Your tree will need twice the distance for each layer:
a / \ / \ / \ / \ b c / \ / \ / \ / \ d e f g / \ / \ / \ / \ h i j k l m n o
You can save your tree in an array of arrays, one array for every depth:
If your tree is not full, you need to include empty values in that array:
a / \ / \ / \ / \ b c / \ / \ / \ / \ d e f g / \ \ / \ \ h i k l m o [[a],[b,c],[d,e,f,g],[h,i, ,k,l,m, ,o]]
Then you can iterate over the array to print your tree, printing spaces before the first element and between the elements depending on the depth and printing the lines depending on if the corresponding elements in the array for the next layer are filled or not. If your values can be more than one character long, you need to find the longest value while creating the array representation and multiply all widths and the number of lines accordingly.