Several problems arise in this question.
Problem #1 - css Specificity (how to override important rule).
According to specification - to override this selector your selector should be 'stronger' which mean it should be!important and have at least 1 id, 1 class and something else - according to you creating this selector is impossible(as you can't alter page content). So the only possible option is to put something into element style which (could be done with js). Note: style rule should also have !important to override.
Problem #2 - background is not a single property - it is a set of properties (see specification)
So you really need to know what are exact names of properties you want to change (in your case it would be background-image)
Problem #3 - How to remove rule already applied (to get previous value)?
Unfortunately css have no mechanism to dismiss rule which qualify for an element - only to override with "stronger" rule. So you won't be able to solve this task with just setting value to something like 'inherit' or 'default' cause value you want to see is neither inherit from parent nor default. To solve this problem you have couple of options.
1) You may already know what is the value you want to apply. For example you can find out this value based on selector used. So in this case you may know that for selector ".image-list li" you need background-image: url(""). If so - just you this script:
jQuery(".image-list li").attr('style', 'background-image: url("") !important; ');
2) If you don't know the value then you can try to alter page content in such a way, that rule you want to dismiss is no longer qualify for element, whereas rule you want to be shown - still qualify. In this case you may temporary remove id from container element. Here is the code:
jQuery("#an-element").attr('id', '');
var backgroundImage = jQuery(".image-list li").css('background-image');
jQuery("#an-element").attr('id', 'an-element');
jQuery(".image-list li").attr('style', 'background-image: ' + backgroundImage + ' !important; ');
Here is link to fiddle
3) As third solution - you may generate element which will qualify for desired selection to find out property value - something like this:
var backgroundImage = jQuery("<div class='image-list'><li></li></div>").find('li').css('background-image');
jQuery(".image-list li").attr('style', 'background-image: ' + backgroundImage + ' !important; ');
P.S.: Sorry for really late response.