Programs & Examples On #Masm32

The MASM32 packet is a working development environment (SDK) for programmers who are interested in either learning or writing 32 bit Microsoft assembler (MASM). It's free available on

Which variable size to use (db, dw, dd) with x86 assembly?

The full list is:

DB, DW, DD, DQ, DT, DDQ, and DO (used to declare initialized data in the output file.)


They can be invoked in a wide range of ways: (Note: for Visual-Studio - use "h" instead of "0x" syntax - eg: not 0x55 but 55h instead):

    db      0x55                ; just the byte 0x55
    db      0x55,0x56,0x57      ; three bytes in succession
    db      'a',0x55            ; character constants are OK
    db      'hello',13,10,'$'   ; so are string constants
    dw      0x1234              ; 0x34 0x12
    dw      'A'                 ; 0x41 0x00 (it's just a number)
    dw      'AB'                ; 0x41 0x42 (character constant)
    dw      'ABC'               ; 0x41 0x42 0x43 0x00 (string)
    dd      0x12345678          ; 0x78 0x56 0x34 0x12
    dq      0x1122334455667788  ; 0x88 0x77 0x66 0x55 0x44 0x33 0x22 0x11
    ddq     0x112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00
    ; 0x00 0xff 0xee 0xdd 0xcc 0xbb 0xaa 0x99
    ; 0x88 0x77 0x66 0x55 0x44 0x33 0x22 0x11
    do      0x112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00 ; same as previous
    dd      1.234567e20         ; floating-point constant
    dq      1.234567e20         ; double-precision float
    dt      1.234567e20         ; extended-precision float

DT does not accept numeric constants as operands, and DDQ does not accept float constants as operands. Any size larger than DD does not accept strings as operands.

sequelize findAll sort order in nodejs

If you want to sort data either in Ascending or Descending order based on particular column, using sequlize js, use the order method of sequlize as follows

// Will order the specified column by descending order
order: sequelize.literal('column_name order')
e.g. order: sequelize.literal('timestamp DESC')

Best way to replace multiple characters in a string?

You may consider writing a generic escape function:

def mk_esc(esc_chars):
    return lambda s: ''.join(['\\' + c if c in esc_chars else c for c in s])

>>> esc = mk_esc('&#')
>>> print esc('Learn & be #1')
Learn \& be \#1

This way you can make your function configurable with a list of character that should be escaped.

Bootstrap modal z-index

I found this question as I had a similar problem. While data-backdrop does "solve" the issue; I found another problem in my markup.

I had the button which launched this modal and the modal dialog itself was in the footer. The problem is that the footer was defined as navbar_fixed_bottom, and that contained position:fixed.

After I moved the dialog outside of the fixed section, everything worked as expected.

How to comment multiple lines in Visual Studio Code?

In Windows

Select the lines you want to comment. Then press Ctrl + /

Revert a jQuery draggable object back to its original container on out event of droppable

It's related about revert origin : to set origin when the object is drag : just use $(this).data("draggable").originalPosition = {top:0, left:0};

For example : i use like this

               drag: function() {
                    var t = $(this);
                    left = parseInt(t.css("left")) * -1;
                    if(left > 0 ){
                        left = 0;
                        t.draggable( "option", "revert", true );
                        $(this).data("draggable").originalPosition = {top:0, left:0};
                    else t.draggable( "option", "revert", false );

                    $(".slider-work").css("left",  left);

How to run a JAR file

To run jar, first u have to create

executable jar


java -jar xyz.jar

command will work

Git says remote ref does not exist when I delete remote branch

I followed the solution by poke with a minor adjustment in the end. My steps follow
- git fetch --prune;
- git branch -a printing the following
    remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
    remotes/origin/branch (remote branch to remove)
- git push origin --delete branch.
Here, the branch to remove is not named as remotes/origin/branch but simply branch. And the branch is removed.

Razor Views not seeing System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper

I ran into this issue with a Web Application - my .cshtml files got stuck on the System.Web.WebPages.WebViewPage base class when I needed the System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage.

First, ensure your ~/Views/web.config file has the correct pageBaseType. In my case, I set to System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage.

    <pages pageBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage">
      <!-- ... -->

Then, importantly, some people have found this is key if the above is already good:

  1. Run a clean on the solution
  2. Unload the project with the issues
  3. Delete the .user file that Visual Studio generated next to the project.
  4. Reload the project with the issues
  5. Build the solution

For VS2015, the .user and .sln files have moved to the .vs hidden folder that is created next to the .sln file. However, from comments below, the error messages imply to me that the tooling is using the wrong version of MVC entirely, and deleting this folder does not fix the issue. To my knowledge, there is not a known solution.

Efficient way to update all rows in a table

The usual way is to use UPDATE:

UPDATE mytable
   SET new_column = <expr containing old_column>

You should be able to do this is a single transaction.

C# Linq Group By on multiple columns

Given a list:

var list = new List<Child>()
    new Child()
        {School = "School1", FavoriteColor = "blue", Friend = "Bob", Name = "John"},
    new Child()
        {School = "School2", FavoriteColor = "blue", Friend = "Bob", Name = "Pete"},
    new Child()
        {School = "School1", FavoriteColor = "blue", Friend = "Bob", Name = "Fred"},
    new Child()
        {School = "School2", FavoriteColor = "blue", Friend = "Fred", Name = "Bob"},

The query would look like:

var newList = list
    .GroupBy(x => new {x.School, x.Friend, x.FavoriteColor})
    .Select(y => new ConsolidatedChild()
            FavoriteColor = y.Key.FavoriteColor,
            Friend = y.Key.Friend,
            School = y.Key.School,
            Children = y.ToList()

Test code:

foreach(var item in newList)
    Console.WriteLine("School: {0} FavouriteColor: {1} Friend: {2}", item.School,item.FavoriteColor,item.Friend);
    foreach(var child in item.Children)
        Console.WriteLine("\t Name: {0}", child.Name);


School: School1 FavouriteColor: blue Friend: Bob
    Name: John
    Name: Fred
School: School2 FavouriteColor: blue Friend: Bob
    Name: Pete
School: School2 FavouriteColor: blue Friend: Fred
    Name: Bob

Best way to run scheduled tasks

This technique by Jeff Atwood for Stackoverflow is the simplest method I've come across. It relies on the "cache item removed" callback mechanism build into ASP.NET's cache system

Update: Stackoverflow has outgrown this method. It only works while the website is running but it's a very simple technique that is useful for many people.

Also check out Quartz.NET

Generate PDF from HTML using pdfMake in Angularjs

Okay, I figured this out.

  1. You will need html2canvas and pdfmake. You do NOT need to do any injection in your app.js to either, just include in your script tags

  2. On the div that you want to create the PDF of, add an ID name like below:

     <div id="exportthis">
  3. In your Angular controller use the id of the div in your call to html2canvas:

  4. change the canvas to an image using toDataURL()

  5. Then in your docDefinition for pdfmake assign the image to the content.

  6. The completed code in your controller will look like this:

           html2canvas(document.getElementById('exportthis'), {
                onrendered: function (canvas) {
                    var data = canvas.toDataURL();
                    var docDefinition = {
                        content: [{
                            image: data,
                            width: 500,

I hope this helps someone else. Happy coding!

Pure CSS scroll animation

You can use my script from CodePen by just wrapping all the content within a .levit-container DIV.

~function  () {
    function Smooth () {
        this.$container = document.querySelector('.levit-container');
        this.$placeholder = document.createElement('div');

    Smooth.prototype.init = function () {
        var instance = this;;;;

    function bindEvents () {
        window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll.bind(this), false);

    function setContainer () {
        var style = this.$;

        style.position = 'fixed';
        style.width = '100%'; = '0';
        style.left = '0';
        style.transition = '0.5s ease-out';

    function setPlaceholder () {
        var instance = this,
                $container = instance.$container,
                $placeholder = instance.$placeholder;

        $placeholder.setAttribute('class', 'levit-placeholder');
        $ = $container.offsetHeight + 'px';
        document.body.insertBefore($placeholder, $container);

    function handleScroll () {
        this.$ = 'translateZ(0) translateY(' + (window.scrollY * (- 1)) + 'px)';

    var smooth = new Smooth();

How can I initialize base class member variables in derived class constructor?

You can't initialize a and b in B because they are not members of B. They are members of A, therefore only A can initialize them. You can make them public, then do assignment in B, but that is not a recommended option since it would destroy encapsulation. Instead, create a constructor in A to allow B (or any subclass of A) to initialize them:

class A 
    A(int a, int b) : a(a), b(b) {} // Accessible to derived classes
    // Change "protected" to "public" to allow others to instantiate A.
    int a, b; // Keep these variables private in A

class B : public A 
    B() : A(0, 0) // Calls A's constructor, initializing a and b in A to 0.

Python - How to convert JSON File to Dataframe

jsondata = '{"0001":{"FirstName":"John","LastName":"Mark","MiddleName":"Lewis","username":"johnlewis2","password":"2910"}}'
import json
import pandas as pd
jdata = json.loads(jsondata)
df = pd.DataFrame(jdata)
print df.T

This should look like this:.

         FirstName LastName MiddleName password    username
0001      John     Mark      Lewis     2910  johnlewis2

How to convert a byte array to a hex string in Java?

I found three different ways here:

The most elegant one, as he also notes, I think is this one:

static final String HEXES = "0123456789ABCDEF";
public static String getHex( byte [] raw ) {
    if ( raw == null ) {
        return null;
    final StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder( 2 * raw.length );
    for ( final byte b : raw ) {
        hex.append(HEXES.charAt((b & 0xF0) >> 4))
            .append(HEXES.charAt((b & 0x0F)));
    return hex.toString();

'Class' does not contain a definition for 'Method'

Create class with namespace name might resovle your issue

namespace.Employee employee = new namespace.Employee(); 

jQuery trigger event when click outside the element

    var visibleNotification = false;

  function open_notification() {
        if (visibleNotification == false) {
            $('.notification-panel').css('visibility', 'visible');
            visibleNotification = true;
        } else {
            $('.notification-panel').css('visibility', 'hidden');
            visibleNotification = false;

    $(document).click(function (evt) {
        var target =;
        if(target!="fa fa-bell-o bell-notification")
            var inside = $(".fa fa-bell-o bell-notification");
            if ($.trim(target) != '') {
                if ($("." + target) != inside) {
                    if (visibleNotification == true) {
                        $('.notification-panel').css('visibility', 'hidden');
                        visibleNotification = false;

Getting windbg without the whole WDK?

The saga continues with the Windows 10 version. I had to install Win Debug Tools on clean Windows 10 OS with Visual Studio 2015.

To make a long story short, just follow the instructions in the link provided by David Black. After downloading the files, instead of running the SDK installer, browse to the installers directory and execute the msi files directly.

I wonder how many man hours have been lost through the last decade because of MS sloppiness in regards to WDK/SDK installation?

MySQL SELECT only not null values


Using IS NOT NULL On Join Conditions

 SELECT * FROM users 
 LEFT JOIN posts ON post.user_id = 

 Using IS NOT NULL With AND Logical Operator

 SELECT * FROM users 
 WHERE email_address IS NOT NULL 
 AND mobile_number IS NOT NULL;

Using IS NOT NULL With OR Logical Operator

 SELECT * FROM users 
 WHERE email_address IS NOT NULL 
 OR mobile_number IS NOT NULL;

What does %>% function mean in R?

The R packages dplyr and sf import the operator %>% from the R package magrittr.

Help is available by using the following command:


Of course the package must be loaded before by using e.g.


The documentation of the magrittr forward-pipe operator gives a good example: When functions require only one argument, x %>% f is equivalent to f(x)

Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener

I am getting this issue when using owl carousal and scrolling the images.

So get solved just adding below CSS in your page.

.owl-carousel {
-ms-touch-action: pan-y;
touch-action: pan-y;


.owl-carousel {
-ms-touch-action: none;
touch-action: none;

Get specific object by id from array of objects in AngularJS

I would iterate over the results array using an angularjs filter like this:

var foundResultObject = getObjectFromResultsList(results, 1);

function getObjectFromResultsList(results, resultIdToRetrieve) {
        return $filter('filter')(results, { id: resultIdToRetrieve }, true)[0];

Service has zero application (non-infrastructure) endpoints

I just ran into this issue and checked all of the above answers to make sure I wasn't missing anything obvious. Well, I had a semi-obvious issue. My casing of my classname in code and the classname I used in the configuration file didn't match.

For example: if the class name is CalculatorService and the configuration file refers to Calculatorservice ... you will get this error.

How to decrypt Hash Password in Laravel

For compare hashed password with the plain text password string you can use the PHP password_verify

if(password_verify('1234567', $crypt_password_string)) {
    // in case if "$crypt_password_string" actually hides "1234567"

How to check if a function exists on a SQL database

Why not just:

IF object_id('YourFunctionName', 'FN') IS NOT NULL
    DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[YourFunctionName]

The second argument of object_id is optional, but can help to identify the correct object. There are numerous possible values for this type argument, particularly:

  • FN : Scalar function
  • IF : Inline table-valued function
  • TF : Table-valued-function
  • FS : Assembly (CLR) scalar-function
  • FT : Assembly (CLR) table-valued function

using extern template (C++11)

Wikipedia has the best description

In C++03, the compiler must instantiate a template whenever a fully specified template is encountered in a translation unit. If the template is instantiated with the same types in many translation units, this can dramatically increase compile times. There is no way to prevent this in C++03, so C++11 introduced extern template declarations, analogous to extern data declarations.

C++03 has this syntax to oblige the compiler to instantiate a template:

  template class std::vector<MyClass>;

C++11 now provides this syntax:

  extern template class std::vector<MyClass>;

which tells the compiler not to instantiate the template in this translation unit.

The warning: nonstandard extension used...

Microsoft VC++ used to have a non-standard version of this feature for some years already (in C++03). The compiler warns about that to prevent portability issues with code that needed to compile on different compilers as well.

Look at the sample in the linked page to see that it works roughly the same way. You can expect the message to go away with future versions of MSVC, except of course when using other non-standard compiler extensions at the same time.

What is the difference between private and protected members of C++ classes?

private members are only accessible from within the class, protected members are accessible in the class and derived classes. It's a feature of inheritance in OO languages.

You can have private, protected and public inheritance in C++, which will determine what derived classes can access in the inheritance hierarchy. C# for example only has public inheritance.

How to complete the RUNAS command in one line

The runas command does not allow a password on its command line. This is by design (and also the reason you cannot pipe a password to it as input). Raymond Chen says it nicely:

The RunAs program demands that you type the password manually. Why doesn't it accept a password on the command line?

This was a conscious decision. If it were possible to pass the password on the command line, people would start embedding passwords into batch files and logon scripts, which is laughably insecure.

In other words, the feature is missing to remove the temptation to use the feature insecurely.

How to crop a CvMat in OpenCV?

To get better results and robustness against differents types of matrices, you can do this in addition to the first answer, that copy the data :

cv::Mat source = getYourSource();

// Setup a rectangle to define your region of interest
cv::Rect myROI(10, 10, 100, 100);

// Crop the full image to that image contained by the rectangle myROI
// Note that this doesn't copy the data
cv::Mat croppedRef(source, myROI);

cv::Mat cropped;
// Copy the data into new matrix

Store boolean value in SQLite

SQLite Boolean Datatype:
SQLite does not have a separate Boolean storage class. Instead, Boolean values are stored as integers 0 (false) and 1 (true).

You can convert boolean to int in this way:

int flag = (boolValue)? 1 : 0;

You can convert int back to boolean as follows:

 // Select COLUMN_NAME  values from db. 
 // This will be integer value, you can convert this int value back to Boolean as follows
Boolean flag2 = (intValue == 1)? true : false;

If you want to explore sqlite, here is a tutorial.
I have given one answer here. It is working for them.

.net Core 2.0 - Package was restored using .NetFramework 4.6.1 instead of target framework .netCore 2.0. The package may not be fully compatible

For me, I had ~6 different Nuget packages to update and when I selected Microsoft.AspNetCore.All first, I got the referenced error.

I started at the bottom and updated others first (EF Core, EF Design Tools, etc), then when the only one that was left was Microsoft.AspNetCore.All it worked fine.

Fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional values

Check if the cell is being registered with self.collectionView.registerClass(cellClass: AnyClass?, forCellWithReuseIdentifier identifier: String). If so, then remove that line of code.

See this answer for more info: Why is UICollectionViewCell's outlet nil?

"If you are using a storyboard you don't want to call this. It will overwrite what you have in your storyboard."

Java Embedded Databases Comparison

HSQLDB may cause problems for large applications, its not quite that stable.

The best I've heard (not first hand experience however) is berkleyDB. But unless you opensource it, it will cost you an arm and a leg to use due to licensing...see this for details.

ps. berkleyDB is not a relational database in case you didnt know.

How to convert existing non-empty directory into a Git working directory and push files to a remote repository

When is a github repository not empty, like .gitignore and license

Use pull --allow-unrelated-histories and push --force-with-lease

Use commands

git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git remote add origin
git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories
git push --force-with-lease

Format an Excel column (or cell) as Text in C#?

Before your write to Excel need to change the format:

xlApp = New Excel.Application
xlWorkSheet = xlWorkBook.Sheets("Sheet1")

Dim cells As Excel.Range = xlWorkSheet.Cells

'set each cell's format to Text
cells.NumberFormat = "@"

'reset horizontal alignment to the right
cells.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight

How can I write a regex which matches non greedy?

The ? operand makes match non-greedy. E.g. .* is greedy while .*? isn't. So you can use something like <img.*?> to match the whole tag. Or <img[^>]*>.

But remember that the whole set of HTML can't be actually parsed with regular expressions.

Regular expression to match balanced parentheses

because js regex doesn't support recursive match, i can't make balanced parentheses matching work.

so this is a simple javascript for loop version that make "method(arg)" string into array

push(number) map(test(a(a()))) bass(wow, abc)
$$(groups) filter({ type: 'ORGANIZATION', isDisabled: { $ne: true } }) pickBy(_id, type) map(test()) as(groups)
const parser = str => {
  let ops = []
  let method, arg
  let isMethod = true
  let open = []

  for (const char of str) {
    // skip whitespace
    if (char === ' ') continue

    // append method or arg string
    if (char !== '(' && char !== ')') {
      if (isMethod) {
        (method ? (method += char) : (method = char))
      } else {
        (arg ? (arg += char) : (arg = char))

    if (char === '(') {
      // nested parenthesis should be a part of arg
      if (!isMethod) arg += char
      isMethod = false
    } else if (char === ')') {
      // check end of arg
      if (open.length < 1) {
        isMethod = true
        ops.push({ method, arg })
        method = arg = undefined
      } else {
        arg += char

  return ops

// const test = parser(`$$(groups) filter({ type: 'ORGANIZATION', isDisabled: { $ne: true } }) pickBy(_id, type) map(test()) as(groups)`)
const test = parser(`push(number) map(test(a(a()))) bass(wow, abc)`)


the result is like

[ { method: 'push', arg: 'number' },
  { method: 'map', arg: 'test(a(a()))' },
  { method: 'bass', arg: 'wow,abc' } ]
[ { method: '$$', arg: 'groups' },
  { method: 'filter',
    arg: '{type:\'ORGANIZATION\',isDisabled:{$ne:true}}' },
  { method: 'pickBy', arg: '_id,type' },
  { method: 'map', arg: 'test()' },
  { method: 'as', arg: 'groups' } ]

How to resolve Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source in linq?

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: value

This error message is not very helpful!

You can get this error in many different ways. The error may not always be with the parameter name: value. It could be whatever parameter name is being passed into a function.

As a generic way to solve this, look at the stack trace or call stack:

Test method GetApiModel threw exception: 
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: value
    at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(String value, Type type, JsonSerializerSettings settings)

You can see that the parameter name value is the first parameter for DeserializeObject. This lead me to check my AutoMapper mapping where we are deserializing a JSON string. That string is null in my database.

You can change the code to check for null.

MatPlotLib: Multiple datasets on the same scatter plot

I came across this question as I had exact same problem. Although accepted answer works good but with matplotlib version 2.1.0, it is pretty straight forward to have two scatter plots in one plot without using a reference to Axes

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.scatter(x,y, c='b', marker='x', label='1')
plt.scatter(x, y, c='r', marker='s', label='-1')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

What does the return keyword do in a void method in Java?

The Java language specification says you can have return with no expression if your method returns void.

select certain columns of a data table

Also we can try like this,

 string[] selectedColumns = new[] { "Column1","Column2"};

 DataTable dt= new DataView(fromDataTable).ToTable(false, selectedColumns);

jquery function setInterval

try this declare the function outside the ready event.


    function swapImages(){

    var active = $('.active'); 
    var next = ($('.active').next().length > 0) ? $('.active').next() :         $('#siteNewsHead img:first');

Get local IP address in Node.js

Using internal-ip:

const internalIp = require("internal-ip")


java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude$Value

Use Jackson-annotations.jar will solve the problem, as it worked for me.

How to easily resize/optimize an image size with iOS?

If you image is in document directory, Add this URL extension:

extension URL {
    func compressedImageURL(quality: CGFloat = 0.3) throws -> URL? {
        let imageData = try Data(contentsOf: self)
        debugPrint("Image file size before compression: \(imageData.count) bytes")

        let compressedURL = NSURL.fileURL(withPath: NSTemporaryDirectory() + NSUUID().uuidString + ".jpg")

        guard let actualImage = UIImage(data: imageData) else { return nil }
        guard let compressedImageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(actualImage, quality) else {
            return nil
        debugPrint("Image file size after compression: \(compressedImageData.count) bytes")

        do {
            try compressedImageData.write(to: compressedURL)
            return compressedURL
        } catch {
            return nil


guard let localImageURL = URL(string: "< LocalImagePath.jpg >") else {

//Here you will get URL of compressed image
guard let compressedImageURL = try localImageURL.compressedImageURL() else {

debugPrint("compressedImageURL: \(compressedImageURL.absoluteString)")

Note:- Change < LocalImagePath.jpg > with your local jpg image path.

Generating an MD5 checksum of a file

In Python 3.8+ you can do

import hashlib
with open("your_filename.txt", "rb") as f:
    file_hash = hashlib.md5()
    while chunk :=

print(file_hash.hexdigest())  # to get a printable str instead of bytes

Consider using hashlib.blake2b instead of md5 (just replace md5 with blake2b in the above snippet). It's cryptographically secure and faster than MD5.

Java Serializable Object to Byte Array

I also recommend to use SerializationUtils tool. I want to make a ajust on a wrong comment by @Abilash. The SerializationUtils.serialize() method is not restricted to 1024 bytes, contrary to another answer here.

public static byte[] serialize(Object object) {
    if (object == null) {
        return null;
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
    try {
        ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
    catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to serialize object of type: " + object.getClass(), ex);
    return baos.toByteArray();

At first sight, you may think that new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024) will only allow a fixed size. But if you take a close look at the ByteArrayOutputStream, you will figure out the the stream will grow if necessary:

This class implements an output stream in which the data is written into a byte array. The buffer automatically grows as data is written to it. The data can be retrieved using toByteArray() and toString().

replacing NA's with 0's in R dataframe

Here are two quickie approaches I know of:

In base

AQ1 <- airquality
AQ1[ <- airquality)] <- 0

Not in base


PS P.S. Does my command above create a new dataframe called AQ1?

Look at AQ1 and see

TypeScript getting error TS2304: cannot find name ' require'

I found the solution was to use the TSD command:

tsd install node --save

Which adds/updates the typings/tsd.d.ts file and that file contains all the type definitions that are required for a node application.

At the top of my file, I put a reference to the tsd.d.ts like this:

/// <reference path="../typings/tsd.d.ts" />

The require is defined like this as of January 2016:

declare var require: NodeRequire;

interface NodeModule {
    exports: any;
    require: NodeRequireFunction;
    id: string;
    filename: string;
    loaded: boolean;
    parent: any;
    children: any[];

Error: Cannot find module html

This is what i did for rendering html files. And it solved the errors. Install consolidate and mustache by executing the below command in your project folder.

$ sudo npm install consolidate mustache --save

And make the following changes to your app.js file

var engine = require('consolidate');

app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
app.engine('html', engine.mustache);
app.set('view engine', 'html');

And now html pages will be rendered properly.

How to convert JSON to CSV format and store in a variable

Here's my simple version of converting an array of objects ito CSV (assuming those objects all share the same attributes):

var csv = []
if (items.length) {
  var keys = Object.keys(items[0])
  items.forEach(item => {
    let vals = => item[key] || '')

csv = csv.join('\n') 

package does not exist ; in Android studio 0.8

tl;dr Remove all unused modules which have a dependency on the support library from your settings.gradle.

Long version:

In our case we had declared the support library as a dependency for all of our modules (one app module and multiple library modules) in a common.gradle file which is imported by every module. However there was one library module which wasn't declared as a dependency for any other module and therefore wasn't build. In every few syncs Android Studio would pick that exact module as the one where to look for the support library (that's why it appeared to happen randomly for us). As this module was never used it never got build which in turn caused the jar file not being in the intermediates folder of the module.

Removing this library module from settings.gradle and syncing again fixed the problem for us.

How can I pass a username/password in the header to a SOAP WCF Service

I added customBinding to the web.config.

        <binding name="CustomSoapBinding">
          <security includeTimestamp="false"
          <textMessageEncoding messageVersion="Soap11"></textMessageEncoding>
          <httpsTransport maxReceivedMessageSize="2000000000"/>
      <endpoint address=""
                name="test" />
    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0"

After adding customBinding, I can pass username and password to client service like as follows:

service.ClientCridentials.UserName.UserName = "testUser";
service.ClientCridentials.UserName.Password = "testPass";

In this way you can pass username, password in the header to a SOAP WCF Service.

updating table rows in postgres using subquery

@Mayur "4.2 [Using query with complex JOIN]" with Common Table Expressions (CTEs) did the trick for me.

WITH cte AS (
SELECT, e.postcode
FROM employees e
LEFT JOIN locations lc ON lc.postcode=cte.postcode
UPDATE employee_location SET, longitude=lc.longi
FROM cte

Hope this helps... :D

HTTP response header content disposition for attachments

This has nothing to do with the MIME type, but the Content-Disposition header, which should be something like:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=genome.jpeg;

Make sure it is actually correctly passed to the client (not filtered by the server, proxy or something). Also you could try to change the order of writing headers and set them before getting output stream.

How to redirect output of an entire shell script within the script itself?

Typically we would place one of these at or near the top of the script. Scripts that parse their command lines would do the redirection after parsing.

Send stdout to a file

exec > file

with stderr

exec > file                                                                      
exec 2>&1

append both stdout and stderr to file

exec >> file
exec 2>&1

As Jonathan Leffler mentioned in his comment:

exec has two separate jobs. The first one is to replace the currently executing shell (script) with a new program. The other is changing the I/O redirections in the current shell. This is distinguished by having no argument to exec.

How do you show animated GIFs on a Windows Form (c#)

It doesn't when you start a long operation behind, because everything STOPS since you'Re in the same thread.

How can I run another application within a panel of my C# program?

I know this is possible if the other application can attach itself to a win32 window handle. For example, we have a separate C# application that hosts a DirectX application inside one of its windows. I'm not familiar with the exact details of how this is implemented, but I think just passing the win32 Handle of your panel to the other application is enough for that application to attach its DirectX surface.

How to concatenate strings in windows batch file for loop?

Try this, with strings:

set "var=string1string2string3"

and with string variables:

set "var=%string1%%string2%%string3%"

First Heroku deploy failed `error code=H10`

In my case there was no start command in the script section of package.json file. When I created the package.json file with npm init I did not create a start script command. So I went to the package.json file, under scripts I added a new entry:

 "scripts": {
    "start": "node index.js"

Saved it and uploaded to Heroku and it worked

How to replace sql field value

It depends on what you need to do. You can use replace since you want to replace the value:

select replace(email, '.com', '.org')
from yourtable

Then to UPDATE your table with the new ending, then you would use:

update yourtable
set email = replace(email, '.com', '.org')

You can also expand on this by checking the last 4 characters of the email value:

update yourtable
set email = replace(email, '.com', '.org')
where right(email, 4) = '.com'

However, the issue with replace() is that .com can be will in other locations in the email not just the last one. So you might want to use substring() the following way:

update yourtable
set email = substring(email, 1, len(email) -4)+'.org'
where right(email, 4) = '.com';

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

Using substring() will return the start of the email value, without the final .com and then you concatenate the .org to the end. This prevents the replacement of .com elsewhere in the string.

Alternatively you could use stuff(), which allows you to do both deleting and inserting at the same time:

update yourtable
set email = stuff(email, len(email) - 3, 4, '.org')
where right(email, 4) = '.com';

This will delete 4 characters at the position of the third character before the last one (which is the starting position of the final .com) and insert .org instead.

See SQL Fiddle with Demo for this method as well.

How to "git clone" including submodules?

[Quick Answer]

You can use this command to clone your repo with all the submodules:

git clone --recursive YOUR-GIT-REPO-URL

Or if you have already cloned the project, you can use:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Can I send a ctrl-C (SIGINT) to an application on Windows?

In Java, using JNA with the Kernel32.dll library, similar to a C++ solution. Runs the CtrlCSender main method as a Process which just gets the console of the process to send the Ctrl+C event to and generates the event. As it runs separately without a console the Ctrl+C event does not need to be disabled and enabled again. - Based on Nemo1024's and KindDragon's answers.

Given a known process ID, this consoless application will attach the console of targeted process and generate a CTRL+C Event on it.

import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32;    

public class CtrlCSender {

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        int processId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        Kernel32.INSTANCE.GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(Kernel32.CTRL_C_EVENT, 0);

Main Application - Runs CtrlCSender as a separate consoless process

ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
pb.command("javaw", "-cp", System.getProperty("java.class.path", "."), CtrlCSender.class.getName(), processId);
Process ctrlCProcess = pb.start();

How to customize the back button on ActionBar

tray this:


inside onCreate();

VBA Copy Sheet to End of Workbook (with Hidden Worksheets)

Answer : I found this and wants to share it with you.

Sub Copier4()
   Dim x As Integer

   For x = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
      'Loop through each of the sheets in the workbook
      'by using x as the sheet index number.
      ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(x).Copy _
         'Puts all copies after the last existing sheet.
End Sub

But the question, can we use it with following code to rename the sheets, if yes, how can we do so?

Sub CreateSheetsFromAList()
Dim MyCell As Range, MyRange As Range
Set MyRange = Sheets("Summary").Range("A10")
Set MyRange = Range(MyRange, MyRange.End(xlDown))
For Each MyCell In MyRange
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) 'creates a new worksheet
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = MyCell.Value ' renames the new worksheet
Next MyCell
End Sub

How to perform keystroke inside powershell?

If I understand correctly, you want PowerShell to send the ENTER keystroke to some interactive application?

$wshell = New-Object -ComObject;
$wshell.AppActivate('title of the application window')
Sleep 1

If that interactive application is a PowerShell script, just use whatever is in the title bar of the PowerShell window as the argument to AppActivate (by default, the path to powershell.exe). To avoid ambiguity, you can have your script retitle its own window by using the title 'new window title' command.

A few notes:

  • The tilde (~) represents the ENTER keystroke. You can also use {ENTER}, though they're not identical - that's the keypad's ENTER key. A complete list is available here:
  • The reason for the Sleep 1 statement is to wait 1 second because it takes a moment for the window to activate, and if you invoke SendKeys immediately, it'll send the keys to the PowerShell window, or to nowhere.
  • Be aware that this can be tripped up, if you type anything or click the mouse during the second that it's waiting, preventing to window you activate with AppActivate from being active. You can experiment with reducing the amount of time to find the minimum that's reliably sufficient on your system (Sleep accepts decimals, so you could try .5 for half a second). I find that on my 2.6 GHz Core i7 Win7 laptop, anything less than .8 seconds has a significant failure rate. I use 1 second to be safe.
  • IMPORTANT WARNING: Be extra careful if you're using this method to send a password, because activating a different window between invoking AppActivate and invoking SendKeys will cause the password to be sent to that different window in plain text!

Sometimes's SendKeys method can be a little quirky, so if you run into problems, replace the fourth line above with this:

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

How to iterate over a TreeMap?

Just to point out the generic way to iterate over any map:

 private <K, V> void iterateOverMap(Map<K, V> map) {
    for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : map.entrySet()) {
        System.out.println("key ->" + entry.getKey() + ", value->" + entry.getValue());

foreach for JSON array , syntax

You can use the .forEach() method of JavaScript for looping through JSON.

var datesBooking = [_x000D_
    {"date": "04\/24\/2018"},_x000D_
      {"date": "04\/25\/2018"}_x000D_
    datesBooking.forEach(function(data, index) {_x000D_

How to update maven repository in Eclipse?

In newer versions of Eclipse that use the M2E plugin it is:

Right-click on your project(s) --> Maven --> Update Project...

In the following dialog is a checkbox for forcing the update ("Force Update of Snapshots/Releases")

What is the best way to get the first letter from a string in Java, returned as a string of length 1?

import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Fork;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Measurement;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Setup;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Warmup;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

@Warmup(iterations = 5, time = 1)
@Fork(value = 1)
@Measurement(iterations = 5, time = 1)
public class StringFirstCharBenchmark {

    private String source;

    public void init() {
        source = "MALE";

    public String substring() {
        return source.substring(0, 1);

    public String indexOf() {
        return String.valueOf(source.indexOf(0));


| Benchmark                           Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units |
| StringFirstCharBenchmark.indexOf    avgt    5  23.777 ? 5.788  ns/op |
| StringFirstCharBenchmark.substring  avgt    5  11.305 ? 1.411  ns/op |

App.Config Transformation for projects which are not Web Projects in Visual Studio?

Install "Configuration Transform Tool" in Visual Studio from Marketplace and restart VS. You will be able to see menu preview transform for app.config as well.

Download files from server php

Here is a simpler solution to list all files in a directory and to download it.

In your index.php file

$dir = "./";

$allFiles = scandir($dir);
$files = array_diff($allFiles, array('.', '..')); // To remove . and .. 

foreach($files as $file){
     echo "<a href='download.php?file=".$file."'>".$file."</a><br>";

The scandir() function list all files and directories inside the specified path. It works with both PHP 5 and PHP 7.

Now in the download.php

$filename = basename($_GET['file']);
// Specify file path.
$path = ''; // '/uplods/'
$download_file =  $path.$filename;

    // Check file is exists on given path.
      header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $filename);  
      echo 'File does not exists on given path';

How to hide/show more text within a certain length (like youtube)

You can use like this

    var txt=$(v).text();
        var shortText=txt.substring(0, 100)+
        "<span onclick='$(this).hide();$(this).next().toggle();'>"+
        "<span  style='display:none'>"+
            txt.substring(100, txt.length)+

        $(v).html(shortText );

Angular update object in object array

I would rather create a map

export class item{
    name: string; 
    id: string

let caches = new Map<string, item>();

and then you can simply

this.caches[] = newitem; 


this.caches.set(, newitem); 

array is so 1999. :)

Java Enum return Int

You can try this code .

private enum DownloadType {


You can use this enumeration as like this : DownloadType.AUDIO.ordinal(). Hope this code snippet will help you .

How to replace url parameter with javascript/jquery?

UpdatE: Make it into a nice function for you:

function swapOutSource(url, newSource) {
    params = url.split('&');
    var src = params[0].split('=');
    src[1] = newSource;
    var newUrl = ( src.join('=') + params.join('&')); 
    return newUrl; 

Then go at it!

var newUrl = swapOutSource("http://localhost/mysite/includes/phpThumb.php?src=","http://link/to/new.jpg");


How to pass arguments to Shell Script through docker run

Another option...

To make this works

docker run -d --rm $IMG_NAME "bash:command1&&command2&&command3"

in dockerfile




printf "==>[] %s\n" "entry_point_param is $entrypoint_params"

PARAM1=$(echo $entrypoint_params | cut -d':' -f1) # output is 1 must be 'bash' it     will be tested    
PARAM2=$(echo $entrypoint_params | cut -d':' -f2) # the real command separated by     &&

printf "==>[] %s\n" "PARAM1=$PARAM1"
printf "==>[] %s\n" "PARAM2=$PARAM2"

if [ "$PARAM1" = "bash" ];
    printf "==>[] %s\n" "about to running $PARAM2 command"
    echo $PARAM2 | tr '&&' '\n' | while read cmd; do

Get Path from another app (WhatsApp)

It works for me for opening small text file... I didn't try in other file

protected void viewhelper(Intent intent) {
    Uri a = intent.getData();
    if (!a.toString().startsWith("content:")) {
    //Ok Let's do it
    String content = readUri(a);
    //do something with this content

here is the readUri(Uri uri) method

private String readUri(Uri uri) {
    InputStream inputStream = null;
    try {
        inputStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
        if (inputStream != null) {
            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
            int result;
            String content = "";
            while ((result = != -1) {
                content = content.concat(new String(buffer, 0, result));
            return content;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.e("receiver", "IOException when reading uri", e);
    } finally {
        if (inputStream != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Log.e("receiver", "IOException when closing stream", e);
    return null;

I got it from this repository
I modified some code so that it work.

Manifest file:

    <activity android:name=".MainActivity">
        <intent-filter >
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <data android:mimeType="*/*" />

You need to add

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
     *    Your OnCreate
    Intent intent = getIntent();
    String action = intent.getAction();
    String type = intent.getType();

    if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(action) && type != null) {
        viewhelper(intent); // Handle text being sent

Python: convert string from UTF-8 to Latin-1

Instead of .encode('utf-8'), use .encode('latin-1').

MassAssignmentException in Laravel

if you have table and fields on database you can simply use this command :

php artisan db:seed --class=UsersTableSeeder --database=YOURDATABSE

How do I mount a remote Linux folder in Windows through SSH?

Back in 2002, Novell developed some software called NetDrive that can map a WebDAV, FTP, SFTP, etc. share to a windows drive letter. It is now abandonware, so it's no longer maintained (and not available on the Novell website), but it's free to use. I found quite a few available to download by searching for "netdrive.exe" I actually downloaded a few and compared their md5sums to make sure that I was getting a common (and hopefully safe) version.

Update 10 Nov 2017 SFTPNetDrive is the current project from the original netdrive project. And they made it free for personal use:

We Made SFTP Net Drive FREE for Personal Use

They have paid options as well on the website.

How to create nested directories using Mkdir in Golang?

An utility method like the following can be used to solve this.

import (

func ensureDir(fileName string) {
  dirName := filepath.Dir(fileName)
  if _, serr := os.Stat(dirName); serr != nil {
    merr := os.MkdirAll(dirName, os.ModePerm)
    if merr != nil {

func main() {
  _, cerr := os.Create("a/b/c/d.txt")
  if cerr != nil {
    log.Fatal("error creating a/b/c", cerr)
  log.Println("created file in a sub-directory.")

How to use Sublime over SSH

Use FileZilla

This applies to Mac and Windows users (I use on Mac) . I've used several of the listed answers over the years and have found that FileZilla suits my needs well when editing files on a remote host that I have SSH access to. It's also quick to setup.

  • I config a new server connection
  • connect to the server
  • right click on the file I'd like to edit and select View/Edit.

This brings up my default editor (Sublime) but it will work with any editor you have installed.

  • Once I save the file, Filezilla automatically prompts me asking if I'd like to "Upload this file back to the server", I click "Yes" and then it's updated.

Callback functions in C++

Note: Most of the answers cover function pointers which is one possibility to achieve "callback" logic in C++, but as of today not the most favourable one I think.

What are callbacks(?) and why to use them(!)

A callback is a callable (see further down) accepted by a class or function, used to customize the current logic depending on that callback.

One reason to use callbacks is to write generic code which is independant from the logic in the called function and can be reused with different callbacks.

Many functions of the standard algorithms library <algorithm> use callbacks. For example the for_each algorithm applies an unary callback to every item in a range of iterators:

template<class InputIt, class UnaryFunction>
UnaryFunction for_each(InputIt first, InputIt last, UnaryFunction f)
  for (; first != last; ++first) {
  return f;

which can be used to first increment and then print a vector by passing appropriate callables for example:

std::vector<double> v{ 1.0, 2.2, 4.0, 5.5, 7.2 };
double r = 4.0;
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [&](double & v) { v += r; });
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [](double v) { std::cout << v << " "; });

which prints

5 6.2 8 9.5 11.2

Another application of callbacks is the notification of callers of certain events which enables a certain amount of static / compile time flexibility.

Personally, I use a local optimization library that uses two different callbacks:

  • The first callback is called if a function value and the gradient based on a vector of input values is required (logic callback: function value determination / gradient derivation).
  • The second callback is called once for each algorithm step and receives certain information about the convergence of the algorithm (notification callback).

Thus, the library designer is not in charge of deciding what happens with the information that is given to the programmer via the notification callback and he needn't worry about how to actually determine function values because they're provided by the logic callback. Getting those things right is a task due to the library user and keeps the library slim and more generic.

Furthermore, callbacks can enable dynamic runtime behaviour.

Imagine some kind of game engine class which has a function that is fired, each time the users presses a button on his keyboard and a set of functions that control your game behaviour. With callbacks you can (re)decide at runtime which action will be taken.

void player_jump();
void player_crouch();

class game_core
    std::array<void(*)(), total_num_keys> actions;
    void key_pressed(unsigned key_id)
        if(actions[key_id]) actions[key_id]();
    // update keybind from menu
    void update_keybind(unsigned key_id, void(*new_action)())
        actions[key_id] = new_action;

Here the function key_pressed uses the callbacks stored in actions to obtain the desired behaviour when a certain key is pressed. If the player chooses to change the button for jumping, the engine can call

game_core_instance.update_keybind(newly_selected_key, &player_jump);

and thus change the behaviour of a call to key_pressed (which the calls player_jump) once this button is pressed the next time ingame.

What are callables in C++(11)?

See C++ concepts: Callable on cppreference for a more formal description.

Callback functionality can be realized in several ways in C++(11) since several different things turn out to be callable*:

  • Function pointers (including pointers to member functions)
  • std::function objects
  • Lambda expressions
  • Bind expressions
  • Function objects (classes with overloaded function call operator operator())

* Note: Pointer to data members are callable as well but no function is called at all.

Several important ways to write callbacks in detail

  • X.1 "Writing" a callback in this post means the syntax to declare and name the callback type.
  • X.2 "Calling" a callback refers to the syntax to call those objects.
  • X.3 "Using" a callback means the syntax when passing arguments to a function using a callback.

Note: As of C++17, a call like f(...) can be written as std::invoke(f, ...) which also handles the pointer to member case.

1. Function pointers

A function pointer is the 'simplest' (in terms of generality; in terms of readability arguably the worst) type a callback can have.

Let's have a simple function foo:

int foo (int x) { return 2+x; }

1.1 Writing a function pointer / type notation

A function pointer type has the notation

return_type (*)(parameter_type_1, parameter_type_2, parameter_type_3)
// i.e. a pointer to foo has the type:
int (*)(int)

where a named function pointer type will look like

return_type (* name) (parameter_type_1, parameter_type_2, parameter_type_3)

// i.e. f_int_t is a type: function pointer taking one int argument, returning int
typedef int (*f_int_t) (int); 

// foo_p is a pointer to function taking int returning int
// initialized by pointer to function foo taking int returning int
int (* foo_p)(int) = &foo; 
// can alternatively be written as 
f_int_t foo_p = &foo;

The using declaration gives us the option to make things a little bit more readable, since the typedef for f_int_t can also be written as:

using f_int_t = int(*)(int);

Where (at least for me) it is clearer that f_int_t is the new type alias and recognition of the function pointer type is also easier

And a declaration of a function using a callback of function pointer type will be:

// foobar having a callback argument named moo of type 
// pointer to function returning int taking int as its argument
int foobar (int x, int (*moo)(int));
// if f_int is the function pointer typedef from above we can also write foobar as:
int foobar (int x, f_int_t moo);

1.2 Callback call notation

The call notation follows the simple function call syntax:

int foobar (int x, int (*moo)(int))
    return x + moo(x); // function pointer moo called using argument x
// analog
int foobar (int x, f_int_t moo)
    return x + moo(x); // function pointer moo called using argument x

1.3 Callback use notation and compatible types

A callback function taking a function pointer can be called using function pointers.

Using a function that takes a function pointer callback is rather simple:

 int a = 5;
 int b = foobar(a, foo); // call foobar with pointer to foo as callback
 // can also be
 int b = foobar(a, &foo); // call foobar with pointer to foo as callback

1.4 Example

A function ca be written that doesn't rely on how the callback works:

void tranform_every_int(int * v, unsigned n, int (*fp)(int))
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    v[i] = fp(v[i]);

where possible callbacks could be

int double_int(int x) { return 2*x; }
int square_int(int x) { return x*x; }

used like

int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
tranform_every_int(&a[0], 5, double_int);
// now a == {2, 4, 6, 8, 10};
tranform_every_int(&a[0], 5, square_int);
// now a == {4, 16, 36, 64, 100};

2. Pointer to member function

A pointer to member function (of some class C) is a special type of (and even more complex) function pointer which requires an object of type C to operate on.

struct C
    int y;
    int foo(int x) const { return x+y; }

2.1 Writing pointer to member function / type notation

A pointer to member function type for some class T has the notation

// can have more or less parameters
return_type (T::*)(parameter_type_1, parameter_type_2, parameter_type_3)
// i.e. a pointer to C::foo has the type
int (C::*) (int)

where a named pointer to member function will -in analogy to the function pointer- look like this:

return_type (T::* name) (parameter_type_1, parameter_type_2, parameter_type_3)

// i.e. a type `f_C_int` representing a pointer to member function of `C`
// taking int returning int is:
typedef int (C::* f_C_int_t) (int x); 

// The type of C_foo_p is a pointer to member function of C taking int returning int
// Its value is initialized by a pointer to foo of C
int (C::* C_foo_p)(int) = &C::foo;
// which can also be written using the typedef:
f_C_int_t C_foo_p = &C::foo;

Example: Declaring a function taking a pointer to member function callback as one of its arguments:

// C_foobar having an argument named moo of type pointer to member function of C
// where the callback returns int taking int as its argument
// also needs an object of type c
int C_foobar (int x, C const &c, int (C::*moo)(int));
// can equivalently declared using the typedef above:
int C_foobar (int x, C const &c, f_C_int_t moo);

2.2 Callback call notation

The pointer to member function of C can be invoked, with respect to an object of type C by using member access operations on the dereferenced pointer. Note: Parenthesis required!

int C_foobar (int x, C const &c, int (C::*moo)(int))
    return x + (c.*moo)(x); // function pointer moo called for object c using argument x
// analog
int C_foobar (int x, C const &c, f_C_int_t moo)
    return x + (c.*moo)(x); // function pointer moo called for object c using argument x

Note: If a pointer to C is available the syntax is equivalent (where the pointer to C must be dereferenced as well):

int C_foobar_2 (int x, C const * c, int (C::*meow)(int))
    if (!c) return x;
    // function pointer meow called for object *c using argument x
    return x + ((*c).*meow)(x); 
// or equivalent:
int C_foobar_2 (int x, C const * c, int (C::*meow)(int))
    if (!c) return x;
    // function pointer meow called for object *c using argument x
    return x + (c->*meow)(x); 

2.3 Callback use notation and compatible types

A callback function taking a member function pointer of class T can be called using a member function pointer of class T.

Using a function that takes a pointer to member function callback is -in analogy to function pointers- quite simple as well:

 C my_c{2}; // aggregate initialization
 int a = 5;
 int b = C_foobar(a, my_c, &C::foo); // call C_foobar with pointer to foo as its callback

3. std::function objects (header <functional>)

The std::function class is a polymorphic function wrapper to store, copy or invoke callables.

3.1 Writing a std::function object / type notation

The type of a std::function object storing a callable looks like:

std::function<return_type(parameter_type_1, parameter_type_2, parameter_type_3)>

// i.e. using the above function declaration of foo:
std::function<int(int)> stdf_foo = &foo;
// or C::foo:
std::function<int(const C&, int)> stdf_C_foo = &C::foo;

3.2 Callback call notation

The class std::function has operator() defined which can be used to invoke its target.

int stdf_foobar (int x, std::function<int(int)> moo)
    return x + moo(x); // std::function moo called
// or 
int stdf_C_foobar (int x, C const &c, std::function<int(C const &, int)> moo)
    return x + moo(c, x); // std::function moo called using c and x

3.3 Callback use notation and compatible types

The std::function callback is more generic than function pointers or pointer to member function since different types can be passed and implicitly converted into a std::function object.

3.3.1 Function pointers and pointers to member functions

A function pointer

int a = 2;
int b = stdf_foobar(a, &foo);
// b == 6 ( 2 + (2+2) )

or a pointer to member function

int a = 2;
C my_c{7}; // aggregate initialization
int b = stdf_C_foobar(a, c, &C::foo);
// b == 11 == ( 2 + (7+2) )

can be used.

3.3.2 Lambda expressions

An unnamed closure from a lambda expression can be stored in a std::function object:

int a = 2;
int c = 3;
int b = stdf_foobar(a, [c](int x) -> int { return 7+c*x; });
// b == 15 ==  a + (7*c*a) == 2 + (7+3*2)

3.3.3 std::bind expressions

The result of a std::bind expression can be passed. For example by binding parameters to a function pointer call:

int foo_2 (int x, int y) { return 9*x + y; }
using std::placeholders::_1;

int a = 2;
int b = stdf_foobar(a, std::bind(foo_2, _1, 3));
// b == 23 == 2 + ( 9*2 + 3 )
int c = stdf_foobar(a, std::bind(foo_2, 5, _1));
// c == 49 == 2 + ( 9*5 + 2 )

Where also objects can be bound as the object for the invocation of pointer to member functions:

int a = 2;
C const my_c{7}; // aggregate initialization
int b = stdf_foobar(a, std::bind(&C::foo, my_c, _1));
// b == 1 == 2 + ( 2 + 7 )

3.3.4 Function objects

Objects of classes having a proper operator() overload can be stored inside a std::function object, as well.

struct Meow
  int y = 0;
  Meow(int y_) : y(y_) {}
  int operator()(int x) { return y * x; }
int a = 11;
int b = stdf_foobar(a, Meow{8});
// b == 99 == 11 + ( 8 * 11 )

3.4 Example

Changing the function pointer example to use std::function

void stdf_tranform_every_int(int * v, unsigned n, std::function<int(int)> fp)
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    v[i] = fp(v[i]);

gives a whole lot more utility to that function because (see 3.3) we have more possibilities to use it:

// using function pointer still possible
int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
stdf_tranform_every_int(&a[0], 5, double_int);
// now a == {2, 4, 6, 8, 10};

// use it without having to write another function by using a lambda
stdf_tranform_every_int(&a[0], 5, [](int x) -> int { return x/2; });
// now a == {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; again

// use std::bind :
int nine_x_and_y (int x, int y) { return 9*x + y; }
using std::placeholders::_1;
// calls nine_x_and_y for every int in a with y being 4 every time
stdf_tranform_every_int(&a[0], 5, std::bind(nine_x_and_y, _1, 4));
// now a == {13, 22, 31, 40, 49};

4. Templated callback type

Using templates, the code calling the callback can be even more general than using std::function objects.

Note that templates are a compile-time feature and are a design tool for compile-time polymorphism. If runtime dynamic behaviour is to be achieved through callbacks, templates will help but they won't induce runtime dynamics.

4.1 Writing (type notations) and calling templated callbacks

Generalizing i.e. the std_ftransform_every_int code from above even further can be achieved by using templates:

template<class R, class T>
void stdf_transform_every_int_templ(int * v,
  unsigned const n, std::function<R(T)> fp)
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    v[i] = fp(v[i]);

with an even more general (as well as easiest) syntax for a callback type being a plain, to-be-deduced templated argument:

template<class F>
void transform_every_int_templ(int * v, 
  unsigned const n, F f)
  std::cout << "transform_every_int_templ<" 
    << type_name<F>() << ">\n";
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    v[i] = f(v[i]);

Note: The included output prints the type name deduced for templated type F. The implementation of type_name is given at the end of this post.

The most general implementation for the unary transformation of a range is part of the standard library, namely std::transform, which is also templated with respect to the iterated types.

template<class InputIt, class OutputIt, class UnaryOperation>
OutputIt transform(InputIt first1, InputIt last1, OutputIt d_first,
  UnaryOperation unary_op)
  while (first1 != last1) {
    *d_first++ = unary_op(*first1++);
  return d_first;

4.2 Examples using templated callbacks and compatible types

The compatible types for the templated std::function callback method stdf_transform_every_int_templ are identical to the above mentioned types (see 3.4).

Using the templated version however, the signature of the used callback may change a little:

// Let
int foo (int x) { return 2+x; }
int muh (int const &x) { return 3+x; }
int & woof (int &x) { x *= 4; return x; }

int a[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
stdf_transform_every_int_templ<int,int>(&a[0], 5, &foo);
// a == {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
stdf_transform_every_int_templ<int, int const &>(&a[0], 5, &muh);
// a == {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
stdf_transform_every_int_templ<int, int &>(&a[0], 5, &woof);

Note: std_ftransform_every_int (non templated version; see above) does work with foo but not using muh.

// Let
void print_int(int * p, unsigned const n)
  bool f{ true };
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    std::cout << (f ? "" : " ") << p[i]; 
    f = false;
  std::cout << "\n";

The plain templated parameter of transform_every_int_templ can be every possible callable type.

int a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
print_int(a, 5);
transform_every_int_templ(&a[0], 5, foo);
print_int(a, 5);
transform_every_int_templ(&a[0], 5, muh);
print_int(a, 5);
transform_every_int_templ(&a[0], 5, woof);
print_int(a, 5);
transform_every_int_templ(&a[0], 5, [](int x) -> int { return x + x + x; });
print_int(a, 5);
transform_every_int_templ(&a[0], 5, Meow{ 4 });
print_int(a, 5);
using std::placeholders::_1;
transform_every_int_templ(&a[0], 5, std::bind(foo_2, _1, 3));
print_int(a, 5);
transform_every_int_templ(&a[0], 5, std::function<int(int)>{&foo});
print_int(a, 5);

The above code prints:

1 2 3 4 5
transform_every_int_templ <int(*)(int)>
3 4 5 6 7
transform_every_int_templ <int(*)(int&)>
6 8 10 12 14
transform_every_int_templ <int& (*)(int&)>
9 11 13 15 17
transform_every_int_templ <main::{lambda(int)#1} >
27 33 39 45 51
transform_every_int_templ <Meow>
108 132 156 180 204
transform_every_int_templ <std::_Bind<int(*(std::_Placeholder<1>, int))(int, int)>>
975 1191 1407 1623 1839
transform_every_int_templ <std::function<int(int)>>
977 1193 1409 1625 1841

type_name implementation used above

#include <type_traits>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <cxxabi.h>

template <class T>
std::string type_name()
  typedef typename std::remove_reference<T>::type TR;
  std::unique_ptr<char, void(*)(void*)> own
    (abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid(TR).name(), nullptr,
    nullptr, nullptr), std::free);
  std::string r = own != nullptr?own.get():typeid(TR).name();
  if (std::is_const<TR>::value)
    r += " const";
  if (std::is_volatile<TR>::value)
    r += " volatile";
  if (std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value)
    r += " &";
  else if (std::is_rvalue_reference<T>::value)
    r += " &&";
  return r;

Can I concatenate multiple MySQL rows into one field?

Have a look at GROUP_CONCAT if your MySQL version (4.1) supports it. See the documentation for more details.

It would look something like:

  FROM peoples_hobbies 
  WHERE person_id = 5 
  GROUP BY 'all';

How to send email to multiple recipients with addresses stored in Excel?

ToAddress = "[email protected]"
ToAddress1 = "[email protected]"
ToAddress2 = "[email protected]"
MessageSubject = "It works!."
Set ol = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set newMail = ol.CreateItem(olMailItem)
newMail.Subject = MessageSubject

What's the difference between :: (double colon) and -> (arrow) in PHP?

The difference between static and instantiated methods and properties seem to be one of the biggest obstacles to those just starting out with OOP PHP in PHP 5.

The double colon operator (which is called the Paamayim Nekudotayim from Hebrew - trivia) is used when calling an object or property from a static context. This means an instance of the object has not been created yet.

The arrow operator, conversely, calls methods or properties that from a reference of an instance of the object.

Static methods can be especially useful in object models that are linked to a database for create and delete methods, since you can set the return value to the inserted table id and then use the constructor to instantiate the object by the row id.

Calling variable defined inside one function from another function

The simplest option is to use a global variable. Then create a function that gets the current word.

current_word = ''
def oneFunction(lists):
    global current_word
    current_word = word

def anotherFunction():
    for letter in get_word():              
          print("_",end=" ")

 def get_word():
      return current_word

The advantage of this is that maybe your functions are in different modules and need to access the variable.

Redirect within component Angular 2

This worked for me Angular cli 6.x:

import {Router} from '@angular/router';

constructor(private artistService: ArtistService, private router: Router) { }

  selectRow(id: number): void{


Multiple markers Google Map API v3 from array of addresses and avoid OVER_QUERY_LIMIT while geocoding on pageLoad

Answer to add multiple markers.


Here's the working Example Geocoding with multiple addresses.

 <script type="text/javascript" src="">
 <script type="text/javascript">
  var delay = 100;
  var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
  var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(21.0000, 78.0000);
  var mapOptions = {
    zoom: 5,
    center: latlng,
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); 
  var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions);
  var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();

  function geocodeAddress(address, next) {
    geocoder.geocode({address:address}, function (results,status)
         if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
          var p = results[0].geometry.location;
          var lng=p.lng();
        else {
           if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OVER_QUERY_LIMIT) {
          } else {
 function createMarker(add,lat,lng) {
   var contentString = add;
   var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
     position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lng),
     map: map,

  google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {


  var locations = [
           'New Delhi, India',
           'Mumbai, India',
           'Bangaluru, Karnataka, India',
           'Hyderabad, Ahemdabad, India',
           'Gurgaon, Haryana, India',
           'Cannaught Place, New Delhi, India',
           'Bandra, Mumbai, India',
           'Nainital, Uttranchal, India',
           'Guwahati, India',
           'West Bengal, India',
           'Jammu, India',
           'Kanyakumari, India',
           'Kerala, India',
           'Himachal Pradesh, India',
           'Shillong, India',
           'Chandigarh, India',
           'Dwarka, New Delhi, India',
           'Pune, India',
           'Indore, India',
           'Orissa, India',
           'Shimla, India',
           'Gujarat, India'
  var nextAddress = 0;
  function theNext() {
    if (nextAddress < locations.length) {
      setTimeout('geocodeAddress("'+locations[nextAddress]+'",theNext)', delay);
    } else {


As we can resolve this issue with setTimeout() function.

Still we should not geocode known locations every time you load your page as said by @geocodezip

Another alternatives of these are explained very well in the following links:

How To Avoid GoogleMap Geocode Limit!

Geocode Multiple Addresses Tutorial By Mike Williams

Example by Google Developers

How should I tackle --secure-file-priv in MySQL?

MySQL use this system variable to control where you can import you files

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "secure_file_priv";
| Variable_name    | Value |
| secure_file_priv | NULL  |

So problem is how to change system variables such as secure_file_priv.

  1. shutdown mysqld
  2. sudo mysqld_safe --secure_file_priv=""

now you may see like this:

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "secure_file_priv";
| Variable_name    | Value |
| secure_file_priv |       |

Catch checked change event of a checkbox

Use below code snippet to achieve this.:

  $("#checkboxes input").attr('checked','checked');

  $("#checkboxes input").attr('checked',false);

Or you can do the same with single check box:

$('#checkAll').click(function(e) {
  if($('#checkAll').attr('checked') == 'checked') {
    $("#checkboxes input").attr('checked','checked');
  } else {
    $("#checkboxes input").attr('checked', false);

For demo:

Permanently adding a file path to sys.path in Python

This way worked for me:

adding the path that you like:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/you/want/to/add

checking: you can run 'export' cmd and check the output or you can check it using this cmd:

python -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"

How to display Woocommerce product price by ID number on a custom page?

If you have the product's ID you can use that to create a product object:

$_product = wc_get_product( $product_id );

Then from the object you can run any of WooCommerce's product methods.


Please review the Codex article on how to write your own shortcode.

Integrating the WooCommerce product data might look something like this:

function so_30165014_price_shortcode_callback( $atts ) {
    $atts = shortcode_atts( array(
        'id' => null,
    ), $atts, 'bartag' );

    $html = '';

    if( intval( $atts['id'] ) > 0 && function_exists( 'wc_get_product' ) ){
         $_product = wc_get_product( $atts['id'] );
         $html = "price = " . $_product->get_price();
    return $html;
add_shortcode( 'woocommerce_price', 'so_30165014_price_shortcode_callback' );

Your shortcode would then look like [woocommerce_price id="99"]

TNS Protocol adapter error while starting Oracle SQL*Plus

You might have set oracle not to start automatically. Goto Start and search for Services. Scroll down and look for OracleServiceORCL (or OracleServiceSID). Double click and change startup type to automatic if it is set as manual.

xsd:boolean element type accept "true" but not "True". How can I make it accept it?

If you're on Linux, or have cygwin available on Windows, you can run the input XML through a simple sed script that will replace <Active>True</Active> with <Active>true</Active>, like so:

cat <your XML file> | sed 'sX<Active>True</Active>X<Active>true</Active>X' | xmllint --schema -

If you're not, you can still use a non-validating xslt pocessor (xalan, saxon etc.) to run a simple xslt transformation on the input, and only then pipe it to xmllint.

What the xsl should contain something like below, for the example you listed above (the xslt processor should be 2.0 capable):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="2.0">
    <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:for-each select="XML">
        <xsl:for-each select="Active">
            <xsl:value-of select=" replace(current(), 'True','true')"/>

DBCC CHECKIDENT Sets Identity to 0

See also here:

This is documented behavior, why do you run CHECKIDENT if you recreate the table, in that case skip the step or use TRUNCATE (if you don't have FK relationships)

How can I mimic the bottom sheet from the Maps app?

I released a library based on my answer below.

It mimics the Shortcuts application overlay. See this article for details.

The main component of the library is the OverlayContainerViewController. It defines an area where a view controller can be dragged up and down, hiding or revealing the content underneath it.

let contentController = MapsViewController()
let overlayController = SearchViewController()

let containerController = OverlayContainerViewController()
containerController.delegate = self
containerController.viewControllers = [

window?.rootViewController = containerController

Implement OverlayContainerViewControllerDelegate to specify the number of notches wished:

enum OverlayNotch: Int, CaseIterable {
    case minimum, medium, maximum

func numberOfNotches(in containerViewController: OverlayContainerViewController) -> Int {
    return OverlayNotch.allCases.count

func overlayContainerViewController(_ containerViewController: OverlayContainerViewController,
                                    heightForNotchAt index: Int,
                                    availableSpace: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
    switch OverlayNotch.allCases[index] {
        case .maximum:
            return availableSpace * 3 / 4
        case .medium:
            return availableSpace / 2
        case .minimum:
            return availableSpace * 1 / 4

SwiftUI (12/29/20)

A SwiftUI version of the library is now available.

Previous answer

I think there is a significant point that is not treated in the suggested solutions: the transition between the scroll and the translation.

Maps transition between the scroll and the translation

In Maps, as you may have noticed, when the tableView reaches contentOffset.y == 0, the bottom sheet either slides up or goes down.

The point is tricky because we can not simply enable/disable the scroll when our pan gesture begins the translation. It would stop the scroll until a new touch begins. This is the case in most of the proposed solutions here.

Here is my try to implement this motion.

Starting point: Maps App

To start our investigation, let's visualize the view hierarchy of Maps (start Maps on a simulator and select Debug > Attach to process by PID or Name > Maps in Xcode 9).

Maps debug view hierarchy

It doesn't tell how the motion works, but it helped me to understand the logic of it. You can play with the lldb and the view hierarchy debugger.

Our view controller stacks

Let's create a basic version of the Maps ViewController architecture.

We start with a BackgroundViewController (our map view):

class BackgroundViewController: UIViewController {
    override func loadView() {
        view = MKMapView()

We put the tableView in a dedicated UIViewController:

class OverlayViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate {

    lazy var tableView = UITableView()

    override func loadView() {
        view = tableView
        tableView.dataSource = self
        tableView.delegate = self


Now, we need a VC to embed the overlay and manage its translation. To simplify the problem, we consider that it can translate the overlay from one static point OverlayPosition.maximum to another OverlayPosition.minimum.

For now it only has one public method to animate the position change and it has a transparent view:

enum OverlayPosition {
    case maximum, minimum

class OverlayContainerViewController: UIViewController {

    let overlayViewController: OverlayViewController
    var translatedViewHeightContraint = ...

    override func loadView() {
        view = UIView()

    func moveOverlay(to position: OverlayPosition) {

Finally we need a ViewController to embed the all:

class StackViewController: UIViewController {

    private var viewControllers: [UIViewController]

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        viewControllers.forEach { gz_addChild($0, in: view) }

In our AppDelegate, our startup sequence looks like:

let overlay = OverlayViewController()
let containerViewController = OverlayContainerViewController(overlayViewController: overlay)
let backgroundViewController = BackgroundViewController()
window?.rootViewController = StackViewController(viewControllers: [backgroundViewController, containerViewController])

The difficulty behind the overlay translation

Now, how to translate our overlay?

Most of the proposed solutions use a dedicated pan gesture recognizer, but we actually already have one : the pan gesture of the table view. Moreover, we need to keep the scroll and the translation synchronised and the UIScrollViewDelegate has all the events we need!

A naive implementation would use a second pan Gesture and try to reset the contentOffset of the table view when the translation occurs:

func panGestureAction(_ recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
    if isTranslating {
        tableView.contentOffset = .zero

But it does not work. The tableView updates its contentOffset when its own pan gesture recognizer action triggers or when its displayLink callback is called. There is no chance that our recognizer triggers right after those to successfully override the contentOffset. Our only chance is either to take part of the layout phase (by overriding layoutSubviews of the scroll view calls at each frame of the scroll view) or to respond to the didScroll method of the delegate called each time the contentOffset is modified. Let's try this one.

The translation Implementation

We add a delegate to our OverlayVC to dispatch the scrollview's events to our translation handler, the OverlayContainerViewController :

protocol OverlayViewControllerDelegate: class {
    func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
    func scrollViewDidStopScrolling(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)

class OverlayViewController: UIViewController {


    func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {

    func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {

In our container, we keep track of the translation using a enum:

enum OverlayInFlightPosition {
    case minimum
    case maximum
    case progressing

The current position calculation looks like :

private var overlayInFlightPosition: OverlayInFlightPosition {
    let height = translatedViewHeightContraint.constant
    if height == maximumHeight {
        return .maximum
    } else if height == minimumHeight {
        return .minimum
    } else {
        return .progressing

We need 3 methods to handle the translation:

The first one tells us if we need to start the translation.

private func shouldTranslateView(following scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool {
    guard scrollView.isTracking else { return false }
    let offset = scrollView.contentOffset.y
    switch overlayInFlightPosition {
    case .maximum:
        return offset < 0
    case .minimum:
        return offset > 0
    case .progressing:
        return true

The second one performs the translation. It uses the translation(in:) method of the scrollView's pan gesture.

private func translateView(following scrollView: UIScrollView) {
    scrollView.contentOffset = .zero
    let translation = translatedViewTargetHeight - scrollView.panGestureRecognizer.translation(in: view).y
    translatedViewHeightContraint.constant = max(
        min(translation, Constant.maximumHeight)

The third one animates the end of the translation when the user releases its finger. We calculate the position using the velocity & the current position of the view.

private func animateTranslationEnd() {
    let position: OverlayPosition =  // ... calculation based on the current overlay position & velocity
    moveOverlay(to: position)

Our overlay's delegate implementation simply looks like :

class OverlayContainerViewController: UIViewController {

    func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
        guard shouldTranslateView(following: scrollView) else { return }
        translateView(following: scrollView)

    func scrollViewDidStopScrolling(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
        // prevent scroll animation when the translation animation ends
        scrollView.isEnabled = false
        scrollView.isEnabled = true

Final problem: dispatching the overlay container's touches

The translation is now pretty efficient. But there is still a final problem: the touches are not delivered to our background view. They are all intercepted by the overlay container's view. We can not set isUserInteractionEnabled to false because it would also disable the interaction in our table view. The solution is the one used massively in the Maps app, PassThroughView:

class PassThroughView: UIView {
    override func hitTest(_ point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> UIView? {
        let view = super.hitTest(point, with: event)
        if view == self {
            return nil
        return view

It removes itself from the responder chain.

In OverlayContainerViewController:

override func loadView() {
    view = PassThroughView()


Here is the result:


You can find the code here.

Please if you see any bugs, let me know ! Note that your implementation can of course use a second pan gesture, specially if you add a header in your overlay.

Update 23/08/18

We can replace scrollViewDidEndDragging with willEndScrollingWithVelocity rather than enabling/disabling the scroll when the user ends dragging:

func scrollView(_ scrollView: UIScrollView,
                willEndScrollingWithVelocity velocity: CGPoint,
                targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
    switch overlayInFlightPosition {
    case .maximum:
    case .minimum, .progressing:
        targetContentOffset.pointee = .zero
    animateTranslationEnd(following: scrollView)

We can use a spring animation and allow user interaction while animating to make the motion flow better:

func moveOverlay(to position: OverlayPosition,
                 duration: TimeInterval,
                 velocity: CGPoint) {
    overlayPosition = position
    translatedViewHeightContraint.constant = translatedViewTargetHeight
        withDuration: duration,
        delay: 0,
        usingSpringWithDamping: velocity.y == 0 ? 1 : 0.6,
        initialSpringVelocity: abs(velocity.y),
        options: [.allowUserInteraction],
        animations: {
    }, completion: nil)

Expression must be a modifiable L-value

lvalue means "left value" -- it should be assignable. You cannot change the value of text since it is an array, not a pointer.

Either declare it as char pointer (in this case it's better to declare it as const char*):

const char *text;
if(number == 2) 
    text = "awesome"; 
    text = "you fail";

Or use strcpy:

char text[60];
if(number == 2) 
    strcpy(text, "awesome"); 
    strcpy(text, "you fail");

Change the location of the ~ directory in a Windows install of Git Bash

I'd share what I did, which works not only for Git, but MSYS/MinGW as well.

The HOME environment variable is not normally set for Windows applications, so creating it through Windows did not affect anything else. From the Computer Properties (right-click on Computer - or whatever it is named - in Explorer, and select Properties, or Control Panel -> System and Security -> System), choose Advanced system settings, then Environment Variables... and create a new one, HOME, and assign it wherever you like.

If you can't create new environment variables, the other answer will still work. (I went through the details of how to create environment variables precisely because it's so dificult to find.)

Make div 100% Width of Browser Window

If width:100% works in any cases, just use that, otherwise you can use vw in this case which is relative to 1% of the width of the viewport.

That means if you want to cover off the width, just use 100vw.

Look at the image I draw for you here:

enter image description here

Try the snippet I created for you as below:

.full-width {_x000D_
  width: 100vw;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 40px;_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
.one-vw-width {_x000D_
  width: 1vw;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
<div class="full-width"></div>_x000D_
<div class="one-vw-width"></div>

error: expected primary-expression before ')' token (C)

You should create a variable of the type SelectionneNonSelectionne.

struct SelectionneNonSelectionne var;

After that pass that variable to the function like

characterSelection(screen, var);

The error is caused since you are passing the type name SelectionneNonSelectionne

How to print binary tree diagram?

See also these answers.

In particular it wasn't too difficult to use abego TreeLayout to produce results shown below with the default settings.

If you try that tool, note this caveat: It prints children in the order they were added. For a BST where left vs right matters I found this library to be inappropriate without modification.

Also, the method to add children simply takes a parent and child node as parameters. (So to process a bunch of nodes, you must take the first one separately to create a root.)

I ended up using this solution above, modifying it to take in the type <Node> so as to have access to Node's left and right (children).

tree created with abego TreeLayout

How do I create delegates in Objective-C?

Disclaimer: this is the Swift version of how to create a delegate.

So, what are delegates? …in software development, there are general reusable solution architectures that help to solve commonly occurring problems within a given context, these “templates”, so to speak, are best known as design patterns. Delegates are a design pattern that allows one object to send messages to another object when a specific event happens. Imagine an object A calls an object B to perform an action. Once the action is complete, object A should know that B has completed the task and take necessary action, this can be achieved with the help of delegates!

For a better explanation, I am going to show you how to create a custom delegate that passes data between classes, with Swift in a simple application,start by downloading or cloning this starter project and run it!

You can see an app with two classes, ViewController A and ViewController B. B has two views that on tap changes the background color of the ViewController, nothing too complicated right? well now let’s think in an easy way to also change the background color of class A when the views on class B are tapped.

The problem is that this views are part of class B and have no idea about class A, so we need to find a way to communicate between this two classes, and that’s where delegation shines. I divided the implementation into 6 steps so you can use this as a cheat sheet when you need it.

step 1: Look for the pragma mark step 1 in ClassBVC file and add this

//MARK: step 1 Add Protocol here.
protocol ClassBVCDelegate: class {
func changeBackgroundColor(_ color: UIColor?)

The first step is to create a protocol, in this case, we will create the protocol in class B, inside the protocol you can create as many functions that you want based on the requirements of your implementation. In this case, we just have one simple function that accepts an optional UIColor as an argument. Is a good practice to name your protocols adding the word delegate at the end of the class name, in this case, ClassBVCDelegate.

step 2: Look for the pragma mark step 2 in ClassVBC and add this

//MARK: step 2 Create a delegate property here.
weak var delegate: ClassBVCDelegate?

Here we just create a delegate property for the class, this property must adopt the protocol type, and it should be optional. Also, you should add the weak keyword before the property to avoid retain cycles and potential memory leaks, if you don’t know what that means don’t worry for now, just remember to add this keyword.

step 3: Look for the pragma mark step 3 inside the handleTap method in ClassBVC and add this

//MARK: step 3 Add the delegate method call here.

One thing that you should know, run the app and tap on any view, you won’t see any new behavior and that’s correct but the thing that I want to point out is that the app it’s not crashing when the delegate is called, and it’s because we create it as an optional value and that’s why it won’t crash even the delegated doesn’t exist yet. Let’s now go to ClassAVC file and make it, the delegated.

step 4: Look for the pragma mark step 4 inside the handleTap method in ClassAVC and add this next to your class type like this.

//MARK: step 4 conform the protocol here.
class ClassAVC: UIViewController, ClassBVCDelegate {

Now ClassAVC adopted the ClassBVCDelegate protocol, you can see that your compiler is giving you an error that says “Type ‘ClassAVC does not conform to protocol ‘ClassBVCDelegate’ and this only means that you didn’t use the methods of the protocol yet, imagine that when class A adopts the protocol is like signing a contract with class B and this contract says “Any class adopting me MUST use my functions!”

Quick note: If you come from an Objective-C background you are probably thinking that you can also shut up that error making that method optional, but for my surprise, and probably yours, Swift language does not support optional protocols, if you want to do it you can create an extension for your protocol or use the @objc keyword in your protocol implementation.

Personally, If I have to create a protocol with different optional methods I would prefer to break it into different protocols, that way I will follow the concept of giving one single responsibility to my objects, but it can vary based on the specific implementation.

here is a good article about optional methods.

step 5: Look for the pragma mark step 5 inside the prepare for segue method and add this

//MARK: step 5 create a reference of Class B and bind them through the `prepareforsegue` method.
if let nav = segue.destination as? UINavigationController, let classBVC = nav.topViewController as? ClassBVC {
classBVC.delegate = self

Here we are just creating an instance of ClassBVC and assign its delegate to self, but what is self here? well, self is the ClassAVC which has been delegated!

step 6: Finally, look for the pragma step 6 in ClassAVC and let’s use the functions of the protocol, start typing func changeBackgroundColor and you will see that it’s auto-completing it for you. You can add any implementation inside it, in this example, we will just change the background color, add this.

//MARK: step 6 finally use the method of the contract
func changeBackgroundColor(_ color: UIColor?) {
view.backgroundColor = color

Now run the app!

Delegates are everywhere and you probably use them without even notice, if you create a tableview in the past you used delegation, many classes of UIKIT works around them and many other frameworks too, they solve these main problems.

  • Avoid tight coupling of objects.
  • Modify behavior and appearance without the need to subclass objects.
  • Allow tasks to be handled off to any arbitrary object.

Congratulations, you just implement a custom delegate, I know that you are probably thinking, so much trouble just for this? well, delegation is a very important design pattern to understand if you want to become an iOS developer, and always keep in mind that they have one to one relationship between objects.

You can see the original tutorial here

Twitter Bootstrap Tabs: Go to Specific Tab on Page Reload or Hyperlink

I am not a big fan of if...else; so I took a simpler approach.

$(document).ready(function(event) {
    $('ul.nav.nav-tabs a:first').tab('show'); // Select first tab
    $('ul.nav.nav-tabs a[href="'+ window.location.hash+ '"]').tab('show'); // Select tab by name if provided in location hash
    $('ul.nav.nav-tabs a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown', function (event) {    // Update the location hash to current tab
  1. Pick a default tab (usually the first)
  2. Switch to tab (if such an element is indeed present; let jQuery handle it); Nothing happens if a wrong hash is specified
  3. [Optional] Update the hash if another tab is manually chosen

Doesn't address scrolling to requested hash; but should it?

Implement a simple factory pattern with Spring 3 annotations

The following worked for me:

The interface consist of you logic methods plus additional identity method:

public interface MyService {
    String getType();
    void checkStatus();

Some implementations:

public class MyServiceOne implements MyService {
    public String getType() {
        return "one";

    public void checkStatus() {
      // Your code

public class MyServiceTwo implements MyService {
    public String getType() {
        return "two";

    public void checkStatus() {
      // Your code

public class MyServiceThree implements MyService {
    public String getType() {
        return "three";

    public void checkStatus() {
      // Your code

And the factory itself as following:

public class MyServiceFactory {

    private List<MyService> services;

    private static final Map<String, MyService> myServiceCache = new HashMap<>();

    public void initMyServiceCache() {
        for(MyService service : services) {
            myServiceCache.put(service.getType(), service);

    public static MyService getService(String type) {
        MyService service = myServiceCache.get(type);
        if(service == null) throw new RuntimeException("Unknown service type: " + type);
        return service;

I've found such implementation easier, cleaner and much more extensible. Adding new MyService is as easy as creating another spring bean implementing same interface without making any changes in other places.

IE11 meta element Breaks SVG

I figured it out! The page was rendering using IE8 mode... had

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8">

in the header... changed it to

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">

9 and it worked!

Get Hard disk serial Number

I have used the following method in a project and it's working successfully.

private string identifier(string wmiClass, string wmiProperty)
//Return a hardware identifier
    string result = "";
    System.Management.ManagementClass mc = new System.Management.ManagementClass(wmiClass);
    System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances();
    foreach (System.Management.ManagementObject mo in moc)
        //Only get the first one
        if (result == "")
                result = mo[wmiProperty].ToString();
    return result;

you can call the above method as mentioned below,

string modelNo = identifier("Win32_DiskDrive", "Model");
string manufatureID = identifier("Win32_DiskDrive", "Manufacturer");
string signature = identifier("Win32_DiskDrive", "Signature");
string totalHeads = identifier("Win32_DiskDrive", "TotalHeads");

If you need a unique identifier, use a combination of these IDs.

How to determine if a type implements an interface with C# reflection

If you don't need to use reflection and you have an object, you can use this:

if(myObject is IMyInterface )
 // it's implementing IMyInterface

JPA Criteria API - How to add JOIN clause (as general sentence as possible)

Actually you don't have to deal with the static metamodel if you had your annotations right.

With the following entities :

public class Pet {
  protected Long id;
  protected String name;
  protected String color;
  protected Set<Owner> owners;

public class Owner {
  protected Long id;
  protected String name;

You can use this :

CriteriaQuery<Pet> cq = cb.createQuery(Pet.class);
Metamodel m = em.getMetamodel();
EntityType<Pet> petMetaModel = m.entity(Pet.class);

Root<Pet> pet = cq.from(Pet.class);
Join<Pet, Owner> owner = pet.join(petMetaModel.getSet("owners", Owner.class));

TypeScript enum to object array

I don't think the order can be guaranteed, otherwise it would be easy enough to slice the second half of Object.entries result and map from there.

The only (very minor) issues with the answers above is that

  • there is a lot of unnecessary type conversion between string and number.
  • the entries are iterated twice when a single iteration is just as clean and effective.
type StandardEnum = { [id: string]: number | string; [nu: number]: string;}

function enumToList<T extends StandardEnum> (enm: T) : { id: number; description: string }[] {
    return Object.entries(enm).reduce((accum, kv) => {
        if (typeof kv[1] === 'number') {
            accum.push({ id: kv[1], description: kv[0] })
        return accum
    }, []) // if enum is huge, perhaps pre-allocate with new Array(entries.length / 2), however then push won't work, so tracking an index would also be required

Multiple Inheritance in C#

Yes using Interface is a hassle because anytime we add a method in the class we have to add the signature in the interface. Also, what if we already have a class with a bunch of methods but no Interface for it? we have to manually create Interface for all the classes that we want to inherit from. And the worst thing is, we have to implement all methods in the Interfaces in the child class if the child class is to inherit from the multiple interface.

By following Facade design pattern we can simulate inheriting from multiple classes using accessors. Declare the classes as properties with {get;set;} inside the class that need to inherit and all public properties and methods are from that class, and in the constructor of the child class instantiate the parent classes.

For example:

 namespace OOP
     class Program
         static void Main(string[] args)
             Child somechild = new Child();

     public class Father 
         public Father() { }
         public void Work()
         public void Moonlight()

     public class Mother 
         public Mother() { }
         public void Cook()
         public void Clean()

     public class Child 
         public Father MyFather { get; set; }
         public Mother MyMother { get; set; }

         public Child()
             MyFather = new Father();
             MyMother = new Mother();

         public void GoToSchool()
             Console.WriteLine("go to school...");
         public void DoHomeWork()
             Console.WriteLine("doing homework...");
         public void CheckingAround()


with this structure class Child will have access to all methods and properties of Class Father and Mother, simulating multiple inheritance, inheriting an instance of the parent classes. Not quite the same but it is practical.

How to delete empty folders using windows command prompt?

well, just a quick and dirty suggestion for simple 1-level directory structure without spaces, [edit] and for directories containing only ONE type of files that I found useful (at some point from

for /f %a in ('dir /ad/b') do if not exist %a\*.xml echo %a Empty

/ad : shows only directory entries
/b : use bare format (just names)

[edit] using plain asterisk to check for ANY file (%a\* above) won't work, thanks for correction

therefore, deleting would be:

for /f %a in ('dir /ad/b') do if not exist %a\*.xml rmdir %a

Redirect output of mongo query to a csv file

I know this question is old but I spend an hour trying to export a complex query to csv and I wanted to share my thoughts. First I couldn't get any of the json to csv converters to work (although this one looked promising). What I ended up doing was manually writing the csv file in my mongo script.

This is a simple version but essentially what I did:


This I just piped the query to stdout

mongo test export.js > out.csv

where test is the name of the database I use.

How to use GROUP BY to concatenate strings in SQL Server?

No CURSOR, WHILE loop, or User-Defined Function needed.

Just need to be creative with FOR XML and PATH.

[Note: This solution only works on SQL 2005 and later. Original question didn't specify the version in use.]

CREATE TABLE #YourTable ([ID] INT, [Name] CHAR(1), [Value] INT)

INSERT INTO #YourTable ([ID],[Name],[Value]) VALUES (1,'A',4)
INSERT INTO #YourTable ([ID],[Name],[Value]) VALUES (1,'B',8)
INSERT INTO #YourTable ([ID],[Name],[Value]) VALUES (2,'C',9)

    SELECT ', ' + [Name] + ':' + CAST([Value] AS VARCHAR(MAX)) 
    FROM #YourTable 
    WHERE (ID = Results.ID) 
    FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','VARCHAR(MAX)')
  ,1,2,'') AS NameValues
FROM #YourTable Results


Sort Go map values by keys

According to the Go spec, the order of iteration over a map is undefined, and may vary between runs of the program. In practice, not only is it undefined, it's actually intentionally randomized. This is because it used to be predictable, and the Go language developers didn't want people relying on unspecified behavior, so they intentionally randomized it so that relying on this behavior was impossible.

What you'll have to do, then, is pull the keys into a slice, sort them, and then range over the slice like this:

var m map[keyType]valueType
keys := sliceOfKeys(m) // you'll have to implement this
for _, k := range keys {
    v := m[k]
    // k is the key and v is the value; do your computation here

Unix command-line JSON parser?

You could try jsawk as suggested in this answer.

Really you could whip up a quick python script to do this though.

Change MySQL default character set to UTF-8 in my.cnf?

For the recent version of MySQL,

default-character-set = utf8

causes a problem. It's deprecated I think.

As Justin Ball says in "Upgrade to MySQL 5.5.12 and now MySQL won’t start, you should:

  1. Remove that directive and you should be good.

  2. Then your configuration file ('/etc/my.cnf' for example) should look like that:

    collation-server = utf8_unicode_ci
    init-connect='SET NAMES utf8'
    character-set-server = utf8
  3. Restart MySQL.

  4. For making sure, your MySQL is UTF-8, run the following queries in your MySQL prompt:

    • First query:

       mysql> show variables like 'char%';

      The output should look like:

       | Variable_name            | Value                           |
       | character_set_client     | utf8                            |
       | character_set_connection | utf8                            |
       | character_set_database   | utf8                            |
       | character_set_filesystem | binary                          |
       | character_set_results    | utf8                            |
       | character_set_server     | utf8                            |
       | character_set_system     | utf8                            |
       | character_sets_dir       | /usr/local/mysql/share/charsets/|
    • Second query:

       mysql> show variables like 'collation%';

      And the query output is:

       | Variable_name        | Value           |
       | collation_connection | utf8_general_ci |
       | collation_database   | utf8_unicode_ci |
       | collation_server     | utf8_unicode_ci |

Java ByteBuffer to String

Convert a String to ByteBuffer, then from ByteBuffer back to String using Java:

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.*;

String babel = "obufscate thdé alphebat and yolo!!";
//Convert string to ByteBuffer:
ByteBuffer babb = Charset.forName("UTF-8").encode(babel);
    //Convert ByteBuffer to String
    System.out.println(new String(babb.array(), "UTF-8"));
catch(Exception e){

Which prints the printed bare string first, and then the ByteBuffer casted to array():

obufscate thdé alphebat and yolo!!
obufscate thdé alphebat and yolo!!

Also this was helpful for me, reducing the string to primitive bytes can help inspect what's going on:

String text = "?????";
//convert utf8 text to a byte array
byte[] array = text.getBytes("UTF-8");
//convert the byte array back to a string as UTF-8
String s = new String(array, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
//forcing strings encoded as UTF-8 as an incorrect encoding like
//say ISO-8859-1 causes strange and undefined behavior
String sISO = new String(array, Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1"));

Prints your string interpreted as UTF-8, and then again as ISO-8859-1:


What's the difference between Sender, From and Return-Path?

A minor update to this: a sender should never set the Return-Path: header. There's no such thing as a Return-Path: header for a message in transit. That header is set by the MTA that makes final delivery, and is generally set to the value of the 5321.From unless the local system needs some kind of quirky routing.

It's a common misunderstanding because users rarely see an email without a Return-Path: header in their mailboxes. This is because they always see delivered messages, but an MTA should never see a Return-Path: header on a message in transit. See

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < On Chrome

To override the error that you might experience in Chrome (and probably in Safari), try to set the Ajax parameter as dataType: "json". Then you shouldn't call parseJSON() on the obj because the response you'll get comes deserialized.

Visual Studio Code: How to show line endings

AFAIK there is no way to visually see line endings in the editor space, but in the bottom-right corner of the window there is an indicator that says "CLRF" or "LF" which will let you set the line endings for a particular file. Clicking on the text will allow you to change the line endings as well.

enter image description here

How to dynamically insert a <script> tag via jQuery after page load?

You can put the script into a separate file, then use $.getScript to load and run it.


$.getScript("test.js", function(){
    alert("Running test.js");

SQLAlchemy create_all() does not create tables

This is probably not the main reason why the create_all() method call doesn't work for people, but for me, the cobbled together instructions from various tutorials have it such that I was creating my db in a request context, meaning I have something like:

# lib/
from flask import g, current_app
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

def get_db():
  if 'db' not in g:
    g.db = SQLAlchemy(current_app)
  return g.db

I also have a separate cli command that also does the create_all:

# tasks/
from lib.db import get_db

def init_db():
  db = get_db()

I also am using a application factory.

When the cli command is run, a new app context is used, which means a new db is used. Furthermore, in this world, an import model in the init_db method does not do anything, because it may be that your model file was already loaded(and associated with a separate db).

The fix that I came around to was to make sure that the db was a single global reference:

# lib/
from flask import g, current_app
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

db = None
def get_db():
  global db
  if not db:
    db = SQLAlchemy(current_app)
  return db

I have not dug deep enough into flask, sqlalchemy, or flask-sqlalchemy to understand if this means that requests to the db from multiple threads are safe, but if you're reading this you're likely stuck in the baby stages of understanding these concepts too.

OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Detecting a sheet of paper / Square Detection

Once you have detected the bounding box of the document, you can perform a four-point perspective transform to obtain a top-down birds eye view of the image. This will fix the skew and isolate only the desired object.

Input image:

Detected text object

Top-down view of text document


from imutils.perspective import four_point_transform
import cv2
import numpy

# Load image, grayscale, Gaussian blur, Otsu's threshold
image = cv2.imread("1.png")
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (7,7), 0)
thresh = cv2.threshold(blur, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1]

# Find contours and sort for largest contour
cnts = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
cnts = cnts[0] if len(cnts) == 2 else cnts[1]
cnts = sorted(cnts, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True)
displayCnt = None

for c in cnts:
    # Perform contour approximation
    peri = cv2.arcLength(c, True)
    approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(c, 0.02 * peri, True)
    if len(approx) == 4:
        displayCnt = approx

# Obtain birds' eye view of image
warped = four_point_transform(image, displayCnt.reshape(4, 2))

cv2.imshow("thresh", thresh)
cv2.imshow("warped", warped)
cv2.imshow("image", image)

How can I get the value of a registry key from within a batch script?

For some reason Patrick Cuff's code doesn't work on my system (Windows 7) probably due to tryingToBeClever's comment. Modifying it a little did the trick:

@echo OFF

set KEY_NAME=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
set VALUE_NAME=DefaultColor

FOR /F "tokens=1-3" %%A IN ('REG QUERY %KEY_NAME% /v %VALUE_NAME% 2^>nul') DO (
    set ValueName=%%A
    set ValueType=%%B
    set ValueValue=%%C

if defined ValueName (
    @echo Value Name = %ValueName%
    @echo Value Type = %ValueType%
    @echo Value Value = %ValueValue%
) else (
    @echo %KEY_NAME%\%VALUE_NAME% not found.

Round to at most 2 decimal places (only if necessary)

One can use .toFixed(NumberOfDecimalPlaces).

var str = 10.234.toFixed(2); // => '10.23'
var number = Number(str); // => 10.23

What causes javac to issue the "uses unchecked or unsafe operations" warning

I just want to add one example of the kind of unchecked warning I see quite often. If you use classes that implement an interface like Serializable, often you will call methods that return objects of the interface, and not the actual class. If the class being returned must be cast to a type based on generics, you can get this warning.

Here is a brief (and somewhat silly) example to demonstrate:


public class SimpleGenericClass<T> implements Serializable {

    public Serializable getInstance() {
        return this;

    // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    public static void main() {

        SimpleGenericClass<String> original = new SimpleGenericClass<String>();

        //  java: unchecked cast
        //    required: SimpleGenericClass<java.lang.String>
        //    found:
        SimpleGenericClass<String> returned =
                (SimpleGenericClass<String>) original.getInstance();

getInstance() returns an object that implements Serializable. This must be cast to the actual type, but this is an unchecked cast.

Can't start Tomcat as Windows Service

Cause :

This issue is caused:

1- tomcat can't find the jvm file from the directory specified to start the service because is deleted.

2- Incorrect permissions to the java folder for read&write access

3- Incorrect JAVA_HOME path.

4- Antivirus deleted the jvm file from java folder


1- confirm that especified file exisit in the java directoy.

2- Make sure that file has read&write permissions.

3- Confirm that JAVA_HOME is correct for java version.

4- if file has been deleted reinstall same java version to recreate missing files.

How to loop through a dataset in powershell?

The parser is having trouble concatenating your string. Try this:

write-host 'value is : '$i' '$($ds.Tables[1].Rows[$i][0])

Edit: Using double quotes might also be clearer since you can include the expressions within the quoted string:

write-host "value is : $i $($ds.Tables[1].Rows[$i][0])"

Hidden features of Python

To add more python modules (espcially 3rd party ones), most people seem to use PYTHONPATH environment variables or they add symlinks or directories in their site-packages directories. Another way, is to use *.pth files. Here's the official python doc's explanation:

"The most convenient way [to modify python's search path] is to add a path configuration file to a directory that's already on Python's path, usually to the .../site-packages/ directory. Path configuration files have an extension of .pth, and each line must contain a single path that will be appended to sys.path. (Because the new paths are appended to sys.path, modules in the added directories will not override standard modules. This means you can't use this mechanism for installing fixed versions of standard modules.)"

create a trusted self-signed SSL cert for localhost (for use with Express/Node)

If you need to go a step further than @alon's detailed steps and also create a self signed ca:

  key: fs.readFileSync(NODE_SSL_KEY),
  cert: fs.readFileSync(NODE_SSL_CERT),
  ca: fs.readFileSync(NODE_SSL_CA),
}, app).listen(PORT, () => {});


"setup:https": "openssl genrsa -out src/server/ssl/localhost.key 2048
&& openssl req -new -x509 -key src/server/ssl/localhost.key -out src/server/ssl/localhost.crt -config src/server/ssl/localhost.cnf
&& openssl req -new -out src/server/ssl/localhost.csr -config src/server/ssl/localhost.cnf
&& openssl x509 -req -in src/server/ssl/localhost.csr -CA src/server/ssl/localhost.crt -CAkey src/server/ssl/localhost.key -CAcreateserial -out src/server/ssl/ca.crt",

Using the localhost.cnf as described:

distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
x509_extensions = v3_req
prompt = no
C = UK
ST = State
L = Location
O = Organization Name
OU = Organizational Unit 
CN =
keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, keyAgreement
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 =
DNS.2 =
DNS.3 = localhost

LINQ query to return a Dictionary<string, string>

Look at the ToLookup and/or ToDictionary extension methods.

How to see data from .RData file?

This may fit better as a comment but I don't have enough reputation, so I put it here.
It worth mentioning that the load() function will retain the object name that was originally saved no matter how you name the .Rdata file.

Please check the name of the data.frame object used in the save() function. If you were using RStudio, you could check the upper right panel, Global Environment-Data, to find the name of the data you load.

mysql: SOURCE error 2?

If you're on Debian 8 (Jessie) Linux, try to cd into the directory of the 'metropolises.sql'. Run mysql and execute SOURCE ./metropolises.sql;

Basically, try the relative path. I tried this and it works.

How to upload a file from Windows machine to Linux machine using command lines via PuTTy?

Pscp.exe is painfully slow.

Uploading files using WinSCP is like 10 times faster.

So, to do that from command line, first you got to add the file to your %PATH%. It's not a top-level domain, but an executable .com file, which is located in your WinSCP installation directory.

Then just issue a simple command and your file will be uploaded much faster putty ever could: /command "open sftp://username:[email protected]:22" "put /var/www/somedirectory/" "exit"

And make sure your check the synchronize folders feature, which is basically what rsync does, so you won't ever want to use pscp.exe again. /command "help synchronize"

How do I change the default location for Git Bash on Windows?

Add "cd your_repos_path" to your Git profile, which is under the %.

jQuery .live() vs .on() method for adding a click event after loading dynamic html

Try this:

$('#parent').on('click', '#child', function() {
    // Code

From the $.on() documentation:

Event handlers are bound only to the currently selected elements; they must exist on the page at the time your code makes the call to .on().

Your #child element doesn't exist when you call $.on() on it, so the event isn't bound (unlike $.live()). #parent, however, does exist, so binding the event to that is fine.

The second argument in my code above acts as a 'filter' to only trigger if the event bubbled up to #parent from #child.

:first-child not working as expected

:first-child selects the first h1 if and only if it is the first child of its parent element. In your example, the ul is the first child of the div.

The name of the pseudo-class is somewhat misleading, but it's explained pretty clearly here in the spec.

jQuery's :first selector gives you what you're looking for. You can do this:

$('.detail_container h1:first').css("color", "blue");

Regular expression to search multiple strings (Textpad)

To get the lines that contain the texts 8768, 9875 or 2353, use:


What it means:

^                      from the beginning of the line
.*                     get any character except \n (0 or more times)
(8768|9875|2353)       if the line contains the string '8768' OR '9875' OR '2353'
.*                     and get any character except \n (0 or more times)
$                      until the end of the line

If you do want the literal * char, you'd have to escape it:


Select all contents of textbox when it receives focus (Vanilla JS or jQuery)

$('input').focus(function () {
    var self = $(this);
    setTimeout(function () {;
    }, 1);        

Edit: Per @DavidG's request, I can't provide details because I'm not sure why this works, but I believe it has something to do with the focus event propagating up or down or whatever it does and the input element getting the notification it's received focus. Setting the timeout gives the element a moment to realize it's done so.

How to define unidirectional OneToMany relationship in JPA

My bible for JPA work is the Java Persistence wikibook. It has a section on unidirectional OneToMany which explains how to do this with a @JoinColumn annotation. In your case, i think you would want:

private Set<Text> text;

I've used a Set rather than a List, because the data itself is not ordered.

The above is using a defaulted referencedColumnName, unlike the example in the wikibook. If that doesn't work, try an explicit one:

@JoinColumn(name="TXTHEAD_CODE", referencedColumnName="DATREG_META_CODE")
private Set<Text> text;

Python requests library how to pass Authorization header with single token

You can try something like this

r = requests.get(ENDPOINT, params=params, headers={'Authorization': 'Basic %s' %  API_KEY})

How can I temporarily disable a foreign key constraint in MySQL?

For me just SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; wasn't enough. I was still having a com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException.

I had to add ALTER TABLE myTable DISABLE KEYS;.



When to use RSpec let()?

Dissenting voice here: after 5 years of rspec I don't like let very much.

1. Lazy evaluation often makes test setup confusing

It becomes difficult to reason about setup when some things that have been declared in setup are not actually affecting state, while others are.

Eventually, out of frustration someone just changes let to let! (same thing without lazy evaluation) in order to get their spec working. If this works out for them, a new habit is born: when a new spec is added to an older suite and it doesn't work, the first thing the writer tries is to add bangs to random let calls.

Pretty soon all the performance benefits are gone.

2. Special syntax is unusual to non-rspec users

I would rather teach Ruby to my team than the tricks of rspec. Instance variables or method calls are useful everywhere in this project and others, let syntax will only be useful in rspec.

3. The "benefits" allow us to easily ignore good design changes

let() is good for expensive dependencies that we don't want to create over and over. It also pairs well with subject, allowing you to dry up repeated calls to multi-argument methods

Expensive dependencies repeated in many times, and methods with big signatures are both points where we could make the code better:

  • maybe I can introduce a new abstraction that isolates a dependency from the rest of my code (which would mean fewer tests need it)
  • maybe the code under test is doing too much
  • maybe I need to inject smarter objects instead of a long list of primitives
  • maybe I have a violation of tell-don't-ask
  • maybe the expensive code can be made faster (rarer - beware of premature optimisation here)

In all these cases, I can address the symptom of difficult tests with a soothing balm of rspec magic, or I can try address the cause. I feel like I spent way too much of the last few years on the former and now I want some better code.

To answer the original question: I would prefer not to, but I do still use let. I mostly use it to fit in with the style of the rest of the team (it seems like most Rails programmers in the world are now deep into their rspec magic so that is very often). Sometimes I use it when I'm adding a test to some code that I don't have control of, or don't have time to refactor to a better abstraction: i.e. when the only option is the painkiller.

log4j: Log output of a specific class to a specific appender

An example:

log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, logfile

log4j.appender.logfile.layout.ConversionPattern=%-6r %d{ISO8601} %-5p %40.40c %x - %m\n, myappender

log4j.appender.myappender.layout.ConversionPattern=%-6r %d{ISO8601} %-5p %40.40c %x - %m\n

Angular ng-repeat Error "Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed."

Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Use 'track by' expression to specify unique keys. Repeater: sdetail in mydt, Duplicate key: string: , Duplicate value:

I faced this error because i had written wrong database name in my php api part......

So this error may also occurs when you are fetching the data from database base, whose name is written incorrect by you.

Batch File; List files in directory, only filenames?

Windows 10:

  1. open cmd

  2. change directory where you want to create text file(movie_list.txt) for the folder (d:\videos\movies)

  3. type following command

    d:\videos\movies> dir /b /a-d > movie_list.txt

How To Remove Outline Border From Input Button

Removing the outline is an accessibility nightmare. People tabbing using keyboards will never know what item they're on.

Best to leave it, as most clicked buttons will take you somewhere anyway, or if you HAVE to remove the outline then isolate it a specific class name.

.no-outline {
  outline: none;

Then you can apply that class whenever you need to.

How to detect when a youtube video finishes playing?

This can be done through the youtube player API:

Working example:

    <div id="player"></div>

    <script src=""></script>


        // create youtube player
        var player;
        function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady() {
            player = new YT.Player('player', {
              width: '640',
              height: '390',
              videoId: '0Bmhjf0rKe8',
              events: {
                onReady: onPlayerReady,
                onStateChange: onPlayerStateChange

        // autoplay video
        function onPlayerReady(event) {

        // when video ends
        function onPlayerStateChange(event) {        
            if( === 0) {          


How do I calculate the date in JavaScript three months prior to today?

var d = new Date("2013/01/01");_x000D_
d.setMonth(d.getMonth() + 18);_x000D_

Get value of input field inside an iframe

Without Iframe We can do this by JQuery but it will give you only HTML page source and no dynamic links or html tags will display. Almost same as php solution but in JQuery :) Code---

var purl = "";
$.getJSON('' +
    encodeURIComponent(purl) + '&callback=?',
    function (data) {

What is the HTML tabindex attribute?

In Simple words, tabindex is used to focus on elements. Syntax: tabindex="numeric_value" This numeric_value is the weight of element. Lower value will be accessed first.

Boxplot in R showing the mean

Check chart.Boxplot from package PerformanceAnalytics. It lets you define the symbol to use for the mean of the distribution.

By default, the chart.Boxplot(data) command adds the mean as a red circle and the median as a black line.

Here is the output with sample data; MWE:


picture of a boxplot using performance analytics package

How can I control Chromedriver open window size?

In java/groovy try:

import java.awt.Toolkit;
import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension;         
import org.openqa.selenium.Point;


java.awt.Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();

Dimension maximizedScreenSize = new Dimension((int) screenSize.getWidth(), (int) screenSize.getHeight());
driver.manage().window().setPosition(new Point(0, 0));

this will open browser in fullscreen

How to display .svg image using swift

Swift 3.0 version :

let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "svgNameFileHere", ofType: "svg")!
if path != "" {
    let fileURL:URL = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
    let req = URLRequest(url: fileURL)
    self.webView.scalesPageToFit = false
else {
   //handle here if path not found

Third party libraries

UIWebView and WKWebView booster to load faster

RecyclerView inside ScrollView is not working

The best solution is to keep multiple Views in a Single View / View Group and then keep that one view in the SrcollView. ie.

Format -

  <Another View>
       <And Other Views>
  </Another View>



              android:text="any text"

              android:text="any text"

Another Eg. of ScrollView with multiple Views









Why doesn't margin:auto center an image?

You need to render it as block level;

img {
   display: block;
   width: auto;
   margin: auto;

Fuzzy matching using T-SQL

Pasting RedFilter code in two parts ,so as to avoid link rot

References: Part1:

--WEB LISTING 1: Double Metaphone Script

CREATE FUNCTION fnIsVowel( @c char(1) )
    IF (@c = 'A') OR (@c = 'E') OR (@c = 'I') OR (@c = 'O') OR (@c = 'U') OR (@c = 'Y') 
        RETURN 1
    --'ELSE' would worry SQL Server, it wants RETURN last in a scalar function
    RETURN 0
IF OBJECT_ID('fnSlavoGermanic') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP FUNCTION fnSlavoGermanic 
CREATE FUNCTION fnSlavoGermanic( @Word char(50) )
    --Catch NULL also...
    IF (CHARINDEX('W',@Word) > 0) OR (CHARINDEX('K',@Word) > 0) OR 
(CHARINDEX('CZ',@Word) > 0)
    --'WITZ' test is in original Lawrence Philips C++ code, but appears to be a subset of the first test for 'W'
    -- OR (CHARINDEX('WITZ',@Word) > 0)
        RETURN 1
        RETURN 0
--Lawrence Philips calls for a length argument, but this has two drawbacks:
--1. All target strings must be of the same length
--2. It presents an opportunity for subtle bugs, ie fnStringAt( 1, 7, 'Search me please', 'Search' ) returns 0 (no matter what is in the searched string)
--So I've eliminated the argument and fnStringAt checks the length of each target as it executes

--DEFAULTS suck with UDFs. Have to specify DEFAULT in caller - why bother?
CREATE FUNCTION fnStringAtDef( @Start int, @StringToSearch varchar(50), 
    @Target1 varchar(50), 
    @Target2 varchar(50) = NULL,
    @Target3 varchar(50) = NULL,
    @Target4 varchar(50) = NULL,
    @Target5 varchar(50) = NULL,
    @Target6 varchar(50) = NULL )
    IF CHARINDEX(@Target1,@StringToSearch,@Start) > 0 RETURN 1
    --2 Styles, test each optional argument for NULL, nesting further tests
    --or just take advantage of CHARINDEX behavior with a NULL arg (unless 65 compatibility - code check before CREATE FUNCTION?
    --Style 1:
    --IF @Target2 IS NOT NULL
    --  IF CHARINDEX(@Target2,@StringToSearch,@Start) > 0 RETURN 1
    -- (etc.)
    --Style 2:
    IF CHARINDEX(@Target2,@StringToSearch,@Start) > 0 RETURN 1
    IF CHARINDEX(@Target3,@StringToSearch,@Start) > 0 RETURN 1
    IF CHARINDEX(@Target4,@StringToSearch,@Start) > 0 RETURN 1
    IF CHARINDEX(@Target5,@StringToSearch,@Start) > 0 RETURN 1
    IF CHARINDEX(@Target6,@StringToSearch,@Start) > 0 RETURN 1
    RETURN 0
CREATE FUNCTION fnStringAt( @Start int, @StringToSearch varchar(50), @TargetStrings 
varchar(2000) )
    DECLARE @SingleTarget varchar(50)
    DECLARE @CurrentStart int
    DECLARE @CurrentLength int

    --Eliminate special cases
    --Trailing space is needed to check for end of word in some cases, so always append comma
    --loop tests should fairly quickly ignore ',,' termination
    SET @TargetStrings = @TargetStrings + ','

    SET @CurrentStart = 1
    --Include terminating comma so spaces don't get truncated
    SET @CurrentLength = (CHARINDEX(',',@TargetStrings,@CurrentStart) - 
@CurrentStart) + 1
    SET @SingleTarget = SUBSTRING(@TargetStrings,@CurrentStart,@CurrentLength)
    WHILE LEN(@SingleTarget) > 1
        IF SUBSTRING(@StringToSearch,@Start,LEN(@SingleTarget)-1) = 
            RETURN 1
        SET @CurrentStart = (@CurrentStart + @CurrentLength)
        SET @CurrentLength = (CHARINDEX(',',@TargetStrings,@CurrentStart) - 
@CurrentStart) + 1
        IF NOT @CurrentLength > 1 --getting trailing comma 
        SET @SingleTarget = 
    RETURN 0
fnDoubleMetaphoneTable END
CREATE FUNCTION fnDoubleMetaphoneTable( @Word varchar(50) )
RETURNS @DMP TABLE ( Metaphone1 char(4), Metaphone2 char(4) )
    DECLARE @MP1 varchar(4), @MP2 varchar(4)
    SET @MP1 = ''
    SET @MP2 = ''
    DECLARE @CurrentPosition int, @WordLength int, @CurrentChar char(1)
    SET @CurrentPosition = 1
    SET @WordLength = LEN(@Word)

    IF @WordLength < 1 

    --ensure case insensitivity
    SET @Word = UPPER(@Word)

    IF dbo.fnStringAt(1, @Word, 'GN,KN,PN,WR,PS') = 1 
        SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1

    IF 'X' = LEFT(@Word,1)
        SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'S'
        SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'S'
        SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1

    WHILE (4 > LEN(RTRIM(@MP1))) OR (4 > LEN(RTRIM(@MP2)))
        IF @CurrentPosition > @WordLength 

        SET @CurrentChar = SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition,1)

        IF @CurrentChar IN('A','E','I','O','U','Y')
            IF @CurrentPosition = 1 
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'A'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'A'
            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1
        ELSE IF @CurrentChar = 'B'
            SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'P'
            SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'P'
            IF 'B' = SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition + 1,1) 
                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1
        ELSE IF @CurrentChar = 'Ç'
            SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'S'
            SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'S'
            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1
        ELSE IF @CurrentChar = 'C'
            --various germanic
            IF (@CurrentPosition > 2) 
               AND (dbo.fnIsVowel(SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition-2,1))=0) 
               AND (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition-1,@Word,'ACH') = 1) 
               AND ((SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition+2,1) <> 'I') 
                AND ((SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition+2,1) <> 'E') OR 
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
            -- 'caesar'
            ELSE IF (@CurrentPosition = 1) AND 
(dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CAESAR') = 1)
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'S'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'S'
                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
            -- 'chianti'
            ELSE IF dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CHIA') = 1
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
            ELSE IF dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CH') = 1
                -- Find 'michael'
                IF (@CurrentPosition > 1) AND 
(dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CHAE') = 1)
                    --First instance of alternate encoding
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'X'
                    SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                --greek roots e.g. 'chemistry', 'chorus'
                ELSE IF (@CurrentPosition = 1) AND (dbo.fnStringAt(2, @Word, 
'HARAC,HARIS,HOR,HYM,HIA,HEM') = 1) AND (dbo.fnStringAt(1,@Word,'CHORE') = 0)
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                    SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                --germanic, greek, or otherwise 'ch' for 'kh' sound
                ELSE IF ((dbo.fnStringAt(1,@Word,'VAN ,VON ,SCH')=1) OR 
                   (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition+2,@Word,'T,S')=1) OR 
                   (@CurrentPosition = 1))  
(dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition+2,@Word,'L,R,N,M,B,H,F,V,W, ')=1)))
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                    SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                    --is this a given?
                    IF (@CurrentPosition > 1)   
                        IF (dbo.fnStringAt(1,@Word,'MC') = 1)
                            --eg McHugh
                            SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                            SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                            --Alternate encoding
                            SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'X'
                            SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                        SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'X'
                        SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'X'
                    SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                    --e.g, 'czerny'
                    ELSE IF (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CZ')=1) AND 
(dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition - 2),@Word,'WICZ')=0)
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'S'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'X'
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2

                    --e.g., 'focaccia'
                    ELSE IF(dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 1),@Word,'CIA')=1)
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'X'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'X'
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 3

                    --double 'C', but not if e.g. 'McClellan'
                    ELSE IF(dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CC')=1) AND NOT 
((@CurrentPosition = 2) AND (LEFT(@Word,1) = 'M'))
                            --'bellocchio' but not 'bacchus'
                            IF (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 2),@Word,'I,E,H')=1) AND 
(dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 2),@Word,'HU')=0)
                                    --'accident', 'accede' 'succeed'
                                    IF (((@CurrentPosition = 2) AND 
(SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition - 1,1) = 'A')) 
                                                    OR (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition - 
                        SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'KS'
                        SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'KS'
                                    --'bacci', 'bertucci', other italian
                        SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'X'
                        SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'X'
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 3
                            --Pierce's rule
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2

                    ELSE IF (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CK,CG,CQ')=1)
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2

                    ELSE IF (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CI,CE,CY')=1)
                            --italian vs. english
                            IF (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'CIO,CIE,CIA')=1)
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'S'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'X'
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'S'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'S'
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2

                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'

                        --name sent in 'mac caffrey', 'mac gregor
                        IF (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 1),@Word,' C, Q, G')=1)
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 3
                                IF (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 1),@Word,'C,K,Q')=1)
                                        AND (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 1), 2, 'CE,CI')=0)
                                    SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                                    SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1

        ELSE IF @CurrentChar = 'D'
                    IF (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition, @Word, 'DG')=1)
                            IF (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 2),@Word,'I,E,Y')=1)
                                    --e.g. 'edge'
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'J'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'J'
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 3
                                    --e.g. 'edgar'
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'TK'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'TK'
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                    ELSE IF (dbo.fnStringAt(@CurrentPosition,@Word,'DT,DD')=1)
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'T'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'T'
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'T'
                SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'T'
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1

        ELSE IF @CurrentChar = 'F'
                    IF (SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition + 1,1) = 'F')
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                            SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 1
            SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'F'
            SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'F'

        ELSE IF @CurrentChar = 'G'
                    IF (SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition + 1,1) = 'H')
                            IF (@CurrentPosition > 1) AND 
(dbo.fnIsVowel(SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition - 1,1)) = 0)
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                                --'ghislane', ghiradelli
                                ELSE IF (@CurrentPosition = 1)
                                        IF (SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition + 2,1) = 'I')
                        SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'J'
                        SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'J'
                        SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                        SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                            --Parker's rule (with some further refinements) - e.g., 'hugh'
                            ELSE IF (((@CurrentPosition > 2) AND (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition 
- 2),@Word,'B,H,D')=1) )
                                    --e.g., 'bough'
                                    OR ((@CurrentPosition > 3) AND (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition 
- 3),@Word,'B,H,D')=1) )
                                    --e.g., 'broughton'
                                    OR ((@CurrentPosition > 4) AND (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition 
- 4),@Word,'B,H')=1) ) )
                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2
                                    --e.g., 'laugh', 'McLaughlin', 'cough', 'gough', 'rough', 'tough'
                                    IF ((@CurrentPosition > 3) 
                                            AND (SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition - 1,1) = 'U') 
                                            AND (dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition - 
3),@Word,'C,G,L,R,T')=1) )
                        SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'F'
                        SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'F'
                                            IF ((@CurrentPosition > 1) AND 
SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition - 1,1) <> 'I')
                            SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'K'
                            SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'K'

                                SET @CurrentPosition = @CurrentPosition + 2

                    ELSE IF (SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition + 1,1) = 'N')
                            IF ((@CurrentPosition = 2) AND (dbo.fnIsVowel(LEFT(@Word,1))=1) AND 
                    SET @MP1 = @MP1 + 'KN'
                    SET @MP2 = @MP2 + 'N'
                                    --not e.g. 'cagney'
                                    IF ((dbo.fnStringAt((@CurrentPosition + 2),@Word,'EY')=0) 
                                                    AND (SUBSTRING(@Word,@CurrentPosition + 1,1) <> 
'Y') AND (dbo.fnSlavoGermanic(@Word)=0))

PHP Call to undefined function

Your function is probably in a different namespace than the one you're calling it from.

How to append multiple values to a list in Python

If you take a look at the official docs, you'll see right below append, extend. That's what your looking for.

There's also itertools.chain if you are more interested in efficient iteration than ending up with a fully populated data structure.

How do I get rid of the "cannot empty the clipboard" error?

I copied a picture (instead of text) that I had in my excel 2007 file and that solved the problem for me. The picture copied to the (then empty) clipboard. I could then copy cells normally even after clearing the clipboard of the picture. I think a graph object should also do the trick.

How to send a POST request using volley with string body?

You can refer to the following code (of course you can customize to get more details of the network response):

try {
    RequestQueue requestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);
    String URL = "http://...";
    JSONObject jsonBody = new JSONObject();
    jsonBody.put("Title", "Android Volley Demo");
    jsonBody.put("Author", "BNK");
    final String requestBody = jsonBody.toString();

    StringRequest stringRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST, URL, new Response.Listener<String>() {
        public void onResponse(String response) {
            Log.i("VOLLEY", response);
    }, new Response.ErrorListener() {
        public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
            Log.e("VOLLEY", error.toString());
    }) {
        public String getBodyContentType() {
            return "application/json; charset=utf-8";

        public byte[] getBody() throws AuthFailureError {
            try {
                return requestBody == null ? null : requestBody.getBytes("utf-8");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
      "Unsupported Encoding while trying to get the bytes of %s using %s", requestBody, "utf-8");
                return null;

        protected Response<String> parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse response) {
            String responseString = "";
            if (response != null) {
                responseString = String.valueOf(response.statusCode);
                // can get more details such as response.headers
            return Response.success(responseString, HttpHeaderParser.parseCacheHeaders(response));

} catch (JSONException e) {

Android Studio does not show layout preview

Check again for SDK update because API 23: Android N (preview) is now available, download it properly OR select the API 23: Android 6.0 from the top right of the preview window. check the image

enter image description here .
It (Android Studio) automatically selects the latest one even if it not properly installed. So,

What you need to do is :

  1. install the new one properly


  2. click on the previous one.

What is the method for converting radians to degrees?

For double in c# this might be helpful:

        public static double Conv_DegreesToRadians(this double degrees)
            //return degrees * (Math.PI / 180d);
            return degrees * 0.017453292519943295d;
        public static double Conv_RadiansToDegrees(this double radians)
            //return radians * (180d / Math.PI);
            return radians * 57.295779513082323d;

How to capitalize the first letter of word in a string using Java?

Actually, you will get the best performance if you avoid + operator and use concat() in this case. It is the best option for merging just 2 strings (not so good for many strings though). In that case the code would look like this:

String output = input.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase().concat(input.substring(1));

Intel's HAXM equivalent for AMD on Windows OS

Buying a new processor is one solution, but for some of us that means buying other components as well. Alternatively you could just buy an Android phone that supports your lowest target API level and run your apps off the phone. You can find some of those phones on Amazon, Ebay, craigslist for pennies (sometimes). Plus this grants you the benefit of actually running on the minimum hardware you intend to support. While this may be a bit slower than installing your app on an emulated system, it will probably save you money.

Android, device testing/debugging link:

Regex allow digits and a single dot

My try is combined solution.

string = string.replace(',', '.').replace(/[^\d\.]/g, "").replace(/\./, "x").replace(/\./g, "").replace(/x/, ".");
string = Math.round( parseFloat(string) * 100) / 100;

First line solution from here: regex replacing multiple periods in floating number . It replaces comma "," with dot "." ; Replaces first comma with x; Removes all dots and replaces x back to dot.

Second line cleans numbers after dot.

Switch to selected tab by name in Jquery-UI Tabs

The only practical way to get the zero-based index of your tabs is to step through each of the elements that make the tabset (the LI>A s) and match on their inner text. It can probably be done in a cleaner way, but here's how I did it.

$('#tabs ul li a').each(function(i) {
    if (this.text == 'Two') {$('#reqTab').val(i)}

    selected: $('#reqTab').val()

You can see that I used a hidden <input id="reqTab"> field in the page to make sure the variable moved from one function to the other.

NOTE: There is a little bit of a gotcha -- selecting tabs after the tabset is activated doesn't seem to work as advertised in jQuery UI 1.8, which is why I used the identified index from my first pass in order to initialize the tabset with the desired tab selected.

Laravel 5.1 API Enable Cors

Use this library. Follow the instruction mention in this repo.

Remember don't use dd() or die() in the CORS URL because this library will not work. Always use return with the CORS URL.


Error: org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException: Content type 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8' not supported

For me it turned out that I had a @JsonManagedReferece in one entity without a @JsonBackReference in the other referenced entity. This caused the marshaller to throw an error.

How to sort a dataframe by multiple column(s)

Suppose you have a data.frame A and you want to sort it using column called x descending order. Call the sorted data.frame newdata

newdata <- A[order(-A$x),]

If you want ascending order then replace "-" with nothing. You can have something like

newdata <- A[order(-A$x, A$y, -A$z),]

where x and z are some columns in data.frame A. This means sort data.frame A by x descending, y ascending and z descending.

Converting bool to text in C++

This should be fine:

const char* bool_cast(const bool b) {
    return b ? "true" : "false";

But, if you want to do it more C++-ish:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

string bool_cast(const bool b) {
    ostringstream ss;
    ss << boolalpha << b;
    return ss.str();

int main() {
    cout << bool_cast(true) << "\n";
    cout << bool_cast(false) << "\n";

Pick any kind of file via an Intent in Android

The other answers are not incorrect. However, now there are more options for opening files. For example, if you want the app to have long term, permanent acess to a file, you can use ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT instead. Refer to the official documentation: Open files using storage access framework. Also refer to this answer.

How do I delete all the duplicate records in a MySQL table without temp tables

If you are not using any primary key, then execute following queries at one single stroke. By replacing values:

# table_name - Your Table Name
# column_name_of_duplicates - Name of column where duplicate entries are found

create table table_name_temp like table_name;
insert into table_name_temp select distinct(column_name_of_duplicates),value,type from table_name group by column_name_of_duplicates;
delete from table_name;
insert into table_name select * from table_name_temp;
drop table table_name_temp
  1. create temporary table and store distinct(non duplicate) values
  2. make empty original table
  3. insert values to original table from temp table
  4. delete temp table

It is always advisable to take backup of database before you play with it.

Tomcat started in Eclipse but unable to connect to http://localhost:8085/

You need to start the Apache Tomcat services.

Win+R --> sevices.msc

Then, search for Apache Tomcat and right click on it and click on Start. This will start the service and then you'll be able to see Apache Tomcat homepage on the localhost .

C# adding a character in a string

You can use this:

string alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
int length = alpha.Length;

for (int i = length - ((length - 1) % 5 + 1); i > 0; i -= 5)
    alpha = alpha.Insert(i, "-");

Works perfectly with any string. As always, the size doesn't matter. ;)

scp from remote host to local host

You need the ip of the other pc and do:

scp user@ip_of_remote_pc:/home/user/stuff.php /Users/djorge/Desktop

it will ask you for 'user's password on the other pc.

Warning: X may be used uninitialized in this function

When you use Vector *one you are merely creating a pointer to the structure but there is no memory allocated to it.

Simply use one = (Vector *)malloc(sizeof(Vector)); to declare memory and instantiate it.

Convert float64 column to int64 in Pandas

Solution for pandas 0.24+ for converting numeric with missing values:

df = pd.DataFrame({'column name':[7500000.0,7500000.0, np.nan]})
print (df['column name'])
0    7500000.0
1    7500000.0
2          NaN
Name: column name, dtype: float64

df['column name'] = df['column name'].astype(np.int64)

ValueError: Cannot convert non-finite values (NA or inf) to integer

df['column name'] = df['column name'].astype('Int64')
print (df['column name'])
0    7500000
1    7500000
2        NaN
Name: column name, dtype: Int64

I think you need cast to numpy.int64:

df['column name'].astype(np.int64)


df = pd.DataFrame({'column name':[7500000.0,7500000.0]})
print (df['column name'])
0    7500000.0
1    7500000.0
Name: column name, dtype: float64

df['column name'] = df['column name'].astype(np.int64)
#same as
#df['column name'] = df['column name'].astype(
print (df['column name'])
0    7500000
1    7500000
Name: column name, dtype: int64

If some NaNs in columns need replace them to some int (e.g. 0) by fillna, because type of NaN is float:

df = pd.DataFrame({'column name':[7500000.0,np.nan]})

df['column name'] = df['column name'].fillna(0).astype(np.int64)
print (df['column name'])
0    7500000
1          0
Name: column name, dtype: int64

Also check documentation - missing data casting rules


Convert values with NaNs is buggy:

df = pd.DataFrame({'column name':[7500000.0,np.nan]})

df['column name'] = df['column name'].values.astype(np.int64)
print (df['column name'])
0                7500000
1   -9223372036854775808
Name: column name, dtype: int64

Python's most efficient way to choose longest string in list?

def LongestEntry(lstName):
  totalEntries = len(lstName)
  currentEntry = 0
  longestLength = 0
  while currentEntry < totalEntries:
    thisEntry = len(str(lstName[currentEntry]))
    if int(thisEntry) > int(longestLength):
      longestLength = thisEntry
      longestEntry = currentEntry
    currentEntry += 1
  return longestLength

Removing trailing newline character from fgets() input

The steps to remove the newline character in the perhaps most obvious way:

  1. Determine the length of the string inside NAME by using strlen(), header string.h. Note that strlen() does not count the terminating \0.
size_t sl = strlen(NAME);

  1. Look if the string begins with or only includes one \0 character (empty string). In this case sl would be 0 since strlen() as I said above doesn´t count the \0 and stops at the first occurrence of it:
if(sl == 0)
   // Skip the newline replacement process.

  1. Check if the last character of the proper string is a newline character '\n'. If this is the case, replace \n with a \0. Note that index counts start at 0 so we will need to do NAME[sl - 1]:
if(NAME[sl - 1] == '\n')
   NAME[sl - 1] = '\0';

Note if you only pressed Enter at the fgets() string request (the string content was only consisted of a newline character) the string in NAME will be an empty string thereafter.

  1. We can combine step 2. and 3. together in just one if-statement by using the logic operator &&:
if(sl > 0 && NAME[sl - 1] == '\n')
   NAME[sl - 1] = '\0';

  1. The finished code:
size_t sl = strlen(NAME);
if(sl > 0 && NAME[sl - 1] == '\n')
   NAME[sl - 1] = '\0';

If you rather like a function for use this technique by handling fgets output strings in general without retyping each and every time, here is fgets_newline_kill:

void fgets_newline_kill(char a[])
    size_t sl = strlen(a);

    if(sl > 0 && a[sl - 1] == '\n')
       a[sl - 1] = '\0';

In your provided example, it would be:

printf("Enter your Name: ");

if (fgets(Name, sizeof Name, stdin) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error reading Name.\n");
else {

Note that this method does not work if the input string has embedded \0s in it. If that would be the case strlen() would only return the amount of characters until the first \0. But this isn´t quite a common approach, since the most string-reading functions usually stop at the first \0 and take the string until that null character.

Aside from the question on its own. Try to avoid double negations that make your code unclearer: if (!(fgets(Name, sizeof Name, stdin) != NULL) {}. You can simply do if (fgets(Name, sizeof Name, stdin) == NULL) {}.

When to use .First and when to use .FirstOrDefault with LINQ?

Others have very well described the difference between First() and FirstOrDefault(). I want to take a further step in interpreting the semantics of these methods. In my opinion FirstOrDefault is being overused a lot. In the majority of the cases when you’re filtering data you would either expect to get back a collection of elements matching the logical condition or a single unique element by its unique identifier – such as a user, book, post etc... That’s why we can even get as far as saying that FirstOrDefault() is a code smell not because there is something wrong with it but because it’s being used way too often. This blog post explores the topic in details. IMO most of the times SingleOrDefault() is a much better alternative so watch out for this mistake and make sure you use the most appropriate method that clearly represents your contract and expectations.

How do I download a binary file over HTTP?

Example 3 in the Ruby's net/http documentation shows how to download a document over HTTP, and to output the file instead of just loading it into memory, substitute puts with a binary write to a file, e.g. as shown in Dejw's answer.

More complex cases are shown further down in the same document.

LINQ where clause with lambda expression having OR clauses and null values returning incomplete results

Try writting the lambda with the same conditions as the delegate. like this:

  List<AnalysisObject> analysisObjects = 
    (x => 
       (x.ID == packageId)
    || (x.Parent != null && x.Parent.ID == packageId)
    || (x.Parent != null && x.Parent.Parent != null && x.Parent.Parent.ID == packageId)

Using python's eval() vs. ast.literal_eval()?

If all you need is a user provided dictionary, possible better solution is json.loads. The main limitation is that json dicts requires string keys. Also you can only provide literal data, but that is also the case for literal_eval.

How to handle authentication popup with Selenium WebDriver using Java

The Alert Method, authenticateUsing() lets you skip the Http Basic Authentication box.

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);      
Alert alert = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent());     
alert.authenticateUsing(new UserAndPassword(username, password));

As of Selenium 3.4 it is still in beta

Right now implementation is only done for InternetExplorerDriver

Set div height equal to screen size

Using CSS {height: 100%;} matches the height of the parent. This could be anything, meaning smaller or bigger than the screen. Using {height: 100vh;} matches the height of the viewport.

.container {
    height: 100vh;
    overflow: auto;

According to Mozilla's official documents, 1vh is:

Equal to 1% of the height of the viewport's initial containing block.

Is there a way to return a list of all the image file names from a folder using only Javascript?

Many tricks work, but the Ajax request split the file name at 19 characters? Look at the output of the ajax request to see that:

The file name is okay to go into the href attribute, but the $(this).attr("href") use the text of the <a href='full/file/name' > Split file name </a>

So the $(data).find("a:contains(.jpg)") is not able to detect the extension.

I hope this is useful

What is Node.js?

Node.js is an open source command line tool built for the server side JavaScript code. You can download a tarball, compile and install the source. It lets you run JavaScript programs.

The JavaScript is executed by the V8, a JavaScript engine developed by Google which is used in Chrome browser. It uses a JavaScript API to access the network and file system.

It is popular for its performance and the ability to perform parallel operations.

Understanding node.js is the best explanation of node.js I have found so far.

Following are some good articles on the topic.

What is causing ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table?

You should have name column as a unique constraint. here is a 3 lines of code to change your issues

  1. First find out the primary key constraints by typing this code

    \d table_name

    you are shown like this at bottom "some_constraint" PRIMARY KEY, btree (column)

  2. Drop the constraint:

    ALTER TABLE table_name DROP CONSTRAINT some_constraint
  3. Add a new primary key column with existing one:


That's All.

Is it possible to use pip to install a package from a private GitHub repository?

You can do it directly with the HTTPS URL like this:

pip install git+

This also works just appending that line in the requirements.txt in a Django project, for instance.

How do I execute a program using Maven?

In order to execute multiple programs, I also needed a profiles section:


This is then executable as:

mvn exec:exec -Ptraverse

Git fails when pushing commit to github

in these cases you can try ssh if https is stuck.

Also you can try increasing the buffer size to an astronomical figure so that you dont have to worry about the buffer size any more git config http.postBuffer 100000000

How can I force a long string without any blank to be wrapped?

<textarea style="width:100px; word-wrap:break-word;">
  place your text here

What is the opposite of evt.preventDefault();

I have used the following code. It works fine for me.

$('a').bind('click', function(e) {