Programs & Examples On #Custom data attribute

Custom data attributes are intended to store custom data private to the page or application, for which there are no more appropriate attributes or elements.

jQuery Data vs Attr?

If you are passing data to a DOM element from the server, you should set the data on the element:

<a id="foo" data-foo="bar" href="#">foo!</a>

The data can then be accessed using .data() in jQuery:

console.log( $('#foo').data('foo') );
//outputs "bar"

However when you store data on a DOM node in jQuery using data, the variables are stored on the node object. This is to accommodate complex objects and references as storing the data on the node element as an attribute will only accommodate string values.

Continuing my example from above:
$('#foo').data('foo', 'baz');

console.log( $('#foo').attr('data-foo') );
//outputs "bar" as the attribute was never changed

console.log( $('#foo').data('foo') );
//outputs "baz" as the value has been updated on the object

Also, the naming convention for data attributes has a bit of a hidden "gotcha":

<a id="bar" data-foo-bar-baz="fizz-buzz" href="#">fizz buzz!</a>
console.log( $('#bar').data('fooBarBaz') );
//outputs "fizz-buzz" as hyphens are automatically camelCase'd

The hyphenated key will still work:

<a id="bar" data-foo-bar-baz="fizz-buzz" href="#">fizz buzz!</a>
console.log( $('#bar').data('foo-bar-baz') );
//still outputs "fizz-buzz"

However the object returned by .data() will not have the hyphenated key set:

$('#bar').data().fooBarBaz; //works
$('#bar').data()['fooBarBaz']; //works
$('#bar').data()['foo-bar-baz']; //does not work

It's for this reason I suggest avoiding the hyphenated key in javascript.

For HTML, keep using the hyphenated form. HTML attributes are supposed to get ASCII-lowercased automatically, so <div data-foobar></div>, <DIV DATA-FOOBAR></DIV>, and <dIv DaTa-FoObAr></DiV> are supposed to be treated as identical, but for the best compatibility the lower case form should be preferred.

The .data() method will also perform some basic auto-casting if the value matches a recognized pattern:

<a id="foo"
$('#foo').data('str');  //`"bar"`
$('#foo').data('bool'); //`true`
$('#foo').data('num');  //`15`
$('#foo').data('json'); //`{fizz:['buzz']}`

This auto-casting ability is very convenient for instantiating widgets & plugins:

$('.widget').each(function () {

If you absolutely must have the original value as a string, then you'll need to use .attr():

<a id="foo" href="#" data-color="ABC123"></a>
<a id="bar" href="#" data-color="654321"></a>
$('#foo').data('color').length; //6
$('#bar').data('color').length; //undefined, length isn't a property of numbers

$('#foo').attr('data-color').length; //6
$('#bar').attr('data-color').length; //6

This was a contrived example. For storing color values, I used to use numeric hex notation (i.e. 0xABC123), but it's worth noting that hex was parsed incorrectly in jQuery versions before 1.7.2, and is no longer parsed into a Number as of jQuery 1.8 rc 1.

jQuery 1.8 rc 1 changed the behavior of auto-casting. Before, any format that was a valid representation of a Number would be cast to Number. Now, values that are numeric are only auto-cast if their representation stays the same. This is best illustrated with an example.

<a id="foo"
                              // pre 1.8    post 1.8
$('#foo').data('int');        //    1000        1000
$('#foo').data('decimal');    //    1000   "1000.00"
$('#foo').data('scientific'); //    1000       "1e3"
$('#foo').data('hex');        //    1000     "0x03e8"

If you plan on using alternative numeric syntaxes to access numeric values, be sure to cast the value to a Number first, such as with a unary + operator.

JS (cont.):
+$('#foo').data('hex'); // 1000

Select elements by attribute in CSS

    [data-value] {
  /* Attribute exists */

[data-value="foo"] {
  /* Attribute has this exact value */

[data-value*="foo"] {
  /* Attribute value contains this value somewhere in it */

[data-value~="foo"] {
  /* Attribute has this value in a space-separated list somewhere */

[data-value^="foo"] {
  /* Attribute value starts with this */

[data-value|="foo"] {
  /* Attribute value starts with this in a dash-separated list */

[data-value$="foo"] {
  /* Attribute value ends with this */

jQuery selectors on custom data attributes using HTML5

Pure/vanilla JS solution (working example here)

// All elements with data-company="Microsoft" below "Companies"
let a = document.querySelectorAll("[data-group='Companies'] [data-company='Microsoft']"); 

// All elements with data-company!="Microsoft" below "Companies"
let b = document.querySelectorAll("[data-group='Companies'] :not([data-company='Microsoft'])"); 

In querySelectorAll you must use valid CSS selector (currently Level3)

SPEED TEST (2018.06.29) for jQuery and Pure JS: test was performed on MacOs High Sierra 10.13.3 on Chrome 67.0.3396.99 (64-bit), Safari 11.0.3 (13604.5.6), Firefox 59.0.2 (64-bit). Below screenshot shows results for fastest browser (Safari):

enter image description here

PureJS was faster than jQuery about 12% on Chrome, 21% on Firefox and 25% on Safari. Interestingly speed for Chrome was 18.9M operation per second, Firefox 26M, Safari 160.9M (!).

So winner is PureJS and fastest browser is Safari (more than 8x faster than Chrome!)

Here you can perform test on your machine:

jQuery: get data attribute

Change IDs and data attributes as you wish!

  <select id="selectVehicle">
       <option value="1" data-year="2011">Mazda</option>
       <option value="2" data-year="2015">Honda</option>
       <option value="3" data-year="2008">Mercedes</option>
       <option value="4" data-year="2005">Toyota</option>

$("#selectVehicle").change(function () {

Here is the working example:

How to get the data-id attribute?

I use $.data -

//Set value 7 to data-id 
$.data(this, 'id', 7);

//Get value from data-id
alert( $(this).data("id") ); // => outputs 7

Using HTML data-attribute to set CSS background-image url

How about using some Sass? Here's what I did to achieve something like this (although note that you have to create a Sass list for each of the data-attributes).

  Iterate over list and use "data-social" to put in the appropriate background-image.
$social: "fb", "twitter", "youtube";

@each $i in $social {
  [data-social="#{$i}"] {
    background: url('#{$image-path}/icons/#{$i}.svg') no-repeat 0 0;
    background-size: cover; // Only seems to work if placed below background property

Essentially, you list all of your data attribute values. Then use Sass @each to iterate through and select all the data-attributes in the HTML. Then, bring in the iterator variable and have it match up to a filename.

Anyway, as I said, you have to list all of the values, then make sure that your filenames incorporate the values in your list.

Selecting element by data attribute with jQuery

For people Googling and want more general rules about selecting with data-attributes:

$("[data-test]") will select any element that merely has the data attribute (no matter the value of the attribute). Including:

<div data-test=value>attributes with values</div>
<div data-test>attributes without values</div>

$('[data-test~="foo"]') will select any element where the data attribute contains foo but doesn't have to be exact, such as:

<div data-test="foo">Exact Matches</div>
<div data-test="this has the word foo">Where the Attribute merely contains "foo"</div>

$('[data-test="the_exact_value"]') will select any element where the data attribute exact value is the_exact_value, for example:

<div data-test="the_exact_value">Exact Matches</div>

but not

<div data-test="the_exact_value foo">This won't match</div>

How to set data attributes in HTML elements

Vanilla Javascript solution


<div id="mydiv" data-myval="10"></div>


  • Using DOM's getAttribute() property

     var brand = mydiv.getAttribute("data-myval")//returns "10"
     mydiv.setAttribute("data-myval", "20")      //changes "data-myval" to "20"
     mydiv.removeAttribute("data-myval")         //removes "data-myval" attribute entirely
  • Using JavaScript's dataset property

    var myval = mydiv.dataset.myval     //returns "10"
    mydiv.dataset.myval = '20'          //changes "data-myval" to "20"
    mydiv.dataset.myval = null          //removes "data-myval" attribute

Why does JS code "var a = document.querySelector('a[data-a=1]');" cause error?

Took me a while to find this out but if you a number stored in a variable, say x and you want to select it, use

document.querySelector('a[data-a= + CSS.escape(x) + ']'). 

This is due to some attribute naming specifications that I'm not yet very familiar with. Hope this will help someone.

Unable to set data attribute using jQuery Data() API

@andyb's accepted answer has a small bug. Further to my comment on his post above...

For this HTML:

<div id="foo" data-helptext="bar"></div>
<a href="#" id="changeData">change data value</a>

You need to access the attribute like this:

$('#foo').attr('data-helptext', 'Testing 123');

but the data method like this:

$('#foo').data('helptext', 'Testing 123');

The fix above for the .data() method will prevent "undefined" and the data value will be updated (while the HTML will not)

The point of the "data" attribute is to bind (or "link") a value with the element. Very similar to the onclick="alert('do_something')" attribute, which binds an action to the element... the text is useless you just want the action to work when they click the element.

Once the data or action is bound to the element, there is usually* no need to update the HTML, only the data or method, since that is what your application (JavaScript) would use. Performance wise, I don't see why you would want to also update the HTML anyway, no one sees the html attribute (except in Firebug or other consoles).

One way you might want to think about it: The HTML (along with attributes) are just text. The data, functions, objects, etc that are used by JavaScript exist on a separate plane. Only when JavaScript is instructed to do so, it will read or update the HTML text, but all the data and functionality you create with JavaScript are acting completely separate from the HTML text/attributes you see in your Firebug (or other) console.

*I put emphasis on usually because if you have a case where you need to preserve and export HTML (e.g. some kind of micro format/data aware text editor) where the HTML will load fresh on another page, then maybe you need the HTML updated too.

Adding data attribute to DOM

jQuery's .data() does a couple things but it doesn't add the data to the DOM as an attribute. When using it to grab a data attribute, the first thing it does is create a jQuery data object and sets the object's value to the data attribute. After that, it's essentially decoupled from the data attribute.


<div data-foo="bar"></div>

If you grabbed the value of the attribute using .data('foo'), it would return "bar" as you would expect. If you then change the attribute using .attr('data-foo', 'blah') and then later use .data('foo') to grab the value, it would return "bar" even though the DOM says data-foo="blah". If you use .data() to set the value, it'll change the value in the jQuery object but not in the DOM.

Basically, .data() is for setting or checking the jQuery object's data value. If you are checking it and it doesn't already have one, it creates the value based on the data attribute that is in the DOM. .attr() is for setting or checking the DOM element's attribute value and will not touch the jQuery data value. If you need them both to change you should use both .data() and .attr(). Otherwise, stick with one or the other.

How to use dashes in HTML-5 data-* attributes in ASP.NET MVC

In mvc 4 Could be rendered with Underscore(" _ ")


@Html.ActionLink("Vote", "#", new { id = item.FileId, }, new { @class = "votes", data_fid = item.FileId, data_jid = item.JudgeID, })

Rendered Html

<a class="votes" data-fid="18587" data-jid="9" href="/Home/%23/18587">Vote</a>

jQuery how to find an element based on a data-attribute value?

Going back to his original question, about how to make this work without knowing the element type in advance, the following does this:

$(ContainerNode).find(el.nodeName + "[data-slide='" + current + "']");

jQuery find element by data attribute value

I searched for a the same solution with a variable instead of the String.
I hope i can help someone with my solution :)

var numb = "3";

How can I get the values of data attributes in JavaScript code?

if you are targeting data attribute in Html element,

document.dataset will not work

you should use




Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded

Your loop might be endless. If it is not, you could extend the maximum execution time like this:

ini_set('max_execution_time', '300'); //300 seconds = 5 minutes



can be used to temporarily extend the time limit.

Javascript array declaration: new Array(), new Array(3), ['a', 'b', 'c'] create arrays that behave differently

Arrays have numerical indexes. So,

a = new Array();


b = new Array(2);

are not adding elements to the array, but adding .a1 and .a2 properties to the a object (arrays are objects too). As further evidence, if you did this:

a = new Array();
console.log(a.length);   // outputs zero because there are no items in the array

Your third option:


is assigning the variable c an array with three elements. Those three elements can be accessed as: c[0], c[1] and c[2]. In other words, c[0] === 'c1' and c.length === 3.

Javascript does not use its array functionality for what other languages call associative arrays where you can use any type of key in the array. You can implement most of the functionality of an associative array by just using an object in javascript where each item is just a property like this.

a = {};

It is generally a mistake to use an array for this purpose as it just confuses people reading your code and leads to false assumptions about how the code works.

How can I determine if an image has loaded, using Javascript/jQuery?

Either add an event listener, or have the image announce itself with onload. Then figure out the dimensions from there.

<img id="photo"
     alt="this is some alt text"
     title="this is some title text" />

AlertDialog.Builder with custom layout and EditText; cannot access view

You can write:

AlertDialog.Builder dialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);

 // ...Irrelevant code for customizing the buttons and title

LayoutInflater inflater = this.getLayoutInflater(); 

View dialogView= inflater.inflate(R.layout.alert_label_editor, null);                    

Button button = (Button)dialogView.findViewById(;

   button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
       public void onClick(View view) {

         //Commond here......


EditText editText = (EditText)

editText.setText("test label"); 


overlay two images in android to set an imageview

ok just so you know there is a program out there that's called DroidDraw. It can help you draw objects and try them one on top of the other. I tried your solution but I had animation under the smaller image so that didn't work. But then I tried to place one image in a relative layout that's suppose to be under first and then on top of that I drew the other image that is suppose to overlay and everything worked great. So RelativeLayout, DroidDraw and you are good to go :) Simple, no any kind of jiggery pockery :) and here is a bit of code for ya:

The logo is going to be on top of shazam background image.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

How disable / remove android activity label and label bar?

with your toolbar you can solve that problem. use setTitle method.

 Toolbar   mToolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;

super easy :)

Best way to pretty print a hash

Under Rails, arrays and hashes in Ruby have built-in to_json functions. I would use JSON just because it is very readable within a web browser, e.g. Google Chrome.

That being said if you are concerned about it looking too "tech looking" you should probably write your own function that replaces the curly braces and square braces in your hashes and arrays with white-space and other characters.

Look up the gsub function for a very good way to do it. Keep playing around with different characters and different amounts of whitespace until you find something that looks appealing.

SQL Server - copy stored procedures from one db to another

Late one but gives more details that might be useful…

Here is a list of things you can do with advantages and disadvantages

Generate scripts using SSMS

  • Pros: extremely easy to use and supported by default
  • Cons: scripts might not be in the correct execution order and you might get errors if stored procedure already exists on secondary database. Make sure you review the script before executing.

Third party tools

  • Pros: tools such as ApexSQL Diff (this is what I use but there are many others like tools from Red Gate or Dev Art) will compare two databases in one click and generate script that you can execute immediately
  • Cons: these are not free (most vendors have a fully functional trial though)

System Views

  • Pros: You can easily see which stored procedures exist on secondary server and only generate those you don’t have.
  • Cons: Requires a bit more SQL knowledge

Here is how to get a list of all procedures in some database that don’t exist in another database

select *
from DB1.sys.procedures P
where not in 
 (select name from DB2.sys.procedures P2)

Using :before and :after CSS selector to insert Html

content doesn't support HTML, only text. You should probably use javascript, jQuery or something like that.

Another problem with your code is " inside a " block. You should mix ' and " (class='headingDetail').

If content did support HTML you could end up in an infinite loop where content is added inside content.

How to wrap text using CSS?

This will work everywhere.

  <table style="table-layout:fixed;">
    <td><div style="word-wrap: break-word; width: 100px" > gdfggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg</div></td>

How to link home brew python version and set it as default

After installing python3 with brew install python3 I was getting the error:

Error: An unexpected error occurred during the `brew link` step
The formula built, but is not symlinked into /usr/local
Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir - /usr/local/Frameworks
Error: Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir - /usr/local/Frameworks

After typing brew link python3 the error was:

Linking /usr/local/Cellar/python/3.6.4_3... Error: Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir - /usr/local/Frameworks

To solve the problem:

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/Frameworks
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/*
brew link python3

After this, I could open python3 by typing python3


Flask-SQLalchemy update a row's information

Just assigning the value and committing them will work for all the data types but JSON and Pickled attributes. Since pickled type is explained above I'll note down a slightly different but easy way to update JSONs.

class User(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=True)
    data = db.Column(db.JSON)

def __init__(self, name, data): = name = data

Let's say the model is like above.

user = User("Jon Dove", {"country":"Sri Lanka"})

This will add the user into the MySQL database with data {"country":"Sri Lanka"}

Modifying data will be ignored. My code that didn't work is as follows.

user = User.query().filter('Jon Dove')
data =
data["province"] = "south" = data

Instead of going through the painful work of copying the JSON to a new dict (not assigning it to a new variable as above), which should have worked I found a simple way to do that. There is a way to flag the system that JSONs have changed.

Following is the working code.

from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified
user = User.query().filter('Jon Dove')
data =
data["province"] = "south" = data
flag_modified(user, "data")

This worked like a charm. There is another method proposed along with this method here Hope I've helped some one.

How can I create C header files

  1. Open your favorite text editor
  2. Create a new file named whatever.h
  3. Put your function prototypes in it


Example whatever.h

int f(int a);

Note: include guards (preprocessor commands) added thanks to luke. They avoid including the same header file twice in the same compilation. Another possibility (also mentioned on the comments) is to add #pragma once but it is not guaranteed to be supported on every compiler.

Example whatever.c

#include "whatever.h"

int f(int a) { return a + 1; }

And then you can include "whatever.h" into any other .c file, and link it with whatever.c's object file.

Like this:


#include "whatever.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    printf("%d\n", f(2)); /* prints 3 */
    return 0;

To compile it (if you use GCC):

$ gcc -c whatever.c -o whatever.o
$ gcc -c sample.c -o sample.o

To link the files to create an executable file:

$ gcc sample.o whatever.o -o sample

You can test sample:

$ ./sample

What is the difference between _tmain() and main() in C++?

_tmain does not exist in C++. main does.

_tmain is a Microsoft extension.

main is, according to the C++ standard, the program's entry point. It has one of these two signatures:

int main();
int main(int argc, char* argv[]);

Microsoft has added a wmain which replaces the second signature with this:

int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]);

And then, to make it easier to switch between Unicode (UTF-16) and their multibyte character set, they've defined _tmain which, if Unicode is enabled, is compiled as wmain, and otherwise as main.

As for the second part of your question, the first part of the puzzle is that your main function is wrong. wmain should take a wchar_t argument, not char. Since the compiler doesn't enforce this for the main function, you get a program where an array of wchar_t strings are passed to the main function, which interprets them as char strings.

Now, in UTF-16, the character set used by Windows when Unicode is enabled, all the ASCII characters are represented as the pair of bytes \0 followed by the ASCII value.

And since the x86 CPU is little-endian, the order of these bytes are swapped, so that the ASCII value comes first, then followed by a null byte.

And in a char string, how is the string usually terminated? Yep, by a null byte. So your program sees a bunch of strings, each one byte long.

In general, you have three options when doing Windows programming:

  • Explicitly use Unicode (call wmain, and for every Windows API function which takes char-related arguments, call the -W version of the function. Instead of CreateWindow, call CreateWindowW). And instead of using char use wchar_t, and so on
  • Explicitly disable Unicode. Call main, and CreateWindowA, and use char for strings.
  • Allow both. (call _tmain, and CreateWindow, which resolve to main/_tmain and CreateWindowA/CreateWindowW), and use TCHAR instead of char/wchar_t.

The same applies to the string types defined by windows.h: LPCTSTR resolves to either LPCSTR or LPCWSTR, and for every other type that includes char or wchar_t, a -T- version always exists which can be used instead.

Note that all of this is Microsoft specific. TCHAR is not a standard C++ type, it is a macro defined in windows.h. wmain and _tmain are also defined by Microsoft only.

std::queue iteration

I use something like this. Not very sophisticated but should work.

    queue<int> tem; 

    while(!q1.empty()) // q1 is your initial queue. 
        int u = q1.front(); 

        // do what you need to do with this value.  


        int u = tem.front(); 
        q1.push(u); // putting it back in our original queue. 

It will work because when you pop something from q1, and push it into tem, it becomes the first element of tem. So, in the end tem becomes a replica of q1.

How to "grep" for a filename instead of the contents of a file?

find . | grep KeywordToSearch

Here . means current directory which is value for path parameter for find command. It is piped to grep to search keyword which should return all matching result.

Note: This is case sensitive. So for example fileName and FileName are not same.

How to check if a DateTime field is not null or empty?

If you declare a DateTime, then the default value is DateTime.MinValue, and hence you have to check it like this:

DateTime dat = new DateTime();

 if (dat==DateTime.MinValue)

If the DateTime is nullable, well that's a different story:

 DateTime? dat = null;

 if (!dat.HasValue)

What is the Swift equivalent of respondsToSelector?

I guess you want to make a default implementation for delegate. You can do this:

let defaultHandler = {}
(delegate?.method ?? defaultHandler)()

Can't push image to Amazon ECR - fails with "no basic auth credentials"

I posted an answer to this on the Docker forums. In my case the issue was that the centos "docker" was not equivalent to Docker CE and therefore failed with:

no basic auth

I simply fixed by installing "docker-ce" on centos.


"detached entity passed to persist error" with JPA/EJB code

if you use to generate the id = GenerationType.AUTO strategy in your entity.

Replaces user.setId (1) by user.setId (null), and the problem is solved.

Inserting data to table (mysqli insert)

In mysqli_query(first parameter should be connection,your sql statement) so

$connetion_name=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","web_table") or die(mysqli_error());
mysqli_query($connection_name,'INSERT INTO web_formitem (ID, formID, caption, key, sortorder, type, enabled, mandatory, data) VALUES (105, 7, Tip izdelka (6), producttype_6, 42, 5, 1, 0, 0)');

but best practice is

$connetion_name=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","web_table") or die(mysqli_error());
$sql_statement="INSERT INTO web_formitem (ID, formID, caption, key, sortorder, type, enabled, mandatory, data) VALUES (105, 7, Tip izdelka (6), producttype_6, 42, 5, 1, 0, 0)";

How do I generate a random integer between min and max in Java?

You can use Random.nextInt(n). This returns a random int in [0,n). Just using max-min+1 in place of n and adding min to the answer will give a value in the desired range.

Evaluating string "3*(4+2)" yield int 18

There is not. You will need to use some external library, or write your own parser. If you have the time to do so, I suggest to write your own parser as it is a quite interesting project. Otherwise you will need to use something like bcParser.

Bootstrap push div content to new line

If your your list is dynamically generated with unknown number and your target is to always have last div in a new line set last div class to "col-xl-12" and remove other classes so it will always take a full row.

This is a copy of your code corrected so that last div always occupy a full row (I although removed unnecessary classes).

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">_x000D_
<div class="grid">_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col-sm-3">Under me should be a DIV</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-5">Under me should be a DIV</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-xl-12">I am the last DIV and I always take a full row for my self!!</div>_x000D_

ReactJS: Maximum update depth exceeded error

I know this has plenty of answers but since most of them are old (well, older), none is mentioning approach I grow very fond of really quick. In short:

Use functional components and hooks.

In longer:

Try to use as much functional components instead class ones especially for rendering, AND try to keep them as pure as possible (yes, data is dirty by default I know).

Two bluntly obvious benefits of functional components (there are more):

  • Pureness or near pureness makes debugging so much easier
  • Functional components remove the need for constructor boiler code

Quick proof for 2nd point - Isn't this absolutely disgusting?

constructor(props) {
        this.toggle= this.toggle.bind(this);
        this.state = {
            details: false

If you are using functional components for more then rendering you are gonna need the second part of great duo - hooks. Why are they better then lifecycle methods, what else can they do and much more would take me a lot of space to cover so I recommend you to listen to the man himself: Dan preaching the hooks

In this case you need only two hooks:

A callback hook conveniently named useCallback. This way you are preventing the binding the function over and over when you re-render.

A state hook, called useState, for keeping the state despite entire component being function and executing in its entirety (yes, this is possible due to magic of hooks). Within that hook you will store the value of toggle.

If you read to this part you probably wanna see all I have talked about in action and applied to original problem. Here you go: Demo

For those of you that want only to glance the component and WTF is this about, here you are:

const Item = () => {

    // HOOKZ
  const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = React.useState('hidden');

  const toggle = React.useCallback(() => {
    setIsVisible(isVisible === 'visible' ? 'hidden': 'visible');
  }, [isVisible, setIsVisible]);

    // RENDER
  return (
    <div style={{visibility: isVisible}}>
    <button onClick={toggle}>Details</button>

PS: I wrote this in case many people land here with similar problem. Hopefully, they will like what I have shown here, at least well enough to google it a bit more. This is NOT me saying other answers are wrong, this is me saying that since the time they have been written, there is another way (IMHO, a better one) of dealing with this.

Nested jQuery.each() - continue/break

There is no clean way to do this and like @Nick mentioned above it might just be easier to use the old school way of loops as then you can control this. But if you want to stick with what you got there is one way you could handle this. I'm sure I will get some heat for this one. But...

One way you could do what you want without an if statement is to raise an error and wrap your loop with a try/catch block:

$(sentences).each(function() {
    var s = this;
    $(words).each(function(i) {
        if (s.indexOf(this) > -1)
            alert('found ' + this);
            throw "Exit Error";
catch (e)

Ok, let the thrashing begin.

How to make Scrollable Table with fixed headers using CSS

What you want to do is separate the content of the table from the header of the table. You want only the <th> elements to be scrolled. You can easily define this separation in HTML with the <tbody> and the <thead> elements.
Now the header and the body of the table are still connected to each other, they will still have the same width (and same scroll properties). Now to let them not 'work' as a table anymore you can set the display: block. This way <thead> and <tbody> are separated.

table tbody, table thead
    display: block;

Now you can set the scroll to the body of the table:

table tbody 
   overflow: auto;
   height: 100px;

And last, because the <thead> doesn't share the same width as the body anymore, you should set a static width to the header of the table:

    width: 72px;

You should also set a static width for <td>. This solves the issue of the unaligned columns.

    width: 72px;

Note that you are also missing some HTML elements. Every row should be in a <tr> element, that includes the header row:


I hope this is what you meant.



If you would like to have more control over the column widths, have them to vary in width between each other, and course keep the header and body columns aligned, you can use the following example:

    table th:nth-child(1), td:nth-child(1) { min-width: 50px;  max-width: 50px; }
    table th:nth-child(2), td:nth-child(2) { min-width: 100px; max-width: 100px; }
    table th:nth-child(3), td:nth-child(3) { min-width: 150px; max-width: 150px; }
    table th:nth-child(4), td:nth-child(4) { min-width: 200px; max-width: 200px; }

Contain an image within a div?

You have to style the image like this

#container img{width:100%;}

and the container with hidden overflow:

#container{width:250px; height:250px; overflow:hidden; border:1px solid #000;} 

proper hibernate annotation for byte[]

Here goes what O'reilly Enterprise JavaBeans, 3.0 says

JDBC has special types for these very large objects. The java.sql.Blob type represents binary data, and java.sql.Clob represents character data.

Here goes PostgreSQLDialect source code

public PostgreSQLDialect() {
    registerColumnType(Types.VARBINARY, "bytea");
      * Notice it maps java.sql.Types.BLOB as oid
    registerColumnType(Types.BLOB, "oid");

So what you can do

Override PostgreSQLDialect as follows

public class CustomPostgreSQLDialect extends PostgreSQLDialect {

    public CustomPostgreSQLDialect() {

        registerColumnType(Types.BLOB, "bytea");

Now just define your custom dialect

<property name="hibernate.dialect" value=""/>

And use your portable JPA @Lob annotation

public byte[] getValueBuffer() {


Here has been extracted here

I have an application running in hibernate 3.3.2 and the applications works fine, with all blob fields using oid (byte[] in java)


Migrating to hibernate 3.5 all blob fields not work anymore, and the server log shows: ERROR org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - ERROR: column is of type oid but expression is of type bytea

which can be explained here

This generaly is not bug in PG JDBC, but change of default implementation of Hibernate in 3.5 version. In my situation setting compatible property on connection did not helped.


Much more this what I saw in 3.5 - beta 2, and i do not know if this was fixed is Hibernate - without @Type annotation - will auto-create column of type oid, but will try to read this as bytea

Interesting is because when he maps Types.BOLB as bytea (See CustomPostgreSQLDialect) He get

Could not execute JDBC batch update

when inserting or updating

jQuery datepicker years shown

        yearRange: "-100:+0",
        changeMonth: true,
        changeYear: true,

yearRange: '1950:2013', // specifying a hard coded year range or this way

yearRange: "-100:+0", // last hundred years

It will help to show drop down for year and month selection.

String formatting in Python 3

I like this approach

my_hash = {}
my_hash["goals"] = 3 #to show number
my_hash["penalties"] = "5" #to show string
print("I scored %(goals)d goals and took %(penalties)s penalties" % my_hash)

Note the appended d and s to the brackets respectively.

output will be:

I scored 3 goals and took 5 penalties

How to wait until an element exists?

You can do

$('#yourelement').ready(function() {


Please note that this will only work if the element is present in the DOM when being requested from the server. If the element is being dynamically added via JavaScript, it will not work and you may need to look at the other answers.

In UML class diagrams, what are Boundary Classes, Control Classes, and Entity Classes?

Actually, the Robustness Diagrams (or Analysis Diagrams, as they are sometimes called) are just specialized Class Diagrams. They are a part of UML, and have been from the beginning (see Jacobson's book, The Unified Software Development Process - part of the "Three Amigos" series of books). The aforementioned book has a good definition of these three classes on pp 183-185.

Specifying Font and Size in HTML table

First, try omitting the quotes from 12 and 24. Worth a shot.

Second, it's better to do this in CSS. See also . Here is an inline style for a table tag:

<table style='font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace; font-size:80%' ...>...</table>

Better still, use an external style sheet or a style tag near the top of your HTML document. See also .

Why does my sorting loop seem to append an element where it shouldn't?

" Hello " , " This " , "is ", "Sorting ", "Example"

First of all you provided spaces in " Hello " and " This ", spaces have a lower value than alphabetic characters in Unicode, so it gets printed first. (The rest of the characters were sorted alphabetically).

Now upper case letters have a lower value than lower case letter in Unicode, so "Example" and "Sorting" gets printed, then at last "is " which has the highest value.

document.getElementById(id).focus() is not working for firefox or chrome

Your focus is working before return false; ,After that is not working. You try this solution. Control after return false;

Put code in function:

function  validateNumber(){
    var mnumber = document.getElementById('mobileno').value; 
    if(mnumber.length >=10) {
        alert("Mobile Number Should be in 10 digits only"); 
        document.getElementById('mobileno').value = ""; 
        return false; 
        return true;

Caller function:

function submitButton(){
            return false;


Input:<input type="text" id="mobileno">
<button onclick="submitButton();" >Submit</button>

cURL error 60: SSL certificate: unable to get local issuer certificate

I found a solution that worked for me. I downgraded from the latest guzzle to version ~4.0 and it worked.

In composer.json add "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "~4.0"

Hope it helps someone

Set left margin for a paragraph in html

<p style="margin-left:5em;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lacinia vestibulum quam sit amet aliquet. Phasellus tempor nisi eget tellus venenatis tempus. Aliquam dapibus porttitor convallis. Praesent pretium luctus orci, quis ullamcorper lacus lacinia a. Integer eget molestie purus. Vestibulum porta mollis tempus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. </p>

That'll do it, there's a few improvements obviously, but that's the basics. And I use 'em' as the measurement, you may want to use other units, like 'px'.

EDIT: What they're describing above is a way of associating groups of styles, or classes, with elements on a web page. You can implement that in a few ways, here's one which may suit you:

In your HTML page, containing the <p> tagged content from your DB add in a new 'style' node and wrap the styles you want to declare in a class like so:

  <style type="text/css">
    p { margin-left:5em; /* Or another measurement unit, like px */ }
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lacinia vestibulum quam sit amet aliquet.</p>

So above, all <p> elements in your document will have that style rule applied. Perhaps you are pumping your paragraph content into a container of some sort? Try this:

  <style type="text/css">
    .container p { margin-left:5em; /* Or another measurement unit, like px */ }
  <div class="container">
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lacinia vestibulum quam sit amet aliquet.</p>
  <p>Vestibulum porta mollis tempus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra.</p>

In the example above, only the <p> element inside the div, whose class name is 'container', will have the styles applied - and not the <p> element outside the container.

In addition to the above, you can collect your styles together and remove the style element from the <head> tag, replacing it with a <link> tag, which points to an external CSS file. This external file is where you'd now put your <p> tag styles. This concept is known as 'seperating content from style' and is considered good practice, and is also an extendible way to create styles, and can help with low maintenance.

Submitting a form by pressing enter without a submit button

I think you should go the Javascript route, or at least I would:

<script type="text/javascript">
// Using jQuery.

$(function() {
    $('form').each(function() {
        $(this).find('input').keypress(function(e) {
            // Enter pressed?
            if(e.which == 10 || e.which == 13) {


<form name="loginBox" target="#here" method="post">
    <input name="username" type="text" /><br />
    <input name="password" type="password" />
    <input type="submit" />

When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks in MySQL

There has been many helpful answers here, generally culminating into two points.

  1. BACKTICKS(`) are used around identifier names.
  2. SINGLE QUOTES(') are used around values.

AND as @MichaelBerkowski said

Backticks are to be used for table and column identifiers, but are only necessary when the identifier is a MySQL reserved keyword, or when the identifier contains whitespace characters or characters beyond a limited set (see below) It is often recommended to avoid using reserved keywords as column or table identifiers when possible, avoiding the quoting issue.

There is a case though where an identifier can neither be a reserved keyword or contain whitespace or characters beyond limited set but necessarily require backticks around them.


123E10 is a valid identifier name but also a valid INTEGER literal.

[Without going into detail how you would get such an identifier name], Suppose I want to create a temporary table named 123456e6.

No ERROR on backticks.

DB [XXX]> create temporary table `123456e6` (`id` char (8));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

ERROR when not using backticks.

DB [XXX]> create temporary table 123451e6 (`id` char (8));
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '123451e6 (`id` char (8))' at line 1

However, 123451a6 is a perfectly fine identifier name (without back ticks).

DB [XXX]> create temporary table 123451a6 (`id` char (8));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

This is completely because 1234156e6 is also an exponential number.

SQL Bulk Insert with FIRSTROW parameter skips the following line

Maybe check that the header has the same line-ending as the actual data rows (as specified in ROWTERMINATOR)?

Update: from MSDN:

The FIRSTROW attribute is not intended to skip column headers. Skipping headers is not supported by the BULK INSERT statement. When skipping rows, the SQL Server Database Engine looks only at the field terminators, and does not validate the data in the fields of skipped rows.

Private class declaration

private modifier will make your class inaccessible from outside, so there wouldn't be any advantage of this and I think that is why it is illegal and only public, abstract & final are permitted.

Note : Even you can not make it protected.

Postfix is installed but how do I test it?

(I just got this working, with my main issue being that I don't have a real internet hostname, so answering this question in case it helps someone)

You need to specify a hostname with HELO. Even so, you should get an error, so Postfix is probably not running.

Also, the => is not a command. The '.' on a single line without any text around it is what tells Postfix that the entry is complete. Here are the entries I used:

telnet localhost 25
(says connected)
(returns a bunch of 250 codes)
MAIL FROM: [email protected]
RCPT TO: (use a real email address you want to send to)
DATA (type whatever you want on muliple lines)
. (this on a single line tells Postfix that the DATA is complete)

You should get a response like:

250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 6E414C4643A

The email will probably end up in a junk folder. If it is not showing up, then you probably need to setup the 'Postfix on hosts without a real Internet hostname'. Here is the breakdown on how I completed that step on my Ubuntu box:

sudo vim /etc/postfix/
smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic (add this line somewhere)
(edit or create the file 'generic' if it doesn't exist)
sudo vim /etc/postfix/generic
(add these lines, I don't think it matters what names you use, at least to test)
[email protected]             [email protected]
[email protected]             [email protected]
@localdomain.local                [email protected]
then run:
postmap /etc/postfix/generic (this needs to be run whenever you change the 
generic file)

Happy Trails

Java method to swap primitives

Apparently I don't have enough reputation points to comment on Dansalmo's answer, but it is a good one, though mis-named. His answer is actually a K-combinator.

int K( int a, int b ) {
    return a;

The JLS is specific about argument evaluation when passing to methods/ctors/etc. (Was this not so in older specs?)

Granted, this is a functional idiom, but it is clear enough to those who recognize it. (If you don't understand code you find, don't mess with it!)

y = K(x, x=y);  // swap x and y

The K-combinator is specifically designed for this kind of thing. AFAIK there's no reason it shouldn't pass a code review.

My $0.02.

Execute a terminal command from a Cocoa app

fork, exec, and wait should work, if you're not really looking for a Objective-C specific way. fork creates a copy of the currently running program, exec replaces the currently running program with a new one, and wait waits for the subprocess to exit. For example (without any error checking):

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

pid_t p = fork();
if (p == 0) {
    /* fork returns 0 in the child process. */
    execl("/other/program/to/run", "/other/program/to/run", "foo", NULL);
} else {
    /* fork returns the child's PID in the parent. */
    int status;
    /* The child has exited, and status contains the way it exited. */

/* The child has run and exited by the time execution gets to here. */

There's also system, which runs the command as if you typed it from the shell's command line. It's simpler, but you have less control over the situation.

I'm assuming you're working on a Mac application, so the links are to Apple's documentation for these functions, but they're all POSIX, so you should be to use them on any POSIX-compliant system.

The type java.lang.CharSequence cannot be resolved in package declaration

Make your Project and Workspace to point to JDK7 which will resolve the issue. has given ways to modify Compliance and Facet level changes.

Selenium wait until document is ready

I had a similar problem. I needed to wait until my document was ready but also until all Ajax calls had finished. The second condition proved to be difficult to detect. In the end I checked for active Ajax calls and it worked.


return (document.readyState == 'complete' && == 0)

Full C# method:

private void WaitUntilDocumentIsReady(TimeSpan timeout)
    var javaScriptExecutor = WebDriver as IJavaScriptExecutor;
    var wait = new WebDriverWait(WebDriver, timeout);            

    // Check if document is ready
    Func<IWebDriver, bool> readyCondition = webDriver => javaScriptExecutor
        .ExecuteScript("return (document.readyState == 'complete' && == 0)");

Check key exist in python dict

Use the in keyword.

if 'apples' in d:
    if d['apples'] == 20:
        print('20 apples')
        print('Not 20 apples')

If you want to get the value only if the key exists (and avoid an exception trying to get it if it doesn't), then you can use the get function from a dictionary, passing an optional default value as the second argument (if you don't pass it it returns None instead):

if d.get('apples', 0) == 20:
    print('20 apples.')
    print('Not 20 apples.')

Simple file write function in C++

There are two solutions to this. You can either place the method above the method that calls it:

// basic file operations
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int writeFile () 
  ofstream myfile; ("example.txt");
  myfile << "Writing this to a file.\n";
  myfile << "Writing this to a file.\n";
  myfile << "Writing this to a file.\n";
  myfile << "Writing this to a file.\n";
  return 0;

int main()

Or declare a prototype:

// basic file operations
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int writeFile();

int main()

int writeFile () 
  ofstream myfile; ("example.txt");
  myfile << "Writing this to a file.\n";
  myfile << "Writing this to a file.\n";
  myfile << "Writing this to a file.\n";
  myfile << "Writing this to a file.\n";
  return 0;

Calendar date to yyyy-MM-dd format in java

In order to parse a java.util.Date object you have to convert it to String first using your own format.

inActiveDate = format1.parse(  format1.format(date)  );

But I believe you are being redundant here.

Copy Paste in Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

At long last, we're excited to announce that we FINALLY implemented copy and paste support for Linux/WSL instances in Windows Console via CTRL + SHIFT + [C|V]!

You can enable/disable this feature in case you find a keyboard collision with a command-line app, but this should start working when you install and run any Win10 builds >= 17643.

New Console Properties showing CTRL + SHIFT + C/V option

Thanks for your patience while we re-engineered Console's internals to allow this feature to work :)

Failed to execute 'btoa' on 'Window': The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range.

As an complement to Stefan Steiger answer: (as it doesn't look nice as a comment)

Extending String prototype:

String.prototype.b64encode = function() { 
    return btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(this))); 
String.prototype.b64decode = function() { 
    return decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(this))); 


var str = "äöüÄÖÜçéèñ";
var encoded = str.b64encode();
console.log( encoded.b64decode() );


As stated in the comments, using unescape is not recommended as it may be removed in the future:

Warning: Although unescape() is not strictly deprecated (as in "removed from the Web standards"), it is defined in Annex B of the ECMA-262 standard, whose introduction states: … All of the language features and behaviours specified in this annex have one or more undesirable characteristics and in the absence of legacy usage would be removed from this specification.

Note: Do not use unescape to decode URIs, use decodeURI or decodeURIComponent instead.

Binding Button click to a method

Click is an event. In your code behind, you need to have a corresponding event handler to whatever you have in the XAML. In this case, you would need to have the following:

private void Command(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


Commands are different. If you need to wire up a command, you'd use the Commmand property of the button and you would either use some pre-built Commands or wire up your own via the CommandManager class (I think).

ZIP Code (US Postal Code) validation

If you're doing for Canada remember that not all letters are valid

These letters are invalid: D, F, I, O, Q, or U And the letters W and Z are not used as the first letter. Also some people use an optional space after the 3rd character.

Here is a regular expression for Canadian postal code:

new RegExp(/^[abceghjklmnprstvxy][0-9][abceghjklmnprstvwxyz]\s?[0-9][abceghjklmnprstvwxyz][0-9]$/i)

The last i makes it case insensitive.

Hide Text with CSS, Best Practice?

It might work.

.hide-text {

How can I get the current class of a div with jQuery?

Simply by

var divClass = $("#div1").attr("class")

You can do some other stuff to manipulate element's class

$("#div1").addClass("foo"); // add class 'foo' to div1
$("#div1").removeClass("foo"); // remove class 'foo' from div1
$("#div1").toggleClass("foo"); // toggle class 'foo'

Xcode 'CodeSign error: code signing is required'

Make sure that you have created provisioning profiles correctly.. if you did.. you must be having ... public key, private key and Certificate in Keychain Access. CHECK if you have all these..

XCode 3.2.4 Comes with the Auto device provisioning ... so you just have to sign in to your developers account it will download all valid profiles..

If you have all you need in keychain and downloaded profiles... When you are selecting iPhone Developer: Aaron Milam'. in build settings.. make sure you have selected Configuration ( on left top inside Target->Build ) you want to make build for. or you can do All configuration to make changes in all available configurations i.e. Debug, Release etc.

How to read from stdin line by line in Node

shareing for others:

read stream line by line,should be good for large files piped into stdin, my version:

var n=0;
function on_line(line,cb)
    ////one each line
    console.log(n++,"line ",line);
    return cb();
    ////end of one each line

var fs = require('fs');
var readStream = fs.createReadStream('all_titles.txt');
//var readStream = process.stdin;

var buffer=[];
readStream.on('data', (chunk) => {
    const newlines=/[\r\n]+/;
    var lines=chunk.split(newlines)

    var str=buffer.join('');

        var i=1,l=lines.length-1;
        function while_next()
                return on_line(lines[i],while_next);
                return readStream.resume();
  }).on('end', ()=>{
          var str=buffer.join('');
            ////after end
            ////end after end

Trying to git pull with error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied

I had the exact same error but in my case, the problem was the result of having rebuilt Apache after an upgrade to the PHP version. Long story short, I forgot to install the Apache module 'suexec'.

It had nothing to do with group or ownership. That only took me two days to figure out, someone shoot me...

How can I have linebreaks in my long LaTeX equations?

I think I usually used eqnarray or something. It lets you say

    x &=& blah blah blah \\ 
      & & more blah blah blah \\
      & & even more blah blah

and it will be aligned by the & &... As pkaeding mentioned, it's hard to read, but when you've got an equation thats that long, it's gonna be hard to read no matter what... (The * makes it not have an equation number, IIRC)

JPA 2.0, Criteria API, Subqueries, In Expressions

You can use double join, if table A B are connected only by table AB.

public static Specification<A> findB(String input) {
    return (Specification<A>) (root, cq, cb) -> {
        Join<A,AB> AjoinAB = root.joinList(A_.AB_LIST,JoinType.LEFT);
        Join<AB,B> ABjoinB = AjoinAB.join(AB_.B,JoinType.LEFT);
        return cb.equal(ABjoinB.get(B_.NAME),input);

That's just an another option
Sorry for that timing but I have came across this question and I also wanted to make SELECT IN but I didn't even thought about double join. I hope it will help someone.

How to append new data onto a new line

The answer is not to add a newline after writing your string. That may solve a different problem. What you are asking is how to add a newline before you start appending your string. If you want to add a newline, but only if one does not already exist, you need to find out first, by reading the file.

For example,

with open('hst.txt') as fobj:
    text =

name = 'Bob'

with open('hst.txt', 'a') as fobj:
    if not text.endswith('\n'):

You might want to add the newline after name, or you may not, but in any case, it isn't the answer to your question.

How to dynamically create generic C# object using reflection?

I know this question is resolved but, for the benefit of anyone else reading it; if you have all of the types involved as strings, you could do this as a one liner:

IYourInterface o = (Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("Namespace.TaskA`1[OtherNamespace.TypeParam]") as IYourInterface);

Whenever I've done this kind of thing, I've had an interface which I wanted subsequent code to utilise, so I've casted the created instance to an interface.

Why does this SQL code give error 1066 (Not unique table/alias: 'user')?

You need to give the user table an alias the second time you join to it


SELECT article . * , section.title, category.title,, 
FROM article 
INNER JOIN section ON article.section_id = 
INNER JOIN category ON article.category_id = 
INNER JOIN user ON article.author_id = 
LEFT JOIN user u2 ON article.modified_by = 
WHERE = '1'

error: package javax.servlet does not exist

I only put this code in my pom.xml and I executed the command maven install.


How to center links in HTML

p is not how you put text in a. That is the problem. The only solution is to put the text between <a> and </a>. For example:

<a href="" style="text-align:center;">Stack Overflow</a>

How do I recognize "#VALUE!" in Excel spreadsheets?

in EXCEL 2013 i had to use IF function 2 times: 1st to identify error with ISERROR and 2nd to identify the specific type of error by ERROR.TYPE=3 in order to address this type of error. This way you can differentiate between error you want and other types.

Simplest Way to Test ODBC on WIndows

Make a file SOMEFILENAME.udl then double click on it and set it up as an ODBC connection object, username, pwd, target server

How to interpolate variables in strings in JavaScript, without concatenation?

If you like to write CoffeeScript you could do:

hello = "foo"
my_string = "I pity the #{hello}"

CoffeeScript actually IS javascript, but with a much better syntax.

For an overview of CoffeeScript check this beginner's guide.

Export HTML page to PDF on user click using JavaScript

This is because you define your "doc" variable outside of your click event. The first time you click the button the doc variable contains a new jsPDF object. But when you click for a second time, this variable can't be used in the same way anymore. As it is already defined and used the previous time.

change it to:

$(function () {

    var specialElementHandlers = {
        '#editor': function (element,renderer) {
            return true;
 $('#cmd').click(function () {
        var doc = new jsPDF();
            $('#target').html(), 15, 15, 
            { 'width': 170, 'elementHandlers': specialElementHandlers }, 
            function(){'sample-file.pdf'); }


and it will work.

Ignore Duplicates and Create New List of Unique Values in Excel

So for this task First Sort your data in order from A to Z or Z to A then you can just use one simple formula as stated below:

=IF(A2=A3, "Duplicate", "Not Duplicate")

The above formula states that if column A2 data ( A is column and 2 is row number) is similar to A3 (A is Column and 3 is Row number) then it will print Duplicate else will print Not Duplicate.

Lets consider an example, Column A consists Email address in which some are duplicate, so in Column 2, I used the above stated formula which in results displayed me the 2 duplicates cells one is Row 2 and Row 6.

One you got the duplicate data just put filter on your sheet and make visible only the duplicate data and delete all the unnecessary data.

How to add "on delete cascade" constraints?


select replace_foreign_key('user_rates_posts', 'post_id', 'ON DELETE CASCADE');


    replace_foreign_key(f_table VARCHAR, f_column VARCHAR, new_options VARCHAR) 
AS $$
DECLARE constraint_name varchar;
DECLARE reftable varchar;
DECLARE refcolumn varchar;

SELECT tc.constraint_name, ccu.table_name AS foreign_table_name, ccu.column_name AS foreign_column_name 
    information_schema.table_constraints AS tc 
    JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu
      ON tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name
    JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu
      ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name
WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' 
   AND tc.table_name= f_table AND kcu.column_name= f_column
INTO constraint_name, reftable, refcolumn;

EXECUTE 'alter table ' || f_table || ' drop constraint ' || constraint_name || 
', ADD CONSTRAINT ' || constraint_name || ' FOREIGN KEY (' || f_column || ') ' ||
' REFERENCES ' || reftable || '(' || refcolumn || ') ' || new_options || ';';

RETURN 'Constraint replaced: ' || constraint_name || ' (' || f_table || '.' || f_column ||
 ' -> ' || reftable || '.' || refcolumn || '); New options: ' || new_options;

$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Be aware: this function won't copy attributes of initial foreign key. It only takes foreign table name / column name, drops current key and replaces with new one.

VBScript How can I Format Date?

This snippet also solve this question with datePart function. I've also used the right() trick to perform a rpad(x,2,"0").

option explicit

Wscript.Echo "Today is " & myDate(now)

' date formatted as your request
Function myDate(dt)
    dim d,m,y, sep
    sep = "-"
    ' right(..) here works as rpad(x,2,"0")
    d = right("0" & datePart("d",dt),2)
    m = right("0" & datePart("m",dt),2)
    y = datePart("yyyy",dt)
    myDate= m & sep & d & sep & y
End Function

stringstream, string, and char* conversion confusion

In this line:

const char* cstr2 = ss.str().c_str();

ss.str() will make a copy of the contents of the stringstream. When you call c_str() on the same line, you'll be referencing legitimate data, but after that line the string will be destroyed, leaving your char* to point to unowned memory.

Create numpy matrix filled with NaNs

I compared the suggested alternatives for speed and found that, for large enough vectors/matrices to fill, all alternatives except val * ones and array(n * [val]) are equally fast.

enter image description here

Code to reproduce the plot:

import numpy
import perfplot

val = 42.0

def fill(n):
    a = numpy.empty(n)
    return a

def colon(n):
    a = numpy.empty(n)
    a[:] = val
    return a

def full(n):
    return numpy.full(n, val)

def ones_times(n):
    return val * numpy.ones(n)

def list(n):
    return numpy.array(n * [val])
    setup=lambda n: n,
    kernels=[fill, colon, full, ones_times, list],
    n_range=[2 ** k for k in range(20)],

How to get the latest tag name in current branch in Git?

I'm not sure why there are no answers to what the question is asking for. i.e. All tags (non-annotated included) and without the suffix:

git describe --tags --abbrev=0

How to select the row with the maximum value in each group

by is a version of tapply for data frames:

res <- by(group, group$Subject, FUN=function(df) df[which.max(df$pt),])

It returns an object of class by so we convert it to data frame:, b)
  Subject pt Event
1       1  5     2
2       2 17     2
3       3  5     2

How to delete columns in numpy.array

This creates another array without those columns:

  b = a.compress(logical_not(z), axis=1)

Outline radius?

The simple answer to the basic question is no. The only cross-browser option is to create a hack that accomplishes what you want. This approach does carry with it certain potential issues when it comes to styling pre-existing content, but it provides for more customization of the outline (offset, width, line style) than many of the other solutions.

On a basic level, consider the following static example (run the snippent for demo):

.outline {_x000D_
    border: 2px dotted transparent;_x000D_
    border-radius: 5px;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    padding: 2px;_x000D_
    margin: -4px;_x000D_
/* :focus-within does not work in Edge or IE */_x000D_
.outline:focus-within, .outline.edge {_x000D_
    border-color: blue;_x000D_
br {_x000D_
    margin-bottom: 0.75rem;_x000D_
<h3>Javascript-Free Demo</h3>_x000D_
<div class="outline edge"><input type="text" placeholder="I always have an outline"/></div><br><div class="outline"><input type="text" placeholder="I have an outline when focused"/></div> *<i>Doesn't work in Edge or IE</i><br><input type="text" placeholder="I have never have an outline" />_x000D_
<p>Note that the outline does not increase the spacing between the outlined input and other elements around it. The margin (-4px) compensates for the space that the outlines padding (-2px) and width (2px) take up, a total of 4px.</p>

Now, on a more advanced level, it would be possible to use JavaScript to bootstrap elements of a given type or class so that they are wrapped inside a div that simulates an outline on page load. Furthermore, event bindings could be established to show or hide the outline on user interactions like this (run the snippet below or open in JSFiddle):

h3 {_x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
div {_x000D_
  box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
.flex {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
.clickable {_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
.box {_x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid black;_x000D_
  border-radius: 10px;_x000D_
  height: 5rem;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  align-items: center;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  color: white;_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
  padding: 0.5rem;_x000D_
  margin: 1rem;_x000D_
<h3>Javascript-Enabled Demo</h3>_x000D_
<div class="flex">_x000D_
  <div class="box outline-me">I'm outlined because I contain<br>the "outline-me" class</div>_x000D_
  <div class="box clickable">Click me to toggle outline</div>_x000D_
<input type="text" placeholder="I'm outlined when focused" />_x000D_
// Called on an element to wrap with an outline and passed a styleObject_x000D_
// the styleObject can contain the following outline properties:_x000D_
//   style, width, color, offset, radius, bottomLeftRadius,_x000D_
//  bottomRightRadius, topLeftRadius, topRightRadius_x000D_
// It then creates a new div with the properties specified and _x000D_
// moves the calling element into the div_x000D_
// The newly created wrapper div receives the class "simulated-outline"_x000D_
Element.prototype.addOutline = function (styleObject, hideOutline = true) {_x000D_
    var element = this;_x000D_
    // create a div for simulating an outline_x000D_
    var outline = document.createElement('div');_x000D_
    // initialize css formatting_x000D_
    var css = 'display:inline-block;';_x000D_
    // transfer any element margin to the outline div_x000D_
    var margins = ['marginTop', 'marginBottom', 'marginLeft', 'marginRight'];_x000D_
    var marginPropertyNames = { _x000D_
        marginTop: 'margin-top',_x000D_
        marginBottom: 'margin-bottom',_x000D_
        marginLeft: 'margin-left',_x000D_
        marginRight: 'margin-right'_x000D_
    var outlineWidth = Number.parseInt(styleObject.width);_x000D_
    var outlineOffset = Number.parseInt(styleObject.offset);_x000D_
    for (var i = 0; i < margins.length; ++i) {_x000D_
        var computedMargin = Number.parseInt(getComputedStyle(element)[margins[i]]);_x000D_
        var margin = computedMargin - outlineWidth - outlineOffset;_x000D_
        css += marginPropertyNames[margins[i]] + ":" + margin + "px;";_x000D_
    }_x000D_ += 'margin:0px !important;';_x000D_
    // compute css border style for the outline div_x000D_
    var keys = Object.keys(styleObject);_x000D_
    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {_x000D_
        var key = keys[i];_x000D_
        var value = styleObject[key];_x000D_
        switch (key) {_x000D_
            case 'style':_x000D_
                var property = 'border-style';_x000D_
            case 'width':_x000D_
                var property = 'border-width';_x000D_
            case 'color':_x000D_
                var property = 'border-color';_x000D_
            case 'offset':_x000D_
                var property = 'padding';_x000D_
            case 'radius':_x000D_
                var property = 'border-radius';_x000D_
            case 'bottomLeftRadius':_x000D_
                var property = 'border-bottom-left-radius';_x000D_
            case 'bottomRightRadius':_x000D_
                var property = 'border-bottom-right-radius';_x000D_
            case 'topLeftRadius':_x000D_
                var property = 'border-top-left-radius-style';_x000D_
            case 'topRightRadius':_x000D_
                var property = 'border-top-right-radius';_x000D_
        css += property + ":" + value + ';';_x000D_
    // apply the computed css to the outline div_x000D_ = css;_x000D_
    // add a class in case we want to do something with elements_x000D_
    // receiving a simulated outline_x000D_
    // place the element inside the outline div_x000D_
    var parent = element.parentElement;_x000D_
    parent.insertBefore(outline, element);_x000D_
    // determine whether outline should be hidden by default or not_x000D_
    if (hideOutline) element.hideOutline();_x000D_
Element.prototype.showOutline = function () {_x000D_
    var element = this;_x000D_
    // get a reference to the outline element that wraps this element_x000D_
    var outline = element.getOutline();_x000D_
    // show the outline if one exists_x000D_
    if (outline) outline.classList.remove('hide-outline');_x000D_
Element.prototype.hideOutline = function () {_x000D_
    var element = this;_x000D_
    // get a reference to the outline element that wraps this element_x000D_
    var outline = element.getOutline();_x000D_
    // hide the outline if one exists_x000D_
    if (outline) outline.classList.add('hide-outline');_x000D_
// Determines if this element has an outline. If it does, it returns the outline_x000D_
// element. If it doesn't have one, return null._x000D_
Element.prototype.getOutline = function() {_x000D_
    var element = this;_x000D_
    var parent = element.parentElement;_x000D_
    return (parent.classList.contains('simulated-outline')) ? parent : null;_x000D_
// Determines the visiblity status of the outline, returning true if the outline is_x000D_
// visible and false if it is not. If the element has no outline, null is returned._x000D_
Element.prototype.outlineStatus = function() {_x000D_
    var element = this;_x000D_
    var outline = element.getOutline();_x000D_
    if (outline === null) {_x000D_
        return null;_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
        return !outline.classList.contains('hide-outline');_x000D_
// this embeds a style element in the document head for handling outline visibility_x000D_
var embeddedStyle = document.querySelector('#outline-styles');_x000D_
if (!embeddedStyle) {_x000D_
    var style = document.createElement('style');_x000D_
    style.innerText = `_x000D_
        .simulated-outline.hide-outline {_x000D_
            border-color: transparent !important;_x000D_
/*########################## example usage ##########################*/_x000D_
// add outline to all elements with "outline-me" class_x000D_
var outlineMeStyle = {_x000D_
    style: 'dashed',_x000D_
    width: '3px',_x000D_
    color: 'blue',_x000D_
    offset: '2px',_x000D_
    radius: '5px'_x000D_
  element.addOutline(outlineMeStyle, false);_x000D_
// make clickable divs get outlines_x000D_
var outlineStyle = {_x000D_
    style: 'double',_x000D_
    width: '4px',_x000D_
    offset: '3px',_x000D_
    color: 'red',_x000D_
    radius: '10px'_x000D_
    element.addEventListener('click', (evt)=>{_x000D_
        var element =;_x000D_
        (element.outlineStatus()) ? element.hideOutline() : element.showOutline();_x000D_
// configure inputs to only have outline on focus_x000D_
    var outlineStyle = {_x000D_
        width: '2px',_x000D_
        offset: '2px',_x000D_
        color: 'black',_x000D_
        style: 'dotted',_x000D_
        radius: '10px'_x000D_
    input.addEventListener('focus', (evt)=>{_x000D_
        var input =;_x000D_
    input.addEventListener('blur', (evt)=>{_x000D_
        var input =;_x000D_

In closing, let me reiterate, that implementing this approach may require more styling than what I have included in my demos, especially if you have already styled the element you want outlined.

Early exit from function?

I think throw a new error is good approach to stop execution rather than just return or return false. For ex. I am validating a number of files that I only allow max five files for upload in separate function.

validateMaxNumber: function(length) {
   if (5 >= length) {
        // Continue execution
   // Flash error message and stop execution
   // Can't stop execution by return or return false statement; 
   let message = "No more than " + this.maxNumber + " File is allowed";
   throw new Error(message);

But I am calling this function from main flow function as

  handleFilesUpload() {
      let files =  document.getElementById("myFile").files;

In the above example I can't stop execution unless I throw new Error.Just return or return false only works if you are in main function of execution otherwise it doesn't work.

What is the most efficient way to concatenate N arrays?

Easily with the concat function:

var a = [1,2,3];
var b = [2,3,4];
a = a.concat(b);
>> [1,2,3,2,3,4] in javascript

Array.filter is not implemented in many browsers,It is better to define this function if it does not exist.

The source code for Array.prototype is posted in MDN

if (!Array.prototype.filter)
  Array.prototype.filter = function(fun /*, thisp */)
    "use strict";

    if (this == null)
      throw new TypeError();

    var t = Object(this);
    var len = t.length >>> 0;
    if (typeof fun != "function")
      throw new TypeError();

    var res = [];
    var thisp = arguments[1];
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
      if (i in t)
        var val = t[i]; // in case fun mutates this
        if (, val, i, t))

    return res;

see for more details

Error: Java: invalid target release: 11 - IntelliJ IDEA

I Could say I had similar issue. My case: I switched from new version to old version of the project in workspace, try to run single junit which require recompil, recompilation error was thrown with invalid target.

From Projects settings (F4) in IntelliJ everything was looking good and java was set to 1.7. But when I try recompile from IDE error was thrown because of wrong target level. After checking I found that in one of the iml file language was set to JDK_11. After manual change to JDK_1_7 everything back to normal.

Worth to also manual check lang level in *iml files created by IDE.

Truncate a string straight JavaScript

Thought I would give Sugar.js a mention. It has a truncate method that is pretty smart.

From the documentation:

Truncates a string. Unless split is true, truncate will not split words up, and instead discard the word where the truncation occurred.


'just sittin on the dock of the bay'.truncate(20)


just sitting on...

Calculate a Running Total in SQL Server

The following will produce the required results.

SELECT a.SomeDate,
       SUM(b.SomeValue) AS RunningTotal
FROM TestTable a
CROSS JOIN TestTable b
WHERE (b.SomeDate <= a.SomeDate) 
GROUP BY a.SomeDate,a.SomeValue
ORDER BY a.SomeDate,a.SomeValue

Having a clustered index on SomeDate will greatly improve the performance.

Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread

An AsyncTask is used to do some background computation and publish the result to the UI thread (with optional progress updates). Since you're not concerned with UI, then a Handler or Thread seems more appropriate.

You can spawn a background Thread and pass messages back to your main thread by using the Handler's post method.

Loop through each cell in a range of cells when given a Range object

To make a note on Dick's answer, this is correct, but I would not recommend using a For Each loop. For Each creates a temporary reference to the COM Cell behind the scenes that you do not have access to (that you would need in order to dispose of it).

See the following for more discussion:

How do I properly clean up Excel interop objects?

To illustrate the issue, try the For Each example, close your application, and look at Task Manager. You should see that an instance of Excel is still running (because all objects were not disposed of properly).

A cleaner way to handle this is to query the spreadsheet using ADO:

How to convert enum value to int?

If you want the value you are assigning in the constructor, you need to add a method in the enum definition to return that value.

If you want a unique number that represent the enum value, you can use ordinal().

REST - HTTP Post Multipart with JSON

If I understand you correctly, you want to compose a multipart request manually from an HTTP/REST console. The multipart format is simple; a brief introduction can be found in the HTML 4.01 spec. You need to come up with a boundary, which is a string not found in the content, let’s say HereGoes. You set request header Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=HereGoes. Then this should be a valid request body:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="myJsonString"
Content-Type: application/json

{"foo": "bar"}
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="photo"
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

<...JPEG content in base64...>

Turn off axes in subplots

You can turn the axes off by following the advice in Veedrac's comment (linking to here) with one small modification.

Rather than using plt.axis('off') you should use ax.axis('off') where ax is a matplotlib.axes object. To do this for your code you simple need to add axarr[0,0].axis('off') and so on for each of your subplots.

The code below shows the result (I've removed the prune_matrix part because I don't have access to that function, in the future please submit fully working code.)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import as cm

img = mpimg.imread("stewie.jpg")

f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2)
axarr[0,0].imshow(img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)
axarr[0,0].set_title("Rank = 512")

axarr[0,1].imshow(img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)
axarr[0,1].set_title("Rank = %s" % 128)

axarr[1,0].imshow(img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)
axarr[1,0].set_title("Rank = %s" % 32)

axarr[1,1].imshow(img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)
axarr[1,1].set_title("Rank = %s" % 16)

Stewie example

Note: To turn off only the x or y axis you can use set_visible() e.g.:

axarr[0,0].xaxis.set_visible(False) # Hide only x axis

How to add item to the beginning of List<T>?

Use the Insert method:

ti.Insert(0, initialItem);

Load and execution sequence of a web page?

Open your page in Firefox and get the HTTPFox addon. It will tell you all that you need.

Found this on archivist.incuito:

When you first request a page, your browser sends a GET request to the server, which returns the HTML to the browser. The browser then starts parsing the page (possibly before all of it has been returned).

When it finds a reference to an external entity such as a CSS file, an image file, a script file, a Flash file, or anything else external to the page (either on the same server/domain or not), it prepares to make a further GET request for that resource.

However the HTTP standard specifies that the browser should not make more than two concurrent requests to the same domain. So it puts each request to a particular domain in a queue, and as each entity is returned it starts the next one in the queue for that domain.

The time it takes for an entity to be returned depends on its size, the load the server is currently experiencing, and the activity of every single machine between the machine running the browser and the server. The list of these machines can in principle be different for every request, to the extent that one image might travel from the USA to me in the UK over the Atlantic, while another from the same server comes out via the Pacific, Asia and Europe, which takes longer. So you might get a sequence like the following, where a page has (in this order) references to three script files, and five image files, all of differing sizes:

  1. GET script1 and script2; queue request for script3 and images1-5.
  2. script2 arrives (it's smaller than script1): GET script3, queue images1-5.
  3. script1 arrives; GET image1, queue images2-5.
  4. image1 arrives, GET image2, queue images3-5.
  5. script3 fails to arrive due to a network problem - GET script3 again (automatic retry).
  6. image2 arrives, script3 still not here; GET image3, queue images4-5.
  7. image 3 arrives; GET image4, queue image5, script3 still on the way.
  8. image4 arrives, GET image5;
  9. image5 arrives.
  10. script3 arrives.

In short: any old order, depending on what the server is doing, what the rest of the Internet is doing, and whether or not anything has errors and has to be re-fetched. This may seem like a weird way of doing things, but it would quite literally be impossible for the Internet (not just the WWW) to work with any degree of reliability if it wasn't done this way.

Also, the browser's internal queue might not fetch entities in the order they appear in the page - it's not required to by any standard.

(Oh, and don't forget caching, both in the browser and in caching proxies used by ISPs to ease the load on the network.)

When increasing the size of VARCHAR column on a large table could there be any problems?

Another reason why you should avoid converting the column to varchar(max) is because you cannot create an index on a varchar(max) column.

Cannot import keras after installation

I had pip referring by default to pip3, which made me download the libs for python3. On the contrary I launched the shell as python (which opened python 2) and the library wasn't installed there obviously.

Once I matched the names pip3 -> python3, pip -> python (2) all worked.

How can I add JAR files to the web-inf/lib folder in Eclipse?

From the ToolBar to go Project> Properties>Java Build Path > Add External Jars. Locate the File on the local disk or web Directory and Click Open.

This will automatically add the required Jar files to the Library.

Warning: X may be used uninitialized in this function

You get the warning because you did not assign a value to one, which is a pointer. This is undefined behavior.

You should declare it like this:

Vector* one = malloc(sizeof(Vector));

or like this:

Vector one;

in which case you need to replace -> operator with . like this:

one.a = 12;
one.b = 13;
one.c = -11;

Finally, in C99 and later you can use designated initializers:

Vector one = {
   .a = 12
,  .b = 13
,  .c = -11

Hibernate: in production?

  • Typically enterprise applications in large organizations run with reduced privileges.

  • Database username may not have DDL privilege for adding columns which requires.

AmazonS3 putObject with InputStream length example

While writing to S3, you need to specify the length of S3 object to be sure that there are no out of memory errors.

Using IOUtils.toByteArray(stream) is also prone to OOM errors because this is backed by ByteArrayOutputStream

So, the best option is to first write the inputstream to a temp file on local disk and then use that file to write to S3 by specifying the length of temp file.

In PHP, how can I add an object element to an array?

Do you really need an object? What about:

$myArray[] = array("name" => "my name");

Just use a two-dimensional array.

Output (var_dump):

array(1) {
  array(1) {
    string(7) "my name"

You could access your last entry like this:

echo $myArray[count($myArray) - 1]["name"];

sys.path different in Jupyter and Python - how to import own modules in Jupyter?

Jupyter has its own PATH variable, JUPYTER_PATH.

Adding this line to the .bashrc file worked for me:

export JUPYTER_PATH=<directory_for_your_module>:$JUPYTER_PATH

Difference between a script and a program?

For me, the main difference is that a script is interpreted, while a program is executed (i.e. the source is first compiled, and the result of that compilation is expected).

Wikipedia seems to agree with me on this :

Script :

"Scripts" are distinct from the core code of the application, which is usually written in a different language, and are often created or at least modified by the end-user.
Scripts are often interpreted from source code or bytecode, whereas the applications they control are traditionally compiled to native machine code.

Program :

The program has an executable form that the computer can use directly to execute the instructions.
The same program in its human-readable source code form, from which executable programs are derived (e.g., compiled)

Convert one date format into another in PHP

You need to convert the $old_date back into a timestamp, as the date function requires a timestamp as its second argument.

Github: Can I see the number of downloads for a repo?

I had made a web app that shows GitHub release statistics in a clean format:

How to truncate float values?

When using a pandas df this worked for me

import math
def truncate(number, digits) -> float:
    stepper = 10.0 ** digits
    return math.trunc(stepper * number) / stepper

df['trunc'] = df['float_val'].apply(lambda x: truncate(x,1))

How to change a css class style through Javascript?

If you want to manipulate the actual CSS class instead of modifying the DOM elements or using modifier CSS classes, see

How to increase number of threads in tomcat thread pool?

You would have to tune it according to your environment.

Sometimes it's more useful to increase the size of the backlog (acceptCount) instead of the maximum number of threads.

Say, instead of

<Connector ... maxThreads="500" acceptCount="50"

you use

<Connector ... maxThreads="300" acceptCount="150"

you can get much better performance in some cases, cause there would be less threads disputing the resources and the backlog queue would be consumed faster.

In any case, though, you have to do some benchmarks to really know what is best.

Ping all addresses in network, windows

This post asks the same question, but for linux - you may find it helpful. Send a ping to each IP on a subnet

nmap is probably the best tool to use, as it can help identify host OS as well as being faster. It is available for the windows platform on the site

How to download file in swift?

After trying a few of the above suggestions without success (Swift versions...) I ended up using the official documentation:

let downloadTask = URLSession.shared.downloadTask(with: url) {
    urlOrNil, responseOrNil, errorOrNil in
    // check for and handle errors:
    // * errorOrNil should be nil
    // * responseOrNil should be an HTTPURLResponse with statusCode in 200..<299
    guard let fileURL = urlOrNil else { return }
    do {
        let documentsURL = try
            FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory,
                                    in: .userDomainMask,
                                    appropriateFor: nil,
                                    create: false)
        let savedURL = documentsURL.appendingPathComponent(fileURL.lastPathComponent)
        try FileManager.default.moveItem(at: fileURL, to: savedURL)
    } catch {
        print ("file error: \(error)")

How to name variables on the fly?

And this option?

for(i in 1:100){

It works perfectly. In the example you put, first line is missing, and then gives you the error message.

Java String array: is there a size of method?

Not really the answer to your question, but if you want to have something like an array that can grow and shrink you should not use an array in java. You are probably best of by using ArrayList or another List implementation.

You can then call size() on it to get it's size.

Fastest way to duplicate an array in JavaScript - slice vs. 'for' loop

Easiest way to deep clone Array or Object:

var dup_array = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(original_array))

Compare two files in Visual Studio

I have always been a fan of WinMerge which is an open source project. You can plug it into Visual Studio fairly easily.

will show you how to do this

VBA: Convert Text to Number

For large datasets a faster solution is required.

Making use of 'Text to Columns' functionality provides a fast solution.

Example based on column F, starting range at 25 to LastRow

Sub ConvTxt2Nr()

Dim SelectR As Range
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long

Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DumpDB")

LastRow = sht.Cells(sht.Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row

Set SelectR = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DumpDB").Range("F25:F" & LastRow)

SelectR.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("F25"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
    TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, _
    Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo _
    :=Array(1, 1), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True

End Sub

Error message "No exports were found that match the constraint contract name"

No need to rename or delete the whole folder:


Just rename or delete the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Default.cache file inside the above location.

UICollectionView cell selection and cell reuse

The problem you encounter comes from the lack of call to super.prepareForReuse().

Some other solutions above, suggesting to update the UI of the cell from the delegate's functions, are leading to a flawed design where the logic of the cell's behaviour is outside of its class. Furthermore, it's extra code that can be simply fixed by calling super.prepareForReuse(). For example :

class myCell: UICollectionViewCell {

    // defined in interface builder
    @IBOutlet weak var viewSelection : UIView!

    override var isSelected: Bool {
        didSet {
            self.viewSelection.alpha = isSelected ? 1 : 0

    override func prepareForReuse() {
        // Do whatever you want here, but don't forget this :
        // You don't need to do `self.viewSelection.alpha = 0` here 
        // because `super.prepareForReuse()` will update the property `isSelected`


    override func awakeFromNib() {
        // Initialization code
        self.viewSelection.alpha = 0


With such design, you can even leave the delegate's functions collectionView:didSelectItemAt:/collectionView:didDeselectItemAt: all empty, and the selection process will be totally handled, and behave properly with the cells recycling.

Search an array for matching attribute

for(var i = 0; i < restaurants.length; i++)
  if(restaurants[i] == 'chicken')
    return restaurants[i];

How to stop Python closing immediately when executed in Microsoft Windows

Depending on what I'm using it for, or if I'm doing something that others will use, I typically just input("Do eighteen backflips to continue") if it's just for me, if others will be using I just create a batch file and pause it after

cd '/file/path/here'

I use the above if there is going to be files renamed, moved, copied, etc. and my cmd needs to be in the particular folder for things to fall where I want them, otherwise - just

python '/path/to/file/'

What is the Eclipse shortcut for "public static void main(String args[])"?

As bmargulies mentioned:


enter image description here

enter image description here

Now, type psvm then Ctrl + Space on Mac or Windows.

"Parser Error Message: Could not load type" in Global.asax

You can also check your site's properties in IIS. (In IIS, right-click the site and choose Properties.) Make sure the Physical Path setting is pointing to the correct path for your application not some other application. (That fixed this error for me.)

What is the current directory in a batch file?

Say you were opening a file in your current directory. The command would be:

 start %cd%\filename.filetype

I hope I answered your question.

OSX El Capitan: sudo pip install OSError: [Errno: 1] Operation not permitted

Instructions telling sudo pip install are inherently wrong.

If there is any tutorial out there which says you should do sudo pip then please file a bug against this package. The author is dis-educating Python community, as time has proven sudo pip to be a broken practice.

OSX El Capitan introduced a mechanisms to prevent damaging the operating system files. /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/share is one of the protected locations. A normal user has no reason to put or write any files there. This is because the operating system itself relies on these files and sudo pip, with all force given from the above, would unconditionally overwrite them. Usually bad things would not happen, but the chances are there. Apple wants to protect their OS users to accidentally bricking their installation.

Instead, you need to install a Python package, like IPython, locally to the home folder of your user. The easiest way is to create a virtual environment, activate it and then run pip in the virtual environment.


cd ~  # Go to home directory
virtualenv my-venv
source my-venv/bin/activate
pip install IPython

More info

Alternatively, one should be able to do pip install --user. But again, no sudo needed and you need to manually set up PATH environment variable.

How to correct indentation in IntelliJ

Just select the code and

  • on Windows do Ctrl + Alt + L

  • on Linux do Ctrl + Windows Key + Alt + L

  • on Mac do CMD + Option + L

ASP.NET MVC Return Json Result?

It should be :

public async Task<ActionResult> GetSomeJsonData()
    var model = // ... get data or build model etc.

    return Json(new { Data = model }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 

or more simply:

return Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 

I did notice that you are calling GetResources() from another ActionResult which wont work. If you are looking to get JSON back, you should be calling GetResources() from ajax directly...

How to view the committed files you have not pushed yet?

The push command has a -n/--dry-run option which will compute what needs to be pushed but not actually do it. Does that work for you?

How to remove the first and the last character of a string

I don't think jQuery has anything to do with this. Anyway, try the following :

url = url.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, '');

Read files from a Folder present in project

For Xamarin.iOS you can use the following code to get contents of the file if file exists.

var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
var filename = Path.Combine(documents, "xyz.json");
if (File.Exists(filename))
var text =System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename);

difference between variables inside and outside of __init__()

Variable set outside __init__ belong to the class. They're shared by all instances.

Variables created inside __init__ (and all other method functions) and prefaced with self. belong to the object instance.

'Linker command failed with exit code 1' when using Google Analytics via CocoaPods

I had this same issue. Fortunately you can use Google Analytics with BitCode enabled, but it's a bit confusing due to how Google had set up their CocoaPods support.

There's actually 2 CocoaPods you can use:

  • 'Google/Analytics'
  • 'GoogleAnalytics'

The first one is the "latest" but it's tied to the greater Google pods so it does not support Bitcode. The second one is for Analytics only and does support BitCode. However because the latter does not include extra Google pods some of the instructions on how to set it up are incorrect.

You have to use the v2 method of setting up analytics:

// Inside AppDelegate:

// Optional: automatically send uncaught exceptions to Google Analytics.
GAI.sharedInstance().trackUncaughtExceptions = true

// Optional: set Google Analytics dispatch interval to e.g. 20 seconds.
GAI.sharedInstance().dispatchInterval = 20

// Create tracker instance.
let tracker = GAI.sharedInstance().trackerWithTrackingId("XX-XXXXXXXX-Y")

The rest of the Google analytics api you can use the v3 documentation (you don't need to use v2).

The 'Google/Analytics' cocoapod as of this writing still does not support BitCode. See here

Raising a number to a power in Java

we can use

Math.pow(2, 4);

this mean 2 to the power 4 (2^4)

answer = 16

$watch an object

The form object isn't changing, only the name property is

updated fiddle

function MyController($scope) {
$scope.form = {
    name: 'my name',

$scope.changeCount = 0;
$scope.$watch('', function(newVal, oldVal){

Bootstrap modal appearing under background

none of the suggested solutions above worked for me but this technique solved the issue:

$('#myModal').on('', function() {
   //To relate the z-index make sure backdrop and modal are siblings
   //Now set z-index of modal greater than backdrop
   $(this).css("z-index", parseInt($('.modal-backdrop').css('z-index')) + 1);

Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging

Note: You don't need to check if your service is running, CheckIfServiceIsRunning(), because bindService() will start it if it isn't running.

Also: if you rotate the phone you don't want it to bindService() again, because onCreate() will be called again. Be sure to define onConfigurationChanged() to prevent this.

Get the Id of current table row with Jquery


<table id="test">
      <tr  id="TEST1" >
          <td align="left" valign="middle"><div align="right">Contact</div></td>
          <td colspan="4" align="left" valign="middle">
          <input type="text" id="contact1" size="20" />  Number 
          <input type="text" id="number1" size="20" /> 
          <input type="button"  value="Button 1" id="contact1" /></td>

      <tr id="TEST2" >
          <td align="left" valign="middle"><div align="right">Contact</div></td>
          <td colspan="4" align="left" valign="middle">
          <input type="text" id="contact2" size="20" />  Number 
          <input type="text" id="number2" size="20" /> 
          <input type="button"  value="Button 1"  id="contact2" />

      <tr id="TEST3" >
          <td align="left" valign="middle"><div align="right">Contact</div></td>
          <td colspan="4" align="left" valign="middle">
          <input type="text" id="contact3" size="20" />  Number 
          <input type="text" id="number3" size="20" /> 
          <input type="button"  value="Button 1"  id="contact2" />

and javascript:

$(function() {
  var bid, trid;
  $('#test tr').click(function() {
       trid = $(this).attr('id'); // table row ID 


It worked here!

angular2 submit form by pressing enter without submit button

If you want to include both simpler than what I saw here, you can do it just by including your button inside form.

Example with a function sending a message:

                    <mat-form-field> <!-- In my case I'm using material design -->
                        <input matInput #message maxlength="256" placeholder="Message">
                    <button (click)="addMessage(message.value)">Send message

You can choose between clicking on the button or pressing enter key.

How can I group data with an Angular filter?


I initially wrote this answer because the old version of the solution suggested by Ariel M. when combined with other $filters triggered an "Infite $diggest Loop Error" (infdig). Fortunately this issue has been solved in the latest version of the angular.filter.

I suggested the following implementation, that didn't have that issue:

angular.module("sbrpr.filters", [])
.filter('groupBy', function () {
  var results={};
    return function (data, key) {
        if (!(data && key)) return;
        var result;
            var scopeId = this.$id;
                this.$on("$destroy", function() {
                    delete results[scopeId];
            result = results[scopeId];

        for(var groupKey in result)

        for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
            if (!result[data[i][key]])

        var keys = Object.keys(result);
        for(var k=0; k<keys.length; k++){
            delete result[keys[k]];
        return result;

However, this implementation will only work with versions prior to Angular 1.3. (I will update this answer shortly providing a solution that works with all versions.)

I've actually wrote a post about the steps that I took to develop this $filter, the problems that I encountered and the things that I learned from it.

How to generate a random String in Java

I think the following class code will help you. It supports multithreading but you can do some improvement like remove sync block and and sync to getRandomId() method.

public class RandomNumberGenerator {

private static final Set<String> generatedNumbers = new HashSet<String>();

public RandomNumberGenerator() {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    final int maxLength = 7;
    final int maxTry = 10;

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        System.out.println(i + ". studentId=" + RandomNumberGenerator.getRandomId(maxLength, maxTry));

public static String getRandomId(final int maxLength, final int maxTry) {
    final Random random = new Random(System.nanoTime());
    final int max = (int) Math.pow(10, maxLength);
    final int maxMin = (int) Math.pow(10, maxLength-1);
    int i = 0;
    boolean unique = false;
    int randomId = -1;
    while (i < maxTry) {
        randomId = random.nextInt(max - maxMin - 1) + maxMin;

        synchronized (generatedNumbers) {
            if (generatedNumbers.contains(randomId) == false) {
                unique = true;
    if (unique == false) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot generate unique id!");

    synchronized (generatedNumbers) {

    return String.valueOf(randomId);


'console' is undefined error for Internet Explorer

In IE9, if console is not opened, this code:

alert(typeof console);

will show "object", but this code

alert(typeof console.log);

will throw TypeError exception, but not return undefined value;

So, guaranteed version of code will look similar to this:

try {
    if (window.console && window.console.log) {
        my_console_log = window.console.log;
} catch (e) {
    my_console_log = function() {};

Looping through the content of a file in Bash

Here is my real life example how to loop lines of another program output, check for substrings, drop double quotes from variable, use that variable outside of the loop. I guess quite many is asking these questions sooner or later.

##Parse FPS from first video stream, drop quotes from fps variable
while read -r line; do
  if [[ $FPS == "unknown" ]] && [[ $line == *".codec_type=\"video\""* ]]; then
    echo ParseFPS $line
  if [[ $FPS == "parse" ]] && [[ $line == *".r_frame_rate="* ]]; then
    echo ParseFPS $line
done <<< "$(ffprobe -v quiet -print_format flat -show_format -show_streams -i "$input")"
if [ "$FPS" == "unknown" ] || [ "$FPS" == "parse" ]; then 
  echo ParseFPS Unknown frame rate
echo Found $FPS

Declare variable outside of the loop, set value and use it outside of loop requires done <<< "$(...)" syntax. Application need to be run within a context of current console. Quotes around the command keeps newlines of output stream.

Loop match for substrings then reads name=value pair, splits right-side part of last = character, drops first quote, drops last quote, we have a clean value to be used elsewhere.

Path to MSBuild

add vswhere branch for, works fine in my computer, and the vswhere branch works on my mate's computer. May be, the vswhere branch should move forward as the first check.

@echo off
if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" set PROGRAMS=%ProgramFiles%
if defined ProgramFiles(x86) set PROGRAMS=%ProgramFiles(x86)%
for %%e in (Community Professional Enterprise) do (
    if exist "%PROGRAMS%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\%%e\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" (
        set "MSBUILD=%PROGRAMS%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\%%e\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
if exist "%MSBUILD%" goto :build

for /f "usebackq tokens=1* delims=: " %%i in (`"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" -latest -requires Microsoft.Component.MSBuild`) do (
  if /i "%%i"=="installationPath" set InstallDir=%%j

if exist "%InstallDir%\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" (
  set "MSBUILD=%InstallDir%\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
if exist "%MSBUILD%" goto :build
for %%i in (MSBuild.exe) do set MSBUILD=%%~dpnx$PATH:i
if not defined MSBUILD goto :nomsbuild
for /f "delims=. tokens=1,2,3,4" %%m in ('msbuild /version /nologo') do (
if not defined MSBUILD_VERSION_MAJOR goto :nomsbuild
if not defined MSBUILD_VERSION_MINOR goto :nomsbuild
if %MSBUILD_VERSION_MAJOR% lss 15    goto :nomsbuild
if %MSBUILD_VERSION_MINOR% lss 1     goto :nomsbuild
for %%i in (NuGet.exe) do set nuget=%%~dpnx$PATH:i
if "%nuget%"=="" (
    echo WARNING! NuGet executable not found in PATH so build may fail!
    echo For more on NuGet, see
pushd "%~dp0"
goto :EOF

"%MSBUILD%" -restore -maxcpucount %1 /p:Configuration=%2 /v:m %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto :EOF

echo Microsoft Build version 15.1 (or later) does not appear to be
echo installed on this machine, which is required to build the solution.
exit /b 1

Understanding dispatch_async

The main reason you use the default queue over the main queue is to run tasks in the background.

For instance, if I am downloading a file from the internet and I want to update the user on the progress of the download, I will run the download in the priority default queue and update the UI in the main queue asynchronously.

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^(void){
    //Background Thread
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){
        //Run UI Updates

Cant get text of a DropDownList in code - can get value but not text

AppendDataBoundItems="true" needs to be set.

How to convert string to integer in PowerShell


$filelist = @("11", "1", "2")
$filelist | sort @{expression={[int]$_}} | % {$newName = [string]([int]$_ + 1)}
New-Item $newName -ItemType Directory

how to remove new lines and returns from php string?

This should be like

str_replace("\n", '', $str);
str_replace("\r", '', $str);
str_replace("\r\n", '', $str);

Android checkbox style

Note: Using Android Support Library v22.1.0 and targeting API level 11 and up? Scroll down to the last update.

My application style is set to Theme.Holo which is dark and I would like the check boxes on my list view to be of style Theme.Holo.Light. I am not trying to create a custom style. The code below doesn't seem to work, nothing happens at all.

At first it may not be apparent why the system exhibits this behaviour, but when you actually look into the mechanics you can easily deduce it. Let me take you through it step by step.

First, let's take a look what the Widget.Holo.Light.CompoundButton.CheckBox style defines. To make things more clear, I've also added the 'regular' (non-light) style definition.

<style name="Widget.Holo.Light.CompoundButton.CheckBox" parent="Widget.CompoundButton.CheckBox" />

<style name="Widget.Holo.CompoundButton.CheckBox" parent="Widget.CompoundButton.CheckBox" />

As you can see, both are empty declarations that simply wrap Widget.CompoundButton.CheckBox in a different name. So let's look at that parent style.

<style name="Widget.CompoundButton.CheckBox">
    <item name="android:background">@android:drawable/btn_check_label_background</item>
    <item name="android:button">?android:attr/listChoiceIndicatorMultiple</item>

This style references both a background and button drawable. btn_check_label_background is simply a 9-patch and hence not very interesting with respect to this matter. However, ?android:attr/listChoiceIndicatorMultiple indicates that some attribute based on the current theme (this is important to realise) will determine the actual look of the CheckBox.

As listChoiceIndicatorMultiple is a theme attribute, you will find multiple declarations for it - one for each theme (or none if it gets inherited from a parent theme). This will look as follows (with other attributes omitted for clarity):

<style name="Theme">
    <item name="listChoiceIndicatorMultiple">@android:drawable/btn_check</item>

<style name="Theme.Holo">
    <item name="listChoiceIndicatorMultiple">@android:drawable/btn_check_holo_dark</item>

<style name="Theme.Holo.Light" parent="Theme.Light">
    <item name="listChoiceIndicatorMultiple">@android:drawable/btn_check_holo_light</item>

So this where the real magic happens: based on the theme's listChoiceIndicatorMultiple attribute, the actual appearance of the CheckBox is determined. The phenomenon you're seeing is now easily explained: since the appearance is theme-based (and not style-based, because that is merely an empty definition) and you're inheriting from Theme.Holo, you will always get the CheckBox appearance matching the theme.

Now, if you want to change your CheckBox's appearance to the Holo.Light version, you will need to take a copy of those resources, add them to your local assets and use a custom style to apply them.

As for your second question:

Also can you set styles to individual widgets if you set a style to the application?

Absolutely, and they will override any activity- or application-set styles.

Is there any way to set a theme(style with images) to the checkbox widget. (...) Is there anyway to use this selector: link?


Let me start with saying again that you're not supposed to rely on Android's internal resources. There's a reason you can't just access the internal namespace as you please.

However, a way to access system resources after all is by doing an id lookup by name. Consider the following code snippet:

int id = Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("btn_check_holo_light", "drawable", "android");
((CheckBox) findViewById(;

The first line will actually return the resource id of the btn_check_holo_light drawable resource. Since we established earlier that this is the button selector that determines the look of the CheckBox, we can set it as 'button drawable' on the widget. The result is a CheckBox with the appearance of the Holo.Light version, no matter what theme/style you set on the application, activity or widget in xml. Since this sets only the button drawable, you will need to manually change other styling; e.g. with respect to the text appearance.

Below a screenshot showing the result. The top checkbox uses the method described above (I manually set the text colour to black in xml), while the second uses the default theme-based Holo styling (non-light, that is).

Screenshot showing the result


With the introduction of Support Library v22.1.0, things have just gotten a lot easier! A quote from the release notes (my emphasis):

Lollipop added the ability to overwrite the theme at a view by view level by using the android:theme XML attribute - incredibly useful for things such as dark action bars on light activities. Now, AppCompat allows you to use android:theme for Toolbars (deprecating the app:theme used previously) and, even better, brings android:theme support to all views on API 11+ devices.

In other words: you can now apply a theme on a per-view basis, which makes solving the original problem a lot easier: just specify the theme you'd like to apply for the relevant view. I.e. in the context of the original question, compare the results of below:

    android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Holo" />

    android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light" />

The first CheckBox is styled as if used in a dark theme, the second as if in a light theme, regardless of the actual theme set to your activity or application.

Of course you should no longer be using the Holo theme, but instead use Material.

Excel VBA: Copying multiple sheets into new workbook

Rethink your approach. Why would you copy only part of the sheet? You are referring to a named range "WholePrintArea" which doesn't exist. Also you should never use activate, select, copy or paste in your script. These make the "script" vulnerable to user actions and other simultaneous executions. In worst case scenario data ends up in wrong hands.

No visible cause for "Unexpected token ILLEGAL"

This also could be happening if you're copying code from another document (like a PDF) into your console and trying to run it.

I was trying to run some example code out of a Javascript book I'm reading and was surprised it didn't run in the console.

Apparently, copying from the PDF introduces some unexpected, illegal, and invisible characters into the code.

Is it possible to append Series to rows of DataFrame without making a list first?

Maybe an easier way would be to add the pandas.Series into the pandas.DataFrame with ignore_index=True argument to DataFrame.append(). Example -

DF = DataFrame()
for sample,data in D_sample_data.items():
    SR_row = pd.Series(data.D_key_value)
    DF = DF.append(SR_row,ignore_index=True)

Demo -

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2],[3,4]],columns=['A','B'])

In [3]: df
   A  B
0  1  2
1  3  4

In [5]: s = pd.Series([5,6],index=['A','B'])

In [6]: s
A    5
B    6
dtype: int64

In [36]: df.append(s,ignore_index=True)
   A  B
0  1  2
1  3  4
2  5  6

Another issue in your code is that DataFrame.append() is not in-place, it returns the appended dataframe, you would need to assign it back to your original dataframe for it to work. Example -

DF = DF.append(SR_row,ignore_index=True)

To preserve the labels, you can use your solution to include name for the series along with assigning the appended DataFrame back to DF. Example -

DF = DataFrame()
for sample,data in D_sample_data.items():
    SR_row = pd.Series(data.D_key_value,name=sample)
    DF = DF.append(SR_row)

Iterate Multi-Dimensional Array with Nested Foreach Statement

I was looking for a solution to enumerate an array of an unknown at compile time rank with an access to every element indices set. I saw solutions with yield but here is another implementation with no yield. It is in old school minimalistic way. In this example AppendArrayDebug() just prints all the elements into StringBuilder buffer.

public static void AppendArrayDebug ( StringBuilder sb, Array array )
    if( array == null || array.Length == 0 )
        sb.Append( "<nothing>" );

    int i;

    var rank = array.Rank;
    var lastIndex = rank - 1;

    // Initialize indices and their boundaries
    var indices = new int[rank];
    var lower = new int[rank];
    var upper = new int[rank];
    for( i = 0; i < rank; ++i )
        indices[i] = lower[i] = array.GetLowerBound( i );
        upper[i] = array.GetUpperBound( i );

    while( true )

        // Begin work with an element

        var element = array.GetValue( indices );

        sb.Append( '[' );
        for( i = 0; i < rank; ++i )
            sb.Append( indices[i] );
            sb.Append( ' ' );
        sb.Length -= 1;
        sb.Append( "] = " );
        sb.Append( element );

        // End work with the element

        // Increment index set

        // All indices except the first one are enumerated several times
        for( i = lastIndex; i > 0; )
            if( ++indices[i] <= upper[i] )
                goto BeginMainLoop;
            indices[i] = lower[i];

        // Special case for the first index, it must be enumerated only once
        if( ++indices[0] > upper[0] )

For example the following array will produce the following output:

var array = new [,,]
    { {  1,  2,  3 }, {  4,  5,  6 }, {  7,  8,  9 }, { 10, 11, 12 } },
    { { 13, 14, 15 }, { 16, 17, 18 }, { 19, 20, 21 }, { 22, 23, 24 } }


[0 0 0] = 1
[0 0 1] = 2
[0 0 2] = 3
[0 1 0] = 4
[0 1 1] = 5
[0 1 2] = 6
[0 2 0] = 7
[0 2 1] = 8
[0 2 2] = 9
[0 3 0] = 10
[0 3 1] = 11
[0 3 2] = 12
[1 0 0] = 13
[1 0 1] = 14
[1 0 2] = 15
[1 1 0] = 16
[1 1 1] = 17
[1 1 2] = 18
[1 2 0] = 19
[1 2 1] = 20
[1 2 2] = 21
[1 3 0] = 22
[1 3 1] = 23
[1 3 2] = 24

How to implement a Map with multiple keys?

I recommend something like this:

    public class MyMap {

      Map<Object, V> map = new HashMap<Object, V>();

      public V put(K1 key,V value){
        return map.put(key, value);

      public V put(K2 key,V value){
        return map.put(key, value);

      public V get(K1 key){    
        return map.get(key);

      public V get(K2 key){    
        return map.get(key);

      //Same for conatains


Then you can use it like:
myMap.put(k1,value) or myMap.put(k2,value)

Advantages: It is simple, enforces type safety, and doesn't store repeated data (as the two maps solutions do, though still store duplicate values).
Drawbacks: Not generic.

MySQL 1062 - Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY'

Run the following query in the mysql console:

SHOW CREATE TABLE momento_distribution

Check for the line that looks something like

CONSTRAINT `momento_distribution_FK_1` FOREIGN KEY (`momento_id`) REFERENCES `momento` (`id`)

It may be different, I just put a guess as to what it could be. If you have a foreign key on both 'momento_id' & 'momento_idmember', you will get two foreign key names. The next step is to delete the foreign keys. Run the following queries:

ALTER TABLE momento_distribution DROP FOREIGN KEY momento_distribution_FK_1
ALTER TABLE momento_distribution DROP FOREIGN KEY momento_distribution_FK_2

Be sure to change the foreign key name to what you got from the CREATE TABLE query. Now you don't have any foreign keys so you can easily remove the primary key. Try the following:

ALTER TABLE  `momento_distribution` DROP PRIMARY KEY

Add the required column as follows:


This query also adds numbers so you won't need to depend on @rowid. Now you need to add the foreign key back to the earlier columns. For that, first make these indexes:

ALTER TABLE  `momento_distribution` ADD INDEX (  `momento_id` )
ALTER TABLE  `momento_distribution` ADD INDEX (  `momento_idmember` )

Now add the foreign keys. Change the Reference Table/column as you need:

ALTER TABLE  `momento_distribution` ADD FOREIGN KEY ( `momento_id`) REFERENCES  `momento` (`id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT 
ALTER TABLE  `momento_distribution` ADD FOREIGN KEY ( `momento_idmember`) REFERENCES  `member` (`id`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT 

Hope that helps. If you get any errors, please edit the question with the structure of the reference tables & the error code(s) that you are getting.

References with text in LaTeX

Using the hyperref package, you could also declare a new command by using \newcommand{\secref}[1]{\autoref{#1}. \nameref{#1}} in the pre-amble. Placing \secref{section:my} in the text generates: 1. My section.

Is it possible to interactively delete matching search pattern in Vim?

1. In my opinion, the most convenient way is to search for one occurrence first, and then invoke the following :substitute command:


Since the pattern is empty, this :substitute command will look for the occurrences of the last-used search pattern, and will then replace them with the empty string, each time asking for user confirmation, realizing exactly the desired behavior.

2. If it is a common pattern in one’s editing habits, one can further define a couple of text-object selection mappings to operate specifically on the match of the last search pattern under the cursor. The following two mappings can be used in both Visual and Operator-pending modes to select the text of the preceding match of the last search pattern.

vnoremap <silent> i/ :<c-u>call SelectMatch()<cr>
onoremap <silent> i/ :call SelectMatch()<cr>
function! SelectMatch()
    if search(@/, 'bcW')
        norm! v
        call search(@/, 'ceW')
        norm! gv

Using these mappings one can delete the match under the cursor with di/, or apply any other operator or visually select it with vi/.

Create a CSS rule / class with jQuery at runtime

Bit of a lazy answer this, but the following article may help:

Also, try typing "modify css rules" into google

Not sure whatwould happen if you tried to wrap a document.styleSheets[0] with jQuery() though you could give it a try

Basic calculator in Java

Remove the semi-colons from your if statements, otherwise the code that follows will be free standing and will always execute:

if (operation == "+");

Also use .equals for Strings, == compares Object references:

 if (operation.equals("+")) {

Eclipse will not open due to environment variables

Eclipse and Java JDK (or JRE) must match regarding the BIT Version

For example:

32 Bit Eclipse won't work with 64 Bit Java!

32 Bit Eclipse needs 32 Bit Java!

How to detect chrome and safari browser (webkit)

/WebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent) — that's it.

Using jQuery to build table rows from AJAX response(json)

This is working sample that I copied from my project.

 function fetchAllReceipts(documentShareId) {_x000D_
        console.log('http call: ' + uri + "/" + documentShareId)_x000D_
            url: uri + "/" + documentShareId,_x000D_
            type: "GET",_x000D_
            contentType: "application/json;",_x000D_
            cache: false,_x000D_
            success: function (receipts) {_x000D_
                $(receipts).each(function (index, item) {_x000D_
                    $('#receipts tbody').append(_x000D_
                        '<tr><td>' + item.Firstname + ' ' + item.Lastname +_x000D_
                        '</td><td>' + item.TransactionId +_x000D_
                        '</td><td>' + item.Amount +_x000D_
                        '</td><td>' + item.Status + _x000D_
            error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {_x000D_
    // Sample json data coming from server_x000D_
    var data =     [_x000D_
    0: {Id: "7a4c411e-9a84-45eb-9c1b-2ec502697a4d", DocumentId: "e6eb6f85-3f44-4bba-8cb0-5f2f97da17f6", DocumentShareId: "d99803ce-31d9-48a4-9d70-f99bf927a208", Firstname: "Test1", Lastname: "Test1", }_x000D_
    1: {Id: "7a4c411e-9a84-45eb-9c1b-2ec502697a4d", DocumentId: "e6eb6f85-3f44-4bba-8cb0-5f2f97da17f6", DocumentShareId: "d99803ce-31d9-48a4-9d70-f99bf927a208", Firstname: "Test 2", Lastname: "Test2", }_x000D_
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" onclick='fetchAllReceipts("@share.Id")'>_x000D_
 <div id="receipts" style="display:contents">_x000D_
                <table class="table table-hover">_x000D_

python numpy vector math

You can just use numpy arrays. Look at the numpy for matlab users page for a detailed overview of the pros and cons of arrays w.r.t. matrices.

As I mentioned in the comment, having to use the dot() function or method for mutiplication of vectors is the biggest pitfall. But then again, numpy arrays are consistent. All operations are element-wise. So adding or subtracting arrays and multiplication with a scalar all work as expected of vectors.

Edit2: Starting with Python 3.5 and numpy 1.10 you can use the @ infix-operator for matrix multiplication, thanks to pep 465.

Edit: Regarding your comment:

  1. Yes. The whole of numpy is based on arrays.

  2. Yes. linalg.norm(v) is a good way to get the length of a vector. But what you get depends on the possible second argument to norm! Read the docs.

  3. To normalize a vector, just divide it by the length you calculated in (2). Division of arrays by a scalar is also element-wise.

    An example in ipython:

    In [1]: import math
    In [2]: import numpy as np
    In [3]: a = np.array([4,2,7])
    In [4]: np.linalg.norm(a)
    Out[4]: 8.3066238629180749
    In [5]: math.sqrt(sum([n**2 for n in a]))
    Out[5]: 8.306623862918075
    In [6]: b = a/np.linalg.norm(a)
    In [7]: np.linalg.norm(b)
    Out[7]: 1.0

    Note that In [5] is an alternative way to calculate the length. In [6] shows normalizing the vector.

Use ssh from Windows command prompt

New, resurrected project site (Win7 compability and more!):

1st January 2012

  • OpenSSH for Windows 5.6p1-2 based release created!!
  • Happy New Year all! Since COpSSH has started charging I've resurrected this project
  • Updated all binaries to current releases
  • Added several new supporting DLLs as required by all executables in package
  • Renamed switch.exe to bash.exe to remove the need to modify and compile mkpasswd.exe each build
  • Please note there is a very minor bug in this release, detailed in the docs. I'm working on fixing this, anyone who can code in C and can offer a bit of help it would be much appreciated

pip3: command not found

its possible if you already have a python installed (pip) you could do a upgrade on mac by

brew upgrade python

How to find all links / pages on a website

Check out linkchecker—it will crawl the site (while obeying robots.txt) and generate a report. From there, you can script up a solution for creating the directory tree.

how to load CSS file into jsp

I use this version

<style><%@include file="/WEB-INF/css/style.css"%></style>

How to check if an Object is a Collection Type in Java?

Test if the object implements either java.util.Collection or java.util.Map. (Map has to be tested separately because it isn't a sub-interface of Collection.)

Half circle with CSS (border, outline only)

I use a percentage method to achieve

        border: 3px solid rgb(1, 1, 1);
        border-top-left-radius: 100% 200%;
        border-top-right-radius: 100% 200%;

HTTP test server accepting GET/POST requests It has nice feature of getting endpoints without login (24h temporary account)

How do I store an array in localStorage?

Use JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() as suggested by no! This prevents the maybe rare but possible problem of a member name which includes the delimiter (e.g. member name three|||bars).

How to specify more spaces for the delimiter using cut?

I like to use the tr -s command for this

 ps aux | tr -s [:blank:] | cut -d' ' -f3

This squeezes all white spaces down to 1 space. This way telling cut to use a space as a delimiter is honored as expected.

How to manually reload Google Map with JavaScript


For some reasons, resize trigger did not work for me, and this one worked.

"SDK Platform Tools component is missing!"

The latest version of the Android SDK ships with two different applications: an SDK Manager and an AVD Manager rather than one single app that was valid when this question was originally asked.

My particular problem was unrelated to the other suggestions. I'm on a network at the moment where HTTPS traffic is mostly disallowed. In order to install the Android Platform Tools I needed to turn on the option to "Force https://... sources to be fetched using http://..." and then this allowed me to install the other tools.

Convert DateTime to String PHP

The simplest way I found is:

$date   = new DateTime(); //this returns the current date time
$result = $date->format('Y-m-d-H-i-s');
echo $result . "<br>";
$krr    = explode('-', $result);
$result = implode("", $krr);
echo $result;

I hope it helps.

SQLite - getting number of rows in a database

You can query the actual number of rows with

SELECT Count(*) FROM tblName

Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function

That would only happen if PostCode is missing a space. You could add conditionality such that all of PostCode is retrieved should a space not be found as follows

select SUBSTRING(PostCode, 1 ,
case when  CHARINDEX(' ', PostCode ) = 0 then LEN(PostCode) 
else CHARINDEX(' ', PostCode) -1 end)

Should I use string.isEmpty() or "".equals(string)?

It doesn't really matter. "".equals(str) is more clear in my opinion.

isEmpty() returns count == 0;

Variables declared outside function

The local names for a function are decided when the function is defined:

>>> x = 1
>>> def inc():
...     x += 5
>>> inc.__code__.co_varnames

In this case, x exists in the local namespace. Execution of x += 5 requires a pre-existing value for x (for integers, it's like x = x + 5), and this fails at function call time because the local name is unbound - which is precisely why the exception UnboundLocalError is named as such.

Compare the other version, where x is not a local variable, so it can be resolved at the global scope instead:

>>> def incg():
...    print(x)
>>> incg.__code__.co_varnames

Similar question in faq:

When to use pthread_exit() and when to use pthread_join() in Linux?

As explained in the openpub documentations,

pthread_exit() will exit the thread that calls it.

In your case since the main calls it, main thread will terminate whereas your spawned threads will continue to execute. This is mostly used in cases where the main thread is only required to spawn threads and leave the threads to do their job

pthread_join will suspend execution of the thread that has called it unless the target thread terminates

This is useful in cases when you want to wait for thread/s to terminate before further processing in main thread.

Passing JavaScript array to PHP through jQuery $.ajax

This worked for me:

     if(data === "done"){

     info($("#notification"), data);
         info($("#notification"),"Deleting "+count+" messages");
    error:function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorMessage){

And this for your PHP:

$messages = $_POST['messages']
foreach($messages as $msg){
    echo $msg;

List the queries running on SQL Server

You should try very usefull procedure sp_whoIsActive which can be found here: and it is free.

Using print statements only to debug

First off, I will second the nomination of python's logging framework. Be a little careful about how you use it, however. Specifically: let the logging framework expand your variables, don't do it yourself. For instance, instead of:

logging.debug("datastructure: %r" % complex_dict_structure)

make sure you do:

logging.debug("datastructure: %r", complex_dict_structure)

because while they look similar, the first version incurs the repr() cost even if it's disabled. The second version avoid this. Similarly, if you roll your own, I'd suggest something like:

def debug_stdout(sfunc):

debug = debug_stdout

called via:

debug(lambda: "datastructure: %r" % complex_dict_structure)

which will, again, avoid the overhead if you disable it by doing:

def debug_noop(*args, **kwargs):

debug = debug_noop

The overhead of computing those strings probably doesn't matter unless they're either 1) expensive to compute or 2) the debug statement is in the middle of, say, an n^3 loop or something. Not that I would know anything about that.

Permission to write to the SD card

You're right that the SD Card directory is /sdcard but you shouldn't be hard coding it. Instead, make a call to Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() to get the directory:

File sdDir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();

If you haven't done so already, you will need to give your app the correct permission to write to the SD Card by adding the line below to your Manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Notification not showing in Oreo

If you can't get the push notification in 26+ SDK version?

your solution is here:

public static void showNotification(Context context, String title, String messageBody) {

        boolean isLoggedIn = SessionManager.getInstance().isLoggedIn();
        Log.e(TAG, "User logged in state: " + isLoggedIn);

        Intent intent = null;
        if (isLoggedIn) {
            //goto notification screen
            intent = new Intent(context, MainActivity.class);
            intent.putExtra(Extras.EXTRA_JUMP_TO, DrawerItems.ITEM_NOTIFICATION);
        } else {
            //goto login screen
            intent = new Intent(context, LandingActivity.class);

        PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0 /* Request code */, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT);

        //Uri defaultSoundUri= RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_NOTIFICATION);
        //Bitmap largeIcon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ic_app_notification_icon);

        String channel_id = createNotificationChannel(context);

        NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context, channel_id)
                .setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle().bigText(messageBody))
                .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.app_logo_color) //needs white icon with transparent BG (For all platforms)
                .setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.colorPrimaryDark))
                .setVibrate(new long[]{1000, 1000})

        NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
        notificationManager.notify((int) ((new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()).getTime() / 1000L) % Integer.MAX_VALUE) /* ID of notification */,;

public static String createNotificationChannel(Context context) {

        // NotificationChannels are required for Notifications on O (API 26) and above.
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {

            // The id of the channel.
            String channelId = "Channel_id";

            // The user-visible name of the channel.
            CharSequence channelName = "Application_name";
            // The user-visible description of the channel.
            String channelDescription = "Application_name Alert";
            int channelImportance = NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT;
            boolean channelEnableVibrate = true;
//            int channelLockscreenVisibility = Notification.;

            // Initializes NotificationChannel.
            NotificationChannel notificationChannel = new NotificationChannel(channelId, channelName, channelImportance);
//            notificationChannel.setLockscreenVisibility(channelLockscreenVisibility);

            // Adds NotificationChannel to system. Attempting to create an existing notification
            // channel with its original values performs no operation, so it's safe to perform the
            // below sequence.
            NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
            assert notificationManager != null;

            return channelId;
        } else {
            // Returns null for pre-O (26) devices.
            return null;

NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context, channel_id)

-> Here you will get push notification using channel_id in your device which is consist 26+ SDK version.

-> Because, the NotificationCompat.Builder(context) is deprecated method now you will use an updated version which is having two parameters one is context, other is channel_id.

-> NotificationCompat.Builder(context, channel_id) updated method. try it.

-> In 26+ SDK version of device you will create channel_id every time.

Git: How to return from 'detached HEAD' state

I had this edge case, where I checked out a previous version of the code in which my file directory structure was different:

git checkout 1.87.1                                    
warning: unable to unlink web/sites/default/default.settings.php: Permission denied
... other warnings ...
Note: checking out '1.87.1'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. 

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at 50a7153d7... Merge branch 'hotfix/1.87.1'

In a case like this you may need to use --force (when you know that going back to the original branch and discarding changes is a safe thing to do).

git checkout master did not work:

$ git checkout master
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:
... other files ...

git checkout master --force (or git checkout master -f) worked:

git checkout master -f
Previous HEAD position was 50a7153d7... Merge branch 'hotfix/1.87.1'
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

What is the equivalent of Java's System.out.println() in Javascript?

There isn't one, at least, not unless you are using a "developer" tool of some kind in your browser, e.g. Firebug in Firefox or the Developer tools in Safari. Then you can usually use console.log.

If I'm doing something in, say, an iOS device, I might add a <div id="debug" /> and then log to it.

How to convert DataTable to class Object?

Initialize DataTable:

DataTable dt = new DataTable(); 
dt.Columns.Add("id", typeof(String)); 
dt.Columns.Add("name", typeof(String)); 
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    string index = i.ToString();
    dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { index, "name" + index });

Query itself:

IList<Class1> items = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(row => 
    new Class1
            id = row.Field<string>("id"),
            name = row.Field<string>("name")

Make xargs handle filenames that contain spaces

The xargs utility reads space, tab, newline and end-of-file delimited strings from the standard input and executes utility with the strings as arguments.

You want to avoid using space as a delimiter. This can be done by changing the delimiter for xargs. According to the manual:

 -0      Change xargs to expect NUL (``\0'') characters as separators,
         instead of spaces and newlines.  This is expected to be used in
         concert with the -print0 function in find(1).

Such as:

 find . -name "*.mp3" -print0 | xargs -0 mplayer

To answer the question about playing the seventh mp3; it is simpler to run

 mplayer "$(ls *.mp3 | sed -n 7p)"

List<Map<String, String>> vs List<? extends Map<String, String>>

Today, I have used this feature, so here's my very fresh real-life example. (I have changed class and method names to generic ones so they won't distract from the actual point.)

I have a method that's meant to accept a Set of A objects that I originally wrote with this signature:

void myMethod(Set<A> set)

But it want to actually call it with Sets of subclasses of A. But this is not allowed! (The reason for that is, myMethod could add objects to set that are of type A, but not of the subtype that set's objects are declared to be at the caller's site. So this could break the type system if it were possible.)

Now here come generics to the rescue, because it works as intended if I use this method signature instead:

<T extends A> void myMethod(Set<T> set)

or shorter, if you don't need to use the actual type in the method body:

void myMethod(Set<? extends A> set)

This way, set's type becomes a collection of objects of the actual subtype of A, so it becomes possible to use this with subclasses without endangering the type system.

How to use sha256 in php5.3.0

The first thing is to make a comparison of functions of SHA and opt for the safest algorithm that supports your programming language (PHP).

Then you can chew the official documentation to implement the hash() function that receives as argument the hashing algorithm you have chosen and the raw password.

sha256 => 64 bits sha384 => 96 bits sha512 => 128 bits

The more secure the hashing algorithm is, the higher the cost in terms of hashing and time to recover the original value from the server side.

$hashedPassword = hash('sha256', $password);

How do I programmatically set the value of a select box element using JavaScript?

I'm afraid I'm unable to test this at the moment, but in the past, I believe I had to give each option tag an ID, and then I did something like:


If that doesn't work, maybe it'll get you closer to a solution :P

How do you implement a Stack and a Queue in JavaScript?

Here is a fairly simple queue implementation with two aims:

  • Unlike array.shift(), you know this dequeue method takes constant time (O(1)).
  • To improve speed, this approach uses many fewer allocations than the linked-list approach.

The stack implementation shares the second aim only.

// Queue
function Queue() {
        this.q = new Array(5);
        this.first = 0;
        this.size = 0;
Queue.prototype.enqueue = function(a) {
        var other;
        if (this.size == this.q.length) {
                other = new Array(this.size*2);
                for (var i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
                        other[i] = this.q[(this.first+i)%this.size];
                this.first = 0;
                this.q = other;
        this.q[(this.first+this.size)%this.q.length] = a;
Queue.prototype.dequeue = function() {
        if (this.size == 0) return undefined;
        var ret = this.q[this.first];
        this.first = (this.first+1)%this.q.length;
        return ret;
Queue.prototype.peek = function() { return this.size > 0 ? this.q[this.first] : undefined; };
Queue.prototype.isEmpty = function() { return this.size == 0; };

// Stack
function Stack() {
        this.s = new Array(5);
        this.size = 0;
Stack.prototype.push = function(a) {
        var other;
    if (this.size == this.s.length) {
            other = new Array(this.s.length*2);
            for (var i = 0; i < this.s.length; i++) other[i] = this.s[i];
            this.s = other;
    this.s[this.size++] = a;
Stack.prototype.pop = function() {
        if (this.size == 0) return undefined;
        return this.s[--this.size];
Stack.prototype.peek = function() { return this.size > 0 ? this.s[this.size-1] : undefined; };

How to include js and CSS in JSP with spring MVC

You cant directly access anything under the WEB-INF foldere. When browsers request your CSS file, they can not see inside the WEB-INF folder.

Try putting your files css/css folder under WebContent.

And add the following in dispatcher servlet to grant access ,

<mvc:resources mapping="/css/**" location="/css/" />

similarly for your js files . A Nice example here on this

MVC4 DataType.Date EditorFor won't display date value in Chrome, fine in Internet Explorer

Reply to MVC4 DataType.Date EditorFor won't display date value in Chrome, fine in IE

In the Model you need to have following type of declaration:

public DateTime? DateXYZ { get; set; }


public Nullable<System.DateTime> DateXYZ { get; set; }

You don't need to use following attribute:

[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)]

At the Date.cshtml use this template:

@model Nullable<DateTime>
@using System.Globalization;

    DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
    if (Model != null)
        dt = (System.DateTime)Model;


    if (Request.Browser.Type.ToUpper().Contains("IE") || Request.Browser.Type.Contains("InternetExplorer"))
        @Html.TextBox("", String.Format("{0:d}", dt.ToShortDateString()), new { @class = "datefield", type = "date" })
        //Tested in chrome
        DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US").DateTimeFormat;
        dtfi.DateSeparator = "-";
        dtfi.ShortDatePattern = @"yyyy/MM/dd"; 
        @Html.TextBox("", String.Format("{0:d}", dt.ToString("d", dtfi)), new { @class = "datefield", type = "date" })

Have fun! Regards, Blerton

Angular 2 Show and Hide an element

Depending on your needs, *ngIf or [ngClass]="{hide_element: item.hidden}" where CSS class hide_element is { display: none; }

*ngIf can cause issues if you're changing state variables *ngIf is removing, in those cases using CSS display: none; is required.

Difference between DOM parentNode and parentElement

there is one more difference, but only in internet explorer. It occurs when you mix HTML and SVG. if the parent is the 'other' of those two, then .parentNode gives the parent, while .parentElement gives undefined.

How to specify test directory for mocha?

Now a days(year 2020) you can handle this using mocha configuration file:

Step 1: Create .mocharc.js file at the root location of your application

Step 2: Add below code in mocha config file:

'use strict';

module.exports = {
  spec: 'src/app/**/*.test.js'

For More option in config file refer this link:

#ifdef replacement in the Swift language

This builds on Jon Willis's answer that relies upon assert, which only gets executed in Debug compilations:

func Log(_ str: String) { 
func DebugLog(_ str: String) -> Bool { 
    return true

My use case is for logging print statements. Here is a benchmark for Release version on iPhone X:

let iterations = 100_000_000
let time1 = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
for i in 0 ..< iterations {
    Log ("? unarchiveArray:\(fileName) memoryTime:\(memoryTime) count:\(array.count)")
var time2 = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
print ("Log: \(time2-time1)" )


Log: 0.0

Looks like Swift 4 completely eliminates the function call.

How to send a POST request in Go?

You have mostly the right idea, it's just the sending of the form that is wrong. The form belongs in the body of the request.

req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, strings.NewReader(form.Encode()))

How can I list all foreign keys referencing a given table in SQL Server?

There is how to get count of all responsibilities for selected Id. Just change @dbTableName value, @dbRowId value and its type (if int you need to remove '' in line no 82 (..SET @SQL = ..)). Enjoy.

DECLARE @dbTableName varchar(max) = 'User'
DECLARE @dbRowId uniqueidentifier = '21d34ecd-c1fd-11e2-8545-002219a42e1c'

DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max)


IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp1') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #Temp1;
    PKTABLE_OWNER sysname,
    PKTABLE_NAME sysname,
    PKCOLUMN_NAME sysname,
    FKTABLE_OWNER sysname,
    FKTABLE_NAME sysname,
    FKCOLUMN_NAME sysname,
    UPDATE_RULE smallint,
    DELETE_RULE smallint,
    FK_NAME sysname,
    PK_NAME sysname,
    DEFERRABILITY sysname,
       -- Force the column to be non-nullable (see SQL BU 325751)
       --KEY_SEQ             = isnull(convert(smallint,k.constraint_column_id), sysconv(smallint,0)),
                                        WHEN 1 THEN 0
                                        ELSE 1
                                        WHEN 1 THEN 0
                                        ELSE 1
           SYS.ALL_OBJECTS O2,
           SYS.ALL_COLUMNS C1,
           SYS.ALL_COLUMNS C2,
                 AND F.KEY_INDEX_ID = I.INDEX_ID)
           AND O1.NAME = @dbTableName
OPEN FK_Counter_Cursor;
        SET @SQL = 'SELECT @dbCountOut = COUNT(*) FROM [' + @FKTABLE_NAME + '] WHERE [' + @FKCOLUMN_NAME + '] = ''' + CAST(@dbRowId AS varchar(max)) + '''';
        EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL, N'@dbCountOut int OUTPUT', @dbCountOut = @FK_ROWCOUNT OUTPUT;
CLOSE FK_Counter_Cursor;
DEALLOCATE FK_Counter_Cursor;

Spark - repartition() vs coalesce()

All the answers are adding some great knowledge into this very often asked question.

So going by tradition of this question's timeline, here are my 2 cents.

I found the repartition to be faster than coalesce, in very specific case.

In my application when the number of files that we estimate is lower than the certain threshold, repartition works faster.

Here is what I mean

if(numFiles > 20)

In above snippet, if my files were less than 20, coalesce was taking forever to finish while repartition was much faster and so the above code.

Of course, this number (20) will depend on the number of workers and amount of data.

Hope that helps.

How do I store data in local storage using Angularjs?

If you use $window.localStorage.setItem(key,value) to store,$window.localStorage.getItem(key) to retrieve and $window.localStorage.removeItem(key) to remove, then you can access the values in any page.

You have to pass the $window service to the controller. Though in JavaScript, window object is available globally.

By using $window.localStorage.xxXX() the user has control over the localStorage value. The size of the data depends upon the browser. If you only use $localStorage then value remains as long as you use window.location.href to navigate to other page and if you use <a href="location"></a> to navigate to other page then your $localStorage value is lost in the next page.