You can accomplish this in a very back-handed way with the following code:
exports.getStaticCompanies = function () {
var ids = [46128, 2865, 49569, 1488, 45600, 61991, 1418, 61919, 53326, 61680]
return Company.findAll({
where: {
id: ids
attributes: ['id', 'logo_version', 'logo_content_type', 'name', 'updated_at'],
order: sequelize.literal('(' + {
return '"Company"."id" = \'' + id + '\'');
}).join(', ') + ') DESC')
This is somewhat limited because it's got very bad performance characteristics past a few dozen records, but it's acceptable at the scale you're using.
This will produce a SQL query that looks something like this:
[...] ORDER BY ("Company"."id"='46128', "Company"."id"='2865', "Company"."id"='49569', [...])