As it was mentioned by the others you can substitute Lambda function instead of function pointer. I am using this method in my C++ interface to F77 ODE solver RKSUITE.
//C interface to Fortran subroutine UT
extern "C" void UT(void(*)(double*,double*,double*),double*,double*,double*,
// C++ wrapper which calls extern "C" void UT routine
static void rk_ut(void(*)(double*,double*,double*),double*,double*,double*,
// Call of rk_ut with lambda passed instead of function pointer to derivative
// routine
mathlib::RungeKuttaSolver::rk_ut([](double* T,double* Y,double* YP)->void{YP[0]=Y[1]; YP[1]= -Y[0];}, TWANT,T,Y,YP,YMAX,WORK,UFLAG);