[python] How to setup virtual environment for Python in VS Code?

This is an adding to @Sam answer that though is correct is missing the fact that anytime you open a folder in visual studio code, it create a .vscode folder, but those can be multiple, created any time you eventually open a directory. The .vscode folder has JSON objects that content properties such "setting.json", in which one declare the Interpreter to use at that ".vscode" level( refer to this for more clarifications What is a 'workspace' in VS Code?).

     "python.pythonPath": "VirtualEnPath/bin/python3.6"

So potentially you could open VS code at another level in the virtual Env, it create another .vscode folder that assume as Python directory those of the global machine and so having such error, and has I experienced has nothing to do if the Virtual Env is activated or not.

This indeed what happened to me, I have indeed a DjangoRESTAPI_GEN folder in which I initially opened the IDE and it did recognize the Virtual Env Python path, the a few days after I opened it at the level where git is, so it did created another .vscode, that picked the global Python Interpreter, causing my lint in the Virtual Environment not been used, and the virtual env interpreter not even showed in "select python interpreter". But as wrote opening the IDE at the level where the .vscode that has the settings.json with correct path, it does.

Once you set the correct path in the setting.json and select the virtual env interpreter, then VS Code will automatically activate the VE in its terminal

enter image description here

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