[python] How to implement a binary tree?

A Node-based class of connected nodes is a standard approach. These can be hard to visualize.

Motivated from an essay on Python Patterns - Implementing Graphs, consider a simple dictionary:


A binary tree

              / \
             b   c
            / \   \
           d   e   f


Make a dictionary of unique nodes:

tree = {
   "a": ["b", "c"],
   "b": ["d", "e"],
   "c": [None, "f"],
   "d": [None, None],
   "e": [None, None],
   "f": [None, None],


  • Each key-value pair is a unique node pointing to its children.
  • A list (or tuple) holds an ordered pair of left/right children.
  • With a dict having ordered insertion, assume the first entry is the root.
  • Common methods can be functions that mutate or traverse the dict (see find_all_paths()).

Tree-based functions often include the following common operations:

  • traverse: yield each node in a given order (usually left-to-right)
    • breadth-first search (BFS): traverse levels
    • depth-first search (DFS): traverse branches first (pre-/in-/post-order)
  • insert: add a node to the tree depending on the number of children
  • remove: remove a node depending on the number of children
  • update: merge missing nodes from one tree to the other
  • visit: yield the value of a traversed node

Try implementing all of these operations. Here we demonstrate one of these functions - a BFS traversal:


import collections as ct

def traverse(tree):
    """Yield nodes from a tree via BFS."""
    q = ct.deque()                                         # 1
    root = next(iter(tree))                                # 2

    while q:
        node = q.popleft()
        children = filter(None, tree.get(node))
        for n in children:                                 # 3 
        yield node

# ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

This is a breadth-first search (level-order) algorithm applied to a dict of nodes and children.

  1. Initialize a FIFO queue. We use a deque, but a queue or a list works (the latter is inefficient).
  2. Get and enqueue the root node (assumes the root is the first entry in the dict, Python 3.6+).
  3. Iteratively dequeue a node, enqueue its children and yield the node value.

See also this in-depth tutorial on trees.


Something great about traversals in general, we can easily alter the latter iterative approach to depth-first search (DFS) by simply replacing the queue with a stack (a.k.a LIFO Queue). This simply means we dequeue from the same side that we enqueue. DFS allows us to search each branch.

How? Since we are using a deque, we can emulate a stack by changing node = q.popleft() to node = q.pop() (right). The result is a right-favored, pre-ordered DFS: ['a', 'c', 'f', 'b', 'e', 'd'].

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