeptID|     DName|
|  1|     John| 20000|     1|     Sales|
|  2|    Rohit| 15000|     2|Accounting|
|  3|    Parth| 14600|     3| Marketing|
|  4|  Rishabh| 20500|     1|     Sales|
|  5|    Daisy| 34000|     2|Accounting|
|  6|    Annie| 23000|     1|     Sales|
|  7| Sushmita| 50000|     3| Marketing|
|  8| Kaivalya| 20000|     1|     Sales|
|  9|    Varun| 70000|     3| Marketing|
| 10|Shambhavi| 21500|     2|Accounting|
| 11|  Johnson| 25500|     3| Marketing|
| 12|     Riya| 17000|     2|Accounting|
| 13|    Krish| 17000|     1|     Sales|
| 14| Akanksha| 20000|     2|Accounting|
| 15|   Rutuja| 21000|     3| Marketing|

Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined

I worked around this by using UriBuilder instead.

UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder(slct.Text);

if (DeleteFileOnServer(builder.Uri))

How to search all loaded scripts in Chrome Developer Tools?

In Widows it is working for me. Control Shift F and then it opens a search window at the bottom. Make sure you expand the bottom area to see the new search window.

enter image description here

Converting Array to List

If you don't mind a third-party dependency, you could use a library which natively supports primitive collections like Eclipse Collections and avoid the boxing altogether. You can also use primitive collections to create boxed regular collections if you need to.

int[] ints = {1, 2, 3};
MutableIntList intList = IntLists.mutable.with(ints);
List<Integer> list = intList.collect(Integer::valueOf);

If you want the boxed collection in the end, this is what the code for collect on IntArrayList is doing under the covers:

public <V> MutableList<V> collect(IntToObjectFunction<? extends V> function)
    return this.collect(function, FastList.newList(this.size));

public <V, R extends Collection<V>> R collect(IntToObjectFunction<? extends V> function, 
                                              R target)
    for (int i = 0; i < this.size; i++)
    return target;

Since the question was specifically about performance, I wrote some JMH benchmarks using your solutions, the most voted answer and the primitive and boxed versions of Eclipse Collections.

import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.primitive.IntList;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.primitive.IntLists;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Fork;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.Runner;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.RunnerException;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.Options;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.OptionsBuilder;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class IntegerArrayListFromIntArray
    private int[] source = IntStream.range(0, 1000).toArray();

    public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException
        Options options = new OptionsBuilder().include(
                ".*" + IntegerArrayListFromIntArray.class.getSimpleName() + ".*")
        new Runner(options).run();

    public List<Integer> jdkClassic()
        List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(source.length);
        for (int each : source)
        return list;

    public List<Integer> jdkStreams1()
        List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(source.length);
        return list;

    public List<Integer> jdkStreams2()

    public IntList ecPrimitive()
        return IntLists.immutable.with(source);

    public List<Integer> ecBoxed()
        return IntLists.mutable.with(source).collect(Integer::valueOf);

These are the results from these tests on my Mac Book Pro. The units are operations per second, so the bigger the number, the better. I used an ImmutableIntList for the ecPrimitive benchmark, because the MutableIntList in Eclipse Collections doesn't copy the array by default. It merely adapts the array you give it. This was reporting even larger numbers for ecPrimitive, with a very large margin of error because it was essentially measuring the cost of a single object creation.

# Run complete. Total time: 00:06:52

Benchmark                                  Mode  Cnt        Score      Error  Units
IntegerArrayListFromIntArray.ecBoxed      thrpt   40   191671.859 ± 2107.723  ops/s
IntegerArrayListFromIntArray.ecPrimitive  thrpt   40  2311575.358 ± 9194.262  ops/s
IntegerArrayListFromIntArray.jdkClassic   thrpt   40   138231.703 ± 1817.613  ops/s
IntegerArrayListFromIntArray.jdkStreams1  thrpt   40    87421.892 ± 1425.735  ops/s
IntegerArrayListFromIntArray.jdkStreams2  thrpt   40   103034.520 ± 1669.947  ops/s

If anyone spots any issues with the benchmarks, I'll be happy to make corrections and run them again.

Note: I am a committer for Eclipse Collections.

Adjust UILabel height depending on the text

Instead doing this programmatically, you can do this in Storyboard/XIB while designing.

  • Set UIlabel's number of lines property to 0 in attribute inspector.
  • Then set width constraint/(or) leading and trailing constraint as per the requirement.
  • Then set height constraint with minimum value. Finally select the height constraint you added and in the size inspector the one next to attribute inspector, change the height constraint's relation from equal to - greater than.

Rebasing a Git merge commit

  • From your merge commit
  • Cherry-pick the new change which should be easy
  • copy your stuff
  • redo the merge and resolve the conflicts by just copying the files from your local copy ;)

Is optimisation level -O3 dangerous in g++?

In the early days of gcc (2.8 etc.) and in the times of egcs, and redhat 2.96 -O3 was quite buggy sometimes. But this is over a decade ago, and -O3 is not much different than other levels of optimizations (in buggyness).

It does however tend to reveal cases where people rely on undefined behavior, due to relying more strictly on the rules, and especially corner cases, of the language(s).

As a personal note, I am running production software in the financial sector for many years now with -O3 and have not yet encountered a bug that would not have been there if I would have used -O2.

By popular demand, here an addition:

-O3 and especially additional flags like -funroll-loops (not enabled by -O3) can sometimes lead to more machine code being generated. Under certain circumstances (e.g. on a cpu with exceptionally small L1 instruction cache) this can cause a slowdown due to all the code of e.g. some inner loop now not fitting anymore into L1I. Generally gcc tries quite hard to not to generate so much code, but since it usually optimizes the generic case, this can happen. Options especially prone to this (like loop unrolling) are normally not included in -O3 and are marked accordingly in the manpage. As such it is generally a good idea to use -O3 for generating fast code, and only fall back to -O2 or -Os (which tries to optimize for code size) when appropriate (e.g. when a profiler indicates L1I misses).

If you want to take optimization into the extreme, you can tweak in gcc via --param the costs associated with certain optimizations. Additionally note that gcc now has the ability to put attributes at functions that control optimization settings just for these functions, so when you find you have a problem with -O3 in one function (or want to try out special flags for just that function), you don't need to compile the whole file or even whole project with O2.

otoh it seems that care must be taken when using -Ofast, which states:

-Ofast enables all -O3 optimizations. It also enables optimizations that are not valid for all standard compliant programs.

which makes me conclude that -O3 is intended to be fully standards compliant.

Where does Android app package gets installed on phone

->List all the packages by :

adb shell su 0 pm list packages -f

->Search for your package name by holding keys "ctrl+alt+f".

->Once found, look for the location associated with it.

How do I create a link to add an entry to a calendar?

Here's an Add to Calendar service to serve the purpose for adding an event on

  1. Apple Calendar
  2. Google Calendar
  3. Outlook
  4. Outlook Online
  5. Yahoo! Calendar

The "Add to Calendar" button for events on websites and calendars is easy to install, language independent, time zone and DST compatible. It works perfectly in all modern browsers, tablets and mobile devices, and with Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, Outlook, and Yahoo Calendar.

<div title="Add to Calendar" class="addeventatc">
    Add to Calendar
    <span class="start">03/01/2018 08:00 AM</span>
    <span class="end">03/01/2018 10:00 AM</span>
    <span class="timezone">America/Los_Angeles</span>
    <span class="title">Summary of the event</span>
    <span class="description">Description of the event</span>
    <span class="location">Location of the event</span>

enter image description here

Converting a generic list to a CSV string

CsvHelper library is very popular in the Nuget.You worth it,man!

Using CsvHelper is really easy. It's default settings are setup for the most common scenarios.

Here is a little setup data.



Actor.cs (custom class object that represents an actor):

public class Actor
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

Reading the CSV file using CsvReader:

var csv = new CsvReader( new StreamReader( "Actors.csv" ) );

var actorsList = csv.GetRecords();

Writing to a CSV file.

using (var csv = new CsvWriter( new StreamWriter( "Actors.csv" ) )) 
    csv.WriteRecords( actorsList );

Reading binary file and looping over each byte

Reading binary file in Python and looping over each byte

New in Python 3.5 is the pathlib module, which has a convenience method specifically to read in a file as bytes, allowing us to iterate over the bytes. I consider this a decent (if quick and dirty) answer:

import pathlib

for byte in pathlib.Path(path).read_bytes():

Interesting that this is the only answer to mention pathlib.

In Python 2, you probably would do this (as Vinay Sajip also suggests):

with open(path, 'b') as file:
    for byte in

In the case that the file may be too large to iterate over in-memory, you would chunk it, idiomatically, using the iter function with the callable, sentinel signature - the Python 2 version:

with open(path, 'b') as file:
    callable = lambda:
    sentinel = bytes() # or b''
    for chunk in iter(callable, sentinel): 
        for byte in chunk:

(Several other answers mention this, but few offer a sensible read size.)

Best practice for large files or buffered/interactive reading

Let's create a function to do this, including idiomatic uses of the standard library for Python 3.5+:

from pathlib import Path
from functools import partial
from io import DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE

def file_byte_iterator(path):
    """given a path, return an iterator over the file
    that lazily loads the file
    path = Path(path)
    with'rb') as file:
        reader = partial(file.read1, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
        file_iterator = iter(reader, bytes())
        for chunk in file_iterator:
            yield from chunk

Note that we use file.read1. blocks until it gets all the bytes requested of it or EOF. file.read1 allows us to avoid blocking, and it can return more quickly because of this. No other answers mention this as well.

Demonstration of best practice usage:

Let's make a file with a megabyte (actually mebibyte) of pseudorandom data:

import random
import pathlib
path = 'pseudorandom_bytes'
pathobj = pathlib.Path(path)

  bytes(random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(2**20)))

Now let's iterate over it and materialize it in memory:

>>> l = list(file_byte_iterator(path))
>>> len(l)

We can inspect any part of the data, for example, the last 100 and first 100 bytes:

>>> l[-100:]
[208, 5, 156, 186, 58, 107, 24, 12, 75, 15, 1, 252, 216, 183, 235, 6, 136, 50, 222, 218, 7, 65, 234, 129, 240, 195, 165, 215, 245, 201, 222, 95, 87, 71, 232, 235, 36, 224, 190, 185, 12, 40, 131, 54, 79, 93, 210, 6, 154, 184, 82, 222, 80, 141, 117, 110, 254, 82, 29, 166, 91, 42, 232, 72, 231, 235, 33, 180, 238, 29, 61, 250, 38, 86, 120, 38, 49, 141, 17, 190, 191, 107, 95, 223, 222, 162, 116, 153, 232, 85, 100, 97, 41, 61, 219, 233, 237, 55, 246, 181]
>>> l[:100]
[28, 172, 79, 126, 36, 99, 103, 191, 146, 225, 24, 48, 113, 187, 48, 185, 31, 142, 216, 187, 27, 146, 215, 61, 111, 218, 171, 4, 160, 250, 110, 51, 128, 106, 3, 10, 116, 123, 128, 31, 73, 152, 58, 49, 184, 223, 17, 176, 166, 195, 6, 35, 206, 206, 39, 231, 89, 249, 21, 112, 168, 4, 88, 169, 215, 132, 255, 168, 129, 127, 60, 252, 244, 160, 80, 155, 246, 147, 234, 227, 157, 137, 101, 84, 115, 103, 77, 44, 84, 134, 140, 77, 224, 176, 242, 254, 171, 115, 193, 29]

Don't iterate by lines for binary files

Don't do the following - this pulls a chunk of arbitrary size until it gets to a newline character - too slow when the chunks are too small, and possibly too large as well:

    with open(path, 'rb') as file:
        for chunk in file: # text newline iteration - not for bytes
            yield from chunk

The above is only good for what are semantically human readable text files (like plain text, code, markup, markdown etc... essentially anything ascii, utf, latin, etc... encoded) that you should open without the 'b' flag.

How to resolve this JNI error when trying to run LWJGL "Hello World"?

I had same issue using different dependancy what helped me is to set scope to compile.


Bound method error

There's no error here. You're printing a function, and that's what functions look like.

To actually call the function, you have to put parens after that. You're already doing that above. If you want to print the result of calling the function, just have the function return the value, and put the print there. For example:

print test.sort_word_list()

On the other hand, if you want the function to mutate the object's state, and then print the state some other way, that's fine too.

Now, your code seems to work in some places, but not others; let's look at why:

  • parser sets a variable called word_list, and you later print test.word_list, so that works.
  • sort_word_list sets a variable called sorted_word_list, and you later print test.sort_word_list—that is, the function, not the variable. So, you see the bound method. (Also, as Jon Clements points out, even if you fix this, you're going to print None, because that's what sort returns.)
  • num_words sets a variable called num_words, and you again print the function—but in this case, the variable has the same name as the function, meaning that you're actually replacing the function with its output, so it works. This is probably not what you want to do, however.

(There are cases where, at first glance, that seems like it might be a good idea—you only want to compute something once, and then access it over and over again without constantly recomputing that. But this isn't the way to do it. Either use a @property, or use a memoization decorator.)

Regex (grep) for multi-line search needed

I am not very good in grep. But your problem can be solved using AWK command. Just see

awk '/select/,/from/' *.sql

The above code will result from first occurence of select till first sequence of from. Now you need to verify whether returned statements are having customername or not. For this you can pipe the result. And can use awk or grep again.

Webpack - webpack-dev-server: command not found

I install with npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server then I set package.json and webpack.config.js like this: setting.

Then I run webpack-dev-server and get this error error.

If I don't use npm install -g webpack-dev-server to install, then how to fix it?

I fixed the error configuration has an unknown property 'colors' by removing colors:true. It worked!

I am receiving warning in Facebook Application using PHP SDK

You need to ensure that any code that modifies the HTTP headers is executed before the headers are sent. This includes statements like session_start(). The headers will be sent automatically when any HTML is output.

Your problem here is that you're sending the HTML ouput at the top of your page before you've executed any PHP at all.

Move the session_start() to the top of your document :

<?php    session_start(); ?> <html> <head> <title>PHP SDK</title> </head> <body> <?php require_once 'src/facebook.php';    // more PHP code here. 

xlrd.biffh.XLRDError: Excel xlsx file; not supported

The previous version, xlrd 1.2.0, may appear to work, but it could also expose you to potential security vulnerabilities. With that warning out of the way, if you still want to give it a go, type the following command:

pip install xlrd==1.2.0

Find the PID of a process that uses a port on Windows


netstat -aon | findstr 4723


TCP                 LISTENING       10396

Now cut the process ID, "10396", using the for command in Windows.


for /f "tokens=5" %a in ('netstat -aon ^| findstr 4723') do @echo %~nxa



If you want to cut the 4th number of the value means "LISTENING" then command in Windows.


for /f "tokens=4" %a in ('netstat -aon ^| findstr 4723') do @echo %~nxa



How to create empty text file from a batch file?

There are infinite approaches.

Commands that output nothing:


Weird Commands:

@echo off
cmd /c

The outdated print command produces a blank file:

print /d:EMPTY_TEXT_FILE nul

Dump a mysql database to a plaintext (CSV) backup from the command line

In MySQL itself, you can specify CSV output like:

SELECT order_id,product_name,qty
FROM orders
INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/orders.csv'


How to check if a network port is open on linux?

Here's a fast multi-threaded port scanner:

from time import sleep
import socket, ipaddress, threading

max_threads = 50
final = {}
def check_port(ip, port):
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # TCP
        #sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
        socket.setdefaulttimeout(2.0) # seconds (float)
        result = sock.connect_ex((ip,port))
        if result == 0:
            # print ("Port is open")
            final[ip] = "OPEN"
            # print ("Port is closed/filtered")
            final[ip] = "CLOSED"
port = 80
for ip in ipaddress.IPv4Network(''): 
    threading.Thread(target=check_port, args=[str(ip), port]).start()

# limit the number of threads.
while threading.active_count() > max_threads :


Live Demo

Python datetime to string without microsecond component

I usually do:

import datetime
now =
now = now.replace(microsecond=0)  # To print now without microsecond.

# To print now:


2019-01-13 14:40:28

how to get docker-compose to use the latest image from repository

But -quiet-pull Pull without printing progress information

docker-compose up --quiet-pull

not work ?

What is the difference between an interface and abstract class?

The only difference is that one can participate in multiple inheritance and other cannot.

The definition of an interface has changed over time. Do you think an interface just has method declarations only and are just contracts? What about static final variables and what about default definitions after Java 8?

Interfaces were introduced to Java because of the diamond problem with multiple inheritance and that's what they actually intend to do.

Interfaces are the constructs that were created to get away with the multiple inheritance problem and can have abstract methods, default definitions and static final variables.

See Why does Java allow static final variables in interfaces when they are only intended to be contracts?.

How often does python flush to a file?

For file operations, Python uses the operating system's default buffering unless you configure it do otherwise. You can specify a buffer size, unbuffered, or line buffered.

For example, the open function takes a buffer size argument.

"The optional buffering argument specifies the file’s desired buffer size:"

  • 0 means unbuffered,
  • 1 means line buffered,
  • any other positive value means use a buffer of (approximately) that size.
  • A negative buffering means to use the system default, which is usually line buffered for tty devices and fully buffered for other files.
  • If omitted, the system default is used.


bufsize = 0
f = open('file.txt', 'w', buffering=bufsize)

How do I show a running clock in Excel?

Found the code that I referred to in my comment above. To test it, do this:

  1. In Sheet1 change the cell height and width of say A1 as shown in the snapshot below.
  2. Format the cell by right clicking on it to show time format
  3. Add two buttons (form controls) on the worksheet and name them as shown in the snapshot
  4. Paste this code in a module
  5. Right click on the Start Timer button on the sheet and click on Assign Macros. Select StartTimer macro.
  6. Right click on the End Timer button on the sheet and click on Assign Macros. Select EndTimer macro.

Now click on Start Timer button and you will see the time getting updated in cell A1. To stop time updates, Click on End Timer button.


Public Declare Function SetTimer Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal HWnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long, _
ByVal uElapse As Long, ByVal lpTimerFunc As Long) As Long

Public Declare Function KillTimer Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal HWnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long) As Long

Public TimerID As Long, TimerSeconds As Single, tim As Boolean
Dim Counter As Long

'~~> Start Timer
Sub StartTimer()
    '~~ Set the timer for 1 second
    TimerSeconds = 1
    TimerID = SetTimer(0&, 0&, TimerSeconds * 1000&, AddressOf TimerProc)
End Sub

'~~> End Timer
Sub EndTimer()
    On Error Resume Next
    KillTimer 0&, TimerID
End Sub

Sub TimerProc(ByVal HWnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, _
ByVal nIDEvent As Long, ByVal dwTimer As Long)
    '~~> Update value in Sheet 1
    Sheet1.Range("A1").Value = Time
End Sub


enter image description here

Laravel redirect back to original destination after login

Laravel now supports this feature out-of-the-box! (I believe since 5.5 or earlier).

Add a __construct() method to your Controller as shown below:

public function __construct()

After login, your users will then be redirected to the page they intended to visit initially.

You can also add Laravel's email verification feature as required by your application logic:

public function __construct()
    $this->middleware(['auth', 'verified']);

The documentation contains a very brief example:

It's also possible to choose which controller's methods the middleware applies to by using except or only options.

Example with except:

public function __construct()
    $this->middleware('auth', ['except' => ['index', 'show']]);

Example with only:

public function __construct()
    $this->middleware('auth', ['only' => ['index', 'show']]);

More information about except and only middleware options:

How do I determine whether my calculation of pi is accurate?

You could try computing sin(pi/2) (or cos(pi/2) for that matter) using the (fairly) quickly converging power series for sin and cos. (Even better: use various doubling formulas to compute nearer x=0 for faster convergence.)

BTW, better than using series for tan(x) is, with computing say cos(x) as a black box (e.g. you could use taylor series as above) is to do root finding via Newton. There certainly are better algorithms out there, but if you don't want to verify tons of digits this should suffice (and it's not that tricky to implement, and you only need a bit of calculus to understand why it works.)

Can I automatically increment the file build version when using Visual Studio?

I have created an application to increment the file version automatically.

  1. Download Application
  2. add the following line to pre-build event command line

    C:\temp\IncrementFileVersion.exe $(SolutionDir)\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs

  3. Build the project

To keep it simple the app only throws messages if there is an error, to confirm it worked fine you will need to check the file version in 'Assembly Information'

Note : You will have to reload the solution in Visual studio for 'Assembly Information' button to populate the fields, however your output file will have the updated version.

For suggestions and requests please email me at [email protected]

Is there a mechanism to loop x times in ES6 (ECMAScript 6) without mutable variables?

If you're willing to use a library, there's also lodash _.times or underscore _.times:

_.times(x, i => {
   return doStuff(i)

Note this returns an array of the results, so it's really more like this ruby: { |i|

Differences between hard real-time, soft real-time, and firm real-time?

Hard Real-Time

The hard real-time definition considers any missed deadline to be a system failure. This scheduling is used extensively in mission critical systems where failure to conform to timing constraints results in a loss of life or property.


  • Air France Flight 447 crashed into the ocean after a sensor malfunction caused a series of system errors. The pilots stalled the aircraft while responding to outdated instrument readings. All 12 crew and 216 passengers were killed.

  • Mars Pathfinder spacecraft was nearly lost when a priority inversion caused system restarts. A higher priority task was not completed on time due to being blocked by a lower priority task. The problem was corrected and the spacecraft landed successfully.

  • An Inkjet printer has a print head with control software for depositing the correct amount of ink onto a specific part of the paper. If a deadline is missed then the print job is ruined.

Firm Real-Time

The firm real-time definition allows for infrequently missed deadlines. In these applications the system can survive task failures so long as they are adequately spaced, however the value of the task's completion drops to zero or becomes impossible.


  • Manufacturing systems with robot assembly lines where missing a deadline results in improperly assembling a part. As long as ruined parts are infrequent enough to be caught by quality control and not too costly, then production continues.

  • A digital cable set-top box decodes time stamps for when frames must appear on the screen. Since the frames are time order sensitive a missed deadline causes jitter, diminishing quality of service. If the missed frame later becomes available it will only cause more jitter to display it, so it's useless. The viewer can still enjoy the program if jitter doesn't occur too often.

Soft Real-Time

The soft real-time definition allows for frequently missed deadlines, and as long as tasks are timely executed their results continue to have value. Completed tasks may have increasing value up to the deadline and decreasing value past it.


  • Weather stations have many sensors for reading temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc. The readings should be taken and transmitted at regular intervals, however the sensors are not synchronized. Even though a sensor reading may be early or late compared with the others it can still be relevant as long as it is close enough.

  • A video game console runs software for a game engine. There are many resources that must be shared between its tasks. At the same time tasks need to be completed according to the schedule for the game to play correctly. As long as tasks are being completely relatively on time the game will be enjoyable, and if not it may only lag a little.

Siewert: Real-Time Embedded Systems and Components.
Liu & Layland: Scheduling Algorithms for Multiprogramming in a Hard Real-Time Environment.
Marchand & Silly-Chetto: Dynamic Scheduling of Soft Aperiodic Tasks and Periodic Tasks with Skips.

Google server putty connect 'Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)

I had PuTTY working and then one day got this error.

Solution: I had revised the folder path name containing my certificates (private keys), and this caused Pageant to lose track of the certificates and so was empty.

Once I re-installed the certificate into Pageant then Putty started working again.

Save a subplot in matplotlib

Applying the full_extent() function in an answer by @Joe 3 years later from here, you can get exactly what the OP was looking for. Alternatively, you can use Axes.get_tightbbox() which gives a little tighter bounding box

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox

def full_extent(ax, pad=0.0):
    """Get the full extent of an axes, including axes labels, tick labels, and
    # For text objects, we need to draw the figure first, otherwise the extents
    # are undefined.
    items = ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels() 
#    items += [ax, ax.title, ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label]
    items += [ax, ax.title]
    bbox = Bbox.union([item.get_window_extent() for item in items])

    return bbox.expanded(1.0 + pad, 1.0 + pad)

# Make an example plot with two subplots...
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)
ax1.plot(range(10), 'b-')

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2)
ax2.plot(range(20), 'r^')

# Save the full figure...

# Save just the portion _inside_ the second axis's boundaries
extent = full_extent(ax2).transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted())
# Alternatively,
# extent = ax.get_tightbbox(fig.canvas.renderer).transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted())
fig.savefig('ax2_figure.png', bbox_inches=extent)

I'd post a pic but I lack the reputation points

Python logging: use milliseconds in time format

As of now the following works perfectly with python 3 .

                     format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
                     datefmt='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%03d',

gives the following output

2020/01/11 18:51:19.011 INFO

The forked VM terminated without saying properly goodbye. VM crash or System.exit called

I had a situation similar to Chad's, but found a different answer.

Per the plugin docs, you can't use ${...} in <argLine> because Maven will pick that up for replacement before the surefire plugin (or any other plugin) does.

Since version 2.17, the plugin supports @{...} instead of ${...} for property replacement.

So for example, replace this

<argLine>XX:MaxPermSize=1024m ${moreArgs}</argLine>

with this

<argLine>XX:MaxPermSize=1024m @{moreArgs}</argLine>

c++ bool question

false == 0 and true = !false

i.e. anything that is not zero and can be converted to a boolean is not false, thus it must be true.

Some examples to clarify:

if(0)          // false
if(1)          // true
if(2)          // true
if(0 == false) // true
if(0 == true)  // false
if(1 == false) // false
if(1 == true)  // true
if(2 == false) // false
if(2 == true)  // false
cout << false  // 0
cout << true   // 1

true evaluates to 1, but any int that is not false (i.e. 0) evaluates to true but is not equal to true since it isn't equal to 1.

What is a classpath and how do I set it?

The classpath in this context is exactly what it is in the general context: anywhere the VM knows it can find classes to be loaded, and resources as well (such as output.vm in your case).

I'd understand Velocity expects to find a file named output.vm anywhere in "no package". This can be a JAR, regular folder, ... The root of any of the locations in the application's classpath.

How to detect IE11?

Try This:

var trident = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/7.0/);
var net = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/.NET4.0E/);
var IE11 = trident && net
var IEold = ( navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/i) ? true : false );
if(IE11 || IEold){

unable to start mongodb local server

I've faced the same issue. Though the mongodb service is not running, the log showed address already in use message.

 $netstat -tulpn | grep :27017 

returns nothing

On further analysis found that the issue was due to lock file. The service is running fine, after deleting the lock file and restarting it.

$grep "dbpath" /etc/mongodb.conf

dbpath =/var/lib/mongodb

$ls /var/lib/mongodb/mongod.lock

$service mongod start

Tomcat 7: How to set initial heap size correctly?

If it's not work in your centos 7 machine "export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms512M -Xmx1024M"" then you can change heap memory from vi /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service file then this value shown in your tomcat by help of ps -ef|grep tomcat.

posting hidden value

I'm not sure what you just did there, but from what I can tell this is what you're asking for:


<form action="successfulbooking.php" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="date" value="<?php echo $date; ?>">  
    <input type="submit" value="Submit Form">


    $date = $_POST['date'];
    // add code here

Not sure what you want to do with that third page(booking_now.php) too.

how to prevent this error : Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in ... on line 11

The proper syntax is (in example):

$query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM beer ORDER BY quality');
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) $results[] = $row;

How to pull specific directory with git

In an empty directory:

git init
git remote add [REMOTE_NAME] [GIT_URL]
git fetch REMOTE_NAME
git checkout REMOTE_NAME/BRANCH -- path/to/directory

"Undefined reference to" template class constructor

This link explains where you're going wrong:

[35.12] Why can't I separate the definition of my templates class from its declaration and put it inside a .cpp file?

Place the definition of your constructors, destructors methods and whatnot in your header file, and that will correct the problem.

This offers another solution:

How can I avoid linker errors with my template functions?

However this requires you to anticipate how your template will be used and, as a general solution, is counter-intuitive. It does solve the corner case though where you develop a template to be used by some internal mechanism, and you want to police the manner in which it is used.

Select all columns except one in MySQL?

The accepted answer has several shortcomings.

  • It fails where the table or column names requires backticks
  • It fails if the column you want to omit is last in the list
  • It requires listing the table name twice (once for the select and another for the query text) which is redundant and unnecessary
  • It can potentially return column names in the wrong order

All of these issues can be overcome by simply including backticks in the SEPARATOR for your GROUP_CONCAT and using a WHERE condition instead of REPLACE(). For my purposes (and I imagine many others') I wanted the column names returned in the same order that they appear in the table itself. To achieve this, here we use an explicit ORDER BY clause inside of the GROUP_CONCAT() function:

    'SELECT `',
    '` FROM `',
WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'my_database'
    AND `TABLE_NAME` = 'my_table'
    AND `COLUMN_NAME` != 'column_to_omit';

error: passing xxx as 'this' argument of xxx discards qualifiers

Let's me give a more detail example. As to the below struct:

struct Count{
    uint32_t c;

    Count(uint32_t i=0):c(i){}

    uint32_t getCount(){
        return c;

    uint32_t add(const Count& count){
        uint32_t total = c + count.getCount();
        return total;

enter image description here

As you see the above, the IDE(CLion), will give tips Non-const function 'getCount' is called on the const object. In the method add count is declared as const object, but the method getCount is not const method, so count.getCount() may change the members in count.

Compile error as below(core message in my compiler):

error: passing 'const xy_stl::Count' as 'this' argument discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]

To solve the above problem, you can:

  1. change the method uint32_t getCount(){...} to uint32_t getCount() const {...}. So count.getCount() won't change the members in count.


  1. change uint32_t add(const Count& count){...} to uint32_t add(Count& count){...}. So count don't care about changing members in it.

As to you problem, objects in the std::set are stored as const StudentT, but the method getId and getName are not const, so you give the above error.

You can also see this question Meaning of 'const' last in a function declaration of a class? for more detail.

Execute jar file with multiple classpath libraries from command prompt

a possible solution could be

create a batch file

there do a loop on lib directory for all files inside it and set each file unside lib on classpath

then after that run the jar

source for loop in batch file for info on loops

Entity Framework - Include Multiple Levels of Properties

For EF 6

using System.Data.Entity;

query.Include(x => x.Collection.Select(y => y.Property))

Make sure to add using System.Data.Entity; to get the version of Include that takes in a lambda.

For EF Core

Use the new method ThenInclude

query.Include(x => x.Collection)
     .ThenInclude(x => x.Property);

How to access environment variable values?

If you are planning to use the code in a production web application code,
using any web framework like Django/Flask, use projects like envparse, using it you can read the value as your defined type.

from envparse import env
# will read WHITE_LIST=hello,world,hi to white_list = ["hello", "world", "hi"]
white_list = env.list("WHITE_LIST", default=[]) 
# Perfect for reading boolean
DEBUG = env.bool("DEBUG", default=False)

NOTE: kennethreitz's autoenv is a recommended tool for making project specific environment variables, please note that those who are using autoenv please keep the .env file private (inaccessible to public)

Set UITableView content inset permanently

This is how it can be fixed easily through Storyboard (iOS 11 and Xcode 9.1):

Select Table View > Size Inspector > Content Insets: Never

Dynamically adding properties to an ExpandoObject

i think this add new property in desired type without having to set a primitive value, like when property defined in class definition

var x = new ExpandoObject();
x.NewProp = default(string)

How to reload a page after the OK click on the Alert Page

I may be wrong here but I had the same problem, after spending more time than I'm proud of I realised I had set chrome to block all pop ups and hence kept reloading without showing me the alert box. So close your window and open the page again.

If that doesn't work then you problem might be something deeper because all the solutions already given should work.

Removing first x characters from string?

Use del.


>>> text = 'lipsum'
>>> l = list(text)
>>> del l[3:]
>>> ''.join(l)

How can I convert a dictionary into a list of tuples?

[(k,v) for (k,v) in d.iteritems()]


[(v,k) for (k,v) in d.iteritems()]

jQuery 'each' loop with JSON array

This works for me:

$.get("data.php", function(data){
    var expected = ['justIn', 'recent', 'old'];
    var outString = '';
    $.each(expected, function(i, val){
        var contentArray = data[val];
        outString += '<ul><li><b>' + val + '</b>: ';
        $.each(contentArray, function(i1, val2){
            var textID = val2.textId;
            var text = val2.text;
            var textType = val2.textType;
            outString += '<br />('+textID+') '+'<i>'+text+'</i> '+textType;
        outString += '</li></ul>';
}, 'json');

This produces this output:

<div id="contentHere"><ul>
<br />
(123) <i>Hello</i> Greeting<br>
(514) <i>What's up?</i> Question<br>
(122) <i>Come over here</i> Order</li>
<br />
(1255) <i>Hello</i> Greeting<br>
(6564) <i>What's up?</i> Question<br>
(0192) <i>Come over here</i> Order</li>
<br />
(5213) <i>Hello</i> Greeting<br>
(9758) <i>What's up?</i> Question<br>
(7655) <i>Come over here</i> Order</li>

And looks like this:

  • justIn:
    (123) Hello Greeting
    (514) What's up? Question
    (122) Come over here Order
  • recent:
    (1255) Hello Greeting
    (6564) What's up? Question
    (0192) Come over here Order
  • old:
    (5213) Hello Greeting
    (9758) What's up? Question
    (7655) Come over here Order

Also, remember to set the contentType as 'json'

How to accept Date params in a GET request to Spring MVC Controller?

Below solution perfectly works for spring boot application.


List<User> getAllInactiveUsers(@RequestParam("date") @DateTimeFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") Date dateTime) {
    return userRepository.getAllInactiveUsers(dateTime);

So in the caller (in my case its a web flux), we need to pass date time in this("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") format.

Caller Side:

public Flux<UserDto> getAllInactiveUsers(String dateTime) {
    Flux<UserDto> userDto = RegistryDBService.getDbWebClient(dbServiceUrl).get()
            .uri("/user/getAllInactiveUsers?date={dateTime}", dateTime).retrieve()
    return userDto;


@Query("SELECT u from User u  where u.validLoginDate < ?1 AND u.invalidLoginDate < ?1 and u.status!='LOCKED'")
List<User> getAllInactiveUsers(Date dateTime);


How to check Network port access and display useful message?

With the latest versions of PowerShell, there is a new cmdlet, Test-NetConnection.

This cmdlet lets you, in effect, ping a port, like this:

Test-NetConnection -ComputerName <remote server> -Port nnnn

I know this is an old question, but if you hit this page (as I did) looking for this information, this addition may be helpful!

Getting PEAR to work on XAMPP (Apache/MySQL stack on Windows)

On Windows use the Xampp shell (there is a 'Shell' button in your XAMPP control panel)


cd php\pear

to go to 'C:\xampp\php\pear'

then type


1030 Got error 28 from storage engine

Drop the problem database, then reboot mysql service (sudo service mysql restart, for example).

How to echo shell commands as they are executed

shuckc's answer for echoing select lines has a few downsides: you end up with the following set +x command being echoed as well, and you lose the ability to test the exit code with $? since it gets overwritten by the set +x.

Another option is to run the command in a subshell:

echo "getting URL..."
( set -x ; curl -s --fail $URL -o $OUTFILE )

if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
    echo "curl failed"
    exit 1

which will give you output like:

getting URL...
+ curl -s --fail -o /tmp/example
curl failed

This does incur the overhead of creating a new subshell for the command, though.

SQL Server add auto increment primary key to existing table

by the designer you could set identity (1,1) right click on tbl => desing => in part left (right click) => properties => in identity columns select #column


idendtity column

Is this a good way to clone an object in ES6?

if you don't want to use json.parse(json.stringify(object)) you could create recursively key-value copies:

function copy(item){
  let result = null;
  if(!item) return result;
    result = [];
  else if(item instanceof Object && !(item instanceof Function)){ 
    result = {};
    for(let key in item){
        result[key] = copy(item[key]);
  return result || item;

But the best way is to create a class that can return a clone of it self

class MyClass{
    data = null;
    constructor(values){ = values }
    toString(){ console.log("MyClass: ";) }
    remove(id){ = data.filter(d=>!==id) }
    clone(){ return new MyClass( }

Are HTTP headers case-sensitive?

The RFC for HTTP (as cited above) dictates that the headers are case-insensitive, however you will find that with certain browsers (I'm looking at you, IE) that capitalizing each of the words tends to be best:


Content-Type: text/plain



content-type: text/plain

This isn't "HTTP" standard, but just another one of the browser quirks, we as developers, have to think about.

XPath OR operator for different nodes

It the element has two xpath. Then you can write two xpaths like below:

xpath1 | xpath2


//input[@name="username"] | //input[@id="wm_login-username"]

Centering a canvas

This will center the canvas horizontally:

#canvas-container {
   width: 100%;

canvas {
   display: inline;


<div id="canvas-container">
   <canvas>Your browser doesn't support canvas</canvas>

Free easy way to draw graphs and charts in C++?

Honestly, I was in the same boat as you. I've got a C++ Library that I wanted to connect to a graphing utility. I ended up using Boost Python and matplotlib. It was the best one that I could find.

As a side note: I was also wary of licensing. matplotlib and the boost libraries can be integrated into proprietary applications.

Here's an example of the code that I used:

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <pygtk/pygtk.h>
#include <gtkmm.h>

using namespace boost::python;
using namespace std;

// This is called in the idle loop.
bool update(object *axes, object *canvas) {
    static object random_integers = object(handle<>(PyImport_ImportModule("numpy.random"))).attr("random_integers");
    axes->attr("scatter")(random_integers(0,1000,1000), random_integers(0,1000,1000));
    return true;

int main() {
    try {
        // Python startup code
        PyRun_SimpleString("import signal");
        PyRun_SimpleString("signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)");

        // Normal Gtk startup code
        Gtk::Main kit(0,0);

        // Get the python Figure and FigureCanvas types.
        object Figure = object(handle<>(PyImport_ImportModule("matplotlib.figure"))).attr("Figure");
        object FigureCanvas = object(handle<>(PyImport_ImportModule("matplotlib.backends.backend_gtkagg"))).attr("FigureCanvasGTKAgg");

        // Instantiate a canvas
        object figure = Figure();
        object canvas = FigureCanvas(figure);
        object axes = figure.attr("add_subplot")(111);

        // Create our window.
        Gtk::Window window;
        window.set_title("Engineering Sample");
        window.set_default_size(1000, 600);

        // Grab the Gtk::DrawingArea from the canvas.
        Gtk::DrawingArea *plot = Glib::wrap(GTK_DRAWING_AREA(pygobject_get(canvas.ptr())));

        // Add the plot to the window.

        // On the idle loop, we'll call update(axes, canvas).
        Glib::signal_idle().connect(sigc::bind(&update, &axes, &canvas));

        // And start the Gtk event loop.

    } catch( error_already_set ) {

How to draw circle by canvas in Android?

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;

public class MainActivity extends Activity 

     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
         setContentView(new MyView(this));

     public class MyView extends View
         Paint paint = null;
         public MyView(Context context) 
              paint = new Paint();

         protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) 
            int x = getWidth();
            int y = getHeight();
            int radius;
            radius = 100;
            // Use Color.parseColor to define HTML colors
            canvas.drawCircle(x / 2, y / 2, radius, paint);

Edit if you want to draw circle at centre. You could also translate your entire canvas to center then draw circle at center.using

canvas.drawCircle(0,0, radius, paint);

These two link also help

How to install Anaconda on RaspBerry Pi 3 Model B

If you're interested in generalizing to different architectures, you could also run the command above and substitute uname -m in with backticks like so:

wget`uname -m`.sh

How to make a DIV not wrap?

<div style="height:200px;width:200px;border:; white-space: nowrap;overflow-x: scroll;overflow-y: hidden;">
   <p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
   The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
   The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
   The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
   The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p>

Unable to obtain LocalDateTime from TemporalAccessor when parsing LocalDateTime (Java 8)

It turns out Java does not accept a bare Date value as DateTime. Using LocalDate instead of LocalDateTime solves the issue:

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd");
LocalDate dt = LocalDate.parse("20140218", formatter);

How do I change Android Studio editor's background color?

How do I change Android Studio editor's background color?

Changing Editor's Background

Open Preference > Editor (In IDE Settings Section) > Colors & Fonts > Darcula or Any item available there

IDE will display a dialog like this, Press 'No'

Darcula color scheme has been set for editors. Would you like to set Darcula as default Look and Feel?

Changing IDE's Theme

Open Preference > Appearance (In IDE Settings Section) > Theme > Darcula or Any item available there

Press OK. Android Studio will ask you to restart the IDE.

How to remove part of a string before a ":" in javascript?

There is no need for jQuery here, regular JavaScript will do:

var str = "Abc: Lorem ipsum sit amet";
str = str.substring(str.indexOf(":") + 1);

Or, the .split() and .pop() version:

var str = "Abc: Lorem ipsum sit amet";
str = str.split(":").pop();

Or, the regex version (several variants of this):

var str = "Abc: Lorem ipsum sit amet";
str = /:(.+)/.exec(str)[1];

How to check if spark dataframe is empty?

In Scala you can use implicits to add the methods isEmpty() and nonEmpty() to the DataFrame API, which will make the code a bit nicer to read.

object DataFrameExtensions {
  implicit def extendedDataFrame(dataFrame: DataFrame): ExtendedDataFrame = 
    new ExtendedDataFrame(dataFrame: DataFrame)

  class ExtendedDataFrame(dataFrame: DataFrame) {
    def isEmpty(): Boolean = dataFrame.head(1).isEmpty // Any implementation can be used
    def nonEmpty(): Boolean = !isEmpty

Here, other methods can be added as well. To use the implicit conversion, use import DataFrameExtensions._ in the file you want to use the extended functionality. Afterwards, the methods can be used directly as so:

val df: DataFrame = ...
if (df.isEmpty) {
  // Do something

Dynamically Add C# Properties at Runtime

Have you taken a look at ExpandoObject?


From MSDN:

The ExpandoObject class enables you to add and delete members of its instances at run time and also to set and get values of these members. This class supports dynamic binding, which enables you to use standard syntax like sampleObject.sampleMember instead of more complex syntax like sampleObject.GetAttribute("sampleMember").

Allowing you to do cool things like:

dynamic dynObject = new ExpandoObject();
dynObject.SomeDynamicProperty = "Hello!";
dynObject.SomeDynamicAction = (msg) =>


Based on your actual code you may be more interested in:

public static dynamic GetDynamicObject(Dictionary<string, object> properties)
    return new MyDynObject(properties);

public sealed class MyDynObject : DynamicObject
    private readonly Dictionary<string, object> _properties;

    public MyDynObject(Dictionary<string, object> properties)
        _properties = properties;

    public override IEnumerable<string> GetDynamicMemberNames()
        return _properties.Keys;

    public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
        if (_properties.ContainsKey(binder.Name))
            result = _properties[binder.Name];
            return true;
            result = null;
            return false;

    public override bool TrySetMember(SetMemberBinder binder, object value)
        if (_properties.ContainsKey(binder.Name))
            _properties[binder.Name] = value;
            return true;
            return false;

That way you just need:

var dyn = GetDynamicObject(new Dictionary<string, object>()
        {"prop1", 12},

dyn.prop1 = 150;

Deriving from DynamicObject allows you to come up with your own strategy for handling these dynamic member requests, beware there be monsters here: the compiler will not be able to verify a lot of your dynamic calls and you won't get intellisense, so just keep that in mind.

Angular and debounce

You can create an RxJS (v.6) Observable that does whatever you like.


<input type="text" (input)="onSearchChange($" />


import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged } from 'rxjs/operators';

export class ViewComponent {

  onSearchChange(searchValue: string) {

    if (!this.searchChangeObserver) {
      Observable.create(observer => {
        this.searchChangeObserver = observer;
      }).pipe(debounceTime(300)) // wait 300ms after the last event before emitting last event
        .pipe(distinctUntilChanged()) // only emit if value is different from previous value


How to convert current date to epoch timestamp?

Use strptime to parse the time, and call time() on it to get the Unix timestamp.

Visual Studio Code cannot detect installed git

Follow this :

1. File > Preferences > setting
2. In search type -> git path
3. Now scroll down a little > you will see "Git:path" section.
4. Click "Edit in settings.json".
5. Now just paste this path there "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\mingw64\\libexec\\git-core\\git.exe"

Restart VSCode and open new terminal in VSCode and try "git version"

In case still problem exists :

1. Inside terminal click on terminal options (1:Poweshell)
2. Select default shell
3. Select bash

open new terminal and change terminal option to 2:Bash Again try "git version" - this should work :)

How do you create a read-only user in PostgreSQL?

I’ve created a convenient script for that; This script grants read-only privileges to a specified role on all tables, views and sequences in a database schema and sets them as default.

How to read data of an Excel file using C#?

Why don't you create OleDbConnection? There are a lot of available resources in the Internet. Here is an example

OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="+filename+";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0");
     //Create Dataset and fill with imformation from the Excel Spreadsheet for easier reference
     DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet();
     OleDbDataAdapter myCommand = new OleDbDataAdapter(" SELECT * FROM ["+listname+"$]" , con);
     richTextBox1.AppendText("\nDataSet Filled");

     //Travers through each row in the dataset
     foreach (DataRow myDataRow in myDataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
          //Stores info in Datarow into an array
          Object[] cells = myDataRow.ItemArray;
          //Traverse through each array and put into object cellContent as type Object
          //Using Object as for some reason the Dataset reads some blank value which
          //causes a hissy fit when trying to read. By using object I can convert to
          //String at a later point.
          foreach (object cellContent in cells)
               //Convert object cellContect into String to read whilst replacing Line Breaks with a defined character
               string cellText = cellContent.ToString();
               cellText = cellText.Replace("\n", "|");
               //Read the string and put into Array of characters chars
catch (Exception ex)

How do I open the "front camera" on the Android platform?


 dependencies {
       compile ''

Set View

CameraSourcePreview mPreview = (CameraSourcePreview) findViewById(;

GraphicOverlay mGraphicOverlay = (GraphicOverlay) findViewById(;

CameraSource mCameraSource = new CameraSource.Builder(context, detector)
                            .setRequestedPreviewSize(640, 480)

           mPreview.start(mCameraSource, mGraphicOverlay);

Unfortunately Launcher3 has stopped working error in android studio?

I had a similar problem with a physical device. The problem was related with the fact that the google app ( the search bar for google on top ) was disabled. After the first reboot launcher3 began failing. No matter how many cache/data cleaning I did, it kept failing. I reenabled it and launched it, so it appeared again on the screen and from that moment on, launcher3 was back to life.

I guess there mmust be some kind of dependency with this app.

What does status=canceled for a resource mean in Chrome Developer Tools?

A cancelled request happened to me when redirecting between secure and non-secure pages on separate domains within an iframe. The redirected request showed in dev tools as a "cancelled" request.

I have a page with an iframe containing a form hosted by my payment gateway. When the form in the iframe was submitted, the payment gateway would redirect back to a URL on my server. The redirect recently stopped working and ended up as a "cancelled" request instead.

It seems that Chrome (I was using Windows 7 Chrome 30.0.1599.101) no longer allowed a redirect within the iframe to go to a non-secure page on a separate domain. To fix it, I just made sure any redirected requests in the iframe were always sent to secure URLs.

When I created a simpler test page with only an iframe, there was a warning in the console (which I had previous missed or maybe didn't show up):

[Blocked] The page at ran insecure content from

The redirect turned into a cancelled request in Chrome on PC, Mac and Android. I don't know if it is specific to my website setup (SagePay Low Profile) or if something has changed in Chrome.

Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json' or one of its dependencies. Manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

I tried the following after having already ensured that my computer had the same version in all locations and that my projects were all pointing to the same reference path. I had also made sure that the binding of the old version was their and bound to the current version of dll that I had.

I work in an environment with a strict framework and the framework team often upset the versioning with the different dll's.

How I fixed this issue was to run the package manager console within visual studio (2013). From there I ran the following command:

update-package Newtonsoft.Json -reinstall

followed by

update-package Newtonsoft.Json

This went through and updated all of my config files and relevant project files. Forcing them all to the same version of the dll. Which was initially version 4.5 before updating again to get the latest.

Why is document.body null in my javascript?

Browser parses your html from top down, your script runs before body is loaded. To fix put script after body.

       <title> Javascript Tests </title> 
  <script type="text/javascript">

    var mySpan = document.createElement("span");
    mySpan.innerHTML = "This is my span!"; = "red";

    alert("Why does the span change after this alert? Not before?");


Why is C so fast, and why aren't other languages as fast or faster?

I don't think anyone has mentioned the fact that much more effort has been put into C compilers than any other compiler, with perhaps the exception of Java.

C is extremely optimize-able for many of the reasons already stated - more than almost any other language. So if the same amount of effort is put into other language compilers, C will probably still come out on top.

I think there is at least one candidate language that with effort could be optimized better than C and thus we could see implementations that produce faster binaries. I'm thinking of digital mars D because the creator took care to build a language that could potentially be better optimized than C. There may be other languages that have this possibility. However I cannot imagine that any language will have compilers more than just a few percent faster than the best C compilers. I would love to be wrong.

I think the real "low hanging fruit" will be in languages that are designed to be EASY for humans to optimize. A skilled programmer can make any language go faster - but sometimes you have to do ridiculous things or use unnatural constructs to make this happen. Although it will always take effort, a good language should produce relatively fast code without having to obsess over exactly how the program is written.

It's also important (at least to me) that the worst case code tends to be fast. There are numerous "proofs" on the web that Java is as fast or faster than C, but that is based on cherry picking examples. I'm not big fan of C, but I know that ANYTHING I write in C is going to run well. With Java it will "probably" run within 15% of the speed, usually within 25% but in some cases it can be far worse. Any cases where it's just as fast or within a couple of percent are usually due to most of the time being spent in the library code which is heavily optimized C anyway.

using nth-child in tables tr td

Current css version still doesn't support selector find by content. But there is a way, by using css selector find by attribute, but you have to put some identifier on all of the <td> that have $ inside. Example: using nth-child in tables tr td


    <td data-rel='$'>$</td>


table tr td[data-rel='$'] {
    background-color: #333;
    color: white;

Please try these example.

table tr td[data-content='$'] {_x000D_
    background-color: #333;_x000D_
    color: white;_x000D_
<table border="1">_x000D_
        <td data-content='$'>$</td>_x000D_
        <td data-content='$'>$</td>_x000D_
        <td data-content='$'>$</td>_x000D_

Count words in a string method?

public static int countWords(String s){

    int wordCount = 0;

    boolean word = false;
    int endOfLine = s.length() - 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
        // if the char is a letter, word = true.
        if (Character.isLetter(s.charAt(i)) && i != endOfLine) {
            word = true;
            // if char isn't a letter and there have been letters before,
            // counter goes up.
        } else if (!Character.isLetter(s.charAt(i)) && word) {
            word = false;
            // last word of String; if it doesn't end with a non letter, it
            // wouldn't count without this.
        } else if (Character.isLetter(s.charAt(i)) && i == endOfLine) {
    return wordCount;

How can I create a carriage return in my C# string

Along with Environment.NewLine and the literal \r\n or just \n you may also use a verbatim string in C#. These begin with @ and can have embedded newlines. The only thing to keep in mind is that " needs to be escaped as "". An example:

string s = @"This is a string
that contains embedded new lines,
that will appear when this string is used."

javac: invalid target release: 1.8

Most of the time, these type of issues happen due to incorrect java version. Make sure your PATH and JAVA_HOME variables are pointing to the correct version.

android layout with visibility GONE

Kotlin Style way to do this more simple (example):

    isVisible = false

Complete example:

    if (some_data_array.details == null){
                holder.view.some_data_array.isVisible = false}

Assigning the output of a command to a variable


output=$(ps -ef | awk '/siebsvc –s siebsrvr/ && !/awk/ { a++ } END { print a }'); echo $output

Wrapping your command in $( ) tells the shell to run that command, instead of attempting to set the command itself to the variable named "output". (Note that you could also use backticks `command`.)

I can highly recommend to learn more about command substitution.

Also, as 1_CR correctly points out in a comment, the extra space between the equals sign and the assignment is causing it to fail. Here is a simple example on my machine of the behavior you are experiencing:

jed@MBP:~$ foo=$(ps -ef |head -1);echo $foo

jed@MBP:~$ foo= $(ps -ef |head -1);echo $foo
-bash: UID: command not found

Resolving IP Address from hostname with PowerShell

Working one liner if you want a single result from the collection:

$ipAddy = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses("")[0].IPAddressToString; 


How to get < span > value?

No jQuery tag, so I'm assuming pure JavaScript

var spanText = document.getElementById('targetSpanId').innerText;

Is what you need

But in your case:

var spans = document.getElementById('test').getElementsByTagName('span');//returns node-list of spans
for (var i=0;i<spans.length;i++)
    console.log(spans[i].innerText);//logs 1 for i === 0, 2 for i === 1 etc

Here's a fiddle

How to find length of digits in an integer?

Let the number be n then the number of digits in n is given by:


Note that this will give correct answers for +ve integers < 10e15. Beyond that the precision limits of the return type of math.log10 kicks in and the answer may be off by 1. I would simply use len(str(n)) beyond that; this requires O(log(n)) time which is same as iterating over powers of 10.

Thanks to @SetiVolkylany for bringing my attenstion to this limitation. Its amazing how seemingly correct solutions have caveats in implementation details.

Take a screenshot via a Python script on Linux

I couldn't take screenshot in Linux with pyscreenshot or scrot because output of pyscreenshot was just a black screen png image file.

but thank god there was another very easy way for taking screenshot in Linux without installing anything. just put below code in your directory and run with python

import os
os.system("gnome-screenshot --file=this_directory.png")

also there is many available options for gnome-screenshot --help

Application Options:
  -c, --clipboard                Send the grab directly to the clipboard
  -w, --window                   Grab a window instead of the entire screen
  -a, --area                     Grab an area of the screen instead of the entire screen
  -b, --include-border           Include the window border with the screenshot
  -B, --remove-border            Remove the window border from the screenshot
  -p, --include-pointer          Include the pointer with the screenshot
  -d, --delay=seconds            Take screenshot after specified delay [in seconds]
  -e, --border-effect=effect     Effect to add to the border (shadow, border, vintage or none)
  -i, --interactive              Interactively set options
  -f, --file=filename            Save screenshot directly to this file
  --version                      Print version information and exit
  --display=DISPLAY              X display to use

How to extend available properties of User.Identity

I was looking for the same solution and Pawel gave me 99% of the answer. The only thing that was missing that I needed for the Extension to display was adding the following Razor Code into the cshtml(view) page:

@using programname.Models.Extensions

I was looking for the FirstName, to display in the top right of my NavBar after the user logged in.

I thought I would post this incase it helps someone else, So here is my code:

I created a new folder called Extensions(Under my Models Folder) and created the new class as Pawel specified above: IdentityExtensions.cs

using System.Security.Claims;
using System.Security.Principal;

namespace ProgramName.Models.Extensions
    public static class IdentityExtensions
        public static string GetUserFirstname(this IIdentity identity)
            var claim = ((ClaimsIdentity)identity).FindFirst("FirstName");
            // Test for null to avoid issues during local testing
            return (claim != null) ? claim.Value : string.Empty;

IdentityModels.cs :

public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser

    //Extended Properties
    public string FirstName { get; internal set; }
    public string Surname { get; internal set; }
    public bool isAuthorized { get; set; }
    public bool isActive { get; set; }

    public async Task<ClaimsIdentity> GenerateUserIdentityAsync(UserManager<ApplicationUser> manager)
        // Note the authenticationType must match the one defined in CookieAuthenticationOptions.AuthenticationType
        var userIdentity = await manager.CreateIdentityAsync(this, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie);
        // Add custom user claims here
        userIdentity.AddClaim(new Claim("FirstName", this.FirstName));

        return userIdentity;

Then in my _LoginPartial.cshtml(Under Views/Shared Folders) I added @using.ProgramName.Models.Extensions

I then added the change to the folling line of code that was going to use the Users First name after Logging in :

@Html.ActionLink("Hello " + User.Identity.GetUserFirstname() + "!", "Index", "Manage", routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new { title = "Manage" })

Perhaps this helps someone else down the line.

grunt: command not found when running from terminal

I'm guessing you used Brew to install Node, so the guide here might be helpful

You need to ensure that the npm/bin is in your path as it describes export PATH="/usr/local/share/npm/bin:$PATH". This is the location that npm will install the bin stubs for the installed packages.

The nano version will also work as described here but a restart of Terminal may be required to have the new path picked up.

Get index of selected option with jQuery

Good way to solve this in Jquery manner

$("#dropDownMenuKategorie option:selected").index()

Include another HTML file in a HTML file

Most of the solutions works but they have issue with jquery:

The issue is following code $(document).ready(function () { alert($("#includedContent").text()); } alerts nothing instead of alerting included content.

I write the below code, in my solution you can access to included content in $(document).ready function:

(The key is loading included content synchronously).


        <script src="jquery.js"></script>

            (function ($) {
                $.include = function (url) {
                        url: url,
                        async: false,
                        success: function (result) {

            $(document).ready(function () {



<div id="test">
    There is no issue between this solution and jquery.

jquery include plugin on github

How to open a second activity on click of button in android app

From Activity : where you are currently ?

To Activity : where you want to go ?

Intent i = new Intent( MainActivity.this, SendPhotos.class); startActivity(i);

Both Activity must be included in manifest file otherwise it will not found the class file and throw Force close.

Edit your

crate button's object;

now Write code for click event.

        Button btn = (button)findViewById(;
         btn.LoginButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() 

                public void onClick(View v) 
                 //put your intent code here

Hope it will work for you.

equivalent to push() or pop() for arrays?

You can use LinkedList. It has methods peek, poll and offer.

Filtering array of objects with lodash based on property value

lodash also has a remove method

var myArr = [
    { name: "john", age: 23 },
    { name: "john", age: 43 },
    { name: "jim", age: 101 },
    { name: "bob", age: 67 }

var onlyJohn = myArr.remove( person => { return == "john" })

Returning binary file from controller in ASP.NET Web API

You can try the following code snippet

httpResponseMessage.Content.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");

Hope it will work for you.

Differentiate between function overloading and function overriding

Function overloading - functions with same name, but different number of arguments

Function overriding - concept of inheritance. Functions with same name and same number of arguments. Here the second function is said to have overridden the first

Difference between numpy.array shape (R, 1) and (R,)

1. The meaning of shapes in NumPy

You write, "I know literally it's list of numbers and list of lists where all list contains only a number" but that's a bit of an unhelpful way to think about it.

The best way to think about NumPy arrays is that they consist of two parts, a data buffer which is just a block of raw elements, and a view which describes how to interpret the data buffer.

For example, if we create an array of 12 integers:

>>> a = numpy.arange(12)
>>> a
array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11])

Then a consists of a data buffer, arranged something like this:

¦  0 ¦  1 ¦  2 ¦  3 ¦  4 ¦  5 ¦  6 ¦  7 ¦  8 ¦  9 ¦ 10 ¦ 11 ¦

and a view which describes how to interpret the data:

>>> a.flags
  OWNDATA : True
  ALIGNED : True
>>> a.dtype
>>> a.itemsize
>>> a.strides
>>> a.shape

Here the shape (12,) means the array is indexed by a single index which runs from 0 to 11. Conceptually, if we label this single index i, the array a looks like this:

i= 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11
¦  0 ¦  1 ¦  2 ¦  3 ¦  4 ¦  5 ¦  6 ¦  7 ¦  8 ¦  9 ¦ 10 ¦ 11 ¦

If we reshape an array, this doesn't change the data buffer. Instead, it creates a new view that describes a different way to interpret the data. So after:

>>> b = a.reshape((3, 4))

the array b has the same data buffer as a, but now it is indexed by two indices which run from 0 to 2 and 0 to 3 respectively. If we label the two indices i and j, the array b looks like this:

i= 0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    2    2    2    2
j= 0    1    2    3    0    1    2    3    0    1    2    3
¦  0 ¦  1 ¦  2 ¦  3 ¦  4 ¦  5 ¦  6 ¦  7 ¦  8 ¦  9 ¦ 10 ¦ 11 ¦

which means that:

>>> b[2,1]

You can see that the second index changes quickly and the first index changes slowly. If you prefer this to be the other way round, you can specify the order parameter:

>>> c = a.reshape((3, 4), order='F')

which results in an array indexed like this:

i= 0    1    2    0    1    2    0    1    2    0    1    2
j= 0    0    0    1    1    1    2    2    2    3    3    3
¦  0 ¦  1 ¦  2 ¦  3 ¦  4 ¦  5 ¦  6 ¦  7 ¦  8 ¦  9 ¦ 10 ¦ 11 ¦

which means that:

>>> c[2,1]

It should now be clear what it means for an array to have a shape with one or more dimensions of size 1. After:

>>> d = a.reshape((12, 1))

the array d is indexed by two indices, the first of which runs from 0 to 11, and the second index is always 0:

i= 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11
j= 0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
¦  0 ¦  1 ¦  2 ¦  3 ¦  4 ¦  5 ¦  6 ¦  7 ¦  8 ¦  9 ¦ 10 ¦ 11 ¦

and so:

>>> d[10,0]

A dimension of length 1 is "free" (in some sense), so there's nothing stopping you from going to town:

>>> e = a.reshape((1, 2, 1, 6, 1))

giving an array indexed like this:

i= 0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
j= 0    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    1
k= 0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
l= 0    1    2    3    4    5    0    1    2    3    4    5
m= 0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
¦  0 ¦  1 ¦  2 ¦  3 ¦  4 ¦  5 ¦  6 ¦  7 ¦  8 ¦  9 ¦ 10 ¦ 11 ¦

and so:

>>> e[0,1,0,0,0]

See the NumPy internals documentation for more details about how arrays are implemented.

2. What to do?

Since numpy.reshape just creates a new view, you shouldn't be scared about using it whenever necessary. It's the right tool to use when you want to index an array in a different way.

However, in a long computation it's usually possible to arrange to construct arrays with the "right" shape in the first place, and so minimize the number of reshapes and transposes. But without seeing the actual context that led to the need for a reshape, it's hard to say what should be changed.

The example in your question is:[:,0], numpy.ones((1, R)))

but this is not realistic. First, this expression:


computes the result more simply. Second, is there really something special about column 0? Perhaps what you actually need is:


Can a table have two foreign keys?

Yes, a table have one or many foreign keys and each foreign keys hava a different parent table.

SQL Current month/ year question

This should work in MySql


The name does not exist in the namespace error in XAML

Add an empty constructor for your view model and rebuild solution.

Monitor network activity in Android Phones

Preconditions: adb and wireshark are installed on your computer and you have a rooted android device.

  1. Download tcpdump to ~/Downloads
  2. adb push ~/Downloads/tcpdump /sdcard/
  3. adb shell
  4. su root
  5. mv /sdcard/tcpdump /data/local/
  6. cd /data/local/
  7. chmod +x tcpdump
  8. ./tcpdump -vv -i any -s 0 -w /sdcard/dump.pcap
  9. Ctrl+C once you've captured enough data.
  10. exit
  11. exit
  12. adb pull /sdcard/dump.pcap ~/Downloads/

Now you can open the pcap file using Wireshark.

As for your question about monitoring specific processes, find the bundle id of your app, let's call it

  1. ps | grep
  2. copy the first number you see from the output. Let's call it 1234. If you see no output, you need to start the app.
  3. Download strace to ~/Downloads and put into /data/local using the same way you did for tcpdump above.
  4. cd /data/local
  5. ./strace -p 1234 -f -e trace=network -o /sdcard/strace.txt

Now you can look at strace.txt for ip addresses, and filter your wireshark log for those IPs.

How do you make Vim unhighlight what you searched for?

I think the best answer is to have a leader shortcut:

<leader>c :nohl<CR>

Now whenever you have your document all junked up with highlighted terms, you just hit , + C (I have my leader mapped to a comma). It works perfectly.

How to split a data frame?

If you want to split by values in one of the columns, you can use lapply. For instance, to split ChickWeight into a separate dataset for each chick:

lapply(unique(ChickWeight$Chick), function(x) ChickWeight[ChickWeight$Chick == x,])

use mysql SUM() in a WHERE clause

Not tested, but I think this will be close?

FROM mytable m1
INNER JOIN mytable m2 ON <

The idea is to SUM up all the previous rows, get only the ones where the sum of the previous rows is > 500, then skip one and return the next one.

What is the difference between window, screen, and document in Javascript?

Well, the window is the first thing that gets loaded into the browser. This window object has the majority of the properties like length, innerWidth, innerHeight, name, if it has been closed, its parents, and more.

What about the document object then? The document object is your html, aspx, php, or other document that will be loaded into the browser. The document actually gets loaded inside the window object and has properties available to it like title, URL, cookie, etc. What does this really mean? That means if you want to access a property for the window it is, if it is document it is which is also available in short as


That seems simple enough. But what happens once an IFRAME is introduced?


How to create a Rectangle object in Java using g.fillRect method

Try this:

public void paint (Graphics g) {    
    Rectangle r = new Rectangle(xPos,yPos,width,height);
    g.fillRect(r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight());  


// With explicit casting
public void paint (Graphics g) {    
        Rectangle r = new Rectangle(xPos, yPos, width, height);

Convert string to int array using LINQ

Actually correct one to one implementation is:

int n;
int[] ia = s1.Split(';').Select(s => int.TryParse(s, out n) ? n : 0).ToArray();

Java, reading a file from current directory?

The current directory is not (necessarily) the directory the .class file is in. It's working directory of the process. (ie: the directory you were in when you started the JVM)

You can load files from the same directory* as the .class file with getResourceAsStream(). That'll give you an InputStream which you can convert to a Reader with InputStreamReader.

*Note that this "directory" may actually be a jar file, depending on where the class was loaded from.

How to connect to SQL Server database from JavaScript in the browser?

Web services

SQL 2005+ supports native WebServices that you could almost use although I wouldn't suggest it, because of security risks you may face. Why did I say almost. Well Javascript is not SOAP native, so it would be a bit more complicated to actually make it. You'd have to send and receive SOAP via XmlHttpRequest. Check google for Javascript SOAP clients.

Is it possible to override / remove background: none!important with jQuery?

Why does not it work? Because the background CSS with background:none!important has one #ID

A CSS selector file that contains an #id will always have a higher value than one .class

If you want to work, you need add #id on your .image-list li like this:

#an-element .image-list li {
    display: inline-block;
    background-image: url("")!important;
    padding: 1em;
    border: 1px solid blue;

result here

Facebook Graph API error code list

I have also found some more error subcodes, in case of OAuth exception. Copied from the facebook bugtracker, without any garantee (maybe contain deprecated, wrong and discontinued ones):

  * (Date: 30.01.2013)
  * case 1: - "An error occured while creating the share (publishing to wall)"
  *         - "An unknown error has occurred."
  * case 2:    "An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later."
  * case 3:    App must be on whitelist        
  * case 4:    Application request limit reached
  * case 5:    Unauthorized source IP address        
  * case 200:  Requires extended permissions
  * case 240:  Requires a valid user is specified (either via the session or via the API parameter for specifying the user."
  * case 1500: The url you supplied is invalid
  * case 200:
  * case 210:  - Subject must be a page
  *            - User not visible

  * Error Code 100 several issus:
  * - "Specifying multiple ids with a post method is not supported" (http status 400)
  * - "Error finding the requested story" but it is available via GET
  * - "Invalid post_id"
  * - "Code was invalid or expired. Session is invalid."
  * Error Code 2: 
  * - Service temporarily unavailable

Deploy a project using Git push

Sounds like you should have two copies on your server. A bare copy, that you can push/pull from, which your would push your changes when you're done, and then you would clone this into you web directory and set up a cronjob to update git pull from your web directory every day or so.

How to use Ajax.ActionLink?

For me this worked after I downloaded AJAX Unobtrusive library via NuGet :

 Search and install via NuGet Packages:   Microsoft.jQuery.Unobtrusive.Ajax

Than add in the view the references to jquery and AJAX Unobtrusive:

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js"> </script>

Enable PHP Apache2

You can use a2enmod or a2dismod to enable/disable modules by name.

From terminal, run: sudo a2enmod php5 to enable PHP5 (or some other module), then sudo service apache2 reload to reload the Apache2 configuration.

What is the Eclipse shortcut for "public static void main(String args[])"?

As bmargulies mentioned:


enter image description here

enter image description here

Now, type psvm then Ctrl + Space on Mac or Windows.

Tree view of a directory/folder in Windows?

If it is just viewing in tree view,One workaround is to use the Explorer in Notepad++ or any other tools.

Find column whose name contains a specific string

# select columns containing 'spike'
df.filter(like='spike', axis=1)

You can also select by name, regular expression. Refer to: pandas.DataFrame.filter

how to check the jdk version used to compile a .class file

You can try jclasslib:

It's nice that it can associate itself with *.class extension.

Can I get all methods of a class?

public static Method[] getAccessibleMethods(Class clazz) {
    List<Method> result = new ArrayList<Method>();
    while (clazz != null) {
        for (Method method : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) {
            int modifiers = method.getModifiers();
            if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) || Modifier.isProtected(modifiers)) {
        clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
    return result.toArray(new Method[result.size()]);

Get specific objects from ArrayList when objects were added anonymously?

You could use list.indexOf(Object) bug in all honesty what you're describing sounds like you'd be better off using a Map.

Try this:

Map<String, Object> mapOfObjects = new HashMap<String, Object>();
mapOfObjects.put("objectName", object);

Then later when you want to retrieve the object, use


Assuming you do know the object's name as you stated, this will be both cleaner and will have faster performance besides, particularly if the map contains large numbers of objects.

If you need the objects in the Map to stay in order, you can use

Map<String, Object> mapOfObjects = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();


Open a URL in a new tab (and not a new window)

this work for me, just prevent the event, add the url to an <a> tag then trigger the click event on that tag.

$('.myBtn').on('click', function(event) {
<a href="#" class="myBtn" target="_blank">Go</a>

Determining the version of Java SDK on the Mac

On modern macOS, the correct path is /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines.

You can also avail yourself of the command /usr/libexec/java_home, which will scan that directory for you and return a list.

process.start() arguments

Very edge case, but I had to use a program that worked correctly only when I specified

StartInfo = {..., RedirectStandardOutput = true}

Not specifying it would result in an error. There was not even the need to read the output afterward.

CMake error at CMakeLists.txt:30 (project): No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found

You can also make sure you are the sudo user and you have READ/WRITE access on the directory you are working. I had a similar problem on OS X, and I got it fixed just by entering in sudo mode.

How can I remove a child node in HTML using JavaScript?

You have to remove any event handlers you've set on the node before you remove it, to avoid memory leaks in IE

How to add multiple values to a dictionary key in python?

Make the value a list, e.g.

a["abc"] = [1, 2, "bob"]


There are a couple of ways to add values to key, and to create a list if one isn't already there. I'll show one such method in little steps.

key = "somekey"
a.setdefault(key, [])


>>> a
{'somekey': [1]}

Next, try:

key = "somekey"
a.setdefault(key, [])


>>> a
{'somekey': [1, 2]}

The magic of setdefault is that it initializes the value for that key if that key is not defined, otherwise it does nothing. Now, noting that setdefault returns the key you can combine these into a single line:



>>> a
{'somekey': [1, 2, 'bob']}

You should look at the dict methods, in particular the get() method, and do some experiments to get comfortable with this.

Finding CN of users in Active Directory

CN refers to class name, so put in your LDAP query CN=Users. Should work.

how to change text box value with jQuery?

function xText() {_x000D_
  var x = $("#input").val();_x000D_
  var x_length = x.length;_x000D_
  var a = '';_x000D_
  for (var i = 0; i < x_length; i++) {_x000D_
    a += "x";_x000D_
.form-cus {width: 200px;margin: auto;position: relative;}_x000D_
.form-cus .putval, .form-cus .getval {width: 100%;box-sizing: border-box;}_x000D_
.form-cus .putval {position: absolute;left: 0px;top:0; height:100%; color: transparent;background: transparent;border: 0px;outline: 0 none;}_x000D_
.form-cus .putval::selection {color: transparent;background: lightblue;}
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p>Input Number or Strong Mouse Click is Hidden... </p>_x000D_
<div class="form-cus">_x000D_
  <input class="putval" type="text" id="input" maxlength="16" oninput="xText();" placeholder="Input Text" />_x000D_
  <input class="getval" type="text" id="output" maxlength="16" />_x000D_

Is there a typical state machine implementation pattern?

There is a book titled Practical Statecharts in C/C++. However, it is way too heavyweight for what we need.

typescript - cloning object

Try this:

let copy = (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objectToCopy)));

It is a good solution until you are using very large objects or your object has unserializable properties.

In order to preserve type safety you could use a copy function in the class you want to make copies from:

getCopy(): YourClassName{
    return (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this)));

or in a static way:

static createCopy(objectToCopy: YourClassName): YourClassName{
    return (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objectToCopy)));

What are all the uses of an underscore in Scala?

An excellent explanation of the uses of the underscore is Scala _ [underscore] magic.


 def matchTest(x: Int): String = x match {
     case 1 => "one"
     case 2 => "two"
     case _ => "anything other than one and two"

 expr match {
     case List(1,_,_) => " a list with three element and the first element is 1"
     case List(_*)  => " a list with zero or more elements "
     case Map[_,_] => " matches a map with any key type and any value type "
     case _ =>

 // Doing the same without underscore: 
 List(1,2,3,4,5).foreach( a => print(a))

In Scala, _ acts similar to * in Java while importing packages.

// Imports all the classes in the package matching
import scala.util.matching._

// Imports all the members of the object Fun (static import in Java).
import com.test.Fun._

// Imports all the members of the object Fun but renames Foo to Bar
import com.test.Fun.{ Foo => Bar , _ }

// Imports all the members except Foo. To exclude a member rename it to _
import com.test.Fun.{ Foo => _ , _ }

In Scala, a getter and setter will be implicitly defined for all non-private vars in a object. The getter name is same as the variable name and _= is added for the setter name.

class Test {
    private var a = 0
    def age = a
    def age_=(n:Int) = {
            a = n


val t = new Test
t.age = 5

If you try to assign a function to a new variable, the function will be invoked and the result will be assigned to the variable. This confusion occurs due to the optional braces for method invocation. We should use _ after the function name to assign it to another variable.

class Test {
    def fun = {
        // Some code
    val funLike = fun _

Useful example of a shutdown hook in Java?

Shutdown Hooks are unstarted threads that are registered with Runtime.addShutdownHook().JVM does not give any guarantee on the order in which shutdown hooks are started.For more info refer

php delete a single file in directory

// This code was tested by me (Helio Barbosa)

    // this directory (../backup) is for try only.
    // it is necessary create it and put files into him.

    $hDir = '../backup';
    if ($handle = opendir( $hDir )) {
        echo "Manipulador de diretório: $handle\n";
        echo "Arquivos:\n";

        /* Esta é a forma correta de varrer o diretório */
        /* Here is the correct form to do find files into the directory */
        while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
            // echo($file . "</br>");
            $filepath = $hDir . "/" . $file ;
            // echo( $filepath . "</br>" );
                echo("Deleting:" . $file . "</br>");


How do I uninstall nodejs installed from pkg (Mac OS X)?

This is the full list of commands I used (Many thanks to the posters above):

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules /var/db/receipts/org.nodejs.*
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/include/node /Users/$USER/.npm
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/node
sudo rm /usr/local/share/man/man1/node.1
brew install node

How do I remove the old history from a git repository?

Maybe it's too late to post a reply, but as this page is the first Google's result, it may still be helpful.

If you want to free some space in your git repo, but do not want to rebuild all your commits (rebase or graft), and still be able to push/pull/merge from people who has the full repo, you may use the git clone shallow clone (--depth parameter).

; Clone the original repo into limitedRepo
git clone file:///path_to/originalRepo limitedRepo --depth=10

; Remove the original repo, to free up some space
rm -rf originalRepo
cd limitedRepo
git remote rm origin

You may be able to shallow your existing repo, by following these steps:

; Shallow to last 5 commits
git rev-parse HEAD~5 > .git/shallow

; Manually remove all other branches, tags and remotes that refers to old commits

; Prune unreachable objects
git fsck --unreachable ; Will show you the list of what will be deleted
git gc --prune=now     ; Will actually delete your data

How to remove all git local tags?

Ps: Older versions of git didn't support clone/push/pull from/to shallow repos.

How to select rows with NaN in particular column?

Try the following:


Bring a window to the front in WPF

I built an extension method to make for easy reuse.

using System.Windows.Forms;
    namespace YourNamespace{
        public static class WindowsFormExtensions {
            public static void PutOnTop(this Form form) {
            }// END PutOnTop()       
        }// END class
    }// END namespace

Call in the Form Constructor

namespace YourNamespace{
       public partial class FormName : Form {
       public FormName(){
        }// END Constructor
    } // END Form            
}// END namespace

How to wait until an element is present in Selenium?

public WebElement fluientWaitforElement(WebElement element, int timoutSec, int pollingSec) {

    FluentWait<WebDriver> fWait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(driver).withTimeout(timoutSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        .pollingEvery(pollingSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        .ignoring(NoSuchElementException.class, TimeoutException.class).ignoring(StaleElementReferenceException.class);

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        try {
            //fWait.until(ExpectedConditions.invisibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//*[@id='reportmanager-wrapper']/div[1]/div[2]/ul/li/span[3]/i[@data-original--title='We are processing through trillions of data events, this insight may take more than 15 minutes to complete.']")));
        } catch (Exception e) {

        System.out.println("Element Not found trying again - " + element.toString().substring(70));


    return element;


Getting multiple keys of specified value of a generic Dictionary?

Okay, here's the multiple bidirectional version:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

class BiDictionary<TFirst, TSecond>
    IDictionary<TFirst, IList<TSecond>> firstToSecond = new Dictionary<TFirst, IList<TSecond>>();
    IDictionary<TSecond, IList<TFirst>> secondToFirst = new Dictionary<TSecond, IList<TFirst>>();

    private static IList<TFirst> EmptyFirstList = new TFirst[0];
    private static IList<TSecond> EmptySecondList = new TSecond[0];

    public void Add(TFirst first, TSecond second)
        IList<TFirst> firsts;
        IList<TSecond> seconds;
        if (!firstToSecond.TryGetValue(first, out seconds))
            seconds = new List<TSecond>();
            firstToSecond[first] = seconds;
        if (!secondToFirst.TryGetValue(second, out firsts))
            firsts = new List<TFirst>();
            secondToFirst[second] = firsts;

    // Note potential ambiguity using indexers (e.g. mapping from int to int)
    // Hence the methods as well...
    public IList<TSecond> this[TFirst first]
        get { return GetByFirst(first); }

    public IList<TFirst> this[TSecond second]
        get { return GetBySecond(second); }

    public IList<TSecond> GetByFirst(TFirst first)
        IList<TSecond> list;
        if (!firstToSecond.TryGetValue(first, out list))
            return EmptySecondList;
        return new List<TSecond>(list); // Create a copy for sanity

    public IList<TFirst> GetBySecond(TSecond second)
        IList<TFirst> list;
        if (!secondToFirst.TryGetValue(second, out list))
            return EmptyFirstList;
        return new List<TFirst>(list); // Create a copy for sanity

class Test
    static void Main()
        BiDictionary<int, string> greek = new BiDictionary<int, string>();
        greek.Add(1, "Alpha");
        greek.Add(2, "Beta");
        greek.Add(5, "Beta");
        ShowEntries(greek, "Alpha");
        ShowEntries(greek, "Beta");
        ShowEntries(greek, "Gamma");

    static void ShowEntries(BiDictionary<int, string> dict, string key)
        IList<int> values = dict[key];
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (int value in values)
            if (builder.Length != 0)
                builder.Append(", ");
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: [{1}]", key, builder);

Java 8 - Best way to transform a list: map or foreach?

I prefer the second way.

When you use the first way, if you decide to use a parallel stream to improve performance, you'll have no control over the order in which the elements will be added to the output list by forEach.

When you use toList, the Streams API will preserve the order even if you use a parallel stream.

Foreign Key Django Model

You create the relationships the other way around; add foreign keys to the Person type to create a Many-to-One relationship:

class Person(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    birthday = models.DateField()
    anniversary = models.ForeignKey(
        Anniversary, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    address = models.ForeignKey(
        Address, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

class Address(models.Model):
    line1 = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    line2 = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    postalcode = models.CharField(max_length=10)
    city = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    country = models.CharField(max_length=150)

class Anniversary(models.Model):
    date = models.DateField()

Any one person can only be connected to one address and one anniversary, but addresses and anniversaries can be referenced from multiple Person entries.

Anniversary and Address objects will be given a reverse, backwards relationship too; by default it'll be called person_set but you can configure a different name if you need to. See Following relationships "backward" in the queries documentation.

Safest way to get last record ID from a table


You can use one of these examples:




But the first one will be more efficient because no index scan is needed (if you have index on Id column).

The second one solution is equivalent to the third (both of them need to scan table to get max id).

Eclipse keyboard shortcut to indent source code to the left?

For Left indent Shift + Tab

For Right indent simple Tab

How to sort a Pandas DataFrame by index?

Slightly more compact:

df = pd.DataFrame([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], index=[100, 29, 234, 1, 150], columns=['A'])
df = df.sort_index()


How to extract elements from a list using indices in Python?

Use Numpy direct array indexing, as in MATLAB, Julia, ...

a = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15];
s = [1, 2, 5] ;

import numpy as np
# [11, 12, 15]

Better yet, just stay with Numpy arrays

a = np.array([10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15])
#array([11, 12, 15])

FromBody string parameter is giving null

Try the below code:

public async Task Test()
   using (var reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8))
      var textFromBody = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();                    

Split a String into an array in Swift?

Swift 3

let line = "AAA    BBB\t CCC"
let fields = line.components(separatedBy: .whitespaces).filter {!$0.isEmpty}
  • Returns three strings AAA, BBB and CCC
  • Filters out empty fields
  • Handles multiple spaces and tabulation characters
  • If you want to handle new lines, then replace .whitespaces with .whitespacesAndNewlines

Basic CSS - how to overlay a DIV with semi-transparent DIV on top

For a div-Element you could just set the opacity via a class to enable or disable the effect.

.mute-all {
   opacity: 0.4;

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:failed resolution of :Lorg/apache/http/ProtocolVersion

In your AndroidManifest.xml add this two-line.

<uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy" android:required="false"/>

See this below code

        <activity android:name=".activity.SplashActivity">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

        <uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy" android:required="false"/>