[c++] Callback functions in C++

In C++, when and how do you use a callback function?

I would like to see a simple example to write a callback function.

This question is related to c++ callback function-pointers

The answer is

Boost's signals2 allows you to subscribe generic member functions (without templates!) and in a threadsafe way.

Example: Document-View Signals can be used to implement flexible Document-View architectures. The document will contain a signal to which each of the views can connect. The following Document class defines a simple text document that supports mulitple views. Note that it stores a single signal to which all of the views will be connected.

class Document
    typedef boost::signals2::signal<void ()>  signal_t;


    /* Connect a slot to the signal which will be emitted whenever
      text is appended to the document. */
    boost::signals2::connection connect(const signal_t::slot_type &subscriber)
        return m_sig.connect(subscriber);

    void append(const char* s)
        m_text += s;

    const std::string& getText() const
        return m_text;

    signal_t    m_sig;
    std::string m_text;

Next, we can begin to define views. The following TextView class provides a simple view of the document text.

class TextView
    TextView(Document& doc): m_document(doc)
        m_connection = m_document.connect(boost::bind(&TextView::refresh, this));


    void refresh() const
        std::cout << "TextView: " << m_document.getText() << std::endl;
    Document&               m_document;
    boost::signals2::connection  m_connection;

Callback functions are part of the C standard, an therefore also part of C++. But if you are working with C++, I would suggest you use the observer pattern instead: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_pattern

Scott Meyers gives a nice example:

class GameCharacter;
int defaultHealthCalc(const GameCharacter& gc);

class GameCharacter
  typedef std::function<int (const GameCharacter&)> HealthCalcFunc;

  explicit GameCharacter(HealthCalcFunc hcf = defaultHealthCalc)
  : healthFunc(hcf)
  { }

  int healthValue() const { return healthFunc(*this); }

  HealthCalcFunc healthFunc;

I think the example says it all.

std::function<> is the "modern" way of writing C++ callbacks.

A Callback function is a method that is passed into a routine, and called at some point by the routine to which it is passed.

This is very useful for making reusable software. For example, many operating system APIs (such as the Windows API) use callbacks heavily.

For example, if you wanted to work with files in a folder - you can call an API function, with your own routine, and your routine gets run once per file in the specified folder. This allows the API to be very flexible.

There isn't an explicit concept of a callback function in C++. Callback mechanisms are often implemented via function pointers, functor objects, or callback objects. The programmers have to explicitly design and implement callback functionality.

Edit based on feedback:

In spite of the negative feedback this answer has received, it is not wrong. I'll try to do a better job of explaining where I'm coming from.

C and C++ have everything you need to implement callback functions. The most common and trivial way to implement a callback function is to pass a function pointer as a function argument.

However, callback functions and function pointers are not synonymous. A function pointer is a language mechanism, while a callback function is a semantic concept. Function pointers are not the only way to implement a callback function - you can also use functors and even garden variety virtual functions. What makes a function call a callback is not the mechanism used to identify and call the function, but the context and semantics of the call. Saying something is a callback function implies a greater than normal separation between the calling function and the specific function being called, a looser conceptual coupling between the caller and the callee, with the caller having explicit control over what gets called. It is that fuzzy notion of looser conceptual coupling and caller-driven function selection that makes something a callback function, not the use of a function pointer.

For example, the .NET documentation for IFormatProvider says that "GetFormat is a callback method", even though it is just a run-of-the-mill interface method. I don't think anyone would argue that all virtual method calls are callback functions. What makes GetFormat a callback method is not the mechanics of how it is passed or invoked, but the semantics of the caller picking which object's GetFormat method will be called.

Some languages include features with explicit callback semantics, typically related to events and event handling. For example, C# has the event type with syntax and semantics explicitly designed around the concept of callbacks. Visual Basic has its Handles clause, which explicitly declares a method to be a callback function while abstracting away the concept of delegates or function pointers. In these cases, the semantic concept of a callback is integrated into the language itself.

C and C++, on the other hand, does not embed the semantic concept of callback functions nearly as explicitly. The mechanisms are there, the integrated semantics are not. You can implement callback functions just fine, but to get something more sophisticated which includes explicit callback semantics you have to build it on top of what C++ provides, such as what Qt did with their Signals and Slots.

In a nutshell, C++ has what you need to implement callbacks, often quite easily and trivially using function pointers. What it does not have is keywords and features whose semantics are specific to callbacks, such as raise, emit, Handles, event +=, etc. If you're coming from a language with those types of elements, the native callback support in C++ will feel neutered.

There is also the C way of doing callbacks: function pointers

//Define a type for the callback signature,
//it is not necessary, but makes life easier

//Function pointer called CallbackType that takes a float
//and returns an int
typedef int (*CallbackType)(float);  

void DoWork(CallbackType callback)
  float variable = 0.0f;

  //Do calculations

  //Call the callback with the variable, and retrieve the
  int result = callback(variable);

  //Do something with the result

int SomeCallback(float variable)
  int result;

  //Interpret variable

  return result;

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  //Pass in SomeCallback to the DoWork

Now if you want to pass in class methods as callbacks, the declarations to those function pointers have more complex declarations, example:

typedef int (ClassName::*CallbackType)(float);

//This method performs work using an object instance
void DoWorkObject(CallbackType callback)
  //Class instance to invoke it through
  ClassName objectInstance;

  int result = (objectInstance.*callback)(1.0f);

//This method performs work using an object pointer
void DoWorkPointer(CallbackType callback)
  //Class pointer to invoke it through
  ClassName * pointerInstance;

  int result = (pointerInstance->*callback)(1.0f);

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  //Pass in SomeCallback to the DoWork

See the above definition where it states that a callback function is passed off to some other function and at some point it is called.

In C++ it is desirable to have callback functions call a classes method. When you do this you have access to the member data. If you use the C way of defining a callback you will have to point it to a static member function. This is not very desirable.

Here is how you can use callbacks in C++. Assume 4 files. A pair of .CPP/.H files for each class. Class C1 is the class with a method we want to callback. C2 calls back to C1's method. In this example the callback function takes 1 parameter which I added for the readers sake. The example doesn't show any objects being instantiated and used. One use case for this implementation is when you have one class that reads and stores data into temporary space and another that post processes the data. With a callback function, for every row of data read the callback can then process it. This technique cuts outs the overhead of the temporary space required. It is particularly useful for SQL queries that return a large amount of data which then has to be post-processed.

// C1 H file

class C1
    C1() {};
    ~C1() {};
    void CALLBACK F1(int i);

// C1 CPP file

void CALLBACK C1::F1(int i)
// Do stuff with C1, its methods and data, and even do stuff with the passed in parameter

// C2 H File

class C1; // Forward declaration

class C2
    typedef void (CALLBACK C1::* pfnCallBack)(int i);
    C2() {};
    ~C2() {};

    void Fn(C1 * pThat,pfnCallBack pFn);

// C2 CPP File

void C2::Fn(C1 * pThat,pfnCallBack pFn)
    // Call a non-static method in C1
    int i = 1;

The accepted answer is very useful and quite comprehensive. However, the OP states

I would like to see a simple example to write a callback function.

So here you go, from C++11 you have std::function so there is no need for function pointers and similar stuff:

#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

void print_hashes(std::function<int (const std::string&)> hash_calculator) {
    std::string strings_to_hash[] = {"you", "saved", "my", "day"};
    for(auto s : strings_to_hash)
        std::cout << s << ":" << hash_calculator(s) << std::endl;    

int main() {
    print_hashes( [](const std::string& str) {   /** lambda expression */
        int result = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
            result += pow(31, i) * str.at(i);
        return result;
    return 0;

This example is by the way somehow real, because you wish to call function print_hashes with different implementations of hash functions, for this purpose I provided a simple one. It receives a string, returns an int (a hash value of the provided string), and all that you need to remember from the syntax part is std::function<int (const std::string&)> which describes such function as an input argument of the function that will invoke it.

The accepted answer is comprehensive but related to the question i just want to put an simple example here. I had a code that i'd written it a long time ago. i wanted to traverse a tree with in-order way (left-node then root-node then right-node) and whenever i reach to one Node i wanted to be able to call a arbitrary function so that it could do everything.

void inorder_traversal(Node *p, void *out, void (*callback)(Node *in, void *out))
    if (p == NULL)
    inorder_traversal(p->left, out, callback);
    callback(p, out); // call callback function like this.
    inorder_traversal(p->right, out, callback);

// Function like bellow can be used in callback of inorder_traversal.
void foo(Node *t, void *out = NULL)
    // You can just leave the out variable and working with specific node of tree. like bellow.
    // cout << t->item;
    // Or
    // You can assign value to out variable like below
    // Mention that the type of out is void * so that you must firstly cast it to your proper out.
    *((int *)out) += 1;
// This function use inorder_travesal function to count the number of nodes existing in the tree.
void number_nodes(Node *t)
    int sum = 0;
    inorder_traversal(t, &sum, foo);
    cout << sum;

 int main()

    Node *root = NULL;
    // What These functions perform is inserting an integer into a Tree data-structure.
    root = insert_tree(root, 6);
    root = insert_tree(root, 3);
    root = insert_tree(root, 8);
    root = insert_tree(root, 7);
    root = insert_tree(root, 9);
    root = insert_tree(root, 10);

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