[algorithm] Heap vs Binary Search Tree (BST)

Heap just guarantees that elements on higher levels are greater (for max-heap) or smaller (for min-heap) than elements on lower levels

I love the above answer and putting my comment just more specific to my need and usage. I had to get the n locations list find the distance from each location to specific point say (0,0) and then return the a m locations having smaller distance. I used Priority Queue which is Heap. For finding distances and putting in heap it took me n(log(n)) n-locations log(n) each insertion. Then for getting m with shortest distances it took m(log(n)) m-locations log(n) deletions of heaping up.

I if would have to do this with BST, it would have taken me n(n) worst case insertion.(Say the first value is very smaller and all other comes sequentially longer and longer and the tree spans to right child only or left child in case of smaller and smaller. The min would have taken O(1) time but again I had to balance. So from my situation and all above answers what I got is when you are only after the values at min or max priority basis go for heap.

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