I know this is an old thread, but I wanted to share a solution I ended up having to use since the accepted post still has an issue.
The Issue:
As pointed out by Alexandre Severino, if param
(in the function below) changes shortly after the function call, you might get some unexpected behavior in MethodWithParameter
Task.Run(() => MethodWithParameter(param));
My Solution:
To account for this, I ended up writing something more like the following line of code:
(new Func<T, Task>(async (p) => await Task.Run(() => MethodWithParam(p)))).Invoke(param);
This allowed me to safely use the parameter asynchronously despite the fact that the parameter changed very quickly after starting the task (which caused issues with the posted solution).
Using this approach, param
(value type) gets its value passed in, so even if the async method runs after param
changes, p
will have whatever value param
had when this line of code ran.