If you have multiple environments. You could include Git Path in the VS Code Workspace Setting. For Windows, depending on your setting, you could hit Ctlr + P, search for "settings". Open setting.json(or File>Preferences>Settings). Navigate to Workspace Settings. Find "Path" and add paths to Git bin and cmd folders.
Environments can have their own paths. I discovered this when I echoed my PC %PATH% on cmd, git bin and cmd path where available but when I was working on my project, echoed %PATH% did not have git and cmd folder. Adding them, as shown above solved the issue.
Extra Notes:
On cmd, you can echo "%PATH%" and see if git bin and cmd folders are included. If not, you could concatenate using SETX PATH on, e,g
SETX PATH "%PATH%;Path_to_Git_bin;Path_to_Gt_cmd;"
This will make git available on local root but not on some environments which comes with their own paths(SETX /M PATH "%PATH%;Path_to_Git_bin;Path_to_Gt_cmd;" would have though).
In case you have a long Path that is chopped off dues to Path length(getting "Error: Truncated at X characters." message), you can increase the path length on regedit.
This will increase your path length. If it is already one, then I am not sure how to proceed from there :).