Don’t use the DOM to do this. Using the DOM to decode HTML entities (as suggested in the currently accepted answer) leads to differences in cross-browser results.
For a robust & deterministic solution that decodes character references according to the algorithm in the HTML Standard, use the he library. From its README:
he (for “HTML entities”) is a robust HTML entity encoder/decoder written in JavaScript. It supports all standardized named character references as per HTML, handles ambiguous ampersands and other edge cases just like a browser would, has an extensive test suite, and — contrary to many other JavaScript solutions — he handles astral Unicode symbols just fine. An online demo is available.
Here’s how you’d use it:
he.decode("We're unable to complete your request at this time.");
? "We're unable to complete your request at this time."
Disclaimer: I'm the author of the he library.
See this Stack Overflow answer for some more info.