The accepted answer is comprehensive but related to the question i just want to put an simple example here. I had a code that i'd written it a long time ago. i wanted to traverse a tree with in-order way (left-node then root-node then right-node) and whenever i reach to one Node i wanted to be able to call a arbitrary function so that it could do everything.
void inorder_traversal(Node *p, void *out, void (*callback)(Node *in, void *out))
if (p == NULL)
inorder_traversal(p->left, out, callback);
callback(p, out); // call callback function like this.
inorder_traversal(p->right, out, callback);
// Function like bellow can be used in callback of inorder_traversal.
void foo(Node *t, void *out = NULL)
// You can just leave the out variable and working with specific node of tree. like bellow.
// cout << t->item;
// Or
// You can assign value to out variable like below
// Mention that the type of out is void * so that you must firstly cast it to your proper out.
*((int *)out) += 1;
// This function use inorder_travesal function to count the number of nodes existing in the tree.
void number_nodes(Node *t)
int sum = 0;
inorder_traversal(t, &sum, foo);
cout << sum;
int main()
Node *root = NULL;
// What These functions perform is inserting an integer into a Tree data-structure.
root = insert_tree(root, 6);
root = insert_tree(root, 3);
root = insert_tree(root, 8);
root = insert_tree(root, 7);
root = insert_tree(root, 9);
root = insert_tree(root, 10);